SP62 (Building Const. Practices)
SP62 (Building Const. Practices)
SP62 (Building Const. Practices)
(Excluding Eiectrkai =Work)
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
(Excluding Electrical Work)
SP62(S & T,: 1997
KS 91.010.01
ISBN 81-7061-048-6
PRICE:Rs. 1080.00
Printed in India
Published by
Users of various civil engineering codes have been feeling the need for explanatory handbooks and other
compilations based on Indian Standards. The need has been further emphasized in view of the first publication
of the National Building Code of India in 1970 (which has since been revised in 1983) and its implementation.
The Expert Group set up in 1972 by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India carried
out in-depth studies in various areas of civil engineering and construction practices. During the preparation of
the Fifth Five-Year Plan in 1975, the Group was assigned the task of producing a Science and Technology Plan
for research, development and extension work in the sectors of housing and construction technology. One of
the items of this plan was the formulation of design handbooks, explanatory handbooks and design aids based
on the National Building Code andrelated Indian Standards and other activities in the promotion of the National
Building Code. The Expert Group gave high priority to this itemand on the recommendation of the Department
of Science and Technology, the Planning Commission approved the following two projects which were assigned
to the Bureau of Indian Standards (erstwhile Indian Standards Institution):
a) Development programme on code implementation for building and civil engineering construction, and
b) Typification for industrial buildings.
A Special Committee for Implementation of Science and Technology Projects (SCIP) consisting of experts
connected with different aspects was set up in 1974 to advise the BIS Directorate General in identifying and for
guiding the development of the work. Under the first project, the Committee has identified several subjects for
preparing explanatory handbooks/compilations covering appropriate Indian Standards/ Codes and Specifica-
tions which include the following:
*Handbooks Published:
1. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS 456 : 1978 (SP 16 : 1980)
2. Handbook on Masonry Design and Construction (First Revision) (SP 20 : 1991)
3. Summaries of Indian Standards for Building Materials (SP 21 : 1983)
4. Explanatory Handbook on Codes of Earthquake Engineering (IS 1893 : 1975 and IS 4326 : 1976)
(SP 22 : 1982)
5. Handbook on Concrete Mixes (Based on Indian Standards) (SP 23 : 1982)
6. Explanatory Handbook on Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete
(IS 456 : 1978) (SP 24 : 1983)
7. Handbook on Causes and Prevention of Cracks in Buildings (SP 25 : 1984)
8. Handbook on Functional Requirements of Industrial Buildings (Lighting and Ventilation) (SP 32 : 1986)
9. Handbook on Timber Engineering (SP 33 : 1986)
10. Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing (SP 34 : 1987)
11. Handbook on Water Supply and Drainage with Special Emphasis on Plumbing (SP 35 : 1987)
12. Handbook on Typified Designs for Structures with Steel Roof Trusses (with and without Cranes) (Based
on IS Codes) (SP 38 : 1987)
13. Handbook on Structures with Steel Portal Frames (without Cranes) (SP 40 : 1987)
14. Handbook on Functional Requirements of Buildings (other than Industrial Buildings) (SP 41 : 1987)
15. Handbook on Structures with Reinforced Concrete Portal Frames (without Cranes) (SP-43 : 1987)
16. Handbook on Structures with Steel Lattice Portal Frames (without Cranes) (SP 47 : 1987)
“Handbooks published are available for sale from BIS Headquarters, and from all Branches and Regional Offices of BE.
- Construction Safety Practices
- Explanatory Handbook on IS 875 (Part 3) : 1987
- Fire Protection
- Form Work
- Tall Buildings
This Handbook has been written with a view to unifying the constructional practices being followed by various
organizations engaged in construction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings and is mainly based
on various Indian Standards published in the respective areas of construction. The Handbook provides
information regarding methods of construction of any particular element of the building using different materials
so that a designer/site engineer can choose the most appropriate material(s) and method(s) of construction as
per his needs. Besides, it is hoped that this Handbook would be of great help to students of Civil Engineering.
It may be noted that the Handbook does not form part of any Indian Standard on the subject and does not have
the status of an Indian Standard. Wherever, there is any dispute about the interpretation or opinion expressed
in this Handbook, the provisions of the codes only shall apply; the provisions of this Handbook should be
considered as only supplementary and informative.
The Handbook is based on the first draft prepared by Shri D. Ajitha Simha, former Deputy Director General of
Bureau of Indian Standards with Shri P. Krishnan, Director General CPWD (Retd) as the co-author. The draft
handbook was circulated for review to Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai; Central Building
Research Institute, Roorkee; Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi; Central Public Works
Department, New Delhi; Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd, Ranchi; Planning Commission,
New Delhi; Engineers India Ltd, New Delhi; Hindustan Construction Co ~Ltd, Mumbai; Asia Foundation and
Construction Ltd, Mumbai; Cemindia Co Ltd, Mumbai; Engineer-in-Chief, Army Headquarters, New Delhi;
Housing and Urban Development Corporation, New Delhi; Howe India (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi; National Institute
of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai; M/s Ansal Properties and Industries Ltd, New Delhi;
Building Material and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi; Chief Engineer (R&B), Hyderabad; Public
Works Department, Itanagar; Road and Building Department, Gandhi Nagar; Public Works Department,
Mumbai; Chief Engineer (Blds, PWD, B&R), Chandigarh; Public Works Department, Shimla; Chief Engineer
(Communication and Buildings), Bangalore; Chief Engineer (Building and Local Works), Trivandrum; Public
Works Department, Patna; Public WorksDepartment, Calcutta; Public WorksDepartment (Buildings), Shillong;
Chief Engineer (Building Projects), Aizawal; Chief Engineer, Housing, Kohima; Works Department,
Bhubaneshwar; Public Works Department, Chennai; Public Works Department, Jaipur; Public Works Depart-
ment, Lucknow; Institution of Engineers, New Delhi; Garnmons India Ltd, Mumbai and views expressed were
taken into consideration while finalizing the Handbook.
Introduction ix
Chapter 1 Construction Planning and Storage of Materials 1
Chapter 2 Earthwork 11
Chapter 3 Foundations 25
Chapter 4 Masonry 43
Chapter 10 Wall and Ceiling Finishes and Coverings and Walling 239
Chapter 14 Whitewashing, Colour Washing and Painting of Masonry, Concrete and 377
Plaster Surfaces (Calcareous Surfaces)
Chapter 15 Painting, Varnishing and Allied Finishes (Wood and Metals) 391
University of Roorkee
DR T. V. S. R. APPARAO Structural Engineering Research Centre (CSIR), Madras
DIRECTOR Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee
SHRIV. RAO AIYAGARI Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi
DIRECTORGENERAL Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
SHRIM. L. MEHTA Metallurgical and Engineering Consultants (India) Ltd,
SHRI S. K. DATTA (Alternate)
SHRIB. D. JETHRA Planning Commission, New Delhi
SHRI P. D. MAYEE (Alternate)
Director (S & T), BIS
Deputy Director (S & T), BIS
The National Building Code of India, 1983 (NBC) covers all the aspects of buildings. These aspects include
building byelaws, development control rules, building materials and fire protection which are covered in Part
I to Part V; Part VI covers the design of buildings using the building materials. Part VII is a compendium ~of
Indian Standards on Construction Practices generally described as codes of good practices. Part VIII deals with
building services, Part IX with plumbing services and Part X, the last part, deals with signs and outdoor display
For implementation of the NBC, a broad decision was taken by all state governments and the central and public
sector departments to incorporate the appropriate parts of the NBC into the relevant technical documents, such
as, municipal building byelaws, PWD specifications, specifications of construction departments, etc.
Simultaneously it was felt that for easy understanding and implementation of various Parts of the NBC,
handbooks be brought out on various Parts/Sections as relevant. In the light of this, S & T project was launched
by BIS, the Bureau of Indian Standards to prepare such handbooks. This handbook on constructional practices
is one of them. Some handbooks have been already prepared and reference is made to them as found necessary.
This handbook has been on the anvil for some time now. The NBC has broadly classified buildings into 9 groups
based on use and occupancy; for convenience of this handbook, they have been grouped into three, namely,
residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Therefore, a study was made of available Indian Standards on
constructional practices of these three groups of buildings.
Within the BIS this work of standardization of the construction sector is spread over more than one technical
division. Departmental programmes of civil, mechanical, metallurgical, chemical, river valley had to be checked
up in this context.
Normally PWDs and other construction department largely cover the constructional practices relevant to
residential and to some extent office buildings. Constructional practices relevant to commercial buildings and
industrial buildings are not generally dealt with. Thus this handbook has a much wider coverage in dealing with
constructional practices for residential, commercial and industrial buildings, than normal departmental
The approach to the handbook is to attempt to cover the ‘how’ of constructional practice with the ‘why’ of it.
The current departmental specifications generally specify as to how an item of work has to be done. They do
not explain the rationale for such specifications and therefore the user is not given enough information to decide,
for the same work, use of alternate or more appropriate specifications among others available in the country.
For example a number of specifications for flooring are available; the choice of any of them according to the
end use is not mentioned. Therefore the reasons or ‘why’ of a particular specification helps in choosing one of
the many specifications available for an appropriate end use. Such information, it is hoped, would lead to a
reasonably good decision on choice or selection of construction procedure in relation to its end use or
performance on site.
A holistic approach to buildings bring out the interrelationship among building materials, design and
construction of buildings using these materials. Therefore, construction practices have to be viewed inthe light
of quality of materials and appropriate designs. The BIS have already brought out a summary of Indian Standards
on building materials; handbooks on design; and handbooks on some services. This handbook would therefore
have to be looked at as filling a gap in the series of handbooks on the building as a whole. It is therefore felt
that a close co-ordination be established between the design of an item/element and its construction in the field
SO that the intention of the designer is fully understood in the field.
To demarcate the contents of the handbook into individual chapters, available PWD handbooks have been
studied; these include among others the CPWD specifications of 1991-92 and Tamil Nadu Building Practice
198311985. The main basis are the Indian Standards available up to March 1994. From a study of
these, the chapters have been identified and arranged according to the sequence of construction as closely as
possible, namely, planning of work, collection of materials, earthwork and related termite treatment, founda-
tions, superstructure of masonry; wood, concrete and steel, flooring, wall finishes and roofing and then followed
by waterproofing and damp-proofing. Finishing of surfaces, such as, masonry, concrete and plaster are then
covered; finishes of wood and metal construction is also covered. Finally water supply and drainage systems
are covered. Emphasis is then laid on special construction procedure particularly for earthquake forces. The
last chapter deals with demolition of buildings.
For the use of materials not covered by Indian Standard Codes of Practice, the construction practices would be
based on the principles enumerated in each section. For example in painting, the preparation of surface and
application should be based partly on manufacturers recommendations and broadly on the principles of preparing
a clean, dry surface to receive the paint; the actual finishing should be preceeded by filling, staining where
applicable and sealing particularly with respect to wood surfaces. Similar procedure could be worked out for
other items of work using new materials, such as, for doors, roofing sheets and so on.
For economies in construction, planning of the entire work as covered in Chapter 1, is of importance. Crack
control in buildings as covered in Chapter 13 which could be of use in planning of buildings is also of great
For specialized construction work reference has been made to ISS wherever available.
It is therefore reasonable to assume that careful planning and meticulous observance of all the constructional
practices elaborated herein would lead to ahigh quality building.
For ease of reading, each chapter is preceded by a table of contents. List of standards used and referred to are
given at the end of the handbook. A summary of each chapter is given below to indicate its broad coverage.
The chapter is divided into two Parts; Part 1 deals with construction planning, and Part 2 deals with storage of
Soils are classified for excavation work. Reference is also made to appropriate Indian Standard on soil
classification. Excavation for various end uses, different depths and different areas are described. Information
on excavation in soft soil, hard soil, soft rock and hard rock is given. Shoring and timbering details are
elaborated. Excavation in mud, water and foul positions is covered.
Immediately after excavation, the anti-termite treatment of soil for different situations, is elaborated. The site
preparation, chemicals to be used, etc, for treatment at various locations are given. Information on treatment of
masonry, concrete foundations, masonry up to ground level, etc, is given. Treatment of soils around pipes,
conduits, etc. is also given for protection against termites. Statutory authorities may be consulted in hazards
related to use of these chemicals.
This chapter covers the construction of shallow, deep, spread and strip foundations and pile foundations. Details
of different types of piles, namely cast in-situ, precast and timber piles are given; in this bored and driven piles
are elaborated. Reference is made to machine foundatians and special foundations.
Information on choice of foundations is given in Annex A. Guidelines for improvement of weak soils to carry
more loads are given in Annex B.
This chapter is divided into three parts, namely, mortars, brickwork and blockwork and stonework.
Part 1 deals with mortars. Types of mortars such as cement mortar, cement-lime mortar and lime mortars are
described in detail, such as, selection of mortars, preparation of mortars, etc. Emphasis is laid on the use of
composite mortars which have an edge over plain cement mortars. Optimum mortar mixes in relation to masonry
strengths are also indicated.
Part 2 deals with brick and block units, brickwork, blockwork and in-situ walls with soil cement.
Section 1 gives information on various types of bricks available in the country and some of their properties.
Information on various types of blocks made in the country is given. This could help in deciding on the type
of brick or block to be chosen for a given condition of loading so that economies can be achieved in
Section 2 deals with brickwork. Various types of bonds are illustrated and explained including the end uses.
Laying of brickwork for different components of building is indicated. Thickness ofjoints, preparatory work,
etc, are also covered.
Section 3 deals with blockwork. Careful consideration has to be given for avoidance of crack formation
due to structural movements of supporting structural elements. Remedial measures for such crack formation
are mentioned. Laying of blocks is dealt with in detail. Provisions for openings, roof and intersecting walls
are covered. The use of hollow, light weight and autoclaved concrete blocks is covered.
Section 4 deals with construction of walls in-situ with soil cement. The quality of soil, amount of cement
to be mixed depending on type of walls, etc, are covered. To carry roof loads through trusses, beams, etc,
bed blocks are recommended. Plastering with cement plaster is suggested. Mud plaster with addition of cut-
back bitumen is also provided. The building is limited to one storey only.
Part 3 deals with stone masonry. Types of stones and their properties such as durability, strength and sizes are
described. Preparatory work such as dressing, handling, etc, are detailed. Various types of stone masonry and
the general requirements of laying are covered; construction of these types of stone masonry is covered in detail
with illustrations.
Part 1 deals with the common requirements of plain and reinforced cement concrete. This includes materials
to be used, grades of concrete, production, transportation and mixing of concrete. Concreting under special
conditions, such as, hot weather, cold weather, underwater, in sea water and aggressive soils is also covered.
Reference is made to ready mixed concrete and non-destructive testing of concrete. Accelerated curing for
testing of concrete is also covered apart from determination of particle size and surface moisture on aggregate.
Part 2 deals with additional requirements of reinforced concrete work over and above the general requirements
covered in Part I. Details of formwork, striking of formwork, etc, are dealt with. Placing of reinforcement,
welding of plain and deformed bars are also covered. Cover to reinforcement shall be as per drawings subject
to IS 456 : 1978.
Part 3 deals with the use of lime concrete and lime pozzolana mixture concrete.
Section 1 deals with lime concrete including materials, mixing and placing of concrete. Details of laying
lime concrete~in foundations, arches, etc, are covered.
Anti-termite Measures
This chapter covers anti-termite measures by constructional means for new buildings and also the anti-termite
treatment of existing buildings. This chapter is brought in immediately after Chapters 3,4 and 5 dealing with
foundations, masonry and concrete to highlight the need to take these measures at the time of construction of
these items of work. The chemical methods of anti-termite treatment are already covered in Chapter 2 on
Design criteria, internal and external anti-termite measures and termite shields are dealt with in Part 1 dealing
with constructional measures.
Part 2 deals with post constructional methods for protection of existing buildings; including inspection of the
structure, elimination of termites andperventive measures. Statutory authorities may be consulted on the hazards
of use of chemicals.
Part 1 dealing with wooden doors, etc. gives detailed information on classification of timber in the country for
construction and furniture making; in this portion all relevant information on various characteristics is given;
this would help in deciding on use of various species of timber for making of wooden doors, etc. Moisture
content is another important aspect governing woodwork and zoning of the country based on maximum
permissible moisture content is also given.
Installation of wooden frames, pressed steel frames, panelled shutters, ledged, braced and battened doors and
windows, battened and framed door and windows, timber panelled and glazed shutters; louvredshutters; glazing
and fittings are covered in some detail.
There are many hardware fittings and a number of figures are given to illustrate them; reference to Indian
Standards for both wood based products and builders hardware is given for ease of use.
Part 2 deals with the installation of steel and aluminium doors, windows and ventilators; details of installing
single and composite units are covered.
Steel Construction
This chapter deals with the construction using hot rolled sections including tubular sections and cold formed
light gauge sections. For this purpose the chapter is divided into two Parts.
Fabrication of sections and their connections are the two major facets of steel construction. In each Part therefore
fabrication details such as straightening, machining, cutting, holing, etc, are dealt with.
In dealing with hot rolled sections use of rivets, bolts, high strength friction grip bolts and welding is elaborated.
Shop erection, site erection, shop painting and site painting are dealt with. Special precautions for members not
meeting at a joint, packing of materials, inspection, etc, are also dealt with.
, Special requirements of fabrication for design of hot rolled sections by plastic theory are mentioned.
For construction of tubular structures, use of rivets, close tolerance bolts and welding is dealt with. A list of
standards and handbooks relating to steel construction is given in Annex A.
Reference is made to good construction practice by resistance spot welding for cold formed light gauge sections.
Part 1 deals with brickfloors and details of their construction. It includes quality of bricks, preparatory work,
construction and finish.
Part 2 deals with laying of cement concrete floors. It includes in-situ concrete flooring, in-situ granolithic
flooring, in-situ terrazzo finish and cement concrete tiles.
Part 3 covers construction of industrial floor finishes including dairy floor finishes.
Part 4 deals with special floors and floor coverings. It includes magnesium oxychloride finish, rubber floors,
bitumen mastic floor finish, linoleum floors, epoxy resin floors, PVC floors, use of chemical resistant mortars
and parquet flooring.
Part 2 deals with the construction of walls using reeds suitable for earthquake prone areas, gypsum light weight
partitions and the use of no fines in-situ concrete in walls and foundations.
Part 1 covers considerable amount of information on jack-arch type roof, Madras terrace, stone over joint
construction. Use of various types of precast roofing elements in combination with different types of blocks,
such as, hollow and solid made from concrete or clay materials are described. A careful study of these
combinations in flat roofs may lead to savings in cement and steel.
Part 2 covers use of wooden shingles in sloping roofs of hilly regions. Use of slates is also indicated. Use of
AC sheets both corrugated and semi-corrugated is extensively covered in the form of figures. Similarly use of
plain and corrugated galvanized steel sheets is also covered.
Part 3 is only an introduction to shell roofs; since it is a specialized job expert guidance both in design and
construction is needed.
Part 4 covers one of the traditional roof finishes, namely, use of mud Phuska which is economical as well as
a good insulating material easy to construct.
Part 1 deals with various materials for damp-proofing and their use. Normal, heavy and extra heavy treatments
are listed, as per conditions at site. The materials include, bitumen felt, bitumen mastic, etc.
Part 2 deals with various materials for waterproofing and their use. Normal, heavy and extra heavy treatments
are covered, as per conditions at site. The materials include bitumen felt, mastic, etc.
Precautions in the use of glass fibre tissue reinforced bitumen, polyethylene film, etc, are mentioned.
Emphasis is laid on preparation of surfaces to as dry a condition as possible and for painting to take care of
alkalinity of these surfaces. Painting of new and old surfaces are covered. Characteristics of calcareous surfaces
which have to be considered for painting have been listed. Schedules of painting of these surfaces like type of
paints for primer coat, undercoat and finishing coats are given. Problems of efflorescence, fungus growth,
suction, etc, are highlighted with some recommendations for treatment. Maintenance schedule of painting of
surfaces is also given. Some tests to determine fitness of plaster for painting through determination of dryness
of background before painting, alkalinity and efflorescence are given.
Part 1 deals with finishing of wood and wood based materials and gives the general characteristics of timber
in relation to painting. It deals in detail with priming of timber joinery before painting followed by selection of
coating materials. Surface preparation of timber is important to ensure proper adhesion of paint. Details of
stopping, filling, staining and finishing are elaborated. Clear finishes, french polish, etc, are also covered. A
schedule of painting is listed in tabular form. Mention is also made of finishing wood based products similar
to solid wood. Some details regarding finishing of wood products with nitrocellulose and cold catalysed crystals
are given.
Part 2 covers the pretreatment of ferrous metals, either in factory or at site before final painting. Factory
pretreatment is recommended for durable results. The importance of preparing surface before treatment like
removal of oil, grease, rust, etc, is emphasized. A schedule of application of paints is given. Mention is also
made for maintenance painting.
Part 3 covers the pretreatment, preparation of surfaces and finish of non-ferrous metals in buildings.
Part 1 on water supply deals with the piping system from the municipal water mains to the building and internal
distribution also. Appurtenant structures in relation to water supply are also covered. The basic principles of
supplying potable water, general requirements of pipe work, laying and jointing of pipes are elaborated.
Reference is made to testing, inspection, disinfection, storage tanks, etc.
Part 2 on drainage covers the conveyance of waste water, sewage, surface water and subsoil water. Laying of
pipes, pipe joints and disposal are dealt with; emphasis is laid on separation of storm water drainage and sullage.
Part 3 deals with special requirements of water supply and drainage of high altitudes and/or sub-zero
temperatures. The effects on physical, chemical and biological properties of wastes, equipment, etc, are brought
out and corresponding provisions given.
This chapter deals with construction procedures for buildings when subjected to earthquake forces. Buildings
constructed with weaker materials and strengthening of earthen buildings are also covered. The general
requirements of design of course should be according to the basic code IS 1893 : 1984.
Emphasis is laid on categorisation of buildings based on importance of the building, zone of seismic map of
India and the soil foundation factor. Special construction procedures are listed for each of the five categories
of buildings.
The general principles for earthquake resistance of buildings are enumerated. The main thrust of these principles
is to make the building rigid in both the horizontal directions through continuity of structural elements.
Details of such treatment are given for masonry and timber buildings. The ductility of joints in reinforced
concrete construction is covered by an Indian Standard to which reference is made. Use of precast elements
and their strengthening is also covered.
Some infonation on improving earthquake resistance of buildings using weaker building materials including
mud/earth is covered. Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings is mentioned giving reference to an Indian
The title envisages covering construction for effects of blast and similar instantaneous forces on buildings.
Demolition of Buildings
This chapter covers the safety requirements of the general public and the workers at site during demolition,
Emphasis is laid on planning of the work of demolition so as to avoid any accidents or damage to adjacent
structures. The need is therefore to consider sequence of demolition of elements of a structure starting from top
storey and working downwards.
Special requirements for demolition of masonry arches, precast elements, steel elements, beams, columns, etc.
are elaborated. Demoltion by hand, mechanical means or explosives is also mentioned. Protective equipment
for workers during demolition is listed. Continuous removal of debris throughout the operation is recommended
so as to avoid overloading of structures below the storey under demolition; chutes and openings for this purpose
are recommended.
In line with the National Building Code, the word Authority having jurisdiction, is used as merely Authority
in various chapters. The Authority always refers to the concerned department who has jurisdiction over the
matter or subject under jurisdiction.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62@ & T): 1997
- Each activity must terminate in an event; tance of understanding and application of this techni-
- An event can occur twice; and que to construction. A considerable amount of litera-
ture has been generated on this and these may be
- Finally every activity must be completed to
referred to for any given project for preparation of
reach the end objective.
planning schedules.
2.4 The above introductory information is only to 2.5 One of the activities is to procure and store build-
indicate the practical aspect of the approach of Net- ing materials taking into account sequence of opera-
work techniques. The purpose in introducing at this tions. Some information on storage of materials is
stage in this very first chapter is to highlight the impor- given in Part 2 of this Chapter.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Hydrated lime is generally supplied in containers such shall be 50 bricks long and 10 bricks high, the bricks
as jute bags, lined polyethelene or HDPE woven bags being placed onedge. The width of each stack shall
lined with polyethylene or craft paper bags. It should be 6 to 8 bricks. Clear distance between adjacent
be stored in a building to protect lime from dampness stacks shall not be less than 0.8 m.
and to minimize warehouse deterioration.
Bricks of different types and class shall be stacked
Dry slaked lime should be stored on a platform suitably separately.
covered from rain and wind if it is to be used within a
few days. If required to be stored for longer periods 5 AGGREGATE
not exceeding 2 months it may be kept in a dry and
Aggregate shall be stored at site on a hard and dry level
closed godown.
patch of ground. If such a surface is not available, a
4 BRICKS platform of planks or of corrugated iron sheets, or a
floor of dry bricks, or a thin layer of lean concrete shall
Bricks shall not be dumped at site. They should be
be made so as to prevent the admixture of clay, dust,
stacked in regular tiers as and when they are unloaded
vegetable and other foreign matter.
to minimize breakage and defacement of bricks.
Stacks of fine and coarse aggregate-shall be kept in
In case of bricks made -from clay containing lime
separate stack piles, sufficiently removed from each
kanknrthe bricks in stack should be thoroughly soaked
other to prevent the materials at the edge of the piles
in water to prevent lime bursting.
getting intermixed. On a large job it is desirable to
Bricks shall be placed close to the site of work so that construct dividing walls to give each type of aggregate
least effort is required to unload and transport the its own compartment. Fine aggregate shall be stacked
bricks again by loading on pallets or barrows. Build- in place where loss due to the effect of wind is mini-
ing bricks shall -be loaded a pair at a lime unless mum.
palletized. Unloading of building bricks or handling
in any other way likely to damage the corners or edges Unless specified otherwise or.necessitated by site con-
or other parts of bricks shall not be permitted. ditions, stacking of aggregate should be carried out in
regular sizes.
Bricks shall be stacked on firm ground. For proper
inspection of quality and ease in counting, the stacks The suggested sizes of stacks are as follows:
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uo 61qwa3ald punoII8 Iahal uo (SII!S .yaql uo) lq+dn luauraD~o3uraJ iv03 01 alqr?qsap s! 11~uo~so~o3 pue uog
pay%lS &Xl I[“IjS S.IOlE~!lUaA PUV ‘SMOPU!M ‘S.IOOp [I?laJAJ
-elopalap 1uaAaJd 01 pw uo!l.Iols!p p!oAI? 01 St?hM B
qDns ul pa_tols aq IcI!~u!p~o lIt2ys luawaDlqlu!al IaaJS
-SapIS 10 SKXl103 01 dhXUT?p PlOAk? 01 lL?[J 6IqE
-1a3aId page3 pue payg aq plnoqs Ivualeur aqJ .sJal .sJno[oD aleledas l~gs!p u! palu!ed
-1nqs~aApeloDap 30 asw u! ‘aldurexa “03 ‘pgaleur aql aq ssel3 qwa 30 suogDas pue sleq 30 spua aql lvq~
30 aDE3-tnsaql 01 a%ut?p asna3 iltw 1~su lay10 aqi la.40 a[qcqsap SF11 ‘laals 30 (ape&? pwadL1) uo~~~~y~ss~~~
au0 pa%hp you s! [u!lalmn aqz lcql alnsua 01 uayr?l q3va Buyols 103 payn?uxlva aq ~leqs walli alwedag
aq ~~uqsan?3 slallnqs pur? saun2y MO~UFMpuu loop Jaq
-tug Buyels puu 8ugpwq ‘%.g3lqs %npeolun altqfi ‘IBBJS 8
pgaieur a1qt2lins laqlo iCue10 XBM au!Ilelsh 0~3!rn
‘(I!o SSOIBpauap?eq) slu!cd paI tun!uyn[u ‘.wl 1~03
‘suo!l>as Iaals
qi!M palpo:, aq IIeqs slaqwaur Ip230 spua aql ‘p2galcw
p2mvn~ls puv snq luauxag.ro3ufal Jo3 ua@ aq IIeqs
aqi ur %uyw pua luaAa.rd 01 ‘alow 10 lea/l u lnoqr? “03
luauw!aq aAy3alo~d ;rv~!wys‘van 1elwo3 u! aBalols.ro~
palois s! .raqury asw UI .y~ols aql u! laqurg 30 ih!d.rw
%IpI.I put? k~e3s 1uaAaJd 01 ua@ aq ~leqs JO uo~l~ols~p 1uaAald 01 y~els aqi 30 do1 uo paoeld
Jaugd 30 8uyo~ agl3alold alqel!ns ‘aikols ~UO~JO~ aq 01 papuaunuogar a.n2 ‘poohi 30 suo!lDas aBleI -10
L661: (A ‘8 S) Z9 dS
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
All wooden frames and shutters shall be stored in dry 50 mm x 25 mm battens in such a way that it will give
andclean covered space away from any infestation and support to all the four edges and corners of the boards
dampness. The storage shall be preferably in well with intermediate battens placed at suitable intervals
ventilated dry rooms. The frames shall be stacked one to avoid warping.
over the other in vertical stacks with cross battens at
The boards shall be stacked in a solid block in a clear
regular distances to keep the stack vertical and straight.
vertical alignment. The top sheet of each stack shall
The cross battens should be of uniform thickness and
be suitably weighed down to prevent warping.
placed vertically one above the other. The door shut-
ters shall be stacked in the form of clean vertical stacks The boards shall be unloaded and stacked with utmost
one over the other and at least 80 mm above ground on care avoiding damage to corners and surface. In case
pallets or suitable beams or rafters. The top of the of decorative plywood and decorative boards the sur-
stack shall be covered by ~a protecting cover and faces of which are likely to get damaged by dragging
weighed down by means of scantlings or other suitable one over the other it is advisable thatthese boards are
weights. The shutter stack shall rest on hard and level lifted in pairs facing each other as far as possible.
Separatestacks shall be built for each size, each grade
Plastic and rubber sheets have a tendency to break-
and each type of material. When materials of different
down during storage. These shall be stored according
sizes, grades and types are to be stacked together for
to manufacturers’ instructions.
want of space, the bigger size shall be stacked in the
lower portion of the stacks. Suitable pallets or separat- The coolest room available shall be utilized for the
ing battens shall be kept in between two types of storage of rubber and plastic sheets. The store rooms
material. where plastic and rubber sheets are stored shall be well
ventilated and kept as dark as possible. Though com-
If any wooden frame or shutter becomes wet during plete darkness is not necessary, direct light should not
transit, it shall be kept separate from undamaged be allowed to fall on the plastic and rubber sheets.
material. The wet material may be dried by stacking
in shade with battens in between adjacent boards with Contaminatian with vegetable and mineral oils,
free access of dry air generally following the guidance greases, organic solvents, acids and their fumes,
laid down in IS 1141 : 1993. alkalis, dust and grit, shall be prevented. When greasy
contamination occurs this shall Aberemoved immedi-
10 ROOFING SHEETS ately with petrol and the sheet thoroughly wiped dry
and dusted with French chalk.
Roofing sheets shall be stored in such a way as not to Rubber and plastic sheets shall be stored away from
damage them in any way. electric generators, motors, switchgear-and other such
electrical equipment as they produce harmful odour in
Asbestos cement sheets shall be stacked to a height of
their vicinity.
not more than one metre on a firm and level ground
with timber or other packing beneath them. If stacked Undue stretch and strain, kink, sharp bends or folds
in exposed position, they shall be protected from shall be avoided. In case of long storage, the sheets
damage by wind. shall be turned over periodically and treated with
French chalk, if necessary.
Asbestos cement sheets of the same variety and size
shall be stacked together. Damaged sheets shall not be 13 GLASS SHEETS
stacked with sound materials. All damaged sheets
shall be salvaged as early as possible. It is important that all sheets whether stored in crates
or not shall be kept dry. Suitable covered storage
11 BOARDS space shall be provided for the safe storage of glass
sheets. In removing glass sheets from crates great care
Gypsum boards shall be stored flat in a clean covered shall be taken to avoid damage to glass. The glass
and dry place. sheets shall be lifted and stored on its long edges and
shall be put into stacks not more than 25 panes, sup-
Boards shall not be stored in the open and exposed to
ported at two points by fillets of wood at 300 mm from
sun and rain, particularly if they are woodbased
each end. The first pane laid in each stack shall be so
boards, such as plywood, fibre board, particle board,
placed that its bottom edge is about 25 mm from the
block board, etc.
base of the wall or other support against which the
The boards shall be stacked on a flat dunnage, on top stack rests. The whole stack shall be as close and as
of which a wooden frame shall be constructed with upright as possible.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
14. ASBESTOS CEMENT, PIPES AND more than 1.5 m high. Avoid storing one pipe in
FITTINGS another.
The pipes shall be unloaded where they are required, Pipes of different sizes and classes should be stacked
when the trenches are ready to receive them. separately.
The pipes shall be stored on firm, level and clear On no account should pipes stored in a stressed or bent
ground and wedges shall be provided at the bottom condition. The ends of pipes should be protected from
layer to keep the stack stable. abrasion~particularly those specially prepared forjoint-
The stack should be in pyramid shape or the pipes be
arranged lengthwise and crosswise in alternate layers. In tropical conditions, pipes should be stored in shade.
The pyramid stack is advisable for smaller diameter In wintry conditions or cold weather the impact
pipes for conserving space in the store room. The strength of PVC is reduced making it brittle; therefore
height of the stack shall not exceed 1.5 m. more care shall be exercised in handling of the pipes.
Each stack shall contain only pipes of same class and If due to improper storage or handling, a pipe becomes
size, with consignment or batch number marked on it kinked, the damaged portion should be cut out com-
with particulars of suppliers wherever possible. pletely. Kinking is likely to occur in thin walled
Cast iron detachable joints and fittings shall be stack-
ed under cover and separated from asbestos cement 17 BITUMEN, ROAD TAR AND ASPHALT
pipes and fittings.
All types of bitumen, road tar, asphalt, etc, in drums or
Rubber rings shall be kept clean, away from grease,
containers shall be stacked vertically on their bottoms
oil, heat and light.
up to 3 tiers. Leaky drums should be seggregated.
15 POLYETHYLENE PIPES Empty drums shall be stored in pyramidical stacks
neatly in rows.
Black polyethylene pipes are suitably protected from
ageing due to sunlight by the addition of appropriate 18 WATER
quantity and type of carbon black during manufacture.
Wherever water is to be stored for construction pur-
Therefore they may be stored even in the open; how-
poses, it shall be done in proper storage tanks to
ever, it is preferable that they are stored under cover.
prevent any organic impurities polluting the water.
Natural polyethylene pipes, however, shall be stored
under cover and protected from direct sun. 19 FLAT TILES
Pipe coils may be stored either on edge or stacked flat Flat tiles shall be stacked on well treated and hard
one on top of another, but in either case they should surface. Tiles shall be stacked at site in proper layers
not be allowed to come in contact with heat, such as, and tiers and they shall not be dumped in heaps.
through hot water or steam pipes. They should also In a stack, the tiles shall be so placed that the mould
be kept away from hot surfaces. surface of one faces another. The height of the stack
shall not be more than 1 m.
Straight lengths of pipes should be stored on horizontal
racks giving continuous support to prevent the pipe Tiles when supplied in packed boxes/crates shall be
getting a permanent set if allowed to sag. Storage of stored as such. They shall be opened only at the time
pipes in heated areas exceeding 27°C shall be avoided. of use.
These pipes shall be given support at all times. Pipes All containers of paints, thinners and allied materials
should be stored on a reasonably flat surface free from shall preferably be stored on floors with sand cushions
stones and sharp projections so that the pipe is sup- in a separate room which is well ventilated and free
ported all along its length. Pipes should not be stored from excessive heat, sparks of flame and direct rays of
on racks. the sun. The containers of paint shall be kept covered
Pipes should not be stacked in large piles especially or properly fitted with lid and shall not be kept open
under warm temperature conditions as the bottom except when in use.
pipes may be distorted, thus creating problems in joint-
ing. Socket and spigot pipes should be stacked in
layers with sockets placed at alternate ends of the All sanitary appliances shall be carefully stored under
stacks to avoid lopsided stacks. Stacks shall not be cover to protect from damage. When accepting and
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Pile shall be stored on firm ground free from liability 24 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS
to unequal subsidence of settlement under the weight
Material constantly in use shall be relatively nearer the
of the stack of piles. The piles shall be placed on
place of use.
timber supports which are truly level and spaced so as
to avoid undue bending in the piles. The supports shall Heavy units like precast concrete members shall be
be left around the piles to enable them to be lifted stacked near the hoist and the ramp.
without difficulty. The order of stacking shall be such
Materials which normally deteriorate during storage
that the older piles can be withdrawn for driving
shall be kept constantly moving, by replacing old
without disturbing the newer piles. Separate stacks
materials with new stocks.
shall be provided for different lengths of piles. When-
ever curing is needed during storage, arrangements Freshly arrived materials shall never be placed over
shall be made to enable the piles to be watered if the materials which had arrived earlier.
weather conditions so require. Fire extinguishers and fire buckets shall be provided
Care shall be taken at all stages of transportating, wherever necessary for safety.
lifting and handling of piles to see that they are not
damaged or cracked during handling. During
transportation the piles shall be supported at ap- Storage of electrical materials such as, cables, conduc-
propriate lifting holes provided for the purpose. If tors, switch gear, etc, shall conform to National
Piles are Put down temporarily after being lifted, they Electric Code, 1983 [see &SO the supplementary
shall be placed on trestles or blocks located at the ‘Handbook on electrical installation .in buildings’
lifting points. (underpreparation)].
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
-_. -
3.2 Setting Out and MakingProfiles
4.2 Cutting
5.1 General 16.1 General
5.2 Setting Out and Making Profiles 16.2 Site Preparation
5.3 Cutting 16.3 Treatment Beneath the Building
ROCK 16.5 Treatment of Masonry Foundations and
6.1 General Basements
6.2 Blasting Operations 16.6 Treatment of RCC Foundations and Base-
6.3 Precautions During Blasting ments
16.7 Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling
EXCAVATIONIN FOUNDATION TRENCHES OR 16.8 Treatment at Junction of the Wall and the
EXCAVATION IN FOUNDATION TRENCHES OR 16.9 Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter
DRAINS (ORDINARY ROCK) of the Building
16.10 Treatment of Soil Apron Along External
DRAINS (HARD ROCK) 16.11 Treatment of Walls Retaining Soil Above
ETC, AND REFILLING 16.12 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes,
10.1 General Conduits, etc
IO.2 Width of Trench 16.13 Treatment of Expansion Joints
-_..__ -
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1 CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS 1.2 IS 1498 : 1970 may be seen for classification of
soils for general engineering purposes.
1.1 For the purpose of this chapter regarding
earthwork soils may be classified as below: 2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS
4 Soft/Loose Soil - Generally any soil which Excavating shall not be carried out below foundation
yields to the ordinary application of pick and level of adjacent buildings, until underpinning, shor-
shovel or to a spade, rake or other ordinary ing, etc, is done. Adequate precautions shall be taken
digging tools, examples: to see that the excavation operations do not affect
I) Sand, gravel, loam, clay, mud, black adjacent buildings.
cotton soil.
Trenches and foundation pits shall be securely fenced
2) Vegetable or organic soil, turf, peat, soft
and posted with proper precautionary signs. They
shale or loose murrum.
shall be marked with red lights at night to avoid acci-
3) Mud concrete below ground level.
dents. Public safety shall be ensured at all times.
4) Any mixture of soils mentioned above.
2.1 Site Clearance
b) Hard/Dense Soil - Generally any soil which
requires the close application of picks or Before the earthwork is started, the site shall be cleared
jumpers or scarifiers and rippers to loosen the of vegetation, brushwood, trees, saplings, etc, of girth
same, examples: up to 30 cm measured at a height of 1 m above ground
1) Stiff heavy clay, hard shale or compact level and rubbish remained up to a distance of 50 m
murrum requiring grafting tool and/or outside the periphery of area under clearance. The
pick and shovel. roots of trees shall be removed to depth of at least 60
2) Shingle and river or nallah bed boulders. cm below ground level or 30 cm below foundation
3) Soling of roads, paths, etc, and hard core. level and the hollows filled up with earth, levelled and
4) Macadam surface of any description rammed.
(water bound, grouted tarmac, etc).
The trees of girth above 30 cm measured at a height of
5) Lime concrete, stone masonry in lime or 1 m above ground level shall be cut only after permis-
cement mortar below ground level.
sion of the Engineer-in-charge. The roots of trees shall
6) Soft conglomerate or soft laterite when the
be removed as specified in above para.
stone can be detached from matrix with
picks. Existing structures, such as, old buildings, culverts,
pipe line, sewers, etc, within the site, shall be dis-
cl Ordinary Rock (not requiring blasting, wedg- mantled; if necessary, with appropriate permission,
ing, or similar means) - This may be quarried
structures adjacent to the site may be dismantled.
or split with crow bars or picks, such as, lime-
stone, hard laterite, hard conglomerate and un- Archaeological monuments, structures, etc, should be
reinforced cement concrete below ground dealt with appropriately in consultation with the con-
level. cerned Authority, similarly felling of trees should be
NOTE - If required light blasting may be resortedto, for done in consultation with the concerned Authority.
loosening the materials, but this does not in any way entitle
the material to be classified as ‘Hard Rock’. 3 SURFACE EXCAVATION
r L,.,.‘. .
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
with a standard bench mark available in the vicinity. hill side cutting, etc, shall be described as rough
Necessary profiles, with pegs, bamboos and strings or excavation.
pillars, shall be made to show the correct formation
levels before the work is started. The profiles and 4.2 Cutting
Burjis shall be maintained during excavation.
The work shall be executed true to levels, slopes, shape
The ground levels shall be taken between 5 to 15 m and pattern as indicated in the drawings. During ex-
intervals in uniformly sloping ground and at closer cavation the natural drainage of the area shall be main-
intervals where local mounds, pits, undulations are met tained~to avoid water logging.
with. The ground levels shall be recorded in field
books and plotted on to appropriate scale. The plans Cutting shall be done from top to bottom. Under no
shall be signed by the Authority having jurisdiction circumstances shall, undermining or under cutting, be
before commencement of work to authenticate it. allowed. The sides of the excavation shall be dressed
or trimmed and bottom shall be levelled or graded and
Alldimensionsin millimetres.
___ - ._
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
resorted to, cutting shall be left as it is and made up b) Excavation for basement, water tanks, etc;
during construction. and
4,3 Filling c> Excavation in trenches for foundations exceed-
ing 1.5 m in width and 10 m* on plan.
The earth from cutting shall be directly used for filling.
Excavation shall be carried out to the required depths
Filling of earth shall be done in regular horizontal
and profiles.
layers, each not exceeding 20 cm thick. The earth shall
be free of all roots, grass, rubbish; and lumps and clods 6.2 Blasting Operations
exceeding 8 cm in any direction shall be broken. Each
layer shall be consolidated by ramming. Watering of Where blasting operations are necessary as in hard
each layer may be done if required. The top surface of rock, prior permission shall be obtained from the
the finally finished area be neatly dressed. Authority. In ordinary rock, blasting operations shall
The finished formation levels, in case of filling, shall not be generally adopted.
be kept higher than the required levels, by making an
allowance of 10 percent of depth of filling for future 6.3 Precautions During Blasting
settlement in case of ordinary consolidated fills. The
During blasting operations proper precautions shall
allowance shall be 5 percent if consolidation is done
be taken for the safety of persons. Blasting operations
by machinery. No allowance shall be made if con-
solidation is done by heavy mechanical equipment shall not be done within 200 m of existing structures.
All operations shall conform to Rules and Regulations
under optimum moisture conditions.
of Indian Explosive Act, 1940 as amended from time
5 EXCAVATION OVER AREA IN SOFT/HARD to time. In addition precautions laid down in
SOIL IS 4081 : 1986 [see&o IS 5878 (Part 2/Set 1) : 19701.
5.1 General
This shall include:
a) Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and
10 m* on plan and exceeding 30 cm in depth; 7.1 Excavation in trenches for foundations shall not
b) Excavation in basements, water tanks, etc; and exceed 1.5 m in width or 10 m* or plan to any depth
c) Excavatioriin trenches for foundations exceed- (excluding trehches for pipes, cables, etc).
ing 1.5 m width and 10 m* on plan.
7.2 The excavation operation shall include excavation
Excavation shall be carried out to the required depths and removal of the earth. The excavated earth shall be
and profiles. thrown at least at half the depth of excavation, clear of
5.2 !htth$ Out and Making Profiles (see 3.2) the edge of excavation. The earth shall be disposed off
as directed by the Authority.
3.3 Cutthg
In firm soils, the sides of the trench shall be kept While carrying out at the excavation work for drains,
vertical up to a depth of 2 m from the bottom. For care shall be taken to cut the sides and bottom to the
greater depth, the excavation profiles shall be widened required shape, slope and gradient. The surface shall
by allowing steps of 50 cm on either side after every be properly dressed. If the excavation is done to a
2 m from the bottom. Alternatively, the excavation greater depth than shown on drawings, the excess
may be done to give a side slope of 1:4. Where the soil depth shall be made good with stiff clay puddle at
is soft, loose or slushy, the width of steps shall be places where the drains are required to be pitched. The
suitably increased or side sloped or the soil shored up. excess depth shall be made good with~ordinary earth
The bed excavation shall be made to the correct level and properly watered and rammed where the drain is
or slope and consolidated by watering and ramming. not required to be pitched. The back filling with clay
Soft and weak spots shall be dug out and filled with puddle shall be done side by side as the pitching work
levellingconcrete. Excess depth, if any, also shall be proceeds. Brick pitched storm water drain shall be
mnde good with the same concrete. avoided as far as possible in filled up areas.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
8.2 Excavation in ordinary rock shall be carried out 10.3.1 Filling the trenches for pipes, cables, etc shall
by crow Pars, pick axes, or pneumatic drills. Blasting be commenced immediately after the joints of pipes,
operations are not generally required in this case. etc, are tested and passed. -Where the trenches are
excavated in soil, the filling shall be done with earth
on the sides and top of pipes in layers not exceeding
20 cm, watered, rammed and consolidated ensuring
9.1 Excavation not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 m2 that the pipes are not damaged.
on plan to any depth in trenches (excluding trenches
In case of excavation of trenches in rock the filling up
for pipes, cables, etc) shall be described as excavation
to a depth~of 30 cm above the crown of the pipe, shall
in trenches for foundation.
be done with fine material such as earth, murrum or
9.2 Excavation in hard rock shall be done by chisell- pulverized decomposed rock as available. The
ing, where blasting operations are prohibited or are not remaining depth shall be done with rock filling or
practicable. In trenches and drains, where blasting is boulders of size not exceeding 15 cm mixed with fine
not otherwise prohibited, excavation shall be carried material as available to fill up the voids; and then
out by blasting in the first instance and finally by watered, rammed and consolidated in layers not ex-
chiselling to obtain the correct section of the trench as ceeding 30 cm.
per drawings.
CABLES, ETC, AND REFILLING 11.1 All trenches exceeding 2.0 m in depth shall be
securely shored and timbered as determined by the
10.1 General
Excavation not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 m2 in NOTES
plan to any depth in trenches shall Abe described as
1 The above requirementsdo not apply in cases where the sides
trenches for pipes, cables, etc. Returning, filling and
of the trenches are sloped to within 1.5m of the bottom. The
ramming (after pipes and cables are laid) and removal slope that is provided for such purposes shall be inspected and
of surplus soil shaM form part of this work. declared as stable.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
11.5.3 Struts. In case of filling under floors, the finished level of the
filling shall be kept to the slope to be given to the floor.
Struts shall be horizontal and at right angles to the
wales or sheathing supported thereby. Struts shall be 14 SAND FILLING IN PLINTH
cut to the proper length required to fit in tightly be- 14.1 Sand shall conform to grading zone V or IV, and
tween the wales. Where necessary, the struts shall be it shall be free from dust, organic and foreign matter
held securely in place by wedges, driven between (see Chapter 4).
struts and the wales.
14.2 Sand filling shall be done in a manner similar to
11.5.4 Struts shall be placed on cleats spiked or bolted earth filling in plinths as specified in 13, except that
to posts supporting wales. consolidation shall be done by flooding with water.
The surface of the consolidated sand shall be dressed
11.6 Sizes and Spacing of Members to the level or slope required.
11.6.1 The sizes and spacing of sheathing, wales and 15 SURFACE DRESSING
struts used for shoring and timbering for different 15.1 Surface dressing shall include removal of
trenches shall be as given in Tables 2.1 to 2.4. Table vegetation, cutting and filling up to depth of 1.5cm and
2.1 for~hard soil, Table 2.2 for soil which may crack or
dressing the area.
crumble, Table 2.3 for loose sandy or soft soil which
has been previously excavated and Table 2.4 for soil 15.2 Dressing
under hydro-static pressure. Where the section of the High portions of groundshall be cut down and hollows
wale or strut is rectangular, the longer side shall be kept and depressions filled up to the required level with the
vertical. Where distinctly different types of strata en- excavated earth so as-to give an even, neat and tidy
countered, each strata shall be treated separately as is look to the site.
required by its characteristics.
11.6.2 Where a wedge is used in shoring and timber- (CHEMICAL TREATMENT)
ing of a trench, the thick end of the wedge shall be at
16.1 General
least 5 cm wide.
Termites are divided into two types on the basis of their
11.7 Removal of timber members shall be done care- habitat, namely (a) Subterannean or ground-nesting
fully to prevent collapse of the trench. termites, and (b) Non-subterranean or wood-nesting
termites having no contact with soil. The former are
more destructive. Treating the soil with chemicals
beneath the building and around the foundation with a
12.1 When water is met with in excavation due to chemical soil insecticide is a good preveative measure.
stream flow, seepage, springs, rain or other reasons, The purpose of the treatment is to create a chemical
adequate measures shall be taken to bail out water by barrier between the ground and woodwork. Of course,
pumping or other means to keep the foundation trench timber used in the building shall be natural, durable,
dry. Excavation shall be done within shored and tim- heartwood, treated and seasoned.
bered area in a similar manner. Anti-termite treatment can also be given, through con-
structional measures, to existing buildings. These are
12.2 Trial pits shall be dug in the area where excava-
tion is required to be done. The steady water level in covered elsewhere (see Chapter 6).
the trial pits, before the pumping operation is started, 16.2 Site Preparation
shall be considered as the subsoil water level in that 16.2.1 Remove trees, stumps, logs or roots which may
area. be harbouring the termites.
13 FILLING IN TRENCHES, UNDER FLOORS, 16.2.2 On clays and other heavy soils where penetra-
ETC tion is likely to be slow and on sloping sites where run
13.1 Earth used for filling shall be free from stone, off of the treating solution is likely to occur, the surface
shingle or boulder not larger than 75 mm in any direc- of the soil should be scarified to a depth of at least
tion; it shall also be free from salts, organic matter or 75 mm.
other foreign matter. 16.2.3 On loose and porous or sandy soils where loss
of treating solution through piping or excessive per-
13.2 In trenches the space around the foundations,
colation is likely to occur, preliminary moistening to
pipes, drains, etc, shall be cleared of all debris, brick-
fill capillary spaces in the soil is recommended.
bats, etc. The filling shall be done in layers not exceed-
ing 20 cm in each layer. Each layer must be watered 16.2.4 All subfloor levelling and grading shall be
and rammed for consolidation. completed. All cuttings, trenches and excavations
-w-___ ._.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
should be completed with backfilling in place. Bor- 16.2.5 All framework, levelling pegs, timber offcuts
rowed earth fill must be free from organic debris and or other builders’ debris should be removed from the
should be well compacted. area to be treated.
3 Over 5 but not over 6.5 5x20 I 20x20 5 15x 1s ISX IS I.5 3
4 Over 6.5 but not over 8 5x I.5 W idth of 25x25 l.S 15x20 20x20 1.5 3
5 Over 8 but not over 10 8x20 Width of 20x30 1.5 20x20 20x25 1.s 3
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
16.3 Treatment Beneath the Building chemical emulsion shall be directed towards the
For treating soils beneath a building, the following masonry surfaces in contact with the earth. All foun-
dations shall be fully surrounded by and in close con- ,
chemicals are effective:
tact with the chemicals treated soil barrier (see Fig._2.3
Ll> Heptachlor emulsifiable concentrate 0.5 and Fig. 2.4).
percent by weight (see IS 6439 : 1978); 16.6 Treatment of RCC Foundations and
b) Chlordane emulsifiable concentrate 1.O per-
cent by weight (see IS 2682 : 1984);
The treatment of masonry foundations was necessary
Cl Chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate, 1.Oper-
because of the voids in joints through which the ter-
cent by weight (see IS 8944 : 1978).
mites are able to seekentry into the building. However
NOTES in RCC foundations there are no such voids for the
1 These chemicals are to be regarded as POISONS. They can
have adverse effect on health when absorbed through skin, termites to penetrate. It is therefore unnecessary to
inhaled as vapours or spraymists or swallowed. Therefore, they start the treatment of RCC foundations from the
most he safely handled [see Appendix B of IS 6313 (Part 2) : bottom. The treatment may be started at SO0 mm
19XIj. These chemicals should not be used where there is a risk below ground level except when the level is raised or
ol’ walls or other water supplies being contaminated. The
Authority concerned shall be consulted.
lowered by filling after the foundations have been cast.
In such a case the depth of soil level shall be deter-
2 Aldrin has heen banned by Government of India. Before use
mined from the new ground level. The soil in the
of these chemicals latest recommendations of Central Insecticide
Board and Registration Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, immediate contact with RCC shall be treated
Faridahad should be referred. with 7.5 l/m2 of the chemical. The other details are as
in Fig. 2.5.
16.3.1 Where there are mounds of termites within the
excavated area, these chemicals shall be poured into 16.7 Treatment of Top Surface of Plinth Filling
the mounds of several places after breaking them. The 16.7.1 The top surface of the consolidated earth
quantity used shall be related to the size of the mound. within plinth walls shall be treated with chemical
For a mound of about lcm3, 4 1 of the emulsion of one emulsion at the rate of 5 l/m2 of the surface before the
of the chemicals may be used, namely, sandbed or sub-grade is laid.’ If the. filled bed is
0.25 percent Heptachlor emulsifiable concentrate. rammed and the surface does not allow the emulsion
0.5 percent Chlordane emulsifiable concentrate. to seep through, holes up to SO mm to 75 mm deep at
150 mm centres both ways may be made with I2 mm
16.4 Time of Application
steel rod to facilitate saturation of the soil with chemi-
Soil treatment should start when foundation trenches cals.
and pits are ready to take mass concrete in foundations.
16.8 Treatment at Junction of the Wall and the
Treatment should not be carried out when it is raining
or when the soil is wet. This also applies to filled up
soil within the plinth area before laying the subgrade Special care shall be taken to establish continuity of
for the floor. the vertical chemical barrier on the inner wall surfaces
from ground level (or other level) up to the level of the
16.5 Treatment of Masonry Foundations and
filled earth surface. To do this, a small channel 30 mm
x 30 mm shall be made at all the junctions of wall 01
16.5.1 The bottom surface and sides (up to about columns with the floor (before laying sub-grade) and
30 cm) of the excavations made for necessary founda- rod holes made in the channel up to the ground level
tions and basements shall be treated with the chemical 150 mm apart; the rod shall be moved backward and
at the rate of 5 l/m2 of surface area. forward to break up the earth and then the chemical
16.5.2 After the masonry foundations and retaining emulsion be poured along the channel at a rate of
wall come up, the backfill in immediate contact with 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical wall or column. This would
the foundation shall be treated with the chemical at the perLmitthe soil to be soaked right down to the bottom.
rate of 7.5 l/m” of the vertical surface of the sub-struc- The soil should be tamped back into place after the
ture for each side. If water is used for ramming the operation.
earth fill, the chemical treatment shall be carried out 16.9 Treatment of Soil Along External Perimeter
after the ramming operation is done. For this rodding of the Building
of earth close to the wall at 15 cm centres shall be done After the building is complete, the earth along the
and working the rod backwards and forward parallel external perimeter of building shall be rodded at inter-
to the wall before applying the chemical emulsion. vals of 150 mm to a depth of 300 mm. The rod should
The earth fill is done in layers and the chemical treat- be moved backward and forward parallel to the wall
ment shall be carried out for each layer. After the to break up the earth and the chemical emulsion be
treatment the earth should be tamped in place. The poured along the water at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
vertical surfaces in contact with earth. After the treat- of termites through~voids in masonry, cracks, etc. The
ment the earth should be tamped back into place. If soil retained by the walls shall be treated with the
the earth outside the building is gradedthe treatment chemical emulsion at the rate of 7.5 l/m2 of the vertical
should be carried out on completion of grading. surface in contact with the soil. This barrier should be
In the event of the filling being more than 300 mm, the in continuation of the barrier upto the plinth level.
external perimeter treatment shall extend to the full 16.12 Treatment of Soil Surrounding Pipes,
depth of filling down to the ground level so as to ensure Conduits, etc
continuity of the chemical barrier. When pipes, conduits, enter the soil inside the area of
16.10 Treatment of Soil Apron Along External the foundations, the soil surrounding each point of
Perimeter of Building entry should be treated. For this the soil shall be
The top surface of the consolidated earth over which loosened for a distance of 150 mm and depth of 75 mm
the apron is to be laid shall be treated with chemical and then the treatment should be commenced at the
emulsion at the rate of 5 l/m2 of the surface before the same rate as the foundation soil. When the pipes enter
apron is laid. If the consolidated earth does not allow the soil external to the foundation they shall be similar-
the emulsion to seep through, holes up to 50 mm to ly treated for a distance of 300 mm unless they are clear
75 mm deepat 150 mm centres bothways may be made of the-walls by about 7.5 mm.
with 12 mm dia rod, on the surface to facilitate satura- 16.13 Treatment of Expansion Joints
tion of the soil with the chemical emulsion (see
Expansion joints at ground level are one of the worst
Fig. 2.4).
hazards for termite infestation. The soil beneath these
16.11 Treatment of Walls Retaining Soil Above joints should receive special attention when treatment
Ground Level under 16.6 for plinth filling is being carried out. This
Retaining walls like basement walls or outer wall treatment should be supplimented by treating the ex-
above the floor level retaining soil need to be protected pansion joint after the sub-grade has been laid, at the
by providing a chemical barrier so as to prevent entry rate of 2 litres per linear me&e.
Stages of Treatment
A = Bottom and sides oftrenches
B = Backfillin immediatecontactwithmasonryfoundation
C = Junctionof wall andfloor
D = Topsurfaceof plinthfilling
E = External perimeter of building
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Stages of Treatment
A = Bottom and sidesof trenches
B = Backfillin immediatecontactwith masonryfoundation
C = Junctionof wall and floor
D = Top surface of plinth filling
E= External perimeter of building
F = Soil below apron
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Stages of Treatment
A = Backfill in immediate contact with RCC foundation
B = Junction of wall and floor
C = Top surface of plinth filling
D = Externalperimeterof building
3.1 Shallow Foundations
3.3 Under-Reamed Foundations FOR FOUNDATIONSIN WEAK SOILS
3.4 Precast Piles
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1 GENERAL Alternatively, the bottom of the excavation
shall be protected immediately by 8 cm thick
1.1 Pre-construction
layer of cement concrete not leaner than mix
After the excavation is done, as per Chapter 2, con- 15: 10; the foundation concrete should then be
struction of foundations should be undertaken. How- placed on this. Or in order to obtain a dry hard
ever, certain pre-construction activities should be bottom, the last stretch of excavation of about
completed before commencement of work. These are 10 cm shall be removed just before concreting.
described below. d) The refilling of excavation shall be done with
care so as not to disturb the just constructed
1.2 Drainage
foundation. The backfill should be carried out
If the site of the building is such that water would drain evenly on both sides of the wall. The fill shall
towards it, land may be dressed or drains laid to divert be compacted in layers not exceeding 20 cm
the water away from the site. thick, with sprinkling of just enough water
necessary for proper compaction.
1.3 Setting Out
1.3.1 Generally the site shall be levelled before the
layout of foundations are set out. In case of sloping 2.1 Shallow Foundations
terrain, care shall be taken to ensure that the dimen- These cover such types of foundations in which load
sions should be set out with theodolites in case of transfer is primarily through shear reistance to the soil
important and intricate structures where the length of and are normally laid to a depth of 3 m.
site exceeds 16 m. In other cases these should be set
out by measurement of sides. In rectangular or square 2.1.1 The various types of shallow foundations are as
setting out, diagonals shall be checked to ensure under:
accuracy. a) Spread or Pad (see IS 1080 : 1986),
The setting out of wall shall be facilitated by per- b) Strip (see IS 1080 : 1986),
manent row of pillars, parallel to and at a suitable c) Raft [see IS 2950 (Part I) : 198 I], and
distance beyond the periphery of the building. The d) Ring land Shell (see IS 11089 : 1984 and IS
pillars shall be located at junctions of cross walls with 9456 : 1980).
the peripheral line of pillars. The centre lines of the 2.2 Deep Foundations
cross walls shall be extended and permanently con-
These foundations ark generally in the form of piles,
nected to the tops of corresponding pillars.
caissons, diaphragm walls, used separately or in com-
The datum lines parallel to and at a known distance bination to transmit the loads to a deeper load bearing
fixed from the centre lines of external walls, should strata. The transfer of load may be through friction,
also bepermanently set on the rows of pillars to serve end bearing or a combination of both.
as checks on the accuracy of the work as it proceeds.
2.2.1 The various types of deep foundations are as ‘.
The tops of pillars shall be at the same level and under:
preferably at plinth or floor level. The pillars shall be a) Pile Foundations
of sizes not less than one brick wide and shall be 1) Driven cast in-situ - see IS 29 11 (Part
embedded sufficiently deep into the ground so that l/Set 1) : 1979
they are not disturbed. 2) Bored cast in-situ - see IS 2911 (Part
l/Set 2) : 1979
1.4 Protection of Excavation
3) Driven precast - see IS 291 l(Part l/Set
Protection of excavation during construction 3) : 1979
of shoring, timbering, ~dewatering operations, 4) Bored precast - see IS 291 l(Part l/Set
etc, shall be ensured. 4) : 1984
b) After excavation, the bottom of the trench shall 5) Timber - see IS 291 l(Part 2) : 1980
be cleared of loose soil and rubbish and shall 6) Under-reamed - see IS 2911 (Part 3) :
be levelled, where necessary. 1980
cl Excavations, in clay or other soils, that are b) Diaphram Walls - see IS 9556 : 1980
likely to be effected by exposure of atmos- c) Combined Foundations-Two or more of the
phere, shall be concreted as soon they are dug. above.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.3.3 Construction bore hole. Care shall be taken that soil is not
scrapped from sides if rodding is done for
a) Bore holes may be made by earth augers. In
compaction. Vibrators shall not be used.
:ase of manual boring, an auger bohng guide
<hall be used to keep the bores vertical or at the If the subsoil water level is confined to the
lesired inclination and in position. After the bucket length portion at the toe, the seepage is
bore is made to the required depth, enlarging low and the water should be bailed out before
of the bore shall be carried out by means of an commencing concreting.
under-reaming tool. In case the pile bore is stabilized with drilling
b) Drilling mud may be used for boring and mud or by maintaining water head-within the
under-reaming in a site with high water table. bore hole, the bottom of bore hole shall be
Benronite may be used. carefully cleaned by flushing it with fresh drill-
Cl To avoid irregular shape and widening of bore ing mud and the pile bore be checked before
hole in a very loose strata at top, a casing pipe concreting.
of suitable length may be temporarily used. Concreting shall be done by the tremie method.
4 For better under-reamed piles, the reinforce- The tremie should have a valve at the bottom
ment cage should be placed guiding it by a and lowered with the valve closed at the start
chute or any other means. and filled up with concrete. The valve is then
e) In order to achieve proper under-reamed bulb, opened to permit concrete which permits the
the depth of bore hole should be checked upward displacement of drilling mud. The
before starting under-reaming. It should.also pouring should be continuous and the tremie is
be checked during under-reaming; any extra gradually lifted up such that the pipe opening
soil at the bottom of bore hole shall be removed remains always in the concrete. In the final
by auger before re-inserting the under-reaming stage the quantity of concrete shall be enough
tool. so that on the final withdrawal some concrete
The completion of the desired under-reamed spills on the ground (see Notes I to 5).
bulb is ascertained by vertical movement of the
handle and when no further soil is cut.
S> In multi-under-reamed piles, the boring is first 1 All tremie tubes should be cleaned hefore and after
completed to the depth required for the first ttse.
(top) bulb only and after completing under- 2 The tremie pipe should always penetrate well into the
reaming bulb, the boring is extended further concrete with an adequate margin of safety against
withdrawal of the pipe.
down to the second bulb and so on.
h) The piles shall be installed as correctly as pos- 3 The tremie method shall not be changed for a given
sible, both at the correct location and truly pile, to prevent the laitance from being entrapped in the
vertical (or at the specified batter). Piles shall
not deviate by more than 75 mm or one quarter 4 In the case of withdrawal of a pile accidentally or to
remove a choke, the tremie may be reintroduced in a
the stem diameter whichever is less; for piles
manner to prevent fragmentation of laitance or scmlt
of diameter more than 600 mm, the deviation lying on the top of the concrete deposited already in the
may be 75 mm or 10 percent of the stem bore.
diameter. 5 In the exceptional case of interruption of concreting
j> Concreting shall be done as soon as possible which can he resumed in one or two hours, the tremie
after completing the bore. The bore hole full shall not be taken out of concrete. Instead it shall be
of drilling mud should be concreted between raised or lowered slowly, from time to time, to prevent
the concrete around the tremie from setting. Concreting
12 to 24 h depending on the stability of the
should be resumed by introducing a little richer mix of
hole. concrete with a slump of about 200 mm for easy displace-
k) The method of concreting should be such that ment of the partly set concrete. If the concreting cannot
the entire volume of the pile bore is filled up be resumed before the final set of concrete, the pile may
be rejected or used with modifications.
without formation of voids and/or mixing of
soil and drilling fluid in the concrete. For plac- m>In inclined piles, concreting should be done
through a chute or by tremie method.
ing concrete in pile bores, funnel should be
4 A bored compaction pile is one in which the
compaction of surrounding ground as well as
In the empty bore holes for under-reamed piles fresh concrete in the bore is simultaneously
a small quantity of concrete is poured to give accomplished. In under-reamed bore compac-
about a 100 mm layer of concrete at the bottom. tion piles, the pile shall be filled up with con-
Reinforcement is lowered next and positioned crete, without placing reinforcement.
correctly. The concrete is poured to fill the Immediately, the core assembly shall be driven
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
and extra concrete shall be poured in simul- binding wire, the free ends of which should be
taneously to keep the level of concrete up to turned into the interior of the pile. The lon-
ground level. If a hollow driving pump is used gitudinal bars may be held apart by temporary
in core assembly, the pipe shall be withdrawn or permanent spreader forks not more than
after filling it with fresh concrete. 1.5 m apart. The reinforcement shall be check-
In these compaction piles it shall be ensured ed for tightness and position immediately
that concreting should be done uninterrupted- before concreting.
ly. Accidental withdrawal should be com- After casting the piles, they shall be stored as
pletely avoided. described in Chapter 1.
Bored precast piles shall be .constructed by
P) The top of the concrete pile shall be brought
above the cut-off level to permit removal of all suitable choice of boring and installation tech-
laitance and weak concrete before capping and niques depending on detailed information
to ensure good concrete at the cut-off level for about the subsoil conditions. The bottom end
proper embedment into the pile cap. of the pile shall have proper arrangements for
cleaning and grouting.
9) Where cut-off level is less than 1.5 m below
working level, concrete shall be cast to mini- Piles shall be installed as vertically as possible
mum of 300 mm above cut-off level, for every according to the drawings, or to the specified
excess of 0.3 m over 1.5 m, additional of batter. The deviation from specified alignment
50 mm shall be cast over and above 300 mm. shall be as permitted for under-reamed piles in
When tremie method is employed, it shall be 3.3.
cast to the piling platform level to permit over- g) Cement and sand (1 : 2) grout mixed with water
flow of concrete for visual inspection or to a in a high speed colloidal mixer is fed to the pile
minimum of 1 m above cut-off level. with grout pump of suitable capacity to the
central duct through a manifold. Temporary
When the cut-off level is below the ground
casing used here shall be removed in stages
water level, there is a need to maintain a pres-
with the rise of level of grout. The grout should
sure on the unset concrete equal to or greater
be levelled off at the top. The strength of the
than the water-pressure and a length of extra
grout shall be at least equal to the strength of
concrete above the cut-off level may be per-
the surrounding soil.
mitted to provide this.
When defective piles are formed, they shall be h) Where a pile is to have another length cast on
r) to it before or during placing, the longitudinal
removed or left in place whichever is con-
reinforcement should be welded with full
venient, without effecting the performance of
penetration butt welding, after the concrete at
adjacent piles or the cap as a whole.
the top of the pile should be cut-off to expose
Any deviation beyond permissible limits from not less than 200 mm of the bars. Bars may be
the designed location, alignment or load lapped if it is not possible to undertake butt
capacity of any pile shall be noted and adequate welding with an overlap of 40 times the dia of
measures be taken well before the concreting bar.
of the pile cap and plinth beam.
3.4.2 Driven Precast Piles
The pile should project 50 mm into the cap
concrete. Driven precast piles transmit the load of the structure
by resistance developed either at the tip or by end
3.4 Precast Piles bearing or along the shaft by friction or by both. They
3.4.1 Bored Precut Piles are cast in a yard and subsequently driven into the
ground with or without jetting. These piles find wide
Bored precast concrete piles are constructed in a cast- application for structures, such as, wharves, jetties, etc,
ing yard and subsequently lowered into prebored holes or where conditions are unfavourable for use of cast
and the space grouted. in-situ piles.
a) As far as possible, in-situ extensions shall be a ) Pile foundations shall be designed in such a
avoided. way that the load of supports can be transmitted
b) The casting yard should be well drained. to the soil without any soil failure and without
c> As far as possible, longitudinal reinforcement causing settlement as may result in structural
shall be in one length. In case joints are damage. It shall withstand all loads (vertical,
needed, they should be staggered. axial, or otherwise) and moments to be trans-
4 The hoops and links for reinforcement shall fit mitted to the soil.
tightly against the longitudinal bars and be b) When working near existing structures care
bound to them by welding or by tying with shall be taken to avoid damage to such struc-
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.5.1 Cast in-situ driven piles transmit load to the soil The cut-off level, formation of latiance, etc shall be
by resistance developed by the toe of the pile or by end dealt with as in 3.3.3.
bearing or by friction along their surface or by both.
Defective piles shall be dealt with as in 3.3.3.
a) Materials - (see in 3.3.1)
b) Equipment - Among the commonly used 3.5.2 Bored Piles
plants, tools and accessories, the suitability
The bored cast in-situ piles, of less than 2 500 mm
depends on subsoil conditions, manner of
transmit the load to soil by resistance developed either
operation, etc. Some commonly used equip-
at the tip by end bearing or along the shaft by friction
ment are:
or by both.
1) Dolly - A cushion of hardwood or
suitable material placed on top of the a) Bored cast in-situ piles may be driven by
casing to receive hammer blows; suitable choice of installation techniques; the
2) Drop hummer - Hammer (ram or manner of soil stabilization, that is, using of
monkey) raised by a winch and allowed to casing and/or use of drilling mud; manner of
fall under gravity; concreting, etc. Sufficient information on sub-
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
I __._ I:*:-_- 1_ -_-_._r:_, I_ .__.J_&___-t__ .L_ A-.-__ __r.__l _I___-..-.:_-- :_ Al__ --.__ -42 c-...
SUll c;uIIuItIuIls 1s css~llllal LO prcumx1111ne Lilt: tru1n ilClUa1 uc3su valluIls 111 Lilt: cast: Ul ICW
casings to stabilize sides of holes. For marine treated as durability andperformance would consider-
locations, the piles may be formed with per- ably depend upon the quality of the material and
manent casing (liner). freedom from natural defects.
4 In case the bored pile is stabilized by drilling
mud or by maintaining water heads in the hole, 3.6.1 Class of Piles
the bottom of the hole shall be cleaned careful- Depending upon the use, piles shall be classified as
ly before concreting work is taken up. Flush-
Class A and Class B.
ing of holes hefnre
--_-_- concretinp
- ----------=
wit_h frer;h
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
4 To prevent splitting and reduce brooming, the 3.6.4 Hundlir~g of’ Piles
read of the pile should be hooped with a
a ) Care shall be taken to see that the piles are
suitable ring or wrapped with wires. The heads
sufficient number of points, properly located to
)f piles shall be further protected by the
prevent damage due to excessive bending.
Errovision of cushion blocks.
b) Treated piles shall be handled with hemp OI
e) I f the piles are required to be formed from two manila rope slings or other means of support
rr more lengths, the butting surfaces shall be
that will not damage the surface of the wood.
:ut square to ensure contact over the whole
c) Dropping, brushing, breaking of fibres and
:ross section of the pile. A thin steel plate
penetrating the surface shall be avoided.
Ilaced between the butting surfaces will
.educe the tendency to brooming. d) Sharp pointed tools shall not be used for
handling or turning them in leads.
The pieces should also be secured with steel
e) Minor abrasions of the surface of treated piles
ubes or steel tlats. Splices in the middle of the below cut-off level in the portions which are to
Gle should be avoided. If it is necessary to remain permanently under water shall be
obtain increase in size and length of pile by permitted.
Glding up sections, the joints should be stag- 1) Surface of treated piles below cut-off shall not
:ered and the timber members connected by be disturbed by boring holes or driving nails to
neans of bolts or screws. support temporary material or stagping.
Tiles shall be installed as accurately as possible
according to drawings. 3.7 Load Test onPiles
[n a pile group, the sequence of installation of Shall be done as prescribed in IS 29~11 (Part 4) : 1985.
piles shall normally be from centre to
periphery of the group or from one side to the 4 MACHINE FOUNDATIONS
other. Adjacent piles shall not be damaged 4.1 General
when driving a pile; the danger is greater in
compact soils than in loose soils. Machine foundations are specialized structures,
according to typeof machines, namely, rotary, impact,
Driving piles in loose sand tends to compact
reciprocating, etc. However, a few criteria for con-
the sand which in turn increases the skin fric-
struction are listed below.
tion for friction piles. Therefore the order of
installing of such a pile group should avoid 4.2 Criteria for Construction
creating a compact block of sand pile into
4.2.1 Concrete
which further piles cannot be driven.
Similar precautions have to be taken in case The-concrete used shall be controlled concrete. The
piles have to be driven into stiff clay or com- grade of concrete shall be between M 15 to M 20 for
pact sand layers. This may be overcome by block foundations and M 20 for formed foundations.
driving piles from the centre to the periphery A slump of 50 mm to 80 mm is allowable. The
or by beginning at a selected edge or working concrete used shall be of plastic consistency without
across the group. In case of very soft soils, excessive water. The water cement ratio shall not
driving may have to proceed from outside to exceed 0.45 which shall be maintained throughout the
inside, so that soil is retained from flowing and concreting of foundation.
during operation. 4.2.2 Continuous concreting shall be done as far as
h) Jetting of cases by means of water shall be possible for the entire block, leaving provisions for
carried out if required in such a manner as not grouting.
to impair the bearing capacity of piles already
in place, the stability of the soil or the safety or 4.2.3 All areas under and adjacent to the foundation
any adjacent buildings. shall be well cleaned prior to pouring of concrete. The
j> Defective piles shall either be removed or left surfaces except the pockets for grout, shall be made
in place as is convenient without affecting the rough so as to secure good bond with fresh cement.
performance of the adjacent piles or the cap as Cement grout with non-shrinkable additive shall be
a whole. Additional piles shall be provided to used where structurally required.
replace the defective piles.
4.2.4 All elements of foundation shall be provided
k) Any sudden change in the rate of penetration
both at top and bottom by two way reinforcement.
which cannot be ascribed to the nature of
Reinforcement shall be provided along the surface in
ground shall be noted and its cause ascer-
case of block foundations. The amount of reinforce-
tained, if possible, before driving is con-
ment shall vary between 25 to 50 kg/m’ of concrete as
the case may be. The minimum dia shall be 12 mm
SP 62(S &T): 1997
and maximum shall be 20 mm in order to take care of and covered by a rich layer of 1: 2 cement grout
shrinkage. Concrete cover shall be 75 mm at bottom, 20 mm thick, concrete should be placed not
SO mm on sides and 40 mm on top. later than 2 h after the grout is laid.
(Clause 5.2)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
A-4.2 A raft (mat) foundation slab of uniform thick- They are also useful where artesian conditions exist or
ness is suitable for fairly small and uniform column where local obstructions are encountered above the
spacing and when the supporting soil is not too com- foundation level. They also can be protected by
pressible. appropriate coatings.
The slab may be thickened for heavily loaded columns A-5.3 Driven Cast in-situ Concrete Pile
to provide adequate strength for shear and negative
moment. Driven cast in-situ piles are formed by driving a casing
A slab and beam type of raft is likely to be more and filling it in the hole with plain or reinforced con-
economical for large column and unequal spacing of crete. The casing may be temporary or permanent.
columns; particularly when the supporting soil is com- The concrete may be rammed, vibrated or just poured.
pressible. These piles find wide application where the pile re-
quired is taken to a greater depth to find adequate
For heavy structures, provision of cellular raft or rigid bearing strata or to develop adequate skin friction; and
frames consisting of slabs and basement walls may be also when the length of individual piles cannot be
considered. pre-determined.
A-5.4 Bored Cast in-situ and Driven Precast Pile
A-5.1 The load transfer mechanism from a pile to the
surrounding soil is cgmplicated and has not yet been Their application is similar to A-5.3 and A-5.2 respec-
fully determined, altliough application of pile founda- tively.
tion has been in vogue for many decades.
Broadly speaking, piles transfer axial load either by A-5.5 Under-Reamed-Piles
friction along its shaft and/or subsequently by end
Under-reamed piles find wide application under the
following conditions:
Construction of pile foundations requires careful
choice of piling system, depending on the subsoil 4 When the site consists of expansive soils, like
black cotton soil, the bulb provides additional
conditions, the load characteristics, limitations of total
anchorage against uplift due to swelling pres-
settlement, differential settlement, etc. It requires
sure impart from the increased bearing.
careful control of alignment, position and depth and
involves specialized skill and experience.
b) In filled or otherwise weak strata overlying
firm strata, enlarged base in the form of under-
A-5.2 Bored Precast Concrete Pile reamed bulb provides larger bearing area and
These piles find wide application in chemically agres- therefore piles of greater bearing capacity can
sive soils and in high ground water conditions. These be constructed.
piles are protected even in such conditions because c) In loose to medium pervious sandy and silty
they are made by using dense, vibrated matured con- strata, the process of compaction increases the
Crete. bearing capacity of the pile.
