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Relays Effect Statcom - Static Synchronous Compensator

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Submitted by

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree


PUNE- 411005


This is to certify dissertation entitled “EFFECT OF STATCOM ON
DISTANCE RELAY” is submitted by Mr. Ali Abdolkhani holding Roll No:
M0616P14, is bonafide work carried out by him under my guidance in partial fulfillment
of requirement for the award of ‘Master Of Technology’ (Electrical Engineering) with
specialization in power system of GOV. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, PUNE.



Guide H.O.D
Mrs. U.M.Mate Dr.D.B.Talange
Ass. Professor in Electrical Engg Department of Electrical
Department of Electrical Engineering Gov. College Of Engineering
Gov. College Of Engineering
Pune-411005 Pune-411005


This dissertation report entitled,



Is approved for the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY-ELECTRICAL
(POWER SYSTEM) of GOV. College Of Engineering, Pune.


1. Chairman :-----------------------------------------------------

2. External Examiner :-----------------------------------------------------

3. Internal examiner :----------------------------------------------------

4. Supervisor :----------------------------------------------------



Success of any work depends upon dedication, sincerity and hard work. It also
requires some ingredients such as motivation, guidance, encouragement and time. Whole
hearted efforts altogether makes the project useful and meaningful.

First I want to thank my family for always being there for me. Their love, support,
patience and encouragement to pursue my goals made this thesis possible.

I am highly grateful to Prof.Mrs.U.M.Mate Ass. Professor in Gov. College Of

Engineering, Pune, for her continuous guidance and inspiration for the successful
completion of this work.

I also privileged to thank Dr.D.B.Talange, Head of Electrical Engg Department of Gov.

College Of Engineering, Pune. I also wish to thank Dr.B.N.Chaudhari, Dean Academic
of ………………..and Dr.Copal.Crishna, Professor of ……………………. For their
continuous inspiration during this work.

I owe my special thanks to all faculty members of the Department of Electrical Engg for
the knowledge they imparted to us throughout our course.

(Ali Abdolkhani)


With the increase in the number of Static Synchronous Compensator

(STATCOM) type FACTS devices in transmission lines, operation of distance relays
in transmission lines are affected. It is very important that the distance relays do
not maloperate under system fault conditions, as this will result in the loss of
stability or the security of the system, which defeats the main objective of installing
a STATCOM. As STATCOM type FACTS devices has fast response and their
functional characteristics and control system introduce dynamic changes during
fault conditions in a transmission line it is important that distance relays perform
correctly irrespective of such dynamic changes introduced during fault. In this
dissertation, the measured impedance at the relaying point is calculated and the
analytical and simulation results of the application of distance relay for the
protection of transmission line incorporating Static Synchronous
Compensator(STATCOM) are presented. A detailed model of STATCOM and its
control is proposed and integrated into the transmission system for the purposes of
accurately simulating the fault transient.
An apparent impedance calculation procedure for transmission line
incorporating STATCOM based on the power frequency sequence circuits has been
explored. The simulation results show the impact of STATCOM on the distance
protection relay during the different fault condition; the influence of location of
STATCOM, the setting of STATCOM control parameters and the operation mode
of STATCOM are studied as well. The results are presented in relation to a typical
138kV transmission system employing STATCOM. Followed by a review of the
effects of a STATCOM connected at the midpoint of a transmission line on the
performance of distance protection relays.


Content Page No.

Abstract 1
List of figures 2
List of tables 4
List of Abbreviations 5


2.1 Introduction
2.2 Modeling of Distance Relay
2.3 Desire of Zone
2.3.1 Zone 1 setting
2.3.2 Zone 2 setting
2.3.3 Zone 3 setting

3.1 Introduction
3.2 STATCOM operation
3.3 Analysis of STATCOM at the Mid-point
3.2 Modeling of STATCOM


4.1 Introduction
4.2 Voltage source model
4.2.1 Data format for internal control
4.2.2 Source control model
4.3 Transmission Line
4.4 Online frequency Scanner
4.5 Sequence Component Filter
4.6 Mho Relay Element

4.7 Line-Ground impedance
4.8 Line-Line impedance
4.9 CSMF Components
4.10 Breakers
4.11 Control panel

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Adaptive protection Principles
5.3 Adaptive digital distance protection
5.4 Adaptive setting
5.4.1 The adaptive protection system
5.4.2 The topology detection technique
5.4.3 Basic function


6.1 Introduction
6.2 Operating Range of the Distance Relay
6.3 EMTP/PSCAD Models
6.4 Implementation of Distance Relaying by Models
6.4.1 Anti-Aliasing Low-Pass Filter
6.4.2 DC-Offset Removal Filter
6.4.3 Digital Filter for Fundamental Frequency Component Extraction
6.5 A_G fault
6.6 BC fault
6.7 ABC fault

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Simulation of AC system
7.2.1 AC system with inductive load
7.2.2 AC system with capacitive load
7.3 Simulation of STATCOM

7.3.1 STATCOM without fault
7.3.2 STATCOM with fault
7.3.3 STATCOM with inductive/ capacitive loads

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Procedure for the proposed method
8.3 Simulation of Distance Relay with STATCOM at the Mid-point
8.3.1 A_G fault Fault front of the STATCOM Fault behind the STATCOM
8.3.2 ABC fault Fault front of the STATCOM Fault behind the STATCOM
8.4 Results of the Simulation


9.1 Conclusion
9.2 Future Scope








Power system protection is one of the most important and exciting topic, which has
been attracting the attention of both academic institutions and utilities ever since Power
systems came into being. For the proper operation of the power system, an effective,
efficient and reliable protection scheme is desirable. The power system components, which
include synchronous machines, bus bar, transformer, transmission line and distribution
system consisting of complex and composite loads, are designed to operate under normal
conditions of voltage, frequency and power factor, etc. however , due to any reason , say
some fault if any of these quantities become abnormal i.e. voltage become very high or very
low , current become very high , power factor become very poor or line flows become
abnormally very high it is necessary that there should be a device which senses these
abnormal conditions and if so, the element or component where such abnormality has taken
place is removed , i.e. deleted from the rest of the system as soon as possible . This is
necessary because the power system components can never be designed to withstand the
worst possible conditions, as it will make the whole system highly uneconomical. Therefore,
if such abnormal takes place in any element or component of the power system network, it is
desirable that the affected component is removed from the rest of the system reliably and
quickly so as to restore power to the remaining system under normal conditions as soon as
The development of the modern digital technology has resulted in fast, compact,
reliable and efficient relaying schemes for the protection of the transmission lines. In the
past, over current relay were used for protecting transmission lines. Because of the inherent
demerits of these relays (e.g. shifting of balance point with the type of the fault or with
changes in generation or switching), they were replaced by distance relays such as plane
impedance relays, angle impedance relays, angle admittance relays etc.
In the beginning the electromechanical relays were used. These had several
drawbacks as such as high burden on instrument transformers; long operating time, contact
problem etc. solid state relays which avoid most of these disadvantages are gradually
replacing electromagnetic relays.

Static relay have also been increasingly used in recent years because of their inherent
advantages of compactness, lower burden, less maintenance and higher speed. Though
successfully used, they suffer from number of disadvantages, e.g. inflexibility, duplication of
specification efforts, inductility to changing system conditions, complexity and cost. Digital
schemes avoid most of these disadvantages. Programmable equipment can respond fast and
may be used to implement complex threshold characteristics at low cost. They can also be
self checking in nature thereby requiring less maintenance and providing greater reliability.
L.J.Lewis Blackburn [1] have explained that any protection scheme, which is
required to safeguard the power system components against abnormal conditions such as
faults, consists basically of two elements: (i) protective relays (ii) Circuit breaker. The
protective relay functions as a sensing device. It senses the fault; determine its location and
finally it sends the command to the circuit breaker by closing its trip coil. The circuit breaker
after getting command from the protective relay disconnects the faulty element from the rest
of the system. Thus it is seen that the protective relay which is primarily the brain behind the
whole scheme plays a very important role. Therefore proper care should be taken in
selecting an appropriate protective rely, which is reliable, efficient and fast in operation.
Adaptive relaying is a new philosophy in protecting electric power systems.
Adaptive relaying utilizes the continuous changing status of power system as the basis for
on-line adjustment of the power system relay settings. Many researchers are working on this
and some of them have presented papers in different areas of power system.
H.Horowits, A.G.Phadke and J.S.Thorp [2] have given the objective of providing
adaptive relay setting is to minimize the compromises that accumulate during adaptive relay
setting at the present time, are calculated from the short circuit studies that include a wide
variety of system configuration , generation schedules and reasonable voltage excursions.
The users’ setting philosophy and criteria establishes limits to assure the maximum possible
coverage in the fastest possible time. The settings are the result of engineers’ judgment as to
best overall protection.
G.D.Rockefeller, C.L.Wargner, J.R.Linders, Hicks and Licky [3] explained the key
aspect of the setting is the choice of the contingencies for which coordination is attempted.
While all imaginable faults must be cleared, it isn’t usually feasible to achieve coordination

for every conceivable permutation of power system reasonable probabilities of being
encountered. Even then he usually must make compromises accepting some mis-
coordination or slim timing margins for some contingencies.
A.K.Jampala, S.S. Venkata, and M.J.Damborg [4] thrown light on the concept and
computational issues related with adaptive scheme that one would set the relay for existing
conditions. Thus one should be able to cope with two possibilities namely slowly varying
system conditions and contingencies. Then a natural question that arises is; under what
circumstances and how often do the relay setting need to be changed? The answer is either
an on operators request or a periodic basis. The relay settings will be changed at least twice,
one for peak conditions and other for off peak conditions during a day .the two settings will
differ for a few individual relays but statically they will close.
B.Chattopadhyay, M.S.Sachdev and T.S. Sidhu [5] have described that coordination
software for adaptive relaying system that it must recognize in real time, changes in the
system operating state and adjust relay settings accordingly . to perform these functions ,
software modules for detecting topology of the system , estimating the system state ,
calculating fault currents and determining the relay settings have been developed .
M.S.Sachedev, T.S.Sidhu and B.K.Tendulkar [6] have expressed their views on the
topology detection technique suitable for use in adaptive relaying applications. Means for
collecting information, handling complex logic and communicating with other relays and
computers are provided in most microprocessor based relays. This has made it possible to
continuously monitor the state of a network, analyze it in real time, and change the settings
to those most suitable for each operating state. The knowledge of the network topology is
vital for implementing the system.


