Labour Laws: Employee Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952

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Submitted By:
Sneha Gedam
(09 - 716)

Short title, extent and application----------------------------------------------------------3


Employee Provident Funds Scheme-------------------------------------------------------6

Employee Pension Scheme-----------------------------------------------------------------6

Employee Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme--------------------------------------------8

Moneys Due From Employers--------------------------------------------------------------8

Escaped Amount------------------------------------------------------------------------------10

EPF Appellate Tribunal----------------------------------------------------------------------10


Non Applicability to Certain Establishments----------------------------------------------12

Power of Exempt------------------------------------------------------------------------------12

Schedule I---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Schedule II--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23

Schedule III-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24

Schedule IV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25

Short title extent and application 

(1) This Act may be called the Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act

(2) It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

(a) to every establishment which is a factory engaged in any industry specified in Schedule I and
in which twenty or more persons are employed and

(b) to any other establishment employing twenty or more persons or class of such establishments
which the Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette specify in this behalf :

Provided that the Central Government may after giving not less than two months' notice of its
intention so to do by notification in the Official Gazette apply the provisions of this Act to any
establishment employing such number of persons less than twenty as may be specified in the

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (3) of this section or sub-section (1) of
section 16 where it appears to the Central Provident Fund Commissioner whether on an
application made to him in this behalf or otherwise that the employer and the majority of
employees in relation to any establishment have agreed that the provisions of this Act should be
made applicable to the establishment he may by notification in the Official Gazette apply the
provisions of this Act to that establishment on and from the date of such agreement or from any
subsequent date specified in such agreement. 

(5) An establishment to which this act applies shall continue to be governed by this Act
notwithstanding that the number of persons employed therein at any time falls below twenty


In this Act unless the context otherwise requires :

(a) "appropriate government" means -

(i) in relation to an establishment belonging to or under the control of the Central Government or
in relation to an establishment connected with a railway company a major port a mine or an oil
field or a controlled industry or in relation to an establishment having departments or branches in
more than one State the Central Government; and
(ii) in relation to any other establishment the State Government;

(aa) "authorised officer" means the Central Provident Fund Commissioner Additional Central
Provident Fund Commissioner Deputy Provident Fund Commissioner Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner or such other officer as may be authorised by the Central Government by
notification in the Official Gazette;

(b) "basic wages" means all emoluments which are earned by an employee while on duty or on
leave or on holidays with wages in either case in accordance with the terms of the contract of
employment and which are paid or payable in cash to him but does not include : 

(i) the cash value of any food concession; 

(ii) any dearness allowance (that is to say all cash payments by whatever name called paid to an
employee on account of a rise in the cost of living) house-rent allowance overtime allowance
bonus commission or any other similar allowance payable to the employee in respect of his
employment or of work done in such employment; 

(iii) any presents made by the employer; 

(c) "contribution" means a contribution payable in respect of a member under a scheme or the
contribution payable in respect of an employee to whom the Insurance Scheme applies;

(d) "controlled industry" means any industry the control of which by the Union has been declared
by a Central Act to be expedient in the public interest;

(e) "employer" means : 

(i) in relation to an establishment which is a factory the owner or occupier of the factory
including the agent of such owner or occupier the legal representative of a deceased owner or
occupier and where a person has been named as a manager of the factory under clause (f) of sub-
section (1) of section 7 of the Factories Act 1948 the person so named; and

(ii) in relation to any other establishment the person who or the authority which has the ultimate
control over the affairs of the establishment and where the said affairs are entrusted to a manager
managing director or managing agent such manager managing director or managing agent; 

(f) "employee" means any person who is employed for wages in any kind of work manual or
otherwise in or in connection with the work of an establishment and who gets his wages directly
or indirectly from the employer and includes any person

(i) employed by or through a contractor in or in connection with the work of the establishment; 

(ii) engaged as an apprentice not being an apprentice engaged under the Apprentices Act 1961 or
under the standing orders of the establishment; 

(ff) "exempted employee" means an employee to whom a Scheme or the Insurance Scheme as
the case may be would but for the exemption granted under section 17 have applied;

(fff) "exempted establishment" means an establishment in respect of which an exemption has

been granted under section 17 from the operation of all or any of the provisions of any Scheme
or the Insurance Scheme as the case may be whether such exemption has been granted to the
establishment as such or to any person or class of persons employed therein;

(g) "factory" means any premises including the precincts thereof in any part of which a
manufacturing process is being carried on or is ordinarily so carried on whether with the aid of
power or without the aid of power;

(i) "industry" means any industry specified in Schedule I and includes any other industry added
to the Schedule by notification under section 4;

(ll) "superannuation" in relation to an employee who is the member of the Pension Scheme
means the attainment by the said employee of the age of fifty-eight years".

