19 Itt Training 1500 Questions
19 Itt Training 1500 Questions
19 Itt Training 1500 Questions
The ------ key can be used to select an existing
company from list of companies. F1 ALT+F1
The systems that work together to order,receive, Puchasing and Puchasing and
and pay for replenishment of stock are --------------- Accounts payable Receiving
Tally allows to delete a ledger from ---------
alteration mode. Single Multiple
--------------------- is/are useful for management in the Cash Flow Fund Flow
decision making. Statements Statements
In tally,the group company must contain at least
_____________ members Two Three
To cancel a vourcher entry in Tally, short-cut key is
----------- Alt+D Alt+X
The accounting masters and inventory masters Create
related to Information Alter Information
We press ------------- function key to display the age-
wise analysis of Bills Receivable or Bills Payable
report F4 F5
In Tally, we press ------------, to print report . Alt+P Ctrl+P
In Tally, Types of Accounts and Types of Vouchers
passed during the period, can be seen in -------------
report. Tally Audit Statistics
In the Tally Software, the ------------ directory stores
all data entered by the user. Bin Data
The Ledger Accounts are unique in Financial
Accounting Packages True False
Customers can be permitted to enter their own data
into the firm’s computer using the firm’s wide area Enterprise Data Enterprise Data -
network is an example of Interchange Information
In Tally, we can customize the Vouchers as per our
requirements TRUE FALSE
One company to
another company Other programs -
created withon a spreadsheet or
Tally supports Importing of data from ---------------- Tally Package a database file.
In an accounting information system, which of the
following types of computer files most likely would Inventory Cash
be a master file? subsidiary. disbursements.
An impact printer creates characters by using...? charged ink An ink pen
Use only
The best security control in a microcomputer Restrict unremovable
environment is to physical access media
What would you NOT use with a flatbed plotter? A pen Paper
What do you need for an ink jet printer? A cartridge A drum
The greatest control exposure in a microcomputer Separation of function for PC
environment is the lack of duties acquisition
What type of computer chips are said to be volatile? RAM chips ROM chips
Network software software and
and security application
Software can be divided into two areas: software software
Travel agents use this computer system when Personal
reserving flights Supercomputer computer
Specification, Programming,
Name three steps involved in developing an Design, and Design, and
information system Testing Testing
_______ is used for CAAT as database Oracle ACL
Generalized audit software perform auditors to
undertake any past records and not concurrent
auditing TRUE FALSE
Generalized audit software is a file whose
capabilities for verifying processing is logic TRUE FALSE
CAAT's are computer program and data that auditor
uses as part of the audit procedures to process data
if audit significance contained in an entity
information system TRUE FALSE
CAAT do not contains package programs, purpose
written program, utility programs or system
management programs yes no
Embedded audit routines are sometimes built into
an entity's computer system to provide data for
later user by the auditor TRUE FALSE
SCARF involves embedding audit software modules
within an application system to provide continuous
monitoring TRUE FALSE
Concurrent use auditors as the member of the
system TRUE false
Regular cross system verification may minimize
frauds true false
Computer security is frequently associated with
confidentiality, integrity and authentication true false
Data reserve engineering process metadata to
document system and abstract business rules and
relationship true false
to determine review and
the audit evaluate the
The first step for developing CAAT is_________ objective types of data
Using the open database connectivity feature in ACL can bring the can bring the
is ______________ data directly data indirectly
the source of
data available source of data
Important knowledge needed to begin planning the to the audit for material
use of CAAT is _________ organization planing
The move towards paperless EDI would eliminate
much of the traditional audit trail, radically changing
the nature of audit evidence true false
providing access
to computer to
Computer operation controls are designed to the of by all all organization
provide ________________ concerned personnel
The use of computer assisted audit techniques is with audit with production
not gaining popularity not only ________________ departments departments
On-line processing refers to grouping of transaction
and processing the same in one go from start to
finish true false
Real time refers to the technique of updating files
with transaction data immediately after the
occurrence of the event to which it relates true false
In OLRT the CPU should process the capability of
program interruption true false
Time sharing system allow access to a CPU from
remote terminals true false
DSS is defined as a system that provides tools to
managers to assist them in solving structured
problems true false
DSS has the following components _________________ databases language
Master files contains current records for
identification and summarizing true false
Transaction files contain relatively permanent
records take product profile, customer profile,
employee profile etc true false
incremental data
design and extraction and
IDEA stands for _________________________________ enlarge activity analysis
A transaction file is sorted prior to the update of
master file true false
A sequence check on the transaction or master files
by an update program is not required true false
Whenever monetary transactions are processed
against master files, the update program should
maintain a correlation account to record such
transaction that does not have a matching master
file record true false
Internal tables are stored tables from which certain
values are extracted for further processing and
storing true false
read data on information to
Audit software is used by the auditor to _________ client's file the audit
Core image comparison is a software used by the
auditor to compare _______ version of a program executables,
with a secure ________ copy master deleted, hard
Database analyzer is a software which provides
detailed information concerning the operation of the
database true false
system analysis advanced
SAS stands for ______________ software software
Embedded code is a software used by the auditor to
examine backup data true false
program code
which may be
provides detailed there for
information of fraudulent
Program code analysis involves _____________ machine uses reason
__________ is a software of CAAT IDEA ACL
fictitious data
applied against comparison of
the client source version of
Base case system evaluation includes____________ program a programmed
While base testing forces on finding if there are any
defective execution policies in a program true false
Black box testing seeks to determine whether
application output is what it is supposed to be true false
identifying identifying
Source code review means__________ erroneous code ineffective code
In formula in flow hypothesis the auditor should
expand the extent of substantive tests to
determine how the defects may impact the
attainment of the program objectives true false
All material application oriented events that occur
within the boundary subsystem should be recorded
in the accounting audit trail true false
authentication of
In examination of audit trail the following data start and finish information
associated with an event may be ___________- time support
p[program for
performing a
variety of data
processing mathematical
Generalized audit software consists ___________ function concept
object linking
OLE stands for_____ and embedding on line execution
The application that supplies data in OLE is called
an _________ OLE object OLE client
If any change made on the object from the client
side is reflected on the server then the object is said
to be _____ linked embedded
_______is the file format that works on internet exe DLL
______ is used to convert any ms-access object into
html format form wizard report wizard
_______ option in publish to web wizard produces a
page that is static in nature static file static html
_______query is used to create or change database
objects in a current database append add
Changes from a master table can be reflected on to cascade delete cascade change
the child table by selecting _____option related records related records
To see more than one record at a time in a form we
use _______ columnar tabular
In SQL, delete command is used to remove _________ table or tables query or queries
_______ form displays fields in a single horizontal row columnar form tabular form
The process of arranging the data in a meaningful
order is known as ___________ filtering ordering
______ are used to select only some particular
records from the table or any other database
objects filter sorts
In MS-Access, user may specify criteria for filter in filter by
form view using _________ filter by form selection
___wildcard character represents any single
character * $
Records cannot be sorted by a primary key true false
A control without a data source is known as unbound
___________ bound control control
Set of related option buttons, check boxes and
toggle buttons is known as _____________ button group option group
______is a form that summarize large amount of data pivot table columnar form
______allows to create a filter by typing the value in
a data sheet data sheet filter filter by input
Wizards for toolbox controls are called a __________ button wizard control wizard
The wild card representation for any 5 letter word
that starts with ram is ________________ ram* ram??
