An Angelic Dictionary

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An Angelic Dictionary - A to E

A'albiel - An Angel in service to the Archangel Michael.
Abariel - An Angel invoked in ceremonial magic. His named is also found
inscribed on the second pentacle of the Moon.
Abel - Souls arrive in Heaven and are judged by Abel. He is one of 12 Powers
with this task. He is an Angel of the Fourth Heaven, ruling on the Lord's Day. He
must be invoked from the East. (See Abraham 13:11)
Achaiah - He is one of the Seraphim, the Angel of patience and discoverer of
the secrets of nature. In the New Testament Achaiah is a Roman Province. Paul
visited the churches in that region. (Acts 18:12, 27).
Adnachiel - This Angel holds dominion over the sun sign Sagittarius. Those who
were born under this sign can pray to Adnachiel for special protection and
blessings. We can all pray to this shining one for the spirit gifts of independence,
honesty and gregariousness.
Af Bri - An Angel who exercises control over rain.
Afriel - Traditional Angelic lore informs us that this being of light safeguards
young life, and is also considered to be protective of that which is youthful and
tenderly growing within each of us, no matter how old we actually are. Afriel is
believed to grant youth, vigour and vitality and is prayed to for these gifts and
Aftiel - The Angel of twilight.
Aha - An Angel of the Order of Dominations, a spirit of Fire called upon in
cabalistic magical operations.
Ahadiel - An Angelic enforcer of the law.
Akatriel (Akrasiel) - Revealer of the Divine mysteries and Angel of
Alimon - A great Prince who, when invoked, protects the invocant from gunshot
wounds and from sharp instruments. His aids are the Angels Reivtip and Tafthi.
Amatiel - Holds dominion over the season of Spring. We appeal to this renewing
Angel to plant the seeds of hope, rebirth, new beginnings and positive
expectations in our hearts and minds.
Ambriel - This Angel inspires clear communication so that we may better speak
our own truth, while gently guiding human beings toward a time when truth and
clarity will be the universal norm. Ambriel is also considered to be an Angel of
general protection. Ambriel presides over the month of May and the Sun sign of
Gemini: those born under this sign pray to Ambriel for special blessings and
Anael - One of the 7 Angels of creation. Prince of the Archangels and Ruler of
the Friday Angels. Anael exercises dominion over the planet Venus. He is one of
the luminaries concerned with human sexuality and is governor of the Second
Heaven, where he is in charge of prayer ascending from the First Heaven. In
addition he controls kingdoms and kings on Earth, and has dominion over the
Anafiel - Chief of the Crown Judgement Angels of the Merkabah.
Anfial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the Celestial Halls.
Angels Of Childbirth - There are 70 amulet Angels invoked at childbirth.
Angels of the Mansions of the Moon - There are 28 Angels ruling the 28
Mansions of the Moon.
Angels Of Prayer - The seven Angels who convey the prayers of the saints to
God: Akatriel, Gabriel, Metatron, Raphael, Sandalphon, Sizouse and Michael.
Angels of the Rain - Matriel, Matarel, Matariel, Ridya and Zalbesal.
Angels of Sunday - Sunday is influenced by the Sun. Michael is the primary
Angel of Sunday, but each hour of this day also has its' secondary Angel. These
Angels are, beginning with the 1st hour (i.e. Sunrise)- Michael, Anael, Raphael,
Gabriel, Cassiel, Sachiel, Samael, Michael, Anael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Cassiel.
Some Angels do double duty on this day!
Angels of the Wind - Moriel, Ruhiel, Ben Nez and Rujiel.
Angels Of Winter – Ctarari (or Certari)and Amabael. The head Angel is Altrib or
Angerecton - An Angel invoked in magical rites, specifically in the invocation of
Aniel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the gates of the West Wind.
Anitor - A high holy Angel, invoked in magical rites after proper investiture by
the invocant.
Anixiel - One of the 28 Angels governing the 28 mansions of the Moon.
Anthriel - An Angel of balance and harmony. We appeal to Anthriel to help us
stay on an even keel, to lead our lives with moderation. Anthriel helps us stay
calm at all times. Those who become easily off-centred and filled with anxiety
may pray to Anthriel for balance.
Aquariel - This perfect being opens the doors of perception to mortals who pray
to him. Aquariel inspires human kind with transcendent and cosmic
understanding so that we may evolve spiritually.
Arariel (Azareel, Uzziel) – A curer of stupidity and one of the 7 Angels with
dominion over the Earth. Arariel is specifically an Angel who presides over the
waters of the Earth (according to the Talmudists). He is invoked by fishermen so
that they may, with luck, catch big fish.
Arbatel - A "revealing" Angel. Archer - A governing spirit of the sign Aquarius.
Archons(Rulers) - Angels set over nations and identified or equated with
Aeons. Archons are primordial planetary spirits. The main Archons are: Uriel,
Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Shauil and Cassiel.
Ardouisur (Ardousisus) - A female Cherub. Among her attributes are making
females prolific and giving them easy childbirth, also supplying them with breast
milk. She is sometimes called "the giver of living water". She is also believed to
help and protect during childbirth and to inspire breast milk to flow. Pray to her
for nurturing love.
Arel - An Angel of Fire. His name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of the
Sun. He can also be invoked in ritual magic.
Arella - Hebrew: Angel, messenger. Arias - Angel of sweet smelling herbs.
Ariel/Ariella - Hebrew: Lioness of God; an Angel of Air or Water.
Assasiel - Angel of Thursday, who shares his rule with Sachiel and Cassiel.
Assasiel is also one of the presiding spirits of the planet Jupiter.
Ashriel - One of the 7 Angels with dominion over the Earth. He is the Angel that
separates the soul from the body at the time of death. He can also be invoked to
cure stupidity.
Assiel – an Angel of healing.
Ataphiel - An Angel who supports Heaven with 3 fingers.
Atel - An Angel of the Fourth Heaven. Also an Angel of the Air ruling on the
Lord's day evoked from the East.
Athanatos - A conjuring spirit of the planet Mercury. Name of the god used to
discover hidden treasure. Attarib - One of the 4 Angels of winter and head of the
sign of winter.
Atuesuel - One of 8 Angels of omnipotence. He is invoked to "smoke out the
monsters of hell."
Auriel (Light of God) - One of 72 Angels of 72 quinaries of degrees of the
zodiac. Invoked in conjuration of the sword.
Ayib - A spirit of the planet Venus whose name is inscribed on the fourth
pentacle of that planet.
Aymelek - Turkish: Moon Angel.
Azbuga(h) - One of the 8 great throne Angels of Judgement who clothes with
the garment of righteousness those deemed worthy among the new arrivals in
Azer - Angel of the element Fire.
Azrael - The Angel of Death who is "forever writing in a large book and forever
erasing what he writes: what he writes is the birth of man, what he erases is the
name of the man at death."

Baal - A deity that was worshipped regularly throughout much of the ancient
Near East, particularly by the Canaanites. The name is derived from the Semitic
word meaning "possessor" or "lord" and was used as a common noun with many
applications; over time, however, Baal was adopted as the chief fertility god, a
master of the world, and the lord of rain, whose benevolence in supplying
moisture was essential to the flowering of crops. By the time of the Israelites'
arrival in the land of Canaan, the worship of Baal-was firmly established. Baal
even came to be understood as representing the Lord of Israel.
Bagdial - A corpulent Angel in charge of issuing cards to recent arrivals in the
lower heavens. These cards entitle them to new bodies.
Bahram – an Angel of victory. Ballaton - An Angel whose name is used by
sorcerers when drawing the potent pentagram of Solomon, a symbol used for
summoning spirits and conducting esoteric rites.
Baraacata - An Angel who figures in the ancient and very arcane rites of magic
associated with King Solomon. Baraacata may not be precisely considered an
Angel, but traditionally it takes a sorcerer of considerable powers to summon
Baradiel - One of the Princes of the Seven Heavens mentioned in the Third Book
of Enoch. Baradiel is one of the "seven great, beautiful, wonderful, and honoured
Princes." Each Angelic Prince has command "over a heavenly host, and every
one of them is attended by 496,000 myriads of ministering Angels." The Prince
in charge of the Third Heaven, Baradiel is also one of the Princes (or Angels) who
guide the progress of the world. His area of authority here is an Angel of hail
(other Angels are of earthquakes, comets, the stars, wind, fire, etc.).
Barakiel (Barkiel, Barbiel) - This benevolent one grants success, good fortune
and excellent luck to mortals who pray to him. He also inspires joviality and a
sense of humour. When we pray to this Angel on a regular basis, we find that we
become filled with happiness, our hearts expand, and we make a space for this
Angel of good fortune to enter. He rules of the Order of Seraphim, Governor of
the month of February, and is one of the 7 Archangels.
Baraqiel - One of the seven great Angels in control of the Seven Heavens.
Baraqiel is one of the "great, beautiful, wonderful, and honoured Princes" listed
in the Third Book of Enoch. His specific Heaven is the Second Heaven. Baraqiel is
counted as the Angel of lightning, joined by such other Angels as those of the
Sun, hail, earthquakes, snow, etc. It is possible that Baraqiel is also to be
identified with the fallen Angel Baraqyal.
Baraqyal - An Angel who belonged to the so-called Watchers, who descended
from Heaven to cohabit with mortal women. In the Book of Enoch, Baraqyal is
listed among the two hundred fallen Angels and was ranked among the Chiefs of
Tens, the divisions of the evil unrepentant Angels. As a demon, Baraqyal is able
to teach those who summon him the secret arts of astrology and/or gambling.
Barattiel - One of the great Angelic Princes , Barattiel has a specific place in the
Angelic hierarchy, being situated between the Angelic Princes Tagas and Hamon.
When Tagas sees Barattiel, he falls upon his face prostrate and removes his
Princely crown. Likewise, when Barattiel beholds Hamon, he falls down prostrate
and removes his own crown. Barattiel has the special post or power of literally
holding the highest Heaven - also called the Arabot - on the tips of his spread
Barbiel - Angel of October.
Barchiel - This Angel presides over the sun signs of Scorpio and Pisces. Those
who were born under these signs can pray to Barchiel for special protection and
bright blessings. We can all pray to this illumined one to inspire us to become
more compassionate and to help us develop inner strength and the will to heal
ourselves and others. This Angel also grants emotional depth and awareness.
Barkiel - Angel of lightning. (Uriel also has had this title) Barkiel is also one of
the Angels of February and is cited as one of the Archangels. The Angel of
lightning is also noted as the only Angel successful in fighting the demon envy.
Barpharanges - An Angel in charge of the spring of the waters of life. He is the
Angel of the baptismal.
Bathor - One of seven Olympian spirits, known as Stewards or Electors of
Bat Qol (Bath Qol, Beth Kol). An Angel, often spoken of as female, whose
name means "heavenly voice." This Angel is said to have been the voice heard
by Cain asking "Where is thy brother, Abel?" after Cain murdered his brother.
Bath Qol is also said to have visited the famous second-century A.D. Rabbi
Simion ben Yohai (the supposed author of the Jewish mystical work the Zohar)
while he was imprisoned. In the sense of Bat-Qol, she can represent the divine
voice that announces the will of God.
Beburoa - An Angel mentioned in the apocryphal book the Revelation of Esdras.
Beburoa is ranked as one of the nine Angels who will come and reign over the
end of the world.
Bene Elohim (Bene Elim): a group of Angels who belong to the Order or Choir
of Thrones. Meaning "sons of God," the Bene Elohim are considered a part or
division of the Thrones, receiving the duty of forever singing the ineffable praise
of God. As the sons of God, they are sometimes counted as the beings
mentioned in the Book of Genesis (6:2) who visited the daughters of men "and
took to wife such of them as they chose." The result of this union were the
giants, the Anakim, "the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown." The
Bene Elohim are also thought to be the Angels called the Ischim.
Bethor - A powerful Angel, one of the 7 Angelic beings ruling the 196 divisions
of Heaven. To assist him in his work, Bethor commands some 29,000 legions of
Angels. His area of authority also extends to everything related to the planet
Jupiter, part of the ancient belief of each planet, star, and phenomenon of nature
having its own Angelic patron or Ruler.
Black Angels - A name used, especially in Islamic lore, for the fallen Angels.
Black Angels are generally considered demons. The two most famous fallen
Angels by this appellation are Nakir and Munkir.
Blaef - A Friday Angel of the Air and subject to the West Wind.
Blinded Angel - The term used by Pope John Paul II for Lucifer or Satan. The
pontiff implies that the devil has chosen to blind himself to the light and beauty
of God and so exists in perpetual darkness, the blackness of sin.

Boamiel - An Angel mentioned in the obscure Jewish mystical work the Book of
the Angel Raziel. Ranked as one of the Angels with authority over the 4 divisions
of Heaven.
Boel (God Is In Him) - One of the foremost Angels occupying the First Heaven
(of the Seven Heavens), according to the lore of the Zohar. Boel has possession
of the 4 keys of the four corners of the Earth. He thus has the keys that can, if
he is so instructed by God, open the gates of the Garden of Eden, which were
locked after the fall of humanity and which have two very stern Cherubim placed
as guards. As a Ruler or guardian of one of the planets, he has authority over
Bottomless Pit, Angel of The - The Angel who has authority over the abyss,
the bottomless pit, often also called hell. This Angel is usually identified as
Abaddon (or Appolyon). Abaddon holds the key and also has the duty (or
perhaps the pleasure) of binding Satan for one thousand years. There has been
some debate over the centuries concerning whether the Angel of the Bottomless
Pit is good or evil.
Burning Bush, Angel of The - The famous Angel of the event recorded in the
Book of Exodus (3:2) in which Moses beheld the burning bush. Some scholars
prefer to say that the burning bush was not really an Angel, but God assuming
this memorable form. In one Jewish tradition, the name of the Angel of the
burning bush was Zagzagel.

Calliel - One of the throne Angels serving in the Second Heaven, invoked to
bring prompt help during adversity.
Camael (Kemuel) (Kamael) - Chief of the Order of Powers; one of the holy
Sefiroth; personification of divine justice; among the 7 that stand in the
presence of God. An Angel who presides over beauty, joy, happiness, and
contentment, Camael grants these gifts to those who pray to him. Any activity
on our part that emulates this Angel's activities, such as bringing gladness to
others, draws Camaelic energies into our lives and enfolds us in wings of
happiness. Essene prayer: "Camael, Angel of Joy, descend upon the Earth and
give beauty to all things."
Cambiel - This Angel presides over the sun sign Aquarius. Those born under this
sign can pray to Cambiel for special protection and bright blessings. We all pray
to this shining one for increased intelligence and also for the courage to think in
unconventional ways.
Cambill - Angel of the eighth hour of the night.
Caracasa - One of the Angels of Spring along with Core, Amatiel and

