Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992

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In exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (f) and (g) of sub-section (i) of Section 63 of the
Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 (53 of 1972), the Central Government hereby makes the
following rules, namely:

1. Short title and commencement:

(1) These rules may be called the Recognition of Zoo Rules, 1992.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions : In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) “Act” means the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972);
(b) “Enclosure” means any accommodation provided for Zoo animals;
(c) “Enclosure barrier” means a physical barrier to contain an animal within an encloure;
(d) “Endangered species” means species included in Schedule I of the Act;
(e) “Form” means form set forth in Appendix A to these rules;
(f) “Performing purposes” means any effort to force the animal to carry out unnatural act
including performance of circus tricks;

(g) “Stand-of barrier” means a physical barrier set back from the outer edge of an
enclosure barrier;

(h) “Zoo operator” means the person who has ultimate control over the affairs of the Zoo
provided that
(i) in the case of firm or other association of individuals, any one of the individual
partners or members thereof shall be deemed to be the Zoo operator;
(ii) in the case of a company, any director, manager, secretary or other officer, who
is in-charge of and responsible to the company for the affairs of the Zoo shall
be deemed to be the Zoo operator;
(iii) in the case of zoo owned or controlled by the Central Government or any State
Government, or any local authority, the person or person appointed to manage
the affairs of the zoo by the Central Government, the State Government or the
local authority, as the case may be shall be deemed to be the Zoo operator.

3. Application for recognition:

An application under section 38H of the Act for recognition of a zoo shall be made to the
Central Zoo Authority in Form A.
4. Fees for application:

(a) There shall be paid in respect of every application under rule 3 a fee of rupees five

(b) The amount of the fee shall be paid through Demand Draft/Postal Order(s) in favour
of the Central Zoo Authority, New Delhi.

5. Documents to be filed alongwith the application and particulars it should


Every application shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee and shall contain clear
particulars as to the matters specified in Form A.

6. Power to make inquiries and call for information :

Before granting recognition to a zoo under section 38H of the Act, the Central Zoo
Authority may make such inquiries and require such further information to be furnished, as it
deems necessary, relating to the information furnished by the zoo in its application in Form A.

7. Form of recognition:

The recognition granted to a zoo shall be subject to the following conditions, namely: ~]

(a) that the recognition unless granted on a permanent basis, shall be for such period not
less than one year as may be specified in the recognition;

(b) that the zoo shall comply with such standards and norms as are or may be prescribed
or imposed under the provisions of the Act and these rules from time to time.

8. Renewal of recognition:

(a) Three months before the expiry of the period of recogntion, a recognised zoo
desirous of renewal of such recognition may make an application to the Central Zoo
Authority in Form A.

(b) The provisions of rules 3, rule 4, rule 5, rule 6 and rule 7 shall apply in relation to
renewal of recognition as they apply in relation to grant of recognition except that,
the fee payable in respect of an application for renewal of recognition shall be rupees
two hundred.

9. Classification of Zoos:

For the purposes of deciding standards and norms for recognition of Zoos and monitoring
and evaluating their performance, the zoos, on the basis of the area, number of animals and their
variety exhibited, and the number of visitors, shall be classfied into four categories as specified
below :
Category of the Large Medium Small Mini
Area of the zoo in More than 50-75 20-50 Less than
hectares 75 hectares hectare hectare 20 hectare
Number of animals More than 750 500-750 200-499 200
Animals variety More than 50-75 20-49 20
exhibited 75 numbers numbers numbers numbers
Number of More than 15-Oct 9-May Less than
endangered 15 5
species exhibited
Annual attendance More than 5-7.5 5-Feb Less than
of visitors per year 7.5 lakhs lakhs lakhs 2 lakhs

10. Standards and norms subject to which recognition under section 38H of the Act
shall be granted:

The Central Zoo Authority shall grant recognition with due regard to the interests of protection
and conservation of wild life, and such standards, norms and other matters as are specified below

General :

(1) The primary objective of operating any zoo shall be the conservation of wildlife and
no zoo shall take up any activity that is inconsistent with the objective.

