Gujarat Pollution Control Board Report 2009-2010

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Annual Report 2009 - 2010

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Now commonly known as GPCB - Gujarat Pollution Control Board, was constituted
by Government of Gujarat on 15th October, 1974 in accordance with the provision of the
Water Act, 1974. The GPCB continued its efforts towards environment related better
pollution control and improved management. Several critical issues in the field of
environment are being tackled by the Board through its existing Regional Offices located at
Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Vapi, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Godhra, Mehsana,
Bhavnagar, Bhuj, Nadiad and Junagadh.
Stress is laid on environmental infrastructures to meet challenges of environmental
pollution under the ‘Swarnim Gujarat’ programmes of Government of Gujarat. Though
basic functions of the Board is remained as regulatory, it has also been organising various
awareness programmes, from time to time on local issues of municipal solid wastes, bio-
medical wastes, plastic issues besides water, air and land pollution generated from various
industrial clusters. Efforts are being made for pollution control with a view to minimize and
prevent pollution.
The GPCB, Head Office, Gandhinagar has been registered by the BIS- Bureau of
Indian Standards, Delhi under the Quality Management Systems in accordance with IS/ISO
The Board continued to make joint efforts with concerned Government offices,
Municipal Corporations, Municipalities, hospitals, towns and municipalities, educational
institutions, Industries Associations. etc. Awareness programmes have helped to be an
effective tool in detecting and controlling the environmental pollution.
In the field of e-Governance programme of GPCB, vizly. XGN (eXtended Green
Node) was launched by Shri Mangubhai Patel, Hon'ble Minister, Tribal Development,
Forest & Environment on 5th June- the World Environment Day, 2008. During the year
under the report, the XGN facility has also been introduced to facilitate filing returns under
the Water Cess Act, 1977, and obtaining an online assessment orders. Implementation of
this XGN software has been awarded a Silver Award by the Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievance, Government of India on 18.2.2010. The Board has been
progressing in the field of e-governance.
During the period under report, the Chief Secretary to the Government of Gujarat
who is also the Chairperson of the Task Force for implementation of the Air Action Plan
reviewed the action taken and efforts made to arrive at successful results in reducing
pollution in Ahmedabad city. As per report of the CPCB, Delhi, 85 cities in India
monitored periodically, to record RSPM [Respirable suspended particulate matter] level,
shows the ranking of Ahmedabad continuously improved from 4th in year 2001 to 13th in
year 2005, 43rd in year 2006 and 66th in year 2008, position. EPCA (EPCA popularly
known as ‘Bhurelal Committee’) mentioned the progress made in the implementation of the
Air Action Plan for Ahmedabad as satisfactory.

Similarly the District level Task Force headed by District Collectors have also
continued to monitor Air Action Plan for the towns of Vapi, Surat, Ankleshwar, Vadodara
and Rajkot, periodically. In case of Vadodara city, trend in air quality particularly respirable
air pollutant has shown remarkable improvement.
Despite pro-active efforts by various Government Authorities, the MoEF, GoI issued
office memorandum dt.13.1.2010 declared Ankleshwar, Vapi, Ahmedabad, Vatva,
Bhavnagar and Junagadh as critically polluted areas among few others in the country. An
appeal was made during various meetings organised with industries associations to
industrialist to take necessary pollution control measures, adopt clean technology, reduce
wastes or else face action. Meetings were also held with NGOs and public participation
was sought from public. Copy of this appeal displayed at all the offices of the Board. Of
course, MoEF issued revised order dated 15.3.02010 and declared Ankleshwar, Panoli,
Vapi, Odhav, Naroda, Vatva, Narol industrial area, Chitra-Bhavnagar and few industrial
pockets of Junagadh as critically polluted areas. Action Plans for each of these places are
being prepared by the Board in consultation with F&ED, Govt. of Gujarat, CPCB - Delhi
and MoEF, GoI in addition to other stackholders like the GIDC, GCPC and concerned
industries associations / CETP operators.
During the year under report, second round of departmental examinations were
conducted as per GPCB (Recruitment) Rules, 2007. This has paved way for elevating few
Class I, II & Class III employees to higher posts. This has further boost their morals, as they
were awaiting their dues past many years. Mostly all officers and employees have passed
their respective computer examination through State Government machinery.
During the year under report, the Board continued to organise awareness
programmes including posters exhibitions, seminars in major towns and cities and
addressed another area of environmental importance i.e. educating all concerned people
including medical and para medical persons for effective implementation of Municipal solid
wastes, Bio-medical Wastes, plastic wastes issues, noise pollutions, etc.
The Board through its the Regional Offices co-ordinated with the District Authorities
and also participated in various District level programmes viz. District level mock drills,
video conferences held by District administration, District Collectorates and Municipal
Corporations, programmes of Nirmal Gujarat, Swarnim Gujarat, Vibrant Gujarat,
Consumer Protection Committee. The Lok Darbars Gram Sabha meetings have also helped
in addressing the Gram Sabha concerned of the public at large. The Board continued with
the system of holding review meetings for expediting clearance of the application including
the CCA-Consolidated Consent and Authorization.
GPCB together with the Forest & Environment Department in Government of
Gujarat and in co-ordination with other departments of State and Central Government has
been playing an affirmative role in tackling the problem related with pollution of air, water
and land.

: Gandhinagar Dr. K.U. Mistry

: 29.7.2010 Chairman, GPCB

Sr. Particulars Page

1. Introductory 1

2. Constitution of the Board including changes therein. 1

3. Meetings of the Board 1

4. Sub-Committees of the Board and their working 2

5. Area Sub-Committees of the Board and their working 2

6. Activities of the Board, Objectives, Functions & Priorities 2

6.1 Objectives 2
6.2 Functions 3
6.3 Priorities 4
6.4 Activities of the Board 5
CCA, Water, Air, Haz, Consent to establish (formerly NOC), BMW,
Plastic, monitoring under Water, Air, Haz.
6.5 Pollution control measures - ETP and APCM. 11
6.6 CETP [Common ETP-effluent treatment plants] 11
6.7 Hazardous wastes facilities 13
6.8 Domestic sewage treatment plants 16
6.9 Bio-medical wastes facilities 20
6.10 Municipal Solid Wastes Rules 22
6.11 Batteries Rules 25
6.12 Water Cess 26
6.13 Air Action Plans- Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Rajkot 27
(Morbi, Vankaner, Wadhvan), Jamnagar, Vapi & Gandhinagar.
6.14 Environmental Clearance – Public Hearing 34
6.15 Water Quality Monitoring Programmes - GEMS, MINARS 41
projects, rivers, reservoirs, Lakes/Talav, wells

[contd. from prepage]

Sr. Particulars Page

6.16 Air Quality Monitoring Programmes - Ambient Air Monitoring, 61
Status of Ambient Monitoring Programme, National Ambient
Monitoring, cities & various places
6.17 Coastal Monitoring Programmes 74
6.18 Monitoring during festival programmes 77
6.19 Bio- Monitoring 78
6.20 Analytical quality control. 79
6.21 Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules 80
6.22 Environmental Awareness programmes 121
6.23 Xgn - Online application for CCA, BMW, Water Cess, etc 151
6.24 Mock - drill. 152
6.25 Important events. 152
7. Visits to the Board by experts, important persons, etc. 159
8. Administrative set up of the Board, Board Meetings – Important 161
decisions thereof.
9. Prosecution launched and offences compounded 163
10. Finance and accounts of the Board 165
11. Direction given by the Government and steps taken to comply with 165
12. Any other important matter dealt with by the State Board. 165

I Members of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board 167
II Members of the Selection Committee 168
III Members of the Promotion Committee 169
IV Members of the Technical Committee 170
V GPCB Purchase Committee 171
VI Administrative set up 172-173
VII Staff strength for each cadre of the Board 174
VIII Offices of the Board 175


1.0 Introductory

The Government of Gujarat constituted the GPCB [Gujarat Pollution Control Board] on
15.10.1974 as per provisions under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1974, the with a view to protect the environment, prevent and control the pollution of water
in the State of Gujarat, that occupies a prominent niche in progressive and industrial
development of the country. The Board has been entrusted with the Central Acts and
relevant Rules for pollution control as notified thereof from time to time.

The Board had initially, staff of 25 in 1974. Though, the staff strength has increased to 427
yet it is far less than that required by the Board to implement aforesaid laws, effectively. As
of today, there are 87 engineers and 97 scientist and analysts.

There are now thirteen Regional Offices made functional so far. There are six Regional
Offices attached with laboratory facilities are located at Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Vapi,
Rajkot and Jamnagar. Regional Offices Godhra, Mehsana, Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar are
yet being equipped for analytical facilities. Three Regional Offices located at Bhuj, Nadiad
and Junagadh are under development stages.

The Head Office performs activities concerning general polices and enforcement of various
provisions of the Acts as well as general administration and co-ordination with other
agencies. The Central Laboratory at Gandhinagar provided facilities for analysis of samples
collected by RO, Ahmedabad as well as RO, Mehsana, besides being involved in
development of methods for analysis of water, wastewater, gases and hazardous waste

Based on the Recruitment Regulations of the Board approved by the Government of Gujarat,
another round of Departmental Examinations were conducted during the year under report.

Thirteen candidates of the Board applied for Departmental Examination, listed under two
different batches appeared in the Departmental Examinations conducted during24&25
September 2009. Nine employees retired during the year under report, taking total persons
retired so far is 9.

2.0 Constitution of the Board including changes therein.

The Government of Gujarat constituted on October 15, 1974, the Gujarat Pollution Control
Board under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. On completion of
its first four terms the Board was reconstituted for fifth term on August 22, 1989. The list of
the Members of the Board is given in Annexure I.

3.0 Meetings of the Board

During the year 2009-2010, six Board Meetings of GPCB were held. The meetings were
held on 2.5.2009, 10.6.2009, 2.9.2009, 21.11.2009, 17.2.2010 and 15.3.2010. Important
decisions taken during these meetings are listed on page 161_to 162_of this report.

4.0 Sub- Committees of the Board and their working
Personnel Committees
The Board constituted four Personnel Committees. There are two Selection Committees,
one for Class I & II and another for Class III & IV. Similarly, there are two different
Promotion Committees one for Class I & II and the other for Class III & IV. All these
Personnel Committees are constituted for selection and promotions of personnel for various
posts existing in the Board and also to assist the Board in other related matters.
The Forest & Environment Department, Government of Gujarat, sanctioned 246 various
additional posts of the Board. During the year under report programmes, publication of four
set of Manuals vizly. 1). Technical, 2).Scientific, 3). Legal and 4). Accounts &
Administration helped in conducting another round of the Departmental Examinations as
prescribed under the GPCB (Recruitment) Rules, 2007.
This has paved way for elevating Class I, II & Class III employees to higher posts. It may
be noted that most of officers and employees have passed their computer examination
conducted by the conducted through State Government machinery.
As per GPCB (Recruitment) Rules, 2007, the information showing constitution of the
Selection Committees is given in Annexure II and the Promotion Committee in given in
Annexure III.
5.0 Area Sub- Committees of the Board and their working
Technical Committee
A Technical Committee has been constituted to provide technical advice and support to the
Board in the matters pertaining to the specific problems of technical nature. The list of the
Members of the Technical Committee is given in Annexure IV.
During the year 2009-2010, no meeting of the Technical Committee was held.
Purchase Committee
The Board has set up a Purchase Committee consisting of officers of the Board for petty
purchase, etc. item. The list of the Purchase Committee Members is given in Annexure V.
6.0 Activities of the Board, Objectives, Functions & Priorities
6.1 Objectives
The major objectives of the Board are centred around the Pollution Control and the
protection of the environmental quality. These are outlined as under:
• Bring about all round improvement in the quality of the environment in the State by
effective implementation of the laws.
• Control of pollution at source to the maximum extent possible with due regard to
technological achievement and economic viability as well as sensitivity of the receiving
environment. This objective is being fulfilled through laying down the disposal
standards as well as gaseous emission standards.
• Identifications of sites and development of procedures and methods for the disposal of
hazardous wastes.

• Maximisation of re-use and re-cycle of sewage and trade effluent on land for irrigation
and for industrial purpose after giving appropriate treatment and thereby economising
and saving on the use of water. The practice also helps in stopping pollution of water
due to reduction in discharges of waste into water bodies.

• Minimisation of adverse effect of pollution by selecting suitable locations for the

establishment of new industrial projects.

• Co-ordination with other agencies of the State Government and local authorities to
encourage the Common Effluent Treatment Plants and Treatment Stabilisation Disposal

• Close co-ordination and rapport with educational institutions, non government

organisations, Industries Associations, Government organisations, etc. to create
environmental awareness.

6.2 Functions
The function of the Board is to enforce the provisions of the following Acts, Rules and
Directives issued by the Authorities from time to time.
¾ The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
¾ The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977
¾ The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
¾ The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, various relevant Rules notified thereof:
- The Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement)
Rules, 2008
- The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
- The Coastal Zone Regulation -Declaration Notification, 1991
- The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998
- The Plastics Manufacture, Sale and Usage Rules, 1999
- Utilisation of Fly Ash - Notification of Directions, 1999
- The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
- The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
- The Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules,2000
- The Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2001 and
- The Environmental Clearance Notification dated 14.9.2006.

¾ The Environmental Audit Scheme, 1996.

¾ The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991.

In accordance with the provisions of the above Acts and Rules the Board is carrying
out following activities.
ƒ Promotion of cleanliness of wells and streams in different areas of the State.
ƒ Issuing directives for pollution control measures to the polluting units.
ƒ Prevention, control and abatement of air pollution in the State and improvement in the
ambient air quality.
ƒ Advising the State Government on any matter concerning prevention and control of
water and air pollution.
ƒ Approving judicious location of new industries from pollution control point of view.
ƒ Promotion of re-use and re-cycle of sewage and trade effluent on land for irrigation.
ƒ Carrying out monitoring of rivers of the State.
ƒ Carrying out air monitoring of the major cities of the State.
ƒ Collection and compilation of technical and statistical data relating to water and air
ƒ Laying down standards for the discharge of liquid effluent and gaseous emission.
ƒ Developing methods of treatment of effluent and air pollution control equipment.
ƒ Identification of site for the disposal of hazardous wastes.
ƒ Organising training programmes, seminars and workshops regarding pollution control.
ƒ Creating awareness in the public regarding environmental pollution control.

6.3 Priorities
• The area and activities deserving priority are as under:
• Identification of locations in the State having severe pollution problems and minimising
pollution in these areas with the help of suitable treatment of effluent and /or disposal of
the effluent at a safe location through concerned agencies / authorities.
• Identification and development of sites for the disposal of hazardous wastes.
• Identification of major air polluting agencies and enforcement of provisions of the Air
Act for the control of air emissions.
• Proper selection of the sites for new industrial projects.
• Common facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of the effluent in the
industrial estates.
• Identification, development and adoption of clean production technologies.
Minimising discharge of effluent into streams and water bodies and promotion of re-
cycling and re-use of treated effluent on land for irrigation and development of green

6.4 Activities of the Board
Activities relating to the common consents/authorisations under the Water Act and the Air
Act and Hazardous Wastes Rules, Bio-medical Wastes Management, Consent to Establish
[formerly known as No-Objection Certificates] and clearance under BMW, Plastic, MSW,

Processing and finalisation of Common consent and/ Authorisation applications

under the Water Act and/ the Air Act and/ the Hazardous Wastes Rules.

The Consolidated CCA [Common Consent Applications], processing and finalisation

thereof and issuance of Common consent and/ Authorisation applications under the Water
Act and/ Air Act and/ HW Rules is implemented with effect from April 2003 onwards.

e-Governance programme of GPCB vizly. XGN (eXtended Green Node) was launched on
5th June 2008. XGN software programme facilitates all concerned to file their application
online. The statistics concerning CCA is as under:

During During Cumulative

Sr. Particulars 2008 - W A Haz the year (up to
2009 2009- 10 31.3.2010)

1. Applications for CCA on hand 1124 952 782 657 1200* 15104

2. CCA granted 690 585 475 403 710 10651

3. CCA rejected 279 195 174 131 279 2797

4. Files closed 00 00 00 00 00 08

5. CCA applications returned to 03 06 05 06 07 1444


6. CCA applications under 152 166 128 117 204 204


W = Under the Water Act, 1974; A = Under the Air Act, and Haz = Under the Hazardous Wastes
(Management, Handling and Trans boundary Movement) Rules, 2008.
∗ This includes 1048 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 152 applications pending
from the previous year 2008-09.

Processing and finalisation of consent applications under the Water Act

One of the primary functions of the Board is to process and finalise consent applications
received from various pollution potential industrial units under the Water and Air Acts.

In accordance with the provisions of Section 25 read with Section 26 of the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 every polluting agency has to obtain the
consent of the Board for bringing into use an outlet for the discharge of sewage or trade
effluent into a stream or on land.

The statistics concerning pertaining to action taken on consent applications under the Water
Act, 1974 is as follow:

During the During the Cumulative

Sr. Particulars year 2008 - year 2009 - (up to
2009 2010 31.3.2010)
1. Applications for consent on hand 843 952* 25778

2. Consent granted 517 585 18680

3. Consent rejected 208 195 5588

4. Files closed 00 00 408

5. Applications returned to 00 06 936


6. Applications under scrutiny 118 166 166

* This includes 834 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 118 applications pending from the
previous year 2008-09.

Processing and finalisation of consent applications under the Air Act

In accordance with the provisions of Section 21 of the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 each industry emitting gas(es) has to obtain the consent of the Board. The
statistics concerning pertaining to action taken on consent applications under the Air Act, 1981
is as follow:

During the During the Cumulative

Sr. Particulars year 2008 - year 2009 - (up to
2009 2010 31.3.2010)
1. Applications for consent on hand 636 782* 21518

2. Consent granted 409 475 16783

3. Consent rejected 155 174 3722

4. Files closed 00 00 168

5. Applications returned to (-2) 05 717


6. Applications under scrutiny 74 128 128

* This includes 708 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 74 applications pending from the
previous year 2008-09.

Hazardous Waste Management
As per Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary Movement) Rules,
2008 notified under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, every unit generating hazardous
wastes and having a facility for collection, reception, treatment, transport, storage and disposal of
such wastes should obtain the authorisation of the Board. During the year under report the Board
continued to bring all such industries and other agencies under the ambit of the regulations. The
statistics pertaining to action taken on authorisation applications under the Hazardous Wastes
(Management & Handling Rules) 1989 as amended from time to time is as follow:

During During Cumulative

Sr. Particulars the year the year (up to
2008 - 09 2009 - 10 31.3.2010)
1. Applications for authorisation on 577 657* 13315
2. Authorisation granted 359 403 9060
3. Authorisation rejected 150 131 3663
4. Files closed 00 00 62
5. Applications returned to (-1) 06 413
6. Applications under scrutiny 69 117 117
* This includes 588 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 69 applications pending from the
previous year 2008-09.
Consent to Establish [formerly known as NOC (No Objection Certificates)
The statistics concerning Consent to Establish formerly known as NOC (No Objection
Certificates) applications is as follow:
During the During the year
Sr. Particulars (up to
year 2008 - 09 2009 -10
1. Applications for Consent to 1302 1985* 28616
Establish on hand
2. Consent to Establish issued 750 1052 21280
3. Applications for Consent to 357 606 6189
Establish rejected
4. Files closed 02 00 503
5. Applications returned to 05 04 321
6. Applications under scrutiny 188 323 323
* This includes 1797 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 188 applications pending from
the previous year 2008-09.

The Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998
As per the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 notified under the
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the occupier in relation to any institution generating bio-
medical waste which includes a hospital, nursing home, clinic, dispensary, veterinary institution,
animal house, pathological laboratory, blood bank by whatever name called; as well as an operator
of a facility for the collection, reception, storage, transport, treatment, disposal etc, should apply in
Form I and obtain authorisation of the Board, within notified time schedule. The statistics
pertaining to action taken on authorisation applications under the Bio-Medical Waste (Management
and Handling) Rules, 1998 is as follow:
During the During the Cumulative
Sr. Particulars
year 2008 - 09 year 2009 - 10 (up to 31.3.2010)
1. Applications for authorisation 1875 3868* 18460
on hand
2. Authorisation issued 1497 3462 16718
3. Authorisation rejected 09 110 618
4. Files closed 00 00 02
5. Applications returned to 11 00 826
6. Applications under scrutiny 358 296 296

* This includes 3510 applications received during the year 2009–10 and 358 applications pending from
the previous year 2008-09.

The Plastics Manufacture, Sales & Usage Rules 1999

The MoEF, GoI published the notification under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 on
'Recycle Plastic (Manufacture And Usage) Rules, 1999' has now been amended as 'Plastics
Manufacture, Sales & Usage Rules, 2003' on 17th June 2003.

The Prescribed Authority for enforcement of the provisions of these rules related to
manufacture and recycling is the State Pollution Control Board and the prescribed authority for
enforcement of the provisions of these rules related to the use, collection, segregation,
transportation and disposal is the District Collector/Deputy Commissioner of the concerned district
where no such Authority has been constituted by the State Government/Union Territory
administration under any law regarding non-biodegradable garbage.

Important provisions :
(1) No person shall manufacture, stock, distribute or sell carry bags made of virgin or
recycled plastic bags which are less than 20 cms x 30 cms (8 x 12 inches) in size and
which do not conform to the minimum thickness of 20 micron. [For the purposes of this
rule, the minimum weight of 50 carry bags made of virgin or recycled plastics shall be 105
gms. plus or minus 5% variation and the carry bags of larger sizes shall be of
proportionate increase in weight].

(2) No vendor shall use carry bags made of recycled plastic for storing, carrying, dispensing
or packaging of foodstuffs.

(3) No vendor shall use containers made of recycled plastics for storing, carrying, dispensing
or packaging of foodstuffs”
(4) Every occupier manufacturing carry bags or containers of virgin plastic or recycled plastic
or both shall make an application to the State Pollution Control Board for grant of
registration or renewal of registration for his unit.
(5) Carry bags and containers made of virgin plastic shall be in natural shade or white.
The statistics pertaining to implementation of these rules are as under:

During the year During the year Cumulative

Sr. Particulars
2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010 (up to 31.3.2010)
1 Applications for registration 97 71 380
2 Registration issued 66 60 279
3 Closure direction issued under 61 19 117
section 5 of EPA

Sampling and monitoring under the Water, Air and EP Acts

Sampling and analysis under the Water Act
During the period under report, the Board carried out collection and analysis of 17756 water
samples with the help of all its Regional Offices and their laboratories including Central Laboratory
at Gandhinagar. These samples also include from industrial and domestic effluents, from river and
ground water collected under GEMS and MINARS Projects and under the provisions of the Water
Act and the EP Act, during 2009-10.
Numbers of samples collected Numbers of samples collected and
and analysed during 2008 – 09 analysed during 2009 – 10
Ahmedabad 2870 3474
Vadodara 1864 2179
Nadiad 214 520
Mehsana 487 749
Surat 2440 2049
Rajkot 940 1075
Junagadh 151 423
Bharuch 1614 1868
Vapi 2352 3458
Jamnagar 623 762
Bhuj-Kutch 71 354
Godhra 172 300
Bhavnagar 436 545
Central Lab - -
Total 14234 17756

Sampling and analysis under the Air Act
During the period under report, the Board carried out collection and analysis of 5147
samples from various stacks emitting gases under the Air Act, 1981 with the help of all its Regional
Offices and their laboratories including Central Laboratory at Gandhinagar. These samples also
include the gaseous samples collected from various plants of thermal power, fertilisers, bulk drug,
oil refineries, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, etc., during 2009-10.

Numbers of samples collected Numbers of samples collected and

and analysed during 2008 – 09 analysed during 2009 – 10
Ahmedabad 412 500
Vadodara 540 685
Nadiad 51 147
Mehsana 281 283
Surat 685 664
Rajkot 322 327
Junagadh 48 135
Bharuch 352 307
Vapi 470 316
Jamnagar 1012 972
Bhuj-Kutch 102 433
Godhra 69 121
Bhavnagar 206 257
Central Lab 0 0
Total 4550 5147
Sampling and analysis under the Hazardous Waste Management Rules
During the period under report, the Board carried out analysis of 549 samples of hazardous
wastes with the help of all its Regional Offices and their laboratories including Central Laboratory
at Gandhinagar, during 2009-10.
Numbers of samples collected Numbers of samples collected and
and analysed during 2008 – 09 analysed during 2009 – 10
Ahmedabad 53 43
Vadodara 67 68
Nadiad 7 06
Mehsana 19 10
Rajkot 4 11
Junagadh 1 01
Bharuch 57 155
Surat 14 09
Vapi 19 36

Numbers of samples collected Numbers of samples collected and
and analysed during 2008 – 09 analysed during 2009 – 10
Jamnagar 7 78
Bhuj-Kutch 8 78
Godhra 16 54
Bhavnagar 03 0
Central lab 0 0
Total 275 549

6.5. Pollution Control Measures

Installation of Effluent Treatment Plants
During the period under report, 217 industrial units have installed effluent treatment plants.
These include installation and commissioning of effluent treatment plants by various
industries viz. thermal power, fertilisers, bulk drug, oil refineries, petrochemicals, pulp and
paper, dye and dyes intermediates, etc. In addition to these industries, many units have also
upgraded and modified their existing effluent treatment plants during the period under
report. The total number of effluent treatment plants installed and commissioned up to
31.3.2010 is 5952. Couple of industries located in groups or cluster have also initiated
activities for the common effluent treatment plants.
Installation of Air Pollution Control Equipment
As a part of action taken by the Board for the implementation of the Air Act, in terms of
issuing directives in the form of consent conditions to the various industrial units, during the
year 2009-10 as many as 256 industries have installed air pollution control equipment for
the control of emission of Suspended Particulate Matter, Sulphur Dioxide, Ammonia,
Chlorine, Hydrogen Chloride, Hydrogen sulphide, dye and dyes intermediates, etc. These
include industries like various plants of thermal power, cement, fertilisers, bulk drug, oil
refineries, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, etc. The total number of industrial units having
air pollution control equipment as on March 31, 2010 is 4724.

