Improve Your Word Power: Answers

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Improve Your Word Power

4. de facto: (a) in fact. neophyte with little
1. altruism: (a) selfless- uniform.
—The city is rapidly experience or interest in
ness (b) shamelessness (c) 12. neophyte: (a )
becoming the de facto centre foreign affairs.
carelessness (d) faithless- umpire (b) beginner (c) of world diplomacy. 13. obituary: (d) death
ness. experienced (d) mountaineer. 5. extant: (b) existing. notice.
2. burnish: (a) pine 13. obituary: (a) death —His books have radi- —Without the coinci-
(b) dine (c) fine (d) shine. warrant (b) death sentence cally altered extant thinking dence, her recovery may well
3. chiaroscuro: (a) light (c) deadly deal (d) death on Indian politics and society. have been her obituary.
and shade ( b ) pain and notice. 6. frazzle: (b) exhaust. 14. provenance: (c) place
pleasure (c) loss and gain (d) 14. provenance: (a) —The court order in his of origin.
day and night. place of worship (b) hour of favour has soothed his —A small museum was
4. de facto: (a) in fact (b) glory (c) place of origin (d) frazzled nerves. set up where the relics (of the
in need (c) in doubt (d) in guilty of theft. 7. genuflect: (c) past) were displayed with a
crisis. 15. quandary: (a) state bend(ing) for worship or brief description of their
5. extant: (a) passive (b) of uncertainty (b) state of respect. adventure filled provenance.
existing (c) remote (d) ignorance (c) state of —It is painfully amusing 15. quandary: (a) state of
historical. readiness (d) state of to see some visitors uncertainty.
6. frazzle: (a) excite (b) bankruptcy. genuflecting before the —He is evidently in a
exhaust ( c ) explore (d) 16. ramble: (a) work exquisitely carved stone idols quandary and does not know
exploit. for livelihood (b) read for dumped in a police-station/ how to act or react.
7. genuflect: (a) stand at knowledge (c) travel for lock-up room. 16. ramble: (d) walk for
ease (b) move with speed (c) pleasure (d ) walk for 8. hypsophobia: (a) fear pleasure.
bend for worship (d) beg for pleasure. of high places. —It is time to give back
mercy. 17. spigot: (a) devil (b) —He suffers from to the few remaining animals
8. hypsophobia: (a) fear department (c) device (d) hypsophobia since his in the wild the space to ramble
of high places (b) fear of wild development. childhood. and roar unhindered.
animals (c) fear of ghosts (d) 18. tidbit/titbit: (a ) 9. ingenious: (d) 17. spigot: (c) device.
fear of strangers. speech (b) scholarship (c) original. —Infiltration is no
—Sufism is both longer a spigot that can be
9. ingenious: (a) gossip (d) scandal.
ingenious and assimilative turned on and off in order to
deceptive (b) talkative (c) 1 9 . voyeuristic: (a )
cutting across creed, culture leverage a more favourable
profitable (d) original. ugly sight (b) sexual pleasure
and classes. political outcome.
10. laundromat: (a) (c) sick mind (d) healthy
10. laundromat: (a) 18. tidbit: (c) gossip.
washing process (b) witness body. washing/cleaning process, —The scholar does not
box (c) circumstantial 20. whimsy: (a) strange improvement/trans- titillate the reader with
evidence (d) fearful sight. behaviour (b) firm opinion formation. tidbits/titbits about the many
11. motley: (a) natural ( c ) sufficient space ( d ) —Most major religions of powerful personalities who
(b) logical (c) diverse (d) imaginary flight. the world have gone through have crossed his path.
the laundromat of humanism 19. voyeuristic: (b)
ANSWERS dent’s reputation has been and enlightenment. sexual pleasure (seeking).
1. altruism: (a) selfless- burnished by his response to 11. motley: (c) diverse, —The story narrates the
ness, benevolence. September 11, 2001 terrorist assorted. plight of a set of voyeuristic
—The truth is that the attack. —The alliance of so friends who gloat over
Doha (Qatar) meeting has 3. chiaroscuro: (a) light many parties may be a motley pornographic collection.
stripped the veneer (polish/ and shade (painting/drawing). group, but they can also boast 20. whimsy: (a) fanciful
mask) of altruism from the —The subjects of of much stronger links with or strange behaviour.
face of globalisation. drawings vary from a coke- the ordinary people. —A regime prone to
2. burnish: (d) shine, bottle shaped body to 12. neophyte: (b) whimsy follows certain
brighten. chiaroscuro renderings of beginner, novice. policies that may confuse
—The American Presi- houses and monuments. —He came to office as a many an analyst.


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