Cassiel - Ruler of Saturday. The Angel of solitudes and tears who "shews forth
the unity of the eternal kingdom". Cassiel is one of the Rulers of the planet
Saturn and is also the ruling Prince of the Seventh Heaven. Cassiel is one of the
Sarim (Princes) of the Order of Powers. Sometimes, he appears as the Angel of
Cathetel - An Angel of the garden who increases the growth and yield of
vegetables and fruits and keeps them healthy and flourishing. Cathetel inspires
the human race to love and appreciate all of the beings of nature.
Cedar - An Angel governing the South.
Chabalym - A seraph or cherub invoked in cabalistic magical rites.
Chaldkydri - Archangels of the Flying Elements of the Sun. Linked to phoenixes
and ranked in between Cherubim and Seraphim. They have 12 wings and at the
rising of the Sun they burst into song! They reside in the Fourth Heaven.
Chamuel - This Angel fosters tolerance in the human heart, inspiring within us
the realisation that to love others we must love ourselves. Chamuel helps us to
drop judgemental attitudes towards others and develop a more tolerant view of
our own shortcomings.
Charbiel - An Angel appointed to "draw together and dry up all the waters of
the Earth."
Charms - Angel of the ninth hour of the day.
Charoum - An Angelic benefactor who presides over the direction North. We
appeal to Charoum for the ability to appreciate silence, the integrity to keep
secrets and the patient attentiveness to be good listeners. This heavenly
protector is traditionally believed to safeguard the Earth plane from excess rain,
floods and hurricanes.
Chasan – an Angel of the Air. His name is inscribed on the seventh pentacle of
the Sun.
Chaylon - A cherub or seraph invoked in ritual magic.
Chayyiel - Chief of the Holy Hayyoth (Cherubim).
Cheriour - A "terrible Angel" charged with punishment of crime and the pursuit
of criminals.
Chermes - Angel of the ninth hour of the night.
Chosniel (Cover) - An Angel invoked for the conferring of a good memory and
an open heart.
Colopatiron - As an Angel who unlocks prison gates. We can appeal to
Colopatiron when we are struggling for freedom or independence of any kind:
economic, creative, spiritual or psychological.
Corabael - A Monday Angel residing in the First Heaven and invoked from the
Corat - A Friday Angel of the Air, invoked from the East, residing in the Third
Cupra - One of the Novesiles, Cupra is the personification of light!
Dalquiel - One of 3 Princes of the Third Heaven. The other 2 are Jabniel and
Rabacyal. All rule over Fire under the ethnarchy of Anahel.
Damabiah - An Angel of the Order of Angels with dominion over naval
Dameal - A Tuesday Angel, resident in the Fifth Heaven. He is evoked from the
Degaliel - An Angel whose name is found inscribed on the third pentacle of the
planet Venus.
Derdekea - A heavenly, powerful female Angel who descends to Earth for the
salvation of man. She is referred to as the Supreme Mother. (Also known as
Dina - When the world was first created, Dina taught humans 70 different
languages. This guiding and teaching Angel inspires the human race to pursue
wisdom, knowledge and a love of learning.
Diniel - An Angel who is one of the 70 child bed amulet Angels. He is also a
spellbinding Angel in "the binding of the tongue of the Ruler."
Djibril - Faithful Spirit.
Djin - Helper of the Archangel Gabriel. He is an Elemental King of Fire. He looks
somewhat elderly, yet has great muscles. He has flames for hair. He can teach
you the ways to use fire in magical workings. He can also bring rituals that you
never knew existed and give them to you as gifts. According to the Koran Djin
(Jinn) are a race of beings created by Allah to serve Him. They are not His
children, nor are they deities. They were created from searing hot, smokeless
fire, some time before humans were created from clay. Since the Koran also
states that the Angels were created from fire, it would seem that the Djin and
the Angels are the same kind of beings. However, it is rare that the Koran
speaks of "Angels and Jinn" in the same sentence, but often speaks of "Men and
Jinn" in one breath. It would seem that the Jinn have a strong interest in
consorting with humans, and especially in helping them to stray from the one-
true-God. Not entirely, though, as there is at least one reference to Jinn who are
righteous and hear the Word of Allah. With those exceptions, we expect that
most humans and most Jinn will get their "come-uppance" on judgement day
and they (we) will not be pleased with the results.
Donel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
Druiel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.

Eheres - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of wax.
Eiael - An Angel with dominion over the occult sciences and longevity.
Eirnilus - An Angel with dominion over fruit. He serves also as one of the genii
of the sixth hour.
Eisheth Zenunim - Guardian Angel of prostitutes.
Eistibus - A genius of divination, one of the genii of the fourth hour.
El Auria - Angel of flame, equated with Ouriel or Uriel.
El El - One of the Angelic guards of the North Wind. Elimiel - In Jewish Cabala,
the Angel of the Moon.
Eloa - A female Angel said to have been born from a tear that Jesus shed.
Enejie - An Angel of the Seal invoked in magical rites.
Esme - Welsh: Gracious protector.
Espiacent - An Angel used in exorcism of wax for bringing about successful
accomplishments of ones work. Psalms must be cited after rites of exorcism.
Eth (Time) - An Angelic power, a ministering Angel, charged with seeing to it
that "all events occur at their appointed time."
Eurabatres - An Angel of the planet Venus.
Ezgadi - An Angel's name used in conjuring rites for the successful completion
of journeys.

Fabriel - An Angel serving in the Fourth Heaven.
Faith - One of the 3 theological Virtues (the others are Hope and Charity)
depicted as Angels by the 15th century Florentine masters.
Famiel - A Friday Angel of the Air. Famiel serves in the Third Heaven and is
evoked from the South.
Fanuel (Phanuel) - On of the 4 Angels of the Presence, as noted in Ezra IV,
where Fanuel is said to be "Uriel under another aspect."
Farris - A governing Angel of the second hour of the night.
Farun Faro Vakshur - In ancient Persian theogony, the protecting Angel of
mankind. Cf. Metatron in Judaeo-Christian occult lore, often referred to as the
"sustainer of mankind."
Farvardin - Angel of March (in ancient Persian lore). Farvardin also governed
the 19th day of each month. He is called "one of the Cherubim."
Favashi - (Pravashi, Farohars, Ferouers, Fervers, Farchers) - in
Zoroastrianism, the celestial prototype of all created beings, the guardian Angels
of believers. They possessed a dual character of nature: Angels on the one hand
and, on the other, beings with human qualities, attributes, and thoughts. They
were the Fravardin of the Zend-Avesta, "female genii dwelling in all things and
protectors of mankind." In Jacob Easserman's novel Dr. Kerkhoven, the Favashi
are defined as "part of the human soul yet independent of the body. . . neither
are they assigned to one and the same body; they may find themselves another
body, provided it belongs to the pure."
Flaef - In the Cabala, an Angelic luminary concerned with human sexuality.
Flames - An Order of Angels, "one of the classes in Talmud and Targum," says
Volatire in his "Of Angels, Genii, and Devils." Chief of the Order is Melba who is
sometimes identified with the Archangel Michael.
Focalore (Focalor, Forcalor, Furcalor) - Before he fell, Focalore was an Angel
of the Order of Thrones. Focalore is a mighty duke of the demonic spirits. His
special office or mission is to sink ships of war and slay men. After 1,000 years
(or 1,500 years) he "hopes to return to the Seventh Heaven," as he confided to
Solomon. When invoked, Focalore manifests as a man with the wings of a griffin.
Focalor is an anagram for Rofocale.
Forcas (Foras, Forras, Furcas, Fourcas) - In occult lore it is not indicated
what rank Forcas once held in the Angelic hierarchy, or to what Order he
belonged; but he is a fallen Angel. In Hell he is a renowned president or duke;
and here he devotes his time to teaching rhetoric, logic, and mathematics. He
can render people invisible; he knows also how to restore lost property.
Forces - In the view of John of Damascus, Forces constitutes an Angelic Order
sometimes identified as Powers, sometimes as Virtues or Authorities. John of
Damascus places Forces 3rd in the Second triad of the 9 Choirs. Their special
duty is to govern earthly affairs.
Forfax (Morax, Marax) - In Scott's Discoverie of Witchcraft, a great earl and
president of the underworld in command of 36 legions of spirits; he gives skill in
astronomy and liberal arts. He is also called Foraii. He appears in the form of
Forneus - Before he fell, Forneus was of the Order of Thrones and partly also of
the Order of Angels. In the underworld he is a great marquis, with 29 legions of
infernal spirits ready to carry out his commands. In addition to teaching art,
rhetoric, and all languages, he cause men to be loved by their enemies. It is said
that when he is invoked, Forneus manifests in the form of a sea monster.
Fraciel - A Tuesday Angel of the Fifth Heaven, invoked from the North.
Framoch - An Angel of the seventh hour of the night, under Mandrion.
Fremiel - An Angel of the fourth hour of the night, serving under Jefischa
Friagne - In occult texts generally, a Tuesday Angel serving in the Fifth Heaven
and invoked from the East.
Fromezin - An Angel of the second hour of the night under the command of
Fromzon - Angel of the third hour of the night.
Fuleriel - An Angel of the sixth hour of the night, serving under Zaazonash.
Furlac - An Angel of the Earth.
Furmiel - An Angel of the eleventh hour of the day, serving under Bariel.
Fustiel - An Angel of the fifth hour of the day, serving under Sazquiel.

Gaap (Goap, Tap) - Once of the Order of Potentates (Powers), now a fallen
Angel, Gaap serves, in Hell, as "a great president and a might Prince." As a King
of the South, he rules 66 legions of infernal spirits.
Gabamiah - A great Angel invoked by the use of the incantatory power of the
name of the Angel Uriel.
Gabi - Hebrew: Pet form of Gabriella (the feminine of Gabriel).
Gabriel ("God is my strength") - One of the 2 highest ranking Angels. He is
the Angel of mercy, annunciation, resurrection, vengeance, death and revelation.
He presides over Paradise and is the ruling Angel of the First Heaven. This
Archangel is a primary messenger of God, bringing divine announcements and
revelations to human kind, acting as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth
and helping us to interpret our dreams and our visions. Gabriel grants wishes
and hopes to mortals, as well as joy, mercy, understanding of mysteries, truth,
justice, miracles and love. An Essene prayer says: "Gabriel, Angel of Life, enter
my limbs and give strength to my whole body".
Gabuthelon - An Angel whose name was revealed to Esdras as among the 9
who will govern "at the end of the world." Apart from Gabuthelon, the others
are: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, and Aker, Arphugitonos, Beburos,
Gadal - An Angel invoked in magic rites. Gader - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh
Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed at the entrance to the Fourth Angelic Hall.
Gadiel - A "most holy Angel" invoked in goetic operations. Gadiel is a resident of
the Fifth Heaven. Gadiel is one of numerous Angelic guards of the gates of the
South Wind. The fact that Gadiel's name is found inscribed on an oriental charm
(kamea) suggests that he must have been regarded as a power to protect the
wearer against evil.
Gadreel (Gadriel - Aramaic, "God is my helper") - It was Gadreel who,
reputedly, led Eve astray -- which, if true, would make Gadreel rather than
Satan the talking serpent and seducer in the Garden of Eden. Like Azazel,
Gadreel made man familiar with the weapons of war.
Gadriel - Chief ruling Angel of the Fifth Heaven in charge of wars among
nations. When a prayer ascends to Heaven, Gadriel crowns it, then accompanies
it to the Sixth Heaven.
Ga'ga - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed at
the entrance to the Seventh Angelic Hall.
Gaghiel - an Angelic guard of the Seventh Heaven.
Galdel - A Tuesday Angel resident of the Fifth Heaven. He is to be invoked from
the South.
Gale Raziya - One of the many names of the Angel Metatron.
Galgal(l)im - A superior Order of Angels of a rank equal to the Seraphim. The
Galgallim are called "the wheels of the Merkabah" and are equated with the
Order of Ophanim. There are 8 ruling Angels in the Order, with Galgiel or Rakbiel
generally designated as chief. The Galgalim share with the other Merkabah
Angels in their performance of the Celestial Song.
Galgaliel - Eponymous head of the Order of Galgalim (chariots of the
Merkabah); chief Angel of the wheel of the Sun.
Galizur - (Hebrew, "revealer of the rock"--Gallitzur, Gallizur, Raziel,
Raguil, Akrasiel) - One of the great Angels in Talmudic lore whom Moses
encountered in Heaven, as related by Simon ben Lakish. It was Galizur,
"surnamed Raziel,' who is reputed to have given Adam The Book of the Angel
Raziel. He is a ruling Prince of the Second Heaven and an expounder of the
Torah's divine wisdom. "He spreads his wings over the Hayyoth lest their fiery
breath consume the ministering Angels."
Galmon - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed at
the Fourth Angelic Hall.
Gamaliel - (Hebrew, "recompense of God") - In the Cabala and gnostic
writings, one of the great Archons and luminaries, a beneficent spirit associated
with Gabriel, Abraxas, Mikhar, and Samlo. However, Levi rates Gamaliel, as evil,
"an adversary of the Cherubim" serving under Lilith (who is the demon of
debauchery). In the Revelation of Adam to His Son Seth (a Coptic apocalypse),
Gamaliel is one of the high, holy celestial Powers whose mission is "to draw the
elect up to Heaven.
Gambiel - Ruler of the zodiac sign of Aquarius.
Gambriel - One of the guardian Angels of the Fifth Heaven.
Gamerin - In ceremonial magical rites, an Angel called in for special service.
The name Gamerin should be engraved on the Sword of the Art, before the start
of the conjuring rite.
Gamidoi - A "most holy Angel" of the first hour of the night.
Gamiel - Supreme ruling Angel of the first hour of the night.
Gamorin Debabbin (Gamerin) - An Angel invoked in the conjuration of the
Gamrial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the 7 Celestial Halls.
Gamsiel - Angel of the eighth hour of the night, serving under Narcoriel.
Ganael - One of the 7 planetary Rulers (Electrons) serving under the joint rule
of the Angels Apudiel and Camael.
Gardon - An Angel invoked in the benediction of the Salt.
Garfiel (Garfiel) - One of the guardians of the Fifth Heaven.
Gargatel - One of the three Angels of Summer. He acts in association with Tariel
and Gaviek.
Gariel - An Angel of the Order of Shinanim, according to Hayim Haziz, "The
Seraph," The Literary Review, Spring 1958. In Hechaloth Rabbati, Gariel is an
Angelic Guard of the Fifth Heaven.
Garthiel - Chief officer Angel of the first hour of the night, serving under
Garshanal - An Angelic name found inscribed on an ornamental charm (kamea)
for warding off evil.
Gaspard - A spirit invoked in magical rites to procure to the the invocant a
lady's garter.
Gastrion - An Angel of the eighth hour of the night, serving under Narcoriel.
Gat(h)tiel - One of the Angelic guards of the Fifth Heaven.
Gauriil Ishliha - A Talmudic Angel who presides over the East. His duty is to
see to it that the Sun rises every morning at the right time. Gauriil also appears
in Mandaean lore and corresponds to the Zoroastrian Sraosha or to the Hebrew
Gaviel - With Gargatel and Tariel, Gaviel serves as one of the 3 Angels of the
Summer. Gavreel (Gavriel) - A variant for Gabriel used by the Ethiopian Hebrew
Rabbinical College of the Black Jews of Harlem (New York). To this sect there are
4 cardinal Angels (of whom Gavreel is one) and they are to be invoked for the
curing of disease, the restoring of sight, turning enemies into friends, and
"keeping the invocant from going crazy in the night." The other 3 cardinal Angels
are Micharel (for Michael), Owreel (for Uriel), and Rafarel (for Raphael). Gavreel
is one of the numerous Angelic guards of the gates of the East Wind. In
hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), he is an Angelic guard stationed at either
the Second or the Fourth heavenly hall.
Gazardiel - An Angel who holds dominion over the rising Sun. We pray to him
for the promise of new beginnings, innocence, renewal, awakening and
enlightenment. Face the rising Sun in the morning and pray to this Angel for
these spirit gifts and attributes.
Gazarniel - An Angel of "flame of fire" who sought to oppose and wound Moses
at the time that the Lawgiver visited Heaven. Moses routed Gazarniel, we are
told, "by pronouncing the Holy Name consisting of 12 letters."
Gazriel - one of 70 childbed amulet Angels.
Gebril - An Angel invoked in conjuring rites.
Geburael (Geburah - “Divine Power or Strength") – An Angel of the
(Cabalistic) Briatic world, who figures frequently in cabalistic conjuring
operations. In The Ancient's Book of Magic, Geburah or Geburael (meaning
strength) is equated with Gamaliel and it is said that the influence of Elohi (God)
"penetrates the Angel Geburah (or Gamaliel) and descends through the sphere
of [the planet] Mars." Also, an Angel who is the upholder of the left hand of God.
In occult works, Geburah is usually listed as 5th of the 10 holy Sefiroth (divine
emanations). He is also the Order of Seraphim. Identified variously as Gamaliel,
Khamuel (Camael) and, in Isaac ha-Cohen of Soria's text, as Geviririon.
Geburathiel - The Angel of Geburah. In the Third Book of Enoch, Geburat(h)iel
is one of the great Angel Princes representing " the divine strength, might, and
power." He is the chief steward of the Fourth hall in the Seventh Heaven.
Gedael (Giadaiyal, "fortune of God") - Gedael is an alternative Angel of one
of the seasons: Cornelius Agrippa cites him as a governing Angel of the zodiac.
Gedariah - A supervising chief Angel of the Third Heaven. He ministers 3 times
a day; he bows to prayers ascending from the Second Heaven, crowns such
prayers, then transmits them for further ascent.
Gedemel - a Spirit of Venus, of which planet the Angel Hagiel is the presiding
intelligence, according to Paracelus in his doctrine of Talismans.
Gediel (Gdiel) - Is one of the chief Princes in the Fourth Chora or Altitude. In
An Angel invoked in conjuring rites.
Gedudiel - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed
at the Seventh Heavenly Hall.
Gedudim - A class of Angels of the Song-Uttering Choirs under the leadership of
Tagas. Gedulael - One of the Sefiroth (divine emanations) invoked in cabalistic
Gehatsita - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed
at the Fifth heavenly hall.
Gehegiel - An Angel guard of the Sixth Heaven.
Gehirael - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkbabah), an Angelic guard stationed
at the Seventh Heavenly Hall.
Gehorey - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkbabah), an Angelic guard stationed
at the Seventh Heavenly Hall.
Gehoriel - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkbabah), an Angelic guard stationed
at the First Heavenly Hall.
Gehuel - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkbabah), an Angelic guard stationed at
the Sixth Heavenly Hall.
Geliel - One of the 28 Angels governing the 28 mansions of the Moon.
Gelomiros - An Angel of the Third Chora or Altitude invoked in magical prayer,
as set forth in The Almadel of Solomon.
Geminiel - On of the governing Angels of the zodiac.
Gemmut - An Archon who serves under the rulership of Kalapatauroth (who
causes all destinies to resolve).
Genaritzod - A chief officer-Angel of the seventh hour of the night, serving
under Mandrion.
Genii of Fire - In occultism, there are 3 genii of Fire: Anael, King of Astral Light;
Michael, King of the Sun; and Sammael, King of Volcanoes. An Angel of the
Order of Powers.
Genius (pl. genii) - Another name for Angel or spirit or Intelligence. Genii
"administer justice to the wicked, and suffering to the righteous."
Geno - An Angel of the Order of Powers.
Genon - An Angel of the Second Chora or Altitude invoked in magical prayers.
Gereimon - Like Genon, an Angel of the Second Chora.
Gergot - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), and Angelic guard stationed at
the entrance to the Sixth Heavenly Hall.
Germael ("Majesty of God") - An Angel sent by God to create Adam from the
dust--a mission also ascribed to Gabriel.
Geron - Like Genon and Gereimon, one of the Angels of the Second Chora or
Altitude invoked in magical prayer.
Geroskesufael - in hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard
stationed at the entrance to the Seventh Heavenly Hall.
Gerviel (Cerviel) - In Jewish qabala, the Preceptor Angel of King David. As
Cerviel, this Angel is chief of the Order of Principalities, sharing the post with
Haniel, Nisroc, and others.
Gethel - An Angel set to watch over hidden things.
Geviririon - An Angel symbolising or personifying Geburah (fear or strength),
Gerviririon ranks Fifth of the 10 holy Sefiroth.
Geviriyah - One of the many names of the Angel Metatron.
Gezuriya - In Malache Elyon, an Angel of the Order of Powers; he is a guard of
one of the Celestial Halls (hechaloth) and Ruler over 6 other Angels, among
them the Angel of the Sun, Gazatdiya.
Gheoriah - An Angel of the Order of Powers.
Giatiyah - One of the many names of the Archangel Metatron.
Gibborim ("Mighty Ones") - An Order of Angels of the Song-Uttering Choirs
under the leadership of Tagas. "They are the might ones. . . men of name. " The
Gibborim are generally regarded as evil.
Gidaijal (Gedael--"Fortune of God") - A luminary of the seasons, as listed in
The First book of Enoch. He is the leader of the Heads of Thousands.
Giel - The Angel with dominion over the zodiac sign Gemini.
Gippuyel - One of the many names for the Archangel Metatron.
Glaras - An Angel of the first hour of the night, serving under Gamiel.
Glauron or Glaura - A beneficent spirit of the Air, invoked from the North.
Glmarij - An Angel of the third hour of the day.
Gmial - One of the 64 wardens of the Seven Celestial Halls.
Goap - Formerly an Angel of the Order of Powers; now fallen and in Hell. Goap is
one of the infernal regions' 11 presidents. He is also known as Gaap and Tap.
Golab ("Incendiaries") - one of the adversaries of the Seraphim, one of the
10 unholy Sefiroth. Golab has also been denoted a spirit of wrath and sedition,
operating under his chief, Sammael the Black.
Golandes - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of Wax.
Gonael - One of the numerous guards of the gates of the North Wind.
Gonfalons - Order of Angels in the Celestial Hierarchy.
Gorfiniel - An Angelic guard of the Seventh Heaven.
Gotzone (goh-tsoh-nee) - Basque: Angel, messenger.
Gradiel (Gradhiel, Graphiel - "Might of God") - Angel of the planet Mars
when this planet enters the signs of the Ram and Scorpio. Gradiel's
corresponding Angel (for Mars) is Bartyabel.
Graniel - An Angel of the second hour, serving under Anael.
Granozin - An Angel of the second hour of the night, serving under Farris.

