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Now A Day It Is Very Easy To Establish Communication From One Part of The Worldto Other. Despite This

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Now a day it is very easy to establish communication from one part of the worldto other. Despite this
even now in remote areas villagers travel to talk to familymembers or to get forms which citizens in-developed

countries an call up on acomputer in a matter of seconds. The government tries to give telephoneconnection in very

village in the mistaken belief that ordinary telephone is thecheapest way to provide connectivity. But the recent

advancements in wirelesstechnology make running a copper wire to an analog telephone much moreexpensive than

the broadband wireless Internet connectivity. Daknet, an ad hocnetwork uses wireless technology to provide digital

connectivity. Daknet takesadvantages of the existing transportation and communication infrastructure toprovide

digital connectivity. Daknet whose name derives from the Hindi word³Dak´ for postal combines a physical means of

transportation with wireless datatransfer to extend the internet connectivity that a uplink, a cyber café or postoffice



Yeal time communications need large capital investment and hence highlevel of user
adoption to receiver costs. The average villager cannot even afforda personnel communications
device such as a telephone or computer. Torecover cost, users must share the communication
infrastructure.Yeal timeaspect of telephonycan also be a disadvantage. Studies show that the

currentmarket for successful rural Information and Communication Technology (ICT)services

does not appear to rely on real-time connectivity, but rather onaffordability and basic

interactivity. The poor not only need digital services, butthey are willing and able to pay for
them to offset the much higher costs of poortransportation, unfair pricing, and corruption.

It is useful to consider non real-time infrastructures and applications suchasvoice mail, e-

mail, and electronic bulletin boards. Technologies like store-and forward or asynchronous
modes of communication can be significantlylower in cost and do not necessarily sacrifice the
functionality required todeliver valuable user services. In addition to non real-time applications
such ase-mail and voice messaging , providers can use asynchronous modes ofcommunication to
create local information repositories that communitymembers can add to and query.

0dvances in the IEEE 802 standards have led to huge commercialsuccess and low
pricing for broadband networks. These techniques can providebroadband access to even the

most remote areas at low price.

Important considerations in a WL0N are
u : In a WL0N, access is not limited to the wired PCs but it is also open
to all the wireless network devices, making it for a hacker to easily breach the
security of that network.
 : WL0N should have optimum coverage and performance for mobile
users to seamlessly roam in the wireless network
    : Minimize the interference and obstruction by designing the
wireless network with proper placement of wireless devices.
  : Choose a wireless technology standard that would make the
WL0N a truly interoperable network with devices from different vendors
integrated into the same.
   : WL0N should provide reliable network connection in the
enterprise network.
   : 0 manageable WL0N allows network administrators to
manage, make changes and troubleshoot problems with fewer hassles.
Wireless data networks based on the IEEE 802.11 or wifi standard are perhapsthe most
promising of the wireless technologies. Features ofwifi include easeof setup, use and
maintenance, relatively high bandwidth; and relatively lowcost for both users and providers.
Daknet combines physical means of transportation with wireless datatransfer to extend
the internet connectivity. In this innovative vehicle mountedaccess points using 802.11b based
technology to provide broadband,asynchronous, store and forward connectivity in rural areas.


Wi-Fi refers to a set of high frequency wireless local areanetwork(WL0N) technologies
more specifically referred to as 802.11a 802.11b and802.11g. These standards are universally in
use around the globe, and allowusers that have a Wi-Ficapable device,like a laptop or PD0,to
connectanywhere there is a Wi-Fi access point that is available. The three standards thatare
referred to signify the speed of the connection they are capable ofproducing. 802.11b( which
transmits at 11 Megabits per Second )is the mostcommon, although the faster Wi-Fi standards
are quickly replacing it. 0crossthe board, all of these Wi-Fi standards are fast enough to
generally allow abroadband connection. Wi-Fi is an emerging technology that will likely be
ascommon as electrical outlets and phone lines within a few years. Wi-Fi addstremendous levels
of convenience and increased productivity for workers whoseoffices are equipped with Wi-Fi, as
well as travelers that can increasingly accessWi-Fi in airports, coffee shops, and hotels around
0 Wi-Fi network operates just like awired network ,without therestrictions imposed by

wires. Not only does it enable users to move around andbe mobile at home and at work, it also
provides easy connections to the Internetand business networks while traveling.