(2) No zoo shall acquire any animal in violation of the Act or rules made thereunder.

(3) No zoo shall allow any animal to be subjected to the cruelties as defined under the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 (59 of 1960) or permit any activity that. exposes the
animals to unnecessary pain, stress or provocation, including use of animals for performing

(4) No zoo shall use any animal, other than the elephant in plains and yak in hilly areas
for riding purposes or draughting any vehicle.

(5) No zoo shall keep any animal chained or tethered unless doing so is essential for its
own well being.

(6) No zoo shall exhibit any animal that is seriously sick, injured or infirm.

(7) Each zoo shall be closed to visitors at least once a week.

(8) Each zoo shall be encompassed by a perimeter wall at least two metres high from the
ground level. The existing zoos in the nature of safaries and deer parks will continue to have
chain link fence of appropriate design and dimensions.

(9) The zoo operators shall provide a clean and healthy environment in the zoo by
planting trees, creating green belts and providing lawns and flower beds etc.
(10) The built up area in any zoo shall not exceed twenty five per cent of the total area of
the zoo. The built up area includes administrative buildings, stores, hospitals, restaurants, kiosks
and visitor rest sheds etc., animal houses and ‘pucca’ roads.

(11) No-zoo shall have the residential complexes for the staff within the main campus of
the zoo. Such complex, if any, shall be separated from the main campus of the zoo by a boundary
wall with a minimum height of two metres from the ground level.

Administrative and Staffing Pattern:

(12) Every zoo shall have one full-time officer in-charge of the zoo. The said officer shall
be delegated adequate administrative and financial powers as may be necessary for proper upkeep
and care of zoo animals.

(13) Every large and medium zoo shall have at least one full-time curator having the sole
responsibility of looking after the upkeep of animals and maintenance of animal enclosures.

(14) Each large zoo shall have at least two full-time veterinarians and medium and small
zoo shall have at least one full-time veterinarian. The mini zoo may at least have arrangement
with any outside veternarian for visiting the zoo every day to look after the animals.

Animal Enlosures - Design, Dimensions and other Essential Features:

(15) All animal enclosures in a zoo shall be so designed as to fully ensure the safety of
animals, caretakers and the visitors. Stand of barriers and adequate warning signs shall be
provided for keeping the visitors at a safe distance from the animals.

(16) All animal enclosures in a zoo shall be so designed as to meet the full biological
requirements of the animals housed therein. The enclosures shall be of such size as to ensure that
the animals get space for their free movement and exercise and the animals within herds and
groups are not unduly dominated by individuals. The zoo operators shall take adequate safeguards
to. avoid the animals being unnaturally provoked for the benefit of viewing by public and
excessive stress being caused by visibility of the animals in the adjoining enclosures.

(17) The zoo operators shall endeavour to simulate the conditions of the natural habitat of
the animal in the enclosures as closely as possible. Planting of appropriate species of trees for
providing shade and constructing shelters which would merge in the overall environment of the
enclosures, shall also be provided. Wherever it is technically feasible, only moats shall be
provided as enclosure barriers.

(18) The enclosures housing the endangered mammalian species, mentioned in Appendix
I to these rules, shall have feeding and retiring cubicles/cell of minimum dimensions given in the
said appendix. Each cubicle/cell shall have resting, feeding, drinking water and exercising
facilities, according to the biological needs of the species. Proper ventilation and lighting for the
comfort and well being of animals shall be provided in each cell /cubicle /enclosure.

(19) Proper arrangement of drainage of excess of water and arrangements for removal of
excreta and residual water from each cell /cubicle /enclosure shall be made.

(20) Designing of any new enclosure for endangered species shall be finalized in
consultation with the Central Zoo Authority.
Hygiene, Feeding and Upkeep:

(21) Every zoo shall ensure timely supply of wholesome and unadulterated food in
sufficient quantity to each animal according to the requirement of the individual animals, so that
no animal remains undernourished.

(22) Every Zoo shall provide for a proper waste disposal system for treating both the solid
and liquid wastes generated in the zoos.

(23) All left over food items, animal excreta and rubbish shall be removed from each
enclosure regularly and disposed of in a manner congenial to the general cleanliness of the zoo.

