Metro Train

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Metro Train



Table of Contents
1 Introduction 06
2 History 09

3 Importance Of Transport 13
4 Importance Of Metro Train In The Country 14
5 Importance Of Metro Train In Country 17
6 Advantage And Disadvantage Of Metro Train 19
7 Information About Mumbai Metro Train 22
8 Comparison Between Kolkata And Delhi Metro Train 40

9 Problem Of Metro Train In The Country. 43

10 Recommendation For Metro Train’s Problem 45

11 Marketing Mix 46
12 Future Of Metro Train In The Country 59
13 Conclusion 63
14 Bibliography 64



As cities grow in size, the number of vehicular trips on road system

goes up. This necessitates a pragmatic policy shift to discourage private
modes and encourage public transport once the level of traffic along any
travel corridor in one direction exceeds 20,000 persons per hour.

Introduction of a rail based (MRTS) Mass Rapid Transit System is

called for. Mass Rapid Transit Systems are capital intensive and have long
gestation period. It has been observed that in developed countries, planning
for mass transit system starts when city population size exceeds 1 million; the
system is in position by the time the city population is 2 to 3 million and once
the population exceeds 4 million or so, planned extensions to the Mass Rapid
Transit Systems is vigorously taken up. In developing countries including
India, because of paucity of funds planning and implementation of rail based
Mass Rapid Transit Systems has been lagging far behind the requirements.

The Government of Maharashtra (GOM) through MMRDA, in order to

improve the traffic and transportation scenario in Mumbai and to cater to the
future travel needs in the next 2-3 decades has been exploring the viability of
various alternative Mass Transit systems which are efficient, economically
viable, environment friendly etc.

Metro train has high-capacity, fast mode, environment-friendly,

financially viable and economical, attractive to the commuters .it also
Carries same amount of traffic as 6 lane bus or 26 lane Private cars (Either
way)and Reliable, Comfortable and Safe mode. It Reduces time by 50-75% as
compared to road , No Air pollution and less noise levels ,Energy efficient;


Consumes 1/5th Energy per road passenger km. Occupies no road space if
underground and only about 2m width of road if elevated.

Main objective is to provide a rail based mass transit connectivity to people

within an approach distance of 1 to 2 K.m ; to serve the areas not

connected by existing Suburban Rail System; no. of stations 12, platform

length is 135m

Indian Railways suburban rail network in Mumbai carries the major chunk of
passenger traffic. The passenger traffic handled by the suburban rail network
is estimated to be 6 million passengers per day out of 11 million passengers
who travel by other public transport systems. The suburban train carries more
than 4500 passengers against the capacity of 1750 passengers. As the capacity
has increased by 2.3 times compared to the traffic increase of 6 times. As the
suburban rail caters to the north-south region of Mumbai, east-west
connectivity is found to be wanting at all times, as road transport segment is
not in a position to meet the requirement of the passenger traffic.


Government initiatives
As a step forward Government of Maharashtra (GoM) through
MMRDA explored various options to solve the transportation
riddle and in this regard appointed TEWET in association with
DE-Consult & TCS to conduct a detailed feasibility study
during 1997-2000. The study recommended a mass transit
corridor from Andheri to Ghatkopar. Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (DMRC) was appointed as consultant by MMRDA,
who prepared the master plan for Mumbai metro, wherein
they had recommended extending Andheri-Ghatkopar section
to Versova as part of the master plan and identified it as
priority corridor for implementation. The GoM declared the
project as 'public vital infrastructure project' and designated
MMRDA as Project Implementation Agency (PIA).



The Kolkata Metro or Calcutta Metro is the underground rail network in

Kolkata (Calcutta), India. It is considered to have the status of a zonal railway
. It is run by the Indian Railways. It was the first underground railway to be
built in India, with operations starting in 1984; the New Delhi Metro, which
opened in 2002, is the second.The line runs from Dum Dum in the north and
continues south through Park Street, Esplanade in the heart of the city till the
southern end to Kavi Nazrul
The burgeoning transport problem of Kolkata drew the attention of the city
planners, the State Government and also the Government of India. It was soon
realised that something had to be done and done quickly to cope with the
situation. Bidhan Chandra Roy, at that time the Chief Minister of West
Bengal, first conceived the idea in 1949 of building an Underground Railway
for Kolkata to solve the problems to some extent. A survey was done by a
team of French experts without any concrete results. Efforts to solve the
problem by augmenting the existing fleet of public transport vehicles barely
touched the fringe of the problem as the roads account for only 4.2% of the
surface area in Calcutta, compared to 25% in Delhi and even 30% in other.
With a view to finding an alternative solution, the Metropolitan Transport
Project (Rlys) (i.e., Railways) was set up in 1969.

