Electrical Double Layer and Electrocapillary
Electrical Double Layer and Electrocapillary
Electrical Double Layer and Electrocapillary
which is part of
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Department of Chemistry, Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts
Origi,nal manuscript received July 24, 1945’
Duplicate manuscript received July 14, 1947
The theory of the electrical double layer is discussed with particular reference to
those aspects of the subject usually included under the heading “electrocapil-
larity”. Modern values for the thermodynamic properties of the double layer
are presented for typical substances, and references are given to that part of the
literature which is likely to be of interest in connection with the problems here
The review3 which follows deals with the theory of electrocapillarity and its
relation to the problems of elucidating the structure of the electrical double layer.
The theory of electrokinetic phenomena is not’discussed.
1 New experimental work reported in this paper has been supported by a grant from the
Penrose Fund of the American Philosophical Society.
* Publication of this paper was delayed by the loss of the original manuscript in transit.
a The symbols used in this paper are listed below. All capacities and charges are per
square centimeter of interface.
C = differential capacity of the electrical double layer
Cd = differential capacity of the diffuse double layer
Co = differential capacity of the region between a metallic surface and the outer
Helmholtz plane
Ci = differential capacity of the region between a metallic surface and the inner
Helmholtz plane
D = dielectric constant
Do = diabattivity of free space (= 45r X permittivity of free space)
E = electrical potential difference a t an ideal polarized electrode as read on the po-
tential-fixing potentiometer
E = electrical potential difference a t an ideal polarized electrode relative to the
potential of the electrocapillary maximum
& = electrical potential difference a t an ideal polarized electrode as read on the
potential-fixing potentiometer when the reference electrode is a normal calo-
44 1
The terms “electrocapillarity” and “electrical double layer” are not com-
monly well understood. A satisfactory definition of the first must await a dis-
cussion of the ideal polarized electrode, another unfamiliar term, but we may
state meanwhile that electrocapillarity is the study of t h surface tension of
metals in contact with inert salt solutions, together with the study of all of the
effects with which this is connected. The term “electrocapillarity” arises from
the fact that most of the early studies in the field were done with the Lippmann
capillary electrometer.
The electrical double layer is the array of charged particles and oriented dipoles
which is thought to exist a t every interface. Very often the term is used in a
narrower sense to mean the array of charges and dipoles between two immiscible
media when one is a salt solution. It is in this narrower sense that the term
is here used.
The concept of the electrical double layer is due to Quincke (80), although that
term was not used by him. The double layer was thought to consist of two layers
of charge, one positive and one negative, situated a t the interface. Today the
me1 electrode and when liquid-junction potentials have been eliminated as
well as possible
E-(E+) = electrical potential difference E when the reference electrode is simply reversible
to the anion (cation) of a salt solution
F = Faraday’s constant
K = integral capacity of the electrical double layer
Kd = integral capacity of the diffuse double layer
K O = integral capacity of the region to which Corefers
K i = integral capacity of the region to which Ci refers
k = Boltzmann’s constant
M = molar concentration of a solution
m = molal concentration of a solution
noiP number of ions of type X, in unit volume of solution measured at a point remote
from the double layer
ni = number of ions of type X, in unit volume of solution measured at a point within
the double layer
q = electronic charge of the electrical double layer
r radius of an adsorbed anion or distance from the interface to the inner Helm-
holtz plane
T = absolute temperature
tui = work required to move an ion of type Xi from the interior of a designated posi-
tion within the double layer
X, = an ion or neutral molecule of type designated by the subscript i
z = distances measured from the physical interface
z = absolute value of the valence of an ion
z-(z+) = valence of an anion (cation) including sign
z i = maximum number of ions of type X, which can be adsorbed at 1 sq. cm. of an
= maximum number of ions of type Xi for which thcre is space in 1 cc. of solution
point of view is somewhat more complicated, although the name persists even
in those cases where it is plainly inappropriate.
Briefly the electrical double layer may consist of a layer of electrons (if the
non-electrolytic phase is a metal or electronic conductor), a layer of adsorbed
ions, and a diguse double layer consisting of an ionic atmosphere in which ions
of one sign are in excess of their normal concentrations whereas those of the other
sign are in defect. This atmosphere of abnormal concentrations of ions falls off
rapidly as one recedes from the surface, the half-thickness of the charge density
being seldom over 100 h g s t r d m s and usually much less. Finally, there may
exist at the interface a thin (often monomolecular) layer of neutral molecules
which, whether they are oriented or not, exert an influence on the thermodynamic
properties of the interface. Diagrams of the electrical double layer are given
later (figures 17-19), after the theory upon which they are based has been
Metal-solution interfaces lend themselves to the exact study of the double layer
better than other types because of the possibility of varying the potential differ-
ence between the phases without varying the composition of the solution. This
is done through the use of a reference electrode and a potentiometer which fixes
the potential difference in question. In favorable cases there is a range of poten-
tials for which a current does not flow across the interface in a system of this kind,
the interface being electrically similar to a condenser of large specific capacity,
The capacity of this condenser gives a fairly direct measure of the electronic
charge on the metallic surface, and this, in turn, leads to other information about
the double layer. No such convenient and informative procedure is possible
with other types of interfaces, a fact which explains the preoccupation with such
systems in the present review.
Of the metals which might be used for the purpose outlined, mercury is pre-
gminent. Being a liquid, its surface is readily cleaned, it is free from mechanical
strains, and its interfacial tension is readily measured. In addition, mercury is
distinguished by its lorn chemical activity and high hydrogen overvoltage. The
latter characteristic makes it possible to work a t potentials which would other-
wise be objectionable because of a rapid evolution of hydrogen from the reduc-
tion of the solvent. Kearly everything one desires to know about the electrical
double layer is ascertainable with mercury surfaces if it is ascertainable a t all.
by the addition or removal of charge, these two forms are regarded as forms of
the same basic component, the more reduced form of which is composed of elec-
trons plus the other. The reason for this procedure concerning the choice of
components is that it makes it easier to develop the thermodynamic theory of
electrocapillarity in a rigorous manner.
The definition of an ideal polarized electrode is chosen so that passage of charge
across the interface shall not take place spontaneously a t equilibrium. More
exactly stated, when the potential difference between the phases is altered
slightly, no finite amount of charge must cross the interface of an ideal polarized
electrode during the reestablishment of equilibrium. This is a corollary of the
definition, because if charge did cross the interface, finite amounts of some
charged component would then be present in both phases, contradicting the
requirement of the definition. Experimentally, the ideal polarized electrode is
an electrode which behaves like an electrical condenser without leakage. Its
capacity arises from the fact that charges may approach or recede from the
interface, though they do not cross it.
This definition of an ideal polarized electrode is too strict ever to be fully
realized in the laboratory, but close approximations to it are possible, and, what
is more important, the deviations which are unavoidable are of negligible effect,
as will presently be shown.
An example will serve to illustrate the definition and also to bring out addi-
tional points of importance. Consider a clean mercury electrode in an aqueous
1 M potassium chloride solution (completely deaerated) into which is immersed
a normal calomel electrode. Between the mercury in the calomel electrode and
the clean mercury electrode there is inserted a potentiometer and, optionally, a
galvanometer. The clean mercury electrode is attached to the negative end of
the potentiometer. No continuous current flows through the circuit if the
potential is not made too large. This system may have any number of conditions
of equilibrium, depending upon the setting of the potentiometer. For definite-
ness, consider that - E , the potentiometer reading, is 0.556 volt, in which case q,
the electronic charge on the mercury surface, will be zero,5as we shall show later.
