5 6 7 Series LPG Manual

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This repair manual describes the construction, opera tion and repair method of a

device for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) mounted on the Toyota forklift of

5FG 70-30, 6FG 70-30, 6FGF75-30, 6FGU 75-30, 7FG 70-J35, 7FGF 75-J35,
7FGU 75-32, 6FG(E)33-45, 5FG50.60, 5FGC70-30, 6FGCU 75-30,
7FGCU75-32 series and 7FG35-45, 7FGU35-80, 7FGCU35-70 series.

This Manual has been compiled to provide you with useful information on the
proper maintenance of Toyota's forklift to maintain its high performance and
excellent durability sufficiently for a long time.

TOYOTA Material Handling Company

Refer to the repair manual for each model.

-- -LPG

- - -LPG (combined with

Engine speed (r.p.m.1 x 10

4P Engine Performance Curves KA KM 1

Refer to the repair manual for each model.

5FG 1 0 - 30 series, 5FG 33 - 45 series

5K 4Y 3F (Unt~lAugust 1994)
5FG10-25 series 5FG 10-- 30 series 5FG33-45 series


PS/rpm 38/2800 36/2800 38/2800 54/2400 48/2400 501'2400 72/2 100 65/2 100 68/2 100
horse power 1 NET
HP/rpm 36,2800 34/2800 36'2800 52/2400 4612400 4812400 69/21 00 62/2100 65/2100

kg m/rpm 1 1 5/2000 10 8/2000 10 9/2200 16 5/1800 15/1600 16/1800 26/1200 24 5/1400 25/1200
81/2000 76/2000 176/2200 115/1800 105/1600 110/1800 182/1200 171/1400 175/1200

M a x i m u m fuel
consumption 2 10 175 180 195 190 185 200 200 185

ldle speed rpm

6 50
750 (0)
- 750
750 ( E l
- 7 50 - +

No-load maximum
3050 - - 1 - 2.5 ton
2650 + - 2350 - -
governed speed rPm 3 t 2800

I Ignition timing BTDC 'Irprn 1 5O/650 1 10°/650 / 10°/750 / 7O/650 1 - 1 7O/750 1 7O/750 I 1 :g01750
:2701750 1 18O/850

6FG 1 0 - 3 0 series, 6FGFl5 - 30 series, 5FG33 - 4 5 series

Pneumatic models

5K 4Y 1 FZ {From September 19941 GM

6FG10 - 25 series 6FGU

6FG10 - 25 senes -
6FGF15 25 series
6FG28, 30 series
5FG33 - 45 series 20- 30

A B C A 8 C A 0 C A B C B

PSlrpm 3812800 3612800 3812800 5412400 4812400 5012400 5812600 5212600 5412600 8512100 7812100 7812100 5512400
horse power
3712800 3512800 3712800 5312400 4712400 4912400 5712600 5112600 5312600 8112100 7412100 7412100 54

kg rnlrpm 11 512000 10 812000 10 912200 16 511800 15 011600 16 011800 16 511800 15 011800 16 011800 3011200 28 511400 28 511400 1811200
torque SAE NET
8312000 7812000 7912200 1 1911800 10811600 1 1611800 1 1911800 10811600 1 1611800 20911200 19911400 19911400 130
tL lblrpm

gr1PS h 210 175 180 200 190 185 200 190 185 190 185 185 210

Idle speed rpm 750 + t- 750 e +

750 +- +
750 + +
1 ton
No-load maxmum
governed speed rvm 3050 + + 2600 fi
5 ton
2 - 22600 2800 +
2600 2350 + +
2600 & 50

Ignition timing BTDC O1rprn 5k2'1750 10k2°1750

.. - . +
7&2"750 + -

7kZo1750 + +
3*2"750 + +

I : Inspection. Repairor replacement if required.

