Knapsack Problems

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Algorithms and Computer Implementations

Silvano Martello


Paolo Toth

DEIS, University of Bologna


Chichester . New York . Brisbane . Toronto . Singapore

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Martello, Silvano.

Knapsack problems algorithms and computer implementations

Silvano Martello, Paolo Toth.

p. em. ~ (Wilcy-lntcrscience series in discrete mathematics

and optimization)

Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0 471 92420 2

I. Computational complexity. 2. Mathematical optimization.

3. Algorithms. 4. Linear programming. 5. Integer programming.

I. Toth, Paolo. II. Title. III. Series.

QA 267.7.M37 1990

5111.8-dc20 90-12279


British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data:

Martello, Silvano

Knapsack problems algorithms and computer


I. Linear programming. Computation

I. Title II. Toth, Paolo


ISBN 0 471 924202

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1 Introduction

1.1 What are knapsack problems? 1.2 Terminology

1.3 Computational complexity I .4 Lower and upper bounds

1 1 2 6 9

2 0-1 Knapsack problem 2.1 Introduction

2.2 Relaxations and upper bounds

2.2.1 Linear programming relaxation and Dantzig's bound 2.2.2 Finding the critical item in O(n) time

2.2.3 Lagrangian relaxation

2.3 Improved bounds

2.3.1 Bounds from additional constraints 2.3.2 Bounds from Lagrangian relaxations 2.3.3 Bounds from partial enumeration

2.4 The greedy algorithm

2.5 Branch-and-bound algorithms 2.5.1 The Horowitz-Sahni algorithm 2.5.2 The Martello- Toth algorithm

2.6 Dynamic programming algorithms 2.6.1 Elimination of dominated states 2.6.2 The Horowitz-Sahni algorithm 2.6.3 The Toth algorithm

2.7 Reduction algorithms 2.8 Approximate algorithms

2.8.1 Polynomial-time approximation schemes

2.8.2 Fully polynomial-time approximation schemes 2.8.3 Probabilistic analysis

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems 2.9.1 The Balas-Zemel algorithm

2.9.2 The Fayard-Plateau algorithm

2.9.3 The Martello-Toth algorithm

2.10 Computational experiments 2.10.1 Exact algorithms

2.10.2 Approximate algorithms 2.11 Facets of the knapsack polytope

2.12 The multiple-choice knapsack problem

13 13 16 16 17 19 20 20 23 24 27 29 30 32 36 39 43 44 45 50 50 53 56 57 58 60 61 67 68 71 74 77



3 Bounded knapsack problem 3.1 Introduction

3.2 Transformation into a 0-1 knapsack problem 3.3 Upper bounds and approximate algorithms

3.3.1 Upper bounds

3.3.2 Approximate algorithms 3.4 Exact algorithms

3.4.1 Dynamic programming 3.4.2 Branch-and-bound

3.5 Computational experiments

3.6 A special case: the unbounded knapsack problem 3.6.1 Upper bounds and approximate algorithms

3.6.2 Exact algorithms

3.6.3 An exact algorithm for large-size problems 3.6.4 Computational experiments

4 Subset-sum problem 4.1 Introduction

4.2 Exact algorithms

4.2.1 Dynamic programming 4.2.2 A hybrid algorithm

4.2.3 An algorithm for large-size problems

4.3 Approximate algorithms 4.3.1 Greedy algorithms

4.3.2 Polynomial-time approximation schemes

4.3.3 Fully polynomial-time approximation schemes 4.3.4 Probabilistic analysis

4.4 Computational experiments 4.4.1 Exact algorithms

4.4.2 Approximate algorithms

5 Change-making problem 5.1 Introduction

5.2 Lower bounds

5.3 Greedy algorithms

5.4 When the greedy algorithm solves classes of knapsack problems 5.5 Exact algorithms

5.5.1 Dynamic programming 5.5.2 Branch-and-bound

5.6 An exact algorithm for large-size problems 5.7 Computational experiments

5.8 The bounded change-making problem

6 0-1 Multiple knapsack problem 6.1 Introduction

6.2 Relaxations and upper bounds 6.2.1 Surrogate relaxation

6.2.2 Lagrangian relaxation

6.2.3 Worst-case performance of the upper bounds 6.3 Greedy algorithms

6.4 Exact algorithms

6.4.1 Branch-and-bound algorithms 6.4.2 The "bound-and-bound" method


81 81 82 84 84 86 87 88 88 89 91 92 95 98


105 105 106 106 109 116 117 117 120 125 126 128 129 130

137 137 138 140 142 145 145 146 149 151 153

157 157 158 158 162 165 166 167 168 170



6.4.3 A bound-and-bound algorithm 6.5 Reduction algorithms

6.6 Approximate algorithms

6.6.1 On the existence of approximation schemes 6.6.2 Polynomial-time approximation algorithms 6.7 Computational experiments

172 176 177 177 179 182

7 Generalized assignment problem 7.1 Introduction

7.2 Relaxations and upper bounds

7.2.1 Relaxation of the capacity constraints

7.2.2 Relaxation of the semi-assignment constraints 7.2.3 The multiplier adjustment method

7.2.4 The variable splitting method

7.3 Exact algorithms

7.4 Approximate algorithms 7.5 Reduction algorithms

7.6 Computational experiments

189 189 192 192 195 197 201 204 206 209 213

8 Bin-packing problem 8.1 Introduction

8.2 A brief outline of approximate algorithms 8.3 Lower bounds

8.3.1 Relaxations based lower bounds 8.3.2 A stronger lower bound

8.4 Reduction algorithms

8.5 Exact algorithms

8.6 Computational experiments

221 221 222 224 224 228 233 237 240

Appendix: Computer codes A.l Introduction

A2 0-1 Knapsack problem A.2.1 Code MTI

A.2.2 Code MTIR A.2.3 Code MT2

A.3 Bounded and unbounded knapsack problem A.3.1 Code MTB2

A.3.2 Code MTU2

A.4 Subset-sum problem

A.4.1 Code MTSL

A5 Bounded and unbounded change-making problem A.S.I Code MTC2

A.5.2 Code MTCB

A6 0-1 Multiple knapsack problem A.6.1 Code MTM

A.6.2 Code MTHM

A7 Generalized assignment problem A.7.1 Code MTG

A.7.2 Code MTHG

A8 Bin-packing problem

A.S.l Code MTP

247 247 248 248 249 251 252 252 254 256 256 258 258 259 261 261 263 265 265 268 270 270

x Contents
Glossary 273
Bibliography 275
Author index 283
Subject index 287 Preface

The development of computational complexity theory has led, in the last fifteen years, to a fascinating insight into the inherent difficulty of combinatorial optimization problems, but has also produced an undesirable side effect which can be summarized by the "equation"

NP -hardness = intractability,

thereby diminishing attention to the study of exact algorithms for NP-hard problems. However, recent results on the solution of very large instances of integer linear programming problems with special structure on the one hand, and forty years of successful use of the simplex algorithm on the other, indicate the concrete possibility of solving problems exactly through worst-case exponentialtime algorithms.

This book presents a state-of-art on exact and approximate algorithms for a number of important NP-hard problems in the field of integer linear programming, which we group under the term knapsack. The choice of the problems reflects our personal involvement in the field, through a series of investigations over the past ten years. Hence the reader will find not only the "classical" knapsack problems (binary, bounded, unbounded, binary multiple), but also less familiar problems (subset-sum, change-makings or well-known problems which are not usually classified in the knapsack area (generalized assignment, bin-packing). He will find no mention, instead, of other knapsack problems (fractional, multidimensional, non-linear), and only a limited treatment of the case of generalized upper bound constraints.

The goal of the book is to fully develop an algorithmic approach without losing mathematical rigour. For each problem, we start by giving a mathematical model, discussing its relaxations and deriving procedures for the computation of bounds. We then develop approximate algorithms, approximation schemes, dynamic programming techniques and branch-and-bound algorithms. We analyse the computational complexity and the worst -case performance of bounds and approximate methods. The average performance of the computer implementations of exact and approximate algorithms is finally examined through extensive computational experiments. The Fortran codes implementing the most effective methods are provided in the included diskette. The codes are portable on virtually any computer, extensively commented and-hopefully--easy to use.

For these reasons, the book should be appreciated both by academic researchers




and industrial practitioners. It should also be suitable for use as a supplementary text in courses emphasizing the theory and practice of algorithms, at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. The exposition is in fact self-contained and is designed to introduce the reader to a methodology for developing the link between mathematical formulation and effective solution of a combinatorial optimization problem. The simpler algorithms introduced in the tirst chapters are in general extensively described, with numerous details on the techniques and data structures used, while the more complex algorithms of the following chapters are presented at a higher level, emphasizing the general philosophy of the different approaches. Many numerical examples are used to clarify the methodologies introduced. For the sake of clarity, all the algorithms are presented in the form of pseudo-Pascal procedures. We adopted a structured exposition for the polynomial and pseudopolynomial procedures, but allowed a limited use of "go to" statements for the branch-and-bound algorithms. (Although this could, of course, have been avoided, the resulting exposition would, in our opinion, have been much less readable.)

We are indebted to many people who have helped us in preparing this book. Jan Karel Lenstra suggested the subject, and provided guidance and encouragement during the two years of preparation. Mauro Dell' Amico, Laureano Escudero and Matteo Fischetti read earlier versions of the manuscript, providing valuable suggestions and pointing out several errors. (We obviously retain the sole responsibility for the surviving errors.) Constructive comments were also made by Egon Balas, Martin Dyer, Ronald Graham, Peter Hammer, Ben Lageweg, Gilbert Laporte, Manfred Padberg, David Shmoys, Carlo Vercellis and Laurence Wolsey. The computational experiments and computer typesetting with the TIYC system were carried out by our students Andrea Bianchini, Giovanna Favero, Marco Girardini, Stefano Gotra, Nicola Moretti, Paolo Pinetti and Mario Zacchei.

We acknowledge the financial support of the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Special thanks are due to the Computing Centre of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna and its Director, Roberto Guidorzi, for the facilities provided in the computational testing of the codes.

Bologna, Italy July 1989



In trod uction


Suppose a hitch-hiker has to fill up his knapsack by selecting from among various possible objects those which will give him maximum comfort. This knapsack problem can be mathematically formulated by numbering the objects from 1 to n and introducing a vector of binary variables Xj (j = 1, ... , n) having the following


if object j is selected;


Then, if Pj is a measure of the comfort given by object i. Wj its size and c the size of the knapsack, our problem will be to select, from among all binary vectors x satisfying the constraint


LWjXj ::; C, j=!

the one which maximizes the objective function

If the reader of this book does not, or no longer practises hitch-hiking, he might be more interested in the following problem. Suppose you want to invest-all or in part-a capital of c dollars and you are considering n possible investments. Let Pj be the profit you expect from investment i. and Wj the amount of dollars it requires. It is self-evident that the optimal solution of the knapsack problem above will indicate the best possible choice of investments.

At this point you may be stimulated to solve the problem. A naive approach would be to program a computer to examine all possible binary vectors x, selecting the best of those which satisfy the constraint. Unfortunately, the number of such vectors is 2", so even a hypothetical computer, capable of examining one billion vectors per second, would require more than 30 years for n = 60, more than 60 years for n = 61, ten centuries for n = 65, and so on. However, specialized algorithms can, in most cases, solve a problem with n = 100000 in a few seconds on a mini-computer.


1 Introduction

The problem considered so far is representative of a variety of knapsack-type problems in which a set of entities are given, each having an associated value and size, and it is desired to select one or more disjoint subsets so that the sum of the sizes in each subset does not exceed (or equals) a given bound and the sum of the selected values is maximized.

Knapsack problems have been intensively studied, especially in the last decade, attracting both theorists and practicians. The theoretical interest arises mainly from their simple structure which, on the one hand allows exploitation of a number of combinatorial properties and, on the other, more complex optimization problems to be solved through a series of knapsack-type subproblems. From the practical point of view, these problems can model many industrial situations: capital budgeting, cargo loading, cutting stock, to mention the most classical applications. In the following chapters we shall examine the most important knapsack problems, analysing relaxations and upper bounds, describing exact and approximate algorithms and evaluating their efficiency both theoretically and through computational experiments. The Fortran codes of the principal algorithms are provided in the floppy disk accompanying the book.


The objects considered in the previous section will generally be called items and their number be indicated by n. The value and size associated with the jth item will be called profit and weight, respectively, and denoted by Pj and Wj (j = 1, ... , n).

The problems considered in Chapters 2 to 5 are single knapsack problems, where one container (or knapsack) must be filled with an optimal subset of items. The capacity of such a container will be denoted by c. Chapters 6 to 8 deal with multiple knapsack problems, in which more than one container is available.

It is always assumed, as is usual in the literature, that profits, weights and capacities are positive integers. The results obtained, however, can easily be extended to the case of real values and, in the majority of cases, to that of nonpositive values.

The prototype problem of the previous section,


maxnmze LPjXj ;=1


subject to L Wj.\j :s c, j=1

Xj = 0 or 1,

j = 1, ... .n,

is known as the 0-1 Knapsack Problem and will be analysed in Chapter 2. In Section 2. 12 we consider the generalization arising when the item set is partitioned into

1.2 Terminology


subsets and the additional constraint is imposed that at most one item per subset is selected (Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem).

The problem can be generalized by assuming that for each j (j = I, ... , n), bj items of profit Pj and weight Wj are available (bj :::; C /Wj): thus we obtain the Bounded Knapsack Problem, defined by


maximize LPjXj j=1


subject to L WjXj < C, j=1

0:::; Xj :::; hj, Xj integer,

j = 1, ... , n,

j = I, ... ,n.

The problem is considered in Chapter 3. The special case in which bj = +oc for all j (Unbounded Knapsack Problem) is treated in Section 3.6.

In Chapter 4 we examine the particular case of the 0-1 knapsack problem arising when Pi = Wi (j = 1, .. , , n·), as frequently occurs in practical applications. The problem is to find a subset of weights whose sum is closest to, without exceeding, the capacity, i.e.

n maximize L WjXj ;=1


subject to L W;Xj :::; C, j=1

Xi = 0 or I,

j = 1, ... , n,

generally referred to as the Subset-Sum Problem.

In Chapter 5 a very particular bounded knapsack problem is considered, arising when Pj = 1 (j = 1, ... ,n) and, in the capacity constraint, we impose equality instead of inequality. This gives

n maximize L Xj j=1


subject to L WjX; = C, j=1

o <x < b

- J - J

j = 1, ... , n,

Xj integer

j = 1, ... .n;


1 Introduction

usually called the Change-Making Problem, since it recalls the situation of a cashier having to assemble a given change c using the maximum (or minimum) number of coins. The same chapter deeply analyses the Unbounded Change-Making Problem, in which bj = +oc for all j.

An important generalization of the 0-1 knapsack problem, discussed in Chapter 6, is the 0-1 Multiple Knapsack Problem, arising when m containers, of given capacities c, (i = 1, ... , m) are available. By introducing binary variables xi}, taking value I if item j is selected for container i , 0 otherwise, we obtain the formulation

m n
maximize LLPjXij
i=1 j=1
subject to LW;Xij :::; c.,
LXi} < 1,
xi} = 0 or 1, i = 1, ... ,m,

j = 1, ... .n,

i=l, ... ,m,}=I, ... ,n.

Now consider a 0-1 multiple knapsack problem in which the profit and weight of each item vary according to the container for which they are selected. By defining Pij (resp. wi}) as the profit (resp. the weight) of item} if inserted in container i, we get

m fI

maxirmze L LPiiXij i=1 j=1


subject to L Wi)Xij ::; c., j=1




Xi} = 0 or 1,

i = 1, ... .m,

} = I, ... .n,

i = 1, ... ,m,j = 1, ... ,n,

known as the Generalized Assignment Problem, which is dealt with in Chapter 7. This is not, strictly speaking, a knapsack problem, but is included in this review because knapsack subproblems playa central role in the algorithms for solving it.

1.2 Terminology


The problem is generally viewed as that of optimally assigning, all or in part, n jobs to m machines (n tasks to m agents, and so on), given the profit, PI}, obtainable if machine i is assigned job j , the corresponding resource, wij, required, and the amount, c., of resource available to machine i .

In Chapter 8 we consider the well-known Bin-Packing Problem, which is not usually included in the knapsack area, but can be interpreted as a multiple subsetsum problem where all containers have the same capacity c, all items must be selected and it is desired to minimize the number of containers used. Given any upper bound m on the number of containers, and introducing m binary variables Yi, taking value 0 if container i is used, value 1 otherwise, we can state the problem as:


maximize LYi ;=1


subject to L Wjxij ::; c(1 - yJ, j=l

i = I, ... .m,


LXij = I, ;=1

j = 1, ... .n,

Y; = 0 or I,

i = 1, ... .m ,

Xii = 0 or I,

i=I, ... ,m,j=I, ... ,n.

In the last decades, an impressive amount of research on knapsack problems has been published in the literature. Reviews have been presented in the following surveys:

Salkin and De Kluyver (1975) present a number of industrial applications and results in transforming integer linear programs to knapsack problems (an approach which appeared very promising at that time);

Martello and Toth (1979) consider exact algorithms for the zero-one knapsack problem and their average computational performance; the study is extended to the other linear knapsack problems and to approximate algorithms in Martello and Toth (1987);

Dudzinski and Walukiewicz (1987) analyse dual methods for solving Lagrangian and linear programming relaxations.

In addition, almost all books on integer programming contain a section on knapsack problems. Mention is made of those by Hu (1969), Garfinkel and Nemhauser (1972), Salkin (1975), Taha (1975), Papadimitriou and Steiglitz (1982), Syslo, Deo and Kowalik (1983), Schrijver (1986), Nemhauser and Wolsey (1988).

6 1 Introduction


We have so far introduced the following problems:



We will now show that all these problems are NP-hard (we refer the reader to Garey and Johnson (1979) for a thorough discussion on this concept). For each problem P, we either prove that its recognition version R(P) is NP-complete or that it is a generalization of a problem already proved to be NP-hard.

The following recognition problem:

PARTITION: given n positive integers Wl, ... , Wn, is there a subset S ~ N = {I, ... ,n} such that LjES Wj = LJEN\s Wj?

is a basic NP-complete problem, originally treated in Karp (1972).

(a) SUBSET-SUM is NP-hard.

Proof Consider R(SUBSET-SUM), i.e.: given n +2 positive integers W10 •.. , Wn, C and a, is there a subset S ~ N = {L ... , n} such that LiES wi ::; c and LjES Wj 2: a?

Any instance [ of PARTITION can be polynomially transformed into an equivalent instance l ' of R(SUBSET-SUM) by setting c = a = LjEN wd2 (the answer for [ is "yes" if and only if the answer for l ' is "yes"). 0

(b) 0-1 KNAPSACK is NP-hard.

Proof SUBSET-SUM is the particular case of 0-1 KNAPSACK when Pj = Wj for all} EN. 0


Proof 0-1 KNAPSACK is the particular case of BOUNDED KNAPSACK when hj = 1 for all} EN. 0

1.3 Computational complexity


(d) CHANGE-MAKING is NP-hard.

