Product Classification: - Products, by Definition Include - Product Should Be Considered As

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• Products, by definition include

services and tangible goods.
• Product should be considered as
bundle of utilities consisting of
various features of goods and
• When a consumer buys a dress from a
garment shop, he buys not only the
product but also the services of the
shop, i.e., services of sales man,
delivery service, the privilege of
returning the product if not satisfied.
• It means in the marketing of a product,
we see a bundle of services. A good is
generally a tangible product and its
associated services.
There are two types of goods viz.,
Consumer goods and producers goods.

• The consumer goods are classified into

Convenience goods :these are the
goods that a consumer usually
purchase frequently, immediately and
with minimum effort.
These are further divided into staples,
impulse goods and emergency goods
Staples are goods that consumers
purchase on regular basis. (Tooth paste)
Impulse goods are purchased on impulse,
without any planning or search effort.
These goods are usually displayed widely.
Shoppers may not have thought of buying
them until they spot them. (candy bars,
magazines are placed in check out
counters )
Emergency goods are purchased when
a need is urgent.
Manufactures of emergency goods
place them in many outlets so as to
capture the sale when the customers
need them. (umbrellas during rainy
Shopping goods: are the goods that
the customer, in the process of
selection and
purchase,characteristically compare
on such bases as suitability, quality,
price, and style.
( Furniture,clothing,used cars,major
Specialty goods: are goods with unique
characteristics and/or brand identification
for which a significant group of buyers is
habitually willing to make a special
purchasing effort. (specific brands and
types of fancy goods, cars, stereo
components, photographic equipment,
and men’s suits)
Durable goods like tools, machines,
clothing etc., are tangible goods that
normally survive many uses.
These goods require more personal selling
and service.
 Command higher margin and require
more guarantees.( tools, machines)
• Non-durable goods are also tangible goods
but are normally consumed in a single or
few uses. The marketing strategy for these
goods is to make them available in many
places, charge a small mark-up and
advertise heavily. (tooth pastes, salt)
Services are intangible goods .
These require more quality control,
supplier credibility and adaptability

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