A New Face Recognition Method Based On SVD Perturbation For Single Example Image Per Person
A New Face Recognition Method Based On SVD Perturbation For Single Example Image Per Person
A New Face Recognition Method Based On SVD Perturbation For Single Example Image Per Person
National Laboratory for Novel Software Technology
At present, there are many methods for frontal view face recognition. However, few of them can
work well when only one example image per class is available. In this paper, we present a new
method based on SVD perturbation to deal with the 'one example image' problem and two
generalized eigenface algorithms are proposed. In the first algorithm, the original image is linearly
combined with its derived image gotten by perturbing the image matrix's singular values, and then
principal component analysis (PCA) is performed on the joined images. In the second algorithm,
the derived images are regarded as independent images that could augment training image set, and
then PCA is performed on all the training images available, including the original ones and the
derived ones. The proposed algorithms are compared with both the standard eigenface algorithm
and the (PC)2A algorithm which is proposed for addressing the ‘one example image’ problem, on
the well-known FERET database with three different image resolutions. Experimental results
show that the generalized eigenface algorithms are more accurate and use far fewer eigenfaces
than both the standard eigenface algorithm and the (PC)2A algorithm.
Keywords: Face recognition; Principal component analysis; Eigenface; Extended PCA; Singular
value decomposition
Corresponding author. Tel.:+86-25-8489-2805.
E-mail address: s.chen@nuaa.edu.cn (S. Chen), daoqz@mail.com (D. Zhang), zhouzh@nju.edu.cn (Z.-H. Zhou)
1 Introduction
Face Recognition has been an active research area of computer vision and pattern recognition for
decades [1-3, 13-15]. Many face recognition methods have been proposed to date and according to
Brunelli and Poggio [1], these methods can be roughly classified into two categories, i.e.,
geometric feature-based algorithms and template-based ones. In the first category, the most often
used method is the elastic bunch graph matching [3], while in the second category the most widely
used algorithm is the eigenface [2]. Recently, neural networks [5-7], support vector machines [8],
kernel methods [9], and ensemble techniques [8] also find great applications in this area.
In some specific scenarios such as law enforcement, there may be only one image per person can
be used for training the face recognition system. It is unfortunate that most face recognition
algorithms may not work well in such a scenario where only one example image per class is
available. For example, most subspace methods such as Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [11,
9], discriminant eigenfeatures [12] and fisherface [10] can hardly be used because in order to
obtain good recognition performance, they require there exist at least two example images per
class so that the intra-class variation could be considered against the inter-class variation. Recently,
a few researchers begin to address this issue [16, 19]. In [16], a method called (PC)2A was
proposed as an extension of the standard eigenface technique, which combines the original face
image with its first-order projection and then performs principal component analysis (PCA) on the
enriched version of the image. It was reported that (PC)2A outperformed the standard eigenface
technique when only one example image per class is available [16]. In [19], a probabilistic
approach was described, in which the model parameters were estimated by using a set of images
generated around a so-called representative sample image, each with small localized errors within
the eigenspace, or partially occluded and expression-variant faces corresponding to the sample
In this paper, we generalize the standard eigenface technique along two ways. In the first way, we
combine the original image linearly with its derived image gotten by perturbing the image matrix's
singular values, and then apply PCA on the joined images. In the second one, instead of
combining the original image with its derivations, we regard the derived images as independent
images that could augment training information, and then apply PCA on all the images available,
including the original ones and the derived ones. The idea behind these two ways is to squeeze as
much information as possible from the single example images. These squeezed information can
drive some features that are important in face recognition with one example image per class
become more salient, therefore we get the first extended version. These information can also be
used to provide each class with several imitated example images so that the problem of face
recognition with one example image per class become a common face recognition problem,
therefore we get the second extended version. Experiments on a subset of the well-known FERET
database under three different image resolutions show that both the extensions of eigenface get
improved recognition accuracy while the number of eigenfaces used is far fewer than that used by
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly introduce the eigenface
Section 4, we report our experiments. Finally in Section 6, we draw the conclusion and point out
2 Eigenface
Eigenface technique is an application of classical PCA into face recognition field. It regards each
face image as a feature vector by concatenating the rows or columns of the image together, using
the intensity of each pixel as a single feature. Thus each image can be represented as an
n-dimensional vector xk , where n is the number of pixels in each image. Let {x1 , x2 ,..., xM } be a
set of M images, with each image belonging to one of c classes {X 1 , X 2 ,..., X c }. Consider a linear
transformation mapping the original n-dimension image space into an m-dimension feature space,
where m<<n. The new m-dimension feature vectors yk are defined by the linear
transformation y k = U xk , where U ∈ R
is a matrix with orthonormal columns.