Proof We prove NP-hardness of the special case in which hj = 1 for all j. Consider R(CHANGE-MAKING), i.e.: given n + 2 positive integers WI, ... ,Wn, e and a, is there a subset 5 ~ N = {I, ... ,n} such that LjES Wj = e and 1512': a? Any instance I of PARTITION can be polynomially transformed into an equivalent instance I' of R(CHANGE-MAKING) by setting c = LiEN wil2 and a = 1. D

Consequently, these single knapsack problems cannot be solved in a time bounded by a polynomial in n, unless P = ,iI/P. All of them, however, admit a pseudo-polynomial algorithm, i.e. an algorithm whose time (and space) complexity is bounded by a polynomial in nand e. In fact, it can easily be verified that the following dynamic programming recursions solve the corresponding problems. (More detailed descriptions can be found in the specific chapters.) Given any instance of a single knapsack problem, consider the sub-instance defined by items 1, ... .i and capacity u (j :::; n, u :::; c). Let h(u) be the corresponding optimal solution value (0 (u) = -oc if no feasible solution exists) and 5j (u) the optimal subset of items. The optimal solution value of the problem, !r,(e), can then be obtained by iteratively applying the following recursive formulae:


for u = 0, ... , WI - 1;

for u = WI, ... ,c;

h(u) = max(h-I(U),h-l(u - wi)+Pj) for j = 2, ,n

and u = 0, , c;

time complexity O(ne).


for l = 0, ... , hi - 1 and u = IWI, ... ,(l + l)wI - 1;

for u = blwl, ... ,c;

Ii(u) = max{ h-I(u -lWj) + lp, : 0:::; I :::; hi} for j = 2, .n

and u = 0, , c;

time complexity O(e L]=I bj), that is, in the worst case, 0(ne2).


Same as 0-1 KNAPSACK, but with Pj replaced by It}.


1 Introduction


fl(u) = { .:

for u = hVI, with I = 0, ... .bi;

for all positive u ::; c such that u(mod WI) ~ 0 ;

jj (u) = max { jj -I (u - IWi) + I: 0::; I ::; bj} for j = 2, , n

and u = 0, , c;

time complexity O(c L;=I hi), that is, in the worst case, 0(nc2).

For all the algorithms the computation of Sj (u) is straightforward. Since, for eachj, we only need to store Sj_l(u) and Sj(u) for all u, the space complexity is always O(ne).

For the multiple problems (0-1 MULTIPLE KNAPSACK, GENERALIZED ASSIGNMENT, BIN-PACKING) no pseudo-polynomial algorithm can exist, unless P = NP, since the problems can be proved to be NP-hard in the strong sense. Consider in fact the following recognition problem:

3-PARTITION: given n = 3m positive integers WI: ... : Wn satisfying L]=I Wj [m = B integer and B /4 < Wj < B /2 for j = I, ... , n, is there a partition of N = {I, ... ,n} into m subsets SI, ... ,Sm such that LjEs, Wj = B for i = 1, ... ,m? (Notice that each S, must contain exactly three elements from N.)

This is the first problem discovered to be NP-complete in the strong sense (Garey and Johnson, 1975).

(e) 0-1 MULTIPLE KNAPSACK is NP-hard in the strong sense.

Proof Consider R(O-l MULTIPLE KNAPSACK), i.e.: given 2n + m + 1 positive

integers: PI, ... ,Pn; W], ,Wn; el, ... ,em, and a, are there m disjoint subsets

SI, ... ,Sm of N = {1, ,n} such that LiES, Wj ::; c, for i = 1, ... .m and

L~=I LjEs, Pj 2: a? Any instance 1 of 3-PARTITION can be pseudo-polynomially transformed into an equivalent instance I ' of R(O-1 MULTIPLE KNAPSACK) by setting c, = B for i = 1, ... , m, Pt = 1 for j = 1, ... , n and a = n (which implies that U7~1 S, = N in any "yes" instance). D

(f) GENERALIZED ASSIGNMENT is NP-hard in the strong sense.

Proof Immediate, since 0-1 MULTIPLE KNAPSACK is the particular case of GENERALIZED ASSIGNMENT when Pi; = Pj and Wi} = w} for i = 1, ... , m and j=l, ... ,n·D

1.4 Lower and upper bounds


(g) BIN-PACKING is NP-hard in the strong sense.

Proof. Consider R(BIN-PACKING), i.e.: given n + 2 positive integers Wl, .•. ,Wn: C and a, is there a partition of N = {I, ... , n} into a subsets S 1, ... , Sa such that LjEs, "'j :S c for i = I, ... , a? Any instance I of 3-PARTITION can be pseudopolynomially transformed into an equivalent instance I I of R(BIN-PACKING) by setting c = B and a = m . 0


In the previous section we have proved that none of our problems can be solved in polynomial time, unless P = Np. Hence in the following chapters we analyse:

(a) enumerative algorithms (having, in the worst case, running times which grow exponentially with the input size) to determine optimal solutions;

(b) approximate algorithms (with running times bounded by a polynomial in the input size) to determine feasible solutions whose value is a lower bound on the optimal solution value.

The average running times of such algorithms are experimentally evaluated through execution of the corresponding computer codes on different classes of randomly-generated test problems. It will be seen that the average behaviour of the enumerative algorithms is in many cases much better than the worst-case bound, allowing optimal solution of large-size problems with acceptable running times.

The performance of an approximate algorithm for a specific instance is measured through the ratio between the solution value found by the algorithm and the optimal solution value (notice that, for a maximization problem, this ratio is no greater than one). Besides the experimental evaluation, it is useful to provide, when possible, a theoretical measure of performance through worst-case analysis (see Fisher (1980) for a general introduction to this concept).

Let A be an approximate algorithm for a given maximization problem (all our considerations extend easily to the minimization case). For any instance I of the problem, let OPT(l) be the optimal solution value and A(l) the value found by A. Then, the worst-case performance ratio of A is defined as the largest real number rCA) such that


OPT(l) 2: rCA)

for all instances I;

the closer rCA) is to one, the better the worst-case behaviour of A. The proof that a given value r is the worst-case performance ratio of an algorithm A consists, in general, of two phases:

(i) it is first proved that, for any instance I of the problem, inequality A(l)/OPT(l) 2: r holds;

10 1 Introduction

(ii) in order to ensure that r is the largest value satisfying the inequality, i.e. that r is tight, a specific instance II is produced for which A(i')/OPT(II) = r holds (or a series of instances for which the above ratio tends to be arbitrarily close to r).

The performance of A can be equivalently expressed in terms of worst-case relative error, i.e. the smallest real number [(A) such that

OPTU) - A(l) < (A)

OPT(l) - E

for all instances I:

(i.e. rCA) = 1 - E(A».

An approximation scheme for a maximization problem is an algorithm A which, given an instance I and an error bound E > 0, returns a solution of value A( I) such that (OPT(l) - AU»/OPT(l) :S E. Let length (l) denote the input size, i.e. the number of symbols required for coding I. If, for any fixed E, the running time of A is bounded by a polynomial in length (I), then A is a polynomialtime approximation scheme: any relative error can be obtained in a time which is polynomial in length (l) (but can be exponential in 1/ E). If the running time of A is polynomial both in length (l) and 1/ E, then A is a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme.

In subsequent chapters we describe the most interesting polynomial-time and fully polynomial-time approximation schemes for single knapsack problems. For the remaining (multiple) problems, no fully polynomial-time approximation scheme can exist, unless P = NP, since (see Garey and Johnson (1975» this would imply the existence of a pseudo-polynomial algorithm for their optimal solution (which is impossible, these being NP-hard problems in the strong sense). For BINPACKING, also the existence of a polynomial-time approximation scheme can be ruled out, unless P = NP (Johnson, Demers, Ullman, Garey and Graham, 1974). The same holds for GENERALIZED ASSIGNMENT and 0-1 MULTIPLE KNAPSACK in the minimization version (Sahni and Gonzalez, 1976). For the maximization version of these two problems no polynomial-time approximation scheme is known, although there is no proof that it cannot exist (the proof in Sahni and Gonzalez (1976) does not extend to the maximization case).

Besides experimental and worst-case analysis, an approximate algorithm can allow probabilistic analysis. Speaking informally this consists of specifying an average problem instance in terms of a probability distribution over the class of all instances and evaluating running time and solution value as random variables. Examples of this approach which, however, is generally possible only for very simple algorithms, are given in Sections 2.8.3 and 4.3.4 (see Karp, Lenstra, McDiarmid and Rinnooy Kan (1985) and Rinnooy Kan (1987) for a general introduction to probabilistic analysis).

For a maximization problem, the solution value determined by an approximate algorithm limits the optimal solution value from below. It is always convenient to

1.4 Lower and upper bounds


have methods for limiting this value from above, too. Upper bounds are extremely useful

(a) in enumerative algorithms, to exclude computations which cannot lead to the optimal solution;

(b) in approximate algorithms, to "a-posteriori" evaluate the performance obtained.

Suppose algorithm A is applied to instance I, and let U (I) be any upper bound on OPT (I): it is then clear that the relative error of the approximate solution is no greater than (U(I) - A(I»/U(I).

The worst -case performance ratio of an upper bounding procedure U can be defined similarly to that of an approximate algorithm, i.e. as the smallest real number p( U) such that


OPT(I) ::; p(U)

for all instances 1.

The closer p( U) is to one, the better the worst -case behaviour of U.

Upper bounds are usually computed by solving relaxations of the given problems. Continuous, Lagrangian and surrogate relaxations are the most frequently used. For a given problem P, the corresponding relaxed problem will be denoted with C (P), L(P: m) and S (P: m), m being an appropriate vector of multipliers. The optimal solution value of problem P will be denoted with z(P).


0-1 Knapsack problem


The 0-1, or Binary, Knapsack Problem (KP) is: given a set of n items and a knapsack, with

Pi = profit of item j,

Wi = weight of item j,

c = capacity of the knapsack,

select a subset of the items so as to

n maximize z = LPiXi ;=1


subject to


~w·x, < c ~ .1.1- ,



jEN={l, ... ,n},



if item j is selected;


KP is the most important knapsack problem and one of the most intensively studied discrete programming problems. The reason for such interest basically derives from three facts: (a) it can be viewed as the simplest 1nteger Linear Programming problem; (b) it appears as a subproblem in many more complex problems; (c) it may represent a great many practical situations. Recently, it has been used for generating minimal cover induced constraints (see, e.g., Crowder, Johnson and Padberg, (1983)) and in several coefficient reduction procedures for strengthening LP bounds in general integer programming (see, e.g., Dietrich and Escudero, (1989a, 1989b)). During the last few decades, KP has been studied through different approaches, according to the theoretical development of Combinatorial Optimization.



2 0-1 Knapsack problem

In the fifties, Bellman's dynamic programming theory produced the first algorithms to exactly solve the 0-1 knapsack problem. In 1957 Dantzig gave an elegant and efficient method to determine the solution to the continuous relaxation of the problem, and hence an upper bound on z which was used in the following twenty years in almost all studies on KP.

In the sixties, the dynamic programming approach to the KP and other knapsacktype problems was deeply investigated by Gilmore and Gomory. In 1967 Kolesar experimented with the first branch-and-bound algorithm for the problem.

In the seventies, the branch-and-bound approach was further developed, proving to be the only method capable of solving problems with a high number of variables. The most well-known algorithm of this period is due to Horowitz and Sahni. In 1973 Ingargiola and Korsh presented the first reduction procedure, a preprocessing algorithm which significantly reduces the number of variables. In 1974 Johnson gave the first polynomial-time approximation scheme for the subset-sum problem; the result was extended by Sahni to the 0-1 knapsack problem. The first fully polynomial-time approximation scheme was obtained by Ibarra and Kim in 1975. In 1977 Martello and Toth proposed the first upper bound dominating the value of the continuous relaxation.

The main results of the eighties concern the solution of large-size problems, for which sorting of the variables (required by all the most effective algorithms) takes a very high percentage of the running time. In 1980 Balas and Zemel presented a new approach to solve the problem by sorting, in many cases, only a small subset of the variables (the core problem).

In this chapter we describe the main results outlined above in logical (not necessarily chronological) sequence. Upper bounds are described in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, approximate algorithms in Sections 2.4 and 2.8, exact algorithms in Sections 2.5, 2.6 and 2.9, reduction procedures in Section 2.7. Computational experiments are reported in Section 2.10, while Section 2.11 contains an introduction to the facetial analysis of the problem. Section 2.12 deals with a generalization of KP (the multiple-choice knapsack problem).

We will assume, without any loss of generality, that

Pj, Wj and c are positive integers,



LWj > C, j=i


Wj :::; c for j E N.


If assumption (2.4) is violated, fractions can be handled by multiplying through by a proper factor, while nonpositive values can be handled as follows (Glover, 1965):

l. for each j E NO = {j EN: Pj :::; 0, Wj 2: O} do Xj := 0; 2. for each j E N i = {j EN: Pj 2: 0, Wj :::; O} do Xj := 1;

2.1 Introduction


{ Yj : 1 - :j~Pj = :_P~' Wj = -Wj

Yj - Xj, Pj - Pj, Wj - Wj

for j E N-, for j E N+;

4. solve the residual problem

maximize z = L PjY) + L Pj

subject to

L W j Yj < C - L w),


Yj = 0 or I,

If the input data violate assumption (2.5) then, trivially, Xj = 1 for all j EN; if they violate assumption (2.6), then Xj = 0 for each j such that Wj > c.

Unless otherwise specified, we will always suppose that the items are ordered according to decreasing values of the profit per unit weight, i.e. so that


If this is not the case, profits and weights can be re-indexed in 0 (n logn) time through any efficient sorting procedure (see, for instance, Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, (1983».

Given any problem instance I, we denote the value of any optimal solution with z (I), or, when no confusion arises, with z.

KP is always considered here in maximization form. The minimization version of the problem,


minimize LPjYj j=1


subject to L Wj Yj 2: q, j=1



can easily be transformed into an equivalent maximization form by setting Yi

1 - Xj and solving (2.1), (2.2), (2.3) with c = 2:;'=1 w) - q. Let zmax be the solution value of such a problem: the minimization problem then has solution value zmin = 2:;=1 Pj - zmax. (Intuitively, we maximize the total profit of the items not inserted in the knapsack.)

16 2 0-1 Knapsack problem


2.2.1 Linear programming relaxation and Dantzig's bound

The most natural, and historically the first, relaxation of KP is the linear programming relaxation, i.e. the continuous knapsack problem C (KP) obtained from (2.1), (2.2), (2.3) by removing the integrality constraint on X{


maximize LPjXj ./=1


subject to L WjXj < C, j=1


j=l, ... ,n.

Suppose that the items, ordered according to (2.7), are consecutively inserted into the knapsack until the first item, s, is found which does not fit. We call it the critical item, i.e.

s = min {j : t Wi > c},



and note that, because of assumptions (2.4)-(2.6), we have 1 < s ::; n. Then C (KP) can be solved through a property established by Dantzig (1957), which can be formally stated as follows.

Theorem 2.1 The optimal solution x of C (KP) is

xi = 1

forj=l, ... ,s-l,

xi =0

for j = s + 1, ... , n,


Xs =-, Ws


s~1 c=c - LWj. j=1


Proof A graphical proof can be found in Dantzig (1957). More formally, observe that any optimal solution x of C(KP) must be maximal, in the sense that L.~=1 wixi = c. Assume, without loss of generality, that Pj/Wj > Pj+l/Wj+l for all j , and let x' be the optimal solution of C (KP). Suppose, by absurdity, that x; < 1 for some k < s , then we must have x; > x q for at least one item q :::: s.

2.2 Relaxations and upper bounds


Given a sufficiently small E > 0, we could increase the value of x; by E and decrease that of x; by EWk/Wq, thus augmenting the value of the objective function of E(Pk - pqwk/wq) (> 0, since Pk/Wk > pq/wq), which is a contradiction. In the same way we can prove that xt > ° for k > 5 is impossible. Hence Xs = c tw, from maximality. D

The optimal solution value of C (KP) follows:


z(C(KP» = "\' Pi + cps.

~. ",'s


Because of the integrality of Pi and x;, a valid upper bound on z(KP) is thus


VI = lz(C(KP»J = ~Pi + lc~s, J.


where la J denotes the largest integer not greater than a.

The worst-case performance ratio of VI is p(VI) = 2. This can easily be proved by observing that, from (2.10), VI < L:;:/ Pi+Ps, Both L:;':/ Pi and p, are feasible solution values for KP, hence no greater than the optimal solution value z , thus, for any instance, V 1/ z < 2. To see that p( V I) is tight, consider the series of problems with n = 2, PI = WI = P2 = W2 = k and c = 2k - 1, for which VI = 2k - 1 and z = k, so VJ/z can be arbitrarily close to 2 for k sufficiently large.

The computation of z(C(KP», hence that of the Dantzig bound V], clearly requires 0 (n) time if the items are already sorted as assumed. If this is not the case, the computation can still be performed in O(n) time by using the following procedure to determine the critical item.

2.2.2 Finding the critical item in 0 (n) time

For each j EN, define 'i = Pi [w., The critical ratio rs can then be identified by determining a partition of N into J 1 U JC U J ° such that

'i > r, for j E fl,
r; = rs for j E JC,
'i < r, for} E JO,
LWj :Sc< L wi'
jEll iEJlUlC The procedure, proposed by Balas and Zemel (1980), progressively determines J 1


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

and J 0 using, at each iteration, a tentative value ,\ to partition the set of currently "free" items N \(1 I U JO). Once the final partition is known, the critical item s is identified by filling the residual capacity e - LjE.ll Wj with items in JC, in any order.

procedure CRITICAL_ ITEM: input: n,c,(pj),(Wj); output: s;


11:= 0;

JO :=0; JC:={L. .. :n}; c:= e;

partition := "no";

while partition = "no" do


determine the median ,\ of the values in R = {Pj /Wj : j E JC}; G := {j E JC : pdWj > ,\};

L := {j E JC : P;/wi < ,\};

E:= {j EJC :Pj/Wj =,\};

c' ,- '" W .

,- ~jEG j,

ell := c' + LjEE Wj;

if c' :S c < ell then partition := "yes"

else if c' > c then (comment: ,\ is too small) begin


JC :=G


else (comment: ,\ is too large)


11 :=11 uG UE; JC :=L;

c :=c - c"



J 1 := 11 U G; JO :=JOUL;

JC :=E (= {el:e2,,,-,eq}); c :=c - c';

(J '= min {J' . ",i W > r}:

• . L....i=l ei .

S := e" end.

Finding the median of m elements requires Oem) time (see Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman, (1983)), so each iteration of the "while" loop requires O(I.lC I) time. Since at least half the elements of.lC are eliminated at each iteration, the overall time complexity of the procedure is O(n).

2.2 Relaxations and upper bounds


The solution of C (KP) can then be determined as

forj EflU{eJ,e2,'" ,eo-d; forj EJOU{eo+[,'" ,eq};

2.2.3 Lagrangian relaxation

An alternative way to relax KP is through the Lagrangian approach. Given a nonnegative multiplier A, the Lagrangian relaxation of KP (L(KP, A)) is

maximize t.P]Xi + A (c - t. W]X])

subject to Xj = 0 or I.

j = 1, ... .n .

The objective function can be restated as


z(L(KP, A» = I)jXj + AC: j;J


where Pj = Pj - AWj for j = 1, ... .n, and the optimal solution of L(KP, A) is easily determined, in O(n) time, as

_ {I if Pj > 0,

Xj =

o if Pi < O.


(When Pj = 0, the value of Xj is immaterial.) Hence, by defining J (A) {j : Pj [w, > A}, the solution value of L(KP : A) is

z(L(KP, A» = L Pj + Ac. jEJ()")

For any A 2: 0, this is an upper bound on z(KP) which, however, can never be better than the Dantzig bound U I. In fact (2.12) also gives the solution of the continuous relaxation of L(KP: A), so

z(L(KP: A» = z(C(L(KP, A))) 2: z(C(KP».


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

The value of A producing the minimum value of z(L(KP, A)) is A* = Ps/ws. With this value, in fact, we have Pi :::: 0 for j = 1, ... , S - 1 and Pi :S 0 for j = S, ... , n , so .I (A *) ~ {I, ... , s - I}. Hence xi = xi for j E N \ {s} (where (xi) is defined by Theorem 2.1) and, from (2.11)-(2.12), z(L(KP, A*)) = L;:/(Pi - A'wi) + A*C = z(C(KP)). Also notice that, for A = A': Pi becomes


I p7 I is the decrease which we obtain in z (L(KP A *)) by setting Xj = 1 - ij, and hence a lower hound on the corresponding decrease in the continuous solution value (since the optimal A generally changes by imposing the above conditions). The value of I P; I will be very useful in the next sections.

