Magic: The Invocation of Fallen Angels
Magic: The Invocation of Fallen Angels
Magic: The Invocation of Fallen Angels
Chapter 3. Magic
To truly understand the story of the fallen angel Azazel one must study the practice with which he is associated, namely, Magic. I wish to explain to you whence the worship of idols began in this worldthe beginning was in this wise. Certain angels (Azazels group of angels), having left the course of their proper order, began to favor the vices of men, and in some measure to lend unworthy aid to their lust, in order that by these means they might indulge their own pleasures the more; and then, that they might not seem to be inclined of their own accord to unworthy services, taught men that demons (read: the fallen angels) could, by certain artsthat is, by magical invocationsbe made to obey men. - Pseudo-Clementine Book IV Chapter XXVI Zohar 3:208a likewise attributes Azazel (Azael) and his angels for the introduction of the knowledge of the secrets of the magic arts to mankind, as does The Book of Enoch. The apostle Paul as related in 1Corinthians 10:19-20 equated the worship of idols [idolatry] with the worship of demons [demonolatry] and Zohar 2:7a tells us the gods of the nations as spoken of in The Bible were no mere powerless idols but represented very real celestial beings that have influence over actual events on our Earth. Such practices are directly attributable to the demonic fallen angels. One example of a magical invocation (by definition a magic spell) which highlights the dependence of the success of magic spells on such demons/fallen angels is contained in the Mithraic Great Magic Papyrus of Paris. After setting forth what one must do in preparation, we are told: I have not found a greater spell than this in the world. Ask the god (the demon/angel) for what you want, and he will give it to you. Condemning such pagan magic practices, the Christian Alexandrian scholar and theologian Origen in his Contra Celsus, Book 6 Chapter XXXIX tells us those who employ the arts of magic and sorceryinvoke the barbarous names of demons. According to Jewish legend, the teachings of the Kabala were revealed to mankind by the angels. Such angels are called shedim. Some shedim are invoked during Kabalistic magic ceremonies such as was most famously the golem of Rabbi Yehuda Loevy. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as benevolent shedim. Aleister Crowley, a practitioner of Magick (which he held to be: the true science of the Magi), invoked the shedu Azazel under the guise of Choronzon (which word means Chaos), the Dweller in the Abyss (shedu is the singular form of the plural shedim and is derived from the Semitic word sedu meaning spirit). In Arabian countries the jinn (in English, genies), who represent Azazels group of rebellious fallen angels are likewise associated with magic. Arab magicians are called Muqarribun, their traditions predating Islam itself. Through their use of magic, the Muqarribun sought to control the jinn who they knew to be the rebellious angels of God in order to exploit them to their advantage. Spells were employed in an effort to control the jinn, to enslave them and even as protection against them (a few even solicited their protection as guardian angels). The ancient Egyptians employed priestly magic-practicing magicians as well (See Exodus 7:11. Jannes and
Jambres are the names of two Egyptian magicians who acted in opposition to Moses [See 2Timothy 3:8]), as did the Babylonians [See Daniel 2:10]). A number of Dead Sea scrolls from the Essenes found at Qumran contained magic spells (some scholars, such as the French author Edouard Schur [1841-1929 A.D.] who influenced the beliefs of the German founder of Anthroposophy Rudolph Steiner, believed Jesus to be such an Essene). The three wise men, the kings of the east who visited Jesus at his birth, were Persian Zoroastrian Magi (See Matthew 2:1), they also being, as their name suggest, magicians. As The Zondervan Pictorial Dictionary explains as to the origin of the word magic: Originally the word meant the science or art of the Magi, the Persian priestly caste. The Magi (singular Magus) constituted the priesthood of the Zoroastrian religion. Ceremonial Magic has a long storied history: Magic operations, like those of the Lemegeton (a 17th Century grimoire also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon**), which involve conjuring up a spirit an occult force personified as an angel or demon have a long history and tradition. The basic pattern of the ceremonies is already found in the Graeco-Egyptian magical texts, which date from about A.D. 100 to 400, and is repeated in mediaeval and modern textbooks, though with many variations in detail. First the magician prepares all the necessary accessories his sword, his wand, perfumes, talismans, the magic circle, pentagrams and hexagrams. When everything is ready, he summons the spirit to appear in a succession of powerful incantations. Finally he gives the spirit its orders and dismisses it. The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish, 1967 A.D. (** In his book Ceremonial Magic [1980 A.D.] p.57,
Israel Regardie, who had once served as Aleister Crowleys personal secretary, writes: Commissioned and paid for by Aleister Crowley while he was still a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, it [The Lesser Key of Solomon] had been translated [into English] from the Latin by S.L. Macgregor Mathers in the opening years of the twentieth century.)
Famed ceremonial magician Henry Cornelius Agrippa (1486 - 1535 A.D.) explains [note his synonymous use of the words magic, philosophy and science]: Magic is a faculty of wonderful virtue, full of most high mysteries, containing the most profound contemplation of most secret thingsMagic comprehends, unites and actuates; deservedly, therefore, was it by the Ancients esteemed as the highest and most sacred Philosophy. It was, as we find, brought to light by most sage authors and most famous writers, amongst which principally Zamolxis and Zoroaster were so famous that many believed they were the inventors of this Science. Their track Abbaris the Hyperborean, Charmondas, Danigeron, Eudoxus, Hermippus followed. There were also other eminent, choice men, as Mercurius Tresmegistus, Porphyrius, Iamblicus, Plotinus (Plotinus, it was said, knew his demon, and held familiar conversations with him. See The History of Magic Volume I p.446; Ennemoser, 1856 A.D. This was no doubt true of all of these individuals), Proclus, Dardanus, Orpheus the Thracian, Gog the Grecian, Germa the Babylonian, Apollonius of Tyana. Osthanes also wrote excellently of this Art, whose books being as it were lost, Democritus of Abdera recovered, and set them forth with his own Commentaries. Besides, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Democritus, Plato, and many other renowned Philosophers travelled far by sea to learn this Art; and being returned, published it with wonderful devoutness, esteeming of it as a great secret. Also it is well known that Pythagoras and Plato went to the Prophets of Memphis (in Egypt) to learn it, and travelled through almost all Syria, Egypt, Judea, and the Schools of the Chaldeans that they might not be ignorant of the most sacred Memorials and Records of Magic, as also that they might be
furnished with Divine things. - The Philosophy of Natural Magic Chapter II by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, ed. L. W.
de Laurence [1913]
According to the Italian Renaissance philosopher Count Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463 1494 A.D.) writing in what is considered to be the Renaissance Manifesto and a key document of Humanism, in a document entitled the Oration on the Dignity of Man: ...magic has two forms. One consists wholly in the operations and powers of demons, and consequently this appears to me, as God is my witness, an execrable and monstrous thing. The other proves, when thoroughly investigated, to be nothing else but the highest realization of natural philosophy (also known as natural magic, also known as natural science and which we know today as physics). The Greeks noted both these forms. However, because they considered the first form wholly undeserving the name magic they called it goeteia (black magic), reserving the term mageia (white magic, also known as High Magic), to the second, and understanding by it the highest and most perfect wisdom. The term magus in the Persian tongue, according to Porphyry, means the same as interpreter and worshipper of the divine in our languageThe first (goeteia) is the most deceitful of arts; the second (mageia), a higher and holier philosophy. The former is vain and disappointing; the later, firm, solid and satisfying. The practitioner of the first always tries to conceal his addiction, because it always rebounds to shame and reproach, while the cultivation of the second, both in antiquity and at almost all periods, has been the source of the highest renown and glory in the field of learning. No philosopher of any worth, eager in pursuit of the good arts, was ever a student of the former (goeteia), but to learn the latter (mageia), Pythagoras, Empedocles, Plato and Democritus crossed the seas.That first form of magic (goeteia) cannot justify any claim to being either an art or a science while the latter (mageia), filled as it is with mysteries, embraces the most profound contemplation of the deepest secrets of things and finally the knowledge of the whole of nature. (Renaissance humanism [14th -15th Centuries] saw a resurgence in hermeticism and other Neo-Platonic varieties of ceremonial magic...Alongside the ceremonial magic followed by the better educated were the everyday activities of folk practitioners of magic across Europe, typified by the cunning folk found in Great Britain. History of Magic. Falling into the category of Renaissance Humanism are the writings and grimoires of German ceremonial magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa).
King James the First of England in his Daemonologie (1597 A.D) Book I Chapter III informs us There are principally two sorts (of magic), whereunto all the parties of that unhappy art are redacted; whereof the one is called Magie or Necromancy, the other Sorcery or Witchcraftthey say, that the witches are servants only, and slaves of the Devil; but the Necromancers are his masters and commanders. It must be noted England retained anti-witchcraft laws called Witchcraft Acts which forbade the practice of conjuring/invoking/evoking of angels/spirits/demons, of witchcraft and of sorcery, upon its books in one form or another in the British Isles often mandating the death or imprisonment of the offender starting in the year 1542 A.D. until the ultimate repeal of the Witchcraft Acts in 1951 A.D. As the British witch Doreen Valiente, writing circa 1978 A.D. explains: The resurgence of the old religion of nature-worship and magic really began in 1951, when the last of the antiquated Witchcraft Acts in Britain was finally repealedit was largely through the influence of the Spiritualist movement, now widely accepted as respectable, that the final Act was swept away. p.13 Witchcraft for Tomorrow. The repeal of the Witchcraft Acts in Britain in the mid 20th Century A.D. led to a profusion of occult-themed mass-produced published works as previously underground practitioners of magic came out of the proverbial closet (indeed, as Charles G. Leland intimates
in the Introduction to his Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling circa 1891 A.D.: There is not a town in England or in Europe in which witchcraft is not extensively practiced, although this is done with a secrecy the success of which is of itself a miracle. Its popularity has never waned). Books released after the the repeal of these Acts included the father of modern Wicca witchcraft Gerald B. Gardners High Magics Aid (1951 A.D.), Witchcraft Today (1954 A.D.) and The Meaning of Witchcraft (1959 A.D.). Concerning the practice of witchcraft and magic, Gardner himself explains: The foundation of magical beliefs, of which witchcraft is a form, is that unseen Powers exist (powers is a Biblical word used to denote angels), and that by performing the right sort of ritual these Powers (angels) can be contacted and either forced or persuaded to assist one in some way. - The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner, 1959 A.D. Gardners books on the subject of magic as well as a plethora of others including one entitled The Morning of the Magicians as issued by two French alchemists named Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier (Bergier was in addition a Jewish student of Kabala and is in fact a nuclear physicist as well as a chemical engineer, alchemys modern counterparts as Bergier points out in his book) led to the 1960s counter-culture revolution in America and England. We will discuss this subject in another chapter in greater detail. Secret societies engaging in illicit ceremonial magic practices in England prior to the repeal of the Witchcraft Acts [including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn as well as other adherents of Satanism, Thelemic/Theosophic Orders, and New Age movements (Theosophical Society-themes such as those espoused in the writings of Theosophical Society-member Alice Bailey in particular are the fundamental philosophy of New Age teachings; New Age is simply a recent repackaging of the Old Religion of witchcraft. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was in fact the magic-practicing inner circle of the greater Theosophical Society itself)] base their teachings in part on the esoteric mysteries of the Greaco-Egyptian Hermetic Qabalah. The Hermetic Qabalah magic system has many influences including Jewish Kabalism, Gnosticism, pagan mystery religions, Freemasonry, Neo-Platonism, Rosicrucianism, astrology, tarot, Eastern Tantric sacramental sex-magic, hermeticism, and alchemy. The high-degree Freemason Aleister Crowley was the Hermetic Qabalahs most famous adherent, employing a form of black Hermetic Magic (classified as goeteia) in a system he called Magick in a religion known as Thelema (Authors Note: In formulating his new system of Magick, Crowley rewrote the Old Religions white magic adage: If it harms none, do what you will replacing it with his own more ominous: Do what you will shall be the whole of the law to reflect its more malevolent black magic basis). Amongst the most infamous members to be counted amongst the ranks of the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons was in fact Aleister Crowley (pen name of Edward Alexander, 1875-1947 A.D.) himself, a fact certainly instructive in itself as to the underlying nature of these groups. Crowleys writings are cited as the inspiration which compelled Anton Sandor LaVey to write his Satanic Bible and to found the Church of Satan (in years prior LaVey was known to have ordered a number of Aleister Crowleys books from OTO member Jack Parsons who was at the time Aleister Crowleys pen pal/disciple). Anton LaVeys Church of Satan was founded in 1966 A.D. during the aforementioned 1960s counter-culture revolution in America and Britain largely spawned by the repeal of the British Witchcraft Acts and by the general-public reintroduction of Theosophical Society teachings. Anton LaVey derived his name from the word Leviathan. The Sigil of Baphomet, the official insignia of his Church of Satan, contains the Hebrew letters spelling LVYTN at each point of the five points of the pentagram this sigil contains. LVYTN becomes LaVeY anToN, or, Anton LaVey (in the Aramaic Targum of
Jonathan [Translation by J.W. Etheridge] on Genesis 1:21 Leviathan is spelled levyathan with a y. LVYTN is a shortening of the word levyathan, or rather, levyathan is a lengthening of the word lvytn. The Hebrew language does not employ vowels. Leviathan is the name of Satans cherub). According to Anton LaVey: Satanic Ritual is a blend of Gnostic,** Cabbalistic, Hermetic, and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratory words of power (magic spells and mantras) from virtually every mythos (read: gleaned from every ancient system of magic)Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every occult (magic) order has many Masonic roots. - The Satanic Rituals p.21,78 by Anton LaVey, 1972 A.D. (Pertinent
Quote: Magic, indeed, was always a kind of freemasonry, but the gypsies (or Bohemians, as they were called in the Middle Ages) did much to carry the beliefs and rites of magic from one far country to another. The Black Art p.158 by Rollo Ahmed, 1936 A.D.) (** Gnostic itself in its etymological derivation means much the same as witch It is the tattered remnants of the wisdom of the Watchers [the fallen angels], or gods, which constitutes the lore of the witch. Introduction to Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson)
The pen name of the French occultist Alphonse Louis Constant, which is Eliphas Levi, was also similarly derived, his last name being a shortening of the word Leviathan. According to Levi: The Science of Magism is contained in the books of the Kabalah, in the Symbols of Egypt and of India, in the books of Hermes Trismegistus, in the oracles of Zoroaster, and in the writings of some great men of the Middle Ages, like Dante, Paracelsus, Trithemus, William Postel (Postel provided a first-ever non-Jewish Latin translation of the Sepher Yetzirah in 1552 A.D.), Pomponaceus, Robert Fludd (1576-1637 A.D.; the English Rosicrucian philosopher, alchemist and astrologer: The English leader of the Rosicrucians was Dr. Robert Fludd, a deep student of the Cabala, Astrology, Alchemy, and Magic. - The Arcane Schools Chapter 6 by John Yarker. Rosicrucianism
was introduced into England from Germany where it originated by Robert Fludd [Rosicrucianism was greatly influenced by the magic of Paracelsus] during the magical reign of Queen Elizabeth I), etc. The works of Magic are divination or
prescience, Thaumaturgy or the use of exceptional powers, and Theurgy (by definition ceremonial magic, also known as the Telestic Work) or rule over visions and spirits. - The
Paradoxes of the Highest Science by Eliphas Levi, 1856 A.D. (Pertinant Quote: Although the Cabala belongs to the past, it nevertheless demands our attention on account of the interest taken in it by men like Raymond Lully, the "Doctor Illuminatus" as he was styled (died 1315): John Picus di Mirandola (1463-1494); John Reuchlin (1455-1522) [a German Cabalist/ceremonial magician, Reuchlin is known as the Father of the Reformation; Agrippa was greatly influenced by Reuchlin]; Cornelius Henry Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535); John [Jan] Baptist von Helmont (1577-1644) [the founder of pneumatic chemistry, an offshoot of alchemy]; the English scholars Robert Fludd (1574-1637) and Henry More (1614-1687)...By Cabala we understand that system of religious philosophy, or more properly, of Jewish theosophy,** which played so important a part in the theological and exegetical literature of both Jews and Christians ever since the Middle Ages...By virtue of certain (magic) incantations, invocations of the names of God and the angels, and the recitation of certain prayer-like chants, combined with fasting and an ascetic mode of living, they pretended to be able to perform supernatural deeds. For this purpose they made use of amulets and cameos (Kameoth), and wrote upon them the names of God and the angels with certain (magic) signs. Forward to The Cabala pp. 9,12 by Bernhard Pick, 1913 A.D.) (** Author and Fellow of the Theosophical Society William Kingsland in the Introduction to his book entitled The Esoteric Basis of Christianity [1895 A.D.] defines theosophy as meaning the wisdom of divine beings, the divine beings being, of course, angels)
Masonry/Freemasonry is also rooted in the Science of Magism: The Occult Science of the Ancient Magi (the Magi were magicians who invoked the rebellious fallen angels, the angels Satan and Azazel included) was concealed under the shadows
of the Ancient Mysteries: it was imperfectly revealed or rather disfigured by the Gnostics: it is guessed at under the obscurities that cover the pretended crimes of the Templars (Knights Templars); and it is found enveloped in enigmas that seem impenetrable, in the Rites of the Highest Masonry. Magism was the Science of Abraham and Orpheus, of Confucius and Zoroaster. It was the dogmas of this Science that were engraven on the tables of stone by Hanoch (Enoch) and (Hermes) Trismegistus.** Moses purified and re-veiled them, for that is the meaning of the word reveal. He covered them with a new veil, when he made of the Holy Kabalah the exclusive heritage of the people of Israel, and the inviolable Secret of its priests. The Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike (** One of the major mythical figures who unites classical paganism and medieval magic, or theurgy, with the Luciferian tradition is Hermes TrismegistusDr. Frances Yates says: A large literature in Greek developed under the name of Hermes Trismegistus concerned with astrology and the occult sciences, with the secret virtue of plants and stones and the sympathetic magic based on the knowledge of such virtues, and the making of talismans for drawing down the power of the stars, and so on (1969:2). This naturia magia or natural magick is exactly the same occult knowledge that the fallen angels imparted to early humans. p.163 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson)
In 1855 A.D. the reknowned Rabbi Isaac Wise revealed: Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. Indeed, as Albert Pike avows: All truly dogmatic religions have issued from the (Jewish) Kabalaheverything scientific and grand in the religious dreams of all the illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah; all the Masonic associations owe to it their secrets and their symbols. - Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike. This book
by Pike is often referred to as the Freemasonic bible (One must remember, Jewish Kabalists do not believe Jesus was the son of God, nor do Masons hold him in esteem. Jesus is: the stone which the builders [read: the Masons/practioners of magic] rejected. - Matthew 21:42. As Geoffrey Farthing elucidates in The Right Angle concerning the esoteric importance of the designation Builders: Throughout the countries of the Orient, wherever magic and the wisdom-religion are studied, its practitioners and students are known among their craft as Builders. This is particularly true of Masons/Freemasons who are practioners of magic)
As the Freemasonic Father of Wicca and OTO Crowley-initiate Gerald B. Gardner explains: I am familiar with most forms of (magic) ritual including Kabalistic magic, and they all have certain things in common and work by calling up a spirit or intelligence and commanding it to do their will. Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner, 1954 A.D.
