Ubbl Part III

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sec 30 to sec 47
30. Open spaces to be provided
31. Open spaces not to be altered or roofed
32. Space about buildings abutting a street and a back lane
33. Space about buildings on lots abutting a street and having no back
34. Space about detached buildings
35. Access from a street
36. Splayed corners
37. Projections over the street and over the building line
38. Width of footway
39. Natural lighting and ventilation
40. Air-wells
41. Mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning
42. Minimum area of rooms in residential buildings
43. Minimum dimensions of latrines, water-closets and bathrooms
44. Height of rooms in residential buildings, shophouses, schools, etc.
45. Places of public resorts
46. Heights of rooms in buildings
47. Project longs over verandah-way
30. Open spaces to be provided

Every building must have sufficient open space

unless the local authority have of the opinion that
in any particular case air space is otherwise
sufficiently and permanently provided.
31. Open spaces not to be altered
or roofed
The open space that provided in the building that
constructed in connection with these building by
laws was prohibited:
• Make or maintain any alteration, upgrading
and make a change in such open space;
• To build, construct or to alter the roof over any
portion of such open space.
Unless there is an approval from the local
authority in written was granted.
31. Open spaces not to be altered
or roofed - cont

If the local authority is satisfied that the free

movement of air is not impeded or hindered, the
approval will be issue.
Any one that are acting in contravention of this
part, local authority can by notice in writing to
order to remove and dismantle any alteration.
32. Space about buildings abutting
a street and a back lane

• The open space for building abutting a street

and back lane shall be:

Residential building Not less than one third

of the built area
Non-residential Not less than one-tenth
building of the built area
32. Space about buildings abutting
a street and a back lane - cont

For the purpose of calculating the open space

required by paragraph (1) of by-law 32

a) Two-story shop house that occupied by any

annexe shall not be considered as built-on area
or open space.
b) Half the width of the back lane abutting a
building shall be counted as open space.
32. Space about buildings abutting a
street and a back lane - cont

For the purpose of calculating the open space

required by paragraph (1) of by-law 32

d) Balconies, passage-ways and sun-shade may

project over any open space provided they do not
project than one meter.
e) Open space provided between the street and the
set back line of terrace house can’t be counted as
open space.
32. Space about buildings abutting
a street and a back lane

3) where open space not abutting a back lane is

provided, it must have a min clear dimension of
not less than 2.5m.
33. Space about buildings on lots
abutting a street and having no
back lane

In the case of the building that do not

having the back lane, the open space shall
be situated at the rear of the building and
extended until the full width/end of the lot.
34. Space about detached buildings

1. Unless stated in part VII, it required that

detached building there shall be not less than
2m clear space measured between the extreme
projection of the building and boundaries of it
lot and 4m clean space between such building
and any other building unless they are within the
same building lot.
2. In this by law, semi detach building will be
consider to be one building on a single lot.
35. Access from a street

Every building that does not front a street must

provide access from and to a nearer existing
street/road. The access layout plan must be
constructed in accordance with sound
engineering practice and approved by local
36. Splayed corners

In case of two building constructed near the

junction and the layout plan does not shown
any degree of splay or rounding, the
building must be rounded or splay to
prevent collision/rubbing with turning
vehicle from and to the junction. There must
be at least 5 meter high and three meter side
clearance from the junction.
37. Projections over the street and
over the building line

1. Allowable over the street projection :

Width of the street in meters minus 10 meters

37. Projections over the street and
over the building line

Maximum projection permitted under this formula

is 1.25m
2. Projection in nature canopies over entrance in
excess of 1.25m
3. All projection at least 5m.
4. Projection above the ground floor over such
building line may be permitted provided that such
not exceed 1.83m and not exceed one half of the
building frontage to the building line.
38. Width of footway
The verandah or uncovered walkways must at least
2.25 meter wide. Maximum depth permitted to
construct pier on street is 600mm. The width of
verandah should be determined by measurement from
road boundary to outside wall of building. Any step,
threshold and or other structure that attached to the
building are consider part of the building. The split
level between footpath should be provided with step.
The risers for that step must not exceed 150mm and
its treads must at least 275mm. If ramp is
constructed, it should not more that 1:10 in gradient.
39. Natural lighting and ventilation

Windows and openings allowing uninterrupted air

passage should be provided for every room:

Room Windows Opening

Residential, business
<5% of
or other purposes <10% of floor
1 floor
except hospitals and area
39. Natural lighting and ventilation -
Room Windows Opening
<15% of floor <10% of floor
2 Hospitals
area area
<20% of floor <10% of floor
3 Schools
area area
4 Toilets 0.2 m2 Provided
40. Air-wells

Minimum size of air wells of buildings

Minimum width of air-well is 2.5 m
Buildings Minimum size
1 2 storeys 7m2
2 4 storeys 9m2
3 6 storeys 11m2
4 8 storeys 13m2
5 > 8 storeys 15m2
40. Air-wells - cont
Minimum size of air wells of toilets
Minimum width of air-well 2.5 m

Buildings Minimum size

1 2 storeys 3.5m2
2 4 storeys 4.0m2
3 6 storeys 4.5m2
4 8 storeys 5.0m2
5 > 8 storeys 5.5m2
41. Mechanical ventilation and air-
1. Windows and openings allowing uninterrupted
air passage is not necessary if the rooms is
equipped with mechanical ventilation or air-

2. In case of air-conditioning failure there should be

alternative ways to introduced fresh air into the
room within half an hour.
41. Mechanical ventilation and air-
conditioning - cont

3. This provision apply to building with

mechanically ventilated or air-conditioning.

4. Windows and openings allowing uninterrupted

air passage is not necessary if the toilets is
equipped with mechanical ventilation or air-
42. Minimum area of rooms in
residential buildings
The area of habitable room in residential building
The width of every habitable room shall not be < 2
The area and width of kitchen shall not < 4.5m 2 and
1.5m2 respectively.
Rooms Minimum area
1 1st 11.0m2
2 2nd 9.3m2
3 Others 6.5m2
43. Minimum dimensions of latrines,
water-closets and bathrooms

Toilets Area
1 Water closet with pedestal-type 1.5m x 0.75m
Water closet other than pedestal-
2 1.25m x 0.75m
3 Bathrooms
(Width not <0.75)
4 Bathrooms with close fittings
(Width not <0.75)
44. Height of rooms in residential
buildings, shop houses, schools,
Height of room in residential other than shop
All residential room shall be < 2 m height
Rooms Minimum height
1 Living rooms and bedrooms 2.50m
2 Kitchens 2.25m
Toilets, porches, balconies,
3 2.00m
verandahs & garages
44. Height of rooms in residential
buildings, shop houses, schools,
etc - cont
Height of room in shop houses:
Rooms Minimum height
1 Ground floor 3.0m
2 Upper floor 2.5m

The height of rooms in schools shall not < 3m

The height of rooms in hospitals shall not < 3m
The height of rooms in factories shall not < 3m
45. Places of public resorts

The height of rooms other than toilets, cloakrooms,

corridors and room to which public do not have
access shall not < 3.5m
The height of balcony shall not < 3.5m
46. Heights of rooms in buildings
The height of rooms other than specified in
provision 44 and 45 shall not < 3.0m

The height of any basement shall not < 3.0m

The height of ground floor parking shall not < 2.5m

The height of headroom shall not < 2.0m

The height of any verandah shall not < 3.0m

47. Project longs over verandah-

Projection due to beams, stairways, screen,

blind or signboards above the paved verandah
and have at least minimum height of 2.5 meter
may be permitted by local authorities.

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