The Political Environment of International Business

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The Political Environment of

International Business

Anne-Charlotte Bazoud
Gabrielle Colombier
Franziska Guehlcke
Marcus Bormann
Arnaud Katz

I. Context
II. Aims - Objectives
III. Political Environment of Business
IV. Political Environment of Business in Hong Kong
V. Conclusion

• Globalisation, liberalization of the World Economy

 Set up in new markets, with different politic

• Hong-Kong, English from 1842 to 1997

 culture, laws, justice close from England,

Very different politic from the rest of China
Aims - Objectives

• Aim :
describe the most important political factors for companies which set up overseas
+ focus on the political environment of Hong-Kong.

• Objectives:
- make a clear distinction between totalitarism and democracy, capitalism and
- Demonstrate that the political environment is important in choosing the country
to set up (for example war, corruption, economy opened to the other countries?)
- Analyse the political environment of Hong Kong
Elements of the political environment
that a business must consider in order
to expand overseas
The Political Environment

Relatively uncontrollable factors outside the firm

Legal and Political
that influence its decision-making

Factors in government, the law and the regulatory

system that affect the way an organisation operates
Environment Socio-Cultural
Economic Environment
The Political Environment


Legal and Political


Includes the structures, processes, and activities by
which a nation governs itself.

Political  Totalitarian state

System  Democratic state

Totalitarian state Democratic state

Imposed authority Freedom
Lack of constitutional guarantees Rights
Restricted participation
 Companies might need to pay  Stable business environment
bribes to government thanks to laws
 The business law is vague  Freedom and no censorship
Doing business in a democratic
Doing business seems
state seems to be safer
to be a risky proposition
than in a totalitarian state

Political  Capitalist system

Ideology  Socialist system

Capitalist System Socialist System

- Private ownership of business - Public ownership of business

is encouraged is the norm

The political ideology affects

- foreign government attitude towards profit repatriation.
- foreign government attitude towards foreign direct investment
Political relationships

Favorable political relationships

 foster stable business environments
 increase international cooperation in many areas
 lead to increase business opportunities and lower risk

The World Trade Organisation can facilitate political relationships

 The WTO ensures that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and
freely as possible.
Political Stability : « A subjective governance indicator aggregated
from a variety of sources and measuring perceptions of the likelihood
of destabilization. » (United Nations Development Programme web site)

Political Risk
« The risk that political decisions or events in a
country negatively affect the profitability or
sustainability of an investment. »
(International Business environments and operations)

4 types of political risk

Systemic Political Risks
« When Political processes within a country do not routinely
subject foreign operations to unfair treatment. »
(International Business environments and operations)

Procedural Political Risks

« It’s Political actions which create frictions that interfere with
people, products or funds transactions between a company or a
country. »
(International Business environments and operations)
Distributive Political Risks
« When countries revise their distribution policies to capture
greater benefits from foreign companies. »
(International Business environments and operations)

Catastrophic Political Risks

« This is the Political developments that adversely
affect the operations of all companies in a
country. » (International Business environments and operations)
Governments use income and sales taxes which
can vary from country to country.
• Intellectual Property
« Property that results from people’s intellectual talent and abilitie. »
(International Business An integrated approach)

• Industrial Property
« Industrial property includes patents and trademarks. »
(International Business An integrated approach)

• Copyrights

« Copyrights give creators of original works the freedom to publish or

dispose of them as they choose. » (International Business An integrated approach)

 The problem is that laws in some countries are softer than in others

« Product liability holds manufacturers, sellers, and

others, including individual company officers, responsible
for damage, injury, or death caused by defective
products. » (International Business An integrated approach)

The United States has the toughest product liability laws in the
world following by Europe.

 Enforcement of product liability laws differs from

nation to nation.
Hong Kong Facts

• British crown colony became Chinese territory in 1997

• China is a Communist nation that values stability over

individual freedoms

• Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region

• Population: 6,980,412 (July 2007 est.)

Hong Kong Political Environment

• Capitalist System or Socialist System

• China has signed the "one country, two systems"

• 50 years contract until 2047

• Relatively high political stability

Hong Kong Political Environment

• Totalitarian state or Democratic state

• Limited democracy

• The legal system based on the English common law

• Basic Law which approved in 1990

– “Mini-Constitution"

• The political environment has an important impact

on the business
• There is a large field with many factors which the
companies have to consider if they want to expand
• Political environment is not stable and can change
• The political environment creates advantages and


• International business, environments and operations, Daniels,

Radebaugh, Sullivan
• International business : an integrated approach, John J. WILD,
Kenneth L. WILD, Jerry C.Y. HAN

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