(24) The zoo operators shall make available round the clock supply of potable water for
drinking purposes in each cell /enclosure /cubicle.

(25) Periodic application of disinfectants in each enclosure shall be made according to the
directions of the authorised veterinary officer of the zoo.

Animal Care, health and Treatment:

(26) The animals shall be handled only by the staff having experience and training in
handling the individual animals. Every care shall be taken to avoid discomfort, behavorial stress
or physical harm to any animal.

(27) The condition and health of all animals in the zoo shall be checked every day by the
person in-charge of their care. if any animal is found sick, injured, or unduly stressed the matter
shall be reported to the veterinary officer for providing treatment expeditiously.

(28) Routine examination including parasite checks shall be carried out regularly and
preventive medicines including vaccination be administered at such intervals as may be decided
by the authorised veterinary officers.

(29) The zoo operators shall arrange for medical check-ups of the staff responsible for
upkeep of animals at least once in every six months to ensure that they do not have infections of
such diseases that can infect the zoo animals.

(30) Each zoo shall maintain animal history sheets and treatment cards in respect of each
animal of endangered species, identified by the Central Zoo Authority.

Verterinary Facilities:

(31) Every large and medium zoo shall have full-fledged veterinary facilities including a
properly equipped veterinary hospital, basic diagnostic facilities and comprehensie range of
drugs. Each veterinary hospital shall have isolation and quarantine wards for newly-ariving
animals and sick animals. These wards should be so located as to minimise the chances of
infections spreading to other animals of the zoo.

(32) Each veterinary hospital shall have facilities for restraining and handling sick animals
including tranquilizing equipments and syringe projector. The hospital shall also have a reference
library on animal health care and upkeep.
(33) The small and mini zoos, where full-fledged veterinary hospital is not available, shall
have at least a treatment room in the premises of the zoo where routine examination of animals
can be undertaken and immediate treatment can be provided.

(34) Every zoo shall have a post-mortem room. Any animal that dies in a zoo shall be
subjected to a detailed post-mortem. and the findings recorded and maintained for a period of at
least six years.

(35) Each zoo shall have a graveyard where the carcasses of dead animals can be buried
without affecting the hygiene and the cleanliness of the zoo. The large and medium zoos shall
have an inscinerator for disposal of the carcasses and other refuse material.

Breeding of Animals:

(36) Every zoo shall formulate a programme for captive breeding of only such animals as
are approved by the Central Zoo Authority for that zoo. They shall abide by the guidelines and
directives of the Central Zoo Authority in this regad.

(37) Every zoo shall keep the animals in viable, social groups. No animal will be kept
without a mate for a period exceeding one year unlss there is a legitimate reason for doing so or if
the animal has already passed its prime and is of no use for breeding purposes. In the event of a
zoo failing to find a mate for any single animal within this period, the animal shall be shifted to
some other place according to the directions of the Central Zoo Authority.

(38) No zoo shall be allowed to acquire a single animal of any variety except when doing
so is essential either for finding a mate for the single animal housed in the said zoo or for
exchange of blood in a captive breeding group.

(39) Every zoo shall take up regular exchange programmes of animals so as to prevent the
traits or ill effects of inbreeding. To achieve this objective each zoo shall maintain a stud book in
respect of every endangered species.

(40) To safeguard against uncontrolled growth in the population of prolifically breeding

animals, every zoo shall implement appropriate population control measures like separation of
sexes, sterilizaiton, vasectomy, tubectomy and implanting of pallets etc.

(41) No zoo shall permit hybridization either between different species of animals or
different races of the same species of animals.

Maintenance of Records and Submission of Inventory to The Central Zoo Authority:

(42) Every zoo shall keep a record of the birth, acquisitions, sales, disposals and deaths of
all animals. Th inventory of the animals housed in each zoo as on 31st March of every year shall
be submitted to the Central Zoo Authority by 30th April of the same year.

(43) Every zoo shall also submit a brief summary of the death of animals in the zoo for
every financial year, alongwith the reasons of death identified on the basis of post-mortem reports
and other diagnostic tests, by 30th April of the following year.

