Amul Production

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Presented by

Sapna Sharma - 1 Jenny Dsouza - 13

Kinjal Ashar - 4 Preeti Sharma - 68

Fundamentals of Cheese Making

Cheesemaking is Simple

Unfortunately it isn’t easy

Cheesemaking is a
Food Preservation Technique
Cheesemaking is all about moisture
reduction and acid production

H2O pH

With Control
The engine for this process
is starter culture
Basic Cheesemaking Steps

1. Collect/deliver milk
2. Clarify milk
3. Standardize milk (optional)
4. Pasteurize milk (heat treat?)
5. Add starter culture (ripening)
6. Add rennet/milk clotting enzyme (set)
7. Cut the curd
Basic Cheesemaking Steps (cont.)

8. Heat the curd (cook)

9. Separate curd from whey
10. Salt the curd (dry salt)
11. Put curd in form (hoop)
12. Press curd
13. Package the cheese
14. Cure or ripen cheese
Bulk Truck on the Farm
Delivery Truck to Intake
Filtering out the crud
Milk Quality
Critically important
Can’t make up for poor quality
-- bacteria (100, 000 CFU/ML ‘A’)
-- somatic cells (750,000 SCC/ML)
-- sediment
-- acid degree value
Milk Composition

3.75 -Fat
3.15 - Protein
4.75 -Lactose
0.80 -Minerals

Cheesemakers really care about

fat & protein
Standardization -
Controlling the fat and protein
content of the cheesemilk

Fat Milk Protein

Beware of lactose!

Heat (thermal) process

1610 F 15 sec. 1450 F 30 min.

HTST Pasteurizer

Kills pathogens and other

unwanted bacteria
But . . .

Kills beneficial (flavor) bacteria and

Enzymes too


Make Procedure

A systematic record keeping of the times,

temperatures, and ingredients used during the
cheesemaking process.
Make Procedure
Add Starter

Starter cultures are bacteria

Coccus Streptococcus lactis

Streptococcus cremoris
Streptococcus thermophilus

Rods Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Lactobacillus helveticus
Starter cultures are like bags of enzymes



peptides flavor
Add Rennet

• Rennet's are enzymes

• Other terms used are coagulant and milk-
clotting enzyme
• Any enzyme that coagulates milk
Adding Rennet
Heat and Cook the Curds and Whey

101°F for 30 -45 minutes for Cheddar

90°F 127°F for 60 minutes for Swiss
98°F for 20 minutes for Brick

as you heat the curd, the

curd shrinks, and more
water is expelled
Separate the Curd from the Whey

Different methods for different cheeses:

- Draining belts
- Continuous stirring as whey is removed
- Let the curd settle (as a mass), then drain the whey

Add salt Press curd in hoop

(depends on the
Press curd in Put cheese in
cheese variety)
form (hoop) saturated
salt solution
Package, Wax or Coat Cheese
with Polymer for Curing
Curing or Ripening

Develop desirable body, texture, flavor

Could be days, months or years, depends on the cheese

Mozzarella 1 week to 2 months

Cheddar 1 month to years
Cottage Cheese daily to 1 month
Parmesan years
Legal Requirements

• Fat dry matter (FDB)

• Moisture
• Make procedure

21 CFR 133
Safety Factors Inherent in Cheese

• Reduced moisture
• Lower water activity
• Low pH (lactic acid)
• Salt
• Competing flora
• Biochemical metabolites
• Bacteriocins
Safety Factors in Cheese Manufacture

• Highly regulated -farm to plant

• Good manufacturing practices
• Heat treatments
• Hurdle technology
Amul Center for Dairy Research
Funded by dairy farmers through the
Amul Milk Marketing Board &
Dairy Management, Inc.

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