Establishment to include all departments and branches 

For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that where an establishment consists of different
departments or has branches where situated in the same place or in different places all such
departments or branches shall be treated as parts of the same establishment.

Power to apply the Act to an establishment which has a common provident fund with
another establishment 

Where immediately before this Act becomes applicable to an establishment there is in existence
a provident fund which is common to the employees employed in that establishment and
employees in any other establishment the Central Government may by notification in the Official
Gazette direct that the provisions of this Act shall also apply to such other establishment.

Power to add to Schedule 

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette add to Schedule I any
other industry in respect of the employees whereof it is of opinion that a provident fund scheme
should be framed under this Act and thereupon the industry so added shall be deemed to be an

industry specified in Schedule I for the purposes of this Act.

(2) All notifications under sub-section (1) shall be laid before Parliament as soon as may be after
they are issued.

Employees' Provident Funds Scheme 

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette frame a Scheme to be
called the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme for the establishment of provident funds under
this Act for employees or for any class of employees and specify the establishments or class of
establishments to which the said Scheme shall apply and there shall be established as soon as
may be after the framing of the Scheme a Fund in accordance with the provisions of this Act and
the Scheme.

Contributions And Matters Which May Be Provided For In The Scheme

The contribution which shall be paid by the employer to the Fund shall eight and one-third per
cent of the basic wages dearness allowances and retaining allowance (if any) for the time being
payable to each of the employees (whether employed by him directly or by or through a
contractor) and the employees' contribution shall be equal to the contribution payable by the
employer in respect of him and may if any employee so desires and if the Scheme makes
provision therefore be an amount not exceeding eight and one-third per cent of his basic wages
dearness allowances and retaining allowance (if any) subject to the condition that the employer
shall not be under an obligation to pay any contribution over and above his contribution payable
under this section

Employees' Pension Scheme 

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette frame a scheme to be
called the Employees' Pension Scheme for the purpose of providing for :

(a) superannuation pension retiring pension or permanent total disablement pension to the
employees of any establishment or class of establishments to which this Act applies; and 

(b) widow or widower's pension children pension of orphan pension payable to the beneficiaries
of such employees.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 6 there shall be established as soon as may be
framing of the Pension Scheme a Pension Fund into which there shall be paid from time to time

in respect of every employee who is a member of the Pension Scheme :

(a) such sums from the employer's contribution under section 6 not exceeding eight and one-third
per cent of the basic wages dearness allowance and retaining allowance if any of the concerned
employees as may specified in the Pension Scheme;

(b) such sums as are payable by the employers of exempted establishments under sub-section (6)
of section 17; 

(c) the net assets of the Employees' Family Pension Fund as on the date of the establishment of
the Pension Fund; 

(d) such sums as the Central Government may after due appropriation by Parliament by law in
this behalf specify.

(3) On the establishment of the Pension Fund the Family Pension Scheme (hereinafter referred to
as the ceased scheme) shall cease to operate and all assets of the ceased scheme shall vest in and
shall stand transferred to and all liabilities under the ceased scheme shall be enforceable against
the Pension Fund and the beneficiaries under the ceased scheme shall be entitled to draw the
benefits not less than the benefits they were entitled to under the ceased scheme from the Pension

(4) The Pension Fund shall vest in and be administered by the Central Board in such manner as
may be specified in the Pension Scheme.

(5) Subject to the provisions of this Act the Pension Scheme may provide for all or any of the
matters specified in Schedule III.

(6) The Pension Scheme may provide that all or any of its provisions shall take effect either
prospectively or retrospectively on such date as may be specified in that behalf in that Scheme.

(7) A Pension Fund Scheme framed under sub-section (1) shall be laid as soon as may be after it
is made before each House of Parliament while it is in session for a total period of thirty days
which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions and if before the
expiry of the session immediately following the session or the successive sessions aforesaid both
Houses agree in making any modification in the scheme or both Houses agree that the scheme
should not be made the scheme shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of
no effect as the case may be; so however that any such modification or annulment shall be
without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that scheme".

Employees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette frame a Scheme to be
called the Employees' Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme for the purpose of providing life
insurance benefits to the employees of any establishment or class of establishments to which this
Act applies.

(2) There shall be established as soon as may be after the framing of the Insurance Scheme a
Deposit-linked Insurance Fund into which shall be paid by the employer from time to time in
respect of every such employee in relation to whom he is the employer such amount not being
more than one per cent of the aggregate of the basic wages dearness allowance and retaining
allowance (if any) for the time being payable in relation to such employee as the Central
Government may by notification in the Official Gazette specify. 

Explanation : For the purposes of this sub-section the expressions "dearness allowance" and
"retaining allowance" have the same meanings as in section 6.

(4)(a) The employer shall pay into the Insurance Fund such further sums of money not exceeding
one-fourth of the contribution which he is required to make under sub-section (2) as the Central
Government may from time to time determine to meet all the expenses in connection with
administration of the Insurance Scheme other than the expenses towards the cost of any benefits
provided by or under that Scheme. 

(5) The Insurance Fund shall vest in the Central Board and be administered by it in such manner
as may be specified in the Insurance Scheme.

(6) The Insurance Scheme may provide for all or any of the matters specified in Schedule IV. 

(7) The Insurance Scheme may provide that any of its provisions shall take effect either
prospectively or retrospectively on such date as may be specified in this behalf in that Scheme.

Determination of moneys due from employers 

(1) The Central Provident Fund Commissioner any Additional Central Provident Fund
Commissioner any Deputy Provident Fund Commissioner any Regional Provident Fund
Commissioner or any Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner may by order

(a) in a case where a dispute arises regarding the applicability of this Act to an establishment
decide such dispute; and

(b) determine the amount due from any employer under any provision of this Act the Scheme or
the Pension Scheme or the Insurance Scheme as the case may be and for any of the aforesaid
purposes may conduct such inquiry as he may deem necessary.

(2) The officer conducting the inquiry under sub-section (1) shall for the purposes of such
inquiry have the same powers as are vested in a court under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 for
trying a suit in respect of the following matters namely :

(a) enforcing the attendance of any person or examining him on oath;

(b) requiring the discovery and production of documents;

(c) receiving evidence on affidavit;

(d) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses; and any such inquiry shall be deemed
to be judicial proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 and for the purpose of
section 196 of the Indian Penal Code.

(3) No order shall be made under sub-section (1) unless the employer concerned is given a
reasonable opportunity of representing his case. 

(3A) Where the employer employee or any other person required to attend the inquiry under sub-
section (1) fails to attend such inquiry without assigning any valid reason or fails to produce any
document or to file any report or return when called upon to do so the officer conducting the
inquiry may decide the applicability of the Act or determine the amount due from any employer
as the case may be on the basis of the evidence adduced during such enquiry and other
documents available on record.

(4) Where an order under sub-section (1) is passed against an employer ex parte he may within
three months from the date of communication of such order apply to the office for setting aside
such order and if he satisfies the officer that the show cause notice was not duly served or that he
was prevented by any sufficient cause from appearing when the inquiry was held the officer shall
make an order setting aside his earlier order and shall appoint a date for proceeding with the
inquiry :
Provided that no such order shall be set aside merely on the ground that there has been an
irregularity in the service of the show cause notice if the officer is satisfied that the employer had
notice of the date of hearing and had sufficient time to appear before the officer. 
Explanation : Where an appeal has been preferred under this Act against an order passed ex parte
and such appeal has been disposed of otherwise than on the ground that the appellant has
withdrawn the appeal no application shall lie under this sub-section for setting aside the ex-parte

(5) No order passed under this section shall be set aside on any application under sub-section (4)
unless notice thereof has been served on the opposite party.

Determination of escaped amount 

Where an order determining the amount due from an employer under section 7A or section 7B
has been passed and if the officer who passed the order

(a) has reason to believe that by reason of the omission or failure on the part of the employer to
make any document or report available or to disclose fully and truly all material facts necessary
for determining the correct amount due from the employer any amount so due from such
employer for any period has escaped his notice; 

(b) has in consequence of information in his possession reason to believe that any amount to be
determined under section 7A or section 7B has escaped from his determination for any period
notwithstanding that there has been no omission or failure as mentioned in clause (a) on the part
of the employer he may within a period of five years from the date of communication of the
order passed under section 7A or section 7B re-open the case and pass appropriate orders re-
determining the amount due from the employer in accordance with the provisions of this Act : 

Provided that no order re-determining the amount due from the employer shall be passed under
this section unless the employer is given a reasonable opportunity of representing his case.

Employees' Provident Funds Appellate Tribunal 

(1) The Central Government may by notification in the Official Gazette constitute one or more
Appellate Tribunals to be known as the Employees' Provident Funds Appellate Tribunal to
exercise the powers and discharge the functions conferred on such Tribunal by this Act and
every such Tribunal shall have jurisdiction in respect of establishments situated in such area as
may be specified in the notification constituting the Tribunal.