Graphathas - "One of the 9 Angels that run together throughout the heavenly
and earthly places," where the names of the 9 Angels are revealed by Beliar to
Graphiel (Gradiel) - A spirit in cabalistic enumerations answering to Babriel,
according to Forlong, Encyclopaedia of Religions.
Grasbarben - with Hadkiel, Grasgarben governs the sign of Libra.
Grial (Griel) - A guardian Angel of the Fifth Heaven; also one of the 70 childbed
amulet Angels.
Grigori (Egoroi, Egregori,"Watchers") - In Jewish legendary lore, the Grigori
are a superior Order of Angels in both the Second and Fifth Heaven (depending
on whether they are the holy or unholy ones). They resemble men in
appearance, but are taller than giants, and are eternally silent. The Ruling Prince
of the Order is Salamiel "who rejected the Lord."
Guabarel - An Angel of autumn. In addition to Guabarel, another Angel cited in
occult lore as governing autumn is Tarquam.
Guael (Guel) - An Angel of the Fifth Heaven ruling on Tuesday, Guael is invoked
from the East.
Gulacoc - An Angel of the Seal, used for conjuring.
Gulahab - Fifth of the 10 unholy Sefiroth.
Gurid - A Summer Equinox Angel. Effective when invoked as an amulet against
the evil eye.
Guriel ("Whelp of God") - one of the Angels ruling the zodiacal sign of Leo.
Gurson - (Gorson or Gorsoyu) - one of the routed forces under Lucifer, now
serving in the nether regions as King of the South.
Guth - One of the Angelic soldiers of the planet Jupiter.
Gutrix - In occultism, a Thursday Angel of the Air, ministering to Suth, chief of
these Angels, all of whom are subject in turn to the South Wind. Acting with
Gutrix is Maguth, who likewise ministers to Suth.
Guziel - An evil Angel summoned in incantation rites against an enemy.
Gvurtial - An Angelic guard of one of the Great Halls (or Palaces) of the Fourth
Gzriel - In Tracthenberg, Jewish Magic Superstition, an Angel invoked to
countermand evil decrees. The word Gzriel is part of a 42-letter name of God.

Haael - One of the 72 Angels of the zodiac.
Haaaiah - An Angel of the Order of Dominations. Haaiah rules over diplomacy
and ambassadors, and is one of the 72 Angels bearing the name of God,
Haamiah - An Angel of the Order of Powers. Haamiah dominates religious cults
and "protects all those who seek the truth.".
Haatan - A genius who conceals treasures, according to Apollonius of Tyana,
The Nuctecemeron.
Habbiel (Habiel) - A Monday Angel of the First Heaven. An Angel who is
appealed to for loyal love and romance, and who is invoked in love charms.
Habriel - An Angel of the Order of Powers, summoned in conjuring rites.
Habudiel - In occultism, an Angel of the Lord's Day, resident of the Fourth
Heaven. He is invoked from the South.
Habu(h)iah - An Angel who exercises dominion over agriculture and fecundity.
Habuhiah is one of the 72 Angels bearing the name of God, Shemhamphorae.
Hachashel - One of the 72 Angels of the zodiac.
Hadakiel - He governs the sign of Libra.
Hadariron - An Archon named in lesser hechaloth lore and in the Alphabet of
Rabbi Akiba.
Hadasdagedoy - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard of
the Sixth Heavenly Hall.
Hadraniel (Hadarniel, Hadariel, Hadriel - ”Majesty of God") - A porter
Angel stationed at the Second gate in Heaven. He is taller than Kamuel "by 60
myriads of parasangs" but shorter than Sandalphon "by a 500 years' journey." In
Gnosticism, Hadraniel, great as he is, is "only one of the 7 subordinates to
Jehudiel, Prince of Fire." As Hadriel, he serves among the numerous Angelic
guards of the gates of the East Wind. In Sefer ha-Heshek he is also one of the 72
names (actually more than 100) of Metatron. Hadriel (Hadraniel) - Equates with
Pusiel in Revelation of Rabbi Joshua Ben Levi.
Haduriel - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed at
the entrance to the Sixth Heavenly Hall.
Hadiririon - "The beloved Angel of God," who may be invoked in ritual magic
Hadiya(hay-dee-yah) - Arabic: Guide to righteousness; gift.
Hafaza - In Muslim lore, a term denoting Angels, The Hafaza constitute a special
class, are 4 in number, and "protect man from Jinn, men and Satans." On these
4 Angels devolves the duty of writing down the actions of mortals.
Hafkiel - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of demons.
Hagai - In hechaloth lore (Ma'asseh Merkabah), an Angelic guard stationed at
the Fifth Heavenly Hall.
Hagedola - An Angel of The Seal, invoked in ceremonial rites.
Haggo - An Angel of the Seal who could be summoned in conjuring rites, like
Hagiel - The intelligence of Venus when that planet enters the signs of Taurus
and Libra. Hagaiel's cabalistic number is 49. His corresponding Angel, the spirit
Ruler of Venus, is Gadamel.
Halon - Angel of the third hour of the night, serving under Sarquamich.
Hahael (Hahahel) - An Angel of the Order of Virtues. Hahael protects Christian
missionaries and all disciples of Christ: he is also one of the 72 Angels that bear
the name of God, the Shemhamphorae. His corresponding Angel (in occult lore)
is Chartare.
Hahaiah - An Angel of the Order of Cherubim. He influences thoughts and
reveals hidden mysteries to mortals.
Hakamiah - One of the Cherubim (invoked against traitors) and a guardian of
Hakem - An Angelic guard stationed at the Fourth Heavenly Hall.
Halacho - A genius of sympathies and a Genii of the eleventh hour.
Halliza - The name of the Angel appearing on the eternal circle of the
pentagram of Solomon.
Haludiel - An Angel of the Fourth Heaven invoked on the Lord's Day, with the
invocant facing South. Haludiel is also an intelligence of the Sun.
Hamied - An Angel of miracles. He is such a dazzling white that you can only
see his incredible eyes shining through. As you feel his presence enfold you,
open your heart to receive his gift of intense love.
Haniel (Anael) - Chief of the Orders of Principalities and Virtues; one of the 7
Archangels; governor of December, reputed to have transported Enoch to
Hannuel - An Angel who has dominion over the sign of Capricorn.
Hantiel - An Angel of the third hour of the day.
Harahel - Protector of libraries, archives, schools and universities, Harahel
opens our minds and hearts to new ideas while inspiring human kind to use this
knowledge in life-affirming ways.
Harudha - A female Angel who rules the element of Water.
Harviel - An Angelic guard stationed at the entrance to the Second Heavenly
Hasmed - Angel of annihilation and one of the 5 Angels of punishment that
Moses encountered in Heaven.
Hasmodia - A spirit of the Moon, invoked in talismanic magic.
Haven - One of the 12 genii who preside over the 12 hours of the day. Haven is
the genius of dignity.
Hayyel - Protects wild animals along with Thuriel, Mtniel and Jehiel. Pray to
them to protect animals from extinction. Hayyel teaches human kind that just as
the Angels protect us, so were we created to protect nature. Pray to this Angel to
inspire humans to become the stewards of all nature that we are meant to be.
He'el - Ruler of the seasons of the year.
Heiglot - An Angel of snow storms.
Helemmelek - An Angel governing one of the seasons. The name is said to be
an inversion of Milkiel.
Helison - One of the 5 Angels of the First Altitude, the other 4 being Alimiel,
Gabriel, Barachiel and Lebes. When invoked, Helison appears carrying a banner
adorned with crimson cross, crowned with roses.
Hismael - The spirit of the planet Jupiter.
Hizkiel - One of the numerous guards at the gate of the North Wind.
Hngel - Angel of the summer equinox, and effective against the evil eye.
Hodniel - An Angel reputed to have the power of curing stupidity.
Hormuz - An Angel in charge of the first day of the month.
Humastrav - A Monday Angel, invoked from the North. Humastrav is said to
reside in the First Heaven.
Husael - An Angel serving in the Third Heaven. Hypezokos (Flower Of Fire) -
One of the "effable, essential and elemental Orders" in the Chaldean
cosmological scheme.

Iacoajul - Angel of the eleventh Hour of the night.
Iadara - An Angel governing the sign of Virgo.
Iahhel - Iahhel watches over philosophers and those who seek a retreat from
worldly pursuits. If you have difficulty meditating, pray to Iahhel for help just
before you begin your meditative practice.
Iahmel - An Angel with dominion over the Air.
Iax - An Angel who thwarts stomach trouble and envy.
Iciriel - One of the 28 Angels ruling the 28 mansions of the Moon.
Idrael - An Angelic guard of the Fifth Heavenly Hall.
Iedidiel - An Angel summoned up in ritual invocation.
In Hii - One of the Angels of the North Star.
Iofiel (Yofiel, Zophiel) - Preceptor Angel of Shem, a Prince of the Torah (like
Yefefiah); one of the 7 Archangels; chief of the Order of Thrones.
Irel - An Angel resident of the Fifth Heaven. He rules Tuesday and is invoked
from the West.
Irin (Watchers or Holy Watchers) - Twin Angels residing in the Sixth Heaven.
The Irin, together with the twin Qaddisin, constitute the supreme judgement
council of the heavenly court. They are among the 8 exalted Hierarchs that enjoy
a rank superior to that of Metatron, (who is considered of the greatest Angels
serving God). According to Daniel 4:17 the Irin are Watchers. It is said that
"each of the Irin is equal to the rest of the Angels and Princes put together."
Ismoli - A ministering Angel. Ruler of the Angels of the Air operating on
Israfel (Music) - This Angel of music inspires people to sing, play musical
instruments and compose music. Pray to him to increase talent in this area. He
also encourages renewal, resurrection and regeneration. Though all Angels sing
mighty praises to God, there is a special Order consecrated to bringing us the
music of the Spheres. Angels speak from the mind and sing from the heart, not
as we do through vocal cords.

Itkal (Itqal ) - As an Angel who presides over co-operation and affection.
Evoked in cases of dissension among human beings. We appeal to Itkal to create
harmonious relationships between people.

Jael - One of the twin Cherubim on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant,
the other cherub being Zarall. Jael is an Angel governing the sign of Libra.
Janiel - An Angel of the Fifth Heaven, ruling on Tuesday and subject to the East
Jariel - An Angel of divine face or presence. A variant form of Rziel, Suriel or
Jazar - A genius who "compels love". Also of the seventh hour of the day.
Jeduthun (Jeduthum -”Praising” or “Judgement”) - He is Lord of the
Evening Choirs in Heaven. As the master of chanting, he leads myriads, (1,550)
of Angels in chanting hymns of praise of God at the close of each day. He is the
leader of the "Lords of Shouting", "all singing glory to the Lord". It is said that at
dawn, because of chanting of the Lords of Shouting, judgement is lightened and
the world is blessed.
Jehoel (Jaoel) - Mediator of the ineffable name; Prince of the presence.
Jeliel - A seraph whose name is inscribed on the tree of life. He is the heavenly
Prince Ruler of Turkey. He controls the destiny of kings and other high dignitaries
and gives the palm of victory for those who are unjustly attacked or invaded. In
addition he inspires passion between the sexes and insures marital fidelity.
Jerazol - An Angel of Power mentioned in cabalistic works. He is invoked in
conjuring rites.
Jeu - Jeu is the great Angel, overseer of light and arranger of the cosmos. He is
one of the 3 great Powers on High, occupying the right place on God's side with
Propator on God's left.
Jophiel ("Creative Power") - Teaches our consciousness to discover the Light
within. One of the Cherubim, He is believed to be the Angel who drove Adam and
Eve out of the Garden of Eden and, according to tradition, is there yet guarding
the entrance with a flaming sword.
Joustriel - An Angel of the sixth hour of the day.
Jukar - A Prince over all the Angels, according to Mathers

Kabniel - An Angel invoked to cure stupidity.
Kabshiel - An Angel who, when conjured up, and agreeable with the invocant,
confers grace and power.
Kadi(el) - A Friday Angel invoked from the West and serving in the Third
Kamali - Rhodesian: Spirit Protector.
Karoz - Karoz are "Reporter Angels”.
Kasdeja - According to the Book of Enoch, this Fallen Angel is responsible for
“...the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall through the noontide
heat..” - perils against which Psalm 91 offers specific protection.
Katzfiel - An Angelic Prince of the sword and guard of the Sixth Heaven.
Katfiel's sword emits lightning!
Kfial - One of the 64 Angel wardens of the Seven Celestial Halls.
Kokaviel - The name of the Angel found inscribed on the third pentacle of the
planet Mercury.
Kutiel - An Angel invoked in connection with using divining rods.
Kyriel - One of the 28 Angels governing the 28 mansions of the Moon.