(Clause 5.2)
B-l.1 In poor and weak subsoils, the design of con- B-2.1 Need
ventional shallow foundations for structures may The need for ground improvement should be estab-
present problems with respect to both size of founda- lished by collection of soil data. If the bearing capacity
tion and control of settlements. Traditionally pile is less than that specified in IS 6403: 198 I for shallow
foundations have been employed at very high costs. A foundations than the need for ground improvement
recent approach is to improve the soil itself to the arises; also if the settlements exceed those specified
extent that would result in adequate bearing capacity by IS 8009 (Part 1) : 1976 and IS 8009 (Part 2) : I980
and settlements within acceptable limits. for shallow and deep foundations. Soils subject to
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Table 3.1 Soil Improvement Methods
(Clause B-3.1)
Method Principle Most Suituble Soil Maximum Special Mate- Special Equipment Properties of Special Advantages Relative
Conditions/Types Effective Treat- rials Required Required Treated Material and Limitations Cost
ment Depth
Blasting Shock waves ‘and Saturated, clean sands : >30m Explosives backfill to Jetting or drilling machine Can obtain relative Rapid, inexpensive, Low
vibrations cause li- partly saturated sands plug drill holes, hole densities to 7080, can treat any size areas :
quefaction and dis- and silts (collapsible casings may get variable variable properties, no
placement with loess) after flooding density time de- improvement near sur-
settlement to higher pendent strength face, dangerous
density gain
Vibratory Densification by Saturated or dry clean 20 m (ineffective None Vibratory pile driver and Can obtain relative Rapid, simple, good Moderate
Probe vibration; liquefaction sand above 3-4 m 750 mm dia, open steel densities of up to underwater, soft un-
induced settlement depth) pipe 80. Ineffective in derlayers may damp
under overburden some sands vibrations, difficult to
penetrate, stiff over-
layers, not good in
partly saturated soils
Vibrocom- Densification by Cohesionless soils 30m Granular backfill, Vibroflot, crane, pumps Can obtain high Useful in saturated and Moderate
paction vibration and compac- with less than 20 fines water supply relative densities, partly saturated soils,
tion of backfill good uniformity uniformity
Zompaction Densification by dis- Loose sandy soils: >20 m Pile material (often Pile driver, special sand Can obtain high Useful in soils with Moderate
‘iles placement of pile partly saturated clayey sand or soil plus ce- pile equipment densities, good fines, uniform corn- ‘to high
volume and by vibra- soils, loess ment mixture) uniformity pactioh, easy to check
tion during driving results, slow, limited
improvement in upper
heavy Tamp- Repeated application Cohesionless soils, 30m None Tampers of up to 200 tons, Can obtain good Simple, rapid, suitable Low
ng (Dynamic of high intensity im- waste fills, partly high capacity crane improvement and for some soils with
Consolidation) pacts at surface saturated soils reasbnable unifor- fines; usable above
mity and below water, re-
quires control, must be
away from existing
Table 3.1~Continued
Method Principle Most Suitable Soil Maximum Special Mate- Special Equipment Propekies qf Special Advantages Relalive
Conditions/Types Effective Treat- rials Required Required Treated Material and Limitations Cost
ment Depth
Particulate Penetration grouting- Medium to coarse sand Unlimited Grout, water Mixers, tanks, pumps, Impervious, high Low cost grouts, high Lowest of
Grouting till soil pores with soil, and gravel hoses strength with strength; limited to the grout
cement and/ or clay cement grout, coarse grained soils systems
eliminate liquefac- hard to evaluate
tion danger
Chemical Solutions of two or Medium silts and Unlimited Grout, water Mixers, tanks, pumps, Impervious, low to Low viscosity control- High to
Grouting more chemicals react coarser hoses high strength lable gel time, good very high
in soil pores to form a eliminate liquefac- water shut-off; high
gel or a solid tion danger cost, hard to evaluate
5 precipitate
B Pressure Lime slurry injected to Expansive clays Unlimited, but Lime, water surfactant Slurry tanks, agitators, Lime encapsulated Only effective in nar- Competi-
e Injected Lime shallow depths under 2-3 m usually pumps, hoses zones formed by row range of soil con- tive with
9 high pressure channels resulting ditions other solu
P from cracks, roof tions to ex
9 holes, hydraulic pansive
fracture soil
Displacement Highly viscous grout Soft, tine grained soils; Unlimited, but a Soil, cement water Batching equipment, high Grout bulbs within Good for correction of Low
Grout acts as radial hydraulic foundation soils with few m usually pressure pumps, hoses compressed soil differential settle- material
jack when pumped in large voids or cavities matrix ments filling large high injec-
under high pressure voids; careful control tion
Electro- Stabilizing chemical Saturated silts; silty Unknown Chemical stabilizer DC power supply, anodes Increased strength, Existing soil and struc- Bxpensive
, kinetic Injec- moved into soil by clays (clean sands in colloidal void tillers cathodes reduced comptes- tures not subjected td
tion electroosmosis or col- case of colloid injec- sibility, reduced high pressures; no
loids into pores by tion) liquefaction poten- good in soil with high
electrophorasis tial conductivity
Jet Grouting High speed jets at Sands, silts. clays Water. stabilizing Special jet nozzle, pumps. Solidifiedcolumns Useful in soil that can’t
depth excavate, inject, chemicals pipes and hoses and walls be permeation
and mix stabilizer with grouted, precision in
soil to form columns or locating treated zones
Preloading Load is applied suffi- Normally con- Earth fill or other Earth moving equipment. Reduced water Easy, theory well Low
with/ without ciently in advance of solidated soft clays, material for loading large water, tanks or content and void developed, unifor- (moderate
Drain construction so that silts, organic deposits, the site; said or gravel vacuum drainage systems ratio increased mity; requires long if vertical
compression of soft completed sanitary for drainage blanket sometimes used; settle- strength time (vertical drains drains are
soils is completed landfills ment markers, can be used to reduced required)
prior to development piezometers consolidation time)
of the site
Surcharge Fill in excess of that Normally con- Earth fill or other Earth moving equipment; Reduced water Faster than preloading Moderate
Fills required permanently solidated soft clays, material for loading settlement markers, content, void ratio without surcharge,
is aIjplied to richieve a silts, organic deposits, the site; sand or gravel piezometers and compres- theory well developed
given amount of settle- completed sanitary for drainage blanket sibility; increased extra material
ment in a shorter time; landfills strength handling; can use ver-
excess fill then tical drains to reduce
removed consolidation time
Electro- DC current causes Normally con- Anodes (usually rebars DC power supply, wiring, Reduced water No fill loading re- High
Osmosis water flow from anode solidated silts and silty or aluminium) metering systems content and com- quired, be used in con-
towards cathode where clays cathodes (well points pressibility. in- fined area. relatively
it is removed or rebars) creased strength, fast; non-uniform
electrochemical properties between
hardening electrodes; no good in
highly conductive
Table 3.1-Concluded
_ --
Summary of Soil Improvement Methods
Methocl Principle Most Suitable Soil Maximum Speck1 Mote- Special Equipment Properties oj Special Advuntages Relative
Conditions/Types IYffective Treot- rials Required Required Treated btuteriul and Limitations Cost
ment Depth
Remove and Foundation soil ex- hr-organic soils IOm Admixture stabilizers Excavating mixing and Increased strength Uniform, controlled High
Replace cavated, improved by compaction equipment and stiffness, foundation soil when
drying or admixture dewatering system reduced compres- replaced; may require
and recompacted sibility large area dewatering
E Structural Structural fills dis- Use over soft clays or - Sand, gravel fly ash, Mixing and compaction Soft subgrade High strength, good Low to
2 Fills tributes loads to under- organic soils marsh bottom ash, slag, ex- equipment protected by struc- load distribution to un- high
lying soft soils deposits panded aggregate, tural load bearing derlying soft soils
clam shell or oyster till
shell, incinerator ash
Mix-in-Place Lime, cement or as- All Soft or loose >20m Cement lime asphalt, Drill rig. rotary cutting and Solidified soil Uses native soil, Modente
Piles and phalt introduced inorganic soils or chemical stabilizer mixing head, additive pro- piles or walls of reduced lateral support to high
Walls through rotating auger portioning equipment relatively high requirements during
or Special in-place strength excavation; difficult
mixer quality control
Heating Drying at low Fine-grained soils, 15m Fuel Fuel tanks, burners, Reduced water Can obtain irreversible High
temperatures’ altera- especially partly blowers content, plasticity, improvements in
tion of clays at inter- saturated clays and water sensitivity; properties: can intro-
1 mediate temperatures silts loess
: increased strength duce stabilizers with
(400-600 “C); fusion at hot gases
l high temperatures
(>I 000 “C)
Freezing Freeze soft, wet All soils Several m Refrigerant Refrigeration system Increased strength No good in flowing High
ground to increase its and stiffness, ground water, tem-
strength and stiffness reduced per- porary
Vibro Re- Hole jetted into soft. Soft clays and alluvial 20 m Gravel or crushed Vibroflot. crane or Increased bearing Faster than Moderat
placement fine-grained soil and deposits rock backfill vibrocat. water capacity. reduced precompression, to high
Stone and backfilled with dense- settlements avoids dewatering re-
Stand ly compacted gravel or quired for remove and
Columns sand replace; limited bear-
ing capacity
t$ Root Piles, Inclusions used to All soils - Reinforcingbars, Drilling and grouting Reinforced zone In-situ reinforcement Moderatr
s Soils Nailing carry tension, shear, cement grout equipment behaves as a for soils that can’t be to high
& compression coherent mass grouted or mixed-in
.E place with admixtures
Strips and Horizontal tensile Cohesiohless soils Can construct Metal or plastic strips, Excavating, earth han- ‘Self-supporting Economical, earth Low to
Membranes strips, membranes earth structures to geo-textiles dling, and compaction earth structures, structures coherent, moderate
buried in soil under heights of several equipment increased bearing can tolerate deforma-
embankments, gravel tons of m capacity. reduced tions; increased allow-
base courses and foot- deformations able bearing pressure
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
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SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1 GENERAL Part 1 Mortars
Part 2 Brickwork and Blockwork
1.1 The chapter on masonry will cover the fol-
Part 3 Stonework
1 TYPE OF MORTARS Mortar with workability will hang from trowel and
spread easily. Good water retentivity will -enable
1.1 General
mortar to develop good bond with masonry units.
Mortars for use in masonry work are many. Mortar
Masonry in lime mortar has b,:tter resistance to rain
strength ingeneral shall not be greater than that of the
penetration and is less liable to cracking; but its
masonry units; nor greater than necessary in any
strength is less than that of cement mortar.
1.4 Cement-Lime Mortars
IS 22SO : 1981 covers the requirements of various
mortars. Mortars could be classified as cement mor- These have good qualities of cement as well as that of
tars, lime mortars, and cement-lime mortars. The main lime; that is, medium strength alongwith good
characteristics of these mortars are as under. workability and good water retentivity, freedom from
cracks and good resistance against penetration. Com-
1.2 Cement Mortars
monly adopted proportions are (cement, lime and
These consist of cement and sand, varying in propor- sand) 1:1:6, l:2:9 and 1:3:12. Mix proportion of
tions from I:8 to 1:3; the strength and workability binder to sand (cement plus lime) is kept as 1:3. This
improving with the increase in proportion of cement. gives a very dense mortar, since voids of sandare fully
Mortars richer than 1:3 are not used in masonry be-
cause of high shrinkage and no appreciable gain in the 1.5 Mix Proportions
strength of masonry.
The mix proportions and compressive strength of some
Mortars leaner than 15 tend to become harsh and of the commonly used mortars are given in Table 4.1.
1.3 Lime Mortars 2.1 Cement Mortar
These consist of intimate mixtures of lime as a binder Cement mortar is needed, when
and sand, burnt~claylSURKHI, cinder as fine aggregate
in the proportion of I:2 or 1:3. a) masonry units of high strength are used,
b) early strength is necessary, and
As a general rule lime mortars gain strength slowly and c) in wet condition, as in foundation below plinth
have low ultimate strength. Mortars using hydraulic level where a dense mortar being less pervious
lime gain somewhat better strength than those using can better resist the effect of soluble salts.
fat lime. Lime mortars using fat lime do not harden at
all in wet locations, Properties of mortar using semi- 2.2 Composite Mortar
hydraulic &me is intermediate betwen those of Unnecessarily strong mortar, concentrate the effect of
hydraulic lime and fat lime mortars. any differential movement of masonry in a fewer and
wider cracks; whereas a weak mortar (mortar having
When only fat lime is used, it is necessary to use some
more lime and less cement) will accommodate move-
pozzolanic material, such as, burnt clay/SURKHI or
ments and cracks are distributed. Thus, when strong
cinder to improve the strength of the mortar.
mortars (cement mortar) are not required from
The main advantage of lime mortar lies in its good strength, wet locations, or other considerations, it is
workability, good water retentivity and low shrinkage. preferable to use composite mortars.’
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2(a) I 0 4 1.5 H2
3(a) I 0 5 5 h41
3(b) I IC 6 3 -
4(a) I 0 6 3 -
4(b) I 2c 9 2 M2
4(c) 0 IA 2-3 2 -
5(a) I 0 8 0.7 Ll
5(b) 1 3c 12 0.7 -
1 A, 8, C denote eminently hydraulic lime, semi-hydraulic lime, and fat lime respectively, as stipulated in IS 712 : 1984.
2 When using plain cement sand mortars SI No. 2(a). 3(a), 4(a) and 5(a) it is desirable to include a plasticizer in the mix to improve
workability. if sand used is too coarse and graded,
3 For mortar at SI No. 6, if lime is used, part of sand should be replaced by some pozzolanic material, for example, burnt clay or fly
ash, in order to obtain the requisite strength.
4 Strengths of mortar may vary appreciably, depending on nngularity, grading and fineness of sand. Quantity of sand in the mix may
therefore be varied where found necessary to attain the desired strength.
5 In this Table, classificafion of types of mortar as HI, H2, etc. is only for convenience in reference to design calculations. It is different
from IS 2250: 198 I,
6 Though compressive strength of composite mortars H2, Ml and M2 is less than cement to mortan, the masonry strength may not be
significantly affected.
Brick Strength Mortar Mix Mortar Type Water used shall be clean and reasonably free from
kg/cm2 (N/mm2) injurious or deleterious materials, such as, oils, acids,
alkalies, salts, etc. Potable water is generally con-
c 50 (5) 1:0 :6 M2 sidered satisfactory. As a guide the following con-
1:2C:9 centrations represent the maximum permissible limits
0: lA:2-3 of deleterious materials in water.
50 to 149 1:o :5 Ml a) Limits of acidity - To neutralize 200 ml
(5 to 14.9) I:lC:6 sample of water, using phenolpthalein as an
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
indicator, it should not require more than 2 ml the form of paste and used before it dries up. This is
of 0.1 normal NaOH. comparable to Class C lime. It may be used for mortar
Limits of alkalinity - To neutralize 200 ml and plaster work, but not for white washing.
sample of water, using methyl orange as an Hydrated lime
indicator, it should not require more than 10 ml
of 0. I normal HCI. It shall be in the form of dry fine powder produced by
Permissible limits of solids shall not exceed as treating quick lime in any suitable form with sufficient
given below: water so as to produce a completely hydrated but dry
Organic 200 mg/l and sound product. It shall be brought from approved
Inorganic 3 000 mg/l manufacturers and shall be used within 3 to 4 months
Sulphates (as S04) 500 mg/l from the date of manufacture.
Chlorides (as Cl) 2 000 mg/l 3.1.4 Lime Pozzolana Mixture
Suspended matter 2 000 mg/l It shall conform to IS 4098 : 1983. Only LP 40 type
The pH value of water shall generally be not
lime pozzolana mixture shall be used. Class C lime
less than 6. shall be ground with burnt clay pozzolana to IS 1344 :
Sea water is not recommended, because of 1981 to obtain the mixture; burnt clay pozzolan; with
presence of harmful salts in sea water. Under a minimum lime reactivity of 80, 60, 40 kg/cm- shall
unavoidable circumstances sea water may be be used.
used for under sea constructions.
3.1.5 Firte Aggregate
3.12 Cement
Aggregate most of which passes 4.75 mm IS sieve is
Cement shall conform to any of the following:
known as fine aggregate. The aggregate shall conform
a) 13 Grade ordinary Portland cement conform-
to the requirements of IS 383 : 1970. It shall not
ing to IS 269 : 1989,
contain harmful organic impurities in such form or
b) Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 : 1989, quantities to affect adversely the strength of mortar.
cl Portland pozzolana cement conforming to
Fine aggregate, when used in places using reinforce-
IS 1489 (Parts 1 and 2) : 1991,
ment, shall not contain any material acidic in character
4 Rapid hardening Portland cement conforming
which is likely to attack reinforcement.
to IS 8041 : 1990,
e) Hydrophobic Portland cement conforming to Fine aggregate shall be either sand or crushed stone
IS 8043 : 1991, dust. Sand is of two types, namely, coarse and fine
0 43 Grade ordinary Portland cement conform- sand.
ing to IS 8 112 : 1989, Fine sand
g) 53 Grade ordinary Portland cement conform-
ing to IS 12269 : 1987, and This shall be natural river sand. Its grading, ai per
Annex A, shall be within the limits of Grading Zone
h) -Low heat Portland cement conforming to
IS 12600 : 1989. IV (see Table 4.2). When the grading falls outside the
High alumina cement conforming to IS 6452 : 1989 percentage limits prescribed for sieves other than
may be used under special circumstances as permitted 600 micron, 300 micron and I50 micron IS sieves by
by the Authority; simimlarly supersulphated cement not more than 5 percent it shall be regarded as falling
conforming to IS 6909 : 1990 may also be used in within the zone. This 5 percent can be split up among
special cases. Specialist literature may be consulted the different sieves; for example, it could be one per-
for use of these types of cements. cent for each of the three sieves and 2 percent on
3.1.3 Lime
Lime shall conform to IS 7 12 : 1984. Building lime The maximum quantity of silt as determined by
shall be classified as follows: Annex B, shall not exceed 8 percent.
Class A -Eminently hydraulic lime used for struc- Stone dust
tural purposes. This shall be obtained by crushing hard stones. Its
Class B - Semi-hydraulic lime for masonry purpose. grading, as per Annex A, shall be within the limit of
Class C -Fat lime used for finishing coat; it can be Grading Zone III (see Table 4.2). When the grading
used for masonry mortar with addition of falls outside the percentage limits prescribed for sieves
pozzolanic material. other than 600 micron and 300 micron IS sieves by not
Class D -Magnesium lime used for finishing coat. more than 5 percent and on 150 micron sieve by nut
Class E - Kankar lime used for mortar. more than 20 percent, it shall be regarded falling within Carbide lime the limits of this zone. The 5 percent can be split up;
Carbide lime is obtained as a by-product in the for example, it could be one percent in each of the three
manufacture of acetylene. It shall be procured fresh in sieves and 2 percent on another.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
The maximum quantity of silt, as per Annex B shall strength, hardening, durability of mortar. The maxi-
not exceed 8 percent. mum quantities of impurities, such as, clay, fine silt,
fine dust and organic impurities, taken together shall Marble dust
not exceed 5 percent by weight. The particle size of
This shall be obtained by crushing marble. Its grading, SURKHZ for use in lime mortars shall be as below:
as per Annex A, shall be within the limits of Grading
IS Sieve Designation Percentage P@$ng
Zone IV (see Table 4.2). When the grading falls
(by Weight)
outside the percentage limits prescribed for the sieves
other than 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron IS 4.75 mm 100
sieves by not more than 5 percent, it shall be regarded 2.36 mm 90- 100
as falling within the zone. This 5 percent can be split 1.18 mm 70- 100
up; for example, one percent on each of the three sieves 600 micron 40- 100
and 2 percent on the other. 300 micron 5-70
150 micron O-15
The maximum quantity of silt, as per Annex B, shall
not exceed 8 percent.
3.1.7 Calcined Clay Aggregate Coarse sand
This shall conform to IS 1344:1981. It shall be ob-
This shall be either river sand or pit sand. It shall be tained by calcining processed clay at a suitable
clean, sharp, strong, angular and composed of hard temperature and grinding the resultant product to re-
silicious material. Its grading as determined by Annex A, quired fineness. The average 7 day strength of three
shall be within the limits of Grading Zone III (see cubes of size 7 cm shall not be less than 40 kg/cm2.
Table 4.2). When the grading falls outside the percent- The cubes shall be prepared with a mix of one part of
age limits prescribed for the sieves other than hydrated lime, 2 parts of pozzolana (blended intimate-
600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron IS sieves by ly) and 3 parts of standard sand.
not more than 5 percent, it shall be regarded as falling
within the zone. This 5 percent can be split up; for The strength of cement cube prepared with 4 parts of
example, one percent on each of the three sieves and ordinary cement (Grade 33), one part of pozzolana
2 percent on another. (blended intimately) and three parts of standard sand
shall be as follows:
The maximum quantity of silt, as per Annex B shall
not exceed 8 percent. a) Abe at 28 days - not less than 80 percent of
the strength of corresponding plain cement Sand for masonry mortars should generally mortar cube, prepared with one part cement
conform to IS 2116 : 1980. and three parts of standard sand and cured for
28 days.
3.1.6 Broken Brick Aggregate
b) At 90 days - not less than the age at 28 days.
Broken brick aggregate (SURKHI) shall be made by
3.1.8 Cinder
grinding underburnt or overburnt broken bricks. It
shall conform to 1s 3 182 : 1986; and shall not contain Cinder for mortar shall conform IS 2686 : 1977.
any harmful impurities, such as, iron, pyrites, salts, These shall-be obtained from furnace of steam boilers
coal, mica, shale or similar laminated or other using coal fuel only. Cinder from brick klins should
materials in such form or quantity to adversely affecl not be used. Cinder shall be free from clay dirt, wood
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
ashes and other deleterious materials. It shall pass The stirring may be stopped 5 min after the boiling has
through IS sieve 3.35 mm with at least 50 percent of it stopped. As the mix thickens more water shall be
passing through IS sieve 1.70 mm. The allowable added.
percentage of unburnt carbon, for use in mortars, shall The mix shall then be allowed to pass through IS Sieve
be up to 20 percent and acid soluble sulphate
3.55 mm and flow into a tank at the lower level where
(expressed as SOS) shall be one percent.
it shall kept standing for 72 h before use. Water will
3.1.9 Fly Ash evaporate partly and the surplus water at top shall be
Fly ash to be used as pozzolana for mortars shall removed, leaving lime putty in the form of paste.
conform to IS 38 12 : 198 1. It shall be free from any Lime putty shall be kept wet till it iscompletely used.
contamination of bottom ash, grit or small pieces of It can be stored for a fortnight without getting spoilt.
pebbles. This fly ash can be used as part replacement
of fine aggregate in mortar and concrete. With a view 3.3 Preparation of Mortars
to improve the grading, the recommended extent of
replacement is upto 20 percent. As already mentioned in 1.1 mortars shall be prepared
and tested as for IS 2250 : 198 1, except mud mortar.
3.1.10 Soils
Some important points to be noted are given below.
Soils for making mud,mortar shall have suitable plas-
ticity. The soil shall be free from vegetable roots, 3.3.1 Cement Mortar
stone gravel greater than 2 mm in particle size, Kankar,
coarse~sand and harmful and efforescent salts. Soil Mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer. If done
shall not be collected from locality affected by white by hand, the operation shall be carried out on a clean
ants. waterlight platform. It shall be used as soon as possible
after mixing and before it has begun to set, in any case
The plasticity index of the soil shall be between 6 and within 2 h, after water is added to the dry mixture.
10. For large and important projects it shall be between Mortar unused for more than 2 h shall be rejected.
12 and 15. The sulphate content shall not extend 0.1
percent. Coarse materials, coarser than 3.55 mm, shall 3.3.2 Cement Lime Mortar
not exceed 10 percent~by weight (see IS 13077: 199 I).
It shall be used as soon as possible after mixing and
3.1.11 Properties of Materials within 2 h. Mortars unused for more than 2 h shall be
The chemical and physical properties of materials rejected. For class B lime, lime putty and sand can be
referred to in 3.1 and its subparas shall be as listed in kept for 72 h for preparation of cement lime mortar.
SP 21 : 1983. The original Indian Standard Specifica-
Cement fly ash mortar shall also conform to require-
tions may also be referred to.
ment as mentioned herein.
3.2 Slaking~of Lime
Slaking of lime shall conform to IS 1635 : 1992. 3.3.3 Lime Mortar
3.2.1 Pla@orm Lime mortar shall be used as soon as possible after
Lime, before slaking, shall be quite fresh and generally mixing and grinding. As a rule the mortar should be
in the form of lumps. Slaking shall be carried out on used the day it is made. If Class A is present as an
a masonry platform by sprinkling water gradually till ingredient, the mortar shall be used within 4 h after
lime is slaked and reduced to powdery form. Slaked mixing or grinding. Lime mortar with Class B lime
lime shall be screened through IS Sieve 3.35 mm and shall be used within 36 h; the same applies to use of
the residue retained on the sieve shall be rejected. Class C lime; with pozzolana lime mortar with Class
Slaked lime shall then be run to putty before use in C lime and shall be used within 72 h. time mortars
mortar. shall be kept damp with wet sack or other means and
3.2.2 Preparation of Lime Putty shall not be allowed to dry.
Three sufficiently large slaking vessels or tanks shall Similar precautions shall be taken for mortars with
be made; one 50 cm deep at a higher level, the remain- pozzolana mixture as mentioned herein.
ing 80 cm deep at a lower level such the contents of 3.3.4 Mud Mortar
upper tank flow into the next by gravity.
Soil as chosen in 3.1.10 shall be broken up into fine
The upper tank shall be filled with water to half the powdery form and then shall be mixed with clean
depth; sufficient quick lime be added gradually to fill water and matured at least for 2 days. The mortar shall
up the tank to half of water depth. Lime shall be added then be trodden with man’s feet and spades, turning
to water and not water to lime. over and over again to make it a homogeneous mass
The mix shall be stirred continuously ensuring that of working consistency.
lime does not get exposed above water. Reference may also be made to IS 13077 : 1991.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Perforated plate sieves of designation 10 mm,4.75 mm The weight of the sample available shall not be less
and fine mesh sieves of designation 2.36 mm, than the weight as given below. The sample for siev-
I. 18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and I50 micron ing shall be prepared from the larger sample by
shall be used. quartering or by sample divider.
The sample shall be brought to air-dry condition before The results shall be calculated and reported as:
sieving. The sieves shall be clean before use. Sieving a > Cumulative percentage by weight of the total
shall be done on successive sieves starting from the sample passing each sieve to the nearest whole
largest. Light brushing is permitted on-finer sieves. number; or
b) Percentage by weight of the total sample pass-
On completion of sieving, the material retained on ing one sieve and retained on the next small
each sieve shall be weighed. sieve to nearest 0.1 percent.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Length Width Height Blocks have several advantages, such as, durability,
mm mm mm strength, structural stability, fire resistance, sound ab-
sorption, heat insulation, etc. They are also economi-
Modular bricks 190 90 90
cal because of the following reasons:
190 90 40
Non-modular bricks 230 110 70 a) The units are relatively large and true in size
230 110 30 and shape. This ensures rapid construction so
that more wall is laid per man than in other
For obtaining proper bond between modular and non- types of wall construction.
modular bricks the following size of bricks may also b) Fewer joints result in considerable saving in
be used: mortar as compared to normal masonry con-
struction; it also increases the strength of
Length Width Height
masonry [see 2.2 (b)].
mm mm mm
c) The true plane surfaces obtained obviate
70 110 I/3 length
necessity to plaster for unimportant buildings
of brick
situated in low rainfall areas; even when plaster
2.5 Sand Lime Bricks is used for any reason, the quantity required for
Sand limebricks, also called ‘Calcium Silicate’ bricks satisfactory coverage is significantly small.
consist essentially of an intimate mixture of siliceous 3.2 Types of Blocks
sand or crushed siliceous rock and lime combined by
action of saturated steam under pressure. Coloured Concrete blocks may be solid or hollow. The follow-
sand lime bricks also can be made by adding fast ing Indian Standards covers various types of blocks:
pigments to the raw mix before pressure casting. Concrete masonry units: IS 2185 (Part 1) :
2.5.1 Classes 1979 Hollow and solid concrete blocks; IS
2185 (Part 2) : 1983 Hollow and solid light
Sand lime bricks shall be of 4 classes as givenbelow:
weight concrete blocks; and IS 2185 (Part 3) :
1984 Autoclaved cellular aerated concrete
Class Average Comp;essive Strength
N/mm (k&/cm )
b) Lime based blocks: IS 3115 : 1992.
Class 75 7.5 to 10.0 (75 to 100)
Class 100 10.0 to 15.0 (100 to 150)
c> Soil based blocks: IS 1725 : 1982.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
4 Materials- Cement shall conform to either of For other dimensional details see IS 2185 (Part I) :
the following: 1979.
IS 269 : 1989; IS 455 : 1989; IS 1489 (Parts 1
3.3.3 Classification of Blocks
and 2) : 1991; IS 6452 : 1989; IS 6909 : 1990;
IS8112: 1989;IS8041: 199O;IS8042: 1989; a) Hollow (open and closed cavity) concrete
IS 8043 : 1991; IS 12269 : 1987; IS 12600 : blocks - Hollow blocks shall conform to the
1989. following three grades:
Aggregates shall conform to IS 383 : 1970. 1) Grade A - Load bearing units with a
Fly ash conforming to IS 3812 : 198 1 may be minimum block density of I 500 kgf/m”.
used as a replacement for fine aggregate up to Average compressive strength shall be
20 percent. 3.5,4.5,5.5 and 7.0N/mm2 (or 35,45,55
and 70 kgf/cm2). The thickness of face
Water used in the manufacture of blocks shall
shell and web shall not be less than 25 mm.
be free from harmful matter and shall not cause
efflorescence. It shall conform to the require- 2) Grude B - Load bearing units wit? a
ments laid down in IS 456 : 1978. block density between I 000 kgf/m- to
1 500 kgf/m . The average compressive
Admixtures may be added and they shall be
strength shall be 2.0 3.0 and 5.0 N/mm2
(20, 30 or 50 kgf/cm’).
I) Accelerating, water reducing and air
entraining admixtures conforming to 3)Grade C - Non-load bearing units with
IS 9103 : 1979; or block density between 1 000 kgf/m3 to
2) Waterproofing agents conforming to 1 500 kgf/m3. The average compressive
IS 2645 : 1975. strength shall be not less than 1.5 N/mm”
(1.5 kgf/cm2).
b) Concrete Mix - The concrcte mix used for
blocks shall not be richer than one cement to b) Solid concrete blocks - Load bearing units
six combined aggregates (by volume). Com- with a block density not less than 1 800 kgf/m3.
bined aggregates shall be graded as near as The average compressive strength shall be
possible to IS 383 : 1970. The fineness between 4.0 to 5.0 N/mm2 (40 to 50 kgf/cm2).
modulus of combined aggregate shall be be-
tween 3.6 and 4. 3.3.4 The physical properties, sampling criteria for
cl Hand Moulding - For hand moulding com- conformity and testing shall be as per IS 2185 (Part 1) :
paction is done manually. Concrete mix 1979 or SP 2 1 : 1983 which summarizes properiies of
should be of sufficient consistency to enable various masonry elements. Some important properties
demoulding immediately after casting. The are:
consistency should be such that it may be a) Water absorption - not more than 10 percent
cohere when compressedby hand without free by mass;
water being visible. b) Drying shrinkage - not more than 0.1 percent;
4 Machine Moulding - In machine moulding, and
the web markings on the units give a good c) Moisutre movement - not more than 0.09
indication as to whether proper consistency of percent.
concrete has been used.
3.4 Lime Based Blocks
e) Curing - The blocks shall be cured in water
for 14 days. Steam curing also may be adopted
3.4.1 Manufacture
instead of curing in water. The blocks shall
then be dried for 28 days before using on work. Several individual process of manufacture are avail-
The blocks shall be stacked with voids able.
horizontal to permit free flow ofair. They shall
a) Materials - Lime shall conform to IS 712 :
be allowed to complete their initial shrinkage 1984. Cement shall be as per IS 269 : 1989 or
before using on site. IS 455 : 1989 or IS 1489 (Parts 1 and 2) : 199 1.
3.3.2 Sizes Burnt clay pozzolana shall conform to
IS 1344 : 1981. Lime pozzolana mixture to
The nominal dimensions are as below:
IS4098: 1983andflyashtoIS3812: 1981.
Length: 400 mm, 500 mm or 600 mm. Aggregate shall be as per IS 383 : 1970; or
Width: 50 mm, 75 mm, 100 mm. 150 mm, IS 3068 : 1986; or IS 2686 : 1977. Water shall
200 mm, 250 mm, or 300 mm. be as per IS 456 : 1978.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Length: 390 mm. 3.5.5 The physical properties, sampling, testing, etc,
Width: 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm. shall be as perIS 1725 : 1982 or SP 21 : 1983 which
Height: 90 mm, 190 mm. summarizes properties of various masonry elements.
Some important properties are:
3.4.2 For other physical properties, sampling, tests,
etc, see IS 3115 : 1992 or SP 21 : 1983 which sum- a) Compressive stren th - Not less than
marizes properties of various masonry elements. 2 N/mm2 (20 kgf/cm ) for Class 20. Not less
Some important properties are: than 3 N/mm* (30 kgf/cm2) for Class 30.
b) Water-absorption-Not more than 15 percent.
a>Bulk density - not less than 1 000 kgf/m3;
c) Weathering - Not more than 5 percent.
b) Compressive strength - not less than 3.5
c) Drying shrinkage-not more than 0.1 percent; UNITS
4 Moisture movement - not more than 0.05 4.1 So far several masonry units have been covered,
percent. For the purpose of design it would.be useful to have a
look at the compressive strengths of these masonry
3.5 Soil Based Blocks
units since this is an important characteristic for choice
3.5.1 General of unit (see Table 4.3).
Experience has shown that most soils can be satisfac-
4.2 From this it is clear that in building construction,
torily stablized with cement-lime. It is, however,
high strength masonry units and lower strength units
necessary to conduct comprehensive tests on soils in a
are also available. For load-bearing construction, so
laboratory in order to determine optimum require-
far buildings up to 6 storeys have gone up. In many
ments to give the specified properties. Soil based
places abroad, even 14 storeys have been built only
blocks can generally be used in low cost structures;
with masonry.
they can substitute bricks except in case of isolated
heavy load bearing columns, piers, etc. This is possible by combining vertically high strength
3.5.2 Manufacture bricks in lower storeys (heavier loads) and lighter
masonry units (blocks) in upper storeys.
Soil based blocks shall be manufactured from a mix-
ture of suitable soil and cement, thoroughly mixed That is why, this aspect should be decided at planning
preferably in a mechanical mixer. The mixture is cast and design stages, so that, higher buildings can be done
into blocks. with masonry units only; thus load bearing masonry
35.3 Classification construction is possible. Very light blocks can be used
for partition, tiller walls, etc, as non-load bearing
The blocks shall be of two classes, class 20 and
class 35.
3.5.4 Sizes Thus an attempt on these lines would result in savings
in construction. As already mentioned there is a need
The sizes of soil based blocks shall be : to correlate strength of mortar with the masomy unit
19cmx9cmx9cmor and finally arrive at an ascending order of load bearing
19cmx9cmx4cmor capacity.
1077 : 1992 35 (350). 30 (3OO),25 (250), 20 (200), 17.5 (175), 15 (150), 12.5 (125). 10 (100).
7.5 (75), 5.0 (50), 3.5 (35)
2185 (Part 1) A979 7.0 (70), 5.5 (55), 5.0 (50), 4.5 (45). 3.5 (35), 3.0 (30), 2.0 (20). 1.5 (15)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(Clause 2.3)
C-2.1 The sample size for all the tests prescribed shall C-3.1.2 The brick shall be placed with flat faces
horizontal with the frog with mortar upside. Loads
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
shall be applied at a uniform rate of 140 kgf/cm2 pet Then they shall be immersed in water at 27 + 2°C for
minute, after placing a plywood sheet or similar 24 h. After removal they shall be wiped clean and shall
uniform surface on the upper side. be weighed again, W2.
C-4.3 The difference between the two weights as a
C-3.1.3 Average of five results of compressive
percentage of the weight WI shall be recorded and the
strength shall be reported. The compressive strength
average of five bricks shall be reported as the moisture
is load at failure of brick divided by surface area of
brick, expressed as kgf/cm*. ,
If any value exceeds the specified value, this may be C-5.1 Five bricks shall be tested for efflorescence. A
taken into account in reporting the results. shallow dish with distilled water may be arranged.
The bricks on end are immersed in the water in the dish
C-4 WATER ABSORPTION to a height of 2.5 cm. The brick should be allowed to
absorb the whole water. Again pour some water and
C-4.1 Water absorption by brick shall not exceed 20 allow it to evaporate as before.
percent by weight up to class 12.5 and 15 percent by
weight for higher classes. The brick shall be examined after the second evapora-
C-4.2 Five bricks shall be tested for water absorption. C-S.2 Check for efflorescence. The efflorescence
The bricks shall be dried in_a+oven at 110°C to 115°C shall be ‘nil’ to ‘moderate’. For ‘nil’ there is no per-
till they attain constant weight. .Then they shall be ceptible deposit of efflorescence. For ‘slight’ there is
allowed to cool at room temperature. Oven drying no more than 10 percent of area of the brick covered
may take 48 h and cooling another 4 h on an average. with a thin deposit of salts. For ‘moderate’ a heavy
deposit covering up to 50 percent of the area of the
The cooled bricks shall be weighed, WI. bricksurface but not accompanied by flaking.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2.2 English Bond (see Fig. 4.2) length of bricks, a queen closer is introduced next to
The bricks in the facing are laid in alternate courses of the quoin header in alternate courses, the intervening
headers and stretchers. The header course is com- ones commencing with a stretcher, and every header
menced with a quoin header followed by a queen will obtain a location that is central with respect to the
closure and continued with successive headers. The stretcher above or below.
stretcher course is formed by stretchers having a The appearance on the face may be considered as more
minimum lap of one quarter their length over the uniform than in English bond. It requires less number
header. The bond contributes substantially to the of facing bricks than English bond and hence may be
strength of brickwork and may be particularly suitable more economical where brickwork is faced with spe-
for carrying heavy loads. cial facing bricks and exposed to view.
2.3 Double Flemish Bond (see Fig. 4.3) Though considered inferior to English bond in strength
The courses both in the facing and backing are formed this bond may be-suitable for single-brick thick walls
with alternating stretcher and headers. In order to in normal house construction, provided a strong mortar
obtain the lap, which is equal to one-quarter of the such as cement mortar is used.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2.4 Single Flemish Bond (see Fig. 4.4) Flemish garden wall bond consists of alternate courses
composed of one header to three or five stretchers in
This facilitates the facing of wall to be in Flemish bond
series throughout the length of these courses.
and the backing in English bond.This will entail the
use of snap headers. One brick thick walls are easier to construct with these
bonds than with pure Flemish or English bonds and
This attempts to combine practically the better ap-
save facing bricks considerably in the case of exposed
pearance of Flemish bond with the better strength of
English bond. However increase in strength over
Double Flemish bond is doubtful. 2.6 American Bond (also Known as Common
2.5 Garden Wall Bond (see -Fig. 4.5 and 4.6) Bond) (see Fig. 4.7)
English garden wall bond consists of a header course It consists of one header course to a numberof stretcher
with the necessary queen closure next to quoin header courses.
to three or sometimes even five stretcher courses run-
ning in series with overlap of half-brick between This is for general use. It is commonly adopted in
stretcher over stretcher. America.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2.7 Stretcher Bond (see Fig. 4.8) 2.8 Header Bond (see Fig. 4.9)
In this bond all the courses are stretcher courses and The facing of this bond has all the courses as headers
the overlap is usually half brick and is obtained by only and the overlap, which is half the width of the
commencing each alternate course with a half-bat. brick, is obtained by introducing a three quarter bat in
With a slight variation at the quoin the overlap may be each alternate course at quoins.
varied to 314 or 1I4 brick and the bond is then known
as ‘Raking Stretcher Bond’. This bond is used for walls curved in plan for better
alignment; and preferably in foundation footings of
This is generally used in l/2 brick thick leaves of cavity brick masonry for better transverse distribution.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
I 1 I I I I I I
NOTE-Use of stretcher bond in cavity wall construction is illustrated here.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.2.2 In jointing, either the face joints of the mortar Single scaffolding shall not be used on important
shall be worked out while green to give a finished works, since subsequent filling up of the putlog holes
surface flush with the face of the brickwork; or the and rendering of their surfaLe would give an unsightly
joints shall be squarely raked out to a depth of I cm appearance. Another disadvantage with single scaf-
while the mortar is still green for subsequent plaster- folding is that the workmen are apt to support them on
ing. The faces of the brickwork shall be cleaned with window and similar openings, thereby spoiling frames
wire brush so as to remove any splashes of mortar and shutters.
during the course of raising brickwork.
4.1.1 Where single scaffolding is adopted, the placing
3.2.3 In pointing, the joints shall squarely be raked out of the poles, which are to rest on the brickwork under
to a depth of 15 mm, while the mortar is green and the construction, shall be so adjusted to affect only one of
raked joints shall be well brushed to remove dust and the headers at the point of support at various courses.
loose particles and well wetted; the joints shall then be
4.1.2 Scaffolding shall be designed to withstand the
tilled with mortar to give the required finish. Some
finishes are ‘flush’, ‘weathered’, ‘tucked’, ‘ruled’, etc loads coming on it. They should conform to IS 3696
(Part 1) : 1987, IS 4014 (Part 2) : 1967.
(see Fig. 4.10).
Pointing will offer facilities for introducing in the face 4.1.3 Scaffolding for exposed brickwork or tile work
joints a mortar specially prepared with regard to com- shall be double scaffolding, having two sets of vertical
position, colour, etc. supports. For all other brickworks in buildings, single
scaffolding may be permitted subject to provision of
4.1 and 4.1.1. For such scaffolding, holes for scaffold-
ing shall not be allowed in pillars/columns less than
1 m width; holes also shall not be permitted immedi-
ately near skew backs of arches. The holes left in the
masonry works shall be filled and made good before
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Proper adhesion of the bricks will not be possible if the 51.2 Brickwork shall be built in uniform layers.
bricks are too wet. Corners and other advanced work shall be raked back.
No part of a wall may rise more than 1 m high above
4.2.2 When bricks are soaked, they shall be removed
the general construction level to avoid unequal settle-
from the tank sufficiently early so that at the time of
ment. If unavoidable the work shall be raked back at
laying they are skin dry. Soaking by spraying of water
an angle not exceeding 45’ and not toothed.
may also be permitted if~found satisfactory.
Toothing may be done where ~future extensions are
4.2;3 Bricks required for masonry with mud mortar or
fat lime mortar shall not be soaked.
5.1.3 Vertical joints in alternate courses shall come
directly over the other. Thickness of brick course shall
5. I General be kept uniform. Both faces of the wall shall be kept
in proper parallel planes.
Bricks shall be laid on a full bed of mortar. When
laying, the bricks shall be slightly pressed so that the 5.2 Walib
mortar can get into all the pores of the brick surface to
&2J All qttoins shall be accurately constructed and
ensure proper adhesion. Cross joints and wall joints
the height of the courses checked with storey rods as
shall be properly flushed and packed with mortar SO
the work progresses. In general quoin bticks shall be
that no hollow spaces are left. Properly filled joints
~headers and stretchers in alternate courses, the bond
ensure maximum strength and ix?Sb4taHO2 to pe&!tf%
being estnbiished by placing a quoin closer next to the
tion of moisture which takes place mainly through the
queen hettdet .
5.2,2 Acute and obtuse quoins shall be bonded, where
In case of thick walls (two brick thick and over), the
pructlcable in the sume way as square quoins. Obtuse
joints shall be grouted at every course in addition to
quoins shall be formed with squints showing a three-
bedding and flushing with another.
quarter brick on one face nnd a quarter brick on the
In case of traditional bricks, the courses at top of plinth other,
and sills, at the top of the wall just below roof slab or
5.3 Plasters
floor slab and at the top of the parapet, may be laid with
bricks on edge. These shall be so set out as to avoid a broken bond.
The bricks at corners and perpends shall be properly
keyed into position by using cut bricks. A typical
5.4.1 The depths of reveals and rebates shall, where
arrangement is shown in Fig. 4.11.
practicable conform to standat-d brick sizes to avoid
cutting of bricks and thereby weakening the work.
5.4.2 The arrangement of bond at quoins, at jambs of
openings shall be symmetrical.
5.5 Partitions
For half brick partitions to be keyed into main walls,
indents shall be left in the latter.
L 5.6 Half Brick Masonry
- Work shall be done as in 5.1 except that all bricks shall
70 be laid with stretchers.
5.6.1 For the case of half-brick wall water tanks or
60 long length of half brickwalls, reinforcement may be
T provided from structural considerations. Two bars of
6 mm shall be provided at every third course or as per
drawings. Half the mortar joint must be first laid, then
FIG. 4.11 A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENTOF place the reinforcement followed by the rest~ofmortar,
CUT-BRICKS IN A CORNER so that the bar is fully embedded inmortar. Reinforce-
ment shall be straight.
51.1 Bricks with frogs shall be laid with frog-down
if the frog is 2 cm deep; if 1 cm deep, they may be used 5.7 Arches
either frog-down or up. The courses shall be aligned 5.7.1 General requirements of 5.1 shall be followed
and care shall be taken to keep the perpends. as applicable.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Both plain and gauged arches are covered. In plain arch. The sequence of easing the shuttering shall be
arches, uncut bricks shall be used. In gauged arches carefully worked out. The shuttering shall be struck
moulded bricks shall be used. between 24 to 48 h of the completion of the arch. This
shall be done after the sprandrel has been filled in and
Bricks forming skewbacks shall be dressed or cut so
the arch loaded.
as to give proper radial bearing to the end voussoirs.
Defects in dressing up bricks shall not be covered by 5.8 Brick Tile Work
extra use of mortar, nor use of chips be permitted.
The bricks of the spandrel wall at their junctions with It shall be done in the same way as brickwork as in 5.1.
extrados of arch shall be cut to fit the curvature of the
5.9 Honey Comb Brickwork
5.7.2 Circular Arches The honey comb brickwork shall be done with
specified class of brick, laid in specified mortar. All
They shall be either (a) plain arches and shall be built joints and edges shall be struck flush to give an even
with half brick concentric rings with break joints, or surface. The thickness shall be half-brick only, unless
(b) gauged arches with bricks cut to or moujded to otherwise specified. Openings shall be equal and
proper shape. The arch work shall be carried out from alternate with half-brick laid with a bearing of 2 cm on
both ends and keyed in the centre, The bricks shall be either side.
flush with mortar and well pressed into their positions
as to squeeze out a part of their mortar and leave the 5.10 Brickwork in Openings
joints thin and compact. All joints shall be full of
mortar and thickness of joints shall not be less than Openings shall be of such size and so spaced in walls
5 mm and not more than 15 mm. as to reduce the cutting of bricks to minimum. The
width of openings shall, as far as possible, be a multiple
After the arch is completed, the haunches shall be
of width of brick.
loaded by filling upmsprandrels up to the crown level
of the arch. Care shall be taken to load the haunches In the external walls, it is desirable to rebate the sills,
on two sides of the sprandrels. jambs and heads of openings so as to form a barrier for
rainwater. The sill may be sloped slightly to allow the
When the arch face has to be pointed, the face bricks
rain water to drain off.
shall be cut to proper shape or moulded as to have
joints not more than 5 mm thick. These shall be laid
5.11 Parapets and Copings
to the full depth of the arch. The voussoirs shall break
joints to the full depth of the arch. 511.1 The parapets and copings shall be of thickness
5.7.3 Flat Arches such that their~base covers the junction of roof slab and
wall which shall be further effectively treated against
These shall be gauged arches of cut brick or moulded possible leakage of rain water. Normally a cement
brick to proper shape. The extrados shall be kept lime mortar ‘gola’ or fillet is done (see SP 25 : 1984)
horizontal and the intrados shall be given a slight Fig. 4.12.
camber of 1 in 100 of the span. The centre of the arch
from which joints shall radiate shall be determined by 511.2 Coping may be of stone, concrete, brick or
the point of intersection of the two lines drawn from terraccota; it is throated underside of the projection.
the ends of the arch at the springing level and at 60’ to The top of the coping shall be slightly sloped to allow
horizontal. water to drain off.
In flat arches, bricks shall be laid with radial joints to
the full depth of the arch and voussoirs breaking joints 5.12 Cavity Walls
with each other. The arch work shall be carried out
from both the ends simultaneously and keyed in the 512.1 In building cavity walls of half-brick thick-
centre. The thickness ofjoints shall not exceed 15 mm. ness, only stretcher bond shall be used, unless purpose
made snap headers are available. When header bricks
5.7.4 Centering and Shuttering are cut and used, they are either likely to protrude into
The centering and shuttering for the arches shall~be got the cavity and form a ledger for mortar droppings to
approved by the Authority. It shall carry the dead-and collect or they may be so short as to weaken the
live loads without any appreciable deflection. structure. The cavity shall not be less than 5 cm.
The shuttering shall be tightened with hardwood The outer and inner leaves shall be tied by means of
wedges or sand boxes, so that the shuttering can be wall ties. The wall ties shall preferably be bedded with
eased out without any jerks being transmitted to the a slight fall towards the exterior part of the wall.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
5.12.2 At the base of the cavity wall, the foundations 5.12.5 The thicker leaf shall be arranged on the inside.
and basement shall be solidly constructed up to The materials of leaves may be different masonry,
300 mm above the ground level. The air cavity shall concrete, etc. Wall ties, binding them together shall
begin not be less than 200 mm below the upper floor not be placed more than four brick-lengths apart
surface of the ground floor and the cavity shall be horizontally and not more than five brick-heights
continued without interruption to the roof. vertically staggered. Additional ties shall be used near
openings. A minimum of 5 ties/m2 of surface area of
The cavity shall be ventilated by air slots below the
the wall shall be provided.
eaves level of the roof to the extent of 50 cm2 for every
20 m* of the wall. Ties may be of mildsteel, flat iron or round bars
suitably sloped towards the exterior wall so as to
5.12.3 Precautions prevent water from flowing into the innerleaf. Ties
may be given a protective coating from corrosion.
The following precautions shall be taken:
5.12.6 Efforts shall be rnade to prevent mortar drop-
a>Parapets - If the top of a hollow wall ends
ping into cavity and remove the same in the event
with a parapet, the cavity shall be carried to the
full height of the wall or stopped at the roof mortar were to be dropped.
flashing level; 5.13 Curing
b) Euves - If a roof projects over the top of the
wall, the cavity shall be closed at the top; and The wall shall be cured at least for 7 days except
c> Party walls - In a hollow party wall, the top brickwork of mud mortar.
of a cavity wall shall be closed just above the
uppermost ceiling level and the courses over 5.14 Service Installation
shall be continued as in solid brickwork. A
Provision for service installations shall be made during
sound insulation material shall be interposed
construction itself.
between the hollow wall and solid brickwork.
5.15 Moulding and Cornices
5.12.4 At the points where the two ieaves of party wall
come into contact, for example at windows and doors, 5.15.1 Cornices
they shall be separated by a water tight membrane.
Cornices shall not ordinarily project by more than
Above lintels of doors and windows, a damp-proof 150 mm to 200 mm and this projection shall be
membrane shall be inserted sloping downwards and obtained by projecting each brick course by not more
outwards. At solid jambs, a vertical damp-proof than one-fourth of brick length. Metal clamps shall be
course shall be inserted. used for cornices longer in length.
SP 62 (S & T)~: 1997
6.1 General
The major cracks in the walls or partitions in a structure
constructed with blocks, whether they are of hollow of
cellular types can be prevented. The preventive
measures to be undertaken are covered in 6.1.1
to 6.1.5.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3) Providing control joints to accommodate mix. In walls exposed to action of weather. the
the movement of masonry (see 6.1.5). For reinforcement shall have a mortar cover of not
control joints (see Chapter 13). less than 15 mm.
In all concrete masonry construction, it is essential to d) Notwithstanding the above, location of joint
employ only moisture controlled units. Their use, reinforcement shall be as follows:
combined with the provision of control joints is 1) Place the joint reinforcement in the first
generally adequate to prevent cracking in concrete and second bed joints immediately above
masonry walls. and below wall openings;
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
requirements of unusual stress conditions. Examples 6.2.3 Bond beams may be provided at any of the
are as below: following locations depending on the conditions
described in 6.2.1.
a) In buildings in earth-quake regions;
a) At floor level;
b) In buildings in areas where severe wind storms
b) At top of all door and window openings (in
which case they serve as lintels over them);
c) In buildings in areas where unfavourable soil
c) Below the sill in all window openings; and
movements and soil subsidence occur; and
d) At plinth level.
d) In buildings where walls are subjected to
excessive vibration or to heavy loads. 6.2.4 Apart from the horizontal bond beams, vertical
reinforced concrete studs may also be provided at
In all such cases, it is necessary to provide n-ore than corners, at wall openings and at regular intervals
nominal stability for all types of masonry walls. between wall openings. The studs shall be tied in
with bond beams.
6.2.2 Bond beams, shall be built integrally with block
Non-structural use of bond beams is already covered
masonry or with special U-shaped lintel blocks slung
in 6.1.3.
together with reinforcing steel placed in the core of
hollow of blocks filled with M 15 concrete. The rein- 7 PREPA-RATORY WORK
forcement shall conform to IS 456 : 1978; but in no
7.1 Wetting of Blocks
case shall be less than two 12 mm dia mild steel bars.
The beams are discontinuous at control joints; but the The blocks need not be wetted before or during the
joints should be designed to transfer forces along the laying of the blocks. In case the climatic conditions so
wall. require, the top and sides of the blocks may be slightly
moistured so as to prevent absorp&n of water from 8.2.3 To ensure satisfactory bond, mortar shall not be
the mortar and ensure development of the required spread too far ahead of actual laying of the block as it
bond with the mortar. will stiffen and lose its plasticity.
7.2 Scaffolding As each block is laid, excess mortar extruding from the
joints shall be cut off with a trowel and thrown back
Scaffolding shall be on the same lines as brickwork,
on the mortar board to be reworked into fresh mortar.
suitably modified where necessary.
If the work is proceeding rapidly, the extruded mortar
cut from the joints may be applied to vertical face
8.1 First Course shells of the blocks just laid. It’ there be any delay long
The first course of concrete block shall be laid with enough for the mortar to stiffen or? the block, the
great care, making sure that it is properly levelled, mortar shall be removed to the mortar board and
aligned and plumbed, to assist in obtaining a straight reworked. Dead mortar that has been picked up from
and truly vertical wall. the scaffold or from the floor shall not be used.
8.3 Closure Block
Before laying the first course, the alignment of the wall
shall be marked on the d.p.c. The blocks for this course When installing a closure block, all edges of the open-
shall be laid dry, that is, without mortar along a string ings and all four edges of the closure block shall be
stretched between properly located corners of the wall buttered with mortar.
in order to determine the correct position of blocks The closure block shall be carefully lowered into
including those of the cross walls jointing it and also place. If any mortar falls leaving an open joint, the
ad.just their spacing. closure block shall be removed, fresh mortar applied
When the blocks are in proper position, the two corner and the operation repeated.
blocks shall be removed, a mortar bed spread and these 9 PROVISION FOR DOOR AND WINDOW
blocks relaid back in place truly level and plumb. The FRAMES
string shall then be stretched tightly along the faces of 9.1 Door and window frames shall be attached to the
two corner blocks and the faces of the intermediate surrounding masonry either by conventional method
blocks adjusted to coincide with the line. Thereafter or by 200 mm flooring nails with screwed lends fixed
each block shall be removed and relaid over a bed of directly into the block, after the frame has been edged
mortar. After every three or four blocks are laid the into the opening at every nailing position. The number
correct alignment and verticality be checked. of nails depends on the~dimensions of the frames. The
8.2 Construction nails shall be spaced at a maximum of 400 mm apart
and the first nail shall not be farther than 200 mm from
The construction of walls may be started either at the
the corner.
corners first or started from one end preceding to the
other end. Frames may be attached to the masonry by holdfasts
anchored in the vertical reinforced concrete studs
If the corners are built first, they shall be built four or
provided to the frames (see 6.2).
tive courses higher than the centre of the wall. As each
course is laid at the centre, it shall be checked for 10 PROVISION FOR ROOF
alignment and level and for being plumb. 10.1 The top of the roof course shall be finished
smooth with a thin layer of 1:3 cement mortar and
Each block shall be carefully checked for alignment
covered with a coat of crude oil or craft paper or oil
with a straight-edge to make sure that the faces of the
paper to ensure free movement of the roof.
blocks are in the same plane.
8.2.1 Each course, in building the corners, shall be
11.1 Load Bearing Walls
stepped back by a half-block and the horizontal spac-
ing of block shall be checked by placing a mason’s When two load bearing walls intersect and courses are
level diagonally across the corners of the blocks. to be laid up at the same time, a true masonry bond
between 50 percent of the units at the intersection is
A storey rod or course pole, suitably marked provides necessary. When such walls are laid up seperately,
an accurate method of finding the top of the masonry pockets with maximum 200 mm vertical spacings shall
for each course. be left in the first wall laid. The corresponding course
8.2.2 When filling in the wall between corners, a of the second wall shall be built into these pockets.
mason’s line shall be stretched from corner to corner 11.2 For non-load bearing walls same bonding
for each course and the top outside edge shall be laid -methods as for load bearing walls may be used.
true to this line. The manner of handling or gripping 12 RENDERINGS AND OTHER FINISHES
the block shall be such as to position the block properly
12.1 All finishes shall be as described in Chapter IO
with minimum adjustment. on wall finishes as the case may be.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1 GENERAL NOTE - Sand content is the fraction of sand of the soil that
passes 425 micron and is retained on 75 micron IS sieve. More
1.1 This type of in-situ construction with soil cement than half the material is smaller than 75 micron by mass.
shall be limited to single storey construction with a 2.2 Soil shall be prepared as per IS 21 10 : 1980.
wall height not exceeding 3.2 m and a minimum wall
Cement shall be mixed in proportions as given below:
thickness of 300 mm for load bearing and 200 mm for
non-load bearing walls. a) For construction of walls 2.5 to 3.5 percent by
mass of dry soil depending on the density to be
1.2 The procedure described herein may also be obtained.
followed for rammed in-situ wall construction with
b) For construction of walls below plinth level
unstabilized soil, provided the surfaces of the wall are and for copings. 5 to 7.5 percent by mass of dry
protected by a waterproof mud plaster (see 4). soil, so that the crushing strength of blocks
2 SOIL mate shall not be less than 1.4 N/mm2
(14 kg/cm2) for dry condition.
2.1 Raw soil used for soil cement shall be’free from
deleterious contents, such as organic matter of For calculation purposes the unit weight of dry soil
vegetable origin, mica. etc. Black cotton soil may not shall be taken as 1 300 kg/m3. Properties of soil
be used from economy considerations. cement shall be as in IS 2110 : 1980.
4.16A 4.168
NOTE-If the thickness of wall is greater than 300 mm the shuttering details will have to be suitably modified.
All dimensions in millimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Frames for door and windows shall be fixed by iron 4.2 Surfaces to be plastered shall be moistened before
holdfasts inserted in the wall before-hand. application of mud plaster.
4.17A Section of Plank Used for
Making Vertical Joint
in millimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Table 4.6 Crushing Strength of Stones Other ~physical properties like water absorption,
(Clause 2.1) transverse strength, durability, etc, as applicable to
different types of stones are also covered in SP 21 :
Type of Stone Minimum Crushing Strength
1983. If not covered by SP 2 1 : 1983 for other stones,
N/mm2 (kgf/cm’)
Granite 100 (1 000) reference may be made to the appropriate Indian
Basalt 40 (400) Standards.
Limestone 20 (200)
(except very soft stone) 3 MORTARS
Sandstone 30 (300) Mortars shall conform to IS 2250 : 198 1.
Marble so (500)
Laterite 3 (30) 4 SELECTION OF STONE
4.1 In selection of stone, the situation where it is to be
2.2 Durability
used shall be considered. Table 4.7 gives the recom-
Stone shall be free from defects like cavities, cracks, mended use of common types of stones.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
The dressing of stones shall be as specified for in- The use of grips in the tops of stones is preferable to
dividual types of masonry work; it shall also conform any method of holding the stone at the end because it
to the general requirements of dressing of stone enables the stone to be set in final position before the
covered in IS 1129 : 1972. tackle is released. Due care shall be taken to protect
the work done against any danger during handling.
5.2 Scaffolding
Various methods of handling for lifting of stone is
52.1 Single scaffolding, except as in 52.2, having shown in Fig. 4.18.
one set of vertical supports shall be used and the other
end of the horizontal scaffolding member shall rest in 5.4 Tools
a hole provided in the masnry. The holes shall not be
left in pillars under I m in height or immediately near Tools, such as, plumb bob and line, straight edges,
the skew backs and arches. Planks should be laid over masons square, spirit level and trowel as described in
the horizontal pieces. The holes in masonry shall be IS 1630 : 1984 and various types of mason’s hammer
made good before plastering. and chisels as in IS 1129 : 1972 shall be used.
5.5 Wetting
Double scaffolding having two vertical supports shall
be provided for pillars less than 1 m wide or for a Stones shall be sufficiently wetted before laying to
building having more than two storeys. prevent absorption of water from mortar.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
6.1 The following types of masonry are dealt with: 8.1 Uncoursed (see Fig. 4.21)
a) Random rubble masonry - Uncoursed and In this type, the stones are roughly squared as risers or
brought to courses; jumpers and stretches with varying heights, and are
b) Squared rubble; laid uncoursed.
c) Ashlar, plain;
d) Ashlar, punched; 8.2 Brought to Courses (see Fig. 4.22)
e) Special ashlar; and
1) Stone veneering. The stones are similar to those used for uncoursed
rubble but the worked is levelled up to courses of
7 RANDOM RUBBLE varying depth from 300 mm to 900 mm according to
7.1 Uncoursed (see Fig. 4.19) the the type of stone used. ..
This type of masonry is constructed of stones as they 8.3 Coursed (First and Second Sort) (see Fig. 4.23)
come from the quarry. Coursed masonry is built in courses which may vary
in height from 100 mm to 300 mm but the stones in
Blocks of all shapes and sizes are selected more or less any one course are roughly squared to the same height.
at random, and placed in position to obtain a good The faces of the stones may be pitched to give a
bond while restricting the cutting of stones to the rockface appearance or may be dressed smooth. A
removal of inconvenient corners with a scabbling or variant of this type of masonry may be formed by the
spalling hammer. introduction of pinnings, that is, similar stones in the
7.2 Brought to Courses (see Fig. 4.20) same courses, at intervals, producing a chequered
This masonry is similar to uncoursed random rubble
except that the work is roughly levelled up to courses 9 POLYGONAL RUBBLE MATCHING (see
at intervals varying from 300 mm to 900 mm, accord- Fig. 4.24)
ing to the locality and type of stone used.
9.1 Stone with no pronounced stratification is roughly
The course heights usually correspond with the heights hammer pitched into irregular shapes, and bedded to
of quoin and joint stones. show face joints running irregularly in all directions.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
10.1 Every stone shall be cut to required size and
shape; and chisel dressed on all beds and joints so as
to be free from bushing.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
11.2 The stone should be laid so that the pressure is 11.5 Where there is break in the masonry work, the
always perpendicular to the bed. The courses shall be masonry shall be raked in sufficiently long steps for
built perpendicular to the pressure’ which the masonry facilitating jointing of old and new work. The stepping
will bear. In case of battered walls, the base stone and of the raking shall not be more than 45°C to the
the plane courses shall be at right angles to the batter. horizontal. Walls and pillars shall be carried up truly
plumb as to the specified batter.
11.3 In the case of coursed rubble masonry, if the
heights of the courses vary, the largest stone shall be 11.6 Fixing of Frames
placed in the lowest course; the thickness of courses
shall also decrease gradually to the top. Vertical joints Where door or window frames fixed in the openings,
shall be staggered as far as possible. Bell shaped bond holdfasts may be used (see Fig. 4.25).
stones or headers shall not be used. All the necessary
chases for joggles, dowels and cramps should be 11.7 Bearing of Floors, Roofs and Joists
ft>rmed in the stones before hand.
Corbels or brackets shall be provided for resting of
11.4 Sufficient transverse bonds should be provided joists. Beams carrying heavy loads shall be supported
by the use of bond stone extended from the front to~the
by templates of concrete or stone.
back of the wall and from outside wall to the interior
of thick wall and in the latter case bond stones shall be 11.8 Jointing and Pointing
overlap each other in their arrangement.
All joints shall be full of mortar. Pointing may be
At all angular junctions, the stones at each alternate
avoided. If unavoidable, raking is done and types of
course shall be well bonded into the respective courses
pointing shall be as per Fig. 4.10 for brickwork.
of adjacent wall.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
b) All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all two stones shall not be used in the height of a
vertical joints shall be truly vertical. The height course.
of each course shall be not less than 150 mm c) Face joints shall not be more than 20 mm thick.
and not more than 300 mm. When plastering or pointing is not required to
Face stones shall be laid alternate headers and be done, the joints shall be struck flush and
stretchers. No pinning shall be allowed on the finished at the time of laying. Otherwise joints
face. No face stone shall be less in breadth than shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm
its height and at least one-third of the stones by raking tool during the progress of work,
shall tail into the work not less than twice their when the mortar is green.
12.3 Plain Ashlar Masonry (see %ig. 4.26)
c>Hearting or the interior filling of the wall shall
consist of stones carefully laid on their proper a) Every stone shall be cut to the required size and
beds in mortar. Chips and spawls of stone may shape, so as to be free from any waviness and
be used where necessary to avoid thick bed to give truly vertical and horizontal joints.
joints of mortar and at the same time ensuring In exposed masonry, the faces are to remain
that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the exposed in the final position and the adjoining
masonry. The chips shall not be used below faces to a depth of 6 mm shall be fine chisel
the hearting stone to bring these up to the level dressed so that when checked with a straight
of face stones. The use of chips shall be edge, no point varies from it by more than
restricted to the filling of the interstices be- 1 mm. The top and bottom faces, that are to
tween the adjacent stones in hearting and these form bed joints, shall be chisel dressed so that
shall not exceed 10 percent of quantity of stone the variation from a 60 cm straight edge at no
masonry. point exceeds 3 mm. Faces, which are to form
The masonry shall be carried on continuously; the vertical joints, should be chisel dressed so
but when breaks are unavoidable, the joints that variation at any point with straight edge
shall be raked by at an angle not steeper than does not exceed 6 mm. Any vertical face
45°C. Toothing shall not be allowed. which hasto come against backing of masonry
shall be dressed such that variation from the
4 Bond stones shall be the same as in 12.1; bond straight edge does not exceed 10 mm.
stones shall be inserted 1.5 m to 1.8 m apart, in
every course. All angles and edges of masonry that are to be
exposed in the tinal position shall be true,
e) Quoins shall be of the same height as the
square and free from chippings.
course in which they occur. These shall be at
least 4.50 mm long and shall be laid stretchers A sample of dressed stone shall be prepared for
and headers alternately. These shall be laid approval of the Authority.
square on the beds, which shall be roughly b) in case of ashlar work wihout backing of brick
chisel dressed to a depth of at least 100 mm. In work or coursed rubble masonry, face stone
case ~of exposed work, these stones have a shall be laid headers and stretchers alternately
minimum of 25 mm wide chisel drafts at four unless otherwise specified, the headers shall be
edges; all the edges shall be in the same plane. arranged to come as nearly as possible in the
f-1 Face joints shall not be more than 10 mm thick. middle of stretchers above and below. Stone
When plastering or pointing is not required to shall be laid out in regular courses of not less
be done, the joints shall be struck flush and than 150 mm in height and all courses shall be
finished at the time of laying. Otherwise the of the same height unless otherwise specified.
joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of For ashlar work with backing of brick work or
20 mm by raking tool during work when the coursed rubble masonry,. face stone shall be
mortar is still green. laid in alternate courses of headers and
stretchers, unless otherwise directed. Face
12.4 Coursed Rubble Masonry - Second Sort stone and bond stone courses shall break joint
on the face for at least half the height of the
a ) Dressing shall be as in 11 except but no portion
standard course and the bond be carefully
of dressed surface shall exceed 10 mm from a
maintained through out. All the connected
straight edge placed on it.
masonry in the structure shall be carried up
b) Laying shall be as in 11 except that the use of nearly at the uniform level through out; but
chips shall not exceed 15 percent of the quan- where breaks are unavoidable, the joint shall
tity of stone masonry. The stone in each course be made in good long steps so as to prevent
need not be of the same height, but more than cracks developing between new and old work.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
When necessary, jib crane or other mechanical or bushing shall project more than 75 mm from plane
appliances shall be used to hoist heavy pieces of drafts.
of stones, to place these in correct position;
care shall be taken to see that corners of stones 12.8 Ashlar Rough Tooled (see Fig. 4.29)
are not damaged, Stone shall be covered with
gunny bag hefore a chain or rope for tying is a>The dressing of the stone shall be similar to
passed over it and shall be handled carefully. plain ashlar as in 12.4 except that the face
No piece which has been damaged shall be exposed to view shall have a fine chisel draft
used in the work. 25 mm wide round the edges and shall be rough
tooled between the draft such that the dressed
Cl joint8 shall Hd be more than 5 mm thick. Face
surface shall not deviate more than 3 mm from
joints shall be tmiform throughout and a
the straight edge placed over it.
unifotm recesb of 20 mm depth from face shall
be ieft with the help of a st%elplate during the b) Other requirements shall be as in 12.5.
progress of Work.
12.9 Ashlar Chamfered (see Fig. 4.30)
d) All exposed joints shall be pointed with mortar
as specified, The~pointing when finished shall
be sunk from atone face by 5 mm or as a>The dressing shall be as in 12.5 except that the
levelled off to 45°C for a depth of about 25 mm
specified, The depth of mortar in pointing
or more as specified.
work shall fiat be less than 15 mm,
b) Other requirements shall be as per 12.5.
126 Ashiar &it& 6t l%ulded (see Fig. 4.27)
12.10 Ashlar Block in Course (see Fig. 4.31)
The faces shall then be gauged, cut, grooved, rebated,
sunk d plain maulded as required. For this purpose a a) The stones are dressed all squared and laid to
full site layout of the mouiding_shtlll be prepared on fine joints; the faces being usually hammer
platforms for which sheet tempiates shall be cut and dressed. The stones selected may be larger size
the stone dressed to the templates to a uniform and fine than plain ashlar.
finish. The dressed surface shd not be mare than
3 mm from the straight edge placed on it. b) The other requirements are as in 12.5; except
that the courses vary between 200-250 mm in
All visible angles and edges shall be true and free from thickness. This type of masonry is therefore
clippings. The joints, 6 mm from the face shall also be superior to coursed rubble masonry.
fine tooled so that a straight edge placed on it is in
contact with-every point. It shall be finest surface that 12.11 Ashlar Masonry for Special Works
can be given to a sfdHIwith the chisel and without
rubbing. Other requirements shall be as in 12.5 a) Special works include arch dome, circular
moulded works, moulded and carved columns,
12.7 Ashiar Rack Faced (see Pig, 4.28) etc.
Dressing shall be as per 12,s; except that the exposed b) The dressing of the stone shall be as in 12.5
except giving the appropriate shape to the
faces of the stone betweeh the drafts shall be left rough
stones as required in each specialized work.
as the stone corners frotn fhe quarry; but no rock face
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
c) Slabs should be anchored to be backing by supports shall be at vertical intervals not more
means of cramps (of bronze, gun metal or other than 3;5 m apart and also over the head of all
non-corradible metal). Cramps may be of openings. Such supports shall also be provided
25 mm x 6 mm and 30 mm long; they may be when there is a transition from thin facings to
provided as shown in Fig. 4.32. The cramps thick facings above.
shall be spaced not more than 600 mm apart. Alternatively, cramps may be used to hold
Alternatively the slab may be secured to the units position. The pins, cramps and dowels
backing by means of stone dowels 100 mm x shall be laid in cement mortar 1 : 2. The types
50 mm x 25 mm as per shape indicated in of cramps are shown in Fig. 4.35.
Fig. 4.33; the adjoining stone secured to each 4 As far as possible the backing shall be carried
other by means of gun metal cramps or copper out simultaneously with the face work. In case
pins of specified size. Cramps may be attached of reinforced cement concrete backing, the
to its sides and/or top and bottom (see Fig. lining shall be secured after the concrete has
4.34). The actual number of cramps and their been cured. The cramps shall be laid in posi-
sections shall however be as per design to carry tion in concrete while laying.
the loads [see IS 4101(Part 1) : 19671. e> All joints shall be full of mortar specified.
When cramps are used to hold units in position Special care shall be taken to see that the
only, the facings shall be provided with a con- grounding for veneer work is full of mortar.
tinuous support on which the stones rest, as the The thickness of joints shall be as small as
support being in the form of a projection from possible and not more than 5 mm.
or recess into the concrete slab as beam. These
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
tP T0
AT PQ / .
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
VENEERING -.__~.A.. “”
SE’ 62 (S & T) : 1997
Mild - For example, completely protected against 220 0.7 250 0.65
weather, or aggressive conditions, except for a brief
period of exposure to normal weather conditions during
Moderate -For example, sheltered from heavy and 250 0.6 290 0.55
wind driven rain and against freezing, whilst saturated
with water; buried concrete in soil and concrete con-
tinuously under water
Severe - For example, exposed to sea water, alternate 310 0.5 360 0.45
wetting and drying and to freezing whilst wet, subject to
heavy condensation of water or corrosive fumes
1 When the maximumwater-cementratio can be strictly controlled, the cement content may be reduced by 10 percent.
2 The minimum cement content is based on 20 mm aggregate. For 40 mm aggregate, it should be reduced by about IO percent:
for 12.5 mm aggregate, it should be increased by about IO percent.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
e) IS 8112 : 1989 43 ~Grade ordinary Portland ful effects may be used for secondary members; but
cement; such aggregates should not contain more than 1 per-
f) IS 8043 : 1991 Hydrophobic Portland cement; cent of sulphates and should not absorb more than
g) IS 269 : 1987 53 Grade ordinary Portland (0 percent of their own mass of water.
h) IS 12600 : 1989 Low heat Portland cement; 2.2.3 Heavy weight aggregates or light weight ag-
j) IS 6452 : 1989 High alumina cement and gregates such as bloated clay aggregates may also be
IS 6909 : 1991. Supersulphated cement may be used provided sufficient data on the properties of con-
fiml., ..n,-Ic.,-‘..,‘ao;nl n:..,wIm"tnnr.‘a"
"rrlJ "Ll"c.l qAA&lL Lll\r"IIIJLaIILb"a*
crete made with them is avai!ab!e.
2.1.1 Recommended Uses of These Cemertts 2.2,4 Fly ash conforrtting to IS 38 12 : 1981 may be
The type of cement selected shall be suitable for the used as part repiacement up to 20 percent of fine
intended use. Some guidelines are as below: aggregate. It shah be ensured that cement is thoroughly
intermixed with fly ash.
a) Ordinary portland cement may be used for
most of the works; it has a ‘28 days strength of 2.15 Aggregates sh0uid be free from deieterious
33 MPa (33 kg/cm2). materials, such as, iron pyrites, coal, mica, slate, clay,
alkali, soft fragments, sea shell8 and tither organic
b) Grade 43 ordinary portland cement can be used impurities. IS 383 : 1970 gives lithlts of such
in works where grade 33 is used and where the
deleterious impurities passing 75 mlcroti IS sieve.
spaces are longer.
c>For higher strength requirements of works or Aggregates containing reactive silica, such as, chert
for specialized works, such as, prestressed and chacendony shall not be used.
concrete work, higher grades of cement such
as 53 grade ordinary portland cement may be Soft lime stone, soft sand stone or other porous or weak
used. aggregates shall not be usedfor concrete in sea water.
e) Slag cement has a low heat of hydration and 2.2.6 The following tests in the field may be done
has better resistance to soils and water contain- based on IS 2386’(Parts 1 to 8) : 1963.
ing excessive amounts of sulphates as well as
a) Particle size and shape (see Annex A).
to acidic waters. Therefore it may be used for
b) Determination of surface moisture (see
marine works. However manufacturers’
Annex B).
recommendations should be followed.
f) Pozzolana cement produces less heaton hydra- 2.2.7 Grading and Sizes
tion and offers greater resistance to the attack
of agressive waters than ordinary portland ce- Grading
ment. It is useful in marine structures and mass
concrete work. It does not develop strength in 4 Fine aggregate is defined as aggregate mainly
early ages. It can be used in works where passing 4.75 mm IS sieve and coarse aggregate
ordinary portland cement is used. as that mainiy retained on this sieve.
b) Fine aggregates are divided into four zones
S) The other special cements shall be used as per (see Chapter 4, Part 1 on mortars also). Most
manufacturers’ recommendations. of the natural sands found in the country have
gradings corresponding to one or the other of
2.2 Aggregates
these zones.
2.2.1 Coarse and fine aggregates obtained from Typical good sands fall in Zone II grading.
natural sources shall conform to IS 383 : 1970. The However, finer or coarser sand may be used
aggregates may be tested as per IS 2386 (Parts 1 to 8) : with suitable adjustments in the ratio of quan-
1963. tities of coarse to fine aggregates.
2.2.2 Other aggregates such as slag and crushed over- Very fine sands as included in Zone IV grading
burnt brick or tile, which may be found suitable with should not be used except when the concrete is
regard to strength, durability and freedom from harm- closely controlled by the use of design mixes.
/. .
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
With nominal mix concrete, it is not advisable Table 5.1 Graded Aggregate
to use Zone IV sand under any circumstance, (Clause 2.2.7. I)
and to avoid use of Zone I, if a lean concrete
IS Sieve Percentage Passing~for Normal Size of Aggregate
mix is desired. Designation A
c) Grading of coarse aggregate shall be controlled mm 40 mm 20 mm 16mm 12.5 mm
by obtaining, the aggregates in different sizes 80 100
and blending them in right proportions when 40 95-100 100
required, the different sizes being stacked in 20 30-70 95 100 100 100
separate stock piles. 16 - 90-100 -
Graded aggregate shall conform to the require- 12.5 - ‘XI-IO0
bers, provided that the concrete can be placed 20 o-s O-20 85-100 100 - -
*ul._-. _ .._”
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Table 5.4 Grading of Fine Aggregates 2.3.1 In case of doubt regarding development of
(Clause strength, the suitability of water for making concrete
shall be ascertained by compressive strength and initial
IS Sieve Percentage Passing for setting time tests as specified in and
Designation A
f I
Grading Grading Grading Grading The sample of water taken shall represent the
Zone I Zone II Zone 111 Zone IV water proposed to be used for concreting, due account
10 mm 100 100 100 100 being paid to seasonal variation. The sample shall not
4.15 mm 90- 100 90- 100 90-100 90- IO0 receive any treatment before testing other than that
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
envisaged in regular supply of water proposed for use
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100
in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a clean
600 micron 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100
container previously rinsed out with similar water.
300 micron S-20 8-30 12-40 IS-50
I50 micron O-10 O-IO O-10 O-IS The average 28 days compressive strength of
at least three 15 cm concrete cubes prepared with the
NOTE - For crushed stone sands, the possible limit on 150
micron IS sieve is increased to 20 percent. This does not affect water proposed to be used, shall not be less than 90
5 percent allowance permitted to other sieves. percent of the average strength of three similar con-
crete cubes prepared with distilled water. The cubes
shall be prepared, cured and tested as per IS 516 :
Table 5.5 All-in-Aggregate Grading 1959.
2.3J.3 The initial settinob time
. . . . . ., nf
-_ tpct
._“. hlnrk
“.“_.. .ma&
. . ..-- with
IS Sieve Percentage Passing for All-in-Aggregate of the appropriate cement and the water proposed to be
Designation used shall not differ by more than + 30 min from initial
Size ‘ Size
setting time of control test block prepared with the
80 mm 100 - same cement and distilled water. The test blocks shall
40 mm 95-100 95-100 be prepared and tested in accordance with IS 4031
20 mm 45-75 95-100 (Part 1) : 1988.
4.75 mm 25-45 30-50
2.3.2 ThepH value of water shall generally be not less
600 micron 8-30 IO-35
150 micron O-6 O-6 than 6.
2.3.3 Sea Water
2.3 Water
Mixing and curing of concrete with sea water is. not
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and recommended because of presence of harmful salts in
free from injurious amountsofoils, acids, alkalis, salts, the sea water. Under unavoidable circumstances, sea
sugar, organic materials or other substances, that may water may be used for mixing or curing in plain con-
be deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable water is crete or such reinforced concrete constructions which
generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete. are permanently under sea water.
The following concentrations, as a guide, represent the
maximum permissible values: 2.3.4 Water found satisfactory for mixing is also
suitable for curing of concrete. However, water
4 To neutralize 200 ml sample of water, using
phenolphthalein as an indicator; it should not should not produce any objectionable stain or unsight-
require more than 2 ml of 0.1 normal NaOH. The ly deposit on the concrete surface. The presence of
details of the test are as given in IS 3025 : 1964. tannic acid or iron compounds is objectionable.
bj To neutraiize ‘200 mi sampie of water, using 2.4 Admixtures
methyl orange as an indicator; it should not
Admixtures are added to the concrete mix before or
require more than 10 ml of 0.1 normal HCI.
during mixing, in order to modify one or more of the
Details of test are as given in IS 3025 ~: 1964.
properties of concrete. Use of admixtures should be
Permissible limits for solids, when tested in
correlated to the type of cement and aggregates to be
accordance with IS 3025 : 1964, shall be as
-:..__ L-1-.... used and to the conditions expected at the site.
g;lvtX, IJCIVW.
Qrganic 200 mg/l, Max Admixtures should be used only on the basis of
Inorganic 3 000 mg/l, Max approval by the Authority.
Sulphates (as S04) 500 mg/l, Max 2.4.1 Types of Admixtures
2 000 mg/l for plain
Chlorides (as Cl) concrete work and a>Accelerating admixtures- These are added to
1 000 mg/l for reinforced hasten the_rate of early strength development,
concrete work which would facilitate early removal of
Suspended matter 2 000 mg/l. Max formwork: or reduce the required period of
SP 62 (S & T) : 1097
2.5 Pozzolanas
1 Grades lower than M IS shall not be used in reinforced
Pozzalanas may be used in any of the following ways: concrete.
a) As an ingredient of cement, that is, portland 2 M 5 and M 7.5 grades of concrete may be used for leean
pozzalana cement; concrete bases and simple foundations for masonry walls.
b) As part replacement of ordinary portland
cement; 3.2 Design Mix Concrete
c) As fine aggregate; and
d) As an admixture. The mix design shall produce concrete having reduced
workability (consistency) and strength not less than
2.5.1 Fly ash conforming to IS 3812 : 1981 or burnt that of the appropriate values given in Table 5.6. The
clay pozzolana conforming to IS I344 : I98 1 may be procedure given in IS 10262 : 1982 for mix design
used as an admixture for concrete. may be followed. Reference may also be made to
SP 23 (S&T) : 1982.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Workability is used to cover a variety of characteristics those specified for the grade in the nominal mix of
such as cohesiveness, mobility, compactability, and concrete, it shall not be placed in a higher grade.
tinishability of concrete. IS 456 : 1978 stipulates that
3.3.3 Accelerated curing and testing is given in
workability of concrete can be controlled by direct
Annex C.
measurement of water content; and checking it at
frequent intervals by the method prescribed 4 PRODUCTION AND CONTROL OF
in IS I199 : 1959. CONCRETE
Grade of Total Quantity of Dry Aggregate Proportion of Fine Aggregate Quantity of Water per
Concrete by Mass per 50 kg of Cement to Coarse Aggregate 50 kg of Cement,
(as 9um of Fine and Coarse (by Mass) Max in Litres
Aggregates), in kg, MUX
MS 800 Generally 1:2. Subject to an 60
upper limit of 1:1.Sand a
lower limit of 1:2.5
M 7.S 625 -do- 4s
M 10 480 -do- 34
M 1.5 3.50 -do- 32
M 20 250 -do- 30
1 The proportions of the fine to coarse aggregates should be adjusted from upper limit to tower limit progressively as the grading of
the fine aggregates becomes finer and the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate (see Table 5. I)
shall be used.
kjianznfe : For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is, Zone II of IS 383: 1970, Table 4). the proportions shall be I : I .S , I :2 and
I:25 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm. 20 mm and 40 mm respectively.
2 This table envisages batching by weight. Volume batching when done the nominal mixes would roughly be 1:3:6, l:2:S and 1:0.5:3
for M IO, M IS and M 20 respectively.
3 For underwater concreting the quantity of coarse aggregate, either by volume or mass, shall not be less than 1.5 times nor more than
twice that of the fine aggregate.