Other properties of the Lagrangian relaxation for KP have been investigated by Maculan (1983). See also Fisher (1981) for a general survey on Lagrangian relaxations.


In the present section we consider upper bounds dominating the Dantzig one, useful to improve on the average efficiency of algorithms for KP. Because of this dominance property, the worst-case performance ratio of these bounds is at most 2. Indeed, it is exactly 2, as can easily be verified through series of examples similar to that introduced for VI, i.e. having Pi = Wj for all j (so that the bounds take the trivial value c).

2.3.1 Bounds from additional constraints

Martello and Toth obtained the first upper bound dominating the Dantzig one, by imposing the integrality of the critical variahle x,.

Theorem 2.2 (Martello and Toth, 1977a) Let

,-I l J

Vo _ '"". _PHI

- ~PI + C ,

j~I' Ws+l



where sand c are the values defined by (2.8) and (2.9). Then

2.3 Improved bounds


(i) an upper bound on z (KP) is


(ii) for any instance of KP, we have U2 :::; UI.

Proof (i) Since Xs cannot take a fractional value, the optimal solution of KP can be obtained from the continuous solution x of C (KP) either without inserting item s (i.e, by imposing Xs = 0), or by inserting it (i.e, by imposing Xs = 1) and hence removing at least one of the first s - 1 items. In the former case, the solution value cannot exceed UO, which corresponds to the case of filling the residual capacity c with items having the best possible value of Pi /~'j (i.e. Ps+t/Ws+I)' In the latter it cannot exceed U I, where it is supposed that the item to be removed has exactly the minimum necessary value of wi (i.e, W" - c) and the worst possible value of Pi/wi (i.e. Ps-t/Ws-I).

(ii) U'' :::; UI directly follows from (2.10), (2.14) and (2.7). To prove that UI :::; UI also holds, notice that r.Iw, :::; Ps-I/Ws-l (from (2.7)), and c < w, (from (2.8), (2.9»). Hence

and, by algebraic manipulation,

-Ps > ( _)PS-l

c-_p,- Ws-c --,

Ws W'_I

from which one has the thesis. 0

The time complexity for the computation of U2 is trivially 0 (n), once the critical item is known.

Example 2.1

Consider the instance of KP defined by

n = 8,

(Pi) = (15, 100,90,60,40, 15, 10, 1), (wi) = (2, 20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10),

c = 102.

The optimal solution is x = (1, 1, 1, 1,0, 1,0,0), of value z = 280. From (2.8) we have s = 5. Hence


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

VI =265+ l30 :~J =295. V 0 = 265 + l30 ~~ J = 280;

VI = 265 + l40 - 10 ~~ J = 285; V2 = 285. D

The consideration on which the Martello and Toth bound is based can be further exploited to compute more restrictive upper bounds than V2. This can be achieved by replacing the values V 0 and V I with tighter values, say V ° and VI, which take the exclusion and inclusion of item s more carefully into account. Hudson (1977) has proposed computing V I as the solution value of the continuous relaxation of KP with the additional constraint Xs = 1. Fayard and Plateau (1982) and, independently, Villela and Bomstein (1983), proposed computing V 0 as the solution value of C (KP) with the additional constraint Xs = O.

By defining (J1(j) and (J0(j) as the critical item when we impose, respectively, Xj = 1 (j 2': s) and Xj = 0 (j :s s ), that is

(J I (j) = min {k : t Wi> C - Wj } :




we obtain

oO(s)-1 -0 " V = ~


j=1 j~s

l (c - Ws - 0 If 1 WJ)




and the new upper bound

2.3 Improved bounds


It is self-evident that:

(a) V ° ::; V 0 and V ' ::; V', so V3 ::; V2;

(b) the time complexity for the computation of V3 is the same as for V, and V2, i.e.O(n).

Example 2.1 (continued) From (2.17)-(2.20) we have

(7°(5)=7, VO=280+ lo ~~J =280;

(7'(5) = 4, V' = 40 + 205 + l20 ~~ J = 285; V3=285.0

2.3.2 Bounds from Lagrangian relaxations

Other bounds computable in O(n) time can be described through the terminology introduced in Section 2.2 for the Lagrangian relaxation of the problem. Remember that z(C(KP» = z(L(KP, A'» and I p/ I (see 2.13) is a lower bound on the decrease of z (C (KP» corresponding to the change of the j th variable from Xj to I - Xj. Mtiller-Merbach (1978) noted that, in order to obtain an integer solution from the continuous one, either (a) the fractional variable Xs alone has to be reduced to o (without any changes of the other variables), or (b) at least one of the other variables, say Xj, has to change its value (from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1). In case (a) the value of z(C(KP» decreases by cPs/ws, in case (b) by at least I p/ I. Hence the Mtiller-Merbach bound

(5-1 )

V4=max ~pj,max {lz(C(KP»-lp/ lJ:j EN\{s}} .


It is immediately evident that V 4 ::; V,. No dominance exists, instead, between V 4 and the other bounds. For the instance of example 2.1 we have V3 = V2 < V4 (see below), but it is not difficult to find examples (see Mtiller-Merbach (1978» for which V4 < V3 ::; V2.

The ideas behind bounds V 2, V 3 and V 4 have been further exploited by Dudzinski and Walukiewicz (1984a), who have obtained an upper bound dominating all the above. Consider any feasible solution x to KP that we can obtain from the continuous one as follows:

1. for each k E N\{s} do Xk := Xk;

2. Xs := 0;


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

3. for each k such that .¥k = 0 do

if Wk ::; C - 2::;'=1 WjXj then Xk := 1,

and define N = {j E N\{s} :.¥j = O} (x is closely related to the greedy solution, discussed in Section 2.4). Noting that an optimal integer solution can be obtained (a) by setting Xs = 1 or (b) by setting Xs = 0 and Xj = 1 for at least one j EN, it is immediate to obtain the Dudzinski and Walukiewicz (1984a) bound:

U 5 = max (min (U 1 .rnax {l z (C (KP» - p/J : j = I, ... , s - I}), min (Uomax {lz(C(KP»+p/J:j EN}),





where U 0 and U 1 are given by (2.19) and (2.20). The time complexity is 0 (n).

Example 2.1 (continued)

From (2.13), (pj') = (13, 80, 70, 30, 0, -IS, -SO, -9). Hence:

U4 = max (26S,max {282, 21S, 22S, 26S, 280, 24S, 286}) = 286. (Xj) = (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0);

Us = max (min (28S, max {282, 21S, 225, 26S}), min (280, max {24S, 286}), 280) = 282.0

2.3.3 Bounds from partial enumeration

Bound U3 of Section 2.3.1 can also be seen as the result of the application of the Dantzig bound at the two terminal nodes of a decision tree having the root node corresponding to KP and two descendent nodes, say NO and N I, corresponding to the exclusion and inclusion of item s. Clearly, the maximum among the upper bounds corresponding to all the terminal nodes of a decision tree represents a valid upper bound for the original problem corresponding to the root node. So, if U 0 and U I are the Dantzig bounds corresponding respectively to nodes NO and Nl, U3 represents a valid upper bound for KP.

An improved bound, U6, can be obtained by considering decision trees having more than two terminal nodes, as proposed by Martello and Toth (1988).

In order to introduce this bound, suppose s has been determined, and let r , t be any two items such that 1 < r ::; sand s ::; t < n. We can obtain a feasible

2.3 Improved bounds


solution for KP by setting xi = 1 for j < r . xi = 0 for j > t and finding the optimal solution of subproblem KP(r, t) defined by items r . r + I, ... .t with reduced capacity e(r) = e - I:;:11 wi' Suppose now that KP(r, t) is solved through an elementary binary decision-tree which, for j = r. r + I, ... , t , generates pairs of decision nodes by setting, respectively, xi = 1 and Xj = 0; each node k (obtained, say, by fixing Xj) generates a pair of descendent nodes (by fixing xi+l) iffj < t and the solution corresponding to k is feasible. For each node k of the resulting tree, letf(k) be the item from which k has been generated (by setting Xf(k) = 1 or 0) and denote with xI (j = r , ... J(k» the sequence of values assigned to variables Xr: .•• ,Xf(k) along the path in the tree from the root to k. The set of terminal nodes (leaves) of the tree can then be partitioned into

L, = {I 'J(I) = t and ~ Wjx] < Cit) } (feasible leaves),

For each l ELI L L2, let u; be any upper bound on the problem defined by (2.1), (2.2) and

ifj E {r, ... ,f(l)},

if j E N\ {r, ... ,f(l)}.


Since all the nonleaf nodes are completely explored by the tree, a valid upper bound for KP is given by


A fast way to compute ui is the following. Let pi = I:;':11 Pj + I:S~; PjX} , and d! =1 e(r) - ",f(l) wxl I' then

LJ=r J J '

{ lp{ -d.I~J


u, =

lp/ + d' P:+I J



if I E L2,

which is clearly an upper bound on the continuous solution value for problem (2.1), (2.2), (2.23).

The computation of U6 requires O(n) time to determine the critical item and define KP(r, t), plus 0(21-') time to explore the binary tree. If t - r is bounded by a constant, the overall time complexity is thus 0 (n).


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Example 2.1 (continued)

Assume r = 4 and t = 6. The reduced capacity is c(r) = 60. The binary tree is given in Figure 2.1. The leaf sets are L, = {2, 81, L2 = {4, 5,9, 1 L 12}. It follows that U6 = 280, which is the optimal solution value. 0

Figure 2.1 Binary tree for upper bound U6 of Example 2.1

The upper bounds at the leaves can also be evaluated, of course, using any of the bounds previously described, instead of (2.25). If U; (k = 1, ... ,5) is used, then clearly U6 ::; Ui: if (2.25) is used, then no dominance exists between U6 and the Dudzinsky and Walukiewicz (l984a) bound, so the best upper bound for KP is

U6 can be strengthened, with very small extra computational effort, by evaluating Wm = min {Wj : j > t}. It is not difficult to see that, when I E L2 and dl < Wm, u, can be computed as

(Ill Pt+l ( dl)Pr-l J)

u/ = max p, P + Wm -- - Wm - -- .

Wt+l Wr-l


Finally, we note that the computation of U6 can be considerably accelerated by using an appropriate branch-and-bound algorithm to solve KP(r, t). At any iteration of such algorithm, let z(r, t) be the value of the best solution so far. For anynonleaf node k of the decision-tree, let ih be an upper bound on the optimal solution of the subproblem defined by items r , ... .n with reduced capacity c (r), i.e., the subproblem obtained by setting Xj = 1 for j = 1, ... , r - 1. ih can be computed as an upper bound of the continuous solution value of the problem, i.e.

2.4 The greedy algorithm


I(k) s(k)-I

u, = LPjxf + L Pj

i=r i=Iik s+)

l ( (I(k) S(k)-I) )

+ c(r) - LWjXf + L Wj

i=r j=f(k)+1

P,Ck) j , Ws(k)


where s(k) = min (t + I,min {i : ,£~~:)Wjxf + '£;=I(k)+1 Wj > c(r)}). If we have Uk :S z(r, t), the nodes descending from k need not be generated. In fact, for any leaf I descending from k, it would result that u, :S '£;:11 Pj + Uk <

'£;:llpj +z(KP(r,t»:S U6.

Example 2.1 (continued)

Accelerating the computation through (2.27), we obtain the reduced branch-decision tree of Figure 2.2. 0

z(r ,1)=75

Figure 2.2 Branch-and-bound tree for upper bound U6 of Example 2.1


The most immediate way to determine an approximate solution to KP exploits the fact that solution x of the continuous relaxation of the problem has only one fractional variable, xs (see Theorem 2.1). Setting this variable to 0 gives a feasible


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

solution to KP of value


z' = LPi' }=I

We can expect that z I is, on average, quite close to the optimal solution value z. In fact z' :S z :S VI :S z' + Ps, i.e. the absolute error is bounded by P" The worstcase performance ratio, however, is arbitrarily bad. This is shown by the series of problems with n = 2, PI = WI = 1, P2 = W2 = k and c = k , for which z' = I and z = k , so the ratio Zl/Z is arbitrarily close to 0 for k sufficiently large.

Noting that the above pathology occurs when p, is relatively large, we can obtain an improved heuristic by also considering the feasible solution given by the critical item alone and laking the best of the two solution values, i.e.


The worst -case performance ratio of the new heuristic is !. We have already noted, in fact, that z :S z' +Ps, so, from (2.28), z :S 2z". To see that! is tight, consider the series of problems with n = 3, PI = WI = 1. P2 = W2 = P3 = W3 = k and c = 2k: we have z" = k + I and z = 2k, so z h / z is arbitrarily close to ! for k sufficiently large.

The computation of z" requires O(n) time, once the critical item is known. If the items are sorted as in (2.7), a more effective algorithm is to consider them according to increasing indices and insert each new item into the knapsack if it fits. (Notice that items 1: ... , S - I are always inserted, so the solution value is at least z'.) This is the most popular heuristic approach to KP, usually called the Greedy Algorithm. Again, the worst-case performance can be as bad as 0 (take for example the series of problems introduced for z '), but can be improved to ! if we also consider the solution given by the item of maximum profit alone, as in the following implementation. We assume that the items are ordered according to (2.7).

procedure GREEDY: input: n , c . (Pi): (w}); output: z g (x}); begin

c:= c; zg := 0;

i' := I;

for j := 1 to n do begin

if w} > c then Xj := 0 else


x} := 1;

2.5 Branch-and-bound algorithms


C:=C-Wj; zg := zg + Pi end;

if Pi > Pj' then i' := j end;

if Pi' > Zli then


zg := Pi';

for j := 1 to n do xi := 0; Xj' := 1



The worst-case performance ratio is ! since: (a) Pi: :::: Ps, so zg :::: z"; (b) the series of problems introduced for z" proves the tightness. The time complexity is O(n), plus O(nlogn) for the initial sorting.

For Example 2.1 we have z' = zh = 265 and Zli = 280, which is the optimal solution value since U6 = 280.

When a 0-1 knapsack problem in minimization form (see Section 2.1) is heuristically solved by applying GREEDY to its equivalent maximization instance, we of course obtain a feasible solution, but the worst-case performance is not preserved. Consider, in fact, the series of minimization problems with n = 3. PI = WI = k . P2 = W2 = 1, P3 = W3 = k and q = 1, for which the optimal solution value is 1. Applying GREEDY to the maximization version (with c = 2k), we get zg = k + 1 and hence an arbitrarily bad heuristic solution of value k for the minimization problem.

Other approximate algorithms for KP are considered in Section 2.8.


The first branch-and-bound approach to the exact solution of KP was presented by Kolesar (1967). His algorithm consists of a highest-first binary branching scheme which: (a) at each node, selects the not-yet-fixed itemj having the maximum profit per unit weight, and generates two descendent nodes by fixing xi' respectively, to 1 and 0; (b) continues the search from the feasible node for which the value of upper bound U I is a maximum.

The large computer memory and time requirements of the Kolesar algorithm were greatly reduced by the Greenberg and Hegerich (1970) approach, differing in two main respects: (a) at each node, the continuous relaxation of the induced subproblem is solved and the corresponding critical item .1: is selected to generate the two descendent nodes (by imposing Xs = 0 and Xs = 1); (b) the search continues from the node associated with the exclusion of item oS (condition Xs = 0). When the continuous relaxation has an all-integer solution, the search is resumed from the last node generated by imposing Xs = 1, i.e. the algorithm is of depth-first type.

Horowitz and Sahni (1974) (and, independently, Ahrens and Finke (1975»


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

derived from the previous scheme a depth-first algorithm in which: (a) selection of the branching variable Xj is the same as in Kolesar; (b) the search continues from the node associated with the insertion of item j (condition Xj = 1), i.e. following a greedy strategy.

Other algorithms have been derived from the Greenberg-Hegerich approach (Barr and Ross (1975), Lauriere (1978» and from different techniques (Lageweg and Lenstra (1972), Guignard and Spielberg (1972), Fayard and Plateau (1975), Veliev and Mamedov (1981). The Horowitz-Sahni one is, however, the most effective, structured and easy to implement, and has constituted the basis for several improvements.

2.S.1 The Horowitz-Sahni algorithm

Assume that the items are sorted as in (2.7). A forward move consists of inserting the largest possible set of new consecutive items into the current solution. A backtracking move consists of removing the last inserted item from the current solution. Whenever a forward move is exhausted, the upper bound UI corresponding to the current solution is computed and compared with the best solution so far, in order to check whether further forward moves could lead to a better one: if so, a new forward move is performed, otherwise a backtracking follows. When the last item has been considered, the current solution is complete and possible updating of the best solution so far occurs. The algorithm stops when no further backtracking can be performed.

In the following description of the algorithm we use the notations

(Xj) = current solution;

z = current solution value (= tPAi); J=I

c = current residual capacity (= c - t WjXj) ; ;=1

(Xj) best solution so far;

z = value of the best solution so far (= tPJXJ).


procedure HS:

input: n . c. (Pj): (Wj); output: z . (x);


1. [initialize] z := 0; z :=0;

2.S Branch-and-bound algorithms


c:= c;

Pn+l := 0; Wn+l := +cx;

j := 1;

2. [compute upper bound Ull

find r = min {i : L~=j Wk > C};

",1'-1 l(A ",1'-1 ) / J

u := c: k=j Pk + C - c: k=j Wk PI' WI' ;

if z ~ i + u then go to 5;

3. [perform a forward step]

while Wj :S (. do


C := C - Wj; i := i + Pj; Xj := 1;

j := j + 1 end;

if j :S n then begin

Xj := 0; j := j + 1 end;

if j < n then go to 2; if j = n then go to 3;

4. [update the best solution so far] if i > z then


z := i;

for k := 1 to n do Xk := Xk end;

j := n;

if xn = 1 then


c := C +Wn; i := i - Pn; xn := 0


5. [backtrack]

find i = max {k < j : Xk = l}; if no such i then return ;

C := C + \4';;


Xi :=0;

j := i + 1; go to 2



2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Example 2.2

Consider the instance of KP defined by n = 7;

(Pj) = (70, 20, 39, 37, 7, 5, 10); (Wj) = (31,10,20, 19, 4, 3, 6); c = 50.

Figure 2.3 gives the decision-tree produced by procedure HS. 0

Several effective algorithms have been obtained by improving the HorowitzSahni strategy. Mention is made in particular of those of Nauss (1976) (with Fortran code available), Martello and Toth (1977a) (with Fortran code in Martello and Toth (1978) and Pascal code in Syslo, Deo and Kowalik (1983», Suhl (1978), Zoltners (1978).

We describe the Martello- Toth algorithm, which is generally considered highly effective.

2.5.2 The Martello- Toth algorithm

The method differs from that of Horowitz and Sahni (1974) in the following main respects (we use the notations introduced in the previous section).

(i) Upper bound V2 is used instead of VI.

(ii) The forward move associated with the selection of the jth item is split into two phases: building of a new current solution and saving of the current solution. In the first phase the largest set N, of consecutive items which can be inserted into the current solution starting from the jth, is defined, and the upper bound corresponding to the insertion of the jth item is computed. If this bound is less than or equal to the value of the best solution so far, a backtracking move immediately follows. If it is greater, the second phase, that is, insertion of the items of set NJ into the current solution, is performed only if the value of such a new solution does not represent the maximum which can be obtained by inserting the jth item. Otherwise, the best solution so far is changed, but the current solution is not updated, so useless backtrackings on the items in N, are avoided.