Look up fields slow up data entry true false
____is an access object that displays un-editable
data report form
_____option from the new object toolbar gives the
easiest way of generating a report autoreport report
______ represents data in a pictorial format chart label
Changes of one table can be carried over to another
related table true false
Hyperlinks are used to jump to any kind of
information or data from a file true false
The memo field can have text upto_____ characters
in length 60,000 255
In MS-Access, columnar layout can be used to view
multiple records in a form true false
In MS-Access, alter command may be used in
adding a primary key to a table true false
Update query is used to add records from one or
more tables to the end of an existing table true false
In ms-access, datasheet view is available in
___________ table query
______are used to jump to any kind of information
from a datasheet or a form table form
Home page will always be present as a first page of
an application true false
Make table queries create a new table from the
records of another table true false
In ms-access, to protect a database file from illegal
access, we may set database password. The option
of setting database password is available in _______
menu Insert Records
Foreign key is a field that uniquely identifies each
record and accept no null values true false
Data definition queries are used to create or change
database objects true false
The attributes of a composite key are known as
________ alternate keys composite keys
OLE object is a data type in access true false
Data displayed in forms cannot be edited true false
A sub form is used to display one to many
relationship between tables true false
We can switch from datasheet view to form view by
selecting view -> form view option true false
In MS-Access long integer is a datatype true false
In MS-Access, while designing a table for a
particular field, the Required parameter is set to
yes. This validates the field as _______ null not null
Sorting is applied to select only some particular
records true false
Filter by form can be created from a forms shortcut
menu true false
Advanced filter uses a filter similar to the query
design window to create a filter true false
? Wildcard character represents any number of
characters true false
_________ of the following is/are a type of chart pie bar
A bound control is tied to a underlying query or
table true false
A calculated control uses expression as a source of
data true false
Text boxes cannot be bound controls true false
The default query invoked by ms-access is update query select query
A control can be bind to a record using row source
property true false
List box is a control that offers a list of choices true false
If a table is joined to itself it is called a
________________ inner join outer join
A picture box combines the activities of both a text
box or a list box true false
Line is a tool box control true false
Text boxes can be part of a option group true false
_____ chart exists as a separate object freestanding embedded
Filtering data is a way of arranging data in a
meaning full order true false
Wild card characters are used for sorting records true false
Pivot tables are used to navigate to the other tables
in a database true false
Reports are used to represent un-editable data true false
In MS -Access, the records in a table are sorted the first field of the last field of
based on _________ the table the table
structured query
Visual Basic is based on __________ action language language
_______is the name of the database object that
displays data and can be used to edit data report form
In access OLE objects cannot be linked true false
_____ section is present for each record in the report group record
A ________ sheet lists all the properties that pertain
to the form or the controls data property
Textboxes can also be an example of unbound
control true false
In MS-Access, we may design command buttons for
navigating records true false
_______are forms that are included in other forms sub forms child forms
_______ are used to represent our data in graphical
format graphs chart
A field with a _______ uniquely identifies each record number primary key
Large amount of data can be summarized using
______ tables pivot create
_______ are employed to select only some particular
records from a database object filters queries
______ control need not have a data source form bound
______ control combines the functionality of both a
text box and a drop down list list box combo box
MS access is a DBMS true false
A form can be bind to a record source using _____
property of the form form name control
______ forms displays field in single row tabular form chart form
______ forms are usually used for tables with one to
many relationship sub forms tabular form
_______ control uses an expression as a source of
control calculated bound
_______ control is tied to field calculated unbound
_______is the form that can be created with
minimum input from the user sub form auto form
______option from the tool menu is selected for
setting relationships between tables set relation connect
option, toggle command
______,______and_____are the buttons belonging to and command button, check
the options group buttons and list boxes
_________allows us to create a filter from a field
short cut menu filter by form filter by report
________is a database object which displays data but
cannot be used to edit data form report
What term applies to a collection of related records
in a database? clipboard file
All of the following terms are related to
computerized databases except which one? search sort
A way to analyse
and manipulate A tool to produce
numerical high quality
What is a database? information documents
It contains all
Information about the data about
What does a record contain? certain programs one specific item
Extracting and make data easy
What is the best way to analyse and change data analysing data to analyse
Compilers, Network
What are some popular office orientated software interpreters, software, backup
applications? editors systems
Which of the following constraints can be used to NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY
enforce the uniqueness of rows in a table? constraints constraints
Which of the following commands is used to change
the structure of table? CHANGE TABLE MODIFY TABLE
records in a
dynaset are related tables in
consistent with a database are
the underlying consistent with
Referential integrity ensures that the: tables. one another.
Right-click the
Relationship line,
then select
How would you delete a relationship between tables Double click the Delete from the
in the Relationships window? Relationship line shortcut menu
That there are
customers That some of the
In a Customers tables, what does a plus sign next to associated with data is not
the CustomerID field mean? that ID viewable
A one-to-many A one-to-many
Which of the following relationships does not belong relationship relationship
in a database based on a professional sports league between teams between teams
such as football or basketball? and players and coaches
Which symbol is used at the end of the join line in a
related table to signify the “many” side of a one-to-
many relationship? # M
The Customers
table only when
You have created a one-to-many relationship with there are Loan
referential integrity between a Customers table and records
a Loans table. From which table can you delete a Either table at associated with
record? any time that customer
The correct order of the arguments for the MsgBox prompt, title bar prompt, icon,
statement is: text, icon. title bar text.
The first statement in a procedure named CreateList
is: Dim CreateList. Sub CreateList.
A database is considered "self-describing" because all the users' data it reduces data
_______ . is in one place duplication
In an enterprise-class database system, the
database _________ . holds user data holds metadata
as a new
A database designed using spreadsheets from the systems
Sales department is a database being designed from existing development
_________________________ . data project
as a new
A database designed to implement requirements for from existing systems
a reporting application needed by the Sales non-database development
department is a database being designed _______ . data project
as a new
A database designed to combine two databases systems
used by the Sales department is a database being from existing development
designed _________________________ . data project
Their report
delivery is more
They use difficult than
sophisticated report delivery
Which of the following are true about data mining mathematical for reporting
applications? techniques. systems.
We have obtained access to the company's
operational data. We examine 50 records for
customers with phone numbers that should use the
current area code of 345. Of these 50 records, we
find 10 that still use an older area code of 567. This
is an example dirty data inconsistent data
We have obtained access to the company's
operational data. We have been asked to produce a
report with an item by item analysis of sales, but
the only sales figure available is the total sale value
for each order. This is example of_____ dirty data inconsistent data
It will be easier
It will be easier for the user to
for the user to upgrade it if the
upgrade it if the objects are in
You are developing an Access application that you objects and one database
expect to upgrade periodically. Which of the tables are in one and the tables in
following statements is TRUE? database. another.
An application
may consist of
The Link Tables databases, each
command can be with multiple
used to associate objects, linked to
the tables in one yet another
database with the database
Which of the following statements regarding Access objects in another containing only
applications is NOT true? database. tables.
Which of the following brings a copy of the table
into the current database and does not maintain a
tie to the original table? Import Link
It contains
tables, reports,
It contains more queries, and
What makes a database an application? than one table forms
What is the Access tool that is used to create the
user interface? Menu Wizard Build Menu
create backups
for mission centralize the
critical corporate manageability of
The purpose of a data warehouse is to: data. data collection.
