1C - Week 4 - 16-10-10

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Grade 1C - Weekly Planner

Week 4 - 16th October 2010

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
English English Arabic Arabic Math Science Social Studies Islamic Studies

Phonics Book Three Phonics Book Three How your body digests Iman - The Faith of a
1 & 2 more than What is a forest habitat?
Sounding "j" Sounding "z" Arabic Arabic food? Muslim
Pages 17-18 Pages 30-33
Pages 1-3 Pages 5-7 Pages 12-13 Pages 23-25

English English Arabic Arabic Math Science I.T. English


Ch.1 / Lesson 7&8 D'Nealian Handwriting

Phonics Book Three Phonics Book Three What is a wetland
1 & 2 fewer than Starting &Quitting a Prewriting: Spatial
Sounding "w" Sounding "v" Arabic Arabic habitat?
Pages 19-20 program Relationships
Pages 9-11 Pages 13-15 Pages 34-35
Opening & Closing a file Pages 12-14
page:14-15 / 16-17
English English Arabic Math I.T. Arabic Math Social Studies

Phonics Book Three Phonics Book Three Comparing numbers to 5

How you breath?
Sounding "y"
Pages 17-19
Sounding "x"
Pages 21-23
School Trip & to 10
Pages 21-22
Pages 14-15

English English Art Art Math Arabic P.E. Science


Phonics Book Three Phonics Book Three Ordering numbers What is an ocean
Sounding "qu" Sounding "ch" Art Art through 12 Arabic P.E. habitat?
Pages 25-27 Pages 29-31 Pages 23-24 Pages 36-37

English English Science Arabic Arabic Islamic Studies P.E.


Phonics Book Three Phonics Book Three The Messengers of

What is a desert habitat?
Sounding "sh" Sounding "th" Arabic Arabic Allah P.E.
Pages 38-39
Pages 33-35 Pages 37-39 Pages 28-30
Grade 1C My Homework Week Commencing 16th October 2010

English: Phonics Book Three Pages 4 & 8.

Social Studies: Health and Fitness Activity Book, page 2
Saturday Math: Math Homework Workbook, page 6
Science: Science Workbook, pages 14 & 14A.
Islamic Studies: Studies in Islam, page 26

English: Phonics Book 3, pages 12 & 16.

Sunday Science: Science Workbook Page 15 & 15A
Math: Math Homework Workbook, page 7

English: Phonics Book 3, pages 20 & 24.

Monday Social Studies: Health & Fitness Page 2
Math: Math Homework Workbook, page 8

English: Phonics Book 3, pages 28 & 32

Tuesday Science: Science Workbook, page 16 & 16A.
Math Math Homework Workbook, page 8

English: Phonics Book 3, pages 36, 40 & 43.

Wednesday Islamic Studies: Studies in Islam, page 31
Science: Science Workbook Pages 17 & 17A

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