Labezerin - The spirit of success. He serves in the second hour of the day.
Lamach - An Angel who exercises dominion over the planet Mars.
Larzod - One of the "glorious and benevolent Angels" invoked in Solomonic
conjuring rites for imparting to the invocant some of the wisdom of the Creator.
Lazai - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of fire.
Lelahel - An Angel of the zodiac exercising dominion over love, art, science and
fortune. We appeal to this being of light for good luck and good fortune.
Leliel - One of the Angelic Rulers of the night.
Lepha - An Angel of the Seal.
Little Lao - One of the many names given to Metatron.
Liwet - This Angel presides over vanguard ideas and inventions. He is especially
protective of mortals who have original ideas and thoughts, and is also very
encouraging of individuality and uniqueness.
Logos (”Word”, Imagination”, ”Thought”) - The oldest Angel.
Luel - An Angel invoked in connection with the use of diving rods.

Mach - An Angel called up in Solomonic conjuring rites to render the invocant
Madan - An Angel the exercises dominion over the planet Mercury.
Mador - An Angel stationed at the Fourth Heavenly Hall.

Mael - A ruling Archangel of Water. He is also one of the intelligences of the
planet Saturn and is a Monday Angel of the First Heaven. He may be invoked
from the North.
Mahariel ("Swift") - An Angel of Paradise stationed at the First Portal. He
provides new souls for the purified ones.
Mahzian - A spirit who bestows sight.
Maion - An Angel with dominion over the planet Saturn.
Maktiel - An Angel with dominion over trees.
Malaika (mah-lah-ee-kah) - Kiswahili: Angel.
Maltiel - A Friday Angel resident in the Third Heaven and invoked from the
West. He is also one of the intelligence's of the planet Jupiter. Maltiel is the
preceptor Angel of Elijah and serves as one of the numerous guards of the West
Manakel - Angel of aquatic animals.
Manu - Angel of Fate.
Maroch - An Angel of the fifth hour of the day.
Mastho - Is a genius of delusive appearances. He is one of the spirits of the
tenth hour.
Mebahiah - An Angel who exercises dominion over morality and religion. He
also helps those desiring offspring.
Mehiel - An Angel who protects university professors, orators and authors.
Melek (Melik) - Turkish: Angel.
Melioth - One of 9 Angels that run together throughout heavenly and earthly
Melkajal - Angelic Ruler of March.
Memuneh (”Appointed One”) - A deputy Angel, a dispenser of dreams. It is
said that through Memuneh, the Universe operates.
Mercury - The Angel of progress.
Meriarijim - A chief officer-Angel of the night.
Messiach - An Angel invoked in magical operations in connection with the
invocation of water and hyssop. The invocant is advised to recite the verses of
the Psalms 6, 67, 64 and 102.
Metatron - Chancellor of Heaven, Prince of the ministering Angels. He is
charged with the sustenance of mankind. He is known as the link between the
human and the divine and as the Angel who wrestled with Jacob (although this
honour has also been accorded to Peniel). Metatron, according to the cabala, is
the Angel who led the children of Israel through the wilderness. His female
equivalent is Shekinah. His twin brother is Sandalphon. It is said of Enoch that,
after arriving in Heaven, he was transformed into Metatron – he is described as
being a spirit of Fire and equipped with 36 pairs of wings as well as innumerable
eyes. He resides in the Seventh Heaven and when evoked appears as a pillar of
fire said to be more dazzling than the Sun. He has many other names than he is
called by. He is the supreme Angel of death to whom God gives daily orders as
to the souls to be taken: he then delegates these orders to his subordinates,
Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is considered by some to be mightier than
Michael or Gabriel. Metatron is the teacher of prematurely dead children in
Micah ("Divine Plan") - Watches over spiritual evolution, seeking every
opportunity to reveal the next steps of your life purpose.
Michael - Chief Angel, deliverer of the faithful, tutelary Prince of Israel. An Angel
who grants miracles, fosters mercy, repentance, truth, sanctification, blessing,
immortality, patience and love to human-kind. This Archangel is protective of
those who are just and good. Angel of insomnia. He strengthens our spirits in
difficult times. Pray to Michael for these gifts and virtues. An Essene prayer says:
"Michael, Angel of Earth, enter my generative organs and regenerate my whole
Midael - A chief and Captain in the celestial army. An Angel of the Order of
Mihr - An Angel presiding over the month of September and the 16th day of the
month. Mihr watches over friendship and love.
Miniel - A great Angel whose chief virtue is that he can, when invoked, induce
love in an otherwise cold and reluctant maiden. For best results he must be
invoked while the invocant is facing South.
Mirthra - He rises from paradise in the great East, has 1,000,00 ears and
10,000,00 eyes. He is also called the Angel of Light, and in Heaven assigns
places to the souls of the just.
Mizan - An Angel invoked in Arabic incantation rites.
Mizgitari - The Genius of Eagles. He serves the seventh hour of the day.
Moakkibat - In Muslim religion Moakkibat is the recording Angel. He writes
down men's activities.
Modiniel - One of the spirits of the planet Mars.
Morael - An Angel of awe or fear. He rules over August and September. He has
the power of making everything invisible.
Mordad - Angel of death, according to Persian lore.
Mqttro - An Angel that ministers to the son of man.
Mumiah - This Angel presides over the sciences of medicine and physics.
Mumiah is traditionally believed to grant health and longevity, as well as being
able to suspend physical laws to create miracles.
Munkir and Nakir - According to the Islamic tradition it is the Angels, Munkir
and Nakir question the person in the grave. They visit the tombs of those who
have recently died to determine where the deceased will go, to Paradise or to
Hell. They ask questions regarding the religious beliefs of the individual, and also
their good and evil deeds on Earth. The good are shown what life will be like in
Heaven. The bad are shown the torments of Hell.
Mupiel ("Out of the Mouth of God") - An Angel invoked for obtaining a good
memory and an open heart.
Murdad – an Angel of July who also governs the seventh day of the month.
Murdad is sometimes equated with the Angel Azrael. (He separates the soul from
the body at death.)
Murmur (Murmus) - before he turned into a Fallen Angel, Murmur was partly
of the Order of Thrones and of the Order of Angels. In Hell, Murmur is considered
a great duke with 30 legions of infernal spirits attending him. He manifests in the
form of a warrior astride a gryphon, with a dual crown upon his head. He teaches
philosophy and constrains the souls of the dead to appear before him for the
answering of questions.
Muriel - Latin: Angel of June.
Mutuol - An Angel invoked in the consecration of pen and ink, a powerful device
for the binding of evil spirits, or the exorcising of them.

Naadame - Prince over all the Angels and Caesars.
Nafriel - An Angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.
Nahaliel - An Angel with dominion over rivers.
Nakir - see Munkir.
Naoutha – an Angel of the Southwest.
Nariel - Governs the South Wind. He is also the Ruler of the noonday winds.
Narsinha - A man-lion avatar. He is Lord of heroism.
Natiel - An Angel with the power to ward off evil, whose name was found in a
type of charm called kamea.
Nehinah - An Angel invoked in necromantic operations.
Nemamiah - This sacred being is a guardian Angel of all those who fight for just
causes. He is especially protective towards people who defend the rights of those
who cannot defend themselves, such as animals and children. When an injustice
is done towards anyone, including ourselves, we can pray to Nemamiah to right
the wrong.
Neria - Hebrew: Lamp of god, Angel.
Neriel - One of the 28 Angels who govern one of the 28 mansions of the Moon.
Nesanel - Along with the Angels Meachuel and Gabril, Nesanel is summoned to
free or purge the invocant of all sin.
Nisroc ("Freedom") - Known as "the great eagle." His flight into the Heavens
is the symbol of freedom. On the physical plane, he brings freedom to travel
where you want and to be safe from harm; to be able to say what you feel; and
to make choices for yourself. As you go deeper into your awareness, freedom
becomes the ability to feel the unconditional love for the Eternal.
Nithaiah - A poet Angel of the Order of Dominations. He is invoked by
pronouncing any of the divine names along with the 1st verse of the 9th Psalm.

He is in charge of occult sciences, delivers prophecies in rhyme, and exercises
influence over wise men who love peace and solitude.
Nitika - A genius of precious stones who presides over the sixth hour.
Noaphiel - An Angel whose name is inscribed in Hebrew characters on the fifth
pentacle of the planet Saturn. In conjuring Noaphiel, the invocant is advised (for
best results) to recite a verse from Deuteronomy 10.
Novensiles - The nine great deities who control thunder! Tina, Cupra, Menrva,
Summanus, Vejovis, Sethlans, Mars, Mantus and Ercle. They are Angels who
watch over the renewing of things and they have the power to wield

Och - Angel of the Sun. Och gives the invocant 600 years of perfect health, (if
they live that long). He is also the Ruler of 28 of the 96 Olympian provinces into
which Heaven is divided. He is a mineralogist and cited as the "Prince of
Oertha - An Angel of the North. "He hath a torch of fire and putteth it to his
sides, and they warm the great coldness of him so that he freeze not the world."
Olinda - Old German: Protector of property.
Omael - An Angel who multiplies species and perpetuates races. He is the
Guardian Angel of chemists. There is some question as to whether Omael is a
fallen Angel or not . He seems to operate in both domains.
Omniel - Omniel grants to mortals the ability to experience a feeling of oneness
with all life. We pray to Omniel to lift the veil of illusion that keeps us separate
from other living beings. When this veil lifts, we find that the concept of doing to
others as we would do to ourselves becomes real, for we truly are all one.
Omophorus - A world supporting Angel. He carries the Earth on his shoulders,
like Atlas.
Onayepheton - The name of an Angel through whose agency God will summon
the dead and raise them to life again.
Onzo ( "A fair Angel of God") - invoked in the exorcism of wax.
Opiel - An Angel who aids individuals in obtaining the love of a desired one. His
name can be found written on Aramaic love charms.
Oranir - Chief Prince of the nine Angels of the Summer Equinox. An effective
defender against the evil eye.
Oriares - The Angel governing the Season of Winter.
Oriel (Auriel, "Light of God") - Old French: Golden. An Angel of Destiny. He is
one of 70 childbed amulet Angels and Ruler of the tenth hour of the day.
Osael - A Cherub summoned in ceremonial magic.
Osgaebial - An Angelic Ruler of the eighth hour, he commands "a great cloud of
attending spirits".
Otheos - A most holy Angel invoked for discovering treasure.
Ouestucati - A female Angel who brings the sea wind.
Oul - A special aid Angel to Dalquiel in the Third Heaven.
Oumriel - Angel of service residing in the Fourth Heaven

Pagiel - An Angel petitioned in ritual prayer for the fulfilment of the invocant's
Pahaliah - An Angel invoked to convert non-Christians to Christianity. He rules
theology and morals.
Pancia - A "most pure Angel" invoked in ceremonial magic, specifically in the
conjuring of the sword.
Parasiel - An Angelic name inscribed in Hebrew characters on the first pantacle
of the planet Jupiter, Parasiel is Lord and master of treasures.
Paschar (“Vision”) - Guards the veil between our world and the heavens,
between consciousness and unconsciousness, between awareness and illusion.
Patteny - A ministering Angel summoned in cabalistic rites.
Penat - A Friday Angel, residing in the Third Heaven and one of the intelligences
of Venus.
Pendroz - An Angel of the seventh hour.
Permaz - An Angel of the second hour of the night.
Pesagniyah - A supervisory Angel of the South in charge of the keys to ethereal
places. When prayers of persons in deep sorrow ascend, Pesagniyah kisses such
prayers and accompanies them to a higher region.
Pethel - A "most holy Angel" invoked in magical rites at the close of the
Phaiar - An Angel invoked in the conjuring of the reed.
Phakiel - Controls the sign of Cancer in the zodiac.
Phaldor - An Angel of oracles.
Phanuel (Raguel - “Hope”) - Archangel of penance; Prince of the Presence;
Angel of hope who holds the devil in his power. Hope is a feeling of trust & a
desire for good, accompanied by the assumption that your desire is attainable.
In the Book of Enoch it is Phanuel, not Uriel, who is one of the four major
Pharniel - Angel over the twelfth hour of the day.
Phatiel - Angel of the fifth hour of the night.
Phul - Lord of the Moon, Ruler of the seven Olympian Provinces. As a Monday
Angel, Phul is to be invoked only on Monday. Phul is called "Lord of the Powers of
the Moon and supreme Lord of the waters."
Poiel - An Angel of the Order of Principalities. He rules over fortune and
philosophy. He also is one of the 72 Angels of the zodiac.
Porna - A Friday Angel serving in the Third Heaven, invoked from the South.
Presnostix - An Angel of the sixth hour of the night.
Pruel - An Angelic guard of the gates of the South Wind.
Prukiel - An Angel invoked in Syriac charms along with other spellbinding
Psychopompoi - Soul-escorting Angels who accompany souls after bodily death
toward their heavenly abode. Michael, Elijah & Sandalphon are also regarded as
guides of the Psychopompoi.

Qaddis/Qaddisin ("Holy Ones") - Twin Angels who, with the Twin Irin,
constitute the supreme judgement council of the heavenly court.
Qadosch - An Angel invoked in the conjuring of ink and colours.
Qafsiel - An Angel with dominion over the Moon. He is the guardian of the
Seventh Heavenly Hall. In ancient Hebrew magic he is invoked to drive away
enemies by tying a charm, written in bird's blood, to the foot or wing of a dove
and then bidding it to fly away. If it flies away, that is a sign that the enemy is
also in flight.
Qamiel - An Angelic guard of the South Wind.
Qaniel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the South Wind.
Queen Of The Angels - In Catholicism, the Virgin Mary. In the Cabala, the
Shekinah. In Gnosticism, the Pistis Sophia.
Quelamia - One of the 7 exalted throne Angels residing in the First Heaven.

Radueriel (Vretil) - The heavenly register and recording Angel, leader of the
celestial Choirs, creator of the lesser Angels. He is also included among the 8
great judgement Princes of the throne, whose rank is superior to Metatron's. He
is the Angel of poetry and master of muses. Of Raduriel it is said "out of every
word that goeth forth from his mouth, a song uttering Angel is born". Since the
creator alone has the power and the privilege to do likewise, this makes
Radueriel unique among his fellow Hierarchs.
Rael - A Wednesday Angel residing in the Third Heaven. He is also one of the
intelligences of the planet Venus. The invocant must face North when conjuring
up Rael.
Raguel – Another name for Phanuel.
Rahdar - With the aid of his Genius brother Phakiel, Rahdar governs the zodiac
sign Cancer.