(2) A Tribunal shall consist of one person only to be appointed by the Central Government.

(3) A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the Presiding Officer of a Tribunal
(hereinafter referred to as the Presiding Officer) unless he is or has been or is qualified to be a
Judge of a High Court.

Employer not to reduce wages etc 

No employer in relation to an establishment to which any Scheme or the Insurance Scheme

applies shall by reason only of his liability for the payment of any contribution to the Fund or the
Insurance Fund or any charges under this Act or the Scheme or the Insurance Scheme reduce
whether directly or indirectly the wages of any employee to whom the Scheme or the Insurance
Scheme applies or the total quantum of benefits in the nature of old age pension gratuity
provident fund or life insurance to which the employee is entitled under the terms of his
employment express or implied.


(1) Whoever for the purpose of avoiding any payment to be made by himself under this Act the
Scheme the Pension Scheme or the Insurance Scheme or of enabling any other person to avoid
such payment knowingly makes or causes to be made any false statement or false representation
shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine of
five thousand rupees or with both.

(1A) An employer who contravenes or makes default in complying with the provisions of section
6 or clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 17 in so far as it relates to the payment of
administrative charges shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to
three years but

(a) which shall not be less than one year and fine of ten thousand rupees in case of default in
payment of employees' contribution which has been deducted by the employer from the
employees' wages;

(b) which shall not be less than six months and fine of five thousand rupees in any other case :

Provided that the court may for any adequate and special reasons to be recorded in the judgment
impose a sentence of imprisonment for a lesser term.

(1B) An employer who contravenes or makes default in complying with the provisions of section
6C or clause (a) of sub-section (3A) of section 17 in so far as it relates to payment of inspection
charges shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year but
which shall not be less than five thousand rupees;

Provided that the court may for any adequate and special reasons to be recorded in the judgment
impose a sentence of imprisonment for a lesser term. 

(2) Subject to the provisions of the Act the Scheme the Pension Scheme or the Insurance Scheme
may provide that any person who contravenes or makes default in complying with any of the
provisions thereof shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six
months but which shall not be less than one month and shall also be liable to fine which may

extend to five thousand rupees.

(2A) Whoever contravenes or makes default in complying with any provision of this Act or of
any condition subject to which exemption was granted under section 17 shall if no other penalty
is elsewhere provided by or under this Act for such contravention or non-compliance be
punishable with imprisonment which may extend to six months but which shall not be less than
one month and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to five thousand rupees.

Act not to apply to certain establishments 

(1) This Act shall not apply

(a) to any establishment registered under the Co-operative Societies Act 1912 or under any other
law for the time being in force in any State relating to co-operative societies employing less than
fifty persons and working without the aid of power or

(b) to any other establishment belonging to or under the control of the Central Government or a
State Government and whose employees are entitled to the benefits of contributory provident
fund or old age person in accordance with any scheme or rule framed by the Central Government
or the State Government governing such benefits; or

(c) to any other establishment set up under any Central Provincial or State Act and whose
employees are entitled to the benefits of contributory provident fund or old age person in
accordance with any scheme or rule framed under that Act governing such benefits; or 

(d) to any other establishment newly set up until the expiry of a period of three years from the
date on which such establishment is has been set up. 

Explanation : For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that an establishment shall not be
deemed to be newly set up merely by reason of a change in its location.

(2) If the Central Government is of opinion that having regard to the financial position of any
class of establishments or other circumstances of the case it is necessary or expedient so to do it
may by notification in the Official Gazette and subject to such conditions as may be specified in
the notification exempt whether prospectively or retrospectively that class of establishments
from the operations of this Act or such period as may be specified in the notification.

Power of exempt 

(1) The appropriate government may by notification in the Official Gazette and subject to such
conditions as may be specified in the notification exempt whether prospectively or

retrospectively from the operation of all or any of the provisions of any Scheme :

(a) any establishment to which this Act applies if in the opinion of the appropriate government
the rules of its provident fund with respect to the rates of contribution are not less favourable
than those specified in section 6 and the employees are also in enjoyment of other provident fund
benefits which on the whole are not less favourable to the employees than the benefits provided
under this Act or any Scheme in relation to the employees in any other establishment of similar
character or

(b) any establishment are in enjoyment of benefits in the nature of provident fund pension or
gratuity and the appropriate government is of opinion that such benefits separately or jointly are
on the whole not less favourable to such employees that the benefits provided under this Act or
any Scheme in relation to the employees in any other establishment of a similar character :

Provided that no such exemption shall be made except after consultation with the Central Board
which on such consultation shall forward its views on exemption to the appropriate government
within such time limit as may be specified in the Scheme.

(1A) Where an exemption has been granted to an establishment under clause (a) of sub-section

(a) the provisions of sections 6, 7A, 8 and 14B shall so far as may be apply to the employer of
the exempted establishment in addition to such other conditions as may be specified in the
notification granting such exemption and where such employer contravenes or makes default in
complying with any of the said provisions or conditions or any other provision of this Act he
shall be punishable under section 14 as if the said establishment had not been exempted under
the said clause (a); 

(b) the employer shall establish a Board of Trustees for the administration of the Provident Fund
consisting of such number of members as may be specified in the Scheme; 

(c) the terms and conditions of service of members of the Board of Trustees shall be such as may
by specified in the Scheme;

(d) the Board of Trustees constituted under clause (b) shall -

(i) maintain detailed accounts to show the contributions credited withdrawals made and interest
accrued in respect of each employee; 

(ii) submit such returns to the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner or any other officer as the
Central Government may direct from time to time; 
(iii) invest the provident fund monies in accordance with the directions issued by the Central
Government from time to time; 

(iv) transfer where necessary the provident fund account of any employee; and

(v) perform such other duties as may be specified in the Scheme. 

(1B) Where the Board of Trustees established under clause (b) of sub-section (1A) contravenes
or makes default in complying with any provisions of clause (d) of that sub-section the Trustees
of the said Board shall be deemed to have committed an offence under sub-section (2A) of
section 14 and shall be punishable with the penalties provided in that sub-section.

(1C) The appropriate government may by notification in the Official Gazette and subject to the
condition on the pattern of investment of pension fund and such other conditions as may be
specified therein exempt any establishment or class of establishments from the operation of the
Pension Scheme if the employees of such establishment or class of establishments are either
members of any other pension scheme or propose to be members of such pension scheme where
the pensionary benefits are at par or more favourable than the Pension Scheme under this Act"

(2) Any Scheme may make provision for exemption of any person or class of persons employed
in any establishment to which the Scheme applies from the operation of all or any of the
provisions of the Scheme if such person or class of persons is entitled to benefits in the nature of
provident fund gratuity or old age pension and such benefits separately or jointly are on the
whole not less favourable than the benefits provided under this Act or the Scheme.

Provided that no such exemption shall be granted in respect of a class of persons unless the
appropriate government is of opinion that the majority of persons constituting such class desire
to continue to be entitled to such benefits.

(2A) The Central Provident Fund Commissioner may if requested so to do by the employer by
notification in the Official Gazette and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the
notification exempt whether prospectively or retrospectively any establishment from the
operation of all or any of the provisions of the Insurance Scheme if he is satisfied that the
employees of such establishment are without making any separate contribution or payment of
premium in enjoyment of benefits in the nature of life insurance whether linked to their deposits
in provident fund or not and such benefits are more favourable to such employees than the
benefits admissible under the Insurance Scheme.

(2B) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (2A) the Insurance Scheme may provide
for the exemption of any person or class of persons employed in any establishment and covered
by that Scheme from the operation of all or any of the provisions thereof if the benefits in the
nature of life insurance admissible to such person or class of persons are more favourable than
the benefits provided under the Insurance Scheme.

(3) Where in respect of any person or class of persons employed in as establishment an

exemption is granted under this section from the operation of all or any of the provisions of any
scheme (whether such exemption has been granted to the establishment wherein such person or
class of persons is employed or to the person or class of persons as such) the employer in relation
to such establishment -

(a) shall in relation to the provident fund pension and gratuity to which any such person or class
of persons is entitled maintain such accounts submit such returns make such investment provide
for such facilities for inspection and pay such inspection charges as the Central Government may

(b) shall not at any time after the exemption without the leave of the Central Government reduce
the total quantum of benefits in the nature of pension gratuity or provident fund to which any
person or class of persons was entitled at the time of the exemption; and 

(c) shall where any such person leaves his employment and obtains re-employment in another
establishment to which this Act applies transfer within such time as may be specified in this
behalf by the Central Government the amount of accumulations to the credit of that person in
that provident fund of the establishment left by him to the credit of that person's account in the
provident fund of the establishment in which he is re-employed or as the case may be in the fund
established under the Scheme applicable to the establishment.