(iii) A particular forward procedure, based on dominance criteria, is performed whenever, before a backtracking move on the ith item, the residual capacity c does not allow insertion into the current solution of any item following the ith. The procedure is based on the following consideration: the current solution could be improved only if the ith item is replaced by an item having greater profit and a weight small enough to allow its insertion, or by at least two items having global weight not greater than Wi + C. By this approach it is generally possible to eliminate most of the useless nodes generated at the lowest levels of the decision-tree.

2.5 Branch-and-bound algorithms

£=90 ('=9


2=102 ('=2




x=(1.1 ,0,0, 1,1,0)





£=107 ('=0



£=95 [=6

2=105 1'=0


x=(1,1 ,0,0,0, I, I)


x =(1 ,0,0, 1 ,0,0,0)

Figure 2.3 Decision-tree of procedure HS for Example 2.2

(iv) The upper bounds associated with the nodes of the decision-tree are computed through a parametric technique based on the storing of information related to the current solution. Suppose. in fact, that the current solution has been built by inserting all the items from the jth to the rth: then, when performing a backtracking on one of these items (say the rth, j ~ i < r), if no insertion occurred for the items preceding the jth, it is possible to insert at least items i + 1 , ... : r into the new current solution. To this end, we store in Pi, Pi and


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Wi the quantities r + I: L~=i Pk and L~=i Wk, respectively, for i = j, ... , r , and in r the value r - 1 (used for subsequent updatings).

Detailed description of the algorithm follows (it is assumed that the items are sorted as in (2.7».

procedure MT1: input: n . c: (Pi), (wi); output: Z : (xi);


1. [initialize]

Z := 0;

z := 0;

2:= c;

Pn+l := 0; Wn+l := +0:;

for k := 1 to n do Xk := 0;

compute the upper bound U = U2 on the optimal solution value; WI :=0;

PI :=0;

'I := 1;

r:= n;

for k := n to 1 step -1 do compute nt, = min {Wi : i > k }; j := 1;

2. [build a new current solution] while wi > 2 do

if Z ~ z + l2pi+J/wi+d then go to 5 else j := j + 1;

find r = min {i : wi + L~=rJ Wk > C};

I - ",r-l

P := Pi + L...k=rj Pk;

1._- ",r-I .

W .- wi + L...k=rj Wk,

if r ::; n then u := max <lee - w')Pr+J/wr+d,

lPr - (wr - (2 - w'»Pr-l/Wr-lJ)

else u := 0;

if Z ~ z + pi + u then go to 5; if u = 0 then go to 4;

3. [save the current solution] 2 := 2 - Wi;

Z :=Z+p';

for k := j to r - I do Xk := 1; wi :=w';

l!_i := pi;

ri := r;

for k := j + 1 to r - 1 do


Wk :=Wk-l -Wk_l; 15k := Pk-l - pi :»; 'k := r

2.5 Branch-and-bound algorithms



for k := r to r do


Wk :=0; Pk := 0; rk := k


r := r - 1; j:=r+l;

if C 2:: mj :» then go to 2; if z 2:: z then go to 5;

pi :=0;

4. [update the best solution so far] z := Z + p':

for k := 1 to j - 1 do Xk := Xk; for k := j to r - 1 do Xk := 1; for k := r to n do Xk := 0;

if z = U then return ;

5. [backtrack]

find i = max {k < j : Xk = I}; if no such i then return;

C := C + Wi;

Z := Z - Pi;

Xi := 0;

j := i + 1;

if C - Wi 2:: m, then go to 2; j := i;

h := i ;

6. [try to replace item i with item h] h := h + 1;

if z 2:: z + lCPh/WhJ then go to 5; if Wh = Wi then go to 6;

if Wh > Wi then


if Wh > C or z 2:: z + Ph then go to 6; z := z + Ph;

for k := 1 to n do Xk := Xk; Xh := 1;

if z = U then return; i := h;

go to 6




if C - Wh < mi, then go to 6; C:=C-Wh;

Z := Z + Ph;

Xh := 1;

j := h + 1;


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Wh := Wh; Ph :=Ph; rh:=h+l;

for k := h + I to r do


Wk :=0; Pk := 0; F« := k

end; r:= h; go to 2 end



The Fortran code corresponding to MTl is included in the present volume. In addition, a second code, MTlR, is included which accepts on input real values for profits, weights and capacity.

Example 2.2 (continued)

Figure 2.4 gives the decision-tree produced by procedure MTI. D

Branch-and-bound algorithms are nowadays the most common way to effectively find the optimal solution of knapsack problems. More recent techniques imbed the branch-and-bound process into a particular algorithmic framework to solve, with increased efficiency, large instances of the problem. We describe them in Section 2.9.

The other fundamental approach to KP is dynamic programming. This has been the first technique available for exactly solving the problem and, although its importance has decreased in favour of branch-and-bound, it is still interesting because (a) it usually beats the other methods when the instance is very hard (see the computational results of Section 2.10.1), and (b) it can be successfully used in combination with branch-and-bound to produce hybrid algorithms for KP (Plateau and Elkihel, 1985) and for other knapsack-type problems (Martello and Toth (l984a), Section 4.2.2).


Given a pair of integers m (1 :::; m :::; n) and (; (0 :::; (; :::; c), consider the subinstance of KP consisting of items 1, ... .m and capacity c. Let fm(C) denote its optimal solution value, i.e.

{ m m }

fmCC-) = max LPjXj: LWjXj :::; C', Xj = 0 or 1 for j = 1, ... ,m . (2.29)

j=l j=l

2.6 Dynamic programming algorithms


2=z=O 0 p'=O

e=50 u=U=107

p'=37 u=O z=107

x=(1.0,O,1, 0,0,0)

Figure 2.4 Decision-tree of procedure MTI for Example 2.2

We trivially have

A t{ 0

h(c) =


for C = 0, .. , , WI - 1;

for C = Wj, .. , , c ,

Dynamic programming consists of considering n stages (for m increasing from to n) and computing, at each stage m > 1, the values im(c) (for c increasing from 0 to c) using the classical recursion (Bellman, 1954, 1957; Dantzig, 1957):


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

for C = 0, ... , Wm - 1;

forc=wm, ... ,c.

We call states the feasible solutions corresponding to the 1m (E') values. The optimal solution of the problem is the state corresponding to!,(c).

Toth (1980) directly derived from the Bellman recursion an efficient procedure for computing the states of a stage. The following values are assumed to be defined before execution for stage m:

(m-l )

v = min L ltj , C ;



Xc = {Xm-I:Xm-2: ... :XI},

for c' = 0, ... , V ,

(2.31) (2.32) (2.33)

for e = 0, ... , v;

where Xj defines the value of the jth variable in the partial optimal solution corresponding tolm_1(e), i.e.


C = LWjXj ;=1


and Im-I(e) = LPjXj. j=1

From a computational point of view, it is convenient to encode each set Xc as a bit string, so this notation will be used in the following. After execution, values. (2.30) to (2.33) are relative to stage m.

procedure REC1:

input: v , h . (Pc): (Xc), wm,Pm; output: v , b . (Pc),(X,J;


if v < c then begin

u := v;

v:= min (v +wm:c); for e := u + 1 to v do begin

Pc := Pu; Xc :=Xu end


for e := v to Wm step -1 do if Pc < PC-Wm + Pm then begin

2.6 Dynamic programming algorithms


Pi': :=Pi':-wm +Pm; Xc := XZ.-wm + b end;

b := 2b


An immediate dynamic programming algorithm for KP is thus the following.

procedure DP1 : input: n . c . (Pi), (wi); output: z , (xi);


for (- := 0 to WI - 1 do begin

P, := 0; Xc := 0

end; V:=WI; b:= 2; PI' :=Pl; X; := 1;

for m := 2 to n do call REC1; z := Pc;

determine (xi) by decoding X; end.

Procedure REel requires O(e) time, so the time complexity of DPI is O(ne).

The space complexity is a (ne). By encoding Xc as a bit string in computer words of d bits, the actual storage requirement is (l + In / dl)e, where I a l is the smallest integer not less than a.

2.6.1 Elimination of dominated states

The number of states considered at each stage can be considerably reduced by eliminating dominated states, that is, those states (Pc, Xc) for which there exists a state (P y , X y) with P y 2: Pc and y < c. (Any solution obtainable from (Pc, Xc) can be obtained from (Py, Xy).) This technique has been used by Horowitz and Sahni (1974) and Ahrens and Finke (1975). The undominated states of the mth stage can be computed through a procedure proposed by Toth (1980). The following values are assumed to be defined before execution of the procedure for stage m:

we = total weight of the ith state (i = 1, ... ,s);

(2.34) (2.35) (2.36)

s = number of states at stage (m - 1);


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

P I, = total profit of the ith state (i = 1, ... , s);

(2.37) (2.38)

where Xj defines the value of the jth variable in the partial optimal solution of the i th state, i.e.


w i, = LWjXj j=1


and Pli=LPjXj. j=1

Vector WI (and, hence, P 1) is assumed to be ordered according to strictly increasing values.

The procedure uses index i to scan the states of the current stage and index k to store the states of the new stage. Each current state can produce a new state of total weight y = W l , +wm, so the current states of total weight WI" < y, and then the new state, are stored in the new stage, but only jf they are not dominated by a state already stored. After execution, values (2.34) and (2.35) are relative to the new stage, while the new values of (2.36), (2.37) and (2.38) are given by (W2k), (P2d and (X2k), respectively. Sets X l , and X2k are encoded as bit strings. Vectors (W 2k) and (P 2k) result ordered according to strictly increasing values. On input, it is assumed that W 10 = P 10 = X 10 = O.

procedure REC2:

input: s , b . (W 1;), (P Ii), (X 1;), Wrn, Pm . c; output: s , b , (W2k), (P2k), (X2k);


i := 0; k := 0; h := 1;

y:= Wm;

W ls+1 := +oc; W20:= 0;

P2u := 0; X2o:= 0;

while min (y, W Ih) :::; c do if WI" < y then


comment: define the next state t», x); P := P 1,,;


if W Ih = Y then begin

if P i, + [t m > p then begin

P := P l, +p»:

2.6 Dynamic programming algorithms


x :=X Ii +h end;

i := i + 1;

Y := Wli +wm end;

comment: store the next state, if not dominated; if P > P2k then


k := k + 1; W2k := W Ih; P2k := P; X2k :=X

end; h := h + I


else begin

comment: store the new state, if not dominated; if r s, +Pm > P2k tHen


k := k + I; W2k := y;

P2k :=Pli +Pm; X2k :=Xli v b

end; i := i + I;

y:= WI; +Wm end;

s:= k; b := 2b


A dynamic programming algorithm using REe2 to solve KP is the following.

procedure DP2: input: n, c . (Pi), (wi); output: Z , (xi);


Wlo:= 0; P 10 := 0;

X 10 := 0;

s := 1;

b:= 2; WI1 :=W1; PI, :=p,; Xl, := 1;

for m := 2 to n do begin


2 0·1 Knapsack problem

call REC2;

rename W 2, P 2 and X 2 as WI, P 1 and XI, respectively end;

z := PIs;

determine (x}) by decoding X Is end.

The time complexity of REe2 is 0 (s). Since s is bounded by min (2m - 1, c), the time complexity of DP2 is O(min (2n+1, nc».

Procedure DP2 requires no specific ordering of the items. Its efficiency, however, improves considerably if they are sorted according to decreasing Pj /Wj ratios since, in this case, the number of undominated states is reduced. Hence, this ordering is assumed in the following.

Example 2.3

Consider the instance of KP defined by

n = 6;

(p}) = (50, 50, 64, 46, 50, 5); (w}) = (56, 59, 80, 64, 75, 17); c = 190.

Figure 2.5 gives, for each stage m and for each undominated state i, the values Wi: Pi, corresponding, in DP2, alternatively to We: P i, and W2i: P2,. The optimal solution, of value 150, is (x}) = (I, I, 0, 0, i, 0). For the same example, procedure DPI generates 866 states. 0

m = 1 m = 2 m = 3 m =4 m = 5 m = 6
Wi P, w, Pi w, Pi Wi Pi Wi Pi w, Pi
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 56 50 56 50 56 50 56 50 56 50 17 5
2 115 100 80 64 80 64 80 64 56 50
3 115 100 115 100 115 100 73 55
4 136 114 136 114 136 114 80 64
5 179 146 179 146 97 69
6 190 150 115 100
7 132 105
8 136 114
9 153 119
10 179 146
11 190 150
Figure 2.5 States of procedure DP2 for Example 2.3 2.6 Dynamic programming algorithms


2.6.2 The Horowitz-Sahni algorithm

Horowitz and Sahni (1974) presented an algorithm based on the subdivision of the original problem of n variables into two subproblems, respectively of q = r n /2l and r = n - q variables. For each subproblem a list containing all the undominated states relative to the last stage is computed; the two lists are then combined in order to find the optimal solution.

The main feature of the algorithm is the need, in the worst case, for two lists of 2q - 1 states each, instead of a single list of 2n - 1 states. Hence the time and space complexities decrease to O(min (2n/2 nc)), with a square root improvement in the most favourable case. In many cases, however, the number of undominated states is much lower than 2n/2, since (a) many states are dominated and (b) for n sufficiently large, we have, in general, c « 2n/2.

Ahrens and Finke (1975) proposed an algorithm where the technique of Horowitz and Sahni is combined with a branch-and-bound procedure in order to further reduce storage requirements. The algorithm works very well for hard problems having low values of n and very high-values of Wi and c, but has the disadvantage of always executing the branch-and-bound procedure, even when the storage requirements are not excessive.

We illustrate the Horowitz-Sahni algorithm with a numerical example.

Example 2.3 (continued)

We have q = 3. The algorithm generates the first list for m =1,2, 3, and the second for m = 4, 5, 6. The corresponding undominated states are given in Figure 2.6. Combining the lists corresponding to m = 3 and m = 6 we get the final list of Figure 2.5. 0

rn = 1 rn = 2 rn = 3 rn = 6 rn = 5 rn = 4
w, Pi Wi Pi Wi Pi Wi Pi WiPi WiPi
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5650 56 50 56 50 17 5 6446 64 46
2 115 100 80 64 64 46 7550
3 115 100 75 50 13996
4 136 114 81 51
5 92 55
6 139 96
7 156 101
Figure 2.6 States of the Horowitz-Sahni algorithm for Example 2.3 44 2 0-1 Knapsack problem

2.6.3 The Toth algorithm

Toth (1980) presented a dynamic programming algorithm based on (a) the elimination of useless states and (b) a combination of procedures REC I and REC2.

Several states computed by REC 1 or REC2 are of no use for the following stages since, of course, we are only interested in states capable of producing, at the final stage, the optimal solution. Useless states produced by RECI can be eliminated by the following rule:

If a state, defined at the mth stage, has a total weight W satisfying one of the conditions


(i) W < c-

HI· Hi:


(ii) c - minm<j<n{wd < W < C,

then the state will never produce P; and, hence, can be eliminated.

A similar rule can be given for REC2 (in this case, however, it is necessary to keep the largest-weight state satisfying (ij), and the last, i.e. s th, state. The rule cannot be extended, instead, to the Horowitz-Sahni algorithm, since, in order to combine the two lists, all the undominated states relative to the two subproblems must be known.

Example 2.3 (continued)

The states generated by DP2, with REC2 improved through the above elimination rule, are given in Figure 2.7. 0

m = 1 m=2 m = 3 m=4 m = 5 m=6
W; P; W, P; W, P, W, P, W; P, W; P;
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 56 50 56 50 56 50 80 64 136 114 190 150
2 115 100 80 64 115 100 190 150
3 115 100 136 114
4 136 114 179 146
Figure 2.7 States of the improved version of DP2 for Example 2.3 Algorithm DP2 is generally more efficient than DPI, because of the fewer number of states produced. Notice however that, for the computation of a single state, the time and space requirements of DP2 are higher. So, for hard problems, where very few states are dominated, and hence the two algorithms generate almost the same lists, DPI must be preferred to DP2. A dynamic programming algorithm which effectively solves both easy and hard problems can thus be obtained by combining the best characteristics of the two approaches. This is achieved by using

2.7 Reduction algorithms


procedure REC2 as long as the number of generated states is low, and then passing to RECI. Simple heuristic rules to determine the iteration at which the procedure must be changed can be found in Toth (1980).


The size of an instance of KP can be reduced by applying procedures to fix the optimal value of as many variables as possible. These procedures partition set N = {I, 2, . .. n} into three subsets:

11 = {j EN: Xj = 1 in any optimal solution to KP}, 10 = {j EN: Xj = 0 in any optimal solution to KP},

F = N\(JI UI0).

The original KP can then be transformed into the reduced form


z = I>iXj +P


subject to

"'WX.· < C Z:: .11-'


Xi = 0 or 1.

} E F,

where f = LjEJlPj, c =c - LjEfI Wj.

Ingargiola and Korsh (1973) proposed the first method for determining J1 and 10. The basic idea is the following. If setting a variable Xj to a given value b (b = 0 or I) produces infeasibility or implies a solution worse than an existing one, then Xj must take the value (1 - h) in any optimal solution. Let l be the value of a feasible solution to KP, and, for} EN, let u/ (resp. ul) be an upper bound for KP with the additional constraint Xi = I (resp. Xi = 0). Then we have

J1 = {} EN: ul < I}, 10 = {} EN: u/ < l}.



In the Ingargiola-Korsh algorithm, u] and ul are computed using the Dantzig bound. Let s be the critical item (see Section 2.2.1) and VI the Dantzig bound for the original problem. Then u/ = VI for any} < s and ul = VI for any} > s. Hence values} > s (resp.) < s) need not be considered in determining 11 (resp. 10), since VI ?:: t. The algorithm initializes l to L;:/ Pi and improves it during execution. It is assumed that the items are ordered according to (2.7). Remember that (ll(}) and a 0(j) represent the critical item when it is imposed, respectively,


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Xj = 1 and Xj = 0 (see (2.17) and (2.18».

procedure IKR: input: n, c. (Pj), (Wj); output: J 1 ,10; begin

11 :=0; JO :=0;

determine s = min {j : L~=l Wi > c};

I '\"s - 1

:= ~j=l Pj;

for j := 1 to s do


determine (J0(j) and compute u?;

I '- I ,\"O"(j)- 1 ) . . - max ( '~i=l Pi,

i 'fj

if u? < I then 11 := 11 U {j} end;

for j := s to n do


determine (J 1 (j) and compute u];

1'- (I ,\"ol(j)_l) . . - max ,Pj + ~i=l Pi,

if u] < I then JO := JO U {j}



Notice that the variables corresponding to items in J 1 and J 0 must take the fixed value in any optimal solution to KP, thus including the solution of value I when this is optimal. However, given a feasible solution i of value I, we are only interested in finding a better one. Hence stronger definitions of J 1 and J 0 are obtained by replacing strict inequalities with inequalities in (2.39), (2.40), i.e.

11 = {j EN: Ujo ~ I}, J 0 = {j EN: u] ~ I}.



If it turns out that the reduced problem is infeasible or has an optimal solution less than I, then i is the optimal solution to the original problem.

Example 2.4

We use the same instance as in Example 2.2, whose optimal solution, of value 107, is x = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0):

2.7 Reduction algorithms


n = 7;

(Pj) = (70, 20, 39, 37, 7, 5, 10); (Wj) = (31, 10,20, 19, 4, 3, 6); c = 50.

Applying procedure IKR we get:

s = 3, 1=90;
j = 1 : u? = 97, 1=96;
j = 2: u~ = 107;
j = 3: u~ = 107;
j = 3: uj = 106;
j = 4: uJ = 107, 1= 107;
j = 5: uJ = 106;
j = 6: uJ = 106;
j = 7: uj = 105,
so J 1 = 0, JO={5,6,7}.D In order to use definitions (2.41), (2.42) it is simply necessary to replace the < sign with ::; in the two tests of procedure IKR. With this modification we get J 1 = 0, JO = {4, 5, 6, 7}. The optimal solution value of the reduced problem is then 90, implying that the feasible solution of value I = 107 is optimal. (Notice that it is worth storing the solution vector corresponding to I during execution.)