Rain - The Angels who hold dominion over moisture and rain can be appealed to
by repeating their names over and over in a chant: "Mathariel, Ridia, Matriel."
These Angels are especially protective of people who conserve water and can
inspire humans to do so. We also pray to these sacred ones for renewal and
Ramona - Teutonic: Wise protectress.
Rampel - An Angel who holds dominion over mountains. We pray to Rampel for
inner strength, stability and endurance. When we climb a mountain, or simply
gaze at a mountain, this Angel is near.
Raphael - One of the Princes of the presence and Regent of the Sun. This
Archangel is extremely healing to all living beings. Raphael grants joy, healing,
love, miracles and grace. He inspires human kind to pray and also protects of
travellers, guarding and guiding those who take outward or inward journeys.
Raphael also grants courage and encourages scientific breakthroughs and
knowledge in general. (An Essene prayer says: "Raphael, Angel of Sun, enter my
solar centre and give the fire of life to my whole body.")
Rash - An Angelic minister of justice.
Raziel (Galizur) - The chief of the supreme mysteries, Angel of secret regions,
one of the Archangelic governors of the Briatic world; he is the preceptor Angel
of Adam; a Herald of deity, and reputed author of The Book of the Angel Raziel.
Rehel - An Angel who battles against the enemies of religion.
Remiel (”Awakening”) - Each of us has a different concept of what it means to
be awakened. The essence of what we all seek is divine love and freedom from
pain and suffering. Remiel is the Angelic awakener whose goal is to bring you to
consciousness of your Higher Power and union with with your Eternal self. He is
also the Archangel to call upon for true sight and understanding – possibly, this
is because he will be the one who leads the souls of those who have died into
Heaven after the Last Judgement.
Rhaumel - A Friday Angel of the Fifth Heaven, evoked from the North.
Riehol - In cabala, governor of the zodiacal sign of Scorpio: in this office, Riehol
is assisted by Sassaial.
Rigziel - Rigziel is eighth of the 10 Holy Sefiroth.
Rikbiel - Chief of the divine chariot; Prince of the Merkabah Angels.
Risnuch - Angel of agriculture.
Rochel - An Angel who finds lost objects.
Rorex - An Angel invoked to counteract the power of Alath (a demon of
Rosabis - A genius of metals.
Ruchiel - An Angel appointed over the Wind.
Rudosor - Angel of the sixth hour of the night.
Rusvon - An Angel who holds the keys to the Muslim earthly paradise.

Sabbath - An Angel who sits on the throne of glory in Heaven. The Chiefs of the
Order of Angels do him honour. He is the Lord of the Sabbath.
Sachluph - Angel of plants.
Sagdalon - Governor of the sign Capricorn.
Sahaqiel - An Angel of the sky.
Salilus - In magical arts, a Genius who opens sealed doors and is an Angel of
the seventh hour of the day.
Sam Hii (Shom Hii) - One of the ruling Angels of the North Star. The name
means "Creation of life."
Samandiriel - This Angel holds dominion over imagination and helps us realise
that a vivid imagination is a very healing tool to have, because we can visualise
and create alternative realities with which to transform our own lives, as well as
the world around us.
Samax - Chief of the Angels of the Air and ruling Angel of Tuesday.
Sameron - An Angel of the twelfth hour of the day.
Sandalphon ("Power") - Originally the Prophet Elias. He is a Sarim, (Angelic
Prince), Angel of power and glory, twin brother of Metatron. Master of heavenly
song. He is regarded as the tallest Hierarchs in the celestial realm. Moses called
him "the tall Angel". Along with Archangel Michael, he carries on a ceaseless
battle with the Prince of darkness. He is also instrumental in bringing about the
differentiation of sexes in the embryo. He oversees the many powers given to
the Seraphim including strength, abundance, beauty and joy of living.
Sangrariel - An Angel who guards the portals of Heaven.
Sarafinah - Hebrew: Ardent. Saranana - An Angel of the Third Altitude.
Sarga - One of the 5 heavenly scribes appointed by God to transcribe the 204
books dictated by Ezra. The other 4 scribes are Dabria, Seleucia, Ethan (or Ecus)
and Asiel.
Sariel – A Seraph, Sariel has the task of deciding the fate of Angels who have
strayed from God's path. He is also an Angel of guidance and knowledge; of
healing; a leader in Heaven's Army under Michael; and a Prince of the Presence.
He is associated with the sky, and with the sun sign Aries.
Sarim - Chief Celestial Angel Princes.
Sarquamich - An Angel of the of the third hour of the night.
Sasgabiel - An Angel invoked in the rites of exorcism.
Savuriel - An Angelic guard of the Third Heaven.
Schachlil - Angel of the sun's rays.
Schaltiel - An Angel who governs the sign of Virgo.
Sealiah - An Angel who governs or controls the Earth's vegetation.
Sebhael - A spirit who is in charge of the books wherein are recorded the good
and evil actions of man.
Sedim - Guardian spirits, invoked in the exorcism of evil spirits.
Seheiah - An Angel who provides protection against sickness and fire. He also
governs longevity.
Sekel - A female Angel who is the Angel of part of an hour. She will appear
when properly invoked. She dwells in Egypt.
Serafina - Spanish: Seraph, Angel.
Seraquiel - A "strong and powerful Angel" who is invoked on Saturday.
Sereda - Sereda has dominion over Wednesday. She is the one who "washes
away all the colours in the world". She is the sister of Pandelis.
Seth - One of seven Archons.
Setheus - One of the great celestial Powers dwelling in the Sixth Heaven.
Shamshiel - Angel of daylight.
Shateiel - Angel of silence.
Shcachlil - Angel of the sun's rays.
Shekinah ("Liberating Angel") - A female Angel of liberation and freedom,
Shekinah inspires mortals to be just and fair. Some believe that she is the
female part of creation, the feminine aspect of the Creator. She is especially
healing of body, mind and spirit. She is very close to mankind and is never
separated from the just.
Shermuil - The great Archon, mediator between the prayers of Israel and the
Princes of the Seventh Heaven.
Shetel - One of 3 ministering Angels whom God appointed to serve Adam. Some
of their tasks were to roast his meat and cool his wine.
Sizajasel - An Angel governing the sign of Sagittarius.
Sofiel - An Angelic bookkeeper appointed over the records of souls, living and
Sopheriel Mehayye and Sopheriel Memeth - Two of the supreme Angels of
the Merkabah (of which there are 8); keepers of the books of life and death.
Soqed Hozi (”Partnership”) - The keeper of divine balances, holding the balance
of feeling and truth in our lives through our partners. One of the 8 supreme
Angels of the Merkabah, appointed by God to the Sword.
Sphener - A celestial power invoked to combat Mardero, a demon of disease.
Splenditenes - A world-supporting Angel. He supports the heavens on his back.
He has 6 faces and mouths and "glitters with light". He is also called the
Monument of Splendour.
Stimulator - An Angel invoked in the exorcism of ink.
Strateia - An Angelic host whom is said to have the power to cause stars to fall
from the heavens.
Sui'el - An Angel with dominion over earthquakes.
Suriel - Like Metatron, Suriel is a Prince of presence and like Raphael, an Angel
of healing. He is also a benevolent Angel of death, (one of a few). Suriel was
sent to retrieve the soul of Moses. It is said that Moses received all his
knowledge from Suriel, (although Zazagel is credited also with giving Moses his
knowledge). He is one of the great Archangels. He is one of seven Angels in the
system of primordial Powers. When invoked, he may appear as an ox. In Cabala
he is one of the 7 Angels that rule the Earth.
Susniel - An Angel invoked in Syriac invocation charms. As a "spellbinding"
power, Susniel is grouped with Michael, Azriel, Shamshiel and other Angels.

Tablibik - A spirit of fascination and one of the Genii of the fifth hour.
Tabris - An Angel of the sixth hour who presides over free will, self-
determination, choice and alternatives. When you feel stuck in any situation,
pray to this illumined one for the ability to see creative alternatives.
Taharial - An Angel of purity who is prayed to by those who need to cleanse
their thoughts, spirits or surroundings.
Talia (tah-lee-uh) - Hebrew: Heaven's dew.
Taliahad – an Angel of Water. Talihad's name is found inscribed on the seventh
pentacle of the Sun. Tar - One of the 10 Angels that accompany the Sun on its'
daily course.
Tariel - One of the 3 Angels of Summer. Tariel figures in Syrian incantation
charms. He is invoked along with other spellbinding Angels in the "binding of the
tongue of the Ruler".
Tarwan - One of the 10 Angels that accompany the Sun on its daily course.
Teiaiel - In Cabala, an Angel that can foretell the future. He is a throne Angel
and controls maritime expeditions and commercial ventures.
Terentia (ta-ren-shah) - Greek: Guardian.
Tetra - An Angel invoked in ritual magic prayer for the fulfilment of an
invocant's desires. Tetra is noted to be a "great and glorious spirit".
Theliel - An Angelic Prince of love invoked in ceremonial magic to procure the
woman desired by the invocant.
Thiel - An Angel serving in the Second Heaven and also in the Third. He is the
ruling Prince of Wednesday and invoked from the North. He is one of the
intelligences of the planet Venus.
Thoth - An Angel of the eighth hour of the night.
Tilonas - An Angel invoked in the conjuration of ink and colours.
Time - An Angel named so in the Tarot Number 14. He is winged, the sign of the
Sun on his forehead and the triangle of septenary on his chest. He pours the
essence of life from one chalice to another. He is also called Temperance. In
Ecclesiastes 9 and 12 he is referred to the ministering Angel who presides over
each act mans performs.
Tixmion - An Angel invoked in the benediction of salt.
Torquaret - An Angel who presides over the season of Autumn.

Trgiaob - As an Angel who protects wild birds. Pray to this illumined one to
protect all birds from extinction, pollution and destruction of their habitat.
Whenever you hear a bird sing, Trgiaob is near.
Trsiel - An Angel who has dominion over rivers.
Tsaphiel - One of the Angel governing the Moon.
Tual - In ceremonial magic, one of the Angels representing Taurus the bull.
Tubiel - An Angel invoked for the return of small birds to their owner. Also the
head of the sign of Summer.
Turmiel - One of the numerous Angelic guards at the gate of the West Wind.
Tuwahel - A ministering Angel invoked in ritual magic.
Tzadiqel - The Archangel who rules Jupiter on Thursday.
Tzadkiel – an Angel of divine justice

Ubaviel - An Angel with the dominion over the sign of Capricorn.
Uriel (”Ministration”) - A patron Angel of literature and music, Uriel bestows
upon us the gift of creative fire, as well as the power of prophecy. We appeal to
him for foresight into the future and for help in developing our psychic abilities.
Uriel is an Archangel of transformation and of salvation, Regent of the Sun,
overseer of Tartarus, and the spirit of ministration and peace. He helps turn our
worst disappointments into our greatest blessings.
Uriron - An Angel invoked as an amulet against sorcery and sudden death.
Urpaniel - An Angel's name found inscribed on an Asian charm for warding off
Uvael - A Monday Angel, resident of the First Heaven and invoked from the
Uwula - A ministering Angel invoked at an eclipse of the Sun or Moon.
Uzziel (”Strength of God”, ”Faith”) - Angel of the Order of Virtues and
Cherubim. Also one of the 7 Angels who stand before the throne of glory and
among the 9 who set over the 4 winds. Uzziel is commanded by Gabriel to "coast
the south wind with the strictest watch" Also known as an Angel of mercy, under
the Rulership of Metatron. When you invite Uzziel to touch you with faith, your
spiritual growth is accelerated and peace fills your heart.

Valoel - It is traditionally believed that this Angel holds dominion over peace.
We pray to Valoel to enfold us with his wings of serenity and to fill our hearts
with tranquility and contentment.

Varcan - An Angel with dominion over the Sun. He is referred to as the king of
the Angels of the Air, ruling on the Lord's day.
Vassago - Invoked to discover a woman's deepest secret. He is a Prince of the
nether realms where he busies himself finding lost possessions and foretelling
the future.
Vatale - A Prince over all the Angels and Caesars.
Veguaniel - An Angel Ruler of the third hour of the day.
Vehuiah - One of 8 Seraphim invoked to fulfil prayers. He governs the first rays
of the Sun.
Vel - A resident of the Third Heaven. A Wednesday Angel invoked from the
Verchiel - Angel of the month of July, Ruler of the sign Leo, He is also one of
the Rulers of the Order of Powers (Potentates, Authorities) He is also the
governor of the Sun.
Vesta - Latin: Guardian of the sacred Fire.
Vhnori - One of the two governing Angels of the sign Sagittarius.
Vohal - An Angel of power invoked in conjuring rites.
Vretil - The Archangelic keeper of the treasury of Sacred Books. He is said to be
wiser than the other Archangels. He is also called "the scribe of the knowledge of
the Most High".

Wallim - An Angel serving in the First Heaven.
Watchers - Also called Grigori. These Angels (like the Irin) are said never to
sleep. Mentioned in the Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch, it is said that
they were sent originally to instruct mankind in various arts, but after they
descended to Earth they took human women as partners and fell from grace.
According to the Book of Enoch, there are good Watchers and evil Watchers.
Chief among the good Watchers are Uriel, Raphael, Raguel, Remiel, Michael,
Gabriel and Zerachiel. The evil ones include Azazel (who “taught men to make
weapons and armour, metalworking and the art of cosmetics)' Semyaza (who
taught herbalism and the art of making enchantments), Shamshiel (who taught
the signs of the Sun), Sariel (who taught the signs of the Moon), Ezeqeel
(Meteorology), Kokabel (the constellations) and Baraqijal (Astrology).
Weatta - An Angel of the Seal.
Wheels - Also known as the Ofanim. Their chief is Rikbiel.
Woman Clothed with the Sun - See The Apocalypse of John (The Book of
Revelations), Chapter 12, verses 1-2. This is possibly the only occasion of an
Angel or Heavenly Being appears pregnant. She seems to be a symbolic
precursor of the Blessed Virgin Mary in later Christianity.
Xaphan - One of the Angels who joined Lucifer's revolt. He suggested to the
rebels that they set fire to Heaven, but before this could be done, the rebels
were flung out of Heaven. Xaphan fans the embers in Hell's fires and furnaces.
Xexor - a benevolent Spirit invoked when conjuring.
Xomoy - a benevolent Spirit invoked when conjuring.
Xonor - a benevolent Spirit invoked when conjuring.

Yahel - An Angel whose name is inscribed on the fourth pentacle of the Moon.
Yarashiel - One of the numerous Angelic guards of the gates of the East Wind.
Yefefiah (Dina) - Angel of the Torah, who instructed Moses in the mysteries of
the Cabala.
Yekahel - One of the spirits of the planet Mercury. His name is inscribed on the
first pentacle of the planet.
Yephiel - An Angel whose name is found on an Asian charm for warding off evil.
Yrouel - His name is found inscribed on amulets worn by women during
pregnancy. Yrouel is the Angel of fear.
Yurkemi - The Angel of hail. A legend says that Yurkemi offered to extinguish
the fire consuming the three men in the fiery furnace (in the Old Testament Book
of Daniel) but Gabriel would not have it, contending that Yurkemi's help would
not suffice.