6.6. CETP [Common Effluent Treatment Plant] in Gujarat

(as on March 2010)
Nos. of Capacity
Sr. Management’s name and location Status
members in MLD
1. The Green Environment Services Co-op. Society 518 16 operational
Ltd. 244-251, Phase II, GIDC Vatva Ahmedabad
2. Odhav Enviro Project Ltd., 60 1.2 operational
25, GIDC Odhav, Ahmedabad
3. Gujarat Vepari Maha Mandal Sahkari Udhyogik 361 1 operational
Vasahat Ltd., 181, GVMMS Industrial Estate,
Odhav, Ahmedabad
4. Odhav Green Enviro Project Association, 3 1 operational
394, GIDC Odhav, Ahmedabad

Nos. of Capacity
Sr. Management’s name and location Status
members in MLD
5. Naroda Enviro Projects Ltd., 242 3 operational
512-515, Phase I, GIDC Naroda, Ahmedabad
6. Narol Dyestuff Enviro Society, 1083 Near Vishal 27 0.10 operational
Textile Mill, B/h Narol-Court, Narol, Ahmedabad
7. Sanand Eco Projects Ltd. (Incineration system), 16 0.20 operational
Ajanta Industrial Estate, Iyara – Sanand Dist.
8. Bavla Eco Project. Sr No: 1440/P, Opp : Ganpati 12 1.0 operational
Boil Centre Ta. Bavla Dist : Ahmedabad.
9. Vinayak Jal Sudhikaran Co.op. Soc. Ltd. C/o . 20 1.5 operational
Tirupati Agro Ind. At Bavla. Dist : Ahmedabad.
10. Nandesari Environment Control Ltd., 170 5.5 operational
519/P, GIDC Nandesari District Vadodara
11. Enviro Infrastructure Co. Ltd. ECP Canal road, 51 2.25 operational
Umraya, Ta. Padra District Vadodara
12. Enviro Technology Ltd., 2413/2414, GIDC 224 1 operational
Estate, Ankleshwar, District Bharuch
13. Bharuch Eco-Aqua Infrastructure Ltd.,(BEAIL), 967 40 operational
14. Panoli Enviro Technology Ltd. 619, GIDC Estate, 101 1 operational
Panoli, District Bharuch
15. Globe Enviro Care Ltd. [chemical units], PP 1, 45 0.5 operational
Off road no. 2, B/h Kay Tex Mills, GIDC Estate,
Sachin – Surat
16. Sachin Enviro Infra Ltd., [process houses] 64 50 operational
P/2, GIDC Sachin Dist. Surat
17. Palsana Enviro Protection Ltd., Kadodara-Surat 103 100 operational
18. Vapi Waste & Effluent Management Co. Ltd., 513 55 operational
4807, Phase IV, GIDC Vapi, District Valsad
19. Perfect Enviro Control System Pvt. Ltd., 10 1.41 operational
731/2, GIDC Sarigam, District Valsad
20. Veraval Industries Association 60 5 operational
5/6, GIDC Veraval, District Junagadh
21. Jetpur Dyeing & Printing Association 1050 6.0 operational
Kankiya Plot, Jetpur, District Rajkot
22. Shri Dhareshwar GIDC Vistar Association, 28 0.068 operational
Nr. Dhareshwar Temple, National Highway,
Navagadh, Rajkot

Nos. of Capacity
Sr. Management’s name and location Status
members in MLD
23. Jay Kay Enviro-Technologies Pvt. Ltd., 103 0.025 operational
Kalipat, Bhavnagar road, Rajkot
24. Rajkot Electroplating Association, Rajkot 63 0.01 operational
Shapar (Veraval), Ta: Kotadasangani
Dist. Rajkot
25. Kalol GIDC Industries Association 20 0.15 operational
65/66, GIDC Estate Kalol, District Gandhinagar
26. Zydus Infrastructure Pvt.Ltd, 12 1.12 operational
Changodar, District Ahmedabad
27. Pandesara Green Co-op. Society Ltd., - 100 Under
GIDC - Surat progress
28. New Palsana Industries Association, 18 45 Proposed
Plot 2, Block 194 B, Baleshwar, Ta. Palsana Dist.
29. Jamnagar Electroplaters Association, Jamnagar - - Proposed
30. SEZ of Indian Drugs and Pharmaceuticals - - Proposed
Association, Changodar, Dist. Ahmedabad
31. Cadila Infrastructure Ltd, SEZ, Dholka, - - Proposed
Dist. Ahmedabad
32. CETP for washing Ghat, Ta. Jetpur Dist. Rajkot - - Proposed
33. M/s. ATPA Swarnim Gujarat Enviro Pvt Limited 89 100 Proposed
Pirana Sewage Farm Area, Village Gyaspur,
6.7. Hazardous wastes facilities in Gujarat (as on March 2010)
Common Hazardous Waste TSDF [Treatment Stabilisation Disposal Facilities]
Sr. Operator of TSDF

1. Naroda Enviro Projects Ltd., Naroda, Ahmedabad

2. Green Environment Co-operative Society Ltd., Vatva, Ahmedabad.

3. Nandesari Enviro Control Ltd., Nandesari, Vadodara

4. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd., Ankleshwar

5. Vapi Waste & Effluent Management Co. , Vapi

6. Gujarat Enviro Protection & Infrastructure Ltd., Surat

7. Gujarat Maritime Board, Alang Dist: Bhavnagar

8. Saurashtra Enviro Project Pvt. Ltd., Juna Katariya Ta: Bhachau Dist: Kutch

Common Facility for Decontamination of Discarded Hazardous Container
Sr. Decontamination Operator
1. Alka Chemi Pack Pvt. Ltd., Dist. Kheda

HWIF [Common Hazardous Wastes Incineration Facility] in Gujarat

Sr. Operator of CHWIF
1. Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd., Ankleshwar

2. Nandesari Enviro Control Ltd., GIDC Nandesari - Vadodara

3. Gujarat Enviro Project Infrastructure Ltd., Surat

4. Vapi Waste & Effluent Management Co. Ltd., Vapi

5. Saurashtra Enviro Project Pvt. Ltd., Juna Katariya Ta. Bhachau Dist. Kutch

Captive Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities

Sr. Management’s name

1. Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., PO: Petrochemicals Dist: Vadodara

2. Reliance Industries Ltd. (Formerly IPCL), Vadodara. PO: Petrochemicals Dist: Vadodara

3. Metrochem Industries Ltd., Ekalbara, PO: Umraya, Ta: Padra, Dist: Vadodara

4. Transpek Industries Limited, Ekalbara, Ta. Padra, Dist. Vadodara

5. Colour Synth Group of Industries, Sr. no. 12, Block 244, Jiav, Ta. Choryasi Dist: Surat

6. Atul Ltd., Agro Chemicals Div. Atul Dist: Valsad

7. Panchmahal Steel Ltd, GIDC Estate Kalol, Dist: Panchmahal

8. Gujarat Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd., PO: Dahej Dist: Bharuch

9. Shree Ram Alkalies & Chemicals, 749, GIDC Jhagdia, Dist: Bharuch

10. Reliance Industries Ltd., Gandhar Petrochemical Complex, PO: Dahej Ta: Vagra,
Dist. Bharuch

11. Reliance Industries Ltd., Village Moti Khavdi, PO: Digvijaynagar Dist: Jamnagar

12. Birla Copper, HINDALCO Ind. Ltd., PO: Dahej District Bharuch

13. Atul Bio Science Ltd., Atul Dist. Valsad

14. Maradia Chemicals Ltd., Mardianagar Sitagadh, Ta: Sayla, Dist: Surendranagar
(industry closed)

Captive Hazardous Waste Incinerators
Sr. Name of Industry location District
1. Reliance Industries Ltd. (Formerly IPCL) Vadodara Vadodara
2. GSFC – Polymer Unit Vadodara Vadodara
3. GACL (Sodium Cynide) Plant Petrochemicals area Vadodara
4. Admarc Polycoat Company Padra Vadodara
5. EI Dupont Savli Vadodara
6. Transpek Ind. Ltd (Ekalbara) Ekalbara Ta. Padra Vadodara.
7. Ineous ABS Ltd. Vadodara Vadodara
8. Gujarat Insecticides Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
9. United Phosphorous Ltd., (Unit II) Ankleshwar Bharuch
10. Lupin Agrochem India Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
11. Rallis India Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
12. Pesticides India Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
13. Godrej Industries Ankleshwar Bharuch
14. Ficom Organics Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
15. Reliance Industries Ltd. Dahej Bharuch
16. Wockhardt Ltd., (bulk drug divn) Ankleshwar Bharuch
17. Cadila Health Care Ankleshwar Bharuch
18. Zydus Cadila Ankleshwar Bharuch
19. Hikal Ltd. Panoli Bharuch
20. Isagro Asia Agrochemical Ltd. Panoli Bharuch
21. Narmada Chematur Petrochemical Ltd. Bharuch Bharuch
22. Bilag Industries Vapi Valsad
23. Atul Industries Ltd. Atul Valsad
24. Sabero Organic Gujarat Ltd. Sarigam Valsad
25. United Phosphorous Ltd. Vapi Valsad
26. Cyanide & Chemicals Co. Ltd. Olpad Surat
27. Colourtex Industries Ltd. Pandesara Surat
28. Excel Industries Ltd. Bhavnagar Bhavnagar
29. Dishman Pharmaceutical & Chemicals Ltd. Lodariyal Ahmedabad
30. Meghmani Organics Ltd. Vill. Chharodi Ahmedabad
31. Meghmani Industries Ltd. GIDC - Vatva Ahmedabad
32. Shreeji Petrochem Vithol - Halol Panchmahal
33. LanXess ABS Ltd. Kalol Panchmahal
34. Casil Health Care Ltd. Nani Kadi Mehsana

Sr. Name of Industry location District
35. Reliance Industries Ltd. Motikhavdi Jamnagar
36. KSEZ Plastic Units Association KSEZ, Gandhidham Kutch
37. Sun Plastic, Plot 5,6, Shed 1, Sector 10 B Gandhidham Kutch
38. Chemical and Dyestuff Nadiad Kheda
39. Swana Pharmaceuticals Varsola Kheda
40. P & B Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Khambhat Anand
41. Bio-deal Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., GIDC Wadhvan Surendranagar
42. Bayer Cropscience Ltd. Ankleshwar Bharuch
43. Torrent Pharmaceuticals (R&D Centre) Bhat Gandhinagar

6.8 Domestic Sewage Treatment Plants

Municipal township/ colony's Sewage Treatment Plants in Gujarat
[as on March 2010]
Cities and towns: (A) STP: In operation
Sr. Location Operator’s name
1 (a) AMC, Behrampura, Old Pirana Sewage AMC, Ahmedabad
Treatment Plant, Ahmedabad
(b) AMC, Narol, New Pirana Terminal Sewage AMC, Ahmedabad
Pumping Station, Ahmedabad
(c) AMC, Vasna, Old Vasna Sewage treatment plant, AMC, Ahmedabad
(d) AMC, Vasna, New Vasna Terminal Sewage AMC, Ahmedabad
Pumping Station, Ahmedabad
2. (a) VMC, Atladra, Vadodara Vadodara Municipal Corporation
(b) VMC, Tarsali, Vadodara Vadodara Municipal Corporation
(c) VMC, Gajrawadi, Vadodara Vadodara Municipal Corporation
(d) VMC, Atladra Vadodara (new STP - JNNURM) Vadodara Municipal Corporation
3. Madhapar, Sewage Treatment Plant, Rajkot Rajkot Municipal Corporation
4. (a) SMC, Anjana Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(b) SMC, Bhatar Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(c) SMC, Bamroli Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(d) SMC, Singanpore Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(e) SMC, Karanj Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(f) SMC, Bhesan Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(g) SMC, Khajod Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat

Sr. Location Operator’s name
5. Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Dist. Anand Vallabh Vidhyanagar Nagarpalika
6. Jaspur Sewage Treatment Plant, Jaspur, Capital Project Division, Gandhinagar
Dist. Gandhinagar
7. Talaja, Dist. Bhavnagar Talaja Nagarpalika
8. Valsad,Dist: Valsad Valsad Municipality, Valsad
9. GIDC, Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch Ankleshwar Notified Area Office
10. Mehmadabad, Dist: Kheda Mehmadabad Nagarpalika
11. Mandvi, Dist. Kutch Mandavi Nagarpalika

Cities and towns : STP : Under installation

Sr. Location Operator’s name
1. (a) SMC, Asarma Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(b) SMC, Dindoli Sewage Treatment Plant SMC, Surat
(a) VMC, Kapurai Vadodara (JNNURM) Vadodara Municipal Corporation
(b) VMC, Sayaji Garden Vadodara (JNNURM) Vadodara Municipal Corporation
2. Raiya; Sewage Treatment Plant, Rajkot Rajkot Municipal Corporation
3. Savarkundla, Dist: Amreli Nagarpalika
4. BMC, Tilaknagar, Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation
5. (a) AMC, Narol, Proposed ASP technology based, AMC, Ahmedabad
near Pirana lagoon type STP, Ahmedabad
(b) AMC, Behrampura, Proposed ASP technology AMC, Ahmedabad
based, near Pirana UASB, Ahmedabad
(c) AMC, Vasna, Proposed ASP technology based, AMC, Ahmedabad
near Vasna, UASB, Ahmedabad
(d) AMC, Vinzol, Proposed ASP technology based, AUDA, Ahmedabad
near Village Vinzol, Ahmedabad
(e) AMC, Gyaspur, Proposed ASP technology AUDA, Ahmedabad
based, near Village Gyaspur, Ahmedabad
6. VMC, Chhani, Vadodara Vadodara Municipal Corporation
7. Dharampur, Dist. Valsad Dhrampur Nagarpalika
8. Bavla,Dist: Ahmedabad Bavla Nagarpalika
9. Godhra, Dist: Panchmahal Godhra Nagarpalika
10. Limdi, Dist: Surendranagar Limdi Nagarpalika

Cities and towns: (B) Oxidation pond : In operation
Sr. Location Operator’s name
1. Anand Anand Nagarpalika, Anand
2. Viramgam, Dist. Ahmedabad Viramgam Nagarpalika
3. Nadiad, Dist. Kheda Nadiad Nagarpalika
4. Karjan, Dist. Vadodara Karjan Nagarpalika
5. Umreth Dist. Anand Umreth Nagarpalika
6. Modasa, Dist. Sabarkantha Modasa Nagarpalika
7. Himmatnagar, Dist. Sabarkantha Himmatnagar Nagarpalika
8. Idar, Dist. Sabarkantha Idar Nagarpalika
9. Anjar, Dist. Kutch Anjar Nagarpalika
10. Ankalav, Dist. Anand Ankalav Nagarpalika
11. Mandavi, Dist. Surat Mandavi Nagarpalika
12. Gandevi, Dist. Navsari Gandevi Nagarpalika
13. Patan Patan Nagarpalika
14. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar Kalol Nagarpalika
15. Palanpur, Dist. Banaskantha Palanpur Nagarpalika
16. Dehgam, Dist. Gandhinagar Dehgam Nagarpalika
17. Padra, Dist: Vadodara Padra Nagarpalika
18. Sojitra, Dist: Anand Sojitra Nagarpalika
19. Rapar, Dist: Kutch Rapar Nagarpalika
20. Borsad, Dist: Anand Borsad Nagarpalika
21. Palitana, Dist: Bhavnagar Palitana Nagarpalika
22. Morbi, Dist: Rajkot Morbi Nagarpalika
23. Balasinor, Dist: Kheda Balasinor Nagarpalika
24. Ode, Dist: Anand Ode Nagarpalika
25. Jambusar, Dist: Bharuch Jambusar Nagarpalika
26. Kadi, Dist: Mehsana Kadi Nagarpalika
27. Dhrangadhra, Dist: Surendranagar Dhrangadhra Nagarpalika
28. Dabhoi, Dist: Vadodara Dabhoi Nagarpalika

Township: STP : In operation

Sr. Location Operator’s name

1. IFFCO, Colony, Kalol Dist. Gandhinagar IFFCO, Kalol Dist. Gandhinagar

2. ONGC Colony, Palavasana Dist. Mehsana ONGC, Mehsana Estate, Palavasana

Dist. Mehsana

3. Ultra Tech Cement Co.- Narmada Cement Ultra Tech Cement Co. Ltd., at
Works' colony at Jafrabad Dist. Amreli Kovaya Dist. Amreli

4. Ultra Tech Cement Co.- Gujarat Cement Works’ Ultra Tech Cement Co. Ltd., at
township at Kovaya Dist. Amreli Kovaya Dist. Amreli

5. GPPTL, Pipavav Dist. Amreli Gujarat Pipavav Port Trust Ltd.,

at Pipavav

6. Air Port township, Dist. Jamnagar Air Port Authority of India, Jamnagar

7. RIL township, Dist. Jamnagar RIL, Jamnagar

8. Essar township, Dist. Jamnagar Essar Ltd., Jamnagar

9. GSFC Township, Sikka, Jamnagar GSFC Sikka, Jamnagar

10. IOC Residence colony, Vadinar IOC Vadinar

11. INS Valsura, (Indian Navy) Jamnagar INS Valsura

12. Tata Chemicals Ltd., Township, Mithapur Dist. Tata Chemicals Ltd., Mithapur

13. IFFCO township, Gandhidham Dist. Kutch IFFCO, Gandhidham

14. Indian Petrochemicals Ltd., Township, Vadodara IPCL, Vadodara

15. IOCL Refinery, Township, Vadodara IOC, Gujarat Refinery, Vadodara

16. Nirma, Township, Savli, Dist. Vadodara Nirma Ltd., Savli

17. GSFC Fertilizernagar, Vadodara GSFC, Fertilizernagar, Vadodara

18. Panandhro,Dist: Kutch GSEC, TPS,Panandhro,

19. Panandhro,Dist: Kutch GMDC, Panandhro,

20. Ambuja Cement Ltd. Township Ambuja Cement Ltd.


STP :Proposed

Sr. Location Operator’s name

1. Near Raiya Circle, Rajkot Sterling Addlife India Ltd, Rajkot

(1) Total Numbers of STP : 60

(a) STP : In operation : 43
(b)STP: Under installation : 17
(2) Total Numbers of Oxidation Ponds : 28

6.9 Bio-medical wastes facilities in Gujarat

Common CBMWF [Common Bio-Medical Waste Facilities] (as on March 2010)

Districts HCFs beds

Sr. Name, Address & phone of CBMWF
covered covered covered
1. En-vision Engineers (P) Ltd. Surat, Valsad, 3081 10,250
Bhatar Disposal Site, Surat Municipal Bharuch,
Corporation, Gokulnagar, Nr. Azadnagar Navsari, Dang
road, Bhatar, Surat
(o) 0261- 2470653, 2472374,
Fax : 0261- 2478518, (M) 9426118309
2. E-Coli Waste Management System, Plot 14/1, Sabarkantha 1012 5006
Saket Ind. Estate, Banaskantha,
Vill. Moraiya, Ta. Sanand, Ahmedabad Mehsana,
(W) 02717-251695, 9909947570 Surendranagar
(o) 079-27560808, (M) 9825494049 Ahmedabad
3. Semb Ramky Environmental Management Ahmedabad 989 8681
Private Ltd. Plot 28, Ashwamegh, Changodar Gandhinagar
GIDC, Ta. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad.
(o)079-6304248 / 6301520 (M) 9898491191
4. Care BMW Incineration, Plot 1216, Santej, Ahmedabad 1648 6739
Ta. Kalol, Dist: Gandhinagar Mehsana
(o) 7454687 (M) 9825323330 Patan, Anand
5. Pollucare Biomedical Management Ahmedabad, 451 3186
Pvt. Ltd., Plot 182, Geratnagar, Ta. Duskoi, Gandhinagar,
Ahmedabad Anand, Kheda,
(o) 079- 7558070 (M) 9925004645
6. Quantum Environment Engineers Vadodara 1675 6750
Nr. Sewage treatment plant, Survey no. 467/1,
Atladra - Munjmahuda, Vadodara
(o) 0265- 2353258-59 Fax: 0265- 2354119
(M) 9825050490

Districts HCFs beds
Sr. Name, Address & phone of CBMWF
covered covered covered
7. Samvedana BMW Incinerator Panchmahal, 900 6760
Plot 217/1, Chandrapura Industrial Estate, Dahod, Anand,
Ta. Halol, Dist: Panchmahal Vadodara
(W) 02692-261514 (M) 9227125467
8. Distro Med Services, Rajkot, 2020 8800
Kuvadwa GIDC, Plot 272-273, Rajkot- Amreli, Kutch
Ahmedabad NH, Rajkot
(o) 0281-2225233, 2382853
9. BMW-IMA, Bhavnagar Bhavnagar. 432 3579
GMP Godown, 111/F, Old Bundar,
Bhavnagar (o) 0278-2429750/ 2426097,
(M) 9824220712
10. Dev. Bio-Medical Waste Management Jamnagar 150 2000
Services, Plot 768 A, GIDC, Phase II, Dred,
(o) 0288-2670000/2558027, (M) 9824293709
11. Girnar Bio Medical Waste Services. Junagadh 355 1855
Managed by : Sorath Tabibi Sangh.
Plot 1746, GIDC II, Dolatpura, Junagadh
(M) 9825262156
12. Porbandar Manav Seva Charitable Trust, Porbandar 183 330
Ravaliya Plot, Nr. Ghediya School, Porbandar
360 575 Survey no. 82/1, Nr. GIDC, Khapat
Village, Dist. Porbandar
(o) 0286 - 2246374 (M) 9426205681
13. E-Coli Waste Management System, Unit-2, Sabarkantha, 990 5795
Plot 98-100, Sabar Industrial Park, NH 8, Banaskantha
Himmatnagar Samlaji road, Opp. Asopalav
Hotel, At Asal, Ta. Bhiloda, Dist. Sabarkantha
(M) 9909947570
Total 13886 69,731
Name of Hospitals having own (BMW) Incinerator

Sr. Name of Hospital No. of Beds

1. Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad 1822
2. SSG Hospital, Nr. Aradhna cinema, Vadodara 1118
3. K.M. Shah Dental College and Hospital, Waghodia-Vadodara 530
4. Kashiba Gordhandas Patel Children Hospital, Jalaram marg, Vadodara 135
5. Kailash Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Goraj, Waghodia 135
6. Western Railway Hospital, Pratapnagar 96
7. New Civil Hospital, Majura Gate, Surat 1050
8. Shri Sardar Smarak Hospital, Bardoli, Dist: Surat 200

Sr. Name of Hospital No. of Beds
9. KAPS (Kakrapar Atomic Power Station) Hospital, Anumala, Surat 50
10. Shree Sayaji Hospital, Petlad, Anand 119
11. Shri Krishna Hospital & Pramukh Swami Medical College, Karamsad, 550
12. The Cambay General Hospital, Anand 160
13. Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, Kheda 140
14. General Hospital, Nadiad, Kheda 210
15. Western Railway Main Hospital, Dahod 130
16. Haria Lakhamshi Govindji Rotary Hospital & Nukem Blood Bank, 200
Vapi dist: Valsad
17. General Hospital, Deesa, Dist: Banaskantha 63
18. Samarpan General Hospital, Dwarka road, Jamnagar 200
19. Tata Chemical Hospital, Mithapur, Jamnagar 140
20. Sir T. General Hospital, Bhavnagar 709
21. CU Shah Medical College, Surendranagar 500
Total 8257

6.10 The Municipal Solid Wastes (Management & Handling) Rules, 2000
The MSW (M & H) Rules 2000 came into force from 25.9.2000. It is obligatory on the part
of all the municipal authorities to arrange for collection, segregation, transportation and
suitable disposal of municipal wastes of the municipal towns/cities. They need to obtain
authorisation of the GPCB for the compliance of these Rules. Under these rules all
municipal authorities responsible for collection, segregation, storage, transportation,
processing & disposal of municipal solid wastes are covered.
The municipal authority or an operator of a facility needs to make an application in Form-I,
for grant of authorization for setting up of waste processing and disposal facility including
landfills, to the state Board.
As of now, there are 159 Nagarpalika, 7 Municipal Corporations, 5 Notified Areas and 1
Urban Development Authority in the State of Gujarat are identified by this Board, so far as
responsible authority to comply with the MSW Rules-2000.
The Board had granted authorisation with validity of five years to 152 local bodies which
expired on 31-12-2008. In this year 43 local bodies have applied for the authorisation under
MSW Rules-2000. Scrutinising the applications, Board has granted authorisation to 29
ULBs, refused to 14 ULBs. The Board continuously monitors the progress and action
initiated by local bodies. But response from Urban Local Bodies are poor. The Board also
took up the issue with the District Collectors and the Director of Municipalities to expedite
all urban bodies in implementing these rules.
The concept of common secured landfills is adopted in the State for treatment and disposal
of the Municipal Solid Waste generated in the towns and cities. The Government of Gujarat
has constituted a Nodal Agency, Gujarat Urban Development Company Ltd for
development of infrastructure for treatment, transportation and disposal. With detailed
study of the each and every municipalities, it is ultimately arrived on to provide treatment

facilities(i.e. vermi- composting) at the town level and to develop the regional landfill site
for the cluster of municipalities in @ 50km radius and connected with road network.
GUDC has initiated the preparation of operational plan for the implementation of MSW. It
is proposed to construct one common landfill site between seven or more towns. The land
identified located at fairly equal distance from these towns. The GUDC has divided area of
Gujarat in to four different regions and identified 24 clusters for Regional Landfill site for
different local bodies located in Gujarat. In addition 7 Municipal Corporations are
developing their individual landfill sites, Among them Ahmedabad, Surat and Vadodara
has commissioned the landfills, Rajkot Municipal Corporation is developing the landfill,
Jamnagar, Bhavnagar and Junagadh are in process to prepare DPR. It is also emphasised by
the Board to allow nearby towns, municipalities to dispose their non compostable
municipal waste at the landfills of Municipal Corporation. Details are as follows:

Status of Regional Landfill sites being developed by GUDCL

Municipalities' Landfill sites : Under Progress

Sr. Location of Regional landfill site Name of Towns/ cities covered area in

1 Piplodi near Himmatnagar Prantij, Talod, Vadali, Vijapur, Ider, 20

Dist. Sabarkantha Khedbrahma, Bayad, Modasa, Himatnagar

2 Khambat, Dist. Anand Khambat 16

3 Sandesapati near Patan Kheralu, Chanasma, Harij,Vadnagar, 20
Unjha, Visnagar, Siddhpur, Patan
4 Sadarpur near Bhabhar – Palanpur Vav, Thara, Bhabhar, Radhanpur, Tharad, 15
Dist. Banaskantha Ambaji, Palanpur, Deesa

5 Hamirpura near Godhra, Sahera, Devgadh Bariya, Kaalol, Balasinor, 22

Dist.Panchmahal Zalod, Halol, Lunavada, Dahod, Godhra
6 Viramgam Dist. Ahmedabad Viramgam 50
7 Dhanduka, Dist. Ahmedabad Dhanduka 15
8 Bakrol near Anand Mahudha, Kanjari, Boriavi, Sojitra, Kheda, 30
Kathlal, Anklav, Oad, Mahemdavad,
Dakor, Karamsad, Chaklasi, Umreth,
Thasara, Vallbh Vidhyanagar, Anand,
Kapadvanj, Petlad, Borsad,
9 Survadi near Ankleshwar, Amod, Tarsadi, Kansad, Jambusar, 20
Dist. Bharuch Ankleshwar, Bharuch
10 Palasana, Dist. Gandhinagar Pethapur, Mansa, Dehgam, Kadi 18.93
Kalol, Gandhinagar

11 Bhuj – Gandhidham, Dist. Kutch Bhuj, Gandhidham

Sr. Location of Regional landfill site Name of Towns/ cities covered area in

12 Chamragam Patdi, Muli, Saila, Dhrangadhra, 15

Dist. Surendranagar Limbdi, Wadhwan, Surendranagar

13 Balapur Dist. Amreli Damnagar, Dhari, Lathi, Amreli, Chalala, 51.14

Bagasara, Babra, Savarkundla,

14 Vasai near Dwarka, Dist.Jamnagar Okha, Dwarka 77.53

15 Balapur near Mahuva, Jafrabad, Rajula, Mahua 51.40

Dist. Bhavnagar

16 Gadhada near Botad, Gadhda, Barvala, Botad 10

Dist. Bhavnagar

17 Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada Rajpipla 5

18 Dhanera, Dist. Banaskantha Dhanera 7

Municipalities' Landfill sites : Land Issue

19 Ranavav, Dist. Porbandar Raval, Bhanvad, Kutiyana, Ranavav, 5

Jamjodhpur, Chhaya, Porbandar

20 Dediyasan near Mehsana Becharaji, Mehsana 8

21 Devdi near Kodinar,Dist.Junagadh Sutrapada, Una, Kodinar, Talala, Veraval 8

22 Manda near Umbergaon, Dharampur, Umbargaon, Pardi, Vapi, 44.85

Dist. Valsad Valsad

23 Pipalaj near Chotaudepur, Chotaudepu 15

Dist. Vadodara

24 Santrampur, Dist. Panchmahal Santrampur 10

Municipal Corporations

Quantity of
Sr. solid waste
Location of landfill site and name status
No. generation in
1 Gyaspur Village, Dist. Ahmedabad. 2550 In operation Compost
Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. facility, Pallatisation in
2 Village Nakaravadi, Dist. Rajkot. 400 Under Construction
Rajkot Municipal Corporation. Pallatisation in operation

Quantity of
Sr. solid waste
Location of landfill site and name status
No. generation in
3 Village Makarpura, Dist. Vadodara. 510 Compost facility
Vadodara Municipal Corporation. Construction completed

4 Village Vadava, Dist. Bhavnagar. 200 Under planning

Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation.

