Load Leveling Reduces T&D Line Losses
Load Leveling Reduces T&D Line Losses
Load Leveling Reduces T&D Line Losses
T&D losses and its drop due to shifting load can be approx-
imated as
Fig. 2. Shifting load from peak to off-peak time reduces T&D losses.
T&D losses are often expressed as a fraction of the system
load in terms of percent of demand or percent of delivered en-
where ergy. The total loss for a power system like AEP’s is in the range
of 10%–15% of the load. Defining the ratio of the total T&D
T&D losses without any load shift; losses to the load as a parameter, (5) may be rewritten to show
the ratio of the saved losses to the peak load (before shifting)
T&D losses with shifted load (energy storage);
, equivalent T&D resistances during peak and
off-peak periods, respectively;
, load current during peak and off-peak periods, (6)
current provided locally by the storage device; Fig. 3 shows dependence of saved T&D losses on the storage
net ac energy efficiency of the storage system; size, both normalized to the peak load. The following values
storage discharge time during the peak period; have been assumed for this plot:
= storage charge time longer than discharge
time due to the storage inefficiency.
Now if the storage current is set equal to zero in (2), the
T&D losses would be the same as the case without any storage. The main conclusion from this chart is the savings in T&D
The savings in T&D losses due to the load leveling effect of the losses increases (losses decrease) with the storage size up to a
local storage can be written and simplified as maximum value beyond which the losses increase again. An-
other observation from Fig. 3 is the savings in the T&D losses
is sensitive to the ratio of the off-peak to peak loads (G). The
equations of saved T&D losses could be written to use a more fa-
(3) miliar parameter like load factor, instead of the ratio of off-peak
load to peak load (G), except load factor depends on the load
Substituting profile while (G) is independent of it.
The percent change in the T&D resistance from peak to off-
peak periods is expected to follow the change in resistance from
small currents (25 C) to high currents (carrying 75% of its rated
capacity at 50 C). This ratio is between 88% to 92% range
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
for most aluminum cable steel reinforced (ACSR) conductors Fig. 5. Drop in T&D losses as a percent of the storage size.
at 60 Hz [4].
Since energy storage is considered at or near a load site and
parallel with it (AEP recommendation and practice), it virtually
sees the same voltage as the load and, therefore, the ratio of the
storage size to the peak load is the same as their current ratio,
which was defined as alpha in the above equations
Fig. 4 shows a plot of this maximum storage size before T&D Fig. 6. Relative size of reduced T&D losses to the storage losses.
losses start to increase again. Note that this maximum storage
size is 50% of the gap between peak and off-peak load for an
energy storage device that is 90% efficient. This is due to con- and, therefore, the effectiveness of additional load shifting de-
sidering a lower T&D resistance at off-peak periods (90%) than creases at that location (see Fig. 2). The second observation, as
peak periods. The maximum storage size decreases for storage also observed in Fig. 3, is that the savings in the T&D losses is
devices that are less efficient than 90%. The maximum storage sensitive to the ratio of the off-peak to peak loads G.
size of 50% is reached for all storage systems with an efficiency If the amount of reduced T&D losses would equal or exceed
that numerically equals the night/day resistance ratio . the storage losses, one could claim that the load leveling ap-
With an energy storage device present , then (6) can plication of storage devices near loads would effectively render
be rewritten to express saved losses as a fraction of the storage them as “lossless devices.” An obvious question is whether the
size saved T&D losses would cover or exceed the losses of the en-
ergy storage device. Fig. 6 shows the ratio of saved T&D losses
(8) to the energy loss of a storage device used to shift load. For the
range of parameters considered in this study, the saved T&D
A plot of this equation is shown in Fig. 5 where saved T&D losses are up to about 50% of the storage losses. Therefore, if
losses (as a percentage of the storage size) are plotted vs. the the reduction in the T&D losses is combined with the load lev-
storage size (as a percentage of peak load). eling losses of an 80% efficient energy storage device, the net
The main observation here again is that the ratio of saved efficiency of the storage device would then be effectively in-
losses to storage size decreases with increased storage size. In creased from about 80% to about 90%, at best.
other words, the first MW of storage is more effective in off- As demonstrated in Appendix A, more T&D losses can be re-
setting T&D losses than the second additional MW of storage duced if a number of smaller loads are shifted at multiple sites
located at the same site. The reason behind this characteristic rather than a larger load shift at a single site. The numerical ex-
is that as more and more load is shifted from peak to off-peak ample in Appendix A shows that the saved T&D losses would
period, the gap between the peak and off peak loads decreases double if the total load to be shifted is divided into four and
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
C. Numerical Example
In 2006, AEP installed a 1.0-MW Sodium Sulfur (NaS)-based
energy storage system on a 12-kV distribution feeder at Chem-
ical station in North Charleston, West Virginia, for peak shaving
[5]. Many of the values for the following parameters are taken
from this existing application
C Fig. 7. NPV of reduced T&D losses due to load shifting with a 77% efficient
energy storage device.