where x is the mean image of all samples. Then, after applying the linear transformation U ,
maximizing the determinant of the total scatter matrix of the projected samples, the optimal
ST corresponding to the m largest eigenvalues. The uis are usually called eigenfaces in face
recognition. The extracted m-dimensional feature vectors, i.e. yks, instead of the original
n-dimensional ones are used in the subsequent recognition process. Usually, the number of
∑λ i
i =1
≥θ (2)
i =1
3 Generalized eigenface
According to Jain et al. [17], a typical statistical pattern recognition system can be divided into
three successive stages, i.e. preprocessing, feature extraction or selection, and learning. At present,
most of the extensions to eigenface technique focus on the latter two stages, i.e., feature extraction
or selection and learning. However, there are few works on the first stage, i.e., preprocessing,
except for a few standard image processing techniques such as histogram equalization. Recently, a
method called (PC)2A was proposed for addressing the issue of face recognition with one example
image per class, which designs a specific preprocessing technique to be used together with the
eigenface technique. In detail, (PC)2A combines the original face image with its first-order
projection and then performs PCA on the enriched version of the image [16]. In this section, we
follow the line of (PC)2A but use a novel singular value perturbing technique to obtain the derived
images. In fact, we generalize the standard eigenface along two ways that are presented in Section
In order to effectively recognize faces with only one example image per class, we derive an image
from the original image by perturbing the face matrix's singular values. Let I be an intensity
P = U ⋅ Σn ⋅V T (3)
I = U ⋅ Σ ⋅V T (4)
Then we combine I linearly with P to generate a new image according to the following equation
I +α P
J= (5)
where α is a control parameter and its value is between 0.0 and 1.0. In the rest of the paper, α is set
to 0.25 if it is not explicitly stated. Then, PCA can be performed on J instead of I, therefore we get
Fig. 1 shows an example of the original image, its derived images and the combined images,
where α is set to 0.25, and n is set to 5/4 for Fig. 1(b) and 3/2 for Fig. 1(c) respectively. Since the
pixels of the derived image and the combined image may fall out of [0 1], these images are
Note that when n equals to 1, the derived image P is equivalent to the original image I . If we
choose n>1, then the singular values satisfying si > 1 will be magnified. Thus the reconstructed
image P emphasizes the contribution of the large singular values, while restraining that of the
small ones. So by integrating P into I , we get a combined image J which keeps the main
information of the original image and is expected to work better against minor changes of
In fact, the main difficulty of the ‘one example image’ problem of face recognition lies in that
since only one example image is available for each class, the intra-class variation can hardly be
considered against the inter-class variation. Since the derived image generated in last section, i.e.
P, can be regarded as a new image for a specific class, it is natural to try to use the derived image
as an additional example image for the class. Therefore, the problem of face recognition with one
example image becomes a common face recognition problem where each class has several
training images.
According to Eq. (3), a series of derived images can be generated by setting n to different values.
Without loss of generalization, assume that we have obtained a set of d derived images from each
original face image through singular value perturbing. Therefore, together with the original image,
each class now has (d+1) images for training, in this way, PCA can be performed on (d+1)M
training images, where M is the number of classes to be predicted. Such an extension to eigenface
is named as SPCA+.