5 Village : Khajod Dist. Surat. 1129 In operation Pallatisation in

Surat Municipal Corporation. operation

6 Village: Suvarda Dist. Jamnagar. 170 Under planning

Jamnagar Municipal Corporation.

7 Village Palasva, Dist. Junagadh. 150 Under planning

Junagadh Municipal Corporation.

Vermi Compost Plants

GUDC has constructed 76 vermi compost plants in which 70 vermi compost plants are in
operation and 78 vermi compost plants are proposed.

6.11 The Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2001

The Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules came into existence with effect from 16th
of May 2001 under powers conferred to Environment Protection Act, 1986. Under these
rules, every manufacturer, importer, reconditioner, assembler, dealer, recycler, auctioneer,
consumer and bulk consumer involved in manufacture, processing, sale, repurchase & use
of batteries or components thereof is covered. For the implementation of these rules in the
state of Gujarat, Gujarat Pollution Control Board started inventory, which is an on- going
process, and until now, 538 shops engaged in battery sales, services monitored.

The Board advised all Manufacturers to publish an advertisement in local dailies at least
twice in a year to create awareness among public regarding the use of lead acid batteries
and statutory requirement under the Batteries (Management & Handling) Rules, 2001.
Seminars, workshops were organised to educate people involved in battery activities for
effective implementation of these Rules.

The Board receives half yearly returns in prescribed forms specified for each category viz.
manufacturer, importer, reconditioner, assembler, recycler, auctioneer, consumer and bulk
consumer. These returns are scrutinised and annual report is submitted to CPCB

The Dealers are required to file half yearly return to the manufacturer. Even though, the
Board is carrying out monitoring of these Dealers. The Board also guide to fill up half
yearly returns. In order to protect environment they are also being educated about the
concept of buy back of used lead acid batteries and advantage thereof. This will help to
discourage unorganised sector of unauthorised transaction of lead acid batteries.

6.12 Collection of Water Cess
The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess, Act 1977 provides for levy and
collection of cess from the industries and local authorities for the water consumed by them.
With a view to augment the resources of the Central and the State Boards for the Prevention
and Control of Pollution, the Government of India have made necessary rules under the said
Act which were notified on 26th July 1978 under Section 17 of the Act. The Gujarat
Pollution Control Board has been declared as an ‘Authority’ for collecting water cess from
the industries and local bodies in the State. Under Section 6 of the said Act, powers to levy
and effect recovery of water cess have been delegated to the Member Secretary of the
Board and powers to remit the recovery to the Central Government under Section 6 (4) of
the Act has been conferred to the Board by the State Government.

As a part of implementation of e-Governance programme of GPCB 'Online XGN'

programme has further been extended to facilitate various applicants to file their Water
Cess Returns under the Water Cess Act, 1977 compulsory online with effect from 1.9.2009.
On 26.10.2009, in the esteemed presence of Hon'ble Chairman of the Board Shri C.L.
Meena, IAS, the Member Secretary Shri R.G. Shah, being an Assessing Authority under the
Water Cess Rules of the Board endorsed 1,626 online Water Cess Assessment orders
amounting approximately Rs. 8 crores.

Under Section 13 of the said Act, a provision has been made for appeal by any person or
local body aggrieved by an order of the cess assessment. For this, an Appellate Committee,
headed by the Chairman of the Board, has been constituted. The status regarding the
assessment of water cess collection was as follow:

Sr. Particulars
2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 2009 - 2010

1. Number of units assessed 2,104 2,413 2,747

2. Number of assessment order issued. 4,511 5,266 6,014

3. Amount collected Rs. in lakh 1,101.73 3,083.14 1,731.65


6.13. Air Action Plans- Plans - Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Rajkot,
Jamnagar, Vapi & Gandhinagar.
[1] Ahmedabad Air Pollution Control Action Plan
During the period under report, EPCA – [Environment Pollution (Prevention &
Control) Authority] constituted as per the Supreme Court’s order by the MoEF, GoI,
under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhure Lal, and Ms Sunita Narain, Member, EPCA
reviewed status including BRTS project of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.
EPCA complemented all the officials and noted that the progress made in the
implementation of the Air Action Plan for Ahmedabad was very satisfactory. They
anticipated continuity of similar trend in future.
Bringing down Air Pollution level in Ahmedabad
Through the implementation of the Air Pollution Action Plan, it has been possible to
bring down SPM [suspended particulate matter and RSPM [Respirable suspended
particulate matter] in the city of Ahmedabad significantly.
The results of Ambient Air Quality monitoring in Residential areas under NAMP
program indicate RSPM 100.9 microgram per cubic meter in year 2009, 134
microgram per cubic meter in year 2005 and as high as 198 in year 2001.
85 cities in India monitored periodically, to record RSPM [Respirable suspended
particulate matter] level, under the NAMP [National Ambient Monitoring
Programme], the report of the CPCB, Delhi for polluting cities based on ambient air
quality, shows the ranking of Ahmedabad improved from 4th in year 2001 to, 13th in
year 2005 and 66th in the year 2008, position.
At Nehru Bridge, RSPM was found 158 microgram per cubic metre in 2005 which has
come down to 133 microgram per cubic metre in year 2006, 105 microgram per cubic
metre in year 2007, 112 microgram per cubic metre in year 2008 and measured 111
microgram per cubic metre in year 2008. Air quality is monitored at 18 stations and
they overall indicates fall in SPM and RSPM. In regard to SO2 [sulphur dioxides] and
NOx [oxides of nitrogen] which are the other relevant parameters in assessing the
quality of air, in all stations, they remained within limits.
Progress achieved
The major milestones achieved in implementation of Ahmedabad Air Action Plan are
as follows:
Total 66 CNG stations are operational in Ahmedabad: 50 by Adanis and 16 by HPCL.
AMC / AMTS has put 970 CNG buses on road along with 50 low floor Euro -III
Diesel buses. GSRTC is running 155 CNG buses on Ahmedabad - Gandhinagar route
and entire fleet on this route is on CNG mode. There are more than 55,346 CNG auto
rickshaws in Ahmedabad; out of which 42,423 are new rickshaws while rest are
retrofitted. LPG 57324
Under Vehicle Inspection Program, 125 PUC Centres as per revised system are
registered in Ahmedabad; which consists of 100 Centres for Petrol vehicles (with four
gas analyser) and 25 for diesel vehicles.

Regarding industrial air pollution control, identified industries having major boilers
are in process of further up-gradation of air pollution control measures in form of ESP
[electro static precipitators], Bag Filters. The industrial units are categorised based on
fuel consumption & performance of existing APCD [air pollution control devices].
Out of 129 units, first phase 30 units have already installed bag filters & ESP. Second
phase 38 units upgraded APCD, 04 units under progress. Third phase 50 units
upgraded APCD, 23 units under progress. Remaining units are in process of upgrading
their APCD. Over 268 industrial units in Ahmedabad have switched over to Natural
Gas as fuel.
Based on the report prepared by L.D. Engineering College, Ahmedabad, on
‘Integrated air pollution control system for cupola foundries’ in Ahmedabad, foundry
Units have carried out technological up-gradation.
AMC has completed the construction of 26 kms corridor as a part of BRTS (Bus
Rapid Transit System) to enhance public transport.
AUDA completed 76 km Ring Road Project. 92.04 km wall-to-wall carpeting &
footpath is completed to reduce dusting.
District Civil Supplies officials have inspected 16 units engaged in Lubricating Oil
mfg / trading units, AMC and AUDA have undertaken several projects of construction
of flyover, over bridges, underpass, river bridge, widening of roads, etc. under traffic
and transportation management.
[2] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Vadodara
Vadodara is among non-attainment city as per CPCB's reference in terms of air
pollutants SO2, RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan is being implemented
and monitored by the District level Task Force headed by Collector, Vadodara.
During the period under report, the Task Force, Vadodara reviewed progress of
implementation in a review meeting held on 14.10.2009. Important milestones of this
action plan are as under:
¾ Now, there are 10 CNG filling stations ( 7 by Adani Energy Ltd., 3 by GAIL), 6 Auto
LPG filling stations functional in the city. Out of 10 CNG stations, 4 stations are
online while remaining 6 stations are Daughter booster Stations. Average CNG sale in
Vadodara is 60,000 kg per day.
¾ Vadodara Municipal Corporation has augmented Public Transport in the city in 2009-
10 on cleaner fuel CNG. Initially 25 buses were put in to operation by VMC
contracted agency VTCOS. At present 120 CNG buses are on road.
¾ There are about 10,000 auto rickshaws operating on CNG, 4000 LMVs on CNG while
11,000 LMVs are operating on LPG.
¾ 49 PUC Centres are functional as per revised norms of Govt. of India and having
computerization. Out of these, 31 centres (with 4 gas analyzer) are for petrol driven
vehicles and 18 Centres are for diesel driven vehicles.
¾ Timer Traffic signals are provided at 20 junctions. 30 solar signals and 5 portable
traffic signals are operational.
¾ About 85 % of city area is covered under door to door municipal waste collection

¾ Work of new MSW secured land fill site at Jambuva is completed and commissioned.
New MSW processing - compost plant is also commissioned.
¾ The works of construction of over bridges at various junctions of NH-8 bypass is
completed. The construction of Vadsar Flyover is also completed .
¾ Around 80 industries located in and around Vadodara city are operating on natural
gas as fuel.
¾ Most petrol pumps are fitted with premix dispensers.
¾ There are 24 registered retrofitters of CNG kits in the city.
¾ Ambient air quality monitoring is carried out as per CPCB guidelines at 10 stations
which comprises of 3 stations under NAMP and 3 stations under SAMP. The overall
ambient air quality trends are showing improvement of air quality in Vadodara as
RSPM concentration in residential areas under NAMP is found to be 65 microgram
per cum. in year 2009 compared to 86 microgram per cum. in year 2007. The RSPM
levels in old city area Dandia Bazaar is found to be 79.50 microgram per cum. in year
2009 which was found to be 115.29 microgram per cum. (annual average) in 2005.

[3] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Ankleshwar- District Bharuch

Ankleshwar has been identified as a 'non-attainment' town by the CPCB, Delhi, in
terms of air pollutants SO2, RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan to mitigate
the situation has been drawn up as directed by the CPCB, Delhi. in line of the Air
Action Plan - Ahmedabad. The approved plan is being monitored by the District level
Task Force headed by District Collector, Bharuch.
¾ There are 4 CNG stations one each at Gadkhol and Bholav and two stations near
Valiya cross road are functional.
¾ 3 LPG stations - one at GNFC, another at JT College road, Bharuch and third at
Ankleshwar over bridge are functional.
¾ Supply of Bharat-II norms fuel and Registration of only Bharat-II compliance new
vehicles started since 1.4.2005.
¾ A team of Dist. Supply officer & Mamlatdar carry out checking of petrol pumps for
fuel adulteration of Naphtha, Kerosene and solvent, periodically. FC & CA dept. has
issued a circular to maintain at least 500 metre distance between storage of kerosene
and petrol/diesel.
¾ Seven registered PUC centres for Petrol and Diesel as per new norms are in operation.
¾ For control of industrial air pollution, supplementary air pollution control action plan
is prepared and is under implementation. Based on survey carried out for inventory of
industrial units using solid conventional fuel, having process emission etc. 314
industrial units have installed APCM.
¾ 470 industries are running on natural gas.
¾ Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality sampling carried out at 4 critical points.
¾ Survey of chemicals trading as well as industrial units was carried out for
identification of source of fugitive emission.

¾ Ankleshwar Nagarpalika & Ankleshwar Notified area are developing facility for door-
to-door collection of garbage and litters and disposal site for MSW.

[4] [A] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Surat

Surat is among non-attainment city as per CPCB's reference in terms of air
pollutants SO2, RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan is being implemented
and monitored by the District level Task Force headed by District Collector, Surat.
During the period under report, progress of implementation was reviewed by the
Task Force, Surat. Important milestones of this task are as under:
¾ Registration of new vehicles having Bharat II norms for 2 & 3 wheelers mandatory,
and Bharat-III norms for 4 wheelers made compulsory.
¾ Heavy vehicles are banned during day hours in city area.
¾ Supply of fuel in Surat conforms to Euro-III norms.
¾ 41 (Petrol) & 11(Diesel) i.e. total 52 computerised PUC centres are put in operation.
On road vehicle inspection is regularly carried out by FSL, DSO & RTO.
¾ Construction of 5 bridges & 31 traffic signals, 96 traffic island & 6 flyovers are
completed by SMC & one is under construction stage at Kapodra work of Hazira-
Palsana road widening is going on.
¾ Out of total 65 petrol pump outlets, 54 outlets have premix oil dispensers.
¾ 25 CNG stations & 5 LPG stations are in operation. Total CNG vehicles are 59626 &
LPG vehicles are 20769. One more CNG station is under planning.
¾ 8 Ambient Air Quality monitoring stations are in operation in addition to these
stations, ambient air monitoring is carried out by the Board at more five locations in
A.K. road & V.D. road.
¾ 190 air pollution potential units are identified for air pollution control monitoring
under air action plan.
¾ 108 CNG based city bus services is plied by SMC in Surat.
¾ Door to door garbage collection system is introduced in all the city zones of Surat.

[B] Other Environment Pollution Control measures taken in the Surat region.
¾ NIO-Mumbai is retained by the Board & is asked to prepare & submit a report to
suggest measures for stopping occurrences of fish kill.
¾ NEERI- Nagpur is retained by GPCB at the cost of GEPIL - a TSDF site at Surat to
submit performance evaluation report of the EMS of the TSDF.
¾ As suggested by GPCB and directed by Forest & Environment Department, Govt. of
Gujarat, SMC has prepared 'Mindhola river pollution control action plan' for
prevention of pollution of the river Mindhola & nearby Khadies. The cost of this
project is approximately Rs. 400/- crores.

¾ Intensive monitoring is being done by Vigilance Cell and RO Surat to prevent the use
of unauthorised fuel.
¾ Large industrial units in Hazira region are directed to lay a pipeline & discharge their
treated waste in to deep sea at a safe point to be recommended by NIO.

[5] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Rajkot

Rajkot is among non-attainment city as per CPCB's reference in terms of air
pollutants RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan is being implemented and
monitored by the District level Task Force headed by District Collector, Rajkot.
During the period under report, meetings of Task Force, Rajkot took place on monthly
basis and progress of implementation was reviewed. Few important milestones
of this task are as under:
¾ Regarding supply of Bharat-II norms fuel and Registration of only Bharat-II
compliance new vehicle started since 1.4.2005, at all the petrol pumps outlets of
Rajkot, Euro-II is sold presently. They are planning to start selling of Euro-III from
May 2010.
¾ Ethanol is in short supply presently, therefore blending is not carried out.
¾ Regularly road inspection by RTO is carried out. Total 10 no.s PUC centre for petrol
driven vehicles and 5 No.s PUC centres for Diesel Driven vehicles are in operation.
All centres are having Four Gas Analyser system.
¾ Non destined commercial vehicles are restricted from entering vehicles from 9.00 AM
to 21.00 Hrs.
¾ A team of FSL, RTO and Civil Supply is working for fuel testing & monitoring.
¾ Monitoring of air polluting industries have been strengthen. Area wise monitoring has
been initiated as per CPCB guidelines. 125 industries have provided air pollution
control devices.
¾ There are three Ambient Air Quality Monitoring stations in the city and monthly
average results are reviewed.
¾ All 32 outlets have premix oil dispensers.
¾ Total 9 No.s of existing CNG outlets (1-mother,3-online and 5-daughter stations) and
2 No.s proposed CNG outlets. Total 3 No.s LPG outlets in Rajkot city. Total 8774
vehicles are converted in to CNG till date.
¾ 55 CNG Buses of RMC are plied in Rajkot city.
¾ Total 20 industry are connected with industrial gas fuel by GSPC. Out of that total 17
connections provided in Lodhika and 3 Echajay industry and Bhavani Industry. The
Gas pipeline is laid up to Lodhika Industrial Estate.
¾ Laying work of Gas pipeline up to Shapar and Aji Industrial Estates is going on.
¾ Ring road connecting Jamnagar - Morbi highway, Kalawad and Gondal road is made
functional. One flyover at KKV hall is under progress. Construction of flyover at
railway crossing is under progress. Under bridge near Mahila college is made

¾ Construction work of BRTS project on route between Jamnagar road to Gondal road is
under progress.
¾ RMC planted 3500 plants in industrial and reserved plot area. Plantation of 10,000
plants carried out along Rajkot Junction to Bhaktinagar Railway track.
[5 -A] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Morbi-Wankaner, Dist. Rajkot
¾ There are three CNG outlets in Morbi-Vankaner area by GSPC. (1-Tankara, 1-Morbi
and 1-Wankaner)

¾ 350 industrial units switched over to natural gas as fuel in Morbi-Wankaner area.
Couple of industrial units have upgraded APC system.

[5 -B] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Wadhvan, Dist. Surendranagar

¾ Total 32 nos. Industrial units switched over to natural gas as fuel in Wadhvan GIDC.

¾ One existing and one proposed CNG outlet in Surendranagar district area.

[6] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Jamnagar

Jamnagar is among non-attainment city as per CPCB's reference in terms of air
pollutants RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan is being implemented and
monitored by the District level Task Force headed by Collector, Jamnagar.

During the period under report, the District Collector conducted meetings of Task
Force, Jamnagar on 20.7.2009 and 8.2.2010, and reviewed progress of
implementation. Few important milestones of this task are as under:

¾ Fuel confirming to EURO II Standards is being supplied in the city. Checking of

adulteration of lubricating oil continued.

¾ LPG stations at Reliance and at Victoria bridge continued to function.

¾ All registered PUC centres have Four Gas Analyser. There are 7 Diesels and 7 petrol
PUC centres in the city.

¾ There are five Traffic Signals with timers.

¾ JMC had identified parking plots, removed of encroachment on roads and expedited
widening of roads at identified places.

¾ Over bridge construction near Gulabnagar is under progress.

¾ Door-to-door garbage collection is covered within 70 % area and care is being taken
for proper disposal of wastes.

¾ Road sides plantation from Pavanchakki towards Lalpur is planned.

¾ Monitoring of industries is carried out regularly and the results are found within

¾ JMC proposed to make a compost plant.

¾ Due to efforts made by the Task Force SPM level reduced from 244.33 microgram/
cum. in 2004 to 198.01 microgram/cum. in 2009-10, and RSPM level reduced from
129.75 microgram/cum. in 2004 to 107.31 microgram/cum. in 2009-10, on annual
average basis.

[7] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Vapi

Vapi was among non-attainment city as per CPCB's reference in terms of air
pollutants RSPM and SPM. An Air Pollution Action Plan is being implemented and
monitored by the District level Task Force headed by Collector, Valsad.
During the period under report, meetings of Task Force, Valsad took place and
progress of implementation was reviewed. Few important milestones of this task are
as under:
¾ Bharat II vehicles are made compulsory. Registration of new vehicles is allowed only
as per Bharat II compliance.
¾ RTO checked vehicles.
¾ About 12 industrial units installed ESP and about 29 units installed bag filters in Vapi
GIDC. This help in reduction of RSPM and SPM levels both in GIDC area and Vapi
Town. From July 2006 onwards RSPM and SPM levels have shown continuous
declining trend with readings of RSPM touching 60 micrograms per Nm3.
¾ Ambient air monitoring Mobile Van is procured by Vapi Industries Association to
monitor in and around Vapi area.
¾ Ambient air quality monitoring is carried out at six critical stations.
¾ For supply of Natural gas :
- Gujarat Gas Company laid 33.2 km. gas distribution network pipeline in GIDC Vapi
& Sarigam. GGCL is signing with customers in Vapi, Sarigam, Bhilad & Morai
areas for gas supply.
- GSPC has signed agreement with 120 customers in Vapi and 35 customers in
Sarigam area. Supply of natural gas to 88 units in Vapi and 20 units in Sarigam area
already commissioned.
[8] Air Pollution Control Action Plan Gandhinagar
The Air Pollution Control Action Plan has been prepared for Gandhinagar being the
capital in line of the Air Action Plan, Ahmedabad and the plan having been approved
for implementations, which is monitored at the District level Task Force headed by
Collector, Gandhinagar.
During the period under report, one meeting of Task Force Committee held at district
level for review and implementation of Air Action Plan.
¾ Supply of fuel conforms to EURO-III (Bharat-II)specifications from 1.4.2005 in
Gandhinagar, and this is as per the standard laid down.
¾ On road inspection is carried out by joint team of Civil Supply Department, FSL,
ARTO-Gandhinagar & Police Department. 07 PUC centre for Petrol & Diesel as per
new norms is registered.
¾ Eight no,s of CNG/LPG gas stations in the city and surrounding area are in operation.
¾ Separate arrangement is made for CNG fuelling GSRTC Buses.

¾ Total 108 buses on roads of Gandhinagar Depot out of which 99 CNG buses are
running on CNG.
¾ Specific Action Plan finalised for Thermal Power Plant, GSECL, Gandhinagar.
GSECL is asked for implementation of this plan including NEERI recommendations.
¾ Ambient air quality monitoring is carried out at two different locations/ stations i.e. in
Sector 8 and Sector 30, as per CPCB guidelines. Ambient air quality monitoring at
third station in Sector 24 is carried out by GSECL, Gandhinagar.
¾ The Chairman of the Board asked GSECL, Gandhinagar to submit month wise action
points and review in each meeting. GSECL is also instructed to maintain coal
blending, operate ESP with maximum efficiency and take steps to prevent fugitive
emission from coal yard area.
¾ No traffic congestion in Gandhinagar at present. However, as per Notification dated
31.12.2005 entry of non-destined heavy vehicles in the city especially passing through
GH & CH roads is restricted.
¾ At present 60 % area of Gandhinagar is covered for door to door collection of MSW
by the Notified Area Authority. A wormy compost project is at sector 21,
Gandhinagar, on experimental basis. The issue of development of MSW disposal site
is pursued.
6.14. The Environmental Clearance – Public Hearing
Setting up of new industries and expansion of existing industries, or discharge of untreated
wastes and effluents from industries, cities or towns and other human settlements, dumping
of wastes etc., for classified projects requires Environmental Clearance. The Authorities
under these regulations are MoEF and SEIAA, Gujarat.
The PH-Public Hearing as per Notification dated 14.9.2006 issued by Ministry of
Environment and Forests, GoI for various industries for their new units or expansion
activities within Gujarat are organised during April 2009 to March 2010 as follow :

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH

1. Surya Pigments(I) Pvt. Ltd., Kadi, 12.05.2009

Plot No.160, Karannagar, Ta. Kadi, Dist. Mehsana Dist. Mehsana
for Category 'A', Pigment Manufacturing
2. ABG Cement Ltd., Village Mora, Ta. 12.05.2009
village Mora, Ta. Choryasi, Dist. Surat for Category Choryasi, Dist.
'A', Cement Grinding Plant and CPP Surat

3. Rishabh Colours Pvt. Ltd., Padra, 22.05.2009

Block Nos.563, village Luna, Tal. Padra, Dist. Dist. Vadodara
Vadodara for Category 'A', Organic Pigments and
inorganic chemicals
4. Gulbrandsen Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Padra, 26.05.2009
Padra, Dist. Vadodara for Category 'A', expansion Dist. Vadodara
and addition of Organometallic products

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH

5. Associated Dyestuff Pvt. Ltd., Padra, 30.05.2009

S.No.466/2, village Dudhwada, Ta. Padara, Dist. Dist. Vadodara
Vadodara for Category 'A', dye and dyes
Intermediates and Pigment Blue plant
6. Agrocel Industries Ltd., Village Avania, 30.05.2009
S.No.442, village Avania, Ta. Ghogha, Dist. Ta. Ghogha,
Bhavnagar for Category 'A', Dist. Bhavnagar
Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing unit
7. Usha Breco Ltd., Junagadh 03.06.2009
Mount Girnar, Ta. Junagadh, Dist. Junagadh for
Category 'A', Aerial Ropeway Project
8. Meghmani Industries Ltd., Sanand, 10.06.2009
village Chharodi, Taluka.Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad Dist.Ahmedabad
for Category 'A', expansion of pesticides unit
9. Jharia Coke Pvt. Ltd., Village Lunva, 12.06.2009
S.No.317/3, village Lunva, Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Kutch Dist. Kutch.
for Category 'B', Low Ash Metallurgical Coke Project
10. Maa Kali Metcoke Industries Pvt. Ltd., Village Lunva, 12.06.2009
S.No. 286, village Lunva, Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Kutch Ta. Bhachau,
for Category 'B', Low Ash Metallurgical Coke Project Dist. Kutch.
11. Shree Salasar Coke (Gujarat) Pvt.Ltd., Village Lunva, 12.06.2009
S.No.285,289/2, village Lunva, Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Ta. Bhachau,
Kutch for Category 'B', Low Ash Metallurgical Coke Dist. Kutch.
12. Amreli Power Projects Pvt. Ltd., Village Savar 15.06.2009
villlage Savarsampadar, Ta. Savarkundla, Dist. Samapadar,
Amreli for Category 'B', Biomass based Power Plant Dist. Amreli
13. GSPC-NIKO Resources Ltd., Kribhco Town- 23.06.2009
Hazira Field, Dist. Surat for Category 'B', drilling ship, Kawas,
and development of oil & gas wells Dist. Surat
14. Krishak Bharati Co-operative Ltd. (KRIBHCO), Kribhco Town- 23.06.2009
Hazira, Dist. Surat for Category 'B', Development of ship, Kawas,
existing Jetty at Tapi estuary Dist. Surat
15. Stermone Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Khambhat, 26.06.2009
S.No.34, Paldi, Golana Road, Ta. Khambhat, Dist. Dist. Anand
Anand for Category 'A', Bluk Drugs Manufacturing
16. Bajaj Healthcare Ltd., Gothada, 03.07.2009
(Unit-II) Block No.588, Savli Karachia Raod, village Ta. Savli,
Gothada, Ta. Savli, Dist. Vadodara for Category 'A', Dist. Vadodara
expansion of Bulk Drags Mfg. Unit

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH
17. Jindal Saw Ltd., Village 09.07.2009
village Samaghogha, Pragpar-Mandvi Road, Ta. Samaghogha, Ta.
Mundra, Dist. Kutch for Category 'A', expansion of Mundra, Dist.
steel works Kutch
18. Indian Steel Corporation Ltd., Village 17.07.2009
Survey No. 370, village Bhimsar, Ta. Anjar, Dist. Bhimasar,
Kutch for Category 'B', expansion for various kinds Dist. Kutch
of cold rolling coils/ sheets
19. Kumar Organic Products Ltd., Village Luna, 21.07.2009
S.No.379, village Luna, Ta. Padra, Dist. Vadodara for Ta.Padra,
Category 'A', speciality chemicals unit Dist: Vadodara

20. Bhavnagar Energy Company Ltd., Village Padva, 26.07.2009

Village Padva, Ta. Ghogha, Dist. Bhavnagar for Ghogha, Dist.
Category 'A', Lignite based Power Project Bhavnagar

21. Kuchchh Steels Pvt. Ltd., Village Golay, 06.08.2009

Village Golay, Ta. Abdasa, Dist. Kutch for Category Ta. Abdasa, Dist.
'A', Asbestos Cement Corrugated Sheet Kutch

22. Gujarat Industries Power Company Ltd., Nani Naroli, 11.08.2009

Vastan Mine Block, Nani Naroli, Ta. Mangrol, Dist. Township Dist.
Surat for Category 'A', underground coal gasification Surat.

