Sony and The People

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▼ Sony

Sony and
and the
the People
People |

Sony and the People

From its inception, Sony has constantly created markets and proposed
new lifestyles.
Our mission is to offer the opportunity to create and fulfill dreams
to all kinds of people, including shareholders, customers, employees,
and business partners. We pledge to continue to take on the challenge
of preserving Sony’s position as a unique and creative company.

40 Sony Corporation Social & Environmental Repor t 2002

Customers  | Sony and the People


Customer satisfaction (CS) is at the core of Sony’s operations. Our customers always expect the best from
Sony. The greater the expectations, the harder they are to fulfill. To ensure that we meet those expecta-
tions, Sony is working across the board to garner the satisfaction, trust and confidence of its customers.
In 2001, Sony’s CS Charter was introduced to enhance customer satisfaction and to foster greater
awareness of this important issue within our organization.

The CS Charter CS Campaign (CS21)

U Customer Satisfaction is Sony’s Corporate Culture

All employees, not just those in direct contact with the customer, need to be aware of customer satisfac-
tion (CS) issues. Wherever they work in the Sony organization, whether it be product development,
design, manufacturing or marketing, employees have to make CS their number one priority. Keeping the
customer’s perspective foremost in mind, it is imperative that each and every Sony employee meets the
high expectations of Sony customers. To ensure that this approach becomes ingrained across the whole
Sony Group, regardless of organization or business field, Sony has launched a Customer Satisfaction
Campaign (CS21). The ultimate goal is to make CS a cornerstone of Sony’s corporate culture.

U Sony’s Global Repair Network

Sony’s repair and servicing network spans the globe, with bases in approximately 8,000 locations.
Although shipments of consumer electronics products have risen in recent years, the number of products
actually being repaired is falling. In the year ended March 31, 2002, repairs declined by around 10%
from the preceding year. One clear trend is that fewer products are being repaired outside the warranty
period in the Japanese, North American and European markets. Sony believes that this is due to major
improvements in product quality and lower product prices which makes repair costs seem compara-
tively expensive. Cheaper products mean that customers perceive repair costs as being prohibitively high
relative to the original purchase price. To address this and other issues, Sony is working to build a repair
and servicing system that better meets the needs of each customer and ensures customer satisfaction.

U Trends in Customer Inquiries

In 1963, Sony established a Customer Information Center in Japan to provide timely and appropriate
responses to customer inquiries. These inquiries are shared throughout Sony, as they constitute a
valuable source of feedback on its products. The success of the system paved the way for customer
information centers to be set up at Sony sales subsidiaries worldwide. In the year ended March 31,
2002 alone, there were around 12 million customer inquiries to Sony in the Japanese, North American
and European markets. The number of inquiries has been growing in recent years and is expected to
rise further as electronic components become more technologically advanced and complex. Sony is
currently enhancing its ability to rapidly respond to this growing demand by putting in place a customer
response system that makes use of IT tools such as the Internet.

Social & Environmental Report 2002 Sony Corporation 41

▼ Sony and the People | Customers, Shareholders

U Quality Assurance Issues

A number of quality-related issues occurred in 2001, leading Sony to voluntarily recall some of its
products. Sony followed up with the launch of a quality management review project, and is now focus-
ing on intensive efforts to rebuild its quality assurance system and improve product quality.
One example of the quality assurance issues Sony faced during the year was a problem involving
the overheating of mobile phone battery packs. The excess heat deformed the battery pack casings of
certain mobile phones on the market. After investigating the problem, the cause was found to be flecks
of solder adhering to the battery pack during the assembly process. Sony’s response was to voluntarily
recall and replace all battery packs, free of charge, in order to prevent similar incidents. Further steps
included improvements to the soldering process and the setting up of a new inspection process.


The Sony management team recognizes the importance of corporate accountability as part of its mis-
sion to maximize shareholder value. Sony’s policy is to disclose positive and negative news promptly,
fairly and regularly to institutional and individual investors and industry analysts throughout the world.

