Abusing IE8s XSS Filters
Abusing IE8s XSS Filters
Abusing IE8s XSS Filters
Internet Explorer 8 introduced a new type of defense against Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
attacks. The idea was to build filters into the browser which can detect and prevent certain
types of malicious XSS attacks. Most filter based XSS approaches are implemented on the
server side inside a web application or as part of a Web Application Firewall. This made the
Microsoft approach a somewhat novel approach but one which other browser vendors have
begun to follow. Although the filters do not protect against all types of XSS attacks, nor do
they attempt to, they do attempt to raise the bar for a would-be attacker by making certain
commonly attack scenarios non-exploitable.
The filters work by scanning outbound requests for potential malicious strings. When such a
string is detected, IE8 will dynamically generate a regular expression matching the
outbound string. The browser then looks for the same pattern in responses from the server.
If a match is made anywhere in the server's response then the browser assumes that a
reflected XSS attack is being conducted and the browser will automatically alter the
response so that the XSS attack will be unsucessful.
The exact method used to alter a server's response is a crucial component in preventing
XSS attacks. If the attack is not properly neutralized then a malicious script may still
execute. On the other hand, it is also crucial that benign requests are not accidently
detected. The Internet Explorer 8 team decided to use a 'neutering' technique to neutralize
detected attacks. More specifically, when the the filters make a positive match against the
server's response, the malicious part of the response will have a certain character (or
characters) modified so that the attack will not execute (or not render properly). For
example, if the string <script>alert(0)</script> is detected in an outgoing request's
GET parameter and again in the response body, then the neutering mechanism is triggered
and all occurances of this string will be altered to <sc#ipt>alert(0)</script>. Thus the
injected script is not executed.
In most instances where a malicious injection is detected, Internet Explorer 8 will alter the
malicious part of the response by replacing certain characters with the # character. The
following list shows each of the filters used to detect malicious attacks. Highlighted is the
character that will be neutered, i.e. changed to a # symbol when an attack is detected.
• (v|(&[#()=]x?0*((86)|(56)|(118)|(76));?))([\t]|(&[#()=]x?0*(9|(13)|(10)|A|
• (j|(&[#()=]x?0*((74)|(4A)|(106)|(6A));?))([\t]|(&[#()=]x?0*(9|(13)|(10)|A|
• <st{y}le.*?>.*?((@[i\\])|(([:=]|(&[#()=]x?0*((58)|(3A)|(61)|(3D));?)).*?([
• [ /+\t\"\'`]st{y}le[
• [ /+\t\"\'`]data{s}rc[ +\t]*?=.
• <EM{B}ED[ /+\t].*?SRC.*?=
• [ /+\t\"\'`]{o}n\c\c\c+?[ +\t]*?=.
• <fo{r}m.*?>
• <sc{r}ipt.*?>
• [\"\'][ ]*(([^a-z0-
More detailed information on the filters and how they work can be found at
• http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2008/07/02/ie8-security-part-iv-the-xss-filter.aspx
• http://blogs.msdn.com/dross/archive/2008/07/03/ie8-xss-filter-design-philosophy-in-
• http://blogs.technet.com/srd/archive/2008/08/19/ie-8-xss-filter-architecture-
For the most part, this neutering mechanism is effective at blocking certain types of XSS
attacks from occuring. However, altering a server's response before it gets rendered by the
browser may have unintended consequences.
To begin with, the neutering mechanism can be abused by an attacker to block benign
content on a page. For example, embedded JavaScript can be blocked from executing by
"faking" a XSS attack. This is possible since the string <script will trigger one of the
filters, if present in a request and in the response. This string naturally occurs on most
webpages, so if an attacker appends a dummy GET parameter like &foo=<script then
Internet Explorer 8 will see this on the outbound request and in the response body and thus
trigger the neutering mechanism. An attacker may exploit this behavior in order to prevent
client-side security functionality from working. For example, code to prevent framing
(related to Clickjacking and UI Redressing attacks) can be disabled (though there are likely
to be more direct ways to bypass such controls).
Although such scenarios have been observed "in the wild", it is not very common that you
run across persistent XSS into JavaScript strings that aren't exploitable through more
traditional means. However, a couple of important facts can be stated about the filters at
this point.
1. An attacker can abuse the filtering mechanism to alter how a page is rendered.
2. The filters can be abused to enable XSS in situations where it wouldn't otherwise be
Universal XSS
With this knowledge, it is worthwhile to take another look at all the XSS filters to see if any
of the other filters can potentially be abused like this. One will quickly note that the
majority of the filters end up neutering opening tag names or event handlers so that a
normal alphabetic character gets replaced with the # symbol. Note however that a few of
the filters actually neuter an equal sign, =. Are there any scenarios where altering an equal
sign can affect how the page is rendered? Most certainly!
Say an attacker is able to persistently inject content into quoted attributes on a webpage.
Most websites allow this in one form or another and are safe from traditional XSS attacks
since they filter out and/or encode certain characters such as quote characters and angle
brackets. If an attacker were to neuter the equal sign immediately before such a persistent
injection, then it becomes possible to have the injected attribute value be rendered not as
an attribute value but as a new attribute name-value pair.
For example, consider an injection into the alt attribute of an image tag: <img
alt="[[injection here]]" src="x.png">. Say the string x onload=alert(0) x is
injected. Now consider the following two variations which differ by just one character:
• <img alt="x onload=alert(0) x" src="x.png"> will not execute the alert.
• <img alt#"x onload=alert(0) x" src="x.png"> will execute the alert! (Assuming the
image is found.)