___________ means the result of applying to specific Digital
information certain specific technical processes. Digital Sign Certificate
__________ is an algorithm which creates a digital
representation or "fingerprint" in the form of a "hash
result". Hash Function Digital Signature
__________ is of standard length which is usually
much smaller than the message but nevertheless
substantially unique to it. Hash Function Hash Value
Digital Signature involves two processes. They are Digital Signature Digital Signature
___________ and __________. creation Verification
Overhead and
Subscriber Subscriber
The Costs of Digital Signature consists mainly of the Relying Party Relying Party
following Cost Cost
Certification Certified
CA stands for ________________ Authority Authority
Signing Writings serve the following general Ceremony, Approval,
purposes______,_______,_______ and _______ Approval Evidence
The most widely accepted format for Digital
Certificate is defined by the CCITT X.509 True False
Certificate Certificate
CRL stands for Revocation List Resource List
The prospective signer identified in the digital
certificate holds the_________ and is called the Private Key, Public key,
___________ Subscriber Recipient
In EDI interface, the translation service receives
_________ as incoming files from the communication Internal Format External Format
service File File
The EDI standardisation for International Trade and
Commerce is introduced by __________ ANSI UN/EBCDIC
In EDI, the transmission files are composed of
different sets of external format files which are
grouped into multiple sets under the name of
________ batch files interchange sets
The ________________ are pre-paid credit cards that
include an embedded cards Smart Card Embedded cards
________________ are another form of credit payment
that lets customers use digital online cheques to
pay Web merchants directly E-cash Digital Cash
In Active advertisement, there are two types of Billboards and Online Catalog
models. They are _____ and ________ Junk Mail and Billboards
The most beneficial advantage of ERP system is Error checking Data Integration
Removable drives authentication in
that can be EDI systems
locked up at night performs the
provide adequate same function as
security when the segregation of
Which of the following statements is correct confidentiality of duties in other
concerning the security of messages in an data is the information
electronic data interchange (EDI) system? primary risk. systems.
The wizard that is used to import text files text import convert text to
is_________________ wizard columns wizard
The alphabet indicating the column followed by the
row number is known an__________ cell reference row reference
Which of the following files could not be opened in
excel _______________ text files Lotus 1-2-3
In excel, the dates that are stored as sequential
numbers known as ________________- serial values domain values
The command to display the current date in a cell is
_________________ =today() =date()
computer related
abbreviations and biographical
BABEL consists a glossary of _____ acronym information
MS Internet Netscape
The two major browsers used to surf the Internet Explorer and Navigator and
are ________,_______ Mosaic Mosaic
Special characters allow browsers to display data from a
_________________ text database
The keyword for providing links within or across
documents is____________ hyperlink hypertext
mail servers,mail vendors,mail
The mail we send has a mailing address and most of clients and identification
them correspond to_____,_____ and alternate services and password
Which of the following is not supported by internet
explorer _______________ <center> <font size=n>
communication common
generated gateway
CGI stands for ____________ information interface
Host name indicates the domain name of the web
________ Server Client
The internet is also called as _______________ arpanet the net
The internet is similar to _________________ LAN connectivity
administrative dedicated and
rank registered
DARPA stands for administration projects
_______________________________________________ network administration
The uuencode files start with a _______ start begin
DARPA is broken into ________ and _______ arpanet mailnet,inet
NSFNET is the united states provides service to education,researc
_____ and_____ h music and dance
The first international IP network connections were united states and
established in 1973 with _____ and_____ UK england,norway
A_____ is a set of computers interconnected by
transmission paths to exchange information in
internet server client
A computer that provides a service usable by other
computers is called______ client stand-alone
A_______ is the representation of physical network
connectivity of the computers in internet network card topology
transaction data terminal
DTE stands for ____________________ explanation equipment
The basic function of the ______ is transmitting the
bits over a channel application layer physical layer
Accessing files using FTP servers is called_____ file access anonymous ftp
The three most commonly used networks
are______,______ and______ PAN,NAN,AAN KAN,RAN,VAN
________ is in between LAN and WAN VAN MAN
_____ can be owed by multiple organisation LAN MAN
Data is transmitted in the form of_____ signals analog digital
Data type Define type of
DTD stands for __________ definition data
Moralize/demorali Modulation/dem
Modem stands for __________________ ze odulation
______ is the process of the digital signals being
converted into a form suitable for analog
transmission Mapping Modulation
________ and______ are two basic ways of getting Satellite link and access and dial
connected to the internet digital signals up access
Which of the following best describes uploading storing data on a information to a
information? disk drive host computer
A characteristic of a communication channel that is
the amount of information that can be passed
through it in a given amount of time, expressed in
bits per second. Bandwidth Speed
The act of searching through storage to locate
information without necessarily knowing of the
existence of the information being sought. Find Save
Which of the following activities would most likely Using data Performing
detect computer-related fraud? encryption. validity checks.
The ________ allow companies to bypass the need for Billboard model
costly printed catalogs of marketing Online catalog
The chart that holds the column chart is _________ column chart bar chart
The chart that display two or more data series on a
surface is _________ column chart bar chart
The chart that is used to display discrete data column chart bar chart
wild card
_________ are not allowed in a macro name spaces characters
Which of the following tool cannot be used to view
the excel web page_______ excel97 internet explorer
The wizard that used to build an interactive table
from data existing on sheets pivot table wizard chart wizard
The chart that is used for displaying stock market
information line chart bar chart
The _________ wizard separates contents in a cell text import convert text to
into different cells wizard columns wizard
A spreadsheet is a grid of rows and columns and is
called as a ________ worksheet workbook
Pick out the window that is not a form of excel application document
___________ window window
A dark wide
On an Excel sheet the active cell is indicated by… border A dotted border
Cell A4 =2 and A5 = 4. You select both cells and
drag the fill handle down to A8. The contents of cells
A6, A7, and A8 are _____. 8,16,32 2,4,2
the row is too
short to show
the number at
your formula has the current font
If a cell shows ####### , it means that _____. a syntax error size
Which is not an advantage of using computerized ability to speed of
spreadsheets? generate tables calculation
By using the
arrow keys to
By clicking in a move to a
How can you change the active cell? different cell different cell
Which of the following would you use to change the The Standard The Formatting
font size of a cell in Excel? toolbar toolbar
the New the Save
The command that will save the current workbook command on the command on the
with a different file type is: File menu. File menu.
The command that will print an Excel workbook is
found on the ____________ menu. File Edit
In the Save As and Open dialog boxes, the
___________ view shows the file size as well as the
date and time a file was last modified. Preview Details
If you enter a date into a cell, Excel stores the date text with a two- text with a four-
as: digit year. digit year.
To print just part of a sheet, you would select what click the Print press the PRINT
you want to print and _____ . button SCREEN key
The formula that will add the value of cell D4 to the
value of C2 and then multiply by the value in B2 is
_____. (D4+C2)*B2 D4+C2*B2
Which of the functions is not valid for performing =A3SUM:B3SUM:
addition 0 C3SUM
The default orientation for the printed page is _____. portrait landscape
Which is not a valid cell address? AD213 ZA1
The World Wide Web was devised by _________ CERN ECRN
yahoo and
The useful URL schemes are_____ and______ infoseek mailto and files
news boards,mails call
The other ways of getting connected to the net groups,yahoo and and wireless
are_____ infoseek system
bulletin board broadcasting
BBS stands for______ system system
USENET is a BBS on ____ scale small large
None the person who is known as father of Internet Tim Berner Lee Hoffman
This website is the biggest bookstore on the earth. Etrade.com Amazon .com
When we talk of Data Transmission modes, then Automated Tailor
ATM stands for Machine Any Time Money
connectivity of a
hub with the
Which of the following is true concerning the Concentrates traffic regulation
function of a switch? connectivity of a bridge
Bridges and Two or more
What do routers connect? Repeaters. networks
What does a router route? bits frames
Software which prevents external access to a
system is termed firewall gateway
If four computers are connected to a hub and then
to the internet, how many IP addresses are required
for these 5 devices? One Two
What happens to data that is ruined before reaching Data return to the It gets destroyed
to receiver sender bit by bit.