C : Cleaning * 1 : Soapy water "2 : Detector

Every Every Every Every

1 nspecti on Period 6 weeks 3 months 6 months 12months

l tern Hours 250 500 1000 2000

Gas leak from p i p ~ n gand joint I*' 0 - t- +

Damage of piping and joint I *2 O C + +

Tar removal from regulator C O C C t

Regulator adjustment status I O + +-- +

Regulator function I 0 - +

Carburetor and adapter I 0 - +

Filter clogging C 0 - t

Loosened installation and functioning of solenoid valve I 0 - +

Gas cylinder I 0 + + +--

Looseness and damage of gas cylinder mounting I O + t t-


Item Replacement timing


O-ring for LPG cylinder valve Every 2 4 months

LPG high and low-pressure rubber hoses Every 2 4 months

LPG regulator diaphragm and O-ring Every 24 months or 3000 hours

Fuel filter Every 24 months or 3000 hours
STD,conditions are the same as those of the STD and high performance filters.
(From September 1989)

OPERATION OF LPG DEVICE .......................... 1A-2

FUEL FILTER FOR LPG .................................. 1A-3

SOLENOID VALVE ...................................... 1A-4

CARBURETOR FOR LPG ................................ 1A-5

ADAPTER .............................................. 1A-6

REGULATOR .......................................... IA-8

Note : See the "IB" section for models manufactured in and after October 1997.
Vehicle Models
6FG10-30 Series
6FGUf6FGCU15-30 Series (4Y Engine Model)
6FGF15-30 Series LPG Only Model WfTWC System
( LPG and Gasoline Model
7FG10-J35 Series
7FGU/7FGCU15-32 Series
7FGF15-J35 Series
7FG35-45 Series
7FG(C)U35-80 Series
(From October 1997)

OPERATION OF LPG DEVICE .......................... 1B-2

CARBURETOR FOR LPG ................................ 1B-3

ADAPTER .............................................. 1B-5

REGULATOR .......................................... 1B-6

REGULATOR SYSTEM COMPONENTS .................. 18-10

Note :
Vehicle Models
6FG10-30 Series
6FGUf6FGCU15-30 Series (4Y Engine Model)
6FGF15-30 Series LPG Only Model W/TWC System
( LPG and Gasoline Model
7FG10-J35 Series
7FGU17FGCU15-32 Series
7FGF15-J35 Series
7FG35-45 Series
7FG(C)U35-80 Series
The liquid LPG from the LPG cylinder is taken into the regulator for filtration of foreign matters by the
built-in filter. The filtered LPG is then sent to the pressure reduction chamber, where it is vaporized into
gas which is sucked into the engine through the carburetor. The engine cooling water is led to the regula-
tor as the heat source for LPG vaporization.

GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)U15-32 series

High pressure

This carburetor functions to mix the LPG after pressure reduction in the regulator with the air at an appro-
priate ratio and lead the mixture into the cylinder. A negative pressure type power valve is built in to
improve the performance in a heavily loaded state. The carburetor body is integrated with a venturi tube
for structural simplification and the number of springs is increased from 2 to 3 for reliability improvement.

6FG/6FGF/7FGIO-30/7FGF series 6FGU/GFGCU/ 7FG35-451
Standard vehicle Vehicle W/TWC system 7FG(C)U15-32 series 7FG(C)U35-80 series
Item 5K I4Y 5K I ~ Y 4Y GM 6-262
Power valve operating pressure kPa(kgf/cm2)[psi] -1 2.0- -22.0 (-0.122--0.224) [-I .74- -3.1 91
Bore diameter mm(in) 35(1.38) t + +- +--

Venturi diameter mm(in) 24(0.94) + + +- t 28(1.I0)

Power jet diameter mm(in) 2.8(0.110)3.0(0.118)2.4(0.094)3.0(0.118) t t
The regulator for the gasoline engine corresponds to a part of the carburetor. It supplies the LPG fuel to
the engine while maintaining the vaporized LPG after pressure reduction at a constant pressure level. The
new regulator is made very compact since the filter and solenoid separated in the past are integrated with
the regulator. The serviceability is improved by reduct~onof the portions requiring adjustment.