Zachriel - An Angel who rules over memory.
Zadkiel ("Prayer") (Tzadkiel, Zidekiel) - An Angel of solace, charity and
gentleness. Zadkiel is an Angel with several different identities, depending on the
reference. In A Theological Discourse of Angels, by Benjamin Camfield, Zadkiel is
the Angel of Jupiter because he is the Ruler of the sign of the zodiac of that
planet. According to the Zohar, Zadkiel is one of two chieftains who assist
Michael when the Archangel goes into battle. Zadkiel is also said to be a co-chief
of the Order of Shinanim (along with Gabriel) and one of the nine Rulers of
Heaven, as well as being one of the seven Archangels presiding next to God. In
rabbinic works, Zadkiel is the Angel of benevolence, mercy, memory, and chief
of the Order of Dominions. But perhaps the most common identity of Zadkiel is
the one presented in the Bible, where he prevents Abraham from sacrificing his
young son Isaac to God. We pray to-this sacred one for comfort when we are in
need of gentle guidance. Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development
in human kind. He guards the powers of invocation; the best known and most
powerful form: prayer.
Zafrire - Morning spirits.
Zagzagel ("Wisdom") - The Angel of wisdom, chief Guard of the Fourth
Heaven. In the Bible, the Angel of the Burning Bush. Zagzagel teaches us how to
listen and see inwardly. Wisdom is the result of searching deep within for truth.
Zahariel ("Brightness") - A great Angel invoked to help us to resist
Zalbesael ("Heart of God") - An Angel who has dominion over the rainy
Zaliel - A Tuesday Angel, resident of the Fifth Heaven. He is invoked from the
Zavael - An Angel who controls and has dominion over whirlwinds.
Zazel - A great Angel, particularly effective in love conjurations. He is the spirit
of Saturn. Along with the Angel Asiel, he can be used to protect against sudden
Zethar - one of the Angels of confusion.
Zeffar - "The genius of irrevocable choice". He also rules the ninth hour.
Zehanpuryu'h (”This One Sets Free”) - A great Angelic Prince, Advocate-
General of Heaven and dispenser of divine mercy. With Michael, he is the
dispenser of unerring balances. He is one of the crown princes of the Merkabah
with higher ranking than that of Metatron.
Zeirna - Genius of infirmities and of the fifth hour.
Zephon (“A Looking Out”) - Guardian Prince of Paradise. The Sixth Sefira, one
of the Cherubim. Gabriel sent Zephon along with Ithuriel to find Satan. The
found him in the garden of Eden while he was tempting Eve.
Zizuph - A genius of mysteries and one of the genii of the eighth hour.
Zuphlas - This Angelic benefactor protects and safeguards the forests and trees.
We appeal to this Angel to save the rain forests of the Earth and to inspire the
human race to honour, respect and save the trees. He also rules the eleventh

Hekhaloth, or Hechaloth

As this belief system (from which we know of many Angels) is not well known
today, here is a brief explanation:
Hechaloth are the "Heavenly Halls" of God envisioned by Jewish mystics as they
ascended from one Sphere on the Tree of Life to the next. The Hechaloth were
different "Chambers" or "Halls" through which mystics advanced during
meditation. Along this meditative journey the divine names of God would be
repeated in a mantra while the mystics would project their consciousness into
spirit-vehicles which journey to each Hall in turn. In each of the chamber a
sacred "seal" was presented to an Archangel who guarded that chamber. Just
before reaching the Seventh Chamber, the mystics would enter a chariot that
would lift each of them up to a profound state of mystical ecstasy, an experience
called Merkabah.
Merkabah was (and is) a mystical tradition of the cabalists pertaining to the
Throne Chariot of God which could ascend and descend through the different
Heavenly Halls or Palaces known as the Hekhaloth - with the Seventh revealing
the Glory of God. Within the period of the Second Temple in Israel, Ezekiel's
vision was interpreted as a mystical flight to Heaven, and the cabalistic mystics
established a technique of using a chariot as a meditation tool. Using the chariot,
the mystics would make an inward journey to the Seven Palaces while employing
secret magic names to ensure their safe passage to and through each of them in
their correct order.
The main text for such visionary activity was the Greater Hekhaloth, which
originated in the first century AD :this is the Jewish visionary text of the
Hekhaloth school originating from the Talmudic phase of Jewish mysticism during
the first century AD.

Angel Therapy
"For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the
water; whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made
whole of whatever disease he had".
St John's Gospel Chapter 5, verse 4.
Angels, apart from being Messengers for the Divine Source, have also a long
history as Healers. In the Christian Old Testament Tobias (or Tobit) is
accompanied on a long journey by the Archangel Raphael, who takes time out to
teach him the healing properties of a fish. The Christian New Testament tells of a
Healing Pool in Jerusalem, empowered once a day by an Angel. Tradition holds
that Raphael is the supreme Archangel of healing with Ariel being his most
important helper but (no surprise!) with the multitude of Angels existing, others
have discovered their Healing Gifts. Sabrael, for example, is especially gifted at
curing specific diseases (generally by defeating Sphendonael, the Demon of
Disease); the Angel Suriel helps Raphael, too and if he fails in Healing, don't
worry, as he is also one of the Angels of Death who was sent to collect Moses'
soul. Either way with Suriel, you can't lose! There are Angels who govern each
organ in the body and every disease or condition which could possibly afflict us .
There are three main ways of working with Angels for healing never forget this:
we work with the Angels, we can never command them. One technique is
Magical, one is Mystical and one is best described as Energy Healing.

This is another time when you get to play with all of the magical alphabets which
we looked at earlier. The usual form of magical healing is effective, but not
always simple. First, you need to decide on which Angel or Archangel is
appropriate to your need. Raphael is usually the safest choice. Then you must do
some research:- what day of the week does your Angel govern (what hour of the
day, even, if you are being fussy)? What is your Angel's colour? Are there any
other special characteristics - scents, for example? Now you are ready to begin.
Using Raphael as an example: Wednesday is his day, and blue is his colour. So,
on a Wednesday take at least one and no more than six blue candles (I find a
light blue one to be more effective, and no larger than taper-sized). Think about
what the healing is meant to achieve. What is the illness? Is the Healing for
yourself or another (and do you have their permission)? Next you will need an
invocation, or prayer. It doesn't have to belong and wordy, full of strange words
and high-sounding language. Short, to the point and easily memorable is best.
Start by asking for protection from the Divine Source (always a good idea, no
matter what you are doing). Include the name of the Archangel or the Angel
whom you are invoking, what they do, and what you want them to do for you.
Conclude by thanking them. Here's an example:
"I ask to be surrounded the by the Light, the Love and the Guardianship of the
Divine Source (or God, or The Goddess ... whomsoever you usually call on).
Great Raphael, Chief of all the Healing Angels, I call upon you to lift the burden
of my affliction ... (put in whatever needs healing here), to heal my pain and to
fill my life with Divine blessings. I ask this for the Highest Good, that I may exist
in Peace and Harmony, and that I may share my blessings with all I meet this
day. I ask this in the name of the Divine Source. Amen. (If you don't feel
comfortable saying 'Amen', then use whatever suits you - 'So mote it be'
perhaps, or 'For the Highest Good of All Concerned'. Something to let your Angel
know that the invocation has ended).
Say this invocation three times, and then let the candle burn out. If you feel the
need to have a bit more ceremony, then you can write out the invocation in one
of your magical alphabets, maybe draw an Angelic sigil, and place the paper
under the candle holder.
Does this seem complicated to you? It always did to me, and I researched to find
something less involved. Now, the Enochian Magic of John Dee is generally
difficult beyond belief to work with (or even to understand!), but for once it
beats the old way! What follows is a powerful method of healing using the
Enochian alphabet, which was developed in this century by Gerald Schueler. You
may need to read it through a couple of times fully to grasp the underlying
philosophy, but once you do understand it you may be surprised (as I was) at
how clear and simple it really is.

There are many ways to use Enochian Magic to heal. Enochian healing generally
employs the magic square of OLAP as shown in English below:

  O  L   A  P  
  L  A   M   A  
  A  M   A   D  
  P  A   D   O  

This square contains the words OL-AP LAMA A-MAD PA-DO which literally
translates as "to restore the path to your god whose name is being" and which
transliterates s "may I restore the path to my own inner divinity." The same
square with Enochian letters is shown below:

The same square showing gematria values is shown below (the last numbers in each row are the row-totals):
30 8 6 9 53 BALTOH ("The Righteous")
8 6 90 6 110 BABALON (An Enochian Goddess")
6 90 6 4 106 AR ("To protect")
9 6 4 30 49 ELOH ("First)

The entire square's value is 318: EOLIS BLIOR ("To make comfortable"), and it
can be translated as "Babalon first protects the righteous"
The figure below shows the magical formulas that are contained within the
square. This healing exercise begins by looking at the square and thinking about
all of these formulas that it expresses:

The four corners of the square relate to karma and strength. The "person" refers
to whoever needs the healing; either yourself or another person. In the centre of
the square are the four letters AMMA, which literally means "cursed" but in this
case means the illness or sickness to be cured. Surrounding the illness are the
letters OLAP-PADO ("restore my name" which can be transliterated to restore my
health). These add to 93. In step 2 of this exercise, the square should be
visualised as shown below:

The third step is to visualise the square in its English equivalent as shown below.
"Restore my Health" is the mantra or prayer that shrinks the illness within:

This magical visualisation exercise can be used to heal either yourself or another
person. While looking at the square and visualising as noted above, see the
healee becoming well and the illness shrinking into nothingness. It also helps to
construct a square and let the healee hold it while you do the visualisations.
From: Schueler's Enochian Magic Page
Mystical Visualisation techniques lead us neatly into the idea of Mystical healing.
This is nothing more than meditating, sending out Love, Light and Healing
wherever it is needed - and visualising Archangels or Angels doing the
necessary. Rather than my trying to explain in writing that which is best
experienced in your soul, I shall back off and present to you an Angelic Healing
Meditation from the Pleiadean Lightwork system:
"The healing angels are ever ready to be of service to anyone who is ill, in the
hospital or to come to the aid of any and everybody involved in an accident,
natural disaster, or harmed by any means. In truth, their divine presence can be
seen and felt by those with inner vision in hospitals everywhere, and around the
ill and wounded, however, their work and their numbers would exponentially
increase by our simple prayers and invocations.
Before you begin, request their presence within your own life, to help you with
your own personal healing process. Then, focus your attention either on a
particular individual who is ill, a specific hospital, hospitals in general, or upon
any specific or generalised situation where their particular help is needed. Call
upon the Mighty Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary to oversee this work. Then
proceed to call upon the angels of healing in general and direct them to the area
you have chosen upon.
Close your eyes. Assume a comfortable meditative posture, either sitting up or
lying down. Now invoke the pure white Light of the Christ (or your preferred
Divinity) and the semi-permeable bubble of golden-white light for protection.
Only that which is good and of the Divine Source can pass through this bubble.
Only that which is of the Divine Source can pass outward to our fellow human
beings and to the planet. We are protected and act as conduits and servers for
the highest purposes only.
We now invoke the blessed presence of Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary, his
divine counterpart, to overlight this meditation. We invoke the presence of all of
the Angels of the Healing Arts. Ask that any and every aspect of disharmony or
dis-ease within your own personal body be bathed and washed clean within the
healing light.Now direct your attention to all hospitals around the globe. Ask for
the overlighting presence of Archangels Raphael and Mother Mary to infuse these
hospitals, that all may be bathed within their blessed healing love-light. Ask for
as many Healing Angels that are needed in order to help effectuate healing on all
levels of the four lower bodies to come and stand by the bedside of all who are
suffering within the various hospitals everywhere. Ask that Raphael, Mother Mary
and the Healing Angels come in answer to your prayers and invocations, as long
as the higher self of the individuals involved agree.
"Please, oh blessed angels, pour forth all the divine and glorious healing force
that you have into each and everyone in need of you this moment".
Now be silent and allow the angels to work.(Allow a few moments of silence).
Now add your own love and healing energies to these places and the people in
need, as you yourself are healed by the force of the healing energies flowing
through you.(Allow another few minutes of meditation).

"I give thanks to you, Raphael, and Mother Mary. I give thanks to all the Angels
of the Healing Arts who are answering my heartfelt prayers this very moment. I
ask that you stay as long as you are needed and that you continue to overlight
any and all who are suffering. Amen, Amen, Amen."
When you feel ready focus back into your bodies and open your eyes. Carry this
peace and healing radiance within you as you leave this meditation and resume
your own work and go about your life."
This make a beautiful group meditation, too.Here's another one,from the same
tradition, equally effective and just as beautiful: use it to protect and strengthen
you in your Healing work.
The Unified Chakra is the base technique of Angelic Outreach. It supports your
Spiritual Evolution at every level. The Unified Chakra creates a bubble of Light
that allows you to handle vaster and vaster frequencies, and acts like a force
field. It helps screen out other people's pictures of reality. Most of you walk
around in other peoples' energies because your bodies are separated. The main
thing for Lightworkers is to get in your bodies and figure out what your energy
is. The Unified Chakra is the best way that we know of to assist you to follow
your Spirit with every breath and every step. We suggest that you do the Unified
chakra every single time that you notice that you are in the past or the future. At
first that will seem like an incredible task, but if you will do it with discipline, you
will find that within two weeks you will unify instantly. By the end of four to five
weeks, you won't step out of the merge. Unlike a lot of meditations, you do not
leave your body; you stay conscious. It is an altered state, but it is one that you
can live in.

I breathe in Light Through the centre of my heart,

Opening my heart
Into a beautiful ball of Light,
Allowing myself to expand.

I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my throat chakra
And my solar plexus chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand,
Encompassing my brow chakra
And my navel chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my crown chakra
And my base chakra
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my Alpha chakra (eight inches above my head)
And my Omega chakra (eight inches below my spine)
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow the Wave of Metatron
To move between these two points.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my eighth chakra (above my head)
And my upper thighs
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow my emotional body to merge
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my ninth chakra (above my head)
And my lower thighs
In one unified field of Light
Within, through, and around my body.
I allow my mental body to merge
With my physical body.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my tenth chakra (above my head)
And to my knees
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body.
I allow my spiritual body to merge
With my physical body,
Creating the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my eleventh chakra (above my head)
And my upper calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my twelfth chakra (above my head)
And my lower calves
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Christ Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my thirteenth chakra (above my head)
And my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the I AM Oversoul to merge
With the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light Through the centre of my heart,
Allowing the Light to expand
Encompassing my fourteenth chakra (above my head)
And to below my feet
In one unified field of Light
Within, through and around my body
I allow the Source's Presence to move

Throughout the unified field.
I AM a unity of Light.
I breathe in Light
Through the centre of my heart,
I ask that the highest level of my Spirit
Radiate forth from the centre of my heart,
Filling this unified field completely.
I radiate forth throughout this day.
I AM a unity of Spirit.
I AM a unity of Light.

Healing with Angelic Energies

Of all the techniques, this is probably the most involved, as it requires that you
open yourself up directly as a funnel for Archangelic and Angelic energies.If you
have a background in Ritual Magic, Reiki or Spiritual Healing or even if you have
done some T'ai Ch'i then this should not present you with a problem. First, let's
make sure that we're clear to funnel: if you feel silly doing the toning exercises
that come next, don't worry. Angels have a sense of fun: that's why we can
funnel their energy! These exercises will help to balance you out and free up
your energy flow. Ki energy is the same as Ch'i, and is our Life Force Angels (and
Healing Guides in Spiritual Healing) employ this to carry out their Healing work.
They re-balance us, and then through us re-balance the person for whom
Healing is needed . Everyone benefits!

Toning Posture for balancing your energies

 Sit in a meditative posture.

 Bring the palms of your hands together in the 'prayer' position - the thumbs
touch each other, but are separate from hands.
 Lightly touch the throat (beneath the thyroid gland) with tips of the
 With eyes closed, breath in and out slowly several times (preferably 3 or 7
 Begin to sound AH, AYE, EE, OH and OO as you exhale.
 Repeat several times as you begin to feel a change of Ki energy between
both hands.

Use this posture to balance energy and get energy moving. The AH tone is a
Strong Yin tone and the AYE is a strong Yang tone. EE is a mild Yin tone and OH
is a mild Yang tone. OO is considered to be a balanced tone with equal amounts
of Yin and Yang.

Toning posture for strengthening your healing energy

 Sit in a meditative posture.

 Bring the palms of your hands together in the 'prayer' position - the thumbs
touch each other but are separate from the hands. (An alternate posture:
raise both arms at the elbows with palms facing inward.
 Lightly touch the throat (beneath the thyroid gland) with tips of the
 With eyes closed, breath in and out slowly several times (preferably 3 or 7
 Begin to sound SUUUU as you exhale to activate healing energy.

Repeat several times as you begin to feel a change of Ki energy between both
hands.This posture facilitates healing, especially when combined with invocation
and intention. Use this posture after balancing with AH, AYE, EE, OH AND OO.
To work properly with Angelic energy for Healing, you need to be open. The first,
big question is who are you going to work with? If you have met, or know the
name of, your Guardian or Guiding Angel, then ask them for help. Failing this,
call upon one or more of the major Archangels (and/or specific Healing Angels)
to protect and work with you. A short prayer is quite appropriate, here:
something along the lines of:
"I surround myself with the Light, Love and Protection of the Divine Source, and
ask humbly that you, Blessed ( ... insert name of Angels(s) here ... ) assist me in
this Healing work. May ( ... name of person receiving the Healing ...) be given
that which they need to relieve their sorrows and ease their journey on their Life
Path, for the Highest Good of All Concerned."
Mind you, when you are used to working with your Angel, a simple"Please" is
often good enough!!