23. Dhanjibhai Ramjibhai Chhad & Damji Rana Village 13.08.2009

Kesariya, Mokhana,
Village Mokhana, Tehsil:Bhuj, Dist. Kutch for Ta. Bhuj,
Category 'B', White clay Mines, limestone mines Dist. Kutch

24. New Palsana Industrial Co.op. Society Ltd., Palsana, 25.08.2009

Block No.301, Village Buteshwar, Ta. Palsana, Dst. Dist. Surat
Surat Category 'B', CETP
25. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Maliya, 08.09.2009
Village Rahishala, Khakherchi, Bahadurpur, Manaba, Dist. Rajkot
Wadharwa, Khirai, Maliya and Haripar, Ta. Maliya,
Dist. Rajkot for Category 'A', Laying a Petroleum
product branch pipeline system from Viramgam to
Kandla (Gujarat)
26. Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd., GEB Colony - 08.09.2009
Wanakbori Thermal Power Station, Ta. Thasara, Dist. Wanakbori,
Kheda for Category 'A', coal fired extension unit Dist. Kheda.

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH
27. Austral Coke and Projects Ltd., Village Lunva, 11.09.2009
S.No.327/2, Village Lunva, Ta. Bhachu, Dist. Kutch Ta. Bhuj,
for Category 'A', setting up of Coke Oven Plant & Dist. Kutch
Captive Power Plant
28. Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Nandana, 15.09.2009
Village Mevasa, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Jamnagar for Ta. Kalyanpur,
Category 'A', Mevasa-1 Bauxite Mine Dist. Jamnagar
29. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Bhachau, 18.09.2009
for Category 'A', laying a Petroleum product branch Dist. Kutch
pipeline system from Viramgam to Kandla (Gujarat)
within various villages in Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Kutch

30. Makevale Acrylics Pvt. Ltd., Village Moxi, 18.09.2009

S.No.372, Village Moksi, Ta. Savli, Dist. Vadodara Dist. Vadodara
for Category 'A', proposed Polymer (Dental, Medical
& Industrial Polymer) Manufacturing unit

31. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Dhrangadhara, 23.09.2009

for Category 'A', laying a Petroleum product branch Dist.
pipeline system from Viramgam to Kandla (Gujarat) Surendranagar
various villages in Ta. Halvad, Dist. Surendranagar

32. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Viramgam, 25.09.2009

for Category 'A', laying a Petroleum product branch Dist. Ahmedabad
pipeline system from Viramgam to Kandla (Gujarat)
Ta. Viramgam, Dist. Ahmedabad

33. Met Trade India Ltd., Village 01.10.2009

S.No.590, village Bhimsar, Ta.Anjar, Kutch for Bhimasar, Dist.
Category 'A', Secondary Non-Ferrous Metal Unit Kutch.

34. Satva Cement Industries, Dhrangadhara, 09.10.2009

R.S.No.1093/p, Village Dhrangadhra, Ta. Dist.
Dhrangadhra, Dist. Surendranagar for Category 'B', Surendranagar
ordinary Portland cement plant

35. National Highways Authority of India, Category 'A', Nanpura, 13.10.2009

4/6 laning of Gujarat/Maharastra Border-Surat-Hazira Dist. Surat
Port Section of NH-6 in Gujarat within Surat district.

36. National Highways Authority of India, Category 'A',, Vyara, 21.10.2009

4/6 laning of Gujarat/Maharastra Border-Surat-Hazira Dist. Tapi
Port Section of NH-6 in Gujarat within Tapi district.

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH

37. Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Village Indrad, 27.10.2009

Village Indrad, Ta. Kadi, Dist. Mehsana for Dist. : Mehsana
Category 'A', expansion of Bulk Drug Unit

38. Exemed Pharmaceutical, Village Luna, 28.10.2009

Block No.628 A & B, ECP Canal Road, Village Dist. Vadodara.
Luna, Taluka. Padra, Dist. Vadodara for Category
'A', Proposed Bulk Drugs Unit
39. Zydex Industries Pvt. Ltd., Gavasad, 11.11.2009
S.No.462, Gavasad, Ta. Padra, Dist. Vadodara for Dist. Vadodara
Category 'A', to manufacturing polymers, Silanes,
Water based coating, starch blends
40. Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Mata No Madh 17.11.2009
Ta. Lakhpat, Dist. Kutch for Category 'A', expansion Ta. Lakhpat,
of Mata No Madh Lignite Mine Project Dist. Kutch

41. Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Village Rajpardi, 26.11.2009

Village Amod, Ta. Jhagadia, Dist. Bharuch for Ta. Jhagadia,
Category 'A', expansion of Amod Lignite Mine Dist. Bharuch

42. Vadinar Power Company Ltd. (VPCL), KPT, Vadinar, 01.12.2009

Vadinar, Khambalia Taluka, Dist. Jamnagar for Dist. Jamnagar
Category 'A', captive co-generation Power Plant
43. Vadinar Oil Terminal Ltd. (VOTL), KPT Staff Club 01.12.2009
Vadinar, Khambalia Dist. Jamnagar for Category 'A', Vadinar,
expansion of Marin Terminal at path finder Inlet Dist. Jamnagar

44. Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation Ltd., Tadkeshwar 01.12.2009

Tadkeshwar, Ta. Mandavi, Dist. Surat for Category Village,
'A', expansion in Tadkeshwar Lignite Mine Dist. Surat
45. Mayur Dye Chem Intermediates Ltd., Karkhadi/ 08.12.2009
Survey No. Kharkhadi/ Dudhwala, Ta.Padra, Dist. Dudhwala,
Vadodara for Category 'A', proposed expansion of Dist. Vadodara
dye intermediates
46. National Highways Authority of India, Village Jetalsar, 15.12.2009
for Category 'A', 4/6 laying of Jetpur-Somnath Ta. Jetpur, Dist.
section within Rajkot district. Rajkot

47. Surat Super Yarn Park Ltd., Village Hathuran, 29.12.2009

S.No.195, Block 282, Village Hathuran, Ta. Mangrol, Dist. Surat
Dist. Surat for Category 'B', Captive Power Plant

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH
48. Cambay Chem Ltd., Khambat, 02.01.2010
Block Nos.637, Village Kalamsar, Ta. Khambhat, Dist. Anand
Dist. Anand for Category 'A', expansion product
49. National Highways Authority of India, Kalva Chalk, 05.01.2010
for Category 'A', 4/6 laying of Jetpur-Somnath Junagadh
section within Junagadh district.
50. Cadila Health Care Ltd., Village Dabhasa, 08.01.2010
Plot No.31, Dabhasa-Umaraya Road, Village Dist. Vadodara
Dabhasa, Ta. Padra Dist. Vadodara for Category 'A',
expansion of bulk drug manufacturing unit
51. National Highways Authority of India, Mokha Cross 19.01.2010
for Category 'A', 4/6 laying of Sircha Junction section road, Anjar-
within Kutch district. Mundra road,
Dist. Kutch
52. Shree Ganesh Chemicals, Isanpur, 22.01.2010
Plot No.8, Shreenathji Estate-3, B/H, Gujcomasol, dist. Ahmedabad
Narol Vatva Road, Narol, Ahmedabad for Category
'A', Synthetic Organic Chemicals
53. Euro Ceramics Ltd., S.No.510, village Sikara, Village Sikara, 29.01.2010
Bhachau-Dudhai Road, Ta. Bhachau, Dist. Kutch for Dist. Kutch
Category 'A', expansion of Polyester Resin unit
54. Patel Pharmachem Pvt. Ltd., 31, Mahalaxmi Estate, Sanand, Dist. 29.01.2010
Village Iyava, Ta. Sanand, district Ahmedabad for Ahmedabad
Category 'A'
55. Rushil Decor Ltd., Dhrangadhara 02.02.2010
S.No.270, Navalgarh-Dhangadhra, Dist. Dist.
Surendranagar for Category 'A', setting up of Agro Surendranagar
Waste Panel Board plant
56. Ambuja Cement Ltd., Veraval (Patan), 05.02.2010
Dist. Junagadh for Category 'A', expansion of Dist. Junagadh
Rampara, Kukras, Bhetali & Anandpara Mining
57. Best Velue Chem.Pvt. Ltd., Vill. Karakhadi, 10.02.2010
439/1, ECPL Road, Village Karkhadi, Ta. Padra, Dist. Vadodara.
Dist. Vadodara for Category 'A', expansion of
Chemical Unit

Sr. Name of the applicant location district Date of PH

58. Jaypee Gujarat Cement Plant (Jaypee Cement) Sevagram, 23.02.2010

Village Baranda, Dist. Kutch for Category 'A', Ta. Abdasa,
Baranda Laterite Mine Dist. Kutch
59. Jaypee Gujarat Cement Plant (Jaypee Cement) Sevagram, 23.02.2010
Village Vayor, Dist. Kutch for Category 'A', Khurai, Ta. Abdasa,
Harudi, Jadva, Vaghalpadhar Limestone Mine Dist. Kutch
60. Devram Gordhandas Barai, Village Lamba, 26.02.2010
R.S.No.80/P, Village Navadara, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Ta. Kalyanpur,
Jamnagar for Category 'B', limestone mining Dist. Jamnagar

61. Saurashtra Calcine Bauxite & Allied Ind. Ltd., Village Lamba, 26.02.2010
S.No.415/1P, Near Village Lamba, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Jamnagar
Dist. Jamnagar for Category 'B', Lamba Bauxite Mine

62. Saurashtra Calcine Bauxite & Allied Ind. Ltd., Kalyanpur, 26.02.2010
S.No.121/P, Village Hadmatiya, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Ta. Kalyanpur,
Jamnagar for Category 'B', Hadmatiya Bauxite Mine Dist. Jamnagar

63. Saurashtra Calcine Bauxite & Allied Ind. Ltd., Kalyanpur, 26.02.2010
S.No.403/P, Village Ran, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Dist. Jamnagar
Jamnagar for Category 'B', Ran Bauxite Mine
64. Saurashtra Calcine Bauxite & Allied Ind. Ltd., Village Lamba, 26.02.2010
S.No.415, Village Lamba, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. Jamnagar
Dist. Jamnagar for Category 'B', Lamba Bauxite Mine
65. Gujarat Fishery Department, S.No.276 Piplikantha, Jafarabad 11.03.2010
Jafrabad and S.No.64 Babarkot, Jafrabad, Dist.Amreli Dist. Amreli
for Category 'B', Jafrabad Fishery Harbour Project
66. Adani Power Ltd., near village Tunda-Wand, Village Siracha, 12.03.2010
Ta. Mundra, Dist. Kutch for Category 'A', coal based Ta. Mundra,
TPP Dist. Kutch
67. Torrent Power Ltd., Village Akhakol, Ta. Kamrej, Village Akhakol, 16.03.2010
Dist. Surat for Category 'A', expansion of Gas Based Dist. Surat
Thermal Power Plant


6.15. Water Quality Monitoring Programmes

1. GEMS Project

The Board assistsc the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) in implementing the
GEMS (Global Environmental Monitoring System) project. The scope of this project
includes an assessment of the quality of water of the major rivers of the State, viz.
Narmada, Tapi, Mahi and Sabarmati.
As per the guidelines of the CPCB, 8 stations have been fixed, out of which 6 are for
monitoring the quality of surface water and the rest for monitoring of ground water
quality. The monitoring results under this project are submitted to the CPCB, New

2. MINARS project

On account of various discharge of wastewater in river, the quality is likely to

be adversely affected. It is therefore, necessary to monitor the quality of the various
river waters. This is a continuous project of previous years as approved by the CPCB
and known as MINARS (Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resources System)
The Board is monitoring the water quality from 70 sampling station located on
various rivers in the State. These rivers include Sabarmati, Meshwo, Anas, Mahi,
Panam, Narmada, Damanganga, Kolak, Par, Tapi, Ambica etc. Under this project
ground water quality and lake water quality are also monitored periodically.
The ground water quality monitoring stations are located at Ahmedabad, Vadodara,
Bhavnagar, Amreli, Junagadh, Rajkot, Surendranagar, Jamnagar, Bhuj, Palanpur,
Mehsana, Siddhpur, Himmatnagar, Nadiad, Dahod, Godhra, Ankleshwar, Surat,
Hazira, Valsad, and Vapi. The sampling stations included under the lake water
quality project are located at Kankaria lake and Chandola lake in Ahmedabad;
and Ajwa lake and Sursagar lake in Vadodara, Nalsarovar, Bindusarovar,
Sahashtralingsarovar, Lakhota lake, Narshinhmehtasarovar, Nadiad lake,
Ranjitsagar talav - Halol.

Status of Water quality of major & other rivers of Gujarat
[yearly average 2009-10]

Parameters *
River Location
pH D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D.
Sabarmati Hansol Bridge 8.5 6.5 7 30
Sabarmati Rly. Bridge, Ahmedabad 8.0 4.8 3 18
Sabarmati Vasna - Narol Bridge 8.2 3.4 51 212
Sabarmati Vautha villege 8.0 Nil 49 202
Sabarmati Miroli 7.9 Nil 67 213
Sabarmati Kheroj Bridge 8.4 6.9 4 37
Shedhi Kheda 8.6 6.9 10 43
Khari Lali 7.9 0.6 135 450
Shedhi Kheda-Matar Rd. 7.9 6.6 4 19
Shedhi Mahemdabad -Nadiad Road 7.8 6.4 4 25
Mahi Sevalia 8.1 7.3 <1 4
Mahi Vasad 8.1 7.2 <1 8
Mahi Mujpur 7.8 7.1 1 16
Mahi Umeta 8.1 7.7 <1 8
Narmada Chandod 8.1 7.5 1 4
Narmada Garudeshwar 7.9 7.6 1 8
Narmada Panetha 8.2 7.4 1 8
Narmada Zadeshwar 8.2 6.9 1 8
Narmada NTPC, Zanor 8.1 6.6 1 8
Amaravati Before conflue-nce near Dadhal 7.9 7.0 2 11
Kaveri Gumandev vill. Dist. Bharuch 8.1 7.5 1 9
Narmada near Jageshwar jetty 7.9 5.8 4 32
Tapi Kathor bridge 8.3 6.8 3 7
Tapi Mandvi bridge 8.1 7.1 2 10
Tapi Sherulla bridge 8.2 6.9 2 6
Tapi Varachcha bridge 8.3 6.6 3 17
Mindhola Mindhola S.H. Bridge 8.2 4.3 7 44
Purna At Suart – Navsari state highway 8.3 5.4 3 24
Ambica At Amalsad bridge 8.2 6.1 3 27

Parameters *
River Location
pH D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D.
Kaveri At Kaveri bridge, Bilimora 8.1 5.8 4 22
Damanganga Kachigaon Bridge 7.6 5.9 18 85
Damanganga GIDC Weir, Vapi 7.3 7.2 1 10
Kolak Pataliya Bridge 7.5 6.7 13 51
Par Rly. Bridge, Atul 7.3 6.7 7 28
Auranga Lilapur bridge, Valsad 7.7 6.9 5 19
Bhadar D/S of Jetpur 7.7 2.3 7 26
Bhogavo D/s. of surendranagar 8.3 2.2 7 20
Hiran, Kapila Triveni sangm, Prabhash-Patan 7.7 4.5 2 17
& Sarswati Somnath
Uben National highway -8D,Chowki 9.2 6.2 1 10

∗ Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/Lit.

Analysis Results for River Water under the Annual Status Project of Ahmedabad
and Mehsana Districts

(once in a year)
Parameters *
Samplin FC
Name of
g Point TC
River NH3- NO3- MPN/
00 ml 100

Sabarmati Kheroj 8.5 264 5.8 09 63 2.24 4.48 0.018 0.53 750 90

Sabarmati VNBridge 8.6 372 5.2 7 36 4.48 - 0.022 1.82 2400 930

Khari Geratpur 8.2 1630 4.5 31 108 7.84 - 0.013 0.83 64000 23000

Khari Radhu 7.8 312 5.8 <1 8 2.24 5.04 0.004 0.24 930 430

Shedhi Kheda 8.7 620 6.2 7 36 3.36 - 0.08 0.71 210 150

Vatrak Vautha 8.7 506 9.8 2 12 P.Nil P.Nil P.Nil 0.34 1500 750

* Except pH, TC, EC, all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.Analysis Results for River Water under the Annual

Project of Vadodara & Kheda district
[Once in a year 2009-10]

Parameters *
NH3 NO2- NO3- T.C. F.C.
Sr. Source T.D.S D.O B.O.D C.O.D TKN
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
mg/l mg/l mg/l 100 ml 100ml
1 River 7.4 442 4.3 4 16 6.16 12.32 0.018 0.52 80 13
Vishwamitri at
2 River 7.6 464 3.6 6 24 3.92 6.16 0.020 0.50 70 11
Vishwamitri at
3 River 7.4 802 P.Nil 56 70 6.16 10.6 0.036 0.86 350 70
near Kalali Rly
Vadsar Bridge
4 River Dhadhar 7.3 542 2.3 10 40 1.12 2.80 0.02 0.64 70 11
at Kothwada,
Ta. Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
5 River Narmada 8.2 162 7.4 <1 4 0.28 1.68 0.016 0.40 11 4
at Chanod, Ta.
6 River 7.4 536 3.3 12 28 5.04 10.6 0.026 0.72 170 30
near Gujarat
Tractor Ltd.,
7 River Orsang at
Chhotaudepur, During monitoring this river found almost dry i.e. no water flow observed.
Dist. Vadodara.
8 River Orsang
At: Orsang
During monitoring this river found almost dry i.e. no water flow observed.
bridge, Bodeli,
Dist. Vadodara.
9 River Mini at 7.6 1142 7.9 6 32 5.04 10.6 0.011 0.44 6 2
Sankarda, Dist.

Parameters *
NH3 NO2- NO3- T.C. F.C.
Sr. Source T.D.S D.O B.O.D C.O.D TKN
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
mg/l mg/l mg/l 100 ml 100ml
10 River Mini at 7.3 592 6.5 8 36 6.16 11.76 0.024 0.96 17 4
Angadh, Dist.
11 River Mini at 8.7 1400 7.8 7 32 0.56 2.24 0.01 0.33 15 4
Sindhrot bridge
12 River Mahi at 7.9 800 7.5 2 16 0.56 2.80 0.036 0.64 21 6
13 River Mahi at 8.2 170 7.7 <1 12 0.28 1.12 0.018 0.34 11 3
Sevalia, Dist.
14 River Shedhi at 7.2 624 4.2 2 24 0.28 -- -- -- 90 26
Nadiad Road,
Dist. Kheda
∗ Except pH, all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Water Quality Status of River Under Water Quality Status

[once in a year 2009-10]

Name of Parameters *
River pH D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D.
Narmada Near NH bridge, 7.4 8.1 <1 8
Narmada Poicha bridge, village 8.0 7.7 <1 8
Narmada Girnari Bapu Ashram, 8.0 7.7 <1 8
Narmada Nilkantheshwar Mahadev 8.0 8.1 <1 8
temple, Zadeshwar.
Narmada Near Golden bridge at 7.7 7.0 <1 8
Narmada Bhadbhut village. Dist. 8.2 6.9 <1 8
Karjan Down stream of Rajpipla, 8.4 6.8 1 12
Narmada Nareshwar. Dist. Bharuch 8.1 8.0 <1 8

Amravati Dadhal . Dist. Bharuch 8.0 7.6 1 12

Narmada Kabirvad , Dist. Bharuch 8.3 7.9 <1 8

∗ Except pH, all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Water Quality Status of River Under Water Quality Status
[once in a year 2009-10]

Name of Location Parameters *

pH D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D.
Bhadar Bhadar Dam-I, Navagam, 7.9 5.7 4 9
Gomta village
Bhadar Deradi Road, Jetpur 8.5 5.9 4 20

Bhadar At causeway- Jetpur 8.4 4.7 10 37

Bhadar At Dublipat, Jetpur 7.8 2.0 21 90

Bhadar At Bhukhi Pumping Station 8.2 5.9 3 12

Bhadar Bhadar Dam-II 8.0 5.9 3 9

Bhadar Nr. Bypass bridge, Dhoraji 7.9 5.4 4 21

Bhadar At Garej, Dist. Porbandar 8.1 5.7 3 11

Bhadar At Ratiya, Dist. Porbandar 8.0 5.6 3 14

∗ Except pH, all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Status of Water quality of some Khadis in the State of Gujarat

(yearly average 2009-10)
Parameters *
Name of Khadi Location
pH D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D.
Amala Khadi Ankleshwar 7.3 4.2 59 182
Amala Khadi Ankleshwar-Hansot Bridge 7.4 -- 147 488
Amala Khadi Village Kapodra 7.8 6.0 5 19
Amala Khadi Sakkarpor bhatha road, Pungam 7.5 -- 146 491
Kolai Khadi NH 8, Gundlav 7.7 6.5 5 30
Bill Khadi NH 8, Vapi 7.5 3.2 31 127
Kalkada Khadi Kachigam 7.4 2.8 11 50
Tokar Khadi Khatalwada, Sarigam 7.4 6.8 8 37
Baleshwar khadi N.H.No.8, Baleshwar 8.2 5.4 8 52
Bhedwad khadi Pandesara 7.3 P.Nil 211 599

* Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Status of Water quality of few bore wells/handpumps in the State of Gujarat
(yearly average 2009-10)
Parameters *
Place / City Location
pH TDS D.O. COD NO2-N NO3-N Flouride
Jamnagar Shankar Tekari bore 7.8 1233 1.5 6 0.033 0.449 0.4
well water
Jamnagar Rameshwarnagar 7.7 975 1.6 6 0.03 0.571 0.3
bore well water
Bhavanagar Chitra GIDC 7.7 794 3.8 9 0.082 0.181 0.4
Bhavanagar Haluria Chowk 7.6 1074 3.6 9 0.093 0.193 0.4
Bhavanagar Sihor GIDC - II 7.7 816 4.1 9 0.103 0.236 0.4
Bhavanagar Talaja Naka 7.8 2474 3.6 9 0.121 0.64 0.5
Amreli Pitan para 7.7 1264 3.9 10 0.08 0.132 0.5
Rajula Koteshwar temple 7.6 1371 3.9 10 0.094 0.324 0.4
Mahuva Kuberbaug 7.7 1269 3.6 10 0.067 0.168 0.4
Chotila, Dist. Bore well water, 7.3 4206 1.4 9 0.02 0.320 0.9
Surendranagar Parmeshwar Timber
Limbdi, Dist. Bore well water, 7.4 1961 1.3 8 0.01 0.274 1.0
Surendranagar Nagarpalika
Wadhvan GIDC, Bore-well water 7.7 3396 1.3 8 0.016 0.509 0.7
Dist. Surendranagar sample of Bhavani
Plastic, Wadhvan
Surendranagar Bore-well water 7.4 1548 1.4 8 0.0219 0.395 0.9
sample of Tower
Shapar-veraval, Bore-well water 7.5 1181 1.3 11 0.0107 0.394 1.2
Ta. Kotda-sanagani sample Nr. Patel
Dist. Rajkot Vihar Lodge, Shapar-
Gondal, Dist.Rajkot Bore-well water 8.0 608 1.3 7 0.013 0.421 1.3
sample of Jay
santhoshima Temple,
Opp. Swaminarayn
Gurukul, Gondal
Virpur, Dist.Rajkot Bore-well water 7.6 1168 1.3 8 0.0151 0.453 1.4
sample of Saubhagya
Hotel, Opp. Bus
Jetpur Bore-well water 7.5 576 1.3 8 0.011 0.353 1.3
Dist. Rajkot sample of P. K. Patel,
Block No. : 151,
Krishna Park, Nr.
Bhadar, Jetpur

Parameters *
Place / City Location
pH TDS D.O. COD NO2-N NO3-N Flouride
Lalpur, Ta. Morbi, Bore-well water 7.4 1843 1.9 8 0.011 0.403 1.0
Dist. Rajkot sample of Hanuman
dhar Temple, Lalpur
Junagadh B/W Sample of 7.2 1342 1.3 6 0.018 1.2 1.0
Doltapara GIDC
Junagadh B/W Sample of 7.9 1022 1.3 6 0.009 0.78 1.1
Veraval B/W Sample of 7.0 11286 1.2 8 0.13 0.97 1.0
GIDC Veraval
* Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Status of Water quality of few bore wells of Surat district in the State of Gujarat
(yearly average 2009-10)
Parameters *
Place / City Location NO2 + TC MPN/ FC MPN/
pH D.O. C.O.D.
NO3 100 ml 100 ml
GIDC Pandesara Telephone Exchange, 7.9 4.8 0.28 14 5 14
Dist: Surat Pandesara
Gabheni village A well at village 8.4 5.9 0.42 831 303 9
Dist: Surat Gabheni
Hazira, Dist: Surat Open well at Hazira 8.5 5.6 0.53 1586 633 10
Hazira, Dist:Surat GSPCL, Hazira 8.6 5.1 0.36 13 5 11
Sachin ,Surat Bore well at SIEL 8.3 4.9 0.24 14 6 12
Olpad ,Suart Bore well of Olpad 7.8 4.9 0.24 15 6 11
Kim,Suart Bore well of Kim. 8.4 4.9 0.26 12 4 10
Kosamba,Suart Borewell of Kosamba 7.9 5.2 0.30 13 4 12
Kadodra , Suart Bore well of PHC 8.5 4.9 0.32 13 5 12
Palsana, Surat Bore well of Lucky 8.5 5.2 0.29 13 5 11
Filling Centre

∗ Except pH, TC & FC all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

∗ TC= Total Coliform
∗ FC= Fecal Coliform

Status of Water Quality of Reservoirs of Gujarat

[once in a year 2009-10]

Sr. Name & Location of Parameters *

Reservoir pH TDS D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D. NH3 -N TKN PO 4 –P

1. Indrasi Dam, Bhiloda 7.3 150 8.1 2 08 0.56 1.12 0.01

2. Vatrak Dam, dist: SK 7.6 160 8.0 1 16 0.56 1.12 0.02

3. Dharoi Dam, Kheralu 7.9 274 6.0 3 20 0.56 1.12 0.02

4. Meshwo Dam, 7.9 164 6.3 2 16 1.12 2.24 05

Nr. Shamlaji, SK

5. Hathmati Dam, 7.3 160 7.0 2 16 1.12 1.68 0.02


6. Mazam Dam, dist: SK 7.6 160 8.0 1 16 0.56 1.12 0.02

7. Reservoir at Par, Atul 7.3 620 7.3 <1 11 1.12 1.96 0.009

8. GIDC reservoir, Vapi 7.2 340 7.3 <1 11 1.12 1.96 0.017

9. Madhuban Dam, Dist.Valsad 7.2 180 7.3 <1 9 0.84 1.4 0.009

10. Auranga weir, Abrama 7.8 320 7.3 <1 11 1.12 1.96 0.009

11. Wanakbori Dam, Kheda 8.1 198 9.2 <1 16 0.28 1.68 -

12. Karjan Dam, at Karjan 8.5 208 7.7 <1 8 P.Nil P.Nil 0.07

13. Sardar Sarovar Dam, 7.9 262 6.1 <1 8 P.Nil P.Nil 0.15

14. Aji Dam II, Rajkot 7.8 925 5.3 3 12 1.35 -- 0.36

15. Nyari Dam I, Rajkot 8.3 325 5.8 3 10 1.24 -- 0.036

16. Kamnath Dam, Amreli 7.1 390 7.4 3 18 0.28 0.84 0.096

17. Vadi Dam, Amreli 7.1 314 7.4 3 9 0.28 0.84 0.056

18 Khodiyar Dam, Dhari, 8.0 280 7.6 3 9 0.28 0.84 0.088


19 Shree Sayaji Sarovar, Ajwa, 8.1 212 7.3 <1 4 0.28 1.68 0.006

20 Anandapar dam,Ananadpar 8.4 364 5.2 2 10 1.68 2.2 0.009

∗ Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L..