Recently, Murphy (1986) erroneously claimed that definitions (2.41), (2.42) of J 1 and JO are incorrect. Balas, Nauss and Zemel (1987) have pointed out its mistake.

The time complexity of the Ingargiola-Korsh procedure is O(n2), since O(n) time is required for each (J'0(j) or (J'1(j) computation (although one can expect that, on average, these values can be determined with few operations, starting from s). The time complexity does not change if u? and u} are computed through one of the improved upper bounding techniques of Section 2.3.

An 0 (n) reduction algorithm has been independently obtained by Fayard and Plateau (1975) and Dembo and Hammer (1980). The method, FPDHR, computes u? and u} through the values p/ = Pj - WjPs/ws (see (2.13». Recalling that I p/ I represents a lower bound on the decrease of z(C (KP» corresponding to the change of the jth variable from Xj to I - Xj, we have


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

uY= lz(C(KP»-p]l u) = lz(C(KP»+p/l

j = 1, ... ,s;

j = s , ... .n .

which are computed in constant time, once z(C(KP» is known. It is easy to see that the values ul and u) obtained in this way are not lower than those of procedure IKR, so the method is generally less effective, in the sense that the resulti?g sets JO and J 1 have smaller cardinality.

O(n2) reduction algorithms more effective than the Ingargiola-Korsh method have been obtained by Toth (1976), Lauriere (1978) and Fayard and Plateau (1982).

An effective reduction method, still dominating the Ingargiola-Korsh one, but requiring 0 (nlogn) time, has been proposed by Martello and Toth (1988). The algorithm differs from procedure IKR in the following main respects:

(a) ul and u} are computed through the stronger bound U2;

(b) Jl and.l 0 are determined at the end, thus using the best heuristic solution found;

(c) at each iteration, upper bound and improved heuristic solution value are computed in 0 (logn) time by initially defining Wj = ,£1=1 Wi and Pi = '£;=1 Pi (j = 1, ... , n) and then determining, through binary search, the current critical item s (i.e. (J0(j) or (J1(j».

The procedure assumes that the items are ordered according to (2.7) and that Pj/Wj = -oc if j < 1 , pJlI1] = +oc if j > n.

procedure MTR: input: n,c,(pj),(Wj); output: .I 1,.1 0, I; begin

for j := 0 to n do compute Pi = ,£1=1 Pi and Wj = '£;=1 Wi; find, through binary search, s such that W s-I ::; C < ws;

I :=Ps-I;

c:= C - Ws-I;

for j := s + 1 to n do if Wj ::; c then begin

l := I + Pj; c :=c - Wj end;

for j := 1 to s do begin

find, through binary search, s such that W:S-I ::; C +Wj < W:s;

c:= C +Wj - W:S-I;

2.7 Reduction algorithms


ul := Ps-l - Pi + max (lcps+J/ws+d:

lp, - (w, - C)Ps-l /Ws- d);

I := max (I,Ps-l - Pj) end;

for j := s to n do begin

find, through binary search, S such that

Ws-l .:; c - Wj < w,;

c:= C - Wj - Ws-l;

u) := Ps-l + Pj + max (lcPs+J/ws+d: lP, - (w, - C)Ps-l /ws- d); I := max tl . Ps _ 1 + Pj )


11 := {j .:; s : u? .:; I};

J ° := U 2: s : u} < l} end.

Example 2.4 (continued)

Applying procedure MTR we have

(Pj) = (0,70,90, 129, 166, 173, 178, 188); (Wj) = (0,31,41, 61, 80, 84, 87, 93); s = 3, I = 90, c = 9;

1= 102, C = 2;

j = 1: S = 5, C = 1, up = 97; j = 2 : S = 3, C = 19, uf = 107; j = 3: S = 4, C = 9, uf = 107; j = 3: S = 1, C = 30, uj = 99;

j = 4: S = 2, C = 0, ul = 107, I = 107; j = 5: S = 3, c = 5, uJ = 106;

j = 6 : S = 3, c = 6, u~ = 106;

j = 7: S = 3, c = 3, uj = 105;

11 = {I, 2, 3}, 10 = {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}.

The reduced problem is infeasible (X3 is fixed both to 1 and to ° and, in addition, LjEJl Wj > c), so the feasible solution of value 107 is optimal. 0

Procedure MTR computes the initial value of I through the greedy algorithm.

Any other heuristic, requiring no more than 0 (nlogn) time, could be used with no time complexity alteration.

The number of fixed variables can be further increased by imposing conditions (2.5), (2.6) to the reduced problem, i.e. setting 10 = JO U {j E F : \o}j >


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

C - LjE.llWj} and, if LjEFWj :::; C - LjEfIWj, 11 = 11 UFo In addition, the procedure can be re-executed for the items in F (since the values of ujO and u} relative to the reduced problem can decrease) until no further variable is fixed. This, however, would increase the time complexity by a factor n, unless the number of re-executions is bounded by a constant.


In Section 2.4 we have described the greedy algorithm, which provides an approximate solution to KP with worst-case performance ratio equal to ~, in time o (n) plus 0 (n log n) for the initial sorting. Better accuracy can be obtained through approximation schemes, which allow one to obtain any prefixed performance ratio. In this section we examine polynomial-time and fully polynomial-time approximation schemes for KP. Besides these deterministic results, the probabilistic behaviour of some approximate algorithms has been investigated. A thorough analysis of probabilistic aspects is outwith the scope of this book. The main results are outlined in Section 2.8.3 and, for the subset-sum problem, in Section 4.3.4. (The contents of such sections are based on Karp, Lenstra, McDiarmid and Rinnooy Kan (1985).)

2.8.1 Polynomial-time approximation schemes

The first approximation scheme for KP was proposed by Sahni (1975) and makes use of a greedy-type procedure which finds a heuristic solution by filling, in order of decreasing Pi /Wj ratios, that part of c which is left vacant after the items of a given set M have been put into the knapsack. Given MeN and assuming that the items are sorted according to (2.7), the procedure is as follows.

procedure GS:

input: n . c . (Pi), (Wj), M; output: zg, X;


z8 := 0;

C := C - LiEM w}; X :=0;

for j := 1 to n do

if j t}. M and Wj :::; c then


zEl := zg + Pi; C := c' - Wj; X :=X U {j}



2.8 Approximate algorithms


Given a non-negative integer parameter k, the Sahni scheme S(k) is

procedure S(k): input: n . c. (Pj): (Wj); output: z'': x», begin

zh := 0;

for each M C {L. .. : n} such that I M I::; k and LjEM Wj ::; c do begin

call GS;

if z8 + LjEM Pj > zh then begin

z" '= -Ii + '\' p.,

. ~ ~jEM J'





Since the time complexity of procedure GS is 0 (n) and the number of times it is executed is O(nk), the time complexity of S(k) is O(nk+I). The space complexity is O(n).

Theorem 2.3 (Sahni, 1975) The worst-case performance ratio ojS(k) is r(S(k» = k/(k+l).

Proof (a) Let Y be the set of items inserted into the knapsack in the optimal solution. If I Y I ::; k , then S(k) gives the optimum, since all combinations of size I Y I are tried. Hence, assume I Y I > k. Let M be the set of the k items of highest profit in Y, and denote the remaining items of Y with it: ... .i-. assuming pj,/Wji 2: pji+l/Wji+l (i = 1, ... , r - 1). Hence, if z is the optimal solution value, we have


P· <-li - k + 1

for i = 1, ... , r .


Consider now the iteration of S(k) in which M = M, and let im be the first item of {il: ... :if} not inserted into the knapsack by GS. If no such item exists then the heuristic solution is optimal. Otherwise we can write z as


Z = LPi + LPji + LPj"




while for the heuristic solution value returned by GS we have m-l

ZR 2: LPi + LPJi + LPi,






2 0-1 Knapsack problem

where Q denotes the set of those items of N \M which are in the heuristic solution but not in {h: ... .z l and whose index is less than im. Let c" = C - LiEM Wi - Lr=~ I Wj, and c = c" - LiEQ Wi be the residual capacities available, respectively, in the optimal and the heuristic solution for the items of N \M following i; _ I. Hence, from (2.44),


L L .r:

z < Pi + P +c -;

- li l1.-"

iEM i=1 [m

by definition of m we have c < wim and Pi [w, :::: Pi; iw.: for i E Q, so


Z < LPi + LPij +Pt; + LPi.




Hence, from (2.45), z < zg + Pt; and, from (2.43),

zg k

->--. z k+1

(b) To prove that the bound is tight, consider the series of instances with: n = k +2; PI = 2: WI = 1; Pi = Wi = L > 2 for i = 2, ... .k +2; c = (k + I)L. The optimal solution value is z = (k + I)L, while S(k) gives z'' = kL + 2. Hence, for L sufficiently large, the ratio z k j z is arbitrarily close to k j (k + 1). D

Let M denote the maximum cardinality subset of {1: .... n} such that LjEMW; :S c. Then, clearly, for any r > IMI, S(k) gives the optimal solution.

Example 2.5

Consider the instance of KP defined by

n = 8;

(Pi) = (350, 400, 450, 20, 70, 8, 5, 5); (wi) = (25, 35, 45, 5, 25, 3, 2, 2); c = 104.

The optimal solution X = {I: 3: 4: 5: 7: 8} has value z = 900.

Applying S(k) with k = 0, we get the greedy solution: Xh = {I, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, zh = 858.

Applying S(k) with k = 1, we re-obtain the greedy solution for M = {l}, {2}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}. For M = {3}, we obtain x» = {1,3,4,5,6}, zh=898.

Applying S(k) with k = 2, we obtain the optimal solution when M = {3: 7}. D

2.8 Approximate algorithms


The Sahni algorithm is a polynomial-time approximation scheme, in the sense that any prefixed worst-case performance ratio can be obtained in a time bounded by a polynomial. However, the degree of the polynomial increases with k, so the time complexity of the algorithm is exponential in k, i.e. in the inverse of the worst-case relative error E = 1 - r.

2.8.2 Fully polynomial-time approximation schemes

Ibarra and Kim (1975) have obtained afully polynomial-time approximation scheme, i.e. a parametric algorithm which allows one to obtain any worst-case relative error (note that imposing E is equivalent to imposing r) in polynomial time and space, and such that the time and space complexities grow polynomially also with the inverse of the worst-case relative error E. The basic ideas in the Ibarra-Kim algorithm are: (a) to separate items according to profits into a class of "large" items and one of "small" items; (b) to solve the problem for the large items only, with profits scaled by a suitable scale factor b, through dynamic programming. The dynamic programming list is stored in a table T of length l(3/dJ + 1; T(k) = "undefined" or is of the form (L(k),P(k), W(k», where L(k) is a subset of {I, ... ,n}, P(k) = LjEL(k)Pi' W (k) = LjEL(k) Wi and k = LjEL(k)Pj with Pi = lpj / b J. It is assumed that the items are ordered according to (2.7) and that the "small" items are inserted in set S preserving this order.

procedure IK(E) : input: n,c,(pj),(Wj); output: z h ,X h ; begin

find the critical item s (see Section 2.2.1);

'f'\'s-I th

I Li=1 Wj = c en


h ._ ,\,s-I .

Z .- L..j=1 Pj,

Xh:={l, ... ,s-l}; return

end; i:= Lj~IPj

comment: i /2 :::; z < i, since z 2: max (L:=~ 1 Pj ,Ps); b := i(E/W;

S := 0;

T(O) := (L(O),P(O),W(O» := (0,0,0);

q := li/b} (comment: q = l(3/E)2J); comment: dynamic programming phase; for i := 1 to q do T(i) := "undefined"; for j := 1 to n do

if Pj < Ef /3 then S := S U {j} else


2 0-1 Knapsack problem


Pi := lpJloJ;

for i := q - Pj to 0 step -1 do

if T(i) 1- "undefined" and W (i) + Wj :::; c then if T(i + p) = "undefined"

or W (i + Pj) > W (i) + Wj then

T(i + p) := (L(i) U {j}, P(i) + Pj,W (i) + wi)


comment: greedy phase; z" := 0;

for i := 0 to q do

if rei) f. "undefined" then begin

2":= P(i)+ LjEAPj, where A is obtained by filling the residual capacity c - W (i) with items of S in the greedy way;

if 2" > z" then


zlz :=2";

x» := L(i) U A end



The dynamic programming recursion is executed n times and, at each iteration, no more than q states are considered: since each state takes a constant amount of time, the dynamic programming phase has time complexity O(nq). The final greedy phase is performed at most q times, each iteration taking 0 (n) time. Hence the overall time complexity of IK(f) is 0 (nq), i.e. 0 (n / f2) by definition of q, plus O(nlogn) for the initial sorting.

The space required by the algorithm is determined by the l (3/ f)2 J entries of table T. Each entry needs no more than 2 + t words, where t is the number of items defining the state. If Pi" ... ,Pil are the scaled profits of such items, we have t :::: q/min {Pi" ... ,pd :::: 3/f. Hence the overall space complexity of IK(f) is O(n) (for the input) + O(l/f3).

Theorem 2.4 (Ibarra and Kim, 1975) For any instance of KP, (z - zlz)/z :::: E, where z is the optimal solution value and z" the value returned hy IK(f).

Proof If the algorithm terminates in the initial phase with z" = L/=~ I Pj then z" gives the optimal solution. Otherwise, let {i1, ••• ,h} be the (possibly empty) set of items with Pi, > *f2 in the optimal solution, i.e.

z = LPi, + o , 1=1

2.8 Approximate algorithms


where Cl is a sum of profits of items in S. Defining v: = 2:,1=1 Pi, and w" = 2:,;=1 Wi" we have, at the end of the dynamic programming phase, T(p*) "f "undefined" and W(p') ::; w" (since Wei) is never increased by the algorithm). Let L(p') = {il,' .. , ih}. (This implies that r: = 2:,;'=1 Pj, and W (p') = 2:,;'=1 Wj,.) Then the sum 2 = 2:,;'=1 Ph + (3, where (3 is a sum of profits of elements in S, has been considered in the greedy phase (when i = p'), so z!' 2: 2. Observe that Pi = lpj/bJ 2: 3/E, from which Pib < Pj < (Pi + I)b = Pjb(l + I/Pj) ::; PjbCI + E/3). It follows that

from which

z - 2 p* bE /3 + (o - (3) 1 Cl - /3

-- < < -E+--.

z - z -3 Z

Since W (p') ::; w " and the items in S are ordered by decreasing Pi/Wi ratios, it follows that (o - /3) cannotbe greater than the maximum profit of an item in S, i.e. o - (3::; ~EZ. Hence (z - 2)/Z ::; ~E(I +z/z). Since 2::; zh and z::; 2z, then (z - zh)/z ::; E. 0

Example 2.5 (continued) We apply IK(E) with E = ~.

s = 3;

Z = 1200; fJ = 100. 3 '

S = 0 (items with Pj ::; EZ /3 = 200 will be inserted in S);

T(O) = (0: 0: 0);

q = 36;

dynamic programming phase:

i = I : PI = 10, T(lO) = ({l), 350, 25);

.i = 2: P2 = 12, T(22) = ({I, 2}, 750, 60), T(l2) = ({2}, 400,35);

i = 3: P3 = 13, T(25) = ({2, 3}, 850, 80),


2 0·1 Knapsack problem

T(23) = ({I, 3}, 800, 70), T(13) = ({3}, 450, 45);

j = 4, ... ,8: S = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8};

greedy phase:

for all the entries of table T save T(23) and T(25), we have c - W (i) ~ LiES wi = 37. Hence the best solution produced by such states is P(22)+ LiES Pi = 858. T(23) gives P(23) + LiE{456jPj = 898; T(25) gives P(25) + LiE{4678}Pi = 888. It follows that z!' = 898, x» = {I, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

The solution does not change for all values € ~ fri. For e < fri, we have €Z /3 < 8, so items 1-6 are considered "large" and the algorithm finds the optimal solution using entry T(i) = ({I, 3, 4, 5},890, 100). The value of q, however, is at least 22 500 instead of 36. 0

Ibarra and Kim (975) have also proposed a modified implementation having improved time complexity O(nlogn) + O(0/€4)log(l/€», with the second term independent of n. Further improvements have been obtained by Lawler (1979), who used a median- finding routine (to eliminate sorting) and a more efficient scaling technique to obtain time complexity O(nlog(l/€) + 1/€4) and space complexity O(n + 1/€3). Magazine and Oguz (981) have further revised the Lawler (1979) scheme, obtaining time complexity O(n210g(n/€» and space complexity O(n/€).

A fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for the minimization version of KP was found, independently of the Ibarra-Kim result, by Babat (1975). Its time and space complexity of O(n4/€) was improved to O(n2/€) by Gens and Levner (1979).

Note that the core memory requirements of the fully polynomial-time approximation schemes depend on e and can become impractical for small values of this parameter. On the contrary, the space complexity of Sahni's polynomial-time approximation scheme is 0 (n), independently of r.

2.8.3 Probabilistic analysis

The first probabilistic result for KP was obtained by d' Atri (1979). Assuming that profits and weights are independently drawn from the uniform distribution over {I, 2, ... , n}, and the capacity from the uniform distribution over {L 2, ... , kn} (k an integer constant), he proved that there exists an 0 (n) time algorithm giving the optimal solution with probability tending to 1 as n -+ oc.

Lueker (1982) investigated the properties of the average value of (z(C(KP»z(KP» (difference between the solution value of the continuous relaxation and the optimal solution value of KP). Assuming that profits and weights are independently generated from the uniform distribution between 0 and 1 by a Poisson process with n as the expected number of items, and that the capacity is c = (3n for some constant (3, he proved that:

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems


(a) if /3 > ~ then all items fit in the knapsack with probability tending to l , so the question is trivial;

(b) if /1 ::; ~ then the expected value of (z(C(KP» - z(KP)) is O(10g2n/n) and OO/n).

Goldberg and Marchetti-Spaccamela (1984) improved the 0(1 /n) lower bound to 0(log2n/n), thus proving that the expected value of the difference is 8(log2n/n). In addition, they proved that, for every fixed E > 0, there is a polynomial-time algorithm which finds the optimal solution to KP with probability at least 1 - E. (As a function of l/E, the running time of the algorithm is exponential.)

Meanti, Rinnooy Kan, Stougie and Vercellis (1989) have determined, for the same probabilistic model, the expected value of the critical ratio Ps lw, as a function of /3, namely 1/V6;J for 0 < (3 < ~: ~ - 3;3 for ~ ::; /1 < ~. The result has been used by Marchetti-Spaccamela and Vercellis (1987) to analyse the probabilistic behaviour of an on-line version of the greedy algorithm. (An on-line algorithm for KP is required to decide whether or not to include each item in the knapsack as it is input, i.e. as its profit and weight become known.)

The probabilistic properties of different greedy algorithms for KP have been studied in Szkatula and Libura (1987).


As will be shown in Section 2.10, many instances of KP can be solved by branchand-bound algorithms for very high values of n. For such problems, the preliminary sorting of the items requires, on average, a comparatively high computing time (for example, when n > 2000 the sorting time is about 80 per cent of the total time required by the algorithm of Section 2.5.2). In the present section we examine algorithms which do not require preliminary sorting of all the items.