He goes on to explain: Ritualistic Magic, Kabalistic Magic, Art Magic or Black Magic are alike attempting to evoke genii, demons or elemental spirits and forcing or bribing them to cause events to occur Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner
While sharing a common origin, such magic systems are differentiated by spelling and vary according to theological systems: Hermetic [Graeco-Egyptian] Qabalah, Jewish Kabala and Christian Cabala. As we learn from a number of sources: The Kabala was first taught by God himself to a select Company of Angels who formed a theosophic school in Paradise (See The Secret Doctrine [Volume II p.284] by H. P. Blavatsky, The Kabbalah by Christian D. Ginsburg and The Kabbalah Denudata of Christian Knorr von Rosenroth). Included in this group of angels were
the angels Satan and Azazel. This knowledge was later revealed to man via the rebel angels when they descended to our Earth in the days of Jered (that 33 Freemason Albert Pike was familiar with The Book of Enoch is evident as he quotes from this book concerning the fallen angels descent to our Earth on p.31 of his Freemasonic/Kabala-themed book entitled The Book of the Words). What secrets are revealed by The Zohar, that major storehouse of Jewish Kabalistic knowledge? It teaches of the fallen angels of course, and how they came to our Earth, here to abide: Uzza (Semjaza) and Azael (Azazel), who rebelled above, were cast down by the Blessed Holy One (by God), and materialized on earth, abiding on itSubsequently they strayed after earthly womenThey engendered children, whom they called Mighty Giants - Zohar 1:58a (See
also Zohar 1:37a and Genesis 6:4. Azazel is one of the angels invoked under a plethora of various names and titles by practitioners of magic. Azazel is invoked under the contracted name Azael in the Greek Magical Papyrus from Egypt [PGM XXXVI.161-177] in a spell of protection against every bad situation that comes upon the invoker)
The Zohar also teaches that the fallen angel Azazel had impiously impregnated Adams wife Eve: the serpent (Azazel) injected that slime (his semen) into Eve, she absorbed it, so when she copulated with Adam she bore two sons (Cain and Abel): one (Cain) from the impure side (from Azazel) and one (Abel) from the side of Adam, Cain resembling both the higher image (of the angel Azazel) and the lower (the human Eve; Cain was an angel/human hybrid)Cain was certainly son of the impure spiritderiving fromthe side of the Angel (Azazel) - Zohar 1:54a The Biblical King Nimrod was himself described as being a great magician who took up with magical practices and who performed the magic rituals as instituted by the angels (See The Clementine Homilies Homily IX Chapter IV). According to The Zohar, in reference to the builders (the original magic-practicing Masons) of the Tower of Babel, the first and foremost being Nimrod: Said Rabbi Abba: They were the subjects of a horrible and demoniacal infatuation (demonic possession) in that they impiously wished to abandon the worship of the Lord for that of Satan or the serpent (Azazel) to whom they rendered homage and glory. Freemasonry brags of an historical association with the Masonic magician Nimrod. As per The Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, the Freemasonic York MS. No. 1 says At ye making of ye toure (tower) of Babel there was a Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon it called Nimrod was a Mason himself and loved well Masons. The Masons first identified themselves as such in reference to their building of the Tower of Babel, it being a tower constructed of masonry bricks. Harleian, Sloane, Landsdowne and Edinburgh-Kilwinning Masonic manuscripts, for instance, state as fact that Masons were employed in the building of the Tower of Babel. The Ancient Craft Freemasonic calendar of the York and French rites begins in 4000 B.C., the year the Tower of Babel was completed and in the same year destroyed, at the time when the peoples languages were confused and their population dispersed (See Genesis 11:1-9), as the result of Nimrods rebellion against God (4000 B.C. = 1 A:L in the Ancient Craft Masonic calendar of the York and French rites. In Homily IX of The Clementine Homilies Chapter V Clement states that: Therefore the magician Nebrod [the Greeks and Egyptians knew Nimrod as Nebrod. In the Greek Septuagint version of The Bible, Nimrod is
rendered Nebrod], being destroyed by this lightning falling on earth from heaven [during the destruction of the Tower of Babel], for this circumstance had his name changed to Zoroaster It is from the magician Nimrod, also known as Zoroaster, that the Zoroastrian Magi, well known practitioners of magic, are descended). Freemasonry itself renders homage to Satan and Azazel. Of an interesting note, the Tower of Babel was constructed upon the 33rd Degree Parallel. Freemasonry is composed of 33 Degrees. As we learn from the adept magus Nigel Jackson: According to esoteric doctrine, Nephilic blood flowed in the veins of Nimrod (which would make Nimrod an angel/human hybrid): And Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the Earth; He was a mighty hunter before the Lordand the beginning of his kingdom was Babel. The Masonic Cooke Mss dating from the 1430 CE accords Nimrod the status of the first Grand Master of the Masons. He allegedly delivered the original charges and constitutions to the Craft brethren whom he oversaw during the building of the Tower of BabelBabylon is Bab-Illani or the Gate of the Gods (Illu = Elohim) (Elohim = angels)The researches of Clement Stratton have confirmed that in the first degree of medieval operative Masonry the pledge by the candidate was called the Oath of Nimrod. p.44 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson As part of the teachings of the 25 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry known as the Knight of the Brazen Serpent, Freemasonic author Albert Pike informs us: This Degree isdevoted to an explanation of the symbols of Masonry; and especially to those which are connected with that ancient and universal legend (read: the legend concerning Azazel), of which that of Khir-Om Abi (a variant spelling of Hiram Abiff) is but a variation; that legend which, representing a murder or a death, and a restoration to life, by a drama in which figure Osiris, Isis and Horus, Atys (Attis) and Cybele, Adonis and Venus, the Cabiri, Dionusos (Dionysus), and many another (these are all gods and goddesses of various ethnic groups who represented the angel Azazel and his human wife) - Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by Albert Pike
Freemasonry, by Pikes own admission, passes on the secret teachings concerning the Genesis serpent Azazel and his human wife through the Masonic legend concerning Hiram Abiff gathered from ancient magic-based mystery religions! No doubt in reference to the origin of the name Hiram Abiff, Pike explains: (Samuel Fales/S.F.) Dunlap ([in Vestiges of the] Spirit History of Man, 94)(first published in 1858 A.D.), in a table of the male and female Deities of different Nations, gives Huram (a variant spelling of Hiram)(as being the equivalence of the Greek god) Hermes, Death-God (think: Destroyer), - p.55 The Book of Words by Albert Pike. The name Hiram is derived from the name of the Egyptian god Hermes. (Some members of Freemasonry such as Albert Pike are tasked in comparative religious/mythological studies, being well versed in Kabala). Even high-degree Freemason and prominent Theosophical Society author C.W. Leadbeater chimes in on this subject: Bro. (Freemasonic Brother J.S.M.) Ward (Ward it must be noted had associations with Gerald B. Gardner) refers in his remarkable work Who was Hiram Abiff? (by J.S.M. Ward, p. 191) in which he adduces a vast amount of evidence to show that our traditional (Freemasonic) history is based upon the myth of the death and resurrection of Tammuz - Glimpses of Masonic History by C. W. Leadbeater. Tammuz was yet another name on a long list of ancient gods who represented the angel Azazel (Concerning the Freemasonic author J.S.M. Ward: The
[Hermetic Order of the] Golden Dawn is not the only influence upon [English occultist and founding father of Wicca magic Gerald B.] Gardner; Freemasonry has had a tremendous impact upon the Wicca. Not only were the three founders of Isis Urania Temple Masons, so too were [Aleister] Crowley and [A.E.] Waite [it was Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn member A.E. Waites The Book of Black Magic and Pacts which is cited as Crowleys inspiration to join the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn into which he was initiated by S.L. MacGregor Mathers]; Gardner
and at least one member of the first [witches] coven (Daffo) [Edith Woodford-Grimes] were both Co Masons. [Gerald B.] Gardner was also a friend of J.S.M. Ward [a former high official of a powerful British industrial lobbying group], who had published a number of books about masonry. - The word Hermetic
[as in Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn] is derived from the name of the Greek god Hermes, from whence is derived the name of the Freemasonic Hiram who is likewise representative of the angel Azazel. Freemasonry is and always has been based on ceremonial magic rituals involving the invocation of fallen angels. The Mason/magician Nimrod likewise ritually invoked the angel Azazel, even going as far as erecting a tower [the infamous Tower of Babel] over the very location of Azazels entrapment! For more information, see Hidden Truths: A History of the World from Beginning to End by John of the Gentiles. As regards Isis (Azazels human wife) the Greek Magical Papyrus [PDM xiv.554-62] invokes her as: Isis, the Magician, the Lady of Magic, who Bewitches everything, who is Never Bewitched in her Name of Isis, the Magician.)
One of the most famous of 33 Freemasonic ceremonial magicians was an Englishman named Aleister Crowley who is known as the father of Thelema (Thelema meaning Will/True Will) and who was a prominent member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (As Crowley-initiate Kenneth Grant in The Magickal Revival reveals: The [Hermetic Order of the] Golden Dawn was the Inner Mystery School of the Order that formulated itself in the outer world as the Theosophical Society. Blavatskys intention in initiating her society was the destruction of Christianity Typically, as we shall learn, an Illuminati/Carboneri principle). One of the objectives in Thelemic mysticism is to achieve union (samadhi) with the All (the Assyrian Neoplatonist philosopher/ceremonial magician Iamblichus calls this a Theurgic Union), the successful Thelemic execution of which involves an amalgamation of Crowley Magick, Yoga, tarot, astrology and Qabalahism as well as employing a smattering of other mystical disciplines such as to be found in Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism (in Japan, demons are called Yokai, while in China, the demonic fallen angels are known as Yaoguai, both words meaning demon. From these words for demon are derived the words Yoga and Yogi). To those who think Yoga is a harmless exercise, in Aleister Crowleys Book 4 (also known as Liber IV; a liber is a magical book purportedly dictated by a spirit [automatic writing by definition].
Liber is also one of the names of the Greek god Bacchus [See Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man, S.F. Dunlap, p. 266; Bacchus represents Azazel] from whence is derived the title of one of the Roman gods who represented the angel Azazel. Lady Liberty [the Roman goddess Libertas] represents Azazels human wife. A huge idol of Azazels human wife designed by a Freemason named Frdric Auguste Bartholdi graces New Yorks harbor upholding her torch, a torch being an occult symbol of the angel Azazel), Crowley writes: The work of the Body of Lightwith the technique of Yoga
is the foundation of Magick. As Crowley explicates in Eight Lectures on Yoga, Yoga means Union, (or in the words of Iamblicus, Theurgic Union) and represents the union of selfconsciousness (microcosm) with the universe (macrocosm). Union with the All (the All is also known as Godhead; a perpetual power source) was essential to ones attainment of such a Body of Light. If one possessed such a Body of Light, one was possessed of an eternal lifebut that is a subject for another book (to explore this concept, see The Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles). Interest in Thelema, sex magic, tantric sex and sexual yoga, all variations of the Hiero Gamos Ritual, has its origin with the appearance of the angels and also reappears later in ancient Babylonia where sex was incorporated in post-diluvian religious practices (commonly known as sex-magic) based on the esoteric knowledge and exotic practices of the angels who rebelled against God: This was the feature of her (the angel Azazels human wife, the goddess Ishtars) cult which made the greatest impression upon Herodotus. In Book I, Chapter 199 of his history he describes that shameful law of the Babylonians which sent every Babylonian woman once in her life to the temple, the goddess of love, to sacrifice her honour (to offer sexual favors) for goldThe temple in Babylon dedicated to her (Azazels human wife) was probably Ekidurinim, which was situated near the city wall wherupon women who there assembled to be chosen by strangers for indiscriminate adultery (hiero gamos, also known as hierogamy) (See pp.73-74 Tammuz and Ishtar by S. Langdon, 1914 A.D.). Likewise the 1st - 2nd Century A.D.
Roman poet: Juvenal tells us that every temple in Rome was practically a licensed brothel. Sex Worship by Clifford Howard, 1898 A.D. And again: The practice of having sacred female prostitutes attached to temples in Greece, Rome, Egypt and India is so well known as to require no comment. - The Black Art p.161 by Rollo Ahmed, 1936 A.D.). This it would seem was par for the magical course, sex-magic rituals representing various adaptations of a more common themethe sexual union of the immortal angel Azazel with his mortal human wife at the time of Azazels arrival here upon our Earth, commonly known as the hiero gamos ritual. The hiero gamos ritual is the Great Rite of Wicca. In Aleister Crowleys Thelemic ritual called The Gnostic Mass (See Liber XV), The Ceremony of the Rending of the Veil this involves a Virgin (representing Azazels virginal human wife) and a priest (who represents Azazel) who With his Lanceparts the veil of the virgin, which is to say, he ceremoniously during these religious proceedings breaks the hymen of the virgin with his penis (at the finale of copulation one was then to drink the Elixir of Life [the sperm] from the ritually consecrated chalice [from the vagina of the virgin. See Sex, Drugs and Magick by Robert Anton Wilson]this act representing the greatest secret of all occult sex-magic rituals). What all these magic systems have in common though, whether in origin Syrian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Arabian or any other such version, is the practical invocation of spirits/angels, a practice which was strictly prohibited by God (as an example, note the very profane work, The Kabalistic Prayer in Eliphas Levis The Magical Ritual of the Sanctum Regnumthe Sanctum Regnum by definition represents the magical knowledge of the Zoroastrian Magi). These are fallen angel-inspired corrupted systems involving all things God explicitly hates which serves to complete ones detachment from God as opposed to ones regenerating reunion with Him as with the All, as is the professed aim of Crowleys Magick. Let not thyself be fooled. Sex sells and Azazel and Satan are the most masterful of all salesmen. Many systems of magic are paradoxically enough based upon Christian themes, their adherents invoking God and His band of obedient angels which aim was to establish a conjurers control over the rebellious fallen angels, an act in fact of total futility as these angels would not even obey the direct commands of the All-Powerful God who created them. To use one example of a Cabalistic magic invocation, the so-called black magic grimoire entitled the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum states: In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father and the son and the Holy Ghost, holy trinity and unseparable unity. I call upon theethat thou give me grace and divine power over all the wicked spirits (read: fallen angels)so as which of them soever I do call by name, they may comeand accomplish my will (excerpted from a magic invocation circa the 16th century by Cornelius Agrippas pupil Johann Weyer. See Weyers On the Illusions of the Demons and on Spells and Poisons, 1563 A.D.). The Grimoire of Armadel [Sloane 2731, British Museum] is also a good example of a Christian-based system of magic, by definition, Cabala). Likewise the black magic work Verus Jesuit Libellus (The True Petition of the Jesuits) states So come o ye angelic onesand do all that I have requested in the name of the three-fold Jehovah, whose praises all spirits sing ceaselessly giving honor to the all powerful who is your Lord as he is mine. Amen. Even 33 Freemason Arthur Edward Waite invokes Lucifer (Satan) on p.244 of his book entitled The Book Of Black Magic and of Pacts with the following Christian-themed magic ritual: First Conjuration Addressed to Emperor Lucifer. Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Rebellious Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in what-ever quarter of the world it may be situated and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty Living God, Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, to appear One may drown in such a profusion of naivety. If they serve you, they serve you at their whim. In the Preface to the grimoire entitled The Magus (circa. 1801 A.D.) by Francis Barrett one of Barretts professed aims by which with his writings he had hoped to attain was to free the name of Magic from any scandalous imputation; seeing it is a word originally significative not of any evil, but of every good and laudable science, such as a man might profit by, and become both wise and happy; and the practice so far from being offensive to God or man, that the very root or ground of all magic takes its rise from the Holy Scriptures, viz.The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom (See Psalms 111:10 and Proverbs 9:10);and charity is the end: which fear of God is the beginning of Magic; for Magic is wisdom, and on this account the wise men were called Magi. The magicians were the first Christians (or rather, I would say, they were the first Cabalists); for, by their high and excellent knowledge, they knew that that Saviour which was promised, was now born manthat Christ was our Redeemer, Advocate, and Mediator; they were the first to acknowledge his glory and majesty; therefore let no one be offended at the venerable and sacred title of Magiciana title which every wise man merits while he pursues that path which Christ himself trod, viz. humility, charity, mercy, fasting, praying, &c.; for the true magician is the truest Christian, and nearest disciple of our blessed Lord. Holy Hocus Pocus Batman! (See also the charlatan L.W. de Laurences plagiarized version of this very same statement on p.57 of his book entitled The Great Book of Magical Art, Hindu Magic and East Indian Occultism as he also to quote Francis Barrett without the required attribute labored likewise to free the name of Magic from any scandalous imputation.). The title of one magic manuscript succinctly sums up the goal of every magic system: The Grand Grimoire is subtitled The Art of Controlling Celestial, Aerial, Terrestrial, and Infernal Spirits (read: fallen angels). The Grand Grimoire (also known as The Red Dragon) is a black magic (goetic) grimoire which also explains how God struck down the rebel angelsinto theabyss. This was of course in reference to Azazel and his detachment of rebellious fallen angels whom God entrapped within the earth with whom many an imprudent magician sought to communicate, command and control. The story of Azazels and his angels entrapment inside their cherubim within the Earth is the basis for the legend concerning the demons said to have been confined by the Biblically famous King Solomon in a magic bronze vessel as related in the 17th Century grimoire called The Lesser Key of Solomon. This tale also has parallels to the entrapped genie in the magic lamp of the Arabian Nights stories, as the genie therein represents an angel whilst the lamp is analogous of an angels cherub. The evil ifrit (ifrit means rebellious; the evil ifrit of the book representing the rebellious angels) are called the seed of Iblis (Iblis=Satan) in The Book of One Thousand and One Nights, also known as Arabian Nights. Arab magicians, through the use of magic, believe they can control the spirits/rebellious angels (jinn) and exploit them to their advantage, by obliging them to serve their master. Be careful how you use those three wishes you are granted! In Arabian countries the jinn, who represent rebellious fallen angels, are associated with magic. Spells are employed in an effort to control them and to enslave them or as protection against them, and some even solicit the angels protection. In fact, the magical use of talismans and amulets goes hand in hand alongside Muhammadism itself (as is also true of Catholicism which employs medals of the Patron Saints which are likewise worn for protectionsuch a practice should be placed in the Cabala category: Catholics place great faith in their medals
and medallions inscribed with the images of saints and martyrslittle different from the faith placed in ancient charms and talismans, and the root theory of savage magic. The Black Art p.265). The noted Freemason Manly P. Hall (initiated into Jewel Lodge No. 374, San Francisco, CA), in his Lectures on Ancient Philosophy reveals that: From the Arabians C. R. C. (the Rosicrucian Christian Rosenkrantz [Christ of the Rose-Cross/Red Cross] also learned of the elemental peoples and how, with their aid, it was possible to gain admission to the ethereal world where dwelt the genii [jinn] and nature spirits. He thus discovered that the magical creatures of the Arabian Nights Entertainment actually existedHe was further instructed concerningthe rituals of magic and invocationand the binding of the genii. What he learned in truth was of the jinn entrapped within the desert, of Azazel and of his angels! This knowledge it is said he brought with him back to Germany, and armed therewith he established the Rosicrucian Society which was dedicated to the practice of magic, circa 1400 A.D. Or so the story goes. This groups publication of the Fama Fraternitatis in 1607 A.D. and the Confessio Fraternitatis in 1616 A.D. broadcast these beliefs to the world. Indeed, according to Chapter IV of the Confessio Fraternitatis, Rosicrucians, as do all practitioners of magic under whatever name they choose to be known, appeal for help from angels and spirits for the revelation of Gods mysteries. It must be noted German Protestant Reformer Martin Luther (1483 1546 A.D.) was a perported Rosicrucian, with Luthers personal seal incorporating the Rosicrucian (Rose-Cross) talisman (interestingly enough, it was the knowledge of the existence of these jinn [also spelled Djinn] and the Malay magic practices by which they were invoked which launched Gerald B. Gardner on his own magic quest, resulting in the establishment of Wicca as a religion. See Gerald Gardner, Witch p.94). Walt Disney (a 33 Freemason) was a member of The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), a Rosicrucian order which traditionally traces its origin to the ancient Egyptian mystery schools who revered the rebellious fallen angels as gods (the Rosicrucianesque Walt Disney company presents a childrens version of the story of the jinn of the Arabian Nights Entertainment in their full length animated classic, Aladdin). As evidenced in the extent of the influence of magic on most of his animated classics, we find Mr. Walt Disney was overly obsessed with the Occult. It must also be noted that the man who founded AMORC in 1915 A.D., Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, was himself in contact with Aleister Crowley and the Ordo Templi Orientis (See Larsons Book of Cults, Larson 1984 p. 306), with AMORC even receiving a ringing endorsement from the O.T.O. of which it is rumoured Lewis was also a member. AMORC counts many Freemasons amongst its membership. Indeed, according to the U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis website ( Although officially founded at the beginning of the 20th century e.v., O.T.O. represents a surfacing and confluence of the divergent streams of esoteric wisdom and knowledge which were originally divided and driven underground by political and religious intolerance during the dark ages. It draws from the traditions of the Freemasonic, Rosicrucian and Illuminist movements of the 18th and 19th centuries, the crusading Knights Templars of the middle ages and early Christian Gnosticism and the Pagan Mystery Schools. Practitioners of magic and invokers of fallen angels, all. Some Masons trace their lineage to the Knights Templar group. The magic-practicing group known as the OTO is the innermost circle of Freemasonry (the Ordo Templi Orientis, in English, the Order of Oriental Templars which practiced secret Sufi sex-magick rites in the archaic Knights Templar tradition [for which offense the leader of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, along with many of his followers would meet their deaths at the hands of the Catholic Inquisition], is also known as the Masonic Academy/Academia Masonica founded in the finest Platonic school of
magic/pagan mystery school tradition). The following selection from Egyptian Book of the Dead Plates V and VI B.D. Chapter I speaks of the Egyptian belief that it was possible to gain entrance into the underworld where dwelt Azazel: Osiris (Behemoth) the chief of Amenta, the lord of eternitychief of the company of his gods (angels); andAnubis (yet another title for Azazel) [dweller] in the tomb (Azazels cherub Behemoth, wherein he was entrapped within the earth, was considered to be his tomb. For this reason, Azazels human wife who is also entrapped therein, is known as the lady of the tomb in some magic orders), great god, chief of the holy dwelling (the Great House, aka Behemoth). May they grant that I may go into and come out from the underworldthat I may go forth into the presence of [Osiris] (Azazel) The Egyptians taught falsely (and handsomely profited thereby) that the living might enter and leave the underworld at will, wherein dwelt their gods. They even wrote books concerning this subject: The beginning of the chaptersof coming forth from and going into the underworld. Papyrus of Ani from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate V The
Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XII B.D. Chap. XVIII states: Grantthat I may enter into and come forth from the netherworld, the netherworld wherein is entrapped Azazel and his rebellious angels. The ancient esoteric knowledge concerning the rebellious fallen angels formed the fundamental principles underlying all modern magic systems. The grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon speaks of assemblies of Evil and rebellious Spirits (read: angels) dwelling in the Abysses of Darkness whom its practitioners sought to conjure (See The Greater Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VII. Translated from manuscripts he found in the British Museum, this manuscript was translated into English by S. L. MacGregor Mathers, a 19th Century ceremonial magician who was head of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, founded in 1887 A.D., was an offshoot of the English Rosicrucian Society [the SRIA] and consisted largely of leading Freemasons). This work influenced many goetic magic orders including that of Mathers himself and of those magic orders founded by such practitioners of magic Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Levi. This manuscript identifies the rebellious fallen angel Azazel as being ye who by your own sin have been cast down from the Empyreal Heaven, and from before His (Gods) Throne; by Him (God) who hath cast ye (Azazel) down unto the most profound of the Abysses of Hell (read: Hades, beneath the earth). - The Greater Key of Solomon Book I Chapter VI Another manuscript which greatly influenced many magic orders such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage (again, this is a manuscript translated into English by Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn member S. L. MacGregor Mathers from manuscripts housed in the British Museum). As stated in the Introduction to his translation of this book, Mathers states: The invocation of Angelic Forcesis an idea common in works of Magic, as also are the Ceremonies of Pact with and submission to Evil Spirits and that the magnum opus propounded in the aforementioned work is to obtain the knowledge of and conversation with ones Guardian Angel, so that thereby and thereafter we may obtain the right of using the Evil Spirits for our servants in all material matters. The book states that through conversation with your Guardian Angel, with whom one would come into direct communication, one may receive from him distinct and
ample information regarding the Evil Spirits and the manner of bringing them into submission, but in order to achieve this goal thou wilt have to pass under the influence of thy Holy Guardian Angel (compare to Aleister Crowley who writes in Chapter 83 of the paradoxically entitled Magick Without Tears [1945 A.D.]: It should never be forgotten for a single moment that the central and essential work of the Magician is the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel [which involved in itself a sex-magic ritual]. Once he has achieved this he must of course be left entirely in the hands of that angel, which is to say, he will then be essentially Overshadowed, becoming a mere marionette of the puppet-master angel whose actions are ordered thereby (Pertinenet Quote: Angels may solicit, or demons may tempt, but none can compel the spirit within to action, unless it first surrenders the will to the investing power. ("Art Magic," page 335). - Difference between Elementals & Elementaries [1889 A.D.]). For this reason God commanded the death of all such practitioners of magic. Indeed, the workmen deserve their wages, and the wages of sin is death [See Romans 6:23]. The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage describes the processes and rituals involved in obtaining as Abraham the Jew therein describes such a conversation with your Guardian Angel. This concept as found in this grimoire originated in the teachings of the ancient Egyptian black magic magicians/priests). Mathers goes on to explain: Except in the professed Black Magic (goetic) Grimoires, the necessity of the invocation of the Divine and Angelic Forces to control the Demons is invariably insisted upon in the operations of invocation described and taught in Mediaeval Magical Manuscripts and published works. Indeed, according to Book I of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, the success of such magic operations of evocation are dependent upon the will of: God, by the intermediation of His Holy Angels, and with all Spirits, both good and evil. Abraham the Jew, the author of this grimoire, was of the opinion that many magic systems were based on pacts with devils and demons and were in fact false and vain, these systems being based on deception for the express purpose of destroying their practitioners. Again, vainly enough, he thought his own system of magic to be different. He couldnt have been more wrong (remember, The Bible states the only mediator between God and man is Jesus Christ [See 1Timothy 2:5]. Kabbalists, however, predominantly Jewish by nature, would not be expected to believe in Jesus Christ). His system was also based on such demonic/Satanic deception. As a matter of fact, Abraham the Jew (who was of Germanic descent) was formally a Christian who renounced Christianity and had converted to Judaism, a man whose father instructed him in the ways of Qabalism. As we learn from Biblical Archaeological Revue (BAR) editor Hershel Shanks: All forms of modern Judaism are heirs of Rabbinic Judaism, which emerged in the centuries after the destruction of the Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.Dmuch of post-destruction Rabbinic halakhah (as found in Rabbinic Judaism) can already be found in pre-destruction Pharisaic Judaism (See pp.176, 177 The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1998 A.D.) from whence halakhah (a cognate of the word Kabalah) was derived and it was it must be noted this very same Pharisaic Judaic religious system which Jesus so opposed and which had been ultimately responsible for his death (that there were amongst the Jews practitioners of magic in Judah and Jerusalem circa the 7th century B.C. is made evident in 2Kings 23:24 which speaks of wizards (male witches) and their mediums, those who worked (as with a magical working) with familiar spirits. Within Judaism itself magic was the realm of the Pharisee: For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection (no life after death, nor reincarnation), neither angel, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both. - Acts 23:8. This core belief precluded the Sadducees entirely from magic practices involving the invocation of angels as well as from Spiritism and Spiritualism). Indeed,
as the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943 A.D.) explains: The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees. And throughout this period, Rabbinic Judaism has retained and has built upon aspects of earlier Pharisaic magic practices which explains why Jesus was so vehemently opposed to the Pharisees, and they against him, and why the Pharisees ruthlessly persecuted early Christians until which time the tables had been turned and the balance of power shifted when Jews were later persecuted by Christians. Shanks himself goes on to say (Ibid p.179) that: after the destruction of the (Jewish) Temple (in Jerusalem) in 70 A.Donly two forms of Judaism survive the cataclysm. One, Christianity, eventually dominates Western civilization after separating itself from its forbears. The other, Rabbinic Judaism, is the ancestor of all branches of modern Judaism. The teachings of The Zohar as well as Kabalah itself fall under the category of Rabbinic Judaism as descended from the traditions of the Pharisees. Hassidic Jews in particular embrace Kabalah wholeheartedly. Kabalah is known as Jewish witchcraft (compare the word Kabalah to the Egyptian Ba of the Ka of PtahMoses it is said was versed in all the mysteries of the Egyptians, Egyptian magic included). As Montague Summers, who himself provided the first English-language translation of the 15th century witch hunters manual entitled the Malleus Maleficarum, points out in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p. 195: in the Mishna (the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism), there are undoubted traces of magic, and in the Gemara (the Gemara is the section of the Talmud comprising the rabbinical analysis of and commentary upon the Mishna; the Gemara and the Mishna together make up the Talmud) demonology and sorcery loom very largely. Throughout the Middle Ages Jewish legend played no insignificant part in the history of Witchcraft, and, especially in Spain (under the Spanish Inquisition), until the nineteenth century at least, there were prosecutions, not so much for the observance of Hebrew ceremonies as is often suggested and supposed, but for the practice of the dark and hideous traditions of Hebrew magic. That sex-magic was practiced amongst the Jews is evidenced by Gods condemnation of this practice as related in Leviticus 20:6: The soul that shall go aside after magiciansand shall commit fornication with them, I willdestroy. As is explained in The History of Witchcraft and Demonology p.269: Modern Spiritism is merely Witchcraft revived; and as Summers also therein warns Spiritism opens the door to demoniac possession (Ibid p. 253). The popularity of magic-practices such as Spiritism amongst the Jews in the time of Jesus in this respect explains the existence of demoniacs and the spirit possessions so prevalent amongst Jews in Jesus own day as related in the New Testament of The Bible and due to prevailing Pharisaic magical practices (See Matthew 8:28-32, Matthew 9:32-33, Matthew 12:2, Matthew 17:14-18, Mark 1:23-27, Mark 1:32-34, Mark 3:11-12, Mark 5:1-13, Mark 7:25, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 4:33-35, Luke 8:26-33, Luke 9:37-43, Luke 10:17-20, Luke 4:40-41, Acts 16:16-18, Acts 19:11-16 and Tobias 6:14). In Chapter I of Friar Bacon his Discovery of the Miracles art, of Nature, and Magick (1659 A.D.) the illustrious Francis Bacon speaks of such: men despising the Rules of Philosophy, irrationally call up wicked Spirits, supposing them of Energy to satisfie their desires. In which there is a very vast error, because such persons imagine they have some authority over Spirits, and that Spirits may be compelled by humane authority, which is altogether impossible, since humane Energy or Authority is inferior by much to that of Spirits. Besides, they (who conjure spirits) admit a more vast mistake, supposing such natural instruments, as they use (such as magic wands cut from trees by the light of a full moon), to be able either to call up (invoke), or drive away (banish) any wicked Spirit. And they continue their mistake in endeavouring by