Status of Water Quality of Lakes/Talav of Gujarat
[once in a year 2009-10]

Sr. Name & Location of Parameters *

Lake/Talav pH TDS D.O. B.O.D. C.O.D. NH3 -N TKN PO 4 –P

1 Moonsar lake Viramgam Station was found dry at the time of visit.

2 Kankariya lake Ahmedabad 8.6 1522 6.8 3 16 P.Nil P.Nil 0.47

3 Malav lake Ahmedabad 8.7 1314 1.6 3 12 P.Nil P.Nil 0.43

4 Chandola lake, Ahmedabad 8.7 400 6.1 11 91 1.2 - 0.057

5 Nalsarovar, dist: Ahmedabad 8.5 2974 7.1 7 28 2.24 - -

6 Thol Tank, Kadi 7.7 148 5.9 08 63 2.24 2.8 0.035

7. Bindu Sarovar, Siddhpur 8.5 122 10 05 24 1.12 1.68 0.013

8. Veraimata lake, Anand 7.2 612 8.4 <1 4 2.24 5.04 0.064

9. Sursagar lake, Vadodara 7.2 792 8.5 10 48 3.92 6.16 0.082

10. Shree Sayaji Sarovar, Ajwa, 8.1 212 7.3 <1 4 0.28 1.68 0.006

11. Padara lake, Padara, 7.7 1448 4.2 9 40 0.56 1.12 0.068

12. Dobhi lake, Dabhoi, 8.1 584 10.7 8 36 5.04 10.64 0.006

13 Gomti Talav, Dakor,Dist 7.6 168 6.2 2 12 1.68 3.92 0.12


14. Saputara lake, Saputara 7.8 180 7.1 <1 11 1.4 2.24 0.041

15. Khodiyar lake, Bhavnagar 7.8 495 6.5 3 10 0.867 1.7 0.114

16 Ranmal talav, Jamnagar 7.4 307 7.3 6 27 0.51 3.4 0.232

17. Umarwada village pond, 7.8 937 5.1 <1 8 -- -- 0.13


18. Narsinh Mehta Talav, 7.9 676 6.4 3 15 2.8 3.1 0.009

19. Kuvadva lake, kuvadva, tal 7.7 890 5.4 3 -- 1.18 -- --

& dist. : Rajkot
Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

Status of Water Quality of well waters in Gujarat
[once in a year 2009-10]

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
Bore Well Tilakwada 8.1 486 2.5 12 0.77 0.018 0.5 P.Nil 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W conserve chemical, 7.7 748 4.9 16 1.10 0.024 0.8 0.65 6 <2
Block No. 479, Luna,
Ta, Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
Tubewell Karakhadi, 7.8 1290 2.9 4 1.66 0.026 0.8 0.59 7 2
Gram-panchayat, Ta.
Padra, Dist. Vadodara.
B/W Padra Nagarpalika 7.9 1420 3.3 16 0.84 0.022 0.9 0.34 2 <2
Water Works,
Sayajibaug, Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W GIDC Por, 7.9 992 3.3 4 0.66 0.011 0.7 P.Nil 6 <2
Dist. Vadodara

B/W Varnama, 7.8 732 3.7 8 0.54 0.004 0.7 P.Nil 7 <2
Dist. Vadodara

B/W Koyali 7.3 832 3.0 12 0.98 0.03 0.5 0.43 2 <2
Grampanchayat Water
Works, near Primary
School, Koyali
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Dashrath Gram- 7.1 812 1.1 12 1.00 0.03 0.9 0.55 7 3
panchayat, Dashrath,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Padmala Gram- 7.5 1170 2.6 16 0.92 0.02 0.6 0.37 11 4
panchayat Waterworks,
Padmala, Dist.

B/W Chhotaudepur, 7.5 398 2.0 8 0.64 0.026 0.8 P.Nil 6 <2
near Refral hospital &
CHC, Chhotaudepur,
Dist: Vadodara

B/W Kadipani, 7.4 296 3.9 16 0.86 0.042 1.0 P.Nil 6 <5

B/W Kanwant Gram 7.4 586 3.9 28 0.62 0.014 0.8 0.56 2 <2

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
B/W Pavi-Jetpur, 7.5 818 3.3 4 0.44 0.008 0.8 0.38 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Bodeli 7.5 212 2.9 4 0.38 0.016 0.8 P.Nil 6 2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Sankheda 7.7 318 3.1 8 0.60 0.022 0.7 0.36 2 <2
(Varigruh B.W.No.1),
B/W Enviro Infra- 7.4 5692 4.3 16 1.60 0.042 0.6 0.61 11 2
structure Co. Ltd, Plot
612/B, Umaraya,
Ta. Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Grampanchayat 7.4 1342 2.6 12 1.20 0.033 0.6 0.46 4 <2
Water Works, Bajwa,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Karachiya 7.4 972 4.7 12 0.78 0.018 0.6 0.56 6 <2
Grampanchayat Water
Works, Karachia,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Dhankuwa’s Chali, 7.8 1392 4.0 8 0.89 0.018 0.7 0.43 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Chhani Gram- 7.1 1292 3.8 8 0.92 0.028 0.5 0.39 8 2
panchayat Water
Works, Chhani,
Dist. Vadodara
T/W Shri CN.Patel, 7.7 862 1.9 16 0.80 0.008 0.5 0.28 4 2
Undera Dist. Vadodara
B/W Undera Gram 7.5 892 3.9 8 0.82 0.024 0.5 0.21 2 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Shree TC 7.9 1356 3.2 8 0.77 0.004 0.6 P.Nil 2 <2
Padhiyar, Rampura, Ta.
Dist. Vadodara
B/Wl Angadh, 7.3 842 3.9 8 1.22 0.038 0.5 0.56 2 <2
B/W Shree Keshari-sinh 7.7 672 3.3 8 0.64 0.020 0.6 0.23 6 <2
S. Padhiyar, Bhimpura
Ta: Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Bhimpura Gram- 7.9 786 3.6 12 0.77 0.033 0.6 0.32 7 2
panchayat, Ta. Padra,
Dist. Vadodara

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
T/W Gram-panchayat 7.9 1162 4.1 8 0.68 0.024 0.6 0.58 4 <2
Water Works,
Amarapura, Ta. Padra
Tubwell Jaspur Gram- 8.1 612 2.1 8 0.52 0.016 0.8 0.25 6 2
panchayat, Opp. Shiv
Mandir, Ta. Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
T/W Ekalbara Gram- 7.9 856 2.3 8 1.44 0.038 0.7 0.56 2 <2
panchayat, Wadipura,
near Chamundamata
mandir, Mota Ekalbar,
Ta. Padra
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Grampanchayat 7.9 848 2.4 4 0.92 0.022 0.3 P.Nil 6 <2
B/W Bamangam, 7.9 862 2.4 4 1.12 0.029 0.4 P.Nil 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Itola 8.1 848 3.7 8 0.016 0.006 0.7 P.Nil 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
B/W Kayavarohan, 8.0 692 2.5 4 0.77 0.018 1.0 P.Nil 4 <2
Ta. Karjan,
B/W Waghodia, 7.6 1788 3.4 5 0.58 0.026 0.7 0.48 4 <2
Dist. Vadodara
T/W Luna Gram 7.6 948 2.4 8 1.24 0.046 0.8 0.63 6 2
Panchayat, water works,
Nr. Verai Mata Mandir,
Ta. Padra, Dist.
T/W Dabhasa Gram- 8.1 2892 2.3 4 0.88 0.032 0.8 P.Nil 6 2
panchayat, Ta. Padra,
Dst. Vadodara
B/W Vakal Vidhyalay, 8.1 1156 3.2 8 0.98 0.038 0.7 0.33 6 <2
Bajwa, Dist. Vadodara
B/W Shri CD Patel, 8.0 872 3.1 12 1.30 0.029 0.8 0.55 7 2
Bajva, Dist.Vadodara.
T/W Shri HJ Amin, 7.6 1268 2.8 4 1.06 0.008 0.5 0.43 4 <2
Chhani Dist Vadodara
B/W Punjabhai Patel, 7.7 556 2.9 24 0.77 0.017 0.4 0.56 2 <2
Dist. Vadodara

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
B/W Sangma, Gam- 8.0 1170 2.5 8 0.66 0.006 0.7 0.12 2 <2
panchayat,Ta. Padra,
Dist. Vadodara
B.W. water Shri K.J. 7.9 1836 2.1 8 0.88 0.026 0.8 0.62 4 <2
Patel, Bajwa,
Dist. Vadodara
B.W. Shri GM.Patel, 7.4 1670 2.9 12 0.96 0.011 0.8 0.39 6 <2
Bajwa,Dist Vadodara.
B/W near Mumtaz 8.0 1112 2.8 8 0.66 0.016 0.8 P.Nil 7 <2
theater, Mehmadabad,
Dist. Kheda
Borewell Balasinor – 8.0 968 2.8 4 0.55 0.06 0.8 P.Nil 4 <2
Sevalia Road,
Dist. Kheda
Bore Well Sevalia, Dist. 7.5 672 3.9 16 0.84 0.026 0.7 0.56 7 2
Bore Well Pali Village, 7.4 1248 3.9 12 0.56 0.011 0.6 0.56 6 <2
Dist. Kheda
Bore Well Thasara 7.9 648 4.4 4 0.94 0.027 0.7 0.56 4 <2
Water Works, Dist.
Bore Well Dakor 7.9 1012 3.9 8 0.64 0.016 0.3 P.Nil 6 <2
Municipal Borough,
Dakor, Dist. Kheda
B/Well Umereth Water 7.9 952 3.4 4 0.69 0.018 0.2 P.Nil 7 <2
Works, Umreth, Dist.
B/W Ode Gram- 7.9 564 3.1 8 0.88 0.026 0.5 0.28 7 <2
B/W Sarsa Gram- 7.7 1160 3.9 4 0.67 0.016 0.4 P. nil 4 <2
Tube well nearTower, 7.9 860 2.0 4 0.80 0.038 0.5 P. nil <2 <2
Vasad Gram-
panchayat,Dist Anand
B/W Khambhat 7.8 2712 3.2 32 0.66 0.009 0.7 P.Nil 4 <3
Dist. Anand
B/W Kapadvanj 8.1 1292 3.9 12 0.54 0.013 1.0 0.56 7 2
Nagarpalika, water
works, Dist. Kheda
B/W Danadara, Ta, 7.9 1164 3.3 4 0.48 0.011 0.7 P.Nil 4 <3
Balasinor, Dist. Kheda
B/W Ramymon Patel 7.5 2992 3.2 4 0.76 0.034 0.6 0.28 8 2
Gelatine, Vasad,
Dist. Anand

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
B/W Karamsad Sardar 8.0 312 4.0 4 0.64 0.009 0.6 P.Nil 2 <2
nagar Society, Sojitra
Road, Karmsad,
B/W Anand nagarpalika 8.2 592 2.4 8 0.66 0.020 0.7 0.28 7 3
Water-works, Nr. Amin
auto service, Anand-
Sojitra Road, Anand
B/W Anand 8.0 578 2.3 4 0.98 0.022 0.7 0.28 6 2
Nagarpalika, Near
Thakkar wadi, Anand-
Vidyanagar road, Anand
B/W water V.U.Nagar 8.0 592 2.1 8 0.54 0.004 0.6 0.28 4 2
Water Works
Bore well Lambhvel, 7.6 198 3.4 4 0.70 0.008 0.7 0.28 4 <2
Dist: Anand
B/ W Hadgud, 7.8 636 3.4 4 0.52 0.004 0.7 0.28 6 2
Dist: Anand
B/W Uttarsanda, Ta: 7.7 512 3.0 8 0.54 0.018 0.8 P.Nil 4 <3
Nadiad, Dist:Kheda
B/ W Dumral, 7.5 612 3.2 8 0.48 0.009 0.6 0.28 3 <3
B/W Mehmadabad 8.0 1164 3.2 8 0.72 0.011 0.8 P.Nil 6 <2
Water Works,
B/W Mafatlal 8.1 1368 3.8 8 0.84 0.026 0.6 0.28 11 4
Road, Nadiad,
Dist. Kheda
B/W Ramji Mandir at 7.9 536 3.3 4 0.66 0.008 0.4 P.Nil 6 <2
Village- Chaklasi, Ta.
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Borewell Village 7.8 842 2.2 16 0.46 0.009 0.8 0.28 2 <2
Nr. Jalaram Temple,
Dist. Anand
B/W Petlad Town, Opp. 7.6 2012 2.5 8 0.62 0.016 0.5 0.28 6.0 2.0
Ranchodraiji Mandir,
Dist. Anand
B/W Shahid Baug, 7.8 4524 4.0 32 0.58 0.011 0.8 0.56 8 3
Dist. Anand
B/W Sokhada, 8.1 1292 3.2 8 0.88 0.039 0.8 0.28 7 3
Dist. Anand
B/W ONGC Colony, 7.9 2396 3.9 8 0.60 0.008 0.8 0.56 8 2
Khambhat, Dist. Anand
B/W GIDC Kansari, 8.2 2284 2.1 8 0.78 0.026 0.7 0.56 6 <2
Dist. Anand
B/W Kalamsar, Nr. 8.0 692 3.9 8 0.92 0.033 0.8 0.28 7 <3
Primary School,
Dist. Anand

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
B/W GWSSB at 8.1 1392 3.4 12 0.48 0.014 0.6 P.Nil 6 <3
Dist. Anand
B/W Virsad, 8.0 792 2.3 12 0.77 0.020 0.5 P.Nil 6 <2
Dist. Anand
B/W Indiranagar, 7.6 3472 3.3 12 0.56 0.011 0.8 0.56 7 3
B/W Ankalv 7.7 672 2.3 4 0.44 0.023 0.6 P.Nil 7.0 2.0
Nagarpalika Water
Works, Nr. Virkuva
chokdi, dist. Anand.
B/W Umeta Gram- 7.5 218 1.9 8 0.56 0.006 0.5 0.28 4 2
panchayat office, Ta.
Anklav, dist. Anand
B/W Borsad Nagar- 8.0 512 3.1 16 0.72 0.002 0.6 P.Nil 6 2
palika, dist. Anand
B/W Surya Mandir, 8.0 688 2.3 4 0.39 0.003 0.6 P.Nil 2 <2
Borsad, Dist. Anand
Piplaj, Ahmedabad 7.9 1490 6.1 8 4.5 0.035 0.9 - <2 <2

Viramgam, Ahmedabad 8.2 2178 4.1 16 0.09 0.008 3.2 - <2 <2

Bavala, Ahmedabad 7.9 2120 5.3 12 0.6 0.012 0.8 - <2 <2

Dholka, Ahmedabad 7.5 3104 5.0 8 P.Nil 15.25 0.3 - <2 <2

Bareja, Ahmedabad 8.1 1218 6.7 8 0.28 0.008 0.8 - <2 <2

Dhanej 8.2 454 4.5 12 3.5 0.018 0.4 - <2 <2

Kalol 7.8 1764 5.8 16 0.85 0.04 1.2 - <2 <2

Kadi 7.9 128 7.0 12 0.38 0.01 0.9 - <2 <2

Sidhdhpur 8.0 536 6.7 20 0.54 0.009 2.2 - <2 <2

Mehsana 7.7
1548 5.8 12 4.16 0.012 0.8 - <2 <2

Patan 7.7 664 7.0 08 1.47 0.011 0.9 - <2 <2

Himmatnagar 7.9 430 6.3 16 1.47 0.549 1.2 - <2 <2

Idar 8.0 1180 5.2 16 0.018 0.95 1.4 - <2 <2

Modasa 7.0 472 6.1 12 4.79 0.102 0.7 - <2 <2

Ambaji 8.2 292 6.6 16 0.025 0.009 1.5 - <2 <2

Disa 7.4 350 5.0 12 4.62 0.01 1.1 - <2 <2
Palanpur 8.3 810 4.3 16 5.73 0.011 2.3 - <2 <2

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
Fluo- MPN MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 100
ml ml
Namdha-chandor 7.6 560 2.2 16 0.270 0.040 0.1 - - -
Chandor 7.6 424 2.1 14 0.345 0.042 0.1 - - -
Balitha 7.8 410 1.9 21 0.224 0.038 0.1 - - -
Palsana 7.5 466 1.9 18 0.393 0.047 0.1 0.06 13 5
Umarsadi 7.8 1120 1.7 19 0.858 0.055 0.2 - - -
Kolak 7.7 440 2.1 19 0.422 0.051 0.2 - - -
Vaghai 7.8 290 2.3 12 0.352 0.057 0.1 - - -
Vatar 7.5 540 2.2 14 0.214 0.036 0.1 - - -
Sarigam 7.3 680 2.3 16 0.248 0.046 0.1 - - -
Kocharva 8.0 620 1.9 17 0.241 0.036 0.1 - - -
Chiri 7.9 760 3.2 14 0.27 0.042 0.1 - - -
Namdha 7.3 600 2.7 17 0.361 0.057 0.1 - - -
Chanod 7.4 600 2.1 16 0.183 0.056 0.1 - - -
Haria 7.5 720 2.6 18 0.335 0.041 0.1 - - -
Umergam waterworks 7.7 610 4.2 11 0.253 0.044 0.1 - - -
Pardi waterworks 7.9 340 7.2 10 0.226 0.041 0.1 - - -
Dharmpur waterworks 7.5 310 2.2 11 0.324 0.046 0.1 - - -
Ahwa Govt. open well 7.8 340 2.2 12 0.234 0.037 0.1 - - -
Fansa 7.7 460 2.0 18 0.10 0.026 0.1 - - -
Tadgam 7.6 766 1.7 16 0.287 0.059 0.1 - - -
B/W, Govt. Society 7.8 2025 4.3 8 0.84 P.Nil 0.4 P.Nil -- --
Gayatrinagar, Bharuch

W/W Old Pungam, 7.8 762 3.1 8 0.12 0.65 0.2 P.Nil -- --

W/W Sakkar – 8.1 2856 2.8 16 0.17 0.05 0.2 P.Nil -- --

Purabhathha, Bharuch

B/W Shri Ahmed -bhai 7.8 2482 5.9 8 0.54 0.02 0.4 P.Nil -- --
Patel at Piraman,
B/W Shri Ahmed -bhai 7.8 2482 5.9 8 0.54 0.02 0.4 P.Nil -- --
Patel at Piraman,

W/w Piraman near 8.2 1892 5.7 8 0.05 0.66 0.5 P.Nil -- --
railway track,

Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3-
NO3-N NO2-N rides / 100 / 100
ml ml
Bhamaria well village 7.7 574 2.8 8 2.1 0.02 0.5 P.Nil
B/W Khadiwala, 8.3 1788 4.6 8 0.54 0.02 0.4 P.Nil -- --
Piraman village
B/W Gram panchayat 8.5 604 3.8 8 0.05 0.02 0.3 P.Nil -- --
W/W Sanayavad, 7.7 2518 3.4 8 0.59 0.07 0.7 P.Nil -- --
Swami- narayan mandir,
Hotel Nyay Mandir, 8.2 1956 4.7 8 0.15 0.01 0.3 P.Nil -- --
Jhanor, Dist: Bharuch 7.9 916 6.5 8 0.34 P.Nil 0.3 P.Nil -- --
Palej, Nr.Nirala Park 7.7 2580 3.5 8 0.64 P.Nil 0.2 P.Nil -- --
Haldavara, Dist: 8.2 2084 6.7 8 0.05 0.01 0.6 P.Nil -- --
Nr Moti Vasahat, Palej 8.2 1910 5.9 8 0.64 0.02 0.3 P.Nil -- --
Borewell VarunWater 7.4 826 1.6 4 0.224 0.011 1.2 1.12 - -
Works, Junagadh
Bore Well Anjar Nager 6.6 1725 - 6 0.34 0.078 0.5 0.56 - -
Palika Ward No 3&4
Bore Well, Opp 7.9 1392 - 6 0.118 0.145 0.4 0.34 - -
B.Edcollege Mundra
Bore Well Gandhi 7.8 1951 - 6 0.14 0.06 0.4 0.65 - -
Gham City, IFFCO
Bore Well Lunava 7.9 869 - 6 0.156 0.043 0.4 0.36 - -
Bore Well Bhuj 7.4 2340 - 6 0.90 0.073 0.5 0.51 - -
Bore Well Water 7.8 4523 - 6 0.73 0.043 0.4 0.64 - -
Sample Of Vill
Rajkot GPCB Office 7.9 722 1.4 7 0.378 0.01 1.3 1.19 -- --
Bore-well GIDC, 7.5 3432 1.5 8 0.11 0.02 -- 1.12 -- --
Bore-well Madhav 7.6 1700 1.4 8 0.06 0.02 -- 0.84 -- --
Complex, GIDC, Sayla,
Dist. S’agar
Bore-well GIDC, 7.4 10356 1.3 5 0.07 0.02 -- 0.56 -- --
Limbdi, Dist. S’nagar

Bore-well Ramdoot 7.1 21760 1.3 15 -- -- -- 1.12 -- --

Industries, Halvad, Dist.

Parameters *

Nitrite TC FC
Location of wells Nitrate NH3-
NO3-N rides / 100 / 100
N mg/l
ml ml
Bore-well Parmesh-war 7.3 4138 1.5 6 0.12 0.02 -- 0.73 -- --
Timber Mart, Chotila,
Dist. S’nagar

Bore-well Metoda 7.7 1242 1.4 10 0.11 0.02 -- 1 -- --

GIDC, Nr. Gate no. 2,
Ravi Metal Treat-ment,
Ta. Lodhika, Dist.

Bore-well Bhavani 7.9 3702 1.4 9 0.07 0.02 -- 1.18 -- --

Plastic, GIDC
Wadhvan, Dist. :

Bore-well Milan 7.4 3150 1.4 6 0.1 0.01 -- 1.1 -- --

Industries, Kuvadva
GIDC, Rajkot

Bore-well Rafalesh-war 7.6 444 1.4 5 0.08 0.01 -- 1.18 -- --

GIDC, Ta.Morbi, Dist.

Bore-well GIDC, 7.1 3348 1.4 7 0.07 0.02 -- 0.67 -- --

Wankaner, Dist. :

∗ Except pH, T.C., F. C. & E.Coli. all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.
∗ E. Coli = Escherichia Coli. P.NIL = Below detection limit

Status of Water Quality of Well Water, within Junagadh RO area.

Project: Environmental monitoring in Major Cities & Industrial area of Gujarat

[yearly average 2009-10]

Location of wells Nitrate Nitrite NH3 - TC
pH TDS DO COD Fluorides N MPN/
NO3-N NO2-N 100
mg/l 100 ml
Handpumpwater 7.2 748 1.1 6 0.21 0.011 1.0 1.19 - -
B/W Water sample 7.6 1173 1.4 7 0.22 0.012 0.8 0.99 - -
of Gangama amar
W/w Gandabhai 7.8 1396 4.1 8 0.38 0.015 0.8 0.97 - -
Jadhabhai Vala,
Opp. Somanath

∗ Except pH, T.C., F.C.& E.Coil. all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.
Status of water quality of wells
(under EMP programme 8 sources monitored, once in a month)
Parameters *
Location of wells Nitrite Nitrate
pH TDS D.O. COD Fluorides MPN/
NO2-N NO3-N N mg/l / 100
100 ml
Alunj villa- Ankleshwar 7.8 1777 4.2 8 -- 0.88 0.4 -- -- --
Panoli GIDC 7.8 1809 4.8 9 -- 0.64 0.4 -- -- --

@ Industrial Carbon,
7.7 3504 4.6 9 -- 1.22 0.3 -- -- --
Ankleshwar, Rajpipla rd
Kararvell village 7.8 1140 5.0 8 -- 0.48 0.4 -- -- --
Lakhigam – Dahej 8.2 1024 5.6 9 -- 0.32 0.4 -- -- --

Dahej village 7.9 2214 4.8 8 -- 2.21 0.4 -- -- --

Umarwada village 7.9 1182 5.0 9 -- 0.65 0.5 -- -- --

Sarangpur village 7.4 3618 3.9 31 -- 1.2 0.4 -- -- --

Sadbhavana Nursari,
8.1 1518 5.1 8 -- 1.06 0.3 --
Ramanlal Panchal, Dahej. 7.9 3109 3.8 8 -- 0.84 0.4
Jhagadia Grampanchyat 8.1 397 5.9 8 -- 0.82 0.3

* Except pH,T.C., F. C.& E.Coli. all the parameters are expressed as mg/L.

6.16. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Programme (AAQM)

Under the Ambient Air Quality Monitoring programme (AAQM) the Board continued to
monitor ambient air quality at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat, Vapi, Bharuch and Rajkot.

The ambient air quality samples were collected as per the standard norms for ambient air
quality monitoring. The parameters determined during analysis included SPM, RSPM, SO2
and NOX. The data pertaining to the ambient air meteorological data were regularly
submitted to the CPCB [Central Pollution Control Board] for compilation and preparation
of report.

Note : The National Ambient Air Quality Monitoring project is re-launched and necessary actions
have been initiated to re-commission this project.

Ambient Air Quality monitoring under AAQM Project.

[yearly average 2009-10]

Parameters *
Sr. Location of Monitoring Station

1. Ichchhapore Police Station, Hazira 54 203 11.61 17.65

2. GIDC Pandesara, Surat 69 336 9.68 24.67

3. At Roopam Chawk, Bhavanagar. 91 207 13.92 11.71

∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient Air Quality monitoring under City Action Plan

[Yearly average 2009-10]

Parameters *
Sr. Location of Monitoring Station

1. Traffic point, Railway Station, Surat 81 165 15.81 25.12

2. S.V.R. Engg. College, Ichchhanath 77 156 15.70 24.36

3. Darshan Processors, Udhna 96 192 23.38 29.59

4. Air-India Building, Kotsafil Road, 85 171 17.80 26.53


∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Status of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) in main places of Gujarat
The Board also carried out ambient air quality monitoring at different districts’ places to
know the effect of pollution contributed by the industries located in the respective region of the

[yearly average 2009-10]

Parameters *
Sr. Location of Monitoring Station
Panoli M/S Hikal Ltd., GIDC Panoli, -- -- -- --
dist: Bharuch
Ankleshwar M/S Aventis Pharma Ltd., --- --- --- ---
Ankleshwar GIDC dist: Bharuch
Vapi Vapi Nagarpalika, Vapi 74 148 15.45 23.87
Vapi GEB, GIDC, Vapi 85 171 18.03 25.12
Vapi Zandu pharmaceuticals 92 115 33.01 88.92
Vapi CETP,Vapi 62 126 30.3 13.5
Sarigam GIDC, Sarigam 102 115 29.4 25.6
Bhavnagar GIDC Chitra 107 201 10.84 16.35
∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Status of Ambient Air Quality in main places of Gujarat

(yearly average 2009-10)

City / Location of Parameters *

town monitoring station RSPM SPM SO2 NOx HC CO
Nandesari CETP GIDC 132 314 22.74 46.0 1.98 1942.86
Vadodara Nandesari
Nandesari Lanxess ABS, GIDC 129 263 2.76 25.92 --- ---
Vadodara Nandesari
Vadodara RO, GPCB Office, 52 112 11.01 15.25 1.24 1181.65
Vadodara Dandia Bazar, Fire 86 197 17.36 31.83 1.64 1592.46
Vadodara Makarpura ( by IPCL) 47 138 13.82 11.50 --- ---

Vadodara Subhanpura 84 297 9.31 12.38 --- ---

(by Alembic)
Vadodara Karelibaug (by IOCL) 56 153 14.97 21.42 --- ---

∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & average.