SP~62 (S & T) : 1997
and blending them in right proportions when materials and the mass is uniform in colour and con-
required; the different-sizes being stacked in sistency. If there is seggregation after unloading, the
separate stock ~piles. The material shall be concrete should be remixed.
stock piled preferably a day before use. 4 For guidance, mixing time may be 1; to 2 min;
The grading of coarse and fine aggregate shall for hydrophobic cement it may be taken as
be checked as frequently as possible, frequen- 23 to 3 min.
cy being decided by the Authority. b) In exceptional cases hand mixing may be done
f) In case uniformity of materials used for con- as approved by the Authority. Hand mixing
crete has been established over a period of may be done for work done in cases, such as,
time, the proportioning may be done by remote areas, break down of mechanical
volume batching, provided periodical checks mixer, or when quantity of work is small sub-
are made on mass/volume relationship of the ject to additional 10 percent extra cement.
material. When weigh batching is not prac- When hand mixing is permitted it shall be done
ticable, the quantities of fine and coarse on a water-tight platform and care shall be
aggregate (not cement) may be determined by taken to ensure that mixing is continued until
volume. If fine aggregate is moist and volume concrete is uniform in colour and consistency.
batching is adopted, allowance shall be made cl Stone aggregate shall be washed with water to
for bulking in accordance with IS 2386 remove dirt, dust or any other foreign matter.
(Part 3) : 1963. Brick aggregates shall be well soaked with
8) It is important to maintain water-cement ratio water for a minimum period of 2 h.
constant at its correct value. To this end, there- 5.2 Machine Mixing
fore determination of moisture content in both
The mixing drum shall be flushed clean with water.
coarse and fine aggregates frequently as pos-
Measured quantity of dry coarse aggregate shall be
sible is necessary. The amount of water added
first placed in the hopper. This shall be followed with
should be adjusted to compensate for any
placing of measured quantities of fine aggregate and
observed variation in moisture contents.
then cement. In case damp sand is used add half the
To allow for variation in mass of aggregate due to quantity of the coarse aggregate, then followed by
variation in moisture content, suitable adjustments in cement and sand, finally add the balance of coarse
masses of aggregates shall also be made. In the absence aggregate.
of exact data, in the case of nominal mixes only, the
The dry materials shall be mixed for at least four turns
amount of surface water may be estimated from the
of the drum, after which the correct quantity of water
values given in Table 5.8.
shall be added gradually while the drum is in motion
Table 5.8 Surface Water Carried by Aggregate to ensure even distribution of the dry materials.. The
(Clause 4.2) total quantity of the water shall be introduced before
25 percent of the mixing time has elapsed. The com-
Aggregate Approximate Quantity of plete content of the mixed concrete shall be removed
Surface Water
I from the drum before recharging.
Percent by Mass - II”,” ’
(1) (2) (3 When the mixer is idle for more than 20 min, the drum
Very wet sand 1.5 120 shall be flushed clean again.
Moderately wet sand 5.0 80 5.3 Hand Mixing
Moist sand 2.5 40
Hand mixing shall be done in a smooth, clean and
Moist gravel ‘) I .25 to 2.5 20-40
or crushed rock water-tight platform of suitable size in the following
‘) Coarser aggregate, less the water it will carry. manner:
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
spread out and the sand and cement mixture 6.2 Placing
shall be spread on its top.
This shall be mixed at least three times by The concrete shall be deposited as nearly practicable
shovel1 ing and turning over from centre to side, in its final position to avoid rehandling. Concrete shall
then back to centre. be placed and compacted before setting commences
A hollow shall be made in the middle of the and should not be subsequently disturbed. Methods of
mixed pile. placing should be such as to avoid segregation. Care
Three-fourths the quantity of the total quantity should be taken to avoid displacement of reinforce-
of water required shall be added while the ment or movement of formwork (see 2 of Part 2). The
material is turned in towards the centre with a layers of concrete shall be so placed that the bottom
spade. The remaining water shall be added by layer does not finally set before the top layer is placed.
a water can slowly turning the whole mixture 6.2.1 During cold weather, concreting shall not be
over and over until a uniform colour and con-
done when the temperature falls below 4S”C. The
sistency is obtained throughout the pile. concrete placed shall be protected against frost by
The slump as given in Table 5.9 shall be suitable covering. Concrete damaged by frost shall be
adopted for different kinds of works. removed and work redone. During hot weather,
The mixing platform shall be washed at the end precautions shall be taken to see that the temperature
of the day. of wet concrete does not exceed 38°C (see 7).
Concreting of Low IO-S seconds. vee-bee time The vibrator should penetrate rapidly to the bottom of
lightly reinforced Or the layer and at least 15 cm into the preceding layer, if
sections with 0.X0-0.85. compacting factor there is any. It should be held (generally 5 to
15 s) until the compaction is considered adequate and
Concreting of Medium S-2 seconds, vee-bee time then withdrawn slowly at the rate of about 8 cm/s.
lightly reinforced Or
sections without 0.85-0.92. compacting factor Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the
vibration, or heavily 01‘
design of formwork and the disposition of vibrators
reinforced section 25-75 mm, slump for 26 mm”
with vihrnlion aggregate
should receive special consideration to ensure efficient
compaction and to avoid surface blemishes.
Concreting of High Above 0.92, compacting factor
heavily reinforced 01
6.4 Construction Joints
sections without 75-125 mm, slump for 20 mm ‘I
vibration aggregate
Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to
” For smaller aggregare the values will he lower construction joints, the position and arrangement
of which shall be indicated by the designer (see
6.4.1 When work has to be resumed on a surface
6.1 Transporting
which has hardened, such surface shall be roughened.
Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to the It shall then be swept clean and thoroughly wetted. For
formwork as rapidly as possible which will prevent vertical joints, neat cement slurry shall be applied on
segregation of or loss of any of the ingredients and the surface before it is dry. For horizontal joints, the
maintaining the required workability. surface be covered with a layer of mortar about IO mm
During hot or cold weather, concrete shall be to 15 mm thick composed of cement and sand in the
transported in deep containers. Other suitable same ratio as the cement and sand in the concrete mix.
methods to reduce the loss of water by evaporation in This layer of cement slurry or mortar shall be freshly
hot weather and heat loss in cold weather may also be mixed and applied immediately before placing
adopted. concrete.
L-.._ .....
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
6.4.2 When the concrete has not fully hardened, all 7.2 Hot Weather Concreting
laitanceshallbe removed by scrubbing the wet surface The climatic factors affecting concrete in hot weather
with wire or bristle, care being taken to avoid dislodge- are high ambient temperature above 40°C and reduced
ment of particles of aggregate. The surface shall be relative humidity, the effects of which may be consid-
thoroughly wetted and all free water removed. The erably pronounced with increase in wind velocity. The
surface shall then be coated with neat cement slurry. effects of hot~weather are most critical during periods
On this surface, a layer of concrete-not exceeding of rising temperature, fall in relative humidity or both.
150 mm thick shall first be placed and shall be well They may occur at any time of the year in warm
rammed against old work, particular attention being tropical or arid climates and generally occur during
paid to corners and close spots; work thereafter shall summer season in other climates. Precautionary
proceed in the normal way. measures required on a calm humid day will be less
6.5 Curing strict than those required on a dry, windy day, even if
air temperatures are identical.
6.51 Moist Curing
Damage to concrete caused by hot weather can never
After the concrete has begun to harden, that is, 1 to
be fully alleviated since improvisations at site are
2 h after laying curing shall be started. Exposed sur- rarely successful; easily preventive measures may be
faces shall be kept continuously in a damp or wet applied with the emphasis on materials, advanced
condition by ponding or by covering with layer of planning and co-ordination of all phases of work.
sacks, canvas, hessian or similar materials and kept
constantly wet for at least seven days from the date of 7.2.1 @beets of Hot Weather on Concrete
placing of concrete. a) Accelerated setting - High temperature in-
creases the rate of setting of concrete. The
6.5.2 Membrane Curing
duration of time during which the concrete can
Approved curing compounds may also be used with be handled is reduced. Quick stiffening may
the approval of Authority. Such compounds may be necessiate considerable retempering by addi-
applied to all the surfaces of concrete as soon as tion of water. It may also result in cold joints.
possible after it has set [see SP 24 (S&T) : 19831. b) Reduction in strength - High temperature
results in increase of the quantity of mixing
6.53 Over foundation concrete, masonry work may
water to maintain the workability -with conse-
be started after 48 h of its laying, but the curing of
quent reduction in strength.
cement concrete shall be continued along with the
masonry work for a minimum period~of 7 days at least. cl Increased tendency to crack - Either before
or after hardening, plastic shrinkage may form
6.5.4 When concrete is used as a sub-grade for floor- in the partially hardened concrete due to rapid
ing, the flooring may be commenced before the curing evaporation of water. Cracks may be
period of sub-grade is over but the curing of sub-grade developed in hardened concrete either by in-
shall be continued along with the top layer of tlooring creasing drying shrinkage resulting from
for a minimum period of 7 days. greater mixing water used or by cooling of the
concrete from its elevated temperature.
6.6 Supervision
4 Rapid evaporation of water during curing
It is exceedingly difficult and costly to alter concrete period - It is difficult to retain moisture for
once placed. Hence, constant and strict supervision of hydration and maintain reasonably uniform
all items of the construction is necessary during the temperature conditions during the curing
progress of work, including the transporting and period.
mixing of concrete. Supervision is also of extreme e) Difficulty in control of air content in air-
importance to check the reinforcement and its placing entrained concrete - It is difficult to control
before being covered. air content in air-entrained concrete. This adds
to the difficulty of controlling workability. For
Before any important operation, such as concreting or
a given amount of air-entraining agent, hot
stripping of the formwork is started, adequate notice
concrete will entrain less air than concrete at
shall be given to the construction supervisor.
normal temperatures.
Procedures to minimize these effects are given in 7.2.2
to 7.2.6.
7.1 Work in Extreme Weather Conditions 7.2.2 Temperature Control of Concrete Ingredients
During hot or cold weather the concreting should be The most direct approach to keep concrete tempera-
done as per IS 7861 (Part 1) : 1975 for hot westher and ture down is by controlling the temperature of its
IS 7861 (Part 2) : 198 1 for cold weather. ingredients. The contribution of each ingredient to the
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
temperature of concrete is a function of the tempera- of mixing water. It must be ensured that the
ture, specific heat, and quantity used ofthat ingredient. ice melts by the time mixing is completed.
The aggregates and mixing water exert the most
c) Cement --Temperature has a direct effect on
pronounced effect on temperature of concrete. Thus,
the hydration of cement. Higher the tempera-
in hot weather all available means shall be used for
ture of concrete, higher the rate of hydration,
maintaining these materials at as low temperature as
the rate of stiffening and generally it results in
increased water demand; and therefore results
a) Aggregates - Any one of the procedures or a in reduced strength and plastic shrinkage.
combination of the procedures given below Temperature has a definite effect on setting
may be used for lowering the temperature of time depending on cement composition. How-
aggregates. ever, a change in temperature of cement,
1) Shading stock piles from direct rays of the produces significantly less change in the
sun. temperature of fresh concrete than the other
2) Sprinkling of the stock piles of coarse ingredients. Cements shall preferably not be
aggregate with water and keep them used at temperatures in excess of 77°C.
moist; this is effective when relative
7.2.3 Proportioning of Concrete Mix Materials and
humidity is low.
Mix Design
3) Successive layers of coarse aggregate
should be sprinkled with water as the stock The quantity of cement used in a mix affects the rate
pile is built up. of increase in temperature.
4) If cold water is available heavy spraying
a) Therefore cement content may be the least and
on coarse aggregate immediately before
cements with lower heat of hydration shall be
use may also be done to have a direct
cooling action.
b) Admixtures which reduce water demand or
3 Coarse aggregates may be cooled by cir-
culating refrigerated air through pipes or retard setting may be used.
other suitable methods. 7.2.4 Temperature ef Concrete as Placed
b) Water - Mixing water has the greatest effect In hot weather, ingredients of concrete should be
on temperature of concrete, since it has a cooled to the extent necessary to maintain the tempera-
specific heat of about 4.5 to 5 times that of ture of concrete at the time of placing to below 38°C.
cement and aggregate. The temperature of Temperature of the concrete may be ascertained from
water is easier to control than that of other a sample of the mix or by calculations.
ingredients. Even though water used is small 7.2.5 Production and Delivery
in quantity compared to cement and aggregate, a>Temperature of aggregates, water and cement
the use of cold mixing water will bring about a shall be maintained at the lowest practical
moderate reduction in concrete placing levels so that the temperature of concrete is
temperatures. below 4O”C, at the time of placement.
For example, for a nominal mix concrete of b) Mixing time shall be held to the minimum
336 kg cement, 170 kg water and I 850 kg of which will ensure adequate quality and unifor-
aggregate per cubic metre of concrete, a change mity, because the concrete gets warmed up due
of 2°C in water temperature will bring a change to mixing, by the air and by the sun. The effect
of 0S”C in the temperature of concrete. of mixer surface exposed to the hot sun must
Efforts shall be made to obtain cold water, and be minimized by painting and keeping the
to keep it cold by protecting pipes, water mixer drum yellow or white and spraying it
storage tanks, etc. Tanks or trucks used for with cold water.
transporting water shall be insulated and/or c> Cement hydration, temperature, loss of
coloured and maintained white or yellow. workability and loss of entrained air, all these
Under certain circumstances, reduction in will increase with the passage of time after
water temperature may be most economically mixing. Therefore the period of time between
obtained by mechanical refrigeration or mixing and delivery shall be kept to a mini-
mixing with crushed ice. Use of ice as a part mum.
of mixing water is highly effective in control- Co-ordination of delivery of concrete with the
ling concrete temperature, since on melting rate of placement should be ensured.
alone, it takes up heat at the rate of 80 kcal/kg. 7.2.6 Placement, Protection and Curing
To take advantage of this, the ice should be a) Forms, reinforcement and sub-grade shall be
incorporated directly into the concrete as part sprinkled with cold water just prior to place-
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
nent of concrete; area around the work may be essential to keep concrete temperature above a mini-
tept cool. mum value before it isplaced in the formwork.
b) when temperature conditions are critical, con- 7.3.1 Effects of Cold Weather Concreting
(:rete placement may be restricted to evenings
3r night when temperatures are lower and a>Delayed setting - Development of concrete
:vaporation is less. strength is retarded at temperatures below 5°C
c> Speedy placement of concrete, with the help of compared to strength development at normal
adequate personnel is necessary. temperatures.
4 Finishing of flat surfaces shall be done promptly. The hardening period thus increases.
e) Concrete layers shall be thin enough and in b) Free&g of concrete at early uges - When
area small enough so that time interval be- concrete is exposed to freezing temperature,
tween consecutive placements is reduced; there is a risk of loss of strength and other
vibration should ensure complete union with qualities irreparably; permeability may in-
adjacent portions. crease and durability may be impaired.
f) tf, cold joints tend to form or if surfaces dry c> Freezing and thawing qf concrete - Quality
and set too rapidly, or if plastic shrinkage of concrete may also be impaired, if the con-
cracks tend to appear, the concrete shall be kept crete after final set is subjected to repeated
moist by means of fog sprays, wet burlap, freezing and thawing.
cotton mats, or other means. Fog sprays have 4 Stress due to temperature d@rntials - Large
been found to be particularly effective in temperature differentials within concrete may
preventing plastic shrinkage cracks when other promote cracking and harm durabilty; such
means have failed. differentials can occur when the insulation is
g) Concrete when delivered by truck or other- removed from the formwork.
wise, shall reach the forms at a temperature not e> Cold weather conditons, for assessing the
higher than 40°C. effect’s on concrete can be divided into three
h) When the concrete has attained some degree of categories as below:
hardening sufficient to withstand surface I) When temperature is below 5°C but does
damage, roughly 12 h after mixing, moist not fall below freezing point,
curing shall commence. 2) When frost occurs at night only and is not
Actual duration of curing will depend. on the severe, and
mix proportions, size of member, environment, 3) When there is a severe frost day and night.
etc; in any case it shall not be less than 10 days. Precautions to be taken in each case of (e) are
Continuous curing shall be arranged. given in Table 5.10.
j> Reliance should not be placed on forms for
protection during hot weather. All formwork Table 5.10 Precautionary Measures for
shall be kept completely and continuously Cold Weather Concreting
moist prior to and during removal of (Clause 7.3.1)
formwork. Condition Precautions to be Taken
k) Wind breakers shall be provided to protect new a) At low temperature 1) Keep formwork in position longer or
concrete work since wind causes more use rapid hardening cement
evaporation as compared to still-air; sometimes 2) Cover the top of the concrete with
insulating material
as high as 4 times depending on wind speed. 3) Insulate steel formwork
On hardened concrete and on flat surfaces in I) Make sure that the concrete is
particular, curing water shall not be much delivered to the point ofplacingat not
less then 5 “C
cooler than the concrete because of the pos-
b) Where there is All the precautions as in (a) plus:
sibilities of thermal stress and resultant crack- frost at night I) Insulate all formwork
ing. Attempt may be made to reduce rate of 2) Make sure that the concrete is not
drying by avoiding air circulation after curing. placed against frozen sub-grade or
any changes that are needed may be done 3) Place concrete quickly and insulate
during construction. c) When there is Take all precautions at (a) and (b) plus:
frost day and night I) Heat the water and if necessary the
7.3 Coid Weather Concreting aggregate
2) Make sure that the concrete is
. The production of concrete in cold weather introduces delivered for placing at not less than
lO”C, or make sure that the concrete
special problems, such as, in setting and hardening of is delivered for placing at not less
concrete, damage to concrete in plastic state when than 5 “C, place quickly and provide
exposed to low temperature, etc. It is, therefore, continuous heating to concrete
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
added or proper admixture in right proportions. may be thawed deep enough to ensure that it
This results in saving du,e to shorter duration of will not freeze back up to the concrete; or it
protection, earlier removal of formwork, etc. majl be covered with dry granular material.
Cement which gives earlier and higher heat of Arrangements shall be made to cover and in-
hydration is preferred. The cement content in sulate newly placed concrete well in advance.
the mix shall preferably be not less than
300 kg/m”. b) All concrete surfaces shall be covered as soon
as the concrete has been placed; clean straw
4 Admixture to be used may be calcium chloride;
blankets about 50 mm thick, sacks, tarpaulins,
however it cannot be used under certain condi-
expanded polystyrene, plastic sheeting,
tions listed below; also the stipulated chloride
waterproof paper in conjunction with an air
content as per IS 456 : 1978 should be adhered
gap may be used. Insulating materials may be
to. The conditions are:
used as a protective material for formwork
I ) When sulphate resistant cement is used,
2) When there are cracks in concrete,
3) When they are exposed to alternate drying c>Water curing is not necessary during freezing
and wetting, or-near freezing conditions.
4) When the concrete cover is small, and On removal of formwork and insulation the
5) When the concrete is permeable. member shall be immediately covered with
Chlorides lead to corrosion of reinforcement plastic sheet or tarpaulins properly taped and
and hence every care shall be taken to restrict made wind-tight. On no account shall such
its content in concrete; for using it as an admix- concrete, released from insulated formwork,
ture if need be, specialists may be consulted. be saturated with cold water.
e> Air-entraining agents, if proper amounts are Low pressure wet steam provides the best
used, increase the resistance of hardened con- means of both cheating enclosures and moist
crete to freezing and thaw~ing and also im- curing of concrete. Later on liquid-membrane
proves workability of concrete. forming compounds may be followed on con-
7.3.4 Temperature of Concrete as Placed crete surfaces with heated enclosures.
In cold weather, curing is not so important, as
4 When ~placing concrete at or near freezing
temperature, precautions shall be taken to en- the protection offered by formwork. There-
sure that concrete at that time of placing has a fore, forms may not be removed until the end
temperature of at least 5’C and the tempera- of minimum period of protection or even later.
ture of concrete after having placed and com- Table 5.11 gives the minimum time for struc-
pacted is maintained at above 20°C until it tural concrete for stripping of formwork; the
hardens thoroughly. time for removal of formwork fo; sides of
beams, columns and walls shall be not less than
b) The temperature of concrete mix may be as-
sessed by calculation or by taking a sample of those in Table 5.12.
the mix and measuring its temperature by a
metal clad thermometer. - Table 5.11 Stripping Time for-Structural
7.3.5 Production and Delivery (Clause 7.3.6)
a ) The concrete shall be delivered at not less than
5°C. Stripping Time
b) Suitable precautions be taken during produc-
Walls, columns and vertical 24 to 48 h as may be
tion of concrete against the weather for both faces of all structural members decided
machines and materials.
c) It is necessary to place the concrete quickly and b) Beam soffits (props left under) I days
cover the top of-the concrete with an insulating c) Removal of propsunder slabs:
material. i) Spanning up to 43 m 7 days
ii) Spanning over 4.5 m 14 days
7.3.6 Placement, Protection and Curing
d) Slabs (props left under) 3 days
a) Before any concrete is placed all ice, snow and
frost shall be completely removed and the e) Removal of props under
beams and arches:
temperature of all surfaces to be in contact with i) Spanning up to 6 m I4 days
concrete be raised to the temperature of con- ii) Spanning over 6 m 21 days
crete to be placed.
When concrete has to be placed over per- For other cements, the stripping time recommended
manently frozenground, sub-grade material above may be modified.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Table 5.12 Recommended Minimum Stripping limestone, soft sandstone, or other porous weak
Time for Formwork when Member is Carrying aggregate shall not be used.
Its Own Weight
7.53 No construction joints should be within 600 mm
(Clause 7.3.6)
below low water-level or within 600 mm of the upper
Beam Slabs Beam Removal Removsl
and lower planes of wave action. When unusually
Sides Sonits of Pr00s or PWDS severe conditions or abrasion are anticipated, such
lo Slabs to Beams
Oays bYS Days Days Days parts of the work shall be protected by bituminous or
silica-flouride coatings or stone facing be added with
I. Ordinary Cold weather 5 7 14 14 28
Portland Air temperature
cement about 3°C
7.5.4 Reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures
shall be protected from saline atmosphere during
Normal weather I 3f 7 7 14 storage and fabrication.
Air temperature
7.5.5 Precast members well cured and hardened may
about 16°C
be given preference; they shall be free from sharp
2. Rapid Cold weather I 4 8 8 16 corners, crazing, cracks or other defects; they shall
hardening Air temperature
Portland about 3°C
have trowel smooth finish; plastering should be
cement avoided.
7.6 Concrete in Aggressive Soils and Water
Normal weather 1 2 4 4 8
Air temperature 7.6.1 Destructive action of aggressive waters on con-
about 16°C crete is progressive.
7.4.2 The concrete shall contain at least 10 percent When even a part of the structure is in contact or
more cement than that requiredfor the same mix in the exposed to aggressive soils and waters, evaporation
dry condition, the quantity of extra cement varying may cause serious concentration of salts leading to
with conditions of placing. deterioration even if the original salt content of soil or
water is not high.
The volume or mass of the coarse aggregate shall be
between one and a half times to twice that of fine 7.6.2 Where alkali contents are concentrated or may
aggregate. become high Portland cement is not recommended; if
used the ground water may be lowered by drainage so
The slump shall be between 100 mm to l80 mm.
that it will not come into contact with concrete. Addi-
7.4.3 Cofferdams or forms should be sufficiently tight tional protection may be obtained by the use of a
to ensure still water or in any case to restrict the flow chemically resisting stone facing or a layer of plaster
to less than 3 m/min in the space to be concreted; the of Paris covered with suitable fabric such as jute
forms should also prevent loss of mortar through the thoroughly impregnated with bituminous material.
walls. Dewatering shall not be done while concrete is
being placed or unit1 24 h thereafter. 8 READY MIXED CONCRETE
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
8.3 Truck Mixed Concrete 8.4 IS 4926 : 1976 covers requirements of ready
mixed concrete.
Concrete produced by completely mixing the in-
gredients except water of concrete in a truck mounted 9 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTS
mixer at the batching plant; and water and admixtures
9.1 Non-destructive tests are covered in IS 133 11
being added and mixing being done entirely in the
(Parts 1 & 2) : 1992 by ultrasonic pulse velocity and
truck mixer either during the journey or on arrival at
by rebound hammer. .Rapid determination of com-
site. No water shall be added to the aggregate and
pressive strength is covered by IS 9013 : 1978 (see
cement until the mixing commences.
Annex C).
(Clause 2.2.6)
A-2 SIEVING kg kg
SOmm 10 4.5
A-2.1 The sample will require several operations on 40 mm 8 3.5
each sieve. Each sieve shall be separately shaken over 31Sor25mm 6 2.5
a clean tray or reciever until no more than a trace 20 mm 4 2
passes, but in any case for not less than 2 min. Material 16 or 12.5 mm 3 I.S
should not be forced through the apertures but hand 10mm 2 I.0
placing is permitted. A little brush shall be used with 6.5 mm 1.5 0.75
fine sieves. 4.15 mm I.0 0.50
(Clause 2.2.6)
B-l.1 Take a test sample of wet aggregate and weigh Continue heating thereafter until all the moisture is
it (WI). Place it in a frying pan and gently apply heat evaporated and weigh the dry sample (W3).
while stirring with a glass rod until the surface mois-
B-l.2 Surface moisture = ((WI - W2)lW3) x 100
ture disappears. This is apparent when its shining
expressed as percentage of dry aggregate.
appearance disappears and the aggregate looks dull.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(Clause 3.3.3)
C-2.2 The test specimens shall be left to stand undis- C-4.3 Inthe boiling water method, the age at the time
turbed in their moulds in a place free from vibration at of test subsequent to removal of moulds and cooling
a temperature of 27 + ~2°C for at least 1h, prior to shall be 28; h f 15 min.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
C-5 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS C-S.2 Correlation curves shall be developed for a set
of given materials for normal curing and accelerated
C-5.1 Since the strength requirements in existing curing for reasonable projection of strength at any age.
specifications are not based on accelerated curing,
results from this method, in checking the compliance Figures 5.2 and 5.3 indicate one such typical~correla-
of specified strength at later stages shall be applied tion curves for the two methods, namely, warm water
with great care. method and boiling water method.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1.2 Lime concrete is found to have many desirable Lime for use in lime concrete shall conform to
properties and advantages for use in construction. IS 712 : 1984.
Properly prepared, compacted and laid, lime concrete
2.2 Cement
is durable under normal exposures. Lime concrete
possesses considerable resistance for sulphate attack Cement shall conform to the requirements of 33 grade
and can be used in foundations and in areas in which ordinary Portland cement to IS 269 : 1989.
soil contains considerable quantities of soluble sul-
2.3 Pozzolana
phate or where subsoil water table is high. The effect
of temperature fluctuations on the volume change is Burnt clay pozzolana shall conform to IS 1344 : 198 I.
negligible in lime concrete compared to that due to Fly ash shall conform to IS 38 12 : 1981.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
ASP62 (S & T) : 1997
ii) Base con- I lime, 2 fine A Stone or SO mm 40 to 50 parts of Suitable for dry and
crete under aggregate broken brick mortar to 100 parts tolerably wet sub-
floor finishes I lime, 1pozzo- B, C. D, E -do- 50 mm of aggregate grades
on ground Ianic materials, depending upon
I fine aggregate the grading of ag-
3 lime, 1 cement, -do- gregate
B, C, D, E 50 mm
12 fine aggregate
e) Care shall be taken to ensure that segregation Curing may be done by using wet hessian, gunny bags,
of aggregate and mortar does not take place etc and watering frequently. No brickwork or
when laying concrete. masonary shall be started at least for 7 days after laying
f-l No water shall be added during ramming. of concrete foundation.
s) Mixing and ramming shall go on uninterrup-
5.3 In Haunches of Arches
tedly. When not practicable, break joints as in
(e) above, may be provided. a) Each layer of concrete shall not be more than
h) The completed work shall be cured for a period 100 mm when compacted.
of not less than 10 days. b) Curing shall be done for at least 21 days as
described in 5.2.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2.1 Lime pozzolana mixture shall conform to 4.1 The methods of laying lime pozzolana concrete
IS 4098 : 1983. are similar to lime concrete laying as per Section 1.
2.2 Fine and coarse aggregate and water shall be as in 4.2 In Roof Finish
Section 1.
Shall be as per IS 3036 : 1992.
2.3 Recommended mixes with lime pozzolana mix-
ture are given in Table 5.15.
‘fable 5.15 Recommended Mixes with Lime-Pozzolaha Mixture
(Clause 2.3 of Part 3 Section 2)
Sl No. Situation Grade of Coarse Mix by Mass Mix by Volume 28 Days Strength, Min
Lime- Aggregatk / A %
Poizalana , Lime- Fine Coarse zE-G---- coarse Compressive Flexural
Pozzo- Aggre- Aggre- Pozzo- Aggre- Aggregate MPa MPa
lana gate gate lana gate
Mixture Mixture
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1. Levelling course under foundations, foot- LP-20 Crushed stone 1 4 8 1 2.25 4.5 1 0.2
iligs under masonry walls and columns,
Brick aggregate 1 3 6 1 1.75 4.0 1 0.2
ordinary base concrete under floors, filling
of haunches over masonry arches and roof LP-7 Crushed stonC 1 3 6 1 1.75 3.5 1 0.2
Brick aggregate 1 2.5 5 1 1.5 3.0 1 0.2
Type 1 Crushed stone 1 8 16 1 4.5 9 1 0.2
Brick aggregate 1 6.8 12 1 4.0 8 1 0.2
Type 2 Crushed stone 1 5.2 10 1 3.0 6 1 0.2
Brick aaaregate 1 4.2 8 1 2.5 5 1 0.2
Type 3 Crushed stone 1 3.4 7 1 2.0 4 1 0.2
Brick aggregate 1 2.5 5 1 1.5 3 1 0.2
2. Rbad bases air-field bases and improved LP-40 Crushed stone 1 2.33 5 1 1.25 3.0 4 0.6
base concrete under floor
LP-20 do 1 1.33 3 1 1.25 1.75 4 0.6
Type 1 do 1 3.72 6.66 1 2.0 4 4 0.6
Type 2 do 1 2.66 2.60 1 1.5 3 4 0.6
3. Bonded under lays, building blocks and LP-40 Crushed stone 1 2 4 1 1.12 2.25 7 0.9
paving blocks
LP-20 do 1 1 2 1 0.50 1.12 7 0.9
Type1 do 1 1 3.60 1 1.0 2.0 7 0.9
Type 2 do 1 1 2.64 1 0.5 1.5 7 0.9
n 1 The aggregate grading for the lime-pozzolana concrete should, in the absence of special mix design procedure generally conform to the grading given in IS 383 : 1970. Ro
2 The volumetric proportioning is based on the assumption that a 36 kg bag of LP mixture would be 0.042 5 m3 by volumC. 5
3 For water requirement, the compaction factor should be kept b.85 _+0.02 for all the mixes.
i. .
Table 516 Coarse Aggregates
IS Sieve Percentage Passing for Single-Sized Aggregate of Percentage Passing for Graded
Designation Nominal Size Aggregate of Nominal Size
h h
#- I / %
63 mm 40 mm 20mm 16mm 12.5 mm 10mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (10
80 mm 100 - - - - - 100 - -
63 mm 85 td 100 100 - - - -
2.36 mm - - - - - 0 to 5 - - - -
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
C) The mixture is forced into the delivery hose by e) The mortar or concrete is jetted from the nozzle
a feed wheel or a distributor; at high velqcity on to the area to be shotcreted.
d) The mixed material is carried in suspension of 3.4 Shotcrete may be produced by either of the
compressed air through the delivery hose to a processes for normal constructional requirements.
nozzle, which is filled inside with a perforated However, difference in cost of equipment, main-
manifold through which water is introduced tenance and operational features may make one or the
under pressure and intimately mixed with other other method more attractive for a particular
ingredients; and application.
4 The mortar is jetted from the nozzle at high
velocity on to the surface to be shotcreted. 4 PROPERTIES OF SHOTCRETE
500 kg/cm2). It is recommended that strength higher be large enough to obtain all test specimens needed,
than 25 N/mm2 (250 kg/cm2) be specified only for the and also to indicate what quality and uniformity may
most carefully executed shotcrete jobs. be expected in the structure. Generally, the size of the
panel shall be not less than 75 cm x 75 cm. The
4.3 The drying shrinkage of shotcrete depends, some-
thickness shall be the same as in the structure, except
what on the mix proportions used, but generally falls
that it shall normally be not less than 7.5 cm.
within the range of 0.06 to 0.08 percent. This is-rather
higher than most low slump conventional concrete, 5.6 Cubes or cores shall be taken from the panels for
which is generally placed in heavier sections using testing. The cores shall have a minimum diameter of
larger aggregates and leaner mixes. It will tend to give 7.5 cm and length diameter ratio of at least one if
more shrinkage, cracking and may require a closer possible. The specimens shall be tested in compres-
joint spacing. The durability of shotcrete is good. sion at the age of 7 or 28 days or both.
4.4 Shotcrete offers advantages over conventional 5.7 The cut surfaces of the specimens shall be careful-
concrete in a variety of new construction and repair ly examined and additional surfaces shall be exposed
works. It is frequently more economical because of by saving and breaking of the panel when it is con-
lesser forming requirements and because it requires sidered necesary to check the soundness and unifor-
only a small portable plant for manufacture and place- mity of the material. All cut and broken surfaces shall
ment. be dense and free from laminations and sand pockets.
5.1 Testing shall be done prior to the commencement 6.1 Dry-Mix Process
of the work in order to check the operation of equip-
ment, skill of the operating staff and the quality of
a>Batching by mass is preferred.
b) The moisture content of the sand shall general-
shotcrete. The procedure is detailed in 5.2 to 5.7. ly be within 5 to 6 percent 10 permit flow at a
5.2 Test panels shall be fabricated, simulating actual uniform rate.
job conditions, by the operating staff using theequip- c) The mixing equipment shall be capable of
ment, materials and mix proportions proposed for the thoroughly mixing the sand and cement in
job. sufficient quantity to maintain continuity of
placing. The mixing time shall be not less than
5.3 For the dry-mix process, the amount of water a minute in a drum type mixer. The mixer shall
added at the nozzle is adjusted so that the inplace be thoroughly cleaned to prevent accumula-
shotcrete appears to be adequately compacted and tions of batched materials.
neither sags nor shows excessive rebound. Where
4 Supply of clean dry air under pressure should be
justified by the size and importance of the job or lack ensured through an air compressor. The air pres-
of previous experience with the materials, it may be sure should be uniformly steady (non-pulsating).
advisable to test two or three mixes, generally within The operating pressure shall drive the material
the range of 1 part of cement to 3 to 4; parts of sand, from the delivery equipment into the hose.
before deciding on the final mix proportions. 4 For length of hose up to 30 m, the operating
pressure shall be 0.3 N/mm2 (3 kg/cm2) or
5.4 The procedure for wet-mix process is similar to
more; for each additional 15 m length of hose
the dry-mix process (see 5.3), except that the entire
pressure maI be increased by 0.035 N/mm’
concrete mix is premixed to give a workability judged
(0.35 kg/cm ) and the same increase allowed
to be appropriate for the work, before it is introduced
for each 7.5 m ~that the nozzle is raised before
to the chamber of delivery equipment. Tests on more
the gun.
than one~mix design are usually recommended where
Water under pressure shall be supplied; the
it is desired to include coarse aggregate in the mix.
water pressure shall be sufficiently greater than
Normally 20 to 40 percent of coarse aggregate is first
the operating air pressure at the discharie
tried with subsequent mixes adjusted to reflect the
nozzle. Water pressure shall also be steady
results of the first trial.
and non-pulsating.
5.5 The panels are fabricated by gunning on to a back
form of plywood. A separate panel shall be fabricated 6.2 Wet-Mix Process
for each mix design being considered, and also for each
gunning position to be encountered in the structure, a) Batching by mass is preferred. Aggregates
that is, slab, vertical and overhead sections. At least may be batched by volume of periodic checks
part of the panel shall contain the same reinforcement are made to ensure that the masses are main-
as the structure, to show whether sound shotcrete is tained within the required tolerance. Water
obtained behind the reinforcing rods, The panel shall may be batchedeither by volume or mass.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
b) The mixing time will depend on the mix being from each position of the nozzle. ?ivoid build-
used and the efficiency of the mixer. ing up on the front face of the bar.
c> The other details are as per~dry-mix. b) The first layer shall completely embed the bar
for walls, columns and beams, beginning at the
7.1 Surface Preparation
7.6 Rebound
Shotcrete shall not be placed on any surface
which is frozen, spongy or where there is free- a) Rebound is aggregate and cement paste which
water. ricochets off the surface during the application
b) Surfaces shall be kept damp for several hours of shotcrete. Rebound may be as below:
before shotcreting. Sutiace Percentage of Rebound
cl In case of repairs, all existing deteriorated con-
Floors or slabs 5-15
crete shall be removed. The final cut surface
Sloping and vertical walls 15-30
shall be examined to make sure that it is sound
Overhead work 25-50
and perfectly shaped; all edges shall be
tapered. The surface shall be cleaned of all b) Rebound shall not be worked back into the
loose and foreign materials. concrete; it shall not be included in later
4 Exposed reinforcement shall be free of rust, batches.
scales, etc.
7.7 Preparation for Succeeding Layers
7.2 Formwork
Forms may be plywood sheeting or other material, true The earlier layer shall be allowed to take initial set
to line and dimension. They shall be so constructed as before the second layer is commenced. Then laitance,
to permit the escape of air and rebound during gunning loose material and rebound shall be removed. The
operations. Forms shall be~oiled and dampened just surface shall be thoroughly sounded with a hammer for
before gunning. Short removable bulkheads may be drummy areas resulting from rebounding pockets or
used at intersections. lack of bond. Drummy areas shall be cut off and
replaced with succeeding layers. Surfaces to be shot
Appropriate scaffolding shall be erected to permit shall be damp.
suitable positions for holding the nozzle.
7.3 Reinforcement 7.8 Construction Joints
4 Reinforcement shall be so placed as to cause Construction joints shall generally follow the prin-
least interference to gunning operations. ciples as laid down in Part 1.
b) Minimum clearance may be 12 mm to 50 mm
between formwork and reinforcement for mor- 7.9 Finishing
tar work and concrete mix respectively.
c> Clear spacing between bars shall be not less The natural gun finish is preferred both from structural
than 65 mm. and durability considerations. Finishing may be dif-
4 As far as possible, bars shall be so arranged as ficult for dry-mix work.
to permit shooting from the opposite side.
7.10 Suspension of Work
e) Lapped reinforcing bars shall not be tied . ‘,
together; they shall be separated by at least a) The work shall be suspended when exposure to
50 mm. high wind, breezing or rain is likely.
fl For repair work, existing work may be fixed b) When work is stopped, the shotcrete shall be
with reinforcement by nails. sloped off to a thin edge and then the work
g) All detailing shall be as per IS 456 : 1978. resumed after cleaning the surface.
7.4 Alignment Control
7.11. Curing
Adequate ground wires shall be installed to ensure
thickness and surface planes of shotcrete build up. The surfaces shall be kept continuously wet for at least
7.5 Placing of Shotcrete 7 days.
a) Shotcrete may be built up in layers. Shotcrete 7.12 For more details reference may be made to
t shall be forced behind bars. When bars are IS 9012 : 1978 on recommended practice for shotcret-
closely spaced more than one bar may be shot ing.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
5.2 Termite Caps
2.1 Presence of Termites
2.2 Clearance of Site 1 GENERAL
2.3 Elimination of Moisture 2 POSTCONSTRUCTION TREATMENT
2.4 Foundation and Sub-base of Ground Floor 2.1 Inspection
2.5 Selection of Timber 2.2 Extermination of Termites in Buildings
3 DESIGNCRITERIA 2.3 Preventive Measures
4.1 Construction Methods
SP62(S & T): 1997
1 GENERAL This chapter will deal with (a) Anti-termite measures
through constructional means; and (b) Anti-termite
1.1 In Chapter 2 on earth work the anti-termite treat-
ment of soil by chemical methods has been dealt with. treatment of existing buildings.
SP 62 (S & T) : I997
of subterranean termites should be used in the building the brick on edge masonry for getting offset space for
(see IS 401 : 1982 and IS 1141 : 1993, onpreservation coarse sand layer (see Fig. 6.2).
and treatment of timber). 4.1.3 The dry brick for the anti-termite groove shall
3 DESIGN CRITERIA be taken out and cement concrete (1:3:6) sub-floor
shall be laid casting an anti-termite groove in position.
Anti-termite measures through construction
In case of internal protection walls, the cement concrete
will be effective if both external and internal
sub-floor shall be laid on either side over dry bricks to
protection are adequately provided. The exter-
sufficient extent for getting staggered vertical joints over
nal protection refers to prevention of termite
the joint of plinth wall and earth filling (see Fig. 6.3).
access on surrounding area of the building.
4.1.4 Superstructure masonry shall be raised over the
The internal protection refers to the access
cement concrete sub-floor and overhead jobs com-
from soil under the floor area.
pleted (see Fig. 6.4).
b) For external protection, provision of metal
shields or masonry grooves around the 4.1.5 The dry brick for coarse sand filling shall be
periphery of the building and cement concrete removed and graded sand (of size 3 mm to 5 mm) layer
apron around the building are recommended. at least 100 mm thick shall be compacted over the earth
To be effective the shape of the metal barrier filling (see Fig. 6.5).
shall be properly maintained. 4.1.6 Cement concrete (1:3:6 mix) sub-floor at least
For internal protection the concrete sub-base 75 mm thick shall be laid over the sand filling. Mason-
shall be extended under the walls so that the ry finish may be provided to the cement concrete
entire plinth area is fully covered without any sub-floor (see Fig. 6.6).
break. In case of depressed floors like 4.1.7 Dry brick provided for apron floor (see Fig. 6.1)
liftwells, bathrooms, garrage pits, etc, the sub- shall be taken out and 600 mm wide formation of earth
base should be continuous. in 1:30 slope shall be made. lover the formation
4 The concrete flooring shall be laid over a layer 75 mm thick lime concrete (1:3:6 mix) shall be laid
of coarse sand (larger than 3 mm) as the sand (see Fig. 6.7).
layer checks soil moisture rising up. 4.1.8 Over the 75 mm thick lime concrete bed at least
e) Termites do not generally penetrate masonry 25 mm thick cement concrete topping ( 1:2:4) shall be
or concrete in which there are no voids. laid and 12 mm thick cement plaster shall be applied
Masonry with lime mortar mix leaner than on the plinth (see Fig. 6.8).
I : 3 shall not be used to be in contact with soils.
4.1.9 The finished construction, incorporating the
If the floor construction gives rise to vertical
stages mentioned in 4.1.1 to 4.1.8, appears as in Fig. 6.9.
joints between the floor and the plinth masonry,
the joints may be filled with heavy grade coaltar 4.1.10 The finished construction for stone masonry
pitch to IS 216 : 1961 to minimize the tendency incorporating the stages mentioned in 4.1.1 to 4.1.8,
of termites to infiltrate through these joints. would be as in Fig. 6.9 without plaster.
SP 62 (S 8r T) : 1997
Alldimensions in millimetres.
All dimensions
in millimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
dimensions in millimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
t GL
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
I ///l=y r BRICK ON EDGE
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Alldimensions in millimetres.
1.1 Chapter 2 covered preventive chemical treatment After making a study of the infestation in the building
against termites in the soil. Part 1, dealt with the next step~to eliminate the termites located inside
constructional means of preventing termite attack. the building. This shall be carried out in a thorough
This part deals with treatment after attack in existing manner, seeking the termites in their hideouts, such as,
buildings. ceilings, behind wooden panelling, inside electrical
battens, conduits, switchboards and similar locations.
2 POST CONSTRUCTION TREATMENT Recourse may be taken to inject chemicals as already
2.1 Inspection mentioned in Chapter 2 along with the recommended
concentrations; every precaution shall be taken while
Before undertaking any type of treatment, a thorogh using chemicals to protect the operators. All traces of
inspection shall be made of the infestation in the build- termite tubes shall be removed so that any fresh infes-
ing with a view to determine the extent to which it has tation which might occur at a later date may be easily
spread and the routes of entry of the termites into the detected. The chemicals to be used Heptachlor 0.5
building. A study of the structure of foundation land percent emulsifiable concentrate, I .O percent Chlor-
the ground floor helps in finding out the routes of entry dane emulsifiable concentrate and 1.O percent Chlor-
of termites from the-soil and also in deciding on the pyrifos emulsifiable concentrate. The Authority
mode of treatment. For guidance, information on concerned with the use of pesticides should be con-
detection of termites is given in Annex A. sulted on the hazards in using these chemicals.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
2.3 Preventive Measures a>At the junction of the floor and walls as a result
of shrinkage of the concrete;
2.3.1 Soil Treatment
b) On the floor surface owing to construction
defects; and
The object of soil treatment is to establish chemical
cl At expansion joints in the floor.
(toxic) barrier between termites in the soil and the
building to be protected. Basically~it consists of treat- The method of the dealing with these locations is to
ing the soil adjacent to or under the building with a apply chemical treatment within the plinth wherever
chemical toxicant which kills or repels termites. such cracks occur. The chemical should be pumped
Water emulsions of any one of the chemicals men- through holes drilled at regular intervals to a
tioned in 2.2 shall be used in soil treatment and applied reasonable depth, until refusal, subject to maximum of
uniformly at the prescribed rate. one litre/hole. The holes shall then be sealed.
a) The soil in contact with the external wall of the The movement of termites through the masonry walls
building shall be treated with the chemical may be arrested by squirting chemical emulsion
emulsion at the rate of 7.5 l/m* of the vertical through holes drilled in the wall at plinth level. The
surface of the substructure to a depth of holes shall be drilled at a downward slope of around
300 mm. 45’C. This treatment shall also be done to internal
b) To facilitate this treatment a.shal1o.w channel walls in contact with soil. Additional holes may also
shall be excavated along and close to the wall be drilled as needed, such as, wall corners, under door
face. and window frames, etc. The treatment holes shall
c) The chemical emulsion shall be directed then be sealed.
towards the exposed wall at the rat6 of 1.75
litres per running metre of the channel (see Treatment at points of contact with woodwork
All existing work, infested with termites, shall be
NOTE - 7.5 l/m2 for a depth of 0.3 m means 2.27 litres treated by spraying at points of contact with masonry
per running metre.
with chemical emulsion in holes drilled at an inclina-
4 For uniform disposal of the chemical, rodding
tion of around 45’C, the rate shall be around half-a-
may be done at every 150 mm intervals.
litre per hole.
e) The balance of the chemical (2.27- 1.75 l/m)
shall be used to treat the backfill returned to the 2.3.2 Treatment of Woodwork
4 ~Woodwork which has been damaged beyond
f) If there is a concrete apron around the wall,’ repair shall be replaced after appropriate treat-
instead of excavating a channel,~holes shall be
made in the apron 800 mm apart and deep
enough to reach the soil below and then the
b) Infestld woodwork, which can be used, shall
be protected with chemical treatment squirted
chemical solution be pumped at the rate of
through inclined holes drilled into the wood-
about 2.25 litres per running metre.
work up to the core, on the unaffected side of
d The treatment mentioned here applies to
the frame. If need be, the woodwork may be
masonry foundations.
painted with one or two coats of chemicals.
In the case of RCC foundation, the soil (backfill) in
contact with the column sides and plinth beams along 2.3.3 Treatment of Electrical Fixtures
the external perimeter of the building shall be treated
Wherever possible, the inside of the enclosures of
with the chemical solution at the rate of 7.5 l/m* of
electrical fixtures shall be treated liberally with chlor-
vertical surfaces of the structure. Details of the treat-
dane powder.
ment shall be as above.
The points where termites are likely to seek entry 3.1 Periodic inspection of the work/installations par-
through the tloor are the cracks at the following loca- ticularly during humid and hot seasons would be help-
tions: ful.
r.__. ._
SP 62 (S ‘& T) : 1997
(Clause 2.1)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1.1 Timber generally used in buildings are either of 2.1 Zonal Distribution
solid timber or panel products like plywood, particle
board, etc. The major use is in door and window IS 399 : 1963 details the zonal distribution of common
frames and their shutters, furniture and the like. It commercial and timber of India, classified according
is also used in structures specially in hilly regions to their various end uses and gives information on
where timber is abundantly available and other com- availability and on some of the other properties of
mon building materials like brick are not easy to come these timbers. The uses, include:
by. a) Constructional purposes, including building
1.2 India has around two hundred species of commer- construction, piles, bridges, poles, railway
cial timber grown in different parts of the country. For sleepers, etc; and
quite sometime timber was transported over long dis- b) Furniture and cabinet making.
tances for some specific services even when species India is divided into five zones for convenience in
suitable for the purpose would be secured from nearby tabulating the information on timber. The zones are:
sources. The reason apparently appears to be the misT
Zone I - Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, H.imachal
conception that in timber there are primary species
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and
(teak) and secondary species. No such classification
exists and it is a misnomer. All species can be used,
only each species has different end use. Some species Zone2 - Assam, Manipur, Tripura, West Bengal,
are even stronger in cumulative properties than teak. Bihar, Orissa, Mizoram, Arunachal
IS 399: 1963 classifies commercial timber and their Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim, Bhutan,
distribution in India along with different end uses. Andamans.
Therefore it is necessary to check locally available Zone 3 - Madhya Pradesh, Vidharbha areas of
timber for building purposes before specifying the Maharashtra and north east part of
species for woodwork. Andhra Pradesh (Godavari Delta area).
1.3 Moisture content is an important requirement for Zone 4 - Maharashtra (except Vidharbha area),
use of timber in woodwork. Moisture content affects Gujarat, and north west part of Kar-
its workability, size, etc. The moisture content of nataka.
timber changes from season to season depending on Zone 5 - Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Andhra
atmospheric humidity. The application of a finish Pradesh (except Godavari Delta area),
(paint or varnish) reduces the change in moisture con- Kerala and Karnataka (except north west
tent with changes in humidity in the atmosphere. part).
IS 287 : 1993 governs the recommendations for max-
imum permissible moisture content for timber used for 2.2 Information on Timber
different purposes.
Tables in IS 399 : 1963 give information on the
1.4 For actual end use seasoning and treatment of following aspects of timbers available in these zones.
timber are necessary. Seasoning will help in the con-
trol of moisture and it should be done as per IS 1141 : a) Availability - Availability of commercial
1993; and preservation as per IS 40 I : 1982. timber is categorized under three classes as
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
shall be done and allowed to dry before the door size and quality. The size of openings and the door
window or ventilator shutters are fixed. frames shall be checked along with the verticality of
the side frames, level position of the tloor and the wall.
5.3 Precautions
Adjustment any, if necessary, shall be done before the
Precautions shall be taken to fix the door frame so as installation of the shutters. The shutter shall be
to take care of the final floor level and also the follow- installed only after the walls have dried.
ing points: 7.2 Any defects in storage should be rectified, unless
a) Whether the shutters are inside opening or otherwise specified door shutters shall be fixed to the
outside opening,~and frames with 100 mm (or appropriate) long hinges. In
b) Whether the frames are for exterior use or driving screws in hard timbers, pilot holes be driven
interior use. before fixing the screws. The door shutters shall be
checked again after installation.
FRAMES 7.3 All fixtures shall then be fixed on the shutters and
checked for preference.
6.1 General
7.4 Glazed panels, where required, should be fixed
Each door frame shall consist of hinge jamb, lock making sure that the correct size of glass panels are
jamb, head and if required angle thresh hold. The used.
whole shall be welded or rigidly fixed together by 7.5 Flush doors, when used in bathrooms, shall be
mechanical means. Where no threshold is required, protected at the bottom (inside) with 15 cm high-sheet
temporary base tie shall be screwed to the feet of the of aluminium or plastic.
frames in order to form a rigid unit.
7.6 Where combination of doors, windows and ven-
6.2 Components tilators is desired, care shall be taken that the symmetry
of combination both as to dimension, colour and fix-
Base ties, fittings, such as, hinges, fixing lugs, mortar
guards, lock-strike plate and sheet absorbers shall be ture is preserved.
as per IS 435 I : 1976. 7.7 Wooden doors, shutters, etc, shall be finished as
given in Chapter 15 on finishes.
6.3 Installation
Pressed steel door frames are ideally suited for built-in;
while fixing the following instructions shall be fol- 8.1 Joinery work may be started immediately after
lowed: commencement of building work. All pieces shall be
accurately cut and planed smooth to full dimensions
1) Place the door in position at correct height from without any patching or plugging of any kind.
the finished floor level.
Rebates, rounding and moulding as shown in drawings
2) Plumb to ensure that the frame is upright,
shall be made before assembling. The thickness of
square and free from twists.
stiles and rails shall~be as specified for the shutters.
3) Pressed steel door frames are liable to develop
bow in heights or sag in the width either during 8.2 All members of door shutters shall be straight
fixing or during subsequent building work. To without any warp or bow and shall have smooth well
aovid this fix temporary struts across the width, planed faces at right angles to each other. The corners
preventing sides bulging inwards by weight of and edges of panels shall be finished as shown in _““.. ,.,__&
wall or partitions. drawings and these shall be feather tongued into stiles
4) Build the walls up solid or each side and grout and rails. Sash bars shall have mitered joints with
each course so as-to make solid contact with stiles. Stiles and rails shall be properly and accurately
the frame leaving no voids. mortised and tenoned. Rails which are more than
5) Three lugs shall be provided on each jamb and 180 mm in width shall have two tenons. Stiles and rails
the lugs shall not be placed more than 75 cm of shutters shall be made out of one piece only. The
apart. tenons shall pass through the stiles for at least three-
6) Do not remove temporary struts till brickwork fourths of the width of the stile. When assembling a
is set. leaf, stiles shall be left projecting as a horn. The stiles
7) In case screwed base tie is provided, leave it in and rails shall have I2 mm groove in panelled portion
position until floor is laid when it shall be for the panel to fit in.
8.3 The depth of rebate in frames for housing the
7 INSTALLATION OF PANELLED SHUTTERS shutters shall in all cases be 1.25 cm and the rebate in
7.1 Before installation of shutters, it shall be ascer- shutters for closing in double shutter door or window
tained that the shutters, hardware, etc, are of the right shall be not less than 2 cm. In the case of double leaved
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
shutters, the meeting of the styles shall be rebated side only. The other side being supported by the rebate
20 mm. The rebate shall be splayed. from the stiles. For external doors and windows the
beading shall be fixed on the outside.
8.4 The joints shall be pressed and secured by bamboo
hardwood pins of about 6 mm diameter. The horn of 8.9 For fixing glazing, the glass shall be embedded in
the stiles shall be sawn off. putty and secured to the rebate by wooden beads of
suitable size and shape. Wash leather, ribbon velvet,
8.5 The finished work shall have a tolerance of + I mm
rubber flannel, felt, absestos or other similar material
in thickness and f 2 mm in width of stiles and rails.
may be used in place of putty for internal glazing. The
8.6 The contact surfaces of tenon and mortise joints material shall be fitted either as a beading on one side
shall be treated before putting together with bulk type or in such a manner that~it covers all parts of the glass
synthetic resin additive. The shutters shall not be which will be covered by beading (see also 14).
painted, oiled or otherwise treated, before these are
fixed in position. Mounting and glazing bars shall be If glazing compound or putty are not to be used
sub-tenoned to the maximum depth which the size of recourse may be taken to patent glazing as per IS 10439 :
the member would permit or to a depth of 25 mm 1983. The term ‘patent glazing’ is applied to those
whichever is greater. The thickness of each tenon shall forms of glazing that rely on their efficiency upon
be approximately one-third of the finished thickness of some means of collecting and removing water in chan-
the members and the width of each tenon shall not nels or grooves incorporated in the glazing bar as
exceed five times the thickness. distinct from putty or other glazing compounds. For
more details refer to IS 10439 : 1983.
8.7 Beading for panels- may be provided on one or
both sides for fixing wooden panel products. 8.10 Wooden cleats and blocks, for fixing locks,.shall
8.8 For fixing glass and absestos panels, beadings be provided as decided by the Authority.
with grooves shall be provided; where beading is
provided without grooves, the beading shall be on one 8.11 Figures 7 to 7.4 give typical details of joinery.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
pqp pFjg
7.4A Splayed Type 7.48 Square Type
NOTE- t= Thickness
of shutter
9 LEDGED AND BATTENED AND LEDGED, with minimum 12 mm rebated joints. The finished
BRACED AND BATTENED DOOR AND work with a tolerance of +I mm in thickness and
WINDOW SHUTTERS &2 mm in width of battens, ledges, etc. The ends of
battens shall be feather tongued into styles and rails
9.1 Timber specified for ledges, bracing and battens which shall be provided with a 12 mm grove to fit
should be used and sawn in the direction of grains. battens.
Sawing shall be fully straight and square. The timber
shall be planed smooth and accurate to the full dimen- 9.3 The battens shall be fixed together by 25 mm thick
sions, rebated, roundings and mouldings as in draw- ledges and braces to the inside face of door shutters
ings, before assembly. Patching and plugging shall not with screws. The ledge shall be 175 mm wide and
be permitted except as provided. The thickness of the brace 125 mm wide unless otherwise specified. The
doors shall be the thickness of battens only and not the braces shall incline down towards the side on which
Lombined thickness of battens and braces. the door is hung as shown in Fig. 7.5. Edges and ends
of ledges and braces shall be chamfered. Tee hinges
9.2 Planks shall be 20 mm thick unless otherwise
shall be provided in ledges only. The finished work
specified and of uniform width of 75 mm to 100 mm.
shall be with a tolerance of I!I~ mm in thickness and
These shall be planed and made smooth and provided + 2 mm in width of battens ledges etc.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
towards the outside at an angle as shown in drawings and corners and other defects. Screw holes shall be
and shall be fixed in the stiles. The Venetians shall smooth and free from sharp edges, flaws or other
overlap each other by about half of their width. They defects. Screw holes shall be countersunk to suit the
may be fixed or movable. A tolerance of fl mm on head of wood screws. Screws used for fittings shall be
thickness and 5 2 mm on width of the finished work is of the same metal and finished as the fittings. How-
permissible. ever, chromium plated brass screws may be used for
12.3 The louvers may also be fixed to frames in fixing aluminium fittings. Screws shall be driven
grooves of minimum I .25 cm depth. Venetian blades home with screw driver and not hammered in. Recess
shall slope down towards the outside at an angle of 45’ shall be cut to the exact size and depth of counter
or specified otherwise, the overlap shall be about half sinking or hinges.
the width. Fittings shall be truly vertical or horizontal and in
proper position as shown in drawings.
13.2 Figures 7.6 to 7.17 illustrate some of these
13.1 Fittings shall conform to requirements of Indian hardware. The requirements of these hardware are
Standards listed in Annex A. Fittings may be of steel, summarized in SP 2 1 (S & T) : 1983; for hardware not
brass or aluminium or as specified. These shall be well covered here reference may be made to relevant Indian
made, reasonably smooth and free from sharp edges Standards given in Annex A.
I t Ll U
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
t R6
C @7- .
-+ 7 min.
7.9A MildSteel Tee Hinges
MediumandHeavy) L.. L”
Nominul B II h 1.1
40 40 k 1 75+2 2szkI 20+ 1
30 30+ I 7Sf2 2s + I Is+ I
All dimeosionsm millimetres.
7.9B Continuous (Piano) Hinges
146 b
I .’
SP 62 (S & ‘I’) : 1997
NOTE - Shapes of parts are only illustrative but the dimensions and the minimum requirements, wherespecified,arebinding.
16 mm
+ +
F-d-- F-h--
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
\ A
NOTE I - Number and position of screw holes are illustrative and shall conform to the requirements given in IS 5 I87 : 1972.
NOTE 2 -The shapes of the component parts are only illustrative and are not intended to limit the design. Movement of the bolt may
be either by means of a knob or a lever.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
I I ^.
SP 62 (S & T) : 199’7
-“..,r , .._.“&
SP62~(S& Tj~: 1997
SP 62 (S t& T) : 1997
I (80mm TO
G-73 ----+ Lc
I_- ___._-
All dimensions in millimetres.
7.168 Window Stay
-H--i k-----l
I \ >ooo
L__Ip., , l-4
B \,
1 loo0
t1.5 mm
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
14.1 General . Rebates shall be rigid and true. The rebates shall be as
Glazing is an important item in building construction
- 6 mm for small panes.
and glass has to be selected to cater to several require-
ments, such as. in multistoreyed buildings, industrial - 8 mm for normal panes.
structures, etc. Therefore fixing of glass is a special- - 10 mm at tops and sides and 12 mm at bottom
ized operation and has to be done carefully; otherwise for large windows, such as, shop windows.
it w~ill lead to hazards of broken glass. Besides the - 16 mm deep for double or multiple glazed seal
types of glass and exposure conditions have to be taken
units, un!ess otherwise advised by the
into account.
14.2 Patent Glazing - A wider rebate is required for bent glass than
for flat glass; rebate for flat glass without beads
As already mentioned, it is covered by IS 10439 :
1983. shall be enough to accommodate the back
putty, the glass and front putty stripped at an
14.3 Materials angle.
a) The glass shall conform to: - For glazing with beads rebates shall be wide
I) IS 2835 : 1977 for sheet glass. enough to accommodate glass and beads and
2) IS 2553 : 1990 for safety glass. to allow a minimum clearance of 1.5 mm at
3) IS 5431: 1969 for wired and figured glass. both-back and front of the glass.
b) Glazing compound shall conform to: - Rebates and grooves shall be clean and un-
1) IS-419 :-1967 for putty. obstructed before glazing.
2) IS 11433 (Part 1) : 1985, IS 11433 (Part 2)
: 1986 for polysulphide based sealants. 14.4.2 Location of Glass in Frame (see Fig. 7. IS)
3) Compounds for glazing in concrete, stone,
a) The’glass shall rest on two blocks to locate the
brick or asbestos cement are needed to be pane properly within the surround. In case of
sealed to prevent absorption of oil from small panes, the blocks may not be necessary,
the glazing compound, unless the com-
when glazing in side-hung windows or door,
pound has been specifically formulated; the glass shall be located by blocks so that it
resistance to alkali is important. A non-
bears on the bottom of the surround at a point
setting compound may be used, provided near the hinge but is not brought into contact
it is pointed.
with surround and does not suffer und& stress.
4) Non-setting compunds are needed for use
with colour and heat absorbing glasses b) When glazing in horizontal hung sashes, which
which will become hot in sunshine and may turn through about 180°, additional
which are therefore liable to expand and blocks shall be placed between the top edge of
contract much more than ordinary glass. glass and the surround to prevent movement of
The fact that non-setting compounds are the glass when the sash is inverted. When the
easily finger marked make it undesirable panes are more than 90 mm high, the glass shall
to use them without beads except in rela- be located at two pivoting points by blocks of
tively inaccessible situations. suitable material, like chloroprene.
c) The design criteria like thickness, durability,
14.4.3 Preparation of Rebates and Grooves in Wood
fire resistance, thermal expansion and contrac-
tion, light transmission and heat insulation, a) Rebates or grooves should be primed to
sound insulation are to be satisfied as per prevent ,excessive absorption of oil from the
IS 3548 : 1988 on glazing practice. putty. If a shellac varnish or gloss paint is used,
14.4 Glazing the wood may be completely sealed and setting
of putty unduly delayed.
The size of glass shall allow for a clearance between
the edge of glass and surround as specified below: b) Absorbent hardwood frames that are not to be
painted should either be primed with a medium
For wood or metal surrounds Y 2.5 mm composed of equal parts of exterior varnish and
For stone or brick - 3.0 mm white spirit and glazed with linseed oil putty;
The clearance may be increased, provided the depth of or be completely sealed with a coat of un-
the rebate or groove is sufficient to provide not less thinned exterior quality varnish and glazed
than 1.5 mm cover to the glass. with a metal casement putty (which will need
to be painted); or with a non-setting compound.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
b) The glass should be secured by springs or pound against the glass and wood beads should also be
spring clips spaced not more than 350 mm bedded against the rebate.
apart measured around the perimeter of the
pane, and afterwords fronted with the com- a>Care should be taken to see that no voids are
left between the glass and the bead. For outside
pound to form a triangular fillet stopping
glazing, hollow beads are undesirable unless
1.5 mm short of the sight line so that the edge
they can be completely filled.
of the compound may be sealed against the
b) With non-setting compound and where there is
glass by-painting, without encroaching over the
a risk of glazing compound being dislodged by
sight line.
pressure, front and back distance pieces (to
14.4.7 Glazing with Compound into Grooves maintain face clearances) should be used. Dis-
The glass should be pressed into the glazing com- tance pieces should be completely embedded
pounds previously placed in the groove. The space in the compound.
between the glass and sides of the groove should be c> Beads should be secured to the wooden frame
filled with the compound which should then be with either panel pins or screws and to metal
stopped at an angle and not undercut (see Fig. 7.18 C). frames in the way providea for in the-frame. In
securing wooden frames, an adequate number of
14.4.8 Glazing with Beads Alongwith Compound
pins or screws for fixing the beads should be used
Sufficient compound should be applied to the rebate as to prevent flexing or movement of beads.
so that when the glass has been pressed into the rebate, 4 The external glazing should as far as possible
a bed of compound (known as back putty) not less than be fixed from outside with beads as stated in
1.5 mm thick will remain between the glass and the 14.4.5.
rebate. There should also be a surplus of compound e> Where it is not possible to fix the glass from
squeezed out above the rebate which should be outside, especially in a multistoreyed build-
stripped at an angle not undercut, to prevent water ings, it may befixed from inside with sealing
accumulating. Bends should be bedded with the com- compound as shown in Fig. 7.20.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
The problems connected with application of double b) Sealed unitsshould be checked in the opening
for sedge clearance consistent with the
and multiple glazing are briefly as follows:
manufacturers’ recommendations. It is essen-
Two separate window frames, each single- tial to follow any recommendation given by the
glazed--These are preferable for sound in- manufacturer concerning the correct edge to be
sulation. To avoid problems of dirt and glazed at the bottom. Units should be posi-
moisture in the air space, means of access to tioned in the compound approximately one
the cavity should be provided. quarter of the total length from each end. The
width of the blocks should be not less than the
One window frame carrying two sashes
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Where there is a risk of the glazing being b) Luuvred glazing (vertical) - Glass strips are
dislodged by pressure, front and back distance placed angularly and vertically, and inserted as
pieces should be used to maintain face described in 14.4.l2 (a).
20 mm
NOTE-The depthof groovemaybe thricethe thicknessof glassand widthof the groovemnybe I to 1S mm morethan the maximum
thicknessof glass.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(Clauses 13.1 and 13.2)
-.._ ._
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1.1 The dimensions and other details of steel Metal doors windows and ventilators may be required
doors, windows and ventilators shall conform to to be fixed to either masonry openings (including
IS 1038 : 1983. The hot rolled steel sections shall brick, concrete, stone and marble) or timber openings
conform to IS 7452 : 1990. Fire check doors or steel work openings.
shall confirm to IS 3614 (Part l) : 1966 and IS 3614
(Part 2) : 1992.
4 Masonry openings - Masonry openings may
either be rebated or flush and in either case,
1.2 Fixing of aluminium doors, windows and ventila- they may have either external rendering ap-
tions is also covered in this Part. plied or be ‘fair-faced’ (that is, without exter-
nal rendering). It is usual for stone or marble
2 INSTALLATION masonry to be fair-faced.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
t- pmm(f)
k-WlblH OF OPENtNG _
2.3 Installation of Single Units done to the unit during subsequent building
work. Placing of scaffolding on frames or glaz-
a) The units shall be fixed into prepared open-
ing bass shall on no account be done.
ings.They shall not be ‘built-in’ as the walls go
up as this practice often results in brickwork b) The size of the opening shall be checked and
being brought right up to the frame with no cleaned of all obstructions. Suitable markings
clearance allowed and usually distorts the units may be done to fix the unit in the proper posi-
and increases the likelyhood of damage being tion, including the fixing hole positions. In case
I 161
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
k 7 ~000 OR
L l9mm
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
-1.1 This Part covers use of hot rolled steel sections Steel castings shall conform to grade 23-45 of
including tubes in general building construction, in IS 1030 : 1989.
particular fabrication practices and connections. The 2.5 Bolts and Nuts
requirements do not completely cover those of bridges,
chimneys and other special steel structures. This is line Bolts and-nuts shall conform to IS 1363 (Parts 1,2,3) :
1992, IS 1364 (Parts 1,2,3) : 1992, IS 1367(Part 3) :
with the design codes, one for general building con-
struction and others for individual structures depend- 1991, and IS 3640 : 1982 as appropriate.
ing loads, service conditions, etc. 2.6 Washers
1.2 There are three basic methods of connecting steel Washers shall conform to IS 5369 : 1975, IS 5370 :
members through rivets, bolts and welding. Thus, the 1969, IS 5374 : 1975 and IS 6610 : 1972, as
fabrication practices differ. In addition high strength appropriate.
grip bolts are being used in construction which reduces 2.7 Cement Concrete
noise during fabrication on site, and is based on the
Cement concrete used in association with structural
principle of friction through grip.
steel shall conform to IS 456 : 1978.
2 MATERIALS 2.8 Hot Rolled
2.1 Structural Steel Hot rolled sections shall conform to Indian Standards
Structural steel shall conform to IS 1977 : 1975, IS listed in Annex A. It also lists other relevant Indian
2062 : 1992 and IS 8500 : 1992 and any other struc- Standards and Handbooks_prepared so far in relation
tural steel as specified with minimum guaranteed yield to steel construction.
NOTE - IS 226 and IS 961 have been superseded by IS 2062 3.1 General
and IS 8500 respectively.
As much fabrication work as is reasonably practicable
2.2 Rivets shall be completed in the shops where steel work is
fabricated. Tolerances for fabrieation of steel struc-
Rivets shall conform to IS 1929 : 1982 and IS 2155 : tures shall conform to IS 7215 : 1974. Tolerances for
1982 as appropriate. High tensile steel rivet bars shall erection of steel structures shall conform to IS 12843 :
conform to IS 1149 : 1982. Hot rolled rivet bars shall 1989. For general guidance on fabrication by welding
conform to IS 1148 : 1982. reference may be made to IS 9595 : 1980.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
members shall be not less than 4.5 mm. For stanchion and girder tlanges shall, where
hot rolled sections to Indian Standards the possible, be drilled after the members are
mean thickness of flange be considered and not assembled and tightly clamped or bolted
the web thickness. together. Punching may be permitted
before assembly, provided the holes are
c) These requirements of3.1.1 (a) and (b) do not
punched 3 mm less in diameter than the
apply to light structural work or to sealed box
required size and reamed after assembly
section or to steel work in which special
to the full diameter. The thickness of
provision against corrosion has been made;
material punched shall not be greater than
also in case of steelwork exposed to highly
16 mm. For dynamically loaded struc-
corrosive industrial fumes or vapour or slaine
tures, punching shall be avoided.
atmosphere. the minimum~thickness shall be as
agreed to between the customer and designer.
2) When holes are drilled in one operation
through two or more separable parts, these
3.2 Fabrication Procedures parts, when so specified, shall be
separated after drilling and the burrs
4 Straightening - All material shall be straight removed.
and, if necessary, before being worked shall be
3) Holes in connecting angles and plates
straightened and/or flattened by pressure, un-
other than splices, also in roof members
less required to be curve linear and shall be free
and light framing, may be punched full
ft-om twists.
size through material not over 12 mm
b) Clearances - The erection clearance of thick, except when required for close
cleated ends of members connecting steel to tolerance bolts or barred bolts.
steel should preferably be not greaterthan 4) Matching holes for rivets and black bolts
2.0 mm at each end. The erection clearance at shall register with each other so that a
ends ofbeams without webcleats should be not gauge of 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm (as the case
more than 3 mm at each end, but where, for may-be depending on the diameter of rivet
practical purposes, greater clearance is neces- or bolt is less than or more than 25 mm)
sary, suitably designed seatings should be less in diameter than the diameter of the
provided. hole will pass freely through the as-
Where black bolts are used, the diameter of sembled members in the direction at right
holes, shall be generally 1.5 mm more than the angle to such members. Finished holes
diameter of permanent bolts, and 3 mm more shall be not more than 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm
than diameter of erection bolts. (as the case may be) in diameter larger
than the diameter of the rivet or black bolt
c) Cutting passing through them, unless otherwise
1) Cutting may be effected by shearing, crop- specified.
ping or sawing. Gas cutting by mechani- 5) Holes for turned and fitted bolts shall be
cally controlled torch may be permitted drilled to a diameter equal to the nominal
for mild steel only. Gas cutting of high diameter of the shank or barrel subject to
tensile steel may also be permitted H8 tolerance specified in IS 9 19 (Part I ) :
provided special care is taken to leave 1993. Parts to be connected with close
sufficient metal to be removed by machin- tolerance or barrel bolts shall preferably
ing sothat all metal that has been hardened be tightly held together through all the
by flame is removed. Hand flame cutting thickness at one operation and sub-
may be permitted subject to approval by sequently reamed to size. All holes not
the Authority. drilled through all the thickness in one
2) Except where material is to be subsequently operation shall be drilled to a smaller size
joined by welding, no loads shall be trans- and reamed out after assembly. Where
mitted into metal through a gas cut surface. this is not practicable, the parts shall be
3) Shearing, cropping and gas cutting, shall drilled and reamed seperately through
be clean, reasonably square, and free from hard bushed steel jigs.
any distortions, and should the Authority 6) Holes for rivets or bolts shall not be
find it necessary, the edges shall be ground formed by gas cutting process.
3.3 Assembly
4 Holding
I) Holes through more than one thickness of The component parts shall be assembled and aligned
material for members, such as, compound in such a manner that they are neither twisted nor
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
otherwise damaged, and shall be so prepared that the 3.7 Machining of Butts, Caps and Bases
specified cambers, if any, are provided.
1) Column splices and butt joints of struts and
3.4 Riveting compression members depending on contact
for stress transmission shall be accurately
1) Rivets shall be heated uniformly throughout machined and close butted over the whole sec-
their length without burning or excessive scal- tion with a clearance not exceeding 0.2 mm
ing, and shall be of sufficient length to provide
locally at any place. In column caps and bases,
a head of standard dimensions. They shall, the ends of shafts together with attached gus-
when driven, completely fill the holes, and if sets, angles, channels, etc, after riveting
countersunk, the countersigning shall be fully together should be accurately machined so that
filled by the rivet; any protrusion of the parts connected butt over entire surfaces of
countersunk head being dressed off flush, if contact. Care should be taken that these gus-
required. sets, connecting angles or channels, are fixed
2) Riveted members shall have all parts firmly with such accuracy that they are not reduced in
drawn and held together before and during thickness by machining more than 2.0 mm.
riveting, and special care shall be taken in this
2) Where sufficient gussets and rivets or welds
respect for all single riveted connections. For are provided to transmit the entire loading, the
multiple riveted connections, a service bolt
column ends need not be tnachined, the design
shall be provided in every third or fourth hole. of column members should cover this.
3) Wherever practicable, machine riveting shall
3) Ends of all b&ring stiffness shall be machined
be carried out by using machines of the steady or ground to fit tightly both at top and bottom.
pressure type.
4) Slab bases and caps, except when cut from
4) All loose, burned or otherwise defective rivets material with true surfaces, shall be accurately
shall be cut out and replaced before the struc-
machined over the bearing surfaces and shall
ture is loaded, and special care shall be taken be in effective contact with the end of the
to inspect all single riveted connections.
stanchion. A bearing surface which is to be
5) Special care shall be taken in heating and driv- grouted direct to a foundation need not be
ing long rivets.
machined if such face is true and parallel to the
3.5 Bolting upper face.
5) To facilitate grouting, holes shall be provided
I) Where necessary, washers shall be tapered or where necessary in stanchion bases for the
otherwise suitably shaped to give the heads and escape of air.
nuts of bolts a satisfactory bearing.
2) The threaded portion of each bolt shall project 3.8 Solid Round Steel Columns
through the nut by at least one thread.
3) In all cases where full bearing area of the bolt 1) Solid round steel columns with shouldered
ends shall be provided with slab caps and bases
is to be developed, the bolt shall be provided
machined to fit the shoulder, and shall be tight-
with a washer of sufficient thickness under the
ly shrunk or welded in position.
nut to avoid any threaded portion of the belt
being within the thickness of the parts bolted 2) The tolerance between the reduced end of the
shaft and the hole in case of slabs welded in
position, shall not exceed 0.25 mm.
3.6 Welding 3) Where slabs are welded in position, the
reduced end of the shaft shall be kept just
1) Welding shall be in accordance with IS 816 : sufficiently short to accommodate a fillet weld
1969, IS 819 : 1957, IS 1024 : 1979, IS 1261 : around the hole without weld metal being
1959, IS 1323 : 1982 and IS 9595 : 1980 as proud of the slab. Alternatively, the caps and
appropriate. bases may be directly welded to the column
2) For welding any particular type of joint, without bearing or shouldering. All bearing
welders shall give evidence acceptable to the surfaces of slabs intended for metal-to-metal
Authority of having satisfactorily completed contact shall be machined perpendicular to the
appropriate tests as described in any of the shaft.
. Indian Standards, namely, IS 817 (Part 1) :
1992, IS 1393 : 1961, IS 7307 (Part 1) : 1974, 3.9 Painting ‘i
IS 7310 (Part 1) : 1974 and IS 7318 (Part 1) :
1974 as appropriate. Painting shall be done as prescribed in IS 1477 (Parts : . 1
1 and 2) : 1971 (see also Chapter 15). L
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1) All surfaces to -be painted, oiled or otherwise manufacturers’ works which are concerned
treated shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned to with the fabrication of steelwork and shall be
remove all loose scale and loose rust. afforded all reasonable facilities to satisfy that
2) Shop contact surfaces need not be painted un- the fabriction is being undertaken in accord-
less specified. If so specified, they shall be ance with the specifications.
brought together while the paint is still-wet. 2) Unless specified otherwise, inspection prior to
3) Surfaces not in contact, but inaccessible after despatch shall not interfere with the operation
shop assembly shall receive the full specified of the work.
protective treatment before assembly. This
3.14 Site Erection
does not apply to the interior of hollow sections
(see IS 3502 : 1981). 1) Plant and Equipment - The suitability and
4) /Chequered plates (see IS 3502 : 1981) shall be capacity of all plant and equipment used for
painted but the details of painting shall be erection shall be to the satisfaction of the
specified by the Authority. Authority.
5) In case the surfaces are to be welded, the steel 2) Storing and Handling - All structural steel
shall not be painted or metal coated within a should be so stored and handled at the site that
suitable distance of any edges to be welded, if the members are not subject to excessive
the paint specified or metal coating would be stresses and damage.
harmful to the welders or impair the quality of 3) Setting Out-The positioning and levelling of
welds. all steelwork, the plumbing of stanchions and
6) Welds and adjacent parent metal shall not be the placing of every part of the structure with
painted prior to de-slugging, inspection and accuracy shall be in accordance with approved
approval. drawings and to the satisfaction of Authority.
7) Parts to be encased in concrete shall not be 4) Security during Erection - Safety precaution
painted or oiled. during erection shall conform to IS 7205 :
1974. During erection, the steelwork shall be
3.10 Marking
securely botled or otherwise fastened and,
Each piece of steelwork shall be distinctly marked when necessary, temporarily braced to provide
before delivery, and bear such other marks as in for all load to be carried by the structure during
accordance with a marking diagram as well facilitate erection including those due to erection equip-
erection. ment and its operation.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(in addition to any shop priming) and shall be be used provided that due allowance is made for any
brou~ght together while paint is still wet. slippage.
3) Where the steel has received a metal coating in 4.3 Composite Connections
the shop, this coating shall be completed on site
so as to be continuous over any welds and site In any connection which takes a force directly trans-
rivets and bolts; but subject to the approval of ferred to it and which is made with more than one type
Authority, protection may be completed by of fastening, only rivets and turned and fitted bolts may
painting on site. Bolts which have been gal- be considered as acting together to share the load. In
vanized or similarly treated are exempted from all other connections sufficient number of one type of
this requirement. fastening shall be provided to transfer the entire load
4) Surfaces which will be inaccessible after site for which the connection is designed.
assembly shall receive the full specified treat-
4.4 Members Meeting at a Joint
ment~before assembly.
5) Site painting should not be done in frostly or For triangulated frames designed on the assumption of
foggy weather, or when humidity is such as to pin jointed connections, members meeting at a joint,
cause condensation on the surfaces to be shall, where practicable, have their centroidal axes
painted. meeting at a point; and wherever practicable the centre
of resistance of a connection shall be on the line of
3.17 Bedding of Stanchion Bases and Bearings of
action of the load so asto avoid eccentricity moment
Beams and Girders on Stone, Brick or Concrete
on the connections.
(Plain or Reinforced)
1) However, where eccentricity of members or if
1) Bedding shall be carried out with cement,
connection is present, the members and the
grout, or mortar or with cement concrete as in
connections shall provide adequate resistance
IS 456 : 1978.
to the induced bending moments.
2) For multistoreyed buildings, this operation 2) Where the design is based on non-intersecting
shall not be carried out until a sufficient num-
members at a joint all stresses arising from
ber of bottom lengths of stanchions have been
eccentricity shall be calculated and this stress
properly lined, levelled and plumbed and
within limits specified.
sufficient floor beams are in position.
3) Whatever method is employed, the operation 4.5 Bearing Brackets
shall not be carried out, until the steelwork has
Wherever applicable, connections of beams to
been finally levelled and plumbed, the
columns shall include a bottom bracket and top cleat.
stanchion bases being supported meanwhile by
Where web cleats are not provided, the bottom bracket
steel wedges; and immediately before grout-
shall be capable of carrying the whole of the load.
ing, the space under the steel shall be thorough-
ly cleaned. 4.6 Gussets
4) Bedding of structure shall be carried out with Gusset plates shall be designed to resist the shear,
grout or mortar which shall be of adequate direct and flexural stresses~acting on the weakest or
strength and shall completely fill the space to critical section. Re-entrant cuts shall be avoided as far
be grouted and shall either be placed under as practicable.
pressure or by ramming against fixed supports.
4.7 Lug Angles
Lug angles connecting achannel shafied member, shall
4.1 General as far as possible, be disposed symmetrically with
respect to the section of the member.