(magic) Invocations, Deprecations or Sacrifices to please Spirits, making them propitious to their design. Without all question, the way is incomparably more easier to obtain any thing, that is truly good for men, of God, or good Angels, than of wicked Spirits (fallen angels). (That the word
spirit may be used synonymously with that of the word angel is evident in Hebrews 1:7. Indeed, as the 3rd Century A.D. Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry says, as quoted by Augustine (De Civ. Dei x, 11): There is a class of demons [fallen angels] of crafty nature, pretending that they are gods and the souls of the dead. - Summa Theologica by Thomas Aquinas. Such was the case in the episode related in 1Samuel 28:1-19) (Pertinent Quote from an Eminent Occultist: It would be foolish to believe, as evidently some medieval magicians did, that the angelic host can be summoned to appear in triangles or circles of Art at human whim. p.253 The Pillars of Tubal Cain by Nigel Jackson)
Europe itself is steeped in magic tradition: cunning folk in Britain were professional or semi-professional practitioners of magic active from at least the fifteenth up until the early twentieth century. As cunning folk, they practiced folk magic - also known as low magic although often combined this with elements of high or ceremonial magicOne of the most common services that the cunning folk provided was in combating the effects of malevolent witchcraft and the curses which these witches had allegedly placed upon peopleOne of the best known means by which the cunning-folk opposed witchcraft was through the use of witch bottles; ceramic bottles containing such items as urine, nails, hair and nail clippings which it was believed, when put together, would cause harm to the malevolent witch. Wikipedia: Cunning folk in
Britain. (Note this good magic vs. bad magic [good/white magician vs. bad/black magician] theme [this theme even crops up in Hollywood Westerns and Mad Magazines Spy vs. Spy where the badman traditionally dons a black hat while the good guy wears a white hat]. Some practioners of magic even practice what they call gray magic, combining elements of both black magick [goetia] and white magic [mageia])
Witch-bottles have been found on both sides of the Atlantic, particularly in colonial America, peopled of course, by Europeans, most notably those of British descent. Cunning folk often provided their services for a price. Germany and France also had their versions of the cunning folk (one of the most famous examples of European cunning-folk is the group known as the Gypsies which group Charles Leland notes in the Intro. to his book Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling: have done more than any race or class on the face of the earth to disseminate among the multitude a belief in fortune-telling, magical or sympathetic cures, and such small sorceries which can be found in Folk-lore.). Anyways, it is said Aleister Crowley was an initiate of an English cunning man named George Pickingill (1816 - 1909 A.D.), the witch of Canewdon, in Essex, England. Pickingill exerted a major influence on the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA) as well as on the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Both Aleister Crowley and Allan Bennett were initiates of George Pickingill, and Crowley and Bennett once lived together in London where they were engaged in the study of magic (See pp.15-16 Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente, 1978 A.D. As Crowley notes in The Psychology of Hashish: In 18981899honoured by the presence of Allan BennettTogether for many months we studied and practiced ceremonial magic.). (Pertinent Quote: George Pickingillopenly campaigned for the overthrow of the Christian religion and the [political] establishment generallySo fierce was Old Georges dislike of Christianity that he would even collaborate with avowed Satanists. Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente, 1978 A.D.). Aleister Crowley, like S. L. MacGregor Mathers, was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In his book Liber Samekh (derived from a Graeco-Egyptian magical text), which has as its stated goal the Attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel during the Semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick of Abramelin the Mage, Aleister Crowley invokes the angel Azazel under the ancient Egyptian names/titles of Azazel, namely Ptah, Apopphrasz, Khonsu, Abrasax, and Iao, calling him the
Lion-Serpent in esoteric reference to the Genesis serpent Azazels later expected appearance as the false-prophet Messiah Lion of theTribe of Judah. The invocation states: Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me; so that every Spirit (read: every fallen angel) of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me invoking all Spirits (read: every fallen angel)upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land and in the Water (according to Richard Cavendish in The Black Arts p.140: The performance of the ritual is accompanied by masturbation, this being by definition an OTO IX magic ritual involving the solo sexual rite of masturbation). According to the Gnostic Creed as cited in the Gnostic Mass, the central ritual of the OTO written by Crowley in 1913 A.D., the Lion-Serpent is known as Baphomet. It was the Lion-Serpent Baphomet (Azazel) who was championed by the Knights Templar group. The OTO, the Order of Oriental Templars, derives its name therefrom. As Crowley himself ominously relates, there exists angels of which there is no need to invoke. When you are ready, they will come to you. The magic-practicing groups known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians and the German Vril Society were entities closely associated with Madam Blavatskys powerful and well organized Theosophical Society. In fact, S. L. MacGregor Mathers was himself a Theosophical Society member. The Theosophical Society was formally established in America in New York City (in the heart of the Freemasonic establishment in America) in 1875 A.D. Theosophy is a religious philosophy based on ancient esoteric religious teachings and associated magic practices, tasked in comparative religious/comparative mythologic studies. Indeed: Theosophy was the name finally given to the whole vast renaissance in the world of magic (which involves the invocation of the rebellious fallen angels) that affected many thinkers so profoundly at the beginning of the (20th) century. The Dawn of Magic (Louis Pauwells & Jacques
Bergier,1960 A.D.) (aka The Morning of the Magicians)
Magic is an all-important part of The Great Work wrought by the greater Theosophical Movement. The Theosophical Society espoused magic: We have also to consider another class of entities which are frequently employed in magic; and this time we are dealing with real and evolving beingsThere are vast hosts of these beings, and an almost infinite number of types and classes and tribes among them. Broadly speaking, we may divide them into two great classes (a) nature-spirits or fairies, and (b) angels or, as they are called in the East, devas. This second class begins at a level corresponding to the human (the incarnate angel), but reaches up to heights far beyond any that humanity has as yet touched, so that its connection with magic is naturally of the slightest kind, and belongs solely to one special type of it, of which we shall speak presently. The nature-spirits have been called by many different names at different periods and in (the folk-lore of) various countries. We read of them as fairies, elves, pixies, kobolds, sylphs, gnomes, salamanders, undines, brownies, or good people and traditions of their occasional appearance exist in every country under heaven. They have usually been supposed to be merely the creations of popular superstition, and it is no doubt, true that much has been said of them which will not bear scientific investigation. Nevertheless it is true that such an evolution** does exist, and that its members occasionally, though rarely, manifest themselves to human
vision. Normally they have no connection whatever with humanity, and the majority of them rather shun than court the presence of man, since his ill-regulated emotions, passions, and desires are to them a source of much disturbance and acute discomfort; yet now and then exceptional circumstances have brought some of them into direct contact and even friendship with manNaturally they possess powers and methods of their own, and sometimes they can be either induced or compelled to put these powers at the service of the student of occultism. Although they are not as yet individualized, and in that respect correspond rather to the animal kingdom than to humanity, yet their intelligence is in many cases equal to that of man. They seem, however, to have usually but little sense of responsibility, and the will is generally somewhat less developed with them than it is with the average man. They can therefore readily be dominated by the exercise of mesmeric powers, and can then be employed in many ways to carry out the will of the magician. There are many purposes for which they may be utilized, and so long as the tasks prescribed to them are within their power they will be faithfully and surely executedAll this will no doubt seem strange and new to many minds, but any student of the occult will confirm what I have said here as to the existence of these beings and the possibility that they can be used in various ways by one who understands themThe forces to which I have referred are those most commonly employed in ordinary types of magicWe may usefully divide the subject of magic into two great parts, according to the methods which it employs; and we may characterize these respectively as methods of evocation and of invocation of command and of entreaty. Let us consider the former first. Although it may act through many different channels, the one great force at the back of all magic of this first type is the human will...By this magnetic (mesmeric) control may be gained over any of the classes of nature-spiritsIndeed it is scarcely possible to fix the limits of the power of the human will when properly directed; it is so much more far-reaching than the ordinary man ever supposes, that the results gained by its means appear to him astounding and supernaturalWe find abundant traces of this magic of command in the ceremonies connected with almost every religion in the world - Some Glimpses of Occultism Chapter VIII by Theosophical Society member C.W.
Leadbeater, 1919 A.D.; This book treats extensively on the subject of magic (** The theory of evolution is also rooted in the practice of Spiritism: For spiritists of the Kardec school [and theosophists such as C.W. Leadbeater certainly fall within this category], as for all others who embrace the idea, reincarnation is closely linked to a 'progressivist' [as in, as noted, the progressive transmigration of souls/spirits according to the so-called law of progress], or if preferred, an 'evolutionist' conception of things. Originally the word 'progress' was simply used, but today 'evolution' is preferredAs for the word 'evolution' it must be acknowledged that what it designates is really in harmony with the various spiritist theories Rene Guenon)
The following explanation is from Theosophical Society president Annie Besant: truly, as its name implies, the great science (compare to Francis Barret who calls magic a good and laudable science)...The difference between White and Black Magic lies in the motive...when that Will is set to benefit others, to help and bless all who come within its scope, then is the man a White Magician, and the results which he brings about by the exercise of his trained Will are beneficial, and aid the course of human evolution...But when the Will is exercised for the advantage of the lower self, when it is employed for personal ends and aims, then is the man a Black Magician, a danger to the race, and his results obstruct and delay human evolution... - Study in Consciousness: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY by Annie Besant (Hail!
Angels of healing, come to our aid. Pour forth your mighty power upon this suffering one. Excerpted from Healing Invocation written by Theosophical Society author Geoffrey Hodson [1928 A.D.])
Though magic practices were embraced by the learned members of the Theosophical Society (such as Judge and
Leadbeater), it was not, professedly, a practice meant for the masses. William Q. Judge, one of the original founders of the Theosophical Society, in his magazine The Path: Considerations On Magic (1887 A.D.) cautions his followers: Occultism and magic are not childs-play, as many may learn to their sorrowLet all who have joined the Theosophical Society remember this, and search their hearts before taking the first step in any magical formulary. As Leadbeater explains: The highest system of evolution connected with this earth, so far as we know, is that of the Beings whom Hindus call the Devas (synonymous/cognate with our word devil), and have elsewhere (most specifically, in The Bible) been spoken of as Angels, Sons of God, etc...Their attention can be attracted by certain magical evocations, but only Adepts (the word Adept is synonymous with the word Magus) of the First Ray have power to command their obedience. - Some Fundamental Teachings by C W Leadbeater (As we learn from Tookes
Pantheon of the Heathen Gods and Illustrious Heroes [1823 A.D.], the Roman god Jupiter [who represented the angel Azazel], was called by the title Vejovis, or Vejupiter, and Vedius: The Romans accounted him a fatal and noxious deity; and therefore they worshipped him only that he might not hurt them. A cognate of the word Vedius is the Sanskrit word Vedas, which are named in Azazels honor. The Vedas are a large body of Hindu religious texts made up of four main canonical Samhita known as the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda [its teachings are incorporated into the system known as Vedantic Buddhism]. The Atharvaveda is a compilation of magic spells, incantations, mantras, charms and hymns. The Hindu word for black magic is Jadoo. Dhamis are female witch doctors [Shamans], Sadhus their male counterparts. Jadoo is akin to Voodoo [an African tribal form of folk-magic], New Orleans Voodoo [Voodoo as introduced by displaced African slaves], Haitian Vodou folk-magic [also as practiced by displaced African slaves], as well as Hoodoo, a form of African-American traditional folk magic)
The Vril Society (also known as The Luminous Lodge and the Society for Truth [Wahrheitsgesellschaft]) was a Hermetic Order employing magic practices which was founded in Berlin, Germany, by a group of Berlin Rosicrucians being based on British author Edward Bulwer-Lyttons novel The Coming Race (1871 A.D.) about an evolutionarily advanced group of men said to be residing within the Earth and of who it is said will later emerge to rule over the world. Said to once inhabit the Earths outer surface, the group was forced to retreat underground many thousands of years ago by a natural catastrophe similar in nature to that of the Biblical Flood. This group was said to be trained in the application of the vril force, which can be used to control the physical world, including the minds and bodies of others. If this story sounds familiar it should, the story of course being based upon Bulwer-Lyttons esoteric knowledge concerning Azazel and his group of fallen angels who are currently entrapped within the earth, including the influence they exert upon mankind. Bulwer-Lytton, a Grand Patron (1871-73 A.D.) of the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), a magic-practicing group which accepted only Master Masons as members, wrote on many themes including the occult. Indeed, this novel was, as we learn from the words of Bulwer-Lytton himself, predicated on: The superstitious belief, common to miners, that gnomes or fiends dwell within the bowels of the earth, the gnomes and fiends representing, of course, Azazel and his group of fallen angels entrapped therein. Bulwer-Lytton was a member of the British House of Lords, a minister of the state. According to Alan Baker in Invisible Eagle: The History of Nazi Occultism: It is an assumption of many occultists that The Coming Race is fact disguised as fiction: that Bulwer-Lytton based his engaging novel on a genuine body of esoteric knowledge. He was greatly interested in the Rosicrucians, the powerful occult societywhich claimed to possess ancient wisdomSome writers, including Alec Maclellan, author of the fascinating book The Lost World of Agharti (1996 A.D.), have suggested that The Coming Race revealed too much of the subterranean world (wherein Azazel is entrapped), and was as a result suppressed in the years following BulwerLyttons death in 1873. Indeed, he describes the book as one of the hardest to find of all books of mysticism, and informs us of his own search for a copy, which for some years met with no success. Bulwer-Lytton was a friend of Eliphas Levi, the French occult writer and magician. In fact In 1853 he [Eliphas Levi] traveled to London and met Lord Bulwer Lytton, whom he
assisted in various magical evocations and theories. - Gale Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology: liphas Lvi. Eliphas Levi was also an associate of the President of the London Lodge (established 1883 A.D.) of the Theosophical Society in England, Anna Kingsford. Driven therefrom by A.P. Sinnett, Kingsford was given leadership of a Hermetic Lodge which was attended by, amongst others, Lady Wilde and her sons Oscar (Wilde, the Irish poet and author) and William (See Biography of Anna Kingsford by Alan Pert, 2004 A.D.). Kingsford later left this lodge and formed the Hermetic Society (Hermetic Societies/Hermetic Orders are based on the writings of Hermes Trismegistus known as the Corpus Hermeticum, a god who represented none other than the fallen angel Azazel). Kingsfords Hermetic Society was known for giving lectures on occult subject matters, featuring as lecturers the likes of occultist S. L. MacGregor Mathers and ceremonial magician Dr. William Wynn Westcott. Wescott, a practicing Cabalist (Wescott had translated the Kabalistic Book of Formation [aka Sepher Yetzirah] and the Chaldean Oracles of Zoroaster into English), in addition to being a Master Mason, was Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA; the Rosicrucian Society of England [Wescott was also a member of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical Society. See p.30 The Alchemist of the Golden Dawn by Ellie Howe). Mathers, likewise a Master Mason, himself gained admittance to the Metropolitan College of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (to which only Master Masons are admitted), eventually being appointed Junior Substitute Magus. William Wynn Wescott, with S. L. MacGregor Mathers, would later found the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the most celebrated member of which was the English Freemasonic ceremonial magician Aleister Crowley. The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was itself modelled after Rosicrucian societies in Germany, such as the infamous Vril Society. The Vril Society in Germany, founded in Berlin, as must again be noted, by a group of German Rosicrucians, would later become the inner circle of the Thule Society (the Thule Society, a literary club in outward appearance, was founded in 1918 A.D. by the German Rosicrucian Freemason Baron Rudolf von Sebettendorf, a man versed in Sufi mysticism (the Sufi holy book, with which he would have been familiar, entitled The Tawasin of Mansur AlHallaj presents the story of the angel Azazels refusal to prostrate himself before Adam as God had so commanded, an act preceding a full-blown military rebellion. Sufi magicians invoke the angel Azazel). The Theosophic-beliefed Vril Society (by definition a Hermetic Order/Hermetic Society) was the first German nationalist group to use the symbol of the swastika (a Hindu equilateral cross) as an emblem/magic talisman (in India, the swastika represents the god Brahma, who is Azazel). This was derived from the Theosophical Society seal which likewise employs a swastika (variously known as a Hermetic Cross/Universal Hermetic Cross and the Cross of the Magi) within its emblem, this being one of the signs/sigils which represented the angel Azazel to whom they swore allegiance. For more information, turn now to Appendix A). The Thule Society was the organization which sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (The German Workers Party) which was later transformed by Adolf Hitler (who himself had been indoctrinated into Theosophical Society teachings) into the Nazi Party (a typical example of an intelligence undercover organizational takeover formally known as Siezing the Lodge). In fact Azazel and his angels are the German Nazi underground supermen (also known as Unknown Supermen) said to live beneath the Earths surface, of whom the Rosicrucian author and British statesman Bulwer-Lytton wrote. It must be noted the word Thule, from whence the Thule Society derives its name, is a Greek word which translates as isle of the four Masters, in reference to the place where Azazel, along with his three angelic companions, lie entrapped
within the earth, this place being located as it is between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (for which reason Arabs call this area The Island). Hitler claimed to be in communication with these angelsand Hitlers ultimate goal was to free them. Concerning the Thule Society: The inner core within the Thule Group** were all Satanists who practiced Black Magic, wrote Trevor Ravenscroft. That is to say, they were solely concerned with raising their consciousness by means of (magic) rituals to an awareness of evil and non-human intelligences in the Universe and with achieving a means of communication with the Intelligences (read: communication with the alien rebel angels). And the Master-Adept of this (inner) circle was Dietrich Eckart. - Rule
By Secrecy by Jim Marrs (** Briefly, the creed of the Thule society inner circle is as follows: Thule was a legendary island in the far north, similar to Atlantis, supposedly the center of a lost, high-level civilization. But not all secrets of that civilization had been completely wiped out [destroyed by the Flood]. Those that remained were being guarded by ancient, highly intelligent beings (similar to the Masters of Theosophy or the White Brotherhood) (in truth, not similar, but in fact the very same beings). The truly initiated could establish contact with these beings [with Azazel and his angels] by means of magic-mystical rituals. The Unknown Hitler by Wulf Schwartzwaller, 1990 A.D.)