⇒ HC is in PPM [Part per Million by Volume].

Status of Ambient Air Quality monitoring SAMP Project
(yearly average 2009-10)

Parameters *
City/ Location of Monitoring
Town Station

Vadodara Bapod Nagarpalika School 56 124 12.65 18.39 1.27 1220.73

no 18

Vadodara Chhani B/35 Kalpyrux 80 181 15.52 24.33 1.45 1396.91


Vadodara Gotri 23 Shubhlaxmi Soc. 64 143 13.19 20.24 1.34 1301.83

∗ All the values are in µg/m3 = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & Average.
⇒ HC is in PPM [Part per Million by Volume]
⇒ Yearly average is calculated based on the CPCB guidelines, at least 104 samples (24 hourly) per year/station.

Parameters *
Place Location of Monitoring Station
Piraman Gram Panchayat, Piraman by GEEMI 82 165 13.77 22.14
Dist. Bharuch
Kosamadi. Kukum Bungalo, Village Kosamadi, Valia road 88 179 15.72 24.09
Dist. Bharuch [operated by GEEMI on behalf of GPCB].
Jamnagar On the Terrace of GPCB Office 102 179 13.61 27.58
Bhavnagar Alang Ship Breaking Yard, GMB Office 92 171 9.64 16.09

Bhavnagar Sosiya Ship Breaking Yard, 80 148 9.16 15.24

Priya Blue Industries,Plot V-1
Bhavnagar Chitra GIDC Area 107 200 10.84 16.35

Vapi Lalchand engg. Works, GIDC 91 187 19.16 26.90

Vapi GPCB, Vapi 83 167 13.76 23.48

Lunva-Bhachau Lunva-Bhachau Gandhidham Belt,Dist. Kutch 140 258 17 30
Gandhidham Gandhidham Kandla Belt, IFFCO Township, 76 144 12 23
Kandla belt, Dist. Kutch
IFFCO Township
Rajkot Fire Brigade Station, Kalavad Road, Rajkot 94 171 10.73 14.73

Morbi Lalpar Gam, Morbi, Dist.Rajkot 134 241 12.58 17.19

Wankaner GIDC, Wankaner, Dist. Rajkot 119 216 11.39 15.58

∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Status of Ambient Air Quality in Major Cities, various places in Gujarat
[once in a year 2009-10]

Sr. Parameters *
Location of Monitoring Station
1. At. Kadi School, Gandhinagar, Sector No. 23 76 346 2.0 13.0
2. Dehgam bus station, dist. Gandhinadar 129 333 4.16 18.0
3. St. Xaviers' High School, Sector No. 8, Gandhinagar 94 256 4.16 15.28
4. At. Switch Yard, GEB, Gandhinagar 151 402 8.33 32.47
5. Kadi Char Rasta, Dist. Mehsana 92 340 8.33 18.63
6. Modhera Char Rasta, Mehsana 159 457 4.0 20.0
7. IFFCO, Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar 50 275 12.0 16.0
8. Char Rasta, Patan 108 310 4.16 34.86
9. At. CEDS, GIDC, Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar 83 310 12.5 24.36
10. Himatnagar Nagarpalika, Dist. Sabarkantha 145 681 8.33 28.66
11. Mamlatdar Office, Idar, Dist. Sabarkantha 158 734 9.37 19.82
12. Nr. Vishram Gruh, Palanpur Dist. Banaskantha 119 365 6.24 16.95
13. Nr. Gandhi Lincon Hospital, Deesa, Dist. Banaskantha 74 239 4.16 15.28
14. Cadila Laboratories, Narol, Ahmedabad 97 309 10.41 19.1
15. LD Engg. College, Ahmedabad 78 348 14.92 19.56
16. CETP, Vatva GIDC, Ahmedabad 134 446 29.16 32.15
17. GIDC Office Naroda, Ahmedabad 144 446 20.83 20.65
18. At CETP ,Odhav, Ahmedabad 132 472 16.66 20.69
19. TPAEC, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad 82 257 230 21.33
20. Karanj Police Station, Ahmedabad 154 471 7.29 14.73
21. Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmedabad 81 423 11.45 16.59
22. Bavla Nagarpalika, Bavla, dist: Ahmedabad 97 332 15.62 15.75
23. Viramgam Bus station Dist: Ahmedabad 300 795 13.54 19.78
24. Rupam Chowk, Bhavanagar 91 207 13.92 11.71
25. Nr. Primary School, Gandhi Road, Bajwa. 139 386 3.39 10.74
26. Community Health Centre, Padra 46 200 6.78 7.44
27. At GIDC Office, Savali 144 363 2.25 8.27
28. GIDC Gorwa, Dist. Vadodara 110 250 5.08 9.09
29. Chhotaudepur 144 569 1.16 4.23
30 Ineous ABS Ltd. Nandesari, Dist: Vadodara 97 476 10.17 10.75

Sr. Parameters *
Location of Monitoring Station
31 GPCB Office Race Course, Vadodara 77 240 15.23 5.58
32 Dandia Bazar, Vadodara 36 81 21.19 7.24
33 I D Hospital,Karelibaug, Vadodara 61 143 8.47 15.29
34 GIDC Makarpura, Vadodara 91 294 6.78 11.15
35 Alembic Ltd., Alembic Road, Vadodara 90 385 5.34 8.0
36 Dakor Municipal Barough’s Fire Station Office 67 161 2.43 12.68
Dakor, Dist.Kheda
37 Sevalia Nagarpalika’s Office, Sevalia, Dist.Kheda 67 189 Nil 4.00

38. Nagarpalika office Khambhat. Dist.Anand 108 209 3.08 7.50

39. Nr. Woodland restorant , Opp. Kheta talav , Nadiad. 106 200 4.62 11.3
40. Aaqm at GIDC, Savali dist. Vadodara 144 363 2.25 8.27

41 Anand nagarpalika office fire station , Anand Dist.Anand 119 417 Nil 11.09

42 Petlad Nagarpalika Office, (at ground level) Dist.Anand 174 227 8.33 18.52

43 Mahemdabad Nagarpalika Office, Dist. Kheda 39 228 Nil 13.86

44 Punit Society, Panch Batti, Bharuch 118 262 19.9 31.1

45 Jay Bhavani Ind Estate, Junagadh 156 306 20.34 19.57

46 Mahila Police Station, Junagadh 100 236 18.57 19.24
47 On the Terrace of security Bldg.of GPCB,Junagadh 67 205 13.60 16.21

48 GIDC Sachin 125 251 77.19 25.56

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Status of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring under NAMP Project

(annual average April 2009 to March 2010)

City/ Location of Parameters *

Town Monitoring Station RSPM SPM SO2 NOX HC CO

Vadodara Nandesari CETP 132 314 22.74 46.0 1.98 1942.86

Vadodara RO, GPCB Office 52 112 11.01 15.25 1.24 1181.65

Vadodara Dandia Bazar 86 196 17.36 31.83 1.64 1592.46

∗ All the values are in µg/m = micro grammes per normal cubic meter &

∗ Average HC is in PPM [Part per Million by Volume],

Status of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring under NAMP Project
(annual average April 2009 to March 2010)

Location of Parameters *
Bhuj At Lunva 140 258 17 30 0.16 113
Bhuj At Iffco town ship 76 144 12 23 0.15 97

Status of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring under NAMP Project

(annual average April 2009 to March 2010)

Parameters *
City/ Town Location of Monitoring Station
Vapi GEB,GIDC 85 171 18.03 25.12
Vapi Vapi Nagarpalika 74 148 15.45 23.87
Surat SVR Eng.College 77 156 15.70 24.36
Surat Darshan Processors, Udhana 96 192 23.38 29.59
Surat Air India Building, Kotsafill Road 85 171 17.80 26.53
Ankleshwar Ralis Pharma India Ltd 93 187 21.64 28.04
Ankleshwar Durga Traders, Rajpipala road 76 153 17.72 25.48
Ahmedabad GIDC Naroda 148 359 19.13 24.81
Rajkot Nr. Sardhara Industrial 133 238 12.48 17.28
Corporation, Rakot
Rajkot GPCB Office, RO, Rajkot 86 159 10.58 14.59
Jamnagar Fisheries Office 107 198 14.25 28.48

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per cubic meter & average.

⇒ Yearly average is calculated based on the CPCB guidelines, at least 104 samples (24 hourly) per year/station.

Status of Ambient air quality monitoring under Air Action Plan in Jamnagar
[Yearly average 2009-10]

Sr. Parameters *
Location of Monitoring Station

1. Bedeshwar industrial area, Jamnagar 110 318 9.44 16.98

2. Rameshwarnagar, GPCB office 102 179 13.61 27.58

3. Summer Club road, Fisheries Office 107 198 14.25 28.48

* All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient Air Quality Monitoring data of Amdavad city at selected locations
During Diwali festival 2009-10

Parameters *
Location Date

Nehru Bridge 16/10/2009 122 285 14 42

(24 Hrs. Sampling Average data) TO
(Kali Chaudas to Bhai Bij) 19/10/2009

L.D. Engg. College, Ahmedabad (Kali 16/10/2009 121 263 29 21

Chaudas to Bhai Bij)

Cadila Laboratory, Narol, Ahme-dabad 16/10/2009 136 279 34 21

(Kali Chaudas to Bhai Bij)

Note: All parameters are in microgram/Nm3

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in

Bhavnagar w.r. to Diwali festival

Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station Date

1. Ghogha Circle, Bhavnagar 17/10/2009 94 212 15.59 29.53

2. Ghogha Circle, Bhavnagar 18/10/2009 89 197 10.39 20.97

3. Ghogha Circle, Bhavnagar 19/10/2009 96 204 9.08 17.84

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Jamnagar w.r. to Diwali festival

Parameters *
Sr. Location of Monitoring Station
1. Rameshwarnagar, GPCB office 120 221 19.4 34.6

2. Summer Club road, Fisheries Office 131 242 21.58 39.47

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

AAQM during Diwali at various location in Vapi.

Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station Date

1 Gunjan Society Vapi Town 16/10/2009 91 135 25.83 22.24

2 Stadium Road Valsad 17/10/2009 89 132 29.91 23.83

3 Gunjan Society Vapi Town 18/10/2009 88 124 31.5 25.02

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Mehsana w.r. to Diwali festival

Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station Date

1. AAQM at RO, GPCB, Mehsana 16/10/2009 69 213 9.21 26.01

2. AAQM at RO, GPCB, Mehsana 17/10/2009 87 183 11.35 23.57

3. AAQM at RO, GPCB, Mehsana 18/10/2009 72 192 10.64 17.22

4. AAQM at RO, GPCB, Mehsana 19/10/2009 123 299 12.05 14.95

∗ All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Surat w.r. to Diwali festival
Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station

1. Air India Bldg. Surat 103 206 21.6 29.4

2. Delhi Gate Police Chowki, Nr. Railway Station 101 197 24.2 32.7

3. BRC Udhana ( Darshan Processors) 122 240 30.2 38.4

4. S.V.R. College, Surat 86 178 21.2 27.7

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Bharuch w.r. to Diwali festival
(24 hrs sampling average data)

Parameters *
Sr. Location of Monitoring Station
1 Ramvatika Society,Ankleshwar 114 251 22.2 29.9
2 Ramvatika Society,Ankleshwar 128 276 30.1 37.3
3 Ramvatika Society,Ankleshwar 107 233 20.8 26
4 Ramvatika Society Ankleshwar 112 245 20.8 28
5 32, Punit Society,Bharuch 118 262 19.9 31.1
6 32, Punit Society,Bharuch 125 280 25 36.9
7 32, Punit Society,Bharuch 112 249 17.1 28.7
8 32, Punit Society,Bharuch 122 268 22.7 33.4
9 Koli Falia, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada 105 231 25.9 32.6
10 Koli Falia, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada 116 255 30.1 33.4
11 Koli Falia, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada 102 224 24.1 31.3
12 Koli Falia, Rajpipla, Dist. Narmada 114 251 26.9 33.4
∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Rajkot w.r. to Navratri festival

Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station Date
1. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 19/09/2009 159 86 10.5 14.3

2. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 23/09/2009 155 83 10.0 13.8

3. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 26/09/2009 157 83 10.6 14.5

4. Fire brigade office, Rajkot. 22/09/2009 174 95 7.4 14.9

5. Fire brigade office, Rajkot. 25/09/2009 166 91 7.4 13.7

6. Nr. Sardhara Ind. Corporation, Aji 21/09/2009 217 121 11.9 16.4
GIDC, Rajkot.

7. Nr. Sardhara Ind. Corporation, Aji 24/09/2009 227 130 13.2 17.7
GIDC, Rajkot.

8. Nr. Sardhara Ind. Corporation, Aji 28/09/2009 228 130 13.8 17.9
GIDC, Rajkot.

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Rajkot w.r. to Diwali festival
Parameters *
Sr Location of Monitoring Station Date
1. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 16/10/2009 196 102 14.0 19.6
2. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 17/10/2009 203 107 14.8 21.2
3. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 18/10/2009 175 94 11.7 15.9
4. RO, GPCB office, Rajkot 19/10/2009 213 110 16.1 22.3

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Vadodara w.r. to Navratri festival.
Sr. Location of Monitoring Date
1 AAQM at Dandia Bazar, 19/9/2009 19.2 37.1 275 120
Operated by GEMI, Vadodara 23.7 39 293 128
21/9/2009 21.8 37.1 237 103
22/9/2009 22.1 38.1 271 118
23/9/2009 19.8 34.5 290 126
24/9/2009 23.2 35.1 252 110
25/9/2009 19.6 32.3 281 122
26/9/2009 22.5 34.6 281 122
27/9/2009 23.1 34.8 309 135
28/9/2009 17.7 30.8 207 90
2 AAQM at GPCB Office, 19/9/2009 13.3 19.4 112 51
Operated by GEMI, Vadodara. 14.6 19.5 142 64
21/9/2009 15.2 20.3 143 65
22/9/2009 13.3 18.2 139 63
23/9/2009 12 17.1 126 57
24/9/2009 11.1 16.3 130 59
25/9/2009 12.7 16.6 114 52
26/9/2009 13.5 17.4 116 54
27/9/2009 12.4 16.3 138 62
28/9/2009 09 13 107 49
3 AAQM at Gotri 19/9/2009 16.9 25 195 86
Subhlaxminagar, Opp. Gayatri 18.5 26.9 220 98
Vidhyalaya Vadodara. (Cntd)
21/9/2009 16 24.5 214 95
22/9/2009 14.2 22 231 103
23/9/2009 17.3 23.4 239 106
24/9/2009 14.4 22.4 243 108

Sr. Location of Monitoring Date
25/9/2009 18.3 25.1 221 98
26/9/2009 16.4 23 231 102
27/9/2009 17.3 24.2 241 107
28/9/2009 12.7 19.5 156 71
4 AAQM at Bapod (nagarpalika 19/9/2009 14.5 22.6 134 59
school no:16) Operated by 16.4 22.7 153 69
Dist.Vadodara 21/9/2009 15.4 21.8 136 61
22/9/2009 13.8 19.7 102 72
23/9/2009 13.3 19.7 193 87
24/9/2009 14.4 20.3 168 76
25/9/2009 12.2 17 160 72
26/9/2009 13.9 19.1 174 78
27/9/2009 16 21.1 206 92
28/9/2009 11.6 16.5 134 61
5 AAQM at Chhani 19/9/2009 20.3 32.3 220 97
(B/35Kalpvrux Soc.) Operated 22.4 33 283 124
Dist.Vadodara 21/9/2009 20.5 31.1 240 106
22/9/2009 16.3 26.3 260 115
23/9/2009 17.9 26.8 245 109
24/9/2009 18.2 27.3 220 97
25/9/2009 19.7 28.5 288 119
26/9/2009 17.2 26.5 235 105
27/9/2009 19.6 28.4 249 110
28/9/2009 15.8 24.6 182 81
∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Vadodara w.r. to Diwali festival.
Sr. Location of Monitoring Date
1 AAQM At Subhanpura Operated by 17/10/2009 13.8 20.1 225 57
Alembic Ltd. 18/10/2009 15.6 16.6 208 48
19/10/2009 15.1 18.8 226 63
20/10/2009 11.3 12.2 166 39
2 AAQM At GIDC Makarpura 15/10/2009 13.4 13.5 132 42
Operated by Reliance Ind. Ltd. 16/10/2009 14.4 11.8 168 47
17/10/2009 13.4 13.5 139 48
18/10/2009 15.6 12.7 170 60
19/10/2009 15.1 11.6 126 46

Sr. Location of Monitoring Date
3 AAQM at Dandia Bazar, Operated by 16/10/2009 12.8 24.5 167 73
GEMI, 17/10/2009 19.5 39.7 292 126
18/10/2009 15.2 32 211 91
19/10/2009 14.4 28.4 206 90
4 AAQM at GPCB Office, Operated by 16/10/2009 10.4 14.1 116 53
GEMI, 17/10/2009 14.8 21.5 174 78
18/10/2009 12.6 18.3 133 60
19/10/2009 12.1 17.1 109 48
5 AAQM at Gotri 16/10/2009 13.5 21.1 131 58
Subhlaxminagar 17/10/2009 18.8 30.9 213 95
Opp. Gayatri Vidhyalaya
18/10/2009 14.5 23 147 65
19/10/2009 12.9 21.1 156 69
6 AAQM at Bapod (nagarpalika school 16/10/2009 11.6 17.1 115 51
no:16) Operated by GEMI 17/10/2009 14.9 24.7 182 81
18/10/2009 11.8 19 148 66
19/10/2009 10.3 16.0 120 54
7 AAQM at Chhani (B/35Kalpvrux 16/10/2009 14.8 24.1 143 63
Soc.) Operated by GEMI 17/10/2009 19.5 34.1 205 89
18/10/2009 15.1 25.1 179 78
19/10/2009 13.8 23.7 145 63
8 GSFC Ltd.
A ADM Time office 17/10/2009 20.7 24.3 207 81
18/10/2009 22.5 21.6 235 99
B Old Pump House 17/10/2009 18.0 25.2 180 72
18/10/2009 21.6 17.1 195 79
C B/h S.A.IV At NH NO:8 17/10/2009 27.0 20.7 225 102
18/10/2009 32.4 18.0 198 84
D Near Marcketing Yard 17/10/2009 23.4 21.0 215 87
18/10/2009 17.5 19.6 203 75
∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Junagadh w.r. to Diwali festival.

Location of Monitoring Parameters*

Sr. Date
station RSPM SPM SO2 NOX

1 Near kalwa chowk, Junagadh 16/10/2009 112 237 16.44 18.84

2 Near kalwa chowk, Junagadh 17/10/2009 151 276 18.14 20.70

3 Near kalwa chowk, Junagadh 18/10/2009 123 253 18.02 19.94

4 Near kalwa chowk, Junagadh 19/10/2009 108 222 15.31 17.80

* All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Bhuj w.r. to Diwali festival.

Location of Monitoring Parameters*

Sr. Date
station RSPM SPM SO2 NOX

1 Bhuj Office 16/10/09 - 113 19 19

2 Bhuj Office 17/10/09 - 70 16 15

3 Bhuj Office 18/10/09 - 66 19 19

4 Bhuj Office 19/10/09 - 93 32 33

* All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient Air Quality data of selected locations in Nadiad w.r. to Diwali festival.

Sr. Location of monitoring Parameters *

Date Time
No. Station RSPM SPM SO2 NOX

1 RO GPCB office, Nadiad 16/10/2009 06:00 AM to 107 350 9.53 6.44

06:00 AM

2. RO GPCB office, Nadiad 17/10/2009 06:00 AM to 110 518 14.43 3.06

06:00 AM

3. RO GPCB office, Nadiad 18/10/2009 06:00 AM to 105 447 7.79 2.74

06:00 AM

4. RO GPCB office, Nadiad 19/10/2009 06:00 AM to 106 524 5.92 5.32

06:00 AM

* All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Ambient air quality of traffic points Surat
[yearly average 2009-10]

Sr. Parameters *
Location of Monitoring Station

1. Traffic point, Rly station, Surat 81 165 15.81 25.12

* All the values are in µg/m3 = microgrammes per normal cubic meter & average.

Protocol for TSDF

(yearly average 2009-10)

Sr. Location of Monitoring Station RSPM SPM SO2 NOX

1 Nandesari CETP 132 314 22.74 46.0

2 BEI Ltd. GIDC, Ankleshwar 72 211 29.63 23.31

∗ All the values are in µg/m = microgrammes per normal cubic meter

6.17. Status of coastal monitoring under the plan scheme

Plan scheme implemented during the year 2009-2010

The Board has continued coastal monitoring under the plan scheme during the year 2009–
2010 in Gujarat to ascertain the water quality of different parts along the coastal zones in Gujarat.

RO, GPCB Numbers of samples collected and analysed

Jamnagar 36

Rajkot ---

Bhavnagar 48

Vadodara 36

Vapi 05

Bharuch 72

Surat 36

Junagadh 84

Bhuj 12

Quality of Coastal Water under Action Plan
[yearly average 2009-10]

Sr. Parameters *
pH D.O. B.O.D. NH3–N

1. Plot No. 6 , SBY, Alang 8.2 5.2 10 0.7


2. Plot No.110, S BY, 8.1 5.4 8 0.8

Sosiya, Bhavnagar

3. Plot No.V-7 ,S BY, 8.2 5.1 9 0.7

Sosiya, Bhavnagar

4. Plot No.84/C, SBY, 8.1 5.1 9 0.8

Alang, Bhavnagar

* Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L .

Quality of Coastal outfalls and Coastal waters

[Yearly average 2009-10]

Parameters *
Sr. Name of outfalls
pH D.O. B.O.D. NH3 – N
1. Sea water at Dhuvaran, Kheda 7.8 6.6 1 1.03
2. Sea water at ECP, ‘J’ point near Sarod - 7.8 6.7 1 1.46
3. Estuarine water at Dhuvaran 7.8 6.8 1 0.61
4. Estuarine water at ECP, ‘J’ point near Sarod, 7.6 6.0 1 1.07
Ta. Jambusar
5. E.C.P. ‘J’ point near Sarod – before discharge, 7.5 P.Nil 447 59.58
Ta. Jambusar
6. Sarigam diffuser at Tadgam 7.8 6.3 13 2.64
7. Estuarine water of river Damanganga at 7.8 6.8 14 3.32
Daman Jetty
8. Estuarine water of river Damanganga at 7.5 6.7 13 3.6
9. Estuarine water of river Kolak at Kolak Jetty 7.8 6.8 12 2.83
10. Estuarine water of river Par at Umarsadi Jetty 7.7 6.8 11 2.6
11. Sea water at Porbandar outfall 8.2 5.7 N.D. 0.40
12. Porbandar city sewage outfall 7.7 6.2 54 16.45
13. Tata Chem., Mithapur outfall 8.3 5.0 N.D. 2.17
14. Sea water at Kandla 8.1 - 70 6.4

Parameters *
Sr. Name of outfalls
pH D.O. B.O.D. NH3 – N
15. Sea water at Kidana 8.0 - 6125 17.64
16 Excel Crop Care Ltd., Bhavnagar 7.7 1.8 23 4.75

17 BMC wastewater, Kansara bridge, Bhavnagar 7.5 ND 66 11.35

18 Pipavav Port, Amreli 8.1 5.5 8 0.67

19 Nirma Ltd,Kalatalav, Bhavnagr 8.2 4.1 13 4.43

20 Plot 6,SBY,Alang, Bhavnagar 7.2 5.2 10 0.68

21 Plot 110, SBY, Sosiya, Alang, Bhavanagar 8.1 5.2 10 0.77

22 Umra temple at Jakat naka 8.1 4.5 3 0.33

23 KRIBHCO Jetty at Hazira 8.2 5.4 2 0.31

24 Essar Jetty at Hazira 8.2 5.4 2 0.25
25 Estuary of river Narmada at Golden Bridge 7.8 6.1 1 2.38
26 Coastal water of LNG Terminal Jetty, Dahej 7.8 5.7 1 2.8
27 Coastal water of Birla Copper Jetty, Dahej 7.9 5.4 1 2.24
28 Coastal water of IPCL Jetty, Jageshwar 7.9 5.7 1 0.56
29 Estuary of river Narmada at Bhabdhut 8.0 5.8 1 5.04
30 Coastal water of Stambheshwer Mahadev, 7.7 5.7 1 3.83
31 Surface Sea Water of Muldwarka, Kodinar 8.1 5.0 3 1.12
32 Surface Sea Water Nr.Somnath Temple, 8.0 5.2 3 0.99
33 Surface Sea Water at Holyday Camp, 8.0 5.4 3 1.24
34 Surface Sea Water Nr. Indian Rayon 8.1 5.6 3 1.23
35 Surface Sea Water Nr. Intekpoint of 8.0 5.0 3 1.04
36 Domestic W/W of .Veraval Municipality 7.3 ND 94 39.34
Nr.Vasantvihar Engg., Veraval
37 W/W of Fish Processing Unit,GIDC, Veraval 6.9 ND 117 310
* Except pH all the parameters are expressed as mg/L. N.A = Not applicable, N.D. = Not detectable.

6.18. Monitoring during Festival Programmes (Ganapati immersion Festival)
Particulars no.s of samples
RO, Ahmedabad
1. River Sabarmati at Sardar Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
2. Chandola Lake, Near Sulemani Masjid, Danilimda 3
3. Kankaria Lake, Opp: Zoo, Ahmedabad. 3
4. Kankaria Lake, Opp: Vayam Vidhalay. 3
5. River Sabarmati at Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
6. River Sabarmati at Nehru Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
7. River Sabarmati at Gandhi Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
8. River Sabarmati at Old Vadaj Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
9. River Sabarmati at Railway Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
10. River Sabarmati at Indira Bridge, Ahmedabad. 3
RO, Bhavnagar
1. Sea water samples from sea shore of village-Koliyak, Tal. - Ghogha, 1
Dist. Bhavnagar. ( At Centre point of sea beach of Koliyak)
2. Sea water samples from sea shore of village-Koliyak, Tal. -Ghogha, 1
Dist.Bhavnagar. ( from left side of sea beach , 50 mtr away from the Centre
point of sea beach of Koliyak)
3. Sea water samples from sea shore of village-Koliyak, Tal. -Ghogha, 1
Dist.Bhavnagar. ( from right side of sea beach , 50 mtr away from the Centre
point of sea beach of Koliyak)
1. River Mahi at Fazalpur 02
2. River Mahi at Umeta road bridge 02
3. River Mahi at Umeta bridge, river bank near Sindhrot 02
4. Ramsagar talav near Ranchhodji temple at Tarsali 02
5. Sursagar talav, opp. Music college,Vadodara 02
6. Sursagar talav, opp. Prince cinema,Vadodara 02
7. Motnath talav, opp. Aum Shree Motnath mahadev mandir, Harni, Vadodara 02
8. Sama talav at Sama, opposite Petrol pump , Vadodara 02
9. Sama talav at Sama, near Jalaram mandir, Vadodara 02
10. Gorwa talav near Dasama temple, Vadodara 02
11. Gotri talav, opposite Gotri sarvajanic mandir,Gotri, Vadodara 02
12. Gotri talav, opposite Ranchhodji mandir & Bus stop,Gotri main road,Gotri, 02
RO, Bharuch
1. River Narmada at Golden bridge, Bharuch 03
2. River Narmada at Sardar bridge, Bharuch 03
3. River Narmada at Nilkanth Mahadev Temple, Zadeshwar 03

Particulars no.s of samples
RO, Jamnagar
1. Sea water from CWLC Jetty, Rozi Port, Jamnagar 02
2. Sea water near J.M. Baxy Co., Rozi Port, Jamnagar 02
RO, Mehsana
1. Chitrodipura village Lake , dist. Gandhinagar 03
2. River Sabarmati, At Village Indroda, Gandhinagar 03
RO, Junagadh
1. Damodar Kund, Junagadh 03
RO, Nadiad
1. River Mahi at Vasad 03
2. River Shedhi at Kheda-Matar road 03
3. Gomti lake at dakor 03
4. Kheta talav, Nadiad 03
5. Varai mata talav, Anand 03
6. River Mahi at Umeta 03
RO, Bhuj
1. Sea water sample from Sea shore of Mandvi, Dist. Kutch 02

6.19. Bio-Monitoring of Water Bodies

Central Pollution Control Board has initiated studies on Water Quality Management under
provision of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974. The Biological
Monitoring system has been well established & emphasized as one of the cost effective
system in order to maintain & restore the wholesomeness of water in terms of various
designated best uses of Water Bodies.

Criteria for Biological Water Quality Evaluation

Range of Saprobic Range of Indicator
Quality Water Quality
Score Diversity Score colour
A 7 and more 0.2-1 Clean Blue
B 6-7 0.5-1 Slight Pollution Light Blue
C 3-6 0.3-0.9 Moderate Pollution Green
D 2-5 0.4 & less Heavy Pollution Orange
E 0-2 0-0.2 Severe Pollution Red

Under this Project Bio-Monitoring of polluted river stretches are been carried out in River
Action Plan 2007-2008.
Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi. Under National Water Quality Monitoring
Programme (NWMP), Bio-Monitoring station are to be Monitored three times in a year at

pre selected locations, Physico-Chemical analysis along with Bio-Monitoring of rivers/
Lakes stretches. Such Way Up gradation of Rivers/Lakes for best designated use to
humankind will be taken up.
Preparation of the results, conclusions & final mapping of the rivers as per CPCB
guidelines is under progress.
Details of number of samples collected under Bio-monitoring Project during the year
2009-10 from Dam, Lake, River and Estuarine water/Sea.

Numbers of samples
collected and analysed
Ahmedabad 33
Vadodara 06
Mehsana 03
Vapi 12
Surat 42
Bharuch 09
Junagadh 03
Nadiad 11

6.20. Analytical Quality Control (AQC)

Analyses of unknown samples received during the year 2009-2010 from Central Pollution
Control Board (CPCB) periodically were analyzed precisely and accurately and reports
were sent to the CPCB.

Moreover, scientific personal of the Board analysis both known as well as unknown samples
to ascertain the accurate performance of the respective instruments.

Under this AQC procedure the Central Laboratory and all the laboratories attached with the
Regional Offices each located at Vadodara, Bharuch, Surat, Vapi, Rajkot and Jamnagar
participated in this exercise in the year 2009-2010. This procedure helps in improving
performance and increasing the confidence of the scientific staff. Overall the analytical
results (Data) obtained are more precise, accurate, reproducible and reliable. The
performance of all the Board’s laboratories have been reported quite satisfactory.


6.21 Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000

Ambient Air Quality Standards in respect of Noise

Noise is often measured in decibels (dBA). It has been recognised as ambient air
pollutant. Standards in this regard are laid down under The Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 (and rules made there under) and under the Model Rules of the Factories Act, 1948
for occupational health and safety purposes. The ambient air quality standards in respect
of noise as notified under the Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 are as

Area Limits in dB(A)Leq*

Category of Area/Zone
Code Day time Night time
A Industrial area 75 70
B Commercial area 65 55
C Residential Area 55 45
D Silence Zone 50 40


1. Day time is reckoned in between 6 a.m and 10 p.m.

2. Night time is reckoned in between 10 p.m and 6 a.m.
3. Silence zone is referred as areas up to 100 meters around such premises as hospitals,
educational institutions, courts, religious places or any other area which is declared as
such by the competent authority. Use of vehicular horns, loudspeakers and bursting of
crackers are banned in these zones and during night time in residential area.
4. Mixed categories of areas may be declared as one of the four above mentioned
categories by the Competent Authority and the corresponding standards shall apply.
5. dB(A) Leq denotes the time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on Scale
A which is relatable to human hearing.
“A” in dB(A) Leq denotes the frequency weighting in the measurement of noise and
corresponds to frequency response characteristics of the human ear.
Leq: It is energy mean of the noise level over a specified period.
6. Noise level measured at boundary of premises.
7. Total 13 days are earmarks, in pursuance to the Sub Rule (3) of Rule 5 of Noise
Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 as amended onwards, permitting the use
of loud speakers and/ or public address system between 10 pm to 12.00 midnight
inclusive, Navratri festival.
8. These results may inclusive of vehicular noise & commercial activity noise, also.
9. Noise monitoring carried out as per CPCB guidelines.

Noise Monitoring during Navratri Festival : In order to implement provisions of Noise
(Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 and compliance of various directives, the Board through its all
the Regional Offices carried out noise level monitoring during festival of Navratri 19th September
2009 to 27th September, 2009 and Dasera on 28th September, 2009.

Regional Office, GPCB, Ahmedabad.

Sr. Name of the place Cate- Time Noise Level (in dB(A)) AVG.
No. and Date gory East West North South
Date: 19/09/2009
1 Rajpath Club B 10:20 PM 69 71 63 64 67
S G Highway
2 Karnavati Club B 10:45 PM 70 69 68 68 68
S G Highway
3 Panch ratna party B 11:20 PM 68 66 67 64 66
plot,S.G Highway
4 YMCA Club SG B 11:45 PM 63 63 66 60 63
Date: 20/09/2009
1 Abhinav Shatvik C- 09:20 PM 69 71 63 64 66.75
Dandia,bolakdev cum-B
2 Panchratan Party Plot. C- 09:45 PM 70 69 68 68 68.75
SG Highway cum-B
3 Om Resort & Club C- 10:20 PM 68 66 67 64 66.25
S G Highway cum-B
4 Rajpath Club C- 10:45 PM 63 63 66 60 63.00
S G Highway cum-B
5 Samarpan party Plot, C- 11:20 PM 65 68 72 69 68.50
132 feet Ring Road cum-B
6 Parishram Tower, C- 11:45 PM 72 68 69 71 70.0
Navrangpura cum-B
Date: 21/09/2009
1 Mehsana Society, Juna C 10:10 PM 55.0 54.1 52.9 56.2 54.5
2 Sagar Appt., Opp- C- 10:35 PM 65.8 60.4 66.4 61.4 63.4
Bhavasar Hostel, Nava cum-B
3 Shri Khodiyar Mandir, C- 11:00 PM 61.5 64.6 63.3 60.8 62.5
Nr. Paldi Char-Rasta, cum-B

Sr. Name of the place Cate- Time NOISE LEVEL (in dB(A)) AVG.
No. and Date gory East West North South
4 Kalyankunj Flat, C 11:30 PM 52.6 53.1 57.3 54.2 54.3
Radha Sami Road,
5 Rannagar Chowk, C- 11:50 PM 64.6 61.5 62.1 66.8 63.7
KhodiyarMandir, cum-B
Date: 22/09/2009
1 Manek baug C- 10:10 PM 61.8 64.1 66.5 62.6 63.7
sansskrutic Kendra, cum-B
2 Sakti Mandal Nr Vasna C- 10:40 PM 60.5 63.3 64.6 62.8 62.8
bus stand Vasna cum-B
3 Young Group of C- 11:25 PM 57.8 61.2 60.6 58.2 59.4
Maniyashaa cum-B
Sarvajanic Navratri
Mahotstav, Nr Rly
crossing Maninagar
4 Radaha Ras Garba Nr C- 11:50 PM 63.9 68.1 69.5 62.7 66.0
Krishna Bag, cum-B
Date: 23/09/2009
1 Apang Manav C- 10.10 PM 60.6 61.2 62.8 60.4 61.3
Mandal, Nr. IIM cum-B
2 SOI Abhinav, B/h TV C- 10.35 pm 66.2 65.8 62.3 63.7 64.5
Tower, Vastrapur - cum-B
3 Goyal Intercity, SAL C- 11.05pm 63.8 63.7 60.4 64.9 63.2
Hospital Road cum-B
4 Young Group of C- 11.40 pm 62.8 64.1 63.9 64.8 63.9
Maniasa, Maninagar cum-B
Date: 24/09/2009
1 Jaldhara Water Park, C- 10.15 PM 63.5 64.7 61.9 65.2 63.8
Kankaria cum-B
2 Abhinav Ras Garba, C- 10.25 pm 67.1 62.9 63.3 64.3 64.4
Naginavadi, Kankaria cum-B
3 Maninagar no C- 11.00pm 65.5 62.4 64.7 61.8 63.6
Maniyaro, Nr. Jawahar cum-B
Chowk, Maninagar

Sr. Name of the place Cate- Time NOISE LEVEL (in dB(A)) AVG.
No. and Date gory East West North South
4 Rakhiyal Gam Yuvak C- 11.35 pm 63.4 65.5 62.5 62.2 63.4
Mandal, Nr. Police cum-B
Choki, Rakhiyal
Date: 25/09/2009
1 Karnavati apartment, C- 10:00 PM 62.3 65.6 66.4 63.3 64.4
Opp. Keshavbag, cum-B
Bhimjipura, Vadaj
2 Kaveri apartment, C- 10:45 PM 63.3 66.2 62.9 64.1 64.13
Opp. Swimming Pool, cum-B
3 Shivam apartment, C- 11:15 PM 67.2 64.8 62.7 66.9 65.4
Raypurchakla cum-B
4 Gokul, Football C- 11:50 PM 64.9 66.2 66.7 70.1 66.98
ground, Kankaria cum-B
DATE: 26/10/2009
1 Manek baug C- 10:20 PM 62.8 65.1 66.5 63.6 64.5
Sanskrutic Kendra, cum-B
2 Sakti mandal Nr.vasna C- 10:50 PM 61.5 63.8 64.6 60.4 63.1
bus stop,Vasna cum-B
3 Samarpan Tower , C- 11:05 PM 57.4 62.7 62.1 59.6 60.4
Naranpura cum-B
4 Mehsana Society C- 11:40 PM 55.9 58.1 56.5 52.7 55.8
Vadaj cum-B
Date: 27/09/2009
1 Krishnanagar, NH.8, C- 10:10 PM 64.8 63.9 64.1 62.8 63.9
Narol-Naroda Road cum-B
2 Khodiyarnagar, Part-1 C- 10:40 PM 60.4 63.7 64.9 64.8 63.4
/2/3, NH.8, Narol- cum-B
Naroda Road
3 Harbhoda Park, Nr. C- 11:10 PM 65.2 64.3 61.8 62.2 63.3
AMTS Bus Stop, NH- cum-B
8, Narol-Naroda Road
4 Shri Vaishanvdevi C- 11:35 PM 65.8 62.3 63.7 66.2 64.5
Mitra Mandal, NH-8, cum-B
Narol-Naroda Road

Date: 28/09/2009

Location:- Dashera festival at foot ball ground Maninagar Ahmedabad

Sr No Time dB (A)-1 dB (A)-2 dB (A)-3 Average dB(A)

1 7:00 PM 91.6 89.4 93.2 91.4

2 7:15 PM 100.4 93.1 91.4 94.9

3 7:25 PM 93.8 90.2 88.3 90.7

4 7:35 PM 94.3 92.5 88.5 91.7

5 7:45 PM 89.7 91.8 88.7 90.0

6 8:10 PM 91.6 88.4 89.5 89.8

Regional Office, GPCB, Bharuch

Sr. Area Noise level

Location Date & Time
No dB(A)
1. Chautabazar, Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch B 19/09/09 10:50 pm 60.48
2. O.N.G.C. Township, C 19/09/09 10:05 pm 54.60
Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch
3. Reliance Ind. Ltd. Navratri festival C 20/09/2009 54.73
Opp. Shravan school, Bharuch
4. G.N.F.C. Township, Narmadanagar, C 20/09/2009 54.88
5. Shree Yuva Mitra Mandal B 21/09/2009 10:00 pm 59.72
Ankleshwar, Dist:Bharuch
6. Lions Club Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch B 21/09/2009 10:50 pm 60.45
7. Shree Lions Prit Navratri Mahotsav B 22/09/2009 10:55 pm 64.79
Sonal Party Plot, Opp. collage, Bharuch
8. Patel- Bruupur Society Navratri C 22/09/2009 10:10 pm 57.73
Mahotsav Patel Society, Bharuch
9. Shaktinath Navratri Mahotsav, Bharuch B 23/09/2009 11:10 pm 59.03
10. Shidhhnath Nagar Navratri Mahotsav B 23/09/2009 10:05 pm 56.62
Dist: Bharuch
11. Saurashtra Kadva Patel Yuvak Mandal C 24/09/2009 10:00 pm 54.82
Navratri Mahotsav, Nr. Hotel Harigiri,
Bholav, Bharuch
12. Shree Lions Prit Navratri Mahotsav B 24/09/2009 10:55 pm 61.58
Sonal Party Plot, Opp.collage,Bharuch

Sr. Area Noise level
Location Date & Time
No dB(A)
13. Chautabazar, Ankleshwar, Dist.Bharuch B 25/09/2009 10:00 pm 61.24
14. O.N.G.C. Township Ankleshwar, C 25/09/2009 10:50 pm 54.23
Dist: Bharuch
15. Harsidhdhimata Mandir Garba Ground B 26/09/2009 09:00 pm 62.43
Rajpipla, Dist: Narmada
16. Garba Ground Nr. Santosh Cinema B 26/09/2009 09:40 pm 62.97
Rajpipla, Dist: Narmada
17. Maa Shakti/ Jay Mataji Garba Ground C 26/09/2009 10:10 pm 56.54
Nr. Rajendra High School, Rajpipla,
Dist: Narmada
18. Manavsetu, Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch B 27/09/2009 10:00 pm 63.47
19. Lions Club, Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch B 27/09/2009 10:50 pm 64.29
20. Dashera Ravan Dahan Festival, C 28/09/2009 60.67
(Fire Crackers), ONGC Township, 18:30 Hrs to19:20 Hrs.
Ankleshwar, Dist: Bharuch

.Regional Office, GPCB, Bhavnagar

Sr. Mean
Status Cat.
Date Name & Address Value
No. Premises Area
01 19/09/09 Arches Group, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B
Bhavnagar 69.44
02 19/09/09 Galaxy Group, Gulista Maidan, Private Place B
Vaghawadi Rd., Bhavnagar 69.52
03 19/09/09 Shree Samarpan Seva Trust, Amreli Private Place B 70.6
Forward High School Ground
04 20/09/09 AnmolGroup, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 66.71
05 20/09/09 Anchor Group, Gulista Maidan, Private Place B 66.28
Vaghawadi Rd., Bhavnagar
06 21/09/09 Arches Group, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 67.84
07 21/09/09 Galaxy Group, Gulista Maidan, Private Place B 68.32
Vaghawadi Rd., Bhavnagar
08 22/09/09 Arches Group, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 68.19
09 22/09/09 AnmolGroup, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 68.92

Sr. Mean
Status Cat.
Date Name & Address Value
No. Premises Area
10 23/09/2009 Galaxy Group, Gulista Maidan, Private Place B 69.3
Vaghawadi Rd., Bhavnagar
11 23/09/2009 Trinetra Social Group, Ghogha Public Place C 66.22
Circle, Bhavnagar
12 22/09/2009 Shree Samarpan Seva Trust, Amreli Private Place B 68.46
Forward High School Ground
13 24/09/2009 Lion’s Club-Bhavena, Iscon Private Place C 67.12
Ground, Bhavnagar
14 24/09/2009 Arches Group, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 67.1
15 25/09/2009 Trinetra Social Group, Ghogha Public Place C 64.41
Circle, Bhavnagar
16 25/09/2009 Lion’s Club-Bhavena, Iscon Private Place C 65.54
Ground, Bhavnagar
17 26/09/2009 Arches Group, Jawahar Maidan, Private Place B 63.79
18 26/09/2009 Galaxy Group, Gulista Maidan, Private Place B 64.38
Vaghawadi Rd., Bhavnagar
19 27/09/2009 Trinetra Social Group, Ghogha Public Place C 63.97
Circle, Bhavnagar
20 27/09/2009 Lion’s Club-Bhavena, Iscon Private Place C 64.74
Ground, Bhavnagar
21 27/09/2009 Shree Samarpan Seva Trust, Amreli Private Place B 64.1
Forward High School Ground

Ravan Dahan at Jawahar Maidan, Bhavnagar on 28/09/2009

Sr. Event Mean Value

No dB [A]

1 Before Ravan Dahan 6:45 PM 88.75

2 During Kumbhakarna Dahan 7:15 PM 109.36

3 During Meghnad Dahan 7:25 PM 106.57

4 During Ravan Dahan 7:35 PM 113.89

5 After finishing Ravan Dahan Programme 7:45 PM 84.97

Regional Office, GPCB, Bhuj

Sr. Area
Location Date Time Level
dB (A)
1 Jublee ground, Bhuj B 19/09/2009 21:00 Hrs 61.88
2 Pabu rai faliya garbi mandal soniwad B 19/09/2009 21:45 Hrs 59.1
3 Rotery club of Bhuj, rotary Hill garden B 20/09/2009 20:50 Hrs 64.7
4 Nagar chakala Ras mandal, chhathi Bari, B 20/09/2009 21:30 Hrs 60.89
5 Madhapar sarvoday Mitra mandal, Bhuj B 21/09/2009 21:00 Hrs 59.64
6 Sakti nagar garbi mandal, near Sorathiya B 21/09/2009 21:35 Hrs 59.84
wadi , Madhapar, Bhuj
7 Navarati mahotsav- 2009 at Iffco colony C 22/09/2009 21:05 Hrs 53.74
Ground, Gandhidham
8 Sahyogeswar Mahadev mandir, sahyog B 23/09/2009 21:05 Hrs 60.80
nagar, Bhuj
9 Shri navdurga mitra mandal, Nr. Akta B 23/09/2009 21:40 Hrs 59..20
super market, narsih maheta nagar, Bhuj
10 Navdurga garbi mandal, Tarpaneawar B 24/09/2009 21:00 Hrs 59..90
mahadev mandir, roterynagar, Bhuj
11 Ekta Mitra mandal, Pramukhswami nagar, B 24/09/2009 21:35 Hrs 60..60
12 Sanskruti cheritabal trust, Navratri B 25/09/2009 21:05 Hrs 64..64
mahotsav-2009, Opp-Hotel prince,
Mirzapar road, Bhuj
13 Bhanusalinagar, nirmalsingh niwadi, Bhuj B 25/09/2009 21:35 Hrs 60.88
14 Jublee ground, Bhuj B 25/09/2009 21:00 Hrs 62.18
15 Pabu rai faliya garbi mandal soniwad B 26/09/2009 21:45 Hrs 57.22
16 Rotery club of Bhuj, rotary Hill garden B 27/09/2009 21:00 Hrs 62.58
17 Nagar chakala Ras mandal, chhathi Bari, B 27/09/2009 21:40 Hrs 56.74
18 Dasera festival celebration at Jublee B 28/09/2009 19:40 Hrs 63.71
ground, Bhuj

Regional Office, GPCB, Godhra
Sr. Date & Noise
Location Area
No. Time Level dB
Godhra 19/09/2009
1 Maa shakti garba mahotsav, district sports B/C 09:20 PM 69. 20
committee complex, near kanelav talav
2 Prabhakunj Society & Chandni chock Garba B/C 10:15 PM 62. 35
3 shri Kachiyawad Navratri Mahotsav, B/C 10:40 PM 61. 61
Nr.Swaminarayan Temple
4 Shiv shakti Yuvak Mandal Garba Mahotsav, B/C 11:20 PM 62. 02
Nr.tulsidham & Asopalav Society ,Sonpa Road
Godhra 20/09/2009
1 Maa shakti garba mahotsav, district sports committee B/C 09:35 PM 68. 23
complex, near kamala talav
2 Navratri Garba Mahotsav, Anandnagar Vikas Mandal B/C 10:05 PM 60. 65
3 Navratri Garba Mahotsav at Chanchal chock, B/C 10:40 PM 62. 67
Panjarapole road, Nr. Khodiyar Temple
4 Azad Yuvak Mandal Navratri at Uttamnagar Society, B/C 11:15 PM 64. 17
Nr. Marketyard
Dahod 21/09/2009
1 Jay mahakali garba mahotsav, Godhra Road B 09:35 PM 67. 10
2 Jay Mataji group garba Mahotsav, Godi road B 10:30 PM 64. 10
3 Pankaj Society Sarvjanik Garba Mahotsav, B 11:00 PM 62. 30
4 Sarvajanik Navratri Mahotsav, Hanuman Bazaar B 11:30 PM 61. 90
Lunawada 22/09/2009
1 Fuwara chock yuvak mandal garba Mahotsav, C 09:15 PM 65. 70
Nr. LIC Office
2 Ganpati mandir group, para vistar C 09:45 PM 62. 90
Shehara 22/09/2009
1 Maruti yuvak mandal garba Mahotsav near Maruti C 10:40 PM 61. 80
Timber Lunawada road
2 Sehara navyuvak mandal garba Mahotsav, paravadi C 11:20 PM 60. 10
main bazar
Halol 23/09/2009
1 Uma Society Yuvak Mandal,Kanjari Road C 09:35 PM 67. 40
2 Maa Shakti Garba mahotsav,GIDC Halol C 10:15 PM 62 . 80
3 Jay Ambe Group Navratri Mahotsav, College Ground C 10:50 PM 64. 30

Sr. Date & Noise
Location Area
No. Time Level dB
Kalol 23/09/2009
1 Sapta samuh garba mahotsav, opp: GIDC Kalol B 11:35 PM 62. 10
Godhara 24/092009
1 Navratra garba mahotsav at Ashirwad soc. Arts & Sci B 09:40 PM 65. 40
college road
2 Navratra garba mahotsav at Anand nagar soc. B 10:20 PM 64. 20
Ankleswar Mahadev road
3 Navratra garba mahotsav Azad yavak mandal, B 10:50 PM 64. 00
Uttamnagar soc, nr Market yard
4 Chandni chowk garba mahotsav, Prabhakunj society B 11:35 PM 63. 70
Godhra 25/09/2009
1 Shri kachhiyavad navratri mahotsav, nr Swami B/C 09:25 PM 63. 45
narayan temple
2 Chandni chowk garba mahotsav, Prabhakunj society B/C 10:00 PM 62. 98
3 Maa shakti garba mahotsav, district sports commitee B/C 10:35 PM 64. 96
complex, near kamala talav

4 Navratra garba mahotsav at Anand nagar soc. B 11:10 PM 61. 72

Ankleswar Mahadev road
Godhra 26/09/2009
1 Navratra garba mahotsav at Ashirwad soc. Arts & Sci B 09:20 PM 65. 20
college road
2 Navratra garba mahotsav Azad yavak mandal, B 10:05 PM 64. 90
Uttamnagar soc, nr Market yard
3 Navratra garba mahotsav, Shiv shakti Yuvak Mandal B 10:35 PM 63. 60
Garba Mahotsav, Nr.Tulsidham & Asopalav Society,
Sonpa Road
4 Chandni chowk garba mahotsav, Prabhakunj soc. B 11:15 PM 62. 60
Godhra 27/09/2009
1 Maa shakti garba mahotsav, district sports committee B 09:15 PM 66. 53
complex, near kamala talav
2 Nandanvan society garba mahotsav, Bamroli road B 09:55 PM 64. 01
3 Navratra garba mahotsav at Anand nagar soc. B 10:40 PM 61. 64
Ankleswar Mahadev road
4 Navratra garba mahotsav Azad yavak mandal, B 11:25 PM 62 . 12
Uttamnagar soc, near Market yard

Regional Office, GPCB, Junagadh
Sr. Noise Level
Location Area Date / Time
No dB(A)
1 Om Group, Hotel Essel Park Ground, Jnnagadh - C/B 10:45 pm 72.22
Rajkot High way, Junagadh.
2 Utsav Group, near Honda Show Room, Farm of C/B 11:15 pm 64.91
Satishbhai Captain, Junagadh-Rajkot High way,
3 Confidance Group, Majevadi Darvaja, Yadu- C/B 11:40 71.09
vandan Vadi, Junagadh-Rajkot Highway, Junagadh
4 Pioneer Group, Mangaliya party plot, Girnar C/B 10:40 pm 65.66
Darvaja, Junagadh.
5 Shakti Group of Junagadh, Jimkhana, Junagadh. C/B 11:15 pm 70.91
6 Shree Bhootnath & Blue star Den Group, near C/B 11:45 68.26
Bhootnath Temple, Junagadh.
7 Fadadu Vadi Parti Plot, near Green city, Chobari C 10:25 pm 65.08
area, Junagadh.
8 Shivam Party Plot, near Shakti Nagar, Junagadh. C 10:50 pm 62.32
9 Navrag Navratri Mahotsav, Collage road, C/B 11:40 pm 68.38
10 A.G School Ground, Azad Chowk Area, Junagadh. C/B 10:20 pm 65.13
11 Utsav Group, near Honda Show Room, Farm of C/B 10:55 pm 69.70
Satishbhai Captain, Junagadh-Rajkot Highway,
12 Confidance Group, Majevadi Darvaja, Yaduvandan C/B 11:30 pm 70.18
Vadi, Junagadh-Rajkot Highway, Junagadh.
13 Pioneer Group, Mangaliya party plot, Girnar C/B 10:25 pm 68.32
Darvaja, Junagadh.
14 Shakti Group of Junagadh, Jimkhana, Junagadh. C/B 11:05 pm 67.06
15 Shree Bhootnath & Blue star Den Group, near C/B 11:35 pm 72.22
Bhootnath Temple , Junagadh

Sr. Noise Level
Location Area Date / Time
No dB(A)
16 Fadadu Vadi Parti Plot, near Green city, Chobari C 10:25 pm 62.84
area, Junagadh
17 Shivam Party Plot, near Shaktinagar, Junagadh. C 11:00 pm 67.35

18 Navrag Navratri Mahotsav, Collage road, C/B 11:40 pm 70.44



19 Om Group, Hotel Essel Park Ground, Jnnagadh - C/B 10:25 pm 70.21

Rajkot High way, Junagadh.

20 Utsav Group, near Honda Show Room, Farm of C/B 11:05 pm 65.54
Satishbhai Captain, Jnnagadh-Rajkot High way,

21 A.G School Ground, Azad Chowk Area, Junagadh C/B 11:50 pm 66.28


22 Pioneer Group, Mangaliya party plot, Girnar C/B 10:30 pm 63.70

Darvaja, Junagadh.

