Astarra PDS
Astarra PDS
Astarra PDS
1st August 2009
June 2009
Issuer and Responsible Entity: Astarra Capital Limited ABN 33 001 277 256
Issuer and Responsible Entity: Astarra Capital Limited ABN 33 001 277 256, AFSL 238000, RSE L0002721
Investment Manager: Astarra Asset Management Pty Limited ABN 24 113 940 953, Representative No. 336655
Investment Manager: Astarra Asset Management Pty Limited ABN 24 113 940 953, Representative No. 289387
Contact Details
For further information, or to obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS),
please contact Astarra Capital Limited.
Level 1, 540 Swift Street
Albury NSW 2640
By Telephone:
Client Service Line: 1300 785 742
Call from any fixed telephone within Australia at the cost of a local call.
Monday to Friday: 8.45am to 5.00pm (NSW/Vic local time)
By Post:
Astarra Managed Funds
C/- Astarra Capital Limited
PO Box 1282
Albury NSW 2640
By Facsimile:
Investors and advisers: 02 6041 9355
By Email:
Important Information
In this Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), ‘Funds’ or ‘Managed Funds’ collectively mean Astarra Managed Funds, while ‘Fund’
or ‘Managed Fund’ means one of the Funds or a particular Fund within the Astarra Managed Funds. Each Fund is a managed
investment scheme that is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This PDS has not been
lodged with ASIC and ASIC takes no responsibility for the contents of this PDS.
As stated in the Fund’s Constitution, we can change the name of the Fund from time to time and advise that the Astarra Strategic
Fund was formerly known as the Alpha Strategic Fund.
We reserve the right to change any of the terms of the Funds in this PDS where permitted to do so by its constitution and by law.
The offer of units in the Funds in this PDS is only available to persons receiving this PDS (electronically or otherwise) in Australia or in
places where it is lawful to make such an offer or invitation.
Investments in the Funds are subject to investment risks, including possible delays in repayment and loss of capital invested. There
is no guarantee of the repayment of capital, the payment of income, the performance of the Funds or the achievement of investment
All amounts in this PDS are in Australian dollars and reference to time is Sydney time (unless stated otherwise).
Additional Information 25
How to Invest 28
About this PDS
About this PDS Investing through an investor The Responsible Entity – Astarra
directed portfolio service (IDPS) Capital Limited
This PDS is an important document that
describes the important features of the An IDPS or like service is an investment Astarra Capital Limited, ABN 33 001 277
Funds and aims to help you compare and reporting service, and is often called 256; RSE L0002721; Australian Financial
the Funds with others in which you may a master trust, wrap account, nominee Services Licence (AFSL) No 238000
be considering investing. You should or custody service. Investors who access (referred to in this PDS as ‘Astarra’, RE,
read it in full before deciding to invest or wish to access the Funds via an ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘we’) is the responsible
and consider whether the Funds are IDPS may rely on this PDS to support entity and issuer of units in the Funds.
appropriate for you. This PDS contains the documentation provided to you by Under its AFSL, the RE is authorised by
general information only. It has been your IDPS operator. People who invest the ASIC to operate registered managed
prepared without taking into account in a Fund through an IDPS are indirect investment schemes. ASIC takes no
your personal investment objectives, investors. This means that investors responsibility for the contents of this
financial situation or particular needs. gaining exposure to a Fund through PDS.
Past performance information provided an IDPS are not classified as investors
Astarra is an alternative financial
in this PDS is given for illustration in that Fund. Instead, it is the operator
services provider specialising in trustee,
purposes only and should not be relied of the IDPS who invests for you and
administration and funds management
upon as (and is not) an indication of therefore has the rights of an investor. For
services, creating wealth for members
future performance. We recommend you example, you cannot attend unitholders’
and clients. Established in 1992, Astarra
seek professional financial advice before meetings or transfer units. The operator
services a number of corporations,
making an investment decision. You may or may not exercise these rights, in
professional groups and private clients as
should also consider the tax implications accordance with their arrangements with
well as public offer superannuation funds.
of investing in the Funds. you.
As the RE, we have overall responsibility
You can access further information that You will receive reports from your IDPS
for the Funds. Our main responsibility is
has been made publicly available that operator and should direct your enquiries
to manage each Fund according to its
might influence your decision, by visiting to them. The Funds do not keep
Constitution, investment policy and the
our website, You individual account records.
law. We may change a Fund’s investment
should keep a copy of the current PDS This PDS should be read in conjunction policy, without notice, where we believe
and any supplementary PDS for future with offer documents issued to you by that it is in the best interest of investors
reference. an operator of an IDPS. The availability in that Fund. We may also appoint other
of the Funds through the IDPS may be parties from time to time to assist us in
Up to date Information withdrawn at any time. If you invest via performing our responsibilities for the
an IDPS do not complete the application Funds.