...At the end of1919...Hitler met Dietrich Eckart. Most biographers have underestimated the influence that Eckart exerted on Hitler. He was the wealthy publisher and editor-in-chief of an anti-Semitic journal which he called In Plain German. Eckart was also a committed occultist and a master of magic. As an initiate, Eckart belonged to the inner circle of the Thule Society as well as other esoteric orders (including the German branch of the Theosophical Society). - The
Unknown Hitler by Wulf Schwartzwaller (Hitler had in fact dedicated his book Mein Kampf to Dietrich Eckart)
Dietrich Eckhart was Hitlers mentor: As Eckhart lay dying in December, 1923, he famously said: Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the Secret Doctrine, opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers (with Azazel and his angels). Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German. (See The Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft). The Secret Doctrine into which Hitler was indoctrinated were the teachings of Helena Blavatskys Theosophical Society, he referring of course to Blavatskys book entitled The Secret Doctrine. The Secret Doctrine imparted to (Adolf) Hitler by (Dietrich) Eckart and University of Munich Professor (Karl) Haushofer was an amalgamation of concepts and philosophies largely stemming from the work of Madam Blavatsky (a woman with many Masonic associations) and her Theosophical SocietyBlavatsky, in forming the German branch of the Theosophical Society in 1884, brought her belief in channeling, reincarnation, racial superiority and extraterrestrial visitation (by super humanoid beings known as angels/devas) to people who later would form the theological basis of Nazism (including Dietrich Eckart himself, who would convey this knowledge to Hitler). ... The rationale behind many later Nazi projects can be traced back ... to ideas first popularized by (H.P.) Blavatsky, agreed Levenda, who detailed connections with other European secret organizations. We have the Theosophical Society, the OTO [Ordo Templi Orientis or Oriental Templars], [Dr Rudolf Steiners] Anthroposophical Society and [the (Hermetic) Order of] the Golden Dawn all intertwined in incestuous embrace. - Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs (Notable quote: the techniques Dietrich Eckart used were in
part derived from the sexual magic of Aleister Crowley. In 1912 this famed British magician was named IX British head of a secret Berlin lodge called Ordo Templi Orientis [OTO] which practiced various forms of sexual magic. - The Unknown Hitler: Nazi Roots in the Occult. The Spear of Destiny also links the sexual magic of Aleister Crowley to Dietrich Eckart. At any rate, it was at about this time that Rudolph Steiner sought to unite all the disparate magic practicing groups into one large International Bund [See Chapter 11, Modern Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism by Francis King, 1989 A.D., pp. 97-108]. Bund means Union. It is also with such a union in mind when in 1964 A.D. Doreen Valiente helped to establish the
Witchcraft Research Association, founded by Gerard Noel in an effort to unite the witches of Great Britain. Francis King throws an interesting light on the subject when he explains: The Masonic body alluded to [with which the Freemason Rudolph Steiner was linked at the time he attempted this Union] was the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim, centred in Manchester [England] and led by John Yarker. Once again this links up with the O.T.O. whose chiefs were, without exception members of this [Freemasonic] Rite. It is interesting to note that [Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn member and 33 Freemason Aleister] Crowley eventually achieved the direction of this Rite some three years after he entered it in 1910...Yarker had recently [circa 1912 A.D.] established links between his clandestine, fee snatching organisations and [Theosophical Society president] Annie Besants Co-Masonry. Modern Ritual Magic: The Rise of Western Occultism by Francis King, 1989 A.D., Footnotes, p.104. It was within this secretive Continental, soupy, magical-mix where we first encounter Adolf Hitler himself).
Adolf Hitler, it is said, was an Adept of Black Magic (as we learn from Timothy W. Ryback [director of the Salzburg Seminar] in his book entitled Hitlers Forgotten Library: One of the most heavily marked books [in Hitlers personal library] is Magic: History, Theory and Practice [1923 A.D.], by Ernst Schertel. Hitlers personal library also contained a number of books authored by members of the Theosophical Society, including books penned by Theosophical Society president Annie Besant. In fact, Hitlers idea of a new superhuman Aryan race originated with the Theosophical Movement for as we learn from theosophical writings such as Modern Theosophy: An Outline of Its Principles [by Claude Falls Wright, FTS, 1894 A.D.] their [the rebellious fallen angels] mission in the world included the creation of a new race. Hitler was simply following Azazels orders. It must be remembered, Theosophy teaches the angels came to our Earth to help with mankinds evolutionary progress in the creation of this coming new super race), while members of Hitlers feared secret police, the SS (Schutzstaffel), like their fuehrer Hitler, were practitioners of black magic and students of the occult. Azazel and his group through thought-transference (Overshadowing) exerted their influence upon the mind as well as actions of Adolf Hitler, prompting him to action. The Dawn of Magic written by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier states: When Arthur Machen speaks of the World of Evil, full of caverns and crepuscular beings dwelling therein, he is referring, as an adept of the (Hermetic Order of the) Golden Dawn, to that other world in which man comes into contact with the Unknown Supermen. It seems certain that Hitler shared this belief, and even claimed to have been in touch with these Supermen. End quote. The Unknown Supermen of which he speaks and with whom Hitler was in contact was none other than Azazel and his group of fallen angels who are entrapped within the earth. Amazingly enough: with the coming of Nazism it was the other world which ruled over us for a number of years - The Dawn of Magic by Louis Pauwells & Jacques Bergier, 1960 A.D. By other world they reference the angel Azazel and the angels entrapped along with him in the Egyptian Amenta. Azazel controlled Germany through his control of Hitler. It must be mentioned the Welsh author and mystic Arthur Machen was a friend of A. E. Waite and, like Waite, was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Waite translated fellow Golden Dawn member and French magician Eliphas Levis Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (Dogma and Ritual of High Magic [1896 A.D.]) into English under the title Transcendental Magic, its Doctrine and Ritual even bragging: I believe that I may speak with a certain accent of authority upon any question which connects with the French magus liphas Lvi. I am an old student of his works, and of the aspects of occult science and magical history which arise out of them; in the year 1886 I published a digest of his writings which has been the only attempt to present them to English readers until the present year when I have undertaken a translation in extenso of the Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie, which is actually in the hands of the printer. Now, it has not been alleged in so many words that the radix of Modern Diabolism and the Masonic cultus of Lucifer is to be found in liphas Lvi, but that is the substance of the charge. - Devil-Worship in France Chapter XIV by A.E. Waite (1896 A.D.) (In The Sources of
Madame Blavatskys Writings, William Emmette [W.E.] Coleman [Member, American Oriental Society, Royal Asiatic Society
of Great Britain and Ireland] in 1893 A.D. notes: Madame Blavatsky was a spiritualistic medium many years before she became a theosophist, and in its inception theosophy was an off-shoot from spiritualism; and from this source was a large part of her theosophy taken, it also being as Coleman notes derived from the works of Eliphas Levi, the French ceremonial magician/invoker of fallen angels).
(**Authors Note: As SRIA member Hargrave Jennings reveals in The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries [p. 119]: the British golden collar of S.S. [worn on the collar of a Knight of the Order of the Garter. To learn its significance turn now to Appendix A] which is worn as a relic of the oldest day (in perpetuation of a mythos long ago buried (a nod to the fact that Azazel is currently interred within the earth)and forgotten in the dust of ages) by some of our [British] officials, courtly and otherwisebelongs to no known order of knighthood, but only to the very highest order of knighthood, the Magian, or to Magic. It is this authors opinion the S.S. sign is the sign of Azazel [Az means serpent/el means shining one. The name Az-az-el thusly may be interpreted as the shining one (angel) whose sign is the double serpent, thus represented as two serpentine Ss (SS) also known as Esses. The Gnostic group known as the Essenes derive their name from him: The Essenes were Christians in the Gnostic sense, and according to Pliny the elder, they were a Hermetic Society that had existed for ages on ages of time. Logia of the Lord by Gerald Massey. Massey also writes: The Essenes were phenomenal Spiritualists Gnostic and Historic Christianity]. This would explain why some of the Dead Sea scrolls of the Essenes at Qumran contained magic spells. Seems the Essenes also had their own practicing ceremonial magicians (It must also be noted the symbol used on Gnostic magic talismans depicting the serpent god Chnouphis, who represented the angel Azazel, is rendered in the form of a serpentine S). According to S.F. Dunlap in Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man p.80 one ancient spelling of the name of the angel Azazel was Asas-el, god of Edessa, rendered with double Ss (SS) instead of the customary double Zs. Since early Semitic alphabets did not contain vowels and el serves only to identify him as a god, when these devices are taken away we are left simply with Azazels arcane name SS (the double serpent). The Nazis incorporated Azazels sign (SS) within the emblem of its feared Black Magic-practicing secret police force. A swastika in its construction is in essence two crossed stylized Ss). (Authors Note: Azazels wifes name is derived by playing this very same vowel game. When we add Is to Azazels name SS we derive Isis. The human wives of the angels were often named after the angels [the Elohim] to whom they belonged. With the inclusion of the vowel e is derived esse as in Essene; with an o [the disc] and a serpentine z, Oz) Other famous practitioners of black magic included the Druids. Celtic Druidic rituals are included in many modern-day black magic ceremonies. Druidism retains its popularity in Britain even today, particularly in connection with Stonehenge. In fact, one of the centers of the ArchDruids of Britain is London, England. Magic practices were also part and parcel of Sumerian, Babylonian, and Egyptian religions (ancient Egyptian priests were ceremonial magicians who practiced black magic; they were also by definition Masons, erecting great temples and pyramids in honor of their gods the fallen angels in the great tradition of magic-practicing Masonry) as well as Coptic Christianity (the Coptic Leiden Papyrus, an Egyptian Christian magical book, ritually invokes the holy gods [read: fallen angels] of the abyss). According to 33 Freemasonic author and ceremonial magician Albert Pike (circa. 1871 A.D.) in what is considered to be the Masonic Bible entitled Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: The first Druids were the true children of the Magi, and their initiation came from Egypt and Chaldaea (Babylon), that is to say, from the pure sources of the primitive Kabalah (Notable quote: ...our mode of teaching the principles of our profession
[Masonry] is derived from the Druids...and our chief emblems originally came from Egypt... The Spirit of Masonry by William Hutchinson, Mason, 1775 A.D. The Freemasonic author Albert Churchward blithely states that Masons are: our present Druids (See Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man: the Evolution of Religious Doctrine from the Eschatology of the Ancient Egyptians by Albert Churchward, London, England, 1913 A.D., Second Edition, p. 189). Masonic author George Oliver admits: The Druids had a high veneration for the Serpent. Their great god, Hu (who represented the Genesis serpent Azazel), was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as the wonderful chief Dragon, the sovereign of heaven (the word dragon is used as a synonym of the word serpent in The Bible). p. 36 Signs and Symbols by George Oliver, New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1906 A.D. One essential teaching of Kabalah is the story of Azazel and his angels, that they are entrapped within the earth, and that they may in fact be contacted. Indeed, magic was a common practice amongst the high-degree Freemasonic set, for as we learn from prominent Freemason and Theosophical Society member C. W. Leadbeater in Glimpses of Masonic History (circa 1926 A.D.): the seventh ray is beginning to dominate the world - the ray of ceremonial magic which brings the especial cooperation of the Angelic hosts, of which Masonry itself with its many coloured pageant of rites is a splendid manifestation. One
of the purposes of the Egyptian system of magic was to gain mastery and control over Azazel and his angels, who were the Egyptian gods said to be dwelling within the earth, thereby compelling these angels to do their bidding. An invocation found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XVI B.D. Chap. XXVII, speaking of Azazel and the angels who are imprisoned with him within the earth, exhorts: O ye lords of eternity, ye possessors of everlastingnessbe obedient unto me in the underworld. In deference to the fact that the Egyptian system of magic constituted a ritual cultus surrounding the angel Azazel who was imprisoned within the earth along with his angelic followers, Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XIV B.D. Chap. XVIII states: Now as concerning every (magic) charm and all the words (spells) which may be spoken against me (by opposing magicians), may the gods (read: Azazel and the angels imprisoned with him) resist them, and may each and every company of the gods (such angels as were invoked by the opposing magician) withstand them. Practitioners of black magic such as that employed in the Egyptian system of magic often used the fallen angels as weapons aimed at other persons, against other practitioners of magic in particular, in a kind of magical warfare of sorts. Cunning folk of one type or another were often hired to combat these assaults as is emplified by the use of witch-bottles employed to counteract the attacks of witches here in the Americas and in Europe. Explains Margaret Alice Murray in The Witch Cult in Western Europe (University College, London, 1921 A.D.): The magical ceremonies performed by the witches with the help of the Devil (Margaret Alice Murray uses the word Devil to refer to the Horned God [Cernunnos], the god of the witches, who is in fact, the fallen angel Azazel) were usually for the destruction of, or for doing harm to, an enemy. This fact helps to partly explain the various military Intelligence agencys interest in the occult, as does the following account in the Malleus Maleficarum (Part 3 Question XXXIV by Heinrich Kramer, 1486/87 A.D.): And it is a fact that some definite agreement is formed between witches (practitioners of magic) and devils (fallen angels) whereby some shall be able to hurt (through goetia, black magic) and others to heal (through mageia, white magic)Archer-wizards and enchanters of weapons, who are only protected by being patronized, defended and received by temporal Lords, are subject to the same penalties; and they who patronize them, etc., or obstruct the officers of justice (the Inquisitors) in their proceedings against them, are subject to all the penalties to which the patrons of heretics are liable, and are to be excommunicated. In those days excommunication often resulted in death. And again we are instructed: The making of wax images (a practice akin to the production of voodoo dolls) for the destruction of an enemy has always been supposed to be a special art of a witch (A witch is a person that hath conference [is in communication] with the Devil [a fallen angel] to take counsel or to do some act. - Lord Edward Coke [1552 1634 A.D.], Lord Chief Justice of England under King James I; Coke was the main rival of Sir Francis Bacon [with Bacon by my vote count voted most likely to be in fact a closeted ceremonial magician/medium/Spiritist]). The action has its origin in the belief in sympathetic magic; the imageof clay or waxwas made in the likeness of the doomed person, it was pierced with thorns or pins, and was finally dissolved in water or melted before a slow fire. The belief was that whatever was done to the image would be repeated in the body of the enemy, and as the image slowly melted he would get weaker and die. The method was probably quite effectual if the doomed man knew that magic, in which he believed, was being practised against him; but when the method was not successful the witches were often prepared to supplement magic with physical means, such as poison and cold steel (the cold steel of a dagger) p.72 The God of the Witches by Margaret Alice Murray, D.Lit.,
Fellow of University College, London, 1933 A.D. And I might add, as often these assassinations are perpetrated with a
ritually consecrated magic knife (known as an athame), such killings become characteristically ceremonial in nature. Murray also writes: (The French Inquisitor Pierre) De Lancre (1553 1631 A.D.) makes the statement that there are two sorts of witches, the first sort are composed of witches who, having abandoned God, give themselves to drugs (including those of a hallucinogenic nature) and poisons (which falls into the magical use of herbs category). The second are those who have made an express renunciation of Jesus Christ and of the (Christian) Faith and have given themselves to Satan. These perform wonders (as indeed: it is very easy for the Enemy [the devil, a
fallen angel] to create apparitions and appearances of such a character that they shall be deemed real and actual objects Syriac Paradise of the Fathers). - The God of the Witches p.33 by Margaret Alice Murray, 1933 A.D. (As the famed Scottish author of the enchanted novel Ivanhoe [a classic tale of Medieval magick and witchcraft] Sir Walter Scott explains in his lesser known expos entitled Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Letter II (1830 A.D.), the witches of ancient Europe were very apt to eke out their capacity of mischief by the use of actual poison, so that the epithet of sorceress and poisoner were almost synonymous. The use of poisons by witches is highlighted in what is known as the Affair of the Poisons: The Affair of the Poisons (Laffaire des poisons) was a major murder scandal in France which took place in 16771682, during the reign of (the Sun King) King Louis XIV (it even included a mistress of the king by whom he had fathered seven illegitimate children of the House of Bourbon). During it, a number of prominent members of the aristocracy were implicated and sentenced on charges of poisoning and witchcraft. The scandal reached into the inner circle of the king. The origin of the case began in 1675 after the trial of Marie-Madeleine-Marguerite dAubray, Marquise de Brinvilliers, who had conspired with her lover, army captain Godin de Sainte-Croix, to poison her father Antonine Dreux dAubray in 1666 and two of her brothers, Antoine dAubray and Francois dAubray, in 1670, in order to inherit their estates. Wikipedia: The Affair of the Poisons. One of the men involved in this scandal carried out a lucrative trade in what he called inheritance powders, the main ingredient of which was arsenic. Arsenic was used by nobility to murder one another in the course of palace intrigues and for this very reason arsenic is known as the Poison of Kings and the King of Poisons. Zosimos and Albertus Magus were two such magic-practicing alchemists who reported preparing such toxic arsenic concoctions. Wicca High-Priestess Sybil Leek in her Diary of a Witch likewise speaks circa 1968 A.D. of: a rare fungus called the Calendar of Death used in three known cases to dispose of heads of statethe person intending to use it invites the intended victimto take a meal with him. The fungus is carefully grated up and boiled with the vegetables. It is tasteless and the host takes care that the guest alone gets the portion with the tidbit in it. The guest returns home, replete with a good meal. For eighty-four days he feels nothing at all. On the eighty-fifth day he is taken ill with an infection of the intestines, lingers a few days, and ultimately dies. No autopsy reveals the use of the Calendar of Death, and the host can rarely be associated with the demise of his one-time guest. Just something to think about when you ponder that next dinner invite. Most assuredly: Witchcraft, and Voodoorelies greatly on poisoning for its magic, and the first gypsies [well known practitioners of magic] were said to poison unscrupulously. p.9 Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling by Charles G. Leland, 1891 A.D. In The Book of the Epodes of Horace, the poet Horace speaks of a victim fed poisonous herbs (Ode III) and of a bride befallen as she donned poisonous snake-venom injected garments the gift of an injurious witch (Ode V). Horace (65 8 B.C.) the leading Roman lyric poet during the days of Emperor Augustus (Horace was as well a ceremonial magician; typical of its time, lyric poets were in addition practitioners of magic; this tradition was continued by Medaeval Gaelic and British bards and various traveling minstrels and Neoplatonic troubadors [which morphed into magic-practicing theatrical groups such as the British bard Shakespeares group and later even into vaudeville stage magic acts, Broadway plays, Rock musicians/lyricists (a lyricist is in essence a poet) and even into Hollywood; indeed, as occult author/poet and practitioner of magic Robert Graves remarked in The White Goddess, the: true function of poetry is religious invocation of the Muse], and later by Romance Era poets such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Grand Master W.B. Yeats and even later as youll learn in a following chapter, by 20th Century itinerant Beatnik magic-practicing poets. As Colin Wilson helpfully points out in his book The Occult: The shamans were also poets and storytellers. Many of these Beatniks were also in fact novelists, and this according to old magic traditions). Horace had a special kind of consort known as a Hetaera (a compound of Hecate/Hera, the Roman and Greek names denoting the goddess of the witches), a witch with whom a ceremonial magician practiced sex-magic named Canidia (a Scarlet Woman of sorts), by all accounts an accomplished sorceress as well as a concoctor of Colchian poisons (See Ode XVII; it really is an amusing little story, for Hell hath no fury like a Hetaera scorned. Colchi was a Black Sea region specifically known for its sorceries). Following the assassination of Julius Caesar on the Ides of March by the lifeless cold steel of multiple traitorous daggers, no doubt of the magic athame variety, Horace joined the army, serving under the generalship of Brutus. As Montague Summers explains concerning the military role such magic-practicing poets had played in ancient warfare: In war, the poet, by cursing the enemy in rhythmic runes, rendered services not inferior to the heroism of the warrior himself. The History of Witchcraft and Demonology. Such practices fall under the heading of Rune Magic. As Doreen Valiente explains, a rune is a magical rhyme. She states: Originally, the Runes were the letters it (the magical rhyme) was written down in. Each of the Rune letters had a magical meaning. Runic inscriptions were cut upon the hilt of a warriors sword, to make it powerful and victorious in battle; and this may be the origin of the magical weapons, knives and swords with mystic sigils and inscriptions on them, which play such an important part in mediaeval magic. The magician uses such weapons to draw the magic circle, and to command spirits. p.21 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present. The use of the traditional Druidic runic alphabet known as Ogham was in fact: continued by the Bards of Wales in order to write down the traditional knowledge they claimed to have received from the Druids (Ibid p.21). The word bard itself is from the Latin bardus (Greek bardos) used to denote a Druidic
Celtic priestMediaeval bards themselves carried on the Druidic magic tradition. William Shakespeare, a contemporary of Queen Elizabeth I (she was known to have attended his plays) and of her court official, Welsh ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee [as noted by Rollo Ahmed in The Black Art (1936 A.D.): Much of Welsh magic carried on the most ancient Druid customs into comparatively recent times.], was himself considered to a bard (Shakespeares nickname was in fact The Bard)the subject of magic permeates his writings and he would go on to become a 20th Century Humanistic educational mainstay. Public school students in America such as I have long been subjected to his own ramblings as I now subject you to mine. Poetic justice indeed! The father of cermonial magician G.I. Gurdjieff was himself one of the last of a line of traditional ashohks, Armenian bards who had transmitted their ancient legends orally from generation to generation in the grand old magic-practicing bardic tradition (originally, the teachings of Jewish Kabalism were also passed down orally in such a spoken manner).
