Radio Advertising
Radio Advertising
Radio Advertising
My special thanks go to the Lord Almighty for care and protection during the course of
writing this project work.
I express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor who assisted me until I completed this
project work successfully.
Special thanks go to my parents Mr and Mrs Dominic Limiri for care and financial
support they gave me. My special gratitude also goes to my classmates for their co-
operation and encouragement.
Lastly, I acknowledge all the respondents who participated for devoting their time to give
me the information that led to this work becoming successful.
The research is meant to enlighten the researcher on the impact of radio advertising on a
firm’s sales performance.
Today, many organizations are using radio advertising to increase their sales because
radio uses many languages and can reach many audiences at the same time. Firms that do
not use radio advertising experience low sales performance which leads to low market
share. The researcher has been able to establish a number of firms that use radio
advertising among one selected as a way of increasing their sales. The researcher
anticipates that the study will be useful to the entire industry, the publics and even the
non profit making organizations in their endeavor to increase their sales.
The study was guided by the following questions;
i. For how long has radio advertising been used by most of the firm?
ii. What role does radio advertising play in a firm?
iii. What does radio advertising communicate about firm’s products?
iv. What are the advantages of using radio advertising over other media?
v. What are the various radio stations used by firms?
vi. What complains to the organization after using radio advertisements?
vii. At what stage of the product lifestyle is radio advertising used more in an
viii. What criteria does most firms use when selecting a radio station to advertise
ix. What is the Impact of radio advertising budget sales
Through advertisement an organization get large market share. Government generates
revenue from organization through taxes.
Through advertisement government get to know what an organization is dealing with
because it is its responsibility.
The study is meant to enlighten the researcher on the impact of radio advertising on
firm’s sales performance.
The researcher get to know at what stage of product life cycle most firms advertise more
on radio.
The researchers learns methods to use when choosing radio to advertise on
The researcher is aware of commonly used radio stations when advertising.
In this chapter, the literature related to radio advertising was reviewed to study what other
researchers have already done and documented concerning the topic. The review was
important in order to be enlightened on how radio advertising emerged its evolution, the
present status and where it’s heading to.
In the book “Advertising and its role in modern marketing” Dunn Watson and Barban M.
Arnold identify that by 1977, 98.6% of the nation’s home had at least one usable radio.
Boyee L. Courtland and Avens F. Williams in their book: Contemporary Advertising” 2nd
Edition, observe that radio became the primary means of mass communication. New
arrived direct from the scene and whole new world of family entertainment became
According to Russell Thomas J and Lane Ronald W. in their book “Kieper’s advertising
procedure” 12th Edition, radio is growing fast than ever. The statistic of radio usage are
mind – bogging. According to the radio advertising Bureau, there are more than 500
million radio set in use.
In their book “Kleppers advertising procedures” 12th edition, Russell Thomas, Jand Lane,
Ronald W note that as advertisers continue to target distinct audience segments, radio
stations to become and even more important part of the media mix, particularly as a
supplemental national medium to reach light users of more traditional national vehicles
such as television and magazines
Klepper in this book “Advertising procedures” the 2nd edition also observes that as years
go, each radio station will be on air in each and every town and even remote areas and
each day and every station will behaving different programs attracting different audience
and advertisers reading cheaper services in the book “ Success in Advertising and
promotions” by Don Milner, radio broadcasting will every different from today in five to
ten years time.
He continues to say that there will be the possibility at the “Financial Times” because
electronics and the technology of the radio having the ability to emerge and inter-active
technology and the prospect of having hundred channels which will be helping in
advertising and charges becoming cheap because there be many radios
According to roseberg J. Larry in his book “marketing” 1st edition , padio advertising will
grow at an over angel rate of 1.4% per year as the consumer will be increasing skepticism
of the advertising practices in torture , demanding accurate and useful products
These refer to the number of times that have average person on the target market in
expose to the message. An advertisement may target an average of three times. The
selected radio station may not repeat the message severally.
Media impact
This the qualitative value of the message exposed through the given media .e.g. for
products that needs to be demonstrated message on TV may have more impact than
message on radio because TV uses both images and sound of which radio uses sound
This chapter deals with methods used in data collection during the study. I t outlines the
methods used in sampling and respondents involves in the research. It also focuses on the
type of instruments used and how they were used and how they were developed and
There are two ways of conducting researcher
I. Exploratory research design
II. Descriptive research design
I. What roles do radio advertisements play in the firm?
II. What are the targets groups of most firms when using radio advertisements?
III. What are the indicators of sales performance in a firm that uses radio
IV. Who generates radio advertisements in most firms?
The section shows population of interest subject open to invest.
East end chemist 70
Mini bakeries 77
Equity bank 79
Farmers centre 88
Safaricom Kenya 80
total 394
The purpose of this subjection is to identify the sample to be used by researcher to make
some interference about parent population
Firms Population Ratio Sample
East end chemist 70 25 12
Mini bakeries 77 25 10
Equity bank 79 25 15
Farmers centre 88 25 15
Safaricom Kenya 80 25 12
Total 394 25 64
This is a method of inquiring from selected group of people or an organization .e.g. focus
An interview invites firms that uses radio advertising for sometimes and ask some
A. Cost vary according to length of the interview and target group
B. Security information can be obtained quickly and complained within a
short period of time.
C. Flexibility interviewing allows the researcher and the marketer to modify
attentive ideas.
D. Interviews are mainly used in much type of marketing problems ranging
from competition to pricing, advertisements e.t.c.
E. Interviews are used in early exploratory stages of research process
F. Interviews provide precise quantitative information as well as qualitative
descriptive information that bridges the gap between the firm and its
products and their consumers
Advantages of sampling
a. Numbering is involved accuracy of the answers is obtained
b. They are easily understood because of the researcher are allowed to project
sample and get results in relative to target population
c. Every sample units as a chance of being selected there is no bias or favors
d. Less time consuming
A. It is infeasible with large number because it requires all elements in the e population
be identified and number imply and this is normally impossible when the population
is big
B. Does not guarantee the sampling
C. It us expensive particularly when the population to be covered is big because large
sample spreading out at large graphical area making data collection time consuming
and costly
D. I the chosen sample is not selected the accurately the answer will not be determined.
Radio advertising and it affect on sales performance
I. Tick the box against the correct answer for the closed-ended question
II. Give your answer in the space provided for the open-ended question
1. What is your scope of operation?
Personal Information
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Age
4. Level of education
5. Professional qualification
6. Name of employer