After detailed studies, the MTP (Rlys) came to the conclusion that there was
no other alternative but to construct a Mass Rapid Transit System. The MTP
(Rlys) had prepared a Master Plan in 1971 envisaging construction of five
rapid-transit lines for the city of Kolkata, totalling a route length of 97.5 km.
Of these, the highest priority was given to the busy North-South axis between
Dum Dum and Tollygunge over a length of 16.45 km, and the work on this
project was sanctioned on June 1, 1972.

The foundation stone of the project was laid by Smt. Indira Gandhi, the then
Prime Minister of India, on December 29, 1972, and the construction work
started in 1997.While extensive technical studies and search for financing the
project were in progress, the city expanded significantly resulting in a two-
fold rise in population and a fivefold rise in the number of vehicles between
1981 and 1998.Consequently, traffic congestion and pollution soared, as an
increasing number of commuters took to private vehicles with the existing bus


system unable to bear the load.[5] An attempt at privatizing the bus transport
system in 1992 merely compounded the problem, with inexperienced
operators plying poorly maintained, noisy and polluting buses on lengthy
routes, resulting in long waiting times, unreliable service, extreme
overcrowding, unqualified drivers, speeding and reckless driving.[7] To rectify
the situation, the Government of India and the Government of Delhi jointly
set up a company called the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on March
5, 1995.

Physical construction work on the Delhi Metro started on October 1, 1998.

After the previous problems experienced by the Calcutta Metro, which was
badly delayed and 12 times over budget due to "political meddling, technical
problems and bureaucratic delays", the DMRC was given full powers to hire
people, decide on tenders and control funds.

As a result, construction proceeded smoothly, except from one major

disagreement in 2000, where the Ministry of Railways forced the system to
use broad gauge despite the DMRC's preference for standard gauge. The first
line opened on December 24, 2002 and the entire Phase I of the project was
completed in December 2005, on budget and almost three years ahead of
schedule, an achievement described as "nothing short of a miracle".

Dr. E. Sreedharan, the Managing Director of the Metro during the Phase I
construction, was declared "Indian of the Year for 2007" by CNN-IBN news

The Government of Maharashtra (GOM) through MMRDA, in order to

improve the traffic and transportation scenario in Mumbai and to cater to the
future travel needs in the next 2-3 decades has been exploring the viability of
various alternative Mass Transit systems which are efficient, economically
viable, environment friendly etc. In this context, a detailed feasibility study
was carried out under the Indo-German Technical Co-operation by entrusting
the consultancy work to TEWET in association with DE-Consult & TCS,
during 1997-2000.

The study recommended a mass transit corridor from Andheri to Ghatkopar as

potentially bankable and economically viable, after examining a number of
alternative corridors and alignments. This study was updated by MMRDA in
May 2004. In the mean time, DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) prepared
the master plan for Mumbai metro, wherein they have recommended to

extend Andheri-Ghatkopar section to Versova as part of the master plan and

identified as priority corridor for implementation. The GOM declared the
project as ‘public vital infrastructure project’ and designated MMRDA as
Project Implementation Agency (PIA). This is the first MRTS project in India
being implemented on Public Private Partnership (PPP) format.

Present traffic scenario


 11 million people travel daily by Public Transport. (Rail-

48% , Bus- 44% & Private Vehicles - 8% ).

 Inadequate road network is slowing down the traffic

causing chronic road congestion & Environmental

 Suburban rail traffic increased by 6 times while the

capacity increased by only 2.3 times.

 4500 passengers travel per train against the carrying

capacity of 1750 resulting an unbearable overcrowding.

 Vehicular growth Increased from 61,000 to over 1.02

Million in the last four decades



MRTS has high-capacity, fast, environment-friendly,

financially viable and attractive to the commuters and

 Existing suburban systems under extreme pressure

 Existing bus system’s role limited to providing feeder

services to railways.