U Disclosure and Investor Relations

Sony discloses not only earnings releases, but also information required by potential investors and
analysts to make informed investment decisions. As such, Sony is committed to timely disclosure.
The company regards annual reports and company websites as effective channels for providing such
information. Sony is implementing ongoing improvements to these sources to make them easier to
Investors are given a say in management decisions through a feedback system in which the views and
suggestions of investors and analysts are brought to the attention of Sony management. Sony has also
introduced measures to link management performance to remuneration. These measures, which include
granting stock options to directors and upper-level management and applying economic value-added
(EVA®)* methodology to evaluate the performance of individual business units, are just some of the ways
in which management is encouraged to approach issues from the viewpoint of investors.
* EVA® is a registered trademark of Stern Stewart & Co.
For more information

U Sony Corporation Shareholder Meetings

Sony regards shareholder meetings as an important forum for direct communication with shareholders.
As part of a program to maintain close communication with shareholders, an informal shareholder
discussion session is held after each general meeting to give shareholders an additional opportunity
to freely ask questions. In order to ensure that shareholders, including the large contingent of over-
seas investors (38.7% of the total as of March 31, 2002), have a say in the decision-making process,
Sony has taken a number of steps to promote the exercise of voting rights. These include the intro-
duction of a system in June 2002 to enable shareholders to cast their votes over the Internet.

42 Sony Corporation Social & Environmental Repor t 2002

Employees—Equal Opportunity  | Sony and the People

Employees—Equal Opportunity

U Basic Policies and System

The cornerstone of Sony’s policy on recruitment and promotion is to not discriminate on the basis of race,
gender or disability, or in any other way. Sony Corporation formulated a human rights policy in November
2000, recognizing that respect for human rights is a priority issue for all of humanity. In all spheres of
activity, Sony is working to foster greater awareness of human rights. At Sony Europe GmbH, all forms
of discrimination are strictly prohibited. Sony has put in place harassment guidelines addressing dis-
crimination based on race, gender or disability and policies addressing equal opportunity employment.
Sony Electronics Inc. (The United States) has a basic policy in respect to human resources, which is to
prohibit all forms of discrimination, including harassment.

U Promoting Employment for Physically and Mentally Challenged in Japan

In April 2002, Sony established a special-purpose subsidiary, Sony Hikari Corp., to provide employment
opportunities to mentally challenged individuals who desire to enter the workforce. Sony Hikari is the second
such company devoted to this purpose, following the establishment of Sony Taiyo Corporation in Oita Pre-
fecture in 1978. Staffed by specially qualified instructors, Sony Hikari currently has 15 mentally challenged
employees, each striving to develop individual abilities as a member of the Sony Group and society.

U Sony Electronics Inc. (The United States) Employees Recognized for Second Straight Year
For the second consecutive year, a Sony employee has been named as
one of ten “Employees of the Year” by CAREERS & the disABLED, a
magazine dedicated to equal opportunity and employment for people
with disabilities in the U.S. The award recognizes the contribution of
employees with disabilities to enlightening both companies and society in
general about the expertise, quality of work and the significant results
achieved by people with disabilities. In 2001, the award went to Timothy
Scarbeary, an Internet Product Specialist at Sony Electronics. Tim, who
is confined to a wheelchair because of muscular dystrophy, helps raise The 2002 award winner
money for young diabetics, on his own time. In 2002, Keith Seibert, a Keith Seibert (left) seen here
visually impaired member of Sony Electronics, was recognized for his with Human Resources
achievements. And Sony Electronics was selected as one of the top 50 professional Anne Lloyd.
best companies for the disabled. This annual ranking is based on the
number of votes cast by readers of CAREERS & the disABLED, who select companies they would most
like to work for and companies they think offer a working environment suitable for the disabled.
Breakdown of Sony Corporation’s Workforce
U Gender-Neutral Employment (As of March 31, 2002)
Sony’s human resources policies prohibit gender discrimina- Male Female
tion. The gender composition of the Sony workforce, however, Management 4,468 75
has been a concern for some time. Thanks to improvements Assistant manager level 5,693 577
in labor practices and regulations relating to maternity and General (excluding assistant
other issues (maternity leave and part-time working hours) manager level) 2,843 3,434
Total 13,004 4,086
over the last 10 years, we are gradually seeing a proportional
(Includes employees awaiting transfer, but excludes
increase in women working at the managerial level. transferred employees)

U Performance Appraisal & Career Development System

At the core of Sony Corporation’s approach to staff training is the belief that each employee be inspired
to take on challenges and “seize the initiative in building a career.” Under Sony’s Performance Appraisal
& Career Development system, employees are individually responsible for their goals and receive support
from the company to map out a career plan. Employees and supervisors set goals together, and meet
twice a year to review progress toward achieving them. Employees also prepare their own career plans,
and receive advice from supervisors. Both goals and career plans are entered on a form online.

