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IEEE 802.11g New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN

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IEEE 802.

New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN
Users to benefit from higher data rates, extended reach and backward compatibility with
802.11b, plus forward compatibility to 802.11a

William Carney
Marketing Manager
Wireless Networking Business Unit, Texas Instruments

Introduction Where did 802.11g come from?

Prior to the recent selection of the IEEE The first wireless Ethernet standard,
802.11g draft standard for wireless local IEEE 802.11, was adopted in 1997. This
area networks (WLANs) operating up to standard provided for three physical
54 megabits per second (Mbps) in the layer (PHY) specifications including
2.4 gigahertz (GHz) band, the market infrared, 1-2 Mbps frequency hopping
was served by two non-compatible spread spectrum (FHSS) and 1-2 Mbps
specifications, 802.11b and 802.11a. direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS)
Faced with market availability of both in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Because wired
products in late 2001, some end users Ethernet LANs at the time were capable
were potentially confused about which of speeds up to 10 Mbps and early
technology would evolve to meet their products were quite pricey, the original
future needs, and some networking 802.11 standard had limited success in
manufacturers were unsure about which the market.
specification would be best to direct
their developmental efforts. Two years later, the original 802.11
standard evolved along two paths. The
There is much to be understood about 802.11b specification increased data
the new 802.11g draft standard, rates well beyond the critical 10 Mbps
including its history, specifications and mark, maintained compatibility with the
implications in the WLAN market, but original 802.11 DSSS standard and
this much is certain: it combines the best incorporated a more efficient coding
of the existing 802.11b and 802.11a scheme known as complimentary code
standards, and promises a harmonized keying (CCK) to attain a top-end data
future that will encourage continued and rate of 11 Mbps. A second coding
rapid market development in 802.11 scheme, Packet Binary Convolutional
WLANs. In addition, users will benefit Code (PBCC™), was included as an
from higher data rates, extended range option for higher performance in the
and compatibility with already installed form of range at the 5.5 and 11 Mpbs
Wi-Fi™ devices. rates, as it provided for a 3 decibel (dB)
IEEE 802.11g
New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN

coding gain. The second offshoot of proposals to the TGg through the
802.11 was designated as 802.11a. It November 2001 meeting.
ventured into a different frequency band,
the 5.2 GHz U-NII band, and was As of the third day of the November
specified to achieve data rates up to 2001 802.11 IEEE meeting, Intersil’s
54 Mbps. Unlike 802.11b, which is a CCK-OFDM proposal appeared to be
single carrier system, 802.11a utilized a headed for uncertainty, having received
multi-carrier modulation technique known only 55 percent acceptance of the
as orthogonal frequency division required 75 percent to become the draft
multiplexing (OFDM). By utilizing the standard at the first-round vote. At this
5.2 GHz radio spectrum, 802.11a is not point, members considered the very real
interoperable with either 802.11b, or the possibility of discontinuing the entire
initial 802.11 WLAN standard. In March 802.11g effort, versus finding a common
2000, the IEEE 802.11 Working Group ground and consensus-oriented solution
formed a study group to explore the that would be agreeable to the majority
feasibility of establishing an extension to of the task group. On November 15, a
the 802.11b standard for higher data rates compromise proposal that combined
greater than 20 Mbps. In July 2000, this elements of both TI and Intersil’s
study group became a full task group, original proposals, became the 802.11g
Task Group G (TGg), with a mission to draft standard with 76.3 percent of
define the next standard for higher rates in members voting in favor of it.
the 2.4 GHz band.
What's in 802.11g?
For the past year and a half, TGg The 802.11g draft standard utilizes
reviewed potential technical solutions existing elements from the original
for the new 802.11g standard, with the CCK-ODFM and PBCC-22 proposals.
field of candidates being narrowed to Each of these proposals called for true
two final proposals in the May 2001 802.11a OFDM operation in the 2.4 GHz
meeting. At this meeting, TI’s proposal band as an optional mode to the primary
called PBCC-22, offering 22 Mbps proposed modulation, either CCK-
operation in the 2.4 GHz band and OFDM or PBCC-22. The 802.11g draft
seamless compatibility with existing Wi- standard makes OFDM the mandatory
Fi devices, was eliminated from technology, offering 802.11a data rates
consideration under the selection criteria in the 2.4 GHz band, requires mandatory
being used by the group. However, the implementation of 802.11b modes and
remaining proposal from Intersil offers optional modes of CCK-OFDM
Corporation, CCK-OFDM, proposed to and PBCC-22. This balanced
make use of 802.11a-like OFDM compromise offers a much clearer bridge
modulation to attain higher rates, failed between 802.11a and 802.11b, plus is a
to achieve the necessary 75 percent straightforward means to develop true
approval in order to become the selected multi-mode WLAN products.
technology for the new standard. TI
continued to support the standards 802.11g achieves the high 54 Mbps data
process, contributing compromise rates (Table 1, Appendix, page 5) of
802.11a in the 2.4 GHz band, thereby