4. Experiments
In our experiments, the new methods presented in Section 3 are compared with both (PC)2A and
the standard eigenface technique. The experimental configuration is similar as that was described
in [16]. The experimental face database comprises 400 gray-level frontal view face images from
200 persons, with the size of 256x384. There are 71 females and 129 males, each person has two
images (fa and fb) with different facial expressions. The fa images are used as gallery for training
while the fb images as probes for testing. All the images are randomly selected from the FERET
face database [18]. No special criterion is set forth for the selection. So, the face images used in
the experiments are very diversified, e.g. there are faces with different race, different gender,
different age, different expression, different illumination, different occlusion, different scale, etc.,
which greatly increases the difficulty of the recognition task. See [16] for some concrete face
Before the recognition process, the raw images are normalized according to some constraints so
that the face area could be appropriately cropped. Those constraints include that the line between
the two eyes is parallel to the horizontal axis, the inter-ocular distance (distance between the two
eyes) is set to a fixed value, and the size of the image is fixed. Here in our experiments, the eyes
are manually located, and three different image resolutions are used. The first cropped image size
is 60x60 pixels with the inter-ocular distance as 28 pixels; and the second and the third images are
obtained by scaling the 60x60 size images to 30x30 and 15x15 size respectively.
4.2 Results
At first, we compare the recognition performance of the methods proposed in Section 3 with that
of (PC)2A and the standard eigenface technique when the size of the face database increases
gradually form 20 to 200 with 20 as the interval. For each size of the database, we repeat the
experiments for 100 times through randomly selecting faces from the database. When a probe, i.e.,
an unknown face image, is presented, its corresponding feature vector is constructed from the
eigenfaces. Then the distance between the probe's feature vector and that of the gallery images are
computed, and the k best-matched image (with the minimum distance) in the gallery is considered
as the top k match result. In this paper, we only consider the case k=1, i.e., the top 1 match.
Fig. 2 and 3 show two examples of image that is misrecognized by Eigenface and (PC)2A, while
recognized correctly by SPCA and SPCA+. Here the number of eigenfaces used is determined by
Eq. (2). The parameter θ is set to 0.95, α is set to 0.25, and n in Eq. (3) is set to 3/2 for SPCA
and 5/4 for SPCA+ respectively. These values will be used in the rest of this paper if no specific
value is explicitly stated. Note in Fig 2 and 3, we also give the reconstructed images from their
corresponding feature vectors by Eigenface, (PC)2A, SPCA and SPCA+ respectively. Fig 2 and 3
reveal that the reconstructed images of SPCA and SPCA+ more emphasize the main information
(e.g. the eyes and mouth) while restraining the trivial ones of the original image compared with
those of Eigenface and (PC)2A. Thus SPCA and SPCA+ are more suitable to recognize faces
The whole top 1 match result on images with size of 60x60 is depicted in Fig. 4. From Fig. 4, we
know that for all cases, SPCA and SPCA+ achieve higher recognition accuracy than both (PC)2A
and the standard eigenface technique, and the difference is more and more distinct as the size of
database increases. The averaged recognition accuracy under different size of the face database is
shown in the first row of Table 1. It can be found that the performance of SPCA+ is comparable to
that of SPCA. These results supports our claim that through perturbing the singular values of the
original images to enlarge the training face database, the problem of face recognition with one
training image per person can be transformed to be a common face recognition problem to solve.
