Definition of The Laplac...
Definition of The Laplac...
Definition of The Laplac...
The Laplace transform provides a useful method of solving certain types of differential equations when certain
initial conditions are given, especially when the initial values are zero.
The Laplace transform is also very useful in the area of circuit analysis (which we see Later, on this page...
later in the Applications section) . It is often easier to analyse the circuit in its Laplace Laplace Definition
form, than to form differential equations.
The Good News
The techniques of Laplace transform are not only used in circuit analysis, but also in
The Laplace transform of a function f(t) for t > 0 is defined by the following integral defined over 0 to ∞:
{ f(t)} =
and write:
{f(t)} = F(s)
{g(t)} = G(s)
In practice, we do not need to actually find this infinite integral for each function f(t) that we have to find the
Laplace Transform for.
In this chapter, we deal only with the Laplace transform f(t) to F(s) (and the reverse process).
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2. Definition of the Laplace Transform
We do not deal with impulse functions: f(t) = δ(t), since it is beyond the scope of this introduction to Laplace
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