Central It College-Guwahati: "Network Security Infrastructure"
Central It College-Guwahati: "Network Security Infrastructure"
Central It College-Guwahati: "Network Security Infrastructure"
Centre Code-1729
Authorized under
Of Health, Medical & Technological Sciences
Dr. R.P. Road, Dispur, Guwahati-781006
Network security implies the protection of data that are stored on or that travel over a network
against both accidental and intentional unauthorized disclosure and/or modification. A network
matching the following characteristics are with highly vulnerable to attacks:
This is always crucial to protect all the network assets against any unauthorized access, alteration
or destruction.
Implementation of network security in any organization basically focuses on three goals: Data
Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. The organizational data that must be kept private and
protected from unauthorized modification and/or destruction. Also it has to be ensured that the
data are accessible whenever needed by the organization. This implies protecting the network
from anything that would make it unavailable, including such events as power outages or
physical breakdown. Sufficient attention has to be paid towards external as well as internal
II. Juniper Networks (1194 North Mathilda Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94089-1206
USA) carried out case study on building secure networks at various organizations to the
network. The reports are available in the following URL:
III. NIC, Arunachal Pradesh State Centre is currently using Microsoft ISA Server for Web
access firewall, Proxy (NAT) and web caching services. For application layer firewall
implementation and hardening issues case studies by Microsoft Corporation, US will be
used. The case studies are available in the following URL:
1. Data Collection:
2. Scope of study:
I. The scope of the study will be the current network set-up of NIC, Arunachal Pradesh
State Centre.
II. The study focuses to find out the security risk factors in the current set up and also
suggest some of the remedial measures secure the set up.
4. Data Analysis:
The collected data will be presented in descriptive (Summarized) and tabular method as well
to draw inferences and hence provide feedback to the organization.
5. Conclusion
The completion of the project will enhanced our technical skill and knowledge in creating a
secure network. The project is aimed at enhancing our understanding and developing skills in
network analysis. The project will be helpful in designing and developing a secure network
in the organization.
It will be required to undertake an in-depth analysis of the current network security system at
NIC, Arunachal Pradesh State Centre and consequently design an improved and enhanced
network for the organization.
5. Bibliography:
I. Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134, USA, a leading
networking and security appliances manufacturer has conducted a wide range of case
studies in the field of network performance and security at various organizations. The
case study reports will be exclusively used for reference in this project. They are
available in the following URL:
II. “Computer Networks” by Andrew S. Tanenbaum (Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey).
III. “CCNA Security” by Michael Watkins, Kevin Wallace (Cisco Press, 2008).
IV. “Security Hardening Guide - Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004” -
Microsoft Corporation, US; available in the URL: