Snakes: General Biology Damage and Damage Identification
Snakes: General Biology Damage and Damage Identification
Snakes: General Biology Damage and Damage Identification
Snakes can be found in most areas of Pennsylvania. They
are among the most feared and misunderstood animals,
yet many people fear them without knowing much about
them. Contrary to the belief that most snakes are poison-
ous, only three of the 22 species existing in Pennsylvania
are poisonous. Snakes rarely cause actual damage, but
Black rat snake
they are often considered a nuisance when found in or
around buildings.
General Biology
Snakes are cold-blooded, which means their bodies
become approximately the same temperature as their Damage and Damage Identification
environment. To compensate, these reptiles often bask Snakes are not known to cause physical damage to prop-
in the sun on cool days and hide in the shade on hot erty. Some species prey on young chickens, but this is
days when their bodies are too warm. A snake that is too not common. Most complaints about snakes result from
cool will be sluggish and not able to digest food properly. their coming in close proximity with people. Because
When winter approaches, snakes look for areas in which many people are frightened by the sight of snakes, any
to hibernate. they find in the vicinity of their homes or yards can cause
Most snakes are terrestrial or semiaquatic species. them undue alarm.
Semiaquatic snakes live on land but enter the water in Snake sheds, discarded outer layers of scales, are
search of prey. Water snakes hang from vegetation over- commonly referred to as snake skins. People find snake
hanging water. They drop into the water when startled, sheds in garages, barns, or rock walls and wonder where
or when they find prey. Although many snakes can climb the snake is living. Snake sheds simply mean that a snake
trees, the rough green snake is the only snake in the was in the vicinity at one time. When a snake is ready to
United States that regularly lives in trees. In Pennsylvania, shed its skin, it seeks a dark, secure environment because
the black rat snake is often found climbing in trees and the scales that cover its eyes become cloudy, and its eye-
shrubs in search of bird nests. sight gets very poor. Once it has shed its skin, it moves
Food habitats vary. Water snakes consume large on in search of food.
quantities of fish and amphibians. Terrestrial snakes eat When a snake is found inside a building occupied by
rodents, bird eggs, amphibians such as toads or salaman- people, it is either trying to get out or it is there because
ders, and other snakes. it found a good supply of food. Many small snakes, such
as garter and ringneck snakes, may occasionally become
Poisonous Versus Nonpoisonous trapped in a house and need to be removed before they
A few general characteristics will help to distinguish poi- die. Others, such as rat snakes, king snakes, and other
sonous from nonpoisonous snakes. The three species of rodent-eating species, occupy houses because of a steady
poisonous snakes in Pennsylvania (northern copperhead, supply of food. Removing the food supply and closing the
timber rattlesnake, eastern massasauga) belong to the pit entrances the rodents and snakes have been using usually
viper family. Pit vipers have a “pit” or opening between solves the snake problem.
the eye and the nostril. They also have a vertically ellipti-
cal eye pupil. Nonpoisonous snakes lack the “pit” and Legal Status
have round eye pupils (see page 2). All snakes in Pennsylvania are protected by Fish and
The pattern of scales on the underside of the tail can Boat Commission regulations. Species that are not listed
also be used to tell poisonous from nonpoisonous snakes. as endangered, threatened, or candidate may be captured
Poisonous snakes have a single row of scales under their or possessed under specific daily and possession limits.
tails, whereas nonpoisonous snakes have divided scales Consult the Fish and Boat Commission’s Summary of
that appear to be in two rows. General color pattern Fishing Regulation and Laws for specific information. En-
characteristics are difficult to ascertain because of varia- dangered or threatened species such as Kirtland’s snake,
tions within the same species, but any Pennsylvania eastern massasauga, and rough green snake cannot be
snake having lengthwise stripes or a uniformly solid color caught, killed, possessed, imported to, or exported from
is nonpoisonous. Pennsylvania. The timber rattlesnake is protected under
additional regulations and permits regarding seasons make sure any gates are fitted tightly. Gates should be
and possession limits. Specific questions about current hinged to swing inward because of the slope of the fence.
regulations can be directed to any of the Fish and Boat Vegetation near the fence should be kept short because
Commission’s regional law enforcement offices or the snakes can use it to crawl over the fence.
herpetology and endangered species coordinator.
Habitat Modification
Damage Control Snakes are attracted to habitats by a food source and
You can contact local wildlife pest control operators to cover from predators. Removing the food and cover de-
remove snakes and other nuisance wildlife. These per- creases the likelihood of seeing a snake in the vicinity of
sons have experience in removing animals, allowing the your home. Eliminating rodent habitat discourages mice
homeowner to alleviate the problem without coming into and their predators from living in the area. Removing
contact with the animal. Contact your county extension debris and weeds and keeping the grass mowed around
office or the yellow pages for information regarding these buildings reduces protective cover for snakes and rodents.
companies and industries. Stack wood away from buildings and, if possible, stack it
at least 12 inches above the ground.
Snakes enter dwellings through torn screens, open base- Repellents
ment windows, or cracks in foundations. Although snakes A repellent, Snake-A-Way, is registered for use against
can climb, they rarely enter buildings from any apprecia- snakes in Pennsylvania, but test results have not been
ble height. Sealing cracks and closing windows excludes conclusive as to its effectiveness.
snakes from homes. If there are openings where wires or
pipes enter the building, fill the holes with wire mesh. Fill Toxicants
any cracks in the foundation with mortar. No toxicants are registered for use against snakes.
Snakeproof fences can be built to keep snakes from
a small area, but they are expensive to construct. They Fumigants
may be a worthwhile investment for families with young
No fumigants are registered for use against snakes.
children in areas with venomous snakes. The fence
should be made of heavy galvanized hardware cloth, 36
inches wide with a 1/4-inch mesh. The lower edge should
be buried 6 inches in the ground, and the fence should be Although a few traps for snakes are available commer-
slanted outward from the bottom to the top at a 30-de- cially, they are of questionable effectiveness. One way to
gree angle. Place supporting stakes inside the fence and
Poisonous Nonpoisonous
Timber rattlesnake
College of Agricultural Sciences • Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension
Partial funding for this fact sheet was provided by the Wild Resource Conservation Fund.
Prepared by
Shannon T. Falker, assistant wildlife extension specialist, and Margaret C. Brittingham, professor of wildlife
Black rat snake: Ned Smith
Timber rattlesnake: John Sidelinger
This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administra-
tion Building, University Park, PA 16802. For information telephone 814-865-6713.
Where trade names appear, no discrimination is intended, and no endorsement by Penn State Cooperative Extension is implied.