Wireless Wired
Bluetooth is technology Technology
Which is not one of the recognized IEEE sub layers? Physical Layer Data Link Layer
The most preferred number system to represent a
IP address is Binary ASCII
A MAC address is of 48 Bits 48 Bytes
software that
facilitates a list of rules for
connection to the transferring data
Protocol is internet over a network
A ............... is a LAN-based computer with software
that acts as a controlling device for controlling
access to at least part, if not all, of a local area
network and its available resources. Novell PC Client
provides access
An ISP to the Internet is a CPU register
provides access
An ISP to the Internet is a CPU register
One way that a virus CANNOT spread throughout a by attaching to through an FTP
network is: an e-mail. port.
The two most common tools used to help with cookies and Trojan horses
extracting information are: Trojan horses. and key loggers.
The famous Nigerian Fraud scam offered victims the invest without
opportunity to: buy stocks. risk.
What is the best means of protection from cyber Use a fake e-mail Never use your
stalking? address. real identity.
The major advantage of the checksum program is Adds more bytes Verifies integrity
when it to programs of files
using Internet
Explorer to view a
Web page that is updating the
stored on the values that are
Which of the following requires an Internet hard drive on obtained through
connection? your computer a Web query
Click on the Back
Mr Rao wants to find a website that he briefly arrow until the Click on ‘Go to’
browsed over yesterday. After turning on his desired site is or ‘Search’ in the
computer how would he do this? found browser
the Insert
Which of the following is used to update a Web the Refresh Hyperlink
query? command command
autolayouts and
In Powerpoint2000 ,the built-in professional design clipart & auto presentation
elements are shapes templates
Selection handles are the 8 small ___________ that
appear around the object, when an object is
selected circles points
The _______ is an invisible matrix of vertical and
horizontal lines that covers the entire slide
workspace square image
________ and ______ have the ability to add a lot of clip gallery & slide show &
visual impact into the PowerPoint presentation word art view show
_______ is a motion picture or any animation file wave file media clip
In visual basic, when a record pointer reaches to the
last record, _______ property of a recordset object is
automatically set to ______ eof,false movelast,true
In visual basic, the explorer view of a project is properties form layout
displayed in ___________ window window
In visual basic, when a record pointer reaches to the
first record, _______ property of a recordset object is
automatically set to ______ bof,false movefirst,true
In visual basic, _______ is a method to convert a
string into integer. value() int()
In visual basic, in a shape control, a vb statement
gives Shape1.Shape = 2. What type of shape should
we get? circle rectangle
In visual basic, a timer event is only available in
timer control. true false
Consists of
Consists of several
A project group is a Project which: several Programs Applications
Procedures declared in a _____ are local whereas Form window, Project window,
procedures declared in a ______ are available to the standard or code view code
whole application. module window
How can you keep the user from exiting a form by Place code in the Place code in the
clicking the Close button? Terminate event Unload event
The _______ property enables Visual Basic to draw
complete images in memory before displaying them AutoRedraw = AutoRedraw =
on the Screen. True False
You want to display the code and the description of Msgbox err.no & err.number &
an error. What would be the correct syntax? err.text err.text
To help in
To display images creating a
What is the purpose of the Image List Control? to the user ToolBar
Which method would you use to get a free or
unused File identifier while opening any file: FreeFile GetFileNum
Which property procedure is used to retrieve the
value of a property? Retrieve Get
Which of the following can be shown to the user messages passed
using the Common Dialog control in VB? to Windows Open dialog box
Which of the following are not properties of
Command Button: Caption Visible
Which events enable you to determine which key Click and Click, KeyUp and
was pressed by the user? KeyPress KeyDown
In order to access a file in Non-textual format, you
have to open file in: Ascii Format Binary Format
Visual Basic displays information depending upon
the current value of two properties of the form, CurrentX and ScaleLeft and
called: CurrentY ScaleTop
The caption and the name properties of the Are one and the Can be different
command button: same at times
MsgBox function returns
statement returns a value, while
a value, while the the MsgBox
The primary difference between the MsgBox InputBox function statement does
statement and the InputBox function is the: does not. not.
Which of the following is TRUE about a protected
form (i.e., a form where the Protect Form button on Data cannot be
the Forms toolbar is toggled on and is assumed to entered into the The form can be
remain in that position)? form. modified.
Which event is triggered when the user moves to
another open form? Unload QueryUnload
The user can use ______ to remove the undesirable
part of the image clipping tool cropping tool
The power presentation has a _____ for a set of
compatible colors color palette color box
The set three colors used for graphs and for
secondary slide items is called as ascent tricolor scheme
There are ______ types of charts available in
PowerPoint 10 28
_______ charts are useful while showing variations
over a period of time column bar
_______ are the individual pages of a presentation images images and text
A PIE Chart is a ____ diagram that depicts the
relationship between a whole and its parts circular radar
Each individual piece of data in a series is
called a/an entity data point
PowerPoint launches an OLE-compatible application organization
called chart clip art
the chart is
When the user double-clicks on an organization the organization made available
chart object in PowerPoint chart is expanded for editing
The _____ are used for selecting, editing and viewing general purpose
objects in the chart box tools tools
used to mange
organizational accessed only by
Manager box tool in organizational chart window is chart manager
The custom drawing tools are _______ by default turned on turned off
Click on the box tool ______ to draw three boxes once twice
There are ____ default fields available in all boxes of
the organizational chart two four
The _____ tool is used in the same way as we use a
pen to draw a table native tool draw tool
A/An _______ consists of smaller printed version of
the slides autolayouts handlayouts
The size of the object can be changed using the
______ tool zoom reduce/enlarge
_______ is the process through which the slides in
the current presentation are included in another
presentation or application importing exporting
________ can be used to create charts as well as
worksheets Microsoft excel auto shapes
PowerPoint can import text files that have been .rtf(rich text
saved in ______ format .ppt(PowerPoint) format)
PowerPoint outlines can have _____ outline levels nine only one
When a file is saved with _____ extension, the
graphics and text are also saved along with the .rtf(rich text .wmf(windows
slide format) metafile)
not displayed displayed only
during the slide during the slide
The hidden slide is show show
____ effect is used to introduce a slide during a slide DTS(digital track
show sound) 3D(3 dimension)
A _____ is a special effect that determines how the
objects appear on the slide build transition
The notes page is formatted based on the notes master slide master
Pick the odd man out of the following outline view slide view
creates a sample
presentation to
With reference to autocontent wizard for creating a which user can it is the quickest
new presentation, which of the following statements add words and way to create a
are not true pictures presentation
user can insert
user can insert only pre-drawn,
objects like clip- pre-colored
arts, pictures graphic images
stored in a reflected in a
separate files to clip arts to the
Which of the following statement is not TRUE the slides slides
in outline view, in slide sorter
drag the slide view, drag the
With reference to changing the order of slides, icon to a new slide to a new
which of the following statement is not true location location
A popup box
Excel is started prompts you for
What happens when you double click a blank graph so that you can an existing Excel
placeholder in a PowerPoint presentation? create a chart. chart to insert.
A dialog box is
A dialog box is displayed
displayed allowing you to
allowing you to enter the name
enter the name of of the Excel
the Excel worksheet that
worksheet that should be
should be linked embedded in the
What happens when you click the Datasheet button to the PowerPoint PowerPoint
on the Microsoft Graph toolbar? presentation. presentation.
What happens if you single click a chart that is not The chart is The chart is
currently active? selected. deleted.
What happens if you double click a chart that is not The chart is The chart is
currently active? selected. deleted.