Although (PC)2A can achieve better recognition accuracy than the standard eigenface technique,
its biggest strength is that it can use significantly fewer (about 10-15% ) eigenfaces to achieve
compare the number of eigenfaces used by SPCA and SPCA+. Fig. 5 shows the comparison
results. It is impressive that the number of eigenfaces used by SPCA and SPCA+ is even far fewer
than that used by (PC)2A, and the difference is more and more distinct as the size of database
increases. The averaged number of eigenfaces used under different size of database for 60x60
image size is shown in the fourth row of Table 1. In average, SPCA and SPCA+ use nearly half
fewer eigenfaces than standard eigenface and (PC)2A. Recall that the number of eigenfaces used
determines the dimensionality of the feature vectors that are extracted for representing the face
images. So, it is obvious that using fewer eigenfaces means that less computational cost, less
storage cost, and less matching time are required, which is of great benefit for large-size face
Table 1 also shows the performance of eigenface, (PC)2A, SPCA and SPCA+ under 30x30 and
15x15 image sizes. It can be seen that as the image size becomes smaller, the differences among
SPCA and SPCA+ and the other algorithms are not so distinct. We guess the reason is that when
the image size is small enough, the image will be very smooth, thus it will be less affected by the
In SPCA and SPCA+, there is a parameter n which is the order of the derived images from Eq. (3).
In order to know the influence of n, more experiments are performed. Fig. 6 shows the top 1
match recognition accuracy, and Fig. 7 shows the number of eigenfaces used by the methods,
where n = 1 + 1/(11 − m) and m varies between 1 and 10, thus n is between 1 and 2. Note that the
results are averaged under different size of face database. It can be seen that the best recognition
performances for SPCA and SPCA+ are gotten when m=9 (n=3/2) and m=7 (n=5/4),
respectively. Note that for SPCA+, there is a notable degeneracy of recognition accuracy at m=8
(n=4/3). We guess that when the order n takes too large values, the derived image will become
too even and be not appropriate for representing faces any more. Therefore we suggest use 3/2 and
5 Conclusions
Most face recognition techniques require that there exist at least two example images per class.
Recently, a method called (PC)2A is proposed to address the 'one example image' problem. In this
paper, following up the way of (PC)2A, two generalized eigenface algorithms utilizing
singular-value-perturbation are proposed. Experiments show that both algorithms can achieve
good recognition accuracy with far fewer eigenfaces than both eigenface and (PC)2A.
Moreover, the second algorithm we proposed, i.e. SPCA+, is a general paradigm for dealing with
'small sample problem', in which we enlarge the original image database by appending the derived
images. This paper shows that this paradigm works well in the scenario of face recognition with
one example image per class. We believe that this method is also effective in scenarios where each
class has two (or more, but still 'small sample') example images, which is another interesting issue
Although face recognition technology is very useful, it cannot be used to distinguish between
twins. Remember that the human beings do not rely on the face images solely to identify twins,
but also use other information such as gesture, behavior, even speech and voice. So combining
these information with the face recognition deserve further research in future.
Also we cannot utilize only face to determine the national or regional origin of an individual,
because face recognition is not omnipotent and we should combine it with other biometric
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Grant
No. 60271017, the National Outstanding Youth Foundation of China under the Grant No.
60325237, the Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation under the Grant No. BK2002092, and the
Returnee Foundation of Visitor Abroad. Portions of the research in this paper use the FERET
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Figure captions
Fig. 1 Example of an original image, its derived images, and combined images
Fig. 2 Example of an image that is misrecognized by Eigenface and (PC)2A, while recognized
Fig. 3 Another example of image that is misrecognized by Eigenface and (PC)2A, while
Fig. 6 averaged recognition accuracy under different size of database with different values of m
Fig. 7 averaged number of eigenfaces used under different size of database with different m
List of tables
Table 1 Comparison of averaged recognition accuracy (ra %) and number of eigenfaces used (ne)
(d) (e)
Fig. 1 Example of an original image, its derived images, and combined images: a) original face
image, b) derived image, n =5/4, c) derived image, n =3/2, d) combined image of a) and b), e)
Fig. 2 Example of an image that is misrecognized by Eigenface and (PC)2A, while recognized
correctly by SPCA and SPCA+: a) original training image, b) reconstructed image by Eigenface, c)
Fig. 3 Another example of image that is misrecognized by Eigenface and (PC)2A, while
recognized correctly by SPCA and SPCA+: a) original training image, b) reconstructed image by
Fig. 7 averaged number of eigenfaces used under different size of database with different m
Table 3 Comparison of averaged recognition accuracy (ra %) and number of eigenfaces used (ne)