With the ongoing growth of the electric power demand and deregulation in the
electrical power industry, numerous changes have been introduced to modern electricity
industry. Transmission systems are now being pushed closer to their stability and thermal
limits, and energy needs to be transported from the generation point to the end user along the
most desirable path. Traditional updating of a transmission system by constructing new
transmission lines becomes extremely difficult because of economic and environmental
pressures. High efficiency in terms of better utilization of existing transmission lines,
without compromising on the quality and reliability of electrical power apply has thus to be
found via alternative means. In this respect, due to the recent advances in high power
semiconductor technology, Flexible AC transmission System (FACTS) technology has been
proposed to solve this problem [7, 8]. However, because of the added complexity due to the
interaction of FACTS devices with the transmission system, the transients superimposed on
the power frequency voltage and current waveforms (particularly under faults) can be
significantly different from those systems not employing FACTS devices and it will result in
rapid changes in system parameters such as line impedance and power angle. It is thus
vitally important to study the impact of the FACTS devices on the traditional protection
relay scheme such as the impedance-based distance protection relay [9]. STATCOM is one
of the most widely used FACTS devices. It is based on a voltage source convert and can
inject an almost sinusoidal current with variable magnitude and in quadrature with the
connecting line voltage. It is widely used at the mid-point of a transmission line or heavy
load area to maintain the connecting point voltage by supplying or absorbing reactive power
into the power system [10]. Because of the presence of STATCOM devices in a fault loop,
the voltage and current signals at relay point will be affected in both steady and transient
state. This impact will affect the performance of exiting protection methods, such as distance
relay. Some research has been done on the performance of the distance relay for a
transmission system with different FACTS devices. The work in [11] presents the analytical
results based on steady-steady model of STATCOM, and has studied the impact of
STATCOM on distance relay at different load levels. In [12], the voltage-source model of

FACTS devices is used to study the impact of FACTS on the tripping boundaries of distance
relay. The work in [13] shows that thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) has a big
influence on the mho characteristic, reactance and direction and makes protection region
unstable. The study in [14] demonstrates that the presence of FACTS devices on a
transmission line will affect the trip boundary of distance relay, and both the parameters of
the FACTS device and its location have impact on the trip boundary. All the studies show
that when the FACTS devices is in a fault loop, its voltage and current injection will affect
both the steady and transient components in voltage and current and hence the apparent
impedance seen by a conventional distance relay is different from the that on a system
without FACTS.
This report will analyze and explore the impact of STATCOM employed in a
transmission system on the performance of distance relay. First, a detailed model of
STATCOM is proposed and secondly, the analytical results based on symmetrical
component transformation for single phase to ground fault on a transmission system
employing STATCOM are presented, the simulation results clearly show the impact of
STATCOM devices on the performance of distance relay.
To demonstrate and simulate the two source power system including STATCOM at
the mid-point and DISTANCE RELAY at the sending end, the PSCAD/EMTC software is
used. PSCAD is a graphical user interface, providing a very flexible interface to the
electromagnetic transient simulation software EMTDC.
EMTDC is the library of power system component models and a procedure, which
constitutes the simulation software packages are referred to as “PSCAD/EMTDC” and the
combination allows the engineers to set up and run a wide variety of power system


2.1 Introduction

Distance relaying belongs to the principle of ratio comparison. The ratio is between
voltage and current, which in turn produces impedance. The impedance is proportional to
the distance in transmission lines, hence the distance relaying designation for the principle.
This principle is primarily used for protection of high voltage transmission lines. In this case
the over current principle can not easily cope with the change in the direction of the current
flow, which is common in the transmission but no so common in radial distribution lines.
Computing the impedance in the three-phase system is a bit involved in each type of the
fault produces a different impedance expression. Because of these differences the settings of
the distance relay are needed to be selected to distinguish between the ground and phase
faults. In addition fault resistance may create problem for distance measurement because of
the fault resistance may be difficult for predict. It is particularly challenging for distance
relays to measure correct fault impedance when the current infeed from the other end of the
line create an unknown voltage drop on the fault resistance. This may contribute to
erroneous computation of the impedance, called apparent impedance ‘seen’ by the relay
located at the end of the line and using the current and voltage measurement just from the
end. Once the impedance is computed, it is compared to the settings that define the operating
characteristics of the relay. Based on the comparison, a decision is made if a fault has
occurred, if so in what zone.

Figure 2.1 Different Operating Characteristics of Distance Relay

Due to variety of application reasons, the operating characteristics of distance relay
may have different shapes; the quadrilateral and MHO being the most common. The
different operating characteristics are shown in figure 2.1(Blackburn, 1998) [1].

Figure 2.2 Operating Characteristics of Three Zone Impedance (MHO) Relay

As mentioned earlier, the impedance relay is set to recognize multiple zones of

protection. As shown in figure 2.2, the first zone (zone 1) is set to act instantaneously for
faults on protective lines, while the other two zones (zone 2 & zone 3) protect both main line
and adjacent lines with time delay sin creasing in discrete steps. Excepting for the first
zone, multiple zones of protection can be achieved by coupling time delay units to relay
units, such that time delay increases with additional zones. The zones of protection of such
relays are in sensitive to system changes, unless the change falls within one of the zones of
the relay. The relay, which are having an offset characteristics, (i.e. with center point of relay
characteristics not at origin of R-X plane), are needed for directional sensing.

2.2 Modeling of Distance Relay

Under normal circumstances, the three-zone protection scheme of distance relay
provides both primary and backup protection on the primary line, for all phase faults. Thus,

defining the reach of all the zones along with the time delay associated with each zone can
completely model a distance relay. The time delay of the zone 2 and zone 3 has to be
calculated such that, all faults have to be cleared within a minimum allowable time delay
(TDMX). However some delay in time is required to be given for the sequential breaker
action to be coordinated system would result in indicating impedance setting values for all
three zones (in terms of various impedance taps available on the relay) and also the timer
settings associated with second and third zones.

1.3 2.3 Design of Zones

The reach and the coordination of the delay of each zone can be explained with help
of diagram shown in figure 2.3

Figure 2.3 Three stepped protection of transmission line

2.3.1 Zone 1 setting

The zone 1 protection of primary line offers primary protection of the primary line. It
is set for the length of primary line times a factor called the reach factor on primary line for
zone 1 (MDZ1) for instantaneous action. Atypical value of MDZ1 is 0.8 to 0.9 line segment

Ap in the figure 2.3, represents the zone 1 of relay Ra. For faults in zone 1, the relay trips
instantaneously. As such, this zone is not associated with any time.

1.3.1 2.3.2 Zone 2 setting

The primary protection the remaining part of the primary line (line segment Bp) is
covered by zone 2, which acts after certain interval of time T1. The reach of this zone is
beyond the remote bus of the line, up to line segment Aq, so it is gives a protection to the
adjacent line also. Zone 2 is set to a factor known remote bus coverage factor (MDRB) times
the primary line impedance. Atypical value of MRDB is about 1.2, for a short length
adjacent line, the second zone also provide backup protection. It has to be insured that this
second zone does not overlap with any second zone of distance relays on remote lines. The
relay trip with a time delay referred to as zone 2 time delay (T1). The typical range of time
delay for zone 2 is 0.3-0.6 sec.

1.3.2 2.3.3 Zone 3 setting

The third zone, which acts after a further time delay provides a backup protection to
all, lines emanating from the remote bus. As such, it is desirable that it is set to reach entire
length of the longest remote line. Thus, zone 3 of relay Ra exists over line segment Ar.
However, the pickup zone 3 of relay has to be chosen in such way that it do not pickup
under worst loading conditions. Also this third zone has to be properly coordinated with
third zone of relays on remote lines: such that the time delay for tripping in this zone, known
as T3, should be less than TMDX.



3.1 Introduction

The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) is one of the new generation

Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices with promising future of applications.
There are two basic controls which can be implemented in the STATCOM. One is the AC
voltage regulation of the power system at the bus bar where the STATCOM is installed and
another is the control of the DC voltage across the DC capacitor inside the STATCOM. AC
voltage regulation is realized by controlling the reactive power interchange between the
STATCOM and a power system. If the STATCOM converter is based on the Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) algorithm, the DC voltage across the DC capacitor must be constant. It
has been suggested that two separate controllers are assigned to these two STATCOM
functions. However, from point of view of control system design, a power system installed
with the dual functional STATCOM is a two-input two-output multivariable system when
both STATCOM AC and DC voltage controls are implemented. Hence closed-loop system
stability can only be guaranteed when AC and DC voltage regulators are designed jointly or
in co-ordination.


STATCOM is a converter type FACTS device, which generally provides superior
performance characteristics, compared with conventional compensation methods employing
thyristor-switched capacitors and thyristor-controlled reactors. It also offers the unique
potential to exchange real power directly with the ac system, providing powerful new
options for flow control and the counteraction of dynamic disturbances.
The schematic diagram of a STATCOM is shown in Figure 3.1, the charged capacitor
Cd, provides a DC voltage to the converter, which produces a set of controllable three-phase
output voltages synchronous with the AC power system. By varying the amplitude of the
output voltage E1, the reactive power exchange between the converter and the AC system
can be controlled. [15]-[16] If the amplitude of the output E1 is increased above (Figure 3.2)
the AC system voltage VT, current flows through the reactance of the converter (coupling
transformer) and a leading current is produced, i.e. the STATCOM is seen as a capacitor by

the AC system and reactive power is generated. Decreasing the amplitude of the output
voltage below that of the AC system, a lagging current results and the STATCOM is seen as
an inductor. In this case reactive power is absorbed. If the amplitudes are equal no power
exchange takes place.