Under these circumstances the following reactions are all conceivable, any one
of which would result in transferring charged particles from one phase to the
other in violation of our definition of an ideal polarized electrode.
Reaction Equilibrium concentration
2Hg + Hg$+ + 2e- cHg:+ = moles per liter
K+(aq> e- + K (in Hg) Ng = moles per mole
2C1- --+ Clz 2e- pcl, = 10-~* atm.
2H20 + +
2e- --+ H2 20H- pH2 = 4 X atm.
If the electrode is ideally polarized, all of these reactions must produce only
negligible quantities of their products at equilibrium. The calculation of these
quantities is straightforward and gives the results indicated on the right. NK is
6 This does not imply that the potential difference between the phases is zero. a oiirtstion
to be discussed below.
It has been known for a long time that the interfacial tension of mercury in
an ideal polarized electrode varies with the potential difference imposed across
the interface. Numerical data are given by many authors (22, 25, 54, 58, 59,
67, 68,70,93), the work of Gouy being the most extensive and of high accuracy
(36, 38). Curves representing this variation are called electrocapillary curves,
and are often almost parabolic in shape (63) (figure 1). Nevertheless one makes
7 The capacity of the droplet relative to the solution is much greater than the self-capac-
ity of the reservoir; hence virtually all of any excess charge accumulates on the surface of
the mercury droplet.
8 An adsorbed anion, together with a non-adsorbed cation, may be regarded as a dipole.
It is in this sense that layers of oriented dipoles are most common, although layers of ori-
ented polar molecules are also common enough.
a serious error in assuming them to be exactly so, for the deviations from para-
bolic form are thermodynamically related to the interesting properties of the
double layer. Because these deviations are small, other methods of obtaining
the same information are more commonly employed (27,42,78,79).
The right-hand end of the curves in figure 1 and in all of the curves to follow
corresponds to the largest negative potential imposed upon the mercury from
the external source. A point corresponding t o a potential more negative than
the electrocapillary maximum is said to lie on the cathodic branch of the curve in
question and to represent negative polarization. Potentials more positive than
the electrocapillary maximum correspond to the anodic branch and represent
420 -
5 280-
260 -
QB 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 - 0.2 , I I
-0.4 -Q6
1 ,
, ,
- 10 - L2
, , , , I
FIG.1. Interfacial tension of mercury in contact with aqueous solutions of the salts
named. T = 18°C. Abscissas are measured relative to a “rational” scale in which the
potential difference between the mercury and a capillary-inactive electrolyte is arbitrarily
set equal t o zero at the electrocapillary maximum.
Regardless of the anion present, the curves become nearly coincident on the
right-hand side corresponding to negative polarization. This is understandable,
since the negative charge of the mercury repels anions under these circumstances,
making close contact of mercury and anion rare.
Them are severnl kinds of electrical potential difference with which one has
to deal in discussing the electrical double layer. The “abso1ute’’ or “true”
potential difference betn-ecn dissimilar phases is an undefined concept, and no
attempt will be made to use it in this paper. The question is further discussed
in Section VIII, however.
The potential of a point within a macroscopic cavity in an isotropic conductor
is a definite quantity which can in principle be mensured.’ It will be called the
cavity potential and is equal to what is sometimes called the electrostatic poten-
tial of the medium (1)’the potential of a point “just outside” the surface. The
only reason for introducing a new terra is that the term “electrostatic potential”
has been so often misused that it has largely lost its meaning. The term “cavity
potential”, on the other hand, can hardly be misunderstood.
The cavity potential diflerence between metals in contact is the Volta or con-
tact potential. It is discussed in Section VIII.
Consider the system illustrated in figure 2. I and I1 are wires of the same
metallic substance, say copper. a is the metallic phase of an ideal polarized
electrode in contact with the electrolytic solution p . The reference electrode
may be supposed to contain the electrolyte 0, so that liquid-junction potentials
will be absent. Designating by $I, $I1, $“, and $’ the cavity potentials of the
several phases, it is evident that
E + (IC.” - $3 + (\la - IC.”) + (IC.“ - $’I = 0 (1)
Actuall>+,one can only measure differences of potential, but this is a n unimportant dis-
tinction, sime differences are all one ever really needs t o know.
Properties of the electrical double layer a t the potential o j the electrocapillary m a x i m u m
(36,&, 90)
this conclusively are not yet available. It is found that values of -&"^" all lie
close together in the neighborhood of 0.47-0.48 volt for these salts.
The 'Lbest"value for &"^" in the absence of adsorption of anions and cations
is close to -0.480 volt.'' If it were not for possible water orientation at the
interface and unknown electrical effects a t the mercury surface itself (such as an
10 Heretofore a value of -0.52 or -0.50 volt has been commonly used.
equation 4).
the intensive variables constant, the net work required is IS and the total charge
which flows through the external circuit connecting the phases is q. This makes
it plain why IS and q do not depend upon the position of the surface of reference.
On the other hand, the amount of one of the components which must be added
to maintain the composition constant is not so unambiguously specified, since the
concentration may be increased by removing appropriate amounts of the othzr
components or by adding the component in question. Specifying that the sur-
face of reference is to be fixed by setting r for some one component equal to zero
amounts to specifying that the composition is to be adjusted, after expanding
the surface, by adding or removing the other components only.
An interesting question arises concerning the interpretation of p i , the chernical
potential, when the component in question is charged. This is the familiar
problem of individual ionic activity coefficients, and it turns out, as always, that
the particular combinations which arise in any actual experiment are determi-
nate. As an example we may refer ahead to equation 17, where the chemical
potential of the salt finally replaces the chemical potentials of the individual
ionic types.
The first and simplest application of equation 6 is to an ideal polarized elec-
trode a t constant composition (designated by the subscript p ) . Each term in
the summation is zero, and so also is d($'I - @). Therefore
This is the well-known Lippmann equation (67, 68). It states that the slope of
the electrocapillary curve is equal to the electric charge density of the metallic
surface. Experiment,al results verifying this and the equations to follow will be
given in the next section.
It follows from equation 7 that at the potential of the electrocapillary maxi-
mum p = 0, as stated previously. It may be noted that the reference electrode
employed in the application of equation 7 need not be one which can be joined
to the solution without liquid junctions, since on the assumption merely that the
liquid-junction potential does not change during an experiment carried out a t
constant composition,
d E = d E = dlC/' = dG
and equation 7 is valid regardless of the kind of potential considered. The rate
of change of the slope of the electrocapillary curve is, from equation 7,
(d2a/dE2), = -(dp/dE), = C
where C is the diferential capacity of the double layer. The distinction between
the differential capacity, -dq/dE, and all other kinds of capacity is of particular
importance because of the fact that p is not proportional to E. For the sake of
clarity we may introduce a new type of capacity, K , designated as the static or
integral capacity, and defined as
K =: -q/E (9)
2 oc
l ? t
~ t
# <
P , , , , , * * , , ,
tiel capacity is the more significant quantity, but the integral capacity is very
useful as an intermediate function in the making of calculations and as a means
of representing data.
If one measures the capacity of a condenser or of the electrical double layer
by means of an impedance bridge, it is always the differential capacity which is
obtained. Unlike ordinary condensers, the capacity of the double layer varies
with the D.C. potential imposed across it. A number of plots of the differential
capacity as a function of the voltage are given in the next section.