 Bus system alone cannot meet the future demand

 Constraints to expand the existing road network


 The Road & Rail improvements not adequate for future


 Many pockets in Island city and suburbs not served by

rail based mass system

 Environmental deterioration due to growth in road traffic



Transportation contributes to the economic, industrial, social

and cultural development of any country. Transportation
is vital for the economic development of any region
since every commodity produced whether it is food ,
clothing, industrial products or medicine needs transport
at production and distribution stages. In the production
stage, transportation is required stages. In the
distribution stage, transportation is required from the
production centres viz: farms and factories to the
marketing centres for distribution to every household.
The inadequate transportation facilities act as an
inhibiting factor in the process of socio –economic
development of the country. The adequacy of
transportation system of a country indicates its
economic and

Transport helps in generating employment. A major part
of employment avenues are opened to millions of people
with post of driver, T.C, ticket distributer and people
engaged in operational and administrative work.

Facilitate movement from one place to another

With the use of this modern mode of transport people are

essay to travel everywhere.


Utilization of land

Transport helps in increasing the value of land. It ensure

effective utilization of inaccessible places such as
forests, deserts, hills, valley etc. as soon as roads are


The growth of industries is stimulated because of transport

and this leads to transformation in industrial economy of
the country.


The consumption of good and services is scattered. Today

people consume goods which are produced in different
parts of the world. Modern means of transportation has
created demand for various good world-wide.

Though perishable items like milk and vegetables are

produced in rural areas they are consumed in various



Transport entitles people to migrate from one place to

another in search of jobs and more remunerative

It also helps in creating opportunities for the investment of

capital in different parts of the country.

Regional specialization

Regional specialization leads to surplus production of goods.

These surplus goods are transported to scarcity bound areas
and goods of self requirement are brought from outside.


Transformation of agriculture from subsistence farming to

commercial farming is possible because of modern means of
transport. Aeroplanes help in the aerial spraying of
insecticides so as to protects standing crops.



It is quick, safe and reliable mode of transport.

Increasing development and growth of country people are

conscious about time i.e they want quick service in transport
e.g delay in rainy season and unforeseen events happened so
there is ineffective time management also effect on customer
in case of railway and buses. So MRTC is best in this case to
provide better service.

Reduce the pressure on the mode of rail and road


In country 11 million people travel daily by public transport

(rail-48%, buses 44% & private vehicles-8%) so there is so
much rush on this mode because commuter have no other
option who go to office, college & school student and other

Help to reduce the traffic.

Each train have good capacity to carry the passenger and in

station will have capacity to accommodate six coaches. A


passenger carrying capacity of over six lakh per day resulting

into reduction of road traffic.

It also ecofriendly mode of transport.

It is totally depend on electricity so that is no chance of

creating poisonous gases here by burnig fosil fule

It gives prompt service to the passenger.

It is fastest mode of transport than rail and road. It Is so fast

comparatively so people chose this mode today to travel in
delhi and Kolkata.

It helps to economy.

Of course any business which is done in country helps to

economy of that country because they create profit there by
doing their business so there is good improvement in

It helps to attracte tourist.

It also helps to attract tourist. In holiday and summer vacation

people prefer to tour in outside and other side of country to
release from monotonous work burden. For enjoy they can
attracte the customer.

It help to increase country’s value.


When any new thing comes for country there is increasing

country’s value i.e country’s passenger transport system is
improving in country and reducing country drawback there
also in people mind that people also get perception about the
image of country so giving this type of service to people are
satisfied and they feeling pleasure.


1) Carries same amount of traffic as 6 lane bus or 26 lane

Private cars

2) Reliable, Comfortable and Safe mode of transport

3) Reduces time by 50-75% as compared to road

4) No Air pollution and less noise levels

5) Energy efficient; Consumes 1/5th Energy per road

passenger km.


6) Occupies no road space if underground and only about

2m width of road if elevated


Private and public transport business is disturb.

Due to this speedy and high passenger capacity of metro

train creating problem to private & public transport because
customer preferred to used this mode and this reduced
customer that time for that type of transporter.

Pollution problem while construction time

When the metro’s construction work was continuing in India

that time pollution problem is created and people are
suffering this problem. In India already have the problem of

Trees and forest are cut


For metro’s construction work and space for route there was
lot of need of space. There had been cut tree in high

Shopkeeper and other household people are

suffering problem.
Due to metro’s construction work shopkeeper and hetel
owner are suffered problem on their business because they
are around the metro train’s plan.

It cannot give door to door transport service

This is only facilitating the station to station service. It cannot

give door to door facility as per buses & private & public
mode give.

Problem to household people

Problem was created to household people when construction

was going on. While digging the road for foundation of
metro’s pilar problem created for building foundation and
there was chances of collapse the building.

Traffic problem created while construction time.

Metro create problem over traffic while construction time.

