Real 4

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CAP536 – Real Time Software and Systems HW-4


1 The bandwidth of a priority-based token ring network (IEEE 802.5) is 100

mbps. Assume that the propagation time of the network is 10 mSec.
Determine the fraction of bandwidth wasted during every frame transmission,
when the frame size is 2 kbps (kilobytes per second) Under what condition
would the wasted bandwidth be zero?

1. Consider the use of timed token protocol (IEEE 802.4) in the following
situation. We have four nodes in the system. The real time requirement is
that node Ni be able to transmit up to bi bits over each period of duration pi
milliseconds, where bi and pi are given in the table below.

Node bi pi

N1 IK 10,000

N2 4K 50,000

N3 16 K 90,000

N4 16 K 90,000

Choose suitable Target Token rotation Time (TTRT) and obtain suitable
values of fi (total number of bits that can be transmitted by node Ni over
every cycle). Assume that the propagation time is negligible compared to
TTRT and that the system bandwidth is 1 mbps.

2. In a real time packet switched network, explain the roles of a traffic police
and a traffic shaper, explain one popular traffic shaping and one traffic
policing techniques.


3. Would it be advisable to use an Ethernet LAN in a hard real-time application

such as factory automation? Justify your answer. Evaluate the pros and
cons of using an Ethernet-based protocol in such an application.

4. Identify the factors which contribute to delay jitter in real-time

communication. Assume that a certain real time applications receive data at
the rate of 10 mbps. The QoS guarantee to the application permits a delay
jitter of 20 mSec. Compute the buffer requirements at the receiver.

5. Traditional 2 phase locking (2PL) based concurrency control protocol may

nat be suitable for use in real time databases. Why? Explain how the
traditional 2PL protocol can be extend to make it suitable for use in real time
database applications.

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