The magical use of herbs to concoct poisons was the realm of the apothecary. The eminent seer Nostradamus was a famous apothecary of note (in William Shakespeares play entitled Romeo and Juliet, the elixir of death by which Romeo committed suicide was purchased by Romeo from such an apothecary. The word seer is but a shortened form of the word sorcerer). Indeed, The Acts of John (circa the 2nd Century A.D.) speaks of sorcery and the poisoners art that is sister to it, for the well-honed art of concocting poisons and the successful execution of stealthy assassinations fall into the realm of magic, including the occult science of alchemy (as was the fabrication of gunpowder, an essential ingredient in modern warfare, originally an alchemical undertaking). And one must be reminded, according to 1Enoch VIII.1 and 1Enoch LXIX, it was the fallen angels who first taught mankind the ways of war (as well as must be remembered, the use of magic and the use of herbs to harm as well as heal!). The Byzantine chronicler George Syncellus in his signal work Chronography (composed approximately 810 A.D.), quoting from the alchemist Zosimos of Panopolis writes: The ancient and divine writings say that the angels became enamoured of women; and, descending, taught them all the works of nature. From them, therefore, is the first tradition, chema, concerning these arts; for they called this book chema and hence the science of chemistry (a cognate of alchemy) takes its name. And let us not forget, Egypt was known as the Land of Khem, well known for its alchemists and as the area where the glass vessel essential to such alchemical undertakings first makes its debut. As was the case with the sorcerer/ceremonial magician/Jewish Kabalist Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa who accompanied the First Reich armies of the Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian into battle, magic practices have long been associated with martial enterprises: The Assyrian armies were always accompanied by the Magi and the Chaldean chief of the Magi accompanied the Chaldean armies (See S.F. Dunlap in Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man pp.113, 114). The worldly-wise alchemist Rennaissance-man Paracelcus in fact accompanied Imperial armies in roles of both physician as well as magician. Another famous example of a sorcerer aiding in martial pursuits in the role of a military adviser is the famed 13th Century Italian astrologer/astronomer/ceremonial magician Guido Bonatti, the most celebrated astrologer/astronomer of his day (Bonatti appears as a character in Dantes Divine Comedy, fated to hell as punishment for his sorceries), councilor to the most powerful Holy Roman Emperor of the Middle Ages, Frederick II (1194 1250 A.D.), Sicilian leader of the Sixth Crusade. Bonattis astrological work entitled Liber Astronomicus (a liber is by definition a magic book/grimoire) is in part a treatise on warfare and the successful waging thereof. Indeed, the Malleus Maleficarum speaks of the existence of Archer-wizards and enchanters of weapons who served those who would martial forces in battle. And of course, Shaman-prepared poisoned darts and arrows have themselves claimed many a victim. No doubt Egyptian, Greek and Roman forces entered into battle brandishing magically enchanted swords. Indeed, in the Medaeval grimoire entitled The Greater Key of Solomon a practitioner of magic is provided the instructions by which may be created an entire arsenal of
magical weapons. In Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft Letter III by Sir Walter Scott we learn of Prophetesses (known as Hexe, meaning witch, from Haxa, meaning chief priestess), females who had intercourse (who were in communication) with the spiritual world, (by definition, mediums)honoured among the German tribes (in the time of the Roman general Tacitus) thatrose to the highest rank in their councils by their supposed supernatural knowledge, and even obtained a share in the direction of their armies. Historically speaking, diviners/astrologers (also known by the modern moniker of Fortune-Teller) were often consulted prior to any major military undertaking (much as, as we shall learn, do many politicians today). 1Samuel 28:1-19 in a like way tells us King Saul sought advice from the Spiritist medium and Pythoness-witch of Endor from whom he received an ill fated omen of impending martial defeat prior to his taking the field of battle against the Phillistines whose armies had gathered there against his. And one should think even the ability to heal by the use of mageia, or white magic, such as through a practical application of the magical use of herbs, would be useful for healing wounds sustained in battle. The preparation of poultices would indeed fall under this heading. Many of the major players in the realm of modern magic possess a martial background. You will find this to be the case time and time again (no doubt indicative of the presence of secretive magic societies within the American [as well as British] armed forces themselves. This certainly would explain outgoing-American President and former-General Dwight D. Eisenhauers warnings concerning the Leviathan which was Americas unbridled militaryindustrial complex in his 1961 A.D. farewell address to the nation, which, I might add, is a horrifically prescient nightmare come dreadfully true). Is it any wonder warriors would invoke the god of war and magic Azazel? Magic and the military are inextricably and indelibly ingrained (as is also true of Freemasonry due to military engineering including the construction of fortifications such as castles, forts and defensive city walls), even at this later date (to magic practicing warriors, war itself involves an aspect of ceremonial human sacrifice, whether in the waging of the war itself or in its subsequent bloody aftermath, a classic case in point being the Aztecs of Mexico who sacrificed prisoners of war to gods representing fallen angels during ritual magic ceremonies with enchanted obsidian knives upon Masonic temple pyramids). Magic charms, talismans and protective amulets were employed as a type of supernatural protection/defense during battles, which, as one may assume due to the injurious nature of warfare, would be of major martial interest (as well as other magic spells/practices in general, such as the Shamanistic Ghost Dance of which it was believed with the help of the spirits they thereby were in contact rendered supernatural protection to Native American armed forces against the bullets of American cavalrymen). Such practices, ancient in their origin, are an abomination in the eyes of God. In Deuteronomy 18:10-11,12 God warns: There shall not be found among you any onethat useth divination (fortune-tellers), or an observer of times (astrologers), or an enchanter (such as an enchanter of weapons), or a witch (a Shaman), or a charmer (a maker of magic charms, talismans and amulets), or a consulter with familiar spirits (a medium), or a wizard (a ceremonial magician), or a necromancer (a Spiritist). For all that do these things are an abomination as such practices involved the invocation of fallen angels or the application of knowledge derived therefrom (typically by an Overshadowed individual) who are even now as I write these words in active rebellion against God, as was also the case when this statement was first made thousands of years ago. Join them and you join in the angels rebellion
against God. He shall destroy all martialed forces which opposeth Him at His coming. Make no mistake about it! Magic practices were common in the 3rd-7th Centuries C.E. in the Jewish communities of Babylonia contemporaneously with and in the same communities which created the Babylonian Talmud (See Dan Levine, Rare Magic Inscription on Human Skull, BAR, March/April 2009 and Hershel Shanks, Magic Incantation Bowls [known as Babylonian Devil traps] BAR, January/February 2007). It must also be noted the composition of books on magic including The Great Grimoire of Pope Honorious III (a mediaeval magic manuscript [Sloane MS 313] once in the possession of British Spiritualist alchemist/ceremonial magician Dr. John Dee, and which, in the words of Sufi philosopher/ritual magician Idries Shah: considered among writers on the occult, both modern and ancient, to be the most diabolical work of black magic which has appeared in written form, at any time) and The Enchiridion of Pope Leo are purported to have been authored by popes of the Roman Catholic Church, although these claims have not been substantiated. Though unsubstantiated, there remains the fact that in Europe in medaeval times before the advent of the printing press the people able to perform such tasks as the composition and copying of books were cloistered in Roman Catholic monasteries must also at this time be noted, as public education was at the time virtually non-existent. Monks and priests employed as copyists were akin to ancient Egyptian scribes/scriveners. (Notable quote: Benedict IX,
John XX, and the Sixth and Seventh, [Roman Catholic] Popes Gregory are all known in history as sorcerers and magicians. Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky. Rollo Ahmed in outlining the history of magic practices in The Black Art p.94 writes: During the Middle Ages the Church paid as much attention to Satan as she did to the Virgin and Son, and certainly fed the forces of darkness by increasing and trading upon the fear of the Devil and his attendant host of demons. She possessed also her trained band of excorcists, who practiced as much magic as the professional caster of spells. At a time when alchemy was preoccupying the minds of men (thanks largely in fact to the Crusaders), the clergy were no exception to the rule, and nearly every parish priest was engaged upon alchemical experiments and sorcery in a greater or lesser degree. The state of affairs in many monasteries all over Europe was even worse. Cabalistic practices within the Church would reach new heights during the Renaissance era with the ascension to the papal throne of Pope Leo X. Leo was the son of Lorenzo di Medici whose Platonic Academy was a reformulation of Platos original Academy devoted to the study of the occult sciences and magic which would give birth to the Italian Renaissance [at which time would emerge such greats as Leonardo de Vinci, Copernicus, Giordano Bruno, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola and Galileo], eventually spreading to Europe more or less as a whole [from whence in England emerges Dr. John Dee, the Bard, William Shakespeare and Sir Francis Bacon]. In total, the Medici family would supply no less than four popes to the ranks of the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th to early 17th Centuries. The Renaissance, also known as the Age of Enlightenment, largely owes its birth to the introduction of magic practices both black and white [white magic, also known as mageia, would come to be known as Renaissance humanism, and later, simply humanism] into European courts sparking backlashes which included the Spanish Inquisition. The War of the Spanish Succession [one of the main combatants of which was John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough, from whom is descended British P.M. Winston Churchill] would bring the Enlightenment to Spain and, ultimately, the Revolution to the French)
According to Manly P. Hall, 50 of the 56 signatories of the Declaration of Independence were known Freemasons. Likely the rest were simply unknown members. Famous high-degree Freemasons (as previously noted, magic ceremonies are commonly performed by high-degree Freemasons) who played an important role in the foundation of America included our first American President, George Washington, as well as John Hancock, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, the (French) Marquis de Lafayette, (the German/Prussian) Baron Von Steuben and Richard Henry Lee, who was related to the Civil War Confederate General Robert E. Lee (one of the most famous of Freemasonic documents, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry was authored by 33 degree Freemason and Civil War Confederate General Albert Pike circa. 1871 A.D. (Pike is yet another example of a practitioner of magic with a martial background. Pike, a learned Kabalist, was charged with fomenting Indian uprisings against Union army forces; no doubt he had become familiarized
with their Shamanistic practices. Concerning Scottish Rite Masons such as Pike: Scottish Rite lodges, sources of so many modern revolutions [or as in Pikes case, armed rebellions], are more militant, more open and apparently more virulent than some of the others whom they are leading into a single world-organisation [read: a New World Order] by gradual steps. - Philip II by William Thomas Walsh, 1937 A.D.). Such Confederate officers were an essential ingredient of the secret society known as the Ku Klux Klan (founded 1865 A.D.), a group whose leader is known as the Grand Wizard. A wizard is by definition a practioner of magic, a male witch. In fact, in 1869 A.D. the magic-practicing high-degree Freemason/Kabalist and chief of Confederate Intelligence Albert Pike became one of the leading Knights [Chief Judiciary Officer] of the Ku Klux Klan itself). Tubal-Cain was known as the father of witchcraft and sorcery. His name, Tubal-Cain, is a Freemasonic password (Blue Lodge Master Mason, 3). (Notable Freemasonic Quote: Tubal-Cainis the Vulcan of Greek mythology [a god who represented the fallen angel Azazel] - The Arcane Schools Chapter 2 by John Yarker; and again, S.F. Dunlap in Vestiges of the Spirit-History of Man p.77 states that due to what he calls a continual change in the myths dating back to the most ancient times, Vulcan, god of fire, is become Tobalcain the smith.). Magic, which includes the invocation of fallen angels, is likewise practiced amongst members of the Bohemian Club at the Bohemian Grove in California, members of which include many modernday famous political and corporate elites. Doubtless many have Freemasonic backgrounds. Possible high-placed players of the modern Theosophical Movement? You make the call. One should think the Theosophical Movement circa 2012 A.D. to have progressed to include an organized collection of more worldly, more august, more outwardly secular economic-based organizations and corporations of high strategic value and import. Many ancient myths contain kernels of truth. Such legends abound by which rulers and priests sought to prove and justify the worthiness of their ability to rule by fabricating stories of trips to the underworld where the incarnate angel Azazel, the original Magic Man himself, and his angels, are entrapped. Lucian of Samosota, in his work Menippus (The Descent into Hades) 6-9, speaks of going to Babylon to meet one of the many Magi whom he described as being disciples and successors of Zoroaster as Lucian had heard that with certain (magic) charms and (magic) ceremonials they could open the gates of Hades (this explains the importance of the key as a type of magic charm, it representing the key which opened the very gates of Hades!), taking down in safety anyone they would and guiding him back again. Now one must remember that Hades represented the place within the earth where Azazel and his angels were entrapped within their cherubim, quite possibly miles beneath the earths surface (the earths continental crust ranges in thickness from 30-50km/20-30 miles thick) below many thousands of tons of burning sand, so this was quite an extraordinary claim, and a completely false one at that (perhaps Plutarch provides a clue to its depth: Osiris [Azazels cherub] really dwells in the earth and under the earthBut he indeed is at the furthest possible distance from [the surface of] the earth. De Iside LVIII). This service they did, however, offer for a fee, and in this way did the Magi separate the pious fools from their money, as many are the (magic)wand-bearers, but few the initiates (To quote the famous confidence/show man P.T. Barnum: Theres a sucker born every minute.). Theosophical Society member William Q. Judge, writing in 1890 A.D., shades of the scam of the Babylonian Magi, states: There is a world of beings known to the Indians as that of the Devas (the Devas represent the rebellious fallen angels)Into this world the purest theosophist (a practitioner of magic), the most spiritual man or woman, may go without
consentthey (the Devas) are every now and then awakened or perceived by those who, while completely ignorant on these subjects, still persist in dabbling with (magic) charms and necromantic (read: magical/spiritist) practices. Judge was attempting (as he explains in 1892 A.D.) to remove superstitious elements from traditional Magical practices, bringing this field into alignment with emerging scientific reasonings in a science called Gupta-Vidya which translates as Secret oral traditions. And indeed it is a science, the secret oral traditions of Kabala as revealed by the fallen angels progressing to the realm today of the modern physicist and chemist (for more information see The Knowledge of Wisdom by John of the Gentiles). The sale of magic charms as protection against evil has fleeced so very many coins from the pockets of the superstitious populous sold to the people by fear-mongering magicians (for instance, it was taught the demon goddess Lilith would lie in wait for children and would kill them in the night if she found them unprotected by a magicians magical amulet and amulets were oft times employed as protection against the malignant magic of a witch), and love-charms and potions were also big moneymakers. As R. Campbell Thompson explains in Semitic Magic: Its Origins and Development (1908 A.D.), a magician has always traditionally: had a certain stock-intrade of tricks which were a steady source of revenue. Lovesick youths and maidens always hoped for some result from his philtres (potions) or love-charms (such love-charms frequently were made for the girls who were not sought in marriage); at the demand of jealousy, he was ever ready to put hatred between husband and wife (Love-philtres and charms for hatred [to put hatred between the members of a family] are frequent in the magical books); and for such as had not the pluck or skill even to use a dagger on a dark night, his little effigies, pierced with pins, would bring death to a rival. He was at once a physician and wonder-worker for such as would pay him fee. As we learn therefrom: Escape from prison was to be obtained from charms, and considering that with the aid of a charm one could dry up a river, no doubt the magician was skilled in such a manner that for just the right price he could craft such a charm to fill any demand. Magic is quite the lucrative business garnering profits in the billions even today. The Magi, from whence comes our word magician, employed magical charms and performed ritual magic ceremonies, practiced the invocation of and communicated with spirits/angels and were considered to be Gnostics (the word Mason is a cognate of the word magic, both cognates of the Roman word manes and the Greek word mani who were the rebellious fallen angels with whom practitioners sought to communicate). It was such Magi (the three kings/three wise men of The Bible were Zoroastrian Magi [Masons]) who saw the star (a cherub/UFO) in the east in Persia which directed them to visit Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem as related in Matthew 2:1-2. The donning of exotic costumes by the Magi was practiced with the express intent that one should look like the phantoms who represented the jinn (as if they could be so easily fooled), the jinn being Azazel and his imprisoned angels, whom they ritually invoked, that in this way they might travel safely to and fro our place to theirs. From this practice comes the tradition of wearing costumes at Halloween. The Zoroastrian priests professed that they could open the very gates of Hades (no doubt by employing a key-shaped magical charm), descending and ascending at will through their use of ceremonial magic and religious rituals including animal and human sacrifices offered in propitiation to the nefarious fallen angels. Masks are often worn today during Satanic rituals, magic rituals which likewise include animal and human sacrifices. Halloween is a popular Satanic holiday. To the Zoroastrian Magi, fire was sacred and this belief accounts for the Yule fires (made of Yule logs) and Beltane bonfires (a word derived from the bone fires of their sacrificial