U Job Posting System

Sony Corporation’s job posting system is designed to offer challenges to employees who wish to further
their careers by finding jobs within the company that they feel best suit their experience and abilities.
The system is designed to encourage employees to develop their talents and succeed in what they do.
Jobs are advertised internally as openings become available.

Social & Environmental Report 2002 Sony Corporation 43

▼ Sony and the People | Employees—Education, Training and Work Conditions

Employees—Education, Training and Work Conditions

Sony is introducing innovative and unique forms of employee education and training.

U Sony University
The Sony University, a strategic arm of the Sony Group, is dedicated to identifying and fostering next-
generation business leaders. A specially designed campus was completed in November 2001 and the
University began by revamping the existing curriculum.
The University’s mission is to foster and develop the abilities of individuals—who will play a promi-
nent role in the company’s future—by offering educational programs. Cutting across organizational
boundaries, the university will also strengthen the overall cohesion of the Sony Group. Approximately
10 educational programs per year are being offered, and selected participants from Sony Group
companies around the world participate in the program.

U e-learning: Campus Europe

Sony has established the Sony Campus Europe, an
e-learning platform designed to enhance employee
education by offering lifetime learning courses online.
Ongoing education and self-development are essential
to today’s Sony employee. It is important for the com-
pany to train both general and management personnel
in a wide range of areas so that they understand how
to prioritize work and recognize levels of importance.
Sony Campus Europe allows Sony employees to obtain
the education and training they require when they are
Sony Campus Europe Home Page
ready. Roughly 150 people have completed Sony
Campus Europe training courses, while 325 are
enrolled in current programs.

U The Learning Center

The Learning Center, part of Sony Electronics Inc. (The United States), offers an extensive list of
courses for employees based on Sony methods that are geared to a broad range of educational needs.
The faculty includes teaching staff from associate universities and corporate affiliates, as well as other
Sony employees. The courses on offer include management and specialist training, cross-cultural
exchange, computer training, Sony Six Sigma and EVA®. Teaching staff are stationed at three locations:
San Diego, CA, San Jose, CA and Park Ridge, NJ.

U Flexible Working Hours and Conditions

In Japan, Sony has introduced a flex-time working system. This system allows employees the flexibility
to configure working hours and conditions to fit with their individual needs and lifestyles. In addition,
mandatory working hours have been eliminated for mid-level employees involved in research, develop-
ment and design activities, who are expected to work under their own supervision and receive remu-
neration linked to results.

Year Ended March 31, 2002 Beneficiaries (Number of employees)

Leave of absence or shorter working hours for maternity reasons 266
Leave of absence or shorter working hours for nursing care activities 9
Leave of absence for volunteer activities 1

44 Sony Corporation Social & Environmental Repor t 2002

Employees—Occupational Health & Safety Management  | Sony and the People

Employees—Occupational Health & Safety Management

Sony’s Global Policy on Occupational Health & Safety, adopted in 1998, designates occupational health
& safety (OH&S) as an integral part of all Sony business operations. This policy obliges Sony global
sites to implement OH&S activities over and above those required by law, and stipulates that OH&S
activities be carried out in accordance with the Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle.

U Implementing OH&S Risk Management Guidelines

OH&S Risk Management Guidelines were introduced to standardize OH&S management methods used
at Sony Group sites worldwide. Based on a PDCA cycle-oriented management system and incorporat-
ing specific OH&S risk reduction methods, these guidelines are aimed at establishing minimum stan-
dards for OH&S management. This is expected to raise the level of OH&S at Sony facilities, especially
in countries and regions where relevant legislation has not yet been put into place.

A: OH&S Risk Assessment

OH&S Risk Management Guidelines 1. Classification of Work Activities
2. Hazard Identification
3. Estimation and Evaluation of Risk
Management Responsibility
OH&S Risk Management System B: Specific OH&S Management Guidelines
1. Management of Hazardous Substances,
OH&S Risk Assessment Radiation, Noise and Vibration
2. Machine Safety
OH&S Risk Management
3. Ergonomics
Emergency Preparedness 4. 5S (Housekeeping)
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Education, Training and Competency 6. Control of Hazardous Energy
7. Forklift Safety
Injury Investigations and
Recurrence Prevention C: Guidelines Regarding OH&S Managers
1. Assignment of Person in Charge of OH&S
Audits and Monitoring 2. Assignment of OH&S Professionals
3. Person in Charge of OH&S

These guidelines are based on the principles of “Sony’s Environmental Vision” and “Sony’s Global Policy
on Occupational Health & Safety” and focus specifically on risk management designed to prevent occu-
pational injury and illness. The guidelines establish standard procedures for application at Sony opera-
tions worldwide, encompassing a wide range of areas, including chemical substance management,
ergonomics and personal protective equipment (PPE). Ergonomics includes managing workplace envi-
ronments and procedures to control the risk of ergonomically harmful practices—working in awkward
postures, handling heavy objects, standing for long periods and performing repetitive tasks, as well as the
prevention of eyestrain arising from extensive use of computer monitors. The guidelines target reductions
in these kinds of specific risks associated with day-to-day operations at all Sony sites around the world.