Due to construction work of metro the lot of space is covered


by metro train and create problem for over traffic & over
crowed of people in the road.


THE much-debated, much-discussed and much-anticipated

Mumbai Metro might just come through.
The managing director of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation,
presented details of the first phase of the project to Chief
Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh.
The presentation was very good and we have given it the go-
ahead,’’ Deshmukh ‘‘The Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority (MMRDA) is keen on implementing the
project. Eleven of the 36 fully air-
conditioned stations will be underground. Initially, four-car,
air-conditioned trains that can accommodate 1,500
passengers will run on the line—one train every four minutes.
The cost will be shared by the Central and state governments.

Greater Mumbai, the financial capital of India is the heart of

commercial and trade activities of the country. Mumbai has


always had the distinction and advantage of a high modal

share (88%) in favor of a public mass transport system. The
role of existing Suburban Rail Services is extremely important
in the life of people of Greater Mumbai. The system carries
about 6 million passengers every day.

The BEST provides feeder services to the many station going

passengers, to complete their journey. Due to the city’s
geographical constraint, the road and rail infrastructure
development could not keep the pace with the growing
demand for last 4-5 decades.

Indian Railways suburban rail network in Mumbai carries the

major chunk of passenger traffic. The passenger traffic
handled by the suburban rail network is estimated to be 6
million passengers per day out of 11 million passengers who
travel by other public transport systems. The suburban train
carries more than 4500 passengers against the capacity of
1750 passengers. As the capacity has increased by 2.3 times
compared to the traffic increase of 6 times.

As the suburban rail caters to the north-south region of

Mumbai, east-west connectivity is found to be wanting at all
times, as road transport segment is not in a position to meet
the requirement of the passenger traffic.

Government initiatives
As a step forward Government of Maharashtra (GoM) through
MMRDA explored various options to solve the transportation
riddle and in this regard appointed TEWET in association with
DE-Consult & TCS to conduct a detailed feasibility study
during 1997-2000. The study recommended a mass transit
corridor from Andheri to Ghatkopar. Delhi Metro Rail
Corporation (DMRC) was appointed as consultant by MMRDA,
who prepared the master plan for Mumbai metro, wherein
they had recommended extending Andheri-Ghatkopar section
to Versova as part of the master plan and identified it as
priority corridor for implementation. The GoM declared the


project as 'public vital infrastructure project' and designated

MMRDA as Project Implementation Agency (PIA).

Present traffic scenario

• 11 million people travel daily by Public Transport. (Rail-

48% , Bus- 44% & Private Vehicles - 8% ).
• Inadequate road network is slowing down the traffic
causing chronic road congestion & Environmental
• Suburban rail traffic increased by 6 times while the
capacity increased by only 2.3 times.
• 4500 passengers travel per train against the carrying
capacity of 1750 resulting an unbearable overcrowding.

Vehicular growth Increased from 61,000 to over 1.02 Million

in the last four decades



Mumbai Metro One Private Limited is a Special Purpose

Vehicle (SPV) incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 to
implement the Versova- Andheri- Ghatkopar (VAG) Metro
corridor in Mumbai. It is a Joint Venture Company formed by
Reliance Energy Limited, a Reliance ADA Group Company,
Veolia Transport, France and Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Development Authority (MMRDA).

Veolia transport (erstwhile Connex) is one of the project
partner and holds five per cent equity stake in the SPV
created to build the Versova-Andheri-Ghatkopar corridor.
Veolia transport is also the O&M partners and will run the
operations for five years after completion of the project.

Project cost

The Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar route of the Metro Project

is being built at a total cost of Rs. 2,356 crores with a Viability
Gap Fund of Rs. 650 crore being provided by the government.
The state has not received the viability gap fund (VGP) of Rs
650 crore from Centre for the project and as such the MMRDA
may have to bear the cost.

Project Inception

The Government of Maharashtra (GOM) through MMRDA, in

order to improve the traffic and transportation scenario in


Mumbai and to cater to the future travel needs in the next 2-3
decades has been exploring the viability of various alternative
Mass Transit systems which are efficient, economically viable,
environment friendly etc. In this context, a detailed feasibility
study was carried out under the Indo-German Technical Co-
operation by entrusting the consultancy work to TEWET in
association with DE-Consult & TCS, during 1997-2000.