Figure 3.1 Static Synchronous compensator

A practical converter is not loss less. If corrective action is not taken, the energy
stored in this capacitor would be consumed by the internal losses of the converter. By
making the output voltages of the converter lag the AC system voltages by a small angle, the
converter absorbs a small amount of active power from the AC system to balance the losses
in the converter. The mechanism of phase angle adjustment can also be used to control the
active power generation (Figure 3.2). If the converter is restricted to operate for reactive
power exchange only, then the AC output voltage is governed by only controlling the
magnitude of the DC link voltage. This is possible due to the fact that magnitude of AC
output voltage is directly proportional to DC capacitor voltage.

Figure 3.2 STATCOM operating in inductive and capacitive modes

The V-I characteristics of a STATCOM is shown in Figure 3.3, a STATCOM can

provide both capacitive and inductive compensation and is able to control its output current
over the rated maximum capacitive or inductive range independently of the ac system
voltage. This feature is the main advantage of the STATCOM over StaticVARCompensator
(SVC) [16]; that is STATCOM can provide full capacitive output current at any system
voltage, practically down to zero.
This is in contrast to the SVC that can supply only diminishing output current with
decreasing system voltage as determined by its maximum equivalent admittance. This also
means that the maximum capacitive or inductive reactance generated by STATCOM
decreases linearly with voltage with constant current.

Figure 3.3 V-I Characteristics of STATCOM

3.3 Analysis of STATCOM at the Mid-point

A distance relays protecting a long transmission line with a STATCOM installed at

the mid-point is shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 Distance Protection Relay in a Transmission system with a STATCOM at the

The STATCOM is controlled to boost the voltage at the mid-point of the
transmission line. A fault at F1 in front of the STATCOM will not affect the relay
performance. The impedance Z calculated by the traditional distance protection relay using
the measured voltage and current, in terms of the reach setting, can be expressed by the
equation (3.1). The impedance Z1 is the zone impedance normally set in terms of the positive
sequence impedance of the transmission line. The rest of the terms in the equation are
necessary to ensure that the relay operates correctly for all the earth faults, and for providing
compensation for the mutual coupling effects from parallel line.

Z= Z1+ {(Ires/Ip). Zres} + {(Imut/Ip). Zmut} (3.1)


Z1 is the positive sequence impedance reach setting

Ip is the current in the faulted phase

Ires = (Ia+Ib+Ic) is the residual current

Imut is the residual current in the parallel line

Zres = (Z0+Z1)/3 is the residual impedance, which includes the earth impedance.

Zmut is the mutual compensating impedance

However if the fault is at F2 (Figure 3.4), the STATCOM is in front of the fault. Then
the STATCOM injects a current in quadrature with the line voltage feeding the fault and
boosting the voltage at the mid-point, which is seen as additional impedance by the relay.
This impedance may be either inductive or capacitive, depending on the mode of operation
of the STATCOM prior to the fault. In this situation the equation does not apply and
therefore the apparent impedance calculated by the distance relay is different from the
actual fault impedance. This scenario shall lead to possible under-reach or over-reach of the
measuring elements of the distance relay. Hence the relay must be provided with some form
of compensation to eliminate the under-reach or the over-reach.
Using equation (3.1) the impedance measured by the relay can be written as

Z’ = Z + Zcompensating (3.2)

Where, Zcompensating is the additional impedance required to compensate for the

effects of STATCOM.

3.4 Modeling of STATCOM

Figure 3.5 Block diagram of a STATCOM with PWM voltage control.

The basic structure of a STATCOM with PWM-based voltage controls is depicted in

Figure 3.5, [17, 18]. Eliminating the dc voltage control loop on this figure would yield the
basic block diagram of a controller with a typical phase angle control strategy.

The STATCOM models proposed here is based on the power balance equation,

P =Pdc + Ploss (3.3)

Which basically represents the balance between the controller’s ac power P and dc
power Pdc under balanced operation at fundamental frequency (these are the basic
assumptions on which steady state and transient stability studies of power systems are
based). For the models to be accurate, it is important to represent the losses of the controllers
(Ploss), as discussed below; previously proposed models in [19] do not consider this issue.
PWM controls are becoming a more practical option for transmission system applications of
VSC-based controllers, due to some recent developments on power electronic switches that
do not present the high switching losses of GTOs [20], which have typically restricted the
use of this type of control technique to relatively low voltage applications.

Figure 3.6 Transient stability model of a STATCOM with PWM voltage control.

In PWM controls, switching losses associated with the relatively fast switching of
the electronic devices and their snubbers play an important role in the simulation, as these
have a direct effect on the charging and discharging of the capacitor, and hence should be
considered in the modeling. The models discussed in this paper assume the use of PWM
control techniques, as these allow for developing more general models that can readily be
adapted to represent other control techniques (e.g. phase angle control).


4.1 Introduction

PSCAD (Power Systems CAD) is a powerful and flexible graphical user interface to
the world renowned, EMTDC solution engine. PSCAD enables the user to schematically
construct a circuit, run a simulation, analyze the results, and manage the data in a completely
integrated, graphical environment. Online plotting functions, controls and meters are also
included, so that the user can alter system parameters during a simulation run, and view the
results directly. PSCAD comes complete with a library of pre-programmed and tested
models, ranging from simple passive elements and control functions, to more complex
models, such as electric machines, FACTS devices, transmission lines and cables. If a
particular model does not exist, PSCAD provides the flexibility of building custom models,
either by assembling those graphically using existing models, or by utilizing an intuitively
designed Design Editor.
The following are some common models found in systems studied using PSCAD:

• Resistors, inductors, capacitors

• Mutually coupled windings, such as transformers
• Frequency dependent transmission lines and cables (including the most accurate time
domain line model in the world!)
• Current and voltage sources
• Switches and breakers
• Protection and relaying
• Diodes, thyristors and GTOs
• Analog and digital control functions
• AC and DC machines, exciters, governors, stabilizers and inertial models
• Meters and measuring functions
• Generic DC and AC controls
• HVDC, SVC, and other FACTS controllers
• Wind source, turbines and governors
PSCAD, and its simulation engine EMTDC, have enjoyed close to 30 years of
development, inspired by ideas and suggestions by its ever strengthening, worldwide user

base. This development philosophy has helped to establish PSCAD as one of the most
powerful and intuitive CAD software packages available.


Figure 4.1 Voltage Source Model

As shown in fig.4.1, this component models a 3-phase AC voltage source, with

specified source and/or zero-sequence impedance. A zero-sequence impedance branch may
be added directly within the component. Also, this component allows you to regulate the
bus voltage on a remote location on the network, or the internal phase angle can be regulated
to control source output power.

This source may be controlled through either fixed, internal parameters or variable
external signals. The external inputs are described as follows:

• V: Line-to-Line, RMS Voltage Magnitude [kV]

• F: Frequency [Hz]
• Ph: Phase angle [°] or [rad]

You can connect a slider to these external inputs for a convenient runtime manual
adjustment, or use a control system output for dynamic adjustment.

4.2.1 Data Format for Internal Control

There are two different data formats by which source control parameters may be
entered in the Voltage Source Model. This is controlled directly by the Specified
Parameters input with options as described below:

• Behind Source Impedance: When this option is selected, the source parameters are
entered directly (i.e. E, φ and f). Note that Z and θ depend on the impedance data
entry format (Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.2 Behind Source Impedance Data


• At the Terminal: When this option is selected, the terminal parameters are entered
directly (i.e. V, δ, P and Q). From these values, the source model determines the
values for E and φ. Note that Z and θ depend on the impedance data entry format
(Figure 4.3).

Figure 4.3 At the Terminal Data Format

4.2.2 Source Control Modes

There are three types of source control modes for the Voltage Source Model: Fixed,
External and Auto.

• Fixed Control: The magnitude, frequency and phase angle of the voltage source are
specified internally through Source Values for Fixed Control Dialogs. The base
voltage and base frequency specified in the Configuration Dialog are not meant for
• External Control: This option provides external input connections for specifying
magnitude, frequency and phase values. You can connect a slider to this input for a
convenient runtime manual adjustment, or use a control system output for dynamic
adjustment. The external input signals must be in the following units:
• Magnitude: kV, Line to Line, RMS
• Frequency: Hz
• Phase Angle: Degrees or radians, depending on the External Phase Input
Unit setting in the Configuration dialog.
• Auto Control (3-Phase Only): In this mode, the voltage magnitude can be adjusted
automatically so as to regulate the voltage at a selected bus and/or adjust the source
phase angle internally to regulate the real power leaving the source. The following
diagram shows how the source is connected to allow automatic voltage control
(Figure 4.4).

Figure 4.4 Automatic Voltage Control

4.3 Transmission lines

There are two basic ways to construct an overhead line in PSCAD: The first is the
original method (referred to as the Remote Ends method), which involves a Transmission
Line Configuration component with two Overhead Line Interface components, representing
the sending and receiving ends of the line. The purpose of the Interface components is to
connect the transmission line to the greater electric network (Figure 4.5):

Figure 4.5 An Overhead Transmission Line (Remote Ends Method)

As shown in fig. 4.6, the second and more recently introduced method is to use the
Direct Connection method, where the interfaces and the corridor properties are housed

within a single component. This method however, can only be used for 1-phase, 3-phase or
6-phase, single-line systems, where the maximum number of conductors is 6

Figure 4.6 An Overhead Transmission Line (Direct Connection Method)

4.4 On-Line Frequency Scanner (FFT)

Figure 4.7 On-Line Frequency Scanner

This is an online Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which can determine the harmonic
magnitude and phase of the input signal as a function of time. The input signals first
sampled before they are decomposed into harmonic constituents.

Options are provided to use one, two or three inputs. In the case of three inputs, the
component can provide output in the form of sequence components.

The user may select one of the following three FFT block types:

• 1-phase: This is a standard 1-phase FFT. The input is processed to provide the
magnitudes Mag and phase angle Ph of the fundamental frequency and its
harmonics (including the DC component dc).
• 2-phase: This is nothing more than two 1-phase FFTs in a single block, in order to
keep things compact and organized.
• 3-phase: As above, is merely three 1-phase FFTs combined in one block.
• +/-/0 seq: This takes a 3-phase input XA, XB, XC and calculates the FFT
preliminary output through a sequencer, which outputs positive (+), negative (-), and
zero-sequence magnitude and phase components of the fundamental, and each
harmonic. The DC components of each phase are also output.