2 © 2002 Texas Instruments Incorporated

IEEE 802.11g
New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN

maintaining compatibility with installed Cost is another issue that concerns some
802.11b equipment. Figure 1 (page 5) in the industry; however, a careful cost
demonstrates that the performance of analysis shows that devices conforming
802.11g, in terms of both data transfer to the 802.11g draft standard will be
speeds and range, is better than any of very close to the current cost of 802.11b
the alternatives that had been considered devices. In addition, deployments of
earlier in the selection process. dual-band wireless networks compatible
with the 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11a
Issues Raised specifications should be comparable in
Since the selection of the 802.11g draft costs with 802.11a-only networks. That
standard technology, some observers is to say, users will be able to deploy
have questioned the merits of continuing multimode WLANs for about the same
development activity in the 2.4 GHz cost of an “a” only network today.
band. The reasoning has predominantly WLANs with “a”, “b” and “g”
cited the increased crowding of this capabilities will require a dual-band
spectrum, versus that of the relatively radio or two radio transmitters, one each
clearer 5.2 GHz spectrum utilized by for the 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz bands, but
802.11a. Certainly the past performance this will not drive up the cost beyond
of already-installed 802.11b networks that of an 802.11a-only implementation.
provides evidence that the 2.4 GHz band TI believes that the cost advantages of
is well suited to wireless networking and the 802.11g specification certainly will
the 802.11b devices have continued to encourage the continued development of
provide excellent performance in the the WLAN marketplace as it represents a
presence of increasing interference. strong technical unification between
what had been until now two dissimilar
In addition, the 2.4 GHz ISM band is and incompatible technical directions.
available throughout the world with
relatively few, if any, regulatory Implications
restrictions. In contrast, the 5.2 GHz With the final selection of the 802.11g
band is used by military applications technology in 2001, the WLAN market
such as high-energy radar and, as a at long last has one comprehensive
result, several major global markets, specification around which next-
including Western Europe and Japan, generation products and multimode
have to date placed regulatory systems can be developed. The 802.11g
restrictions on the commercial use of this draft standard involved certain
band. Even in the United States there are compromises, but the specification itself
questions concerning security risks for does not compromise superior data
military operations with 802.11a throughput and range achievable by
operating in the 5.2 GHz band. Utilizing operating in the 2.4 GHz band. 802.11g
the 2.4 GHz band ensures that 802.11g clarifies the previous market situation
WLANs will avoid the regulatory where two incompatible specifications
restrictions that are likely to be were vying for users. 802.11g includes
encountered, while offering backwards the best of both 802.11a and 802.11b in
compatibility with 802.11b systems. a standard that can carry the industry
into the future.

3 © 2002 Texas Instruments Incorporated

IEEE 802.11g
New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN

Since 802.11g combines fundamental “The IEEE has defined a clear path for
features from both 802.11a and 802.11b, 802.11g that bridges 11, 22 and 54
it lends itself to the development of Mbps, making multi-mode products
devices that can interoperate with based on one standard a reality,” said
technology based on both of the previous Allen Nogee, senior analyst Cahners In-
versions of the specification. This solves Stat/MRD. “By already offering 22
many migration path questions of users Mbps capabilities with the ACX100, TI
who already installed 802.11b LANs and and its customers are well positioned to
wanted to have higher data rates, but enable the first step in the deployment of
were unsure since 802.11a was not 802.11g compliant products in the
compatible with their existing network. 2.4 GHz band.”
This is similar to the evolution of wired
Ethernet technology when Ethernet TI plans to develop 802.11g-compliant
devices began supporting the 10- and devices by using elements from its
100-Mbps Ethernet specifications in 802.11b devices and its existing 802.11a
dual-mode 10/100 devices to allow product development. In mid-2002, TI
seamless operation in either mode expects to sample devices based on the
without user intervention. current state of the 802.11g draft standard.

What is next for 802.11g?

Before 802.11g can be formally adopted
as a standard, TGg must complete the
technical comment resolution process of
the 802.11g draft standard through letter
ballot. This is where members’
technical questions are answered and
implementation details are clarified.
Ultimately, the standard will likely be
ratified by early 2003, if not sooner.

What does 802.11g mean for TI

and its customers?
TI has a longstanding belief in the
advantages of multimode wireless
networking enabling mobile connectivity
in any 802.11 environment, and the new
802.11g draft standard certainly supports
this. Since PBCC-22 has been voted in
by the 802.11g task group,
manufacturers using TI's existing
ACX100 Baseband/MAC are well
positioned to quickly begin developing All trademarks are the property of their
and deploying forward-compatible respective owners.
802.11g products.

4 © 2002 Texas Instruments Incorporated

IEEE 802.11g
New Draft Standard Clarifies Future of Wireless LAN

Table 1. 802.11 Data Rates

802.11b @2.4 GHz 802.11g @2.4 GHz 802.11a @5.2 GHz

Rate, Mbps Single/Multi Carrier Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional
1 Single Barker Barker
2 Single Barker Barker
22 Single PBCC
33 Single PBCC

Figure 1. 802.11 Reach-Rate Graph

5 © 2002 Texas Instruments Incorporated

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