As much of the work of fabrication as in reasonably
practicable shall be completed in the shops where the 1) In case of angle members, the lug angles and
steel work is fabricated. their connections to gusset or other supporting
member shall be capable of developing a
4.2 Rivets, Close Tolerance Bolts, High Strength
strength not less than 20 percent in excess of
Friction Grip Fasteners, Black Bolts and Welding
the force in the outstanding leg of the angle and
Where a connection is subject to impact or vibration the attachment of the lug angle to the angle
or to reversal of stress (unless such reversal is solely number shall becapable of developing 40 per-
due to wind) or where for some special reasonsuch as cent in excess of that force.
continuity in rigid framing or precision in alignment 2) In the case of channel numbers and the like, the
of machinery, rivets or close tolerance bolts, high lug angles and their connections to the gusset
strength friction grip fasteners or welding shall be or other supporting member shall be capable of
used. In all other cases bolts in clearance holes may developing a strength of not less than 10 per-
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
cent in excess of the force not accounted for by When two or more parts are connected
direct connection of the member, and the together, a line of rivets or bolts shall be
attachment of the lug angles to the member provided at a distance of not more than (37 mm
shall be capable of developing 20 percent in + 4 t) the nearest edge. In case of work not
excess of that force. exposed to weather, this may be increased to
3) Inno case shall fewer than two bolts or rivets 12 t.
be used for attaching the lug angle to the gusset 4) Tacking Rivets - Tacking rivets not subject to
or other supporting member. calculated stress shall be used, in case the
4) The effective connection of the lug angle shall, maximum distances specified in 4.8 (2) is ex-
as far as possible terminate at the end of the ceeded. The pitch of tacking rivets in line shall
member connected, and the fastening of the lug not exceed 33 t or 300 mm whichever is less.
angle to the member shall preferably start in When the plates are exposed to weather, the
advance of the direct connection of the mem- pitch in line shall not exceed 16 t or 200 mm,
ber to the gusset or other supporting member. whichever is less. In both cases, the lines of
tacking rivets shall not be apart at a distance
4.8 Pitch of Rivets
greater than the pitches.
1) Minimum Pitch - The distance between In tension members composed of two angles,
centre of rivets shall not be less than 2.5 times flats, channels or tees in contact back-to-back
the nominal diameter of the rivet. or seperated back-to-back by a distance not
2) Maximum Pitch - The maximum pitch for more than the aggregate thickness of the con-
any two adjacent rivets shall not exceed 32 t nected parts, tackng rivets shall be at a pitch
where t is the thickness of the thinner outside not exceeding 1 000 mm.
plate or 300 mm.
For compression members as above, the pitch
In tension members the distance between any shall not exceed 600 mm.
two adjacent rivets, in a line lying in the direc-
4.9 Pitch of Bolts
tion of stress, shall not exceed 16 t or 200 mm;
and 12 t or 200 mm for compression members. They shall be as for rivets including edge distances and
In case of butting compression members, the tacking bolts.
distance shall not exceed 4.5 times the 5 FABRICATION AND CbNNECTIONS FOR
diameter of the rivets for a distance from the DESIGN BY PLASTIC THEORY
abutting faces equal to 1.5 times the width of 5.1 Fabrication
the member.
All the requirements of fabrication as per 3 shall apply
The distance between centres of any two con- for fabrication for design of steel structures by_ _
secutive rivets in a line adjacent and parallel to theory subject to the following:
an edge of an outside plate shall not exceed
( 100 mm + 4 t) or 200 mm; whichever is less a ) The use of sheared edges shall be avoided in
in compression or tension members. locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at
factored loading. Ifvsed they shall be finished
When rivets are staggered at equal intervals
smooth by grinding, chipping or planning.
and the gauge does not exceed 7.5 mm, the
distances specified herein between centres of b) In locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at
rivets, may be increased by 50 percent. factored loading, holes or rivets or bolts in the
3) Edge Distances - The minimum edge distance tension area shall be sub-punched and reamed
from the centre of any hole to the edge of the plate or drilled full size.
shall be not less than as given below:
5.2 Connections
Din of DiLstalzce to Distance to Rolled.
Hole Sheared or Hand Muchine Flume Cut, 4 All connections which are essential to the con-
Flame Cut Edge Sawn or Planed Edge tinuity, assumed as the basis of design analysis
mm mm mm shall be capable of resisting the moments,
13.5 and below I9 17 shears and axial loads to which they would be
IS.5 2s 22 subjected by either full or factored loading.
17.5 29 2s b) Corner connections (haunches), tapered or
19.5 32 29 curved for architectural reasons shall be so
21.5 32 29
proportioned that the full bending strength of
23.5 38 32
25.5 44
the section adjacent to the connection may be
29.0 51 44 developed.
32.0 57 51 c> Stiffeners shall be used, as required, to
.________ 57 51 preserve the flange continuity of interrupted
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
members at theirjunctions with other members posed to weather. In case some other metallic
in a continuous frame. Such stiffeners shall be corrosion protecting material is used, such as
placed irrpairs on opposite sides of the web of aluminium painting, the renewal of coating
the member which extends continuously may be done after longer intervals.
through the joint.
6.3 Fabrication
TUBULAR STRUCTURES 4 As mentioned in 6.1, provisions of 1 to 5 apply
to construction using tubes also. Where weld-
6.1 General
ing is adopted provisions of IS 8 16 : 1969 shall
The use of tubular steel in structural work would result apply, as appropriate.
in considerable savings, particularly in case of roof
trusses, latticed girders and compression members in b) The component parts of the structure shall be
assembled in such a manner that they are
general. This clause on fabrication and connections
neither twisted nor otherwise damaged and be
for tubular structures is complimentary to the
so prepared that the specified cambers, if any,
provisions of 1 to 5. Requirements which are of
are maintained.
special application to construction using steel tubes
are included here. c) Straightening - All material before assembly
6.2 Materials shall be straightened, if necessary, unless’
otherwise required to be a curvilinear form and
a) Steel tubes shall be hot roiled finished tubes shall be free from twist.
conforming to IS 1161 : 1979. Tubes made by
other than hot finishing processes or which d) Bolting
have been subjected to cold working, shall be 1) Washers shall be specially shaped where
regarded as hot finished, if they have sub- necessary, or other means used, to give the
sequently been heat-treated and are supplied in nuts and the heads of bolts a satisfactory
normalized conditions. bearing.
2) In all cases where the full bearing area of
NOTE - Grade ERW YSt 22 tubes specifiedin IS I 16 I :
the bolt is to be developed, the threaded
I979 with a carbon content less than 0.30 percent, may be
considered as hot finished for this purpose. portion of the bolt shall not be within the
thickness of the parts bolted together, and
b) Electrodes used for welding of steel tubes shall washers of appropriate thickness shall be
conform to IS 814 : 1991. provided to allow the nut to be completely
Minimum Thickness tightened.
1) For tubular steelwork painted with one
~priming coat of red oxide and zinc e) Cut Edges-Edges should be dressed to a neat
chromate paint after fabrication and peri- and workman like finish and be free from dis-
odically repainted and maintained tortion where parts are to be in contact metal-
regularly, the wall thickness of tubes used to-metal.
for construction exposed to weather shall Caps and Bases,for Columns - The ends of
be not less than 4 mm (see 2); for con- all tubes for columns, transmitting loads
struction not exposed to weather, it shall through the ends, shall be true and square to the
be not less than 3.2 mm and; where struc- axis of the tube and should be provided with a
tures are not readily accessib!e for main- cap or base accurately fitted to the end of the
tainance, the minimum thickness shall be tube and screwed, welded or shrunk on. The
5 mm. cap or base plate shoul‘d be true and square to
2) Steel tubes used for construction exposed the axis of the columns.
to weather shall be not less than 3.2 mm
thick and for construction not exposed to g) Sealing of Tubes - When the end of a tube is
weather shall be not less than 2.6 mm thick not automatically sealed by virtue of its con-
provided that in each case the tube is ap- nection by welding to another member, the
plied with: end shall be properly and completely sealed.
- one coat of zinc primer conforming to Before sealing, the inside of the~tube should-be
IS IO4 : 1979, followed by a coat of paint dry and free from loose scale.
conforming to IS 2074 : 1992; or
h) Flattened Ends-In tubular construction, the
- two coats of paint conforming to IS 123 : ends of tubes may be flattened or otherwise
formed to provide for welded, riveted or bolted
This painting schedule should be reviewed connections, provided that the methods
after every two years in the case of tubes ex- adopted for such flattening do not injure the
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
material. The change of section shall be welding. When butt weld running throughout
gradual. is not employed, a fillet running throughout
should be used where the diamter of the branch
j) Oiling and Painting - If not galvanized, all
tube is less than one-third of the diameter of the
tubes shall, unless otherwise specified, be
main tube. The combined fillet-butt weld
painted or oiled or otherwise protectively
should be used when the diameter of the branch
coated before exposure to the weather. If they
tube is equal to or greater than one-third of the
are to be painted with any special require-
diameter of the main tube.
ments, this shall be arranged. Reference may
3) A weld connecting the end of one tube to
also be made to Chapter 15.
the surface of another, with axes of tubes
6.4 Connections intersecting at an angle less than 30°, shall
be permitted only if adequate efficiency of
General - Connections in structures using
the junctions has been demonstrated.
steel tubes shall be provided by welding, rivet-
ing or bolting. Wherever possible, connec- 4) Connections where the axes of the two
tubes do not intersect - A weld connect-
tions between tubes shall be made directly tube
to tube without gusset plates and other attach- ing the end of one tube to the surface of
ments. Each tube may be flattened as specified another, where the axes of the tubes do not
in 6.3 (h) or otherwise formed to provide for intersect, shall be subject to the provision
of 6.4 (c) (2) and (3) provided that no part
welded, riveted or bolted connections. When
loads are required to be carried from one tube of the curve of intersection of the eccentric
to another or are required to be distributed tube with the main tube lies outside the
between tubes, diaphragms which may be curve of intersection of the corresponding
tubular, designed with sufficient stiffness to largest permissible eccentric tube with the
distribute the load between tubes, shall be main tube (see Fig. 8.1).
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
5) Connections of tubes with flattened diameter of the flattened tube for this pur-
ends - Where the end of the branch tube pose shall be measured in a plane perpen-
is flattened to an elliptical shape, the dicular to the axis of the main tube.
provisions of 6.4 (c) shall apply and the
(Clause 2.8)
12778 : 1989 Parallel flange beam and column 10801 : 1984 Recommended procedures for heat
sections - Dimensions treatment of welded fabrication
12779: 1989 Rolling and cutting tolerances for 11991 : 1986 Recommended practice for flash butt
parallel flange beam and column welding of tubes, rods and other sec-
sections tions in carbon and alloy steels
SP 6 (7) : 1972 Simple welded girders
A-2 DESIGN CODES AND HANDBOOKS IS1 handbook for manual metal arc
welding for welders.
IS No. Title
SP 12: 1975 Handbook for gas welders
800 : 1984 Use of steel in general building
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1.1 The design of cold formed sections is covered by 2.1 Cold formed gauge sections shall conform to
IS 801 : 1975. The fabrication is largely by resistance IS 811 : 1988.
spot welding and by site bolting. This is because of 2.2 Design code using cold formed sections shall con-
extremely thin sections used in cold forming. IS 819 : form to IS 801: 1975. SP 6 (5) : 1980 is the handbook
1957 for resistance spot welding of light assemblies in for cold formed light gauge sections.
mild steel covers the fabrication practices of cold
formed sections.
3.2 Materials
3.3 General Construction
2.1 General 3.5 Spreading the Under layer
2.2 Preparatory Work 3.6 Laying Terrazzo Topping
2.3 Bedding 3.1 Curing
2.4 Laying of Bricks 3.8 Grinding
2.5 Dry Brick Paving 3.9 Laying Terrazzo Skirtings and Dados
3.10 Maintenance
3.1 General
3.2 Preparatory Work 4.1 General
3.3 Construction of RB and RBC Roof or Floor 4.2 Materials
3.4 Laying of Bricks and-Reinforcement 4.3 Preparatory Work
3.5 Curing 4.4 Bedding
3.6 Removal of Formwork 4.5 Laying of Tiles
3.7 Finishing 4.6 Grinding and Polishing
4.7 Laying of Rough Tiles
4.8 Tolerance in slaying
FLOORING 4.9 Skirting, Dado Work and Staircase -Tread
1.1 General
4.10 Maintenance
1.2 Materials
1.3 Types of Floor Finishes ANNEXA SURFACE
1.4 Mix Proportions CONCRETE
1.5 Durability
1.6 Resistance to Attack by Chemical Reagents
1.7 Slipperiness 1 GENERAL
1.8 Surface Hardening Solutions
1.9 Size 0f~Panels 2 TYPESOFINDUSTRIAL
1.10 Protection against~Dampness
1.11 Finish over Stairs 2.1 Types
1.12 2.2 Considerations for Selection of Floor Finish
Laying of Concrete Flooring on Ground
1.13 2.3 Properties of Floor Finishes
Laying of Bonded Construction (Type II)
1.14 2.4 Recommendations for Floor Finish for In-
Laying of Floor Topping on Suspended Slabs
dustrial Buildings
FORFLOOR 2.5 Bedding and Jointing of Materials
2.1 General
2.2 Materials 3.1 General
2.3 Preparatory Work 3.2 FloorFinishes for Different Sections of Dairy
2.4 Laying of Floor over Base Concrete Floors
2.5 Laying of Floor Topping on Suspended Slab 3.3 Waterproofing Membrane for Dairy Floors
2.6 Curing 3.4 Drainage in Dairies
2.7 Maintenance 3.5 Maintenance of Dairy Floor
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
9.3 Storage
4.1 General 9.4 Mixing
4.2 Thickness 9.5 Application
4.3 Preparatory Work 9.6 Acid-Curing
4.4 Laying 9.7 Chemical Resistance of Silicate Type Mortars
10.1 Material
10.2 Storage
FLOORS 10.3 Safety Precautions
10.4 Mixing
2.1 General
10.5 Handling
2.2 Types Application
2.3 Materials
10.7 Acid-Curing
2.4 Properties of Magnesium Oxychloride Floors Chemical Resistance of Resin Type Mortars
2.5 Application
2.7 Maintenance
2.8 Protection of Metal Work 11.1 Material
I 1.2 Storage
3 BITUMENMASTICFLOORING 11.3 Safety Precautions
3.1 General 11.4 Melting and Pouring
3.2 Materials 11.5 Application
3.3 Preparatory Work 11.6 Chemical Resistance of Sulphur Type Mor-
3.4 Laying tars
4.1 General 12.1 General
4.2 Preparatory Work 12.2 Materials
4.3 Laying and Fixing of Rubber Flooring 12.3 Classes of Mosaic Parquet Flooring
12.4 Parquet Floor Patterns
12.5 Wood Block Flooring Patterns
5.1 General 12.6 Mosaic Parquet Panel
5.2 Materials 12.7 Dimensions
5.3 Preparatory Work 12.8 Fabrication and Laying
5.4 Laying
6.1 General
6.2 Materials
6.3 Types of Epoxy Resin Toppings 1 GENERAL
6.4 Preparatory Work
6.5 Laying 2 MATERIALS
6.6 Maintenance
7.1 General
7.2 Materials 4.1 Single Joisted Timber Floor
7.3 Preparatory Work 4.2 Double Joisted Timber Floor
7.4 Laying 4.3 Triple Joisted Timber Floor
4.4 Solid Timber Floors
MORTARS 4.5 Purpose-Made Floors
9.1 Material
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
a) Limeconcrete sub-gradeshall be allowed to set c) Bricks shall be laid on the mortar bed by gentle
for seven days. If the sub-grade is of lean topping. The inside faces of bricks shall be
cement concrete, flooring work shall be com- smeared with mortar before the next brick is
menced within 48 h; if not the surface of the laid and pressed against it. On completion of
sub-grade shall be roughened with steel wire a portion of flooring, the vertical joints shall be
brushes, wetted by sprinkling water and fully filled with mortar from top. The surface
smeared with a coat of cement slurry at 2.75 kg of the flooring shall be checked frequently for
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
trueness and slope. In case of flat brick floor- 3.2.3 Details of corrosion protection are as below:
ing, bricks shall be laid with frog down, when
laid flat in plain courses, the units shall be a>Quality of concrete mix, should be higher than
M 15.
bonded to break joints at half the length~of the
bricks. b) Cover to reinforcement as specified in\
IS 456 : 1978 subject to severe conditions.of
4 All joints shall be full of mortar; the thickness exposure.
of joints shall be 8 to 10 mm. The joints shall
be flush pointed after being raked out 10 mm c>Protective coatings may be as follows:
deep while the mortar is still green. The raked 1) Cement-sand-asphaltkoaltar pitch mix-
joints, after cleaning, shall be wetted and filled ture coating - A dry mixture of cement,
with I:3 cement mortar. molten asphalt or coaltar pitch and dry
sand in the ratio of 1: I:3 by mass should
The flooring shall be cured at least for 7 days
be applied on the steel surface to a thick-
after completion. In case of cement lime mor-
ness of 6 mm and surface should be
tar, curing shall commence 2 days after laying
finished by flaming.
and continued for 7 days.
2) Cement-sand-mortar with neat cement
2.5 Dry Brick Paving finish - 1:3 cement mortar to a thickness
of 6 mm shall be applied. The surface
The bricks without soaking in water, shall be laid dry, should be finished with a neat cement
flat or on edge on 12 mm thick mud mortar laid to slurry finish with a2: 1 water cement ratio.
required slope on the sub-grade. The mud mortar shall 3) Empty resin/mortar rendering may also be
be made of soil free from vegetable roots, gravel, and applied in existing structures.
coarse sand; the plasticity index shall be between 9 to 41 Steel reinforcement may be coated with
12 percent and it shall be prepared as in Chapter 4. cement slurry to inhibit corrosion.
After laying the bricks, the joints shall be filled with
fine sand. Reinforcement shall be free from rust; heavy
rust shall be removed by brushing or by de-
3.3 Construction of RB and RBC Roof or Floor
3.1 General 3.3.1 Centering shall be erected to support the RB
Reinforced brick and brick concrete floors are widely floor or roof from below. The centering shall be
smooth, clean and to correct alignment. The top sur-
adopted, particularly in north India. This type of con-
struction consists of laying high strength bricks direct- face of the formwork shall be given an upward camber
ly over the formwork with reinforcements in between of 1 mm for every 150 mm of span subject to a
the joints and filling up the joints with concrete. This maximum of 30 mm to allow for initial settlement.
type of construction has been found to be strong, Before laying the slab, the formwork and the supports
durable and it also facilitates quick construction. shall be checked to prevent undue sag and to ensure
However, in this type of construction, reinforcement overall safety and stability of the formwork.
deteriorates due to corrosion, unless otherw~ise 3.3.2 All main and distribution bars shall be placed in
protected. the position in Fig. 9.1 and shall be completely em-
bedded in concrete. They shall be rigidly secured
3.2 Preparatory Work against any displacement and arrangement shall be
made to ensure proper cover to reinforcement. Splices
3.2.1 Bricks shall be kept immersed in water for 4 to
6 h and removed about 15-20 min before they are in adjacent bars shall be staggered. Horizontal spacing
of bars shall not be more than 3 times the effective
used so that their skin is dry when concrete is
poured. depth or 450 mm whichever is smaller. The pitch of
the distribution bars shall be not more than 5 times the
effective depth or 450 mm whichever is smaller. The
3.2.2 Reinforcement shall be so placed, that they do
reinforcement in either direction shall not be less than
not touch bricks at any point. A minimum cover of
0.20 percent of the cross section of slab for mild steel
25 mm shall beprovided all round the reinforcement.
and 0.16 percent for deformed bars.
Corrosion of reinforcement shall be prevented by
taking measures recommended in IS 9077 : 1979 3.3.3 The bricks, as prepared in 3.2.1 shall be laid as
which deals with corrosion protection of reinforce- shown in Fig. 9.1 with cement mortar 1:3. Preferably
ment in RB and BBC construction. In general two bars a minimum spacing of 60 mm in between bricks should
shall not be used in the same joint. be maintained for preventing corrosion.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1 IN-SITU CONCRETE FLOORING properties and facility of easy cleaning and main-
1.1 General tenance which make it suitable for use in houses,
offices, schools, hospitals and light industrial build-
In-situ cement concrete flooring consists essentially of ings. Depending on the loading conditions and degree
rich cement concrete, and possesses good wearing
of wear resistance needed, the floor finish has to be laid
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
in various thicknesses; and careful selection of mix cal floor finish (Type I) with good wearing quality (see
proportion, panel sizes and number of layers has to Figs. 9.2 and 9.4).
made. Also the laying operations have to ensure proper
bonding of the finish to the base or sub floor. 1.3.2 Bonded Floor Finish (Types II, III, V and VI)
depending on the expected load, wear of the floor and CEMENT CONCRETE TO+PING
whether the top is monolithic with base or laid THE BASE CONC-RETE
separately on a set and hardened base. In either case r20
special precaution is necessary to ensure bond between
topping and the base.
In case of monolithic construction even a small thick- 9.2A Without Hard Core Sub-Base
ness of topping is sufficient because of strength im-
parted to it by the base concrete and such type of finish All dimensionsin millimetres.
is quite suitable as a moderately strong and economi- F~9.2 MONOLITHICFLOOR FINISH
(OVERGROUND)- Continued
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997’
9.2B With Hard Core Sub-Base 9.2C Sub-Base for Regions Having
Expansive Soil
All dimensions in rmllimetres.
9.3A Tapping Laid in Single Layer 9.38 Topping Laid in Two Layers
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
9.5A Topping Laid in Single Layer 9.5B Topping Laid in Two Layers
r 25
All dimensions
in nlillimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Concrete floors possess good durability and resistance Floor finish shall be divided into panels so as to reduce
to abrasion and wear depending upon the following the risk of cracking. The size of the panel is governed
factors: by the thickness of floor finish, the type of construc-
tion (monolithic or bonded), local conditions of
a>Choice of Aggregate - Hard tough aggregate
temperature, humidity and the season in which the
is essential for good durability as well as
flooring is laid. For floor finish laid in hot and dry
abrasion resistance.
climates or in exposed situations, the size of the panels
b) Water-Cement Ratio - The lower the water for floor finish shall be smaller than those laid in less
cement ratio the greater the durability and wear exposed situations or in cold and humid climates. The
resistance provided the flooring is fully com- size of panels for monolithic floor finish can be larger
pacted. than that of bonded floor finish. Generally no
dimension of a panel shall exceed 4 m in case of
cl Density of Flooring - Durability increases
monolithic floor finish and 2 m in case of bonded
with density of finish. The staining of floor
floor finish. The length of the panel shall not exceed
surface that may result from absorption of oils
1; times its breadth. Dividing strips may be used to
is, reduced by increasing the density of floor
finish. form panels.
4 Curing - Adequate curing is very essential to a>The joints of floor finish shall extend through
ensure good wear resistance. the border and skirtings. If the skirting is
laid monolithic with the flooring, a border of
1.6 Resistance to Attack by Chemical Reagents about 300 mm width must be provided alround
the floor. The width of the border provided
Concrete flooring is slowly attacked by acids, around the floor when the skirting is not
vegetable oils, sugar solution and various other agents; monolithic with floor finish shall not exceed
prolonged exposure to these reagents will bring about 450 mm.
gradual deterioration. b) Construction joints between bays of the floor
finish should be placed over any joints in the
1.7 Slipperiness base concrete.
The slipperiness of concrete surface depends mainly
1.10 Protection against Dampness
upon the surface treatment, highly polished type of -“QIw*
floor finish is likely to be slippery. A trowel finished
The layer of sand provided under the base concrete will
floor is reasonably non-slip. Non-slip surfaces may be
generally serve w a damp-proof course under normal
obtained by trowel finish or by providing non-slip
conditions. However in more severe conditions,
inserts. Floor finishes over ramps, stairs and other
damp-proofing as described in Chapter 12 shall be
similar situations, specially if they are liable to get wet,
shall be finished in chequered pattern to make them
1.11 Finisb~over Stairs
1.8 Surface Hardening Solutions I
For risers 6 mm thick mortar finish~will be sufficient, n
It is not necessary, generally, to ~apply any further 10 mm thickness may be provided when the-surface
treatment to the cement concrete floor topping but of structural concrete is uneven. At treads, the thick-
. dusting may be reduced by application of one of the ness shall be not less than 20 mm for monolithic type
surface hardening solutions of sodium silicate, mag- of construction and 40 mm for bonded construction.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
1.12 Laying of Concrete%looring on Ground left anywhere in the whole area. This shall be
covered with clean sand well consolidated to a
1.12.1 Preparation of Sub-base
thickness of not less than 100 mm.
a) The ground or earth filling shall be thoroughly
b) In cases where wheeled traffic comes into con-
compacted so that there are no loose pockets
tact with sub-base, as in garages, the sub-base
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
The area shall be divided into suitable panels (see 1.9). The base concrete may be deposited over the whole
This shall be done by fixing screed strips, the depth of area at a stretch. Before placing the concrete in the
which shall be equal to combined thickness of the base sub-base, the whole area shall be properly w,etted and
concrete and the topping. The screed strips may be rammed. The concrete so placed shall be thoroughly
tamped and the surface finished level with the top
coated with a thick coat lime wash so as to prevent
them sticking to the concrete deposited in the panels. edges of the forms. The surface of the base concrete
Before placing the base concrete, the sub-base shall be shall be left rough~to receive the topping. Two or three
properly wetted. The concrete so placed shall be hours after the concrete is laid, the surface shall be
thoroughly tamped and surface screeded uniformly brushed with a hard brush to remove any laitance or
below the finished grade of flooring to accomodate the scum and swept clean so that the coarse aggregate is
required thickness of topping. Any slope desired in the exposed.
floor finish shall be given in the base concrete. The 1.13.3 Laying of Topping
surface shall be kept rough to receive the topping.
The surface of base concrete shall be thoroughly
1.12.3 Laying the Topping cleaned by scrubbing with a coir or steel wire brush.
Where the concrete is hardened so that roughening of
On the clean green surface of the base concrete, the the surface by wire is not possible, the entire surface
topping shall be laid as soon as possible but not later shall be roughened by chipping and hacking. The
than 2 to 3h of laying the base concrete, depending surface shall be soaked with water, before laying the
on the atmospheric conditions. The base concrete topping, at least for 12 h and surplus water shall be
shall be still green, but sufficiently firm to enable removed by mopping immediately before laying the
workmen to walk over it by placing planks on its topping.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
rough after tamping it and levelling it with screed water overnight and wiped clean. On the clean
board. damp surface of sub-floor, lime concrete shall then be
The top 15 mm thick wearing layer of I:2 to 3 concrete evenly spread between forms, throughly tamped and
mix of consistency stiffer than underlayer concrete levelled.
shall then be laid immediately over the rough but green The clean surface shall be covered with a thin layer of
surface of underlayer, thoroughly tamped struck-off neat cementslurry and then the topping shall be laid
level and the surface floated with a wooden float. Any either in single or two layers.
unevenness in the surface shall be made good imme-
1.14.4 Curing
diately. The surface shall then be finished smooth as
in 1.12.3. The surface shall be cured for 15 days and no traffic
shall be allowed during this period; traffic shall be
1.14 Laying of Floor Topping on Suspended Slabs
allowed only after 28 days.
1.14.1 Floor Topping Laid Monolithically with
Structural/Suspended Slab (Type IV) 2 IN-SZ1’U GRANOLITHIC CONCRETE FOR
4 The framework of structural slab shall be
erected to the finished thickness of floor finish. 2.1 General
The concrete shall be deposited in the
a) Granolithic concrete floor topping is adopted
framework and surface finished below the top
for heavy engineering factories, workshops,
edge of the form to accommodatethe required
garages, warehouses, etc, where the floor is
thickness of the topping; any required slope
subject to heavy loads and severe abrasion
shall be given~in the structural concrete and any
combined with impact. The granolithic con-
laitance or scum shall be brushed away from
Crete essentially consists of rich concrete made
the surface of concrete when it is still green.
with specially selected aggregate of high hard-
The surface shall be left rough to receive the
ness, surface texture and particle shape suitable
for use as a wearing finish to the floors. Al-
b) On the green surface of structural concrete, though plain concrete laid as per 1 of this Part
topping shall be placed immediately after the would be satisfactory for many purposes,
concrete has stiffened to allow the workmen to granolithic concrete is chosen because of its
walk over it by placing planks. high abrasion resistance and used for floor
Laitance and foreign matter if any shall be removed. toppings wherever abrasion combined with
The topping shall be laid and thoroughly compacted impact is likely to be severe.
and screeded to the finished grade. The topping shall b) The base doncrete shall be laid as per 1 of this
be floated with a wooden float to render the surface Part and here only the laying of granolithic
even. It shall be finished as in 1.12.3. topping is described as a supplement to 1 of this
1.14.2 Floor Topping Laid Directly over the Hardened Part.
StructuraVSuspended Slab (Type V and Type VI)
c) There are two methods of laying in-situ
a> Preparation of surface-When the topping is granolithic concrete floor topping. The topping
to be laid separately but directly over the slab shall be laid within 3 h of the laying of the base,
without any cushioning layer, the structural that is, monolithically with the base concrete;
concrete shall be brushed thoroughly with a or alternatively shall be laid anytime after the
coir or steel wire brush and swept clean to base has begun to harden, in such a way as to
expose the coarse aggregate and leave the produce the maximum possible bond between
surface rough. the base and topping, that is, it shall be laid
separately from the base. In ground floors it is
b) Laying topping - The surface of concrete advisable to lay the granolithic concrete top-
shall be thoroughly cleaned. Where concrete ping monolithically with base concrete. In the
has hardened, the entire surface shall be case of bonded construction extreme care shall
roughened by chipping or hacking. The rest of be taken to ensure no breaking of bond be-
the operations shall be as in 1.13.3. tween the base and topping.
1.14.3 Floor Topping Laid over Cushioning Layer of
_ 4 Floor finish to be laid depends on nature of use
Lime Concrete (see Table 9.1)
and performance expected ~of the topping. Preparation of sub-floor - Before laying Therefore the thickness, selection of mix
lime concrete, the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned proportions, pane1 sizes and the type of con-
by scrubbing with steel wire brushes and soaked with struction shall be carefully decided.
SP 62 (S ‘& T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
concrete shall be deposited in the forms thoroughly shall be brushed with a layer of neat cement slurry. The
consolidated and surface finished below the top edge granolithic concrete shall be laid and finished smooth
of the form to accomodate the required thickness of the as in 2.4.
topping. Any slope required in the floor finish shall be NOTE-Where lime and good quality of bricks are not avail-
given in the structural concrete itself when it is still able 1:4:8 cement concrete may be used.
green. The surface shall be finished smooth but rough
enough to provide an adequate bond for the topping. Table 9.4 Different Types of Granolithic
On the green surface of the structural concrete, Concrete Floor Topping
granolithic concrete (1: 1:2) shall be placed in position (Clauses 2.4 and 2.5)
immediately after the structural concrete has stiffened SI Type of Topping Thickness Remarks
enough (but is still plastic) to allow workmen to tread No. of Granolithic
over it by placing planks. Laitance and foreign matter, Concrete Floor
if any, shall be removed and then granolithic concrete inmm,Min
placed in position. The topping shall be thoroughly
A. Floor Topping Laid over Base Concrete on Ground
compacted and screeded to the finished grade. The
i) Floor topping laid 20 Granolithic concrete
topping shall be floated with a float to render the floor topping shall be
monolithically with
surface even. The mix for the structural concrete as base concrete laid monolithic with
well as the topping shall be as stiff as possible consis- base concrete
tent with workability so as to prevent accumulation of ii) Floor topping laid 40 Granolithic concrete
excess of water or laitance on the surface. After the separately on floor topping shall be
surface is hardened it shall be finished smooth as in hardened based laid over separately
concrete prepared surface of set
1.12.3. and hardened base con-
NOTES crete
wearing properties and facility for e.asy cleaning. It can TERRAZZO TOPPING
also be used in skirting and dados. Use of cement UNDERLAYER
concrete flooring tiles is covered in 4.
3.2 Materials
a>Aggregates used in terrazzo topping shall be
marble aggregates with size varying from
1 mm to 25 mm. Marble powder used in
terrazzo topping shall pass through IS Sieve L STRUGTURAL SLAB
UNDERLAYER mix of aggregates of different colours in the required
proportions. The proportions of cement shall be in-
clusive of any pigments added to cement. The propor-
tions in which pigments are mixed with cement or
white cement to obtain different colours for the binder
shall be as specified in Table 9.5.
3.3.4 Size of Panels
FIG. 9.7 TERRAZZOFINISHOVER GROUND a) While laying the floor the joints in tlooring
shall always coincide with the expansion
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
joints, if any, in the structural slab so that any b) Where different coloured chips are used, they
movement of the base will be in the joint in the shall be first well mixed in required propor-
flooring instead of forming uncontrolled tions of various colours and sizes.
cracks. c> Coloured cement may be procured as ready
mixed material or mixed at site; in the latter
b) Differential shrinkage or expansion between
case the pigment and cement in the required
terrazzo and the sub-floor may cause cracks in
proportions shall be mixed thoroughly and
the flooring and floor joints shall be formed so
sieved before further mixing with marble
that the positions of such cracks are controlled.
powder and aggregates.
The floor both while laying the underlayer and
later on the topping shall be divided into panels
4 The coloured cement shall be thoroughly
mixed in dry state with marble powder. The
not exceeding 2 m2 so as to reduce the risk
binder so obtained and the mix of chips shall
of cracking. The joints shall beso located that
then be mixed dry together as given in 3.3.3.
the longer dimension of any panel does not
exceed 2 m. The panel shall preferably be e) While mixing the aggregates, care shall be
taken notto get the materials into a heap, as this
separated by means of dividing strips. How-
would result in the coarsest chips falling to the
ever where butt joints are provided, the bays
edge of the heap and cement working to the
shall be laid alternately allowing for an interval
centre at the bottom. The material shall be kept,
of at least 24 h between the laying of adjacent
as far as possible, in an even layer during
After the materials have been thoroughly
Table 9.5 Cement Pigment Proportion for
mixed in the dry state, water shall be added in
Various Colours of Matrix in Terrazzo Work
small quantities, preferably in a fine spray,
(Clauses 3.2,3.3.3 and 4.2.5)
while the materials are being mixed until the
All proportions by mass.
proper consistency is obtained. The mixture
Colour -Pigment to Proportion Proportion Proportion shah be plastic but not so wet that it will flow;
be Used of Pigment of Cement of White
Cement a rough indication for the addition of proper
quantity of water in the mix is that it shall be
(1) (2) (3) (4) 6)
capable of being moulded when squeezed in
Red Red oxide of iron 1 15-20 Nil
(see IS 44 : 1969) hand without water flowing out. A high water
Black Carbon black 1 25-40 Nil
cement ratio will produce a mixture with a high
(see IS 40 : 1971) dry shrinkage.
Green chromium oxide
(see IS 54 : 1975)
1 15-30 Nil s> Machine mixing may preferably be used but
the common type of concrete mixer is not as
Pink Red oxide 1 Nil 100-300 suitable for terrazzo work as the mixer special-
(see IS 44 : 1969)
ly made for this purpose, in which segregation
Cream Yellow oxide of iron 1 Nil 100-400 is prevented by~blades with a lifting as well as
(see IS 44 : 1969)
rotating movement. Only constant work justi-
Yellow Yellow oxide of iron 1 Nil 25-75
(see IS 44 : 1969) fies the installation of such special machines.
Light Green chromium oxide 1 Nil 50-150 h) The mix shall be used in the work within half
Green (see IS 54 : 1975) an hourof the addition of water during prepara-
French - Nil 1 to2 1 tion.
3.5 Spreading the Underlayer
Fawn Yellow oxide of iron 1 6 4
(see IS 44 : 1969) 3.5.1 Dividing strips, including the stips required for
3.4 Preparatory Work decorative design, shall be fixed on the base to the
exact surface level of floor so as to divide the surface
3.4.1 Mixing of Materials
of base into the required arrangement of panels.
a) Mixing of materials is of great importance, for 3.5.2 Where the dividing strips are not used, the
if this is not done thoroughly the work will not screed strips shall be fixed on the base, properly
have a uniform appearance. If done manually levelled to the correct height to suit the thickness of
the mixing shall preferably be done in a trough floor.
or a tub. With a view to avoid variation in
3.53 The base shall be cleaned of all~dirt, laitance, or
colour the complete quantities of cement and
loose material and then well wetted with water without
pigment required for one operation shall be
forming any water pools on the surface. It shall then
mixed at the begining of work and stored
be smeared with cement slurry just before spreading
of underlayer.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.5.4 After application of cement slurry, the under- stencils or framework shall be rectified with a large
layer shall be spread and levelled with a screeding trowel, care being taken to consolidate terrazzo to
board. The slightly rough surface left by the screeding avoid damage to the edges of the design.
board will form a satisfactory key for the terrazzo.
3.7 Curing
3.6 Laying Terrazzo Topping
The surface shall be left dry for air-curing for a dura-
3.61 Terrazzo topping shall be laid while the under- tion of 12 to 18 h depending on the atmospheric
layer is still plastic, but has hardened to provent cement conditions. It shall then be cured by allowing water to
from rising to the surface which is, normally, achieved stand in pools over it for a period of not less than 4
between 18 to 24 h after the underlayer has been laid. days. Precautions shall be taken to prevent the floor
A cement slurry preferably of the same colour as the from being subjected to extreme temperature.
topping shall-be brushed orrto the surface immediately
before laying is commenced. If possible, the entire 3.8 Grinding
work of laying the topping shall be completed at one
3.8.1 The grinding and processing of terrazzo may be
commenced not less than 2 days from the time of
3.6.2 The terrazzo mix shall be placed on the screed completion of laying for manual grinding and not less
bed and compacted thoroughly by tamping or rolling than 7 days for machine grinding. The period that
and trowelled smooth, The. time interval allowed be- should be allowed before the floor is fit for grinding
tween each successive trowelling is important as only depends upon the materials, their proportions and the
that much trowelling, which is sufficient to give a level weather. The sooner the grinding is done the easier it
surface, is needed immediately after layer. Further is; if it is done too soon the grinding may tear out the
compacting shall be carried out at intervals, the amount chips from the matrix.
depending upon the temperature and rate of set of the
cement. Excessive trowelling or rolling in early stages 3.8.2 The filling shall be done with a grout using the
shall be avoided as this tends to work up cement to the same coloured cement (without marblepowder) as the
surface~producing a finish liable to cracking and also original mix for terrazzo topping and a portion of the
necessitates more grinding of surface to expose the coloured cement shall be kept for this purpose when
marble chips. the floor is laid; this ensures that the parches do not
differ in appearance from the remainder of the floor.
3.6.3 The surface shall then be rammed in order to
consolidate the terrazzo; it is not sufficient just to 3.8.3 Grinding and polishing may be done either by
‘float’ lightly, as this would cause depressions which hand or by machine. The operations shall be as given
have to be filled with mortar. A piece of smooth marble below :
stone of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 25 mm may be
advantageously used for ramming. Following the ram- a) The first grinding shall be done with carborun-
mer, a trowel may be used. When using the trowel the dum stones of 60 grit size.
object should be to make surface level and smooth with b) The surface shall then be washed clean and
as little use of the float as possible relying on pressure grouted with neat cement mortar of the same
rather than upon a~trowelling action to achieve this end. colour as matrix grout of cream like consisten-
Rolling will be easier than tamping and patting but a cy. It shall then be allowed to dry for 24 h and
rolled terrazzo is more likely to crack since the roller wetcured for 4 days in the same manner as
would draw cement to the surface unless the mixture specified in 3.7.
is very dry. The best results are obtained by tamping c) The second grinding shall be done with car-
combined with minimum of trowelling. The compac- borundum stone of 80 grit size.
tion shall ensure that the air bubbles are cleared from d) The surface shall then be prepared once more
the mix. as in 3.8.3 (b).
e) The third grinding shall be done with carborun-
3.6.4 Work on Borders and Decorative Designs dum stone of 120 to 150 grit size.
Borders and decorative designs shall be laid before the f) The surface shall again be washed clean and
main body of the flooring. They shall Abe laid and allowed to dry for 12 h and wetcured for 4 days
finished in the same manner as flooring, preferably in the same manner as in 3.7.
using dividing strips. Where, however, stencils or g) The fourth grinding shall be done with car-
framework of wood or metal are used instead of divid- borundum stone of 320 to 400 grit size.
ing strips, they shall be removed before the topping h) The surface shall again be washed clean and
mix commences to harden. The removal shall be rubbed hard with felt and slightly moistened
effected with as little disturbance to the materials as oxalic acid powder; 5 g of oxalic acid powder
possible and any ragged edges left after removal of the is adequate for 1 m2 of floor surface.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.8.4 When all constructional and finishing works, 4 Tile flooring may be laid on most types of
namely, painting, distempering, electrical work, reasonably rigid base, provided that the sub-
plumbing, joinery work, etc, are completed and just floor is of sufficient strength for the type of
before the area is occupied the floor shall be wahsed flooring proposed and is not liable to settle-
clean with dilute oxalic acid solution and dried. Floor ment at any time. Cement concrete flooring
polishing machine fitted with felt or hessian bobs shall tiles are not recommended for use where they
then be run over it until the floor shines. will be exposed to the action of acids and
In case wax-polished surface is desired, the wax-polish alkalis. However, they give suitable service if
shall be sparingly applied with soft linen on the clean exposed to seawater, vegetable oil or fats.
dry surface. Then the polishing machine fitted with b) For the purpose of selecting tiles, floors are
bobs shall be run over it. Clean sawdust shall then be generally classified into the following types :
spread Dver the floor and polishing machine again be 1) General purpose or light duty floors, that
applied mopping up surplus wax leaving glossy sur- is, those subject to pedestrian traffic as in
face. Care shall be taken to see that the floor is not left offices, domestic buildings, hospitals,
slippery. colleges, banks etc;
3.9 Laying Terrazzo Skirtings and Dados 2) Medium duty floors, that is, those subject
to heavy pedestrian traffic from trolleys,
3.9.1 Underlayer casts, etc, as in factories, pavements, plat-
forms, railway stations, driveways etc;
For terrazzo finish on vertical surfaces like skirting and
dados, the underlayer shall consist of a layer of stiff and
cement mortar 1:3 (by volume) and finished rough so 3) Non-slip floors (where chequered tiles are
as to provide adequate key for topping. used), that is, footpaths and pavements,
special factory floors, platforms, ramps,
3.9.2 Thickness etc.
3.10 Maintenance The cement used for laying the tiles and grouting shall
conform to IS 269 : 1989, or IS 455 : 1989, or IS 1489
Under normal conditions, the flooring may be kept (Parts I & 2) : 1991, or as specified.
clean by washing periodically with water and
occasionally with a dilute solution of oxalic acid after 4.2.3 Lime
which it shall be mopped down with cold water and Class B or Class C conforming to IS 712 : 1984.
dried. If desired, the floor may be polished using a hard
wax-polish or an emulsionpolish. 4.2.4 Tiles
Soap in any form shall not be used as it tends to make
The cement concrete flooring tiles to be used shall
the terrazzo dangerously slippery; excessive polishing
conform to IS 1237 : 1980.
has a similar effect. The surface may also be kept free
from oil and grease toavoid slipperiness. 4.2.5 Pigments
4 CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORING TILES .Pigments incorporated in mortar or used for grating
4.1 General shall conform to Table 9.5.
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4.3 Preparatory Work 4.5.2 Surplus cement slurry after the days work shall
be cleaned and joints washed fairly deep.
4.3.1 Completion of Work Before Laying of Tiles
4.5.3 The day after the tiles have been laid, joints shall
4 All the inside walls, ceiling and outside walls be filled with cement grout of the same shade as the
shall be plastered and door frames and win- colour of the matrix of the tile. The freshly laid portion
dows fixed in position. of-the tiles shall be prevented from damage by provid-
b) The sub-floor shall be finished to a reasonably ing suitable barricades.
true plane surface about 35 to 50 mm below the 4.5.4 Tiles which are fixed to the floor adjoining the
level of the finished floor, properly graded and wall shall go about 10 mm under the plaster, skirting
free from loose earth, dirt or dust and lumps. or dado as may be required by the designer. For this
cl Before tiling work is started, all points of level purpose the wall plaster may be left unfinished by
for the finished tile surface shall be marked out. about 50 mm above the level of the proposed finished
This is particularly necesary in the case of flooring and the unfinished strip may be plastered later
finished staircase landings. Wherever slopes in or after the tiles are fixed.
finished floors are desired points of level and
4.5.5 In odd situations where a full tile cannot be
outlets shall be correctly marked and outlet
provided, tile shall be cut to size and then fixed.
openings made before hand.
4 Where it is feared or suspected that dampness 4.5.6 After fixing the tiles, the floor shall be kept
may percolate either from the ground floor or moist and allowed to mature for 7 days so that the
walls, the same shall be damp-proofed or bedding and joints set properly. After this, it may be
waterproofed as described in Chapter 12. used for light traffic. Heavy traffic shall not be allowed
on the floor for at least 14 days after fixing the tiles.
4.4 Bedding
4.5.7 Wherever big areas of floor are to be tiled, the
a>Spreading ofCement Mortar- The base shall level of the central portion of the floor shall be kept
be well compacted and the surface shall be about 10 mm higher than the level marked at walls
rough to form a suitable key. The base shall be unless specified otherwise. This is normally done to
cleaned and wetted without allowing any pools avoid the optical illusion of a depression in the central
of water on the surface. Cement mortar 1:6 for portion of the tiled hall.
shall be evenly spread over the base for two
rows of tiles and about 3 to 5 m in length with 4.6 Grinding and Polishing
thread level fixed at both ends to act as a guide. 4.6.1 Grinding and polishing of tiles shall commence
The top of the mortar shall be kept rough so only after the floor as well as the joints have properly
that cement slurry can be absorbed. The thick- set and in no case earlier than 14 days of laying.
ness of bedding shall he not less than 10 mm
4.6.2 ~Grinding should preferably done by machine
and not more than 30 mm in any one place.
except for skirting.
Tiles shall then be laid as in 4.5.
4.6.3 For grinding terrazzo tile flooring, the first
b) Spreading of Lime Mortar - After preparing grinding-shall be with machine fitted with carborun-
the surface as in (a) above lime mortar 1:1:2
dum stones of 48 to 60 grit. When the floor is rubbed
(1 lime: 1 SURKHI: 2 coarse sand) or 1:3 (1
even and chips show uniformity it shall be cleaned
lime: 3 SURKHI) or 1:3 (1 lime: 3 coarse sand)
with water marking base all pinholes. Grouting in the
shall be spread evenly limiting the thickness as
same shade is then briskly applied so that all pinholes
in (a).
are properly filled in. The grout shall be kept moist for
4.5 Laying of Tiles a week for proper setting. Thereafter, the second grind-
ing operation with Carborundum of 120 grit is com-
4.51 Laying of tiles should commence next morning menced. The floor is grouted again to fill in fine pin-
by which time the bedding becomes sufficiently hard holes. After curing, the flooring is left with protective
to offer a rigid cushion for the tile and enable masons film till other works are completed and all workers
to place wooden planks and squat on them. Neat quit. Before the final grinding the floor is swept clean.
cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread Final grinding is done with carborundum of 220 to 350
over the mortar bed, over such an area at a time as grit using plenty of water and taking care that any
would accomodate 20 tiles. The tiles shall be fixed foreign matter, particles of sand, etc, are prevented.
with grout one after the~other, each tile being tapped When surface is rendered smooth, it is washed with
gently with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded water. Afterwards oxalic acid powder is vigorously
and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be applied with machine fitted with hessian bobs to bring
kept as close as possible and in straight lines. The joints out sheen. Wash the floor clean and apply dry linen to
between the tiles shall normally be 1.5 mm wide. suck in moisture. If desired wax-polish may finally be
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
applied mechanically with clean hessian bobs. Super- 4.9.2 Before fixing tiles on brick or concrete wall, the
fluous wax is mopped-up with saw dust till occupation. wall surface shall first be wetted with clean water.
This will protect the surface and help increase lustre. Thereafter, in case of dado the wall surface shall be
-When saw dust is spread, water should not be spilled uniformly and evenly covered with about 10 mm thick
as this is likely to give stains on the polished surface. backing of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand). In the case of-skirting the tiles shall be directly
4.6.4 When hand grinding and polishing has to be
fixed with cement mortar 1:4 without initial backing.
adopted, the various processes in the same sequence
Before the cushioning mortar has hardened, the back
sha!l be carried out as in 4.6.3, except that stones with
of each tile to be fixed shall be covered with a thin layer
coarser grit may be used.
of neat cement paste and the tile shall then be gently
4.6.5 In the case of plain cement and coloured tiles, tapped against the wall with a wooden mallet. The
the process of polishing shall be the same as in 4.6.3 fixing shall be done from bottom of wall upwards.
except that initial grinding with Carborundum stone of Each tile shall be fixed as close as possible to the one
48 to 60 grit may not be necessary. adjoining and any difference in thickness of tile shall
be evened out in the cushioning mortar or cement paste
4.6.6 Chequered and Grooved Tiles
so that all the tile faces are set in conformity with one
These tiles normally do not require polishing. But another.
where polishing is required, the same shall be done as 4.9.3 Wherever possible, skirtings and dado shall be
in 4.6.5. ground and polished just as for floor work with
machine suitable for the purpose. Skirtings and dado
4.7 Laying of Rough Tiles
may also be polished by hand.
4.7.1 Where the tiles have been supplied and fixed in 4.9.4 Precast treads and risers for staircases shall be
rough condition (not ground and filled by the manufac- laid and polished as for flooring.
turer), the first grinding shallbe done not less than 14
4.9.5 The laying and polishing of tiles for external
days after fixing the tiles. The initial grinding shall be
paving shall be done similar to that of ordinary floor-
done with Carborundum stones of 36 to 48 grit. The
remaining process shall be as in 4.6.3.
4.10 Maintenance
4.8 Tolerance in Laying
a) After laying, the floor shall be allowed to
The permissible deviation from datum depends on the remain clean and free from cement, oil, paint,
area involved; for a large open area a deviation upto plaster droppings and all materials likely to
15 mm may be tolerated. Localized deviation of 3 mm stain or spoil the tiles. If appliances, such as,
in any 3 m may be accepted in nominally flat floor. trestles, ladders, steps etc, have to be used for
electrician’s plumber and other light work, it
4.9 Skirting, Dado Work and Staircase - Tread
shall be ensured that parts in contact with the
flooring are padded and no sliding of the ap-
49.1 Tile skirtings, where required, shall be fixed pliances shall be permitted.
only after laying the tiles on the floors. If tiles are to
b) Subsequent maintenance shall be done by
be fixed on walls as dados, the portion of the wall to regularly swabbing with clean water followed
be tiled shall be left unplastered. Also, dado work shall by rubbing with dry linen.
be done only after laying tiles on the floor.
(Clauses 1.8 and 2.2)
A-l CLEANING THE SURFACE tions to penetrate. Thorough cleaning of the surface
shall be ensured particularly in old surfaces. The top
A-l.1 The top surface of concrete shall be clean and
surface shall be wetted with water and scrubbed with
free from grease or oil to enable the hardening solu-
coir or steel wire brush and cleaned with water. The
198 f
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(1) (2) (3) (4) (3 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
0 Factories and
a) Heavy industries VI VI I -- R - - - - I 0
b) Light industries I I I D R - - - I< 0
v) Factories using I R I D I R I D D D D
process involving
sugar solutions, etc
vi) Dairies VI I VI D VI D I - - R
VI = Very important, D = Desirable. 1=~Important. - = Not usually required, R = Required to some degree, 0 = Variable, very
important to not required sometimes.
Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resistant tiles withstand impact and wear and where the floor
conforming to IS 4457 : 1982 have good resis- need not be too smooth and even.
tance to acids and are suitable for floorings Quartzite slabs are used mainly for entrance
subject to acid attack, impact and abrasion. halls or where a decorative appearance com-
cl Stoneflooring- The~types of stones useful for bined with good wearing properties under
flooring are granite, basalt, quartzite and heavy foot traffic is required. The stone is easy
sandstone. Granite is very hard and resistant to clean and does not become slippery.
to wear by abrasion or impact, and to attack by Sandstones (see IS 3622 : 1977) of suitable
chemicalagents. variety and thickness may be used for light
It is readily cleaned and if kept clean, it is non- duty flooring.
slippery till unworn; after considerable wear, it 4 Steel und cast iron floor firtish - Metal floor
may become smooth and slippery and finishes are used where severe wearing condi-
mechanical roughening may be necessary. It is tions are encountered. Several types of steel or
used in thick slabs of various sizes depending cast iron units are used for heavy duty flooring.
upon the conditions of use. Granite slabs are This type of finish includes:
suitable for the flooring of loading and unioad- 1) open metal grids embedded in gran-
ing platforms in workshops, godowns, etc. nolithic concrete or in bitumen mastic,
Basalt flooring will be suitable for heavy 2) soild tiles or solid plates, and ’
engineering factories and garages as it may 3) open metal grid suspended floors.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Open metal grids embedded in granolithic con- may cause indentation. In selecting bitumen
crete are suitable for loading platforms subject mastic flooring consideration may be given to
to impact and wear caused by movements of be anticipated service conditions, particularly
trollies with iron wheels, under wet or greasy the type of traffic and possible contact with
conditions as in the case where bottled milk are oils, acids and the like. Thesurface of bitumen
handled. Steel tiles with a smaller proportion mastic flooring is liable to become slowly
of open space than the grids embedded in softened by prolonged contact with greases,
granolithic concrete are suitable for situations fats and oils. Contamination with such
subject to heavy abrasion and impact. The open materials shall be avoided.
metal grids and steel tiles tend to become slip-
h) Linoleum flooring - Linoleum provides a
pery when oily and to corrode when wet. Solid clean, dust free and resilient flooring. In light
faced metal tiles (usually made of cast iron) are industry, such as, in electronic industry,
highly resitant to wear and impact and to action linoleum flooring may be used as the risk of
of oils, fats,salts and alkalis provided the joints damage by cutting to which linoleum is vul-
are filled with appropriate chemical resistant nerable is small. If linoleum gets wet, it ex-
material (see Part 4). The plain surface types pands, mildews and eventually rots.
are liable to become slippery if wet or even
when dry if polished by wear, and hence spe- j> Rubber flooring - The flooring is resilient
and noiseless. The flooring is suitable for
cial types with patterned surface shall be used
electronic industry, computer rooms, etc.
under these conditions The solid metal tiles
are particularly usetil, on loading bays where k) Flexible PVCflooring - The PVC flooring
there is heavy trucking and in dairies where a provides a clean, dust free and resilient floor-
high standard of cleanliness combined with ing. The flooring may be easily cleaned with
high resistance to-wear and~chemical attack is wet cloth, as dirt and grime do not penetrate the
required. surface.
Steel or cast iron grid suspended floors are used m>Epoxy resinfloor topping - The use of epoxy
for elevated platforms or walk ways around resin floor toppings is characterized by its ex-
large machinery. Floors on which liquids or ceptional physical and chemical properties,
solids are continuously being spilled may be such as, chemical resistance, hardness,
made of supported steel grids with suitable abrasion resistance; compressive, impact and
channels beneath, from which the spilled structural strengths; dimensional stability and
material may be drained or recovered. adhesion to concrete, metal and other surfaces.
This is suitable for use on industrial floors,
e>Wooden block with lead lining - This such as, chemical plants manufacturing
provides a non-sparking floor finish and is fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, acids, solvents,
suitable for floors where explosives are etc, in dairies, tanneries, breweries, garages,
stored. service stations, warehouses, metal plating and
pickling areas.
f) Magnesium oxychloride - The flooring mix
gives a fairly strong and durable floor with 2.4 Recommendations for Floor Finish for
good appearance. However, the flooring is Industrial-Buildings (see Table 9.8)
affected by continued exposure to water, acids,
and salt solution. Too wet a mix with excessive 2.4.1 Floors for Heavy Engineering Factories,
magnesium chloride results in sweating of the Workshops and Garages
floor surface. Mineral oils, greases, vegetable, Floors in heavy engineering factories, workshops and
oils, ~milk products and mild alkalis do not garages shall be resistant to impact, abrasion and attack
affect the floor. by lubricating oils. The epoxy resin floor topping is
S) Bitumen mastic jlooring - Bitumen mastic suitable for heavy industrial floors. The extent to
flooring is considered suitable for industrial which the floors will be subjected to heavy wear and
buildings, storage houses, etc, because of its impact will often vary widely in different parts and
resiliency, wearing quality and ease of main- since the more important type of finishes are more
tenance. Bitumen mastic flooring to expensive it is advisable to ascertain as far as possible,
IS 1196 : 1978 is dustless, odourless, jointless before laying the finishes, where trucking gangways
and impervious to the transmission of moisture or processes involving impact will be located and to
either in liquid or vapour form. The flooring is provide accordingly. Steel or cast iron tiles or plates,
easily cleaned, quiet under traffic and resilient. embedded in granolithic concrete may be used for
Bitumen mastic flooring is also durable. While areas of heavy abrasion by steel-tyred trucks or where
it may carry heavy loads, concentrated loads a high resistance to impact is required.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SI Type of Finish Resi- Free- Even- War- Appe- Resi- Resistance to Attack~by Heat
dom ness mtb A \ Resis-
No. sta- ara- sta- /
nce from or to nce nce Water Mineral Org- Alka- Solu- Mine- Vege- tance
to Slip- Smoo- Tou- to Acids anic lis tions rat table
Abra- peri- th- cb Im- Weak St&g Acids of Oils Oils
sion ness ness pact Sulp- and and
hates, Gre- Fats
Phos- ases
:I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
i) Portland cement
a) In-situ V%-P VG VG-P P G G-P VG P VP F-P G P-VP G P G
b) Precast VG-G VG VG-P P G G-F VG P VP F-P G P-VP G P G
ii) Steel tiles or VG G P P F VG VG-F P VP F-P G P-VP G P G
grids embedded
in concrete
iii) Cast iron tiles VG F -F-P P F VG G-P P VP G F F-P VG G VG
iv) Natural stones VG-F G-F G-F P G-F VG-F G G-P F-VP G G-F F G G G
v) Heavy duty burnt G VG F P F G VG G G-P G F-VP G-P G G G
clay brick/paving
vi) Fire brick G VG F P F G-F VG VG G G G-P G G VG
vii) Acid resistant VG VG F P G VG VG VG G G G G G VG
brick and tiles
viii) Magnesium VG G VG G VG VG P P VP G G VG VG G
ix) Bituminous G-F G G F F G VG F-P VP P G F FP
x) Linoleum F VG VG VG VG G G G G-P G G G GF
xi) Rubbersheetsl F VG VG F VG G G G-P G-VP F G P GP
xii) PVC-asbestos F VG G G VG G VG F F VG VG VG VG VG
xiii) Epoxy resins VG G F G G G VG G G-F G VG VG VG G
xiv) Polyester resins G G F G G G VG G G-F G VG G G G Granalithic concrete with suitable ,materials embedded in granolithic concrete are suitable
and good workmanship will provide in light industrial for loading and unloading platforms subjected
workshops and garages a floor finish of reasonable to heavy impact.
durability. Special aggregates and metallic floor har-
2.4.3 Food Factories, Factories Processing Meat,
deners may be added to the granolithic concrete where
Vegetables, Animal or Vegetable Oils, Breweries,
heavy impact and wear is expected.
Beer Cellars, etc
2.4.2 Loading and Unloading Platforms There are many factories making soap, candles and
lubricating oils, in which the floors are subject to the
4 The requirements of loading and unloading
platforms and industrial loading bays are action of animal or vegetable oils or fats due to spillage
primarily high resistance to impact and combined with abrasion. The epoxy resin floor topping,
abrasion and non-slipperiness. is suitable in such situations. Magnesium oxychloride
flooring or heavy duty brick flooring may also be
b) Steel tiles or ‘anchor-plates’ or metal grids adopted.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
ii) Loading and unloading a) Platforms involving Granolithic concrete or granite slabs -
platforms normal loading conditions or paving bricks
b) Platforms involving heavy impact Steel tiles or anchor plates or metal -
grids embedded in granohthicconcrete
iii) Food factories, factories a) Floors subjected to the action Epoxy resin floor topping or paving -
processing meat, animal or of lubricating oils combined bricks or ceramic unglazed vitreous,
vegetable oils, breweries, with the action of hot water acid-resisting tiles
beer, cellars, etc
b) Abrasion resistance not severe Magnesium oxychloride flooring -
c) Severe abrasion Epoxy resin floor topping or paving bricks -
iv) Factories using processes a) Places where abrasion and Epoxy resin floor topping or unglazed
involving sugar solutions and impact are not excessive vitreous acid-resistant tiles or acid-resistant
weak acids bricks
b) Places where hot sugar solution Unglazed vitreous acid-resistant tiles or Tiles or bricks
or molasses are used acid-resistant bricks shall be bedded
and jointed in
v) Factories handling or using a) Places where common salt Granolithic concrete or bitumen mastic -
salts or salt solutions and is the main constituent of
fertilizers spillage
b) Spillage containing any type Epoxy resin floor topping or ceramic -
of salts or fertilizers unglazed vitreous acid-resistant tiles or
acid-resisting bricks
2.4.4 Factories Using Processes Involving Sugar ful to the floor finishes. Bitumen mastic floor-
Solutions and Weak Acids ing is suitable for such situations because of its
impermeability and resistance to chemical
In factories processing fruits and vegetables or
action. Granolithic concrete may also be used.
using sugar syrups, as for example, preserve,
~b) Nitrates, sulphates and phosphates which are
canning, pickle, fruit drink, sweet or sugar
widely handled in the fertilizer industry, may
factories, the floors are subject to chemical
lead to rapid deterioration of the cement con-
action by fruit acids, vinegar and sugar syrup
crete floor. Epoxy resin floor topping or floor
and often to impact and abrasion by movement
paved with ceramic unglazed vitreous acid-
of casks and~by trucking.
resistant tiles or acid-resistant bricks will be
b) Unglazed vitreous acid-resistant tiles or acid- suitable in such situations.
resistant bricks properly bedded and jointed 2.5 Bedding and Jointing Materials
with chemical resistant mortar [IS 4832 (Parts
2.51 Appropriate choice of bedding and jointing
1 and 2) : 1969, IS 4832 (Part 3) : 1968 (see
materials is essential if the risk of defective floors or
also Part 4 of this Chapter)] provide a satisfac-
premature failure is to be avoided, even when the main
tory floor for such situations. Epoxy resin floor
flooring material, that is, block, slab or tile, is of a type
topping is also suitable for such situations.
which would otherwise be satisfactory.
2.4.5 Factories Handling or Using Salts or Salt
a) The various materials used for bedding and
Solutions and Fertilizers
jointing materials and their resistance to
a) The risk of deterioration of floors upon which deterioration is indicated in Table 9.9. The
salts or salt solutions may be spilled as in material shall adhere properly to the base on
tanning, bacon curing, or chemical factories which the finish is laid and to the finishing
depends on the nature of the salts, chlorides, as units. It shall be durable and resist chemical
in common salt when spills are not very harm- attack.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
(1) (2) (3) (4) (3 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (13
0 Portland 1:3 Hard F F VG VP VP F-P VG P G P. G
cement mortar
ii) Bituminous Hot, as Plastic G G-F VG F P P G G P P P
mastics supplied
iii) Rubber latex Rubber, Resilient VG G G G-P P P G F F F P
cement mortar latex with
iv) Chemical Silicate Hard and G F P VG VG VG P G G G G
resistant solution rather
silicate type and brittle
mortars fillers
Vl Chemical Sulphur Hard G G VG G G-F G G G G F P
resistant and tillers,
sulphur type dry mortar
mottars to be melted
before use
vi) Chemical Resin syrup.
resistant tillers and
resin type hardners
resin mortars/ tough
b) Cashew do do VG VG VG VG G-F P G VG VG
liquid resin
c) mother do do G G G G F G-P G-P G-F VG-P
resin mortars
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
surface. This fall should be such that liquid spillage on Metal grids are frequently used as a surface
the floor surface will be drained quickly by the shortest reinforcement to increase the impact resistance. The
route. It is essential to have a waterproof membrane grids may be of cast iron or steel and hexagonal or
(see 3.3) between the base and the floor finish. The square mesh. The usual matrix into which they are laid
joints in the structural base shall be provided in accord- may be either granolithic concrete (see Part 2) or
ance with the details given in IS 3414 : 1968 covered cement rubber latex. The grid may be supplied either
in Chapter 13. All laitance shall be removed and the as a roll of interlocking metal trips from which a grid
surface roughened before laying the floor finish. can be formed or as small units. Mats framed on two
sides only are best because this avoids the weak joints
3.2.2 Group I
between sections.
This group consists of the following sections:
The top edges of the grid form part of wearing surface
a) Loading dock or dispatch dock, and of the floor and distribute impact and wear. Because
of uneven wear between the grid and the material in
b) Cold storage room.
which it is embedded such floors may become noisy These sections are subject to very heavy im- in use.
pact and abrasion. Spillage of milk and milk products
also takes place. Floor finishes recommended for these 3.2.4 Group III
sections are steel or cast iron tiles or solid steel plates.
The floor finish of steel or cast iron tiles may be This group consists of the following sections :
supported structurally by sub-floor. Solid steel plates
may be used as a structural finish supported on a under
a>Milk drum tank pit;
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS 4457 : 1982. However a maximum of 4 percent such as, water-tightness and resistance to oil. The
weight loss during acid treatment may be accepted as techniques of mixing and laying is different than that
adequate acid resistance for the purpose ofdairy floors. of ordinary concrete and therefore advice of an expert,
These floors give long life but become slippery in due would be required when using these floor finishes.
course and hence would require periodical roughen-
NOTE - The latex normally takes the form of dispersion in
ing. water of natural rubber latex, but for a special circumstance, for
example, for oil resistance, synthetic rubber may be used, Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resistant tiles
or acid resistant bricks 4 The latex is stabilized against premature
Vitreous ceramic tiles (IS 4457 : 1982) or acid resistant coagulation. It should~not contain vulcanizing
bricks (IS 4860 : 1968) could be used for floor finish. ingredients. If these are required they should
These tiles and bricks could provide over a long period, be incorporated at the time of preparing the
a good resistance against acidic conditions provided mixture.
by milk and milk products. These materials would also b) The emulsion is diluted with water as required
offer adequate resistance against the mild alkaline and is then mixed with cement and aggregate
conditions provided by washing soaps, detergents, etc. to form a mix of the desired rubber latex con-
4 The life of a good quality brick or tile floor is tent. The proportion of the rubber latex used
largely determined by the material used for varies 8 to 25 percent by weight of the total
bedding and jointing and to some extent by~the mix.
width of the joints. Hence careful selection
3.2.5 Group IV
shall be made in the choice of bedding and
jointing mortar, and the thickness of the joints. This group consists of the following :
Whatever be the choice of mortars these should a) Boiler room,
necessarily show adequate strength when
b) Refrigeration room,
tested according to IS 4456 (Part 1 or 2) : 1967
as appropriate. c) Stores and godowns, and
d) Workshops.
b) For bedding and jointing mortars, selections
may be made from the following : These sections require good wear resistance
1) Chemical resistant resin type of mortars and occassionally resistance to alkalis and very mild
[see IS 4832 (Part 2) : 1969 and also Part acidic conditions.
4 of this Chapter], The choice of floor finishes for these sections
2) Rubber latex cement mortars, and may be made from:
3) Supersulphated cement (see IS 6909 :
1990) or Portland blast furnace slag ce- a) Granolithic cement concrete to IS 549 1 : 1969
ment (see IS 455 : 1989). (see Part 2)
c>Among the resin based chemical resistant mor- b) Power compacted concrete grade Ml50 with
tars, epoxy resins and phenol formaldehyde iron chippings mixed with the aggregates, or
type [see IS 4832 (Part 2) : 19691 are quite
suitable as joint mortar. c) Hydraulic pressed cement concerete tiles to
IS 1237 : 1980 (see Part 2).
d) Sodiumsilicate or potassium silicate and resis-
tant mortars [see IS 4832 (Part 1) : 19691 Wherever slippery conditions prevail, cement
although have good properties under dry con- concrete tiles with chequered surface finish would be
ditions, are not suitable as jointing mortars in suitable. Where in-situ concrete is provided and non-
these sections of the dairies as these mortars slip surface finish is desired, a hard abrasive material,
are slowly attacked by cold water and rapidly such as, silicone carbide or aluminium oxide may be
by hot water. However, these may be used as sprinkled evenly on the concrete surface at the rate of
bedding mortars in conjunction with resin type 2 kg/m2 and worked into the surface by power floats
mortar. For ~properties of these mortars see and finallyby steel trowelling. Iron particles may also
Table 9.9. be used in the same way to increase the wear resistance
of the surface. Jointless cement - latex rubber$nish
3.2.6 Group V
This is prepared from a mixture of rubber latex or
synthetic rubber and portland cement or portland slag This group consists of chemical stores for storage of
cement. The resistance of these mixes to milk and milk concentrated acid and other chemicals. Cermaic un-
p&duct is generally much higher than that of cor- glazed vitreous acid resistant tiles conforming to
tiponding mixes without latex. The choice of type of IS 4457 : 1982 or acid resistant bricks conforming to
latex will also determine the preporties of the floor, IS 4860 : 1968 may be used.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
3.3 Waterproof Membrane for Dairy Floors 3.4.2 There are three methods of arranging the
3.3.1 The floor finish of any section ‘of the dairy drainage as below:
should necessarily prevent the leakage of effluents to a) The floor finish may slope from each of the
the base concrete. To install a permeable floor finish side walls into centre channel which runs along
is dangerous as the point of attack is not visible. Even the length of the building or from the centre of
more dangerous than the attack of concrete is the !-- -----L
the floor to the side of wall channels.
possibility of corrosion of reinforcement in a 1
suspended floor. A water tight membrane shall there- b) The floor finish may be laid in bays with chan-
nels across the width of the building. \ .
fore be provided. This membrane should be resistant
to all mild acids and alkalis. Bitumen mastic laid on I
c) The floor may be divided into a series of rec-
saturated bitumen felt to IS 1322 : 1993 or fibre glass tangular troughs each with a central drain. J,
based saturated bitumen felt (see IS 7193 : 1974) can /
be considered. Chapter 12 details the membrane treat- 3.4.3 The drains should be open channel covered by
ment based on IS 1196 : 1978. a grid, discharging into an ordinary closed drain. The
edges and corners of the floors and drains should be
3.4 Drainage in Dairies rounded off to prevent dirt from harbouring there.
3.4.1 A slope of 1 in 80 is adequate if the floor finish
is smooth and even and little spillage. A slope of 1 in 3.4.4 The most suitable material for the drains is
40 would be required if the floor finish is rough with chemically resistant salt glazed pipes to IS 651 : 1992
much spillage. and similar chemical resistant resin mortar.
SP 62 (S & T) .: 1997
III III , tlr
a>The floors should be scrubbed several times a The total thickness to which bitumen mastic should be
laid shall be between 20 mm to 25 mm as specified.
day to remove milk waste and grit which not
only causes insanitary conditions but also is 4.3 Preparatory Work
detrimental to the floor finish.
4.3.1 Preparation of Base
b) Use of straight soaps is not recommended since
they tend to precipitate insoluole salts if the The base on which the bitumen mastic is to be laid shall
water is hard or acidic or alkaline, resulting in be able to receive the mastic and to sustain the an-
slippery floors. Detergents may be used; they ticipated load on it.
need only to be sprinkled. Scrubbing with The base shall have an even and dry surface which has
machines shall be followed with rinsing. been roughened with stiff broom or wire or coir brush --
and should be free from ridges and hollows. The base
c) Use drip trays under machines to limit areas of
spillage of milk. may be provided with a suitable slope for drainage.
4.1 General 4.4.1 The molten mastic shall be carried in flat mortar
pans. The pans are sprinkled -with lime stone dust, to
Bitumen mastic is jointless and impervious to the prevent sticking of mastic. Grease or oil shall not be
transmission of moisture. The anticipated service con- used.
ditions for bitumen mastic flooring for hydrocarbon 4.4.2 The mastic should be laid in bays in one or more
services shall be as given in IS 13026 : 1991, which is layers. The specified thickness shall be maintained.
a specification for bitumen mastic for flooring for The multi-layered work should be treated in the same
industries handling LPG and other hydrocarbon manner as a single layer mastic. Bubbles formed
products. The material shall be anti-static and electri- during laying should be punctured and the area rec-
cal conducting grade (see IS 8374 : 1977). tified while mastic is hot.
L- . ._
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
4.4.3 The laid surface shall be protected from damage 4.4.4 Damaged areas shall be cut into rectangular
due to movement of heavy loads, spillages, etc during strips and replaced with a new mastic. Blow lamp
laying. The mastic shall not be opened to traffic techniques to remove damaged layersare preferred.
until the material has cooled down to ambient 4.4.5 Bitumen mastic flooring requires little main-
temperature. tenance. Dirt and dust shall be rehoved periodically.
k) Parquet flooring -IS 5389 : 1969 and IS 9472 : b) Heavy Duty Floor(Trowe1 Finish) -This type
1980 is closely related to the general purpose floor.
The principal difference is that the quantity of
fillers used is minimum and theproportion of
aggregates is increased, the aggregates being
2.1 General of hardness similar to crushed granite. It is
adapted for special service conditions in
Magnesium oxycholoride composition consisting of industrial and restaurant kitchens, light
~mixture of calcined filler and pigments provides a industrial plants, corridors, lobbies and busi-
good floor if proper ingredients are mixed in correct ness establishment having large usage.
proportions and skilled labour is employed in laying Non-spark Static Discharging Floor (Trowel
the floor. Too wet a mix with excess magnesium or Ground Finish) - This type of floor is
chloride results in sweating of the floor surface. similar to heavy duty floor except that the
Mineral oils, greases or vegetable oils do not affect the aggregates used are not siliceous and do not
floor. The flooring is not seriously affected by alkalis, contain materials which will produce a spark
but strong alkalis, such as, soda or harsh cleaning when struck with any object. This type of floor
agents tend to attack the protective dressing and thus is suitable for hospital operation theatre,
exposing the flooring to action of water. However, the ammunition and chemical plants or other areas
finished floor tends to be protected from excessive subject to explosion hazards.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
7) If the ingredient of the floor finsih mixture floor finish, such as, dovetailed wooden bat-
comply with IS 657 : 1982, there should tens or galvanized wire netting firmly screwed
be little tendency towards efflorescence. to the base at approximately 200 mm centre.
8) The thickness of floor finish shall be not An equal number of galvanized clout nails
less than 10 mm. should be used at 200 mm centres and be left
9) Contamination of the floor finish mixes proud of the base.
with free lime tends to cause expansion.
2.5.2 Preparation of Floor Finish Mixture
The floor finish is likely to crack or lift~if
laid on light weight concrete base or on a Magnesium chloride both before and after it is dis-
dense screed which is not firmly bonded solved should not be allowed to came into contact with
to the base. any floors and walls. The solid chloride should be
10) Coves and skirtings can be formed with broken up and dissolved in water tight vessel by cover-
magnesium oxychloride finishing ing the same with clean water, that is, clean and free
material. Contact between the from deleterious acids, alkalis, salts or organic
oxychloride mix and the wall plaster material and stirring the same from time to time. The
should be avoided by the use of an inter- solution should be allowed to stand over night so that
vening fillet of wood or other suitable the residue, dust, impurities, etc, may settle to the
material. A sand cement rendering on the bottom. The clean concentrated solution shall be well
wall surface is desirable as a backing. stirred after each dilution. The solution shall be
11) Metalwork, such as, partitions, or gas, prepared sufficiently early so that it is cooled to room
water and electrical services in contact temperature before use. The specific gravity of the
witha magnesium~oxychloride floor finish solution should be maintained at the value selected
is liable to corrode and should be isolated from the table given below. This value will depend on
from the floor finish, by not less than the type given of work, the nature of the base and
25 mm of untracked dense concrete or ambient and temperature conditions.
protected by a coating of bitumen or coal-
Floor Finish Mix Baume’ (BE) Specific
tar composition or by a suitable material
Scale Gravity
(see 2.8).
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
damp but not plastic consistency; just suf- 3) Each coat should be throughly compacted
ficient solution should be used to enable ensuring no formation of iaitance.
the mix to bind together when thoroughly 4) When the top coat has hardened suffi-
compacted by tamping. As a guide, a mix ciently, its surface shall be felt finished
from which liquid can be squeezed by after trowelling. Scraping shall be under-
hand should be considered as suitable. taken on ornamental work such as mottled
2) Bottom coat mixes for coves and skirtin& finishes.
- The mixes should be gauged to a con-
2.5.6 Curing
sistency just sufficiently plastic to allow
the mix to be spread on the wall. Rapid drying of floor shall be avoided~at least for
3) Single coat and top coat mixes - These 24 h after laying the floor.
mixes should be gauged with no more It should be allowed to set and harden at least for
solution than is needed to produce a stiff 3 days before opening it to traffic. It should not be
mix which is just sufficiently plastic to be allowed for heavy traffic for some weeks till it is fully
spread with a trowel. dried and hardened. During hardening it should not be
2.54 Final Mixing exposed to sun or rain.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
uses under a wide range of climatic and service condi- load over it. The-base shall be true, even and
tions, except as detailed below: dry surface which has been slightly roughened
by means of a stiff broom or wire brush and
a) The surface of bitumen mastic is liable to be-
should be free from ridges and hollows. A steel
come gradually sofetened by prolonged con-
trowelled finish is not desirable. The levels of
tact with greases, fats and oils. Contamination
the base should be such that the specified thick-
with such materials shall~be avoided.
ness of bitumen mastic may be applied
b) Susceptibility of bitumen mastic floor finishes uniformly.
to chemical attackis given in Table 9.10.
b) The total thickness to which bitumen mastic
should be laid depends on the traffic conditions
Table 9.10 Susceptibility of Bitumen Mastic
to which the floor will be subjected.
Floor Finishes to Chemical Attack
(Clause 3.1) c) Usually bitumen mastic should be laid in one-
coat, but two-coat work may be used depend-
Sl Agency Susceptibility to Attack
No. ing on the thickness of floor finish. As a general
guide the thickness given below are recom-
i) Acids and vegetable Normal grades subject to attack
extracts by acids; special grades can
withstand attack by dilute solu- Light duty 15 mm to 20 mm thick
Medium duty 20 mm to 25 mm-thick
ii) Alcoholic liquors Normal grades are subject to Heavy duty 25 mm to 30 mm thick
attack by certain alocholic li-
quors. Special grades may be 4 There may be a siope of not less than 1 in 75,
used in breweries and distill- in the base, if the finished floor is likely to have
water or industrial liquors upon it. Channels
iii) Alkalis Not affected by low concentra-
should be provided to ensure adequate
tion alcoholic solutions
Alcoholic solutions above 38’C drainage.
will affect
iv) Brine (sodium and calcium Unaffected under normal d The base may be treated in any of the following
chroide) and sulphate salts circumstances ways:
v) Complex industrial liquors Conduct tests to choose the 1) A screed bed of cement concrete or lime
grade of bitumen mastic concrete not less than 25 mm thick;
vi) Radio active materials Special grades of bitumen be
2) An isolation membrane or underlay (see
3.3.2 and 3.3.3); or
vii) Dairy products and milk Normal grade where hygenic
conditions are maintained (see 3) On metal floors, a thin priming coat of
Part3) bitumen paint applied over a clean and dry
viii) Mineral, animal and Subject to attack surface. The paint should be dry before the
vegetable oils, fats and
mastic is laid.
ix) Sugar syrup, sugar Unaffected by low concentra-
3.3.2 Isolqting Membrane
tion sugar solutions syrup,
molasses, etc, will affect at all
An isolating membrane conforming to IS 1322 : 1993
x) Water Unaffected unless the water is is normally used where bitumen mastic up to 20 mm
hot, for which high temperature in thickness is laid where the base is in direct contact
mastic may be used with the ground; glass fibre feli (see IS 7193 : 1974)
3.2 Materials may be used as an alternative. Thickness of bitumen
mastic exceeding 20 mm on new concrete is usually
a) Bitumen mastic shall conform to the require- laid without fan isolating ~membrane. Isolating
ments given in IS 1195 : 1978. membranes should be laid loose.
b) Special types of metal armouring may be
incorporated in bitumen mastic flooring for 3.3.3 Underlay
industrial purposes to increase resistance to
The underlay, when required, should be laid loose.
abrasion (see Part 3).
3.3.4 Remelting of broken bitumen mastic blocks is
3.3 Preparatory Work
3.3.1 Base
3.4 Laying
a) The base shall be adequately strong to receive 3.4.1 When the material is sufficiently molten to be
the bitumen mastic and to carry the anticipated workable, it should be carried in flat mortar pans, to
the-point of laying. To prevent sticking of mastic to the buses and ships. It provides a resilient and noise-free
pans, inorganic dust may be sprinkled on the pans. floor surface. The life of rubber floor is related to its
3.4.2 Bitumen mastic should be generally laid in bays thickness, since it~is not possible to be specific about
of one coat. It should be spread to the specified thick- wear resistance. Provision of mats will reduce the
ness by means of hand tools. Bitumen mastic should amount of abrasive grit carried to the floor. The
then be floated to a uniformly level surface by a heavy durability of rubber floor is increased if the material is
wooden float and should be free from roughness and laid correctly and maintained carefully. IS 809:1992
-imperfection. If ‘blowing’ occurs, the bubbles should lays down the requirements for rubber flooring
be punctured and the area affected shall be made good materials both in sheet and tile form.
while the mastic is still hot. Flooring made of natural rubber is not recommended
Two-coat of single-coat work, but care should be taken in situations where it may came into contact with fat,
to arrange that the joints in successive layers are stag- grease, oil or petrol, as these substances may cause
gered. swelling, softening or other deterioration. To meet
such situations, flooring made from various kinds of
~3.4.3 Sulfate Fmish synthetic rubber may be utilized.