Injury Statistics (Japan)

U OH&S Activities in the Community
(Incident rates for injuries resulting in
Sony’s Global Policy on Occupational Health & Safety encourages all the loss of 4 days or more of work)
Sony Group sites to actively participate in their respective national and 1.2
regional health and safety programs. In keeping with this policy, Sony 1.0
Manufacturing industry
presented the risk assessment it performed when developing the AIBO 0.8
entertainment robot to the National Industrial Safety and Health Conven- 0.6
tion, arranged by the Japan Industrial Health and Safety Association.
( page 26 for product information for AIBO)
Electronics industry
Sony Group

U Collection and Disclosure of Injury Statistics 96 97 98 99 00 01 (Fiscal)

Sony will disclose injury statistics, a key performance indicator of OH&S The incident rate represents the work-related injuries in
terms of the ratio of the number of injuries per one
management at its operations. million work hours.
Incident rate = Number of injuries resulting in the loss
of four days or more of work 앦 total
working hours x 1,000,000

Social & Environmental Report 2002 Sony Corporation 45

▼ Sony and the People | Communities


Sony is committed to enhancing relationships with communities as a good corporate citizen. Focused on
educational programs for children, Sony is active in promoting the arts, culture, international exchanges
and environmental activities. Sony is also making efforts toward providing physically and mentally chal-
lenged people with opportunities to develop their abilities and gain more independence.
Sony’s community affairs program includes financial support as well as product donations, to respond
to the needs of communities, building partnerships with non-profit organizations and sponsoring volunteer
programs for Sony employees. Through these activities Sony aims to contribute to local communities as
a truly global corporation.


The SOMEONE NEEDS YOU (SONY) program was launched in the U.S.
to encourage Sony Group employees to participate in volunteer activities.
During the year ended March 31, 2002 more than 14,500 Sony em-
ployees in 20 countries participated in program activities in their local
communities. One of the projects in the U.S. involved Sony employees
painting colorful murals on the wall of a shelter for abused children.
Program activities in Europe included visiting homes for the elderly.
A visit to a home for the elderly
In Japan and Asia, many companies held blood drives and cleaned up
in Europe.
local communities.

U Partnership with NGOs

International NGO FoE (Friend of the Earth) Japan and Sony affiliate AII Inc. are collaborating on a
program called “Be a friend of the Earth!”, available only in Japanese, that broadcasts information on
global environmental issues. All proceeds from the broadcasts are donated to FoE Japan. It is a user-
oriented program that encourages people to participate in environmental protection activities over the
Internet. Furthermore, Sony is a member of the Corporate Environmental Responsibility Group of
Earthwatch Europe, an NGO dedicated to supplying both monetary and human resources to researchers
involved in outdoor survey activities designed to protect natural and cultural resources and heritages.
Earthwatch has sponsored over 1,600 natural and cultural heritage-related surveys in 111 countries
since 1972.

U Emergency Relief and Humanitarian Assistance

The Sony Group responded immediately to provide various means of support to the victims of the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks in the United States. Sony Group employees contributed funds to assist and support
the families of victims of the tragic events. Many Sony employees in the United States participated in
various volunteer activities.
The Sony Group supports the resolution of refugee problems for humanitarian reasons. In that regard
Sony contributed to the UNHCR as a way to offer humanitarian support for the many refugees who
continue to seek assistance in the world today.

U “ECOmove,” the 1st International Festival of Environmental Film Festivals

The ECOmove “Festivals of Festivals” took place at the Sony Center in Berlin, Germany in December
2001. Sony joined as cooperating partner to support this event. The aim of ECOmove, as a platform of
Environmental Film Festivals, is to raise awareness of interrelated global and ecological issues. ECOmove
encompasses a variety of events, including the screening of films about the environment, award ceremo-
nies, workshops, exhibitions and panel discussions focusing on environmental communication issues,
as well as corporate strategies and critical but constructive journalism.

