Automobile Bill of Sale
Automobile Bill of Sale
Automobile Bill of Sale
I, (name:) __________________________________
of (address:) ________________________________________________, hereby certify that I
am the lawful owner of the vehicle described herein and have the full authority to sell it.
I do hereby grant, sell and transfer full ownership of this vehicle to the Buyer. I certify that this
vehicle, at the time of sale, is free from all encumbrances, taxes, fees and liens, and that, I
(Seller) will defend and hold Buyer harmless from and be held fully responsible for such lawful
claims and demands with respect to the vehicle, if any.
Buyer accepts full liability for the vehicle, damages, and any third party liability incurred from
the vehicle use from the date of sale.
____________________________ ____________________________
Seller's Signature Buyer's Signature
________________ _________________
Date Date
Witness Signature