Surface finish could be either matt finish or polished 4.2 Preparatory Work
finish, or as desired.
4.2.1 Sub-jloor and Base
Immediately after laying, the bitumen mastic shall be
protected from damage till it cools to the surrounding a) New concrete floors - In the case of newly-
temperature. Bitumen mastic should be allowed for laid concrete floors in contact with the ground,
traffic after the material has cooled. Frequent polish- a damp-proof membrane or a bitumen mastic
ing, should be avoided as it will become slippery. layer shall be incorporated ln the thickness of
the floor and it shall be properly joined with the
3.4.4 Bedding damp-proof course in the walls. Special
Special care shall be taken to effect proper bond precautions, such as, tanking may be necessary
between new and old sections of work. The contact against water pressure and to prevent the entry
edges of the previously laid work should be cleaned of moisture into floorsbelow ground level.
and warmed by additional applications of hot mastic.
b) Existing~concretefloors - If the floor surface
This procedure also should be adopted for joints be- is not smooth and true, it shall be well hacked
tween the floor finish and skirts and coves or fillets.
to provide key for the screeding. It shall then
3.4.5 Skirtings should be executed in not less than be brought to an even surface with a screeded
two-coats particular care being taken td ensure proper bed at least 25 mm thick. Concrete floors
adhesion of~the first coat to the base. Special care shall which are in contact with the ground but have
be taken at external angles to ensure the full thickness been damp-proofed shall be covered with a bed
of material. of at least 15 mm thick bitumen mastic con-
forming to IS 1195 : 1978. Over the-bitumen
3.4.6 Maintenance
mastic 40 mm thick cement concrete shall be
Bitumen mastic surface requires relatively little main- laid.
tanance. Superficial dirt may normally be removed by
washing with warm water and suitable detergents. cl New timber floor - Timber floors shall be
constructed with tongued and grooved board-
‘After the dirt is removed, the floor should be mopped
ing and shall be adequately ventilated to
with clean water.
prevent dry set. There should not be any gap
3.4.7 Repairs between the planks which may permit air to
penetrate from bottom and affect the bonding
The correct method, to remove damaged area, is to
of the rubber flooring material with the timber
place hot mastic around, and over the area concerned
base. Where plywood is used as a base, it shall
and after this has sofetened the area concerned, it
be of the moistureproof grade.
should be cut away and made good.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
they project above the surface, the metal floor f) The tiles should be laid in exactly the same
shall be covered with a base bringing the floor manner as the sheet. Any adhesive contaminat-
on level before the rubber flooring is laid on. ing the face of the rubber shall be removed as
The metal floors should be rust free and a rust the work proceeds within 24 h. A minimum
proof coating should be ~applied before the period of 24 h shall be allowed for proper
rubber flooring is laid. development of bond and no traffic should be
allowed. Thereafter the flooring shall be
4.2.2 Underlay cleaned with a wet cloth, soaked in warm soap
solution (two spoons of soap in 5 1 of warm
An underlay shall be used where the base is of timber.
water) .
It may also be used when it is necessary to make the
flooring quieter, warmer and more resilient. Underlay s> In case of stairs, where rubber nosings are to
be laid as separate units and are of heavier
shall be either tibre-based saturated bitumen felt
gauge, the difference in thickness shall be
(Type I) conforming to IS 1322 : 1993 or other suitable
made up in design, or by screed or with
plywood or ~bitumen mastic. Rubber in sheet
The underlay shall be butt jointed and so laid that the form is not used for coves and skirtings; suit-
joints are at 45’ to the principal joints in the rubber ably moulded units should be used.
flooring. The underlay shall be secured by a suitable
h) Rubber shall not be cleaned by softsoaps, soaps
adhesive except on a timber base in which case it may containing _essential oils, soaps with free
be nailed. alkalis, pastes or powders containing coarse
abrasives, scrubbing brushes or petrol benzine,
4.3 Laying and Fixing of Rubber Flooring
naptha and similar solvents.
4 The sub-floor shall be cleaned with dry cloth. j> A wax-polish shall be used for polishing rubber
. floors; polishes containing organic solvents
b) The lay out of the rubber flooring shall be first shall not be used.
laid on the sub-floor to be covered and should
be marked with guidelines. The rubber flooring 5 LINOLEUM FLOORS
shall be first laid for trial without using the 5.1 General
adhesive according to the layout.
Linoleum provides a satisfactory floor for residential
cl The adhesive shall then be applied by using a and public buildings, railway coaches, ships, etc. It is
notched trowel, to the sub-floor and to the also suitable for most type of non-industrial floors. In
backside of the rubber sheet or tile flooring. light industry, such as, electronic industry linoleum
When set sufficiently for laying, the adhesive may be used, as the risk of damage by cutting, to which
will be tacky to touch, but will not mark linoleum is vulnerable, is small. However, if it gets
fingers. In general, the adhesive will set in wet, it expands and eventually rots.
about half an hour; but it should not be left for 5.1.1 Linoleum is not suitable for locations subjected
too long a period as the adhesive properties will to rising damp, external exposure, exposure to traffic
be lost owing to dust film and other causes. It with indentations from heels or static loads, and where
is preferable to avoid laying the flooring under high polish is required because it becomes slippery.
high humidity conditions so as to prevent con-
5.2 Materials
densation. The area of adhesive to be spread
depends on the local circumstances; in a small a) Flooring material shall conform to IS 653 :
room the area can be covered at one stretch. 1992.
b) Underlay shall be as below:
4 When the adhesive is tack free, the rubber
flooring sheet shall be carefully taken and For timber - Plywood at least 4 mm thick
placed in position from one end onwards slow- sub-floors
ly so that air will be completely squeezed out - Hardboard at least 3 mm
between the sheet and the background surface. thick
Then the sheet shall be pressed with suitable - Fibrebased bitumen felt at
roller to develop proper contact with the sub- least 1 mm thick, to IS 1322 :
floor. The next sheet with it backside applied 1993
with adhesive shall be laid edge to edge with
For concrete - Bitumen mastic to IS 1195 :
the sheet already laid so that there is a mini-
sub-floors 1978
mum gap between joints.
- Bitumen to IS 1580 : 1991.
e) Alignment should be checked and if not per- c) Adhesives shall be as per recommendations of
fect, the sheets may be trimmed. the manufacturer.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
The Portland cement in conventional terrazzo floors is a>The blended epoxy resin mix shall be applied
replaced by epoxy resin binder. Such flooring formula- uniformly, over the area prepared, to a uniform
tions serve the dual purpose of providing a good thickness.
appearance and chemical resistance.
b) For some areas where heavily tilled trowelling
6.3.2 Non-skid Floors compound is to be applied, the prepared area
shall be first covered with a tack coat of un-
This type of floor may be prepared by sprinkling a
filled resin-hardner mix applied by brush
suitable grit on an epoxy resin floor topping when the
which shall be allowed to cure to a tacky stage.
latter is still in a tacky state.
6.3.3 The following minimum thicknesses are recom- cl Where heavily filled trowelling compound is
used, it is advisable to apply a seal coat of
mended :
unfinished resin to ensure that pores, if any, are
a) Trowel type - 4 mm for normal use and sealed adequately.
6.5 mm in areas of ther-
mal shock and heavy d) As mild steel tools are liable to cause stains on
light coloured surfaces, it is recommended that
traffic on horizontal
stainless steel, chromium on rigid PVC tools
should be used after laying of epoxy resin floor
b) Flow type - 2mm toppings.
c) Terrauofloors - 10 mm. d After application of the epoxy resin topping,
the floor shall be allowed to set without distur-
6.4 Preparatory Work
bance for a minimum period of 24 h. The floor
6.4.1 Concrete surfaces shall be properly cured and can be brought to normal use after a period of
dried and kept rough. Laitance shall be removed. All 7 days at a temperature of 20’ C and above
cracks and broken areas of an existing base shall be though light traffic may be permitted after
sealed, fresh concrete applied and cured. Grease and 24 h of laying the floor topping. -Below 20°C
oil shall be removed with solvents, such as, acetone or special hardeners may be used as recom-
a suitable detergent. mended by the formulator in order to obtain
proper setting of the floor topping.
The concrete surface shall be even,
f) Expansion joints to coincide with those in the
6.4.2 Mild steel and cast iron surfaces shall be washed base concrete should be provided in epoxy
with a suitable solvent or detergent solution to remove resin toppings. The expansion joints in the
grease or oil. The surface shall then be sand blasted or epoxy topping shall be filled with a flexible
abraded with emery cloth, abrasive disc or with wire putty that shows appropriate waterand chemi-
brushes. cal resistance as recommended by the for-
6.5 Laying
6.5.3 Safety Precautions
6.51 Mixing of Epoxy Resin Blend
Epoxy resins cause irritation to persons having sensi-
The mixing shall be carried out at the site as follows : tive skin. Good ventilation is necessary and the most
effective precaution is the use of rubber or
a>The constituents required shall be mixed in the
polyethelene gloves. It is preferable to wear thin
correct proportions as specified by the
cotton gloves underneath for comfort. Other methods
recommended are regular washing hands, arms and
b) Unless otherwise specified, the order of addi- face with soap and luke warm water followed by
tion of the constituents shall be resin, hardener thorough drying with a clean towel and the use of a
and aggregate. barrier cream. Splashes on skin should be removed
immediately by washing with soap and luke warm
cl Aggregates, when required, shall be added to water. On no account should a solvent be used for this
the blend in a mixer in dry condition.
d) The duration ~of mixing shall be adequate to 6.5.4 Chemical resistance of epoxy resin flooring
ensure thorough mixing; the quantity mixed at mixes to various substances is given in Table 9.11 for
one time shall be such that a uniform thickness general guidance. Table 9.11 shows that systems
of epoxy resin topping may be applied over the cured with amines exhibit higher chemical resistance.
whole floor. Polyamide hardeners should be used where floors are
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
exposed to frequent impact stress and fluctuations in the floor. Use of powerful oxidizing agents
temperature. The performance of floor will, however, should be avoided.
depend on whether the chemical and mechanical stress
occur simultaneously. Variations in temperature b) The resin flooring tend to develop cracks when
subjected to quick thermal cycles. Hence fre-
would also affect the performance of the floor topping.
quent use of alternate cold and hot water hosing
6.6 Maintenance should be avoided.
Very little maintenance is required for epoxy floor c) Dragging of heavy sharp edged loads shall be
toppings. However, the following precautions would avoided since the flooring is liable to scoring.
prolong the service life of the topping.
d) Spillages of powerful solvents like acetone and
a) Usual house hold detergents, soap and warm trichloroethylene should be drained away
water (up to 60°C) may be used for cleaning quickly.
10 percent
Ammonium hydroxide, - X - - - X
30 percent
Alcohols (ethyl alcohols) -
--X - -- - X
Aliphatic hydrocarbons (naphtha)
Aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene) -
X -- -
Blood X
- -- X
Boric acid
Calcium chloride, X
- - X
X -
50 percent solution
Caustic soda, 10 percent
Caustic soda, 50 percent
X -- -
-- -
X -
Chlorinated hydro carbons X X
(carbon tetrachloride)
- -
Citric acid, 10 percent
Cooking fats and oils
X -
- -- -
X -
Ether (ethyl ether) -
- -- - -
X - X
Fats and oils
Formaldehyde, 37 percent X
- - -- -
Hydrochloric, 10 percent -
- --X
- - -
- -
Hydrochloric, 37 percent X
- - - -
Javel water
Ketone (acetone)
-- X
- -
- -
Lactic acid, 10 percent
Liquid fuel (petrol or oil)
X - -
- -
X -
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
7 FLEXIBLE PVC SHEET AND TILE at the rate of 1.5 kg/mm2 after the concrete has
FLOORING set; or ~bitumen felt conforming to IS 1322 :
1993 may be sandwiched between the two
7.1 -General
concrete layers. If dampness is expected from
PVC flooring material manufactured in different pat- surrounding walls, the same treatment may be
terns to match and suit any decorating scheme is nor- extended, up to 150 mm above the floor level,
mally used for covering floors from decorative point over the walls. The basement floor shall be
of view in residential and office buildings and also in damp proofed as per IS 1609 : 199 1 (see Chap-
railway coaches. The material gives a resilient and ter 12). Before the PVC sheeting is laid ample
non-porous surface which can be easily cleaned with time shall be allowed for water to dry com-
a wet cloth as dust and grime do not penetrate the pletely from the concrete floor.
surface. Since burning cigarette will/damage the neat In new work the finish shall be produced with
surface of the PVC sheet, special care should be taken a trowel. With old concrete~the sub-floor shall
to prevent burning cigarette stumps to come in contact be scrapped free of all foreign material and
with the PVC flooring material swept clean. The surface shall be kept wet for
7.2 Materials 24 h by sprinkling water and then a screed
topping of 3 mm thickness, shall be provided.
a>Flooring shall comply with IS 3461 : 1980 and
IS 3462 : 1986. The thickness depends on 4 Metal floors shall be made free from rust and
service conditions. scale by chipping and or vigorous wire brush-
ing and cleaning. All joints shall be ground
b) Underlay for use on concrete sub-floor shall be smooth. Painting and grease shall be removed
the screed topping. Underlay for use on an by caustic soda. Suitable putty compatible with
uneven and rough wood sub-floor shall be 3 the adhesive shall be used to fill metal surfaces
mm thick BWR grade plywood conforming to obtain a smooth and even surface.
to IS 303 : 1989.
7.4 Laying
c>Rubber based adhesives are suitable for fixing
a>The material shall be brought to the tempera-
PVC sheet and tiles over concrete wood and
ture of the area on which it has to be laid by
metal sub-floors. PVA based adhesives may be
stacking it near the area for 24 h.
used for concrete and wood sub-floors. PVA
based adhesives are not suitable for metallic b) Where air-conditioning is installed, the floor-
surfaces and also for locations where there is a ing shall not be laid for 7 days from commen-
constant spillage of water. cement of operation of air-conditioning.
During this period the temperature shall
7.3 Preparatory Work neither fall below 20°C nor exceed 30°C.
These conditions shall be maintained during
a>It is important that the sub-floor and underlay
laying and 48 h thereafter.
should be thoroughly dry before the PVC floor-
ing is laid since moisture cannot evaporate cl The layout of PVC flooring shall be marked on
once the PVC flooring is laid. The sub-floor the sub-floor. The flooring shall be laid for trial
should be even since irregular surface creates without adhesive according to the layout.
improper adhesion.
4 The adhesive shall be applied by using a
notched trowel to the sub-floor and to the back-
b) In case of new timber construction~tongued and
grooved boarding constritction shall be used. side of the PVC sheet or tile flooring. In
All nail heads shall be punched down and all general, the adhesive will take about half an
irregularities planed off and holes frlled in. hour for setting; it should not be left too long a
Adequate ventilation should be ensured. period as the adhesive properties will be lost
owing to dust films and other causes.
c>In case of existing or damaged timber floor, if
Care should be taken while laying under high
it-is not possible to obtain an even surface, the
humidity conditions so that condensation does
use of diagonal boarding is recommended after
not take place on the surface of the adhesive.
removing the damaged boarding. Alternatively
The area of spreading the adhesive at any one
plywood boarding may be used.
time depends on local conditions; in case of a
4 Concrete sub-floors shall be finished with a smallroom the entire area may be spread at one
trowel and shall be left long enough to dry out. time.
Concrete sub-floor shall be in two layers. The
e) When the adhesive is tack free, the PVC floor-
top of the lower layer shall be painted with two
ing shall be placed in position from one end
coats of bitumen conforming to IS 1580 : 1991
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
onwards, so that air is squeezed from below the chemical resistance by physical bond formed
PVC material. Press with a roller to develop by the chemical action of the acid with the
proper contact with the adhesive. The sheets mortar, the acid should have apH value of 4 or
shall be laid edge to edge, with minimum gap less. Manufacturer should be consulted regard-
between joints. The alignment shall be ing usage of these mortars.
checked after laying each row of sheet is com-
b) Sulphur mortars have good resistance against
most of the acids except for concentrated
fl The tiles shall be fixed in the same manner as oxidizing acids, but have very poor resistance
the sheets. It is preferably to start from the to alkalis. The sulphur mortar shall always be
centre of the area. used at less than 9O’C. Where conditions are
Any adhesive squeezed out between the tiles questionable, specific recommendations of the
shall be wiped off immediately with a wet cloth manufacturer shall be obtained.
before the adhesive hardens. Hardened ad- c) Resin mortars have fairly good resistance to
hesive shall be removed by a suitable solvent; non-oxidizing mineral acids but have a poor
a solution of commercial butylacetate and tur- resistance to oxidizing mineral acids. They are
pentile oil (1:3) is a suitable solvent for the fairly resistant to inorganic alkalis. Manufac-
purpose. turer should be consulted on the usage of these
g) No traffic shall be -permitted for 24 h after
laying. 8.3 Clauses 9 to 11 would cover the use of these
mortars, namely, silicate type, resin type and sulphur
h) Where the edges of the PVC sheets are ex-
posed, it is important to protect it by metallic type.
3 PVC flooring shall be kept clean by mopping
with a soap solution using clean damp cloth. 9.1 Material
Water shall not be poured on PVC flooring as
Silicate type mortar shall conform to IS 4832 (Part 1) :
it may seep through the joints. The flooring
may be periodically polished to keep a good
appearance and a good wearing surface. A 9.2 Mortar
regular brushing, at 4 to 6 weeks interval, shall
The chemically setting silicate type chemical resistant
be given.
mortar is an intimate mixture of a chemically inert
solid filler, asetting agent usually contained in the
filler and a liquid silicate binder. When the filler and
binder are mixed at ordinary temperatures, a trowel-
8.1 There are three types of chemical resistant mortars
able mortar is formed, which subsequently hardens by
for different end uses, covered by the following Indian
the chemical reaction between setting agent and the
liquid silicate binder.
a) Use of Silicate Type by IS 4441 : 1980,
9.3 Storage
b) Use of Sulphur Type by IS 4442 : 1980, and
The filler shall be protected from water during storage.
c) Use of Resin Type by IS 4443 : 1980. The filler shall be kept in the containers if it cannot be
8.2 A mo&r suitable for a particular environment is protected otherwise. The liquid binder shall be
unsuitable for another. protected from freezing during storage until used.
Under unavoidable circumstances Liquid binder that
a) Chemically setting silicate type of mortars are has frozen may be used, provided the liquid binder is
resistant to most acids and have been found to thawed and thorough!y remixed before use and it can
be satisfactory against nitric, chromic, sul- be restored to its original consistency.
phuric and hydrochloric acids. They are used
for acid proof bricks or tiles. These mortars are 9.4 Mixing
not suitable for hydrofluoric and concentrated Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturfer, two
orthophosphoric acids. They are also not resis- to three parts by weight of filler to one part by weight
tant to alkalis, boiling water or steam and are of binder may be used. The optimum proportions
likely to deteriorate by continuous exposure to might vary slightly due to climatic conditions, but it is
water or frequent washing with water. In view important to have a mortar that is fluid enough to be
of the fact that silicate type of mortars develop workable and sufficikntly stiff for the masonry unit to
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
retain its position without slipping or sliding or without harden fully. Cure the joints as given in
the mortar being exuded from the joint after the mason- 9.6~(b).
ry unit has been placed in position. 2) For walls - Spread the silicate mortar 6
to 8 mm thick on the back of the unit.
a>Weigh the filler and binder in separate con-
Smear the two adjacent sides of the unit
tainers according to the recommended propor-
with 4 to 6 mm mortar. Press the unit
against the wall until joint in each case is
b) Add approximately three-fourths of the filler 2 to 3 mm thick. Trim off excess mortar.
to the liquid binder in a clean container and mix While carrying out the jointing allow suf-
with a trowel until all the filler has gone into ficient time to avoid the joints at bottom
paste. Add the remaining filler to the paste and getting disturbed and sliding of the unit.
continue mixing until the mortar is uniform. Only one course of unit shall be laid
In any batch only that quantity of mortar that during’the initial setting. Cure joints as
could be used before it starts setting shall be given in 9.6 (b).
4 Mortar Application with Different Bedding
cl Mortar that has begun to set shall not be and Jointing Materials - When the job has to
tempered by adding liquid binder or water but ‘come into contact with water weaker acid solu-
shall be discarded before preparing fresh tions and alkalis, silicate type of mortar may be
batches. used for bedding and resin type of mortar for
4 Portland cement or water shall not be added to jointing. The job shall be carried out with only
the silicate type of mortar. Care shall be taken class I bricks, if used.
that the mortar does not come into contact with On floors - Spread on the two adjacent
cement concrete surface. sides of the tile or brick the silicate type of
mortar 6 to 8 mm thick. Press the unit on
e) Special precautions shall be taken ~when sili-
cate mortars are exposed to temperatures the bed until the joint in each case isnot
below 10°C or above 27’C during mixing, more than 6 mm. Before the silicate mortar
application or setting. sets completely, remove the mortar in the
joints to a depth of 20 mm. Cure the joints
9.5 Application
as in 9.6 (b) and fill the joints full with
4 Sueace Preparation - The surface on which jointing mortar taking care to fill up the
bricks to IS 4860 : 1968 or tiles to IS 4457 : entire length of the joint. Trim off the
1982 are to be laid shall be free from dirt and excess mortar and make the joints smooth
dampness and shall be properly cured and and plane.
dried. On walls - Spread on to the back and two
adjacent sides of the unit the silicate type
b) Application of Membrane-A coat of bitumen
of mortar 6 to 8 mm thick. Press the unit
primer conforming to IS 3384 : 1986 be ap-
against the wall until the joint in each case
plied, and then covered with a coat of bitumen
is not more than 6 mm. Only one~course
conforming to IS 1580 : 1991. If the bedding
of the unit shall be laid during the initial
material is epoxy or polyester resin, the tiles or
setting time to avoid the joints at the bot-
bricks may be laid directly on the, surface
tom getting disturbed and sliding of the
without application of bitumen primer. In case -?---+a
unit. Cure the joints as given in 9.6 (b) and ,
of furane, cashewnut shell liquid and phenolic
fill the joints full with the jointing mortar
types resins, a coat of bitumen primer conform-
to fill up the entire length of the joint. If .
ing to IS 3384 : 1986 shall-be subject to service I
sulphur mortar is used, seal the vertical
conditions. Other membranes such as lead,
and horizontal joint with a strip of
polyisobutane and fibre reinforced plastics
gummed paper 25 mm wide to prevent the
may also be used.
flow of sulphur -mortar from the joints.
c>Mortar Application with the Same Bedding Strip off the gummed paper after the mor-
and Jointing Materials tar has set. Trim off excess mortar to make
1) Forfloors - Spread the silicate type of the joints smoothand plane.
mortar 6 to 8 mm thick on the back of the
9.6 Acid-Curing
tile or brick. Smear two adjacent sides of
the unit with 4 to 6 mm thick mortar. Press a) Acid-curing shall be carried out as -per
the unit into the bed and push the unit until manufacturer’s instructions, using safety
the joint in each case is 2 to 3 mm thick. precautions normally used when handling such
Trim off excess mortar and allow it to acids. The operators shall be provided with
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
suitable aprons, gloves, boots, etc. The mortar Table 9.12 Chemical Resistance of Silicate Type
joints shall be cured with 20 to 25 percent Mortars
hydrochloric acid or with 30 to 40 percent (Clause 9.7)
sulphuric acid no sooner than 2 days and not SI Substance Chemical Resistance
later than 6 days after the masonry units have A
No. r \
been bonded with the mortar. The curing time Sodium Potassium
shall be at least 60 min. If the constructed unit Silicate Silicate
Type Type
is designed to contain a liquid, it may be filled
(1) (2) (3) (4)
with acid of the type and concentration stated
above, with in the time interval stated, in lieu
of washing the joints. In no case shall the acid i) Hydrochloric acid (concentrated) R R
ii) Sulphuric acid (10%) R R
solution be made by partially filling the tank
iii) Sulphuric acid (10.50%) L R
with water and then adding acid. When sul-
iv) Sulphuric acid (above 50%) N R
phuric acid is used for curing, the solution shall
v) Nitric acid (concentrated) R R
not be prepared inside the unit. R R
vi) Organic acids (concentrated)
NOTE -20 percent hydrochloric acid can be made by vii) Hydrofluoric acid (any strength) N N
mixing 3 parts by volume of commercial 20” Baum6
hydrochloric acid with 2 parts by volume of water. Alkalis
Forty percent sulphuric acid can be made by mixing 2 i) Sodium hydroxide (any strength) N N
parts by volume of commercial 66” Baum& sulphuric ii) Sodium carbonate (any strength) N N
acid with 5 parts by volume of water.
Salt Solution
b) When the bedding material is silicate type mor- i) Acidic (PH value less than 4) R R
tar and the jointing material is epoxy resin type ii) Alkaline N N
or polyester type or sulphur type mortar, no- Solvents
acid curing is required. When the bedding 0 Aliphatic hydrocarbons R R
material is silicate type and the jointing ii) Aromatic hydrocarbons R R
material is phenolic resin type or furane type iii) Alcohols R R
or cashewnut shell liquid type, the joints shall iv) Ketones R R
be cured as in 9.6 (a) before applying the v) Chlorinated hydrocarbons R R
jointing material. Fats and oils R R
R = Generally recommended; AL= Limited use;
9.7 Chemical Resistance of Silicate Type Mortars
N = Not recommended.
A general guide for chemical resistance of silicate type
of mortars to various subtances is given in Table 9.12. 10.3 Safety Precautions
The ratings are for immersion service at ambient 4 Both the liquid and powder ingredients may
temperatureand may be usually upgraded for spillage contain materials that may affect the skin.
only. The chemical resistance of silicate type of mor- Therefore either gloves or barrier cream shall
tars shall be determined by IS 4456 (Part 1) : 1967. be used while handling these materials.
b) Vapours are present in most of the resin mor-
tars and same -produce gases during curing.
10.1 Material Adequate ventilation shall be provided in the
The resin shall conform to the requirements laid down mixing and working areas. Under confined
in IS 4832 (Part_2) : 1969. areas like vessel lining, etc, forced air draught
10.2 Storage may be used.
The resin shall be stored in a clean dry place away from c>Resin. mortars, labelled as inflammable by
spen flame and under roof with containers tightly manufacturers shall be used with adequate
closed. The resins could be generally stored without safety precautions against fire.
deterioration at 27k 2’C for periods not exceeding the
i values given below. The filler or resin that has-become
4 Solvents used for cleaning tools are generally
inflammable. Fires shall be kept away from the
wet shall not be used.
area in which such solvents are used and ‘No _,
Type of Resin Storage Period in Months Smoking’ sign shall be posted in these areas.
i) Cashewnut shell 9
10.4 Mixing
ii) Epoxy 12 a) For handmixing required quantity of liquid
iii) Furane 12 resin shall be poured into a basin. The powder
iv) Phenolic 3 shall then be added gradually and the mixture
v) Polyester 3 shall be well stirred, working out all lumps and
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
air bubbles. The mortar shall be mixed to the 4 to 6 mm mortar. Press the unit against
proportion as specified by the manufacturer for the wall until the joint in each case is 2 to
a particular type ofjob. A stainless steel spatula 3 mm thick. Trim off excess mortar and
may be used for mixing purposes. allow it to harden fully. While carrying out
the jointing allow sufficient time~to avoid
b) Only such quantity of mortar that could be the joints at the bottom getting disturbed
consumed within 15 to 20 min shall be
and sliding of the unit. Only one course of
prepared unless otherwise recommended by
tile or brick shall be laid duting the initial
the manufacturer.
setting. Cure with acid as in 10.7 except
10.5 Handling for epoxy and polyesterresin.
4 Resin mortars cure slowly at low temperatures. d) Mortar Application with Different Bedding
If the work is to be carried out at temperature and Jointing Materials
below 15’C, to masonry units should be Onfloc%- Spread on to the back and two
warmed and the area of work shall be enclosed adjacent sides of the unit the silicate type
and heated to above 15’C by using infrared mortar 6 to 8 mm thick. Press the unit on
lamp, to obtain proper curing. the bed until the joint in each case is 3 to
6 mm thick. Before the silicate mortar sets
b) Mixed mortar, that has ~become unworkable completely, the jointing material is re-
shall not be re-tempered with liquid resin, but
moved to a depth of 20 mm.The materlal
shall be discarded.
thus removed may be used for bedding
10.6 Application providing it is trowelable and has not har-
dened. After the bedding mortar is proper-
4 Surface Preparation - The surface on which ly set cure the joints as given in 10.7 and
bricks conforming to IS 4860:1968 or tiles
fill the joints full with resin type mortar
conforming to IS 4457: 1982 are to be laid shall
taking special care to ~fill up the entire
be free from dirt and dampness and shall be
length of the joint. Trim off excess mortar
proper1 y cured and dried.
to make the joints smooth and plane.
b) Application ofMembrane- A coat of bitumen 2) On ~walls - Spread to the back and two
primer conforming to IS 3384 : 1986 shall be adjacent sides of the tile or brick the sili-
applied on the prepared surface. A uniform cate type mortar 6 to 8 mm thick. Press the
coat of bitumen conforming to IS 1580 : 1991 unit against the wall until the joint in each
shall then be applied. If the bedding material is case is 3 to 6 mm thick. Only one course
epoxy or polyester resin, the tiles or bricks can of the unit shall be~laid during the initial
be laid directly on to the surfaces ~without ap- setting time to avoid the joints at the bot-
plication of bitumen primer. In case of furane, tom getting disturbed and sliding of the
cashewnut shell liquid and phenolic resin, a unit. Before the silicate mortar sets com-
coat of bitumen primer shall be used subject to pletely, the jointing material shall be
service conditions. Other membranes, such as, removed to a depth of 20 mm which may
rubber, lead, polyisobutane and fibre-rein- be used for bedding provided it-is trowel-
forced plastics can be used in place of bitumen able and has not hardened. Cure the joints
primer. as given in 10.7 and fill the joints full with
resin type of mortar taking care to fill the c-“-----k
cl Mortar Application with the Same Bedding
entire length for the joint. Trim off excess
and Jointing Materials
mortar to make the joints smooth and
1) Onfloors - Spread the resin type of mor-
tar 6 to 8 mm thick on the back of the unit.
Smear two adjacent sides of the unit with 10.7 Acid-Curing
4 to 6 mm thick mortar. Press the unit into Except for epoxy and polyester resins, cure the joints :
the bed and push against the floor and the for a minimum period -for 72 h with 20 to 25
unit until the joint in each case is 2 to 3 percent hydrochloric acid or with 30 to 40 percent
mm thick. Trim off excess mortar and sulphuric acid before applying the resin type of mor-
allow it to harden fully. Cure with acid as tars. After acid-curing, wash the free acid in the joints
given in 10.7 axcept for epoxy and with clean water and allow sufficient time for thorough
polyester resins. drying. Resin mortars shall then be filled into the
2) On walls - Spread the resin type mortar joints.
6 to 8 mm thick on the back of the unit.
10.7.1 Resin mortars are normally self curing and do
Smear two adjacent sides of the unit with
not generally require an auxilliary curing. They should
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
not be put to use before 48 h in the case of furane, pouring is carried out shall be checked for
epoxy and polyester resin type mortars. They may be flammable or explosive gases and a flame per-
put~to use after 48 h provided the setting temperature mit shall be issued before the fir&s are lit or
is at least 20°C. In the case of phenolic and cashewnut molten sulphur mortar is carried into the area.
shell liquid resin and for lower temperatures the period Soda acid type fire extinguisher and wet cloth
of curing shall be extended as recommended by the shall be made available for extinguishing fire
manufacturer. Without any heat treatment phenolic or preventing its spread. Water shall be kept
resin and the cashewnut shell liquid resin shall not be away-from molten sulphur mortar in order to
put to use for 7 to 28 days respectively. With the avoid foaming. Adequate ventilation should be
treatmentphenolic resin and the cashewnut shell liquid provided wherever sulphur mortars are used.
resin shall not~be put to use for 7 to 28 days respective-
ly. With heat treatment the phenolic and cashewnut Table 9.13 Chemical Resistance of Resin Type
shell liquid resin may be put to use after 2 to 6 days ~Mortars
respectively. The construction shall be protected from (Clause 10.8)
weather and water and from accidental mechanical
SI Sobs~ance Epoxy Poly- Pheno- Fur- Cashewnut
damage until the mortar is cured. Heat treatment may -No. ester lit nae Nutshell
be given with infrared lamp. Liquid
(1) (2) (3) (4) (9 (6) (7)
10.8 Chemical Resistance of Resin Type Mortars Add.?
b) All surfaces coming into contact with molten Wet guses (oxidizing) N N N N N
Wet gases (reducing) R R R R R
sulphur mortar shall be kept dry. Adequate
Mineral oils R R R R L
safety precautions shall be taken during melt- Vegetable oils anclfuts R R R R L
ing and pouring of sulphur mortars. The R = Generally recommended; L = Limited use; N = Not
operators shall be provided with leather recommended
aprons, asbestos gloves, asbestos boots, gog-
NOTE - Carbon and graphite tillers should be used for
gles and masks. The areas where melting and hydrofluoric acid service.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
azl'6 321’6
1 I
9Z1’6 VZC’G .
311’6 all’6
311’6 all.6
I4 Vll’6
L66l:(JLD S)Z9dS
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
12.5 Woo&Block Flooring Patterns (Types of Blocks and Wood Block Floor)
They shall be as! given in Fig. 9.13, Fig 9.14 and Fig. 9.15.
All dimensions
in centimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
Mosaic parquet floors shall be of 6, 8 and 10 mm d) Laying of woodblock floor shall be done as
thickness; 6 mm thickness is not suitable for softwood below:
and softer grades of hardwood; width shall be 18 to 1) Sub-floor shall consist of cement con-
25 mm. Length shall be 100 to 165 mm. crete flooring of 5 to 7.5 cm thick, finished
12.8 Fabrication and Laying cm x 7.5 cm
2) The woodblockssizestiom25
a) Parquet floor shall be consist~of the following : to 30 cm x 7.5 cm, shall be dipped in
1) ‘Sub-jZoor - The sub-floor shall be planed liquid mastic composition adhering to
before laying of parquets. It shall be made cement.
of timber boarded floor 50 to 75 mm thick. 3) The centre of the floor shallbe laid first
(see IS 3670 : 1989 or Part 5). The sub- with the border cut and fitted to it.
floor may also be of cement concrete. Generally two rows of wood blocks shall
2) Panels - These shall be generally 30 to be laid longitudinally to serve as border.
35 cm2. The floor is scraped and planed to an even
3) Square edged hardwood battens-These surface and sand papered.
shall be generally 15 to 50 cm in length, 4) The pores in the floor shall be sealed by an
5 to 10 cm in width and 5 to 10 mm in appropriate floor seal.
thickness. e) Mosaic parquet floors shall be laid as
b) The laying of parquet floor shall be done as below:
below: 1) Adhesives for glueing mosaic parquet
1) Border shah be fitted first to a width shall be of solvent and dispersion type,
of 60 cm and the area is laid and fitted such as, epoxy resin or phenolic resin
dry. (resorcinol formaldehyde), or urea for-
2) Every individual piece of parquet is taken maldehyde synthetic adhesives. All par-
up in turn and placed in position with quet adhesives are diluted (mixed) with
mastic; various mineral components; they are ap-
3) Before the mastic hardens, nails are driven plied by means of a toothed steel trowel
in; as thin as possible. Only a limited area
4) The floor is scraped or planed to an even shall be primed in order to prevent setting.
surface and sand papered; and
5) The nail holes punched in area filled with 2) Mosaic parquet are laid over battened
putty and the floor is polsihed with the use floors which are even. The mosaic par-
of power-driven machines. quet shall be laid diagonally to the direc-
tion of battens. In old and uneven battened
c) The wood block floors shall be in herring-bone
floors, plywood or other boards may be
or basket patterns. The blocks shall of the types
inserted between the floor and mosaic par-
given below:
quet. The boards may be glued or nailed
1) Simple square end -block with dove-
to the floor and, the old batten floor be
detailed grooveson the bottom,
made even.
SP 62 (S & T)-: 1997
3) Adhesive shall be applied on the prepared 4) Mosaic parquet floors shall be finished
and dry surface and the back of parquet. as in Chapter 15 on finishes of wood
Apply pressure on the parquet panel to get work.
a good bond. Joints shall be very thin and
(Clause 12.2)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
I) The species should be non-refractory; h) Wall plates and ends of joists should not be
2) The thickness of boards shal! be from built into the side walls. Spacing of joists may
25 to 40 mm. be between 300 to 450 mm.
3) Forjoists, binders and girders the modulus
of elasticity should be not less than 3 On properly fixed joists, wooden boards
25-30 mm thick, IOO- 150 mm wide and 3 m
5 625 N/mm’ and the extreme fibre stress
longgenerally widend by tongued and grooved
should be not less 8.5 N/mm*.
joints shall be laid and fixed by screws/nails.
2.2 Nails shall conform to IS 723 : I972 and diamond
pointed. k) The surface of the boards are levelled and
rubbed smooth.
2.3 All timber shall be seasoned as per IS 114 I : 1993
and preserved as per IS 401 : 1982. If water preserv- 4.1.1 Timber Floors,for Upper Floors
atives are used, it shall be seasoned a second time. The details are as in Fig. 9.18.
Proper anti-termite measures as in Chapter 6 shall be
adopted for use in buildings. Damp-proofing, w-here 4.2 Double Joisted Timber Floor
necessary, shall be done as per Chapter 12. These are used for longer spans between 3.5 m and
3 TYPES OF TIMBER FLOORS 5 m. To make it more sound proof the construction
3.1 Timber floors are generally of the following types: procedure is as follows (see Fig. 9.19):
4 Single joisted floors having bridge joist only; 4 The bridging joists, instead of spanning from
wall to wall, are supported by larger horizontal
b) Double joisted floors having bridge joists sup- members (binders) at suitable intervals, be-
ported on binders; tween 2 m to 5 m in the shorter direction of the
cl Triple joisted floors having bridging joists sup-
ported on binders and framed into girders; b) Floor boards are supported on bridging joists.
4 Solid timber floors/wood block floor; and c>The binders shall not be placed over door win-
dow openings unless designed as lintels. Ends
e) Purpose made floor/parquet floors, etc.
of binders should not touch masonry.
4.1 Single Joisted Timber Floor
4 Ceilings may be fixed to the bottom of the
This Lype of floor is constructed on ground floor,
generally in theatres where dance and drama perfor- 4.3 Triple Joisted Timber Floor
mances are regularly held. Also they are suited for The details are as in Fig. 9.20.
buildings in hilly regions and damp areas. The con-
struction sequence is as below: 4.4 Solid Timber Floors
SP 62 ($ & T) : 1997
f) Rebated and fitted joints; For all these joints, screws shall be driven from top of
floor boards to the joists below and then concealed by
g) Splayed joints; and
h) Square butt joints. 5.2 The pores of timber floor shall be sealed with a
floor seal.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
---...- ------_, _
-.__ .. . -h---------3
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
50 TO
SECTION XX 75 mm f
SP 62 (S & T) z I997
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
sufficient drying time to the background. How- 4) Metals in contact with plaster are liable to
ever, concrete blocks and foam concrete blocks corrosion. However, when a rich mix of
shall be only lightly wetted before plastering. cement lime plaster (1: 1:6) is used, it
The reasons for cracking of plaster are as would have less corrosive effect on iron
under: and steel.
1) Quick drying of the mortar due to hot 5) Plastering shall be completed before the
weather and low humidity; setting process for mortar has started. If
2) Strong mix is used on a weak background; hydraulic lime is used the mortar shall be
3) Lack of bond with the background; used within 4 h after grinding. Lime
4) Masonry underneath has not undergone pozzolana mortar shall be used within 24 h
initial shrinkage; of grinding.
5) Lack of proper raking of joints; b) To ensure even thickness and a true surface,
6) Discontinuity in backgrounds, such as, plaster about 150 mm x 150 mm shall be first
change from wall to ceiling, from concrete laid, horizontally and vertically, at not more
to brickwork, from clay brickwork to con- than 2 m intervals over the entire surface to
crete block work, etc. This can be over- serve as gauges; they shall be uniformly thick
come by separating the two portions by a but slightly more than the specified thickness.
neat cut through the plaster at the junction; These shall be beaten by wooden straight edge
7) Due to roof movement by variation in and brought to true surface after thoroughly
temperature, cracks may occur in parti- filling the joints. Excessive trowelling or
tions; this can be prevented by isolating floating should be avoided. During the process
the top of partition from roof slab; and a solution of lime putty shall be applied on the
8) When bridging joints in slabs, the plaster surface to make the latter workable. All
will crack due to higher stresses; this can corners, arrises, angles and junctions shall be
be avoided by reinforcing the plaster at the truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be.
joint by wire or jute scrim. Rounding or chamfering shall be done with
2.5 Preparation of Lime Mortars for Plastering proper templates.
This is covered in Chapter 4. cl The plaster shall be left cut clean to line both
horizontally and vertically, while stopping
2.6 Application of Lime Plaster work at the end of the day. For recommencing
a) General - It is an advantage to plaster the the work, the sedge of the old work shall be
ceiling first and then to plaster the walls start- scrapped clean, wetted with lime putty.before
ing from top and working downwards. This plaster is applied to the adjacent areas. The
will permit the removal of scaffolding as easily plastering work shall be closed at the end of the
as possible. day on the body of the wall but not nearer than
150 mm to any corner or anises. There shall
1) The range of coats normally employed for
be no horizontal joints in plasterwork on
different backgrounds are as follows:
parapet tops and copings. No portion of work
Brickwork (internal and external) 1 or 2
initially be left out to be patched later on.
Stonework (internal and external) 2 or 3
Concrete blocks 1 or2 In case ballies pierce the wall, the holes shall
Wood laths 2 or 3 be made good with brick and plastered.
Soffits and ceilings 1 or2 d) One Coat Plaster work - The plaster of
2) Thickness for plaster work exclusive of specified thickness shall be applied to the full
key or dubbing out shall generally be-as length of the wall up to natural breaking points,
below: such as, doors and windows. The mix for ceil-
First Second Third ings shall be stiffer than that used for walls. On
Coat Coat Coat soffits the mortar shall be laid in long even
Brick masonry spreads outwards from the operator overlap-
a) Single coat work 15mm - - ping each trowel full and using sufficient pres-
b) Double coat work 10 mm 10 mm - sure to ensure intimate contact with the
Stone masonry 15mm 10mm - background. On walls, the mortar shall be laid
Stone masonry (very in long even spreads upwards and across, under
rough surface) 15mm 10mm 10mm pressure.
3) The plasters shall be finished to a smooth On smooth background, the mortar may have
surface. to be dashed on to ensure adequate bond.
The plaster shall be laid on little more than the required The sand shall be ground fine. The marble also
thickness and levelled with a wooden float. The shall be ground fine and filtered through mus-
plaster shall be water cured as described in 2.7. lin. The materials shall be mixed with water
e> Two Coat Plaster Work and~kept in a heap, well wetted ftr 2 days.
1) First coat-The first coat shall be applied c>On this coat of(b), the same mix as in (b) shall
as in (d) above. Before the first coat har- be ground on flat stone slabs with stone rollers
dens, itssurface shall be beaten up by the to the coinsistency of fine river mud and ap-
edges of wooden thapis and close dents plied to a thickness of 2 mm over the second
shall be made on the surface, which serve coat (b) which is wetted before hand.
as a key to the next coat. The next coat 4 The surface of the third coat (c) shall be
shall be applied, after the first coat has set polished first with trowels and then with very
for 3 to 5 days. The surface shall not be hard smooth stones. While polishing opera-
allowed to dry during this period. tion is in progress soap stone powder contained
2) First coat on wooden lath and metal lath- in muslin bags shall be dusted on the surface.
ing - The mortar shall be stiff enough to The operation shall be continued till a high
cling and hold when laid and shall be smooth polish is obtained.
applied spreading diagonally across the
d Curing shall be done as in 2.7.
lath work overlapping each trowel full
under pressure. The average thickness 2.9 Miscellaneous Works
shall not be exceeding 10 mm. 2.9.1 Repairs.
3) Second coat - The second coat shall be
completed in exactly the same manner as a>Cracked, crumbled or hollow sounding por-
tions of plaster shall be removed to a shape of a
the first coat. The finishing coat shall be
square or a rectangle. The edges shall be undercut
laid with a mason’s trowel to an average
slightly to provide a key to new plaster.
thickness of 5 mm.
4) Curing shall be done as in 2.7. b) The visible joints shall be raked out to a mini-
f) Three Coat Plaster Work- The first two coats mum depth of 12 mm in the case of brick work
shall be applied as in (e); the third coat shall be and 20 mm in the case of stone work. The
completed to the specified thickness in the surface of the masonry shall be scrubbed with
same manner as the second coat; curing shall wire brushes to remove all-mortar; it shall then
be done as in 2.7. be washed with water and kept wet before
2.7 Curing commencing plastering.
Curing shall be started 24 h after finishing the plaster. c>Plaster shall then be applied as in one ‘coat
The plaster shall be kept wet for 7 days; during this plaster work [see 2.6 (d)]. The surface shallbe
period it shall be protected. finished even and flush with the old smound-
ing plaster.
2.8 Special Finishes
2.8.1 Madras Plaster 2.9.2 Avoidance of Crazing
This~is a special plaster finish applied in three or more a) Surface crazing-is due to excessive shrinkage
coats to obtain a smooth polished surfaces in places caused by drying.
where shell lime and fine sand are easily available. b) In order to prevent this, it is necessary to limit
a> The first coat of lime plaster shall be applied the differences in shrinkage, as below:
as in 2.6 (d). This shall be allowed to set for 2
1) Use well graded materials;
or 4 days and then the surface scoured
2) Ensure thorough grinding of mortar and
thoroughly in diagonal lines crossing each thorough mixing of constituents;
other. The plaster shall be kept constantly Observe carefully the time intervals
watered till it is~nearly set and then the second between successive coats so that each coat
and third coats be applied as in 2.6 (e) and (f). undergoes a portion of its shrinkage before
b) On this coat, a mix specified below about 5 mm the next coat is applied; and
thick shall be applied to an exact level surface Avoid quick drying at initial stages.
with long wooden floats or where required by
curved moulds. The surace of the undercoat
may be watered, if necessary, before applying
this coat. 3.1 General
Shell lime (slaked) 12 parts by volume Cement plaster and cement plaster gauged with lime
Fine white sand 9 parts by volume are widely used in the country for finishing of walls
Powdered marble 1 part by volume and ceilings.
c> The first undercoat is then applied to ceilings 2 For single coat plaster the fineness modulus of sand should
and walls. It is an advantage to plaster the be, as far as possible I .5 and conforming to Zone IV of IS 383 :
1970. WhereDnly tine sand is available, the fineness modulus
ceiling first ~to remove the scaffolding before
may be improved by mixing the required percentage of coarse
the plastering work on the wall. sand. The strength of plaster mix reduces with the reduction in
4 After a suitable interval, not more than 5 days, the fineness modulus of sand.
the second coat may be applied. After a further 3 Other mixes of cement/lime and sand may also be adopted
suitable interval, the finishing coat may be depending on the quality of sand available and local conditions
provided the strength conforms to any of the above mixes.
applied first to the ceilings and then the walls.
a) The ideal number of coats, where practical, is 9 Brickwork or hollow clay tiles 2 or 1
two, namely, the undercoat followed by finish- ii) Concrete, cast in-situ 2or 1
ing coat. This is possible on reasonably plane iii) Building blocks 2or 1
backgrounds of brick, concrete and similar iv) Wood or metal lath 3 or2
materials. However, for very rough surfaces, 201-I
v) Fibre building boards
such as, rough stone masonry, three coat
vi) Wood-wool slabs 2or i
plastering may be necessary. Metal lathing re-
quires three coat plaster finish. Renovation vii) Cork slabs 2or I
work on wooden laths should also be carried viii) Uneven rough stone masonry 3 or 2
out in three coats.
b) A summary of background data for internal
The range of coats for different backgrounds is plastering is given in Table 10.2.
as follows:
1 Spatterdash coat, 1:2 or 3 cement : coarse sand should be allowed to harden before applying under coat. Wire mesh should be fixed
at least 6 mm in clear of surface.
9 Consideration should be given to the strength of the board and the possibility of impact damage.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
Scraped or textured finishes are generally less liable to Mixes suitable for different types of renderings are
crack or craze than plain finishes and are easier to bring given in Table 10.4. Where alternate mixes are given
to a uniform appearance; this is specially important selection shall be made on the following considera-
when coloured renderings are used. Although rough tions:
texture offers more lodgement for dirt, it tends to an a) The mix for each successive coat shall never
evenness of discolouration; rain water is distributed be of a type richer in cement than the mix used
reducing the risk of penetration through the rendering. for the coat to which it is applied; and
4.2.3 Hand-Thrown Finishes, Rough Cast and b) Richer type of mix shall be~preferred in winter
Dry-Dash, etc conditions.
These finishes have all the advantages of scraped or -4.5 Preparatory Work
textured finish. Under severe conditions of exposure
these are more satisfactory from weather proofing, 4.5.1 Independent scaffolding may be used wherever
t durability, reistance to cracking and crazing than the possible to avoid put log holes.
types as in 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
Moderatelystrong Roughem : 55 5 -6 -6 -6
and porous Dry-dash
Moderately weak Scraped or ’ 2 3 4 Same as for undercoats - *
and porous Textured 1
Wood-float 20r3 : 3or4
Scmped or 2or3 3or4
No-fines concrete Textured
Roughcast 5 5 : 6 6 6
Dry-dash 5 5 - - -
Metal lathing Scraped or I 1 1 2 2 2
or Textured
expanded metal Roughcast 6 6 6
Dry-d& : : 5 - - -
1 Mixtypes.Type1-1:0:4,Type2-1:0:5to6,Type3-1:1:6to7,Type4-1:2:9to10,Type5-1:0.3,Type6-1:3
Types 1 to 5 shall-consist of cement:lime:sand by volume; Type 6 shall consist ofcement, coarse aggregate of size 6 to 12 mm by volume.
2 For special mixes for high sulphate backgrounds (see Annex A).
3 Where alternate sand contents are shown, the higher one may be used if the sand’is coarse or well graded and lower sand content may
be used of the sand is fine.
SF’ 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
4 General -When using high alumina cement, Facing with stones of various types like marble,
the work shall not be done in hot weather. granite, lime stone,~etc, is a popular external finish.
Between coats, give 24 h interval in hot and dry Therefore, these require careful fixing techniques
weather and more in cold weather. involving proper preparation, appropriate choice of
fixing devices and weather proof construction. Fixing
b) First Undercoat - This may be applied either
by laying or throwing from the trowel. It accessories, like cramps, dowels used in facing work
shall be as uniform as possible up to a thickness are commonly of copper alloys but also of aluminium
of 8 to 12 mm. It shall be rough and then alloy, plastics, etc.
combed and scratched to provide a key to the
5.2 Materials
next coat.
c) Subsequent undercoat, if necessary, may Abe a>Facing Stone - The stone shall be sound,
laid similarly to (b). dense and free from defects which impair
strength durability and appearance. The
d) Plain Finishing Coats - The finishing coat facings may be of marble, granite, syenite,
shall be not less than 3 mm or more than 8 mm
basalt, limestone, sand stone or slate. Lime-
thick; the coat shall be laid with a trowel and
stone slabs from Sahabad, Taiduran, Kotah and
finished with a wood, felt, cork or other suitab-
Yerraguntla of 20 mm thickness and above are
ly faced float.
e) Scraped or Textured Coats - Various scraped In case of sandstone, patches or streaks shall
or textured finishes can be~obtained by hand or not be allowed; however scattered spots of
machine application. The thickness of the 10 mm diameter may be allowed.
final coat is governed by the texture required.
Marble facings (blocks, slab and tiles) shall
For scraped finishes the final coat is of a thick-
conform to IS 1130 : 1969.
ness of 6 to 12 mm of which about 3 mm is
removed in the scraping process. For textural The thickness of stone veneer shall not be less
finish the surface skin of the mortar shall be than 20 mm.
removed to expose the aggregate. b) Cramps - The material for cramps shall have
high resistance to corrosion under conditions
Roughcast Finish -The final coat, the mix of
of dampness and chemical action of mortar in
which shall be quite wet and plastic, is thrown
which it~is embedded. They may be of copper
on by means of a trowel or scoop.
alloyed with zinc, tin, nickel, lead and
Dry-Dash Finish aluminium or stainless steel. Aluminium H9
1) For this finish the undercoat shall be up to alloy in W condition (see IS 737 : 1986) may
a thickness of 8 mm and slightly pressed. be used for cramps.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
c) Metal Angle Supports - Mild steel angle sup- b) to hold the units in position and also to support
ports may be used; they should be protected the unit transferring the weight to the backing.
from corrosion. 5.4.1 Supporting arrangements shall be as shown~in
d) Cement shall conform to IS 269 : 1989, Fig. 10.1 A to 10.1 H; cramps may be attached to the
IS 1489 (Parts 1 & 2) : 1991 or any other as sides (Fig. 10.1 A and lO.lB), or top and bottom (Fig.
specified. Sand shall conform to IS 2116 : lO.lC, Fig. lO.lD, Fig. lO.lE andFig. lO.lF), or sides
1980 and lime to IS 712 : 1984 and SURKHZ and bottom (Fig. lO.lG and Fig. lO.lH).
to IS 1344 : 1981. 5.4.2 Facings Integrally Bonded to Backing
5.3 Types of Facings
The attachment for integral bond should be either:
a) Facings which are not integrally bonded with
a) the facing unit contains projections~which are
the backing do not generally appreciably con-
mechanically bonded with the backing and
tribute to the stability and load bearing
supporting unit; or
capacity of the wall.
b) by means of masonry bond or keying to the
b) Facings which are integrally bonded with the backing, or
backing so that both together contribute to the
c) a combination of both (a) and (b).
stability and load carrying capacity of the wall
in which at least 15 percent of the face consists 5.5 Joints
of bonding stones extending up to 10 cm into
The joints between units should be finished flush, tuck,
the backing.
ruled, square, weathered-struck or rebated as in
5.4 Fixing the Facings with Cramps Fig. 10.2
Cramps may be used either: Expansion joints in -the backing shall be carried
a) to hold the facing units in position only and through in the~facing. The joints may be sealed with
transfer the weight of the unit to the facing appropriate joint sealing compounds, to prevent
beneath; or ingress of moisture.
10.1A Side Attachment 10.1B Side Attachment 10.1C Top and Bottom 10.1 D’Top and Bottom
Attachment Attachment
10.1 E Top and Bottom 10.1 F Top and Bottom 10.1G Side, Top and 10.1H Side, Top and
Attachment Attachment Bottom Attachment Bottom Attachment
NOTE - Cramps shown in diagrams ‘A-H’ are arranged for facings with the longer sides vertical. For facings having the longer sides
horizontal, cramps wouldbe positionedto suitthe alteredproportions
of the facings.
5.6 -Fixing of Stone Facings enlarged to improve the anchorage of the cramp.
During fixing, cramps shall not be bent, unless
The stone facings shall be wetted before laying. While provided for in the design.
applying mortar for fixing the facings in position, no
5.6.1 Use of stone dowels and metal pins for fixing
chips or fillings of any sort shall be used.
veneering to wall are shown in Fig. 10.4. Cramps
The facings may be fixed according to the different illustrated in Fig. 10SA shall not be used for load
types of arrangements (see 5.4.1) and shown in bearing purposes. Details of copper pin dowel is
Fig. 10.3. In case of load bearing cramps (designed to shown in Fig. 10.5, details of metal and stone cramps
carry the load), the holes in the backing shall be are as in Fig. 10.6.
10.5A 10.56
All dimensions
When distinct joints are necessary, a wiping of white 6.3 Types of Facings and Fixing by Cramps
cement~slurry or tinted white linseed oil-putty may be
applied to the tightly butting slabs; but this shall not be 6.3.1 Facings and veneerings may be of two types:
used under severely exposed positions.
Attached facings for use with backing as a safe
5.8 Ashlar Facing means of attachment without essentially con-
Facing with ashlar built integrally with backing shall tributing to the stability of the load bearing
be as in Chapter 4. properties of the wall, and
10.7A Side Attachment 10.78 Side Attachmeht 10.7C Top and Bottom 1O.fD Top and Bottom
Attaohmbnt Attachment
10.7E Top and Bottom 10.7F Top and Bottom 10.7G Side, Top clnd 10.7t-l Side, Top and 10.7J Centre
Attachment Attachment Bottom Attachment Bottam Attachment Attachment
NOTE- Cramps shownin diagrams‘A-H’nrearranged forfncingswiththe longer sides vertical. For facings having the longer sides
horizontal, cramps would be positioned to suit the altered proportions of the facings.
256 3
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
10.9c 10.9D
a) Buttjoint is the simplest form of joint and may c) Double joggle joint is not suitable for vertical
be used when the facing unit has a projection joints as the sliding action necessary to engage
into a backing to provide mechanical bond. It the unit vertically will interfere with the proper
may also be used when it has no such projec- bedding of the horizontal joint and the bond to
tion with the arrangements, either for carrying the backing with mortar. This type of joint is
the weight of the units by cramps or by the suitable for horizontal joints; it locks the units
backing as shown in Fig. 10.7. to one another but cramps may be required to
hold the units to the wall.
b) In single joggle joint when side cramps are
used they need only be single cramp as one side d) The grouted joints shall stabilize the facing
of the cramp is already held in position. The system if applied to all horizontal and vertical
positioning of single cramp will be easier than joints. Crampsmay beusedforsupportingtheunit
that of a double cramp; when ledged facing with the wall and also bearing load partially.
is used in conjunction with an inverted joggle
6.7 Control of Alignment
joint, probably cramps may not be
necessary and the joint shall be as shown in The appearance of the finished wall will be easily
Fig. 10.11. marked by inaccuracies of alignment. Inaccuracies
will to some extent be marked by the treatment of
B2 83
D2 D3
7.1 General
7.2 Materials
mortar bedding and to IS 1542 : 1992 for d) The mix for bedding can be sand cement mor-
floating coat and pointing. tar or sand cement mortar with additives; I:4
mix should be adequate; additives can be plas-
7.3 Preparatory Work ticizer, waterproofing agents, etc.
4 Sufficient time should elapse for complete in- 7.5 Fixing of Tiles
itial drying and shrinkage of the background
before application of floating coat. The sur- Tiles are fixed beginning at the uppermost
face shall be properly cleaned from dust and level working downwards to avoid disfiguring,
particles. staining damage and subsequent cleaning. The
tiles with non-porous bodies need not be
b) The surface should not be allowed to dry after
soaked; tiles with porous bodies should be
wetting before application of the floating coat.
completely immersed in clean water at least for
The floating should keep pace with wetting and
an hour before using. After soaking, the tiles
if necessary the surface shall be rewetted.
shall be stacked tightly on a clean surface to
Efflorescence or laitance shall be removed.
cl To provide an effective key for-surfaces con-
The tiles should be fixed on the wetted floated
taminated with oil or grease special treatment
coat, they should be tapped back firmly into
by fixing a metal lath or wire netting shall be
position so that the bed is covered entirely by
given. At least one-half of any smooth surface
the tile. The thickness of bed should be be-
shall be removed to a depth of 3 mm either by
tween 6 to 12 mm after fixing the tile. Uniform
hand or mechanically.
spacing between tiles should be obtained by
Weakbackgrounds, which are unlikely to sup- using spacer pegs as the work progresses. Any
port a floating coat should be covered with a adjustment of the tile shall be made within
firmly fixed metal lathing or wire netting. about 10 min. Ensure that the surface of tiling
4 Movement of joints due to shrinkage of back- shall be true and flat. Cleaning shall not be
ground and settlement of unit shall be provided started before 1; h after fixing.
for. Narmally these joints shall be at the level
Grouting or pointing of tiles should not be
of every storey height horizontally and every
3 m vertically. They shall coincide with struc- carried out, until the day after the tiles have
been fixed. A waterproofing agent may be
tural material changes, such as, top of slab for
added to the grouting mix.
horizontal joint. Movement joints shall extend
to depth of tile and bed and shall be minimum The grout should be applied with a squeeze working
6 mm wide. The joints shall be filled with back and forth over the area until all the joints are
cement mortar with about 15 percent gauging completely filled; all the surplus grout should be
with lime putty. removed from the tiles and polished.
7.4 Application of Floated Coat for Tiles and Pointing would be similar to grouting, except that a
Mosaics small portion of fine sand should be added to the mix.
The purpose of floated coat or rendering is to
7.6 Fixing of Ceramic Mosaics
form a surface suitable for application of tiling
when the background is unsuitable for direct a>Mosaics shall be assembled in the form of
fixing of tiles. sheets or varying mixes, the separate pieces of
b) Mix for the floated coat shall be 1:3 cement mosaic glued face down to any suitable
mortar (volume) for smooth and moderately material such as, paper, nylon, adhesive strips,
strong backgrounds, such as, high density etc. The paper strips. etc should be easily
bricks or blocks, precast or in-situ stone, etc. removable after fixing has taken place. All
To improve workability and thus to aid ap- dimensions be checked out so-that no difficulty
plication and finishing, a small portion of would arise in setting it out. Where mosaic has
hydrated lime may be added to the mix; for I:3 to be applied to a floated coat, the surface shall
cement mortar by volume, one-fourth lime by be slightly scratched and finished with a wood
volume may be added. float.
c) Thickness of each floated coat should not be b) The bedding mortar may be 10 mm thic-k.
more than 10 mm; the float shall be even and Before bedding the mosaic, the fixing side of
the mosaic sheet shall be grouted with a neat .
preferably scratched to provide a key for the
bedding mortar. cement slurry.
c) After the sheets have been firmly beaten into 8.3 Preparatory Work
the facing, paper and glue sheets removed and,
a) The spacing of supports and fixing rigid wall
the final straightening done, a grout shall be
coverings shall be as given in Table 10.5.
rubbed over the surface to fill the voids in the
joints and then cleaned down. After the b) Joint thickness shall be of about 6 mm. All
cement in the joints has hardened, the whole vertical joints shall be staggered, particularly
surface may be washed down with a solution where both sides of the wall are covered.
of 10 percent hydrochloric acid and 90 percent
water and finally cleaned with water. Table 10.5 Spacings for Support and Fixing of
Rigid Wall Boards
7.7 Fixing of Marble Mosaics
(Clauses 8.3 and 8.4)
The fixing shall be the same as in 7.6 with the excep- SI Type of Board Thick- Spacing Nail Spacing Minimxm
tion that the back of the mosaics, after applying the No. ness of Centre to Centre Edge
cement grout into the joints, shall be covered with a (mm) S”(“m”ts ;tEdges Cl-y
at Supports
layer of two parts of fine sand and one part of cement Nails
to the level of the thickness. This is due to the variation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
9.5 400
in thickness of marble slabs.
i) Gypsum board 12.5 500 1 100 to 1.50 100 to 150 10
When multiple layers of coverings have to be For better strength and stability, successive
done the first covering shall be fixed as in (a) boards may be fixed in perpendicular direction
to (e) above. Further covers shall be bonded to the one below it, or if all the layers are fixed
by suitable adhesive to the first cover or as vertically, the joints of each layer shall not
specified by the manufacturer. occur over the joints of the preceeding layer.
10.13A Boards with Longer Sides Vertical 10.138 Boards with Longer Sides Horizontal
‘i - ,i:
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
4 J J
: Protect all the edges of the~board using a suitable sealant or edge Iipping to prevent moisture absorption. -V
SUGGESTED LIPPING : Veneers - 1.5 mm thick,solid wood strips, P.V.C.bands, elastic laminates,aluminium strips.
W Cloth ceiling
3 Aluminium sheet ceiling
CEMENT SHEETS k) Expanded polystyrene ceiling
m>Mineral wood board
The f;abrication and fixing of timber ceiling is covered
by IS 5390 : 1984 (see Annex B).
9.1 General
9.2 Preparatory Work
Coverings are fixed on to the ceiling to give decorative
appearance, to conceal projections, such as beams a) Wooden or metal framework, consisting of
longitudinal,bearers and cross bearers by
occurring underneath floor slab, to provide a false
means of which the ceiling board are sup-
ceiling, to obtain special accoustic effects, insulation
ported, shall be designed for structural strength
against heat and cold, etc.
and stability as per IS 883 : 1970.
9.1.1 Fixing details using the following boards and b) The suspenders from RCC slabs for supporting
other are covered herein: the framework for false ceiling shall be of
sufficient length to reach the ceiling frame.
a) Insulating board IS 3348: 1965
b) Hardboard IS 1658: 1977 c) Ceiling boards, less than 5 kg/m2 in mass, can
be directly fixed to RCC by means of fixing
c) Plaster of Paris IS 2547 plugs, bolts, etc.
Ceiling & Plaster ot (Parts 1 & 2) : 1976
Paris tiles d) Where double ceiling boards are provided,
such as, in air conditioning installations, cold
d) Gypsum plaster board IS 2095 : 1982 storage rooms, the first layer of ceiling board
may be fixed to the ceiling with plugs or other
e) Plywood and IS 303 : 1989, IS 1328 :
fixing devices (see 10) in the concrete slabs at
blockboard 1982 (Plywood)
required spacings.
IS 7316 : 1974, IS 710:
1976,1S 1659 : 1990 e) Typical details of framework and methods of
(Blockboard) its suspension are shown in Fig. 10.20 and
Fig. 10.21.
60mm DEEP
/ : ,
_ _ . _ __
i,._--_ --I
Different methods of attachmentof hangersto Top Members are illustrated in A, B, D and G, and to Ceiling Frames are illustrated in
Use of clips, studsand hooks for fixing bolts are illustrated in H aad E.
9.3.4 Plaster of Paris Tiles 50 mm on either side and trowelled dry. When
4 Materials - .Timber for making framework metal scrim is used, a stiffer plaster may be
shall be from any species in IS 5390 : 1984. necessary. The joints may also be left open if
Plaster of Paris shall conform to IS 2547 (Parts desired.
1 and 2) : 1976; thickness of tiles shall be not 9.3.6 Plywood and Blockboard
less than 12 mm. Hessian cloth shall conform
to IS 2818 (Part 1) : 1990; hessian cloth shall a) Materials - Timber for framework shall con-
be of an open webbed texture. form to IS 5390 : 1984. Plywood shall con-
form to IS 303 : 1989 or IS 710 : 1976 or
b) Preparation of Tiles-Tiles of plaster of Paris IS7316 : 1974 or IS 1328 : 1982~or IS 5509 :
reinforced with hessiancloth shall be prepared 1980. Blockboard shall conform to IS 1659 :
to the required size. The maximum size shall 1990; screws shall conform to IS 6760 : 1972.
be limited to 750 mm in each direction. The
tiles may be made on a glass sheet with wooden b! Fixing - The fixing shall be as in 9.3.1(b);
surrounds; a thin coating of non-staining oil except that for boards in thickness 4 to 10 mm
may be given to the glass sheet for easy the spacings may vary from 450 to 600 mm for
removal of tiles. Plaster of Paris shall be even- longitudinal battens and 600 to 1 200 mm for
ly spread to about half the thickness and then cross battens; for boards above 10 mm thick,
hessian cloth spread over it; on this, plaster of the spacings may be 600 to 900 mm for lon-
Paris is spread again to the full thickness. Tiles gitudinal battens and 900 to 1300 mm for cross
shall be allowed to set for an hour and then battens. The spacing of fixing countersunk
removed to dry and harden for about a week. screws may be adjusted according to thickness
A good tile will give a ringing sound when of board. Joints if left open shall be filled with
struck. painters putty and brought to level; joints may
also be left open. Thejoints may be rebated or
cl Fixing - The timber frame shall be so made tounge and grooved.
that each tile has supporting scantlings to fix
The ceiling shall be finished by hand-sanding
them. Aluminium frame may also be used.
and waxed or polished or clear varnished or
Tiles may be fixed to the cross battens with
painted as required (see Chapter 15).
40 mm long brass screws to IS 6760 : 1972 at
200 mm centres. Ties may be laid adjacent to 9.3.7 hbestos Cement Building Board
each other without leaving any gap. The
screws shall be at least 15 mm away from the a) Materials-Timber for framework catibe any
of the species in IS 5390 : 1984; asbestos board
edge. Holes for screws shall be drilled. The
shall conform to IS 2098 : 1964; screws shall
countersunk heads of screws shall be covered
conform to IS 6730 : 1972.
with plaster of Paris and smoothly finished.
When unbroken surface is desired, joints shall b) Fixing - Framework shall be fixed as in
be filled with plaster of Paris and trowelled 9.3.1 (b). The asbestos board shall be laid truly
smooth. parallel or perpendicular to the walls and shall
9.3.5 Gypsum Plaster Board be fixed to the battens with countersunk screws
by using metal channels and clips. Holes shall
4 Materials - The boards shall conform to IS
be drilled at least 12 mm from edge. They
2095 : 1982. Nails shall conform to IS 723 : should be butt jointed. If a gap of 3 to 6 mm
1972. The length of the nail shall be 30 mm between sheets is given the gap should be
for boards 10 mm thick and- 40 mm for covered with wooden beading or similar
12.5 mm or 16 mm thick boards. Screws shall material.
conform to IS 6730 : 1972. Steel screws
No finishing treatment’is necessary.
without brass or nickel coating shall not be
used. Screw sizes shall be 3.10 or.3.45 mm; 9.3.8 Wooden Cover Fillets Beading
length shall be 30 mm for 10 mm thick board
and 35 or 40 mm for 12.5 mm and l-6 mm a) Materials - Timber for framework may be
board. any of the species of IS 5390 : 1984. Screws
shall conform toIS 6730 : 1972. Beading shall
b) Fixing - The frame work shall be fixed as in
be planed, smooth and true on the rear surface.
9.3.1 (b). Joints may be 6 mm wide. Jointing
It may be 12 mm x 40 mm or as specified. I’
may be in a decorative pattern. The joints may
be finished with a filling of gypsum plaster or b) Fixing - The beading shall be fixed centrally
other materials; after filling the joint, a thick over the butt joints between two timber planks
skin of the finishing material shall be spread with screws in two rows on either side of joint.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
The junction of beading shall be fully mitred b) Fixing - Adhesive shall be applied to the tiles
or as specified. The beadings shall be finished and fixed to the framework. The white
smooth. polysterene ceiling may Abe painted as
9.3.9 Cloth
9.3.12 Mineral Wood Board
a>Material - Timber for framework shall be as
per IS 5390 : 1984. Bamboo of good quality a> Materials - Timber for ceiling’shall be from
may be used for framework. In general thick IS 5390 : 1984; nails to IS 723 : 1972, screws
cloth can be used or as specified. Screws shall to IS 6730 : 1972 and mineral wool to IS 3677 :
conform to IS 6730 : 1972 and nails to IS 723 : 1985.
b) Fixing - A metal ‘T’ grid shall be suspended
b) Fixing - The framework shall be securely first and mineral wool board may be cut to size
spiked to the wall plaster/ceiling joints or and stuck with suitable adhesive. For timber
beams. The cloth shall be wetted, stretched framework, the mineral wool board shall be
and nailed to the upperside of the framework. stuck with an adhesive. Similar procedure
In case of bamboo framework, the cloth shall may be followed with local modifications, as
be tied to it without tearing. To prevent the necessary, for different ceilings.
cloth from blowing and flapping, wooden
beadings shall be fixed. The cloth ~may be
white washed and distempered. 10.1 Types
9.3.10 Aluminium Sheet The fixing devices covered are as below:
(Table 10.4)
with galvanized wire. Reed walling~and roofing have d) For cutting diagonally or in shapes combine
advantages like thermal insulation and light weight the two methods in (a) and (c).
and are found specially suited for earthquake resistant
2.3.2 Joining the Reed Boards
consEruction, where flexible light weight material is
needed for walling (see Chapter 17). Use of reed With the reeds vertical, the joining shall be done as in
walling will facilitate additional advantages of Fig. 10.23.
prefabricated construction particularly suited for panel 2.4 Fixing of Reed Board
filling, partitions and roof construction.
a ) Fixing of Partitions - Reed boards shall be
2.2 Materials fixed with reeds vertical to horizontal runner
spaced at 1 m centres. The adjacent boards
a) Reed boards, made by binding reeds with gal- shall be butt jointed and the joint shall be
vanized wire, are available in three different located at the centre. Fixing shall be done with
thicknesses of 2.5 cm,~4 cm and 5 cm. Preferred wood screws with a spacing of 30 cm. While
widths are 1 m and 2 m. The boards are general- fixing to frames, boards shall not be fixed into
ly used as below: a groove. While locating the door and window
openings, work should be carefully planned so
Component Thickness as to keep cutting and wastage to a minimum.
For door and window panelling, 2.5 cm thick The board of window sill shall be so cut that it
for wall facing, for partitions and covers half the frame runners on all sides (see
for ceiling Fig. 10.24).
For sloping and gabled roof’), 4 cm thick b) For roof construction, reed board shall be used
for weather board partition walls, for pitched roof as in Fig. 10.25 and not flat
for fencing, for wall insulation, etc roof.
For panel walls of exterior use, 5 cm thick 2.5 Fixing of Reeds for In-situ Wall Construction
for sloping and gabled roofs,
for weather boards, etc
4 Grooves, 15 mm wide shall be made in the
timber frame and the reeds slipped into the
b) The reeds may be EKRA, KHASRA, NAL, grooves one by one. The reed walling may be
SARKANDA. These reeds shall be cut from stiffened by means of double bamboo slips
mature plant, which have their sheaths firmly 25 mm wide and not less than 6 mm thick
attached; they shall be dried in the sun. spaced at around 40 cm apart. One slip shall be
attached to each side of the reed and tied
2.3 Preparatory Work together. Reeds may be fixed with just suffi-
cient space of 1cm between each other so that
2.3.1 Cutting of Reed Boards the mortar may be applied on one side for
finishing so that it penetrates to the other side
Cutting of reed board shall be done as follows:
to form a key for plaster. All vertical timbers
4 Cut each running wire half way between the in walling shall have grooves (4 cm x 1.5 cm
required hook wire and the next one as in Fig. deep) to force plaster into it.
10.22. After each running wire is cut, bend the
ends tightly over the respective hooks. Remove b) The reeds shall not be used for roofing, without
making them into boards. Reed may, however,
the reeds which are left between two hook
be used for thatching.
wires exposing the running wire on the under-
side of the board. 2.6 Finishing
b) Place the boards erect and cut the running wire Reed boards may be pebble-dash plastered or rough
on the other side and bend the cut ends over the cast finished after fixing. Reed boards should be dry
hook wire. before applying plaster. The mix shall generally be
cement mortar 1:6 applied in two coats not more than
c>Cutting across the reed may be done with the
15 mm, lime plaster mix may be 1:3 using class C lime
use of a saw or a sharp broad chisel. Cutting
of IS 712 : 1984; mud plaster may be as in Chapter 4.
shall not be done near the wire and at least
Waterproofing may be done using bitumen felts (see
25 mm of the board~shall be left to cover as
Chapter 12). The reed walling may also be painted it
edge beyond the running wire.
‘) The spacing of purlins for roof shall not be more than 0.5 m centres.
1 0.6 mm ‘$
/tumuONT*~ NEM~ER
-- I”
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
NOTE - Number of reinforcement bars will depend on number of holes in the block.
/-n-- 200 mm 4
10.29A Edge Isolation at
Partition Wall 10.298 Edge Isolation at Walls only
10.29C Edge Isolation at Wall, Floor or Ceiling 10.290 Alternative Edge Isolation at Wall, Floor or Ceiling
1.5 Maintenance 6. I General
1.1 A number of roofing materials are used and dif- Part 3 Shell Roofs
ferent types of roofs are constructed in the country. Part 4 Flat Roof Finish -Mud Phuska
They can be broadly grouped as under: Part 5 Thatched Roof
Part 1 Flat Roofs
The jack-arch type of roof is a composite construction c>The bricks shall be laid on edge in cement
consisting of a row of brick arches with a small rise mortar 1:4 or equivalent lime mortar, to form
and having a lime concrete layer over it. The strength an arch, with a rise between l/6 to l/8, spring-
of the roof is due both to the arch action as well as the ing from the bottom flange of the joists. The
bond between the lime concrete layer with brick. joints at bottom shall not exceed 10 mm in
thickness. The brickwork shall then be cured
2.2 Materials by keeping moist and allowed to set for 10
days, before laying the lime broken brick
Bricks should conform to IS 1077 : 1992; sand for aggregate over it. The centering of the jack-
lime concrete shall conform to IS 383 : 1970 and fine arches shall be eased at the end of 7 days for
brick aggregate shall conform to IS 3 182 : 1986. arches constructed with lime mortar.
Cementmay be to IS 269 : 1989 or to IS 455 : 1989 or
to IS 1489 (Parts 1 & 2) : 1991 or any other as specified. 4 Laying of Lime Concrete
Lime shall conform to IS 712 : 1984; lime concrete 1) On the hardened brick arch, a layer of lime
shall be as given in Chapter 5. Steel joists shall conform broken brick aggregate concrete mix 1:2.5
to IS 805 : 1968; steel tie rods shall conform to IS 432 (1ime:broken brick aggregate by volume)
(Part 1) : 1982. or layer of lime pozzolanic material and
2.3 Typical Details fine aggregate mix 1: 1: 1 (lime:poz-
zolana:fine aggregate by volume) shall be
Typical details of jack-arch type of roof is as shown in
spread to an initial thickness of 75 mm
Fig. 11.1.
over the crown of the arch.
2.4 Preparatory Work
2) The lime broken brick aggregate concrete
The bricks shall be immersed in water for 24 h before mix shall then be consolidated with
use. The skin shall then beallowed to dry so as to give wooden hammers~to a thickness of 60 mm
the necessary adhesion with mortar required for laying over the crown of the arch. The concrete
the brickwork. The tie rods shall be given a protective shall be further beaten with wooden hand
coating of bituminous paint and the paint may extend beater. During compaction the surface
10 to 20 mm beyond the required length in the portion shall be wetted with lime water and a
to be exposed. solution; which may be 3 kg of jaggery in
100 1 of water alongwith 1.5 kg of BAEL
2.5 Construction of Jack-Arches
fruit or similar solution of KADUKAI or
a) The steel joists shall be fixed in position at the HARARH or jaggery and GUGAL. The
designed spacing over supporting elements concrete shall be cured for at least
such as walls, on appropriate bed blocks. Joists 6 days.
X = spacing ofjoists
Y = spacing of tie rods
Z = riseofarch
2.6 Finish mortar (1:3) mixed-with crude oil (10 percent of mass
The completed terrace shall then be finished with of cement), laid in such a way as to break joints. Instead
specified finish. The finishmay be tiled roof with flat of two course of flat tile, one course of pressed clay
clay tiles (2 courses) (see Fig.ll.2) laid in cement tile may be used (see Fig.1 1.3)
The ceiling shall be finished with lime plaster of I:2 3.4 Laying of Terrace Bricks
mix or cement plaster mix 1:3. Plaster shall be 12 mm
a) The terracing bricks shall be laid on edge in
thick and done as mentioned in Chapter 10. It shall be diagonal rows spanning over the joists. The
cured for 3 weeks. The exposed length of tie rod shall laying shall start from one corner and proceed
be painted (see Chapter 15). towards the opposite corner. Each row shall be
complete before the next one, adjacent to it, is
started. The terrace work shall have a bearing
of at least 150 mm on the walls or support all
round. The bricks shall be laid in lime mortar
3.1 General
1: 1.5 (lime putty: sand by volume); the thick-
A composite floor/roof construction consisting of ter- ness of mortar joints shall be not less than
race bricks and lime concrete is widely adopted par- 10 mm (see Fig. 11.4).
ticularly in the southern parts of India; this is b) During _laying the bricks shall be pressed
commonly known as Madras Terrace construction. against the adjacent row already laid so that it
This construction has been found to be quite strong, bonds well with the mortar and also partially
durable and waterproof. Supporting action of the develops lateral adhesion preventing it from
bricks results from the arch action in the bricks which slipping. To enhance the setf supporting action
are packed in rows to form a flat layer over closely of the brickwork, the bricks may be so laid as
spaced joists; and the support is enhanced by the to obtain for the brickwork, a slight rise be-
super-incumbent lime concrete layer by virtue of bond tween the joists, generally not exceeding 5 mm.
between it and the bricks. The joists may be supported from below by
wedged uprights while the roof is being laid. The
3.2 Materials brickwork shall be cured for at least 10 days.
3.5 Laying of Lime Brick Aggregate Concrete
Broken brick coarse aggregate shall conform to
IS 3068 : 1986. Cement shall conform to IS 269 : I989 4 After the terracing has set, a layer of lime
or IS 455 ; 1989 or IS 1489 (Parts 1 & 2) : 1991 or as broken brick aggregate concrete of mix 1:2.5
specified. Lime shall conform to IS 7 12 : 1984. Terrac- (slaked lime: aggregate by volume) shall be
ing bricks shall conform to IS 2690 (Part 2) : 1992 hand spread to a thickness of 100 mm.
made bricks. Timber joists shall conform to IS 3629 :
b) After laying the lime concrete, it shall be
1986. Steel joists shall conform to IS 883 : 1970. rammed so that the layer consolidates to
Crude oil shall conform to the requirements given in 75 mm. After this further consolidation be
Annex A. done with a hand beater for at least 7 days so
that concrete hardens and the beater makes no
3.3 Preparatory Work
impression on the concrete. During hand beat-
ing the surface-shall be wetted by sprinkling
Terracing bricks shall be immersed in water for at least
lime water and sugar solution may be of 3 kg
4 h before use in the work; the skin shall be allowed to
ofjaggery in 100 I of water and I .5 kgof BAEL
dry. Steel joists shall be protected with one coat of
fruit; or solution of KADUKAI or HA~RARH or
primer before fixing. Timber joists shall be protected
with two coats of tar and then a primer to the exposed ~GUR and GUGAL.
portions. The surface shall be cured for 6 days.
lSOmm mar
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
12mm THICK
12 mm THICK
4.4 Laying of Stone Slabs 4.5 Laying of Concrete Layer over the Stone Slab
a) The joists’shall be fixed in position. a) Lime concrete mix of 1: I :2 shall be laid over
b) The stone slabs shall be placed over the joists. the stone slabs already laid and grouted, to
The slabs set in rows close to each other and provide adequate waterproofing. A ihix of
the joints grouted with cement mortar 1:3. The 1: 1.53 may be used in situations where exposure
mortar shall be of stiff consistency and pressed to weather is not much or where separate
into the joints. If may be desirable to treat the waterproofing is provided. The lime concrete
mortar with crude oil, about 5 percent the mass shall be consolidated with wooden hand
of cement. beaters to a thickness of not less than 7.5 cm.
