Test AND Measurement
Test AND Measurement
Test AND Measurement
Loss- dB
Fundamental Of
Power, Laser Source
Link Loss Budget
Loss and it’s origin
What do u mean by
3dB loss?
What is “dBm” and Why
“dBm” ?
In Telecommunication transmitted power
is very much low. ( in range of “mw” to
“Microwatt” ).
dBm :
It is output power in decibel (dB) for unit
milliwatt input power.
Principles Of OTDR
Block Diagram of OTDR
Specifications of OTDR
Using an OTDR(Operation of OTDR)
Principles Of OTDR
An OTDR is a fiber optic tester characterizing
fibers and optical Networks
Rayleigh Backscattering
Fresnel Reflections
Rayleigh Scattering
V(Group Delay)=c/n
C: Velocity of light in Vacuum
n: Refractive Index
Dynamic Range
Dead Zone
Dynamic Range
Injection Level
Pulse Width
Injection Level
Injection level is defined an the power injected
into the fiber under test,the higher this level
the higher the power level
Longer the pulse width, more light is injected into the fiber
• Specific Losses:
- Total other
component loss
- Manufacturer’s
- Total power
General Losses(Typical
•Fiber Loss
Attenuation for 1310nm:0.3dB/km(G.652)
Attenuation for 1550nm:0.25dB/km
Largely due to impurities and imperfections
in the glass of the fiber
•Connector Loss
Connections at the termination points of
fiber,patch panels in a site, Optical
cross connects(OXC)
Conservative estimate is 0.5dB/connection
•Splice Loss
Splices due to construction and repair
Conservative estimate is 0.1dB/splice
Span Loss Analysis
If the total span loss does not exceed the allowable span
loss the system should work on this span.
Computation of Span Loss
Total losses = (fiber length* loss/km) +
(connector loss* No. of
connectors) +
(No. of Splices)*(loss/splice) +
(loss due to components) +
other losses
Tx Rx
0.5 dB 0.5 dB 0.5 dB
Tx Output Rx input
+0.5 dBm needed
-25 dBm
37km @
22km @ .25dB / km
= 5.5dB
=9.25 dB
Attenuation/Span Loss Example...
Span Loss Analysis:
Total Attenuation:
Tx Power : 0.5dBm
Rx Sensitivity :
Connector: 1.5dB -25dBm
Fiber1: 5.5dB Available for span: 25.5dB
Fiber2: 9.25dB Available for span: 25.5dB
Splices: 0.9dB Attenuation on span:
Total 21.25dB 21.25dB
Span Loss Margin:
Signal is the information carrying optical pulse,Noise is the
optical “static”created in the system