(3A) Where in respect of any person or class of persons employed in any establishment an
exemption in granted under sub-section (2A) or sub-section (2B) from the operation of all or any
of the provisions of the Insurance Scheme (whether such exemption is granted to the
establishment wherein such person or class of persons is employed or to the person or class of
persons as such) the employer in relation to such establishment : 

(a) shall in relation to the benefits in the nature of life insurance to which any such person or
class of persons is entitled or any insurance fund maintain such accounts submit such returns
make such investments provide for such facilities for inspection and pay such inspection charges
as the Central Government may direct; 

(b) shall not at any time after the exemption without the leave of the Central Government reduce
the total quantum of benefits in the nature of life insurance to which any such person or class of
persons was entitled immediately before the date of the exemption; 

(4) any exemption granted under this section may be cancelled by the authority which granted it
by order in writing if an employer fails to comply -

(a) in the case of an exemption granted under sub-section (1) with any of the conditions imposed
under that sub-section or sub-section (1A) or with any of the provisions of the sub-section (3); 

(aa) in the case of an exemption granted under sub-section (1C) with any of the conditions
imposed under that sub-section; and 

(b) in the case of an exemption granted under sub-section (2) with any of the provisions of sub-
section (3); 

(c) in the case of exemption granted under sub-section (2A) with any of the conditions imposed
under that sub-section or with any of the provisions of sub-section (3A);

(d) in the case of exemption granted under sub-section (2B) with any of the provisions of sub-
section (3A).

(5) Where any exemption granted under sub-section (1) sub-section (1C) sub-section (2) sub-
section (2A) or sub-section (2B) is cancelled the amount of accumulations to the credit of every
employee to whom such exemption applied in the provident fund the Pension Fund or the
Insurance Fund of the establishment in which he is employed together with any amount forfeited
from the employer's share of contribution to the credit of the employee who leaves the
employment before the completion of the full period of service shall be transferred within such
time and in such manner as may be specified in the Scheme or the Pension Scheme or the
Insurance Scheme to the credit of his account in the Fund or the Pension Fund or the Insurance
Fund as the case may be.

(6) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (1C) the employer of an exempted establishment to
which the provisions of the Pension Scheme apply shall notwithstanding any exempted granted
under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) pay to the Pension Fund such portion of the employers
contribution to its provident fund within such time and in such manner as may


Any industry engaged into  the manufacture of any of the following namely:



Electrical, machanical or general engineering products.

Iron and steel.


Textiles (made wholly or in part of cotton or wool or jute or silk, whether natural or artificial).

1.     Matches.

2.     Edible oils and fats.

3.     Sugar.

4.     Rubber and rubber products.

5.     Electricity including the generation, transmission and distribution thereof.

6.     Tea.

7.     Printing (other than printing industry relating to newspaper establishments as defined in the
Working Journalists (Conditions of Service and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1955 (45 of
1955), including the process of composing types for printing, printing by letterpress, lithography,
photogravure or other similar process or book-binding.

8.     Glass.

9.     Stoneware pipes.

10.     Sanitary wares.

11.     Electrical porcelain instulators of high and low tension.

12.     Refractories.

13.     Tiles.

1.     Heavy and fine chemicals, including -

(i)    Fertilizers;

(ii)    Turpentine;

(iii)    Rosin;

(iv)    Medical and pharmaceutical preparations;

(v)    Toilet preparattions;

(vi)    Soaps;

(vii)    Inks;

(viii)    Intermediates, dyes, colour, and toners;

(ix)    Fatty acids, and

(x)    Oxygen, accetylence, and carbon-dioxide gases industry.

2.     Indigo.

3.     Lac including shellac.

4.     Non-edible vegetable and animal oils and fats.

Mineral oil refining industry.

(i)    Industrial and Power Alcohol industry; and

(ii)    Asbestos Cement Sheets industry.

Biscuit-making industry including composite units making biscuits and products, such as, bread
confectionary, and milk powder.

Mica industry.

Plywood industry.

Authomobile repairing and servicing industry.

Rice milling.

Flour milling.

Dal milling,

Starch industry.

1.    Petroleum or natural gas exploration prospecting, drilling or production.

2.    Petroleum or natural gas refining.

Leather and leather products industry.

1.    Stoneware jars.

2.    Crokery.

The fruit and vegetable preservation industry, that is to say, any industry which is engaged in the
preparation or production of any of the following articles, namely:

(i)    Canned and bottled fruits, juices and pulps;

(ii)    Canned and bottled vegetables;

(iii)    Frozen fruits and veegetables;

(iv)    Jams, jellies and marmalades;

(v)    Tomato products, ketchup and sauces;

(vi)    Squashes, crushes, cordials and ready-to-serve beverages or  any other beverages
containing fruits juice or fruit pulp;

(vii)    Preserved, candied and crystallized fruits and peels;

(viii)    Chutneys;

(ix)    Any other unspecified item relating to the preservation of canning of fruits and vegetables.

