Urban Design
Urban Design
Urban Design
E. Sandhya Reddy
o Signage
o Lighting
o Parking
o Landscaping
o Service areas
o Fencing
o Building materials
o Building articulation
o Transportation
Considerations are desired size, type and placement
of a sign
Space required to construct a sign
Is an important element in Urban Design
Considering a lighting design, one must take into
account the type of light needed for the specific
purpose of the site
Is the light designed to enhance security to the
property, provide ambiance, aid drivers by increasing
visibility on roadways, or used simply to illuminate a sign
Parking is an essential element in urban design and
traffic circulation
The type and number of parking spaces
should reflect the desired uses of each site
Landscaping of parking areas is also
recommended to provide shade, enhance the
beauty of a site, and allow for a reduction in
storm-water runoff
The enhancement of an area’s aesthetic beauty is
directly related to that area’s landscaping
Each parcel of land should be landscaped thereby
reinforcing the area’s sense of place
It adds to the visual appeal and contiguity of a site, it
also performs important and invaluable function
relating to the reduction of pollutants and storm water
Landscape improvements have been implemented
as well as pedestrian amenities
Increased landscaping enhances the aesthetic appeal
of the area
The landscape is the green part of the city that
weaves throughout - in the form of urban parks,
street trees, plants, flowers, and water in many forms
The landscape helps define the character and beauty
of a city and creates soft, contrasting spaces and
Green spaces in cities range from grand parks such as Central
Park in New York City and the Washington DC Mall, to small
intimate pocket parks
Neighborhood scene with pedestrian ways,
building articulation & landscaping
Service Areas
When considering the placement of service areas is to
remember the old maxim, “out of sight, out of mind ”
Should be oriented towards the rear of the building to
minimize visual eyesores
Should be screened from public view, and the best
way to do this is to build a solid fence around the
service area in the same style as the building to which
the service area is designated
It is to everyone’s advantage to construct, and
maintain good solid fences between two abutting
properties, especially when the abutting properties
are not under the same zoning classification
Chain-link and barbed-wire fences are discouraged,
wood and masonry fences are preferred
Building Materials
Design consideration is to be given to the underlying
building materials that contribute to the character of a
Such things include roof shape, pitch and overhangs;
entry porches, verandas, balconies and terraces;
materials, finishes, fixtures, patterns, colors and
detailing; the location and proportion of windows and
Building Articulation
Refers to three dimensional modeling of a building
and its surfaces, giving emphasis to architectural
elements (windows, balconies, porches, entries, etc.)
that create a complementary pattern or rhythm,
dividing large buildings into smaller identifiable pieces
It establishes the building’s street address, its
response to the local context and environmental
conditions and the degree of continuity between
indoor and outdoor rooms
Use existing lot structure to influence the design of
building articulation when development on
amalgamated sites is required to respond to the
existing or prevalent lot structure
When planning a new development one should make
transportation a foremost concern incorporate
development a sidewalk system with walkways with
large enough surface area to allow at least two
people to walk side by side
Attention should also be given to cyclists
Provide an adequate number of bicycle parking
spaces as well as bicycle racks
Public transit should be incorporated into
development plans with new bus shelters and stops
Systems connect the parts of cities and help shape
them, and enable movement throughout the city
They include road, rail, bicycle, and pedestrian
networks, and together form the total movement
system of a city
The balance of these various transport systems is
what helps define the quality and character of cities,
and makes them either friendly or hostile to
The best cities are the ones that elevate the
experience of the pedestrian while minimizing the
dominance of the private automobile
An example of mixed use development, with clearly
defined pedestrian areas, landscaping, and signage
Lighting, signage, parking, landscaping, building
articulation and transportation elements
Enhanced visual and aesthetic character, alternative
parking and landscaping
A streetscape with defined pedestrian areas, and
maintained landscaping
Are the most pronounced elements of urban design –
They shape and articulate space by forming the street
walls of the city
Well designed buildings and groups of buildings work
together to create a sense of place
Rome, Italy
Public Space
Great public spaces are the living room of the city –
The place where people come together to enjoy the city
and each other
Public spaces make high quality life in the city possible –
they form the stage and backdrop to the drama of life
Public spaces range from grand central plazas and
squares, to small, local neighborhood parks
Are the connections between spaces and places, as
well as being spaces themselves
They are defined by their physical dimension and
character as well as the size, scale, and character of
the buildings that line them
Streets range from grand avenues such as the
Champs-Elysees in Paris to small, intimate pedestrian
The pattern of the street network is part of what
defines a city and what makes each city unique
Cartagena, Colombia
Urban design operates at 3 scales
Order Rhythm
Unity Contrast
Balance Context
Proportion Detail
Scale Texture
Hierarchy Harmony
Symmetry Beauty
An example of mixed use development, with
clearly defined pedestrian areas, landscaping,
and signage
Urban Design Districts
Portofino, Italy
Siena, Italy A New City Aleppo, Syria
Rome, Italy