The first algorithm of this kind was presented by Balas and Zemel (1980) and is based on the so-called "core problem". Suppose, without loss of generality, that Pj [w, > Pj+J/w)+1 for j = 1, ... , n - 1, and, for an optimal solution (xn, define the core as

C={jl, .. ·,h},


. . {' * O}

.II = nun .I: Xj = :

h = max {j : x/ = I};

the core problem is then defined as

maximize Z = LPjXj iEC


2 0·1 Knapsack problem

subject to

L WjXj < C - L Wj

jEe jE{i:p,/Wi>P),/"J,J


for) E C.

In general, for large problems, the size of the core is a very small fraction of

n. Hence, if we knew "a priori" the values of), and h, we could easily solve the complete problem by setting x/ = I for all) E 11 = {k : pdWk > Pj, jw},}, x/ = 0 for all) E 10 = {k : pk/Wk < Pi)wh} and solving the core problem through any branch-and-bound algorithm (so that only the items in C would have to be sorted). Notice that J I and 10 are conceptually close to the sets of the same name determined by reduction procedures.

Indices it and j: cannot be "a priori" identified, but a good approximation of the core problem can be obtained if we consider that, in most cases, given the critical item s, we have)! :::: s - ({Jj2) andh::; s + ({Jj2) for some {J <t: n.

2.9.1 The Balas-Zemel algorithm

Balas and Zemel (1980) proposed the following procedure for determining, given a prefixed value {J, an approximate partition (.II: C ,10) of N. The methodology is very close to that used in Section 2.2.2 to determine the critical item sand the continuous solution (xi), so we only give the statements differing from the corresponding ones in procedure CRITICAL ITEM:

procedure BZC:

input: n . c, (Pi): (wi), 19; output: I 1, C, (Xj); begin

while partition = "no" and I JC I > 19 do begin

determine the median r, of the first 3 ratios Pj [w, in.lC;


if IIC I < {J then


C :=.IC;

sort the items in C according to decreasing Pi [w, ratios;

determine the critical item s and the solution (Xj) of the continuous relaxation through the Dantzig method applied to the items in C with the residual capacity c


else begin

letE = {ei. ... ,eq};

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems


(J '= min {j' ,,,\,j 11' > c - c'}:

• . L.....1=1 ei' ,

S := C,,;

for each j E I 1 U G U {C 1 : : C" _ I} do Xj := 1;

for each j E IOu L U {C,,+l: : cq} do Xj := 0;

Xs := (e - LjE{1 .... n}\{s} ~'.iXj)/11'.l;

define C as a sorted subset of IC such that I C I = 1) and s is contained, if possible, in the middle third of C, and correspondingly enlarge set I 1



Determining the median of the first three ratios (instead of that of all the ratios) in IC increases the time complexity of the algorithm to O(n2), but is indicated in Balas and Zemel (1980) as the method giving the best experimental results. They had also conjectured that the expected size of the core problem is constant, and experimentally determined it as 1) = 25. The conjecture has been contradicted by Goldberg and Marchetti-Spaccamela (1984), who proved that the expected core problem size grows (very slowly) with n.

The Balas-Zemel method also makes use of a heuristic procedure H and a reduction procedure R. These can be summarized as follows:

procedure H: inputC,Il; output Z : (Xj ); begin

given an approximate core problem C and a set I 1 of items j such that Xj is fixed to 1, find an approximate solution for C by using dominance relations between the items;

define the corresponding approximate solution (Xj), and its value z, for KP end.

procedure R: input: C; output: I 11,.1 01; begin

fix as many variables of C as possible by applying the reduction test of algorithm FPDHR, then that of algorithm IKR (see Section 2.7), modified so as to compute an upper bound on the continuous solution value when the items are not sorted;

define subsets III and I 01, containing the variables fixed, respectively, to 1 and to 0


The Balas-Zemel idea is first to solve, without sorting, the continuous relaxation of KP, thus determining the Dantzig upper bound (see Section 2.2.1), and then searching for heuristic solutions of approximate core problems giving the upper


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

bound value for KP. When such attempts fail, the reduced problem is solved through an exact procedure. The algorithm can be outlined as follows (, is a given threshold value for which Balas and Zemel used i = 50).

procedure BZ:

input: n . c . (Pj). (Wj). iJ. ,; output: z , (Xj);


call BZC ;

c ,_ ~n -.

Z .- L..,j=1 PjXj,

call H ;

if z = lzc J then return; C := { I •...• n };

call R;

11 :=11'; 10 :=10';

C := C\(ll UJO) (comment: new core); if I C I > i then


call H ;

if z = l z cJ then return; call R;


10 :=10UJO';

C := C \(1 I' U JO') (comment: reduced core);


sort the items in C according to decreasing Pj /Wj ratios;

exactly solve the core problem through the Zoltners (1978) algorithm; define the corresponding values of z and (x)) for KP


Two effective algorithms for solving KP without sorting all the items have been derived from the Balas-Zemel idea by Fayard and Plateau (1982) and Martello and Toth (1988).

2.9.2 The Fayard-Plateau algorithm

The algorithm, published together with an effective Fortran implementation (see Fayard and Plateau (1982), can be briefly described as follows.

procedure FP:

input: n.c,(pj).(Wj); output: z . (Xj);


N:={I .... n};

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems


use a procedure similar to CRITICAL_ ITEM (see Section 2.2.2) to determine the critical item s and the subset 11 C N such that, in the continuous solution of KP, Xi = 1 for.i E 11;

c:= C - LiEJI Wi;

zC:= LiEJlPi +cps/ws;

apply the greedy algorithm (without sorting) to the items in N \11 with the residual capacity C, and let C'j) (j E N \11) be the approximate solution found;

Z := LiEJI Pi + LjEN\J1 PiXj; if z = lzcJ then return ;

apply reduction algorithm FPDHR (see Section 2.7), defining sets 111 and


C := N \(111 U .1(1) (comment: reduced problem);

sort the items in C according to increasing values of I Pj I = I PJ - wJPs lw, I; exactly solve the reduced problem through a specific enumerative technique; define the corresponding values of z and (xi) for KP


2.9.3 The Martello- Toth algorithm

The Martello and Toth (1988) algorithm can be sketched as follows.

Step 1. Partition N into 1 1 : 10 and C through a modification of the Balas-Zemel method. Sort the items in C .

Step 2. Exactly solve the core problem, thus obtaining an approximate solution for KP, and compute upper bound U6 (see Section 2.3.3). If its value equals that of the approximate solution then this is clearly optimal: stop. Otherwise

Step 3. Reduce KP with no further sorting: if all variables Xj such that j E 11 or j E 10 are fixed (respectively to 1 and to 0), then we have it that C is the exact core, so the approximate solution of Step 2 is optimal: stop. Otherwise

Step 4. Sort the items corresponding to variables not fixed by reduction and exactly solve the corresponding problem.

The algorithm improves upon the previous works in four main respects:

(a) the approximate solution determined at Step 2 is more precise (often optimal); this is obtained through more careful definition of the approximate core and through exact (instead of heuristic) solution of the corresponding problem;

(b) there is a higher probability that such an approximate solution can be proved


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

to be optimal either at Step 2 (because of a tighter upper bound computation) or at Step 3 (missing in previous works);

(c) the procedures for determining the approximate core (Step 1) and reducing KP (Step 3) have been implemented more efficiently;

(d) the exact solution of the subproblems (Steps 2 and 4) has been obtained by adapting an effective branch-and-bound algorithm (procedure MTI of Section 2.5.2).

Step 1

The procedure to determine the approximate core problem receives in input four parameters: iJ (desired core problem size), o., /3 (tolerances) and 1) (bound on the number of iterations). It returns a partition (J I: C : JO) of N, where C defines an approximate core problem having residual capacity c = C - LiEJI Wi, such that

(i) (l - ex)iJ :::; ! C I :::; (1 + {3)iJ,

(ii) LiEC Wj > c > 0,

(iii) max {pdWk : k E .I0} :::; Pi /Wj :::; min {Pk/Wk : k E J I} for all j E C.

J I and J 0 are initialized to empty, and C to N. At any iteration we try to move elements from N to J I or J 0, until I C is inside the prefixed range. Following Balas and Zemel (1980), this is obtained by partitioning (through a tentative value A) set C into three sets of items j such that Pj /Wj is less than A (set L), equal to A (set E) or greater than A (set G). Three possibilities are then considered, according to the value of the current residual capacity c:

(a) LjEG Wj < C < LjEGUE Wi, i.e., A = pslws: if I E I is large enough, the desired core is defined; otherwise A is increased or decreased, according to the values of I G I and I L I, so that I C I results closer to the desired size at the next iteration;

(b) LjEG Wj > C, i.e., A < Ps/ws: if I G I is large enough we move the elements of L U E from C to J 0 and increase A; otherwise we decrease .\ so that, at the next iteration, I G I results larger;

(c) LjEGUE Wj < C, i.e., A > Ps/ws: if ILl is large enough we move the elements of G U E from C to J I and decrease A; otherwise we increase .\ so that, at the next iteration, I LI results larger.

In the following description of procedure CORE, M 3(S) denotes the median of the profit /weight ratios of the first, last and middle element of S. If the desired C is not obtained within T) iterations, execution is halted and the current partition (J 1: C : J 0) is returned. In this case, however, condition (i) above is not satisfied, i.e. I C I is not inside the prefixed range.

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems


procedure CORE:

input: n . C, (Pj), (Wj), lJ, o , /3, T); output: J 1, C ,JO;


11 :=0; JO :=0;

C := {I, ... , n }; c:= c;

k := 0;

A := M3(C);

while I C I > (1 + (3)1') and k < 1) do


G:= {j E C :P;/Wj > A}; L:= {j E C :Pj/Wj < A}; E := {j E C : p;/Wj = A}; c' := LjEG Wj; C"·=CI+",. w.:

. L;EE;'

if cl :S c < c'' then

if I E I 2: (l - n)1') then


let E = {e I , ... , eq };

IJ" := min {j : L~=I Wei> C - cl}; s := e(];

C := {er; .•. , e{} with r, t such that

t - r + I is as close as possible to lJ and (t + r)/2 to s;

JO :=JOULU {el+l: ,eq};

11 :=JIUGU{el ,er_d



if I G U E I < 1') then A := M 3(L) else A := M 3(G)


if c' > c then

if I GI < (1 - 1X)1] then A := M3(L) else


J 0 := J 0 U L U E; C :=G;

A := M3(C) end


if IL < (l - n)t9 then A := M3(G) else


11 := J 1 U G U E; C :=L; c:={'-c";


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

,,\ := M3(C) end;

k := k + 1



The heaviest computations in the "while" loop (partitioning of C and definition of c' and C") require O(n) time. Hence, if 1) is a prefixed constant, the procedure runs in linear time.

Steps 2,4

Exact solutions (x;) of the core problem and of the reduced problem are obtained through procedure MTI of Section 2.5.2, modified so as also to compute, if required, the value u of upper bound U6 (Section 2.3.3) for KP. We refer to this procedure as MTl' and call it by giving the sets C (free items) and 11 (items j such that Xj is fixed to I).

procedure MT1':

input: n,c,(pj):(w;):c,JI, bound; output: Ctj): u;


define the sub-instance KP' consisting of the items in C with residual capacity

c - LjE.!1 Wj;

if bound = "no" then call MT1 for KP'

else call MT1 for KP' with determination of u = U6; let (Xj) be the solution vector returned by MT1


Step 3

Reduction without sorting is obtained through the following procedure, which receives in input the partition determined at Step I (with only the items in C sorted according to decreasing Pj [w, ratios) and the value z!' of the approximate solution found at Step 2. The procedure defines sets IT and 10 according to the same rules as in procedure MTR (Section 2.7), but computing weaker bounds u? and u} when the current critical item s is not in C.

procedure MTR':

input: n . c . (Pj), (Wj), zh:1 1. C :10; output: J1:10;


comment: it is assumed that the items in Care 1: 2 .... J (f = I C I ), sorted according to decreasing P; /Wj ratios; c:= c - LjE.!1 Wj;

p:= LjEJlPj;

2.9 Exact algorithms for large-size problems


for j := I to f do compute Wj = 'E,(=I Wi and Pj = 'E,/=1 Pi; find, through binary search, sEC such that Ws-I :::; C < \V.,; for each j E J 1 U {I, ... , s} do

if C + Wj < wI then begin

find, through binary search, SEC such that

WY_I :::; c+Wj < wY;

C:=C+Wj -WY-I;

uy := 15 - Pj + PY-I + max ClcPy+I/wy+IJ ,

lps - (ws - C)py- J/Wy- IJ); z" := max (zhp - Pj +PY-l)


else begin

ujO := P - Pj + Pf + l (c + Wj - wI )PI / wI J ; z" :=max(zh,p-Pj+PI)


for each j E J 0 U [s , ... ,f} do if C - Wj _;::: W I then


find, through binary search, SEC such that


C:= C - Wj - WY_I;

u/ :=P+Pj +15'-1 + max (lcPY+I/Ws+lj,

Lps - (Ws - DPs-I/wY-I); zh := max (zit ,p + Pj + PY_I)


else begin

u/ := lp + Pj + (c - Wj)PI/wIJ;

ife-wj _;:::Othenzh :=max(zh,p+pj) end;

JO:={jEJOU{s ... ,f}:u]:::;z"};

IT := {j E 11 U {1,. .. .s ] : u? :::; z "} end.

The heaviest computations are involved in the two "for each" loops: for 0 (n) times a binary search, of time complexity O(logl C I), is performed. The overall time complexity is thus O(nlogl C I), i.e. O(n) for fixed I C I.


The algorithm exactly solves KP through Steps 1-4, unless the size of core C determined at Step 1 is too large. If this is the case, the solution is obtained


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

through standard sorting, reduction and branch-and-bound. On input, the items are not assumed to be sorted.

procedure MT2:

input: n c. (Pi), (wi ),v, 0:, B, T/; output: z , (xi );


for j := 1 to n do xi := 0; comment: Step 1;

call CORE;

if I CI :'S: (l - o:)n then


sort the items in C by decreasing Pi [w, ratios; comment: Step 2;

bound := "yes";

call MTl';

zh := LiEJIPj + LiECPiXj; if z'' = u then

for each j E J 1 U {k E C : ~tk = I} do xi := 1 else (comment: Step 3)


call MTR';

if IT :J J 1 and.l 0 :J .I 0 then

- -

for each j E J I U {k E C : Xk = I} do xi := 1

else (comment: Step 4)


C := {I,. ... n l \ (IT U J 0); sort the items in C according to

decreasing Pi /wi ratios; bound := "no";

Jl :=IT;

call MTl' ;

for each j E TI U {k E C : ~rk = I} do xi := 1 end



else (comment: standard solution)


sort all the items according to decreasing Pi [w, ratios; call MTR;

zh := I;

C := {1,. .. ,n}\(Jl UJO); bound» "no";

call MTl';

for each j E J I U {k E C : Xk = I} do xi := 1 end;

2.10 Computational experiments


z := 2::;=1 p)x); if z < zit then


define the solution vector (x)) corresponding to z /t ;

Z '- 7/t

.- ~



On the basis of the computational experiments reported in the next section, the four parameters needed by MT2 have been determined as


2 Vii


if n < 200, otherwise;

.3 = 1.0;

1) = 20.

The Fortran implementation of MT2 is included in the present volume.


In this section we analyse the experimental behaviour of exact and approximate algorithms for KP on sets of randomly generated test problems. Since the difficulty of such problems is greatly affected by the correlation between profits and weights, we consider three randomly generated data sets:

un correlated: p) and w) uniformly random in [1, v]; weakly correlated: w) uniformly random in [1, v],

p) uniformly random in r ttJ - r. w) + r];

strongly correlated: tlj uniformly random in [1, v],

p) = w) + r.

Increasing correlation means decreasing value of the difference max i {p) [w, } - min) {Pi /wJ}, hence increasing expected difficulty of the corresponding problems. According to our experience, weakly correlated problems are closer to real world situations.

For each data set we consider two values of the capacity: c = 2v and c = 0.52::;=1 Wi' In the first case the optimal solution contains very few items, so the generated instances are expected to be easier than in the second case, where about half of the items are in the optimal solution. (Further increasing the value of c does not significantly increase the computing times.)

68 2 0-1 Knapsack problem

2.10.1 Exact algorithms

We give separate tables for small-size problems (n ::::; 200) and large-size problems (n 2: 500).

We compare the Fortran IV implementations of the following algorithms:

HS = Horowitz and Sahni (1974), Section 2.5.1;

MTR+HS = HS preceded by reduction procedure MTR of Section 2.7; NA = Nauss (1976), with its own reduction procedure;

MTl = Martello and Toth (1977a), Section 2.5.2;

MTR+MTl = Martello and Toth (l977a) preceded by MTR;

MTR+DPT = Toth (1980), Section 2.6.3, preceded by MTR;

BZ = Balas and Zemel (1980), Section 2.9.1, with its own reduction procedure;

FP = Fayard and Plateau (1982), Section 2.9.2, with its own reduction procedure;

MT2 = Martello and Toth (1988), Section 2.9.3, with MTR and MTR'.

NA, MTl, FP and MT2 are published codes, whose characteristics are given in Table 2.1. HS, MTR and DPT have been coded by us. For BZ we give the computing times presented by the authors.

Table 2.1 Fortran codes for KP
Core Number of
Authors memory statements List
Nauss (1976) 8n 280 Available from the author
Martello and Toth (1977a) 8n 280 This volume (also in
Martello and Toth (1978»
Fayard and Plateau (1982) 7n 600 In Fayard and Plateau (1982)
Martello and Toth (1988) 8n 1400 This volume All runs (except those of Table 2.8) were executed on a CDC-Cyber 730. For each data set, value of c and value of n, the tables give the average running time, expressed in seconds, computed over 20 problem instances. Since Balas and Zemel (1980) give times obtained on a CDC-6600, which we verified to be at least two times faster than the CDC-Cyber 730 on problems of this kind, the times given in the tables for BZ are those reported by the authors multiplied by 2.

Code FP includes its own sorting procedure. The sortings needed by HS, NA, MTl, DPT and MT2 were obtained through a subroutine (included in MT2), derived

2.10 Computational experiments


Table 2.2 Sorting times. CDC-Cyber 730 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems



















Table 2.3 Uncorrelated problems: p} and w} uniformly random in [1.100]. CDC-Cyber 730
in seconds. Average times over 20 problems
50 0.022 0.013 0.Cll5 0.Cll5 0.012 0.013 0.013
200 100 0.039 0.024 0.025 0.026 0.025 0.Cll8 0.029
200 0.081 0.050 0.055 0.051 0.050 0.032 0.055
n 50 0.031 0.016 0.015 0.016 0.013 0.013 0.020
0.5 LWj 100 0.075 0.028 0.029 0.030 0.026 0.021 0.043
j=! 200 0.237 0.065 0.073 0.068 0.057 0.053 0.090 Table 2.4 Weakly correlated problems: w} uniformly random in [1.100], p} in [wi-IO,
wi+IO]. CDC-Cyber 730 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems
50 0.031 0.Q18 0.019 0.017 0.014 0.016 0.022
200 100 0.049 0.029 0.038 0.032 0.024 0.023 0.041
200 0.091 0.052 0.060 0.055 0.048 0.030 0.066
n 50 0.038 0.025 0.035 0.022 0.020 0.021 0.071
0.5 LWj 100 0.079 0.042 0.086 0.040 0.031 0.039 0.158
;=1 200 0.185 0.070 0.151 0.069 0.055 0.057 0.223 Table 2.5 Strongly correlated problems: w} uniformly random in [1,100], Pi = Wi + 10.
CDC-Cyber 730 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems
50 0.165 0.101 0.117 0.028 0.025 0.047 0.041
200 100 l.035 0.392 0.259 0.052 0.047 0.096 0.070
200 3.584 2.785 3.595 0.367 0.311 0.928 0.111
n 50 time time time 4.870 4.019 17.895 0.370
0.5 LWj 100 time time time l.409
j=! 200 3.936 70

2 0-1 Knapsack problem

from subroutine SORTZV of the CERN Library, whose experimental behaviour is given in Table 2.2. All the times in the following tables include sorting and reduction times.