animals/humans) and the like. According to the Genesis Rabbah (The Bereshith), Nimrod, like the Zoroastrian Magi, worshipped fire. In Homily IX of The Clementine Homilies Chapter V Clement states that: Therefore the magician Nebrod (the Greeks and Egyptians knew Nimrod as Nebrod. In the Septuagint version of The Bible, the name Nimrod is also rendered as Nebrod), being destroyed by this lightning falling on earth from heaven, for this circumstance had his name changed to Zoroaster, on account of the living stream of the star (read: cherub) being poured upon him (Nimrod was killed by an angel in a cherub, albeit by an angel of the non-rebellious type). But the unintelligent amongst the men who then were, thinking that through the love of God his soul had been sent for by lightning, buried the remains of his body, and honored his burial-place with a temple among the Persians, where the descent of the fire occurred, and worshipped him (Nimrod) as a god. In Chapter VI Clement continues: Him (Nebrod/Nimrod) the Greeks have called Zoroaster, and hence the name Zoroastrian. Nimrod was the builder of the Biblical tower of Babel, and was himself a Mason. In Pseudo-Clementine Book IV Chapter XXVIII it is related how after Nimrods death foolish menextolled himraising a sepulcher to his honor, they went so far as to adore him as a friend of God, and one who had been removed to heaven in a chariot of lightning (a cherub), and to worship him as if he were a living star. Hence also his name was called Zoroaster after his deaththat is, living star. It must be noted the work entitled The Oracles of Zoroaster and attributed to Zoroaster (Nimrod) himself speak of the sacred (read: magic) rites employed in the conjuration of divine beings, these divine beings being, of course, the rebellious fallen angels. Beltane, a Druidic festival centered upon the imprisonment of the angels in their subterranean prisons is derived from this Zoroastrian belief system (the word Druid is a cognate of the word Duidain, the place where Azazel was said to be imprisoned within the earth). Our modern-day Halloween (the Celtic New Year) is derived from Beltane festivities. Witches and their black magic practices are mainstay symbols of Halloween. The 20th Chapter of the 2nd Book of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage states that the basis of many magical beliefs was that the fallen angels have been made subject by God to mankind. This fact is the origin of the belief that fallen angels (demons) can be magically summoned to serve a human master: Consider that it is the pride of the Demon (read: rebellious fallen angel) which hath chased him out of Heaven, and think what a heartbreaking thing it is for him to see a Man, made of vile earth, command him who is a Spirit, and who was created noble, and an Angel (as well) (note the synonymous use of the words demon, spirit and angel); and also that it is necessary that he should submit himself unto Man, and obey him, not of his own free will, but by force, and by a power of command which God hath given unto Man, to whom he is forced to humiliate himself, and to obey, he who had the greatest difficulty in submitting himself unto his Creator (God). And yet, notwithstanding all this, he is obliged by his most profound humiliation, and by his most severe suffering, to submit himself unto Man, for whom further is destined that Heaven which he himself hath lost for an Eternity. If the rebel angels would not heed the commands of God Himself, why should a simple human being believe angels will obey him? Such is the realm of the megalomaniac. God abhors such magical practices: Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your GodAnd the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after
wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his peopleA man also or woman (a witch) that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. - Leviticus 19:31,20:6,27 KJV And again: There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire (from which is derived the ritual use of Yule/Beltane fires), or that useth divination, or an observer of times (an astrologer), or an enchanter (such as an enchanter of weapons), or a witch, or a charmer (a user of magical charms or amulets), or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard (such as a ceremonial magician), or a necromancer (such as a Spiritist/Spiritualist, performers of sances/mediums. As Rollo Ahmed writes in The Black Art: Necromancy is the practice of calling up the spiritsNecromancers of the past were looked upon with fear and loathing, as their art seemed the most ghastly of all the categories of black magicBoth witches and necromancers of the past were frequently nothing more than mediums as we know them today.). For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them (the populations of the magic-practicing nations whose lands the Israelis were to dispossess) out from before thee. - Deuteronomy 18:10-12 KJV (See also Isaiah 8:19 and Revelations 21:6-8). God makes no such distinction between white or black or grey magic as such but comdemns this practice in all of its forms. In the Preface to King James book entitled Daemonologie we learn James (of King James Bible/KJV fame) was well learned in all matters philosophical, being well read of the works of ancient writers, being fully immersed in the science of comparative religions/mythologies. As such he would have certainly been aware of the presence of the fallen angels and of the magic systems they inspired, which sought to conjure these angels (James therein specifically makes mention of the writings of the ceremonial magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa [Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim was born in Cologne (Germany) in 1486He was first a soldier, and followed the armies of the Emperor Maximilian (of the Holy Roman Empire). He was knighted, studied law, medicine, and languages. As professor in Hebrew at Dole, in France (Agrippa was Jewish and well versed in Kabalah), he publicly expounded Reuchlins work on the Miraculous Word (the German cabalistic scholar Reuchlin penned a book called De Arte Cabalistica [The Cabalistic Art]). Then the (Roman Catholic) monks persecuted him, and he came to London (England) and lectured there. Jewish Mystics, An Appreciation, Hirsch]). Many attempted to and well succeeded in attempts to make contact with the fallen angels. James defends his institution of the execution of witches saying the assaults of Satan are most certainly practiced and that the instruments thereof (i.e. witches), merits most severely to be punished, he putting into actual practice the exhortation found in Exodus 22:18 of his own King James Version of The Bible quite literally: Thou shalt not suffer (allow) a witch to live. See also The Realness of Witchcraft in America (by A. Monroe Aurand, Jr., 1942 A.D.) which agrees with this authors conclusion when it states: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, (Exodus 22:18) was made the basis of the persecution of witches, with all its horrors. At any rate, England retained anti-witchcraft laws (called Witchcraft Acts) upon its books in one form or another often mandating the death or imprisonment as well as the confiscation of properties of the offender from the year 1542 A.D. until their ultimate repeal in 1951 A.D.). No doubt Agrippa, a Jewish Kabalist, greatly contributed to the proliferation of the
magic practices King James had sought to repress. Indeed, according to Gerald B. Gardner, European witches of the Middle Ages (as was also the case with Pico della Mirandola) learned to practice magic from Jewish Kabalists: During the Middle Ages many learned Christians, notably Pico della Mirandola studied the Jewish Qabalah, ostensibly to bring about the conversion of the Jews; but actually to gain knowledge of its magical practices, which they then proceeded to give a Christian veneer to, so that later grimoires not only use the Hebrew Qabalistic Names of God and of the archangels to constrain the spirits, but also the names of Jesus, Mary, and the Apostles. The Wica (Wica, meaning The Wise Ones. - Gerald Gardner, Witch, by Idries Shah, 1960 A.D.) seem to have been taught certain beliefs, most probably by the Kabalists, which they have incorporated into their own. - The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner,
1959 A.D.
Simon Magus, who is mentioned in Acts 8:9-24 was known as Simon the Zealot, commander of the Hebrew freedom fighters who advocated war against Roman rule in the 1st Century A.D. (Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma identifies Simon Magus as being the founder of the Gnostic faith. In fact, these Simonians as they are known were a Gnostic sect whose teachings, known as Simonianism, regarded Simon Magus as its founder and traced its doctrines back to him). By definition, Magus means: 1. Zoroastrian priest: in the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, a priest 2. man with magical powers: especially in ancient times, a man with supernatural or magical powers (Encarta World English Dictionary & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation). (In King James Daemonologie James states: it is most true indeed, that all these wise men of Pharaoh were Magicians of art: As likewise it appears well that the Pythoness (a wicce; a witch who summoned Typhon/Azazel. From wicce comes the word Wicca. wicca [masculine]/wicce [feminine]), with whom Saul consulted (the witch being, by definition, a Spiritist. See 1Samuel 28:7-9), was of that same profession: & so was Simon Magus. - King James Daemonologie (1597 A.D) Book II Chapter I). (As Gerald B. Gardner explains in Witchcraft Today:
The modern popular idea that a witch was always a hideous spiteful old hag is entirely erroneous. There were almost as many male witches as female; witches sat on the Councils of Kings and took part in the affairs of state; they wielded power, often with great ability, and were sometimes the actual rulers of the realm, the power behind the throne; they were consulted by the highest in the land in matters of difficulty whether public or private. He goes on to say: there have been many cases of sorcerers employing witches; but this was as mediums when something of a spiritualistic nature was attempted, that is, trying to communicate with the spirits - Witchcraft Today by Gerald B. Gardner)
Apostles of Jesus also strove against practitioners of magic, even convincing a number of them as to the grave error of their ways, winning them over to Jesus, for as we learn that not a few of them (them being the Jews and Greeks, that dwelt at Ephesus. See Acts 19:18 ASV) that practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all (at the instigation of the apostle Paul); and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. - Acts 19:19 ASV . This was no insubstantial amount; it was certainly indicative of the popularity of magical practices involving the invocation of the rebel angel Azazel (at times involving actual communication with this angel) in the 1 st Century A.D. Roman period in Ephesus in Anatolia at a time when Ephesus boasted a population of 250,000 inhabitants, a city only second to Rome in size and importance in all of the great Roman Empire! I mention this that one might know the encompassing influence of magic on all world religions in fact the Biblical Daniel himself held the office of what basically amounts to Master of the Magicians, Astrologers, Chaldeans, and Soothsayers (See Daniel 4:8-9 and Daniel 5:11-12) and not through a lack of knowledge of the art (this is not to say he conjured fallen angels. He was
put in this position because he excelled over these magicians in prophecy, in foreseeing the future, thanks be to God. The prophet Samuel was also considered to be a seer (See 1Samuel 9:11-19, though I dont believe this to be the best translation of the word. I believe it also pertained to his ability to prophesy, also thanks be to God, as well as to the fact God himself was in actual communication with Samuel). And as we learn from Acts 7:22: Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, besting all of the Egyptian wise men and the sorcerers in magical contest, indeed he bested all of the magicians of Egypt, thanks again be to God (See Exodus 7:7-12. Early physicians such as Luke [See Colossians 4:14] the disciple of Jesus were also thusly magically inclined [though he later abandoned this profession to become a devotee of Jesus]. This fact is particularly evidenced by the Renaissance physician/ceremonial magician Paracelsus, and as occult author Rollo Ahmed notes in The Black Art: the prescriptions of the physicians of the Middle Ages (such as Paracelsus, author of: some of the greatest works on magic in existence)read so exactly like a witchs potion that if we were asked which was the magical formula and which the doctors compound it would be impossible to tell. In fact, the magical use of herbs, which is to say, natural magic, gave birth to modern medicine [from Latin medicus, a physician. For this reason a magic-practicing Native American Shaman is known as a medicine-man, and such early practices were also known as medical magic. The following selection is an example of the bridge between natural magic and modern medicine: Curare, the infamous plant poison traditionally used on (Shaman-prepared poisoned) arrows and darts, acts as a muscle relaxant, causing eventual asphyxiation (death). Curares main component, Dtubocurarine, works so well as a muscle relaxant that it now appears in various anaesthetics used in conventional surgery (by modern-day physicians). p.272 The Encyclopedia of Witches, Witchcraft and Wicca]. Another example is the medicinal use of the mandrake plant: The Mandrakewas extensively used in black magic of all kinds...From the Mandrake, mandragonia** is obtaineda powerful narcotic used by the old Greeks as an anesthetic. - The Black Art p.112 by Rollo Ahmed, 1936 A.D. [** also known by its genus name mandragora, the following selection highlights its anesthetic medicinal properties: ...Not poppy, nor mandragora/Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world,/Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep/Which thou owedst yesterday. Othello III.iii by William Shakespeare, 1565 A.D.]. An apothecary is by definition one who dispenses medicine to a physician, and quite often the two were one and the same, hence the proverb, Physician, heal thyself. See Luke 4:23). Remains of The Book of Enoch [1Enoch] were found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls associated with the Qumran commune of the Essenes [a faction of Therapeute] in Israel, a group in existence in Jesus day. In fact we know: The Essenes and healing Therapeutes were followers of the ancient theurgic [ceremonial magic] Mysteries. The Masters of Wisdom by A.E. Adams, 1890 A.D. This explains the magic spells found amongst the Dead Sea scrolls near Qumran. It would seem Jesus disciple Luke the physician was one such Therapeutic adept before his subsequent conversion. As Gerald Massey explains: The Essenes were Christians in the Gnostic sense, and according to Pliny the elder, they were a Hermetic Society that had existed for ages on ages of time. Their name is best explained as Egyptian. They were known as the Eshai, the healers or Therapeut, the physicians in Egypt; and Esha or Usha means to doctor or heal, in Egyptian. Logia of the Lord by Gerald Massey. This was akin to traditional Babylonian magic practices as encountered by Jews during the Babylonian Dispersionknown as Asu (compare Asu to Usha), such individuals were physicians/herbalists. Concerning such Babylonian magic practices: There are two major types of therapeutic practitioners: the ashipu, the exorcist or magician, and the asu, the physician or herbalist. In the traditional texts that preserve the lore
of the physician, descriptions of symptoms are followed by instructions for preparing and administering medications. The material medica consist in the main of plant and animal substances and some minerals. The physician employs potions, bandages, lotions, suppositories, enemas, etc. The asus job is that of the practical physician. - Mesopotamian Witchcraft by Tzvi Abusch. As Egyptian magician Rollo Ahmed similarly notes in The Black Art (1936 A.D.), it being a treatise on the history of magic, the: physicianswere also practitioners of magic, and were called Asu. As Margaret Alice Murray writes in The God of the Witches (1933 A.D.): Many of the magical charms and spells were for the healing of the sick or for the prevention of disease...Many charms and spells surviving to the present day contain the names of pre-Christian gods (all representing the angel Azazel). These spells are usually connected with cures for diseases in human beings and animals Many of the gods representing Azazel were gods associated with healing. The Sumerians worshipped Azazel as Ninazu (nin means lord), the god of healing and of the underworld. Azazel was also known as Aesculapius, the Roman god of medicine as well as the Greek and Phoenician god of healing often depicted wielding what is known as the Staff of Aesculapius. Various medical organizations adopted the Staff of Aesculapius as its medical insignia, the staff itself consisting of an axial rod with a single winged serpent entwined about it. The U.S. Army Medical Corp has the Staff of Aesculapius as its insignia. The winged staff/serpent symbolism was also employed in the symbol of the Caduceus of Hermes (Azazel). Enkis emblem (Enki also represented Azazel) was two entwined serpents and was the symbol of his cult center at Eridu, same as that of the medical profession. This symbolism is also reminiscent of the Sumerian underworld god of healing, Ningishzida (Nin- means divinity/lord), whose symbol was two snakes entwined around a central axial rod (the Rod of Ningishzida is the symbol of the great guild of physicians in England (one of the many Egyptian titles for Azazel was the twoheaded serpent [See the Egyptian Book of the Dead Plate XXXI]). The satyrs themselves were said to have carried a similar instrument known as a thyrsus, also known as the rod of Dionysus, a stick (magic wand) wound round with ivy and tipped with a pine cone. The Sidonian god of healing, Eshmun, was also depicted holding a serpent entwined staff in his right hand. All of the afforementioned healing gods represent the angel Azazel who holds the title Chief Physician. In fact, Azazel was what was known as a rapha, a surgeon, a member of the medical profession (compare rapha to the cognate pharma, the root of the words pharmacy and pharmaceutical). The Book of Enoch lists medical practices (including abortion; an abortion is considered to be a sacrifice to the god Molech [who is Azazel]. See p.23 Blood on the Altar) as being amongst the secrets which were revealed to mankind by Azazel and his group of fallen angels. To truly understand the vast extent and widespread use of magic in nearly every ancient civilizations religious belief system including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Roman, etc, one should read Amulets and Superstitions by E.A. Wallis Budge. In addition, Manly P. Hall in his book, Americas Assignment with Destiny (1951 A.D.) unequivocally states: All the aboriginal tribes of North America practiced mystical and magical rites. This was true also of the tribes in South America, such as the Aztecs, who derive their name from that of the angel Azazel. Magic practices and beliefs are experiencing a renaissance in the world we live in today, with Pagan Reconstructionist movements including Wicca playing a prominent role. William J. Schnoebelen in The Dark Side of Freemasonry states: Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of