Applying the above numerical values to Fig. 5, one concludes
that the decrease in T&D losses is around 7%–13% of the 1 MW Appendix B demonstrates how to calculate the impact of an
storage, which is 70 kW–130 kW. Therefore energy price differential (between day and night) on the value of
the saved T&D losses. Fig. B1 shows this increase as a “value
multiplier” expressed in terms of the change in energy cost and
kW kW the ratio of off-peak to peak loads. These are the two most
volatile parameters affecting the saved T&D losses and their
value. For the range of numbers used in this example, the value
multiplier would be in the 3 to 6 range. While the principles be-
hind the increased value of saved losses are generally valid, the
numerical range of the value multiplier may still be limited to
Considering a discount rate of 7.4%, the net present value
the storage parameters and the specific location it was used on
(NPV) of this savings over the 15 year life of the energy storage
the AEP system. A more detailed study may be needed to gen-
device would be
eralize the impact of energy cost differential on the saved T&D
Table I and Fig. 7 show a summary of the NPV for saved T&D
losses per kW of a 7.2-h energy storage device similar to what
AEP has installed. The average NPV of the saved T&D losses
These are values of the saved T&D losses with a flat energy is around kW for this example.
value of $35/MWh. In many cases, however, the energy value
does change between peak and off-peak periods and, therefore, III. CONCLUSION
the value of the saved T&D losses is higher when load is shifted Shifting any part of a load from the peak to the off-peak period
from the peak to off-peak period. will reduce T&D losses. However, this drop in losses is very
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Ali Nourai (M’73–SM’87) received the M.B.A. degree from The Ohio State
University, Columbus, in 1976 and the Ph.D. degree from Rensselaer Poly-
technic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1978.
He is currently the Manager of the Distributed Energy Resources program in
American Electric Power (AEP), Columbus. During his 29 years of activities
in the utility industry, he has developed and applied many techniques to im-
prove energy efficiency and performance of power systems. His latest project
was deployment of a 1.2-MW Sodium Sulfur (NAS) battery for load leveling in
a distribution substation in AEP.
Dr. Nourai received the Walter Fee Award from IEEE’s Power Engineering
Society in 1989. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Electricity Storage
Association (ESA).
Fig. B1. Value Multiplier as a function of the energy price and load variation
from peak to off-peak periods.
V. I. Kogan (M’80–SM’83) received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in math-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ematics from Kharkov State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
The authors would like to thank Dr. J. M. Schneider for his His publications cover methods of theoretical and engineering reliability,
operations research, theory of statistical functions, numerical methods, applied
ideas and guidance throughout this work. electrodynamics, and spectral theory of differential operations. He is currently
with American Electric Power (AEP), Columbus, where he has been able to
REFERENCES apply his mathematical skills to utility operations over the last 27 years.
[1] A. Nourai, “Large-scale electricity storage technologies for energy
management,” in Proc. IEEE Power Eng. Soc. Summer Meeting, 2002,
vol. 1, pp. 310–315.
[2] G. Koeppel, M. Geidel, and G. Anderson, “Value of storage devices Chris M. Schafer (M’03) received the B.S. degree from DeVry University,
in congestion constrained distribution networks,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Columbus, OH, in 2003. He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree at Franklin
Power Syst. Technol.—POWERCON’04, Singapore, Nov. 21–24, 2004, University, Columbus, and will graduate in 2008.
pp. 1–6. Chris is currently with the Distributed Energy Resources program, American
[3] J. Eto et al., “Research, development and demonstration needs for Electric Power (AEP), Columbus. During his three years at AEP, hey has worked
large-scale reliability-enhancing integration of distributed energy at AEP’s research and development laboratory and has been involved with many
resources,” in Proc. 33rd Annu. Hawaii Int. Conf. Syst. Sci., Jan. 4–7, regulatory matters addressing distributed generation, demand management, and
2000, p. 2. energy efficiency.