Model GFG/GFGF/7FGl0-30/7FGF series 6FGU16FGCUI
7FG35-45/7FG(C)U35-80 series 7FG(C)U15-32 series
Primary pressure kPa(kgf/cm2)[psi] 29(0.3) [4.26] +

Primary seat inside diameter mm(in) 3.2(0.126) 4-

Secondary seat inside diameter mrn(in) 6.0(0.236) +

Slow lock Solenoid valve type Diaphragm type

LPG Filter
6FG/6FGF/7FG 10-45/7FGF series: --2000,4 Filter
GFGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series: --2002,2
The filter is built in the regulator. Insoluble sub-
stances in the LPG entering from the IN port of
the regulator are filtered by the filter element, and
the filtered LPG is sent to the solenoid valve. To solenoid

6FG/6FGF/7FG10-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series: 2000,4--
GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)U1 5- 32 series: 2002,2--
Two types of materials are used in the filter with Gasket
rubber packing for sealing in-between.


Solenoid Valve Filter

A solenoid valve integrated with the regulator is
installed between the filter element and the pri-
m a r y pressure r e d u c t i o n c h a m b e r . The L P G
switch installed on the instrument panel starts and
stops the LPG supply. A slide valve is located
inside the solenoid coil. The current flowing in the
coil generates a magnetic force to attract the slide
valve toward the solenoid against the spring force,
opening a path between the filter and primary
pressure reduction chamber. When no current
flows, the spring forces the valve seat t o close the
-From filter

Valve seat
To primary pressure reduction chamber

The LPG in the liquid phase is vaporized by taking the heat of vaporization from the engine cooling water.
The regulator consists of chamber A where the LPG starts to vaporize, chamber B for reducing the pres-
sure of the vaporized LPG (primary pressure reduction cham bed, chamber C (secondary pressure reduc-
tion chamber) where the pressure is further educed to near the atmospheric pressure to supply the fuel
according to the negative pressure at the venturi in the carburetor, and chamber D that forcibly supplies
fuel at the time of engine starting or idling.

6FG/GFGF/7FG 10-45/7FGF/7FG(C) U35- 80 series GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)U1 5-32 series

(1) When starting the engine:
When the ignition switch and LPG switch are both turned to ON, the LPG led from the IN port flows
into chamber A through the filter and solenoid valve. Upon entering chamber A, the LPG pushes open
the elastic face valve @ by its own vapor pressure, and enters the primary pressure reduction cham-
ber (chamber B) for pressure reduction and vaporization. When the pressure in chamber B reaches
24.5 to 34.3 kPa (0.25 to 0.35 kgf/cmz), first diaphragm @ pushes first regulator spring @ to operate
first valve lever @ by means of first diaphragm hook @. As a result, elastic face valve @ is closed and
the pressure in the primary pressure reduction chamber (chamber B) at a constant level. When the
starting motor runs, the current flowing in the coil of the slow solenoid valve*' operates the valve to
connect cambers B and D. Since the pressure in chamber D at 24.5 to 34.3 kPa (0.25 to 0.35 kgf/cm2)
is higher than the atmospheric pressure, LPG flows into chamber D. The LPG entering chamber D
flows through the slow path and main path into the carburetor, and is then supplied to the engine from
the venturi nozzle to start initial explosion. When the throttle valve is opened slightly then, a negative
pressure is generated in the venturi of the carburetor. The negative pressure acts on the secondary
pressure reduction chamber (chamber C) via the main path in the carburetor. Second diaphragm @ is
operated to open elastic face valve @ via second valve lever @ to cause LPG to flow from the primary
pressure reduction chamber (chamber B) to the secondary pressure reduction chamber (chamber C).
As a result a large amount of LPG enters the carburetor for complete combustion.
( * I : In the GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series, the negative pressure in the manifold pulls slow lock

diaphragm @ to connect chambers B and D.)