C = K +E(%)
It will be noted that a t the electrocapillary maximum C = K.
We turn now to a consideration of the effects of varying the composition of the
electrolyte. For these cases it becomes necessary to specify the nature of the
reference electrode more closely. Liquid-junction potentials are to be avoided,
which requires that the reference electrode must change as the electrolyte
changes. There are two possible types of electrodes which may then be consi-
dered, those which are simply reversible to one of the anions and those which are
simply reversible to one of the cations. The observed electromotive force E,
as read on the potentiometer, will be designated by or ET in the two types,
respectively. If the reference electrode is simply reversible to one of the anions,
for example, equation 6 will read:
du = - q dET - Zr,dpi - ad($" - $') (12)
From this point on it mill be supposed in this section that only one anionic
type and one cationic type are present. The surface of reference with respect to
which the r,'s are reckoned will be so chosen that rsOLYENT = 0. This latter
choice is discussed further below. The presence of only a single anionic and a
single cationic type makes the subscript j superfluous. Equation 12 now reads
(if the reference electrode is reversible to the anion)
d u = -4 dE- - F+dp+ - I'-dp- - 4 d(+" - 4) (13)
where the and - subscripts refer to cations and anions. From the definition
of chemical potentials it follows that
dp = v-dp- +- v+dp+ (14)
where p is the chemical potential of the neutral salt and Y+ and v- are the num-
bers of cations and anions, respectively, formed by the dissociation of one mole-
cule of salt.
The potential I'$ - $' varies with the chemical potential of the anion, if the
M/2 NA~SO,
IO I I ! I I ! I ! I I I I
out in 1935 (78) that contamination of the metallic surface by traces of capillary-
active substances had rendered earlier measurements of the differential capacity
so inaccurate that the demands of equation 8 had seemed not to be satisfied.
This difficulty is overcome nowadays either by extraordinary care in the puri-
fication of solutions and metallic surfaces (9) or by the use of a dropping elec-
trode technique (42, 43).
Differential capacity data for representative types of the solutions which have
been investigated are given in figures 5-6.15 Other data of the same kind are
given by Gouy (36), by the Russian group of workers (9, 27, 78, 87,88), and by
Grahame (42, 43).
The characteristics of the differential capacity curves in figures 5-6 depend
very greatly upon the anion and almost not a t all upon the cation, except the
hydronium ion, provided it is of fairly low molecular weight. This was to be
expected, of course, from the fact that the electrocapillary curves shorn such
behavior. An explanation of many of the characteristics of these curves will be
evident from the mathematical development of the kinetic theory to follow,
although not all of the details are fully understood. For instance, there is still
some difficulty in explaining the difference between the behavior of hydroxides
and fluorides under negative polarization, since both of these anions have large
hydration energies (7) and would be expected to be as much alike as two unival-
ent cations. The “humps” which appear near the electrocapillary maximum of
most curves are not correctly predicted by any theory and are believed by the
present author to arise from the mutual electrostatic repulsion of ions in the
double layer in directions parallel to the interface.
The second type of thermodynamic equation of electrocapillarity deals with
the effects of varying the composition. I n figure 7 there are presented data by
Gouy on the interfacial tension a t the electrocapillary maximum of several elec-
trolytes (36). Many more data are contained in the original paper. According
to equation 21, the slope of these curves measures the amount of electrolyte ad-
sorbed a t the interface. Values calculated in this way are included in table 1.
There has been no experimental verification of these results by independent means,
although such verification is theoretically possible. There is no real doubt,
however, concerning the validity of the equation from which they are derived.
16 These data by the author disagree somewhat with similar data by Vorsina and Frumkin
(87,88). The disagreement is not serious except at small negative values of E with dilute
solutions. I n plots of q u s . E one observes two roughly linear regions connected by a non-
linear region near E = 0 (6; 10, p. 74; 13, 76). Since the slope of these curves gives the
differential capacity, the impression has grown up that there are two “characteristic”
values of capacity corresponding to positive and negative polarization, respectively. This
impression is not borne out by the differential capacity curves themselves, which do not
approach a constant value over any considerable range of potentials with positive polariza-
tion. The appearance of the q us. E curves is somewhat misleading, since very considerable
changes of slope may go unnoticed or pass as experimental error. Even with negative
polarization the differential capacity does not approach a constant value but has a flat
; : :of' I
Values have been plotted against #LAX in figure 8. A few discordant
values have been omitted (0.01 M sodium thiocyanate; 0.1 M sodium chloride;
I " " ' " " " ' " I
0 0'8 ' 0'4 ' o '-0'4 '-0'8 ' -1'2 ' - 1 ' 6 ' -
FIG.5 . Differential capacity of the electrical double layer between mercury and aqueous
solutions of the salts named. T = 25°C.
0.1 M potassium nitrate). Except for the omitted points, the curves at a given
concentration are consistent enough to serve as a starting point for estimating
I'riGfrom #LAX. The latter is so much easier t o measure that in many instances
the values taken from the curve are likely to be more accurate than the measured
values. Thus for 0.01 M sodium thiocyanate and 0.1 M sodium chloride the
FIG.6. Differential capacity of the electrical double layer between mercury and aqueous
solutions of t,he salts named. T = 25°C.
observed values are probably in error. On the other hand, all of the observed
values for nitrates are a little higher than the curve would suggest, a result which
is correlated with the dissimilarity of the cathodic branches of the differential
capacity curves of halides and nitrates.
440- I I
W 410-
2V 400- e 0.1
I1c 0 0.1
- 390- I
-5 -4 -3 -2 -I 0
LOG,O my
FIG.7. Maximum interfacial tension of mercury in contact with aqueous solutions of
the salts named. T = 18°C. Data by Gouy ( 3 6 ) . The slope measures the amount of salt
adsorbed (equations 19 and 21). (Additional points not shown were used in the construc-
tion of the figure.)
I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1L,.,'
1 ' i
I4 -
12 -
ii- J
3 -
Curves of I?+ vs. E- can be obtained in two ways, through equation 22" or
through equation 26. I n the latter case only the shape of the curve is ascer-
tained, the constant of integration being unknown. If the curves are made to
coincide a t one point, the agreement at other points constitutes a partial check
on the validity of equations 22 and 26. Such a check is shown in figure 9,
FIG.9. Components of charge of the double layer between mercury and aqueous 0.3M
sodium chloride solution. T = 25°C. Open circles computed from data by Gouy (36).
is total charge. r +is charge attributable t o cations in the double layer; 7 5 is charge
attributable to anions repelled from the diffuse double layer; 7: is charge attributable t o
anions adsorbed on mercury surface. r- is the sum of these two. Potentials measured
relative to 0.3 M sodium chloride-calomel electrode.
where I?+ (expressed in p coul./cm?) has been calculated for 0.3 ill aqueous so-
dium chloride by means of each of the two equations mentioned. The agree-
ment obtained has more t o do with the accuracy of the experiments than with the
accuracy of the equations, however, since equation 26 is derived from equation
1 6 Other values of r +and r- obtained through the use of equation 22 are given by Iofa,
volving such solvent displacement. The locus of the electrical centers of a layer
of adsorbed ions, whether adsorbed by covalent bonds or van der Waals forces or
both, will be called the inner Helmholtz plane. The locus of the electrical centers
of hydrated or solvated ions in contact with the mercury surface will be called
the outer Helmholtz plane. It is assumed that the outer Helmholtz plane is the
Same for all ions, even for anions, although the latter are generally more easily
FIG.10. Components of charge of the double layer between mercury and aqueous 1 M
sodium chloride solutions. T = 25OC. See legend of figure 9. Potentials measured rela-
tive t o 1.0 M sodium chloride-calomel electrode.