The Responsible Entity (RE) uses
form located at the end of the PDS.
website disclosure (in accordance Neither Astarra nor any of its directors,
with ASIC Regulatory Guide RG 198) Please note that IDPS operators officers, employees, representatives and
to meet its continuing disclosure generally charge fees over and above related bodies corporate or associated
obligations and to update investors those disclosed in this PDS. Please refer parties, guarantee the performance of
on any change to information in this to the documentation issued to you by the Funds offered through this PDS,
PDS that is not materially adverse. the IDPS operator for details of such the rate of return on any investment
This includes information about fees. in the Funds, the meeting of the
investment performance and investment investment objectives for the Funds or
benchmarks. A paper copy of the the repayment of capital invested. These
updated information will be available free Funds are subject to investment risks
of charge upon request by calling us on including loss of income and loss of
1300 785 742. capital invested.
Investors are encouraged to visit our
website regularly for updated information: Investors can also
elect to receive an Email alert every time
there is a new disclosure by applying
online or by including your Email address
in the application form.
Ongoing Investment
(Regular investment is available either $100 $100 $100
Monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly or Annually)
Fund Details
Investors should visit our website at for any updated information relating to these products.
Investment Strategy The investment strategy is based on identifying and executing alternative approaches to
traditional asset classes such as fixed income and equities. The Investment Manager‘s multi
strategy / multi asset style aims to achieve the most efficient exposure to its desires strategies
either directly or indirectly through underlying managers. The Fund may utilise Deferred Purchase
Agreements in investing in underlying managers.
Asset Allocation The table below shows the range and asset allocation benchmark for each asset class.
Asset Class Range % Benchmark %
Equities 0 - 40 20
Fixed Income 60 - 100 80
Total 100
Investment Performance
Period to 30 June 2009 Net Annual Return Net Annual Return
Retail Wholesale
1 year 5.38 6.14
3 years 9.56 10.27
5 years N/A N/A
Investment Strategy The investment strategy is based on investing primarily in a portfolio of securities listed on the
Australian Stock Exchange and will seek to identify and select companies with above average
growth and financial strength. The Fund will maintain a portfolio of bought and sold options over
Australian shares in order to deliver additional income and reduce investment risks.
The Fund will employ an option strategy, specifically, writing ‘covered call’ options on common
stocks comprising at least 80% of the total assets of the Fund. This strategy is designed to
produce income from option premiums and offset a portion of a market decline, if any, in the
underlying common stock, thereby managing and controlling investment risk.
Asset Allocation2
Asset Class Range % Benchmark %
Australian Shares 80 - 100 90
Cash / Fixed Interest 0 - 20 10
Total 100
Investment Performance This is a newly established fund. As such, no performance figures are available.
The investment objectives are not intended to be a forecast. They are merely an indication of what the Fund aims to achieve over the medium to long term on
the assumption that equity and bond markets remain relatively stable throughout that time. The Fund may not be successful in meeting this objective. Returns
are not guaranteed.
Additional information about the Fund, which forms part of this PDS, is available at the RE’s and the Investment Manager’s website (see ‘incorporation
by reference’ on page 27 for details).
Investment Strategy The investment strategy is based on investing primarily in a portfolio of securities listed on
International Stock Exchanges and will seek to identify and select companies with above
average growth and financial strength. The Fund will maintain a portfolio of bought and sold
options over International shares in order to deliver additional income and reduce investment
risks. The Fund may utilise Deferred Purchase Agreements in investing in underlying managers.
The Fund will employ an option strategy, specifically, writing ‘covered call’ options on common
stocks comprising at least 80% of the total assets of the Fund. This strategy is designed to
produce income from option premiums and offset a portion of a market decline, if any, in the
underlying common stock, thereby managing and controlling investment risk.
Asset Allocation2
Asset Class Range % Benchmark %
International Shares 80 - 100 90
Cash / Fixed Interest 0 - 20 10
Total 100
Investment Performance This is a newly established fund. As such, no performance figures are available.
The investment objectives are not intended to be a forecast. They are merely an indication of what the Fund aims to achieve over the medium to long term on
the assumption that equity and bond markets remain relatively stable throughout that time. The Fund may not be successful in meeting this objective. Returns
are not guaranteed.
Additional information about the Fund, which forms part of this PDS, is available at the RE’s and the Investment Manager’s website (see ‘incorporation
by reference’ on page 27 for details).
This table shows fees and other costs that you may be charged. These fees and costs may be deducted from your money, from
the returns on your investment (if any) or from the Fund’s assets as a whole. Taxes are set out on page 22. You should read all the
information about fees and costs because it is important to understand their impact on your investment. Fees and costs for the Fund
are set out on page 14 to 18. Amounts shown are inclusive of GST and net of any applicable reduced input tax credits available.
New Go to Section 2
Entered By:
Existing Give details of your existing account below
Existing Account Name Checked By:
Trustees must complete section 12 as applicable and provide appropriate documentation (e.g. extract of trust deed).