Any act of Healing has four components Spiritual, emotional, mental and
physical. Your opening prayer should have prepared you on the first two levels,
so let's move on to the next ones. You need to be aware that your Healing Angel
is present, and ready to work. If your are clairvoyant, you may see your Angel,
or hear music, or even smell them ( be especially aware of Jasmine, or Lily of
the Valley). Less clairvoyant mortals may just have an awareness of Angelic
presence in their Healing space. I like to focus on sensations in my hands - a
growing energy, the feeling that my Healing Angel has borrowed my hands to
work with. However you become aware, wait for this to begin in the early days of
your work, it may take time for this awareness to arrive, but with experience you
will find that it happens very quickly.
You'll discover that there are all sorts of theories about how this should be
carried out, and what you get here is only an opinion (based on experience).
Here are some basic rules for Angel Healing:

 Never give Healing without having permission from your Healee. Illness
may not be a Life-choice; receiving Healing is.
 Avoid touching your Healee's physical body, unless you are sure that this
will not disturb them, nor cause them any distress.
 Unless you are a doctor, never diagnose, nor suggest that your Healee stop
or deviate from a prescribed course of conventional medical treatment.
 Don't promise a cure any Healing is sent by the Divine Source, mediated
through Angels. You are no more than a channel for the Angelic Healing.
 Let your Healee be aware that there may be an Advanced Healing Process
(AHP) after the formal act of Healing has finished. They may feel sick
and/or dizzy immediately after you have concluded the process, tired or
even physically or emotionally worse for up to three days. This is the result
of their releasing negative energies and re-balancing themselves. Be ready
to listen to them, and to offer advice if need be. Don't repeat the Healing
Process, though you can't heal an AHP!

You may also be wondering how to start your healing. Do you use a series of
hand positions, or just trust to your abilities and "go for it"? Empathic Healer
scan focus in fairly quickly on problem areas, and begin treating them
immediately, but the rest of us often require a structured Healing Process to
operate with.
Here's one which comes from a much-underestimated Japanese discipline, Jin
Shin Jyutsu, called Harmonising With The Source of Life. Not only will it
work on others, but it makes a good self-Healing technique, too!

1) Place your right palm or fingers on the top of your Healee's head.
This maintains energy balance throughout the session.

2) Place your left fingertips between your Healee's eyebrows. This

balances energy throughout the body at a deep level, and improves
mental functions.

3) Place the fingertips of your left hand (or just the tip of your left
index finger) on the tip of your Healee's nose. This balances physical
energies at a more superficial level than the previous position.

4) Place your left fingertips on your Healee's sternum (I find that

placing them towards the upper part of the sternum is most effective)
– this will help the breathing functions, pelvic girdle and hips.

5) Move your left fingertips down to the base of the sternum, just
above the solar plexus – this revitalises Life Energy at its central
source within the body.

6) Now place your fingertips over the pubic bone, to balance the flow
of energy throughout the body, and strengthen the spine.

7)Remember your right hand? Leave your left fingertips over the pubic
bone and place your right fingers at the base of the spine in the area
of the cocccyx, the tailbone. This will finish balancing the flow of
energy through your Healee's body, as well as improving circulation in
the lower body.

8) Now finish. Scan your hands over your Healee and go back to any
areas which you feel need further attention. Be aware of any “odd”
areas in their energy field, place your hands over these areas, and
allow Angelic Energy to flow through.

9) Say “Thank You” to your Angel(s), and close. What is really good
about this Healing Process is that your Healee can be sitting, standing
or lying down for it to work. Just be aware, please, that some of the
hand positions could be interpreted by your Healee as intimate contact
– if you (or they) have any doubts, then work hands off, a few inches
above their body.

Funnelling Angelic energy generally requires that you maintain an aware yet
meditative state, that you be able to stay focused for the duration of the Healing
Process. This has been a known issue for millenia, and there are many possible
One is for you to create a Healing Mantra to recite whilst Healing – this can be
something from your own tradition, or just a recitation of the names of the
Archangels and Angels with whom you are working.
Another way is to use Healing Symbols. The ones here are drawn form the SKHM
tradition – they funnel Angelic energy particularly well. Before you work with the
Symbols, please bear in mind how to use them effectively:

Draw each Symbol on the palm of each of your hands.

Activate each Symbol, once drawn, by tapping it with your fingertips

and saying the name silently three times.

If you find your concentration slipping during the Healing Process,

then recite silently the names of the Symbol(s) you are using. This
can be your Healing Mantra.

Align With God - also called High\Low\God.
This is a good Symbol to use at any time during the Healing Process, as it calls
the Angels closer and helps align your energy with theirs, via your Higher Self.

Angel Wings
A very versatile Symbol, this one. It can be used at any time to break up
patterns of negative energy and to disperse them harmlessly (it works with
places as well as with people). It also serves to “seal in” Angelic energy at then
end of the Healing Process. You can use it for psychic protection, too.

Cho Ku Ret
This is an “empowering” Symbol, used to infuse all living beings – sentient or
otherwise – with angelic energy. It is used to transmit Angelic energy into your
Healee, but you can also use it to strengthen your Healing tools (crystals or
aromatherapy oils, for example) with Angelic Healing energy. It is also the
Symbol used to attune someone to the Angelic Healing energy.

Eef Tchay
Use this Symbol for clarity and for personal development. On a lower level it can
be employed to strengthen your psychic abilities; the more profound use is to
help you to see things as they truly are, not as your (or anyone else's) ego
would have you see them.
There is another form of this Symbol:

The first three Symbols – Align with God, Angel Wings, and Cho Ku Ret – can
(and should) be used to purify your Healing Space on a regular basis.
Of course, these are not the only options available – there is a long history of
using Symbols with Angels. You can also use the Sigil appropriate to an Angel's
name. For myself, I find this rather distasteful, as there a connotations of
“...summoning an Angel and binding it to one's will...”, which has always seemed
rather impolite to me. If you know to which Element or sign of the Zodiac your
Angel relates, you can always use the relevant Astrological symbol. Angels are
individuals and always willing to help – you and your Angels will discover,
together, what works best for you all. You can increase the efficacy of your Angel
Healing by calling upon one specific to the condition which you are treating:
Angel Condition

Asariel is the “mental and emotional” healer: his field includes insanity, delusions, obsessions and
Asariel obsessive-compulsive disorders and psychological and/or psychiatric problems arising from mis-
applied psychic energy.

All diseases caused by cold, damp conditions (including arthritis and rheumatism). He has care of the
elderly and will bring relief to – but not always a total cure of – conditions caused by old age.

All female dis-eases and breast problems. Pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal problems. Sterility.
Stomach complaints. Oedema. Warts.

Michael Any diseases of the heart or of the spine (this includes the back, and all back muscles).

The prime Archangel of Healing. Raphael is concerned with all health matters, but especially with
chest and lung diseases. He has a particular care for children, small animals and birds.

Sachiel Sachiel works with all issues of poor blood circulation, as well as with the ankles and feet.

All wounds, rashes and infections. Anything which causes eruptive spots (including acne and
allergies). Migraine. Samael is the Angel of Surgery.

Uriel He looks after all problems of the nervous system.

Angelic Magic

For as long as we have been aware of Angelic energies, there have been
attempts to work magic with the Angels. Some techniques appear to be based on
prayer and a necessarily wide interpretation of religious (usually Catholic)
practice; others are more scholarly, although they can become quite unpleasant
- binding Angels to do your will. We'll have a look here at a few different things
to try - but bear in mind what was said before about only asking for what you
have a right to, and accepting responsibility for what you invite into your life.

Bringing Love into your life with the Angels

 Day: Friday (Venus)
 Angelic Hour: Uriel (1:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., or 10:00p.m.).
 Moon Phase: New
 You will need:
o Two pink taper candles,
o a picture of yourself,

o a red heart cut out of stiff paper.

Angels to Call:

o Hahaiah, who inspires positive and loving thoughts;

o Anael, who is in charge of love, passion, and romance;
o Hael, who inspires art,kindness, mercy, and beauty;
o Mihr, who will find you a loyal friend (or heal a broken friendship),
o Or you may prefer a chant of angelic names: Raphael, Rahmiel,
Theliel, Donquel, Anael, Liwet,Mihr.
 Cleanse, consecrate, and empower the pink candles.
 On the back of the heart, write the qualities you are looking for in your
Soul-Mate: try to be as clear and specific about this as possible (but do
NOT write down a specific name of a person, as that may go against their
free will, in which case the angels will not help yo u.) As you do this, hold in
your mind the thought that you are attracting love into your life, that you
are worthy of being loved.
 Ground and centre yourself. Call your Guardian Angel and the angel(s) you
have chosen to help you.
 Set the two pink candles about one foot apart with your picture in the
middle,between them. Place the heart on top of your picture.
 Light the candles and let them burn for about five minutes. Move the
candles a little closer together, then put them out.
 Thank divinity and the angels for their help.
 Repeat this ritual the next evening at the same time of day, and every
night thereafter until the seventh day. On the seventh day, make sure both
candle holders are touching the picture and the heart. Let the candles burn
until there is nothing left.
 Take the heart and your picture (keep them together) and put them in a
safe, undisturbed place (you may keep the heart and picture together as
long as you like).
 When what you have called comes to you, be sure to go back to your altar
and thank both divinity and the angels for your good fortune.

Let the Angels Help You in the Dissolution of a

 Day: Saturday
 Angelic Hour: Cassiel (1:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m.)
 Moon Phase: Dark of the Moon
 You will need:
o Two black candles (to repel negativity);
o a picture of yourself and the individual you wish to be separated from;
o a box with mirrors pasted on the sides (top and bottom, facing
 Angels to Call:
o Mupiel, who fosters a tolerant "live and let live"philosophy;
o Nemamiah, who fights for good causes;
o Rhamiel, who will bring empathy,kindness, mercy, love,protection,
and compassion;
o Shekinah, the Jewish female angel who believes in freedom and who
inspires humans to be just and fair.

Some preparatory work is called when you are dealing with

separation/banishment magic:
o First, remove all of your jewellery and put it away.
o Do not wear any clothing that belongs to the other person. Wash all
your clothing that the other person has worn in regular detergent
mixed with a sprinkle of basil.
o This separation/banishment working is the opposite of the previous
exercise, where you brought love into your life. Where before you set
the candles together, now you will move the black candles and the
pictures apart, day by day, for seven days.
o On the seventh day, leave your picture in the centre of your altar and
remove the picture of the other person.
o Ask your guardian angel to surround you with love,peace, and
harmony. Place your picture in the mirrored box, asking the angels to
protect you during this separation process. Close the box and seal it
with an equal-armed cross.
o Let the candles burn down to nothing.
o Leave your picture in the box throughout the separation process and
beyond, should you feel the need.
o When the amicable dissolution has occurred, be sure to thank the
angels for their kind and loving assistance in the matter.

Remember, it is your responsibility to try to keep the separation process on

good terms.

The Angel Egg Charm

This is an old charm used to bring "...all good things..." (peace, harmony and
abundance) into your life.
 Day: Sunday or Friday.

 Angelic Hour: Michael (Sunday's Hours: 1:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 3:00p.m.,
or 10:00p.m. Friday's Hours: 7:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., or 9:00 p.m.) or Uriel
(Sunday's Hours:2:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m., or 11:00 p.m. Friday's
Hours: 1:00 a.m., 8:00a.m., 3:00 p.m., or 10:00 p.m.).
 You will need:
o One large egg,
o blue dye or food colouring,
o a marker pen,
o a needle,
o a cork,
o small items that signify harmony to you (gems, herbs, a lock of your
hair etc.),
o a blue candle.
 Angels to Call:
o Baglis, who inspires moderation and balance;
o Barbelo, who brings abundance, goodness, and integrity;
o Camael, who brings joy, happiness, and contentment (An Essene
Prayer says: "Camael, Angel of Joy, descend upon the earth and give
beauty to all things");
o Gabriel;
o Hahaiah, who gives us loving thoughts;
o Rhamiel, who provides kindness and compassion;
o Samandiriel, who inspires creativity and a vivid imagination.
 Use a marker and draw a circle that is the same size as the small end of the
cork on the large end of the egg. Poke a little hole in the small end of the
egg with the needle. Turn the egg over and make a bigger hole on top,
close to the edges of your marker line. Be careful, if you apply too much
pressure, you'll break the egg. Take your time, and drain the egg. Shake
the egg occasionally to help it along. Let the egg dry completely (those of
you who blew birds' eggs as children will have no problem with this).
 Colour the egg with the colouring or dye. Be careful not to break the shell.
If you don't have the dye or colouring, use markers. Paint or draw whatever
symbols you like on the shell that indicate harmony to you.
 Take the shell and put it in direct sunlight. This is to help it dry; even if you
use markers that dry immediately, you still need to put the shell in the sun
for a few minutes, asking your angels to bless it.
 Fill the egg with the things that indicate harmony to you and place it on
your altar or in your sacred space. As you place each item in the egg, you
may wish to recite any prayers or invocations that you would like to use.
 Hold the filled shell in both hands out in front of you. State your purpose
and call upon the angels whom you wish to empower the items. Ask them
to bring you the harmony that you seek.
 Light the blue candles, asking the angels to speed this work on its way.
 Now very, very carefully, put the cork in the egg.
 You may leave the egg on your altar for as long as you wish. When you are
ready to part with it, bury it in the ground near your home. You may bury it
right away if you like, but many people like to leave the egg on their altar
for at least seven days. It is your choice.
 Close down your ritual, remembering to thank the angels you have called
on for assistance.
 Let the blue candle burn until it is completely gone.

Let the Angels Right Injustice

Ask the angels to help you right any injustice done by a plotting, scheming, and
conniving person. This is an old Scottish angel charm. The one who cast the
charm went to where three streams met first thing in the morning and washed
his or her face there, then said the following:
"Goddess, I am bathing my face in the nine rays of the sun. Sweetness be in my
face, Riches be in my pocket, Gold honey be on my tongue, My breath as the
incense, Black is yonder house, Blacker the men therein. I am the white swan,
Queen (or King) over them. I will go in the names of the God and Goddess. In
likeness of deer, in likeness of horse In likeness of serpent, in likeness of queen
With help from the angels, more victorious am I than all persons.....Whenever
you see the person who has committed the injustice or the gossip flitters down
to you, say the following under your breath: "Angels sain the house from the site
to summit My word above every person The word of every person below my
These charms are taken from a book called the Carmina Gaedelica, a collection
of Scottish Gaelic prayers and invocations. These days, if you don't live near the
confluence of three streams, then running water from a tap will do just as well.

A Basic Angelic Protection Spell

To call the angels of protection, try reciting this passage:
"Sword and lightning, swift the flash, By powers of Mars, my enemies smash.
Turn back the attack, focus on them, Give their pride a rightful trim. Go sweet
Michael, by light of your fire, Accomplish my protection, my firm desire, Go
sweet Michael, by heaven's employ No more shall they speak lies that remove
others' joy. I break the bonds, I sever the friendship, I invoke the powers of my
own kinship. Blood and bones and seething fire Michael circles higher and higher.
I work the magic for my protection I call the angels of divinity's selection. Upon
the screaming winds they fly Protection I hail, the evil will die."
Talking to the Deceased with the Angels
Angels will bring you messages from deceased friends and loved ones. All you
need to do is ask, and be serious about it. Call upon your Guardian Angel for
protection and light a candle to represent the person you wish to receive words
from. You may not get a message right away (although sometimes you will hear
things in your head). Don't be afraid of any message - if the communication
doesn't seem positive, banish it. Other times you will receive some sort of signs -
perhaps a favourite song you shared together will play on the radio when you
are thinking about that person, or an event may occurs that is associated with
the memory of the deceased.

Letting the Angels Help You Study

Take a white candle and set it on the table where you are working. Talk to your
Guardian Angels, indicating that you need help, what you are studying, and what
your ultimate goal is. Light the white candle and keep it burning while you are
working. You may also wish to ask any of the following angels for assistance:
 Akriel, who inspires intellectual achievement, and helps improve your
 Ecanus, who inspires writers,
 Liwet, who presides over original ideas and thoughts,
 Mupiel, who helps you increase and keep your memory;
 Samandiriel, who helps with your imagination,
 Satarel, who is the angel of knowledge.

When you have finished, put the candle out and thank the angels for their

To Charge Crystals with the help of the Angels

Hold your crystals for charging in your right hand (traditionally, cleansing
crystals is done holding them with left hand, and charging is done holding them
with right hand) with the crystals laying in the centre of the palm of your hand.
Physically turn yourself to face the direction of the angel who is concerned with
your intention. For example, if you are asking Raphael for help with healing you
would then face to the South. While making your intentions clear, say your
invocation (prayer) out loud and directly to the palm of your hand that contains
the crystals. For example: "I wish to charge these crystals with healing light and
love. Thanks be to Archangel Raphael for your assistance and eternal guidance.
Blessings". This can also be used to charge candles and incense.If you are a
Reiki practitioner, then draw the appropriate Symbols and give Reiki to the
item(s) after charging them .

