Types of Ergonomics

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Types of Ergonomics

Physical ergonomics is the human body’s responses to physical and physiological workloads. Repetitive strain injuries from
repetition, vibration, force, and posture fall into this category.
Cognitive ergonomics deals with the mental processes and capacities of humans when at work. Mental strain from workload,
decision making, human error, and training fall in to this category.
Organizational ergonomics deals with the organizational structures, policies and processes in the work environment, such as
shift work, scheduling, job satisfaction, motivation, supervision, teamwork, telecommuting, and ethics

Some ergonomics tips to follow while in the workplace:

Good posture -Be sure to sit all the way back in your chair. Your knees should be lower than or at the same level as your hips.
Keep your feet supported.

Typing technique - Your arms should "float" over your keyboard - your wrists/palms should not be resting on the desktop or even
on a wrist rest (unless you are breaking between typing spurts). Keep your wrists straight and hands relaxed (this is true when
using your pointing device, as well). Hit the keys lightly.

Placement - Your monitor should be at an arm's length away from you at eye level (you should not have to tilt your head in any
way to see the screen). Keep your keyboard and mouse close together and within close reach. Center your keyboard in front of

Breaks - It is important to take lots of breaks.  In addition, these breaks are even better if you do some stretching during them

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