DBZ Buu's Fury Hacks

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All Characters:

43001560 0003
00000008 0068
Vegeta 3300170D 00XX
Goten 3300163F 00XX
Trunks 330016A5 00XX
Goku 3300156D 00XX
Gohan 330015D6 00XX
If this code dont work, use this code in "Code":
Vegeta 03001714:xx
Goten 03001646:xx
Trunks 030016AC:xx
Goku 03001574:xx
Gohan 030015DC:xx
00 - Goku
01 - GT Goku Playable, Graphics Mess Up Whe KI Is Used
02 - Goku With Halo
03 - Ssj1 Goku
04 - Ssj1 Goku With Halo
05 - Ssj3 Goku
06 - Ssj3 Dead
07 - Ssj3 Goku With Halo And Infinite Ssj3
08 - Ssj3 Goku And Infinite Ssj3
09 - Saiyaman Black Outfit (No Attacking Sprites)
0A - Gohan School Outfit
0B - Mystic Gohan whit Supreme Kai Suit (No Attack)
0C - Z-sword Gohan whit Supreme Kai Suit (Sword Works But Randomly)
0D - Mystic Gohan
0E - Saiyaman With Helmet
0F - Saiyaman With No Helmet
10 - Ssj Gohan School Outfit
11 - Ssj Gohan School Outfit Always Ssj
12 - Gohan Ssj Saiyaman
13 - Goten
14 - Ssj Goten
15 - Trunks
16 - Ssj Trunks
17 - Old Trunks (Can Move, No Attacks)
18 - Trunks Grav (Not Tried This One Yet)
19 - Trunks Grav2 (Not Tried Yet)
1A - Vegeta
1B - Vegeta With Halo
1C - Ssj Vegeta
1D - Ssj Vegeta With Halo
1E - Ssj Vegeta Always Ssj
1F - Gotenks
20 - Fat Gogeta(Can't Move)
21 - Skinny Gogeta(Can't Move)
22 - Ssj Gotenks
23 - Ssj3 Gotenks
24 - Gotenks
25 - Ssj Gotenks Permanent
26 - Ssj3 Gotenks Permanent
27 - Vegito
28 - Ssj Vegito
29 - Halo Gogeta
2A - Fat Gogeta(Can't Move)
2B - Skinny Gogeta(Can't Move)
2C - Ssj Halo Gogeta
2D - Crash
2E - Android 18 (Walking only)
2F - Hercule (Mr.Satan)
30 - Krillin (Crilin)(No attacks, No Run)
31 - Piccolo (Junior)(Petit Satan)(Works 100%)
32 - Pikkon (Pai-Chu-Han)(Works 100%)
33 - Tien (Tenshinhan,Tensing)(Walks Only)
34 - Videl Playable (Works 100%)
35 - Yamcha (Iamko)(Walking Only)
About The Attacks:
If this codes don't works, insert in Code!
1 skill slot modifier:
2 skill slot modifier:
3 skill slot modifier:
4 skill slot modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
1 Skill Slot Modifier:
2 Skill Slot Modifier:
3 Skill Slot Modifier:
4 Skill Slot Modifier:
Code - Name Of The Attack = Who Can Do This
01 - Banshee Blast = Son Goku, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta.
02 - Big Bang = Vegeta, Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Goten.
03 - Big Bang Kamehameha = Gohan, Trunks, Goku, Goten.
04 - Burning Attack = Gohan, Goku, Pikkon(or Pai Chu Han), Trunks, Goten, Vegeta
, Videl, Piccolo, Hercule.
05 - Dragon Fist Explosion = Vegeta, Goten.
06 - Electric Kamehameha = Gohan, Goku, Trunks, Goten.
07 - Energy Blast = ALL excluse Yamcha, Tien, Krillin, Goku GT and probability o
08 - Energy Punch = Only Goten.
09 - Energy Sword = Only Vegito.
0A - Final Flash = Only Vegeta.
0B - Flame Kamehameha = Goten, Trunks, Gohan, Goku.
0C - Fusion Dance = Only Goku.
0D - Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack = Vegeta , Gotenks.
0E - Instant Transmission (Teleport) = Gohan , Goku , Trunks , Vegeta , Goten.
0F - Kamehamehas = Goten , Gohan , Goku , Trunks.
10 - Kamehameha = Goten, Gohan, Goku, Trunks.
11 - Masenko-ha = Gohan, Goku(Mini Spirit bomb!), Vegeta, Pikkon(PaiChuHan), Tru
nks, Goten, Videl, Piccolo, Hercule.
12 - Saiyaman = Gohan.
13 - Saiyaman = Only The Icon.
14 - Super Saiyan = All Saiyans.
15 - Super Saiyan = All Saiyans.
16 - Super Saiyan 3 = Only Goku.
17 - Ultra Volleyball Attack = Goku, Goten, Trunks, Gotenks, Vegeta, Pikkon, Vid
el, Piccolo, Hercule.
Example for inserting the codes:
Hercule at the place of Goku:
Code: 3300156D 00XX
So it would look like:
3300156D 002F

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