To make a Healing Candle

You will need a blue or white votive candle, a black marker pen and a small
saucer (always be careful when using candles; be sure that the holder is stable
and holds the candle securely; never leave candle unattended - especially in the
company of children).

 Take your black marker and write Raphael's name or sigil on the side of
 Write "Healing" above the name or sigil.
 If you have drawn a sigil, write "Raphael" beneath it.
 Place the candle on the saucer and light it.
 As you focus on the flame, envision what/to whom you want healing
energies to go - if it is a person, then state their name and location. If you
are Healing an event or situation, then state the time and place (if possible
- note that this works equally well for past, present, future and ongoing
situations, so exact timings and locations may not be possible).
 After you have finished, be sure to give thanks and blessings for the help
you have received.
 Keep the candle lit for at least 10 minutes.
 Light the candle each day until it is used up. Do not light this candle for any
other purpose than what you charged it for.
 Dispose of the used candle at your discretion. Maybe bury it in the earth
and ask Mother Earth to send healing to all her children, or throw it into
running water (or the sea) asking that healing be carried to all parts of the

Invocation For the Manifestation of Love within the
This charm is used to awaken and realise the good and positive within your Inner
self to attract equal good and positive energies into your life. Before getting
started, sit down and write what qualities you would like to see in yourself. Do
you want to be more kind? More helpful? More loving? Be sure to be clear what it
is about yourself you would like to change, or to improve. Read this list
completely before starting your preparations.
You will need:
 1 white or wine-coloured taper candle (white and pink are appropriate
colours for attracting Love);
 a suitable candle holder;
 Lily Oil (Or you can use a rain-scented candle).

Start to work with your intention on the Friday after the New Moon. Friday is the
most powerful day for work involving love, emotions, dreams, passion, etc. This
is also the day that Anael rules over. Traditionally you would begin your work at
the first Angelic Hour - this will be determined by the sunrise in your area. For
example, if sunrise is at 6:00am then the first Angelic Hour also begins at
6:00am. Anoint your candle with the Lily Oil (if you are using a scented candle
then skip this step). Do this from the bottom upwards, to a half inch away from
the top of the candle. Light your candle, and while you are lighting it ask Anael
to help you to awaken and become aware of the qualities which you feel you
lack. Your prayer could be something like this (but do not be afraid to use
different words, if these come from your heart):

"Anael, in all of your wisdom, please guide me to the knowledge of becoming a

more loving and caring person. These aspects of compassion are what I truly
seek in my mate. I am grateful to you for your time and guidance, and I release
this unto the Universe. Blessings". Once this candle has been lit for this purpose
do not light it again for any other purpose. Be sure to always say your invocation
each time this candle is lit until it has completely melted down. Discard candle
wax safely when this occurs.What colour candle you use in Angel Magic depends
on your aim, although white is always a safe choice.
There are a traditional series of colour correspondences which you may find
helpful in choosing your candle (and in other magical workings):
 Red: A good colour for grounding, and for energy. It is employed to call in
energy, vitality and physical strength; good health; victory. Red helps us to
combat impulsiveness. It can be used to repel attacks. Use the colour red
for anything involving the Element of Fire, and to invoke the Principalities.
 Orange:A colour of joy and happiness; of creativity and adaptability in all
areas of life. Orange is the colour of the Virtues.
 Yellow: This is the colour for clearing your mind and your Inner vision.
Yellow can help with all matters of the mind, such as detached judgment
and balanced criticism (of yourself or of others). Use yellow to improve
communication and to help build your self-confidence. It is the colour of Air
and of the Powers.
 Green: Use green for cleansing, purifying and detoxifying. It represents
health, harmony, purity, balance, stability, good fortune, fertility, growth
and prosperity (financial or otherwise); it is the colour of coming to fruition.
Green corresponds with the Element of Earth and with the Order of
 Pink: This is an emotional colour, relating to love and friendship, to
calming and healing emotional turmoil. It is the colour of the Dominions.
 Turquoise: Turquoise is a colour of self. It has to do with self-love, self-
acceptance and self-esteem and can be used in the healing of auto-immune
 Blue: Blue is the colour of sleep, of patience and of relaxation; of dreams,
intuition and psychic matters. Use blue to invoke the Cherubim.
 Purple: This is a supremely Spiritual colour, which can be used for all
healing work (especially when the more severe or chronic conditions are
involved) and to bring Spiritual energy into your life. Because purple was
once worn only by royalty, it is also linked with matters of worldly ambition
(e.g. power, fame and fortune). It brings a sense of richness and
fulfillment. Purple is the colour of the Seraphim.
 Black: The only safe use for black is to rid yourself of negative influences.

In case you are not sure which angels to call upon, here are some tables of
Angelic Correspondences to help you:

Angels of the Elements

Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra):

The Element of Air relates to the mind -logical intelligence, ideas and
communication. It also influences the fields of leadership, truth and justice; of
struggles and challenges and idealism; of inquisitiveness and study.

Archangel: Raphael, whose Gift is the Divine Healing that removes all
negativity, all blocks and all fear. The gift of enlightenment - knowledge and
understanding of your Inner Light.
Angels: Casmaron; Chasan; Cherub; Iahamel. The Angels of Action, Attraction,
Honesty,Inner Guidance, Innocence and Success.
Elemental Beings: Sylphs (the King of the Sylphs is Paralda).
Call on these Angels for psychological healing and for mind problems
(depression, for example or weak memory). Ask them to help you develop
patterns of positive thinking. They assist with study and learning, with
meditation practice, and when you need a clear head. Air Angels are also adept
at blowing away negative energies in places, people or situations. Traditionally,
they are the guardians of all travelers.

Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Fire is connected with our Spiritual willpower; with directed intelligence,

inspiration and creativity; with passion, action, enterprise and ambition.

Archangel: Michael. Michael's Gifts are: honour, belief in oneself, inner

strength and the Light of Divine Guidance on your Life-Path.

Angels: Arel, Ardarel, Atuniel, Jehoel, Nathaniel, Seraph; the Angels of Balance,
Decisions and Choices and Change; of Blessings and Delight.
Elemental Beings: Salamanders (their King is Djinn).
Call upon these Angels if you need help with creativity and inspiration or in times
of low energy and low self-esteem. They will help you in any matters involving
“passion” (which includes finding your Soul-Mate - although generally they will
work with the Angels of Water to accomplish this). Angels of Fire will help you to
live your truth, live with honour and stand up for yourself.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces)

The element of water governs all feelings and emotions and everything to do
with romance and love. It also relates to dreams and all Psychic matters.

Archangel: Gabriel Gabriel's Gift: Positive change, rebirth and transformation.

The gift of mercy and compassion - for yourself, as well as for others.
Angels: Anafiel, Arariel, Phul, Talliud and Tharsus; the Angels of Care, Love and
Healing; the Angels of New Patterns of Belief; of Charm; of diligence.
Elemental Beings: Undines (The King of the Undines is Niksa).
Water Angels will provide help with any psychic or psychological situations you
are called upon to deal with, from curing distress to psychic development. If you
have any emotional problems - a need to release grief, any emotional distress,
attracting friendship or love into your life, overall healing of mind, body and
Spirit - they will be your allies. Angels of Water are the especial guardians of
new-born children and of Healers and all Psychics.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo,Capricorn)

Earth relates to all material matters - to work and business, money and physical
pleasure; to the stability and security or your immediate environment (including
your domestic situation); to health, to practicality and to common sense.

Archangel: Uriel. Uriel's Gift: Wisdom and prophecy; the knowledge of Divine
mysteries and of things hidden; understanding of universal patterns and laws.
Angels: Admael, Arciciah, Ariel, Azriel, Haldiel, Harabael, Tebliel. The Angels of
Power, Focus, Flexibility, Fulfilment; of Good Fortune and of Kindness to Others.
Elemental Beings: Gnomes (their King is Ghôb).
Call upon Earth Angels for all problems with your health, prosperity and
abundance; for grounding; for self-improvement (including ridding oneself of bad
habits and addictions). They look after business affairs and employment; moving
home and a stable, happy, home life. These are the Angels of gardening and
growth - which is, perhaps, why they have a special care of small children!

Angels of the Zodiac

Angel Sign Function

Machidiel Aries Helps you to find true love and to be true to yourself.

Asmodel Taurus Brings happiness, success and protection from bad luck.

Ambriel Gemini Brings general protection. Helps you to speak your truth.

Muriel Cancer Brings comfort and stability during periods of change in your life.

Verchiel Leo The Angel of creativity and problem-solving.

Brings acceptance and Inner Peace - perhaps this is why Hamiel is also the
Hamiel Virgo
Angel of working miracles!

The protector of children, Zuriel also helps to calm emotionally stressful

Zuriel Libra

Barchiel Scorpio (and Helps you to develop Inner Strength and to have compassion for others.


Adnachiel blesses you with independence, honesty and the gift of being loved
Adnachiel Sagittarius
by everyone.

Protector of children who brings peace to stressed adults. Haniel also heals
Haniel Capricorn
damaged relationships.

This Angel helps to improve the mind and increase intelligence. Cambiel is also
Cambiel Aquarius
the Angel of lateral thinking.

Barchiel Pisces See Scorpio.


Angels of the Days of the Week

Day Angel Planet

Sunday Michael Sun

Monday Gabriel Moon

Tuesday Samael Mars

Wednesday Raphael Mercury

Thursday Sachiel Jupiter

Friday Haniel Venus

Saturday Cassiel Saturn

The Angelic Employment Agency

Angels in Scripture may have served largely as messengers, but there are lots
more who are only too eager to help out us humans in times of need. Here are
some common situations with which we all struggle, and a list of the Angels who
can help you. To call upon these Angels, just offer up a pryer from your Heart
Centre, or make out an “Angels Wanted” advertisement!
Most of the Angels on this list can be found in Gustav Davidson's wonderful book
A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen. These are just suggestions - if you
feel that you work closely with a particular Angel, or that a different one would

be appropriate to your purpose, the listen to that still, small, voice - it is
probably your Guardian Angel trying to get through to you!
Addiction - Raphael (the main Healing Angel). Any Water Angel for alcoholism,
any Air Angel for smoking or inhaled substances and any Fire Angel for injected
substances. Gabriel and the Water Angels for dealing with the psychological
component of addiction.
Animal Healing and Protection - Behemiel, Hariel, Jehiel, Manakel, Mteniel,
Accommodation - Uriel.
Artistic Work - Akriel, Hael.
Business Success - Anauel and Teoael.
Divination and Psychic Matters - Ada,Ariel, Bath Kol, Gabriel, Haamiah
(bringer of Spiritual knowledge) Isiael, Teiael, Uriel.
Divorce - Archangels, the Order of Powers. Also, call upon Theliel (for fidelity),
and Habbiel (the Angel of commitment).
Domestic Violence - Michael, Gabriel, Uriel.
Eating Disorders - Raphael.
Employment - Ambriel, Anauel,Uriel.
Fertility and Childbirth - Armisael (Angel of easy childbirth) Gabriel,
Samandriel, Temeluch (who will look after the unborn child) Yushamin. Lailah is
the Angel of conception, Sandalphon can be implored to guarantee that your
baby will be a boy or a girl, as required.
Financial Problems and Money - Anauel, Ariel, Uriel.
Gardening - Ariel, Habuhiah and Uriel.
Healing - If you can, choose an Angel who has specific responsibility for the
condition you wish to heal. Otherwise, the main angel of healing are Ariel and
Raphael. Call on Och for heart conditions; on Mahzian for eyesight; and on
Sabrael (who battles Sphendonael, the Demon of disease), for infections caused
by viruses, bacteria or parasites.
Jealousy - Call on Gabriel and Uriel to cure this. Black magicians call upon
Zethar - the Angel of confusion - to destroy relationships with jealousy.
Justice (to obtain) - Vasiariah.
Karmic Issues - Metatron and Shekinah, the highest Archangels, the supreme
male and female archetypes.
Love and Marriage - Anael, Gabriel, Hagiel and Haniel, Shekinah and the Order
of Thrones. Itqal - Angel of Harmony, Jelial (a Seraph who inspires passion) and
Tezalel, the Angel of Fidelity, are also appropriate. If you need to attract love
into your life, then Theliel has a good track record in ritual magic in linking you
up with your soul-mate.
Magic - Ariel, Uriel (for magical energy and to empower workings); Raphael and
Gabriel (for psychic development).

Protection - The Orders of Cherubim and Virtues; all the major Archangels.
Lahabiel can turn away psychic attacks, cure spells of “bad luck” and provide
protection against evil in general.
Peace and Freedom - for peace and freedom, in your own life or amongst large
groups of people, call upon Seraphiel and Terathel. International peace belongs,
properly, to the Principalities.
Stress - Raphael.
Study - Michael, Raphael (who also helps in examinations), Uriel and Zadkiel (an
Angel of memory).

One last point to remember: the most helpful, powerful Angel you can call upon
for any working is your Moon Angel – you can call upon this Angel individually, or
ask them to pass your request along to a specific Being. To find your Moon
Angel, look in your natal horoscope (your astrological birth chart) and find out
what sign of the zodiac the moon was in at the time of your birth. The Angel who
governs this sign is your Moon Angel

Angelic Sigils
What follows is a text produced by the esoteric magical group The Hermetic
Order of the Golden Dawn. Most influential in the 19th century, their
membership included WB Yeats the Irish poet; Algernon Blackwood the writer;
Dion Fortune and (cheers and applause offstage...) Aelister Crowley - the heir to
a Midlands brewing fortune; execrable poet, brilliant chessplayer; supreme
practical joker and magician.
Yes, they are Victorian, stuffy, a bit pompous and wordy - but this stuff
works......if you work it.
Mind you, Crowley said of the Golden Dawn that they promised him the secrets
of the Universe, and taught him the Hebrew Alphabet.
He could be a right sarcastic so-and-so, sometimes.
His last words - uttered in a Hastings boarding house, where he died from drugs
and poverty, were "I am perplexed".



In the Opening Ceremony of the grade of Adeptus Minor the complete Symbol of
the Rose and Cross is called the ‘Key of Sigils and of Rituals.’ It is further said
that it represents the Forces of the 22 Letters in Nature, as divided into a Three,
a Seven, and a Twelve.

The inner Three Petals of the Rose symbolise the active Elements of Air, Fire,
and Water, operating in the Earth, which is as it were the recipient of them, their
container and ground of operation. They are coloured, as are all the other petals,
according to the hues of the Rainbow in the masculine scale. The seven next
Petals answer to the Letters of the Seven Planets, and the Twelve Outer to the
Twelve Signs of the Zodiac.
If thou wilt trace the Sigil of any word or name either in the Air, or written upon
paper, thou shalt commence with a circle at the point of the initial letter on the
Rose, and draw with thy magical weapon a line from this circle unto the place of
the next letter of the name. Continue this, until thou hast finished the word
which the letters compose. If two letters of the same sort, such as two Beths or
Gimels, come together, thou shalt represent the same by a crook or wave in the
line at that point. And if there be a letter, as Resh in Metatron, through which
the line passeth to another letter and which yet formeth part of the name, thou
shalt make a noose in the line at that point thus: (____0___) to make the same.
If thou art drawing the Sigil thou mayest work it in the respective colours of the
letters and add these together to form a synthesis of colour. Thus the Sigil of
Metatron shall be: blue, greenish-yellow, orange, red-orange, and greenish-blue:
the synthesis will be a reddish-citron.

Now we will discuss, for example, the Sigils of the Forces under Binah, the Third
Sephirah. The Sigils for the plane of a Sephirah are always worked out on this
system in this order:
First: Sigil of the Sephirah - Binah.
Second: Sigil of the Divine Name, representing the force of the Sephirah in the
World of Atziluth. For Binah, YHVH ELOHIM.
Third: The Sigil of the Archangel, representing the force of the Sephirah in Briah:

Fourth: Sigil of the Choir of Angels, representing the force of the Sephirah in

Fifth: The Sigil of the Sphere of the Planet representing the force of the Sephirah
in Assiah - SHABBATHAI.

Finally, the Sigils of any other names whose numbers have some relation to the
powers of the Sephirah or its Planet. Yet these latter (the Sigils of the
Intelligence and Spirit) are more usually taken from the Magical Kamea or
Square of the Planets according to a slightly different system as will be shown

In case your Hebrew is a bit rusty, here's the alphabet used in the Rose:


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