GFGIGFGFI7FG1 0-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series 6FGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series

Idle adjust screw

Q /
out p o n

Slow solenoid valve

& -

(2) During idling:
When the engine is cranked by turning the ignition ~ w i t c h * a~ current
, flows in the slow solenoid valve
coil to operate the valve, resulting in opening of the closed path to connect chambers B and D. The
flow rate of LPG entering chamber D is controlled by idle adjusting screw 0.The LPG entering cham-
ber D is led to the carburetor through the slow path and OUT port, and then supplied to the engine
through the venturi nozzle. Since the negative pressure at the carburetor venturi is very low during
idling, elastic face valve is not opened and the fuel is supplied only through the slow path.
( * 2 : In the GFGU/GFGCU/7FGU/7FGCU series, the negative pressure at the manifold is led to chamber

E and the path closed by the seat of diaphragm @ is opened by pulling of diaphragm @.)

(3) During normal operation:

When the throttle valve is opened, a negative pressure arises at the carburetor venturi nozzle, which is
applied to chamber C through the main path. This negative pressure pulls second diaphragm @ to
open elastic face valve @. As a result, LPG flows from chamber B to chamber C, and enters the car-
buretor venturi nozzle through the main path.
~ , also flows from chamber B to chamber D,
As a current also flows in the slow solenoid ~ a l v e * LPG
and through the slow path to the venturi nozzle.
(*3:lnthe 6FGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)UI 5-32 series, diaphragm @ is pulled by the negative pressure at the
manifold to connect chambers B and D.)

6FG/6FGF/7FG10-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)U1 5-32 series

ldle adjust screw

ldle adjust screw

(4) When stopping the engine:
When the engine is stopped, the current to the slow solenoid valve*4 is cut off to close the path
between chambers B and D, resulting in suspension of LPG supply through the slow path. Since the
negative pressure at the carburetor venturi does not exist, LPG supply through the slow path also
(*4: In the GFGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)U15-32 series, the negative pressure at the manifold is eliminated to

cause the diaphragm seat closes the path between chambers B and D since the diaphragm is pushed
by slow lock spring @.)


<6FG/6FGFDFG 10-45/7FGFnFG(C)U35-80 series>
The solenoid valves (main and slow) for LPG cutoff are integrated with the regulator. Each solenoid valve
is opened and closed according to the engine speed detected by means of the distributor pulse signal.
Even when the ignition switch is ON, the valve is closed to stop LPG supply from the carburetor to the
intake manifold when the engine is stopped.

<GFGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)U 1 5-32 series>

In the GFGU/GFGCU/7FGU/7FGCU series, the slow solenoid valve is of the negative pressure type which
is opened and closed by detecting the negative pressure in the intake manifold. Since the pressure in the
intake manifold equals the atmospheric pressure upon stopping the engine, the valve is closed by the
spring force. The main solenoid valve function is the same as that of the 6FG10 to 30.

IG 5

Solenoid valve (for slow)

olenoid valve (for main)


Engine revolution
detection switch
Relay (normal opening type)

ANDREPAIR .......................................... 2-2

FILTER ................................................ 2-3

CARBURETOR .......................................... 2-5

REGULATOR .......................................... 2-13

GAS LEAK INSPECTION ................................ 2-31

ENGINE ADJUSTMENT ................................ 2-31

WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................... 2-37

Note: See section "2A" for the models manufactured in and after October 1997.
Vehicle Models
6FG10-30 Series
6FGU/6FGCU15-30 Series (4Y Engine Modell
6FGF15-30 Series LPG Only Model WjTWC System
( LPG and Gasoline Model
7FG10-J35 Series
7FGU/7FGCU15-32 Series
7FGF15-J35 Series
7FG35-45 Series
7FG(C)U35-80 Series
(From October 1997)