In this example, a space character (%20) is included in the injection to separate the
onload=alert(0) portion of the injection. This allows it to be interpreted as a seperate
attribute name-value pair. Note that other characters can be used as well such as new line
characters and forward slashes (/). What is most important about such scenarios is that
most websites allow such characters to be included in attributes since they pose no risk
when accounting for traditional XSS attacks.
For this technique to work an attacker must trigger the neutering in the first place so that
the = character can be replaced with the # character, like above. This can be done by
identifying a trigger string that occurs naturally on the anywhere on the page before the
persistent injection. Then the attacker can simply include a dummy GET parameter as part
of the page request whose value is this trigger string (or a simplified and possibly URL-
encoded version that will still trigger the neutering) and submit the request.
• [\"\'][ ]*(([^a-z0-9~_:\'\"
Identifying a suitable trigger string (i.e. strings that will match one of these filters) requires
detailed understanding of these regular expressions. In our field testing, most pages that
allow persistent injections were exploitable by identifying a trigger string which matched
against the second filter. To see why, consider the 5 main components of the second
regular expression:
1. [\"\'][ ]*
2. (([^a-z0-9~_:\'\" ])|(in))
3. .+?
4. (([.].+?)|([\[].*?[\]].*?))
5. {=}
Part one of the regular expression matches a quote character followed by an arbitrary
number of space characters (including no space characters at all).
Part two will match against the word "in" or any character that is not one of the following:
alphanumeric, a quote character, ~, _, :, or a space. So characters like <, >, (, and ) will
each match (and many more).
Part three will match against any characters repeated any number of times (this is
important). This match is non-greedy.
Part four has two components that can match. The first part is the more useful part for
identifying trigger strings and will match against a . (a period, %2e) followed by any
characters repeated any number of times (again, non-greedy).
Part five will match against the equal sign that we are neutering.
Putting this together, we can identify several common types of strings that would qualify as
trigger strings. For example, something like ">blah blah blah. blah blah blah <a
href= or "image.png">blah blah<input value= suffice and will be found on most pages
that have a suitable persistent injection. The key parts being that it starts with a quote
character, includes a period surrounded by alphabetic characters somehow, and then ends
with the equal sign that is being targeted for neutering.
In the worst case scenario though, a web page will not contain any text which matches one
of the above filters. Such pages can still be exploited, provided there is a second injection
point on the page somewhere before the persistent one. This may seem like an unlikely
scenario however in practice, it turns out to be fairly common. There are several reasons
for this. First, this second injection point need not be persistent. Second, the second
injection point can be anywhere on the page before the persistent injection and into any
context. Third, and most importantly, any traditional XSS filtering/encoding will be useless
since all that is needed to be injected is a "benign" looking string like location or foo.bar
since such a string will provide the neccessary charcters needed to identify a suitable trigger
string on the target page.
So putting it all together, we have the two common scenarios that allow an attacker to
execute XSS on otherwise safe pages:
1) A persistent injection into a quoted attribute with a string similar to x
onerror=alert(0) x located on a page that also contains a (naturally occurring) trigger
string before the persistent injection.
2) A persistent injection into a quoted attribute with a string similar to "x
onerror=alert(0) x" located on a page that also displays user controlled data (reflected or
persistent) before the persistent injection.
The page contains a simple form that allows arbitrary data to be submitted. The server will
persist the submitted data and redisplay it on subsequent views of the page until a new
submission is submitted. Double quote characters are encoded preventing traditional XSS
attacks. This page can be exploited in unpatched versions of IE8 by following these steps:
• /style=x:expression(document.write(alert(0)))//
• /onmouseover=alert(0)//
• x onmouseover=location=name x
• x onmouseover=eval(location.hash.slice(1)) x
Which websites are/were actually vulnerable to this issue? Well, just about every one we
tested. For example:
• bing.com: http://p42.us/ie8xss/bing.png
• google.com: IE8 filters were disabled before we were able to get a screen grab
• digg.com: http://p42.us/ie8xss/digg.png
• twitter.com: http://p42.us/ie8xss/twitter.png (along with most all sites that let you
create a profile)
How can this vulnerability be mitigated? There are a few different techniques that can be
used to prevent these kinds of XSS attacks.
From the server side, you can protect your users by:
• Utilizing site-wide anti-CSRF tokens that prevent any sort of XSS from being exploited in
the first place.
• Disabling IE8s filters using the response header opt-out mechanism. There are obvious
pros and cons to doing this, so consider your options carefully. Despite the serious
vulnerabilities discussed in this paper, the filters do go a long way towards protecting
IE8 users from traditional XSS attacks. Obviously, once users have upgraded to the
patched version we strongly suggest you keep the filters enabled.
From the browser side, you can avoid any security risks by:
• Disable the filters from within the browser until you upgrade to the patched version of
IE8. Again, the filters aren't evil - they do help block a lot of standard XSS attacks.
Once the necessary patch has been applied, we highly recommend enabling the filters
Jeremiah Grossman has provided some excellent information to consider when deciding
whether or not to disable the filters from the server. Essentially, if you're not confident that
you've already eliminated XSS across your domain, then disabling the filters is a step in the
wrong direction. Please find his specific guidance at
We would like to thank Gareth Heyes, Mario Heiderich, Alex K (kuza55) and the
sla.ckers.org community for many brilliant ideas on web obfuscation and evasion. We
would also like to thank Jack Ramsdell (MSRC) along with David Ross and the IE8
development team for being great to work with in resolving this issue.
For further information, please contact Eduardo and/or David using the contact information