(44) Every zoo shall publish an annual report of the activities of the zoo in respect of each
financial year. The copy of the said annual report shall be made available to the Central Zoo
Authority, within two months, after the end of the financial year. The report shall also be made
available to the general public at a reasonable cost.
Education and Research:

(45) Every enclosure in a zoo shall bear a sign board displaying scientific information
regarding the animals exhibited in it.

(46) Every zoo shall publish leaflets, brochures and guidebooks and make the same
available to the visitors, either free of cost or at a reasonable price.

(47) Every large and medium zoo shall make arrangements for recording, in writing, the
detailed observations. about the biological behaviour, population dynamics and veterinary care of
the animals exhibited as per directions of the Central Zoo Authority so that a detailed database
could be developed. The database shall be exchanged with other zoos as well as the Central Zoo

Visitor Facilities:

(48) The zoo operators shall provide adequate civic facilities like toilets, visitor sheds, and
drinking water points at convenient places in the zoo for visitors.

(49) First-aid equipments including anti-venom shall be readily available in the premises
of the zoo.

(50) Arrangements shall be made to provide access to the zoo to disabled visitors
including those in the wheel chair.

Development and Planning:

(51) Each zoo shall prepare a long-term master plan for its development. The zoo shall
also prepare a management plan, giving details of the proposal and activities of development for
next six years. The copies of the said plans shall be sent to the Central Zoo Authority.


UNDER SECTION 38H (sub-section 2)


The Member-Secretary,
Central Zoo Authority of India,

We want to get recognition under section 38H of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 in
respect of __________________ Bank draft/Postal Order for Rs.500/- drawn in favour of Central
Zoo Authority is also enclosed. The required information in respect
of______________________is as under:

1. Name of the Zoo:

2. Location of the Zoo and Area:

3. Date of establishment:

4. Name of controling authority/operator:

5. Total number of visitors to the Zoo during the last three years (Year wise)

6. Total number of days on which zoo is open to visitors during a calender year.

7. Number of animals exhibited by the zoo:

Stock position during the current financial year

Number of Stock Position Births Acquitions Deaths

Species Disposals Stock as on the date of
exhibited on the close of preceding application
8. Total number of enclosures:
(i) Open air moated encloures:
(ii) Closed cages/aviaries:

9. List of endangered species bred during last 3 years

10. Veterinary facilities
(a) Whole time veterinarian available or not:
(b) Facilities available in the Veterinary Hospital:
(a) Operation theatre /Surgical room
(b) X-ray facility
(c) Squeeze cages
(d) In-door patient ward
(e) Quarantine ward
(f) Dispensary
(g) Nursery for hand-rearing animal babies
(h) Pathological laboratory
(i) Tranquilising equipments./drugs
11. Whether the following facilities exist in the zoo:
i) Kitchen
ii) Food store
iii) Deep Freeze
iv) Potable water facility
v) Food distribution van/rickshaw etc.
12. Sanitary care and disease control:
Whether –
i) Pollution free water to nimals for drinkng is available ?
ii) Proper drainage system exists in enclosures ?
iii) Regular disposal of refuse material is done ?
iv) Programme for control of pests and predators exists ?
v) Preventive measures like deworming and vaccination are being provided ?
13. Amenities to visitors:
(a) Public facilities like toilets /bathrooms exist ?
(b) Sufficient number of drinking water taps available ?
(c) Visitor information centre and nature interpretation centre exist ?
(d) Zoo eduation facilities have been provided ?
(e) Public telephone booths are available ?
(f) Kiosks and restaurants are available at the zoo ?
14. Safety measures for visitors:
(a) Effective stand-of barriers have been provided around enclosures ?
(c) Adequate number of warning sign boards exist ?
(d) First-Aid measures are availabe ?
15. Budget of the Zoo for last 3 years
Revenue Grants Total expenditure
16. Annual Report, Guide books, Brochure or any other publication (copies enclosed)
17. Master plan of the Zoo (copy enclosed)