the great witches and sorcerers of this (the 20th) century were Kabbalists. This agrees with what we learn from During the nineteenth century a revival of magic based in large part upon the Kabala and the identification of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (as explained in the Sephira Yetzira, another Kabalistic mainstay) with the tarot (also known as the Book of Thoth. The Egyptian god Thoth was the Greek god Hermes, from whom such Hermetic Orders/Societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn derive their names)occurred in France, primarily around liphas Lvi. From Lvi a new appreciation of the Kabala passed to the magicians of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and through it to Aleister Crowley, a dominant practitioner of magic in the twentieth century. It would be difficult to think of modern magic without the Kabala and its related practices of gematria and path workings. (Notable quote: It must be understood clearly that witchcraft is a religion. Its patron god is the Horned God
ofmagic. - The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald B. Gardner, 1959 A.D. And Azazel is that Horned God)
Stage Magic such as that most famously practiced by the celebrated Hungarian-born Jewish-immigrant illusionist/escape artist Harry Houdini (real name: Ehrich Weiss/Erik Weisz, son of Jewish Rabbi (and Kabalist) Mayer Samuel Weiss (18291892 A.D.). Houdini was National President (1917-1926 A.D.) of the Society of American Magicians (SAM), the oldest fraternal magic organization in the world (the worlds largest magic society is the International Magicians Society. In association with the International Brotherhood of Magicians, the SAM is still in existence today) as well as your garden variety staple of childrens birthday party rabbitpulled-out-of-a-hat routine is also rooted in the practice of goeteia and mageia (ala parallel universes, also known as inner planes, the latest manifestation of which can be found in a system called Quantum Jumping, which in my opinion is the equivalent of what Kenneth Grant terms Jumping the Abyss, a jump through superspace involving worm-holes/black holes (yes, physics = magic), and which, I must say, is akin to the Vaulters/Leapers of the Chicago occultist and OTO leader Michael Bertiaux. Bertiaux was himself a close associate of Crowley-initiate Kenneth Grant [Michael Bertiaux is the leader of the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua; Bertiaux served for a time as a secretary for the Theosophical Society in Wheaton, IL and has also headed the Choronzon Club in Chicago (founded 1928 A.D. by Crowley-initiate Cecil Frederick Russell, which changed its name in 1931 A.D. to the Great Brotherhood of God in which order Ray Burlingame, who would later become a member of Jack Parsons OTO Agape Lodge, had been a member [Cecil Frederick Russell was also the mentor of OTO Agape Lodge-member Louis T. Culling who was at one point in time in personal correspondence with Aleister Crowley himself]; the Choronzon Club was strictly dedicated to the practice of XI OTO male homosexual sexmagic rituals**)] For more information see The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G:.B:.D:. (1969 A.D.) by Louis T. Culling which has as its stated purpose Union with the occult Holy Guardian Angel who is Azazel). (** Such rituals have a long storied history. Concerning ancient homosexual sex-magic practices: Religious sodomy was practiced by male prostitutes in the Hebrew temple groves, which was one of the abominations of Israel which Josiah cleared away. We are told in the 23rd chapter of 2Kings that Josiah broke down their houses which were near the temple, and drove the Sodomites out, burning their groves and scattering the ashes on the graves of the people. At the same time he put away all the wizards and workers with familiar spirits, and destroyed the idols and images, filling up the site of the groves with the bodies of the dead. This custom of sacred male prostitution was not confined to the Israelites, and its counterparts can be found in nearly all the ancient religions of the East. In Egypt and Assyria it appears to have been customary to make eunuchs expressly for this purpose. The Black Art p.160 by Rollo Ahmed, 1936 A.D.) The Magi constituted an early version of modern-day Stage Magicians:
The Magi, also, not only know that there are demons, but, moreover, whatever miracle they affect to perform, do it by means of demons; by their aspirations and communications (with said demons) they show their wondrous tricks, making either those things appear which are not, or those things not to appear which are. - The Octavius of Minucius Felix Chapter XXVI As we learn from Gerald B. Gardner in what is known as the Gardnerian Book of Shadows (a Book of Shadows is a magicians own personal magic book), the stock magic wand which is oft times used as a prop for stage magicians is also used during ceremonial magic practices: to call up and control certain angels and genie. (Much symbolism is contained in this seemingly harmless magic
act. The rabbit-pulled-out-of-the-hat represents the magicians demonic familiar, a rabbit also being a symbol of a number of gods representing Azazel, it being yet another apt symbol for Azazel as rabbits make their homes in briars beneath the earth)
Another notable example where stagecraft meets ceremonial magic is a stage magician, ventriloquist, puppeteer and Freemason named Arnold Crowther (1909 1974 A.D.) who entertained allied servicemen with his "Black Magic" magic show during World War II (Crowther was a friend of Gerald B. Gardner; during his wartime tours he had even met with Aleister Crowley to which magician it is said Crowther had introduced Gerald B. Gardner in 1946 A.D.). In 1960 A.D., Crowther met and married Wicca high-priestess Patricia Crowther (ne Dawson), a cabaret stage entertainer who had been initiated into witchcraft earlier in the year by Gerald B. Gardner himself. She in turn initiated her husband Arnold into the coven. One particular magic club of note dedicated to the promotion of the magic arts is The Magic Circle founded in London, England in 1905 A.D. which includes amongst its august members Charles, Prince of Wales (the Prince of Wales has traditionally under the Order of the Garter [organized as Knights of the Garter] been head [High Priest] of a coven of witches since 1348 A.D. [See Appendix A]), son of the current queen of England (a magic circle, as must be noted, is an essential ingredient in ceremonial magic practices involving the invocation of angels/demons/spirits. The Magic Circle organization includes a zodiacal magic circle within its logo). Abracadabra! Alacazam! Flee from your magic as fast as you can! (Notable quote: The
magic circle is a fundamental requirement of all kinds of occult ceremonial, and one of the most ancient. The magicians of Babylonia and Assyria used magic circles in their ritesThe most famous [and certainly the grandest] magical circle of the island of Britain is Stonehenge. Witchcraft for Tomorrow by Doreen Valiente. Pagan magic ceremonies are performed at Stonehenge even today. There also appears to be quite an impressive magic circle [consisting of a cross within a circle, the sign of Azazel; See Appendix A] at Christ Church College at Oxford Univeristy. The term magic circle as a definition has come also to include that of an associated group of practitioners of magic)
It is said Stage Magic is all smoke and mirrors, and in this regard Stage Magic was rooted in astrology (ceremonial magic and astrological practices historically go hand in hand. Astrologers were, as a rule, sorcerers [prominent examples being the renowned seer Nostradamus (1503 1566 A.D.) and the court astrologer to Queen Elizabeth I, the most illustrious Welsh magician Dr. John Dee (1527 1608/9 A.D.; Dee fell out of favor with the ascension of the Scottish King James I to the English throne at the death of Queen Elizabeth I, James being famously enough responsible for the creation of what has come to be called the King James Version [KJV] of The Bible]. As Indries Shah explains in The Secret Lore of Magic [1957 A.D.]: So closely bound up with the stars is magic that the terms astrologer and magician were formerly almost synonymous. Such a link between sorcery and astrology is illustrated in Christopher Marlowes Dr. Faustus [1601 A.D.] where the magician Faust was said to have conjured the devil with the aid of a magic Zodiacal circle). In the 12th Century A.D., Astrology was divided into eight discernable branches included in which was illusions, or magicand the science of mirrors (another of its branches was necromancy, which is to say, spiritualism. See Astrology, p.137, Louis MacNeice, 1964 A.D. The 19th Century Spiritualist/Spiritualism Movement, when magic
went mainstream, was originally derived from traditional magic/astrological practices already long established. As Montague Summers explains: Camouflage it as you will, Spiritualism with its kindred superstitions, such as necromancy and occultism, is a recrudescence of the old, old practices cultivated in the days of long ago. In other words this New Religion [such as practiced in Spiritualist churches, Harvard Divinity School and amongst the Spiritualism Movement in general] is but the Old Witchcraft. p.256 The History of Witchcraft and Demonology [in The
Right Angle, Geoffrey Farthing likewise speaks of: Magic, andits twin sister, Spiritualism and in Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast (1987 A.D.) pp.156-157 Colin Wilson therein muses: For most of us, the word magician conjures up a picture of a Walt Disney character in a conical hat waving a magic wand. Yet the things that take place at spiritualist seances every day are a kind of magic, and would have been recognized as such by our ancestors. As Rollo Ahmed similarly notes: A verse in Deuteronomy says: There shall not be found among youa consulter of familiar spirits, or a necromancer If we are going to take this text seriously and literally, I think it would have to be applied equally to sorcerers of the past and modern spiritualists. The Black Art p.229]). At that time astrology was likewise inextricably entwined with
astronomy (as well as with mathematics). Famous astronomers Galileo and Johannes Kepler were known to cast horoscopes in their official capacity as astrologers for members of the ruling class all the while calculating complex mathematical equations during astronomical computations (Arthur C. Clarke in The Promise of Space [1968 A.D.] p.5 writes of Kepler: Johannes Kepler was the first man to discover the exact laws governing the movements of the planetsthe same laws which now govern the movements of spacecraftKepler lived in an age that still believed in magic, and indeed his own mother had been charged with witchcraft. And magic and witchcraft is hereditary in nature, being passed down within a family from generation to generation). British mathematician T. H. Moody in A Complete Refutation of Astrology (1838 A.D.) writes: Astronomy connects the mind with the heaven; but astrology associates it with the daemons of darkness (read: with the fallen angels and John Calvin [1509-1563 A.D.] has called astronomy a devilish superstition which stemmed from magic-based beliefs. The 4th Century A.D. Christian astrologer Julius Fermicus Maternus held that the astrologer mediates between human souls and celestial beings serving by definition as a Spiritual medium). As a classical mathematician T. H. Moody would be in the know, seeing as how English philosopher/Franciscan friar Roger Bacon (1214 1294 A.D.), greatly influenced by the teachings of Aristotle, identified only two different kinds of mathematics, one being essential in the dispensation of magic and the other as it is employed in astrological computations Pythagorean principles are notable examples of such. Science is rooted in magic practices and religious rituals for within their arcane allegorical teachings may be found the secret knowledge of the angels (as we learn from the physician/astrologer/occultist Freemason Ebenezer Sibly [Sibly was a member of Anton Mesmers Harmonic Philosophical School] in A New and Complete Illustration of the Occult Sciences Book 4 (1795 A.D.), Roger Bacon was a very famous associate with familiar spirits, and performed many astonishing exploits through their means.). And finally, as we learn from Sir Walter Scott in Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, the magical art of divination was known as ars mathematica, mathematics. Exemplary of the fact science fell under the Biblical heading of witchcraft, the divisions of which were at oft times blurred, is Adolf Hitlers own personal astrologer Dr. W. Fhrer who personally cast Hitlers horoscopesDr. W. Fhrer held the title Plenipotentiary for Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics (See Astounding Science Fiction [May 1947]: Pseudoscience in Naziland by Willy Ley). Anti-Creationism Spiritism-based evolutionary theories notwithstanding, it is for these reasons the Church was traditionally so often at odds with the scientific arts due to their wholly magical origins. There also exists The Fellowship of Christian Magicians International, featuring Gospel
Magic, the Catholic Magicians Guild including an annual Magicians Mass performed on the feast day of St. Don Bosco, Patron Saint of Stage Magicians, and a Judaic counterpart, Torah Magic, one main delver into which is the Jewish self-styled illusionist, Arthur Kurzweil, member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians. Kurzweil interestingly enough [and which seems to highlight the association] authored a book entitled Kabballah for Dummies. And one last quick note concerning the history of stage magic, there exists a publication, a magic periodical devoted to all things Stage Magic (which is, at this time it is helpful to note, also known as Stage Conjuring), whose name is a revelation all in itself, that of the Pasadena/Los Angeles periodical (established 1936 A.D.) entitled Genii: The International Conjurers Magazine. The editor of the magazine was the founder of a school of magic (in the finest ceremonial magic school tradition) known as the Academy of Magical Arts, an international organization headquartered at the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA, home also to the Count Dracula Society (actor Cary Grant and T.V. talk-show host Johnny Carson are amongst the celebrity magic hobbyists who have performed upon the Magic Castles magically enchanted stage). As one may reasonably ascertain from the magazines title, the periodical caters to those magicians who are conjurers of genii. The word conjure of course is Old French for to invoke, and the genii are fallen angels (and Dracula of course is fictions most famous vampire for whose story we owe a debt of gratitude to author/Theosophical Society/Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn-member Bram Stoker. Concerning the subject of vampirism into which his novel delves: The word vampire is from the Slavonic wampyr; and since the famous novel Dracula, by Bram Stoker, and the many films and plays based upon it, people usually associate the belief in vampires with the Balkan countries (where Transylvania is located). It is not generally realized that this belief was formerly just as strongly held in Britain. Nevertheless, it is the real origin of the old custom of burying the unhallowed dead at a crossroads, with a stake through the corpses heart. The object of this practice, which was not abolished by law (in Britain) until 1823, was to prevent the corpse becoming a vampire. Vampirism has always been associated with black magic. Those who practiced black magic during their lifetime (such as witches and ceremonial magicians) were particularly likely to become vampires after their death. pp. 379, 380 An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present by Doreen Valiente, 1973 A.D. It was for this express
purpose, as we learn from Montague Summers The Vampire: His Kith and Kin [1928 A.D.] pp.79-80, that the universal penalty for witchcraft was being burnt at the stake as ...cremation, the burning of the dead body, is considered to be one of the few ways, and perhaps the most efficacious manner, in which vampirism can be stamped out and brought to an end. In Britain, however, it had been customary to hang a witch [Ibid p.79], thus of course necessitating the driving of said stake through said heart accompanied by said burial at said crossroads. However, as is often the case with a pre-vampirac witch: To burn the body of the Vampire is generally acknowledged to be by far the supremely efficacious method of ridding a district of this demoniacal pest, and it is the common practice all over the world [Ibid p.206]. I mention these facts only to establish a motive for other peoples madnesses. Personally, I believe the vampire and werewolf legends were creations of blood-drinking cannibalistic witchcraft cults promulgated in order to scare people away from the moonlit groves where witches were wont to celebrate their Sabbats).
In conclusion, the genesis of all magic systems revolve around their adherents belief in and of their esoteric knowledge concerning the rebellious fallen angels (including the angels Satan and Azazel) and of the disembodied spirits of their dead hybrid offspring, including, in many cases, actual communication with said nefarious entities!
Hell is Forever! Hell is Excruciating! And You have been Fore Warned! There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12