The sequence components are computed based on the simple transformation equation:

NOTE: This component is meant for processing signals consisting of power

frequencies (typically 50 Hz and 60 Hz) and its harmonics and therefore, is not well tested
for higher frequencies.

4.5 Sequence Filter

This Sequence Filter calculates the magnitudes and phase angles of sequence
components, when the magnitudes and phase angles of the phase quantities are given
(Figure 4.8).

Figure 4.8 Sequence Filter

4.6 Mho Circle

The Mho Circle component is classified as an 'Impedance Zone Element', which

checks whether or not a point described by inputs R and X, lies inside a specified region on
the impedance plane. R and X represent the resistive and reactive parts of the monitored
impedance, and may be input in per-unit or ohms. Please note however, that the units of the
component input parameters should match that of the R and X inputs. The component
produces an output '1' if the point defined by R and X is inside the specified region,
otherwise the output will be '0'.

Figure 4.9 Mho Circle

4.7 Line to Ground Impedance

Figure 4.10 Line to Ground Impedance

This component computes the line-to-ground impedance as seen by a ground

impedance relay (Figure 4.10). The output impedance is in rectangular format (R and X),
and is optimized for use with the Trip Polygon, Distance Relay - Apple Characteristics,
Distance Relay - Lens Characteristics or the Mho Circle trip devices as shown below(Figure

Figure 4.11 Output of the Component

The on-line ground impedance is calculated as follows:


Vphase = phase voltage

Iphase = phase current

Zo= Zero-sequence impedance as seen from the location of the relay to the end of the
protected zone

Z1= Positive-sequence impedance as seen from the location of the relay to the end of the
protected zone

4.8 Line to Line Impedance

Figure 4.12 Line to Line Impedance

As shown in fig 4.12, this component computes the line-to-line impedance as seen by
a ground impedance relay. The output impedance is in rectangular format (R and X), and is
optimized for use with the Trip Polygon, Distance Relay - Apple Characteristics, Distance
Relay - Lens Characteristics or the Mho Circle trip devices as shown below(Figure 4.13):

Figure 4.13 Output of the component

The on-line ground impedance is calculated as follows:


Vphase = phase voltage

Iphase = phase current


Figure 4.14 CSMF Component

In addition to various arithmetic and logical operators, PSCAD possesses the ability
of perform a limited set of mathematical functions as in fig.4.14, mathematical expression
evaluation is used mostly in the computations segment, while arithmetic and logical
operators are used throughout the entire component definition.


Figure 4.15. (a) Single line view of high voltage breaker and (b) single line view of low
voltage breaker.
(c) Three phase view of high voltage breaker and (d) three phase view of low voltage

The component shown in fig.4.15 simulates of three-phase circuit breaker operation.

The ON (closed) and OFF (open) resistance of the breaker must be specified along with its
initial state. This component is controlled through a named input signal (default is BRK),
where the breaker logic is:

• 0 = ON (closed)
• 1 = OFF (open)

Three-Phase Breaker operation is virtually identical to that described for the Single-Phase
Breaker. The breaker control can be configured automatically by using the Timed Breaker

Logic component, or the Sequencer components. The breaker may also be controlled
manually through the use of on-line controls, or through a more elaborate control scheme.

4.11 Control Panels

A Control Panel is a special component used for accommodating Control or Meter

Interfaces and can be placed anywhere in a project page. Once a Control Panel has been
added, you may then proceed to add as many Control or Meter Interfaces to it as you wish.

Figure 4.16 Control Components

Of course, each type of control component will have a different control interface
when added to a control panel. Figure 4.16, shows the available control components and
their corresponding control interfaces.




Distribution power system inevitably experiences faults and consequently, changes

in its operation condition. A protection system is, in general, set to be adequate a certain
operation condition. Therefore, if the operation condition changes, incorrect operation of
convention protection relays can result in a sequence of trips, which may cascade into a
blackout. With further deregulation of the power industry and the introduction of the FACTS
facilities, power system will become more complex, and their configuration and power flow
will become more dynamically changeable. Then it will be more difficult for protective
relays to identify the fault situation precisely. To avoid protection relays mal-operation and
ensure continuing optimal relay operation, the concepts of adaptive protection, which
automatically adjust functions to match power system conditions, have been proposed [21-
22]. The superior performance of the adaptive protective relays is achieved by supplying the
device with additional information, which can be derived by the distributed structure of
adaptive protection system with a wide area communication network.

5.2 Adaptive Protection Principles

Protection system performance considerations are of paramount importance in

discussing the operational security of a power network. It has been documented that a
majority of major system disturbances (brown-outs, black-outs) are a result of sequential
operation of protective equipment in an unanticipated manner. The normal practice is to set
the protection systems based upon certain assumed conditions in the power network. As is
often the case, the assumed conditions do not always obtain in practice, and indeed very
often the networks reach a state which was never anticipated in the planning studies. Add to
this the fact that protection systems may go out of calibration, wear out, or develop hidden
failures. Considering the very large number of protection systems which actually exist on the
power network, it is then not surprising that occasionally unanticipated trips of power
equipment are caused by the protection system. When such trips occur while the power
system is stressed, major disruption of the power system is the result. It is of course not
possible to guarantee that there will never be mis-operations of the protection systems.

However, one cause of mis-operations, viz. the protection systems not being suited to
the power system state, can be corrected through the recently introduced concept of
‘Adaptive Protection’ [2, 3]. Adaptive Protection is defined as follows: “Adaptive protection
is a protection philosophy which permits and seeks to make adjustments in various
protection functions automatically in order to make them more attuned to prevailing
power system conditions.” It is to be noted that the idea of adapting the protection to
changing system conditions can not be applied to a protections. Primary protection systems
by and large are required to operate so quickly that unless the adaptive feature is in-built in
the relay, there would not be enough time to make adaptive changes to the relays. It is also
not desirable to alter some protections. Typical examples are unit protection systems, where
there is usually no possibility of mis-operation as long as the protection equipment functions
normally. Since communication links to other entities is one of the principal features of
adaptive protections, it is natural that adaptive protections have their best applications in
functions that are slower responding that the primary protections. Examples of such
functions are local and remote backup protections, out-of-step relaying, loss-of-field
relaying, load shedding, etc. Many of the remedial action schemes are also in this category,
and can benefit from adaptive protection applications.


In a digital relaying scheme, voltage and current samples are taken at the relaying
point and used to compute the apparent impedance of the line seen by the relay. If the
impedance is inside a predetermined boundary, the decision is made to disconnect or trip the
line. This system works well for a zero-resistance fault situation. The voltage and current
samples are taken and the apparent impedance is determined to be the impedance of the line
from the relaying point to the fault. If this impedance is less than the expected line
impedance, the line is tripped. The problem occurs in the case of non-zero resistance fault
situations. The voltage that is sampled is the sum of the line voltage and the fault voltage.
The voltage drop across the fault is a function of the current from the relay terminal and the
current from the remote-end terminal. The current contribution from the remote end cannot

be measured at the relaying point. It is possible to measure the remote-end current and send
it back to the relay end bye a high-speed communication channel; however this has not been
very practical. Traditional system only incorporated a margin of error to account for the
unknown current in order to keep the relay from overreaching. This resulted in a certain
amount of the far end not being protected by the first zone of protection. In order to protect
the line properly, the amount of unprotected line must be minimized. An alternative method
is to determine the apparent line impedance as a function of known parameters such as
positive and zero sequence impedance components, terminal voltage and the known fault
resistance. Computer simulation may then be performed to determine an ideal trip boundary,
for several fault resistance values. Muliti-terminal lines can be protected in a similar manner
as two terminals lines. The difference is that the apparent impedance as seen at a relay
location is not just a function of the parameters of one line and two terminals, but a function
of two or more lines and three or more terminals. These line and terminal parameters can be
determined in advance. Computer simulation may then be used to determine ideal trip
boundaries for several fault resistances in different parts of the line. These boundaries do
change with changing system conditions. Thus, the adaptive approach of measuring system
conditions and updating the ideal trip boundaries can be very useful. The protection
algorithm will measure the voltage and current samples at the relay location. The apparent
impedance is then calculated and the computer refers to the most recent trip boundaries and
determines occurrence of a fault and its locations. Relays should adapt to ever changing
system conditions, whether it’s a two-terminal or multi-terminal line. By using a computer
or microprocessor based detection scheme, the reliability and system stability is greatly
improved. During the normal operation of a system, unexpected events can affect the overall
performance of the system. If an abnormal condition should arise, such as frequency
deviations, the protective devices may not be prepared to handle the obscurity of parameter
changes due to the pre-set inputs. A solution is to use real-time data to reset any relay input
settings. Therefore, it is possible to develop control rules for automatically adapting to the
system changes. Components are added to the control law aimed at unpredictable factors
that affect the states of the protected line. This improves the effectiveness of a distance
protection scheme. Power system frequency deviations are expected within certain limits.

Two undesirable consequences of frequency excursions in digital distance protection
are the influence on sampling period and the computed value of the reactance. To translate
the input signals properly, the digital signals after sampling should be sinusoidal sequences
with a period of N when line currents or voltages are sinusoidal. In the case of frequency
deviations, the sample signals will not belong to a 50 or 60 Hz signal. As a result, the
computations will be in error.

5.4 adaptive Setting

The performance of the proposed method can be further enhanced if setting can be
made adaptive to the prevailing power system conditions. This would mean that the system
condition should be monitored and new settings should be calculated in response to any
changes in the operating conditions. The new settings are then communicated to the relays.
The relay settings are, therefore, always attuned to the prevailing system conditions. This
adaptive setting technique is described in this section.