This equation is important in that it gives a means of calculating K' and there-
fore # i , the potential of the inner Helmholtz plane, from experimentally observ-
able results. The results will be accurate near the I';l"-potential and probably
also elsewhere.
Equation 28 is one of the Stern equations (85), of which we shall speak later.
There is one important difference, however, in that il.i is not here regarded as iden-
tical with \Lo. Stern recognized the desirability of distinguishing between these
quantities, but underestimated the necessity for doing so. At the electrocapil-
lary maximum of 0.3 M sodium chloride, for instance, +i= -0.014 volt, whereas
$' = -0.022 volt according to a later estimate which is probably not greatly
in error.
It is evident from figures 9 and 10 that the adsorptive forces are becoming
stronger as the mercury becomes more highly charged positively.2o It has not
always been recognized that this is not simply the result of an increased coulom-
bic attraction in a simple sense but represents a strengthening of the covalent
bond by which the anions are held to the mercury surface. This result is to be
expected on any theory of chemical binding. The positive charge enhances the
stability of the electron-pair which binds the atoms. This same phenonxnon is
apparent in the chemical behavior of simple incrganic salts. When two such
salts are compared, differing only in the charge on the cation, the more highly
charged cation binds the anions much more strongly. Comparing ferrous and
ferric chlorides, for instance, the latter dissociates much less than one would
anticipate from interionic attraction theory. Ferrous and ferric hydroxides
display the same behavior, the greater insolubility of the latter corresponding
to far greater bond strength. Salts of tin, lead, mercury, manganese, and cobalt
exhibit this behavior in marked degree. Salts of copper appear to constitute
an exception, for which sc)me reason can perhaps be found. The nitrates, per-
chlorates, and bisulfatcs of the metals do not show the phenomenon, no doubt
because these ions are not bound to metallic ions by covalent bonds to any
marked extent. It is interesting to note that nitrate, perchlorate, and bisulfate
ions show little or no specific adsorption on mercury of the type associated with
covalent-bond formation until the mercury is strongly positively charged. The
fluoride ion, which behaves differently from all of these ions, is probably unique
because its strong electronegativity hinders the formation of covalent bonds with
cations to a large degree.
It would be desirable to be able to set down rigid rules for the experinental
recognition of the presence or absence of adsorption of ions. This we cannot do
in general, since the concept is not a purely thermodynamic one. Certain non-
thermodynamic considerations are possible, however. We restrict our attention
first to the electrocapillary maximum.
One is tcnipted to say that if I'z/z
= 0 a t the electrocapillary maximum,
ion adsorption is absent, a d this is nearly true. But it is foiind that in very
*o The increasing values of r +show this, since r +would not even be positive if adsorptive
forces were absent. The calculations leading t o figure 15 (see Section 1'11) give a quantita-
tive measure of the effect.
and (S) an equation expressing the work w i needed to bring an ion of type X,
from the interior of the solution to the point in question:
wi = Z,E$ (33)
I n these equations rl, is the electrical potential (relative to the interior of the
solution) a t a point within the double layer (discussed below) ; p is the electric
density (charge per unit volume) a t the point in question; x is the distance of this
point from the surface of discontinuity, positive values of x corresponding to
points within the solution; D is the dielectric constant of the solution; Do is 457
times the permittivity of free space (discussed below) ; ni is the number of ions
of type X, per unit of volume a t a point whose potential is such that an amount
of work w, is needed to bring an ion of this type from the interior of the solution
t o the point in question; noLis the number of ions of type X I per unit of volume
within the body of the solution; k is the Boltzmann constant; T is the absolute
temperature; z I is the valence number including sign; and z I e is the charge of an
ion X,. Most of these quantities call for further comment.
The potential a t a point within the double layer is not a wholly unambiguous
quantity, particularly when the “point” in question is really a region as large as
the solvated ion. For the present the best solution to the difficulty is to regard
equation 33 as a definition of $. This procedure is not a complete solution to the
problem, however, for it assumes that all of the work toI is electrical work, and
it assumes that the same value of $ will be obtained whatever ion is used for the
test ion. The other kinds of work neglected by this procedure are ( I ) the work
involved in displacing polar solvent molecules from a region of high field strength
(8), ( 2 ) the work involved in pushing all of the other ions in the region a little
closer together (the crowding effect), and (9) the work involved in distorting or
displacing the solvent sheath of a solvated ion as a result of a too close approach
of the ion to the metallic surface. The first-named effect is almost certainly
very small compared to other errors in the theory. The second effect has been
considered in a quantitative manner by Bikerman (8), but it is unfortunately
true that the introduction of factors intended to account for this effect in the fun-
damental equations leads to a differential equation which cannot be integrated
without assuming that the potential is very small, so small that the results have
a very limited range of validity. Within this range, however, the crowding
effect is almost certainly of minor consequence. Even if the mathematical
difficulties could be overcome, it is still not certain how the effects of croxding
should be introduced. One may treat the problem as a volume effect, the ions
having a lesser probability of entering a region already partly filled, or one may
treat the problem as an electrostatic effect, computing the work required to make
a place for the test ion. Both types of calculation are subject to great uncer-
tainties. It will be shown presently that the double layer is not more crowded
than a moderately concentrated solution, so that the error introduced by the
neglect of crowding is probably not so serious as to make the entire treatment
fictitious. Nevertheless, the neglect of cron-ding is likely to prove to be the most
serious defect of the kinetic theories of the diffuse double layer now in vogue.
The third effect listed above, the work required to displace the solvent sheath
of an ion on the side of the metallic phase, is certainly not small enough to justify
its neglect in aqueous solutions.21 The equations to be developed in this section
may not be applied, therefore, to ions whose centers lie closer to the interface
than the outer Helmholtz plane. This is a point which has sometimes been
overlooked or ignored.
The dielectric constant D is dimensionless. We shall use the value 78.49 for
mater at 25°C. (17). The propriety of using the dielectric constant of the
solvent in equation 31 and in the equations to be derived from it is discussed
The constant DO is introduced in order to avoid the confusion which accom-
panies attempts to make the dielectric constant other than a dimensionless
constant. A discussion of this problem is given by Wood (94) and also by Gug-
genheim (50). DOmay be defined by the equation
grounds that the electric charge density a t a given value of x is by n o means con-
stant on a microscopic scale. On the other hand, if the potential be defind by
means of equation 33, as suggested, then since the work t u , has a definite value
for each value of 2 , the value of the corrsspcnding potentia!s will suffer from no
uncertainty on this account.