The consolidation shall be done for at least for
The underside of the joints shall be pointed or other
6 days till the concrete hardens and the beater
finish as desired (see Fig. 11.7).
does not make an impression on the concrete.
+25 mm MIN
impact loads or vibrations are likely to occur.
5.2 Materials
4 3o.k
All dimensions
in millimetres.
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
5.5 Laying of the Roof 6 ROOFS AND FLOORS WITH JOIST AND
a) The precast joists shall be placed in position at
the spacings designed. The joists may be tem-
porarily supported before laying the topping, 6.1 General
at predesignated points; and left in place for
7 days after laying the topping. F~OOFand roof construction with hollow clay fillet
blocks has been found to be advantageous over the
b) The hollow block shall be placed between
conventional type of beam and slab construction. This
joists with their ends resting on the projecting
type of construction consists of placing reinforced
lips of the joists~as in Fig. 1 I .9.
cement concrete precast beams or prestressed concrete
c) Reinforcement shall be provided for structural beams at suitable spacing and the gap between them is
topping slab; at least 0.15 percent steel shall be filled with hollow clay blocks. This type of con-
provided along the joists and 0.20 percent steel struciton is lighter in weight and provides~better sound
across the joists for the structural topping slab; and thermal insulation to the buildings. It also ensures
the spacing of bars shall not exceed 300 mm. rapid construction and eliminates the use of shuttering
The top reinforcement in the slab over the joists required in conventional construction. This type of
shall be tied to the stirrups projecting from the floor or roof is not recommended where impact loads
joists. Weld mesh may be used as an alterna- occur or vibration is expected.
tive. Concrete should be M 15 grade; it shall be
laid over the hollow blocks to a designed thick- 6.2 Materials
ness or minimum of 50 mm. The top surface
shall be finished smooth. In-situ concrete shall Cement shall conform to IS 269 : 1989 or IS 455 : 1989
or IS 1489 (Parts 1 & 2) : 1991 or any other as
be cured for a week.
specified. Aggregates shall conform to IS 383 : 1970.
5.6 Finishing Hollow clay blocks or tiles shall conform to IS 3951
Theconcrete topping may be finished as specified. The (Part 1) : 1975. Precast joists shall be designed to
ceiling may be rendered or plastered as desired. IS 456 : 1978 or IS 1343 : 1980; Ml 5 grade concrete
may be used.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
6.3 Components af the Roof nate. Concrete should be Ml5 grade; it shall be
laid over the skin-dry blocks to the designed
The construction shall consist of the-following: thickness or a minimum of 50 mm. In-situ
a>Precast reinforced concrete joists spaced at concrete should be cured for a week.
suitable centres;
6.6 Finishing
b) Hollow clay filler blocks laid in the space
between the joists; The concrete surface shall be finished as specified. The
ceiling~may be rendered or plastered as necessary.
c>Topping concrete laid in-situ over the hollow
clay blocks with reinforcement; 7 ROOFS AND FLOORS WITH JOISTS AND
d) The required floor finish at the top; and CLAY BLOCK JOISTS AND HOLLOW CLAY
e) Suitable ceiling finish applied to the bottom, if FILLER BLOCKS
--. . 7.1 General
6.4 Preparatory worK
This construction also-has the advantage mentioned
All supporting elements like walls, PillW main beams fin6.1. 1naddition a number of plants for manufacture
and frames, shall be completed and a 75 mm plain of clay blocks have come up in different parts of the
concrete bed block may be provided over the walls if country, this kind of prefabricated floor or roof con-
necessary. Arragements for all service pipes, etc, pass- struction where structural clay blocks are used both as
ing through roof shall be taken care of. an element of joist and filler will find greater applica-
6.5 Laying of the Roof tion. In joist and filler scheme, clay blocks are used in
conjunction with concrete to serve as structural com-
The precast joists shall be placed in position at ponent in carrying flexural compression. The shape of
the designed spacing so as to span between the structural clay blocks are so designed that the same
supporting beams or walls; generally not more clay blocks can be used as an element of joist and infill
than 600 mm. The joists may be temporarily element-
supported, before the topping is laid, at
predesignated points, and left in position for 7-2 Materials
7 days after laying the topping.
a) Hollow Clay Block (Structural Type) - This
b) The hollow blocks shall be placed in between shall conform to IS 3951(Part 2) : 1975 with
the joists with their ends resting on the project- dimensions preferably as in Fig. 11.11. The
ing lips of the joists as shown in Fig.1 1.10. average crushing strength of the blocks shall
not beenless than 20N/mm2 with an individual
c) Reinforcement shall be provided for the top-
value of minimum 15 N/mm2.
ping concrete slab in accordance with the
relevant provisions of IS 456 : 1978. At-least b) Cement concrete shall be of Ml5 grade con-
0.15 percent reinforcement along the joists and forming to IS 456 : 1978.
0.2 percent across the joists shall be provided c) Mortar shall be either cement mortar or cement
for the structural topping concrete finish. The lime mortar with a minimum compressive
spacing of reinforcement shall not exceed strength of 10 N/mm2 (see Chapter 4)
300 mm. The reinforcement over the supports
d) Reinforcement shall be as given in IS 456 :
should be tied to the stirrups projecting from
1978. 1
the joists. Weld mesh may be used as an alter- I
All dimensions
in mihimetres.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
(Clause 3.2)
SP 62 ( S 8: T ) : 1997
All dimensions
in millimetres.
f-3 mm
30 TO 40cm--j
pi Ah)
I b-8.
/I -Overlapped length 2 L I3
B - Exposed length L / 3
NOTE-One piece ridge arrangement of shingles shall be followed for hip ridges also.
4 Mangalore tiles shall conform to IS 654 : 1992. g) While considering the strength of framework
the following dead loads shall be taken into
b) Ridge tiles shall conform to IS 1464 : 1992.
c>Mortar shall be composite mortar (cement :
Description Rise/Span Dead Load,
hme : sand) 1 : 2 : 9.
4 Flat tiles shall have one of the dimensions
equal to the gauge of the Mangalore tile. Mangalore tiles embedded l/4 to 112 110
in mortar over tiles
e>Glass tiles shall preferably be of the same
shape as the Mangalore tile. Mangalore tiles with flat l/4 to l/3 80
tiles without mortar for
f) Ventilating tiles shall be equal in size to one
plain Mangalore tile or two tiles laid side by embedment
side after allowing for overlapping. They shall Mangalore tiles alone l/4 to l/3 90
be provided at the rate of two per every 10 m* h) Flat tiles shall be immersed in water for 2 h and
area of finished roof surface. air dried before laying. The underside of the
s>Ceiling tile shall conform to IS 1464 : 1992. flat tiles, if so specified, shall be dipped in
h) Nails shall conform to IS 723 : 1972; they shall whitewash mixed to a creamy consistency and
be plain head nails of size 2.50 mm or 2.24 mm then the tiles dried. .
and shall be galvanized. j) Mangalore tiles shall be first soaked in water
j) Sheet metal for valley gutters shall be gal- for at least 2 h before laying.
vanized and at least 1.25 mm thick.
2.4 Fixing of Reepers
k) Reepers shall be of any of the species given in
IS 883: 1970. 4 The reepers shall be fixed over the rafters at the
specified spacing and nailed. The nails shall
m) Wire for tying down the tiles shall be gal- penetrate at least 2 cm into the rafters. They
vanized and conform to IS 280 : 1978.
shall extend at least three span lengths between
-2.3 Preparatory Work rafters; their length may be extended by a butt
joint occurring on the rafters. The joints of two
4 The roof framework shall be completed and the
adjacent rows of reepers shall not occur on the
reepers nailed into position. The pitch of the
same rafter. At the eaves a tilting fillet shall be
roof shall neither be less than 24’ nor more
fixed, if necessary (see Fig. 11.19)
than 45’.
sp 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
b) Where cejling boards are used instead of fixed to the roof. Mortar bands 200 mm to
reepers they shall be fixed as in 2.3 (c). 250 mm wide and 60 mm to 65 mm deep may
also be spread over the tiled roof at a spacing
-2.5 Laying of Mangalore Tiles of 2.5 m to 3 m for additional protection against
wind (see Fig. 11.20).
a) The tiles shall be laid from eaves towards the
c>Mangalore Tiles over a Flat Tile Undercover
ridge properly interlocked according to the -The flat tiles shall be laid over the reeper; a
design of the tile. The tiles shall be laid break- mortar layer 25 mm thick shall be spread over
ing joints, that is, the left channel of the upper the tlat tile. Mangalore tiles shall then be laid
tile shall lie in the right channel of tile below. over the mortar and fully embeded. Where the
The hips and ridges of roof shall be covered pitch of the roof is more than 30°, additional
with ridge tiles which shall be edge-bedded in fillets shall be fixed at a spacing of about 1 m
mortar as shown in Fig. 11.19. The mortar in centres, so that the-flat tiles laid between them
edge bedding may be further finished with are retained in position (see Fig. 11.21).-The
plaster or paint to match the colour of the tiles. Mangalore tiles may also be fixed over flat tiles
If the courses of roof tiles adjacent to the hip without mortar bedding, if so specified.
or ridge do not fit exactly underneath the ridge
tiles, either purpose made tiles or tiles cut to 4 Mangalore Tiles over Ceiling Tiles - The
suitable shape may be use. At eaves the lower ceiling tiles shall be laid over the reepers and
most course of tiles shall overhang the tiling the Mangalore tiles shall be laid over them with
fillet by a distance sufficient to ensure that the appropriate interlocking between tiles in two
mater drained off from the roof, discharges layers (see Fig. 11.22).
clear off the eaves into the gutter. 4 The eaves line and ridge-line shall be perfect-
b) A suitable arrangement shall be made so that ly straight horizontal and parallel to each other.
the lower most course of tiles are not blown f) The joints between hip and ridges shall be
away by wind. The bottom most layer, or even grouted so as to be leak proof. A metal saddle
more layers of tiles above it shall be tied to the not less than 45 cm*~in area may preferably be
reepers or other roof elements by means of used underneath such junctions as additional
galvanized wire; or by a galvanized steel flat protection against leakage.
g) A clear and unobstructed channel shall be Where necessary, tiles shall be let into the wall
formed in the valley. Undercover shall be to a depth of 50 mm at least and a drip mould-
provided for the courses of tiles adjacent to the ing shall be provided at about 100 mm above
valley (see Fig. 11.23). the roof surface and the joints between the wall
h) In case of chimney stacks and other similar and roof be grouted with waterproofing mortar
features projecting through the roof, full tiles (see 3.5).
shall be used around them and taken into
masonry.% addition metal or bitumen flashing
shall be used to cover the intersection between
3.1 General
the top edge of tiling and any projection
through the roof. The flashing shall be well R ec tangular slates of uniform thickness are widely
tucked into either joints in masonry or grooves used for roofing work in the country. The advantage
in concrete as the case may be and shall be of this roofing is the ease with which any broken slate
wedged and pointed. can be replaced. Depending on the protection needed
j) At junctions of roof and wall, waterproofing from roof, generally two ways of slating are adopted,
treatment (see Chapter 12) may be given. they are single slating and double slating.
shank diameter and length of 3 or 4 cm. It sheds, godowns and factory buildings, besides their
is preferable to dip the nails in anti- extensive use in remote areas. These are easy and quick
corrosive paint and dry them before use. It to erect and economical. This type of construction is
shall be ensured that the nails are driven into also popular in hilly areas and for temporary construc-
the reeper by at least 2 cm or two-thirds of tion.
the depth of reeper whichever is less. NOTE - If corrugated nluminium sheets to IS 1254: 1991 are
7) Nails shall be fixed on two holes, 3.75 cm used similar procedures may be followed.
from top edge and 5 cm from side edges,
made from front to back side in each side, 4.2 Materials
thus leaving a centre sunk on the top sur-
face of slates. All slates shall be head- a>Steel sheet shall conform to IS 277 : 1992 with
nailed with two nails each. a grade of coating 600 or 450.
8) Ridge pieces shall be laid as shown in b) Hook bolts shall conform to IS 730 : 1978.
Fig. 11.25. Steel bolts, nuts and washers shall be
galvanized. Neoprene washers, if used, shall
b) Double Slating
conform to IS 8869 : 1978.
1) Slates shall be laid on reepers as shown in
Fig. I 1.26. 4.3 Preparatory Work
2) Timber planking shall be laid on rafters as
described in 3.4 (a)(2). Bitumen may not a) In addition to end purlins for each layer of
be provided except in case,of important sheets, at least one purlin should be placed (on
building where procedures as detailed in simple rafter) to support sheets at midway to
3.4 (a)(3) may~be followed. avoid sagging. In case of fabricated roof
3) All other details shall be as in 3.4 (a). trusses, the spacing of purlins is guided by the
maximum distances as given below:
3.5 Finishing Around Projections/Junctions
Thickness of Steel Maximum Spacing
a>Proper precaution shall be taken to prevent
Sheet, mm of Purlifls, c/c, m
leakage of water by providing galvanized sheet
and double layer of felt at junctions of roof and 1.oo 2.0
roof projections, such as, chimneys.
0.80 1.8
b) At junctions of wall and roof the treatment
shall be as given in Fig. 11.27. 0.63 1.6
4 SLOPED ROOF USING PLAIN AND Ridge purlins shall be fixed 75 mm to 115 mm
CORRUGATED GALVANIZED STEEL from apex of the roof, that is, from the bolt
SHEETS point.
4.4 Laying and Fixing of Sheets beyond the edges of purlins. For alignment of
sheets, one piece of timber batten shall be
a>The sheets shall be laid on the purlins or other fixed, projecting up to the depth of purlin, on
structural members as indicated, to a true
the first and last structural member (truss or
plane, with the lines of corrugation truly paral-
rafter); and with both these batten pieces a
lel or normal to the sides of the areas to be
thread shall be tied to check straightness, etc,
covered, unless otherwise required as in spe-
and then the sheets shall be fixed. First the
cial shaped roofs.
bottom layer of sheets shall be laid temporarily
b) Laying of the sheets shall commencefrom the by 50_mm long nails. After laying all the sheets
lower end (bottom) of roof. Longer length up to the ridge, permanent fixing shall be done
sheets shall be fixed first and then shorter by means of J or L hook bolts (see Fig. 11.28
length sheets fixed towards the ridge. Mini- and Fig. 11.29.
mum 300 mm length of sheet should project
150 min. _
WITH 150mm
FIG. 11.29 DETAILS OF LAPPING a>Ridges and hips shall becovered with ridge and
hip sections with a minimum lap of 150 mm on
either side over the roofing sheets; they shall
c>For fixing of sheets the cover shall not be less
be properly bent to shape and fixed.
than 85 mm. The sheets shall be placed
‘alternate’, that is, one sheet (the lower) being b) Ridges and hips shall be fixed to roof members
fixed with edges turning away from the bearer with J or L hook bolts M 6 or M 8; at least one
or purlin to which the sheeting is fixed and the of them should pass through the end laps of
cover sheet on side being fixed with edges ridges and hips. End laps shall be joined togeth-
turning in towards the bearer or purlin. er by M 6 hook bolts. The hips and ridges shall
fit in squarely on the sheets.
4 Sheets shall be fixed to the purlins by J or L
(M 6 or M 8) hook bolts; these shall be a
4.6 Valleys and Flashings
minimum of three hook bolts placed at ridges
of corrugation in each sheet on every purlin
with a spacing not exceeding 300 mm. Sheet- a) Valleys and flashings shall lap with corrugated
sheets not less than 150 mm width on ei&er
ing on steel purlins, shall be riveted together
side; the end laps shall also be not less than
with 6 mm dia galvanized wrought iron rivets
150 mm and painted with red lead.
and galvanized washers, two to each~rivet, at
c spacing of 200 mm maximum for the side laps; b) Valley sheets should be fixed to the roof mem-
and on every corrugation for end laps. bers with J or L hook bolts; at least one bolt
e) All holes for bolts, rivets, etc, shall be made in should pass through the end laps on either side.
the crown of the corrugation and shall be Junctions with wall shall be properly treated to
make it leak proof.
5 ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEETS - lengths between adjacent sheets [see 5.3 (Q]
CORRUGATED shall be increased.
b) Purlins shall be so spaced to see that the sheets
5.1 General do not deflect; generally for 6 mm thick sheet,
Unreinforced corrugated absestos cement sheets are the purlins should be spaced at I.4 m for roof
commonly used in this country for providing structural covering and 1.7 m for side cladding.
surfaces exposed to weather, such as, roofs for c>Ridge purlins shall be fixed 75 mm to 1 I5 mm
industrial, institutional, commercial and residential from the apex of roof, that is, from bolt point.
buildings. These sheets have several advantages, such
as, lightness, ease and quickness of construction and
4 Additional trimmers shall be used between
purlins at points where considerable traffic is
likely to occur, such as, adjoining valleys or
5.2 Materials gutters, etc. For smaller sheets,-it is desirable
to arrange for closer purlin spacing at eaves
a>Asbestos cement sheets shall conform to
rather than at edges.
IS 459 : 1992. Asbestos building boards shall
conform to IS 2098 : -1964. d Hip and valley runners should be fixed flush
with top face of the purlin and span bet-ween
b) Fixing accessories, such as, J or L bolts,
them. The runners should be parallel to the
washers, etc, shall conform to IS 730 : 1978.
edge of the sheeting to permit fixing of
Coach-screws shall conform to IS I 120 : 1975.
c>All bolts, washers, etc. shall be galvanized.
The side lap should be half corrugation (see
5.3 Preparatory Work Fig. 11.30).
a) The pitch of roof be preferably not less than For normal pitches, equal to and more than 18’, the
18’; if steeper pitches are used, the end lap end lap shall not be less than 150 mm (see Fig. 11.3 1).
For low roof pitches, less than 18’, manufacturers shall j> Fixing bolts and screws shall be 8 mm or more
be consulted for side laps; also for normal pitches in in diameter and the nuts of the-hook bolts shall
exposed conditions side laps should be as per manufac- bear on galvanized iron washers which in turn
turers instructions. shall be embedded on bituminous felt washers.
The side lap shall be away from the prevailing wind The screws and nuts shall be sufficiently
direction. The free over-hang at eaves, measured from tightened only to seat the bitumen washer over
lower edge to centre of bolt holes, shall be not more the corrugations, so that natural movement in
than 300 mm. the sub-structure of the roof may not damage
the sheeting.
Wherever four corners of sheets overlap, two of them
shall be mined to secure a perfect tit. To avoid undue k) The length of J-bolt or crank bolt shall be
width of flashing, the sheets should finish at abutments 75 mm longer than the depth of the purlin for
with an upturned edge. single sheet and 90 mm longer for double sheet
or where ridges or other accessories have to be
5.4 Laying and Fixing of Sheets fixed.
c>Galvanized iron J-hook bolts or cranked hook 2. At eaves when Twice the num- Depth of
bolts and nuts bearing on galvanized iron filler pieces are ber of sheets in purlin plus
washers and bitumen washers shall be used for not used; at ridge one horizontal 75 mm
fixing sheets on angle iron purlins. when sheet and course
ridge pieces are
4 Galvanized iron L-ho&bolts and nuts bearing
not secured by
on galvanized iron washers and bitumen
the same bolt
washers shall be used for fixing sheets on RS
joist, precast concrete or timber purlins. 3. At intermediate Twice the num- Depth of
purlins where ber of sheets in purlin plus
4 Galvanized iron coach screws bearing on gal- horizontal laps one horizontal 75 mm
vanized iron washers and bitumen washers
do not occur course
shall be used for fixing sheets on timber
purlins. n>The washers shall be 25 mm in diameter and
1.6 mm thick for flat iron washers; 35 ~rnrn in
f) Galvanized iron roof bolts and nuts bearing on
diameter and 1.5 mm thick for bitumen
galvanized iron flat washers and bitumen
wahsers shall be used for stitching on sheets,
fixtures like ridge cappings, corner pieces, P) Ridge cappings shall be secured to the ridge
ventilators, north light curves, etc. purlins by the same bolts which secure sheet-
S) Where sheets are laid on tubular purlins the
fixing bolt should be designed to encompass at 5.4.2 Laying of Sheets
least half the tube periphery and precautions
should be taken to prevent its rotation. a>Check purlin spacing and length of sheets for
securing the appropriate laps,~overhang, etc.
h) Direct fixing of sheets to drilled metal
framework or by stud welding is undesirable b) Sheets shall be laid with smooth side upwards
as it tends to restrain movement of sheets. and with side and end laps as given in
Fig. 11.30 and Fig. 1 I .3 1. The courses of
sheets shall be so laid that the corrugations run 3) The sheets in the second and other intermediate
in continuous straight lines. If the building is -rows shall have bottom right hand corner and
in exposed position and is subject to driving top left hand corner cut;-the last sheet shall
rain and wind, it is advisable to commence have only the top left hand corner cut.
laying of sheets from the end opposite to the 4) The last or top row ofsheets shall have bottom
direction of wind. right hand corner cut with the exception of the
c>The sheets shall be laid starting either from last sheet which shall be laid uncut.
eaves from left to right or right to left depend- The whole sequence is reversed if laid from
ing on direction of prevailing wind, to avoid it. right to left.
See Fig. 11.32 for laying sheets from left to c
The mitre is cut from a point 15 cm up the
right, for details.
vertical side of the sheet to 4.5 cm along the
The sequence for left to right starting from eaves could horizontal edge; this is necessary when four
be as follows: sheets meet at a lap.
1) The first sheet is laid uncut. d) Nuts and screws shall be tightened lightly at
2) The remaining sheets in the bottom row shall first and then fully tightened when a dozen or
have top left hand corners cut or mitred. more sheets are laid. One bolt or screw shall be
used on each side of the lap.
A = Uncut sheet
B = Top left hand corner cut
C = Bottom right hand corner cut
I) = Top left hand corner and bottom right hand corner cut
5.43 Asbestos Accessories tion and shall be fixed as in Fig. 11.33 and
a> Moulded asbestos accessories should be Fig. 11.34.
selected as far as possible from the range of Correct fitting of ridge capping will be
standard patterns. Special fittings, if required automatic, if a template is used when
shall be designed to conform closely to the fixing roof sheets.
sheet profile. Roofing accessories should 2) The work shall be started from left hand
generally be secured to the roof or wall clad- verge, placing frost small roll wing (inner)
ding by the same bolts which secure the sheets. and positioning it in such a way that the
first valley on the right hand side of the
b) Ridge capping should be secured to the purlins,
as far as possible, by the same bolts which ridge fits into the valley at side lap of roof
secure the sheets, where this is not possible sheeting. In case of large roll wing, it shall
each wing of the ridge capping should be ade- be so positioned that the first valley of left
quately secured to the sheets by roofing bolts. hand side of the ridge wing fits into valley
of side lap of roof sheeting.
I) Close fitting adjustable ridge capping
shall be designed to fit~the corrugations of 3) Serrated adjustable ridge cappings, sup-
sheets laid with side lap of half corruga- plied in pairs, are as shown in Fig. I 1.35.
The method if laying and fixing of ridges 4) Fixing with a typical north light two piece
shall be as shown in Fig. 11.36. adjustable ridge shall be as shown in Fig.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
NOTE - Serrations,
h) Other asbestos cement fittings may be used as b) Expansion joints shall be provided as in
corner rolls, barge-boards, etc (see Fig. 11.47) Fig. 11.48, for large roofs where there is likely
and secured to the structure or sheeting. to be some movements of the structure due to
variations in climate conditions.
5.4.4 Guttersand rain water pipes shall be fixed as per
IS 2527 : 1984.
c) The number and length of bolts, bituminous
5.5 Safety Precautions felt washers and galvanized iron washers shall - ‘,
Situation No. of Bolts Length of 4 The length of the mitre, when done, shall be
and Washers Bolts 15 mm and the width shall be equal to the width
-2. At eaves when Twice the num- Depth of of side lap.
pieces are not ber of sheets in purlin+75mm e) Typical semi-corrugated adjustable ridge and
used; at ridge one horizontal its fixings are as shown in Fig. 11.49 and
when sheets and course one Fig. 11.50 and typical plain adjustable ridge as
the ridge pieces in Fig. 11.51 and Fig. 11.52.
are not screwed Other modifications as needed by semi-
by the same bolt corrugation in Fig. 11.30 to Fig. 11.47 shall
3. At intermediate The number of Depth of be done.
purlins where sheets in one purlin+75mm
horizontal laps horizontal
do not occur course plus one
50 mm
I :
1 4410 Gl
..__. .-...J
l-1 m (NOM)
NOTE -The end lap of expansion joints is thesame,asthatof theroofingsheets,thatis, usually150mm.If expansion
betweenpurlinstheyshouldbe stitchedbyroofingbolts.
(Clause 1.2)
similar end uses. Shell units are effectively used for cal shells, Shells of evolution, Translation shells, etc.
replacing solid slabs; they may be used in conjunction Figures illustrating those are given in IS 2204 : 1962.
with precast joists or battens or planks; or as waffle
shells by providing in-situ ribs in two directions. The 2.3 Design
shells are lighter in weight and save reinforcing steel
Design shall be according to relevant IS Codes. The
and concrete. It eliminates the use of shuttering fully
thickness of singly-curved shells shall not however be
and scaffolding partially. The sizes of shells are chosen
less than 5 cm; it is the usual practice to thicken the
depending or handling facility. But shell construction
shell near the edges and the traverses. The thickness of
is a specialized job and the designers specifications
doubly-curved shells shall be not less than 4 cm; this
should be adhered to.
thickness is adequate, as shells of double curvature are
2 REINFORCED CONCRETE SHELL not developable and hence are more resistant to buck-
ROOF CAST IN-SITU ling; more over flexural stresses are small. End frames
or traverses are provided to preserve the shape of the
2.1 Shell Dimensions
shell; it may a solid diaphragm, an arch rib, a portal
a>Chord width (see B of Fig. 1,153) is the frame or a bowstering girder.
horizontal projection of the arc of the shell.
a) Reinforcement shall not be less than 5 mm in
b) Radius R, at any point of the skin in one of two diameter in the unthickened portion of the shell
principal directions in the case of cylindrical and shall not be greater than the following:
shells. For shells from 4 cm up to 10 mmdia
c>Rise (seefof Fig. 11.53) is the rise of the shell less than 5 cm thick
at any section in vertical direction between the For shells from 5 cm up to 12 mm dia
lower springing level and the highest level or less than 6-5 cm thick
apex of shell.
For shells from 6.5 cm and over 16 mm dia
4 Span (see L in Fig. 11.53) is the distance be- b) Concrete mix shall be as per IS 456 : 1978.
tween the centre lines of two adjacent end
frames or traverses. 2.4 Sequence of Construction
2.2 Type of Shells
Since the construction of shell is of utmost importance
There are many types of shells due to combination of for its stability, the sequence, framework, placing of
geometric shapes, such as, Barrel shells, Continuous reinforcement, etc, shall be carried out by an expert
cylindrical shells, Corrugated shells, Cylindrical contractor. For guidance IS 2204 : 1962 may be
shells, Multiple cylindrical shells, Northlight cylindri- referred to.
3.1 Funicular shell units shall be cast as described in Reference may be made to IS 6332 : 1984.
IS 6332 : 1984.
NOTE - Since design and construction of shell structures is a
specialized job. reference may be made to specialised literature.
L . .
SP 62 (US& T ) : 1997
m) Cement mortar for grouting shall be a 1:3 mix 4.3 Applying Mud Plaster
or any richer mortar as may be specified. i
a>On the mud Phuska, a layer of minimum
25 mm thick mud plaster shall be laid; the
3.1 The slope of terrace shall be such that all rainwater plaster may be applied in single coat or two
can be drained off; preferably the slope shall be not coats of 15 mm and 10 mm; two coats are
less than 1 to 40. If the slope cannot be given in the preferable. Hair cracks if any shall be grouted
mud Phuska layer, part of the slope can be given in the with the binder material of LEEPING. The
sub-floor itself. surface level shall be checked.
3.2 The durability of the mud Phuska layer depends
b) When the mud plaster coating has dried, a thin
on how the protective layer, namely, the mud plaster coat, not less than 3 mm, of LEEPlNG shall be
or bricktiles are maintained free of cracks. applied. The surface shall be allowed to dry
3.3 Where there is no rainfall and there is very little and any hair carcks shall be grouted as before.
variation in temperature, paving with tiles may not be The LEEPING shall be finished with a trowel
necessary over mud Phuska layer. or float.
3.4 Waterproofing treatment (see Chapter 12) as
deemed necessary shall be done on the sub-floor. 4.4 Paving with Brick Tiles
4 LAYING OF MUD PHUSKA a>The brick tiles, where necessary, shall be laid
4.1 Preparation flat on a thin layer of mud mortar. The mud
mortar shall be used to the minimum extent to
The soil as described in 2 (a) shall be stacked in
give a level surface. Tiles shall be laid close
requisite quantities in about 300 mm high stacks over
together with a thickness of joint between
a level ground and the tqp surface divided into suitable
6 mm and 15 mm; it shall be ensured that the
compartments by bunding. The estimated quantity of
mud mortar rises in the joints. The brickwork
water corresponding to the optimum moisture content
shall be allowed to dry for 24 h before grouting
shall be added about 12 h before the use and allowed
the joints. Care shall be. taken at the time of
to soak. The stacks of soil shall then be worked up with
grouting that the tiles are not displaced.
spades and hands to ensure proper distribution of mois-
ture at the time of use of soil. b) While grouting with the 1:3 mix, ensure that all
joints are filled. Allow the mortar to set for
NOTE - Generally soil of this type will require an optimum
moisture of about 145 l/m”. Soil suitable for good compaction 12 h before pointing, if it is to be done.
should contain that much quantity of moisture, which when
moulded with hand to the shape of form, just retains its form.
c>Check evenness and desired slope.
1 THATCHING OF ROOF in huts and fire occurs very often in huts. It spreads
very fast and conflagration results in great loss to life .
1.1 General and property. The main thatch materials are reeds,
Phoons, palmyrah, coconut, rice paddy. Treatment for
Thatch roof is made of highly combustible and easily rendering thatch fire retartdant is a measure of tire
ignitable materials. In rural and slum areas pedple live protection.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
case be less than 600 mm suitably there is any standing water it shall be drained,
protected all-round the basement; and out. If percolation persists, dewatering by
5) In the ca& of reinforced concrete work, well-point system may be done. Where it is not
dowels shall be used on underground possible to employ well-point system for
structures subject to sub-soil water pres- dewatering and the pressure of water during
sure, otherwise the damp-proofing gunite the dry season is negligible, it is possible to
may be blown on the surface on which it carry out the work by pumping the water out,
is applied. with a pump located on the floor. In this case
the damp-proofing treatment shall be carried
d) For waterproofing of roofs, its effectiveness
out both on the floor and walls. When the
will depend on the following:
treatment is completed, the pump shall be
1) The expansion joint in the roof shall be so removed, and damp-proofing done over the
designed as not to impair the effectiveness
area occupied by the pump, after suitably
of the treatment; the joint may be treated plugging the area with cement concrete.
with non-absorbant, compressible, non-
brittle and watertight sealants; and NOTE - For dewatering and lowering of water table by
well point method reference
maybe madeto IS 9759 :
2) Adequate openings shall be provided to 1981.
drain water from the roof; the design shall
be such that waterproofing treatment may 2.3.2 Time Schedule
be easily applied to the openings.
In damp-proofing operations of basement due con-
2.3 Planning in Relation to Sub-Soil Drainage sideration shall be given to economical utilization of
pumps and other equipment by co-ordinating the
2.3.1 Site and Underground Drainage
activities of the general contractor and the damp-
4 The site shall be drained during the entire proofing contractor.
period of laying the damp-proofing treatment.
2.4 Preparation of Surface
Typical arrangement of dewatering in some
casesisshowninFigs.12.1,12.2,12.3and12.4. 2.41 Damp-Proofing of Basement
b) For existing structures, internal tanking for
damp-proofing has per force to be adopted. a) For treatment above ground level-The rise of
Damp-proofing treatment has to be taken up moisture due to capillary action has to be dealt
when the water is not there in the basement; if with suitably.
-I- --tr,,,,
\ /
1) In places where rise in sub-soil water is tion of lime concrete treatment which shall 1
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
- 1
b) For treatment below ground level roughened as required. For vertical damp-
1) For internal tanking of existing buildings proofing to be laid continuous with
the vertical walls shall be roughened for horizontal one, a fillet 75 mm radius of 1:4
proper grip; the floor shall be cleaned and cement mortar shall be provided.
levelled; and a fillet of cement mortar c>Gunite work -- Guniting may be done (see
(1 : 4) 75 mm in radius may be provided Chapter 5) for damp-proofing of both masonry
at the junction between vertical land and concrete surfaces both below and above
horizontal faces. ground level. The surfaces shall be prepared
2) For external tanking of new buildings, by removing all loose and disintegrated
where space is available for excavation, material cleaned by compressed air and water;
details are as given in Fig. 12.6, where the concrete surfaces may also be roughened
space for excavation is limited, the exter- and the joints in masonry walls be raked to a
nal protective wall shall be constructed depth of 12 mm.
first and internal face plasteredevenly but
rough; details are as in Fig. 12.7. The 2.4.2 Waterproojhg of Roofs
damp-proofing treatment shall be con-
The perparations, where necessary, apply to the use of
tinuous over the wall and the floor; a space
bitumen felts, bitumen mastic, lime concrete, guniting,
of around 100 mm should be left between
use of films, etc.
the vertical external protective wall and
internal protective wall, which shall be Preparation of concrete and masonry roofs
grouted after laying of damp-proofing
treatment. a) Well defined cracks, other than hair line cracks
3) For external tanking of new building a in the roof, shall be cut to a ‘V’ shape, cleaned
base slab of lean cement concrete rendered and filled flush with cement sand slurry or with
to a smooth surface finish shall be con- cold applied bituminous caulking compound
structed on the floor of the excavation. conforming to IS 1580 : 1991. The roof sur-
The slab shall project 250 mm beyond the face shall be regraded and cured prior to
outer faces of the structural walls when application of waterproofing treatment.
completed. The exterior of the structural b) The surface of roof and related parts to receive
w-all shall be true and free from the treatment shall be cleaned of all foreign
protrusions, but shall be smooth or matter by wire brushing and dusting.
SP62(S &T):1997
TO ~400mm THICK
c) In case of lime concrete treatment, the struc- f) In case of parapet walls over 450 mm in height,
tural roof surface shall be finished rough to typical details are as given in Fig. 12.9 A; in
provide adequate bond. case of low parapet wall typical details are as
4 Drain outlets shall be suitably placed with in Fig. 12.9 B. In case of existing RCC and
respect to roof drainage to prevent accumula- stone paparpet walls, typical details are as in
tion of water. Masonry drain mouths shall be Fig. 12.10.
widened 2.5 times the dia of the drain, and NOTE- Regarding thejunction of parapet wall and roof,
rounded with cement mortar (I:4). For cast improved treatment is as shown in Fig. 12.I 1.
iron drain outlets, a groove shall be cut all g) At the drain mouths fillet (see Fig. 12.9A and
round to tuck the treatment. 12.9 B) shall be suitably cutback and rounded
4 -For projections or pipes passing through a roof, off for easy application of the treatment and
treatment should be typically as shown in’ig. 12.8. easy flow of water.
12.8A Projecting Pipe on Flat Roof 12.88 Projecting Pipe on Sloping Roof
12.9A Parapet Wall over 450 mm in 12.98 Parapet Wall 450 mm or Less in
Height Height
r L
All dimensions
in millimetres.
a>Qn boarded roofs where timber boards are not cl When a timber roof meets a vertical wall, a
tongued and grooved, the gap at joints‘ shall be timber fillet 75 mm x 75 mm shall be provided
caulked with hemp, hessian or other suitable at the junction. For timber walls, wooden
fibre impregnated with bitumen or some other moulding shall be used to secure and seal the
suitable filler. In case of boards joined by top edge of the bitumen felt at a height of
tongue and groove joints, it is necessary to 150 mm from the junction.
caulk the gaps, if any (see Fig. 12.12 for typical d) Where a projection or pipe passes through
details). timber roof typical treatment should be as
b) All the boards shall be nailed to minimize shown in Fig. 12.13.
curling. All-sharp edges and corners shall be
b) Heavy treatment (three layers offelt) and brushed clean of dusting materials and laid
Primer (for vertical faces only) at the rate flat on a level dry and clean surface; then it may
of 0.27 l/m2; be rolled up.
2) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of b) The laying of felt shall commence on the floor
1.5 kg/m’; first and shall be completed before it is applied
to the wall. Hot bitumen is poured in front of
3) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
Grade 2 or glass fibre felt, Type 2, Grade II; the rolled up felt on the floor to the full width
of felt. The rolled felt is now gradually unrolled
4) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
with aslight pressure to squeeze out the excess
1.5 kg/m*;
5) Hessian base self-finished felt Type 3,
Grade 2, or glass fibre base felt, Type 2 cl After the whole floor is thus covered and over-
lapping joints properly sealed, the felt is laid
Grade II;
on the vertical face in a similar manner. In this
6) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
case the roll of felt is held at the floor level and
1.5 kg/m*;
then gradually unrolled up the wall face as hot
7) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3 blown bitumen is poured between the roll and
Grade 2, or glass fibre base felt, Type 2 the wall face. The minimum overlap shall be
Grade II; and 100 mm both at sides and ends.
8) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
4 The subsequent layers of felts shall break joint
1.5 kg/m*. midway between the joints of the layer beneath
c) Extra heavy treatment flour layers offelt) it.
1) Primer (for vertical faces only) at the rate 3 BITUMEN MASTIC TRE;ATMENT
of 0.27 l/m’;
3.1 Materials
2) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
1.5 kg/m*; The bitumen mastic shall conform to the requirements
3) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3 of IS 5871 : 1987; bitumen primer shall conform to
Grade 2, or glass fibre felt Type 2 Grade IS 3384 : 1986.
II; 3.2 Damp-Proofing Treatment above Ground
4) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of Level
1.5 kg/m*;
The damp-proofing treatment shall be laid across the
5) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
full thickness of walls excluding plaster or each of the
Grade 2 or glass fibre felt, Type 2 Grade
base of cavity walls shall not be set back for pointing.
The damp-proofing in the wall shall be continuous
6) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of with the layer of bitumen mastic in adjacent floors; and
1.5 kg/v’; where necessary, a vertical damp-proofing course
7) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3, shall be provided on the inner surface of the wall as
Grade 2 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2 shown in Fig. 12.15.
Grade II;
8) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
1.5 kg/m’;
9) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
Grade 2 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2
Grade II; and
10) Hot applied blown bitumen at the rate of
1.5 kg/m*.
2.4 Laying of Damp-Proofing Treatment
2.4.1 General
The damp-proofing treatment shall be continuous
throughout and the overlap of joints in felts, wherever
they exist, shall be correctly made.
2.4.2 L,aying of Felt
The felt shall be laid as mentioned below:
a) The felt shall be first cut to the required lengths ADJACENTFLOOR
-_.. .__.- . .._ -
3.3 External Tanking and the loading coats have been hardened as
shown in Fig. 12.17.
The following points shall be kept in view for exter-
nally applied tanking: 4 As in external tanking, a protective layers of
screed should be laid and then the structural
4 The working space outside the walls may be floors and walls laid.
not less than 0.6 m.
b) The base concrete of 100 mm in thickness shall
be structurally sound; it shall be extended at OUTER WALL
4 Immediately after the vertical damp-proofing Bitumen mastic shall be applied in one or three coats
bitumen mastic is laid, the outside of the wall as stated below to all surfaces, whether sloping,
shall be protected against damage by erection horizontal or vertical. The thickness shall be as
of a brick wall. follows:
3.4 Internal Tanking a>For walls and floors above ground level the
The following precautions shall be taken before apply- bitumen mastic shall be laid in one coat
ing bitumen mastic: minimum of 10 mm thickness.
a>A space of 300 mm outside the wall shall be b) For vertical surfaces and surfaces steeper than
provided as far as possible during excavation 30’ to the horizontal below the ground level,
to keep the wall dry at the time of laying the bitumen mastic shall be applied in three
bitumen mastic. coats to a total thickness of not less than
20 mm.
b) The base slab shall be provided with an even
surface and the walls shall be built to the full c) For horizontal surfaces and sloping surfaces
height before mastic asphalt laying is com- not steeper than 30’ to be horizontal below the
menced. ground level, the bitumen mastic shall be
applied in three coats to a total thickness of not
Earth shall not be filled outside the wall until
less than 30 mm.
three coats of vertical mastic have been applied
10) Fifth coat of hot bitumen at the rate of e) The minimum overlap of joints shall be
2.4 kg/m2, Min. 100 mm at both sides and ends. All overlaps
shall be firmly bonded with bitumen.
1 The treatments (a), (b) and (c) are recommended for 5 WATERPROOFING AND DAMP-
normal, severe and very severe conditions respectively. PROOFING OF WET AREAS IN BUlLDING
2 A IO/15 mm thick coat of mastic asphalt conforming to
IS I 19.5 : I978 may bc included as an added protection over
5.1 General
the basement floor treatment, as deemed necessary.
Bathroom, kitchen, water closet and to lesser extent
3 The basement wall treatment should be protected with verandah, balconies and sunshades may be termed as
asuitable lining, as may be decided, against any possible
wet areas of buildings which are more vulnerable to
damage while backfilling.
water due to their functional requirements. These wet
4.4 Laying In-situ Treatment areas are one of the main source of leakage and damp-
ness in a building which leads to unhygienic conditions
4 Cut the required length at glass fibre tissue and affecting badly the health and comfort of the in-
roll it. habitants and seriously deteriorating the stability of the
b) Pour hot bitumen on the surface to the full building. The causes of leakage and dampness may be
width of roll and simultaneously embed the due to defective design, sub-standard material, im-
glass tibre into it. Proceed in this manner proper execution and incorrect usage by the occupant.
throughout the length of the floor. 5.2 Recommendations
C) After the whole floor has been covered, the IS 13 182 : 1991 gives detailed recommendations for
overlapping joints shall be sealed; the glass
identifying sources of leakage and dampness and their
fibre is laid on the walls in the same way. The
prevention in a systematic fashion for water closets,
roll of glass fibre is held at floor level, and then bathrooms, kitchen, open verandah, balconies and sun-
gradually unrolled as the hot bitumen is poured
shades, floor traps, pipe work, water tank, sanitary
between the roll and the wall face.
shaft and external wall. These recommendations are
4 The joints between successive layers of glass copiously illustrated w&h sketches.
fibre tissue shall be staggered. Reference may be made to IS 13 182 : 199 1 for details.
2.3 Lime Concrete 2.4.3 If the surface becomes uneven during compac-
tion, the surface shall be pricked up and fresh lime
Limeconcrete shall be prepared as mentioned in Chap-
concrete spread and consolidated, adequate bonding
~ter 4 and IS 2.541 : 1991. Lime concrete shall be used
between old and new concrete should be ensured by
in the work within 36 h of its preparation if burnt clay
sprinkling requisite quantities of lime water (1 part
pozzolana is incorporated.
putty to 3 or 4 parts of water) with any of the solutions
NOTE- Addition of 12 kg of washing soap and 4 kg of alum in 2.4.4.
dissolved in water in each cubic metre of lime concrete will
improve the waterproofing quality of lime concrete. 2.4.4 During compaction by hand beating, the sur-
faces shall be sprinkled with lime water with a small
2.4 Laying portion of sugar solution or a solution of dry nuts of
2.4.1 Laying of lime concrete shall be started from a Termirlalia Chebula soaked in water for improving the
corner of the roof and proceed diagonally towards the waterproofing of concrete (see Notes). On completion
centre and other sides considering the slopes required of compaction, the mortar that comes up on top shall
for draining rain water smoothly. The average thick- be smoothened and if necessary sugar solution and
ness of lime concrete shall be not less than 100 mm; in lime putty may be added.
case the thickness is more than 100 mm, each layer NOTES
shall be not more than 100 to 125 mm. If the roof is
1 The sugarsolutionis preparedby mixing about3 kg ofjaggery
flat a slope of not less than 1 in 60 shall be given; in and 112kg of BAEL fruit to 100 litres of water by boiling.
areas of heavy rainfall a slope of 1 in 40 is recom-
2 The solution of Termiwliu Chebulrc (KADUKAf) my be
mended. The compacted of concrete layer shall not be
prepared as follows:
less than 50 mm. Dry nuts shall be broken to small pieces and allowed to soak in
water; about600 g of nuts,200 g ofjaggery and 40 I ofwater for
2.4.2 The lime concrete shall then be rammed with a
10 m* of work can be used. The solution is brewed for 12 to
rammer not more than 2 kg by mass and the surface 24 h; the resulting liqueur, after decantation, is used for work.
brought to the required evenness and slope; further Sometimes M&i, jaggery and hemp are also added while
consolidation shall be done by Thapis with rounded preparing and laying lime concrete.
edges; the beating shall be done at least for 7 days until 2.4.5 The lime concrete shall be cured for a minimum
the Thapis does not make an impression and rebound of 10 days or until it hardens.
readily when struck. The ramming and compacting
can also be done by a machine. Compaction shall be 2.4.6 Treatment of junction between roof finish and
done carefully at junctions with parapet wall. parapets is as shown in Fig. 12.18 and Fig. 12.19.
12.18A Structural Roof Slab and Lime 12.18B Structural Roof Slab and Lime Concrete Finish not
Concrete Finish Extending to the Full Width of Wall Extending to the Full Width of Wall
PARAPET WALL - Continued
. .: a... ..’ -. . . ..a... ._.-..
12 mnl : GAP
2.5 Finish
Roof finish should be as described in Chapter 11 using
-pi/; LIME CONCRETE FILLET burnt clay flat terracing tiles to IS 2690 (Part 1) : 1993
and IS 2690 (Part 2) : 1992. However in extreme
conditions where there is considerable expansion and
contraction, two layers of tiles may be laid on the lime
concrete; the tiles should be joined by non-shrinking
impervious mortar by adding an integral waterproof-
ing admixtures or 5 percent engine oil and finished
To drain rainwater every 40 m* area of roof shall have
a 100 mm dia rainwater pipe or as in Table 3 of
12.19A JunctionBetween Roof Slab and RCC Parapet IS 2527 : 1984 depending on the rainfall intensities of
the locality.
3.1 General
LIME CONCRE’IE TERRACING Bitumen felt is one of the materials used for
waterproofing of roofs. Waterproofing treatment with
bitumen felt is adopted not only in the case of buildings
and structures, but also in railway coaches, bus bodies,
CE 3.2 Materials
4 Regarding of the roof surface shall be carried
out with suitable cement mortar incorporating
clean, medium coarse sand or with a lime-
12.19B Details of Roof Slab and Rain Water Pipe SURKHI mortar or any other suitable material.
b) Bitumen primer shall conform to IS 3384 :
c>Bitumen felt shall conform to IS 1322 : 1993
and IS 7193 : 1974.
d) Bonding material for use between successive 5) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
felts and between roof surface and felt shall Grade 1 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2
conform to industrial blown type bitumen of Grade 1;
Grade 85125 or 90115 conforming to IS 702 : 6) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1988. For top dressing bitumen shall be 1.2 kg/m2, Min; and
industrial blown type to IS 702 : 1988 of Pea-sized gravel or grit devoid of fine sand
penetration not more than 40 when tested in at the rate of 0.006 m3/m2.
accordance with IS 1203 : 1978.
For vertical surfaces up to 1 m in height blown type
bitumen to IS 702 : 1988 of Grade 85/25 or 90/15 and 1) Primer at the rate of 0.27 1/m2, Min;
above 1 m Grade 115/15 may be used. 2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1.2 kg/m2, Min;
3.3 Waterproofing Treatment
3) Fibre base self-finished felt, Type 2 Grade
In selecting a combination of layers and grades of felt 1 or Grade 2;
to be used, consideration shall be given to the type and
4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
construction of buildings, climatic and atmospheric
1.2 kg/m2, Min;
conditions and the degree of permanance required.
5) Fibre base self-finished felt, Type 2 Grade
3.4 Concrete and Masonry Roofs, Flat or Sloping 1 or Grade 2;
The following treatments are recommended: 6) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
a) Normal Treatment - Five courses for 2.5 kg/m2, Min; and
moderate conditions: 7) Pea-sized gravel or grit devoid of fine sand
1) Primer at the rate of 0.27 l/m2,’ Min; at the rate of 0.008 m3/m2.
2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of OR
1.2 kg/m2, Min;
Floating Treatment
3) Hessian based self-finished felt, Type 3,
Grade 1, or glass fibre base, Type 2, Grade
1) Fibre base bitumen saturated underlay,
Type 1;
2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1.2 kg/m2, Min;
1.2 kg/m2, Min; and
3) Fibre base self-finished felt, Type 2 Grade
5) Pea-sized gravel or grit devoid of fine sand
1 or Grade 2;
at the rate of 0.006 m3/m2.
4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
OR 1.2 kg/m2, Min;
Floating Treatment 5) Fibre base self-finished felt, Type 2 Grade
1) Fibre base felt bitumen saturated under- 1 or Grade 2;
lay, Type 1; 6) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of 2.5 kg/m2, Min; and
1.2 kg/m2, Min; 7) Pea-sized gravel~or grit devoid of fine sand
3) Fibre base self-finished felt, Type 2 Grade at the rate of 0.008 m3/m2.
1 or Grade 2;
c) Extra Heavy Treatment - Nine courses for
4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of very severe conditions:
1.2 kg/m2; and
1) Primer at the rate of 0.27 l/m2, Min;
5) Pea-sized gravel or grit devoid of fine sand
at the rate of 0.008 m3/m2, Min.
2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1.2 kg/m2, Min;
b) Heavy Treatment - Seven courses for severe Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
conditions: Grade 1 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2
1) Primer at the rate of 0.27 1/m2, Min; Grade 1;
2) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of 4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1.2 kg/m2, Min; 1.2 kg/m2, Min;
3) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3 5) Hessian base self-finished felt, Type 3
Grade 1 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2 Grade 1 or glass fibre base felt, Type 2
Grade 1; Grade 1;
4) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of 6) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of
1.2 kg/m2, Min; 1.2 kg/m2, Min;
4) Minimum overlaps of 100 and 75 mm 3) Two coats of bituminous paint at the rate
shall be allowed at the end and sides of of 0.1 l/m* per coat or a single coat of
strips of felt respectively. All overlaps bituminous emulsion at the rate of 0.5 l/m*
shall be firmly bonded with hot bitumen. shall be applied.
5) The laying of the second layer shall be so 3.6.3 Timber Roqfs Sloping (see Fig. 12.12)
arranged that the ioints are stacreered with
.a vu
those of the layer beneath it. The underlay or first layer of feltshall be secured by
nails spaced at 100 to 150 mm centres along overlaps
6) In the case of pent roofs where the type of
treatment consists of one layer of felt only and at 20 mm from the exposed edges. In case of
as in normal treatment 3.4 (a), an addition- struck on treatment, the felt shall be bonded on timber
al layer of felt shall be provided at the roof in the same manner as in the case of masonry roof
ridge which shall cover a minimum length but with nailing strips and back nailing.
of the slope of 250 mm on both sides-of 1) Where required, additional nailing may be
the ridge. provided between overlapsat 150 mm centres.
b) Junctions ofparapet wall and roof- Felt shall 2) The second and subsequent layers of felt shall
be laid as a flashing with minimum overlaps of then be applied with bonding materials as in
100 mm. The lower edge of the flashing shall concrete and masonry roofs.
overlap the felt laid on the flat portion of the
3) In the case of gabled roof, one single strip of
roof and the upper edge of the flashing shall be
felt shall cover from gutter to gutter over the
tucked into the groove made in the parapet on
ridge. If the treatment consists of one layer of
the vertical face of the wall. Each layer shall
felt, additional layer of felt shall be provided at
be so arranged that the joints are staggered with
the ridge which shall cover a length of slope of
those of the layer beneath it.
250 mm on both sides of the ridge.
After the layers of felt are laid and bonded, the
4) Flashings - If the parapet is of masonry con-
grooves shall be filled with cement mortar
struction, the flashings shall be treated in the
( 1:4) or lime mortar ( 1:3) or cement concrete
same way as in 3.6.2 (b). In case the roof butts
(1:3:6) which when set will satisfactorily
against a timber wall, the flashings shall be
secure the treatment to the wall. A fillet of
continuously bonded down over the felt turn up
cement mortar (1:4) shall be done at the junc-
and angle fillet. Joints in the felt tlashings shall
tion of wall and roof.
be lapped 100 mm and sealed. The upper end
c>Drain mouths - Drain mouths with a bell of the flashing shall be firmly secured to the
shaped entry shall be fixed and properly set to timber wall by screwing down with a timber
allow the waterto flow into it. Felt shall general- batten.
ly be laid as on the other portion of the roof and
the treatment shall be carried inside the drain 3.6.4 Shell Roqfs
pipes overlapping at least 100 mm. If possible a
grating cap should be provided over the drain a) In the case of shell roofs additional layer of felt
mouth to protect choking caused by leaves, shall be provided for the valley gutter for nor-
stones, etc. mal treatment and for other type of treatment;
the number of felts in valley gutters shall be
4 Gutter - The treatment to be laid in gutters
Dne layer extra. The treatment on the valley
shall provide for one layer of roofing felt more
should be laid first and the height to which the L 4
than is provided on the roof proper. A priming
felt is to be taken shall be at least 150 mm above
coat shall first be applied. Over this, the first
the anticipated standing water in the gutter.
layer of felt shall be bonded with hot bitumen
For normal treatment on pent roofs, the felt
followed by successive layers of felt bonded
should be laid parallel to the direction of run-
securely together and finally painted with a
off gradient. The felt in the case of shell roofs
coat of hot bitumen at not less than 1.5 kg/m*.
shall be laid from one edge of the valley gutter
1) The first layer laid separately in the gutters to the other, that is, around the curvature. In
shall be overlapped with the correspond- case of northtight cylindrical shells, it can
ing layer on the roof proper. The felt either start from the valley gutter or from the
layers in the gutter shall be carried down upper edge. ,The upper edge shall be securely
to the outlet pipes to a minimum depth of anchored at the edge of the shell.
100 mm.
NOTE - Where insulation is specified, the insulating
2) For gutters in pent roofs the flashings shall material shnll be applied on top of the shell surface and
be laid separately at the sides and carried plastered, if necessary, with cement mortar to provide
well under the caves of the pent roofs. adequate base for application of waterproofing treatment.
1) When the felt is laid parallel to the direc- emulsion at the rate of 0.5 l/m2 per coat, or one
tion of run-off gradient, that is, around the coat of acrylic based coating at the rate of
curvature in the case of shell roof, the side 0.3 l/m2 shall be applied.
overlap should be 100 mm minimum and
end overlap should be 75 mm minimum; 3.6.5 Expansion Joints
this means that the overlap lengths are
interchanged with those when felts are Expansion joint coverings may be zinc or a lead sheet
laid across the gradient [see 3.6.2 (a)]. or of bitumen felt. In the case of the latter, a minimum
b) For surface finish instead of the normal of two layers of bitumen felt, Type 2, Grade 2 as
bituminous gravel finish, either two coats of specified in IS 1322 : 1993 or Type 2 Grade 1 of
bituminous aluminium paint at the rate of IS 7193 : 1974 shall be used with top dressing of gravel
0.1 l/m2 per coat or one coat colour bituminous or other suitable finish (see Fig. 12.20).
BITUMEN-, \ \ f r f n-BITUMEN
12.20A Expansion Joint with Tee Iron Tile and Terrace Construction in Level with Roof Surface
3.6.6 Treatment of Bubble Formation lathing with coating of bitumen may be used for rein-
forcement for laying bitumen to vertical sloping sur-
If balooning occurs, remove the gravel on the balooned
faces. The underlay may be bitumen felt to IS 1322 :
surface. Then cut open and squeeze out the trapped
1993. Vapour barrier should be hessian based Type 3
vapour by firm pressure applied by hand. Seal the
felt to IS 1322 : 1993.
bitumen felt so lifted, back on to the surface by apply-
ing additional bitumen. Finally seal the cut with a
4.2 Preparatory Work
piece of bitumen felt with bitumen application and
re-apply the gravel finish over it to make the surface
In addition to requirements of 1.1 of this Part, the
look uniform with the rest.
following points may be considered.
3.6.7 Roof Gardens a) Keying - Bitumen mastic will not adhere to
Where it is required to create a roof garden the vertical and sloping surfaces unless such sur-
waterproofing shall be carried out as per the treatment faces afford an adequate key.
of damp-proofing covered in 2, Part 1 of this Chapter. When bitumen mastic is applied to vertical
As far as possible, plants should be planted in con- surfaces including skirting the top of the
tainers to avoid roof penetration-into the roof below. mastic shall be tucked into a continuous
groove of not less than 25 mm x 25 mm in
the structure and its exposed part shall be
4.1 Materials formed with a splay to shed rain water.
2) Horizontal joints in brickwork should not
Bitumen mastic shall conform to IS 3037 : 1986.
be less than 10 mm wide and the mortar
Bonding bitumen shall conform to IS 702 : 1988 or
joint shall be raked out and brushed clean
residual bitumen to IS 73 : 1992. The penetration of
blown bitumen shall be limited to 45 when tested in to form a key to the bitumen mastic (see
accordance with IS 1203 : 1978. Expanded metal Fig. 12.2 1).
For vertical surfaces on concrete, the total thickness of not less than 20 mm (see
details arenas in Fig. 12.22. Fig. 12.23).
3) For vertical timber surfaces, a layer of At the intersection of two planes forming an
metal reinforcement shall be securely internal angle and after the bitumen mastic has
fixed by nails. All vertical metal surfaces been laid on the horizontal, sloping and vertical
shall be primed with a rubber bitumen surfaces, a solid angle fillet of bitumen mastic,
emulsion before the bitumen mastic is not less than 50_mm wide, shall be formed in
applied. two coat work (see Fig. 12.22 and Fig. 12.23).
4) Other surfaces, wherever possible, shall
4.4 Movement of Joints
be hacked to give key to bitumen mastic.
Where it is considered necessary to provide movement
4.3 Number of Coats and Thickness
of joints in the roof structure, details could be as in
Fig. 12.24.
The number of coats depends on the particular position
of the surface and the maximum thickness of mastic 4.5 Laying of Bitumen Mastic
that is possible to apply while it is a warm state.
4.5.1 Spreading
a>On a horizontal surface and on slopes up 30°,
two coats of equal thickness to a total thickness a>Each coat of bitumen mastic of each bay
of 20 mm shall be applied, excluding horizon- marked out, shall be spread evenly and
tal treatment in walls. uniformly by means of float to the recom-
b) On a horizontal roof subject to foot traffic, two mended thickness, on to the previously
coats of mastic shall be applied; the first coat prepared surface, the isolating membrane or
shahbe not less than 10 mm and the second the preceeding coat.
coat not less than 15 mm. b) Each coat of bitumen mastic shall be followed,
c) On vertical surfaces other than timber, includ- without delay by the succeeding coat, since
ing skirtings, upstands and drips and slopes exposure to contamination might impair
over 30°, two equal coats of total thickness of adhesion and cause blistering.
not less than 12 mm or three coats of total cl The junction between two contiguous bays of
thickness not less than 20 mm shah be applied. a coat of bitumen mastic shall be not less than
d) On vertical or sloping timber surfaces, three 150 mm from a corresponding junction in a
coats of bitumen mastic shall be applied to a preceding coat.
tL_._._._. .. .__. . ,. ,.
-25 mm w-125 mm
d) When bitumen mastic is laid horizontally, tim- f) Any blows shall be pierced and the affected
ber gauges of specified thickness shall be used area made good while the bitumen mastic is
during the laying of each coat. still warm.
4 When bitumen mastic is laid over vertical or 4.5.2 Surface /7irl,ish
steeply sloping surfaces, the first coat is essen-
Immediately after completion of the laying of mastic,
tially-an~adhesive layer which acts as a base to
ensure complete bonding of subsequent coats. the surfaces shall be rubbed with a wood float using
cleah sharp sand passing 8.50 micron IS Sieve and
retained on 300 micron IS Sieve, while the mastic is shall be laid between the~base and the insula-
still warm. tion layer.
b) Skirtings and upstands - The exposed upper-
4.53 Final Finish most part of bitumen mastic skirting shall be
formed with a splay to shed rain water, even
a>To avoid absorption of solar heat, light though a metal flashing is laid to cover the
coloured mineral aggregates or-pea-size gravel exposed part.
may be evenly spread shoulder to shoulder
A similar splay is formed when bitumen mastic
over the entire surface. The aggregates shall
is continued through the wall to form a
be stuck to the top of the surface with
horizontal damp-proofing treatment (see
bituminous bonding material.
Fig. 12.26).
b) The bitumen mastic may also be finished with c) All internal angles shall be laid in two coats, as
roofing materials as described in Chapter 11
a separate operation. It is essential that the last
using light coloured tiles, etc.
coat of bitumen mastic of contiguous surfaces
cl Where decorative finish is necessary, shall be warmed and cleaned, before the solid
aluminium paint free from material deleterious fillets are formed, by hot bitumen.
to bitumen mastic or any other coloured emul-
sion paint may be used.
4 Projecting pipes should be surrounded by
mastic as shown in Fig. 12.27. The treatment
4.5.4 Other Details is continued over the metal surface coated with
bituminous paint up to a stipulated height. The
a> Insulating materials - Where it is necessary
metallic reinforcements shall be placed verti-
to prevent fluctuation of temperature inside a
cally against the first layer of bitumen mastic.
building, additional thermal insulation is
The top layer shall be built over the reinforce-
obtainable by placing a layer of insulating
ment. Neat bitumen or plastic bitumen shall be
material immediately below the mastic roof-
used as a grout at thejoint. A metal collar shall
ing. A vapour barrier as shown in Fig. 12.25
be fixed over it.
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SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
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b) Single layer treatment finished with tiles or 5.3.1 (b) items (1) to (5) and protective treat-
patent stone or cement concrete ment, such as, mud Phuska and one or two
1) Primer at 0.3 to 0.5 kg/m2, till the surface layers of tiles.
is properly impregnated, where necessary; b) Treatment laid below lime terracing - As in
2) Hot applied bitumen $straight-run grade) 5.3.1 (b) items (1) to (5) and protective treat-
at the rate of 0.7 kg/m , Min; ment, such~as, lime terracing.
3) Polyethylene film with cold cutbackad-
5.4 Laying
hesive in overlaps;
4) 100 g brown kraft paper laminated in-situ 5.4.1 Sequence of operations shall be as in 3.6.1.
over the film with semi-hot layer of
straight-run bitumen. The technique of 5.42 Laying
fixing kraft paper to polyethylene film is
to paint semi-hot bitumen on the paper, 4 The number of laps shall be minimized by
reverse it and laminate over the film;. selecting film of suitable width; the minimum
5) Semi-hot applied bitumen (straight-run width of laps shall be 100 mm both at ends and
grade) at the rate of 0.7 kg/m2 dusted with sides.
fine sand; and b) The primer shall be applied on the prepared
6) Finishing layer of tiles or patent stones roof surface by brushing and allowing it to dry
(see Chapter 10). for 6 to 12 h.
c>Multi-layer treatment - In severe conditions cl Hot bitumen shall be spread over the roof sur-
of exposure, such as, heavy rainfall or impor- face and allowed to cool to a temperature so
tant structures it is advisable to provide multi- that the film may be laid without any damage
layer treatment. Normally, a two layer to it.
treatment is sufficient to obtain adequate resis- 4 The polyethylene film shall be carefully laid on
tance to rain penetration. the bituminous layer and firmly but carefully
1) Lower layer - Items (1) to (4) as in pressed down with the help ofa gunny cloth so
5.3.1 (b). as to prevent any damage to the film.
2) Upper layer - Items (2) to (5) as in 1) The next length of the film shall be
5.3.1 (a) or items (2) to (5) as in 5.3.1 (b). similarly laid down on the roof with
3) Finish - Item (6) of 5.3.1 (b) or Item (6) proper longitudinal and end overlaps and
as in 5.3.1 (a). firmly pressed down on the biutminous
layer. The joints and overlaps shall be
5.3.2 Flat Roofs with Mud ‘Phuska’ Finish or Lime
carefully sealed with the help of cutback
bitumen applied over the upper surface of
a) Treatment laid below mud Phuska (see Fig. the lower layer of the film.
12.29) - as in 5.3.1 (a) items (1) to (4) or
2) As far as possible, the polyethylene film The laying of film should be immediately
shall be laid as in Fig. 12.3OA for flat followed by subsequent operations of covering
roofs; as in Fig. 12.30B for sloping roofs with bituminous compositions. If the film is
and as in Fig. 12.3OC for curved shell left exposed, it can lead to softening of bitumen
roofs. layer underneath causing wrinkles leading to
e) As far as possible, laps shall be avoided in the damage. The work therefore should not be
troughs or valleys; where unavoidable, they carried out when the temperature is high.
shall be covered with an additional film strip It is necessary to hold the film high and finally
of adequate width. pressed in position by cloth pad, so that the film
5.4.3 Precautions to be taken into account in laying sets securely on bituminous underlay. Other-
film treatment are as follows: wise this will result in the formation of air
bubbles below the film, which will lead to poor
4 Excessive bitumen should not be used for
bonding the film to the prepared surface, which
may result in the film sliding and wrinkling. The workmen should preferably walk
barefooted or with canvas shoes in order to
b) The film should not be overstretched, which prevent damage to the film.
otherwise leads to wrinkles when the film
If the polyethylene film is to be carried over
retracts. These wrinkles may get reproduced
in the final treatment and are liable to get from horizontal to vertical surface, it should be
over a fillet and protected with cement plaster
eroded and cause failure of treatment.
or any other treatment.
12.30A FlatRoof
in millimetrcs.
6.3.2 For concrete, masonry and metallic roofs, flat or 2 Where pea-size gravel is not available. coarse sand may be
used. Also tiles, finish, etc. shall be done as in Chapter 10.
sloping, the following treatments are recommended:
3 In the case of flat roofs with precast slabs, where the roof is
a) Normal treatment graded with lime concrete and surfaces plastered, normal treat-
ment as in 6.3.2 (a) can be adopted. In case of sloping roofs,
I) Bitumen primer at the rate of 0.4 kg/m2; heavy treatment as in 6.3.2 (b) can be adopted. In case of too
2) Hot bitumen at the rate of 1.6 kg/m2, Min; much of structural movements, an additional layer of glass fibre
tissue embedded in hot bitumen may be provided.
3) Glass fibre tissue;
4) Hot bitumen at the rate of 1.6 kg/m”, Min; 6.3.3 Junction of parapet wall and roof shall be treated
and as shown in Fig. 12.34 and 12.35.
5) Pea-sized gravel or grit devoid of fine sand 6.3.4 For expansion joints two layers of glass fibre
at the rate of 0.006 m”/m2. base felt, Type 2 Grade 1 shall be laid loose
overlapping one and other with one end of the felt stuck
b) Heavy treatment with bitumen alternately and finally covered with a
I to 4) Same as in 6.3.2 (a) items (1) to (4); layer of glass tibre tissue impregnated with hot
5) Second layer of glass fibre tissue laid per- bitumen. Typical arrangement is shown in Fig. 12.36.
pendicular to previous layer;
Hot applied bitumen at the rate of 6.3.5 Sloping Roofs
1.6 kg/m2, Min; and
Typical details of special treatment of AC and GI
7) Finish as in 6.3.2 (a), item 5.
corrugated roofing at joints is given in Fig. 12.37.
c) Extra heavy treatment
6.4 Laying
1 to 6) Same as in 6.3.2 (b) item 1 to 6;
7) Third layer of glass fibre tissue laid per-
6.4.1 Sequence of operations shall be as in 3.6.1.
pendicular to previous layer;
8) Hot applied bitumen at the rate of 1.6 6.4.2 Procedure
kg/m2, Min; and
9) Finish as in 6.3.2 (a), item (5). a) Clean the surface to be treated with wire
NOTES brushes;
1 Five course treatment is recommended for moderate condi- b) Prime the entire surface;
tions (about 50 cm) of rainfall. Seven course treatment is c) Cut the required length of glass fibre tissue and
suggested for severe conditions (between SO to 150 cm) of
roll it;
rainfall. Nine course treatment is recommended for very severe
condition ( 150 cm and above) of rainfall.
0 .
-‘. _. 1
. .- J J.
All dimensions
in millimetres.
4 Pour hot bitumen on the surface to the extent h) The finishing materials like pea-sized gravel or
of roll width and simultaneously embed the grit surface dry shall be embedded into hot
glass ftbre tissue into it. Proceed in this manner bitumen while it is being poured, by applying
throughout the length of the roll. Precaution minimum pressure.
should be taken to ensure adequate sealing of 7 ~WATERPROOFING OF UNDERGROUND
e>Apply second coat of hot bitumen; 7.1 General : ‘,
0 In case of multilayer treatments, the joints in During construction of underground water resources :;
the glass fibre tissue between successive layers ;,
and concrete swimming pools and reservoirs, it is
should be staggered midway; essential to ensure watertightness of the resulting
8) The minimum overlap at ends and sides shall structures so that the flow of water from inside the
be 100 mm. All overlaps shall be firmly structure to outside and the infiltration of the water
bonded with hot bitumen; and from the surrounding soil into the structure are . .’
effectively prevented.
* ‘.
’ ^
b) Vibrators shall be used wherever possible, for 8.2.1 Preparation of Water Repellent
a) From Class A and Class B materials - The
c>Construction joints should be perpendicular to Class A and Class B material may be diluted
the general direction of the member. As far as with mineral spirit nor xylene. The mineral
possible vertical joints should be avoided. spirit should have minimum flash point of
4 It is not practicable to provide expansion joints 27’C, boiling range of 135 to 185’C and mini-
in small and medium reservoirs and swimming mum Kauri-Butanol value of 34. For best
pools. In large reservoirs expansion joints results these classes of materials should con-
shall be provided at not more than 35 m for tain 5 percent solids.
underground structures and not more than b) From Class C, the material may be diluted with
28 m for exposed structures. water to a concentration of 3 percent solids just
prior to the application.
e) Pipes and special fixtures should be fixed in
position before concreting is done. 8.3 Preparation of the Surface,
f) For testing and remedial treatment reference a>Cracks wider than 0.1 mm and defective mor-
may be made to IS 6494 : 1988. tar joints shall be repaired. Surfaces Should be
clean and dry. Detergents and wetting agents
should not be used.
8.1 General b) When drying of surface is difficult, Class C
material shall be used either Asia full treatment
Application of the appropriate class of water repellent or prior to application of Class A or Class B
to all exterior surfaces free from cracks wider than treatment.
0.1 mm above ground level provides protection against Efflorescence, if visible, shall be washed with
absorption of water, salt and dirt. Applied over cement 5 to 10 percent muriatic acid (HCI) solution
based paints, the repellent preserves the colour, bright- and then rinse it with clear water. If it re- 4
ness and appearance. Used as primers for oil based appears in some places after drying, the repel-
paints, the repellents minimize peeling and blistering lent shall be applied and allowed to cure
caused by damp and salt from the masonry walls. The for 24 h and the surface be again washed with
repellents should be applied to complete masonry muriatic acid (HCl) and rinsed. Then the sur-
rather than to individual units, in order to avoid inad- face may be treated with the repellent.
vertent treatment of bedding faces which would be The masonry, concrete, cement plaster and
detrimental to bonding of mortar. Normally the repel- cement based painted surfaces shall be allowed
lent does not alter the dry appearance of the surface. to cure for 21 days before applying the repel-
Application of water repellent on exposed brickwork lent. If cement paint surfaces are treated with
surfaces reduce the appearance of efflorescence of the repellent on a small area and if water repel-
solublesulphates. lency has not developed, such surface shall be
cured for a longer period.
S.2 Materials
8.4 Application of Repellent
a) The silicone water repellent shall conform to a) Normally a single generous or flood coat by
IS 12027 : 1987. They are three classes of the brush or spray would be sufficient. The
material should be applied liberally so that it atomized or misted, but in a solid stream by
runs down the surface freely to about 15 cm maintaining a low nozzle pressure.
below the point of application. c) Safety instructions of manufacturer should be
b) When spraying, the solution should not be followed.
[Clause 5.2 (a)]
1 GENERAL structure or the number of storeys it has, the greater the
extent to which such movements take place.
1.1 When a material is stressed beyond its tensile or
shear strength it cracks. The stresses may be due to 1.4 There are two ways of dealing with expansion and
external loads or restraint imposed against dimen- contraction of structures. The structures may be
sional changes. Moisture movement and temperature monolithic and heavy reinforcement may link each
variations cause such stresses which are resisted by the section so that all the stresses formed may be accom-
building elements. modated without fracture. Alternatively, the structure
may be provided with a number of joints which relieve
All building materials expand or contract with change
the stresses by allowing pre-determined sections of the
in temperature and variation of moisture content. The
structure to move. In the first method accurate assess-
magnitude of these changes vary with the type ot
ment shall be made of all the conditions which are
materials used. Most building materials expand while
likely to induce stresses in the structure. This is not
wetted and shrink while drying. Some materials con-
always possible but nevertheless the method is
tain moisture at the time of construction and dry out
followed in cases like rigid frame structures and shell
subsequently. Such materials are stone, brick and
structures; in rigid frames provision of joints will
concrete and major dimensional changes are caused by
interfere with the rigidity of the structure. In the
their contraction.
second method where joints are provided reasonable
,1.2 If the resulting contraction or expansion are care has to be exercised for design, location, detailing
restricted partly or wholly by any means, for example, ofjoints and selecting materials such as joint fillers and
restraining effect of cross and end walls in large build- waterbars so that large movements may be accom-
ings, internal stresses, like tension during contraction modated without structural failure, disfiguring cracks
and compression during expansion, occur in the struc- or penetration of moisture.
ture and their magnitude depends upon:
the extent to which such free movement has
been prevented due to connection of element 2.1 Expansion Joints
to other structural members;
Joints are provided to accommodate the expansion of
the extent to which the movement would have adjacent building parts and relieve compressive stresses
taken place if there were no restraint; that may otherwise develop. Expansion joints essen-
the extent to which the material creeps and tially provide a space between the parts and may
flows under stress; and sometimes be provided with load transmitting devices
the extent to which elastic deformation takes between parts and generally tilled with expansion joint
place. filler which is compressible enough to accommodate
expansion of adjacent parts, and having ability to
These four factors are interdependent and the move-
regain 75 percent of the original thickness, when
ment which actually occurs depends on the restraint to
pressure is reduced.
these movements as well as creep.
2.2 Construction Joints
Hence to minimize cracking in buildings, it would be
necessary to avoid materials which expand or contract Joints installed in location whereconstruction stops for
considerably due to thermal and moisture movements any reason and when the location of stoppage does not
and design the structure so as to minimize restraint to coincide with the planned location of an expansion or
expansion or contraction of the material. Use of contraction joint.
materials having maximum extensibility, that is, total
creep and elastic deformation before cracking and 2.3 Contraction Joints
reducing the range of variation in temperature and These are essentially separations or planes of weak-
moisture movement also helps in minimizing the ness introduced in concrete structures to localize
cracking in buildings. shrinkage movements which would otherwise lead to
1.3 In tropical country like India, occurrence of large unsightly cracks. They may be of any of the following
variations in the atmospheric temperature and types:
humidity are to be expected and problems of crack a) Complete Contraction Joint - In this type of
prevention assumes greater importance. The larger the joint the bond between adjacent sections of a
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
structure may be broken completely by paint- changes. In estimating these movements the tempera-
ing one face with a bituminous material or by ture at the time of construction may be considered. If
setting a layer of waterproof paper or roofing concrete is laid in summer the main movement will be
felt against the face of the section before cast- contraction and in such cases the expansion joints may
ing the next section up to it. be further placed apart provided the design takes care
b) Partial Contracting Joint - When structural of the tensile stresses caused by contraction. If con-
stability is required between sections of a rein- struction is in winter, the expansion joints may be
forced concrete structure separated by a con- nearer to avoid excessive compressive stresses.
traction joint, it is sometimes convenient to The coefficient of thermal expansion of some of the
continue the reinforcement across the joint. common building materials is given below:
Due to the presence of reinforcement, the Material Coegicient
movement at these partial contaction joints is
Brick and brick work 5 to 7 x 10V6per “C
usually small.
Cement mortars and concrete 10 to 14 x lOA per ‘C
c>Dummy Joints-Dummy joints are used more
particularly in thin sections of concrete. In
these joints a plane of weakness is creaied by Igneous rocks (granite, etc) 8 to 10 x 10” per ‘C
forming a groove in either or each of surfaces Limestones 2.4 to 9 x 10” per ‘C
of concrete, the total depth of the groove being Marbles 1.4tollxlO+j per°C
one-third to one-fifth of the thickness of the Sandstones 7 to 16 x 10m6 per°C
Slates 6 to 10x 10-6peroC
2.4 Sliding Joints Metals:
When variations in temperature, moisture content or Aluminium 25 x lO& per OC
loading result in tendency for one part of a structure to Bronze 17.6 x low6 per ‘C
move at right angles to the plane of another part, it is
Copper 17.3 x lOA per OC
necessary to provide a slip plane between the two parts
Lead 29x IO4 per°C
thus enabling freedom of movement in both the planes.
Sliding joints are usually formed by applying a layer Steel and iron 7t013x10-6 per°C
of plaster to one of the surfaces and finishing it smooth NOTE-For natural materials like stones, because of moisture
before the other is cast on it or by any other approved movements and the range of temperatures experienced,
suitable method. co effcents of thermal expansion cannot be specified accurately.
This is only rough data arrd can be used by the des@
2.5 Joint Filer construction agency.
A strip af compressible material used to form and fill 3.2.2 Variation in Moisture Content
the expansion joints in structure.
Brickwork and concrete contract on drying out and
2.6 Sealing Compound expand when wetted again; and the process of contrac-
A material of plastic consistency applied to the joint in tion may continue even for a long time after construc-
the form of liquid or paste. The function of the sealing tion depending on the external humidity conditions.
compound is to prevent the ingress of moisture or The degree of moisture immediately after setting or
foreign matter. hardening of the mortar or concrete may also vary from
part to part during construction.
2.7 Waterbar
A strip which is placed across the joint during con- For dense concretes, the contraction due to drying
struction so as to form an impervious diaphragm. shrinkage may vary from 0.2 to 0.5 mm/m; for light
weight blocks the shrinkage may be larger varying
from 0.5 to 0.8 mm/m; for autoclaved aerated concrete
3.1 General still greater shrinkage of the order of 3 mm/m may be
The design of a joint will depend on the type of allowed for. However if care is taken to allow non-
structure, the method of construction and the jointing aerated concrete, specially precast blocks to dry and
materials available. The dimensional changes due to thus contract before use, the shrinkage may be consi-
moisture and temperature variations have to be derably reduced and a value of 0.6 mm/m may be
accounted for in the design of.a joint. allowed.
parricularly to allow for the following factors: taken through the foundation concrete. Rein-
Difference in compressibility of the various forcements shall not pass through the joint.
materials used in the individual sections of the b) In the case of masonry walls resting on pile
building; foundation, the vertical control joint shall be
Unequal loading of the individual parts of a taken up to the top of the grade beam over the
building; for example as a result of differences piles. Reinforcement shall not pass through
in height when constructing sections in parts or the joint.
in the final stage; and cl In the case of reinforced concrete structures,
Differential settlement due to unequal loading, the vertical control joints between two
variable load bearing capacity of the soil on columns shall extend from top of the column
account of constructing a building partly on old to the top ~of the pedestal provided over the
foundations; due to overlapping of the load RCC footing.
distribution with that of the adjacent founda-
3.5 Additional Measures
tions or due to the variation in moisture condi-
tions in the sub-soil. In addition to provision of joints, the following
3.4 Spacing of Expansion Joints measures may also be taken to reduce or prevent
damage due to thermal effects.
Generally the spacing of expansion joints shall be
according to Table 13. I. a ) Choosing texture and colour for the exposed
surface such that most of the solar radiation is
Table 13.1 Recommended Spacing of reflected and the minimum is absorbed; white
Expansion Joints washing of roofing would be advantageous;
(Clause 3.4) and
Alldimensions in millimetres.
13.2C 13.2D
13.3c 13.3D
5.2 Expansion Joints in Roofs and Floors be installed in the expansion joint. The joint
shall suitably ~treated for waterproofing.
a) The expansion joints used in roof shall be
Typical sketches of expansion joints in roofs
finished such as to obtain an effective seal
are shown in Fig. 13.5 and 13.6.
against penetration of water. A waterbar shall
in millimetres.
13.5A Expansion Joint Using RCC Precast Tiles over Joint
rip ABOUT 300mm C/C
13.5C Expansion Joint where Flat Tiles Laid over Roof and Brick Layer over Joint
SP62(S&T): 1997
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
b) For floors, waterbar is not necessary. When 2) Topreventcracks in the masonry below or
the floor part of the joint is left open chamfer- above the expansion joint in cases where
ing shall be provided on either side of the joint it is not possible to provide a vertical joint
to improve appearance. If open joint is not in the masonry, RCC or plain cement con-
acceptable, a cover plate fixed to one side and crete bed plates shall be provided on the
free to slide over the concrete on the other side bearing.
may be provided as in Fig. 13.7.