Wireless Fidelity, which is also known, as 802.11b is the corporatechoice and has a
suitably wide range for use in big office spaces. Wi-Fi iscurrently the most popular and least

expensive wireless L0N specification. Itoperates in the 2.4GHz radio spectrum and can transmit
data at speeds up to11Mbps within 30m ranges. It can affect by interference from mobile
phonesand Bluetooth devices, which can reduce the transmission speeds. Wi-Fi is anemerging

technology that will likely be as common as electrical outlets andphone lines within a few years.

Wi-Fi adds tremendous levels of convenience and increased productivity forworkers whose
offices are equipped with Wi-Fi, as well as travelers that canincreasingly access Wi-Fi in
airports, coffee shops, and hotels around. It is thestandard fitment to many wireless laptops
including the new Centrino based models.
In Wi-Fi technology, data is broadcast over the air using radio waves.This means that

any WL0N ± enabled computing device within reach of awireless access point can reach of a
wireless access point can receive datatransmitted to or from the access point. Because radio
waves travel throughceilings, floors and walls, the transmitted data can reach the wrong
recipients ondifferent floors or even outside the building. Intruders can use unsecured
accesspoints to get into corporate resources and launch denial-of-service attacks thatcan bog
down servers with bogus requests and prevent user access to data andapplications.

To ensure security, 802.11 wireless communications have a functioncalled wired-

equivalent privacy (WEP), a form of encryption, which providesprivacy comparable to that of a

traditional wired network. If the wirelessnetwork has some information that must be secured,
WEP should be used toensure data protection at traditional wired network levels. But as we

know, thereis never 100 percent security, and the WEP standard was itself breached. Oflate,
WP0 (Wi-Fi protected 0ccess) has over broken WEP as the security standard for Wi_Fi

alliance certification. WP0 offers higher levels ofwireless data security than WEP. It is a subset

of the proposed 802.11i securitystandard from IEEE.


Max speed
- 11 MBPS
Max Encryption
-128 bit WEP
Discrete channels
Max range @full throughput-~30 ft
Natively compatible
- 802.11b, 802.11g
Potential user
- Entry level and home networks
  c   u

Vses an unlicensed part of the radio spectrum. This means less
regularly controls in many countries.
Frees network devices from cables, allows for a more dynamic network
to be grown.
Many reliable and bug-free Wi-Fi products on the market.
Competition amongst vendors has lowered prices considerably since
their inception.
While connected on a Wi-Fi network, it is possible to move about
without breaking the network connection.
Moderns 0ccess Points and Client Cards have excellent in-built security
and encryption.
Enterprise and Carrier Grade 0ccess Points can

  ëu   u

The 802.11b and 802.11g flavors of Wi-Fi use the 2.4 GHz spectrum,which is crowded with

other devices such as Bluetooth, microwave ovens,cordless phones (900MHz or 5.8 GHz are
therefore, alternative phonefrequencies one can use if one has a Wi-Fi network), video sender

devices,among many others. This may cause degradation in performance. Other devices,which
use microwave frequencies such as certain types of cell phones, can alsocause degradation in

Power consumption is fairly high compared to other standards, making
battery life and heat a concern.
Vsers do not always configure it properly. In addition, Wi-Fi commonlyuses Wired
Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol for protection, which has beenshown to be easily breakable
even when properly configured. Newer wirelesssolutions are slowly providing support for the
superior Wi-Fi Protected 0ccess(WP0) protocol, though many systems still employ WEP.
Wi-Fi networks have limited range. 0 typical Wi-Fi home router using802.11b might

have a range of 150 ft (46 m) indoor and 300 ft (92 m) outdoors.But about 10 VS$ and an hour
of building will get you an antenna that can gomuch further.

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