______ and _____ key combination will extend the shift+end and shift+left and
selection by one character on the left and right shift+home shift+right
web layout, normal layout,
_____and_____ are improved layout in Word 2000 printlayout web layout
Analysis is the
Analysis loading of
translates programs that
program code of perform routines
a high level to control
How do you define analysis of an information language to peripheral
system? machine code devices
Inputs, outputs,
file design
What areas need to be considered in the SOFTWARE Only hardware hardware, and
design process? and software software
To execute any
What is the function of systems software? To collect data programs
Deleted from the Copied from the
Formatting a disk results in all the data being...? disk disk
To enable any
printer to be
For technical connected to the
What are User Guides are used for? support network
Network systems
Operating and
systems and communication
Systems software can be categorised into: system services services
Magnetic tape
Which storage device cannot be erased? storage CD-ROM
To maintain a
backup copy of all To do a
Application software are programs that are written the information particular task.
Which bus carries information between processors
and peripherals? Data bus Auto bus
system routines
Peripherals that that execute in
are connected to supervisor
What are utilities? a computer. mode.
Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a
computer in binary form ASCII code form
The original ASCII codes were 7 bits 8 bits
A Nibble corresponds to 4 bits 8 bits
More than 1000
A gigabyte represents mega bytes 1000 kilobytes
memory access
Cache memory enhances memory capacity time
Computer is
Every data from the primary memory will be erased Power is switched improperly shut
if off down
a parallel
An RS-232 interface is interface a serial interface
dot matrix
For print quality you would expect best results from line printer printer
is faster to access
ROM than RAM is non-volatile
increased the
storage capacity
of a computer increases the
A UPS system process speed
has more
storage capacity
is a form of ATM than an ATM
smart card card card
having several
programs in RAM
Multiprogramming refers to at the same time multitasking
the ability to run
having several 2 or more
softwares running programs
Multitasking refers to at the same time concurrently
What are small high speed memory units used for
storing temporary results? ALU Registers
A good way to exchange information that changes
rapidly is through brochures magazines
an operating
Multiprogramming is a prerequisite for multitasking system
Timesharing is the same as multitasking ng
______ is the default view in Word used for typing
Editing and Formatting the Text NORMAL ONLINE LAYOUT
The short-cut-key that is used to indent a paragraph
spacing in the documents is ctrl+m ctrl+2
The short-cut-key that is used to paste the selected
text ctrl+v or ins ctrl+c or ins
The short-cut-key that is used for paragraph
spacing(1.5) ctrl+2 ctrl+5
The box that separate text from the document and
allows it to behave like an independent object is
known as Text Box Frame
The object that is used to provide information like
the title of the book, name of the chapter, page Header and
number etc. Footer Screen Tips
The object that helps us analyzing data statistically
is known as Chart WordArt
To highlight certain parts of a page to set it apart
from the rest of the page we make use of the
following features Borders Shading
To clear all the tabs in a document the option that is
clicked from the tabs dialog clear remove all
The dialog box that is used to incorporate picture picture bullets arrow bullet
bullets into our documents or web pages is dialog box dialog box
The object that composes of set of tools which helps
to create and work on different shapes like
rectangles, circles, flowcharts etc. charts WordArt
When word is opened a new document called_____ is
displayed, where the user starts typing the content
right way doc1 document1
______ is an online dictionary maintained by word to
obtain synonyms for words thesaurus hyphenation
auto format
option applies to
it is not possible the entire table
to change the and not only to
height of only the selected
With reference TO TABLE WHICH OF THE selected rows of rows or columns
FOLLOWING STATEMENT ARE false a table of a table
The alignment available for tabs does not include left decimal
In order to type
A new section is a header from
created in order the third page of
to change the document a
properties like section break is
Which of the following statements related to a number of inserted after t
Section Break are True columns he third page
The user can set a spelling checker to skip the
marked part of the next true false
New option under the file menu of word creates a
new blank document that is based on the normal
templates true false
The user can split the screen only into two parts true false
The features that enables the user to type text
graphics tables anywhere in the document without
pressing enter or tab drag & drop click -n-type
The user can modify the picture from the clip art true false
prohibits the
automatically user from
corrects common renaming an
With reference to auto correct which of the typing, spelling auto correct
following statements are false errors entry
document can
be opened
With the reference to password protected without
documents which of the following statements are password can not password as
false include spaces read only
The alignment available for tabs does not include left justified
a document file
a .ppt file can not can be inserted
not be inserted at in the current
specified position document at
in the current specified
Which of the following statements are False document position
Drop Cap tool does not work for the contents in the
table format true false
The special symbols that are inserted using "insert
symbol" option of the word can not be printed by
the printer as they are not standard keyboard
symbols true false
The "format columns" option allows to create
columnar text up 12 columns only. true false
The document that makes the user to organize and
maintain a long document, such as multipart report
or a book consisting of chapters Master Document Child Document
The view that enables us to view how objects will be
positioned on the page when it is printed Print Layout View Page Layout
send a public
message to
Using an electronic bulletin board, Seema can do all friends interested send pictures to
of the following except which one? in one topic a friend
Aryan has created a ten-page story, but only wants
to print the first two pages. What printer command
should he select? Print all From ___ To ____
What process should be used to recall a document
saved previously? Enter Copy
Which is used to indent text within a document? closing tabbing
Desktop publishing is a more sophisticated form of
which of the following types of software? database graphing
Creating and
To analyse editing
What is a Word Processor used for? figures documents
What is a picture that is saved on a diskette and can
be pasted into a document? subscript annotation
What basic tools would you find in the Edit menu of Clear, replace grammar and
a word processor and select autocorrect
Assume you have made all appropriate selections in You have not
the Columns dialog box in Word, but cannot see any inserted a
columns on the screen. What is the most likely You are not in column section
cause? Print Layout view. break..
While word processing, in which of the following to store a file on to store a file on
situations would Tom use the "Copy" command? the hard drive a diskette
A red underline
A line appears appears beneath
Which statement is NOT true regarding revisions through text that text that is to be
made in a Word document? is to be deleted. added.
The latest
All versions are version is
What happens when you open a document that has opened opened
been saved using the Versions command? automatically. automatically.
Which of the following is TRUE related to editing Comments cannot be
comments in a Word document? cannot be edited. deleted.
a section of text
where the first
letter of each
sentence is
a section of white lowercase and
text on a black the rest are
A reverse in a newsletter is: background. uppercase.
Which of the following would be the most A serif font at 10 A sans serif font
appropriate font for a newsletter headline? points at 10 points
to read from or
to calculate write information
What is the function of a disk drive? numbers to a floppy disk
To find where a file has been saved on disk, the use the directory search each file
user should search tools in turn
A series of instructions telling the computer how to
process data or files is defined as a Network Program
save copies of
the file with the use different
To ensure that data is not lost if a computer system same name on filenames on the
fails, the user should the system system
Having a single CPU alternatively process tasks
entered from multiple terminals is called Multiprocessing Time sharing
The place in the CPU where the data and programs
are temporarily stored during processing is called
The data hierarchy from the largest to the smallest Character, field, Database,
is database character, record
Which of the following hardware or software system Maintenance
controls provides a detailed record of all activities Valid character diagnostic
performed by a computer system check program
Which one of the following parts of a computer is
necessary to enable it to play music? Sound card. CD-ROM
An educational CD-ROM on Indian Poets contains
1000 pages of text, 500 colour pictures, 15 minutes
of sound and 1 minute of video. Which of the four
different media listed takes up most space on the
CD-ROM? Text Pictures
Which one of the following printers is suitable for
printing sprocket fed carbon copies? Laser Dot matrix
the program
orphan files can executable may
The main problem associated with uninstalling be left on the not allow it to be
software is that system uninstalled
assist in
Passwords are applied to files in order to maintenance speed up access
Each of the following is an enabler of IT-business senior executive IT management
alignment except: support for IT. lacks leadership.