Figure5.1 shows the functional block diagram of an adaptive distribution protection

scheme using directional over current and ground fault relays. Computer based over current
relays are installed on each line. The relays monitor and analyze voltages and currents, and
send the information to the substation control computer at regular intervals. The substation
control computer interfaces the relays with the central control computer. The relays also
monitor and provide the status of isolators and circuit breakers to the station control
computer. The station control computers transfer the information received from the relays to
the central control computer at pre-specified intervals. The central control computer
estimates the system states, takes the decisions if the settings are to be changed or not, and
computes new settings, if it is deemed necessary. The decisions and the new settings are
conveyed to the relays via the station control computers.


Since the proposed adaptive protection scheme has substation control computers, in
addition to a central control computer, it was decided that the topology of each substation be
determined by its substation control computer. It was also decided that the system-wide
topology be then determined by the central computer using the information generated by the
substation control computers.






Figure 5.1 Block diagram of an adaptive distribution protection system. BASIC FUNCTIONS

The topology analysis technique performs the following basic functions:

1. Develop the logic to process the status of circuit breakers and Isolators.
2. Identify the changes of the status of the circuit breakers, isolators and line flows
when a switch is opened or closed.
3. Subdivide a substation into two or more nodes if opening a tie circuit breaker
separates parts of the substation.
4. Subdivide the distribution network to find the line node connectivity.
5. Provide the Line-Node connectivity data, as well as load and generation data, to a
load flow program.

During initialization, the technique reads the input data that are described in a later
section. When the status of a circuit breaker or an isolator changes, the substation control
computer analyzes the substation configuration to determine if it has changed or not. If it
has, the computer updates the configuration and sends the updated configuration along with
the information on line flows, load and generation to the central control computer. The
central control computer processes the information and determines the new line-node
connectivity’s of the system and updates the input to the load flow program.


6.1 Introduction

DISTANCE relay can malfunction due to the difference between real impedance and
the impedance that relay sees in proportion to the magnitude of ground fault impedance.
These mal-operations easily occur with high fault impedance, and large deviation of power
factor and magnitude of load. The object of this paper is to minimize the mal-operation of
distance relay by modifying optimally the protection zones for the ground faults according
to the load deviation and system condition. Since distance relay uses only voltage and
current at the setting point to see the impedance, the characteristics of impedance that
distance relay calculates are changed when the magnitude of the load current or when
characteristics of load are varied. These changes of impedance characteristics make a
difference between the impedance that the distance relay sees and the real one at the ground
fault with fault impedance. Generally, a digital distance relay for transmission line protection
will operate if the measured impedance falls into a pre-set range after comparing the pre-set
impedance set by the operator and the impedance which is calculated from the measured
voltages and currents at the relay-installed point. If the setting would be configured based
only on the power system conditions at the time when the setting was provided, however, the
ground fault detection unit in a distance relay tends to mal-operate because of its inherent
characteristics, i.e.; the impedance seen by the relay would have some deviations, in many
times, from the actual fault impedance due to the pattern of the faults and power system
conditions just before the fault.


Generally, a digital distance relay for transmission line protection will operate if the
measured impedance falls into a pre-set range after comparison between impedance,
calculated from the measured voltages and currents at relay installed point and pre-set
impedance set by the operator. However, ground fault detection unit in a distance relay tends
to mal-operate because of its inherent characteristics, if its setting would be configured only
based on the power system conditions at the time when the setting was provided. The reason
for this is that the impedance seen by the relay would have some deviations, in many times,
from the actual fault impedance due to the pattern of the faults and power system conditions
just before the fault.


MODELS are a symbolic language interpreter for the EMTP/PSCAD that has
recently gained popularity for the electromagnetic transient’s phenomenon modeling.
MODELS provide the monitoring and controllability of power system as well as some other
algebraic and relational operations for programming. MODELS approaches to model the
power system by describing the physical constants and/or the subsystems functionally for
target systems. With some compromised functions, it is also called a new TACS, which is a
well known subsystem available within the EMTP/PSCAD. Some control statement features
of a programming language are added in addition to the TACS for more controllability. They
are repetition, conditional path selection, and user defined functions [23]. While having such
strong features for programming in simulation tasks, the MODELS, however, has a
drawback in that memory allocation is limited in size for data arrays. At the preprocessing
stages, the anti-aliasing low-pass filter and the dc-offset removal filter are implemented to
produce the voltage and the current values for the extraction of the fundamental frequency
component, which in turn is used for the impedance calculation. For the fundamental
frequency signals, Fourier Transform and Walsh Function methods are used in the
simulation. In order to confirm the impedance convergence, the algorithm is tested for each
fault type and distance. The system diagram for the simulation is shown in (Figure 6.1).


A distance relaying system implemented in a microprocessor is widely used for
protecting transmission systems principally because of high reliability and very little

Figure 6.1 Overall Block Diagram of Simulation using Models

Its fast operation and independence of the capacity of the power system are
responsible for its popularity. Distance relaying scheme makes use of the transient voltage
and current values passed through the CT (current transformer) and PT (potential
transformer) for the calculation of the impedance. The distance relaying methods rely on
their estimation of fault distance based upon the partial values and their convergence: there
has been a lot of research done in this field. Among many approaches considered, the
transmission line protection based on the fundamental frequency signals is widely used; the
work presented herein is concerned with an alternative implementation of the latter approach
with a viewpoint of fast and accurate extraction of the fundamental components from the
measured voltage and current signals. When a fault occurs, the transient voltage and current
values are mainly composed of the high frequency and exponentially decaying dc-offset
components. For the reliable estimation of the fault distance, the fundamental component
needs to be extracted via various digital signal processing algorithms. In this section, we
have implemented the anti-aliasing low-pass filters and the dc-offset removal filter using the

In order to meet the sampling theory, the sampling rate should be twice the
maximum frequency in the analog signal. Sampling with a lower sampling rate results in
errors due to the aliasing effects in the discrete time signals. The anti-aliasing filter which in
practice is an analog filter is used to minimize such aliasing effect as well as attenuate the
high frequency components, For the purposes of removing the unwanted components,
simulation of an analog second order Butterworth low-pass filter are employed [23]. The
specifications fur the filter are that the pass band cutoff frequency is 60 Hz, the stop-band
cutoff frequency 360 Hz, stop-band attenuation 28 dB and the sampling frequency used is
1.8 kHz (30 samples/cycle and is well above the requisite Nyquist rate of 720 Hz).


When a fault occurs, the abnormal components of the voltage and the current are due
to the high frequency and the dc-offset components. The aforementioned anti-aliasing
filtering removes the majority of the high frequency components but not the dc-offset
components; the next step is to apply the dc-offset removal filter. When a fault occurs, the
distortion measured in the voltage consists mostly of the high frequency components while
the measured current values are affected by the exponentially decaying dc-offset component.
It should be mentioned that in comparison to voltage signals, current signals are more
affected by dc offset. They experience maximum dc-offset for voltage zero faults and
minimum for voltage maximum faults. For an algorithm using the fundamental component,
the dc component should be removed for correct results. The approach adopted here is based
on using all the three phase components and removing the dc components accordingly. The
aforementioned anti-aliasing low-pass and the dc-offset removal filters are implemented in a
single EMTP/PSCAD file and the simplicity of controlling the power systems and the
protective digital relaying systems is hence ensured.
There are three approaches used in digital transmission line protection algorithms.
These approaches depend on the form of the final input signal used to make the relaying
decision. The technique employed herein is the widely accepted method that uses the
fundamental frequency signal. The voltage and the current values from the extracted
fundamental signals are used to calculate the impedance from the system to the point where
the fault occurs. In this respect, there have been proposed many algorithms for the
fundamental component extraction; Fourier Transform, Walsh Function, Harr Transform,
and block pulse functions are the orthogonal functions that have been used for this purpose
[23]. We used the Fourier Transform and the Walsh Function methods which are
implemented with MODELS structure.


Now that the theory and the structure of the interactive relay test system are
prescribed, the following begins with an example of a power transmission line of fault
simulation to test relay operation. Fig. 6.2 depicts the 345 kV, 60 Hz simulated system one-
line diagram. Fig. 6.3 is the simulated system model by PSCAD. The other related
parameters of the simulated system are shown in Appendix (A); Zone 1 is setting 85% of the
total line length. This example uses MHO type to explain the relay operation performance.
The mimic filters with time constant 2 cycles, the phase difference between ES and ER is 15
degrees, and the sampling frequency is 1920 Hz. The transmission line length is 100 km.
The phasor is estimated by full-cycle DFT.

Figure 6.2 One-line diagram of simulation system

Figure 6.3 Simulated system models by PSCAD


The relay under study, shown in Fig.6.2 is modeled in the simulator as six Mho
Distance elements with a positive sequence voltage polarization, three elements for phase-
phase loops and three elements for the phase-ground loops. Fig.6.4 shows the modeling of
one element of the relay. The relay calculates the apparent impedances of the fault loops
which then are compared against reactance and resistance limits determined by the relay
settings as illustrated in the logic diagram of Fig. 5. In this sense, the following is the
apparent impedance for different fault loops [24].

Figure 6.4 One distance element block diagram as modeled in the simulator.

a) for three-phase-faults:
Vx line-to-ground voltage (VAG, VBG, VCG);
Ix line current (IA, IB, IC);

b) for phase-phase faults:

Vx line-to-line voltage (VAB, VBC, VCA);
Ix delta line current (IAB, IBC, ICA);

c) for phase-to-ground faults:

Vx line-to-ground voltage (VAG, VBG, VCG);
Ix compensated current (IA+ KoIo, Ib+ KoIo, Ic+ KoIo);
Io zero sequence current;
Ko zero sequence compensation factor (= (Z0L- Z1L)/ Z1L);

Z0L and Z1L zero and positive sequence line impedances.

The tripping characteristic for the Mho relay with a positive-sequence voltage
polarization can be expressed by a two-input comparator with the phasors S1 and S2 as

= V1r mem

Zr impedance setting reach;
S1 operating signal;
S2 restraining signal;
V1r mem positive sequence memory voltage.


In this section the PSCAD view of the distance relay is reviewed that is
consists of two parts (blocks) as it is shown in figure 6.5, here both parts are summarized
as following;
1) Signal processing page; the measured voltage (Vs) and current (Is) of the output
of the PT and CT at the relay point are enter this part as inputs as it shown in
figure 6.5.
2) Protection scheme page; the outputs of the first block will be entered this block
as inputs parameters (figure 6.5).

