Project Idea Presentation: Eye Movement Based Device Control Using E.O.G

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Project Idea Presentation



Eye tracking is a technology in which a camera or imaging
system visually tracks some features of the eye and then a
computer determines where the user is looking at.

Eye tracking technology can be divided into two areas; firstly a

remote computer-mounted device, in which an IR camera is
mounted on a computer screen, and secondly a head-mounted
device, in which an IR camera is placed on user’s head. This
technique is accurate but expensive.
Electro-oculography (EOG) is a new technology of placing
electrodes on user’s forehead around the eyes to record eye
movements. EOG is a very small electrical potential that can
be detected using electrodes. The majority of the people using
this setup may have severe cerebral palsy or been born with a
congenital brain disorder or suffered traumatic brain injury,
for example from automobile or drowning accidents. This
technique is adapted because it is inexpensive and accurate.
Fig. : Goggles with integrated
EOG electrodes and signal
processing unit worn on the head.
● A wearable eye tracker which consists of goggles with dry
electrodes integrated into the frame for EOG recording and an
analysis component which processes the signals in real-time.
Another unit worn on the body allows for data storage and wireless
transmission over several hours.
● A corresponding procedure for signal processing and eye
movement analysis which performs automatic compensation and
adaptive processing of EOG signals in real-time by taking into
account data from one or more additional sensors (e.g. light sensor,
accelerometer, humidity sensor).
Direct access interface.
Electrodes placement
Fields of Application

● Medical: e.g. long-term examinations of eye movements

and their characteristics
● Research: e.g. psychological diagnosis or the analysis of
human social interactions
● Home care: e.g. monitoring of disabled or elderly people
automatic notification of medical emergency
● Game industry: e.g. as a new input device for traditional
novel interactive games
● Novel interfaces for consumer electronics
Main Advantages

●Wearable and unobtrusive device

with integration into goggles
● Use of dry electrodes
● Automatic analysis, data storage and
wireless transmission
● Long-term, daily-life recordings
● Adaptive real-time signal processing.

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