Age of Exploration Worksheets - Pdns
Age of Exploration Worksheets - Pdns
Age of Exploration Worksheets - Pdns
When did Europeans first reach North America? This question
has preoccupied historians for many years, and has produced a
multitude of answers, some more plausible than others. This is an
area of history where evidence is scanty, and speculation
abounds. There are only two fixed points of fact, events that we
know happened. First, archaeological evidence and the Icelandic
sagas have established that the Norse arrived in Newfoundland
and Labrador around 1000 CE. Second, there is no dispute that
Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) sailed from Bristol to North
America in 1497. Whether other Europeans explored the region
before the Norse, or between 1000 and 1497, is unclear.
There are legends. The most famous are the story of St. Brendan's
sixth century voyage from Ireland, and the fable that a Welsh
prince, Madoc, reached America in the 12th century. More
realistically, others have argued that Portuguese voyagers sailed
to Newfoundland in the 1470s - indeed, that Joäo Corte Real was
the actual "discoverer" of America. And in Bristol, there exists a
firm belief, backed by some documentary evidence, that mariners
from that port were crossing the Atlantic before John Cabot
All that can be said for certain is that during the 15th century, as Europeans began to look for sea routes to Asia, stimulated by dreams of the
wealth to be made trading in spices and precious metals, so the geography of the globe became known more accurately. Europe was
expanding, and a part of the process was the progressive exploration of the Atlantic Ocean. Certainly, the Portuguese were sailing further to
the west, and all along the Atlantic seaboard there was a growing interest in a direct, western route to Asia. While there is no firm evidence of
European explorers in Newfoundland and Labrador between, the Norse and John Cabot, the suggestion that Portugese and English voyagers
reached the shores of eastern North America before Cabot is broadly consistent with what we know of the times
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with
legible handwriting!
1. Who are the two groups to have been among the first in North America.
3. Why does the text say that Europeans came to North America.
4. What do you think it would have been like to be on one of these sailing voyages?
The first European country to start exploring the world in a major
way were the Portuguese. They spent much of their time
exploring the western coast of Africa. It is hard to believe that it
was so dangerous and scary for these ships, but there had never
been a European ship that had traveled all the way down the
western coast of Africa. Many people believed that the farther
south you went the more likely you were to die.
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with
legible handwriting!
2. True or False? Portugal was just as rich as the other European countries.
3. Why were many sailors fearful of sailing across the Length of the African Continent?
4. What do you think it would have been like to be on one of these sailing voyages?
During the Age of Exploration, Spain was one of the most
powerful countries. The country of Spain paid for some of the
most important explorations throughout the entire age.
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
1. How many Voyages did Columbus take and why were they significant?
3. What three civilizations were encountered by the Spanish and what happened to them?
4. What diseases were exchanged between the Spanish and the Natives?
A Conquistador was a Spanish soldier, explorer and adventurer
who took part in the gradual invasion and conquering of much of
the Americas and Asia Pacific, bringing them under Spanish
colonial rule between the 15th and 19th centuries. Notice that the
term is not used for the Portuguese explorers and conquerors of
Brazil, but only Spanish Explorers. The Conquistadors
conquered the native empires of the Aztec people and their
enemies the Incans. These once great Native empires were under
the control of Spain.
Many people at the time wanted to treat the Native Peoples that
they found in the Americas as slaves. Others however, felt that
this was evil and a horrible idea. There was a great debate.
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
2. What two great Native American populations did they bring under Spanish control?
3. What did some people want to do with the Natives that they encountered?
4. What was the great debate about? Who do you think should have won the debate?
John Cabot was born in Genoa, Italy around 1450. His
name was actually Giovanni Caboto, but he would be
remembered by the English translation, John Cabot.
Observations: Based upon the map of John Cabot’s Travels list 3 things
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Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
1. What country was John Cabot from? What country did he eventually sail for?
2. According to the map how many major voyages did Cabot take? What continents did he reach?
3. What route was Cabot and others looking for? Which of the 3 g’s does this represent?
4. What country did the Pope say could have North America?
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
2. What was the first country to start exploring the world in a major way?
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
4. How is the scientist in the picture (Galileo) using the scientific method?
Copernicus was one of the great polymaths of his age. He was a mathematician, astronomer, jurist, physician,
classical scholar, governor, administrator, diplomat, economist, and soldier. During all these jobs, he treated
astronomy like a hobby. However, his formula of how the sun rather than the earth is at the center of the universe is
thought to be one of the most important scientific hypotheses in history. Many people believe it was the beginning
of modern astronomy. Also, his original Polish name is Mikołaj Kopernik.
Observations: List three things you see in the picture
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Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
1. What do you think that “Copernicus’ Revolution” refers to? (What new idea did he have?)
3. Based upon the context, what do you think that polymath means?
About 1590, two Dutch spectacle makers, Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hans, while experimenting with several lenses in a tube,
discovered that nearby objects appeared greatly enlarged. That was the forerunner of the compound microscope and of the telescope. In
1609, Galileo, father of modern physics and astronomy, heard of these early experiments, worked out the principles of lenses, and made a
much better instrument with a focusing device.
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
2. When were the spectacles (glasses) invented in order to help people read?
4. What did the Janssen’s do that was so important to the history of science?
This were dangerous thoughts for those in power, and many enlightenment philosophers were at times in prison or were forced to go into
exile. The ideas of the Age of Enlightenment also contributed to the French revolution 1789. But some regents took impression of the
ideas of the Age of Enlightenment and carried reforms through in their countries, but they kept the power for themselves. Examples of
these so called "enlightened absolutists" includes Catherine the Great of Russia, Frederick the Great of Prussia and Gustav III of Sweden.
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible handwriting!
3. John Locke believed the power of rulers should be unlimited. True or False?
5. Does our country always protect the 3 natural rights of John Locke?
Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin (June 26, 1699 -
October 6, 1777) was a French hostess who played an
interesting part in French literary and artistic life.
She had people come over to her house for a party
called a “Salon”. In these parties really smart people
would discuss famous ideas of the Enligthenement.
In this way she helped to spread the ideas of the
She had learned much from Mme de Tencin, and about 1748 began to gather around her a literary and artistic circle. She held
two dinners a week, on Monday for artists, and on Wednesday for her friends the Encyclopaedists (the people who made the
first Encyclopedia) and other men of letters. She received many foreigners of distinction, including David Hume and Horace
Based upon the reading, answer these questions in complete sentences and with legible ha dwriting!
4. How old was she when she became famous in the city of Paris?