Annual Report 2010 Web Optimized
Annual Report 2010 Web Optimized
Annual Report 2010 Web Optimized
Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2010
“A voice of one calling: ‘In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness
a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough
ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and
all mankind together will see it. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.’” - Isaiah 40:3-5
Exemplary Academics
T hank you! By the grace of God, and with your prayers
and financial backing, Colorado Christian University
just concluded a banner fiscal year of rising enrollment,
academic achievement, evangelism, missions, and
great success in athletics and community life.
William L. Armstrong,
Mr. William Armstrong Dr. Toby Cole Mr. Terry Considine Dr. James Dixon
Dr. Margaret Fomer Mrs. Katie Lynn Fote Mr. Don Harwell Mr. Sam Kimbriel Mr. Harold Krause
Mr. Chick Lee Ms. Terry Leprino Dr. Gerald May Ms. Lee McDowell Mr. Tim McTavish
Vice Chairman
Mrs. Susan Mueller Mr. William Pauls Mr. Walt Rakowich Dr. Dale Schafer Mr. Donald Siecke
Dr. Donald Sweeting Dr. John Turner Mr. William White Dr. Robert Woodson
We envision graduates who think critically and creatively, lead with high
ethical and professional standards, embody the character and compassion
of Jesus Christ, and who thereby are prepared to impact the world.
Colorado Christian University cultivates knowledge and love of God in a
Christ-centered community of learners and scholars, with an enduring
commitment to the integration of exemplary academics, spiritual formation, GLOBAL MISSIONARY INFLUENCE
and engagement with the world. The CCU2theWorld program offers
students opportunities each year to
balance their Christian education with
Christ-centered community
missionary service and evangelism in
Our community of interdependent students, faculty, and staff seeks to honor locations worldwide. Across the last
and obey Jesus Christ, who is present in Spirit and speaks in Scripture, and decade, over 100 short-term, student-
to advance God’s purposes in the lives of every member. led teams have gone to more than 36
countries, serving through relational
Exemplary academics evangelism, work projects, sports
Our undergraduate and graduate curricula integrate faith and learning in ministry, teaching, and more. During
a scholarly environment that fosters critical and creative thinking, academic the 2009-10 school year CCU teams
excellence, and professional competence. visited 3 U.S. states and 10 foreign
Spiritual formation
Our academic and student-development programs cultivate a deep and
enduring faith that affirms the authority of Scripture and embraces Christ as
the authentic center of life.
Colorado Christian University’s Strategic Objectives were adopted by the
CCU board of trustees to serve as a guiding compass for the University.
They direct the implementation of CCU’s long-established mission and
vision, and provide context for the University’s first priority, an enduring
commitment to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. The Strategic Objectives
provide a point of convergence for every member of the CCU community
and for every aspect of life at CCU, from teaching and learning in the
classroom to living with and serving others.
• Be seekers of truth;
• Ask God to multiply our time and ability to the glory of His great name;
Cash & Cash Equivalents $10,571,462 20% $8,135,467 16%
Accounts Receivable 1,861,926 4% 2,084,609 4%
Investments 21,725,952 42% 22,027,232 43%
Property and Equipment, Net 14,499,024 28% 15,684,925 31%
Other Assets 3,522,094 7% 3,074,040 6%
Total Assets $52,180,458 100% $51,006,273 100%
Accounts Payable and Other $1,739,261 3% $2,323,555 5% FATBOYS:
Deferred Revenue 2,849,011 5% 2,718,622 5%
Bonds Payable 10,000,000 19% 10,000,000 20%
In the late ’90s, CCU student Clint Hill
Other 1,142,008 2% 900,020 2%
started a campus mountain-biking
Total Liabilities $15,730,280 30% $15,942,197 31%
club that frequently did urban rides in
downtown Denver. Conscience soon
Net Assets
interrupted their sessions as they rode
Unrestricted $32,922,179 63% $33,054,061 65%
past numerous homeless people, and
Restricted 3,527,999 7% 2,010,015 4%
before long the group morphed into
Total Net Assets 36,450,178 70% 35,064,076 69%
FatBoys, named after the fat tires on
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $52,180,458 100% $51,006,273 100%
mountain bikes, and started peddling
food, clothing, and spiritual care along
those same streets. These days bikes
Condensed Statement of Activities
aren’t always involved, but FatBoys is
one of CCU’s most long-standing and
Operating Revenue
widely attended student-led ministries.