The basic systems model is used to describe
virtually all information systems and it consists of
the following elements: input. output.
The use of
computers to
design state-of- Using computers
the-art, high- to do
What is a computer-aided design system? quality products. architecture.
Turn the
Which of the following is an acceptable way to shut Press the reset computer off at
down the computer? button. the power point.
Yesterday, in your music class you saved your
compositions as MP3 files. Today, you cannot
remember where you saved them. Which is the best Create the files Ask the person
way to locate the files? again. next to you.
Components of an information system model are: a)
applications architecture; b) functional architecture;
c) technology architecture; d) information
architecture (a), (c), (d) (a), (b), (c)
Benchmarks form part of: detective controls controls
Continuity controls include: a) record counts; b)
date checks; c) label checks; d) run-to-run totals (a), (c), (d) (a), (b), (c)
Which is not part of help desk documentation: problem logging call lights
Testing of individual modules is known as: unit testing data testing
Allows computer
signals to be send
over a telephone Aids in back-up
A modem is a device that line procedures
A compiler
converts the
whole of a
A compiler does a higher level
conversion line program code
by line as the into machine
What is a compiler? program is run code in one step
In what areas is the COBOL programming language Financial sector Graphic design
used? and engineering and education
Manage the
Communicate paging function
with the console in a virtual
The primary function of a front-end processor is to operator environment
Specification and
What is the first stage in program development? design System Analysis
Which of the following is not used for data
transmission within a local area network Fiber Optics Coaxial Cable
Testing to check
The different for errors before
types of network the system is
What will a good software provider consider? to be used introduced
The topology of a network can be each of the
following except Star Packet
What is the 8-bit binary value of the decimal
number 85? 10101010 1100101
Which is the most common data transmission error
checking method Parity Retransmission
What is the decimal value of the binary number
1111? 15 4
Which of the following devices merges
communication signals onto a single line Port Modem
What is the decimal value of the octal number 215? 327 141
memory access
Cache memory enhances memory capacity time
What is the decimal value of the hexadecimal
number FF? 30 255
Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a
computer in binary form ASCII code form
What is the hexadecimal value of the decimal
number 1476? 4C5 1B7
A byte corresponds to 4 bits 8 bits
Basic Coding Binary Coded
What does EBCDIC coding of numbers mean? Description Decimal
A Kb corresponds to 1024 bits 1000 bytes
What is the binary sum of 01011 and 00101? 10000 1112
Information is stored and transmitted inside a
computer in binary form ASCII code form
slower than an
A compiler is a fast interpreter interpreter
Dot - Matrix
Which printer among the following is fastest Drum Printer Printer
“Zipping” a file means encrypting it decrypting it
Modem stands for __________ . Code/De-code modulation
Multiple changes to the same record or a field are
prevented by the DBMS through______ fixes locks
_________allows an application to multitask within
itself multiprocessing multithreading
Linear area Local area
LAN stands for __________ . networks networks
Integrated Integrated
system dynamic Symbolic Digital
ISDN stands for _______. networks. networks.
_____________ is the Worlds largest computer
network . Ethernet Internet
_______is/are a popular front end tool visual basic power builder
When LAN connected together ,it is called __________
& ^ A
Accounts payable Receiving and
and Receiving Accounts payable D
Four One A
Ctrl+T Ctrl+D B
Information All of the above D
F6 F7 C
Shift+P None of the above A
Electronic Data
Interchange. All of the above C
4 5C
18 21 B
electronic data
analysis All of the above B
F6 Alt+f5 B
Primary Cost
Category All of the above C
10 to 60 None A
Ctrl+f2 Ctrl+f4 A
F8 F9 C
F10 F11 B
F11 F12 A
Budget None C
Symbol None of them B
A or b None A
28 16 C
Sub-Groups B or C A
Planning Exception reporting C
File protection
ring Limited access files C
A parallel access
medium None of above A
software and
games software None of the above B
computer None of above B
Jon Von
computers None of above B
generation None of above A
generation None of above C
generation None of above C
Analysis, System
Design, and
Implementation None of above A
JCL none the above A
to obtain a
record layout extract data from file A
absence of audit
trails all the above D
checks and
controls all the above D
use of any
programs none of the above D
cal all of them D
enable multiple
user resource
sharing all the above D
deletion addition B
software and
database safety and database B
on quarterly
basis none of the above B
placement of
component none of the above D
none of the
above all the above A
none of the
above all the above A
interactive data
analysis none of the above B
big-bang stub C
carried out by
the clients
programs all the above D
all the above none of the above A
can provide the
auditors with
information with
trend s and
patterns all of the above D
examination of
source code of
a program with
advice to
following the
logic of a
program none of the above C
analyzing the
picture of a file or
data all the above A
none of the
above all the above A
identifying non-
standard code all the above D
requested all the above D
stratification and
analysis all the above D
examining the
quality of data all the above D
A special purpose
written program None of the above A
Compliance tests
of general EDP
controls All of the above D
chart macros D
comments action D
builder expression elements C
elements list
box none of the above C
datasheet justified B
for specifying
conditions with
group by
clause none of the above C
insert delete B
RAID none of the above A
connected edited A
BMP html D
publish to web
query wizard wizard D
pesos yen A
new database
dialog box database dialog box A
235 63500 A
Dynaset field
properties properties B
append simple D
pipes gateways A
@ ? D
combo box static text B
option control
wizard tool wizard C
table ledger A
25,000 64,000 D
report hyperlink D
both 1 and 2 none of the above C
delete query append query B
stand alone sub chart D
attributes entities D
append add A
use datasheet in
forms use export D
? * D
group topic C
range logical C
event -
procedural based
language none of the above C
query table B
session detail D
labels report B
index identifier B
sorts forms A
unbound none of the above C
macro table B
field layout B
field names record grab D
An organised way
of storing
about a set of A way of maintaining
similar things a log C
A document
which contains
text A collection of files B
A tool which
allows text and
graphics to be
placed in
documents None of the above A
Word processors,
databases, DTP None of the above C
constraints IDENTITY columns C
Component Source D
keeping the
original paper saving the file with
copy different filenames A
wildcards engines C
forms in a
database are
consistent with reports are consistent
the underlying with the underlying
tables or queries. tables or queries. B
query and its
associated report and its related
dynaset. query. A
Many-to-many Many-to-one B
me CompanyAddress A
The one-to-many
The join line relationship B
A one-to-many
relationship A many-to-many
between coaches relationship between
and teams players and teams C
¥ * C
CreateList. Sub. B
A drop-down list
enables the user
to choose from A drop-down list
one of several enables the user to
existing entries. enter text. C
does not have to must be set for two
be set. words. C
create tables of maintain data on
rows and different things in
columns. different tables. A
metadata. all of the above D
information. a and b D
application a or b A
application None of above B
Oracle a and b D
The database
system (DBMS) All of the above. D
as a redesign of
an existing
database a and b A
as a redesign of
an existing
database a and b B
as a redesign of
an existing
database a and b C
data models data modeling A
data models data modeling B
data models data modeling D
relationship data
modeling data migration D
row field D
key tuple C
data None of the above A
data warehouse
data are often
denormalized. b and c C
Report Query A
Macros Spreadsheets D
An application can be
All objects in an created in such a way
application, that it objects such as
including the forms and reports can
tables, must be changed without
reside within the disturbing the existing
