Origami Hang Glider

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origami hang glider

Shortcut to the 2-4-1 Origami Hang Glider Pattern (PDF) If you cannot print PDF, try this GIF, but you will likely have to fiddle to get the size right.

Note: The 241 was the first design my students tested. This early design is very persnickity even with me there to help.Now we are putting the finishing touches on a design that is
simpler to make and easier to adjust. It seems to be more stable in flight. I hope to have instructions for this better design by the end of June, 2010. Thanks for your patience. SH

Yikes! You are surfing a paper airplane on an invisible wave of air that you create with a piece of cardboard. With
practice you learn how to levitate the origami hang glider using only your hands to create the wave.

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 1 Here are some still shots from the introductory video. If you
would rather start walkalong gliding with an easier to build project, go here to the tumblewing instead.

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 2 Here are some still shots from Part 2, the construction video.

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origami hang glider

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 3 Here are some still shots from Part 3, more construction.

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 4 Here are some still shots from Part 4, adjusting and flying

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origami hang glider

If YouTube is blocked at your school, try this SchoolTube equivalent link Part 5 Here are some still shots from Part 5, flying with only your hands

Here is a video that shows how our origami hand glider flies using the same principle as big hang gliders

Here is the SchoolTube equivalent

Here is a video about the Walkalong Glider History and New Directions. Here is some text explanation for the images.

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origami hang glider

Here is the SchoolTube equivalent

Please give me feedback about whether SchoolTube works where YouTube Contact me

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