46 Sony Corporation Social & Environmental Repor t 2002

Children | Sony and the People


The 21st century has presented several broad challenges to humanity. One is improving the standard of
living of people worldwide. Another is living in harmony with the Earth’s natural environment. Educa-
tion, particularly studies focused on the nature of humanity, will play an increasingly important role in
resolving these issues.
Sony will continue to support a wide range of educational activities for children, our future. It is
important to encourage children to think and act independently and to build character and enrich their
creativity. At the same time, children should develop sympathy for others and social skills, by develop-
ing relationships with people from all walks of life. At the same time, children should be encouraged to
explore nature and appreciate its beauty and wonder. Developing
craftsmanship skills is also key to introducing children to the joy of
seeing things through and creatively solving problems.

U The Sony Science Education Program for Children

In a prospectus drafted at the time of Sony’s establishment, Sony
founders Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita wrote that one of primary goals
of the company was to enhance scientific literacy among the Japanese
people. They believed that introducing science education in elementary
schools was key to rebuilding Japan in the aftermath of World War II. Children at one of the participating
schools study changes in wildlife at a
This belief was behind the establishment of the Sony Science Educa- local stream.
tion Promotion Program in 1959. Thereafter, these activities were
carried on by the Sony Foundation for Education, which has continued to offer financial support for
schools and teachers over the ensuing 42 years.
In the year ended March 31, 2002 the Sony Science Education Program for Children was started to
develop children’s interest in science. The program supports elementary and junior high schools and
teachers nationwide, especially those that are enthusiastically engaged in fostering interest in science
among children. In the year ended March 31, 2002, 102 out of approximately 160 applicants received
subsidies and computers. Schools that have been selected will present results of scientific educational
programs at four locations nationwide.

U Sony Wonder-Science Laboratory

Held at Sony Group companies and elementary and junior high school
nationwide, this program aims at providing children with the opportu-
nity to actually create things and discover interesting natural phenom-
ena in the process. We also hope to introduce children to the joy of
making things. Specifically, the Sony Foundation for Education sends
instructors to events, while Sony employees and local teachers run the
program. Possibly a future expert studying how
to recycle polystyrene foam with
During the year ended March 31, 2002, 880 children participated limonene. page 35
in 19 workshops, where they built scientific toys and carried out inter-
esting experiments.

U Educational Support Programs

In 2001, Sony began providing assistance for public elementary schools in the regional communities of
Mexico. Support involves building computer classrooms, renovating school buildings, and providing
desks, chairs and audio visual equipment. Thus far, Sony has assisted two public schools. In another
program, Sony provided support for a project in South Africa called School TV Access, which is run by
the South African Broadcasting Company, since its inception in 1999. Sony has contributed color tele-
visions and videocassette recorders to 250 elementary schools over the past 3 years, to provide greater
access to educational programs. In Europe, Sony has installed equipment at a recording studio operated
by Benjamins Media in France, which provides cassette recordings of children’s literature for children
with visual disabilities. Sony is also assisting in public relations activities for the project.

Social & Environmental Report 2002 Sony Corporation 47

▼ Sony and the People | Children

U Sony Creative Science Award

This contest was started in 1998 to stimulate interest in science among Singaporean elementary school
students, and to foster creativity. The contest involves toys that incorporate scientific principles, and
draws in about 2,000 contestants from around 100 schools every year.

U The Sony Cup Electronic Design Contest

Held once every two years, Sony supports an electronic design contest
aimed at promoting electronics education among college students in
China. The students participate in the contest in teams of three, and
design and create electronic circuits over a four-day period. In fiscal 2001,
2,071 teams of 6,213 students, representing 346 Chinese universities
took part in the contest.
The award ceremony for the Sony
Cup Electronics Design Contest.
U Complimentary Gift of School Satchels
Sony and certain group companies present the children of employees
with the gift of a school satchel (or writing set) when they enter elementary school. This tradition dates
back to 1958, only 13 years after the end of World War II, when ordinary Japanese people still struggled
to make ends meet. Sony’s co-founder Masaru Ibuka came up with the idea of giving school satchels to
Sony employees’ children when they enter elementary school. The goal was to celebrate the occasion,
and also to help his employees economically. The year 2002 marked the 44th time the presentation
was held. Sony gave gifts to 789 students this year, bringing the total presented so far to 20,448.

Masaru Ibuka presents a school satchel (circa 1960).

48 Sony Corporation Social & Environmental Repor t 2002

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