5.3 Roof or Floor to Wall Joints
C) In case of long sunshades, balconies and
The roof slab shall be free to move at the bearings on
parapets, the joints shall be at intervals of 6 to
the walls and sliding joints shall be provided at the
12 m. The expansion joint shall not extend to
bearings. This may be achieved by resting the slab on
the portion where the sunshade is embedded
a smooth surface obtained by a plaster finish over the
into the masonry but shall stop short of face by
bed blocks or bearing surface of wall; then giving a
5 cm; and the distribution reinforcement, in the
white wash finish would give a smoother surface. A
embedded portion and in the 5 cm portion of
similar treatment may also be given in the case of floor
the sunshade where there is not expansion
slabs bearing on walls (see Fig. 13.8, 13.9 and 13. IO).
joint. shall be increased to 0.3 percent of the
gross cross sectional area to take up tempera- 5.4 Expansion Joints in %ramed Buildings
ture stresses. In case of covered verandah
The details of joints between panel wall and the frame
slabs, the expansion joints spacing may be
shall be as shown in Fig. 13.11. In case of continuous
increased to I2 to 14 m and the expansion joint
expansion joints between two parts of buildings twin
shall not be extended beyond the wall. The
columns shall be provided and the details of expansion
gap may be sealed by copper cradle.
joints between them shall be as shown in Fig. 13.12.
Aluminium cradles insulated with a thick coat
In addition to the expansion joints necessary in rein-
of bitumen may also be used in place of copper
forced concrete frame, contraction joints shall be
provided in the masonry in the facade. These joints
I) Where the verandah slab is the extension may be either straight or staggered joints in the mason-
of floor slab, the distribution reinforce- ry and the joints finished with suitable sealing com-
ment in the portion of the slab resting on pound to match the appearance of the cladding. Resin
the masonry shall be increased to twice its based building mastics may be found suitable for seal-
normal amount. Reinforcement not re- ing joints in the facade as they will be available in
quired from structural considerations may various colours. PVC cover strips may also be used.
be considered effective as distribution In the case of glass block partition felted mineral fibre
reinforcement for the purpose. will be particularly suitable as a joint filler.
L25 mm GAP
All dimensions in millimetres.
5.5 Contraction Joints in Roofs and lip type. Typical sketches of these types of joints
iuoofs are as shown in Fig.13.13 and 13.14.
Joints are generally oftwo types, namely, parapet type
SP 62(S & T): 1997
13.13A Typical Details of Lip Type Joint in Roof Terracing where there
is no Joint in Roof Slab
FIG. 13.13
FIG. 13.14
7.3 Similarly good construction practices covered in durability, maintenance and ambient conditions. The
Chapter 3 on foundations, Chapters 9, 10 and 11 deal- standard only elaborates a little of these functions and
ing with good construction practices for floors, wall no constructional details are given.
finishes and roofs respectively would help in contain-
ing initiation of cracks in buildings. IS 11817 : 1986 covers classification of joints for
accommodation of dimensional deviations during con-
7.4 Apart from IS 3414 : 1968 on joints in buildings,
struction. Three types of joints are classified to deal
three more Indian Standards are available based on
with accommodation of dimensional deviations.
IS0 standards. IS 10958 : 1984 gives a general check
These standards may be considered for appropriate
list of functions of joints in buildings. The functions
situations, such as, in prefab or use of precast elements.
include environmental factors, capacity to withstand
stress, safety, accommodation of dimensional devia- Further IS 11818 : 1986 covers the test for laboratory
tions, fixing of components, appearance, economics, determination of air permeability ofjoints in buildings.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
1.1 This Part deals with the preparation of surfaces a) Surfaces, where the same colour wash is to be
and application of whitewash and colour wash over repeated, shall be broomed to remove all dust
masonry, concrete and plaster surfaces. and dirt. All loose scales of lime wash and
other foreign matter shall also be removed.
Where heavy scaling has taken place the entire
2.1 Lime used shall conform to Class ‘C’ (fat lime) to surface shall be scraped clean. This will also
IS 712 : 1984 and white in colour. Water shall be apply, where a colour wash has to be given on
clear, free from all organic and suspended impurities; an already whitewashed surface.
potable water is suitable for this purpose. Sodium b) For surfaces where different colour wash is to
chloride shall conform to IS 253 : 1985 or Grade II be applied, the old colour wash on surfaces
of IS 797 : 1982. Ultra marine blue or indigo shall shall be entirely removed before whitewash or
conform to IS 55 : 1970. Pigments of yellow and red different colour wash is applied. The surface
ochre shall conform to IS 44 : 199 1; and pigments of shall be prepared by brushing or by scraping or
blue vitriol shall be fresh crystals of anhydrous copper by other suitable means to produce a clean
sulphate (blue vitriol) and conform to l[S 261 : 1982 surface and shall be broomed to remove dust,
ground to fine powder. dirt, etc.
A!! unsound portions of surface plaster shall be screened through a clean coarse cloth. Add I kg of
removed to full depth of plaster in rectangular gum dissolved in hot water to each cu.m of lime cream.
patches and plastered again after raking the About 1.3 kg of sodium chloride dissolved in hot water
masonry joints properly. Such portions shall may be added to every 10 kg of lime. Small quantity
be wetted and allowed to dry. They shall be ofultramarine blue (up to 3 g/kg of lime) shall also be
given one coat of whitewash. Al! unnecessary added to the last two coats of whitewash solution and
nails shall be removed; and the holes and the whole solution be stirred thoroughly (see Notes 1
cracks shall be filled with lime putty or plaster and 2).
of Paris to make the surface smooth. NOTES
When whitewashing old surfaces, if surfaces
1 The addition of sodium chloride (common salt) to lime wash
are found to be infected with mould growth, it helps in quick carbonation of calcium hydroxide making the
shall be treated as below. coating hard and rub-resistant.
Any growth of moulds, moss shall be removed 2 For exterior work the whitewash or colour wash that will
by scraping with steel scraper and ammoniacal adhere well to stone and masonry surfaces may also be prepared
by scattering one part by weight of tallow in small lumps over
copper solution consisting of 15 g of copper
I2 parts of quick lime, slaking it with onlyjust sufficient water
carbonate dissolved in 60 ml of liquor to form a thick paste, stirring occasionally to assist dispersing
ammonia in500 ml water, shall be applied to the tallow and allowing it to stand until cool. The resultant paste
the surface and allowed to dry thoroughly shall then be let down to thin wash, which is strained through a
coarse cloth. If tallow is not obtainable, then linseed oil or castor
before applying colour wash or whitewash.
oil about 10 percent by weight of dry lime may be used. If the
An alternative to ammoniacal copper solution oil does not saponify and incorporate with lime, it should be
treatment may consist of 2 percent sodium heated up until the oil disappears. The oil forms with lime an
pentachlorophenate solution in water. insoluble soap, which when once dry, will not wash off with
heavy rain. In case of colour wash, mineral colours such as oxide
Local areas affected by eftlorescence shall be of iron, red and yellow colours, based on chromium oxide and
initially treated as described below and then carbon black not affected by lime may be added. Use of linseed
applied whitewash or colour wash. oil is likely to give slight yellow tinge to whitewash.
Whitewash shall be prepared from fat lime conforming b) For new work, a minimum of two coats shall
to IS 712 : 1984. The lime shall be slaked at site and be applied so that the surface presents a smooth
shall be mixed and stirred with about 5 I of water for and uniform finish through which the plaster
I kg of unslaked lime to make a thin cream. This shall does not show. The finished dry surface shall
be allowed to stand for a period of 24 h and shall be not show any signs of cracking and peeling and
., - i-__ _^.I.
the whitewash shall not come offreadily on the a) For colour washing of old surfaces prepared as
hand when rubbed. in 3.2, a coat of colour wash shall be applied
cl For old work, after the surface has been for the patches and repairs. Then the specified
prepared as in 3.2, a coat of whitewash shall be number of coats of colour wash shall be applied
applied over patches and repairs. Then one or over the entire surface. The colour wash shall
two or more coats of whitewash shall be present a uniform colour shade. No primary
appliedovertheentiresurface. The whitewashed coat is needed for old surface bearing colour of
surface shall present a uniform finish through the same shade.
which the plaster patches do not show. b) On surfaces requiring a changeof colour, after
the surface has been prepared as in 3.2 (b), two
5.2 Application of Colour Wash
coats of whitewash shall be applied before
The colour wash shall be applied in accordance with application of specified number (minimum
the procedure laid down in 5.1. For colour washing or two) of coats of colour wash of the new shade.
new work, after the surface has been prepared as in 3.1,
the first orimary coat shall be of whitewash and the 5.3 Painting Schedule of Whitewashing and
subsequent coats (minimum two) shall be colour wash; Colour Washing
the entire surface shall present a smooth and uniform
The schedules are given in Part 2.
finish. To start with 0.1 m2 of the prepared surface
shall be colour washed with the first coat of whitewash 6 PROTECTIVE MEASURES
and subsequent coats of colour wash solution in full
number of coats and the shade so obtained shall be 6.1 Surfaces of doors, windows, floors, articles of
examined before the entire work of colour washing is furniture, etc, and such other parts of building not to
taken up in hand. It shall then be noted that small areas be whitewashed or colour washed, shall be protected
of colour wash will appear lighter in shade than when from being splashed upon. Such surfaces shall be
the same shades are applied to larger surfaces. cleaned of whitewash or colour wash splashes, if any.
paint when oil based paints are used to suit the type of paint to be used:
porosity of the surface.
Type of Paint Pretreatment
d) However, where it will not be possible to allow
i) Size bound distemper
the required time for the surface to dry out
1) One coat A coat of clearcole
fully, the decoration in such cases shall be with
a porous finish, such as, lime wash, colour
2) Two coat A coat of size alone will be
wash, cement paint, oil-free distemper or
application sufficient
suitable emulsion paint which will allow
drying to continue at a reasonable rate through ii) Dry distemper A coat of the same dis-
their films. Gloss paint shall not be used until temper thinned with water or
drying is complete. petrifying liquid supplied by
the manufacturer; Or A coat
e) If a surface remains persistently damp, the
of sharp colour or primer-
cause shall be examined and the surface suitab-
sealer with the addition of
ly treated before attempting to decorate. If
finely ground pumice
remedy is impractical, isolation of affected
surfaces by battening out and plastering or iii) foil paint A coat of thin primer or
boarding may be necessary. Local areas af- primer-sealer, preferably in
fected by efflorescence shall be cut out and consultation with the manu-
replastered or treated with efflorescence foil of facturer of the paint
aluminium to prevent the absorption of water iv) Emulsion paint A coat of the same paint
from the exterior or penetration of water into thinned with water or sealers
the interior (see Annex B). recommended by the
3.3 Painting and Other Finishes on Both Sides
of the Wall v) Cement paint and Wet the surface before
lime wash applying paints
Painting new walls or partitions on both sides may
result in an increased risk of the paint failure, because 3.5 Surface Imperfections
the means of escape of water introduced during con-
Imperfections on surface either plastered or otherwise
struction operations are restricted. A difference in mar the appearance of the paint finish and are especial-
porosity of the paint films applied to either side of a ly conspicuous if the finish is glossy. Where smooth
wall may result in one side being more affected than
finishes are required, particular attention shall be paid
the other. The risk is similar and greater when only
to the preparation of surface, including any necessary
one side is painted and the other side is sealed by some rubbing down, sealing stopping or filling.
impermeable treatment, for example, wall tiling. Par-
ticularly severe conditions may be met when walls, Plaster, if improperly gauged and worked, is liable to
partitions and ceilings are built of materials that need develop surface crazing (map crazing). This defect, if
large quantities of water for curing and setting. For present, shall be treated according to the method given
solid walls, partitions and ceilings, the precautions in 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 beforepainting to prevent the cracks
outlined in 3.2 shall be carefully observed.. or their positions from showing in the finished work.
with mould, particularly in premises which manent decoration. Other types of paint
have been left unoccupied for sometime or suitable for early application are cement paints,
where there has been a persistent damp silicate paints and washable distemper depend-
penetration, and especially where walls have ing on the final decoration in view.
been saturated with water in the course of fire
cl If the background of the plaster is one likely to
fighting. contain large amounts of water, for example,
Precautions - Exterior surface of porous new brickwork, concrete or building blocks, no
building materials like brick, stone and cement attempts shall be made to apply oil paint (espe-
rendering, especially if unpainted, may cially gloss finish) until there is every reason
develop growths of vegetation ranging from to believe that the walls are thoroughly dry.
thick beds ~of moss to slimy steaks or patches Some indication of the progress of drying can
of algae. Any such growth shall be removed be obtained by means of tests described in
and ammoniacal copper solution (see Note) Annex C.
shall be applied to the surface and allowed to
4 If the background is of a dry type, for example,
dry thoroughly before painting. wood or metal lath, oil paints may be applied
NOTE- A recommended composition and concentrntion with safety after a few weeks of drying, and oil
of the ammoniacal wash shnll consist of 71: of copper bound distempers even earlier.
cnrbonatedissolvedin 80ml ofliquorammoniaunddiluted
to 1 1 with water. Alternatively, 2.5 percent magnesium 4.1.1 In case of old unpainted plaster surfaces any
silicofluoride solution may be used. source of dampness in walls and ceilings shall be
c>For prevention of recurrence of mould growth removed and painting shal be deferred until the plaster
the following procedure shall be followed: has dried.
1) Remove the source of dampness and dry Any major cracks or defects in the plaster shall be cut
out the walls; out and made good. Cracks may be wetted thoroughly
2) Improve ventilation, if necessary; prior to filling or priming paint may be applied to the
sides of cracks to avoid undue absorption of water and
3) Remove the infected paint~or paper; and
subsequent shrinkage of the filling. For filling, a
4) Sterilize the surface by applying an
retarded hemi-hydrate calcium sulphate plaster
antiseptic wash, such as, 2 percent sodium
gauged with about one-third of its volume of hydrated
pentachlorophenate or any other
lime may be used.
proprietary material and allowed to dry.
Prior to painting, fine cracks may be filleb with a
mixture of oil, putty and white lead or a distemper type
4.1 For Lime Plaster Surfaces of filling composition depending on the finish which
In the case of new lime plaster, precautions with regard is to follow.
to the drying of background shall be observed carefully 4.1.2 In the case previously painted lime plaster
as these will considerably effect the performance of the surfaces the following precautions shall be observed:
finish. In case of new lime plaster, the essential prin-
4 Any existing fungus or mould growth shall be
ciples with respect to drying of background will be the completely .removed. The surface shall be
thoroughly scraped and rubbed down with
4 If possible lime plaster shall be left unpainted bristle brush and sand paper and then washed
for the first few months so as to allow the down with clean water and allowed to dry. A
plaster to carbonate, harden and dry thorough- coat of fungicidal wash shall then be applied
ly. If the plaster has any tendency to craze or and allowed to dry after which a further coat
crack owing to shrinkage on drying, the move- shall be applied and left for sometime to dry
ments shall be allowed to occur before the thoroughly. The surface shall be kept under
surface is painted so as to enable provision of observation for sometime during drying out
suitable proprietary treatment. Heating the period and if the mould recurs, the treatment
rooms, if accompanied by good ventilation, and drying shall be repeated before painting.
will assist drying, but shall be cautiously The surface shall be brushed with soft bristle
adopted. Too rapid a drying may damage the brush to remove any dust particles 24 h after
plaster by causing undue shrinkage and separa- the wash. Painting shall becarried out over the
tion of the plaster coats. fungicidal wash without removing it with
b) If there is any objection to leaving the plaster water.
bare, a temporary decoration of soft distemper b) Any existing paint showing extensive tlaking,
may be applied. This may be removed easily bleaching or saponification (as shown by stick-
at a later date and replaced by a more per- ness or the presence of yellow soapy runs) shall
^. ^ . ___.^ . _.,,..-II. ll--.-.-_._L
be removed by scraping and washing and the the alkalinity may be tested in accordance with
surface allowed to dry completely. It may Ihen Annex C.
be repainted as prescribed for new surfaces.
If the surface of the plaster has a patchy appearance
c) Local defective patches shall be treated in- and shows wide variations in suction due to efflore-
dividually by removing all loose or softened scence or other causes, a paint primer shall be applied
paint and bringing forward the treated patches before application of a regular paint.
with primer and undercoating before applying
For old surfaces, unpainted or previously painted, the
a fresh coating over the white areas.
preparation of background will be the same as in the
4 Dry distempers and lime wash shall be totally case of lime plasters. If it is a neutral surface, the
removed prior to repainting. It may sometimes application priming paint may not be necessary.
be necessary to wet the surface before scrap-
4.4 For Masonry Surfaces
ing. This shall not be overdone and all surfaces
shall be perfectly dry prior to the application of All mortarjoints shall be brought to a sound condition
any priming coats. before painting operations are started. In the case of
new brickwork, painting shall be deferred for at least
e>Certain wall and ceiling surfaces may ‘reveal
three months after completion of the masonry work
hairline cracks. After complete removal of the
existing paint systems and if the lime plaster and longer if the weather during this period has be-
come unfavourable for drying. Dirt may be removed
has cured and dried completely, use at least two
coats of any of the primers for the paint system by washing with water. In case of old masonry,
wherever there is extensive growth of vegetable
to be adopted. When oil paint is to be used, the
primer at least shall be of alkali resistant type. matter, it shall be treated suitably according to 3.6.
Previously painted surfaces of brickwork shall be
Lime fast pigments shall be used.
prepared in the manner given in 4.1.2.
Water based paint or washable distemper, if in
a clean, sound condition, need not be removed 4.5 For Asbestos Cement Surfaces
if similar coatings are to be applied in the new Asbestos cement being based on portland cement will
paint system. By using a mild detergent, the be, specially when new and damp, sufficiently alkaline
surface may be washed and then after a light to attack oil paint. -The asbestos cement sheets are
sanding it will be ready to receive a fresh coat porous, permit suction and also fungus ~growth on
(with spot priming, if required). them. The necessary precautions in the painting work
4.2 For Cement and Cement Concrete Surfaces to overcome there difficulties are as below:
For new surface it is preferable that the surface is left a>The best way, probably, to reduce the risk of
alkali attack is to allow the sheets to weather
unpainted for as long as possible to allow drying.
for some months. The alkali become car-
Before painting, the surface shall be thoroughly
bonated on exposure to air, and rain will often
brushed to remove all dirt and remains of loose or
wash them off the surface to some extent. With
powdered materials.
long exposure, however, surfaces become
Treatment of the surface with solution of acids or salts,
powdery and dirty, and offer poor key for paint
such as, zinc sulphate is not advisable as the risk of not
unless properly cleaned. Although weathering
reducing the alkali attack appreciably and efflore-
reduces the risk, it may not entirely overcome
scence may be increased. -But on old unpainted sur-
the danger of alkali attack.
faces, if there is an extensive growth of vegetable
material which cannot be removed by brushing, the b) Asbestos cement sheets shall not be treated
growth shall be destroyed by applying a wash of with chemicals like hydrochloric acid or zinc
ammoniacal copper solution in accordance with sulphate to neutralize the alkalis. Also the use
3.6(b). The dead and dry remains of the growth shall of chemicals will often leave powdery deposit
be brushed off prior to painting. Any loose or uneven on the surface which may interfere with
areas or any major cracks in cement concrete or plaster adhesion of paint. The use of hydrochloric
background shall be cut out and made good and the acid for cleaning will also make the asbes-
repairs allowed to dry thoroughly before painting is tos cement sheet brittle.
commenced. Minor repairs may be made with cement cl Asbestos cement sheets are porous in varying
mortar. Cement plaster or concrete which is degrees and moisture absorbed will often cause
previously painted shall be prepared in the same man- failure of the paint system. It is therefore
ner as in 4.1.2. essential that absestos cement sheets are dry
4.3 For Gypsum Plaster Surfaces when they are painted. To ensure this each
sheet shall be left with both sides exposed to
Before application of the paint it shall be
good drying conditions for 7 to IO days before
ensured whether the surface is alkaline or neutral and
4 When there is a danger of moisture entering the If the suction is very high and variable that
sheets from the back owing to dampness or normal painting procedure is unlikely to give a
condensation, ‘back painting’ shall be done satisfactory finish, suitable pretreatment to the
with an alkali-resistant primer conforming to surface shall be given as described in 3.4.1.
IS 109 : 1968 or bitumen paint conforming to
f) It is important to remove and kill any existing
IS 158 : 1981 or a colourless waterproofer. fungus growth. For this the surface shall be
Usually ‘back painting’ will have to be done scraped and rubbed down with glasswool and
before the sheets are fixed and will be par- sandpaper and then washed down with clean
ticularly necessary where impervious painting water and allowed to dry. A coat of fungicidal
system is adopted for painting of the surface. wash shall then be applied and left for some-
Back painting means coating the back and time to dry thoroughly (see 3.6 and 4.1.2).
edges of the sheets with a specified paint to
4.5.1 Preparation ofhjface
prevent entry of moisture from the back.
Whenever impervious paint or paint system is The surface shall be cleaned by rubbing with
used on the face, ‘back painting’ shall be done. sandpaper. Any glazed area shall be roughened.
When the backs of sheets are inaccessible for Loose powdery material after rubbing shall be brushed
back painting, a porous paint shall be chosen. off. Wire brushes shall be avoided in cleaning opera-
Porous paints will allow the sheets to breathe tions as they will lead to difficulties from deposited
so that there is less risk of trouble caused by particles of iron causing iron stains.
moisture. In the case of previously painted surface the prepara-
e>Glazed patches are often visible on asbestos tion of surface shall be as in 4.1.2, as applicable. Before
cement sheets and they have to be roughened applying the paint finish, sheets shall be given a final
to provide a key to the paint. More absorbent sand papering and then washed down with clean water
patches, which are whiter than the rest on the and allowed to dry thoroughly. If the old paint film is
surface, tend to suck medium out of the paint sound, one or two coats only of any of the finishing
and this is likely to affect the durability of the paints may be applied.
paint on these patches. The suction is also high 5 APPLLCATION OF PAINTS
and also variable. To overcome this effect
5.1 The application of paints shall generally be as
pretreatment with primer as mentioned in the
given in Table 14.1 and Table 14.2 along with pretreat-
paint schedules (see 5) shall be applied over the ments where necessary for corresponding types of
whole surface. Application of the primer shall
paints. The painting operations shall be as given in
be minimtim two coats.
Chapter 15.
iii) Emulsion paint’) One coat of emulsion paint Filler, if required Emulsion paint (two coats)
[IS 5411 (Part 2) : 19721
iv) Flat/Semigloss paint’) One coat of alkali Undercoat as required Flat/Semigloss paint (two coats)
resistant primer (IS 168 : 1973 and
IS 1232 : 1964)
viii) Bituminous paint’) One coat of the paint Nil Bituminous paint (m,o coats)
(IS 9862 : 1981 and
IS 158 : 1981)
‘) May be thinned according to manufacturer’s recommendation.
5.1.1 Normally stopping or filling as required be Where it is desired to tone down the natural
carried out before any painting is done and care should colour of the sheets, a wash of green copper (as
be taken to see that any cracks between plaster and ferrous sulphate about 0.1 g/ml of water) shall
wood work (for example, skirtings) are securely filled. be used. This will give a durable brownish
If such cracks are wide, caulking with hemp or similar stain, although the finish is unlikely to be
material may be necessary to support the filling and uniform.
prevent it falling away through the gaps. Minor Gutters, downpipes, etc, should receive water-
defects are frequently more apparent once the priming proofing coating of bitumen on the inside. For
or first coat has been applied, and if any further stop- outer surfaces alkali-resistant _porous paint
ping or filling is done over this first coat the area must shall be used.
be brought forward with appropriate paint to restore
For painting asbestos cement sheets, in choos-
even porosity over the surface.
ing a paint system for a particular job, the risk
of attack by alkali shall be taken into account.
5.1.2 In regard to painting of asbestos cement sheets,
Paints which are by themselves highly resistant
the following points may be noted:
to alkali attack may be used. But where paints
used are not alkali-resistant, at least two coats
a) Asbestos cement sheets shall be thoroughly
dry at the time of painting; of alkali-resistant primer shall be applied. The
primer shall not only be resistant but also form
b) Back painting shall be done when an imper- an impervious barrier so that alkali cannot get
vious paint system is adopted for the finish, if
through to attack the paint system above.
practicable it shall be done after the face of the
sheet has been painted, though, normally back
5.2 Maintenance
painting will have to be done before the sheets
are fixed.
In case of painting relating to maintenance work, the
cl For external sheeting an alkali-resistant paint principles given in Table 14.3 should generally be
either porous or impervious (with back paint- applied.
ing) may be chosen.
9 Nil Nil Yes Nil Nil Clean, rub down with abrasive paper, apply
one finishing coat.
ii) Nil Yes Yes Nil Nil Rub down the affected surface to bare
plaster, allow to dry, touch up with primer
coat and then apply required number of
coats; and follow by a reviver coat on the
entire surface, if required.
iii) Yes Nil Nil Nil Nil Scrap off the soft film, allow the surface to
dry completely, touch up with primer coat
and then apply required number of coats;
apd follow by reviver coat on the entire
surface, if necesary.
iv) Nil Nil Nil Yes Nil Rub down and even up the surface with
sand paper to remove cracked film. Touch
up with primer and apply the required
number of coats and follow by reviver
coat on the entire surface, if necessary.
v) Nil Nil Nil Nil Yes Remove the paint from the affected portion
completely and _follow part of or full
schedule of painting as the case may be.
1 In case of anyserious characteristics failure mentioned above (except chalking), the paint shall be completely removed and the full
schedule of painting be followed.
(Clause 3.1)
(Clause 3.2)
(Clauses 4.1 and 4.3)
C-l TEST FOR ALKALINITY process shall be repeated, if necessary, until no more
C-l.1 Representative areas of plaster shall be treated salts appear. Conditions shall then be reasonably safe
with an oil-gloss paint or other alkali-sensitive paint for permanent painting. The test shall be carried
(tinted with prussian blue) and left for at least a week. out under conditions of warmth and ventilation
If at the end the lime there is no sign of sponification appro-ximating those of occupational conditions.
or bleaching, conditions shall be reasonably safe for
permanent decoration. If on the other hand, bleaching C-3 TEST FOR DRYNESS
and sponification has occurred, further small areas
C-3.1 It shall be noted that those tests covered in C-l
shall be treated. This shall be repeated until sample
and C-2 are not sufficient since a plastered wall may
areas remain undamaged.
be neutral and show no signs efflorescence and yet be
C-l.2 Alternative Procedure damp which is liable to cause paint to fail in adhesion.
Alkalinity may also be detected by the use of mois- Moisture metre for testing the dryness of walls may be
tened red litmus paper on the surface. If it turns blue used in deciding when a surface has reached a condi-
the presence of alkaline background may be inferred. tion to receive paint. However, no form of test may
indicate the condition of more than a small area and
since plastered wall seldom dries uniformly, the test
C-2.1 Small areas of plaster where the efflorescence shall be repeated at a number of places. Again it shall
is most conspicious shall be rubbed down with a be noted that deep seated moisture which is not always
suitable abrasive followed by the application of damp detected by superficial tests may make its presence felt
(not wet) cloth and left for at least one week. This after the surface is painted.
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
2.1 General
2.1 General
3.1 Detailing of Timber Joinery 2.2 Removal of Oil, Grease, Dirt and Swarf
3.2 Selection of Coating Materials 2.3 Removal of Rust and Scale
4 PAINTINGOFNEWWOODWORK 2.4 Phosphate Treatment
4.1 Surface Preparation 2.5 Intermediate Protective Pretreatments
4.3 Stopping and Filling
3.1 Untreated Surface
4.4 Application of Undercoat
3.2 Surface with Temporary Protective Treatment
4.5 Finishing
3.3 Surfaces Already Pretreated and/or Primed in
5.1 General 3.4 Brush Derusting with Phosphoric Acid
5.2 Procedure 3.5 Solvent Cleaning, etc
5.3 Filling 4 APPLICATION
5.4 Staining
4.1 General
5.5 Sealing
4.2 Painting
5.6 Varnishing
4.3 Schedule
6 FRENCHPOLISH 4.4 Maintenance
6.1 Preparation of Polish
6.2 Preparation of Surface
6.3 Application of Polish
7.1 Plywood 2 SURFACE
7.2 Hardboard 2.1 General
7.3 Particle Board 2.2 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys
7.4 Insulation Board 2.3 Zinc
7.5 Wood Treated with Preservative 2.4 Magnesium
2.6 Copper and Copper Alloys
2.7 Lead
10. I General
3.1 General
10.2 Finishing
10.3 Pulling Cover 3.2 Painting Schedule
SP-62 ( S & T ) : 1997
4 The cellular structure of wood has a strong unduly restrained in tixing. End grain shall
influence on the absorption of liquid com- receive special care in painting.
ponents of finishes. Non-uniform absorption
of vehicle by the wood upsetspigment-binder 3.2 Selection of CoatingMaterials
*-atio; impairing the appearance and life of the
coating. 3.2.1 Prime Coat
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
The stain may also be mixed with varnish to produce b) The stained surface shall be varnished, wax-
the combined effect in one operation; the result will, polished or French polished as required after it
however, be not as satisfactory as when the ‘finishing’ has dried. -For reasons of economy, the surface
follows as a separate operation after staining. Alter- shall be sized before varnishing, in which case
natively, the stain may also be mixed with wax so that it is important to allow the size to dry thorough-
after the application in one operation the wax may ly. Where a more durable finish is required
be polished. Here again the results will not be as two or three coats of finishing clear varnish is
satisfactory as in two stage system. recommended.
54.3 Prepuration of Wood,for Staining 5.5 Sealing
4 Surface intended for staining shall be kept A suitable sealer shall be applied on the filled and
scrupulously clean and free from greasy finger sanded surface to prevent absorption by the wood of
marks. It shall be prepared by careful smooth- the succeeding coats of finish and to seal the stain and
ing with fine abrasive paper, used in the direc- filler and thus preclude their bleeding into the finish
tion of grain; scratches across the grain are coat.
likely to become stained darker than the rest a) Sealer may be sprayed on taking care not to
and so spoil the finished appearance. If water flood the surface. It shall be allowed to dry
stain is to be used, the surface of the wood shall hard.
be wetted with water to raise the grain and then
b) A stain (toner) may be incorporated with the
be allowed to dry before finally smoothing. sealer for special colour.
b) Small cracks or nail holes may be stopped with c) When fully dry the surface shall be sanded
plastic wood, fine plaster of Paris or other taking care not to cut through at corners and
suitable stopping, if water stain or spirit stain
edges. Dust shall be blown off and surface
is to be used. The stopping shall be rubbed wiped with a clean rag.
down with fine abrasive paper when hard and
touched with a little thinned knotting before 5.6 Varnishing
staining. Where oil stain is to beused, stopping 5.6.1 Preparation of Wood for Varnishing
shall preferably be done after staining using
tinted putty or wood filler. Surfaces to be varnished shall be prepared to produce
a smooth, dry matt surface. Previous coats of paint or
C) If necessary, softwood may be treated with hot
stain, if any, should be allowed to dry and be rubbed
weak size before staining to prevent undue
down lightly, wiped off and allowed to dry..
absorption of stain, but an excess of size should
be avoided. To a certain extent the degree of 4 The operation of varnishing calls for careful
penetration of a stain may be controlled by attention to cleanliness. All dust and dirt
pretreatment of the absorbant surface with a should be removed from the surface to be
hot weak size of thinned shellac varnish. Size varnished and also from the neighbourhood. If
shall preferably be not used where the stained the surfaces are dampened to avoid raising of
surfaces are likely to come into contact with dust, they should be allowed to dry thoroughly
water, which may smear it. To control depth before varnishing is commenced. Damp
of colour, however, diluted stain may be made atmosphere and draughts should be avoided.
to soak well into the wood. Where size is used For exterior work. a normal dry day should be
the surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly chosen. Exposure to extremes of heat or cold
before staining. In general, flat surfaces shall or to damp atmosphere will spoil the work.
be treated first and mouldings and edges last, b) In handling and applying varnish care shall be
that is, reversing the order recommended when taken to avoid forming froth or air bubbles.
applying paint, the object being to avoid Brushes and containers should be kept
double staining along the edges. scrupulously clean.
a) Stains may be applied by brushing, and wiping The varnish should be applied thoroughly with a brush
or by spraying. The stain shall be so thinned and spread evenly over a portion of the surface with
that it can be applied liberally without over- short light strokes to avoid frothing. It should be
staining. Care shall be taken, especially an allowed to flow out while the next section is being
absorbant softwoods, to apply stain evenly laid-in. Excess varnish should then be scraped out of
and without overlapping. Spirit stains, in the brush and the first section be crossed, recrossed and
particular require careful and quick application laid-off lightly. Too much or too little varnish left on
as they dry quickly. the surface will mar the appearance of the finish. The
varnish, once it has begun to set, should not be 7 FINISHING OF WOOD BASED MATERIALS
I retouched. If a mistake is made, the varnish should be 7.1 Plywood
removed and the work started afresh.
Plywood is similar to solid wood in the finishing
4 Where two coats of varnish are specified, the characteristics.
first should be a hard-drying undercoating or
flatting varnish; this should be allowed to dry 7.2 Hardboard
hard and then flattened down before applying
Hardboard is made up of fibres which are capable of
the finishing coat. If two coats are applied,
swelling under the influence of oil paints. Tempered
sufficient time should be allowed between
hardboard may be varnished or painted, if required.
A suitable treatment to prevent swelling under the
b) When flat varnish is used for finishing, a
influence of oil paints is necessary; one such treatment
preparatory coat of hard drying undercoating
is to use plastic emulsion paint thinned with water,
or flatting varnish should be first applied and
another is shellac varnish as the first coat and when
should be allowed to harden thoroughly. It
dry, rub down with fine grade gloss paper and follow
should then be lightly rpbbed down before the
with required undercoating and finishing coats as for
flat varnish is applied. Sections of the work,
solid wood.
such as panels, should be cut in clearly, so as
to avoid overlapping during application, as this 7.3 Particle Board
is likely to impart some measure of gloss to
The surface shall be filled with a thin brushable filler
partially dried areas, worked up in lapping. On
and finished as for solid wood.
larger areas, the flat varnish should be applied
rapidly, and the edges of each patch applied 7.4 Insulation Board
should not be allowed to set, but should be Two thin coats of water based paints shall be applied
followed up whilst-in free working condition. by spraying.
6 FRENCH POLISH 7.5 Wood Treated with Preservative
6.1 Preparation of Polish 7.5.1 Painting Characteristics
Pure shellac varying from pale orange to lemon yellow Wood treated with commonly used water soluble pre-
colour, free from resin or~dirt should be dissolved in servatives may be painted satisfactorily afterit is dried.
methylated spirit at the rate of 0.15 kg of shellac per The life of the coating may, in some instances, be
litre of spirit (see IS 348 : 1968). Suitable pigment slightly less than it would have been on untreated
should be applied to get the required colour. wood, but the loss in durability isnot such as to~offer
any practical objection to the use of treated wood for
6.2 Preparation of Surface
purposes where preservation against decay is neces-
All unevenness should be rubbed down to smoothness sary and the appearance of painted wood and protec-
with a sandpaper and the surface should be well dusted. tion against weathering are desired. Coal tar creosote
Fill up pores in the wood with a filler made of paste of or other dark oil preservatives tend to bleed through
whiting in water or methylated spirit (with a suitable paint unless the treated wood has been exposed to the
pigment like burnt sienna or umber, if required) other- weather for many months before it is painted.
~wise the French polish will get absorbed and a good
7.5.2 Treatment
gloss will be difficult to obtain.
Fairly satisfactory results may be obtained on
6.3 Application of Polish creosoted wood with rough surfaces (sawed or
A pad of woolen cloth covered by fine cloth should be weather-beaten surfaces) by applying exterior water
used to apply the polish. The pad should be moistened thinned paints, such as casein paints or resin emulsion
with polish and rubbed hard on the surface in a series paints.
of overlapping circles applying the polish sparingly a) Creosote treated wood shall not be painted
but uniformly over the entire area to give an even with ordinary paint as discolouration of the
surface. A trace of linseed oil on the face of the pad latter may result. One or two sealing coats of
facilitates this application. The surface should be aluminium paint or shellac knotting clear or
allowed to dry and the remaining coats applied in the pigmented with aluminium powder shall be
same w~ay. To finish off, the pad should be covered applied before it is finished with other paints.
with a fresh piece of clean line cloth, slightly damped
b) In the case of wood treated with other preserv-
with methylated spirit and rubbed lightly and quickly atives, such as, copper napthanate,
with circular motions. The finished surface should
chlorophenol and zinc silica-fluoride, a high
have a uniform texture and high gloss.
quality aluminium primer is desirable.
c) Alternatively, advice may also be sought from clauses above, as applicable, painting may be
the manufacturers of these preservatives for withdrawn. The painting schedule covers the finishing
information as to the suitable primer that may of wood and wood-based materials with paints, var-
be applied over there. nishes, polishes and other organic coatings. The dif-
ferent coats as specified in Table 15.1 and Table 15.2
shall be applied along with stopping and filling where
8.1 After the woodwork is prepared according to the necessary for the corresponding type of finish.
IS 5% 1968 IS 5% 1968
v) Grained - Merging type _ Merging type IS 331: 1975
Work glaze~or stains glaze or-stains
(see Annex B) IS 5271983
IS 52:: 1968
1 For finishes (i) and (ii) tillers conforming to IS 110 : 1983 may be applied after the prime coat as required.
2 French polish, when used, shall conform to IS 348 : 1968.
ii) Nil Nil Yes Nil Blat down to remove checked film, clean, apply one or two
reviver coats
iii) Nil Yes Nil Nil Rub down with steel wool/sand paper to remove cracked/crazed
Localized film, touch up with primer where damaged, apply two coats of
iv) Yes Nil Nil Nil Scrap and rub down (with sand paper) the spot to bare wood,
Localized feather out the edge of paint, allow the surface to breathe out;
touch up with primer; apply two coats of undercoat; if necessary
vi) Yes Nil Yes Nil Treatments (ii) and (iv) combined
vii) Yes Yes Nil Nil Completely remove paint to localized deep base wood and
follow full schedule
viii) Nil Yes Nil Nil do
c) In case of nitrocellulose finish, it is recom- and a circular motion is used. This works out
mended that at a time two coats are sprayed wet all the marks in the film and-the final straighten-
on wet, with 15 to 30 min air drying between ing up motion~leaves a bright and full finish.
coats; air dried over-night and wet flatted with cl The pull over solution leaves some solvent in
‘400’ grade abrasive paper and soap water the finish and hence at least I2 h air drying is
before spraying the next two coats. In place of required before handling and packing. How-
sealer the finish coats may be applied after ever, the fittings may be fixed during the
checking that it has no effect like grain raising period.
or bleeding of woodfiller. In addition to the
sealer coat, one coat of finish is considered
4 For best results pulling over is followed up
with a polish.
adequate for furniture whereas two or three
coats of finish are required for radio cabinets. 11 BURNISHING
d) In the case of cold catalysed type of finish, in The best appearance may be obtained from
place of the sealer, a coat of finish may be nitrocellulose and cold catalysed type of
applied after checking that it has no effect like finishes by means of burnishing.
grain raising or bleeding of woodfiller. Each
coat of finish is air dried for at least 4 h so as b) Levelling before burnishing is advisable. The
film is wet sanded with a fine abrasive paper
to be dry enough for subsequent operations.
(400 grade) and soap water. The sanding is
Before re-coating it shall be ensured that the
done along the grain taking care not to cut
surface is clean and dry. In addition to the
through edges and corners.
sealer coat, one coat of finish is considered
adequate for furniture whereas two or three c>A suitable burnishing compound is used for
coats of finish are required for radio cabinets. further levelling. The application is by pad.
e) After the application of the final coat the film 4 A final light rub with a flexible shaft polishing
is allowed to age at least for 24 h. machine using a soft lambs wool mop gives the
best results. Small items which can be easily
10.3 Pulling Cover manipulated may be mopped on a stationery
polishing machine. Care shall be taken to
4 Pull off solution may be used to level off only
the nitrocelluiose finish. However, if burnish- avoid burning the finish by local overheating.
ing and polishing is going to be done this e>In case of semiglossy or matt finishes with
operation may be eliminated. nitrocellulose based materials burnishing is
not required. However, wet sanding with 400
b) The application is by pad. The pad should be
moderately damp when theoperation is started. grade paper and soap water may be done to
The initial application is along the grain and obtain a smooth even surface.
then as the pad dries, the pressure is increased
(Clause 2.1)
A-l Some of the soft and hard woods given in A-l.1 Trade Name Botanical Name
and A-l.2 are resinous or show oil exudation
Chir Pinus roxburghii Sargent
occasionally and hence they require special treatment.
In general hardwoods given in A-l.3 do not require Cypress Cupressus~torulosa Don
filling as their pores are less than about 100 microns in
Deodar Cedrus deodara Loudon
diameter or are filled with gum.
Kail Pinus wallichiana A.B. Jacks
A-l.1 The following softwoods are resinous and may
Spruce Picea smilthana Boiss
exude resin through paint films:
A-l.2 The following hardwoods may show oil exuda- Trade Name Botanical Name
tion occasionally: Axelwood Anogeissus latifolia wall
Trade Name Botanical Name Birch Betula spp
Gurjan Dipterocarpus spp Boxwood Buzus spp
Hollong Dipterocarpus macrocarpus Gardenia Gardenia spp
vesque Haldu Adina cardifolia Hook F
Piney Kingiodendron pinnatum Kaim Mitragyna parvifolia (Roxb.)
(Roxb.) Harms Korth
White cedar Dysoxylum malabaricum - Bedd Red sanders Pterocarpus Santalinus Linn. F
A-l.3 The following hardwoods do not require filling Satinwood Chloroxylon Swietenia DC
because their pores are less than about 100 microns in
diameter or are filled with gum:
(Tables 15.1 and 15.2)
B-l MERGING TYPE GLAZE although not normally classed as water stains, are often
used to darken wood, such as floor boards. Potassium
B-l.1 Merging type glaze. which faciltates the blend-
permanganate is a well known example.
ing of various colours after application is a transparent
pigment bound with a medium having good tlowing B-2.4 Spirit stains are solutions of spirit soluble dyes
properties, thinned with volatile solvent. in industrial methylated spirit.
B-2 STAINS B-2.5 Oil stains may be solutions of oil-soluble dyes
B-2.1 Stains are soluble fast dyes or transparent pig- in linseed oil but usually to give a wider range of
ments, dissolved or suspended in an oil, water or spirit colours, they consist of insoluble, transparent semi-
medium. The consistency shall be such as to ensure pigments ground in linseed oil and thinned with
complete penetration. turpentine or other solvents. Sometimes, wax is added
to make stain less penetrating.
B-2.2 Stains are supplied either in liquid or as
powders to be dissolved in the suitable medium as B-2.6 Oil stains are sometimes supplied mixed with
mentioned in B-2.1. If the medium is in oil, driers and varnish and sold as varnish stains, ,but where it is
thinners may be needed. desired to enhance and not conceal the appearance of
B-2.3 Water stains are solutions of vegetable dyes wood, better results can be obtained by staining and
in water. Solution of certain chemicals in water, varnishing separately.
eludes removal of oil, grease, dirt, rust, scale, swat-f, b) Chemical Cleaning - Where descaling is
etc, from the steel surfaces before painting is com- required to be done chemically, pickling with
menced. sulphuric or hydrochloric or phosphdric acids
is necessary. Pickling shall be carried out as
per IS 6005 : 1970.
2.1 General 2.4 Phosphate Treatment
Pretreatment and priming of ferrous metals under con- The most widely used pretreatments, for preparing
trolled conditions at the factory gives the best results metal surfaces for painting, are the numerous hot-tank
and it is therefore advisable to adopt this method phosphating processes. Details of phosphating are
wherever possible. The object of such a treatment is covered in IS 6005 : 1970.
to preserve and maintain metal surface during 2.5 Intermediate Protective Pretreatments
transport, storage and erection and to minimize the
After the preparation of surfaces and prior to applica-
‘on-site’ preparation for final painting.
tion of paint finishes, a number of intermediate treat-
Application of a priming coat should follow pretreat- ments such as red oxide or zinc rich primer may be
ment without delay. Subsequent coats of paint may be applied to give additional protection against corrosion.
applied on the site after cleaning down any damaged Etching or wash primers may be used; this is based on
parts and touching up with the primer paint. a deposition of acid-bound resinous film on ferrous
surface which would enhance the adhesion of
2.2 Removal of Oil, Grease, Dirt and Swarf
subsequent paint coatings.
Generally, the application of any coating, lining 3 ON-SITE PRETREATMENT
material, adhesive or paint, requires as its first essential
3.1 Untreated Surface
a clean surface, while dealing with painting of ferrous
metals. Grease removal shall be carried out either with a> Temporary protective materials applied to
solvent type or alkali type degreasing agents. steel sheets to protect during storage, transport
and erection should be removed with suitable
2.2.1 Solvent Cleaning solvent as a preliminary to other preparatory
A number of proprietary brands of solvent, alkaline treatments.
and emulsion cleaners are availAble; whenever these b) Lubricants used during the rolling of steel
are used, manufacturers instructions shall be followed. sheets may be particularly tenacious and may
Some of the processes are petroleum-solvent cleaning, have undesirable effects on paint adhesion.
trichloroethylene cleaning, alkaline cleaning, etc. For The use of abrasive paper with suitable solvent,
details of procedure for carrying out these processes, is effective in removing the worst effects of
IS 6005 : 1970 may be referred to. these materials. Where joints are welded,
soldered or brazed, care should be taken to
2.3 Removal of Rust and Scale
remove fluxing material before painting. This
When steel leaves a rolling mill it has a firmly-adher- may be effected with a 10 percent solution of
ing skin known as ‘mill-scale’. On exposure to the formic acid followed by thorough washing or
atmosphere, the mill-scale absorbs moisture, works with suitable solvents.
itself loose allowing moisture to penetrate between
scale and steel resulting in rusting. Therefore, derust-
c>In case of heat hardened alloys, the surface
shall be treated by mechanical roughening
ing and descaling are essential prior to application of combined by degreasing. Such work should be
paint. The problem is much worse for old steel com- carried out as thoroughly as possible to ensure
pared to new steel surfaces. Generally, derusting and that the paint will adhere well and give protec-
descaling may be carried out mechanically or chemi- tion and durability. The surface should be well
cally. scraped or swabbed with a suitable solvent and
a) Mechanical Cleaning - This may be done by then abrased with an abrasive paper and finally
scraping, chipping, wire brushing, rubbing rinsed with successive portions of clean
with abrasive paper or steel wool, by flame solvent on clean swabs.
cleaning and sand or shot-blasting. For com-
4 Proprietary compositions may be used as
plete removal of all types of mill-scale, the recommended by the manufacturer to degrease
only really efficient mechanical method is and passivate or degrease and etch the surface;
sand- blasting or shot-blasting. but care should be taken unless specified other-
Flame cleaning is carried out with the help of wise, to remove all residues by wiping or wash-
a special oxy-acetylene torch; but it is not ing where possible and to ensure that the
suitable for use in confined spaces due to fire compositions do not contaminate other parts of
risk. the structure.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
Apply phosphoric acid with a brush or swab, rubbing 2) If fine chalking and/or hair line cracking
where needed with a steel wool pad, to assist have appeared and the film underneath is
rust removal. Keep the surface well wetted with firm, without symptoms of rust, cut the
phosphoric acid. paint film by wet rubbing, remove all the
cracked film, wash, allow water to
3.5 Solvent Cleaning, etc evaporate and apply one or two coats of
Solvent cleaning, mechanical cleaning, etching with finishing paint or enamel. If the defects
primers shall be done as in 2.2.1. are noticed as patches, after cutting down
the film in these patches, apply one coat
of the finishing paint/enamel on this area
4.1 General and then follow with a coat all over the
Immediately after the pretreatment process, the first surface.
primer coat shall be applied within the shortest 3) If the cracking is deeper, with or without
possible interval, unless rust proofing or other interior flaking, reaching up to the primer, without
process is employed. This is particularly important in symptoms of rust and the primer coat is in
areas with high humidity. good condition then proceed as follows:
4.2 Painting If the defect is all over the surface, cut
down the top two coats to the primer by
4 Primer coats may be applied by spray or brush,
preferably the latter working in the paint into wet rubbing, allow water to dry off, touch
the fine dents and ensuring a continuous film up the primer coat and build up the entire
without ‘holidays’. After the first coat is dry film by applying fillers, undercoating and
apply the second coat. finishing coat as required.
If the defect is only in patches, cut down
b) Filler Coats - After the second primer coat is
hard and dry, sand the surface without scratch- the top coat only in these areas feathering
ing or in anyway damaging the primer coats. the top coat, build up film in these patches
Fill the deep dents with paste filler using good ending with one finishing coat and apply
putty knife pressing firmly into the dents. a coat of finish all over the surface.
Allow to hard dry and cut down by wet rubbing 4) If blistering with or without flaking is
to a smooth finish. Apply as many coats of noticed and the primer coat is sound,
filler as required. follow the procedure in 4.4.1 (a)(3).
cl Undercoats may be applied by brush or spray 5) If rust spots are noticed in certain areas
after rubbing down the entire surface. Allow only with or without any other symptoms
it to hard dry and rub dow,n cutting to a smooth of breakdown, cut down the film in those
finish. spots to metal, feathering off the top coats,
apply two coats of primer and build up the
4 Finishing coat may be applied by brush or
film following the schedules. Rough sand
spray. Gently remove the gloss of the entire
the entire surface, wash off if necessary
and apply a finishing coat.
SP62 ( S& T ) : 1997
i) Full gloss IS 102 : 1962 IS 133 : 1993 (B)‘) IS 133 : 1993 (B)‘) For optimum results, two coats of primer,
(enamel (see Note) IS 2933 : 1975 (B, S)‘) IS 2933 : 1975 (B, S)‘) one undercoat, and two finishing coats are
gloss) IS 207 : 1964 recommended. The total film thickness shall
be not less than 100 microns.
ii) Oilgloss Same as IS 133 : 1993 (B) Same as for (i)
for (i) OR
IS 144: 1950 (S)
iii) Eggshell IS 102 : 1962 IS 137 : 1965 - Same as for (i)
gloss (see Note)
iv) Flat IS 102 : 1962 IS 137 : 1965 IS 137 : 1965 Same as for (i)
(see Note)
v) Metallic Same as - IS 2339 : 1963 (B) One coat of primer and two finishing coats;
finishes for(i) IS 2339 : 1963 (S) if bituminous aluminium paint is used, three
OR coats will be necessary.
aluminium paints
vi) Bitumen Same as - IS 158 : 1981 Three coats of bitumen shall be used.
vii) Full IS 102 : 1962 IS 2933 : 1975’) IS 2933 : 1975’) For optimum results, two coats of primer,
gloss (see Note) one~undercoat and two finishing coats am
recommended. The total film thickness shall
not be less than 1BO micron.
viii) Oil Same as - IS 117 : 1964 Same as for (vii)
gloss for (vii) OR
IS 128 : 1962
ix) Eggshell - - -
x) Flat IS 102 : 1962 - - -
(see Note)
xi) Metallic Same as for - IS 2339 : 1963 One coat of primer and two finishing coats;
finishes (vii) OR if bituminous aluminium paint is used, three
Bituminous coats will be necessary.
NOTE -Paint primer conforming to IS 102:1962 may be used only where special precautions for drying of the primer coat are taken
and where satisfactory drying conditions is ensured before applicationof further coats.
‘) Each of these Indian Standards cover both undercoating and finishing paints, and paints appropriate for the function shall be used.
(B) is brushing.
(S) is spraying.
6) Fresh painting should be done after scrap- 44.2 Removal of Old Paint for Repainting
ing off the entire old paint film if
- the rusting is noticed all over the sur- a) Caution should be exercised while removing
face, or old paint. Paint removers of the alkali based or
solvent type are available and if proper care is
- the rusting is severe; or
not taken, they may do more harm than good.
- cracking and blistering has damaged While washing down after using alkali type,
the primer coat exposing the metal other structures, such as wood, may be adver-
and is noticed all over the surface; or sely affected. For the solvent type, the fume
- the paint film has eroded badly. and fire hazard is to be counted. They contain
waxes and removal of last traces of wax is
b) Where the specification of painting is not
known - follow the procedure given in 4.4.1 essential as otherwise adhesion of paint coats
(a), Renovate with best quality materials to may be adversely affected.
perform under the conditions of exposure.
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
ii) Nil Nil Yes, fine Nil Flat down to remove checked film; clean; apply one or two
checking reviver coats
c) Localized Yes - - Completely remove paint to bare metal and paint to full
vi) Heavy do
b) Burning off old paint carried out with caution (see Note) shall be applied to the surface and allowed
is better than using paint removers. to dry thoroughly before repainting.
c) Removal of old paint by mechanical method of NOTE - A recommended composition and concentration of
chipping and scraping is the best. ammoniacal wash shall consist of 7 g of copper carbonate
dissolved in 80 ml of liquor ammonia and diluted to I 1with
4.4.3 ~Removal oj’ Fungi water. Alternatively, 2.5 percent of magnesium silicofluoride
Exterior paint surfaces may develop fungi which solution nay be used.
~~~~_~ _.. ^_._...- --
results and it is, therefore, advisable to adopt this 4 Casting in aluminium alloys may often be
method wherever possible. Application of suitable painted without any pretreatment other than
priming coat should follow the pretreatment without degreasing.
delay. Subsequent coats of paint may be applied on- e>For unpainted aluminium surfaces, when they
site after-cleaning down the primer and touching up acquire a surface layer of corrosion products,
with the primer paint any damaged parts. Pretreatment it shall be removed.
processes are dealt with under two heads for each
substrates, namely factory treatment and on-site 2.3 Zinc
treatment. 2.3.1 Factory Treatment
For surfaces already factory pretreated, primed, ap- The surface should be freed of oil, grease or any
plication of further coats of paint should be followed foreign contaminant by means of solvent-cleaning
in the usual manner after suitable rectification of method before applying any of the treatments
damaged areas, if any, arising out of during storage recommended below:
and/or handling.
a) Crystalline zinc phosphating treatment,
2.2 Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys b) Chromate treatment,
b) Solvent cleaning - Solvent cleaning, where b) If the zinc sheet or galvanized steel is allowed
possible, should be followed by chemical treat- to weather up tii, Lhebright spangles disappear
ment or anodic treatment. before painting, it attains a condition suitable
to receive paint without the necessity of
cl Chemical treatment- The chemical treatment
degreasing or etching. Galvanizing alone, of
could include alkaline etching, sulphuric acid
reasonable thickness, is sufficient to protect the
etching, phosphoric acid cleaners, acid
steel from corrosion for some years under
flouride deoxidizer, crystalline phosphate
normal exposures.
treatment, amorphous phosphate treatment,
carbonate chromate treatment, amorphous 2.4 Magnesium
chromate treatment, etching or wash primers.
Chemical treatment at site is not easy and, therefore,
4 Anodic treatment-This includes treatment& factory treatment is preferred.
either chromic or sulphuric acid electrolyte.
2.4.1 Factory Pretreatment
Anodic treatment should not be used on
assemblies of dissimilar metals. a) For metal exposed to indoor (mildly corrosive)
conditions, mechanical (abrasive) treatment,
2.2.2 On-Site Pretreatment solvent cleaning, alkaline solution treatment
This is applicable to surfaces untreated or protected and acid pickling are suitable.
with a temporary protection and details are as below: b) For exposure to higher degree of corrosion
Temporary protective materials applied to (outdoor), surface preparation by a suitable
aluminium should be removed with a suitable conversion coating treatment such as
solvent. dichromate method shall be adopted. Certain
anoidic treatments may also be considered.
Lubricants used in rolling of aluminium sheet
should also be removed. The use of abrasive c>Wash or etching primers may also be ~applied
paper wetted with a suitable solvent is effective on previously cleaned surfaces.
in removing the effects of these materials. 2.4.2 On-Site Pretreatment
Flux of welded joints should be removed with
The most satisfactory method is to apply an etching
IO percent solution of formic acid followed by
primer after degreasing by solvent cleaner or prefer-
thorough washing or with-suitable solvents.
ably an etch cleaner based on phosphoric acid. The
c) In the case of heat hardened alloys, the surface combination of etching primer and etching pretreat-
shall be treated by mechanical roughening ment gives better results than if either of them were
combined with degreasing. used alone.
The surface should be thoroughly cleaned with an Bitumen or bituminous pastes and rubber
organic solvent and then roughened with fine abrasive based jointing compounds are used for other
paper and applied with one coat of etching primer. metals.
Where factory preparation is possible, an electro- In all cases the joint should be made while the
deposited coating of tin is useful in preparation for jointing compound is still wet, the metal
painting. having been previously prepared and primed.
New lead surface should be weathered or pretreated a>Where metals are to come into contact with
alkaline materials like concrete, etc, they
before painting, the latter being preferable because of
should be given one or two coats of bituminous
interaction between lead and many conventional
paint, and where the conditions are persistently
paints. The application of etching primer is satisfac-
damp, even thicker coatings are desirable.
tory as a pretreatment of bright lead. An alternative is
Similar treatment is necessary if the metals are
to treat the surface with dilute solution of otthophos-
to come into contact with hardwoods. Only
phoric acid (about 20 percent by volume) followed by
copper appears not to require this protection.
thorough washing and drying.
2.8 Lead Tin~(Including Terne Plate)
b) For aluminium, zinc chrome or a modified zinc
chrome paint even with an etch primer, should
The main preparation required for these surfaces is be used. For subsequent coats, normal types of
through degreasing with white spirit or other suitable oil, oleoresinous or synthetic resinous paints
solvent, followed by a washing with hot water. An may be used provided that they are compatible
etching process recommended for maximumadhesion ~with the priming paint. Bituminous paints may
is to swab with a solution of 5 parts of concentrated also be used.
hydrochloric acid with 95 parts methylated spirit until
a~crystalline pattern is seen (about 10 s) and washed in
c>Copper, Lead - The first coating or primer
may be unpigmented resin varnish or an etch-
hot water. ing primer. If alight coloured finish is required
2.9 Tin a coat of aluminium paint over the resin varnish
may be applied. The finishing coats are as
The painting of tin applied by methods other than hot given for aluminium.
dipping present no difficulties, but adhesion may be d) Zinc and Zinc Coated Metals - After pretreat-
defective on hot dip coating which should be ment, the subsequent coatings are as given for
roughened or treated with etch primer prior to painting. aluminium.
/ OH, Hl.HJ, JM.
NOTE-The illustrationis not intendedto indicaterecommendedpositions of undergroundstoragetank (where provided), pipes, etc,
and this will~dependon local situations.
a) Wholesome water supply provided for drink- b) The design of the pipe shall be such that there
ing and culinary purposes shall not be liable to is no possibility of backflow towards the
contamination from any less satisfactory source of supply from any cistern or appliance
water. There shall therefore be no cross con- whether by siphonage or otherwise. Reflux or
nection whatsoever between a pipe or fitting non-return valves shall not be relied upon to
conveying or containing whole some water and prevent such backflow.
pipe or fitting containing impure water or c) Where a supply of less satisfactory water be-
water liable for contamination or of uncertain comes inevitable as an alternative or is re-
quality of water which has been used for any quired to be mixed with wholesome water, it
purpose. shall be delivered only into a cistern, and by a
The provision of reflux or non-return valves or pipe fitting discharging into the air gap at a
closed and sealed stop valves shall not be con- height above the top edge of the cistern equal
strued as a permissible substitute for complete to twice its nominal bore, and in no case less
absence of cross connection. than 150 mm. It is necessary to maintain
e) No direct boosting (by booster pumps) shall be screwed down ferrule of non-ferrous metal
allowed from the service pipes (communica- conforming to IS 2692 : 1989, but the ferrule
tion and consumer pipes). itself shall not be more than 25 mm bore.
Consumer pipes shall be so designed and con- Ferrules of 20 mm and above shall not be used
structed as to avoid air locks. Draining taps on mains of less than 100 mm bore. The main
shall be provided at the lowest points from is drilled and tapped and the ferrule screwed in.
which the piping shall rise continuously to the In case of large-sized trunk mains, this may be
drain off taps. done by a tapping under pressure machine,
which will obviate any interference with the
Consumer pipes shall be so designed as to
use of the main.
reduce the production and transmission of
noise as much as possible. b) Service pipes of 50 mm and above shall be
connected to special T-branches which have to
h) Consumer pipes in roof spaces, unventilated be inserted into the line of the main. Special
air spaces, underfloors or in basements shall be
branch pipes shall also be used for service
protected against corrosion.
pipes of less thati 50 mm bore where the bore
j> Consumer pipes shall be so located that they of the main is not greater than thrice that of the
are not unduly exposed to accidental damage service pipe.
and shall be fixed in such positions as to
facilitate cleaning and avoid accumulations of
cl Precautions against contamination of the
mains shall be taken when making a connec-
tion, and where risk exists, the main shall be
k) All consumer pipes shall be so laid as to permit subsequently disinfected. The underground
expansion and contraction or other move- water service pipe and the building sewer or
ments. drain shall be kept at a sufficient distance apart
4.1.3 Prohibited Connections to the satisfaction of the Authority so as to
prevent contamination of water. Water service
4 A service pipe shall not be connected to a pipes or any underground water pipes shall not
distribution pipe, since such connection may be run or laid in the same trench as the building
permit backflow of water from a cistern into sewer or drainage pipe. Where this is un-
the service pipe, in certain circumstances, with avoidable, the following conditions shall be
subsequent damages of contamination and fulfilled:
depletion of storage capacity. It might result
1) The bottom of the service pipe, at all
in pipes and fittings being subjected to a pres- points, shall be at least 30 cm above the
sure higher than that for which they are top of the sewer line at its highest point.
designed and in tlooding from overflowing
cisterns. 2) The water service pipe shall be placed on
a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
b) No pipe for conveyance or in connection with common trench.
water supplied by the Authority shall com-
3) The number of joints in the service pipe
municate with any other receptacle used or
shall be kept to a minimum.
capable of being used for conveyance other
than water supplied by the Authority. 4) The materials and joints of sewer and
water service pipe shall be installed in
c>Where storage tanks are provided, no person
such a manner and shall possess the neces-
shall connect or be permitted to connect any
sary strength and durability so as to
service pipe with any distribution pipe.
prevent the escape of solids, liquids and
4 No service pipe shall be connected directly to gases there from due to temperature
any water closet or a urinal. All such pipes changes, settlement, vibrations and super-
shall be from flushing cisterns which shall be imposed loads.
supplied from storage tank.
4 The service pipe shall pass into or beneath the
e) No service or supply pipe shall be connected building at a depth below the external ground
directly to any hot water system or to any other level of not less than 0.75 m (provided the
appartus used for heating water other than foundation is deeper than 0.75 m) and at its
through a feed Fistern thereof. point of entry through the structure should be
5 LAYING OF PIPES accomodated in a sleeve which should have
been solidly built in. The space between the
5.1 Service Pi-Des pipe and sleeve shall be filled with bituminous
a) Service pipes less than 50 mm bore [nay be or other suitable material for a minimum length
connected to~mains by means of a right angled of 15 cm at both ends.
e) Care shall be taken to ensure that before the alround with waterproof insulating material
pipeline is charged all piping and fittings are and shall not be in direct contact with the wall.
clean internally and free from particles of sand Where it passes through a wall, whether into a
or soil, metal fittings, etc, which besides building or not, the lagging shall be continued
causing obstruction may lead to failure by along the pipe throughout the thickness of the
corrosion. wall, and where it emerges from the ground,
the lagging shall be continued into the ground
5.2 Securing and Supporting of Pipes
until the depth of 0.75 m is reached.
a>Lead piping of not more than 25 mm bore, in b) Lagged piping connected to cisterns, enclosed
vertical runs, may be secured directly to brick by insulating casing shall pass at right angles
walls (othei than external walls) by iron pipe through the casing and be lagged inde-
clamps driven into the wall joints, or may be pendently of the casing; if the piping is
secured to wooden battens or other woodwork sandwiched between the cistern and the casing,
by iron orbrass clips with ears for screw fixing, it will probably, not be sufficiently insulated.
the clamps or clips or holder bats being at not
more than 90 cm intervals. Damage to the
c>The minimum thickness of-insulating material
for lagging hot water piping inside buildings
piping by the clamps shall be prevented by
shall be 12 mm in the case of glass in fibre
insertion of small lead pads.
form, compressed felt, and felted slag or
b) Copper piping shall be secured by copper or mineral wool and 20 mm in the case of asbes-
copper alloy clips direct to woodwork, or-by tos, 85 percent magnesia, compressed backed
similar bracket clips built in to walls or cork and granulated cork (raw or baked).
screwed to plugs.
4 Ail lagging exposed to moist conditions shall
c>Wrought iron and steel piping shall be secured be waterproof or covered with waterproofing.
in a manner similar to that used for copper
piping, except that the clips shall be of iron and Table 16.1 Spacing of Fixing for Internal Piping
steel. (Clause 5.2. I)
4 Plastic pipes should be secured and supported Kind of Piping Size of Pipe Interval for Interval for
in accordance with IS 7634 (Part 2) : 1975 and Horizontal Runs Vertical Runs
IS 7634 (Part 3) : 1975. mm 111 m
Lead All sizes 2 3
5.2.1 Spacing of Fixing for Internal Pipes Copper, light gauge 1s I 2
20 2 2.5
Fixing on internal pipes shall be spaced at regular
25 2 2.5
intervals as given in Table 16.1. 32 2.5 3
40 2.5 3
5.3 Pipes Laid Through Ducts, Chases, Notches or 50 2.5 3
Holes 65 3 3.5
80 3 3.5
Ducts or chases in walls for piping shall be provided 100 3 3.5
during the building of the walls. If they are cut in the Copper, heavy IS 2 2.5
existing walls, they shall be finished sufficiently gauge, wrought 20 2.5 3
smooth and large enough for fixing the piping. In case iron and mild steel 25 2.5 3
of lead pipes, the joints may be wiped outside the duct, 32 2.5 3
40 3 3.5
and the pipes eased back into the duct after jointing. SO 3 3.5
a) Wherever possible back-boards shall be 65 3.5 s
provided in chases for fixing the piping, other- 80 3.5 5
100 4 5
wise lead piping shall be protected from con-
Cast iron 50 2 2
tact with lime or cement by building paper or
80 2.5 2.5
felt. Where covers are-provided to chases, they 100 2.5 2.5
shall be fixed to the screws for easy removal.
Plastic 20 0.70 I 1.Stimes
b) Piping laid in notches or holes shall not be 25 0.75 the hori-
subjected external pressure and shall be free to 32 0.825 zontal
40 0.975 spacing
expand and contract without noise due to SO 0.975
friction on the wood.
5.4 Lagging of Pipes
6.1 Wrought Iron and Steel Screwed Pipes
a) Where lagged ~piping outside buildings is Screwed wrought iron or steel piping may be jointed
attached to walls, it shall be entirely covered with screwed and socketed joints. Care shall be taken
415 i
to remove any burrs from the end of the pipes after is of fully annealed copper, its ends shall be
screwing. Any jointing compound, approved by the made truly round before jointing.
Authority may be used together with a grummet of a c>-Copper piping may be autogenous welded or
few strands of fine yarn; but the compound shall con- bronze welded, the latter giving the stronger
tain no red lead. joint. Copper to be welded shall be
Any threads exposed after jointing shall be painted, or ‘deoxidized copper’ and not ‘tough pitch
in ease of underground piping thickly coated with copper’.
bituminous or other suitable composition to prevent d) Copper piping of small diameter shall be
corrosion. Screwed wrought iron or steel piping may jointed to cast iron, wrought iron or steel piping
also be jointed with screwed flanges. by the use of copper-alloy screwed unions or
ferrules. For screwed copper piping of
6.2 Polyethylene and Unplasticized PVC Pipes
diameter, larger than 40 mm, a flange joint
These pipes shall be joined in accordance with the shall be used. The copper pipe shall have a
recommendations of IS 7634 (Part 2) : 1975 and copper-alloy flange screwed, brazed or welded
IS 7634 (Part 3) : 1975 respectively. on, and this shall be jointed to the iron or steel
flange by alloy bolts or nuts.
6.3 Asbestos Cement Pipes
Asbestos cement pipes are jointed with flexible joints
supplied by the manufacturer. 7.1 Details of materials for use of storage tanks,
grouping~of storage tanks, fitments, etc, shall be as
6.4 Lead Pipes
described in IS 2065: 1983.
Lead and lead alloy pipes shall be jointed with wiped 8 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION OF THE
solder joints or by other suitable methods. Lead and SUPPLY SYSTEM
lead alloy piping shall be jointed to cast iron, wrought
iron, steel or copper piping by the use of copper alloy 8.1 All water mains, communication pipes, service
screwed unions or ferrules. atid distribution pipes used for water for domestic
purposes shall be thoroughly and efficiently disin-
6.5 Copper Pipes fected before being taken into use and also after every
major repair. The method of disinfection shall be
Screwed copper piping shall be jointed with screwed subject to the approval of the Authority.
copper-alloy fittings after treating the clean screw
threads with raw linseed oil or other suitable jointing Similarly storage tanks and down take distribution
compound. Alternatively, the screw threads of the pipes shall also be disinfected.
pipe and fittings may be tinned, and the joint heated to 9 INSPECTION, TESTING AND
the melting point of the solder when being screwed. MAINTENANCE
a>Plain copper piping shall be jointed with com-
9.1 Irispection, testing and maintenance shall be
pression (manipulative or anon-manipulative)
according to IS 2065 : 1983.
or with capillary joints in each case using
copper-alloy fittings, or by welding. Only 10 REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER WORK
manipulative compression joints, that is, joints
10.1 Sanitary Installations
in which the pipe ends are flanged, belled or
swaged, are suitable for use with fully annealed The selection, installation and maintenance of sanitary
copper piping. appliances shall be according to IS 2064 : 1993.
b) In~fhe case of the capillary joint, the pipe and 10.2 Plumbing Installations in Multistoreyed
the interior of the socket of the fitting shall be Buildings
cleaned with steel wool, fluxed and fitted
together and the joint heated to just above Plumbing in multistoreyed buildings shall conform to
melting point of the solder, which is either IS 12183 (Part I) : 1987.
provided in the fitting or is touched into the 10.3 Domestic Hot Water Installations
joint with a solder stick, and which then tlows
by capillary to fill the joint space. If the pipe This shall conform to IS 7558 : 1974.
* ,
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
4 The discharge of water through a domestic Subject to a minimum of 100 mm, the sizes of pipes
drain is intermittent and limited in quantity shall be decided in relation to the estimated quantity
and, therefore, small accumulations of solid of flow and the available gradient.
matter are liable to form in the drains between
2.4 Choice of Materials of Pipes
the building and the public sewer. There is
usually a gradual shifting of these deposits as 4 Salt Glazed Stoneware Pipes - For all sewers
discharges take place. Gradients shall be and drains in all soils, except where supports
sufficient to prevent these temporary building are required as in made up ground, glazed
up and blocking the drains. stoneware pipe shall be used as far as possible
b) Normally, the sewer shall be designed to dis- in preference to other type of pipes; they are
charge three times the dry-weather flow flow- particularly suitable where acid effluents or
ing half-full with a minimum self-cleansing acid subsoil conditions are likely to be en-
velocity 0.75 m/s. The approximate gradients countered. Salt glazed stoneware pipes shall
which give this velocity for the sizes of pipes conform to IS 651 : 1992 or IS 3006 : 1979.
likely to be used in building drainage and the b) Cement Concrete Pipes - When properly
corresponding discharges when flowing half- ventilated, cement concrete pipes with spigot
full are as follows: and socket collar joints present as an alterna-
Diameter Gradient tive to glazed stoneware pipes over 150 mm
mm diameter. These shall not be used to early acid
effluents or sewage under condition favourable
100 1 in 57 0.18 for the production of hydrogen sulphide and
150 1 in 100 0.42 shall not be laid in subsoils which are likely to
200 I in 145 0.73 affect adversely the quality or strength of con-
230 1 in 175 0.93 crete. Cement concrete pipes may be used for
250 1 in 195 1.10 surface water drains in all diameters. These
300 1 in 250 1.70 pipes shall conform to IS 458 : 1988. Where
so desired, the life of cement concrete pipe may
c) In cases where such ruling gradients cannot be
followed, a flatter gradient may be used but the be increased \>y lining inside of the pipe by
minimum velocity in such cases shall on no suitable coatings like epoxy polyester resin,
account be less than 0.61 m/s. etc.
NOTE - The practiceof using pipes of larger diameter c>Cast Iron Pipes - Cast iron pipes to IS 1536 :
than is required by the normal flow, where gradients are 1989-and IS 1537 : 1976 shall be used in the
restricted, does not result in increasing the velocity of flow following situations:
but reduces the depth of flow and for this reason, this
practice is to be deprecated. 1) In bad or unstable ground where soil
movement is expected;
4 On the other hand, it is undesirable to employ
gradients giving a velocity of flow greater than 2) In made-up or tipped ground;
2.4 m/s. Where it is unavoidable, cast iron 3) To provide for an increased strength
where a sewer is laid at insufficient depth,
SP 62 ( S 8z T ) : 1997
2) For depth between 1.2 m x 0.9 m Typical sections of the manholes are illustrated
1 m and 1.5 m inFig. 16.2, 16.3, and 16.4.
3) For depths more Circular chambers
Drop Manholes - Where it is uneconomic or
than 1.5 m with a minimum dia of
impracticable to arrange the connection with
1.4 m or rectangular
600 mm height above the invert of the man-
chambers with mini-
hole, the connection shall be made by con-
mum internal dimen-
structing a vertical shaft outside the manhole
sion of 1.2 m x 0.9 m.
chamber as shown in Fig. 16.5.
If the difference in level between the incoming
1 In adopting these sizes of chambers, it would be ensured that
these sizes accord full with or half-bricks with standard thickness drain and the sewer does not exceed 600 mm
of mortar joints so as to avoid wasteful cutting of the brick. and there is sufficient room in the manhole, the
2 The sizes of the chambers may be adjusted to suit the connecting pipe may be directly brought
availability of local building materials and economics of con- through the manhole wall and the fall accom-
struction. modated by constructing a ramp in the bench-
d) The access shaft shall be corbelled inwards on ing of the manhole.
three sides at the top to reduce its size to that g) Channels-These shall be semicircular in the
of the cover frame to be fitted or alternatively bottom half and of diameter~equal to that of the
the access shaft shall be covered over by a sewer. Above the horizontal diameter, the
reinforced concrete slab of suitable dimensions sides shall be extended vertically to the same
with an opening for manhole cover and frame. level as the crown of the outgoing pipe and the
e) The manhole shall be built on a base of con- top edge shall be suitably rounded off. ~The
crete of a thickness of at least 150 mm for branch channel shall also be similarly con-
manholes up to 1 m depth, at least 200 mm for structed with respect to the benching but at
manholes from 1 to 2 m in depth and 300 mm (or their junction with the main channel an ap-
one and half brick) for depths greater than 1.5 m. propriate fall suitably rounded off in the direc-
The actual thickness-in any case shall be calcu- tion of flow in the main channel shall be given.
lated on the basis of engineering design.
NOTE-Wall thicknesses have been indicated in brick lengths to provide for use of~modular bricks (see IS 1077 : 1992) or traditional
bricks. In the figure, B = one brick length. I.5 B = one and a half brick length, etc.
!SP62(S&T): 1997
NOTE - Wall thicknesses havebeenindicatedin brick lengths to provide for use of modular bricks (we IS 1077 : 1992) or traditional
bricks. In the figure, B = one brick length, 1.5 B = one and a half brick length, etc.
NOTE-Wall thicknesses have been indicated in brick lengths to provide for use of modular bricks (see IS 1077 : 1992) or traditional
bricks. In the figure, B = one brick length, I .5 B = one and a half brick length, etc.
______ _______ J
m &LOQE I IN 6 I”;;//
NOTE- Wall thicknesseshave been indicatedin brick lengths to provide for use of modular bricks (see IS 1077 : 1992)or traditional
bricks. In the figure, B = one brick length, I .5E = one and a half brick length,etc.
h) Rungs shall be provided in all manholes over ing or in any passage therein. Ventilating
0.8 m in depth and shall be of cast iron con- covers shall not be used for domestic drains.
forming to IS 5455 : 1969. These rungs may
be set staggered in two vertical runs which may j> All brickwork in manhole chamber and shaft
be 380 mm apart horizontally. The top rung shall be carefully built in English bond. The
shall be 450 mm below the manhole cover and jointing face of each brick being well
the lowest not more than 300 mm above the ‘buttered’ with cement mortar before laying, so
benching. The size of the manhole cover shall as to ensure a full joint. The construction of
be such that there shall be a clear opening of at masonry shall be as per Chapter 4. The cement
least 500 mm in diameter for manholes exceed- mortar shall not be weaker than 1:3. The walls
ing 0.9 m in depth. Circular cover are con- shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:3 to a
sidered desirable. Manholes covers and minimum thickness of 15 mm both inside and
frames shall conform to the requirements given outside; where subsoil water exists richer mor-
in IS 1726 : 1991. tars may be used. All angles may be rounded
to 7.5 cm radius and all rendered internal
All manholes shall be constructed so as to be
surfaces shall have hard impervious finish
watertight under test. No manhole or inspec-
obtained by using a steel trowel.
tion chamber shall be permitted inside a build-
k) The channel or drain at the bottom of the cham- b) Rainwater pipes shall be normally sized on the
ber shall be plastered with 1:2 cement mortar basis of roof areas according to Table 16.2.
and finished smooth to the grade where re- The roof area shall be taken as the horizontal
quired. The benching of the side shall be car- projection of the area. A bell mouth at the roof
ried out in such a manner as to provide no surface is found to give better drainage effect
lodgement for any splashings in case of ac- provided proper slopes are given to the roof
cidental flooding of the chamber. surface. The spacing of pipes depends on the
3 STORM WATER DRAINAGE position of the windows and each openings but
6 m apart is convenient distance. The strainer
3.1 General
area shall be 1; to 2 times the area of the pipe
The object of storm water drainage is to collect and to which it connects.
carry, for suitable disposal, the-rain water collected
cl A rainwater pipe conveying rainwater shall
within the premises of the building. The sources of discharge directly by means of a channel into
such water are precipitation and run off, depending on or over an inlet to a surface drain; or shall
the permeability of the surface and drainage from discharge freely into a compound, drained to
roofs. The disposal may be through a separate system surface drain or a sheet drain w~ithin 30 m from
to a water course or to storage tanks. the boundary of the premises but in no case
3.2 Rainwater Pipes for Roof Drainage shall it discharge directly into any closed drain.
a) Rainwater pipes shall be of cast iron, gal- 4 Where it is not possible to discharge as in (c),
vanized iron, asbestos cement, galvanized the rainwater shall be discharged into a gully
sheet or other equally suitable material. trap which shall be connected with the street
drain; such a gully trap shall have a screen and
1) Cast iron pipes shall be with socketed
joints having lugs cast on for fixing and silt catcher incorporated in its design.
shall conform to IS 1230 : 1979. The shoe e>If no street drain as in (c) is available, a rain-
may be fixed 150 mm above ground level. water pipe may directly discharge into a kerb
Bends and offsets are to be avoided as far drain and shall be taken through a pipe outlet
as possible. across the foot path, if any, without obstructing
the foot path.
2) Galvanized iron pipes shall be ‘fixed by A rainwater pipe shall not discharge into or
straps or dogs one for each 2 m length of
connect with any soil pipe or its ventilating
pipe. Joints between successive lengths
pipe or any waste pipe nor shall it discharge
of~pipes will be by collars at least 10 cm
into a sewer unless specially permitted to do so
deep riveted tightly and securely to the
by the Authority in which case such discharge
pipes and the straps or dogs riveted or
into a sewer shall be intercepted by means of a
bolted through this collar by 9.5 mm gal-
gully trap.
vanized iron bolts.
3) Asbestos cement pipes shall be fixed with
iz) The storm water shall be lead off in a suitable
drain to a water course. The open drain, if not
straps or clips.
pucca masonry throughout shall be made so at
4) All rainwater pipes or leaders from roofs least in sections where there is either a change
or terraces shall be screened off by grading
in direction or gradient.
at the top to prevent leaves, rodents, etc,
entering the pipes.
i-0 The rainwater pipes shall be fixed to the out-
side of the external walls of the building or in
5) The laying of pipes underground, man- recesses or chases cut or frame in such external
holes and chambers carried out as in the wall or in such other manners may be approved
case of sewers for foul water. by the Authority.
3.2.1 Size and Gradient of Pipes would contain much undesirable material. The
mouth of all pipes and openings shall be
The pipes shall be so designed as to give a velocity of covered with mosquito-insect proof wire net.
flow not less than 1 m/s when running half-full; the
maximum velocity shall not exceed 2.4 m/s. g) French drains or shallow rubble drains, filled
with coarse rubble, clinker or similar material,
3.3 Disposal with or without field drain pipes may be
employed as surface water drains and are use-
a>General - Surface water may be disposed off
ful in the drainage of unpaved surface, such as
in one or more ways as described below but
preferably by the method given in (b). playfields and certain types of roads. When
used for this purpose in addition to drain being
b) Separate System - All courtyards shall be
filled with rubble, it is often advisable to in-
provided with one or more outlets through
clude a field pipe drain in the trench bottom.
which rainwater shall be diverted into the
storm water drains and away from any opening 4 SUBSOIL WATER DRAINAGE
connecting with any sewer.