Tuition Revenue $33,666,096 94% $32,470,946 97%
Scholarships and Grants (6,565,639) -18% (5,488,516) -16%
Auxiliary Services 4,582,213 13% 4,266,613 13%
Contributions 2,472,339 7% 987,649 3%
Other 1,759,859 5% 1,190,164 4%
Total Revenue $35,914,868 100% $33,426,856 100%
Operating Expenses
Instruction $12,350,236 37% $11,405,545 36%
Academic Support 3,914,819 12% 4,200,490 13%
Student Services 9,834,881 29% 9,321,955 29%
Auxiliary Enterprises 4,230,263 13% 4,000,756 12%
Total Program Expenses $30,330,199 90% $28,928,746 90%
Support Activities
General and Administrative $2,418,185 7% $2,364,260 7%
Fund Raising 823,376 2% 765,589 2%
Public Service 248,311 1% 67,202 0% WESTERN CONSERVATIVE
Total Support Expenses $3,489,872 10% $3,197,051 10% SUMMIT DRAWS 700 AND NEWS
Total Operating Expenses $33,820,071 100% $32,125,797 100% CCU’s public-policy think tank,
Change in Net Assets from Operations 2,094,797 1,301,059 Centennial Institute, led by former
Investment Mark-to-Market, and Colorado senator John Andrews,
Other Non-Operating Net (708,695) (3,917,779) garnered headlines in The Denver Post
Change in Net Assets $1,386,102 $(2,616,720) and other media in July during its first-
ever Western Conservative Summit.
The annual gathering of conservative
leaders drew a public crowd of over
700 and featured guest speakers U.S.
Rep. Michele Bachmann, retired Lt.
Gen. Jerry Boykin, columnist Michelle
Malkin, and political analyst Dick
-7- Morris.
• Total equity of the University has increased nearly $1.4 million from the
Chart B previous fiscal year, and as a result is in good financial health to meet
the growth and financial demands of future years.
Gross Tuition and Discount Analysis
Five Years Ended June 30, 2010
40 25.0%
Revenue Highlights
30 20.0%
For several years, net income from operations for Colorado Christian
25 University has been positive or “in the black.” These favorable financial results
20 15.0% are intentional. CCU budgets operations carefully and every department
15 and area of the University manages to the budget. This conservative fiscal
10 10.0%
management has occurred in an environment of growth and change, which
- 5.0%
has built a solid foundation for the future.
(10) 0.0% Operating revenue for the past five years, as summarized from the respective
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
year’s audit report is reflected on Chart A.
Gross Tuition Discount Percent Discount to Tuition
For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, gross tuition revenue totaled
approximately $33.7 million, and scholarships and grants totaled $6.6 million
against this amount, for a net of $27.1 million. This overall discount rate of
19.5% recognizes CCU’s continuing commitment to academic excellence,
including raising the average combined SAT scores (reading, writing, math) of
incoming freshmen to 1623*. This average rate of SAT scores has improved
dramatically over the last few years.
The details of gross tuition revenue and discount rates for the last five fiscal
years are reflected on Chart B.
Fund Raising
Net Revenue
As a nonprofit as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue General and Enterprises
Code,many of the financing and operating vehicles available to commercial 7%
enterprises are not available to Colorado Christian University. For example,
since there are no stockholders, there is no ability to raise funds through
stock or other equity offerings. As a result, prudent financial management Chart D
requires careful planning to ensure that any excess of earnings over
Operating Expenses Analysis
expenses in a given year are available for reinvestment into the future of Five Years Ended June 30, 2010
the University. 40
measurement tool to discern the University’s ability to thrive into the future. 30
Management of operations during turbulent financial circumstances,
such as the recession that began in late 2008, requires special diligence 25
to ensure that resources will be available for the future. In the prior fiscal
year which ended June 30, 2009, CCU—like many other institutions— 20
“below the line.” However, there is a negative impact on the final bottom
line, as evidenced on Chart E (page 10). 5
was some affect on the bottom line in fiscal year 2009, neither cash flow nor
net operating revenue were impacted, and the stage was set for successful Education Auxiliary General
& Admin
Chart E
Net Operating Revene vs. Net Revenue
Five Years Ended June 30, 2010
In 2009 CCU established The Fund
for Beckman Scholars to provide (3)
financial assistance to traditional 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
undergraduate students. The award
honors Dr. L. David Beckman’s stalwart Change in Net Assets Change in
leadership and service as multi-term from Operations Net Assets
president of CCU and heritage school
Rockmont College during some of
the University’s most lean times. While
leader, scholar, pastor, and teacher all
describe his long career, words hardly
do justice to how deeply his legacy is
rooted in the CCU community. Outlook for the Future
As of June 30, 2010, there were adequate liquid assets on hand and a
significant equity-to-total-assets position. Operations are largely supported by
tuition and fees, and there is not a reliance on other, more volatile income
sources such as endowments or investment earnings. All financial audits have
been completed with no major audit findings, and the general economic
forecast seems to be improving. Colorado Christian University is financially
poised for significant future growth—and to God alone be the glory!
Director of Athletics Darren Richie
was in Colorado Springs last June
receiving CCU’s third-consecutive
sportsmanship award from the Rocky
Mountain Athletic Conference. The
RMAC is one of the largest NCAA
Division-II conferences in the nation.
CCU, though one of its smallest
member schools, was recognized
as setting a consistent model for
character-based competition among
athletes, coaches, athletics staff, and
fans. - 10 -
- 11 -
Office of Development
8787 W. Alameda Ave.
Lakewood, CO 80226
• Student Scholarships: The Fund for Beckman Scholars was established in honor of
President Emeritus Dr. L. David Beckman. It is a tribute to his legacy of scholastic
excellence, leadership, and heartfelt care for students. As donations are received
toward The Fund, the total amount of gifts contributed during each calendar year
will be awarded as scholarships to eligible students for use during the following
academic year.