AND REPAIR ......................................... 2A-2

CARBURETOR .......................................... 2A-5

REGULATOR .......................................... 2A-9

LPG LEAK INSPECTION ................................ 2A-21

ENGINE ADJUSTMENT ................................ 2A-22

WIRING DIAGRAM ...................................... 2A-24

Vehicle Models
6FG10-30 Series
6FGUi6FGCU15-30 Series (4Y Engine Model)
6FGF15-30 Series LPG Only Model WiTWC System
( LPG and Gasoline Model
7FG10-J35 Series
7FGU/7FGCU15-32 Series
7FGF15-J35 Series
7FG35-45 Series
7FG(C)U35-80 Series
Inspection Procedure
Each of the following defects in the LPG-fueled vehicles is considered to be caused by clogging of the
filter for the LPG regulator. Remove the filter and clean it according to the cleaning procedure described
(I)Instability of engine idling speed
( 2 ) Poor engine operation feel in response to accelerator pedal depression
(3) Knocking caused upon returning the accelerator pedal from the depressed state t o the neutral
(4) Failure in attaining the specified engine torque

6FG/6FGF/7FG10-45/7FGF series
6FG/6FGF/7FG 10-45/7FGF series: --2000,4
GFGU/GFGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series: --2000,2
I n f i l t e r reassembly, i n s t a l l t h e e l e m e n t s i n t h e i r
original positions without reversing the upstream and
d o w n s t r e a m sides. Reassembly i n an incorrect
direction may cause the regulator t o malfunction. (In
case o f a vehicle u s i n g three filter elements, o n l y
Filter elements
separate the one o n the upstream side for cleaning.)
W h e n t h e filter elements are removed, remove the
dust accumulated i n the dust trap i n the regulator b y
air blowing.
A t t h e t i m e o f reassembly, check t o see n o d u s t
adhesion o n the 0 ring. Otherwise, gas leakage m a y
be caused.
Filter elemen

6FG/6FGF/7FG 1 0-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series: 2000,4--

6FGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)U1 5-32 series: 2000,2--
I n f i l t e r reassembly, i n s t a l l t h e e l e m e n t s i n t h e i r
original positions without reversing the upstream and
d o w n s t r e a m sides. Reassembly i n an incorrect
direction m a y cause the regulator t o malfunction.
W h e n the filter elements are removed, remove t h e
dust accumulated i n the dust trap in the regulator b y
air blowing.
A t t h e t i m e o f reassembly, check t o see n o d u s t
adhesion o n the 0 ring. Otherwise, gas leakage m a y
be caused.
@% Cleaning Procedure
6FG/6FGF/7FG1OU45/7FGF series: --2000,4
GFGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series: --2000,Z
If any dust accumulates on the upstream side element,
remove the dust by air blowing. If dust adhesion on the
downstream side element is found, replace the element.

Upstream side Note:

If the element o n the downstream side is dirty, do not
use it again.
The compressed air pressure for blowing shall be 245
kPa (2.5 kgf/cm2)[35.6 psil or less.
Never wash b y splashing gasoline onto the filter
Carefully operate d u r i n g c l e a n i n g t o p r e v e n t d u s t
entrance into the path (portion A).
I f d u s t adheres o n t h e d o w n s t r e a m side e l e m e n t
d u r i n g cleaning, do n o t use t h e element again b u t
replace it.