same database. data. C
Merge Join A
It contains a user
interface, or
switchboard It contains macros C
Interface Design
Wizard Switchboard Manager D
Overhead None of the above A
Authority None of the above A
Personal Digital
Certificate None of the above A
Personal Digital
certificate None of the above C
Revocation Letter None Of The Above A
Private Key,
Recipient None Of The Above A
Transmission File None of the above C
Billboard Endorsements A
Billboard Broadcast C
Low cost of
operation Quality management B
espionage Economic espionage C
A competitor’s new
Research data project B
application None of above C
Including the Using all capital
Subject letters D
performed by a Security at the
physically secure transaction phase in
hardware device EDI systems is not
is more secure necessary because
than encryption problems at that level
performed by will be identified by
software. the service provider. C
numeric Boolean D
pmt count A
convert text to
columns wizard tip wizard B
sumif countif C
unlimited restore
locator none of the above A
browser editor B
search for
database none of the above C
wincim or
maccim none of the above C
one many B
index glossary C
search,item item search,index
search search C
lycos all the above D
lynx all the above C
Lycos navigator gold 2.0 C
IBM CompuServe D
ftp telnet D
site organization B
uniform resource
label name of the above B
frantically asked
question none of the above B
request close A
university of
California net none of the above B
grand network
news none of the above B
search engines none of the above B
yahoo and
altavista none of the above B
ftp archive D
Delphi fidonet A
database channel B
Graphical Graphical Interface
interface format format B
graphical Common Gateway
interface Interface D
Communication Connection B
Web Channel A
Engineering Task
Force None of the above C
MS Internet
Explorer and
Navigator None of the above C
symbols video C
hotword hotlink B
in user-defined
order none of the above B
mailing lists,mail
server robots and
gateways to
other services none of the above C
classified general
instructions none of the above B
Browser User A
intranet none of the above B
lynx,winsock all of the above B
ARPANET none of the above B
research projects
net none of the above C
first none of the above B
data target
equipment none of the above B
network layer none of the above B
smart network
and dumb
network none of the above B
Serial line
protocol none of the above C
Pillar to pillar
protocol none of the above B
Size Channel A
Browse Retrieve C
Formal Legal
Requirements, Open
Open System System D
authentication None of the above A
Encryption Cryptography C
fraud-awareness Reviewing the
training. systems-access log. D
Received by the
intended Sent to the correct
recipient. address. A
The private key
is used by the
sender for The private key is
encryption but used by the receiver
not by the for decryption but not
receiver for by the sender for
decryption. encryption. A
Failure of server
function. Firewall vulnerability. D
Business Business- to-Billboard A
Endorsements Broadcast B
Catalog Broadcast A
.COM Domains A
Search and
discovery None of the above C
preparation Search and discovery A
model of
marketing None of the above B
EFT Gateway D
Assembler EDI D
Business Customer-to-Company B
Encryption Subscription C
3 4B
Multi-dimensions A
It is often used to
display share It is also used for
market prices indicating fluctuations
over a period of in temperature
time changes B
Performing text
formatting. All of the above D
Source table
name. Pivot table item. C
Multi-dimensions A
It can be
represented in 3-
dimensions B
SumIf A
tables worksheets D
It summarizes
the data by using
functions. A
tables database A
modal window C
2,2,2 6,8,10 D
database spreadsheet D
Gap Rows A
constant. formula. B
#VALUE! Tom McKenzie. C
constants Text constants D
* \ D
It is impossible to
D4^2 determine. C
SUM(H9:H11) G7*SUM(H9:H11) B
The phrase “active
It is displayed in cell” appears in the
reverse video. Status bar. A
By either clicking
in a different cell
or using the By typing the
arrow keys to reference of the cell
move to a you want to move to
different cell in the formula bar C
View Window A
List Properties B
Fonts Margins C
View Edit B
mixed constant A
B$4 $B$4 D
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! B
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! C
Right-click a cell
and click the Edit Double-click a cell and
Hyperlink click the Insert
command. Hyperlink command. B
It is impossible to
determine from the
29/03/2008 information given. B
subtracting the
later date from adding the later date
the earlier one. to the earlier one. A
B1;G10 B1:G10 D
Pie Scatter C
information to a
database Use multiple sheets D
#VALUE! =(B2*(D4+C2) C
newsgroups and
search engines none of the above B
servers and web
servers none of the above B
system none of the above A
very small none of the above B
Name Address B
Address Protocols D
Unauthorising Approving A
Exposure Hacking B
Virus Cracker C
Address Protocols C
Port Pin B
New Information
Card None of the above B
Switches data
from incoming
ports to outgoing
ports. All of Above B
It continue on to
target device
with corrupt data None of the above B
Ultra violet
technology None of the above A
Network Layer All of the above D
Server Network PC C
If the hub goes
down, it brings If the hub goes down,
down all of the it brings down all of
nodes on that the nodes on all of the
section rings B
Star Mesh C
Star Mesh B
Linear Ring C
Star Mesh A
Windows 95 Netscape B
is a CPU
functional unit make of processor A
is a protocol for the
is part of transfer of files
Netscape between computers D
is part of
Netscape None of the above D
a screen saver
program none of the previous D
is a CPU
functional unit make of processor A
is a protocol for the
is part of transfer of files
Netscape between computers D
is a protocol that
is part of allows for remote
Netscape login D
Any layer can
only with the Any layer can
layer directly communicate only
above or below with the layer above
it. it. C
It works the Individual computers
same way as a can connect to it
local network. using an ISP. A
flood traffic C
switch hub B
A worm Spyware D
Multiplexors LAN B
To obtain an accurate
inventory of network
To improve related equipment
system response and parts and network
time nodes D
stop its
competitors update its prices as
seeing their soon as they are
prices changed D
USA People
Search Lycos Search B
Adware Spyware B
make large amounts
of money by parking
purchase off- funds in their bank
shore property. account. D
Siphoning Hoaxing B
spam. viruses. B
sequence Logical access
number checking controls B
www telnet C
clicking a
hyperlink that
references a
document that is viewing an Excel
stored in the worksheet that you
floppy drive on have saved as a Web
your computer page. B
Go to the History
page and look for Go to the Bookmarks
the site or Favorites page C
Sound Video C
Add it to Cut and paste it to a
‘Favourites’ or word processor
‘Bookmarks’. document. C
network. network topology A
a footer. an encryption. B
File Transfer
Protocol None of the above B
So email is
delivered faster None of the above A
Internet Remote
Conversations None of the above A
A letter will be
sent to you in the
post None of the above A
High volumes of
email None of the above C
squares icons C
grid guide C
movelast,false eof,true D
movefirst,false bof,true D
number() val() D
square oval D
foresize fontsize D
one-thousandth one-ten thousandth of
of a second a second C
itemcount listcount D
label inputbox() D
dbopensnapshot dbopendynaset D
unload initialze C
transparent graphical D
green black B
blue white D
project explorer
toolbox window D
project explorer
toolbox window A
text gotfocus D
container none of the above C
initialize activate D
value style C
.ctr .ocx B
Check Audit A
Refresh Resize A
UnloadMode UnloadMode
parameter to a parameter to a zero
non-zero value value A
Class module,
code module None of the above A
Refresh PaintPicture A
error.number & Msgbox error.number
error.text & error.description D
To provide a
To allow the repository for images
editing of icons used by other controls D
GetFile GetBytes A
GetProperty Value B
explorer Input box D
Multi-Line Font C
KeyUp and KeyPress, KeyUp and
KeyDown KeyDown D
ScaleHeight and
ScaleTop x and y A
Value CurrentVal B
SetAttr CStr A
InputBox function
can be created
with the macro MsgBox statement
recorder, while can be created with
the MsgBox the macro recorder,
statement while the InputBox
cannot. function cannot. B
18 36 C
pie linear A
data stream B
five eight B
copying moving B
displayed only in
outline view none of the above A
7.5 inches,5
inches none the above B
templates add-ins A
when the slide