Signal Protection
Processing scheme
Block Block

Figure 6.5 PSCAD view of distance relay procedure


The including components of this part are shown in figure 6.6, which the measured
voltage and current of the relay point are the input parameters of this part, during this
process first; the input is processed to provide the magnitudes Mag and phase angle Ph of
the fundamental frequency and its harmonics (including the DC component dc).Then,
Sequence Filter calculates the magnitudes and phase angles of sequence components, when
the magnitudes and phase angles of the phase quantities are given. So the final outputs of
this block will be transferred to the protection scheme block as inputs parameters (figure

Figure 6.6 Components of the signal processing page
In this part six Mho Distance elements with a positive sequence voltage polarization,
three elements for phase-phase loops and three elements for the phase-ground loops are
modeled. The relay calculates the apparent impedances of the fault loops which then are
compared against reactance and resistance limits determined by the relay settings as
illustrated in the logic diagram of Fig. 6.7.

Figure 6.7 Protection Scheme Block
First, In order to prove digital distance relay of performance, an internal fault is
applied to the power system with the phase A to ground fault, the fault resistance is 1 ohm,
the fault angle is zero degree (refer to S terminal of phase A voltages waveform), and the
fault is located 75 kilometers form S terminal.
The apparent impedance trajectories of the system with the distance relay Mho
characteristic for the fault located in the region of the protected zone and also the wave

forms of voltages, currents, fault current and the trip signal of the relay are shown in figures
6.4 and 6.5.

Figure 6.4 Apparent impedance seen by the single to ground unit

Figure 6.5 A-Ground fault inside the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2)
Sending-end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the
fault (6) Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.

Figure 6.6 and 6.7 show the trajectories of the apparent impedance and the wave
forms of the voltages, currents and the trip signal of the relay for the same system with the
A-G fault applied out of the protected zone, its clear that for such a position of the fault,
distance relay should not operate and remain stable and the impedance seen by the relay will
not take place in the circle.

Figure 6.6 Apparent impedance seen by Distance relay during A-Ground out of zone fault

Figure 6.7 A-Ground fault out of the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2)
Sending-end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the
fault (6) Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.

Same system has been tested by phase B to phase C fault for both the location inside
and outside the protected zone, the figures 6.8 and 6.9 show the apparent impedance and the
wave forms of the power system during BC fault applied inside the protected zone of the
distance relay, which is clear that only the faulted impedance (Zbc) take place inside the

Figure 6.8 Apparent impedance seen during BC fault inside the zone

Figure 6.9 B-C fault inside the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2) Sending-
end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the fault (6)
Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.

Figure 6.10 and 6.11 show the trajectories of the apparent impedance and the wave
forms of the voltages, currents and the trip signal of the relay for the same system with the
B-C fault applied out of the protected zone, its clear that for such a position of the fault,
distance relay should not operate and remain stable and the impedance seen by the relay will
not take place in the circle.

Figure 6.8 Apparent impedance seen during BC fault out of the zone

Figure 6.11 B-C fault out of the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2)
Sending-end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the
fault (6) Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.

Same system has been tested by three phase fault for both the location inside and
outside the protected zone, the figures 6.12 and 6.13 show the apparent impedance and the
wave forms of the power system during ABC fault applied inside the protected zone of the
distance relay, which is clear that all the phases are taking place in the circle.

Figure 6.12 Apparent impedance seen during ABC fault inside the zone

Figure 6.11 ABC fault inside the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2)
Sending-end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the
fault (6) Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.

Figure 6.14 and 6.15 show the trajectories of the apparent impedance and the wave
forms of the voltages, currents and the trip signal of the relay for the same system with the
ABC fault applied out of the protected zone, its clear that for such a position of the fault,
distance relay should not operate and remain stable and the impedance seen by the relay will
not take place in the circle.

Figure 6.12 Apparent impedance seen during ABC fault out of the zone

Figure 6.11 ABC fault out of the protected zone: (1) Sending-end voltage (2)
Sending-end current (3) Receiving-end voltage (4) Receiving-end current (5) Duration of the
fault (6) Trip signal of the Relay (7) Fault current.


Power electronic techniques offer a promising approach for fast and flexible control
of AC power network. The flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) has been for
controlling power flow in transmission system and for enhancing power quality and
reliability at the distribution level [25]. While early FACTS devices considered mainly of
thyristors-controlled switched RLC components, the new generation of these devices is
based on the self-commutated voltage source converter [25]. This new technology has
resulted in equipment that is fundamentally different from the conventional static var
compensator (SVC). The new device is called the static compensator, because its steady
state output characteristics are similar to those of the rotating synchronous compensators.
The STATCOM behaves as a solid state synchronous voltage source that is
analogous to an ideal synchronous machine. It is connected in shunt to the AC system
(Figure 7.1) and generates or absorbs balanced set of (three) currents at the fundamental
frequency, with rapidly controllable amplitude and phase angle. In this chapter first of all we
will examine an AC power system with a pure inductive and capacitive load and then by the
presence of such load we will add a STATCOM to the system to accurate the proper
operation of the STATCOM which is connected to regulate the voltage at the mid-point of
the power system.

Figure 7.1 Shunt connection of STATCOM

7.2 Simulation of AC system
In this section we will examine the power system with either inductive or capacitive
load to check the proper operation and the variation of reactive power of the power system
in different conditions of loading as followings:
1- Running the simulation and connecting a pure inductive load at (t =2 s).
2- Running the simulation with a pure inductive load and disconnecting the load at (t =2
3- Running the simulation and connecting a pure in capacitive load at (t =2 s).
4- Running the simulation with a pure capacitive load and disconnecting the load at (t
=2 s).
5- Running the simulation with pure inductive load, then at (t =2 s) we will change the
loads that we will disconnect the inductive load and at the same time we connect the
capacitive load.

7.2.1 AC system with inductive load

Figures 7.2 show the simulated power system with a 600 MVAR pure inductive load
connected at the mid-point, and figure 7.3 show the waveforms of the simulation of the same
system, as it is clear in the figure the reactive power for the pure inductive load is negative;
configuration of this system can be find in appendix (A).

Figure 7.2 Simulated system with pure inductive load

Figure 7.3 Waveforms of the power system with pure inductive load

Now the same system is simulated with the same load, but here we are disconnect
and connecting the load at the (t =2 s) to check the proper change of the reactive power
applied by the load (figures 7.4, 7.5).

Figure 7.4 Inductive load is disconnected at (t =2 s)

Figure 7.5 Inductive load is connected at (t =2 s)

7.2.2 AC system with capacitive load

In this section the same system has been tested with capacitive load, Figures 7.6
show the simulated power system with a 600 MVAR pure capacitive load connected at the
mid-point, and figure 7.7 show the waveforms of the simulation of the same system, as it is
clear in the figure the reactive power for the pure inductive load is positive; configuration of
this system can be find in index (A).

Figure 7.6 Simulated system with pure capacitive load

Figure 7.7 Waveforms of the power system with pure capacitive load

Now the same system is simulated with the same load, but here we are disconnect
and connecting the load at the (t =2 s) to check the proper change of the reactive power
applied by the load (figures 7.8, 7.9).

Figure 7.8 Capacitive load is disconnected at (t =2 s)

Figure 7.9 Capacitive load is connected at (t =2 s)

7.3 Simulation of STATCOM

A typical six-pulse voltage–sourced inverter type, 25 KV and 300 MVAR
STATCOM connected at the mid-point of the power system is shown in figure 7.10. In its
simplest form it consists of six self-commutated semiconductor switches, (IGBTs or GTOs),
with the reverse-parallel diode connected across each switch. Basically, a STATCOM is a
high power inverter/rectifier which uses a capacitor for energy storage. A leading or lagging
current is produced by appropriate control of the switching devices, so that the STATCOM
in effect provides a static VAR Controller function. In this section the same system in the
previews section has been simulated with the STATCOM is controlled to boost the voltage at
the mid-point of the transmission line. First of all the STATCOM has tested with applying a
fault on the power system to see the reaction of the STATCOM to maintain the voltage of
the power system at the point connected during the applied fault.
In the second step the same system with STATCOM has been considered, in addition
inductive and capacitive load will be added to the system to show the proper operation and

reaction of the STATCOM for the both condition either in inductive or in capacitive mode.
Power system and STATCOM parameters are given in Appendix (A).

Figure 7.10 Circuit diagram of a 6-pulse STATCOM connected at the mid-point

In this part, angel order based on voltage error will be generated. As we see in figure
7.11 Qm (measured reactive power of the STATCOM) and Vpu (measured voltage of the
power system at the mid-point) will be the inputs of this parts. The setting value in terms of
the desired voltage for STATCOM is 1.0 pu. The output of subtracting of reference voltage
minus measured voltage is Verr which in order will be as input of PI controller which is the
output of PI controller is the angle order, it represents the required shift between system
voltage and voltage generated by STATCOM; the shift determines the direction and amount
of real power flow.

Figure 7.11 Voltage control loop

A voltage-source converter is a power electronic device, which can generate a
sinusoidal voltage with any required magnitude, frequency and phase angle. Voltage source
converters are widely used in adjustable-speed drives, but can also be used to mitigate
voltage dips. The VSC is used to either completely replace the voltage or to inject the
‘missing voltage’. The ‘missing voltage’ is the difference between the nominal voltage and
the actual. The converter is normally based on some kind of energy storage, which will
supply the converter with a DC voltage. The solid-state electronics in the converter is then
switched to get the desired output voltage. Normally the VSC is not only used for voltage
dip mitigation, but also for other power quality issues, e.g. flicker and harmonics. CONTROLLER
The aim of the control scheme is to maintain constant voltage magnitude at the point
where a sensitive load is connected, under system disturbances. The control system only
measures the r.m.s voltage at the load point, i.e., no reactive power measurements are
required. The VSC switching strategy is based on a sinusoidal PWM technique which offers
simplicity and good response. Since custom power is a relatively low-power application,
PWM methods offer a more flexible option than the Fundamental Frequency Switching
(FFS) methods favored in FACTS applications. Besides, high switching frequencies can be
used to improve on the efficiency of the converter, without incurring significant switching
losses. The controller input is an error signal obtained from the reference voltage and the
value rms of the terminal voltage measured. Such error is processed by a PI controller the
output is the angle δ, which is provided to the PWM signal generator. It is important to note
that in this case, indirectly controlled converter, there is active and reactive power exchange
with the network simultaneously: an error signal is obtained by comparing the reference
voltage with the rms voltage measured at the load point. The PI controller process the error
signal generates the required angle to drive the error to zero, i.e., the load rms voltage is
brought back to the reference voltage (Figure 7.12).

