Tramadol (Dolcet)
Tramadol (Dolcet)
Tramadol (Dolcet)
Date ordered: For moderate or A centrally acting • Dizziness, vertigo, headache, • Monitor bowel and • Advice patient to
7/30/10 moderately synthetic analgesic somnolence. bladder function. take drug as
severe pain. compound not chemically • Vasodilation. • Anticipate need for prescribed and not
Generic Name:
Tramadol hydrochloride related to opioids. It is • Nausea and vomiting, laxative. to increase the
thought to bind to opiate constipation. • Give the drug before dose.
Brand Name: Dolcet
receptors and inhibit onset of pain. • Caution patient to
• Respiratory depression.
Classification: opioid
reuptake of • Monitor patient for be careful when
norepinephrine and drug dependence. rising and walking.
Dosage: 1tab q8
serotonin. • Warn patient not to
• Monitor CV and
respiratory status. stop the drug