Signature of the Applicant




Name of the Species. Size of the cubicle/enclosures - in metres

length breadth height
FAMILY - Felidae:
Tiger and lions 2.75 1.8 3
Panther 2 1.5 2
Clouded leopard & snow 2 1.5 2
Small cats 1.8 1.5 1.5
FAMILY - Elephantidae
Elephant. 8 6 5.5
FAMILY - Rhinocerotidae
One-horned Indian 5 3 2.5
FAMILY - Cervidae
Brow antlered deer 3 2 2.5
Hangul 3 2 2.5
Swamp deer 3 2 2.5
Musk deer 2.5 1.5 2
Mouse deer 1.5 1 1.5
FAMILY - Bovidae
Nilgiri tahr 2.5 1.5 2
Chinkara 2.5 1.5 2
Four horned antelope 2.5 1.5 2
Wild Buffalo 3 1.5 2
Indian Bison 3 2 2.5
Yak 4 2 2.5
Bharal, goral, wild sheep 2.5 1.5 2
and markhor
FAMILY - Equidae
Wild Ass 4 2 2.5
FAMILY - Ursidae
All types of Indian bears. 2.5 1.8 2
FAMILY - Canidae
Jackal, wolf & wild dog 2 1.5 1.5
FAMILY - Vivirridae
Palm civet 2 1 1
Large Indian civet & 2 1.5 1
FAMILY - Mustellidae
Otters all types 2.5 1.5 1
Rate]/Hogbadger 2.5 1.5 1
Martens 2 1.5 1
FAMILY - Procyonidae
Red Panda 3 1.5 1
FAMILY - Lorisidae
Slow loris and slender loris 1 1 1.5
Monkeys and langurs. 2 1 1.5

(No. F. 6-3/91-WL.1)


Andaman and 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh 3 14 3 0 1 1 22
Arunachal Pradesh 3 0 0 0 1 0 4
Assam 1 0 0 0 3 0 4
Bihar 5 1 0 0 0 0 6
Delhi 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Goa 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Dadra and Nagar
Haveli (UT) 1 2 0 0 0 0 3
Gujarat 8 4 0 0 2 2 16
Haryana 5 2 0 0 1 0 8
Himachal Pradesh 4 1 2 0 3 0 10
Jammu & Kashmir 2 1 0 0 0 0 3
Karnataka 19 3 4 1 0 0 27
Kerala 3 1 1 1 2 0 8
Madhya Pradesh 5 0 0 0 1 1 7
Maharashtra 10 1 1 2 2 1 17
Manipur 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Meghalaya 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
Mizoram 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Nagaland 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Orissa 2 7 3 0 1 0 13
Pondicherry 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Punjab 5 3 1 0 0 0 9
Rajasthan 6 1 0 0 1 0 8
TamilNadu 8 1 0 1 1 2 13
Tripura 1 0 0 0 0 0 1
Sikkim 1 1 0 0 0 0 2
Uttar Pradesh 3 7 0 0 6 0 16
West Bengal 3 0 1 1 0 1 6
Total 107 *51 16 6 25 8 213

* The actual number could be much more but State-wise details are not available.
Extracts from the Export & Import Policy U April 1992-31 March 1997) as
application from 1.4.94 to 31.3.96

Chapter III

Para 7: Definitions
(2) “Act” means the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act 1992 (No. 22
of 199.2).
(24) “Manufacture” means to make, produce, fabricate, assemble, process or bring
into existenc, by hand or by machine, a new produce having a distinctive name,
character or use and shall include process such as refrigeration, repacking,
polishing labelling and segregation. Manufacture, for the purpose of this
Policy, shall also include agriculture_ aquacultures, animal husbary
floriculture, horticulture, pisciculture, poultry and sericullure.
(31) “Policy” means the Export & Import Policy 1992-97 as amended from time to