The study recommended a mass transit corridor from Andheri

to Ghatkopar as potentially bankable and economically viable,
after examining a number of alternative corridors and
alignments. This study was updated by MMRDA in May 2004.
In the mean time, DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation)
prepared the master plan for Mumbai metro, wherein they
have recommended to extend Andheri-Ghatkopar section to
Versova as part of the master plan and identified as priority
corridor for implementation. The GOM declared the project as
‘public vital infrastructure project’ and designated MMRDA as
Project Implementation Agency (PIA). This is the first MRTS
project in India being implemented on Public Private
Partnership (PPP) format.

Mumbai Metro Master Plan Statistics

Main objective is to provide a rail based mass transit

connectivity to people within an approach distance of 1 to 2
K.m ; to serve the areas not connected by existing Suburban
Rail System;

To provide proper interchange facilities for connectivity to

neighbouring areas like Thane, Navi Mumbai, Vasai – Virar


Phase I (2006 – 2011)

Versova - Andheri –
- 11.07 Km

Colaba - Bandra –
- 38.24 Km

Bandra - Kurla –
- 13.37 Km

Total - 62.68 Km

Phase II (2011 – 2016)

Charkop - Dahisar - 7.5 Km

Ghatkopar – Mulund - 12.4 Km

Phase III ( 2016 – 2021)

BKC - Kanjur Marg via

- 19.5 Km

Andheri(E) - Dahisar(E) - 18 Km

Hutatma Chowk –
- 21.8 Km

Sewri – Prabhadevi - 3.5 Km


Total Length 146.5 km

Rs 19,525
Total Cost

Project details and benefits

Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority

(MMRDA) has planned a 146 kilometer long; rail based Mass
Rapid Transit System (MRTS) for Mumbai. The first corridor of
this project is proposed for Versova-Andheri- Ghatkopar (VAG)
Section, comprising 12 stations. The proposed stations are
Versova, D N Nagar, Azad Nagar, Andheri, WEH, Chakala,
Airport Road, Marol, Saki Naka, Subhash Nagar, Asalpha and
Ghatkopar. An elevated way structure will be constructed on

the median of the road. The stations on the complete route

would be elevated; approach for the same would be from the
pavement. The frequency of the trains would initially be 3.5
minutes, which would be further increased over a period of
time. Mumbai Metro project proposes to have ultra modern
coaches with high level of safety levels. Each train will have
four coaches, but the stations will have the capacity to
accommodate six coaches. User friendly elevated stations
and fully accessible to physically challenged people through
provision of special lifts will be the hallmark of this project.

Project will provide east to west connectivity, which can

ease out traffic congestion to a great extent and reduce the
travel time from existing 90 minutes to 21 minutes. It is
estimated that VAG corridor will have a passenger carrying
capacity of over six lakh per day initially resulting into
reduction of road traffic, ultimately leading to reduction in
noise and air pollution along the VAG route. Use of latest
technology in construction will ensure proper dust control and
minimum noise pollution at the time of construction

Fare Structure

Economical fare structure is proposed for the Metro project

starting at Rs 6 upto 3 kms and Rs 10 beyond 8 kms at 2003-
04 levels. Government of Maharashtra shall fix fares, through

Mumbai Metro Rail Pr

Total Passenger Boarding


Year Daily Rider ship Hourly Rider ship

2009 4,75,046 38004

2011 5,13,338 41067

2021 6,64,703 53176

2031 8,82,533 70603

Mumbai Metro Rail Project

Versova –Andheri –Ghatkopar Corridor

Project Implementation

The Project will be implemented on Build Own

Operate Transfer (BOOT) basis through Public Private
Partnership (PPP) . A Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)
will be formed by MMRDA & Mumbai Metro- one
consortium led by M/s Reliance Energy.

Project Cost Rs 2,356 cr


Capital Contribution Rs 650 cr

Debt Equity Ratio 70:30

Construction Period 2009-10

Commencement of Operations 2009-10


Technical Details

Salient Features of Passenger Security and

System Technology Information System

• Traction - 25 Kv Ac The passenger security and

OHE information system would manage
• Cab signaling with the MRTS passenger related
Automatic Train functions.
• Rolling Stock with all Operation Control Centre (OCC)
advanced features
• Train control With • To supervise the passenger
Driver areas and trains,
• Ticketing system - • To provide visual information
Automatic Collection to passengers and at stations.
• Train Composition – • To provide one way
Four/Six Coaches communication from
• No. of Classes - Single Operation Control Centre to
Class the passengers at stations
• Environment - Air through Public Announcement
Conditioned (PA) system.
• Max. Speed - 80 kmph
• Average Speed - 33
• Acceleration - 1.0


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