Figure 7.12 Indirect PI controller.

The sinusoidal signal Vcontrol is phase-modulated by means of the angle δ.

VA = Sin (ωt +δ)
VB=Sin (ωt+δ-2π/3)
VC = Sin (ωt +δ+2π/3)

The modulated signal Vcontrol is compared against a triangular signal in order to

generate the switching signals for the VSC valves. The main parameters of the sinusoidal
PWM scheme are the amplitude modulation index of signal, and the frequency modulation
index of the triangular signal.
The amplitude index is kept fixed at 1 pu, in order to obtain the highest fundamental
voltage component at the controller output.

Vcontrol is the peak amplitude of the control signal

VTri is the peak amplitude of the triangular signal
For example if the switching frequency is set at 1080 Hz. The frequency modulation
index is given by,
mf = fs/f1= 1080/60 = 18

Where f1 is the fundamental frequency.

The modulating angle is applied to the PWM generators in phase A. The angles for
phases B and C are shifted by 2400 and 1200, respectively. It can be seen in that the control
implementation is kept very simple by using only voltage measurements as the feedback
variable in the control scheme. The speed of response and robustness of the control scheme
are clearly shown in the simulation results.


PWM control is shown in two parts which the part 1 is; Generation of triangular
waveforms synchronized with system ac voltage and the part 2 is; Generation of reference
waveforms synchronized with system ac voltage and shifted by the angle order (figures 7.13
and 7.14).The modulating angle is applied to the PWM generators in phase A. the angels for
phases B and C are shifted by 240 and 120 degrees respectively. It can be seen in that the
control implementation is kept very simple by using only voltage measurements as the
feedback variable in the control scheme. The speed of response and robustness of the control
scheme are clearly shown in the simulation results. EFFECT OF THE “PLL”

The PLL provides the basic synchronizing signal which is the phase angle of the bus
voltage, θ. It is obtained from the zero crossing of the bus voltage. In the case of a sudden
change in the power system, such as load rejection, it takes about half a cycle of voltage (8.3
ms for f =60 Hz) for the PLL to be synchronized with the new voltage phase angle, plus the
signal processing delay. During this time the STATCOM operates at the previous phase
angle, while the bus voltage phase has changed. Depending on the amount of phase angle
change and whether it is increased or decreased, an uncontrolled real power, and therefore
reactive power exchange would occur between the STATCOM and the transmission line
during this inherent PLL delay.
7.13 Part 1; PWM control

7.14 Part 2; PWM control

7.3.3 STATCOM without fault
To demonstrate the effect of the power system on the STATCOM stability, a
simulation using the 6-pulse converter was performed by PSCAD. Figure 7.15 show the
wave forms of simulation results of power system simulated with STATCOM connected at
the mid-point and no fault applied to the power system, and figure 7.16 show the waveforms
of the STATCOM parameters .

Figure 7.15 Wave forms of the power system, when the STATCOM connected at the mid-
point without fault (1); Sending-end voltage (2); Load voltage (3); Reactive power of the
load (4); Statcom current.

Figure 7.16 STATCOM parameters waveforms during simulation without fault

7.3.2 STATCOM with fault
This step of simulation contains STATCOM and three-phase to ground fault is
applied to the power system, during the period (1.5-2.25 s), which the simulation duration is
4 seconds. As shown in figures 7.17 and 7.18 the very effective voltage regulation is
provided by STATCOM can be clearly appreciated.

Figure 7.17 Wave forms of the power system, when the STATCOM connected at the mid-
point with fault (1); Sending-end voltage (2); Load voltage (3); Reactive power of the load
(4); Statcom current.

Figure 7.18 STATCOM parameters waveforms during simulation with fault

7.3.3 STATCOM with inductive/ capacitive loads

Here, the same STATCOM connected at the mid-point of the same system has been
examined with pure inductive and pure capacitive loads which the inductive load is
connected from the beginning of the simulation and at the (t =2 s) a changeover is applied
between the inductive and capacitive loads to demonstrate the reaction and voltage

regulation provided by STATCOM (Figures 7.19, 7.20). The sequence of the beakers
changeover is shown in figure 7.21.

Figure 7.19 Wave forms of the power system, when the STATCOM connected at the mid-
point during loads changeover (1); Sending-end voltage (2); Load voltage (3); Reactive
power of the load (4); Statcom current.

Figure 7.20 STATCOM parameters waveforms during loads changeover

Figure 7.21 Sequence of the beakers changeover during loads changeover.


8.1 Introduction
The measured impedance at the relaying point is the basis of the distance protection
operation. There are several factors affecting the measured impedance at the relaying point.
Some of these factors are related to the power system parameters prior to the fault instance
[25], which can be categorized into two groups. First group are the structural conditions,
represented by the short circuit levels at the transmission line ends, whereas the second
group are the operational conditions, represented by the line load angle and the voltage
magnitude ratio at the line ends. In addition to the power system parameters, the fault
resistance could greatly influence the measured impedance, in a way that when the fault
resistance is equal to zero, the power system parameters do not affect the measured
impedance. In other words, power system parameters affect the measured impedance only in
the presence of the fault resistance, and as the fault resistance increases, the impact of power
system parameters becomes more and more.
In the recent years FACTS devices are introduced to the power systems to increase
the transmitting capacity of the lines and provide the optimum utilization of the system
capability. This is done by pushing the power systems to their limits [25]. It is well
documented in the literature that the introduction of FACTS devices in a power system has a
great influence on its dynamics. As power system dynamics change, many sub-systems are
affected, including the protective systems. Therefore, it is essential to study effects of
FACTS devices on the protective systems, especially the distance protection, which is the
main protective device at EHV level.
Unlike the power system parameters, the controlling parameters of FACTS devices,
as well as their installation points could affect the measured impedance when the fault
resistance is zero. In the presence of FACTS devices, the conventional distance
characteristic such as Mho and Quadrilateral are greatly subjected to mal-operation in the
form of over-reaching or under-reaching the fault point. Therefore, the conventional
characteristics might not be usable in the presence of FACTS devices.
The impact of STATCOM on the measured impedance has been discussed in [26], by
assuming the instantaneous operation of its controlling system. The effects of series
connected FACTS devices on the measured impedance at the relaying point have been

presented in [26] and more detailed studies for Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) have
been presented in [26], Where it has been assumed that the protective system operate before
the FACTS devices controlling system. The use of flexible alternating current transmission
(FACTS) devices in power systems for increasing the power transfer and providing the
optimum utilization of system capability by pushing the power systems to their limits has
been of worldwide interest in the recent years. Literature reviews indicated that FACTS
devices introduce new power system dynamics that must be analyzed by the system
protection engineer [24]. These dynamics can be summarized as the following:
1) The rapid changes in system parameters such as line impedance, power angle and line
2) The transients that are introduced by the associated control action;
3) The harmonics introduced into the adjacent ac power system.
Because of these concerns, the protection relays requirements cannot be clearly
defined until a particular FACTS strategy is modeled and analyzed within its power system.
Such protection requirements are
1) A need for an adaptive relay characteristic as the system parameters and configuration are
rapidly changed by the FACTS devices;
2) Assurance that the various protective relays can accommodate different power system
contingencies and control modes of the FACTS devices;
3) Specifying the operating times and tripping schemes of the protection relays.
The study in [26] proposed an adaptive protection for transmission lines employing
advanced series compensated (ASC) transmission lines. In conclusion, the literature studies
and the operating experience with static compensators (SVC) and thyristor controlled series
capacitor (TCSC) have demonstrated the need to modify protective relay operating
characteristics. Among the different types of FACTS devices, the static var compensators
(SVCs) are devices that control the voltage at their point of connection to the power system
by adjusting their susceptance to supply or absorb reactive power [27], [28]. In general,
SVCs are characterized by their ability to rapidly vary the reactive output to compensate for
changing system conditions [29], [30]. The development in power electronic devices such as
gate turn off devices (GTOs) allows implementation of the so-called advanced static var

systems (SVS). The static synchronous compensator (SSC or STATCOM) is an example of
the advanced SVS. The STATCOM consists of three-phase sets of several gate turn-off
switch-based valves and a DC link capacitor and controller thus replacing the conventional
reactive power compensators. The objective of this paper is to analyze and investigate the
impact of midpoint compensation using a STATCOM on the performance of impedance-
based protection relays under normal operation and fault conditions at different load power
angles. A computer program based on these equations was developed to investigate the
response of the distance relay under normal and fault conditions with and without the
STATCOM. The results are also verified using the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program
The proposed technique will analyze and explore the impact of STATCOM
employed in a transmission system on the performance of distance relay. First, a detailed
model of DIANCE RELAY and STATCOM is proposed and secondly, the analytical results
based on symmetrical component transformation for single phase to ground, three-phase
fault and two phase together faults on a transmission system employing STATCOM are
presented, the simulation results clearly show the impact of STATCOM devices on the
performance of distance relay. The proposed technique, described with reference to the
system of figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 Power System with STATCOM at the mid-point


For the analysis associated with the operation of a distance relay, the power
system shown in Figure 8.1 is used; the relay is installed on the right side of Bus S.
The apparent impedance calculation is based on symmetrical component
transformation using power frequency components of voltage and current signals
measured at relay point. It is assumed that signal acquisition, preprocessing and
sequence component calculations have been performed previously. When a single
phase to ground fault occurs at the right side of STATCOM and the distance is n*L
from the relay point, the positive, negative and zero sequence networks of the system
during the fault can be shown as in fig 8.2, [32].