6FG/6FGF/7FGl0-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series: 2000,4--

Downstream Upstream GFGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)UI5-32 series: 2000,2--
side side The cotton filter on the upstream side shall be cleaned by

air blowing from the upstream side. Replace the filter if any
s t i c k y s u b s t a n c e e x i s t s or i t s d o w n s t r e a m s i d e i s
The steel filter on the downstream side shall be cleaned by
air blowing from the downstream side. This filter can be
cleaned with washing fluid. Replace it if any sticky material

The compressed air pressure for blowing shall be 245
kPa (2.5 kgf/cm2)[35.6psil or less.
Never use washing fluid for the cotton filter.
Carefully operate d u r i n g cleaning t o p r e v e n t d u s t
entrance into the path (portion A). (See the illustration
If d i r t stays o n t h e d o w n s t r e a m side o f t h e c o t t o n
filter, d o n o t use it again b u t replace it w i t h a n e w


Select a well-ventilated location for service jobs and never allow any fire source around the vehi-
Thoroughly discharge the LPG inside the piping before removal. (See page 2A-17.)
Disconnect the battery negative (-1 terminal before handling the fuel system.

Removal Procedure
1 Discharge LPG from the piping. [Point I ]
2 Disconnect the battery negative terminal.
3 Disconnect the piping.
4 Disconnect the accelerator wire.
5 Remove the air cleaner connector set bolt and disconnect from the carburetor.
6 Remove the carburetor ASSY.

Installation Procedure
The installation procedure is the reverse of the removal procedure.

After installation, check to see no LPG leakage from each piping before starting the engine.
After installation, adjust the idling speed. (See page 2A-22.)
Point Operations
[Point I ]
Reassembly: Adjust the idle adjusting screw tenta-
After tightening the idle adjusting screw until it
comes into contact with the body, loosen it by the
number of turns shown in the table below.
Do not tighten the adjusting screw hard. Always
adjust the engine speed after installing the carbure-
tor on the vehicle. (See page 2A-22.)

Engine model 5K 4Y
Fuel LPT-2 Propane LPT-2 Propane
Transmission A B A B A B A B
Number of loosening turns 2-114 1-114 2-114 1-114 2-518 1-518 2-518 1-5/8
A: Torque converter vehicle B: Clutch vehicle
Engine model GM6-262
Fuel LPT-2 Propane
Transmission A B A B
Number of loosening turns 5 4 5 4

[Point 21
Disassembly: Do not remove unless it is necessary.
Reassembly: Adjust the power adjusting screw.
After tightening the adjusting screw until it comes
into contact with the body, loosen it by the number
of thrns shown in the table below.
Tighten the nut after the adjustment.


Engine model GM6-262

Fuel LPT-2 Propane
Number of 3 4-5112
loosening turns
ADAPTER (LPG and Gasoline Model)
Adapter disassembly is limited to the power valve and power adjusting screw. Description is omitted.
Only the method for power adjusting screw adjustment is described here.
Power Adjusting Screw Adjustment
Adjust the power adjusting screw only when it is judged necessary.
Careless adjustment may cause fuel supply defects.
1 . Loosen the lock nut. After tightening the power adjusting screw until it comes into contact with the
body, loosen it by the number of turns shown in the table below. Do not tighten the adjusting screw
2. Tighten the lock nut after adjustment.
T=11.8-14.7N.m( 120- 150kgf-cm)[8.7- 10.9ft-lbf]
Engine model 5K 4Y
Fuel LPT-2 Propane LPT-2 Propane
Number of loosening turns 3-114 3-114 3-2/3 4-213
Engine model GM4-181
Fuel LPT-2 Propane
Number of loosening turns 6-1/2 6-112

Power adjust screw


GM6-262 G M6-262
Engine model 1FZ
(7FG35-45 series) (7FG(C)U35-80 series)
Fuel LPT-2 Propane LPT-2 Propane LPT-2 Propane
Number of loosening turns 6-114 1 0-114 4-1/4 8-114 4-1/4 4-516

lnspection 1
1. Remove the idle adjusting screw and install
the SST.
SST (Union) tightening torque
compre T=0.2-0.3N.m (2-3kgf-cm) [0.14-0.19ft-lbf]
air 2. Apply 12V to the main solenoid valve, and
feed compressed air at 400kPa (4 kgf/cm2)
[57psil through the IN port.
Don't apply compressed air more than 780
kPa (8kgf/cm2)[ l lopsi].
3. See that the SST gauge indicates 0.
1 1 1
0 NG More than 0

Slow solenoid valve defect

lnspection 2
1. Apply 12V to the slow solenoid valve in state
of lnspection 1.
2. See that the SST gauge indicates 24 to 34 kPa
(0.25 to 0.35kgf/crn2) 13.6-5.0psiI.

