Branding 101: How To Write A Positioning Statement: Y Yyy Yyyy Yy Yy Yy Yyy Yyyyyyyyy Yyyyy Yy Yyyyyyyyyyy Y Y

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Your product is one among millions.

With so many products, why should a customer choose yours?
Positioning answers this question.

A product¶s ³position´ is the place it occupies in the customer¶s mind.

All products have a position²
even if it¶s the position of ³unfamiliar´ or ³irrelevant to me´ or ³not very good´.
Successful products are both relevant and highly ranked.
They stand out. They have a unique position.
The purpose of ³positioning´ is to create and articulate what makes your product unique.

A key step in positioning is writing a positioning statement.

Let¶s start with a template based on the classic positioning structure
used by Procter and Gamble:

Good positioning statements reflect good positioning.

So what is good positioning? Here are five traits:


Your positioning must be unique.

It must not already be owned by another company.

If you want to be the best but someone else is already the best,
you must find or make another space to own.
Imagine you¶ve created a new soft drink.
You want to position it as the number one soft drink in the world.
Unfortunately, Coca Cola already owns that position in the customer¶s mind.
Knocking Coca-Cola from that position is impossible.
Pepsi can¶t even do it.
So what do you do? Find an open space:
What do customers drink if they don¶t want cola? Hmmm.
Instead of being the leader of all soft drinks,
you position your new drink as the best alternative to all colas.
That¶s the story of 7up, the ³uncola´.

Another example:
It¶s 1984 and you¶ve invented a new computer.
You don¶t even try to knock IBM from its position as a leader in computers
for business people.
Instead, you reposition the IBM PC as the square, boring, and hard-to-use computer
for people who like accounting.
In contrast, you position your invention as an easy-to-use computer
for people who want to have fun.
Say hello to Macintosh.

Today, IBM doesn¶t make PCs anymore. Dell is now the leader.
But the Mac is still the easy-to-use, fun, and cool alternative to PCs.


If your positioning is too broad, the customer won¶t remember it.

If you¶re everything to everyone, then you¶re nothing to anyone.

Consider Levi¶s:
Levi¶s was once the leader in denim.
The brand started with just a few successful high-quality styles.
501s. 505s. 517s.
Now Levi¶s has a confusing array of products.
From cheap denim sold at JC Penney¶s to expensive high-end designer jeans sold in Japan.
It also sells shirts, skirts, hats, and scarves.
They make everything for everyone, but has lost all their meaning.

Is Levi¶s still the clear leader in denim? Nope.


Your budget will determine how narrow your positioning will be.
Can you afford to be the best in the world?
Then, how about just being the best in San Francisco?
That¶s how Craigslist started to become the best online classifieds in the world.


Good positioning is durable in the customer¶s mind.

But it must also be durable in the product owner¶s mind,

Once your brand owns a position in the customer¶s mind, you¶re stuck with it.

Did you know Xerox made a personal computer before Apple?

Did you know Starbucks sells sandwiches?
Did you know Kleenex makes paper towels?

No? That¶s because each brand already owns a specific position in your mind.

Xerox = Copiers
Starbucks = Coffee
Kleenex = Facial tissue

It¶s very difficult to change a position you own.

Xerox will never be known for computers, even if it makes them.
Starbucks will never be known for sandwiches, even if it makes them.
Kleenex will never be known for paper towels, even if it makes them.

So, make sure you can live with your positioning for a long time.

To be believable, your product must deliver on its positioning promise.

What if the first Macintosh was actually very boring and difficult to use?
Then positioning it as a computer for the fun person wouldn¶t be believable,
leaving an opportunity for others to own the open position.

Once you own the position, customers will be more forgiving,

but you must still deliver.

Today, the Mac has increased greatly in complexity.

It is harder to use that the original version.
Still, it is considered and believed to be ³easy-to-use´ and ³cool´,
Why? Because the alternatives are still harder to use and boring.

In addition to the above traits, design legend Ralph Caplan

recommends you answer the following three questions:

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Are you a manufacturer? A service provider? A retailer?

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Do you make computers? Do you fix computers? Do you sell computers?

Are you the best? Are you the fastest? Are you the cheapest?

Your company has a Mission Statement, and maybe a Vision Statement, but do you have a written Positioning
Statement? A Positioning Statement is a one to two sentence statement that conveys what you do for whom, to
uniquely solve an urgent need.



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1. Begin by reviewing your company's Mission and Vision Statements and keep these in mind throughout the
process. Your positioning statement should bring your vision to life.
2. Make a list of your audiences and prioritize them.
A. For each customer type, figure out what their urgent needs are. Don't assume you know what your
customers' needs and pains are. Get out and talk to customers to get an in-depth understanding of their
wants and their needs. Categorize the customer needs into three categories: Urgent, Important, and Useful.
4. Make a matrix with the Urgent and Important Needs of customers across the top. Down the side, make a list
of key features of your product/service. In each box where there's a match between a customer need and
what you offer, jot down how you solve that need.
5. Make a similar chart for each of your competitors. In addition, gather information from their website, printed
materials and other sources, how they are positioning themselves and what their key messages are. Write
this all down.
6. Now you have all the necessary information to identify your distinctive positioning. Using your company's
matrix, focus on how you meet the most urgent need, or top two if there's a close second. In solving those
needs, what do that is unique compared to the competition? Identify the one most compelling reason for
customers to do business with you. It's important to be focused.
7. Write a sentence that gives you a distinctive advantage, not just presents your value as a superlative claim.
Keep honing it until it's clear and feels right. Check it out with some customers for confirmation that it
conveys the compelling reason to do business with you.


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