show is run none of the above C
contains sample
presentations for
a variety of provides suggested
topics content and design D
user can insert
picture to the
master slide user can insert picture
which gets to the title slide which
reflected in all gets reflected in all
the slides using the slides using that
that master slide title slide B
in notes pages
view, drag the I slide view, drag the
slide icon to a slide icon to a new
new location location C
user should
select the slide the slides can be
view to add the reordered in the
text to the slide outline view B
102 22 B
Microsoft Graph
is started so that
you can create a The graph placeholder
graph. is deleted. C
Alt Ctrl B
Custom animation can
be used to affect the
way objects appear on
a slide, to what
objects do after they
appear on a slide, and
the way objects to the way objects
exit a slide. exit a slide. D
The advanced
timeline shows The advanced
the sequence in timeline shows
which objects will neither the sequence
appear on the in which objects will
slide and the appear on the slide,
duration of the nor the duration of the
effect applied to effect applied to each
each object. object. C
Clips, organization
Text charts, and text D
Data cannot be
entered into There is no such thing
Datasheet. as a Datasheet. B
You cannot
change the style
of the connecting You cannot change
lines in an the color of the boxes
Organization in an Organization
chart. chart. B
[Alt+Z] [Ctrl+Z] D
.frm .frx B
recordcount count C
addnew additem C
additem addnew B
moveprevious movefirst C
UnloadMode UnloadMode
parameter to a parameter to a zero
non-zero value value A
ctr+end and
ctr+home none of the above B
web layout, page
layout none of the above A
click from start
MSWord from the
task menu none of the above A
assistant none of the above A
database forms A
0 11 A
print preview
from the file none of the above A
ctrl+f ctrl+m A
ctrl+f ctrl+m D
ctrl+shift+s ctrl+shift+p C
This involves
looking at a
system and
finding out how
information is
being handled None of above C
reliability, and
upgradeability None of above B
To maintain
security None of the above D
Transferred from the
Saved to the disk disk A
Users operate
the manual
system None of above B
Users continue
operating the old
system None of above A
User Guide and
documentation None of above C
User guides
cover how to run
the system, enter
data, save, print,
etc. None of above C
systems and
backup services None of the above A
To help someone
who is applying
for employment None of the above B
Data structures
that are part of
the kernel of an Shells, compilers and
operating other useful system
system. programs. D
bytes Hertz D
provides backup
power in the
event of a power
cut none of the previous C
is an access card
for a security contains a
system microprocessor C
writing programs
in multiple
languages none of the previous A
writing programs
in multiple
languages none of the previous D
Variables Logic Bus B
CD-ROM e-mail D
ctrl+end ctrl+home B
AutoShape Border A
WordArt Bullets D
circle bullet
dialog box none dialog box A
AutoShapes files C
alt+f8 alt+f5 A
sgml vb script A
arpanet LAN A
field names in
the header the number of fields
source must names in the header
match any merge source must be the
fields you've same as the number
inserted in the of data fields in the
main document data source B
by default cell
height and
weight option delete cells option
applies to all the allows to delete the
rows and entire row or a
columns of a column or shift cells
table up or shifts cells left C
justified top A
If a header is
inserted in the
second section A section is a portion
then the same of a document in
header is which certain page
applicable to the formatting option can
first section be set D
hanging top A
a multiple
documents files an .xls data can not
can be inserted be inserted at
in the single specified position in
document the current document B
Document none of the above A
thesaurus outliner C
send private
messages to a send a package to a
friend friend D
Retrieve Save C
spacing sorting B
information None of the above B
Text which
appear at the top Designated area on
of every page the document C
keyboard and
mouse None of the above B
15 point 25 point B
impossible to
3 inches. determine. B
A set of different
graphics None of the above B
Checker Find and Replace B
Delete, then
paste Insert, then paste A
To complicate
the revision
process and to To allow multiple
force the author people to work on one
to spend more document in
time making collaboration with one
corrections another C
A vertical line
outside the left
margin signifies a
change has been Comments are
made at that enclosed in a text box
point in the at the right of the
document. document. D
Forms Insert C
Text which
appear at the top
of every page None of the above C
forms. numbers. C
find/search. macro. A
Format Painter This action is not
button possible. C
Format Edit C
the guidelines
used to establish
where different
elements of the an enlarged capital
newsletter will letter at the beginning
go. of a paragraph. A
underlining the
text of the pull
quote. changing the color. A
A grid is a set of
A dropped cap is horizontal and vertical
a word that starts lines that determine
with a lowercase the placement of
letter when it elements in a
should have a newsletter or other
capital letter. document. D
12 72 D
Three Four B
Press Enter to
create a section Press Shift+Enter to
break. force a line break. C
to display information
to print sheets of or pictures on a
paper screen B
Program Data B
Intelligence Parity Checker B
System Modem B
modem Shareware A
Indexed Random C
Ink-jet Drum B
recording current
stock in a
presenting an supermarket and
order for stock to answering customer
a warehouse. queries. A
package Spreadsheet D
confidentiality of
files simplify file structures C
4096 8192 C
printer can do
1000s of pages a the operating system
day is easy to use B
power supply uniform page source C
the system
requires a
network the system always
administrator to requires a re-boot and
uninstall it defrag afterwards A
information. text. A
Logical Steps in
any language None of the above A
It is mandatory in
tally None of the bove A
access allow encryption C
IT understands
the business None of the above B
Software that
designs and
artistic patterns. None of the above A
enterprise local B
Settings Control B
Physical security
of warehouse Cross-training of
facilities. operating personnel. B
design data design A
network Hub C
Mesh Ring A
To help someone
who is applying To Store data in an
for employment organised manner B
Binary Indexed B
systems and
compilers. Computer operations. C
A direct access A direct access file on
file on a disk a tape C
commonly vary
between Data record can never
architectures be blocked together C
calculation part Input output channel A
Wide area
network Protocol B
Time sharing
Multiplexor computer C
mailing Instant post-office C
A personal
computer A mainframe PC B
A compiler is a
general purpose
providing very
execution None of the above B
Lexical analysis,
and code
generation None of the above D
An interpreter is
a general
providing very
execution None of the above A
division Time Division
multiplexor Multiplexor C
languages None of the above C
It is less prone to
attenuation Uses only one path D
sector None of the above C
System Analysis
involves creating
a formal model of
the problem to
be solved None of the above C
Software and size
of program. None of the above B
Ring Bus B
output input A
Pixies Pickers B
Optical mark
reader None of the above C
word processing
keyboard layout software C
Optical mark
reader None of the above B
interface an operating system C
Third -
generation Fifth - generation
computers. computers. A
Param Arjun C
is due to bad disk
blocks none of the previous C
Magnetic Ink
Recognition Image Scanning
Technology Technology B
converts a
program to
machine code none of the previous C
External file
labels Cross footing tests C
multiplexing multitasking D
processing unit none of the above B
non impact
printer none of the above C
spreadsheet none of the above B
idea processor none of the above B
exchange none of the above B
record none of the above C
high level
language none of the above B
windows NT LAN D
two many A
defragmentation disk mirroring D
module None of the above B
constraints traps B
thread client-server C
Services Digital
network. None of the above. C
Simple Mail
protocol None of the above. C
package system A
performance, input, output,
cost performance ratios C
feed write A
multiplexing multitasking D
converter process D
ram output D
printers thermal printers C
program, CPU, memory,
keyboard, bus input, output D
windows 95 interpreter B
software's procedures C
assembler coder B
assembler processor C