Tables 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 compare algorithms HS, MTR+HS, NA, MTl, MTR+MTl, FP and MTR+DPT on small-size problems (we do not give the times of MT2, which are almost equal to those of MTR+MTl). For all data sets, II = 100 and r = 10. Table 2.3 refers to uncorrelated problems, Table 2.4 to weakly correlated problems. All algorithms solved the problems very quickly with the exception ef HS and, for weakly correlated problems, MTR+DPT. MTl is only slightly improved by previous application of MTR, contrary to what happens for HS. Table 2.5 refers to strongly correlated problems. Because of the high times generally involved, a time limit of 500 seconds was assigned to each algorithm for solution of the 60 problems generated for each value of c. The dynamic programming approach appears clearly superior to all branch-and-bound algorithms (among which MTI has the best performance).

For large-size instances we do not consider strongly correlated problems, because of the impractical times involved. Tables 2.6 and 2.7 compare algorithms MTI, BZ, FP and MT2. Dynamic programming is not considered because of excessive memory requirements, HS and NA because of clear inferiority. The problems were generated with v = 1000, r = 100 and c = 0.52:,;'=1 Wi'

FP is fast for n :::; 2000 but very slow for n :::: 5000, while BZ has the opposite behaviour. MT2 has about the same times as FP for n :::; 2000, the same times as BZ for n = 5000, and slightly higher than BZ for n = 10000, so it can be considered, on average, the best code. MTl, which is not designed for large

Table 2.6

Uncorrelated problems: Pi and Wi uniformly random in [1,1000]; c = 0.52:,n=1 Wj.

CDC-Cyber 730 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems }






500 1000 2000 5000


0.199 0.381 0.787 1.993 4.265

0.372 0.606 0.958 1.514

0.104 0.188 0.358 1.745 7.661

0.157 0.258 0.462 0.982 1.979

Table 2.7 Weakly correlated problems: w) uniformly random in [1,1000], Pi in [w)-100, Wj + 100]; c = 0.52:,;=1 Wj. CDC-Cyber 730 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems

500 0.367 0.185 0.209
1000 0.663 0.588 0.271 0.293
2000 1.080 0.586 0.404 0.491
5000 2.188 0.744 1.782 0.771
10000 3.856 1.018 19.481 1.608 2.10 Computational experiments 71

Table 2.8 Algorithm MT2. wi uniformly random in [1,1000]; c = 0.5 L:"=l wr

HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times over 20 problems J


Uncorrelated problems:

Pj uniformly random in [1,1000]

Weakly correlated problems:

Pj uniformly random in [Wj - 100, wi + 100]

50 100 200 500

1000 2000 5000

10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

100000 150000 200000 250000

0.008 0.01 6 0.D25 0.067 0.122 0.220 0.515 0.872 1.507 2.222 2.835 3.562 4.185 4.731 5.176 5.723 7.001 9.739

14.372 17.135

0.015 0.038 0.070 0.076 0.160 0.260 0.414 0.739 1.330 3.474 2.664 3.492

504.935 4.644 5.515 6.108 7.046

time limit

problems, is generally the worst algorithm. However, about 80 per cent of its time is spent in sorting, so its use can be convenient when several problems are to be solved for the same item set and different values of c. A situation of this kind arises for multiple knapsack problems, as will be seen in Section 6.4.

n = 10000 is the highest value obtainable with the CDC-Cyber 730 computer available at the University of Bologna, because of a core memory limitation of 100 K words. Hence, we experimented the computational behaviour of MT2 for higher values of n on an HP 9000/840 with 10 Mbytes available. We used the Fortran compiler with option "-0", producing an object with no special optimization. The results obtained for uncorrelated and weakly correlated problems are shown in Table 2.8. Uncorrelated problems were solved up to n = 250000 with very regular average times, growing less than linearly with n. Weakly correlated problems show an almost linear growing rate, but less regularity; for high values of n, certain instances required extremely high times (for n = 60000 one of the instances took almost 3 hours CPU time, for n = 150000 execution was halted after 4 hours).

2.10.2 Approximate algorithms

In Tables 2.9-2.11 we experimentally compare the polynomial-time approximation scheme of Sahni (Section 2.8.1) and a heuristic version of algorithm MT2


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

Table 2.9 Uncorrelated problems: Pi and Itj uniformly random in [1,1000]; c = 0.5 L~=l It}.

HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times (average percentage errors) over 20 probl~ms


MT2 approx. time (% error)


time (% error)

S(l) time (% error)


time (% error)

50 100 200 500

1000 2000 5000

10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

100000 150000 200000 250000

0.004(0.10569) 0.009(0.05345) 0.015(0.03294) 0.029(0.00767) 0.058(0.00418) 0.117(0.00251) 0.296(0.00182) 0.641(0.00076) 1.248(0.00032) 1.873(0.00016) 2.696(0.00016) 3.399(0.00011) 3.993(0.00009) 4.652(0.00003) 5.307(0.00008) 5.842(0.00016) 6.865(0.00007) 9.592(0.00005)

13.223(0.00008) 16.688(0.00010)

0.005(5.36560) 0.009(2.25800) 0.0 17( 1.15739) 0.049(0.49120) 0.105(0.21213) 0.224(0.10531) 0.618(0.05540) 1.320(0.02045) 2.852(0.00897) 4.363(0.00786) 6.472(0.00521 ) 8.071 (0.00428) 9.778(0.00403)

11.420(0.00301) 13.075(0.00329) 14.658(0.00247) 16.347(0.00231 ) 25.357(0.00156) 35.050(0.00144) 44.725(0.00094 )

0.017(5.13968) 0.060(2.21412) 0.210(1.12217) 1.242(0.47978) 4.894(0.20748)

19.545(0.10338) 125.510(0.05488)

0.319(5.05006) 2.454(2.19447) 19.376(1.11691) 299.593(0.a7577)

(Section 2.9.3). The fully polynomial-time approximation schemes are not included since a limited series of experiments showed a dramatic inferiority of these algorithms (see also Section 4.4.2, where this trend is confirmed for the subset-sum problem).

The heuristic version of MT2 was obtained by halting execution at the end of Step 2, and returning the approximate solution of value zh. In order to obtain a small core problem, procedure CORE was executed with parameters

1.9 = 5;

Q =0.0;

i3 = 1.0; TJ = 200.

As for the Sahni scheme S(k), we experimented S(O). S(l) and S(2), since the time complexity O(nk+l) makes the algorithm impractical for k 2: 3.

Tables 2.9, 2.10 and 2.11 give the results for the three data sets, with v = 1000, r = 100 and c = 0.5 L7=1 wi' For each approximate algorithm, we give (in brackets) the average percentage error. This was computed as l00(z - za)/z, where za is the approximate solution value and z either the optimal solution value (when

2.10 Computational experiments


Table 2.10 Weakly correlated problems: w; uniformly random in [1,1000], P, in [wi - 100, w; + 100]; c = 0.5 L;:, Wi' HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times (average percentage errors) over 20 problems

MT2 approx. S(O) S(1) S(2)
n time (% error) time (% error) time (% error) time (% error)
50 0.006(0.17208) 0.004(2.13512) 0.017(1.81004) 0.302(1.77572)
100 0.008(0.04296) 0.008(0.87730) 0.055(0.78573) 2.281 (0.76862)
200 0.013(0.06922) 0.015(0.31819) 0.194(0.28838) 17.779(0.28216)
500 0.033(0.01174) 0.046(0.14959) 1.139(0.14300) 273.118(0.14135)
1000 0.058(0.00774 ) 0.103(0.08226) 4.432(0.07842)
2000 0.114(0.00589) 0.222(0.03740) 17 .626(0.03634)
5000 0.312(0.00407) 0.619(0.01445) 113.527(0.01413)
10000 0.645(0.00261 ) 1.324(0.00630)
20000 1.297(0.00155) 2.802(0.00312)
30000 1.943(0.00104 ) 4.372(0.00216)
40000 2.667(0.00052) 6.432(0.00177)
50000 3.374(0.00036) 8.013(0.00139)
60000 4.544(0.00028) 9.377(0.00095)
70000 4.662(0.00040) 11.069(0.00083)
80000 6.029(0.00031 ) 13.041 (0.00070)
90000 6.249(0.00040) 15.662(0.00071)
100000 6.618(0.00017) 16.358(0.00050)
150000 10.231(0.00019) 25.530(0.00041 )
200000 12.991(0.00004) 35.230(0.00027)
250000 16.062(0.00009) 45.234(0.00020) Table 2.11 Strongly correlated problems: Wi uniformly random in [1,1000], Pi = Wi + 100; c = 0.5 L;~1 Wi' HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times (average percentage errors) over 20 problems


MT2 approx. time (% error)

S(O) time (% error)

S(1) time (% error)

S(2) time (% error)

50 100 200 500

1000 2000 5000

10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 90000

100000 150000 200000 250000

0.008(1.50585) 0.008(0.81601) 0.015(0.51026) 0.029(0.27305) 0.059(0.10765) 0.119(0.06850) 0.315(0.02148) 0.679(0.01384) 1.266(0.00559) 1.879(0.00512) 2.603(0.00292) 3.182(0.00240) 3.795(0.00224 ) 4.529(0.00167) 5.090(0.00154) 5.595(0.00115) 6.320(0.00132) 9.141(0.00083)

12.005(0.00077) 15.950(0.00055)

0.Cll9( 1.68977) 0.061(0.73186) 0.226(0.40653) 1.372(0.17836) 5.388(0.08409)

21.173(0.05196) 132.973(0.01421 )

0.340(0.74661 ) 2.574(0.39229) 20.877(0.26096) 316.804(0.09783 )

0.003(3.25234) 0.007( 1.43595) 0.017(0.77478) 0.046(0.33453) 0.111(0.15991) 0.236(0.08866) 0.614(0.02740) 1.341 (0.01573) 2.787(0.00694 ) 4.333(0.00504 ) 6.022(0.00372) 7.598(0.00239) 9.194(0.00252)

10.760(0.00214) 12.324(0.00185) 13.968(0.00179) 15.569(0.00165) 24.583(0.00082) 34.400(0.00083) 44.001(0.00044)


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

available) or an upper bound determined by the approximate version of MT2. The execution of each approximate algorithm was halted as soon as the average computing time exceeded 100 seconds.

Table 2.9 shows that it is not convenient to heuristically solve uncorrelated problems, since the exact version of MT2 requires about the same times as its approximate version, which in tum dominates S(k). The same consideration holds for weakly correlated problems with n ::; 50000 (Table 2.10); for n > 50000, the approximate version of MT2 dominates S(O), while S(I) and S(2) have impractical time requirements. Table 2.11 shows that the approximate version of MT2; which dominates SeQ), must be recommended for large-size strongly correlated problems; for small values of n, S(l) and S(2) can produce better approximations but require dramatically higher computing times.

The Fortran code corresponding to MT2, included in the volume, allows use either of the exact or the approximate version through an input parameter.


In this section we give an outline of the main results obtained in the study of the knapsack polytope. Since such results did not lead, up to now, to the design of effective algorithms for KP, the purpose of the present section is only to introduce the reader to the principal polyhedral concepts and to indicate the relevant literature concerning knapsack problems. Detailed introductions to the theory of polyhedra can be found in Bachem and Grotschel (1982), Pulleyblank (1983), Schrijver (1986) and Nemhauser and Wolsey (1988), among others.

We start with some basic definitions. Given a vector a E JRn and a scalar ao E JR, the set {x E JRn : l..:7=1 ajxj = ao} is called a hyperplane. A hyperplane defines two halfspaces, namely {x E JRn : l..:7=1 ajxj ::; ao} and {x E JRn : l..:7=1 ajxi 2': ao}. The intersection of finitely many halfspaces, when it is bounded and non-empty, is called a polytope. Hence, polytopes can be written as P = {x E JRn : l..:;'=l aijxj ::; aiD for i = 1, ... , r}; alternatively, they can be described as the convex hull of finitely many points, i.e. P = conv (S), with S C JRn and I S I finite. m points x I, .•• ,xm E JRn are called affinely independent if the equations l..::=l ).kXk = 0 and l..:~~l).k = 0 imply ).k = 0 for k = 1 ... , m. The dimension of a polytope P C JR". dim (P), is I P' - 1, where P is the largest subset of affinely independent points of P. A subset F of a polytope P C JRn is called aface of P if there exists an inequality l..:;'=l aixi ::; ao which is satisfied by any x E P and such that F = {x E P : l..:7=1 ajx) = ao}. Tn other words, a face is the intersection of the polytope and a hyperplane defining a halfspace containing the polytope itself. A face F of P such that dim (F) = dim (P)-l is called afacet of P. Hence an inequality l..:;=l aixj ::; ao defines a facet of P if (a) it is satisfied by any x E P, and (b) it is satisfied with equality by exactly dim (P) affinely independent x E P. The set of inequalities defining all the distinct facets of a polytope P

2.11 Facets of the knapsack polytope


constitutes the minimal inequality representation of P. Hence the importance of facets in order to apply linear programming techniques to combinatorial problems.

Coming to KP, its constraint set (conditions (2.2), (2.3» defines the knapsack polytope

K =conv {x E JRn: tWjXj:S: c, Xj E {O, 1} for j = I, ... ,n}. j=l

It is easy to verify that, with assumption (2.6) (Wj :s: c for all j),

dim(K) = n.

In fact (a) dim (K) :s: n (obvious), and (b) dim (K) 2: n ; since K contains the n + 1 affinely independent points Xk (k = 0: ... : n), where xO = (0: ... : 0) and xk corresponds to unit vector ek (k = L .... n). The two main classes of facets of K are based on minimal covers and (1, kr-configurations.

A set SeN = {I: ... : n} is called a cover for K if

LWj > c. jES

A cover is called minimal if

L Wj:S: c for any i E S. jES\{i}

The set E(S) = SUS', where

S' = {j E N\S : Wi 2: maXiES {Wi}},

is called the extension of S to N. Let S be the family of all minimal covers S for K. Balas and Jeroslow (1972) have shown that constraints (2.2), (2.3) are equivalent to the set of canonical inequalities

L Xj < I S I - 1 for all S E S, jEE(S)


in the sense that x E {O: l ]" satisfies (2.2), (2.3) if and only if it satisfies (2.46). Balas (1975), Hammer, Johnson and Peled (1975) and Wolsey (1975) have given necessary and sufficient conditions for a canonical inequality to be a facet of K.

A rich family of facets of K can be obtained by "lifting" facets of lower dimensional polytopes. Given a minimal cover S for K, let Ks C JRI sl denote the I S [-dimensional polytope


2 0-1 Knapsack problem


i.e. the subset of K containing only points x such that Xj = 0 for all j E N \S. It is known (see, for instance, Balas (1975), Padberg (1975), Wolsey (1975» that the inequality

defines a facet of the lower dimensional polytope Ks. Nemhauser and Trotter (1974) and Padberg (1975) have given a sequential lifting procedure to determine integer coefficients Pj (j E N \S) such that the inequality

L Xj + L i3jXj < 1 S I - 1


defines a facet of K. Calculating these coefficients requires solution of a sequence of 1 N \S 1 0-1 knapsack problems. Furthermore, the facet obtained depends on the sequence in which indices j E N\S are considered. Zemel (1978) and Balas and Zemel (1978) have given a characterization of the entire class of facets associated with minimal covers, and a simultaneous lifting procedure to obtain them. These facets have in general fractional coefficients (those with integer coefficients coincide with the facets produced by sequential lifting).

A richer class of facetial inequalities of K is given by (1, k)-configurations (Padberg, 1979, 1980). Given a subset MeN and tEN \M, define the set S = M U {t}. S is a (1, k)-configuration for K if (a) LjEM Wj ::; c and (b) Q U {t} is a minimal cover for every Q <;;; M with 1 Q 1 = k , where k is any given integer satisfying 2 ::; k ::; 1 M I. Note that if k = 1 M I, a (I, k)-configuration is a minimal cover for K (and, conversely, any minimal cover S can be expressed as a (1, k)configuration, with k = 1 S 1- I, for any t E S). Padberg (1980) proved that, given a (1, k )-configuration S = M U {t} of K, the complete and irredundant set of facets of the lower dimensional polytope Ks (see 2.47) is given by the inequalities

(r - k + l)xt + L Xj ::; r, jES(r)

where S (r) <;;; M is any subset of cardinality r, and r is any integer satisfying k ::; r ::; 1 M I. Sequential or simultaneous lifting procedures can then be used to obtain facets of the knapsack polytope K.

Recently, Gottlieb and Rao (1988) have studied a class of facets of K, containing fractional coefficients, which can be derived from disjoint and overlapping minimal covers and (I, k)-configurations. For such class, they have given necessary and sufficient conditions which can easily be verified without use of the computationally

2.12 The multiple-choice knapsack problem


heavy simultaneous lifting procedures. The computational complexity of lifted inequalities has been analysed by Hartvigsen and Zemel (1987) and Zemel (1988).


The Multiple-Choice Knapsack Problem (MCKP), also known as the Knapsack Problem with Generalized Upper Bound (GUB) Constraints, is a 0-1 knapsack problem in which a partition N1, ••• N, of the item set N is given, and it is required that exactly one item per subset is selected. Formally,



Z = LPjXj j=l


subject to


~wx<c Z:: J J-



LXj=l, k=l, ... J, JEN,


Xj =Oor 1,.i EN ={1, ... ,n}=UNk' k=l

(2.51 )


The problem is NP-hard, since any instance of KP, having r elements of profit Pi and weight Wj (j = 1, .... 1') and capacity c, is equivalent to the instance of MCKP obtained by setting n = 21', Pj = Wj = 0 for .i = r + 1, ... ,21' and Nk = {k, r + k} for k = 1, ... , T .

MCKP can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time through dynamic programming as follows. Given a pair of integers I (1 ~ I ~ 1') and c (0 ::; c ::; c), consider the sub-instance of MCKP consisting of subsets N, .... ,N, and capacity c. Letji(c) denote its optimal solution value, i.e.

!t(c) = max {LPiXi: LWjXj::; c ; LXj = 1 for k = 1, .. , ,I,



2 0-1 Knapsack problem

where N = U l=,Nk, and assume that fi(f:) feasible solution. Let

-oc if the sub-instance has no

wk=min{wj:JENd fork=l, .... r;



fi(n =

max {Pj : J E NI, Wj :S C}

for c: = 0, ... , WI - 1;

for c = 11' 1, ... , c;

for I = 2, ... ,r we then have


for c = 0, ... , L~=I Wk - 1;

for f ",I -

or e = 0k= I Wk· .. , e.

The optimal solution is the state corresponding to fr(c). If we have L~=I Wk > C then the instance has no feasible solution, and we obtain free) = -x. For each value of I, the above computation requires 0(1 Nile) operations, so the overall time complexity of the method is 0 (nc).

The execution of any algorithm for MCKP can be conveniently preceded by a reduction phase, using the following

Dominance Criterion 2.1. For any Nk(k = 1: ... , r), if there exist two items i,j E Nk such that

Pi :S Pj and Wi 2: Wj

then there exists an optimal solution to MCKP in whicn Xi dominated.

0, i.e. item i IS

Proof. Obvious from (2.50). D

As is the case for KP, dynamic programming can solve only instances of limited size. Larger instances are generally solved through branch-and-bound algorithms, based on the exact solution of the continuous relaxation of the problem, C (MCKP), defined by (2.48)-(2.50) and


An instance of C (MCKP) can be further reduced through the following

Dominance Criterion 2.2. For any Nk(k = 1, ... : r ), if there exist three items h . i] E Nk such that

2.12 The multiple-choice knapsack problem



Pi - Ph < Pj - Pi


then there exists an optimal solution to C (MCKP) in which Xi = 0, i.e, item i is dominated.