It has become evident in recent years (e.s;., reference 27) that the values of $
encountered in the diffuse double layer are a good deal srnallcr than had com-
monly been supposed, and that the same is true cf d$/dx, the field strength. It
is the latter consideration which makes it reasonable to use the dielectric constant
of the solvent in the calculations which follo~v,n-hile the f o m e r avoids a diffi-
culty associated with the use of equations 32 and 33. Thus a t a potential of 0.3
volt, once considered easily attainable in unimoiar solutions, eqGations 32 and
33 lead to the result that the concentration of the more abundant ion, assumed
univalent, is about lo5 times greater than in the interior of the solution. This
is manifestly impossible in all but very dilute solutions, and if such potentials
were actually possible in unimolar solutions, then the theory would necessarily
be very greatly in error. It may appear that image forces are neglected in the
following treatment. This is not so, since the effects of the “image” charges in
the metallic surface are taken account of implicitly by giving a non-zero value
to $ a t one boundary (see reference 72). Combination of equations 32 and 33
ni - nOle-zit#lkT
The charge density a t any point is the sum of the charge densities of the in-
dividual ionic types, or
p = L: ngie = z nO,z,ee-’iffilkT (35)
Substituting this in equation 31 gives the fundamental differential equation:
The constant of integration has been evaluated by noting that in the interior
of the solution d$/dx = 0 and $ = 0.
For many purposes it is not necessary to integrate this equation further.
According to Gauss’ law (which may here be regarded as an integrated form of
equation 31)
d$/dx = 4.rrvd/DDo (38)
At low values of $", the hyperbolic eosin.. is almost unity and both Cd and K d
(to which it is then equal) are constant, but this constancy does not extend to
values of Go comparable to those found in practice. Table 2 shows how K d and
Cd compare and also how they vary with qO. Values in parentheses correspond
to values of beyond what can easily be achieved in practice. It will be noted
that the maximum attainable value of $" goes up with decreasing concentration,
while the maximum value of Cd decreases slowly. Even in M solution, how-
ever, this maximum value is very large (- 300 pf/cm.2), which means, according
to equations to be deve!oped later (52 and 53), that the capacity of the diffuse
double layer exerts little influence on the observed over-all capacity at large posi-
tive or negative polarizing potentials. This fact is in some respects fortunate,
since it is exactly under these conditions that the postulates of the theory are
Calculated differential and integral capacities, Cd and K d , o f the dLffuse double layer for
z-z valent electrolytes in aqueous solution al 55'C.
Capacities are in pf/cm?
0.0 v 0.02 v 0.04 v 0.06v 0.08 v 0.10 v 0.12 v
228 235 252 285 (334 1 (403)
228 246 302 403 (568) (820)
most unreliable. Even a very large error in the theory, percentagewise, will lead
to only small errors in the expected properties of the double layer.
K d and Cd are sometimes mistaken for the capacities of the whole double layer,
which is quite erroneous because the potential qO,to which the calculations refer,
is very different from any potential one might think to use for a calculation of
the over-all capacity. Moreover it is not true that d$' = dE, which seems to
be the assumption sometimes made.
The relation between the capacity of the whole double layer, in the absence of
adsorbed ions, and the capacity of the diguse double layer is found as follows:
Let C" and KO be the differential and integral capacities of the region from the
mercury surface to the outer Helmholtz plane. Then from electrostatic con-
siderations alone (or as a definition of K")
- qd = KO($' - $') (49)
34 , I , I I , , I I , , , I ' I I ' I I -
30 - -
N 0.1 NAF
5 -
226 -
5 16-
l4 016 ' 014 ' Oi2 ' 6 ' -6.2 ' -d.4 ' -0:s -Oh ' -IlO '
FIG.12. Calculated and observed differential capacity of mercury in contact with 0.1 J4
sodium fluoride. T = 25°C. Experimental data obtained with 1.0 M sodium fluoride enter
into the calculated values.
1 1 , , 1 , , , 1 1 1 , , , , , I
The variation of K" and C" with E (figure 11) is probably due in part to the
effect of crowding a t the interface. Usually it is explained that anions, because
of their greater polarizability, are more compressible, hence move closer-to the
interface, and therefore have a greater intrinsic capacity in a monolayer. -Such
an effect would cause the values of K" and C" to vary as anions replace cations in
the double layer. But this explanation is hardly applicable to the fluoride ion,
whose polarizability is about the same as that of a typical cation. Moreover,
it ignores the fact that the polarizability of the cation plays no r81e. Thus po-
tassium and sodium ions give almost the same values of Coand K O , in spite of
having very different polarizabilities. It is probably true, however, that large
polarizability of anions makes for high specific adsorption, which in turn produces
large over-all capacity C. This effect presumably accounts for the large increase
of capacity always observed on strong positive polarization.
Values of KO and C" depend very strikingly upon the anion present, even in
the absence of specific adsorption. Thus the hydroxide ion, which is hydrated
and not specifically adsorbed under negative polarization, differs greatly in its
electrocapillary properties from the fluoride ion, which it would be expected to
resemble. The investigation of problems such as this remains for the future.
It is now desired to find the manner in which $ varies with x . Combining
equations 43 and 38 gives:
It should be recalled that this equation is restricted, through use of equation 43,
to symmetrical valence types. It can be integrated through the identity
The constant of integration is 2,. It is the va!ue of x for which, if the differen-
tial equation were valid.at all values of x, tanh ze+/4kT would become unity
and )I would become infinite. x - x, is therefore the distance of a point from
this hypothetical plane of infinite potential, a distance designated by x'. Dif-
ferences in x' are physically significant, although x' itself is not.
A new quantity, K , is defined as
p + and p - are the charge densities of cations and anions, respectively, both of
which are assumed to have valences of absolute value z. The sum of q$ and qd- is
v -
m m
here outlined for ions. By using a low value for the dielectric constant of
mercury, Rice obtained values for the capacity of the diffuse double layer in
mercury comparable to those observed for the whole double layer. It is more
usual to regard the dielectric constant of an electronic conductor as sensibly
infinite, however, in which case the calculated capacity of the diffuse double
layer in the metallic phase is also sensibly infinite, and its capscity, being in
series with the rest of the double layer, exerts no effect. This amounts to saying
that in classical electrostatics no appreciable part of the potential drop occurs
within the metallic phase itself. If it were otherwise, in fact, the nature and con-
c:ntraticn of the electrolyte would not be expected to exert so decisive an influ-
ence on the properties of the double layer.
If one assumes (erroneously) that 9" and Iti are identical, it becomes possible
to calculate r:z (or &, which is the same thing at the electrocapillary maxi-
mum) from the theory of the diffuse double layer. The results of the calculation
are in violent disagreement n-ith expcrixent and also with any reasonable con-
ception of the double layer. As an example, consider 0.1 M potassium iodide
at the electrocapillary maximum. Gi, which is identical with J.r at the electro-
capillary maximum, is observed to be -0.24 volt (table 1). If one assumes that
this is also the value of J.", then equation 72 gives for 9: a value of 192 p coul./cm.2
(an impossible result). This is to be compared with the experimental value of
9.1 p coul./cm.' At higher concentrations the disagreement is even worse and
thc calculated value even more impossible (4300 p coul./cm.' at 1 M). These
results illustrate the necessity of distinguishing between Gi and J.", and also
illustrate that J." must be the smaller of the two absolute magnitudes. It is
these considerations which have led us to assume throughout the non-thermo-
dynamic parts of this paper that the diffuse double layer does not extend to the
inner Helmholtz plane and that low-molecular-weight cations, which are not
specifically adsorbed, do not populate that plane.
The dotted line in figure 8 gives the values of calculated in this manner
for unimolar solutions. The disagreement reflects the fundamental nature of
the error implicit in the assumption that $" = 4'.