Cashewnut industry.

Confectionary industry.

1.     Buttons.

2.     Brushes.

3.     Plastic and Plastic products.

4.     Stationery products.

The aerated water industry, that is to say, any industry engaged in the manufacture of aeated
water, soft drinks or carbonated wateer.

The distilling and rectifying of spirits (not falling under industrial and power alcohol) and
blending of spirits industry.

Plaint and varnish industry.

Bone-crushing industry.

Indian Law Institute.

Pickers industry.

Sanatan Dharma College, Delhi.

Pharamacy Council Of India.

Milk and Milk products industry.

Non-ferrous metals and alloys in the form of ingots industry.

Bread industry.

Stemming or redrying of tobacco leaf industry (i.e. any industry engaged in the stemming, re-
drying, handling, sorting or packing of tobacco leaf.

Agarbattee (including dhoop and dhoop battee) industry.

Coir (excluding spinning sector) industry.

Tabacco industry, that is to say, any industry engaged in the manufacture of cigars, zerda, snuff,
quivum and gudakhu from tobacco.

Paper products industry.

Linoleuum industry and Indoleum industry.

Explosives industry.

Jute baling or pressing industry.

Licensed salt industry (i.e. any industry engaged in manufacture of salt for which a license is
necessary and which has land not less than 4.05 hectares.

Fireworks and percussion cap works industry.

Tent-making industry.

Ferro-managanese industry.

Ice or lce-cream industry.

Winding of thread and yarn-reeling industry.

Kattha-making industry.

Beer-manufacturing industry, that is to say, any industry engaged in the manufacture off the
product of alcoholic fermentation of mash in potable water of malted barley and hops, or of hops
concentrated with or without the additional of other malted or unmalted cereal or  other
carbohydrate preparations.

Beedi industry, that is to say, any industry engaged in the manufacture of beedies.

Ferro-crome industry.

The brick industry, i.e. to say, any industry engaged in the manufacture or bricks.

The diamond-cutting industry, that is to say, industry engaged in the cutting of diamond.

Industries, manufacturing iron ore pellete.

Explanation - In this Schedule, without prejudice to the ordinary meaning of the expression
used therein -

(a)  The expression 'electrical, mechanical or general engineering products' includes -

(1)    Machinery and equipmeent for the generation, transmission, distribution or measurement of
electrical energy and motor including cables and wires,

(2)    Telephones, telegraph and wireless communication apparatus,

(3)    Electric lamps (not including glass bulbs),

(4)    Eelectric fans and electrical domestic applicances,

(5)    Storage and dry batteries,

(6)    Radio receivers and sound-reproducing instruments,

(7)    Machinery used in dustry (including textile machinery), other than electrical machinery and
machine tools,

(8)    Boilers and prime-movers, including internal combusion engies, marine engines and

(9)    Machine tools, that is to say, metal and wood-working machinery,

(10)    Grindign wheels,

(11)    Ships,

(12)    Automobiles and tractors,

(13)    Bolts, nuts and rivets,

(14)    Power-Driven pumps,

(15)    Bicycles,

(16)    Hurricane lanterns,

(17)    Sewing and knotting machines,

(18)    Mathematical and scientific instruments,

(19)    Products of metal rolling and re-rolling,

(20)    Wire, pipes, tubes and fittings,

(21)    Ferrous and non-ferrous castings,

(22)    Safes, vaults and furniture made of iron or steel or steel alloys,

(23)    Cutlery and surgical instruments,

(24)    Drums and containers,

(25)    Parts and accessories of products specified in item 1 to 24.

(b)     The expression "iron and steel" includes pig iron, ingots, blooms, billets and rolled or re-
rolled products into basic forms and tools and alloy steel;

(c)     The expresion "paper" includes pulp, paper board and straw board;

(d)     The expression "textile" includes the product of carding, spinning, weaving, finishing and
dyeing yarn and fabrics, printing, knitting and emb

Schedule II

Matters for which provisions may be made in a Scheme.

1.     The employees or class or employees who shall join the Fund and the conditions under
which employees may be exempted from joining the Fund or from making any contribution.

2.     The time and manner in which contributions shall be made to the Fund by the employers
and by, or on behalf of employees (Whether employed by him directly or by or through a
contractor), the contributions which an employee may, if he so desires, make under Sec.6, and
the manner in which such contributions may be recovered.

2A.     The manner in which employees' contributions may be recovered by contractors from
employees employed by or through such contractors.

