Total 9924-68

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The Managing Director/Trustee,


Sub: Account- Sri Mir Vilayeth Ali Manager (retired) District Co operative Central
Bank Ltd.,
NO.A.P.2414/208 Regarding.
Ref: Employees Provident fund organization letter No. AP
2414/208/F/S/AH.7.2/10/2309 Dated
I Submit that I worked as a employee in Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Central
Agricultural Development Bank Hyderabad and subsequently transferred to District
Co-operative Central Bank Ltd., Mahabubnagar for the period from 1-9-1971 to 31-

The Provident Fund amount of Employee/Employer contribution has been deducted

from my salary from date of appointment to the date of retirement.
In this regard I submit that till 31-3-1992 The Andhra Pradesh co-operative
Central Agricultural Development Hyderabad was the TRUSTEE and the
Employees Provident Fund account was being maintained by them up to 31-
3-92 From 1-4-1992 the accounts have been transferred to Regional
Provident Fund Hyderabad, and he was maintaining my EPF Account against
the account No A.P 2414/208.
I submit that as per the account slips furnished by the Andhra Pradesh Co-operative
Central Agricultural Development Bank/TRUSTEE as on 31-3-1992 the amount
at my credit was as follows.
1. Employee contribution 6208-63
INTEREST ON_______ 3635-05
TOTAL 9924-68
2. Employer’s contribution 9548-40
INTEREST ON________ 5091-39
TOTAL 14639-79
3. Grand total (1+2) 24564-47

But Regional Provident Fund has opened the account from 1-4-1992 with NIL
opening balance.
In the year 1993-94 an amount of Rs. 17960/- has been credited in the opening
balance of Employer’s contribution. Thus an amount of Rs. 6604-47 has less
credited to my account and the account has been finally settled. The AP
Provident fund commissioner vide letter sited (copy enclosed) has informed that
the ex-employer i.e. APCCADB has transfer an amount of Rs.17960/- only to my
account and advise to claim the said amount from the trust (APCCADB

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