Figure 8.2: The sequence networks of single-phase fault

The sequence voltages at the relay point can be expressed as follows:







V1s, V2s and V0s are the sequence phase voltages at the relay location,
I1s, I2s and I0s are the sequence phase currents at the relay location,
I1line, I2line and I0line are the sequence phase currents in transmission line,
I1f, I2f and I0f are the sequence phase currents in the fault,
I1sh, I2sh and I0sh are the shunt sequence phase currents injected by STATCOM
Z1 and Z0 are the sequence impedance of the transmission line
n is the per unit distance of a fault from the relay location
From above, the voltage at relay point can be derived as:





Single phase to ground fault, the apparent impedance of distance relay can be
calculated using the equation below:


VR, IR phase voltage and current at relay point
IR0 zero sequence phase current
Irelay the relaying current,

If this traditional distance relay is applied to the transmission system with

STATCOM, the apparent impedance seen by this relay can be expressed as:


In practice, one side of the shunt transformer has often a delta connection, so there is
no zero sequence current injected by STATCOM, that is to say, I0sh=0, and the equation can
be rewritten as:


From above we can see that when the traditional distance relay is applied to the
transmission system employing STATCOM during the phase to ground fault, the apparent
impedance seen by this relay has three parts: the first is positive sequence impedance from
the relay point to fault point, which should be the correct value for the distance relay; second
is the impact of STATCOM on the apparent impedance and results from the shunt current
Ish injected by the STATCOM; the last part of apparent impedance is caused by fault
resistance. It is clear from equation (14) that if only a solid single phase to ground fault is
considered, the equation becomes:


The impact of STATCOM on the apparent impedance can be expressed using the
ratio: Ish/Irelay. In the following parts, the location of fault, the location of STATCOM, the
setting of STATCOM will be considered. Mho characteristic with a positive sequence
voltage polarization is used as zone one distance relay to cover 80% of the transmission line.

8.3 Simulation of Distance Relay with STATCOM at the Mid-point

As it has been seen in chapter 6(simulation of distance relay) and chapter

7(simulation of STATCOM), in this section the same systems being combined to
demonstrate of the effects of STATCOM on Distance Relay for single-phase to ground, two
phase and three-phase faults applied inside the protected zone of the distance relay, which is
the applied faults are behind the STATCOM, so that STATCOM is included in the loop of
impedance seen by the distance relay;


In the system shown in the figure8.1, an A-phase to ground fault occurs on the right
side of STATCOM and the fault distance to relay point is 75km; the setting value in terms of
the desired voltage for STATCOM is 1.0pu. The apparent impedance trajectories of the
system with and without STATCOM together with the distance relay mho characteristic are
shown in figure 8.3

(a) (b)
Figure 8.3 Apparent impedance seen by the relay during A-ground fault (a) without

From above, it can be seen that both the resistance and reactance of the apparent
impedance of the transmission system with STATCOM are larger than those for the system
without STATCOM; the protection zone of the distance relay will thus decrease i.e. it will

Figure 8.4 show the results of simulation the units of line-line impedance calculation
during A-ground fault for both the conditions which are with/ without STATCOM, its clear
that only the impedance of the faulted phases will be calculated by relay and never take
place in the circle and only the element ‘A-ground’ of the distance relay will calculated and
cross the Mho characteristics.

(a) (b)
Figure 8.4 Line-line elements of distance relay during A-ground fault (a) without

It is clearly evident that when the fault is on the left side of STATCOM, the apparent
impedance seen by the distance relay is almost identical to that for the system without
STATCOM. However when the fault is on the right side of STATCOM, both the apparent
resistance and reactance of the system with STATCOM are larger than that for the system
without STATCOM. this can be explained by the Ish relay / Iratio (influence ratio), because of
the reactive power injection by STATCOM, the voltage at the STATCOM connecting point
is higher compared to the system without STATCOM; in other words, seen by the distance
relay the fault is further than its real distance, duo to an increase in the apparent impedance,
this would lead to the under-reaching of distance relay. The influence ratio increases with an
increase in the location of the fault; this can be explained by the fact that when the fault is

further away from the relay point, the relay current and STATCOM injecting current will
decrease, but the variation in relay current is bigger than that of the injected current. When
the STATCOM is installed in the middle of the transmission line, and the original distance
relay’s reach is set of 80% then, the reach point Nnew for the system with STATCOM can be
derived from following:



According to different system conditions, STATCOM may have different setting

values for desired voltage, and this setting will also affect the performance of the distance
relay. The next study shows the apparent impedance and during a single phase to ground
when the STATCOM settings are 1.2, 1.0 and 0.8 pu respectively.

Figure 8.5 (a) Apparent resistance (b) Apparent reactance; when the setting of STATCOM is
1.2 pu.
Figure 8.6 (a) Apparent resistance (b) Apparent reactance; when the setting of STATCOM is
1.0 pu.

Figure 8.7 (a) Apparent resistance (b) Apparent reactance; when the setting of STATCOM is
0.8 pu.

As seen from the figures 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7, both the apparent resistance and reactance
seen by the distance relay for a single phase to ground fault will increase with the increase of
STATCOM setting reference voltage. This can be explained by the different reactive power
injection. When the setting voltage is high, as seen from figure 9 during the fault, to keep the
higher desired voltage, the STATCOM will inject more reactive power; in other words, the
reactive current injection of STATCOM Ish is high; this will increase the influence ratio,
according to equation (14) and the apparent impedance seen by the distance relay will
It is worth mentioning that for certain conditions, when the system capacity is high
and the STATCOM voltage setting value is low, if a single phase-ground fault occurs outside
zone 1, the STATCOM connecting point voltage may be higher than the setting value, in this
case the STATCOM will absorb reactive power in the system, the current Ish will become
inductive, the influence ratio Ish/Irelay will become negative rather than positive and the
apparent impedance seen by the distance relay will decrease compared to the system without
STATCOM. This may lead to over-reaching of distance relay, and this is clearly undesirable.


For a phase to phase fault, the relay voltage input is line-to-line voltage and the
current is delta line current. Figure 8.8 show the apparent impedance seen by distance relay
during a B-C phase fault. The relay voltage is VBC and relay current is IBC. The fault is 75km
from relay point and the STATCOM setting value is 1.0pu. As can be seen from figure 8.8,
during a phase to phase fault, because of the STATCOM, the apparent reactance increases,
but unlike the single phase to ground fault, the apparent resistance decreases and hence the
distance relay can not operate properly.

(a) (b)
Figure 8.8 Apparent impedance seen by distance relay during B-C fault (a) without


The same system has been tested for the three-phase faults and the apparent
impedance seen by the distance relay located at the sending-end for the cases with and
without STATCOM which is the fault applied inside the protected zone of the relay, the
effect of the STATCOM under fault conditions for the cases with the STATCOM
disconnected as well as STATCOM connected are also illustrated in Figs 8.6 (a) and (b).

(a) (b)
Figure 8.6 Apparent impedance seen by distance relay during Three-phase fault (a) without

From above simulation results, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. During a fault, the apparent impedance will increase if the STATCOM supplies reactive
power to the system, the apparent impedance will decrease if the STATCOM consumes
reactive power from the system.
2. The influence ratio will increase with an increase in location of the fault.
3. The distance relay wills under-reach when the STATCOM supplies the reactive power,
and will over-reach when the STATCOM consumes the reactive power.
4. The setting of STATCOM has a big impact on the apparent impedance. The higher the
voltage setting is, the larger the apparent impedance will be.
5. During a phase to phase fault, the apparent reactance increases but the apparent resistance
may decrease
6. During a phase to phase fault, if the quadrilateral characteristic is used as the relay
boundary, the healthy phase relay may not function correctly.
7. The position of distance relay has a big impact on the relay performance.



9.1 Conclusion

A calculation procedure of the apparent impedance of system with STATCOM

during single phase to ground fault is outlined. The simulation results show clearly the
impact of STATCOM on distance relay performance. The apparent impedance is influenced
by the lever of reactive power injected by the STATCOM resulting in either under reaching
or over reaching of the distance relay.
Three installation positions have been considered for the STATCOM; at the near end
bus, at the mid-point of the line, and at the remote end bus. For the installation at the mid-
point, the measured impedance at the relaying point is evaluated. This impedance depends
on the controlling parameters of STATCOM, as well as the system operational and structural
conditions. In the cases of installation of STATCOM at the line ends buses, STATCOM is
not present in the fault loop. When STATCOM is installed at the mid-point, if the fault
locates between the relaying point and the mid-point, in this case STATCOM is not present
in the fault loop; otherwise STATCOM would be included in the fault loop. When
STATCOM is not present in the fault loop for zero fault resistance, the measured impedance
is equal to the actual impedance of the line section between the relaying and fault points. On
the other hand, when STATCOM involves in the fault loop, even in the case of zero fault
resistance, the measured impedance would be deviated from its actual value. Therefore,
when STATCOM is installed at the line ends, the conventional distance relays operation
would be acceptable, but when STATCOM located at the mid-point of the transmission line,
the conventional distance relays are exposed to the mal-operation, in the form of over-
reaching or under-reaching. In this case, the effect of STATCOM on the protective zones
should be considered. Since deviation of the measured impedance is not constant, because of
the varying parameters of STATCOM, adaptive methods should be utilized.

9.2 Future Scope

To investigate


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11.1 Appendix (A); The Related parameters of the simulated
transmission system

V1s =I1s 0.5Z1 + I1line (n − 0.5) Z1 + RfI1 f (2)
V2s =I2s 0.5Z1 + I2line (n − 0.5) Z1 + RfI2 f (3)
V0s =I0s 0.5Z0 + I0line (n − 0.5) Z0 + RfI0 f (4)
I1line =I1s + I1sh (5)

I2line =I2s + I2sh (6)

I0line =I0s + I0sh (7)

Vs = nIsZ1+ nI0s (Z0 − Z1) + Ish (n − 0.5) Z1 + (n − 0.5) Ish0 (Z0 − Z1) + RfI f
Vs =V1s +V2s +V0s (9)
Is =I1s + I2s + I0s (10)
Ish =I1sh + I2sh + I0sh (11)


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