Chapter IV

Para 8. Exports & Imports free unless regulated

Exports and imports may be done freely, except to the extent they are regulated
by the provisions of this Policy or any other law for the time being in force.
Para 9. Form of Regulation
The Central Government may, in public interest, regulate the import or export
of goods by means of a Negative list of Imports or a Negative List of Exports,
as the case may be.
Para 10. Negative Lists
The Negative lists may consists of goods the import or export of which is
prohibited, restricted through licensing or otherwise, or canalised. The
Negative List of Imports and the Negative list of Exports shall be as contained
in this Policy.
Para 11. Prohibited goods
Prohibited goods shall not be imported or exported.
Para 16. Procedure
The Director General of Foreign Trade may, in any case or class of cases,
specify the procedure to be followed by an exporter or importer or by any
licensing, competent or the authority for the purpose of implementing the
provisions of the Act, the Rules and Orders made thereunder the this Policy.
Such procedures shall be included in the Handbook of Procedures and
published by means of a Public Notice. Such procedures may, in like manner,
be amended from time to time.
Chapter XV


3. Wild animals including their parts and products a ivory.



1. Animals, Import permitted against a licence to zoos and zoological parks, recognised
Birds & research institutions, circus companies, private individuals, on the
recommendation of
Reptiles the Chief Wildlife Warden of a State Government subject to the provisions of
(including Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna &
theirparts & Flora (CITES)

4. Plants, (a) Import of seeds of wheat, paddy coarse cereals, pulses, oilseeds and fodder
Fruits & sowing is permitted without a licence subject to fulfilment of the provisions of
the New
Seeds Policy on Seed Development 1988 and in accordance with a permit for import
granted under the Plants, Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of Import into
India) Order 1989.

(b) Import of seeds of vegetables flowers, fruits and plants, tubers and bulbs of
flowers, cutting, saplin& budwood etc.of flowers and fruits for sowing or
planting is permitted without a licence in accordance with a permit for import
granted under the plants, Fruits and Seeds (Regulation of Import into India)
Order 1989.

(c) Import of Seeds, fruits and plants for consumption or other purpose is
permitted against a licence or in accordance with Public Notice in this behalf.

(d) Import of plants, their products and derivatives shall also be subject to the
provisions of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fanua and Flora (CITES).


1. All forms of wild animals including their parts and products except Peacock tails
including handicrafts made thereof and manufactured Articles and Shavings of Shed
Antlers of Chital and Sambhar subject to condition as specified in Annexure to Public
Notice No. 15-ETC (N)/92/97 dated 31st March, 1993 issued by the Director General
of Foreign Trade and reproduced in the Handbook of Procedures. (Vol. 1)

2. Exotic Birds

3. All items of plants included in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade

in Endangered Species (CITES), wild orchids as well as plants as specified in Public
Notice No. 47 (PN)/92-97 dated 30th March, 1994 issued by the Director General of
Foreign Trade and reproduced in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1)

7. Wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, barks, chips,
powder, flakes, dust, pulp and charcoal except sawn timber made exclusively out of
imported teak logs/timber subject to conditions as specified in Annexures to Public
Notice No. 15-ETC (PN)-92/97 dated 31st March, 1993 issued by the Director
General of Foreign Trade and reproduced in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1)

9. Sandalwood.

10. Red Sanders wood in any form whether raw, processed or unprocessed as well as any
product made thereof.




8. Fur of domestic animals, excluding lamb fur skin.

10. Hides and skins, namely:

(i) Cuttings and fleshing of hides and skins used as raw materials for manufacture
of animal glue gelatine.

(ii) Raw hides and skins, all types excluding lamb fur skin.

(iii) All categories of semi-processed hides and skins including E.I. tanned and wet
blue hides and skins and crust leather.

(iv) clothing leather fur suede/hair, hair-on suede/shearing suede leathers.

(v) Fur leathers.

20. Seeds and planting materials namely:

Castor seeds, cotton seeds except such cotton seeds are of varieties hybrids of
other countries, grown under custom production; cashew seeds and plants;
Egyptial clover (Barseem) Trifloium alastum seeds, Fodder crop seeds; Green
manure seeds other than Dhanincha; guar seeds (whole); jute seeds; linseeds;
lucrene (alfalfa) medicago sative; mesta seeds; Nux vomica seeds
/bark/leave/roots and powder thereof; onion seeds, seeds of ornamental plants
(wild variety); paddy seeds (wild variety); pepper cuttings or rooted cuttings of
pepper; persian clover (snaftel trifolium, - resupinatum) seeds; red sanders’
seeds (Pterocarpus santalinus; rubber seeds; russa grass seeds and tufts; seeds
of all forestry species; seeds of all oilseeds and pulses; soyabean seeds;
sandalwod seeds (Santalum album); saffron seeds of corns (planting material
for saffron); wheat seeds (wild variety).