Slow solenoid valve defect


lnspection 3
1. Cut off the compressed air in state of
lnspection 2.
2. Read the SST gauge.

1 I I
The indicator stays at the position. NG The indicator defrect toward
0 position.
To flow (1)

Never allow any fire source around the vehicle during disassembly.
Wash the outer surface of the regulator and keep the work bench clean.
Disassemble the regulator only when its internal abnormality is judged by conducting inspection
according to the troubleshooting procedure given in this manual after individually checking the
filter for clogging and the solenoid valve for any abnormality. Careless disassembly may cause
defects such as diaphragm and valve contact defects. (See page 2A-12.)

Disassembly Procedure
1 Remove the bracket.
2 Remove the regulator second cover and diaphragm. [Point 1I
3 Remove the second valve ASSY. [Point 21
4 Remove the solenoid valve.
5 Remove the filter and O-ring. (See the "LPG FlLTER INSPECTION AND CLEANING" section (on page 2A-3)
for filter installation on a vehicle manufactured in or after April 2000.)
6 Remove the filter housing, first diaphragm and spring. [Point 31
7 Remove the slow solenoid valve.(GFGU/6FGCU 15-30:Remove the slow diaphragm.)
8 Remove the idle adjusting screw and O-ring. [Point 41
9 Remove the first valve lever.
10 Remove the first valve ASSY.

Reassembly Procedure
The reassembly procedure is the reverse of the disassembly procedure.
[Point 31
Disassembly: Since the spring force is applied at each por-
tion, do not try quick removal but loosen each bolt equally
for removal.
Reassembly: Tighten each bolt equally step by step so as
not to let springs be fallen. Tighten in the illustrated order
for final tightening.

Reassembly: Since the diaphragm lever is engaged with the

first valve lever pin, shift the diaphragm in the direction of
the arrow in the illustration for removal.
Reassembly: Hook the diaphragm lever onto the first lever

[Point 41
Idle adjust screw
Reassembly: Temporarily adjust the idle adjusting screw.
After tightening until the tip end of the adjusting screw
come into contact with the body, loosen the bolt by the
number of turns in the table below.
Do not tighten the adjusting screw hard.
After installing the regulator on the vehicle, always adjust
the engine speed. (See page 2A-22.)

Number of loosening turns 3.0 turns

Second Valve Airtightness Check

1. Temporarily install the second valve ASSY.
2. Remove the idle adjusting screw and install the SSTs.
SST (union) tightening
T=0.2-0.3N.m (2-3kgf-cm) [0.14-0.19ft-lbf]
6FGlGFGF17FG 10-45/7FGF/7FG(C)U35-80 series:
Apply 12V to the slow solenoid valve.

SST 09817-23600-71 - @
SST 09820-23600-71- @

3. Inject compressed air through the SSTs and make adjust-

ment to ensure no air leakage by tilting the valve for
After repairing each part of the LPG system, use soapy water to check no LPG leakage from any
part before starting the engine.
Never use fire for inspecting gas leakage.
Never use a match or lighter for illumination at the time of inspection at night.

