DBZ Buu's Fury Hacks
DBZ Buu's Fury Hacks
DBZ Buu's Fury Hacks
43001560 0003
00000008 0068
Vegeta 3300170D 00XX
Goten 3300163F 00XX
Trunks 330016A5 00XX
Goku 3300156D 00XX
Gohan 330015D6 00XX
If this code dont work, use this code in "Code":
Vegeta 03001714:xx
Goten 03001646:xx
Trunks 030016AC:xx
Goku 03001574:xx
Gohan 030015DC:xx
00 - Goku
01 - GT Goku Playable, Graphics Mess Up Whe KI Is Used
02 - Goku With Halo
03 - Ssj1 Goku
04 - Ssj1 Goku With Halo
05 - Ssj3 Goku
06 - Ssj3 Dead
07 - Ssj3 Goku With Halo And Infinite Ssj3
08 - Ssj3 Goku And Infinite Ssj3
09 - Saiyaman Black Outfit (No Attacking Sprites)
0A - Gohan School Outfit
0B - Mystic Gohan whit Supreme Kai Suit (No Attack)
0C - Z-sword Gohan whit Supreme Kai Suit (Sword Works But Randomly)
0D - Mystic Gohan
0E - Saiyaman With Helmet
0F - Saiyaman With No Helmet
10 - Ssj Gohan School Outfit
11 - Ssj Gohan School Outfit Always Ssj
12 - Gohan Ssj Saiyaman
13 - Goten
14 - Ssj Goten
15 - Trunks
16 - Ssj Trunks
17 - Old Trunks (Can Move, No Attacks)
18 - Trunks Grav (Not Tried This One Yet)
19 - Trunks Grav2 (Not Tried Yet)
1A - Vegeta
1B - Vegeta With Halo
1C - Ssj Vegeta
1D - Ssj Vegeta With Halo
1E - Ssj Vegeta Always Ssj
1F - Gotenks
20 - Fat Gogeta(Can't Move)
21 - Skinny Gogeta(Can't Move)
22 - Ssj Gotenks
23 - Ssj3 Gotenks
24 - Gotenks
25 - Ssj Gotenks Permanent
26 - Ssj3 Gotenks Permanent
27 - Vegito
28 - Ssj Vegito
29 - Halo Gogeta
2A - Fat Gogeta(Can't Move)
2B - Skinny Gogeta(Can't Move)
2C - Ssj Halo Gogeta
2D - Crash
2E - Android 18 (Walking only)
2F - Hercule (Mr.Satan)
30 - Krillin (Crilin)(No attacks, No Run)
31 - Piccolo (Junior)(Petit Satan)(Works 100%)
32 - Pikkon (Pai-Chu-Han)(Works 100%)
33 - Tien (Tenshinhan,Tensing)(Walks Only)
34 - Videl Playable (Works 100%)
35 - Yamcha (Iamko)(Walking Only)
About The Attacks:
If this codes don't works, insert in Code!
1 skill slot modifier:
2 skill slot modifier:
3 skill slot modifier:
4 skill slot modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
Code - Name Of The Attack = Who Can Do This
01 - Banshee Blast = Son Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta.
02 - Big Bang = Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Goten.
03 - Big Bang Kamehameha = Gohan, Trunks, Goku, Goten.
04 - Burning Attack = Gohan, Goku, Pikkon(or Pai Chu Han), Trunks, Goten, Vegeta
, Videl, Piccolo, Hercule.
05 - Dragon Fist Explosion = Vegeta, Goten.
06 - Electric Kamehameha = Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Goten.
07 - Energy Blast = ALL excluse Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, Goku GT and probability o
08 - Energy Punch = Only Goten.
09 - Energy Sword = Only Vegito.
0A - Final Flash = Only Vegeta.
0B - Flame Kamehameha = Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Goku.
0C - Fusion Dance = Only Goku.
0D - Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack = Vegeta , Gotenks.
0E - Instant Transmission (Teleport) = Gohan , Goku , Trunks , Vegeta , Goten.
0F - Kamehamehas = Goten , Gohan , Goku , Trunks.
10 - Kamehameha = Goten, Gohan, Goku, Trunks.
11 - Masenko-ha = Gohan, Goku(Mini Spirit bomb!), Vegeta, Pikkon(PaiChuHan), Tru
nks, Goten, Videl, Piccolo, Hercule.
12 - Saiyaman = Gohan.
13 - Saiyaman = Only The Icon.
14 - Super Saiyan = All Saiyans.
15 - Super Saiyan = All Saiyans.
16 - Super Saiyan 3 = Only Goku.
17 - Ultra Volleyball Attack = Goku, Goten, Trunks, Gotenks, Vegeta, Pikkon, Vid
el, Piccolo, Hercule.
Example for inserting the codes:
Hercule at the place of Goku:
Code: 3300156D 00XX
So it would look like:
3300156D 002F