21. Sea shells, excluding polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of sea shells
of all species except those of the undermentioned species the export of which
shall not be allowed in any form.

i. Trochus niloticos

ii. Trubo species

iii Lambis species

iv. Tridacna gigas

v. Zancus pyrus

22. Sea weeds of all types including G. edulis but excluding brown sea weeds and
agarophytes of Tamil Nadu coast origin processed form.
PUBLIC NOTICE No. 47 (PN)/92-97

Note: Please see para 158 part I (3) of the policy.

Attention is invited to item no. 3, part I para 158 (Prohibited Items) of Chapter XVI
Negative List of Exports, of the Export and Import Policy, 1992-97 (revised Edition : march

2. The Director General of foreign Trade hereby porhibits the export of plants plant portions
and their derviatives and extracts obtained from the wild as under:

1. Aconitum species
2. Attropa species
3. Aristolochia species
4. Angiopteris species
5. Arundinaria Jaunsarensia.
6. Balanophora species
7. Colchisum luteum (Hirantutya).
8. Commiphora whight ii.
9. Coptis species
10. Drosera species
11. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru, Kutki).
12. Gloriasa superba.
13. Gnetum species
14. Iphignia indica.
15. Meconipsis betonicifolia.
16. Nardostachys species (Jatamansi)
17. Osmunda species
18. Rhododendron species
19. Physochlaina praealta (Bajarbang)
20. Praltia serpumlia
21. Rheum emodi (Dolu)
22. Berberis aristata (Indian barberry; Rasvat)
23. Acorus species
24. Artemisia species
25. Coscinium fenestratum (Calumba wood).
26. Costus speciousas (Kew, Kust).
27. Didymocarpus pedicellata.
28. Dolomiaea pedicellata
29. Ephedra species.
30. Gynocardia odorata (Chaulmogri).
31. Hydnocarpus species.
32. Hyoscymus niger (Broseword).
33. Strychnos potatorum (Nirmali).
34. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).
35. Urgines species.
36. Beddomes cycad (Cycas beddomei).
37. Blue vanda (Vandaeoerules).
38. Kuth (Saussurea lappa).
39. Ladies slipper orchid (Paphiopedilium species).
40. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).
41. Red vanda (Renenthera imschooiana).
42. Rauvolifia serpentina (Sarpagandha).
43. Ceropegia species.
44. Frerea indica (Shindal Mankundi).
45. Araucaria araucana (Monkey-puzzle tree).
46. Podophyllum hexandurm (emodi) Indian Podophyllum).
47. Cactacea species (Cactus).
48. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).
49. Cycadacea species (Cycads).
50. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s Foot).
51. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).
52. Aloe species (Aloes)
53. Orchidaceae species (Orchids)
54. Pterocarpus Santalinus (Red Sanders).
55. Taxus wallichiana (Common Yew of Birmi leaves).
56. Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood).

3. Plants and plant portions, derivatives and extracts (including value added herba
formulations) of the cultivated varieties of the species above (excluding serial no.54) will be
allowed for export subject to production of a certificate of cultivation from Regional Deputy
Director (Wildlife), or Chief conservator of Forests or Divisional Forest Officers of the state
concerned from where these plants and plant portions have been procured. However in respect of
cultivated varieties of the species covered by Appendix I (S.No. 36 to 41 of Paragraph 2 above)
and Appendix II (s. No. 42 to 56 of Paragraph 2 above) of CITES, a CITES Permit for export will
also be required.

4. Exports allowed only through six major ports viz. Bombay, Calcutta, Cochin, Delhi,
Madras, and Tuticorin.

5. This issue is public interest.

(Dr. P. L. Sajeev Reddy)
Director General of Foreign Trade

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