1. Open the valve between the LPG cylinder and hose. (The LPG is led to the regulator by this operation.)
2. Use soapy water or aqueous solution of a neutral detergent and check no gas leakage from each joint
between the LPG cylinder and regulator. (Follow step 3 below after replacement or repair when any
leakage is found.)
3. 6FG/6FGFPFGl0-45/7FGFPFG(C)U35-80 series:
Apply 12 V to the main and slow solenoid valves.
6FGU/6FGCU/7FG(C)U15-32 series:
Apply 12 V to the main solenoid valve and a negative pressure forcibly to the slow diaphragm. (LPG is
led to the carburetor by this operation.)
4. Use soapy water or aqueous solution of a neutral detergent and check no gas leakage from each joint
between the regulator and carburetor.
5. Always wipe the liquid off after the leak check.

From LPG cylinder

To carburator
Ignition Timing Inspection and Adjustment.
1. Warm the engine up.
Cooling water temperature: 80°C or above
Engine oil temperature: 70°C or above
Hydraulic oil temperature: 50°C or above
2 . Install a tachometer and a timing light.Connect the
tachometer measurement cord with the black wire after
disconnecting the check connector.
3. Inspect the idling speed.
5K, 4Y or GM engine vehicle
1 to 3 ton model: 750+5"0pm
For 7 series, refer to Repair Manuals for each model.
4, Inspect and adjust the ignition timing.
(1 ) Disconnect the distributor vacuum hose.
( 2 ) Use the timing light and inspect the ignition timing.
Standard: 5K engine: 10" BTDC/idle speed
4Y engine: 7" BTDCIidle speed
GM engine: 3" BTDC/idle speed
GM6-262 engine: 8" BTDCIidle speed
1FZ engine: 3"BTDCIidle speed
For GM6-262 engine and 1FZ engine, refer t o Repair
Manuals for each engine.
(3) If the standard is not satisfied, loosen the distributor
clamp bolt and turn the distributor for adjustment.
Late ignition timing (de1ay):Turn it counterclockwise.
Early ignition timing (advance):Turn it clockwise.
(4) After adjustment, tighten the distributor clamp bolt
and check the ignition timing again.
In LPG models only, the Octane selector of the distribu-
tor is not in the standard position. Adjust ignition timing
as described above after returning the Octane selector
to the standard position.

Method for setting the octane selector to the standard
setting line
(1 ) Remove the octane selector cap.
(2)Turn the adjuster in the R or A direction until the stan-
dard setting line aligns with the end of the body thread.
(3)Align the reference center line with the reference mark.
6FG10-30series (See page on 2-48)
6FGF15-30series (See page on 2-50)
7FG35-45,7FG(C)U35-80 series (Refer to the repair manual for each model.)

6FGU/GFGCUI 5-30series (From October 1997)


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From October 1997
Vehicle Model: 6FG10-30 series
6FGUl6FGCU15-30 series (4Y Engine Model)
6FGF15-30 series LPG Only Model W W C System

7FG10-J35 series
[LPG and Gasoline Model 1
7FGUj7FGCU15-32 series
7FGF15-J35 series
7FG35-45 series
7FG(C)U35-80 series


Tightening Torque T=Nmm(kgf-cm) [ft-l bf]
Power diaphragm set screw 1.5-2.0 (15-20) [I .09-I .45]
Power adjust screw lock nut 11.8-14.7 (120-1 50) [8.68-10.851
Accele wire rink set nut 8.8-11.8 (90-120) [6.51-8.681
ADAPTOR (for LPG-gasoline model)
Tightening Torque T=Nmm(kgf-cm) [ft-lbfl
Power adjust screw lock nut 1 1.8-14.7 (120-1 50) [8.68-I 0.851
Tightening Torque T=N-m (kgf-cm) [ft-lbfl
Filter cover set bolt 6.4-7.9 (65-80)[4.70-5.791
Filter housing set bolt 3.4-4.4 (35-45)[2.53-3.261
Solenoid valve set bolt (for slow) t
First valve set bolt t
Second cover set bolt t
Second valve set bolt t
Published by

TOYOTA Material Handling Company


1st Printing: Feb. 2003

Pub. No. CE610-5

Printed in Japan

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