E T H O S . . .
The ethos of the Noble M600 has developed from a small team
passionate about driving. This evolved from our research of the
available ‘supercars’ most of which lean heavily on computer
assistance. The use of fashionable but often inefficient gear paddle
shift, over assisted brakes and inopportune traction control have all
become standard features of the modern day supercar.
Put simply the Noble M600 is for those who love to drive…
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D E V E L O P M E N T . . .
We have heard that there is some stiff competition out there, and
although Noble Automotive is a low volume motor manufacturer, we do
pride ourselves on our individuality, attention to detail and engineering
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D E S I G N . . .
Design is of course subjective, beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. However there are certain design
absolutes, particularly when creating a supercar featuring such massive power and performance, which dictate,
in order to have full aerodynamic and cooling efficiency certain design criteria must be met.
It is our belief that form should always follow function, there is much in the philosophy ‘if it looks right it
probably is right’.
Utilising extensive wind tunnel testing we have strived to maintain the form to be as minimalist as possible
whilst providing the ultimate aerodynamic and cooling efficiency. Nothing is cosmetic; every element of the
shape and design is intrinsic to the effectiveness of the performance.
We feel that this ‘purity’ of design gives the M600 an understated purposeful gravitas that stands out in the
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W H A T L I E S B E N E A T H . . .
Noble Automotive take great pride in our reputation for the excellent ride and handling of our performance cars.
We firmly believe that the chassis is the fundamental foundation of any performance car. This is particularly the
case with cars which do not feature a great deal of computer technology. Computer assistance can often mask
deficits in the chassis design and it is not until these electronic driver aids are turned off that the flaws are
There is no engineering logic which dictates that precise and effective handling should be to the detriment of
comfort and ride quality. We believe that an effectively designed and engineered chassis should be able to
combine both high speed capability and driver comfort. Our engineering, based on a ‘back to basics’ ethos,
devotes a huge amount of time and resources in ensuring that the chassis is as efficient and effective as possible.
This is ably demonstrated by the M600, the high speed handling is superb and the ride is both comfortable and
The chassis built by hand for both safety and efficiency features:
* Stainless steel and aluminium tub construction with an integral safety cell.
* High ‘H’ point sill sections for side impact protection.
* Rear crash structure.
* Front boot carbon composite crash structure.
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S A F E T Y . . .
The M600 has a massive 650bhp available, this amount of power, or indeed the power
delivery, is not always either appropriate or required, however with the Adaptable
Performance Control function you can select the power output to reflect both the
location and suitable driving conditions.
The M600 features three APC settings, the chosen setting is displayed on both the
APC dial and the dashboard display. The APC adjusts not just the power output but
also tailors the boost curve, traction and throttle response relative to the selected
R O A D :
This is the ‘comfort’ setting and represents circa 450bhp, this also supports full
traction control and a gently progressive boost curve and throttle response.
T R A C K :
This is the mid-range power setting circa 550bhp, this setting features a little less
intrusive traction, a steeper boost curve and more initial response to the throttle.
R A C E :
This is the full power setting of circa 650bhp, this allows increased wheel slip, an
aggressive boost curve and a heightened reactive throttle ‘tip in’ to allow effective and
responsive heel and toe operation.
Note: The three power settings are titled merely to title and denote the power delivered, the literary terms Road,
Track and Race in no way reflect recommended use or location.
We believe in freedom of choice, but not at the expense of safety. Traction can be
totally de-selected, in order that this function is not utilised in error we have provided
an ‘are you sure?’ fail-safe switch guard. This feature, as used in fighter jets to
prevent accidental missile firing, ensures that the process requires a two stage action.
Lift the switch guard...push the button, traction is off. The traction automatically
resets to the ‘on’ position after the engine is turned off.
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B R A K E S . . .
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C O M F O R T . . .
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B E S P O K E . . .
S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . . .
Track: 1578mm.
Length: 4360mm.
P R E S S . . .
‘The acceleration doesn’t just pin you to the seat; it feels as if it could pull you out of
the back of the car.’
Andrew Frankel THE TIMES ONLINE September 2009
‘One of the best handling and fastest cars we’ve tested in 15 years.’
AUTOCAR Road Test 4930 October 2009
‘ depends how much value you put on the driving experience and how much on
owning a supercar with the right name. I reckon a lot of badge snobs will never
know what they’re missing.’
John Barker EVO MAGAZINE September 2009
‘...Noble is about to blow the world of high-performance cars apart with the
stupefying M600...’
Steve Sutcliffe AUTOCAR August 2009