Clarinet Warm-Ups - Kelly Burke

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Clarinet ella emiyrorary Clann my By TONE oT © Copyright 1995 Dorn Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Made In USA International Copyright Secured DORN PUBLICATIONS, INC. Post Office Box 206 ‘ Medfield, Massachusetts 02052 USA CHAPTER THREE Playing Warm-Ups As with the pre-playing warm-ups, the playing warm-ups must be approached in a logical manner that gradually works the larger muscle groups and then the small groups. The biggest mistake a player can make is to play too fast, too soon. For instance, most clarinetists have a favorite "lick" they play as soon as they get the reed on which usually consists of a few articulated tones and then some blazing fast scales. It is much more valuable to have a consistent set of playing exercises that are executed on a daily basis. These exercises should warm up the clarinetist for all the demands of performance, Each player should develop a routine that works well for him. Most clarinetists will find that their playing is much more consistent and reliable if the routine covers all the fundamentals of clarinet playing and the routine is performed every day. An added benefit of a logi- cal "Daily Routine’ is increased endurance. The playing examples pre- sented in this chapter are intended to serve as a starting point for clarinet- ists to develop their own daily routine. The basic exercises include: *Tone & Intonation Studies *Register Flexibility *Basic Finger Motions over the breal/left- & right-hand studies Articulation *Extended Scale & Chord Patterns Chromatic Patterns “Intervals A final component of a daily routine, special exercises that may be added to help meet the demands of a particular performance, will be covered in Chapter Four. Suggested tempo markings and instructions for completing each exercise are provided. A metronome should be used at all times to make sure the tempo is accurate, even, and, especially, not too fast. 18 Clarinet Warm-Ups LONG TONES AND SOUND STUDIES Playing long tones is a dreaded task for most young players, although it is quite valuable. Not only does it provide the opportunity to concentrate specifically on the physical demands of the embouchure, but it allows for careful listening to tone quality. It is too easy to be distracted from focusing on the tone when fingers are involved, so the basic long tone remains a staple. Each of the exercises in this section should be performed very slowly. The provided metronome markings are suggested tempos and may be adjusted faster or slower to suit the individual player. The goal is to use all of the available air for each set in the exercise. While performing each of these exercises, it is important to focus on the areas that are being warmed up. Breathing should be deep and full with good control of the air flow. The embouchure can be checked periodically in a mirror, with atten- tion being paid to form and relaxation. Long tones are a good opportunity to work on new fingerings and hand position, as well as a chance to work. with a tuner for intonation. Most importantly, attention should be paid to the tone quality, which should be clear, focused and consistent throughout all registers. Long Tone Study #1 consists of long tones combined with registral unity and dynamic control. It is a very useful exercise for endurance and expanding the dynamic range, although because of the physical demands, only a few sets should be performed each day. Listen specifically for tone quality and pitch at the various dynamic levels with control of a gradual crescendo and decrescendo. dig LONG TONE STUDY #1 2 - > pe. w= we r= ph? = simile to so Clarinet Warm-Ups 19

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