Element of Art
Element of Art
Element of Art
Elements of art
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The elements of art are a commonly used group of aspects of a work of art used in teaching and analysis,
in combination with the [principles of art] Objects placed at a distance are rendered with less details, clarity,
and intensity than closer ones. Three-dimensional Space work is created with the help of shading, which
gives it a feeling of depth. Space can also be created by overlapping objects.
Texture is the feeling or visual effect created by repetition and variation of form, colors, value, or patterns of
line, often seen in textiles and natural surfaces. There are two types of texture: Optical (visual) texture, and
texture which can be physically (tactile). So how something would feel ie, rough, smooth, bumpy, coarse
etc. is a description of its texture.
Form may be created by the forming of two or more shapes. It may be enhanced by tone, texture and color.
Form is considered three-dimensional showing height, width and depth. Examples of this are sculpture,
theater play, figurines.
Line is most easily defined as a mark that spans a distance between two points, taking any form along the
way. As an art element, line pertains to the use of various marks, outlines and implied lines in artwork and
design, most often used to define shape in two-dimensional work. Implied line is the path that the viewer's
eye takes as it follows shapes, colors, and form along a path, but may not be continuous or physically
connected, such as the line created by a dancer's arms, torso, and legs when performing an arabesque.
Color pertains to the use of hue in artwork and design. Defined as Primary Colors (red, yellow, blue), which
cannot be mixed in pigment from other hues, Secondary Colors (green, orange, violet) which are directly
mixed from combinations of primary colors. Further combinations of primary and secondary colors create
tertiary (and more) hues. Tint and Shade are references to adding variations in Value to a color/hue.
Value pertains to the use of light and dark, shade and highlight, in an artwork. Black and white photography
depends entirely on value to define its' subjects. Value is directly related to contrast in monochromatic work
of any kind
Shape pertains to the use of areas in two dimensional space that can be defined by edges, setting one flat
specific space apart from another. Shapes can be geometric (e.g.: square, circle, triangle, hexagon, etc.) or
organic (such as the shape of a puddle, blob, leaf, boomerang, etc.) in nature. Shapes are often seen
defined by edges of contrasting colors and/or values.
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