We do not give a formal proof of this criterion. However, it can be intuitively verified by representing the items of N, as in Figure 2.8 and observing that

(i) after application of Dominance Criterion 2.1, the remaining items can only correspond to points in the shaded triangles;

(ii) for C (MCKP), all points i of each triangle are dominated by the pair of vertices h.] (since for any value Xi cf 0, there can be found a combination of values Xh ,Xj producing a higher profit).


(iii) after application of Dominance Criterion 2.2, only those items remain which





Figure 2.8 Representation of items [or Dominance Criteria 2.1 and 2.2


2 0-1 Knapsack problem

correspond to the vertices defining the segments of the piecewise (concave) linear function.

In addition, by analysing the structure of the Linear Program corresponding to C (MCKP), it is not difficult to see that

(iv) in the optimal solution of C(MCKP), r - 1 variables (corresponding to items in r - 1 different subsets) have value 1; for the remaining subset, either one variable has value 1 or two variables (corresponding to consecutive vertices in Figure 2.8) have a fractional value.

Formal proofs of all the above properties can be found, e.g., in Sinha and Zoltners (1979).

As previously mentioned, the reduction and optimal solution of C (MCKP) play a central role in all branch-and-bound algorithms for MCKP.

The reduction, based on Dominance Criteria 2.1 and 2.2, is obtained (see, e.g., Sinha and Zoltners, (1979» by sorting the items in each subset according to increasing weights and then applying the criteria. The time complexity for this phase is clearly O(L~=l !Nk!log!Nk!), i.e. O(nlog max{INk!: 1::; k::; r}).

O(nlogr) algorithms for the solution of the reduced C (MCKP) instance have been presented by Sinha and Zoltners (1979) and Glover and Klingman (1979). Zemel (1980) has improved the time complexity for this second phase to 0 (n). A further improvement has been obtained by Dudzinski and Walukiewicz (1984b), who have presented an O(rlog2(njr» algorithm.

The reduction phase is clearly the heaviest part of the process. However, in a branch-and-bound algorithm for MCKP, it is performed only at the root node, while the second phase must be iterated during execution.

Algorithms for solving C (MCKP) in 0 (n) time, without sorting and reducing the items, have been independently developed by Dyer (1984) and Zemel (1984). These results, however, have not been used, so far, in branch-and-bound algorithms for MCKP, since the reduction phase is essential for the effective solution of the problem.

Branch-and-bound algorithms for MCKP have been presented by Nauss (1978), Sinha and Zoltners (1979), Armstrong, Kung, Sinha and Zoltners (1983), Dyer, Kayal and Walker (1984), Dudzinski and Walukiewicz (1984b, 1987).

The Fortran implementation of the Dyer, Kayal and Walker (1984) algorithm can be obtained from Professor Martin E. Dyer.


Bounded knapsack problem


The Bounded Knapsack Problem (BKP) is: given n item types and a knapsack, with

Pj = profit of an item of type j;

Wj = weight of an item of type j;

bj = upper bound on the availability of items of type j; c = capacity of the knapsack,

select a number Xj (j = I, ... ,n) of items of each type so as to

n maximize z = LPjXj j=1


subject to


L WjXj ::; c, j=1


0::; Xj ::; bj and integer, j EN = {l , ... ,n}. (3.3)

BKP is a generalization of the 0-1 knapsack problem (Chapter 2), in which b, = 1 for allj EN.

We will assume, without loss of generality, that

Pj, Wj, b, and c are positive integers,



LbjWj > c, j=1



Violation of assumption (3.4) can be handled through a straightforward adaptation of the Glover (1965) method used for the 0-1 knapsack problem



3 Bounded knapsack problem

(Section 2.1). If assumption (3.5) is violated then we have the trivial solution Xj = bi for all j EN, while for each j violating (3.6) we can replace hi with l c / w) J. Also, the way followed in Section 2.1 to transform minimization into maximization forms can be immediately extended to BKP.

Unless otherwise specified, we will suppose that the item types are ordered so that



A close connection between the bounded and the 0-1 knapsack problems is selfevident, so all the mathematical and algorithmic techniques analysed in Chapter 2 could be extended to the present case. The literature on BKP, however, is not comparable to that on the binary case, especially considering the last decade. The main reason for such a phenomenon is, in our opinion, the possibility of transforming BKP into an equivalent 0-1 form with a generally limited increase in the number of variables, and hence effectively solving BKP through algorithms for the 0-1 knapsack problem.

In the following sections we give the transformation technique (Section 3.2) and consider in detail some of the basic results concerning BKP (Section 3.3). The algorithmic aspects of the problem are briefly examined in Section 3.4. We do not give detailed descriptions of the algorithms since the computational results of Section 3.5 show that the last generation of algorithms for the 0-1 knapsack problem, when applied to transformed instances of BKP, outperforms the (older) specialized algorithms for the problem.

The final section is devoted to the special case of BKP in which b, = +oc for all j EN (Unbounded Knapsack Prohlem). For this case, interesting theoretical results have been obtained. In addition, contrary to what happens for BKP, specialized algorithms usually give the best results.


The following algorithm transforms a BKP, as defined by (3.1 )-(3.3), into an equivalent 0-1 knapsack problem with

fi = number of variables;

(p) = profit vector;

(w) = weight vector;

c = c = capacity.

For each item-typej of BKP, we introduce a series of llog2bjJ items, whose profits and weights are, respectively, (p), w), (2pj, 2~'j), (4pj, 4wi), ... , and one item such that the total weight (resp. profit) of the new items equals bjwj (resp. hjp).

3.2 Transformation into a 0-1 knapsack problem


procedure TB01 :

input: n . (Pj), (wi ).(bj); output: h.. (Pj). (Wj); begin

n := 0;

for j := 1 to n do


(3 := 0; k := 1; repeat

if /3 + k > bi then k := bj - /-,i; n := n + 1;

Pn := kp.;

WA := kw];

j3 := ,3 + k;

k := 2k

until /1 = bj end


The transformed problem has n = I:7=1 f!og2(bi + 1 r binary variables, hence O(n) gives the time complexity of the procedure. To see that the transformed problem is equivalent to the original one, let xii , ... ,ijq (q = pog2(bj + l)l) be the binary variables introduced for Xj and notice that item i« corresponds to m, items of type i, where

if h < q; if h = q.

Hence Xj = I:h=l nhxih can take any integer value between 0 and hi'

Notice that the transformation introduces 2q binary combinations, i.e. 2q - (bj + 1) redundant representations of possible Xj values (the values from nq to 2q-1 - I have a double representation). Since, however, q is the minimum number of binary variables needed to represent the integers from 0 to b., any alternative transformation must introduce the same number of redundancies.

Example 3.1

Consider the instance of BKP defined by

n = 3;

(Pj) =(10,15, II); (Wj) = ( 1, 3, 5); (bj) = (6, 4, 2);

c = 10.


3 Bounded knapsack problem

Applying TBOl, we get the equivalent 0-1 form:

n = 8;

(Pj) = (10, 20, 30, 15, 30, 15, 11, 11); (Wj) = ( 1, 2, 3, 3, 6, 3, 5, 5).

Items 1 to 3 correspond to the first item type, with double representation of the value Xl = 3. Items 4 to 6 correspond to the second item type, with double representation of the values X2 = 1, X2 = 2 and X2 = 3. Items 7 and 8 correspond to the third item type, with double representation of the value X3 = 1. D


3.3.1 Upper bounds

The optimal solution x of the continuous relaxation of BKP, defined by (3.1), (3.2) and

j EN,

can be derived in a straightforward way from Theorem 2.1. Assume that the items are sorted according to (3.7) and let

s = min {j : tb;W; > c}



be the critical item type. Then

for j = I, ... , s - 1,

for j = s + 1, ... , n ,


x,=-, l'Vs



C = C - LbjWj. j=1

Hence the optimal continuous solution value is


Lb -Ps

Pt +c-

J J '

j=1 Ws

3.3 Upper bounds and approximate algorithms


and an upper bound for BKP is


A tighter bound has been derived by Martello and Toth (l977d) from Theorem 2.2. Let


be the total profit obtained by selecting bj items of type j for j = I, ... , S - I, and LxsJ items of type s. The corresponding residual capacity is





(3.11 )

is an upper bound on the solution value we can obtain if no further items of type S are selected, while selecting at least one additional item of this type produces upper bound

VI 1 l ( I)PS-IJ

= Z + Ps - Ws - C -,- .





is an upper bound for BKP. Since from (3.9) we can write VI = z' + Lc'ps/wsJ, VO ::; VI is immediate, while Vi::; VI is proved by the same algebraic manipulations as those used in Theorem 2.2 (ii). V2 ::; VI then follows.

The time complexity for the computation of VI or V2 is O(n) if the item types are already sorted. If this is not the case, the computation can still be done in O(n) time through an immediate adaptation of procedure CRITICAL ITEM of Section 2.2.2.

Determining the continuous solution of BKP in 0-1 form still produces bound V1• The same does not hold for V2, since (3.11) and (3.12) explicitly consider the nature of BKP hence VO and V 1 are tighter than the corresponding values obtainable from the 0-1 form.

Example 3.1 (continued)

The critical item type is s = 2. Hence


3 Bounded knapsack problem

u 0 = 75 + II 151 J = 77;

V I = 75 + liS - 2 \0 J = 70; U: = 77.

Considering the problem in 0-1 form and applying (2.10) and (2.16), we would obtain VI = V2 = 80. 0

Since U: :S VI :S z' + P.I :S 2z, the worst-case performance ratio of V I and V2 is at most 2. To see that p(V]) = P(V2) = 2, consider the series of problems with n = 3: Pi = Wi = k and bi = I for all j , and c = 2k - 1: we have V I = V 2 = 2k - 1 and z = k , so VI/Z and V2/z can be arbitrarily close to 2 for k sufficiently large.

All the bounds introduced in Section 2.3 for the 0-1 knapsack problem can be generalized to obtain upper bounds for BKP. This could be done either in a straightforward way, by applying the formulae of Section 2.3 to BKP in 0-1 form (as was done for V I) or, better, by exploiting the peculiar nature of the problem (as was done for Vz). This second approach, not yet dealt with in the literature, could be a promising direction of research.

3.3.2 Approximate algorithms

Value z' defined by (3.10) is an immediate feasible solution value for BKP. Let z be the optimal solution value. Then the absolute error z - z' is bounded by Ps (since z' :S z :S VI :S z' + Ps), while the ratio Zl/Z can be arbitrarily close to 0 (consider, e.g., n = 2, PI = WI = I, P2 = W2 = k , hI = b: = 1 and c = k., for k sufficiently large). The worst-case performance ratio, however, can be improved to 1/2 by computing (still in O(n) time)

as the approximate solution value. In fact, z :S z 1 + Ps :S 2zh, and a tightness example is: n = 2, PI = WI = I, P2 = W2 = k , hi = I, b: = 2 and c = 2k, for k sufficiently large.

If the item types are sorted according to (3.7), a more effective greedy algorithm is the following:

procedure GREEDYB: input: n c. (Pi ),(wi Uhi); output: z g (xi);


c:= c; z8 := 0;

3.4 Exact algorithms


i"> 1;

for j := 1 to n do


Xj := min(lc/wjJ ,bj); c:= C - WjXj;

zg :=zg +PjXj;

if hjpj > hj' Pj' then j* := j end;

if hj'Pi' > zg then


zg := b.-p]»;

for j := 1 to n do Xj := 0; Xj' := hi'



The worst-case performance ratio is !, since trivially z" :::: z'' and the series of problems with n = 3, PI = WI = 1, P2 = W2 = P3 = W3 = k , b, = b2 = b3 = 1 and c = 2k proves the tightness. The time complexity is clearly O(n), plus O(nlogn) for sorting.

Transforming BKP into an equivalent 0-1 problem and then applying any of the polynomial-time, or fully polynomial-time approximation schemes of Section 2.8, we obtain approximate solutions obeying the worst-case bounds defined for such schemes. In fact the two formulations of any instance have, of course, the same optimal value, and the solution determined by the scheme for the 0-1 formulation preserves feasibility and value for the bounded formulation. Hence the worst-case performance ratio is maintained. The time and space complexities of the resulting schemes are given by those in Section 2.8, with n replaced by fi = 2:;'=llIog2(bj + l r].

In this case too, better results could be obtained by defining approximation schemes explicitly based on the specific structure of BKP.


In this section we briefly outline the most important algorithms from the literature for the exact solution of BKP. The reason for not giving a detailed description of these methods is the fact that they are generally useless for effective solution of the problem. In fact, the high level of sophistication of the algorithms for the 0-1 knapsack problem has not been followed in the algorithmic approach to BKP, so the most effective way to solve bounded knapsack problems nowadays is to transform them into 0-1 form and then apply one of the algorithms of Section 2.9. (This is confirmed by the experimental results we present in the next section.) Of course, a possible direction of research could be the definition of more effective specific algorithms for BKP through adaptation of the results of Chapter 2.

88 3 Bounded knapsack problem

3.4.1 Dynamic programming

Letfm(c) denote the optimal solution value of the sub-instance of BKP defined by item types 1, ... .m and capacity c (1:::; »< n . 0:::; c:::; c). Clearly

0 for c = 0, ... ,WI - 1;
PI for c = WI: ... : 2wI - 1;
fl(e) =
(b, - l)pI for c=(bl-l)wl: ... ,hIWl-l;
blPI for c = bIWI, ... ,c. fm(C) can then be computed, by considering increasing values of m from 2 to n, and, for each m, increasing values of c from 0 to c, as

The optimal solution value of BKP is given by j~(c). For each m, O(cbm) operations are necessary to computefm(c) (c = 0, ... ,c). Hence the overall time complexity for solving BKP is O(c 2:::=1 bm), i.e. O(nc2) in the worst case. The space complexity is 0 (nc), since the solution vector corresponding to each fm (c) must also be stored.

The basic recursion above has been improved on, among others, by Gilmore and Gomory (1966) and Nemhauser and Ullmann (1969). Dynamic programming, however, can only solve problems of very limited size. (Nemhauser and Ullmann (1969) report that their algorithm required 74 seconds to solve, on an IBM-7094, a problem instance with n = 50 and bi = 2 for each i.)

3.4.2 Branch-and-bound

Martello and Toth (1977d) adapted procedure MTl of Section 2.5.2 to BKP. The resulting depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm, which incorporates upper bound U2 of Section 3.3.1, is not described here, but could easily be derived from procedure MTUI presented in Section 3.6.2 for the unbounded knapsack problem. (See also a note by Aittoniemi and Oehlandt (1985).)

Ingargiola and Korsh (1977) presented a reduction algorithm related to the one in Ingargiola and Korsh (1973) (Section 2.7) and imbedded it into a branch-search algorithm related to the one in Greenberg and Hegerich (1970) (Section 2.5). (See also a note by Martello and Toth (1980c).)

Bulfin, Parker and Shetty (1979) have proposed a different branch-and-bound strategy, incorporating penalties in order to improve the bounding phase.

Aittoniemi (1982) gives an experimental comparison of the above algorithms, indicating the Martello and Toth (1977d) one as the most effective. As already

3.5 Computational experiments


mentioned, however, all these methods are generally outperformed by algorithm MT2 (Section 2.9.3) applied to the transformed 0-1 instance. The Fortran implementation of this algorithm (MTB2) is included in the present volume.


Tn Tables 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 we analyse the experimental behaviour of exact and approximate algorithms for BKP through data sets similar to those used for the 0-1 knapsack problem, i.e.:

uncorrelated: Pi and Wj uniformly random in [1,1000]; weakly correlated: ~j uniformly random in [1,1000],

Pi uniformly random in [wi - 100, Wj + 100];

strongly correlated: Wj uniformly random in [1,1000],

Pi = Wi + 100.

For all data sets, the values bj are uniformly random in [5, 10], and c is set to 0.52::;=1 biwj (so about half of the items are in the optimal solution).

The tables compare the Fortran IV implementations of the following methods:

Table 3.1 Uncorrelated problems: Pj and Wj uniformly random in [1,1000], b, uniformly
random in [5,10]; c = 0.5 2::;=1 bw]. HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times (average
percentage errors) over 20 problems
n time time time time (% error) time (% error)
25 0.034 0.022 0.023 0.011(0.09851) 0.001(0.09721)
50 0.121 0.115 0.049 0.020(0.04506) 0.005(0.04775)
100 0.464 0.149 0.084 0.031 (0.02271) 0.012(0.01354)
200 1.761 0.462 0.143 0.061 (0.01166) 0.023(0.00809)
500 9.705 5.220 0.395 0.158(0.00446) 0.065(0.00246)
1000 36.270 11.288 0.583 0.324(0.00079) 0.138(0.00071)
2000 88.201 33.490 1.107 0.649(0.00097) 0.272(0.00033)
5000 159.213 106.550 2.272 1.585(0.00028) 0.745(0.00008)
10000 3.599 3.055(0.00031) 1.568(0.00003)
200DO 6.689 6.195(0.00011 ) 3.332(0.00001 )
30000 9.445 9.692(0.00010) 5.144(0.00000)
40000 14.119 13.443(0.00003) 7.080(0.00000)
50000 14.836 15.298(0.00005) 8.942(0.00000) 90 3 Bounded knapsack problem
Table 3.2 Weakly correlated problems: wi uniformly random in [1,1000], Pj in [w} - 100,
wi + 100], hi uniformly random in [5,IOJ; c = 0.5 L~I b.w]. HP 9000/840 in seconds.
Average times (average percentage errors) over 20 problems
n time time time time (% error) time (% error)
25 0.051 0.206 0.075 0.012(0.08072) 0.001(0.13047)
50 0.150 0.855 0.199 0.019(0.03975) 0.007(0.04214)
100 0.478 3.425 0.207 0.037(0.01384 ) 0.014(0.01374)
200 1.350 8.795 0.354 0.061 (0.00901) 0.021(0.00461)
500 6.232 25.840 0.532 0.147(0.00414) 0.057(0.00126)
1000 16.697 59.182 0.574 0.292(0.00228) 0.125(0.00054 )
2000 39.707 57.566 0.810 0.568(0.00242) 0.265(0.00015)
5000 131.670 131.212 1.829 1.572(0.00062) 0.725(0.00004)
10000 3.359 3.052(0.00037) 1.572(0.00001 )
20000 6.973 6.633(0.00021 ) 3.293(0.00000)
30000 9.785 9.326(0.00016) 5.089(0.00000)
40000 6435.178 12.182(0.00017) 6.966(0.00000)
50000 15.473(0.00010) 8.533(0.00000) Table 3.3 Strongly correlated problems: w} uniformly random in [1,1000], P, = w} + 100, hj uniformly random in [5,10]; c = 0.5 L;=I hjwj. HP 9000/840 in seconds. Average times (average percentage errors) over 20 problems

n time time time time (% error) time (% error)
25 3.319 216.864 23.091 0.012(0.36225) 0.002(0.62104 )
50 279.782 4513.810 0.018(0.14509) 0.005(0.22967)
100 0.037(0.14295) 0.010(0.16482)
200 0.066(0.07570) 0.023(0.08262)
500 0.139(0.03866) 0.059(0.03919)
1000 0.283(0.01688) 0.123(0.01701)
2000 0.589(0.00818) 0.265(0.00822)
5000 1.529(0.00352) 0.756(0.00352)
10000 3.133(0.00181) 1.558(0.00181 )
20000 5.794(0.00064) 3.169(0.00064)
30000 9.847(0.00054) 5.065(0.00054)
40000 12.058(0.00042) 6.705(0.00042)
50000 15.265(0.00034 ) 8.603(0.00034 )

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