I n Section VI ionic adsorption has been assumed absent, meaning that no ions
come closer to the interface than the outer Helmholtz plane. This assumption
is probably satisfied to a gocd approximation on negative polarization of mer-
cury in solutions of capillary-inactive electrolytes and even in solutions of capil-
lary-active electrolytes when the active substance is an anion and when the
polarization is great enough to repel these anions from the interface. Under
most other conditions it is to be expected that an adsorption of ions occurs
and that these adsorbed ions lie closer to the interface than unadsorbed ions.
The layer of adsorbed ions is called the compact double layer or, better, the com-
pact part of the double layer. The double layer is now a triple layer, but it is
not generally so called.
Stern (85) worked out a theory of the compact part of the double layer based
upon the Boltzmann distribution law. In spite of some defects, that theory
still has much to recommend it. The central part of the theory will be here
presented together with an indication of its limitations and the manner in which
they may be removed.
Stern did not distinguish between what n e have called the inner and outer
Helmholtz layers, although he mentioned the possibility that such a distinction
might be necessary. In the discussion which follows, this distinction will
be made from the first.
Following Stern, let ni be the number of adsorbed ions per square centimeter,
noi the number of the same type of ion per cubic centimeter of solution, zi the
maximum number of ions that can be on 1 sq. cm. of surface, and zoi the maxi-
mum number of ions for which there is space in 1 cc. of solution. If the course
of a single ion is followed for some time, it will be found for a fraction of the time
ui a t the interface and for a fraction of time uoiin the solution. If no work were
required to move an ion from the interior of the solution to a place a t the inner
Helmholtz plane, ui/uoi would be the ratio of the number of free places on the
surface to those in the solution.
ui /uOi = (2' - ni)/(zoi - noi) (77)
If one considers not one ion but all the ions of a given type, it is evident that
u /uoi = ni/noi (78)
If, finally, the amount of work wi needed to move an ion from the interior of the
solution to a free place a t the interface is not zero, the right-hand term of equa-
tion 77 must be multiplied by the Boltzmann factor so that, with equation 78:
ni/noi = (zi - n')/(zoi - noi)e-Yi'kT (79)
Except in very concentrated solutions, no; is negligible relative to Z O ~ . With
this simplification, equation 79 can be solved for ni to give:
Stern identifies noi/zoi with the mole fraction, which is admittedly only an ap-
proximation a t best, and he also changes the number 1 in the numerator to 2.
This latter change is made in order that ni shall reach the limit zi/2 when wi has
large negative values, it being assumed that nearly equal numbers of cations
and anions will be adsorbed, in which case the monolayer cannot be more than
half filled with ions of a given type. The logic here is not compelling, particu-
larly if one distinguishes between the inner and outer Helmholtz planes, in which
case ions of only a single type need populate the inner Helmholtz plane.
Experimentally it is found that the compact part of the double layer is not
usually near to a complete monolayer. Thus a charge of 30 p coul./cm.* of chlo-
ride ions is about as large an adsorbed charge as one can conveniently deal with
experimentally, and represents about 25 per cent of a complete monolayer.
I n equation 82, T is the radius of the non-solvated ion. The quantity zi/zoi
has been set equal to 2r, because the thickness of the region in question is to the
thickness of a centimeter cube as 2r is to 1.
Equation 82 could have been derived directly by a consideration of the ratio
of the probability that an ion would be in the solution to the probability that it
would be in the interface. The numerical coefficient in equation 82 would then
be 1 or 2, depending upon whether the mean free path of the ions is large or small
compared to r. If the mean free path is short, spatial considerations are all that
matter and the coefficient is 2; if the mean free path is long, the fact that ions
can enter from only one side reduces the number of ions a t the interface by
The work w i may be divided up formally into a chemical and an electrostatic
work term:
wi = L t ( # i - 4): (83)
I n this equation # i is the electrical potential of the inner Helmholtz plane as
before, and 4: is an adsorption potential of the anions. It is only under special
circumstances that this division has any physical significance, as explained below.
Equation 83 differs slightly in form from Stern's equation because we find it more
convenient to express $1 in units of electrical potential, but the physical meaning
is the same. Stern considered the possibility that both positive and negative
ions might be adsorbed simultaneously, but since this case is experimentally rare
and theoretically very complicated, we prefer to assume that only one type of
ion is adsorbed. For cation adsorption equation 83 mould be replaced by
w i = z+t(+' + 4): (83')
There is no general experimentally unambiguous procedure for dividing up
wi in this manner. The potential of the inner Helmholtz plane, #', may be calcu-
lated from equation 28 if one assumes that K i is a constant. Although K' does
appear to be nearly constant under the conditions for which it can be evaluated
(the ryN-potential), it is only on this assumption that Gi can be evaluated
in general. At the electrocapillary maximum, hoivever, # i is known regardless
of K i (it is equal to #r), and one can say in that case a t least that 4' is defined
unambiguously by equation 83 or 83'. The equations given in this section,
together with equations 43 and 28 and the identity
9 = -q = +$ (84)
constitute the essential parts of the Stern theory.
There are not sufficient equations in the Stern theory as here outlined to per-
mit the calculation of the properties of the double layer without recourse to ex-
perimental data. The most significant use of the theory vhich can be made a t
present is the calculation of 4: from equations 82 and 83 taken together with
experimental data like that shown in figure 9. Values of d.obtained in this
way are plotted in figure 15. The principal result of this calculation is the fact
that 4: varies with q. As the mercury becomes more positive, the chemical
binding energy becomes greater. As already explained, this result is attributable
0.32 1 1
0.28 i:
FIQ.15. Specific absorption potential, +:, for chloride ion on mercury as a function of q,
the electronic charge on the metallic surface. Computed from data presented in figure 9.
with the physical picture we have here adopted, i.e., the inner Helmholtz layer
should not be populated appreciably in the absence of specific adsorption.
Although equation 82 was derived upon the assumption that the monolayer of
adsorbed ions was far from complete, it is possible to interpret w i in such a
manner that the equation retains its validity a t all ion densities. If wi is
regarded not merely as the energy needed to move the ion into a previously
vacant space but as the energy needed to make a vacancy and to move the ion
into it, it will be evident that ni cannot exceed a monolayer even according to
equation 82. In this sense equation 82 is no less reliable than equation 80.
Equation 82 may be combined with equation 83 and rewritten in terms of
charge to make it more suitable for calculation.
q' = 2z-~rmoiexp { -z-E(+~- &//cT) (85)
- { -38.92z-(+' - c$L)] p coul./cm? a t 25°C. if r = 2 A. (86)
= 3 . 8 6 ~ exp
Progress in the study of the electrical double layer calls for a very clear under-
standing of the term "electrical potential difference" as applied to dissimilar
media. I n the discussion here given the author has r3frained from introducing
any new concepts. There is not much room for raal disagraemsnt in this subject
nowadays, except in regard to terminology and conventions. It is hoped that
the treatment here given will make it possible for future authors to discuss
the subject accurately without prolonged explanations.
0.3 g NACL
1 I 1 I I
0 2 4 6 8 IO
FIQ.16. Potentials in the electrical double layer between mercury and aqueous 0.3 M
sodium chloride solutions a t 25°C. at various polarizing potentials. Values calculated from
data in figure 9. The potentials are “rational” in the sense defined in the text. Note
that the potential of the inner Helmholtz plane reaches a maximum as the polarizing poten-
tial is varied from one extreme to the other.