4.1 General
Usually each separate plot shall have a separate
drain connection made to a covered or open 4 Subsoil water is that portion of the rain-fall
public drain. Such connection to a covered which is absorbed into the ground and drainage
drain shall be made through a pipe at least of subsoil water may be necessary for the
3.5 m in length, laid at a gradient of not less following reasons:
than that of the connecting drain. The storm 1) to increase the stability of the surface;
water from the plot should discharge into the 2) to avoid surface flooding;
storm water drain directly and not through a 3) to alleviate or to avoid causing dampness
trap. in the building, especially in the cellars;
cl Combined or Partially Separate System - 4) to reduce the humidity in the immediate
Where levels do not permit connection to a vicinity of the building; and
public storm water drain, storm water from 5) to increase the workability of soil.
courtyard may be connected to a public sewer
b) The general direction of subsoil water may
provided it is designed to convey combined
usualy be judged by the general inclination of
discharge. In such cases, the surface water
the land surface and the main lines of the
shall be admitted to the soil sewer through
subsoil drains shall follow the natural falls
trapped gullies in order to prevent the escape
wherever possible.
of sewer air.
d) To a Water Course - It may be often con- c) Subsoil drains shall be sited so as not to
endanger the stability of the buildings or
venient to discharge surface water to a nearby
earthwork. In some portions of the drain, it
stream or water course. The invert level of the
may be necessary to use non- porous jointed
out-fall shall be about the same as the normal
pipes. No field pipe shall be laid in such a
water level in the water course. The out-fall
manner or in such a position as to communicate
shall be protected against floating debris by a
directly with any drain constructed or adapted
to be used for conveying sewage except where
e>To Storage Tanks - Water from the roof of a absolutely unavoidable and in that case a
building may be led straight from the pipes to suitable efficient trap shall be provided be-
one or more watertight storage tanks. Such tween subsoil drain and such sewer.
storage tanks shall be raised to a convenient
height above ground and shall always be 4.2 Systems of Subsoil Drainage
provided with ventilating covers, and have
4.2.1 Field Drain Pipes
draw off taps suitably placed so that the rain-
water may be drawn off for domestic washing Clay or concrete porous pipes may be used and shall
purposes or for garden water. A large imper- be laid in one of the following ways, depending on site
vious storage tank is sometimes constructed conditions.
underground, from which rain water is pumped 4 Natural - The pipes are laid to follow the
as required to the house. All storage tanks shall natural depressions, or valleys of the site,
be provided with an overflow. branches discharging into the main.
An arrangement shall be provided in a rain- b) Herringbone-A system consisting of a num-
water pipe or leader to divert the first washings ber of main drains into which discharge from
from the roof or terrace catchment as they both sides, smaller subsidiary branches parallel
to each other but at an angle to the mains cavated to a smooth surfaces, the pipes shall be
forming a series of herringbone patterns. laid in a cradle of fine concrete floor or a floor
c) Grid - A mainor mains near the boundaries of gravel and crushed stone overlaid with con-
of a site into which branches discharge from crete or on a well consolidated’gravel and
one side only. crushed stone bed only so as to ensure even
d) Fan shaped - The drains are laid converging
to a single outlet at one point on the boundary c>Each separate pipe shall be individually set for
of a site, without the use of main or collecting line and for level using one of the following
drains. methods:
b) Jointing stoneware with lead pipes - Where
any stoneware or semi-vitrilied trap or pipe is
connected with a lead soil pipe, waste pipe or
trap communicating with a sewer, there shall
be inserted between the pipes, a socket of
copper, copper brass or other suitable alloy;
this shall be connected by means of a cement
wiped metallic joint as in Fig. 16.10.
c) Jointing cast iron pipes with stoneware pipes
- For such connection, the beaded spigoted
end shall Abe inserted into a socket of such
stoneware~pipe as shown in Fig. 16.11.
When any water closet pan or earthenware trap
is to be jointed with a cast iron pipe, such joint FIG. 16.11 JOINTING
shall be flexible in nature; a mixture of bitumen
and asbestos fibre (not dust) may be used. e) Jointing stoneware pipes - These shall be
d) Jointing lead pipes - These joints shall be jointed as shown in Fig. 16.13.
made as shown in Fig. 16.12. The solder shall f) Jointing concrete pipes - These shall be
consist of two parts of lead and one part of jointed as per IS 783 : 1985.
X = Socket length
shall be made to ensure that the pumps are ground level in northern regions of India where
drained immediately after shutting down to freezing occurs. ’
prevent damage to plant due to freezing. b) To maintain temperature level of water, warm
e) Engine Driven Pumps - Where blow lamps water from hot springs shall be mixed with the
are used’ for heating the pump, compression source of water, where feasible. Insulation of
ignition engines shall be used instead of pipes may be done.
gasoline engines. c>Adequate number of break pressure tanks and
f) Engines shall be air cooled type rather than air release valves shall be provided in the
water cooled ones so as to avoid using anti- distribution system.
freeze coolants against the danger of freezing 4 Arrangements may be made to let out some
of cooling waters in them. Engines shall be water continuously, at suitable points, special-
provided with special heat and cold starting ly during no demand, so that ice formation in
devices for guard against starting troubles in pipes can be prevented.
winter. Draining taps of engines and pumps
shall be easily accessible and convenient to
e>HDPE pipes with proper break pressure cham-
bers are suitable for transmission and distribu-
operate with gloves on.
tion systems.
g) Fuels-Diesel and gasoline are not suitable at
low temperatures. Special fuels like water 2.4.1 Pipe Materials
grade and sub-zero grade depending on the Distribution pipes shall be made of any of the follow-
temperature shall be used as specified by the ing materials:
a>High density polyethylene pipes to IS 4984 :
2.3 Protection and Storage of Water and 1987.
b) Asbestos cement pipes to IS 1592 : 1989.
a) Settling Tanks - Settling process is generally c>Galvanized iron pipes to IS 1239 (Part 1) :
slowed down by increase of the viscosity of 1990.
water at low temperatures. Settling tanks
4 Cast iron pipes to IS 1536 : 1989.
operated at r&ear freezing temperature shall
provide surface loading rates nearly half that e>UPVC pipes to IS 4985 : 1988 when laid below
frost line.
for operation at 20°C. Settling tanks may be
covered for increasing efficiency. 2.4.2 hwulating Materials for Pipes
b) Chemical Reaction - For proper reaction Apart from straw, grass, hessian, etc, 85 percent
mixing times shall be tripled when water at 0’ magnesia, glasswool or asbestos coated logging ropes
to 4’C is being treated. Structures storing may be used.
chemicals should be as close as possible to the
treatment facilities because unnecessary 2.4.3 Distribution Methods
transplantation of chemicals can be avoided. In conventional system, the pipes should be buried
c) Filtration - Rapid sand filters and pressure below frost line; adequate draining points shall be
filters shall Abe preferred. Filter areas up to provided to prevent freezing of water. House service
twice that required for warmer water shall be connections shall be kept operative by the use of
provided. Provision for backwashing shall be adequate heat insulation as shown in Fig. 16.14.
made by the use of pump rather than ele.vated
water storage. Lower back washing rates will
be required than normal. 3.1 General
d) Chlorination - The pressure of chlorine gas The care exerc’ised for water supply systems should be
at 2 1.1 “C is more than five times as great as at
applicable to disposal systems also.
17.8’C and special considerations should be
.given to control chlorine dosing. Where 3.2 Waterborne System
bleaching powder is used adequate reaction
a) Sewers shall be laid below the frost line. Man-
time should be allowed for proper mixing.
holes shall be made airtight. Trenches shall be
2.4 Transmission and Distribution closely filled with earth, where possible sewers
shall be so located that the trench line is not in
a>Lay the pipe below frost line to avoid freezing shadow when the sun is shining. Concrete, cast
of buried pipe; the level of frost line is general- iron and stoneware pipes should be insulated.
ly found to be between 0.9 and 1.2 m below
b) Septic tanks shall be located well below the c) Seepage Pits - The discharge of effluent shall
frost line. Its capacity shall be increased by be made below the frost line.
100 percent for operation at 10°C over that for
operation at 20°C.
c 1.1 .
As in the Original Standard, this Page is Intentionally Left Blank
2 For buildings with minor asymmetry in plan and elevation, 3.7 Ductility
separation sections may be omitted.
The main structural elements and their connections
3.5 Strength in Various Directions
shall be designed to have a ductile failure. This will
The building shall be designed to have adequate enable the structure to absorb energy during an
strength against earthquake effects along both the e‘arthquake to avoid sudden collapse of the structure.
horizontal axes. The design shall also be safe con- Details of ductile joints for reinforced concrete struc-
sidering the reversible nature of earehquake forces. tures are given in IS 13920 : 1993.
A/L > O-15 TO O-2
3.8 Non-Structural
LJklLlAIL -> 0.25
4.3 Cover
Suitable details should be worked out to connect the Where steel reinforcing bars are provided in
non-structural parts with the structural frame so that masonry, the bars shall be embedded with adequate
the deformation of the structural frame leads to mini- cover; in cement sand mortar not leaner than 1:3 a
mum damage of the non-structural elements. minimum cover of 10 mm shall be provided or in
cement concrete grade Ml5 a minimum cover of
4 MASONRY STRUCTURES - SPECIAL 15 mm or the bar diameter whichever is more shall be
Normal construction work in masonry shall be as per a) All masonry buildings shall be strengthened
Chapter 4. The special features for earthquake resis- by the methods as specified in Table 17.2.
tant construction are as detailed below. Figure 17.3 and 17.4 show the overall
strengthening arrangements to be adopted for
4.2 Mortars category D and E buildings, which consist of
horizontal bands of reinforcement at critical
Tne recommended mortar mixes are as in Table 17.1. levels, vertical reinforcing bars at corners,
junctions of walls and jambs of openings. For
Table 17.1 Recommended Mortar Mixes location of openings, which have a reducing
(Clause 4.2) effect on lateral load resistance (see
Building Category Proportions of Cement-Lime-Sand Annex B).
2 Building category based on (xh values is given in IS 4326 : c> Roof Band - Roof band is a band provided
1993 (see ulso Annex A). immediately below the roof or floors. Such a
band need not be provided underneath slabs
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
resting on bearing walls, provided that the roof band at eaves level. Details of the
slabs are continuous over the intermediate wall specification of the band are given in 4.4.1.
up to crumple sections, if any and cover the e) Plinth Band - Plinth band is a band
width of end walls, fully or at least 3/4 of the provided at plinth level of walls on top of the
wall thickness. Details of the specification of foundation wall. This is to be provided where
the band are given in 4.4.1. strip footings of masonry (other than rein-
4 Gable Band - Gable band is a band provided forced masonry or reinforced concrete) are
at the top of gable masonry below the purlins. used and the soil is either soft or uneven in its
This band shall be made continuous with the properties.
Table 17.2 Strengthening Arrangements for b) In case of reinforced brickwork, the thickness
Masonry Buildings of joints for steel bars shall be increased to
(Clause 4.4) provide a cover of 10 mm. The area of steel
Building Category Number of Strengthening to be
shall be the same as for reinforced concrete
Storeys Provided in All Storeys work.
(I) (2) (3)
c) For full integrity of walls at corners and junc-
A i) 1 to 3 Mortar (see 4.2) tions of walls and effective horizontal building
ii) 4 Mortar (see 4.2), Lintel resistance of bands, continuity of reinforce-
and roof band and where
ment is essential (see Fig. 17.6).
neces sary gable band
(see 4.4)
B i) 1 to3 Same as A (ii) plus brac-
Table 17.3 Vertical Reinforcement in
ing in plan at tie level of Masonry Walls
roofs (see 4.4). where (Clauses 4.4 and 4.6)
necessary plinth band
(see 4.4) Building Category Storeys Diameter of Bar
/ > (Deformed)
ii) 4 Sameas B (i) plus vertical
No. Location
steel at comers (see 4.4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
C i) I and 2 Same as B (i)
ii) 3 and 4 Same as B (ii) plus verti- B 1to3 - -
cal steel at jambs of open- 4 Top i0
ings (see 4.4) Third 10
Second 10
D i) 1 and2 Same as C (ii)
Bottom 12
ii) 3 and 4 Same as C (ii) plus dowel
bars (see 4.4) C I,2 - -
E 1to 3 Same as D (ii) 3 Top 10
Middle 10
NOTE - Fourth storey not allowed in Category E buildings. Bottom 12
4 Top 10
Dowel Bars -In category D and E buildings, Third 10
Second 12
to further integrate the box action of walls steel
Bottom 12
dowel bars may be used at corners and T junc-
tions of walls, at sill level of windows, to a D 1 10
2 Top 10
length of 900 mm from the inside corner in
Bottom ‘2
each wall. Such dowel may be in the form of 3 10
U stirrups 8 mm dia; the dowels shall be laid in Middle 12
1:3 cement-sand mortar with a minimum cover Bottom 12
4 Top 10
of 10 mm.
Third 12
Vertical Reinforcement - Vertical steel at Second 16
corners and junctions of walls which are up to Bottom 20
340 mm (lf brick) thick, shall be provided as E I - 12
in Table 17.3. For walls thicker than 340 mm, 2 Top 12
the area of the bars shall be proportionately be Bottom 16
increased. 3 Top 12
Middle 16
Bracing in Plan - At tie level all trusses and Bottom 16
the gable end shall be provided with diagonal
braces in plan so as to transmit the lateral shear
1 Four storeys not permitted in Category E buildings.
due to earthquake force to the gable walls
acting as shear walls at the ends. 2 For precast components (see 5).
a) The band shall be made of M 15 grade concrete 4 Vertical reinforcement shall pass through the plinth masonry
or reinforced brickwork in cement mortar 1 : 3. of foundations, roof slab, roof band, lintel bands in all storeys
(see Fig. 17.5).
The band shall be full width of the wall and not
less than 75 mm in depth and reinforced as 5 The vertical bars will be covered with concrete M IS or with
cement mortar (1:3) in suitably created pockets, around the bars
given in Table 17.4. In coastal areas the grade
(see Fig. 17.5).
of concrete shall be M 20.
l -One brick length ;f - Half brick length, V-Vertical steel bar with mortnr/concrete filling in pocket
(a) and (btAlternate courses in one brick wall: (c) andCd)-Altemntecourses at comerjunctionof Ii brickwall; (e) and (D-Alternate
SP 62 ( S & T ) : 1997
(d 1
I b,
Table 17.4 Recommended Longitudinal Steel in 4.5 Framing of Thin Load Bearing Walls (see Fig.
Reinforced Bands (Deformed Bars) 17.7)
(Clauses 4.4,4.4.1,4.6 and 5.1)
a) For thin load bearing walls, 150 mm thick
Building Span, m Number of Diameter of Bar including plaster reinforced concrete columns
Category Bars (Deformed)
shall be provided at all corners and junctions
(1) (2) (3) (4) of walls, spaced at not more than I .5 m apart.
B i) 5. 6.7 2 8
b) Horizontal bands should be located at all floor,
ii) 8 2 IO
roof and levels of the openings.
C i) 5.6 2 8
ii) 7 2 10 ~C) The sequence of construction between walls
iii) 8 2 12
and the columns shall be first to build the wall
D i) 5 2 8
up to 4 to 6 courses height leaving toothed gaps
ii) 6 2 10 (tooth projection being about 40 mm only) for
iii) 7 2 12 the columns and then to pour Ml 5 grade con-
iv) 8 4 IO crete to fill the columns against the walls using
E i) 5 2 IO forms only on two sides. The band concrete
ii) 6 2 12 should be cast on the wall masonry directly so
iii) 7 4 IO as to develop full bond with it.
iv) 8 4 12 d) Such construction should be limited only to
NOTES two storeys. The horizontal length of wall
1 No strengtheningarrangementfor Category A buildingsup to should not exceed 7 m and the storey height to
3 storeys. 3 m.
2 For spans greater than 8 m. plasters or buttressesmay be
introducedto reduce the spnn. or special calculations have to be
4.6 Hollow Block Masonry
The horizontal and vertical steel for earthquake resis-
3 For plain bars, the diameters should be IO, 12, 16, 20 and 25
tance shall be placed as described below.
respectively for deformed bars of 8. IO, 12. 16.20 given above.
4 For RC band a clear cover of 20 mm shall be provided for
a) Horizontal Band - U-shaped blocks may be
steel. used for construction of horizontal bands at
5 For RC band the vertical depth shall be 75 mm for 2 bars and various levels of the storeys as shown in Fig.
I50 mm for 4 bars. 17.8. The reinforcement shall be 2.5 percent
6 Stirrups shall be 6 mm dia spaced at 150 mm. more than that recommended fin Table 17.4.
Continuity of reinforcement shall be ensured.
1. Window 2. Door
3. Brick Panel 4. LintelBand
All dimensionsin millimetres.
b) Vertical Reinforcement - Bars, as given in 1) Ml5 grade should be used for the beam
Table 17.3 shall be located inside the cavities and the reinforcement shall be as in
of hollow blocks, one bar in each cavity (see Table 17.4.
Fig. 17.9). When more than one bar have to be 2) If depth of the beam is more than 75 mm,
located, this can be done in two or more the reinforcement shall be provided at
adjacent cavities; these cavities should be each corner with 8 mm bar.
filled with cement-coarse sand mortar I:3 and A typical detail is shown in Fig. 17.10.
compacted with rod.
b) Top Reinforcement - The reinforcement of
c) Splicing of reinforcement by welding or by 6 mm dia bars of 150 mm centres on top of the
overlap is permitted. To reduce the number of channel core units, shall project out at both
overlaps the block ends may be U-shaped as ends and tied to the tie beam reinforcement.
shown in Fig. 17.9 which will help in tieing the
bars together by binding wire. c) Deck Concrete - Deck concrete over the
precast units shall be of Ml5 grade to act
monolithically with the units; it shall be at least
35 mm thick,
PRECAST COMPONENTS d) In ~general for precast components, the prin-
ciple is to make them act as a diaphragm to
5.1 Special construction features for floor and roofs withstand seismic forces.
with small precast components, are given below : 6 TIMBER STRUCTURES - SPECIAL
4 Tie Beam - Tie beam is a beam provided all
round the floor or roof to bind together all the 6.1 Foundation
precast components to make it into a
Timber structures shall preferably start on masonry or
diaphragm. The beam shall be full width of the
concrete foundations except small buildings (50 m2
wall allowing for bearing of precast units; the
or less) may rest on ground. The structure may be
depth shall be the depth of precast component.
fixed to~the foundation as shown in Fig. 17.11.
d 6 MS BARS @ 150 c/c
Alldimensions in millimetres.
17.11A Suitable for Strip Foundations 17.llB Suitable for Isolated Column Footings
For small buildings of area less than 50 m2 resting on a) There shall be at least one diagonal brace of
ground, they may be fixed to vertical poles embedded minimum size 20 mm x 40 mm for every
in the ground. The superstructure has to be 1~5m2 area of the wall. Diagonal braces shall
strengthened for earthquake resistance. be connected to the stud wall members with at
least 4 nails.
6.2 Stud Wall or Brick Nogging Construction
b) Horizontal bracing, 20 mm x 90 mm shall be
It consists of timber studs and corner posts framed into provided at not more than 1 m apart. It shall
sills, top plates and wall plates. Horizontal struts and be provided at T- junctions and corners of wall
braces are used to stiffen the frame against horizontal at sills, first floor and eaves level. They shall
forces. Typical details are as in Fig. 17.12. be connected to the wall plates by at least 9
SP62( S &T)~: 1997
20 x 90
All dimensions
in millimetlxx
(Table 17.1)
A-l ~For the purpose of specifying the earthquake A-2 The building categories, A to E are listed below:
resisting features in masonry and wooden buildings,
the buildings may be categorised on the basis of value Building Categories Range Ofah
(Clause 4.4)
B-l Door and window openings in walls reduce their the size and position of openings are given in
lateral load resistance and hence, should preferably be Fig. 17.13 and Table 17.5.
small and more centrally located. The guidelines on
q&.,1/ me,,,
1. Door 3. Ventilator 2. Window
1 LOW STRENGTH MASONRY BUILDINGS a ) This type of construction should not be per-
mitted for important buildings with I> 1.5 and
1.1 General should preferably be avoided for building
The use and strengthening of low strength masonry categories D and E.
buildings shall be restricted to Zones III and IV of b) To protect the weak mortar a damp-proof
IS 1893 : 1984. No special provisions are necessary course may be laid as prevent rain water from
for such buildings in Zones I and II. Low strength soaking the wall and softening the mortar. A
masonry includes brickwork laid in mud mortar, ran- water proof plaster may bemused.
dom rubble, uncoursed undressed or semi-dressed C) Resistance to overturning under the action of
stone masonry with weak mortars. Other requirements horizontal force shall be designed for.
of 4 and 6 of Part 1 shall apply.
(1.6. c = Toothed
jointsinwallA. B nnd C
All dimensions
t P&50
l-Through stone, P-Pair of overlapping stone, 3-S-shape tie, 4-Hooked tie, 5-Wood plank, 6Floor level.
4 In place of through stones, ‘bonding elements, c) Rammed earth in which moist soil is filled
of steel bars.8 to 10 mm dia bent to S shape or between forms and compacted manually or
as hooked links may be used with a cover of mechanically. The soil for rammed earth con-
25 mm from each face of the wall (see Fig. struction will generally have less clay than that
17.16). used for blocks or adobes. Small amounts of
e>Also in place of through stones wooden cut size straw, not more than one-fourths the volume of
pieces 40 mm x 40 mm cross section or con- soil water mix, shall be added for fissure
crete piece of section 50 mm x 50 mm with control.
8 mm bars may be inserted. d) Wood, bamboo or cane structures plastered
f-l Bonding elements should also be used at with mud (Ikra walling in N.E. Region) (see
corners and junctions of walls. Chapter 4).
g) Mortar should be either lime mortar 1 : 3, mud 4.1.1 The improvements are applicable to buildings in
mortar or cement mortar 1:6. Zones III, IV and V of IS 1893 : 1984, and without the
use of stabilizers for earthen elements.
h) Buttresses may be provided for walls longer.
than 5 m. 4.2 General arrangements for seismic resistance are as
OF EARTHEN BUILDINGS The height of adobe building should be
restricted to one storey plus attic only in Zones
4.1 General
IV and V and to two storeys in Zone III. Im-
Earthen walls may be constructed in the following portant building, with I > 1.5, shall not be
fourways: constructed with earthen walls in Zones IV and
Hand formed layers using mud lumps to form V; in Zone III they may be constructed but
walls is the weakest of all earthen walls. Use restricted only to single storey.
of straw will impart strength and reduce b) Sites with sand, loose soils, poorly compacted
fissures. clays and fill materials should generally be
avoided; also sites with high water table should
b) Block or adobe construction, cut from
hardened soil or formed in moulds and com- be avoided.
pacted, are laid in courses using mud mortar c) Foundation depth shah vary between one to two
from the same soil. Addition of straw in mud times the thickness of wall depending on number
mortar in equal volume would make it non- of storeys; depth shall be at least 0.4 m.
shrinking; the mortar mix should be allowed to d) Wall dimensions, openings, shall be as in
remain for 7 days before use. Normal breaking Fig. 17.17 and 17.18.
of joints and related masonry practices
e) The general configuration shall be as in
should be followed.
Fig. 17.19.
15 6LtTh AND
l-l 1
‘I D57200
x 5 1200
v -c f?OO
1- Light roof; 2 - Light gable wall (matting or boarding); 3 - Rain protection overhang (about 500 mm);
4- Stable plaster; 5 - Plinth height for flood protection; 6 - Stable foundation; 7 - Good mortar; 8 - Floor
level; 9 - Ground level; 10 -Waterproof layer
SP62(S&T): 1997
17.21A Pattern of Canes in Clay Mud Walls 17.21B Pattern in Adobe Walls
l- Clay mud Wall; 2 - Adobe; 3 -Vertical cane/bamboo; 4 - Horizontal crushed canes/split bamboo every
4th layer of abode b, S = Spacing about 400 mm; d = Diameter of cane/bamboo about 20 mm
ri 8
, m
. . SECTION- 1,l
Minimum Dimensions
1 - Column lOOx75*OR loo@
2 - Sill 100x75
3 - Beam 100x100OR75~
4 - Diagonal 100x50
5 - Strut 100x50
6 - Ceiling beam 75xl25ORlOO~
l -Corner 100 x 100
7 - Holdfast
Joints - Use 6 gauge nails 75 mm long minimum 2 from each face through iron sheet gussets minimum 1 mm
thickness or straps of 2 mm thickness.
1 GENERAL Ensure that the demolition conditions do not,
at any stage, enhance the nuisance value
1.1 Demolition of any structure is, inherently, more of demolition work on ‘the use of adjacent
hazardous than the construction or erection of the buildings;
same. From the point of view of safety, the conditions No structure or part of the structure or any floor
usually encountered awhile dismantling a structure, or temporary support or scaffold, side wall or
whatever its magnitude, do not lend themselves to the any device for equipment shall be loaded in
degree of control possible in the construction opera-
excess of the safe load bearing capacity, in its
tions, where more stable conditions are generally
then existing condition; and
obtainable. It is all the more imperative, therefore, that
adequate attention is paid to planning and execution of Stairs and stair railings, passage ways and
ladders shall be left in place as long as possible.
demolition work, in its various stages, so as to mini-
mize the risk of accidents and injuries to the personnel These should be maintained in a safe
engaged in demolition operations. condition.
e) All mains and meters of the building shall be anticipated to the adjoining structure, the
removed or protected from damage. same shall be got vacated to avoid any danger
to human life.
0 All gas, water, steam and other service lines
shall be shutoff and capped or otherwise con- 0 Ladders, when used, shall conform to IS 3696
trolled at or outside the property line. (Part 2) : 1991. Ladders or their side railsshall
If a structure to be demolished has been extend not less than 1.O m above the floor or
partially wrecked by fire, explosion or other platform to which the ladder gives access. All
catastrophe, the walls and damaged roofs shall ladders shall be secured against slipping out at
be shored and braced suitably. the bottom and against movement in any
direction at the top.
h) Construction sheds and tool boxes should be so
located as to protect workers from injuries of u>All exterior wall openings which extend down
fatling objects, wall, etc. to the floor level shall be barricaded to a height
not less than 1 m above the floor level. All
9 A warning device should be installed in the floor openings and shafts not meant as material
area to be used to warn the workers, in case of
chutes shall be floored over and endorsed with
ground rails and toe boards.
k) Screens shall be placed, where necessary, to
prevent tlying pieces from injuring the fellow
v>All existing fixtures/services required during
demolition operations shall be well protected
with~substantial covering to the satisfaction of
ml No demolition work shall be carried out during the Authority.
storm or heavy rain.
w) When demolition is to be done by mechanical
4 No demolition work shall be carried out at means such as weight ball and power showels,
night specially when the building or structure the following additional precautions are
to be demolished in an inhabited area. necessary :
P) All necessary safety appliances shall be issued 1) The area shall be barricaded for a mini-
to the workmen and their use explained. It mum distance of 1; times the height of the
shall be ensured that the workers are using all
the safety appliances while at work. The safety
appliances should be as follows: 2) While the mechanical device is in opera-
tion no workmen shall be allowed to enter
1) Safety helmets as per IS 2925 : 1984; the building being demolished;
2) Goggles made of celluloid lens to be worn 3) The device shall be so located as to.avoid
at the time of demolition of floors, walls,
falling debris; and
tearing of plaster, etc, specially when
4) The device when being used shall not
equipment like jack hammers are used for
cause any damage to adjacent structure,
demolition work, to protect the eyes from
powerline, other services, etc.
flying~pieces, dust, dirt, etc, that may be
blown up by wind. 4 PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC
3) Leather or rubber gloves worn during 4.1 Protection of the public before and during demoli-
demolition of RCC work or removing tion is important and the following points should be
steel work, where the hands of workers are kept in mind:
likely to be injured.
a) Every sidewalk or road adjacent to the work
4) Safety belts while working at higher level shall be closed or protected. All main roads,
to-prevent falling from the structure. which are open to the public shall be~kept open
q) First-aid equipment shall be available at all to the public clear and unobstructed at all
demolition works of any magnitude. Also, by times.
prior arrangement, a qualified doctor be avail- b) dhildren and public shall be kept out of the
able at call. building and the adjoining yards.
r) When there is a possibility of fire breaking out, c) If the structure to be demolished is more than
appropriate portable first-aid fire appliances two- storeyed or 7.5-m high, measured from the
(see IS 2 190 : 1992) shall be kept at hand. sidewalk or street which cannot be closed or
s) The removal of a member may weaken the side safely diverted, and the horizontal distance
wall of an adjoining structure and to prevent from the inside edge of the side walk to the
possible damage, these walls shall be sup- structure is 4.5 m or less, a substantial side
ported until such time as permanent protection walk shed (see Fig. 18.1) [see nlso (k)] shall be
is provided. In case of any danger is constructed over the entire length of the
sidewalk adjacent to the structure of sufficient the roof of the shed is not more than 600 kg/m*.
width with a view to accomodating the The height of the sidewalk shed shah be such
pedestrian traffic without causing congestion. as to give minimum clearance of 2.4 m.
The sidewalk shall be lighted sufficiently to
ensure safety at all times.
s>Sidewalk shed openings, for loading purposes,
shall be kept closed at all times except during
4 A toe board at least 1 m high above the roof actual loading operations.
the shed shall be provided on the outside edge
h) The deck flooring of the sidewalk shed shall
and ends of the sidewalk shed. Such boards consist of plank of not less than 50 mm thick-
may be vertical or inclined outward at not more ness closely laid and deck made watertight.
than 45”.
_i>All members of the shed shall be adequately
e) Except where the roofof a sidewalk shed solid- braced and connected to resist displacement of
ly abuts the structure, the face of the sidewalk members or distortion of framework.
shed towards the building shall be completely
closed by providing sheeting/planking to k) When the horizontal distance from the inside
edge of the sidewalk to the structure is more
prevent the falling material penetrating into the
than 4.5 m and less than 7.5 m, a sidewalk shed
or fence may be built or in their place a sub-
f) The roof of the sidewalk shed shall be capable stantial railing shall be constructed on the in-
of sustaining a load of 730 kg/m2. Only in side of the sidewalk or roadway along the
exceptional cases, say due to lack of other entire length of demolition side of the property
space, the storing of the material on a sidewalk with movable bars as may be necessary for the
shed may be permitted in which case the shed proper prosecution of the work.
shall be designed for a load of 1 460 kg/m*.
Where workers entrances to the building being
Roof of sidewalk shed shall be designed taking
demolished are not completely protected by
into account the impact of the falling debris.
sidewalk sheds, all such entrances shall be
By frequent removal of loads it shall be en-
protected by canopies extending from the face
sured that the maximum load, at any time, on
of the building to a point not less than 2.5 m
EXCEED 300 mm
illowed to fall as a single mass on the floors of braced and the earth removed by sheet piling
:he building so as not to qxceed the safe carry- or sheathing.
lng capacity of the floors; wherever prac-
ticable, they-may fall away from the floors 7.2 Catch Platforms
[see 7.2) on to c~atch platforms. Overloading
3f floors shall be prevented by removing the Catch platforms shall be provided in case of demoli-
accumulating debris through chutes or by other tion of exterior walls in multistorey buildings. The
means immediately (see 9). The floor shall be following details may be considered:
inspected by the Authority before undertaking a>Catch platforms shall generaHy be provided for
demolition work and if the same is found in- multistoreyed buildings more than 20 m high
capable of carrying the load of debris, neces- to prevent injuries to the worker and to the
sary precautions shall be taken to prevent any public when exterior walls are being
unexpected collapse of the floor. demolished.
b) Walls shall be removed part by part. Stages b) Such platforms shall be constructed and main-
shall be provided for the men to work on, if the tained not more than three storeys below the
walls are very thin and dangerous to work by storey from which the exterior wall is being
standing over them. demolished. When demolition~has progressed
to within three storeys of ground level, catch
cl No section of the wall whose height,is more
than 15 times the thickness, shall be permitted platforms will not be considered necessary.
to stand without lateral bracing unless such a c>Catch platforms shall not be less than 1.5 m in
wall is in good condition and was originally width measured in a horizontal direction from
designed to stand without such lateral bracing the face of the structure and shall consist of
or support. outriggers supported not more than 3 m apart.
Planks shall be laid tight together, without
4 Structural or load supporting members on any
floor’ shall not be removed or cut until all the openings between them and the walls. Catch
storeys above that floor have been demolished platforms shall be provided with a continuous
and removed. solid parapet along its outer edge of at least
1 m height. The parapet may be constructed
4 Before demolishing any interior or exterior
with the same material as the platform.
wall within 3 m of the opening in the floor
immediately below, such opening shall be sub- 4 Catch platform shall be capable. of sustaining a
stantially planked over, unless access is denied live load of not less than 610 kg/m2.
to workmen to that portion of the floor imme- 4 Catch platforms shall neither be used’for stor-
diately below the opening, in the floor of the ing of materials nor dumping of materials.
storey being demolished, where any debris
passing through the opening may fall. 8 DEMOLITION OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF
In framed structures, the frame may be left in STRUCTURES AND ELEMENTS
position during demolition of masonry work.
Where this is done all beams, girders, etc, shall 8.1 General
be cleared of all loose materials as the demoli-
tion of masonry work progresses downward Structures may be dealt with as masonry, concrete,
provided it is still strong enough to stand as an steel and timber. The structures or their elements shall
independent structure. be dealt with as below, in addition to other require-
ments as applicabk.
8) Walkways shall be provided to enable
workmen to reach or leave their work on any
scaffold or wall. Such walkways shall neither 8.2 Masonry Structures
be less than 3 planks wide, nor less than 0.8 m
in width. a>Jack Arches - Where tie -rods are present
between main supporting beams, these should
h) After completion of each days work, all walls not be cut until after the arch or series of arches
shall be left stable to avoid any danger of
in the floor have been removed. Particular care
getting overturned.
should be exercised and full examination of
3 Foundation walls which serve as retaining structure be made before the demolition is
walls to support the earth or adjoining struc- commenced (see Fig. 18.3). The floor should
ture, shall not be demolished until such an be demolished in strips parallel to the span of
adjoining structure has been underpinned or arch rings (at right angles to the main floor
NOTE-Order of demolition.
8.4 Precast Reinforced Concrete other part of the structure and wherever neces-
sary temporary suppports shall be provided.
a) Precast reinforced concrete units in a structure
are normally held~in position by the strength of 8.5 Prestressed Concrete
the joints in-situ or on supporting walls, etc.
Before commencing of the demolition~work involving
As such before starting on demolition the joint
such structures advise of an expert engineer should be
structures or the supporting mechanisms shall obtained
be studied and understood.
b) In devising and following demolition sequen- 8.6 Steel
ces, due precaution shall be taken to avoid a) No beams shall be cut until precautions have
toppling over of the prefabricated units or any been taken to prevent it from swinging freely
18.5A RC Beams 18.58 RC Columns
and possibly striking any worker or equipment frame should be independently and securely
or any part of the structure being demolished. guyed in both directions before work starts.
On no account should the bottom tie of a truss
b) All structural steel members shall be lowered
from the building and shall not be allowed to be cut until the principal rafters are prevented
drop. from making outward movement.
c>Tag lines shall be used on all materials being b) Cantilevers - A cantilever type of construc-
lowered or hoisted up and a standard signal tion depends on the balancing superimposed
system shall be used and workmen instructed structure for its stability. Canopies, cornices,
on the signals. No person shall be permitted to staircases and balconies should be demolished
ride the load line. or supported before the balancing load is
4 When a derrick or hoisting equipment is used
care shall be taken to see that the floor on which c) Heavy FloorBeams - Heavy baulks of timber
it is supported shall be strong enough for the should be supported before cutting at the ex-
loading. If necessary heavy planking shall be tremites and should then be lowered to a safe
used to distribute the load to floor beams and working place.
girders. Overloading/overturning of the 9 REMOVAL OF MATERIALS
equipment shall be avoided.
9.1 General
8.7 Other Elements
Removal of dismantled materials should be done care-
a>Roof Trusses-Roof trusses shall be removed fully; they may be thrown/lowered to the ground. The
to wall plate level by hand methods. Sufficient materials shall preferably be dumped inside the build-
purlins and bracing should be retained to ing. Normally such materials shall be lowered to the
ensure stability of the remaining roof trusses ground or to the top of the sidewalk shed where
while each individual truss is removed. provided by means of ropes or suitable tackles.
Temporary bracing should be added, where
9.2 Through Chutes
necessary, to minimize instability. The end
frame opposite to the end where dismantling is a) Wooden or metal chutes shall be~provided for
commenced, or a convenient intermediate removal of materials. The chutes shall
preferably be provided at the centre of the protected by standard railings and toe boards
building for efficient disposal of debris. (see IS 4912 : 1978) nor preferably planked
over if the holes are not being used for dumping
b) Chutes if provided at an angle of more than 45’
from the horizontal shall be entirely enclosed materials [see 3.1(s)].
on all sides, except for opening at or about the c) All intermediate floor openings for passage of
floor level for receiving materials. materials shall be completely closed with bar-
ricades or guard rails not less than 1 m high and
cl Opening for chutes shall not exceed I .20 m in
height measured along the wall of the chute and at a distance of not less than 1 m from the edge
in all storeys below the top floor such opening of the general opening. No barricades or guard
shall be kept closed when not in use. rails shall be removed until the storey immedi-
ately above has been demolished down to the
4 To prevent the descending material attaining a floor line and all debris cleared from the floor.
dangerous speed, the chute shall not extend in
an unbroken line for more than two storeys. A d) When cutting a hole in an intermediate floor,
gate or step shall be provided with suitable between the storage floor and the floor which
means of closing at the bottom of each chute to is being demolished, makes the intermediate
stop the flow of materials. floor or any portion of it unsafe, then such
intermediate tloor shall be properly shored. It
e) Chutes at an angle less than 45’ to the horizon- shall also be ensured that the supporting walls
tal may be left open on the upperside provided
are not kept without adequate lateral restraints.
that at the point where such chute discharges
into the chute steeper than 45” to the horizon- 10 REFERENCES
tal, the top of the steeper chute shall be boarded
Other Indian Standards on the subject of safety of
over to prevent the escape of materials.
workers, in addition to the handbook under preparation
Any opening into which workmen dump debris are as follows:
at the top of the chute shall be guarded by a
substantial guard rail extending at least 1 m IS No. Title
above the~level of the floor or other surface on 3696 (Part I) : Safety code of scaffolds and
which men stand to dump the materials into the 1987 ladders: Part 1 Scaffolds
chute. 40 14 (Part 2) : Code of practice for steel tubular
A toe board or bumper not less than 50 mm 1967 scaffolding: Part 2 Safety~regula-
thick and 150 mm high shall be provided at tions for scaffolding
each chute opening, if the~required material is 3764: 1992 Code of safety for excavation
dumped from the wheel barrows. Any space work first revision)
between the chute and the edge of the opening 7969 : 1975 Safety code for handling and
in the floor through which it passes shall be storage of building materials
solidly planked over. 13415 : 1992 Code of safety for protective bar-
riers in and around buildings
9.3 Through Openings 13416 (Part I) : Recommendations for preven-
1992 tive measures against hazards at
4 Debris may also be dropped through holes i? workplaces: Part 1 Falling
the floor without the use of chutes. In such a material hazards prevention
case the total area of the hole cut in the inter- 13416 (Part 2) : Recommendations for preven-
mediate floor, one which lies between tloor 1982 tive measures against hazards at
that is being demolished and the storage floor workplaces : Part 2 Fall preven-
shall not exceed 25 percent of such floor area. tion
It shall be ensured that the storage tloor is of 13430 : 1992 Code of practice for safety
adequate strength to withstand the impact of during additional construction
the falling material. and alteration to existing
b) Openings in all floors below the floor from
which materials are being removed, shall be
paumJ3j”a~) (1 luaurpuawf) (996 [ : fjE I[ SI %upas.~adns) (uo~s!nal p_/yz)
luaura>Jo3u!a.r alamio3 103 sa+ put2 mq Iaals paurJo3ap ql%aJls q%H S861 : 98LI
(I iuau~puauqf)
(UO~S+%i pq1) paseq l&y paug1?3 Z l.I”d :luaura:, eueIozzod pUr?ll.lOd 166 I : (Z l-‘ed) 68P1
(uo~s~m pq3) paseq ysr? Q 1 l.IEd warna:, ew1ozzod pUE[l.lOd 1661 : (I l-led) 68P1
(066 1 paum33eaa) (uols!naJ Qz403as) (Ilaqs pw %!.I ‘1312.1
wql Jaylo)
s[!os uo suo~lepuno3 Mo[p?qsJo uo~lmlsuo~ pw U8!Sap 10~ aDgmd3o apoa 9861 : 0801
(I 661 PamJrJjuatf) (2 sluaw
-puaurV) (uo~s~na~pqz) alamuo3 paDIo3u!al pue uyd .103acylmd3o apoa 8L6I : 9SP
(E sluaurpuauy) (uo?sy~ qJ.moJ) luaura:, 9~21spueplod 6861 : SSP
(~661 pauw3eax) (WYJ P-W)
sJeq laals apsual rumpaw pue laals ppw 1 l.wd : luama3103ufaJ alamu
103 aqM [aals urnwp-p.wq puv sleq laals apsual umpalu pur! Iaals pj!m 2861 : (I lJ”d) ZEP
Co661 pavwa& (2
sluaurpuaurV) (uoylna~ pqy~) laqtug30 uoge,tJasald ~03 a3ymd 30 apoz Z86I : IOP
(E SlUXUpUXU~) (UOfSJAiU ZfWlOJ> lU3Ula3 pUt?[l.IOd
d.lW!p.lO3pW8 EE 6861 : 692
suo!lv3!Dads Z6- 166 I CIMd3
paum33eax) (Z sluampuaruV) salmluamo3 alqw3ynwa so3!I/(dJolq3 8L61 : Pi768
(~661 pam.c33vatI)
(Z sluaurpuawV) (uo?sfna_i is.4~J)sale.nuamo3 aIqm;S!sImua .IOppWdaH 8L61 : 6EP9
(I 661 PaW33~aX) (E
sluaurpuamf) (zro~s~na~JS_@) sa.xnsr?atu luamleall lwyaqg yoymqsuo~
-ag Z l.rl?d : s%up1!nq u! samseaur al!unal-pue 103 aycmd 30 apoa 1861 : (Z l=d) EIE9
(0661 pawJrJJea2U (1 waw
-puaurV) 8uysz1q pm iXuyI!~a 1 uoyag ‘~30~ u! uogeAe3xa puno.&apun
Z l.wd : .xaleM i?u!daAuoD Iauunl 30 uo!lmusuo3 -lo3 a3!lmd 30 apoa 0L61 : ( I 3aS/Z l-“Jd) 8L8S
(1661 paum33eax) suoyelado %uq~pp palyar pue %!lseIq 103 apos 4a3es 9861 : 18OP
(UO~S~AiX1lS.@)6la3w3oapo~--- JlOM uo~lr?Ae3xrJ Z661 : P9LE*
(~661 pauv33va&
(1 1uauipuaruV) (uoy~an puonas) salmluamo3 alqw3yntua auvploIq3 I7861 : 2892
(2661 paum33eax) (Z sluaurpuayf) (U0~S~AiJ-l
sasodrnd %paaur%a IwauaB .103~110s30 uogwgyuap! pur? UO~E?XJ~SS~~~ OL61 : 86PI
(uofs?na.dpq$) ayxxd 30 apoa - 8u!p[!nq u! .IaqLug p2mlm.Qs 30 u%!saa 0L61 : E88
( I 66 I paw33Ea2Q
(1 1uampuawV) sp2!~aletu Bu!pI!nq30 a3wois pue &uIpueq .103apo2 Xla3es SL61 : 696L
(0661 pauy33sa~) (uwp~ IS-@)
al!s 1~ sp+almu uogmqsuo2 30 af?mols pm 8uyels uo uo~lepuauuuo3a~ LL61 : Z8OPe
(uo~sfna_ipuoxw) acycmd 30 apes - .Iaqur!l30 th!UOSk?aS E661 : IPlI
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
*1904: 1986 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations in soils :
General requirements (third revision)
2062 : 1992 Steel for general structural purposes (fourth revision) (supersedes IS 226 :
1975) (Amendment 1)
2911 (Part l/Set I) : 1979 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 1
Concrete piles, Section 1 Driven case in-situ concrete piles @first revision)
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1987)
2911 (Part l/Set 2) : 1979 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 1
Concrete piles, Section 2 Bored cast in-situ piles (first revision) (Amend-
ments 3) (Reaffirmed 1987)
2911 (Part l/Set 3) : 1979 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 1
Concrete piles, Section 3 Driven precast concrete piles (first revision)
(Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1987)
2911 (Part l/Set 4) : 1984 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 1
Concrete piles, Section 4 Bored precast concrete piles (Amendment 1)
2911 (Part 2) : 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 2
Timber piles (first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1987)
29 11 (Part 3) : 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 3
Under reamed piles @rst revision) (Amendments 3)
2911 (Part 4) : 1985 Code of practice for design and construction of pile foundations : Part 4
Load test on piles (first revision) (Amendment 1)
2950 (Part 1) : 1981 Code of practice for design and construction of raft foundations : Part 1
Design (second revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
2974 (Part 1) : 1982 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations :
Part 1 Foundations for reciprocating type machines (second revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
2974 (Part 2) : 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of machine foundations :
Part 2 Foundations for impact type machine (hammer foundations) (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
2974 (Part 3) : 1992 Design and construction of machine foundations - Code of practice :
Part 3 Foundations for rotary type machines (medium and high frequency)
2974 (Part 4) : 1979 Code of practice for design and construcrtion of machine foundations :
Part 4 Foundations for rotary type machines of low frequency (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1987)
2974 (Part 5) : 1987 Code of practice for design and constrution of machine foundations :
Part 5 Foundations for impact machines other than hammers (forging and
stamping press, pig breakers, drop crusher and jolter) (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1993)
3629 : 1986 Specification for structural timber in building @rst revision) (Reaffirmed
4094 : 1979 Code of practice for design and construction of foundations for transmis-
sion line towers and poles (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1987)
6403 : 1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow founda-
tions (first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
6909 : 1990 Specification for supersulphated cement (Amendments 2)
8009 (Part 1) : 1976 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations: Part I Shallow
foundations subject to symmetrical static vertical loads (Amendments 2)
(Reaffirmed 1993)
8009 (Part 2) : I980 Code of practice for calculation of settlement of foundations : Part 2 Deep
foundations subjected to symmetrical static vertical loading (Amendment
1) (Reaffirmed 1987)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
8041 : 1990 Rapid hardening Portland cement (second revision) (Amendments 2)
9456 : 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of conical and hyperbolic
paraboloidal types of shell foundations (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
“9556 : 1980 Code of practice for design and construction of diaphragm walls (Amend-
ment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
11089 : 1984 Code of practice for design and construction of ring foundation (Amend-
ment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
11233 : 1985 Code of practice for design and construction of radar antenna, microwave
and TV tower foundations (Reaffirmed 1990)
12269: 1987 53 grade ordinary Portland cement (Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1992)
13094 : 1992 Guidelines for selection of ground improvement techniques for foundation
in weak soils
SP 36 (Part 2) : 1988 Compendium of Indian Standards on soil engineering : Part 2 Field testing
Part 1 Mortars
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No.
“SP 20 (S & Tj: 1991 Handbook on masonry design and construction (first revision)
SP 21 (S &T) : 1983 Summaries of Indian Standards for building materials
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
280 : 1978 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes (third revision) (Amend-
ment I ) (Reaffirmed 1992)
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third revision) (Amend-
ments 2) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
1905: 1987 Code of practice for structural use of un-reinforced masonry (third revision)
(Reaffirmed 1992)
2185 (Part 1) : 1979 Concrete masonry units : Part I Hollow and solid concrete blocks (second
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2185 (Part 2) : 1983 Concrete masonry units : Part 2 Hollow and solid weight concrete blocks
(first revisiort) (superseding IS 3590) (Reaffirmed 1989)
2185 (Part 3) : 1984 Concrete masonry units : Part 3 Autoclaved cellular aerated concrete blocks
@rst revision) (superseding IS 5482) (Reaffirmed 1990)
*2572 : 1963 Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry
(Reaffirmed 1992)
*6041 : 1985 Code of practice for construction of autoclaved cellular concrete block
masonry Cfirstrevision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
*6042 : 1969 Code of practice for construction~of lightweight concrete block masonry
(Reaffirmed 1990)
Section 4 In-situ Construction with Soil Cement
217 : 1988 Cutback bitumen (second revision)
2110 : 1980 Code of practice for in-situ construction of walls, in building with
soil-cement (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
Part 3 Stonework
CPWD 199 I -92 Specifications
1123 : 1975 Method of identification of natural building stones (first revision) (Reaf- i
firmed 1990)
-._. _,
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Titie
1127 : 1970 Recommendations for dimensions and workmanship of natural building
stones for masonry work (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1993)
1128 : 1974 Limestone (slab and tiles) (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1993)
1129: 1972 Recommendation for dressing of natural building stones (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1993)
1130: 1969 Marble (blocks, slabs and tiles) (Reaffirmed 1993)
“1597 (Part 1) : 1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry : Part 1 Rubble stone
masonry yirst revision)
;k1597 (Part 2) : 1992 Code of practice for construction of stone masonry : Part 2 Ashlar masonry
(first revision)
1630 : 1984 Mason’s tools for plaster work and pointing work (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
1905 : 1987 Code of practice for structural use of un-reinforced masonry (third revision)
(Reaffirmed 1992)
2250 : 1981 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
3316 : 1974 Specification for structural granite (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1993)
3620 : 1979 Specification for laterite stone block for masonry (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1993)
3622 : 1977 Specification for sandstone (slab and tiles) (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1993)
3696 (Part 1) : 1987 Safety code of scaffolds and ladders : Part 1 Scaffolds (Reaffirmed 199 1)
4101 (Part 1) : 1967 Code of practice for external facing and veneers : Part 1 Stone facing
(Reaffirmed 1990)
12440~: 1988 Precast concrete stone masonry blocks
“SP 20 (S &T) : 1991 Handbook on masonry design and construction Cfirst revision)
SP 21 (S & T) : 1983 Summarise of Indian Standards for building materials
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
883: 1970 Design of structural timber in building - Code of practice (third revision)
1199 : 1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete (Reaffirmed 199 1)
1344 : 1981 Calcined clay pozzolana (second revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed
1489 (Part 1) : 1991 Portland pozzolana cement : Part 1 Ply ash based (third revision)
!489 (Part 2) : 1991 Portland pozzolana cement : Part 2 Calcined clay based (third revision)
(Amendment 1)
1566 : 1982 Hard-drawn steel wire fabric for concrete reinforcement (second revision)
(Amendments 2)
1786 : 1985 High strength deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement
(third revision) (superseding IS 1139 : 1966) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed
1791 : 1985 Batch type concrete mixers (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1946: 1961 Code of practice-for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and floors of
solid construction (Reaffirmed 1992)
2062 : 1992 Steel and general structural purposes (fourth revision) (supersedes
IS 226 : 1975) (Amendment 1)
2386 (Part 1) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 1 Particle size and shape
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part 2) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 2 Estimation of deleterious
materials and organic impurities (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part 3) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part3 Specific gravity, density,
voids, absorption and bulking (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part 4) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 4 Mechanical properties
(Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part5) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 5 Soundness (Reaffirmed
2386 (Part 6) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 6 Measuring mortar
making properties of fine aggregates (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part 7) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 7 Alkali aggregate
reactivity (Reaffirmed 1990)
2386 (Part 8) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 8 Petrographic exami-
nation (Reaffirmed 1990)
2502 : 1963 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete reinforcement
(Reaffirmed 1990)
2505 : 1980 Concrete vibrators-Immersion type-General requirements (Reaffirmed
2506 : 1985 General requirements for screed board concrete vibrators lfirst revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
2514 : 1963 Concrete vibrating tables (Reaffirmed 1991)
2541 : 1991 Code of practice for preparation and use of lime concrete (second revision)
2686 : 1977 Cinder as fine aggregates for use in lime concrete (first revision) (Amend-
ment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2751 : 1979 Recommended practice for welding of mild steel plain and deformed bars
for reinforced construction (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
3025 : 1964 Methods of sampling and test (physical and chemical) for water used in
3036 : 1992 Laying lime concrete for a waterproofed roof finish - Code of practice
(second revision)
3068 : 1986 Broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregtates for use in lime concrete
(second revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
3182: 1986 Broken brick (burnt clay) fine aggregates for use in lime mortar (second
revision) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
3812: 1981 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
4031 (Part 1) : 1988 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement : Part 1 Determination of
fineness by dry sieving (first revision)
4098 : 1983 Lime-pozzolana mixture (first revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed
4656 : 1968 Form vibrators for concrete (Reaffirmed 199 I)
4925 : 1968 Concrete batching and mixing plant (Reaffirmed 1991)
4926 : 1976 Ready mixed concrete (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4990 : 1993 Plywood for concreteshuttering work (second revision)
5817: 1992 Preparation and use of lime-pozzolana mixture concrete in buildings and
roads - Code of practice (first revision)
6452: 1989 Specification for high alumina cement for structural use (Amendment 1)
6909 : 1990 Specification for supersulphated cement (Amendments 2)
7861 (Part 1) : 1975 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting : Part 1 Recommended
practice for hot weather concreting (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
7861 (Part2) : 1981 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting : Part 2 Recommended
practice for cold weather concreting (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
8041 : 1990 Rapid hardening Portland cement (second revision) (Amendments 2)
8043 : 1991 Hydrophobic Portland cement (second revision) (Amendments 2)
8112: 1989 43 grade ordinary Portland cement yirst revision) (Amendments 3)
9012: 1978 Recommended practice for shotcreting (Reaffirmed 1992)
9013 : 1978 Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of
accelerated cured concrete test specimens (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
9103 : 1979 Admixtures for concrete (Reaffirmed 1990)
10262: 1982 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design (Reaffirmed 1989)
12600: 1989 Low heat Portland cement (Amendments 3)
133 11 (Part 1) : 1992 Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test : Part 1 Ultrasonic
pulse velocity
13311 (Part 2) : 1992 Non-destructive testing of concrete - Methods of test : Part 2Rebound
SP 23 (S & T) : 1982 Handbook on concrete mixes (based on Indian Standards ) (with Amend-
ment 1)
SP 24 (S & T) : 1983 Explanatory handbook on Indian Standard Code for plain and reinforced
concrete (IS 456 : 1978)
SP 33 (S &T) : 1986 Handbook on timber engineering
SP 34 (S &T) : 1987 Handbook on concrete reinforcement and detailing (Amendment 1)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
“6313 (Part 3) : 1981 Code of practice for anti-termite measures in buildings : Part 3 Treatment
for existing buildings (first revision) (Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 199 I)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
4021 : 1983 Timber door, window and ventilator frames (seconrl revision) (Amendment
1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
4351 : 1976 Specification for steel door frames @rst revision) (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 199 1)
*4913 : 1968 Code ofpractice for selection, installation and maintenance of timber doors
and windows (Reaffirmed 1991)
4962 : 1968 Specification for wooden side sliding doors (Reaffirmed 199 1)
4970 : 1973 Key for identification of commercial timbers (first revision) (Reaffirmed
5187 : 1972 Flush bolts (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
5437 : 1970 Figured, rolled and wired glass (Reaffirmed 1984)
5509 : 1980 Fire retardant plywood @rst revision) (Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1990)
5539 : 1969 Specification for preservative treated plywood (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
6198 : 1992 Ledged, braced and battened timber door shutters (second revision)
6248 : 1979 Specification for metal rolling shutters and rolling grills (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1991)
6534 : 1971 Guiding principles of grading and inspection of timber (Reaffirmed 1990)
6701 : 1985 Tungsten filament miscellaneous electric lamps (first revision) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
7316 : 1974 Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1992)
7452 : 1990 Hot-rolled steel sections for doors, windows and ventilators (second
10439 : 1983 Code of practice for patent glazing (Reaffirmed 1990)
10451 : 1983 Steel sliding shutters (top hung type) (Reaffirmed 1990)
10521 : 1983 Collapsible gates (Reaffirmed 1991)
10701: 1983 Structural plywood (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
11433 (Part 1) : 1985 One part grade polysulphide base joints sealant : Part 1 General require-
ments (Reaffirmed 1990)
11433 (Part 2) : 1986 One part grade polysulphide base joints sealant : Part 2 Methods of test
(Reaffirmed 199 1)
I2896 : 1990 Classification of Indian timbers for door and window shutters and frames
13622 : 1993 Indian timbers for furnitures and cabinets - Classificaiion
SP21 (S&T): 1983 Summarise of Indian Standards for building materials
SP 33 (S &T) : 1986 Handbook on timber engineering
104: 1979 Ready mixed paint, brushing, zinc chrome, priming (second revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1993)
123 : 1962 Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing, semi-gloss, for general purposes
to Indian Standard Colours No. 445,446,448,449,451,473 and red oxide
(colour unspecified) (revised) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third revision) (Amend-
ment 2) (Reaffirmed 1991)
“800 : 1984 Code of practice for general construction in steel (second revision)
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1991)
801 : 1975 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members
in general building construction Cfirsr revision) (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 199 1)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
*806 : 1968 Code of practice use of steel tubes in general building construction Cfirst
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
811 : 1988 Cold formed light gauge structural steel sections (revised)
814 : 1991 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon
manganese steel (fifth revision)
816 : 1969 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in
mild steel (first revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1992)
817 (Part 1) : 1992 Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders: Part 1 Manual
metal arc welding (slcond revision)
819: 1957 Code of practice for resistance spot welding for light assemblies in mild
steel (Reaffirmed 1992)
919 (Part 1) : 1993 IS0 system of limits and fits : -Part 1 Bases of tolerances, deviations and
fits (second revision)
1024: 1979 Code of practice for use of welding in bridges and structures subject to
dynamic loading @rst revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
1030: 1989 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes (fourth revision)
(Amendments 2)
1148: 1982 Hot-rolled rivet bars (up to 40 mm dia) for structural purposes (third
revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
1149: 1982 High tensile steel rivet bars for structural purposes (third revision) (Re-
affirmed 1992)
1161 : 1979 Steel tubes for structural purposes (third revision) (Amendments 2) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
1261 : 1959 Code of practice for seam welding in mildsteel (Reaffirmed 1992)
1278 : 1972 Filler rods and wires for gas welding (second revision) (Amendments 2)
(Reaffirmed 1991)
1323 : 1982 Code of practice for oxy-acetylene welding for structural work in mild
steels (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1987)
1363 (Part 1) : 1992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C : Part 1 Hexagon
head bolts (size range M 5 to M 64) (third revision)
1363 (Part 2) : l992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C : Part 2 Hexagon
head screws (size range M 5 to M 64) (third revision)
1363 (Part 3) : 1992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grade C : Part 3 Hexagon
nuts (size range M 5 to M 64) (third revision)
1364 (Part 1) : 1992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A and B : Part 1
Hexagon head bolts (size range M 1.6 to M 64) (third revision)
1364 (Part 2) : 1992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A and B : Part 2
Hexagon head screws (size range M 1.6 to M 64) (third revision)
1364 (Part 3) : 1992 Hexagon head bolts, screws and nuts of product grades A and B : Part 3
Hexagon nuts (size range M 1.6 to M 64) (third revision)
1367 (Part 3) : 1991 Fasteners - Threaded steel - Technical supply conditions : Part 3
Mechanical~properties and test methods for bolts, screws and studs with full
loadability (third revision)
1393: 1961 Code of practice for training and testing of oxy-acetylene welders (Re-
affirmed 199 1)
1477 (Part 1) : 1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings : Part 1
Pretreatment (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1477 (Part 2) : 1971 Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings : Part 2 Painting
(fwst revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1929: 1982 Hot forged steel rivets for hot closing (12’to 36 mm diameter) (first revision)
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
SP 62 (S 8z T) : 1997
IS No. Title
1977 : 1975 Structural steel (ordinary quality) (second revision) (Amendments 4)
(Reaffirmed 1992)
2062 : 1992 Steel for general structural purposes (fourth revision) (supersedes IS 226 :
1975) (Amendment 1)
2074 : 1992 Ready mixed paint, air drying, red oxide-zinc chrome, priming (second
2155 : 1982 Cold forged solid steel rivets for hot closing (6 to 16 mm diameter) (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3502: 1981 Steel chequered plates (first revision)
3613 : 1974 Acceptance tests for wire flux combination for submerged arc welding (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1987)
3640: 1982 Hexagon fit bolts @rst revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3757 : 1985 High strength structural bolts (second revision) (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 1992)
5369: 1975 General requirements for plain washers and lock washers (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 199 1)
5370 : 1969 Plain washers with outside diameter cc3 x inside diameter (Reaffirmed 199 1)
5374: 1975 Taper washers for I-beams (ISMB) (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
6419 : 1971 Welding rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding of structural
steel (Reaffirmed 199~1)
6560 : 1972 Molybdenum and chromium-molybdenum low alloy steel welding rods and
bare electrodes for gas shielded arc welding (Reaffirmed 1991)
6610 : 1972 Heavy washers for steel structures (Reaffirmed 1991)
6623 : 1985 High strength structural nuts (first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed
6649 : 1985 Hardened and tempered washers for high strength structural bolts and nuts
(first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1988)
7205 : 1974 Safety code-for erection of structural steel work (Reaffirmed 1991)
7215 : I974 Tolerances for fabrication of steel structures (Amendment I) (Reaffirmed
7280 : 1974 Bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding of structural steels (Re-
affirmed 1991)
7307 (Part 1) : 1974 Approval tests for welding procedures : Part 1 Fusion welding of steel
(Reaffirmed 1991)
7310 (Part I) : 1974 Approval tests for welders working to approved welding procedures : Part 1
Fusion welding of steel (Reaffirmed 1987)
7318 (Part 1) : 1974 Approval tests for welders when welding procedure approval is not
required : Part 1 Fusion welding of steel (Reaffirmed 1991)
8500 : 1992 Structural steel -Microalloyed (medium and high strength qualities) (first
revision) (Amendment 1)
9595 : 1980 Recommendations for metal arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese
steel (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
12843 : 1989 Tolerances for erection of steel structures
SP 6(5) : 1980 Cold-formed, light-gauge steel structures @-St revision)
77 : 1976 Linseed oil, boiled for paints (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1993)
269 : 1989 33 grade ordinaryportland cement (fourth revision) (Amendments 3)
303 : 1989 Plywood for general purposes (third revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed ’
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
383: 1970 Coarse and fine aggregates from natura! sources for concrete (second
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
401 : 1982 Code of practice for preservation of timber (third revision) (Amendments
2) (Reaffirmed 1990)
455 : 1989 Portland slag cement (fiourth revision) (Amendments 3)
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third revisian) (Amend-
ment 2) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
533 : 1973 Gum spirit of turpentine (oil of turpentine) (first revision) (Reaffirmed
651 : 1992 Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (fifth revision)
653 : 1992 Linoleum sheets and tiles (third revision)
657 : 1982 Materials for use in the manufacture of magnesium oxychloride flooring
compositions (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
658: 1982 Code of practice for magnesium oxychloride composition floors (second
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
712 : 1984 Building limes (third revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
723 : 1972 Steel countersunk head wire nails (first revision) (Amendments 3) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
809 : 1992 Rubber flooring materials for general purposes (second revision)
1077: 1992 Common burnt clay building bricks (j@th rwision)
1141 : 1993 Seasoning of timber - Code of practice (second revision)
1195 : 1978 Bitumen mastic for flooring (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1196: 1978 Code of practice for laying bitumen mastic flooring (second revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
1197 : 1970 Code of practice for laying of rubber floors Cfirst revision) (Reaffirmed
1198: 1982 Code of practice for laying, fixing and maintenance of linoleum floor (first
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1237 : 1980 Cement concrete flooring tiles (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1322 : 1993 Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing (fourtir revision)
“1443 : 1972 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete tlooring tiles
(first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
1489 (Part 1) : 1991 Portland pozzolana cement : Part 1 Fly ash based (third revision)
1489 (Part 2) : 1991 Portland pozzolana cement : Part 2 Calcined clay based (third revision)
(Amendment 1)
1580 : 1991 Bituminous compounds for waterproofing and caulking purposes (second
1609 : 1991 Code of practice for laying damp-proofing treatment using bitumen felts
(second revision)
1661 : 1972 Code of practice for application of cement and cement-lime plaster finishes
Cfirst revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
“2114 : 1984 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazo floor finish (first revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2116: 1980 Sand for masonry mortars (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2180: 1988 Heavy duty burnt clay building bricks (third revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
2386 (Part 4) : 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete : Part 4 Mechanical properties
(Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1990)
‘“2571 : 1970 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1991)
3384 : 1986 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp-
proofing (first revision) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
3414 : 1968 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings (Re-
affirmed 1990)
3461 : 1980 Specification for PVC-asbestos floor tiles (first revision) (Amendments 2)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
3462 : 1986 Specification for unbacked flexible PVC flooring (second revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3502 : 1981 Steel chequered plates (first revision)
3583 : 1988 Specification of burnt clay paving bricks (second revision)
3622 : 1977 Specification for sandstone (slabs and tiles) (first revision) (Reaffirmed
3629 : 1986 Specification for structural timber in building (first revision) (Reaffirmed
3670: 1989 Code of practice for construction of timber floors (first revisiorz)
444 1 : 1980 Code of practice for use of silicate type chemical resistant mortars (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4442 : 1980 Code of practice for use of sulphur type chemical resistant mortars (first
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4443 : 1980 Code of practice for use of resin type chemical resistant mortars (first
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4456 (Part I) : 1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars : Part 1 Silicate typeand resin
type (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4456 (Part 2) : 1967 Methods of test for chemical resistant mortars : Part 2 Sulphur type
(Reaffirmed 1990)
4457 : 1982 Ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tile (first revision) (Reaffirmed
4631 : 1986 Code of practice for laying of epoxy resin floor toppings (first revision)
(Reaffirmed I99 1)
4832 (Part 1) : 1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars : Part 1 Silicate type (Re-
affirmed 1990)
4832 (Part 2) : 1969 Specification for chemical resistant mortars : Part 2 Resin type (Amend-
ment I) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4832 (Part 3) : 1968 Specification for chemical resistant mortars : Part 3 Sulphur type (Re-
affirmed 1990)
4860 : 1968 Acid-resistant bricks (Reaffirmed 199 I)
4971 : 1968 Recommendations for selection of industrial floor finishes (Reaffirmed
5318 : 1969 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring (Re-
affirmed 1990)
5389: 1969 Code of practice for laying of hardwood parquet and wood block floors
(Reaffirmed 1992)
5491 : 1969 Code of practice for laying of in-situ granolithic concrete flooring~topping
(Reaffirmed 1990)
“5760 : 1983 Compressed argon (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
5766 : 1970 Code of practice for laying of burnt clays brick flooring (Reaffirmed 199 1)
6727 : 1972 Fireclay checker bricks for open hearth furnace (Reaffirmed 1992)
6909 : 1990 Specification for supersulphated cement (Amendments 2)
7193 : 1974 Glassfibre base coaltar pitch and bitumen felts
7956 : 1975 Recommendations for selection of dairy floor finishes (Reaffirmed 1990)
8042 : 1989 White Portland cement (second revision) (Amendments 4)
8374 : 1977 Bitumen mastic, anti-static and electrically conducting grade (Reaffirmed
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
9077 : 1979 Code of practice for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in RB and
RCC constiuction (Reaffirmed 1991)
9197: 1979 Epoxy resin, hardness and epoxy resin compositions for floor topping
(Reaffirmed 1990)
9472: 1980 Code of practice for laying mosaic parquet flooring (Reaffirmed 1992)
10440: 1983 Code of practice for construction of RB and RBC floors and roofs (Reaf-
firmed 1990)
13026: 1991 Bitumen mastic for flooring for industries handling LPG and~other light
hydrocarbon products (Amendment 1)
13074 : 1991 Laying of bitumen mastic flooring for industries handling LPG and other
light hydrocarbon products - Code of practice
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
1946 : 1961 Code of practice for use of fixing devices in walls, ceilings and floors of
solid construction (Reaffirmed 1992)
2095 : 1982 Gypsum plaster boards (first revi.vion) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
2098 : 1964 Asbestos cement building boards (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2114: 1984 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish (first revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2116: 1980 Sand for masonry mortar yirst revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2185 (Part 1) : 1979 Concrete masonry units : Part 1 Hollow and solid concrete blocks (second
revision) (superseding IS 3590) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2185 (Part 2) : 1983 Concrete masonry units : Part 2 Hollow and solid light weight concrete
blocks (first revision) (superseding IS 3590) (Reaffirmed 1989)
2185 (Part 3) : 1984 Concrete masonry units : Part 3 Autoclaved cellular aeratedconcrete blocks
(first revision) (superseding IS 5482) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2394 : 1984 Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish (fkst revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
2402 : 1963 Code of practice for external rendered finishes (Reaffirmed 1990)
2441 : 1984 Code of practice for fixing ceiling covering (j?rst revision) (Reaffirmed
2547 (Part 1) : 1976 Gypsum building plaster : Part 1 Excluding premixed lightweight plaster
(first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
2547 (Part 2) : I976 Gypsum building plaster: Part 2 Premixed lightweight plaster (first
revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
2691 : 1988 Burnt clay facing bricks (second revision)
2818 (Part 1) : 1990 Indian hessian : Part 1 General (second revision)
2849 : 1983 Specification for non-load bearing gypsum partition blocks (solid and
hollow types) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3087 : 1985 Wood particle boards (medium density) for general purposes (first revision)
(Amendments 4) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3097 : 1980 Veneered particle boards (first revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed
3129: 1985 Low density particle boards (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3348 : 1965 Specification for fibre insulation boards (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3466 : 1988 Specification for masonry cement (second revision) (Amendment 1)
3478 : 1966 Specification for high density wood particle boards (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 1992)
3629 : 1986 Specification for structural timber in building (fi’rst revision) (Reaffirmed
3630 : 1992 Code of practice for construction of non-load bearing gypsum block
partitions (first revision)
3677 : 1985 Unbonded rock and slag wool for thermal insulation (second revision)
(superseding IS 5696) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3812: 1981 Fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture (first revision) (Reaffirmed
4101 (Part 1) : 1967 Code of practice for external facing and veneers : Part 1 Stone facing
(Reaffirmed 1990)
4101 (Part 2) : 1967 Code of practice for external facing and veneers : Part 2 Cement concrete
facing (Reaffirmed 1990)
4101 (Part 3) : 1985 Code of practice for external facing and veneers : Part 3 Wall tiling and
mosaics (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
4407 : 1967 Code of practice for reed walling (Reaffirmed 1992)
SP 62 (S Sr T) : 1997
IS No. Title
4671 : 1984 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes (first revision)
(Reaffirmed 1990)
5390 : 1984 Code of practice for construction of timber ceiling (first revision) (Re-
affirmed 199 1)
i 5.509 : 1980 Fire retardant plywood (first revision) (Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1990)
6730 : 1972 Felt nails (Reaffirmed 1990)
6738 : 1972 Panel pins and lost head nails (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1990)
6760 : 1972 Slotted countersunk head wood screws (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1988)
7316 : 1974 Decorative plywood using plurality of veneers for decorative faces
(Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1992)
8041 : 1990 Rapid hardening Portland cement (second revision) (Amendments 2)
12727: 1989 Code of practice for no fines cast in-situ cement concrete
158 : 1981 Ready mixed paint, brushing, bituminous, black lead-free, acid alkali and
heat resisting (third revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1988)
217 : 1988 Cutback bitumen (second reb?sion)
269 : 1989 33 grade ordinary Portland cement yburth revision) (Amendments 3)
277 : 1992 Galvanized steel sheet (plain and corrugated) (fifth revision) (Amend-
ments 2)
280 : 1978 Mild steel wire for general engineering purposes (third revision) (Amend-
ment 1) (Reaffirmed 1992)
383 : 1970 Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete (second
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
432 (Part 1) : 1982 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard-drawn steel wire for
concrete reinforcement : Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars
(third revision)
451 : 1972 Technical supply conditions for wood screws (second revision) (Amend-
ment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
455 : 1989 Portland slag cement fourth revision) (Amendments 3)
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (third revision) (Amend-
ments 2) (Reaffirmed 1991)
459 : 1992 Corrugated and semi-corrugated asbestos cement sheets (third revision)
654 : 1992 Clay roofing tiles, Mangalore pattern (third revision)
712 : 1984 Building limes (third revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
723 : 1972 Steel countersunk head wire nails (first revision) (Amendments 3) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
725 : 1961 Copper wire nails (revised) (Reaffirmed 1990)
730 : 1978 Hook bolts for corrugated sheet roofing (second revision) (Amendments 2)
(Reaffirmed 1988)
805 : 1968 Code of practice for use of steel in gravity water tanks (Reaffirmed 1991)
808 : 1989 Dimensions for hot-rolled steel beam, column channel and angle sections
(third revision) (Amendment 1)
883: 1970 Design of structural timber in building - Code of practice (third revision)
1077 : 1992 Common burnt clay building bricks @fh revision)
1120: 1975 Coach screws yirst revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1190 : 1990 Textile machinery - Healds twin wire for weaving - Specification (third
1199 : 1959 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete (Reaffirmed 199 1)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
~1sNo. Title
*606 1 (Part 3) : 198 1 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler
blocks : Part 3 Precast hollow clay blocks joints and hollow clay filler
blocks (Reaffirmed 1992)
*6061 (Part 4) : 1981 Code of practice for construction of floor and roof with joists and filler
blocks : Part 4 With precast hollow clay blocks slab panels (Reaffirmed
6332 : 1984 Code of practice for construction of floor and roofs using precast doubly-
curved shell units (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
8869 : 1978 Washers for corrugated sheet roofing (Reaffirmed 1990)
“12093 : 1987 Code of practice for laying and-fixing of sloped roof coverings using plain
and corrugated galvanized steel sheet (IS0 6589-1983):Reaffirmed 1993)
*12SO6 : 1988 Code of practice for improved thatching of roof with rot and fire retardant
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
3068 : 1986 Broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregates for use in lime concrete (second
revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3370 (Part I) : 1965 Code of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids : Part I
General requirements (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3384: 1986 Specification for bitumen primer for use in waterproofing and damp-
proofing (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
4098 : 1983 Lime-pozzolana mixture (first revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed
4365 : 1967 Code of practice for application of bitumen mastic for waterproofing of
roofs (Reaffirmed 1990)
5871 : 1987 Bitumen mastic for tanking and damp-proofing (first revision) (Reaffirmed
6494 : 1988 Code of practice for waterproofing of underground water reservoirs and
swimming pools (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1994)
7193 : 1974 Glass fibre base coaltar pitch and bitumen felts
7198 : 1974 Code of practice for damp-proofing using bitumen mastic (Reaffirmed
7290 : 1979 Recommendations for use of polyethylene film for waterproofing of roofs
first,revisinn) (Reaffirmed 1990)
9759 : 1981 Guidelines for de-watering during construction (Amendment 1) (Re-
affirmed 1987)
9918 : 1981 Code of practice for in-situ waterproofing and damp-proofing treatments
with glass fibre tissue reinforced bitumen (Reaffirmed 1990)
12027 : 1987 Silicone-based water repellents (Reaffirmed 1992)
12054 : 1987 Code of practice for application of silicone based water repellent (Re-
a affirmed 1992)
13182 : 1991 Waterproofing and damp-proofing of wet areas in building -
1834 : 1984 Hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete @rst revision) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
1838 (Part I) : 1983 Preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements and structures
(non extruding and resilient type) : Part I Bitumen impregnated fibre Virst
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
1838 (Part 2) : 1984 Preformed fillers for expansion joint in concrete pavements and structures
(non extruding and resilient type) : Part 2 CNSL Aldehyde resin and
coconut pith
3414: 1968 Code of practice for design and installation of joints in buildings (Re-
affirmed 1990)
10958 : 1984 General check list of functions of joints in buildings (Reaffirmed 1992)
11433 (Part 1) : 1985 One part grade polysulphide based joint sealant : Part 1 General requirements
11817: 1986 Classification of joints in buildings for accomodation of dimensional
deviations during construction (Reaffirmed 1992)
11-818 : 1986 Method oftest for laboratory determination of air permeability of joints in
buildings (Reaffirmed 1992)
12118 (Part 1) : 1987 Two parts polysulphide based sealant : Part 1 General requirements (Re-
affirmed 1992)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
*2.524 (Part 1) : 1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings : Part 1
Pretreatment (Reaffirmed 1990)
*2524 (Part 2) : 1968 Code of practice for painting of non-ferrous metals in buildings : Part 2
Painting (Reaffirmed 1990)
2932 : 1993 Enamel, synthetic, exterior (a) undercoating, (b) finishing (secondrevision)
2933 : 1975 Enamel exterior (a) undercoating, (b) finishing (first revision) (Amend-
ments 2) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3531 : 1983 Glossary of terms relating to corrosion of metals first revision) (Reaffirmed
3536 : 1966 Ready mixed paint, brushing, wood primer, pink (Amendments 4) (Re-
affirmed 1988) ,
3537 : 1966 Ready mixed paint, finishing, interior, for general purposes, to Indian
Standard Colours No. 101,216,217,219,275,281,352, 353, 358 to 361,
363,364,388,410,442,444,628,631,632,634,693,697, white and black
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
3539 : 1966 Ready mixed paint, undercoating, for use under oil finishes to Indian
Standard Colours, as required (Amendments 3) (Reaffirmed 1988)
3585 : 1966 Ready mixed paint, aluminium, brushing priming, water resistant, for
woodwork (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1988)
4597 : 1968 Code of practice for finishing of wood and wood based products with
nitrocellulose and cold catalysed materials (Reaffirmed 1990)
6005 : 1970 Code of practice for phosphating of.iron and steel (Reaffirmed 199 1)
404 (Part 1) : 1993 Lead pipes : Part 1 For other than chemical purposes (third revision)
407: 1981 Brass tubes for general purposes (third revision) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
1172: 1993 Code of basic requirements for water supply, drainage and sanitation
vourth revision)
1239 (Part 1) : 1990 Mild steel tubes, tubulars and other wrought steel fittings : Part 1 Mild steel
tubes (fifth revision) (Amendments 3)
1536: 1989 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
(third revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1993)
1537: 1976 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage cfirst revision)
(Amendments 5) (Reaffirmed 1991)
1545: 1982 Solid drawn copper and copper alloy tubes for condenser and heat
exchangers (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
1592 : 1989 Asbestos cement pressure pipes (third revision)
1626 (Part 1) : 1991 Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings
and roofing fittings : Part 1 Pipe and pipe fittings (second revision)
2064 : 1993 Selection, installation and~maintenance of sanitary appliances - Code of
practice (second revision)
2065 : 1983 Code of practice for water supply in buildings (second revision) (Re-
affirmed 1990)
“2692 : 1989 Ferrules for water services (second revision) (Amendment 1)
3076 : 1985 Low density polyethylene pipes for potable water supplies (second
revision) (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
4984: 1987 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water
supplies; sewage and industrial effluents (third revision)
IS No. Title
4985 : 1988 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies
(second revision) (Amendment 1)
7558 : 1974 Code of practice for domestic hot water installations (Reaffirmed 1990)
7634 (Part 2) : 1975 Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies : Part 2
Laying and jointing polyethylene (PE) pipes (Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed
7634 (Part 3) : 1975 Code of practice for plastics pipe work for potable water supplies : Part 3
Laying and jointing of UPVC pipes (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1992)
12183 (Part 1) : 1987 Code of practice for plumbing in multi-storeyed buildings : Part 1 Water
supply (Reaffirmed 1992)
NBC, 1983 National -Building Code of India, 1983
SP 35 (S &T) : 1987 Handbook on water supply and drainage with special emphasis on plumb-
277 : 1992 Galvanized steel sheet (plain and.corrugated) vifrh revision) (Amendments 2)
404 (Part 1) : 1993 Lead pipes : Part 1 For other than chemical purposes (third revision)
458 : 1988 Precast concrete pipes (with and without reinforcement) (third revision)
(Amendments 2)
651 : 1992 Salt glazed stoneware pipes and fittings (fifrh revision)
782 : 1978 Caulking lead (third revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
783 : 19g5 Code of practice for laying of concrete pipes (first revision) (Amendment 1)
1230: 1979 Cast iron rainwater pipes and fittings (second revision) (Amendment 1)
(Reaffirmed 199 1)
1536 : 1989 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
(third revision) (Amendments 2) (Reaffirmed 1993)
1537 1976 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage (first revision)
(Amendments 5) (Reaffirmed 1991)
1592 1989 Asbestos cement pressure pipes (third revision)
1626 (.Part 1) : 1991 Asbestos cement building pipes and pipe fittings, gutters and gutter fittings
and roofing fittings : Part 1 Pipe and pipe fittings (first revision)
1726: 1991 Cast iron manhole covers and frames (third revision)
*1742: 1983 Code of practice for building drainage (second revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
3006 : 1979 Specification for chemically resistant glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
(first revision) (Reaffirmed 1992)
4111 (Part 1) : 1986 Code of practice for ancillary structures in sewerage system : Part 1
Manholes (fkst revision) (Reaffirmed 199 1)
4733 : 1972 Methods of sampling and test for sewage effluents (first revision) (Re-
affirmed 1992)
4984 : 1987 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water sup-
plies; sewage and industrial effluents (third revision)
4985 : 1988 Specification for unplasticised PVC pipes for potable water supplies
(second revision) (Amendment 1)
5329 : 1983 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for buildings (first
revision) (Reaffirmed 1990)
5455 : 1969 Cast-iron steps for manholes (Reaffirmed 1992)
6295 : 1986 Code of practice for water supply and drainage in high *altitudes and/or
sub-zero temperature regions (first revision) (Reaffirmed 1991)
SP 62 (S & T) : 1997
IS No. Title
1893 : 1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures (fourth revision)
(Amendment 1) (Reaffirmed 1991)
4326 : 1993 Earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings - Code of
practice (second revision)
“13827 : 1993 Improving earthquake resitance of earthen buildings - Guidelines
“13828 : lb93 Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry buildings -
13920 : 1993 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic
forces - Code of practice
13935 : 1993 Repair and seismic strengthening of buildings - Guidelines