3.     The payment by the employer of  such sums of money as may be necessary to meet the cost
of administering the Fund and the rate at which and the manner in which the payment shall be

4.     The Constitution of any committee for assisting any Board of Trustees.

5.     The opening of regional and other offices of any Board and Trustees.

6.     The manner in which accounts shall be kept, the investment of moneys belonging to the
Fund in accordance with any directions issued or conditions specified by the Central
Government, the preparation of  the budget, the audit of accounts and the submission of reports
to the Central Government or to any specified State Government.

7.     The conditions under which withwrawals from the Fund may be permitted and any
deduction or forefeiture may be madde and the maximum amount of such deduction or

8.     The fixation by the Central Government in consultation with the boards of trustees
concerned of the rate of interest payable to members.

9.     The form in which an employee shall furnish particulars about himself and his family
whenever required.

10.    The nomination of person to receive the amount standing to the credit of a member after his
death and the cancellation or variation of such nomination.

11.     The registers and records to be maintained with respect to employees and the returns to be
furnished by employers or contractors.

12.     The form or design of any identity card, token or dise for the purpose of identifying any
employee, and for the issue, custody and replacement thereof.

13.     The fees to be levied for any of the purposes specified in this Schedule.

14.     The contraventions or defaults which shal be punsihable under subsection (2) of Sec.14.

15.     The further powers, if any, which may be exercised by inspectors.

16.     The manner in which accumulations in any existing provident fund shall be transferred to
the Fund under Sec.15, and the mode of valuation of any assets which may be transferred by the
employers in this behalf.

17.     The conditions under which a member may be permitted to pay premia of life insurance
from the Fund.

18.     Any other matter (Which is to be provided for in the Scheme or) which may be necessary
or proper for  the purpose of implementing the Scheme.

Schedule III

Matter for which provisions may be made in the Family Pension Scheme

1.     The employees or class of employees to whom the Family Pension Scheme shall apply and
the time within which option to join that Scheme shall be exercised by those employees to whom
the said Scheme does not apply.

2.     Subject to the provisions of Sec.6-A (2), the portion of employer's and employee's
contribution in which it may be credited.

3.     The contribution by the Central Government to the Family Pension Fund and the manner in
which such contribution is to be made.

4.     The manner in which the accounts of the Family Pension Fund shall be kept and the
investment of money belonging to the Family Pension Fund with the Central Government at a
rate of interest which shall not be less than five-and-a-half percent per annum.

5.     The form in which an employee shall furnish particulars about himself and his family
whenever required.

6.     The nomination of a person to  receive the assurance amount due to the employee after his
death an the cancellation or variation of such nomination.

7.     The registers and records  to be maintained in respect of employees the form or design, of
any identity card, token or disc forthe purpose of identifying any employee, or his nominee or a
member of his family entitled to receive the pension.

8.     The scales of family pension and the assurance amount.

9.     The manner in which the exempted establishments have to pay the contributions (both
employer's and employee's shares) towards the Family Pension Fund and the submission of 
returns relating thereto.

10.     The mode of disburesement of facmily pension and the arrangements to be entered into
with such disbursing agencies as may be specified for the purpose.

11.     The manner in which the expenses incurred in connection with the administration of the
Family Pension Scheme may be paid by the Central Government to the Central Board.

12.     Any other matter which is to  be provided for in the Family Pension Scheme or which may
be necessary or proper for the purpose of implementing the Family Pension Scheme.

Schedule IV

Matters to be provided for in the Employees Deposit-linked Insurance Scheme

1.     The employees or class of employees who shall be covered by the Insurance Scheme.

2.     The manner in which the accounts of the Insurance Fund shall be kept and the investment of
moneys belonging to the Insurance Fund subject to such pattern of investment as may be
determined by order, by the Central Government.

3.     The form in which an employee shall furnish particulars about himself and the members of
his family whenever required.

4.     The nomination of a person to receive the insurance amount due to the employee after his
death and the  cancellation or variation of such nomination.

5.     The registers and records to be maintained in respect to   employees, the form or design of
any identity card, token or disc for the purpose of identifying any employee or his nominee or
member of his family entitled toreceive the insurance amount.

6.     The scales of insurance benefits and conditions relating to the grant of such benefits to the

7.     The manner in which the amount due to the nominee or  the member of the  family of the
employee under the scheme is to be paid including a provision that the amount shall not be paid
otherwise than in the form of a deposit in a saving bank account, in the name of such nominee or
member of family, in any corresponding new bank specified in the First Schedule of the Banking
Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings of Act, 1970, (5 of 1970).

8.     Any other matter which is to be provided for in the Employee's Deposit-linked Insurance
Scheme or which may be necessary or proper for the purpose of implementing that Scheme.


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