Adviser Signature
Astarra Conservative Fund Amount:
Astarra Balanced Fund Amount:
Astarra Growth Fund Amount:
Astarra Strategic Fund (Retail) Amount:
Astarra Strategic Fund (Wholesale) Amount:
Astarra Australian Covered Call Fund Amount:
Astarra International Covered Call Fund Amount:
Astarra Conservative Fund Amount:
Astarra Balanced Fund Amount:
Astarra Growth Fund Amount:
Astarra Strategic Fund (Retail) Amount:
Astarra Strategic Fund (Wholesale) Amount:
Astarra Australian Covered Call Fund Amount:
Astarra International Covered Call Fund Amount:
I/We elect to receive my/our distributions by way of:
Re-Investment as additional units OR Direct Credit to my bank account nominated in section 9.
B. Where I/we have elected to use the Regular Investment Plan, I/we release, discharge and indemnify ACL from all losses,
liabilities, actions, proceedings, claims and demands arising out of any improper, incomplete or unclear instructions
provided by me/us or of any failure by me/us (or by another party on my/our behalf) of any action required on my/our part,
under the Plan.
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
WITNESS - (Witness must NOT be a joint applicant) WITNESS - (Witness must NOT be a joint applicant)
1. Witness - Print name (First, Middle, Surname) 2. Witness - Print name (First, Middle, Surname)
Director / Sole Director and Sole Secretary Name Director / Secretary Name
(First, Middle, Surname) (First, Middle, Surname)
Director / Sole Director & Sole Secretary Signature Director / Secretary Signature
Date D D M M Y Y Y Y Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
Primary Non-photographic Identification Document (e.g. Birth Certificate, Citizenship Certificate, Pension Card)
Type of Document Document No.
Address of Document
Office / Country of Issue Issued By
Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Date of Issue D D M M Y Y Y Y Date of Expiry D D M M Y Y Y Y
Secondary Non-photographic Identification Document (e.g. Birth Certificate, Citizenship Certificate, Pension Card)
Type of Document Document No.
Address of Document
Office / Country of Issue Issued By
Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Date of Issue D D M M Y Y Y Y Date of Expiry D D M M Y Y Y Y
The certifier needs to view sufficient documents to be satisfied as to the identity of the individual and to be able to record his/
her residential address. An identification certification must be signed in the presence of an acceptable certifier. An identification
certification is to be provided for each signatory to an account.
A primary photographic identification document means any of the following:
1. a licence or permit issued under a law of a State or Territory or equivalent authority of a foreign country for the purpose of
driving a vehicle that contains a photograph of the person.
2. a passport issued by the Commonwealth or a foreign government that contains a photograph and signature of the person
and that has not expired in the preceding 2 years.
3. a card issued under a law of a State or Territory for the purpose of proving a person’s age which contains a photograph of
the person.
4. a national identity card issued for the purpose of identification that contains a photograph and the signature of the person.
A primary non-photographic identification document means any of the following:
1. a birth certificate or birth extract issued by a State of Territory.
2. a citizenship certificate issued by the Commonwealth.
3. a citizenship certificate issued by a foreign government (providing the certifier understands the language it is written in,
otherwise an English translation is required).
4. a birth certificate issued by a foreign government, the United Nations or an agency of the United Nations (providing the
certifier understands the language it is written in, otherwise an English translation is required).
5. a pension card issued by Centrelink.
A secondary identification document means any of the following:
1. a notice issued to an individual by the Commonwealth, a State or Territory within the preceding 12 months that contains
the name and residential address of the individual and records the provision of financial benefits under relevant law.
2. a notice issued to an individual by the Australian Tax Office within the preceding 12 months that contains the name and
residential address of the individual and tax assessed.
3. a notice that was issued to an individual by a local government body or utilities provider within the preceding 3 months that
contains the name of the individual and residential address and records the provision of services to that address or that
1. a legal practitioner enrolled in a Supreme Court of a State, or Territory or the High Court of Australia.
2. a judge of a court.
3. a magistrate.
4. a chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court.
5. a registrar or deputy registrar of a court.
6. a Justice of the Peace.
7. a notary public.
8. a police officer.
9. an agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services.
10. a permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation who supplies postal services.
11. an Australian consular officer or Australian diplomatic officer.
12. an officer with 2 or more continuous years service with one or more financial institution(s).
13. a finance company officer with 2 or more continuous years service with one or more finance companies.
14. an officer with, or authorised representative of, a holder of an Australian financial services licence, having 2 or more years
continuous service with one or more licensees.
15. a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, CPA Australia, or the National Institute of Accountants
with 2 or more years continuous membership.
Account Name
BSB Number -
Account Number
By signing this Direct Debit Request I/We acknowledge that we have read and understood the terms and conditions governing
the debit arrangements between me/us and Astarra Capital Limited as set out in this Request and in the Direct Debit Request
Service Agreement.
Amount in Words
The first and subsequent debits will be made on the fifteenth day of the month.
Signature Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
(If signing for a company, sign and print full name and capacity for signing e.g. director)
Suburb State Postcode