;e-- ;
x I::
FIG.17. Schematic representation of the electrical double layer at the potential of the
electrocapillary maximum. Small circles represent adsorbed ions. Large circles represent
solvated ions. Dotted circles represent “ghosts”, ions which would be present if the double
layer were not there.
usage. The basis of the definition was an assumption that the ratio of the indi-
vidual ionic activity coefficients in a salt solution is given by the Debye-Hiickel
limiting law. This much can be assumed without thermodynamic contradiction.
Its chief virtue is that it makes it possible to talk about individual ionic activities
and liquid-junction potentials without ambiguity. There is also a certain advan-
tage in that it makes it possible to calculate liquid-junction potentials with less
confusion of thought than had been the case formerly. If the idea is firmly
FIG.18. Schematic representation of the electrical double layer with negative polariza-
tion. Note absence of adsorbed ions and increased concentration of positive ions as com-
pared with figure 17. The concentration of [‘ghosts” is also increased.
grasped that the potential differences in question are not “absolute”, there can
be a great gain in clarity of exposition and of thought in Guggenheim’s proposal.
Where liquid-junction potentials have been mentioned or used in the pre-
ceding parts of this review, Guggenheim’s definition has been assumed.
The potential difference between immiscible phases is not defined by Guggen-
heim’s assumption. Again it is convenient to have a working definition, provided
one can keep clear of any suspicion of having proposed a definition of absolute
potential difference. The rational potential difference, $‘, defined in Section 111,
is an example of a useful working definition.
FIG.19. Schem tic representation of the electrical double layer with positive polariza-
tion. Note presence of adsorbed anions. Diffuse double layer is identical with that
depicted in figure 18.
in the work functions of the metals, or minus the potential difference which must
be put in series with the wire connecting the two metals in order to permit their
clean surfaces to be moved toward or away from one another without a flow of
electric current through the connecting wire. A constant temperature through-
out the system is assumed.
The Volta potential difference between metals in contact is not affected by
contamination of the metals a t the point of junction, because any number of
electronic conductors can be inserted between two metals without altering the
electronic equilibrium of the metals. Thus as long as the contact is electronic
(not ionic), the Volta potential difference does not depend upon the cleanliness
of the junction. The surfaces at which the measurement is made, however,
must be clean.
The Volta potential difference is similar in magnitude to the E.M.F.established
when the two metals are made the electrodes in a galvanic cell containing solu-
tions of their salts. This is because the electron affinity of the uncharged metal
atoms is a major controlling factor in both. Zinc has a lower electron affinity
than copper; hence zinc in contact with copper loses electrons until it becomes
positively charged, the copper becoming negatively charged. Because of its
lesser electron affinity, zinc lies higher in the electromotive series than copperr2'
and its behavior in galvanic cells therefore depends upon one of the same factors
as does its Volta potential.
It was supposed a t one time that the similarity of Volta potentials and elec-
trode potentials indicated the presence of a film of moisture between metals in
contact. Today such a supposition appears unthinkable on any grounds, not
the least of which is that the sign of the potential difference is wrong.
The electron potential difference between two metals will be defined as the work
required to transfer an electron (not an idealized charge) from one phase to the
other. If the metals concerned are in contact and a t uniform temperature, this
work will evidently be The electron potential difference is what is meas-
ured by all voltmeters, potentiometers, and the like, including electrometers.
If the ends of a uniform bar of metal are maintained a t different temperatures,
the electron potential a t the two ends is not the same, as is evidenced by the exist-
ence of the thermoelectric effect. It is customary to explain this effect as arising
from differences in the contact potentials a t the two junction temperatures, but
this explanation is misleading since it ignores the facts (a) that contact (Le.,
cavity) potential differences must also be presumed to exist between two parts
of a uniform bar of metal a t different temperatures and (b) that what is measured
is not a contact potential but an electron potential difference. Although it is
undoubtedly true that contact potentials do depend upon temperature, the con-
nection between this fact and the thermoelectric effect is remote. It is much
more satisfactory to explain it as the difference in the electron potential differences
generated by dissimilar metals meintained a t the same terminal temperatures.
Since contact (Volta) potentials are a measure of the work required to move a
unit charge from a point in the vicinity of one surface to a point in the vicinity
of another, it is to be expected that all methods of measuring Volta potentials
should be extremely sensitive to changes in the cleanliness or character of the
surfaces in question, as is found to be the case. This fact is sometimes useful
in deciding what kind of potential a given experiment measures. As mentioned
above, however, the contact potential of electronic conductors does not of itself
depend upon the cleanliness of the surface. It is only in the measurement of
contact potentials that surface cleanliness becomes important.
*e The position of a metal in the electromotive series also depends upon the hydration
energy of the ion formed, but this effect is not dominant.
3' This statement assumed no continuous current flow from one phase to the other.
The potential of the electrocapillary maximum, -G””“,observed with dilute
amalgams or with metals other than mercury leads to interesting results. Thus
an amalgam containing 0.004 per cent of cadmium gives with normal potassium
chloride a value of 0.625 volt (12) instead of the 0.56 volt observed with pure
mercury. Somewhat similar results are obtained with thallium amalgams in
sodium sulfate solutions (30),and it is noteworthy that metallic gallium gives a
value of about 0.9 volt in potassium chloride solutions (29). These variations
can be accounted for in part by specific adsorption of anions and in part, perhaps,
by reorientation of solvent molecules, but it is also true that the contact potential
which arises when the mercury in the reference electrode is joined to the other
metal composing the polarized electrode shifts the potential of the electrocapillary
maximum by an equal amount (26).
There is a long-standing argument concerning the question of where the
potential difference of a galvanic cell arises. The question can be answered
correctly once it is accurately stated. To the question-Where does the electron
potential difference ark?-there can be but one answer. It arises wholly within
the cell. Since the electron potential of the solution is undefined, one cannot be
more explicit. If one asks instead-Where does the cavity potential difference
(the electrostatic potential difference) arise?-the answer is likewise unam-
biguous. It arises partly a t the electrodes and partly a t the junction between
the metals which compose the electrodes. Since electromotive force is a form
of electron potential difference, no part of the E.M.F. of a cell can be said to arise
from the contact potential of the metallic electrodes.
Cavity potential differences between mercury and potassium chloride solutions
have been measured by Klein and Lange (57), the junction between the two
phases being made by means of a calomel electrode. I n this way it was hoped
to measure a “true” potential difference of the calomel electrode, but it is now
evident that what was measured was only a little different from the potential
of the electrocapillary maximum. The effects of the specific adsorption of anions
on mercury were surely eliminated, but not the effects of different ionic hydration
energies, which build up what are known as surface potentials (vide infra).
Moreover, and even more serious, the method does not eliminate the effects of
water orientation on the mercury, for water vapor was of necessity in contact
with the mercury. Even if all of these effects could have been eliminated, no
“true” potential difference would have been measured, since one knows nothing
about the potential gradients which may exist a t a clean surface of mercury.
This all amounts to saying again that “true” potential differences cannot be
measured because they are not defined.
The “true” potential difference between a metal and a solution has sometimes
been defined as the work required to move an ion of the metal from the interior
of the metal to the interior of the solution. It is not reasonable to call this the
“true” potential difference, for a t the very least one would have to correct for
the hydration energy of the ion in solution and the “solvent” effect of the metal
on the metallic ion. A metal in equilibrium with a solution of one of its salts
reaches a state such that no work is needed to move the ion of the metal from one
phase to the other. But no one would suggest that the true potential difference
in all such cases is zero.
Cavity potential differences have been measured for dissimilar solutions joined
by salt bridges (24, 32). These measurements yield “surface potentials”, a
good approximation of the work required to move a test ion out through one inter-
face and back through another. The second solution is so dilute that ionic
accumuIation at its interface may be ignored, and since the solvent effects on
the test ion presumably cancel, what one has is an approximate measure of the
work done in moving an idealized electric charge through any potential gradients
set up by the presence of ions in the air-solution double layer of the more con-
centrated solution. It is found that the hydration energies of the ions are the
controlling factor. Those ions (generally anions) which are least readily
hydrated seek positions in the surface, making the surface negative to the interior
of the solution. The order of the effectiveness of the anions in this regard is
similar to that of the Hofmeister series, being CNS- > Cloy > I- > NO; >
Br- > C1- > OH- > F- (32).
Much larger surface potentials are observed with surface layers of neutral but
polar molecules (1, p. 133). These layers of molecules also occur a t the elec-
trical double layer between mercury and salt solutions containing small amounts
of sparingly soluble organic substances (31, 34, 35, 37, 38). Although these
layers are most often monolayers, the experimental evidence of Gorodetskaya
and Frumkin (31, 35) indicates that polymolecular layers may form when the
surface layers are compressed. If the potential of the mercury is made strongly
positive or strongly negative, the attraction of the surface for ions exceeds its
attraction for the polar molecules, and the latter are displaced. This displace-
ment phenomenon sometimes occurs over i-i small range of potentials and gives
rise to sudden changes in the charge of the double layer. This leads to large
values of the differential capacity and more or less abrupt changes of slope of the
electrocapillary curves. This behavior is exhibited by solutions of heptyl alcohol
in an inert electrolyte, for instance, as is shown by figures 20 and 21. The capac-
ity is almost uninfluenced by the frequency of the current used in the measure-
ment, but the apparent electrical resistance of the adsorbed layer increases with
decreasing frequency. This phenomenon has been studied and explained by the
author as arising from the fact that the true resistance of the adsorbed layer is
not the directly measured resistance minus the resistance of the solution because
the resistance of the solution is in series with the capacity of the double layer,
whereas the resistance of the adsorbed layer is in parallel with its capacity (43).
It is frequently observed that the establishment of complete equilibrium a t an
interface may be a slow process requiring times of the order of seconds or more.
Thus it is well known that the surface tension of some types of solutions changes
with time after the formation of a fresh surface (5, 18). The E.M.F.of galvanic
cells frequently reaches equilibrium only slowly, and the attainment of stable
electrokinetic potentials may be a matter of days (95). I n the two latter cases
a slow step can be postulated which does not demand that the actual orientation
of ions in the double layer be slow. Thus the slow approach to a state of equi-
librium in a calomel cell is undoubtedly to be attributed to the fact that a solid
substance, mercurous chloride, is involved in the reaction by which equilibrium
is attained:
Hg&12 + 2e- + 2Hg + 2C1-
400 -
380 -
320 -
This reaction can proceed only when a mercurous chloride molecule is lying next
to the mercury surface with the mercury ion favorably situated to receive the
charge. This reaction does not necessarily take place instantaneously and in the
amounts required by Faraday’s law when a small current is passed through a
calomel cell, since the capacity of the double layer is sufficient to supply a large
charge with only a small change of potential. The above reaction then slowly
restores the system to its equilibrium potential.
The slow attainment of equilibrium in the setting up of certain electrokinetic
potentials is most probably associated with a slow change in the character of the
surface (95). The slow change of surface tension exhibited by certain types of
901 t I I I I I I I I I I I
finite resistance of the solution, of course, but that is a separate matter. The
time constant of such delay is again given by RC, where R is now the total
resistance between the electrodes and C is the series capacity of the electrodes.
The polarization resistance exhibited by other types of electrodes is associated
with. the occurrence of chemical reactions a t the electrodes (43, 56, 90, 91).
These reactions cause changes of concentration of the reactants a t the interface,
and because of the diffusion of these reactants or because the reactions are not
rapidly reversible, the back E.M.F. does not remain in quadrature with the im-
posed alternating potential (82). A back E.M.F. not in quadrature with the
imposed E.M.F. manifests itself as an electrical resistance in series (or in parallel)
with the electrode. It has been shown both practically and theoretically (43,44)
that the changes of concentration which occur a t an ideal polarized electrode give
rise to diffusion effects too small to result in measurable polarization resistance.
The electrical double layer therefore behaves very nearly like a pure capacitance.
since this reaction is highly endoenergetic (65). The fact that mercury is a
poor catalyst for the gas reaction
indicates that hydrogen atoms are not strongly bound to mercury, but does not
indicate that this latter reaction is slow when the necessary third body (which
1 1
0.1 g NACL
0.002 COCL,
- 0
form of the ion acts as a reservoir of charge. The concentration of the reduced
form of the ion is fixed either by the potential or by the rate of diffusion of the ions
to the surface, depending upon whether one is below or above the LLhalf-wave
potential.” When the potential of the metallic electrode is made so strongly
negative that the concentration of the reduced form of the ion is limited by dif-
fusion, changes of potential cause no further change in the concentration of the
reduced form of the ion, and the differential capacity becomes normal. This is a
particularly good illustration of an electrode which is not ideally polarized acting
like one which is.
The enhanced capacity caused by the reversible reduction of ions has been
called by the author (42) a “pseudo-capacity,” since it does not correspond to
any bound charge except in the sense that neutral metallic atoms represent bound
charge. This pseudo-capacity is observed on extreme cathodic polarization of
sodium, potassium, rubidium, ammonium, and tetramethylammonium salts and
presumably would be found with practically all cations. Hydronium ions do not
give this effect, however, which can only mean that hydronium ions are not
reduced reversibly a t a mercury cathode, a result in harmony with the supposi-
tion that the reduction of hydronium ions on mercury is a process requiring
activation energy. This must be regarded as strong support for the slow-
discharge theory of hydrogen overvoltage mentioned above.
The reduction of oxygen on mercury does not give rise to any pseudo-capacity
(42). This observation indicates that the first step in the reduction of oxygen
0 2 + 2H20 + 2e- --$ H202 + 20H-
is a slow step, a fact which was known independently from the fact that it exhibits
overvoltage. The absence of pseudo-capacity from the reduction of oxygen is
fortunate for the making of differential capacity measurements, since the
last traces of oxygen are difficult to remove from aqueous solutions at room
The reduction of nitrate ion is irreversible by the criterion of the absence of
pseudo-capacity, a result which will occasion no surprise.
As an analytical tool the measurement of the pseudo-capacity a t a dropping-
mercury electrode might be found to possess the advantage of high sensitivity
in the presence of small amounts of substances which are reducible but not
reversibly reducible. The technique would be a modified form of polarography,
but its greater complication would limit its usefulness to cases where ordinary
polarographic methods fail. As a tool for investigating chemical reactions a t an
electrode, however, it can hardly be excelled.
References mentioned in the text and listed below are not comprehensive but
include only those best suited to illustrate the points under discussion. In nearly
every case the references cited give all of the essential information and provide a
key to the earlier literature. Two other recent and fairly extensive reviews of
electrocapillarity are those of Butler (10) and of Adam (3), to which the reader
is referred for information about topics not here discussed.
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