23 Shakti Group of Junagadh, Jimkhana, Junagadh. C/B 11:05 pm 69.16

24 Shree Bhootnath & Blue star Den Group, near C/B 11:30 pm 68.13
Bhootnath Temple, Junagadh


25 Fadadu Vadi Parti Plot, near Green city, Chobari C 10:25 pm 69.38
area, Junagadh

26 Shivam Party Plot, near Shakti Nagar, Junagadh. C 11:00 pm 62.65

27 A.G School Ground, Azad Chowk Area, Junagadh. C/B 11:45 pm 66.11

Regional Office, GPCB, Nadiad

Sr. Noise Level

Location Area Date / Time
No dB(A)
1 J.C.I. Nadiad Preise Navaratri Ras-Garba C+B 10:10 PM to 54.9
Mahotsav,R.K. farm, Nr. BSNL, Exchange, Pij 11:00 PM
Road, Nadiad. Dist. Kheda.
2 Sanskar Yuvak Mandal, Patel Society, Pij Road, C 11:15 PM to 52.0
Nadiad, Dist: Kheda. 11:55 PM
3 Ganesh Yuvak Mandal Aayojit ‘Navratri B 10:30 PM to 57.1
Mahotsav, near Radha Krishna temple, Station 10:50 PM
road, Anand
4 Shree Ambaji Mata Seva Trust Anand Aayojit C 11:25 PM to 55.5
Navaratri Mahotsav, near Varai Mata Talav, Anand 11:50 PM
5 Heart Killer Group Garaba Mahotsav, Anand C+B 10:15 PM 58.59
Vidyanagar Road, Anand to 11:00 PM
6 Anand V. V. Nagar Yuvak Mandal Garaba B 11:00 PM to 61.35
Mahotsav, Anand Vidyanagar Road., Anand 11:50 PM
7 Ekta Group Navratri Mahotsav, C+B 10:40 PM to 54.90
Opp. Kheta Talav, Nadiad, Dt: Kheda 11:40 PM

8 Ambica Yuvak Mandal, Dumral Bazar, Opp. B 09:20 PM to 62.22

Santram Police station, Nadiad Dist: Kheda 10:10 PM
9 Ekta Group Navratri Mahotsav, C+B 10:35 P.M. 54.8
Opp. Kheta Talav, Nadiad, Dist: Kheda to 11:00 .M.

10 Rotary Club Nadiad Navaratri Mahotsav Ipcovala B 11:20 PM to 53.0

Hall Ground, Nadiad, Dist. Kheda 11:45 PM
11 Heart Killer Group Garba Mahotsav C+B 10:00 PM to 54.87
Anand Vidyanagar Road, Anand 10:50 PM

12 Anand V. V. Nagar Yuvak Mandal Garaba B 11:00 PM to 64.89

Mahotsav, Anand Vidyanagar Road., Anand 11:55 PM

Sr. Noise Level
Location Area Date / Time
No dB(A)
13 Yogiraj Party Plot, Nr. National Highway, Dakor B 10:05 PM to 63.52
Road, Nadiad., Dist. Kheda 10:55 PM
14 Ekta Group Navratri Mahotsav, Opp Kheta Talav, C+B 11:10 PM to 54.1
Nadiad dist: Kheda 11:55 PM
15 Shree Ambaji Mata Seva Trust Anand Aayojit C 10:10 54.8
Navaratri Mahotsav, near Varai Mata Talav, Anand 10:40 PM
16 Ganesh Yuvak Mandal Aayojit ‘Navratri B 11:05 PM to 57.2
Mahotsav, near Radha Krishna temple, Station 11:25 PM
road, Anand
17 Sanskar Yuvak Mandal ,Patel Society, Pij Road, C 10:10 PM to 53.57
Nadiad, Dist: Kheda. 10:50 PM
18 Rotary club Nadiad Aayojit IPCOwala Hall B 11:10 PM to 64.15
Ground, Nadiad, Dist: Kheda. 12:00 PM
19 Ravan Dahan- Dashera Ceremony, City Gymkhana B 09:00 PM to 57.90
Maidan, Nr. Mafatlal, Nadiad, Dist: Kheda 10:00 PM
20 Ravan Dahan- Dashera Ceremony, Shastri maidan, B 09:00 PM to 57.86
Anand 10:00 PM

Regional Office, GPCB, Mehsana

Sr. Noise Level

Location Area Date and Time
No dB(A)
1. Mahakali chowk, Patwal pol, Mehsana B 19/09/09 20:30 hrs. 60.0
2. Lakhwadi bhagol, Mehsana B 19/09/09 21:45 hrs 62.9
3. Dhobhighat, Mehsana B 22/09/09 21:30 hrs 64.81
4. Para Area, Mehsana B 22/09/09 22:00 hrs 63.91
5 Navrang Group Navratri, Mahotsav B 22/09/09 23:00 hrs 62.9
T.B. Road, Mehsana
6. Dhobhigat, Mehsana B 27/09/09 21:10 hrs 63.0
7. T.B. Road, Mehsana B 27/09/09 22:25 hrs. 63.0

Sr. Noise Level
Location Area Date and Time
No dB(A)
1. Sec-17, Cultural Forum B 20/09/09 21:45 hrs 61.58
2. Sec-11 Lions, Lioness & Leo Club B 20/09/09 22:30 hrs 64.0
3. Sector-04 Chawk of omkar mahadev B 20/09/09 23:00 hrs 60.1
4. Sec-17,cultural Forum B 21/09/09 22:00 hrs 61.91
5. Sec11,Lions,Lioness&Leo club B 21/09/09 22:30 hrs 63.96
6. Narayani Farm, Koba -Gandhinagar road B 21/09/09 23:10 hrs 63.92
7. Sahiyar co-op. society, near petrol pump B 26/09/09 22:00 hrs 61.86
8. Sector-3/C, Saptadev charitable trust B 26/09/09 22:30 hrs 58.94
1. Diwalibag, B/H Mehta service centre, B 25/09/09 22:00 hrs 62.65
1. near Delhigate, Palanpur B 23/09/09 22:00 hrs. 64.83
2. College compound , Palanpur B 23/09/09 22:45 hrs. 66.23
1. Hingharaj chachar chowk, Patan B 24/09/09 22:00 hrs 63.86
2. M.N. High school, Patan B 24/09/09 23:05 hrs 64.58

Regional Office, GPCB, Rajkot

Sr. Time Noise Level

Location Area Date
No in Hrs. dB(A)

1 Surbhi Ras Mahotsav, Race Course C 19/09/2009 20:45 71.07

Ground, Rajkot

2 Between sahiyar RAsotsav & New Sahier C 19/09/2009 21:45 74.22

(Chunari Navaratri Mahotsav) Race
Course Ground, Rajkot

3 Sargam Club –Sargam Ladies Club (Gopi C 19/09/2009 23:00 69.58

Rasotsav) Chaudhari Highschool ground,

4 Bal Bhavan, Race Course Ring rd, Rajkot B 20/09/2009 20:30 65.15

Sr. Time Noise Level
Location Area Date
No in Hrs. dB(A)
5 Momaima Garba Mahotsav, Hanuman- B 20/09/2009 21:45 64.1
madhi chowk, Raiya Road, Rajkot
6 Leo-Lions club Garba Mahotsav, 150 feet B 20/09/2009 23:00 64.9
Ring Road, Opp. Big Bazar, Rajkot
7 Leo- Pioneer Navaratri Mahotsav, B 21/09/2009 23:00 60.28
Shashtri Maidan Ground, Rajkot
8 Vishvakarma Navaratri Mahotsav, A 21/09/2009 22:00 59.21
Bhaktinagar Plot, Rajkot
9 Bal Bhava, Race Course Ring Road, B 22/09/2009 20:45 64.4
10 A. G. Parivar Garba Mahotsav, Race B 22/09/2009 21:45 63.4
Course Ring Road, Rajkot
11 Race Course Park Garba Mahotsav, Air C 22/09/2009 23:00 54.0
Port Road, Rajkot
12 Ramji Chowk Garba Mahotsav, B/H. S.T. C 22/09/2009 22:00 57.72
Bus Stand Dhrangadhra, Dist.
13 DCW Township Garba Mahotsav, C 22/09/2009 22:55 60.17
Dhrangadhra, Dist. Surendranagar
14 Neel City Club, Nr. University Gate, C 23/09/2009 21:30 65.65
15 Nandanvan Party Plot, 150 feet ring road, B 23/09/2009 23:00 64.07
16 Ripal Sanj Samachar Garba, Navaratri B 24/09/2009 22:50 62.55
Garba Mahotsav, Kalawad Road, Rajkot
17 Friends club, Navaratri Garba Mahotsav, B 24/09/2009 21:50 63.51
Utsav Party Plot, Kalavad Road, Rajkot
18 Sargam Club, Sargam ladies club, B 25/09/2009 23:00 74.01
Chaudhry Highschool, ground, Rajkot
19 Sargam club Rasotsav, Fun World, Race B 25/09/2009 21:30 71.86
Course Ring Road, Rajkot
20 Bal Bhavan, Race Course Ring Road, B 26/09/2009 21:00 65.16

21 Family Ras Mahotsav, Opp. KKV Hall, B 26/09/2009 23:00 65.89

Kalawad Road, Rajkot

Sr. Time Noise Level
Location Area Date
No in Hrs. dB(A)

22 Dilvarsingh Jadeja Garba mandal, near C 27/09/2009 21:30 66.75

Gebanshah Pir, Junction Plot, Rajkot

23 Bhikhubhai Goswami Garbi Mandal, C 27/09/2009 23:00 65.61

Junction Plot, Rajkot

24 Celebration of Dasera Mahotsav, Race B 28/09/2009 19:30 76.08

Course Ground, Rajkot

Regional Office, GPCB, Surat

Sr. Noise Level

Location Date Time
No dB(A)
City/ Town : Surat
1 Akshar Plaza, Opp: Sagar sarita Sankool, Adajan 19.09.2009 21:30 64.4
2 Param Raw House, near Makkai bridge, Adajan 19.09.2009 22:15 63.04
3 Yogi park, near Sardar Bridge, Adajan 19.09.2009 22:55 63.6
4 Rajeshwar Plaza, Udhana 19.09.2009 23:25 63.8
5 Housing Colony, Palanpur Patia, Rander road 20.09.2009 22:15 62.07
6 Cosmo & Varun colony of relince Ind. Ltd. 20.09.2009 22:40 63.13
Parasnagar, Nr. Tekrawala School, Adajan
7 Bhoomi Complex, Ayodhyanagai Main road, 20.09.2009 23:10 64.97
8 Ayodhyanagai society, Nr. Patel Wadi, Adajan 20.09.2009 23:40 63.58
9 Friend’s Group Navratri Mahotsav, Jyotindra Dave 21.09.2009 22:00 64.5
Garden, Opp: Patel Vadi, Adajan
10 Garba at Jay Agasi Mata Mandir, Palanpur- 21.09.2009 22:25 60.94
11 Royal resort, near City Puls Cinema, Magdalla 21.09.2009 23:30 64.11
12 Fire Station, Katargam Police Chowky, Katargam 22.09.2009 22:25 62.25
13 Parth Complex, Vadinath Chowk, Katargam- 22.09.2009 23:00 65.21
Sinanpur rd
14 Baratnath Society, Katargam 22.09.2009 23:30 65.32
15 Viajy Tower, Adajan Patia, Adajan 23.09.2009 22:00 61.25
16 Fire station, Katargam Police Chowky, Katargam 23.09.2009 22:40 63.42
17 Friend’s Group Navratri Mahotsav, Jyotindra Dave 23.09.2009 23:30 63.26
Garden, Opp: Patel Vadi, Adajan

Sr. Noise Level
Location Date Time
No dB(A)
18 Pushti Mahotsav, Opp. Fire Station, Varachcha 24.09.2009 21:30 63.0
19 Shri Mahalaksmi Viswa Shakti Dham, Gangeshwar 24.09.2009 22:30 62.7
Road, Adajan
20 Bejan wala complex, Tarwadi, Rander 24.09.2009 23:15 63.3
21 Mangal Vihar soc., Opp.Jalaram temple, LP 25.09.2009 22;05 64.36
Sawani road
22 Friends Group, Jyotindra dave garden, Adajan 25.09.2009 22:50 64.78
23 Joganinagar society, opp:Jyotindra dave garden, 25.09.2009 23:10 62.08
24 Madhav Appartment, B/h bhulka bhavan school, 25.09.2009 23:45 64.79
25 Royal park, Dumas Road 26.09.2009 22:35 62.72
26 Ashirwad Bunglow, Dumas road, Piplod 26.09.2009 23:05 60.77
27 Ambika niketan, Parle Point 26.09.2009 23:35 58.94
28 Reliance Colony, Piplod, Dummas Road 27/09/2009 21:45 63.3
29 Royal Residency, nand Mahal Road, Adajan 27.09.2009 22:25 62.7
30 Friend’s Group, Jyotindra Dave Garden Comp., 27.09.2009 23:05 64.1
31 Housing Colony, Palnpur Patia 27.09.2009 23:35 63.9
32 Shubham Park, Opp: Parshuram Garden, Adajan 28.09.2009 22:00 64.24
33 Shivam nagar society, Tadwadi,Rander road 28.09.2009 22:40 64.15
34 Hevice Evant, City light road 28.09.2009 23:35 64.75

Regional Office, GPCB Vadodara

Sr. Noise Level

Location Date & Time
No dB


1 `BITA' Garba Mahotsav near Akota Stadium, 19/9/2009 10.40 PM 67.71


2 United way Garba Mahotsav, J.P road 19/9/2009 11.15 PM 70.33

3 Maa Ambe Garba Mahotsav (BMC Gp) Gorwa 19/9/2009 9.30 PM 61.0
Road, Opp. Bharucha Hospital

4 Maa Ekta Garba Mahotsav Laxmipura Garba 19/9/2009 10.05 PM 69.5

Ground, near Dashamaa Temple

Sr. Noise Level
Location Date & Time
No dB

5 Santoshnagar Yuvak Mandal Garba Mahotsav 20/9/2009 10.20 PM 67.63

6 Ekta Garba Mahotsav, Samta Ground, Samta 20/9/2009 9.20PM 68.15

7 Jay Shree Ambe Garba Mahotsav Maheshwar 20/9/2009 11.20 PM 67.71

Nagar, High Tension Road

8 Triveni Garba Mahotsav, Gotri Road, Shiv Shakti 21/9/2009 10.15 PM 69.90
Yuvak Mandal, Sarabhai Society

9 Parmpara Garba Mahotsav B/H Dev Complex, 21/9/2009 10.45 PM 67.8

Gotri Road

10 Garba At the Fine Arts, M.S. University 21/9/2009 11.15 PM 66.30

11 Yugshakti Garba Mahotsav, Navlakhi Ground, Jail 21/9/2009 11.40 PM 66.90


12 ONGC Ground, opp.Baroda Dairy, Makarpura road 22/9/2009 9.55 PM 71.0

13 Chindap Garba Group, Karelibaug 22/9/2009 11.30 PM 70.6

14 Adukiyo-Dadukiyo, yadavnagar, karelibaug 22/9/2009 11.05 PM 70.2

15 Alliya Balliya, Panchshil School Ground, Saraswati 22/9/2009 10.30 PM 72.1

complex, Manjalpur road

16 Adukiyo-Dadukiyo,Yadav nagar ,Karelibaug 23/9/2009 10.40 PM 71.3

17 Shishu Sanskrutik Garba Mahotsav B/h Subhan- 23/9/2009 11.35 PM 70.7

pura Atithi Gruh, Old Arki Ground

18 Small Wonder Garba Mahotsav 23/9/2009 10.10 PM 71.3

19 Shishu navras Garba Mahotsav, Besides Aatmjyoti 23/9/2009 11.10 PM 69.8

Aashram, Aryan party plot

20 Maa Durga Sarvajanik Mahotsav, Lalji Krupa 24/9/2009 10.10 PM 65.80

Groung, Janaknagar Society

21 Rameshwar Yuvak Mandal Garba, Mahotsav, Opp. 24/9/2009 10.40 PM 66.0

Rameshwar Temple,B/H Lisa Park II,Rajesh Tower
road, Gotri road


22 Maa Shakti Navaratri Mahotsav, opp-Fatehgunj 24/9/2009 11.35 PM 67.9

23 Sama East Zone Societies Pragati Mandal navratri 24/9/2009 11.10 PM 67.2
mahotsav, Sama road

Sr. Noise Level
Location Date & Time
No dB

24 West Zone Yuvak Mandal, Nizampura , near Delux 25/9/2009 10.0 PM 71.04
cross road, Bhavanipura Ground

25 Kalindi Navratri Mahotsav, Pashabhai Park, Race 25/9/2009 11.40 PM 69.91

Course, Kalindi Appartment

26 Shree East Zone Jankalyan Yuvak mandal, 25/9/2009 10.40 PM 71.15


27 JayAmbe Samuhik Garba Maho, opp-Gotri lake, 25/9/2009 11.10 PM 70.75


28 Karelibaug Samuh Garba Mohatsav opp-Gotri lake, 26/9/2009 9.20 PM 70.35


29 Navyuvak Garba Mohatsav, Akota, Police lane 26/9/2009 10.00 PM 61.06

30 Fatehgunj Yuvak Mandal, Opp. Petrol pump, 26/9/2009 10.40 PM 62.93


31 Abha Group Bal Garba Sanjaynagar Sama 26/9/2009 11.30 PM 60.85

32 Vraj Dham Garba Mahotsav, Shri kuber Vraj 27/9/2009 9.30 PM 62.96
Cheritable and, Religious trust, EME circle, Opp-
station workshop, Mandir road

33 Garba Mahotsav at Polo Club, Rajmahal road 27/9/2009 10.15 PM 63.75

34 Madhav Nagar Society, Garba Mahotsav, Nr.Amba 27/9/2009 10.55 PM 62.78

Mata Temple

35 Garba Mahotsav of Arkey, Opp. M.S. Univercity 27/9/2009 11.30 PM 66.27

office, Nr. Food & Drug Office

36 Ravan Dahan `DASHERA', Polo Ground 28/9/2009 8.30 PM 93.67

Regional Office, GPCB Vapi

Sr. Avg. Noise

Location Area Date Time
No Level in dB


1 Ambamata mandir, Gunjan area, Koprali C 19/09/09 21:50 68.2


2 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Housing colony C 19/09/09 22:10 67.8

3 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage C 19/09/09 22:35 69.6

Sr. Avg. Noise
Location Area Date Time
No Level in dB

4 Dharamsingh Park C 19/09/09 22:55 67.0

5 Hotel green View B 19/09/09 23:15 69

6 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 19/09/09 23:30 66.6

7 Adarsh mitra mandal, Gunjan B 19/09/09 23:50 67.9

8 Ambamata mandir, Gunjan area, Koprali C 20/09/09 09:25 pm 63.10


9 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Housing colony C 20/09/09 09:35 pm 68.10

10 Thanganat Rofel MBA College Vapi C 20/09/09 09:50 pm 64.30

11 Dharamsingh Park C 20/09/09 10:00 pm 62.30

12 Hotel green View B 20/09/09 10:30 pm 62.10

13 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 20/09/09 10:45 pm 60.30

14 Adarsh mitra mandal,Gunjan B 20/09/09 11:10 pm 58.90

15 Ambamata mandir,Gunjan area, Koprali C 21/09/09 09:15 PM 62.9


16 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Housing colony C 21/09/09 09:25 PM 60.7

17 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 21/09/09 09:35 PM 67.3

18 Dharamsingh Park C 21/09/09 09:55 PM 66.3

19 Hotel green View B 21/09/09 10:10 PM 64.9

20 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 21/09/09 10:25 PM 60.7

21 Adarsh mitra mandal,Gunjan B 21/09/09 11:00 PM 63.2

22 Ambamata mandir,Gunjan area, Koprali C 22/09/09 21:45 68.1


23 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 22/09/09 22:05 67.3

24 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 22/09/09 22:30 68.7

25 Dharamsingh Park C 22/09/09 22:50 65.9

26 Hotel green View B 22/09/09 23:15 69.1

27 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 22/09/09 23:35 65.4

Sr. Avg. Noise
Location Area Date Time
No Level in dB


28 Adarsh mitra mandal, Gunjan B 22/09/09 23:50 68.7

29 Ambamata mandir, Gunjan area, Koprali C 23/09/09 09:25 PM 66.9


30 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Housing colony C 23/09/09 09:40 PM 66.2

31 Thanganat Rofel MBA College Vapi. C 23/09/09 09:55 PM 65.4

32 Dharamsingh Park C 23/09/09 10:15 PM 66.3

33 Hotel green View B 23/09/09 10:30 PM 64.9

34 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 23/09/09 10:55 PM 63.3

35 Adarsh mitra mandal,Gunjan B 23/09/09 11:30 PM 66.2

36 Ambamata mandir,Gunjan,Koprali road C 24/09/09 21:45 67.6

37 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 24/09/09 22:05 68.6

38 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 24/09/09 22:25 69.6

39 Dharamsingh Park C 24/09/09 22:40 65.3

40 Hotel green View B 24/09/09 22:55 69.8

41 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 24/09/09 23:20 68

42 Adarsh mitra mandal,Gunjan B 24/09/09 23:45 68.1

43 Ambamata mandir,Gunjan,Koprali road C 25/09/09 09:35 PM 65.6

44 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 25/09/09 09:50 PM 64.9

45 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 25/09/09 10:10 PM 68.1

46 Dharamsingh Park C 25/09/09 10:35 PM 67.6

47 Hotel green View B 25/09/09 10:50 PM 67.2

48 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 25/09/09 11:25 PM 67.3

49 Adarsh mitra mandal,Gunjan B 25/09/09 11:40 PM 67.0

50 Ambamata mandir,Gunjan, Koprali road C 26/09/09 09:35 68.5

51 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 26/09/09 10:05 68.9

52 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 26/09/09 10:30 68.7

Sr. Avg. Noise
Location Area Date Time
No Level in dB

53 Dharamsingh Park C 26/09/09 10:55 67.7

54 Hotel green View B 26/09/09 11:20 68.9

55 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 26/09/09 11:45 68.7

56 Ambamata mandir, Gunjan, Koprali road C 27/09/09 21:45 69.8

57 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 27/09/09 22:05 68.1


58 Thanganat Rofel MBA College Vapi. C 27/09/09 22:25 68.7

59 Dharamsingh Park C 27/09/09 22:55 68.5

60 Hotel green View B 27/09/09 23:20 68.0

61 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 27/09/09 23:45 67.6

62 Ambamata mandir, Gunjan, Koprali road C 28/09/09 21:45 68.1

63 Mahakali Mandir Gujan Houseing colony C 28/09/09 22:05 67.7

64 Thanganat Rofel MBA Colleage Vapi. C 28/09/09 22:25 68.9

65 Dharamsingh Park C 28/09/09 22:55 67.6

66 Hotel green View B 28/09/09 23:20 69.6

67 Shree Sharda garba mandal C 28/09/09 23:45 67.9

Regional Office, GPCB Jamnagar

Sr. Avg. Noise

Location Area Date
No Level in dB


1. Utsav Navli Navratri-2009, Galaxy B 19/09/'09 64.8

cinema Ground-Jamnagar

2. Rag Ras Dandiya Mahotsav-2009, B 20/09/'09 64.1

Pradarsan Ground- Jamnagar

3. Gunjan Group Navratri Mahostav-09, 7- B 21/09/'09 64.9

Patel colony-Jamnagar

Sr. Avg. Noise
Location Area Date
No Level in dB

4. Archan Navratri Mahotsav-2009,6- Patel C 22/09/'09 51.4

Colony, Jamnagar

5. Gunjan Navratri Mahostav, Nr. Ranmal B 23/09/'09 63.31


6. Bharatmata Adarsh Garbi mandal, B 24/09/'09 64.61


7. Dhoom-2009 Navratri Mahotsav,12- B 25/09/'09 64.1

Patel colony, Jamnagar


8. Railway Kumarika Garbi Mandal, Nr. Old B 26/09/'09 64.4

Railway Station,Jamnagar

9. Shree Lohana Mahajan, Nvratri B 27/09/'09 62.6

Mahotsav,Pancheswar tower-Jamnagar

10 Chamunda Youth Kumarika Garbi B 28/09/'09 63.7

mandal, Pancheshwar tower-Jamnagar


11 Rangat -2009,Nr. Chopati, Porbandar B 23/09/'09 64.45

12 Shree Maher Supreme Council Navratri B 24/09/'09 64.85

Mahotsav,Nr. Chopati,Porbandar

13 Ramzat-2009,Porbandar B 25/09/'09 51.4


Noise data - Diwali Festival

In order to implement provisions of Noise (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000 and
compliance of various directives, the Board through its all the Regional Offices carried out noise
level monitoring during festival of Diwali 16th October 2009 to 19th October, 2009.

Regional Office, Ahmedabad

[Ambient Noise Monitoring during festival days between 06:00 Hrs. to 07:00 Hrs. Single result]

Date Location ambient Noise
dB (A)
1 16/10/2009 Gandhi Ashram 73.9
2 17/10/2009 Gandhi Ashram 74.0
3 18/10/2009 Gandhi Ashram 72.8
4 19/10/2009 Gandhi Ashram 75.5
5 16/10/2009 L.D. Engineering College 77.0
6 17/10/2009 L.D. Engineering College 81.1
7 18/10/2009 L.D. Engineering College 75.8
8 19/10/2009 L.D. Engineering College 82.8
9 16/10/2009 Nr. Income tax ,Ashram Road 78.8
10 17/10/2009 Nr. Income tax, Ashram Road 79.1
11 18/10/2009 Nr. Income tax, Ashram Road 78.0
12 19/10/2009 Nr. Income tax, Ashram Road 79.6
Regional Office, Bhavnagar

Noise Level Measurement Carried Out During Diwali Festival at Bhavnagar

Time Location: Time Location: Time Location: Location:

Date Hours Ghogha Hours Rupani Hours Haluria Bhangali
Circle Circle Chowk Gate

17/10/2009 18:05 73.5 18:20 70.3 18:40 71.00 19:00 74.6

17/10/2009 19:15 88.4 19:30 76.6 19:50 79.9 20:10 97.7
17/10/2009 20:25 93.4 20:40 86.4 20:50 84.6 21:10 98.9
17/10/2009 21:25 98.8 21:40 88.7 21:50 92.4 22:05 95.6
AVG 88.63 80.5 81.98 91.7
18/10/2009 18:10 80.5 18:25 73.7 18:45 85.00 19:00 82.4

Time Location: Time Location: Time Location: Location:
Date Hours Ghogha Hours Rupani Hours Haluria Bhangali
Circle Circle Chowk Gate

18/10/2009 19:15 95.2 19:30 70.5 19:45 89.3 20:00 75.0

18/10/2009 20:10 72.6 20:25 89.2 20:40 95.4 20:55 90.6
18/10/2009 21:05 82.0 21:20 90.9 21:40 90.2 21:50 92.7
18/10/2009 22:10 90.3 22:25 92.6 22:40 97.9 22:55 76.8
18/10/2009 23:15 97.5 23:30 95.3 23:45 86.5 23:50 91.1
AVG 86.35 85.37 90.72 84.77
19/10/2009 18:00 95.9 18:15 86.5 18:35 94.9 18:50 100.5
19/10/2009 19:10 100.0 19:25 91.2 19:40 98.3 19:55 98.2
19/10/2009 20:15 97.2 20:30 97.8 20:45 95.0 21:00 80.0
19/10/2009 21:20 98.5 21:30 92.6 21:50 90.1 22:10 92.9
19/10/2009 22:25 90.3 22:40 99.3 22:55 87.9 23:05 95.3
19/10/2009 23:20 92.4 23:35 95.3 23:45 92.2 24:00 85.4
AVG 95.72 93.78 93.07 92.05

Regional Office – Bhuj

Noise Level Data (Average) During Diwali Festival, 2009

Sr. Noise Level

Location Area Date Time
No. dB (A)

1 Jubeelee ground, Bhuj B 16/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 63.71

2 Prmukhswami nagar,Bhuj C 16/10/2009 2115 Hrs 53.74

3 Jubeelee ground, Bhuj B 17/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 62.58

4 Prmukhswami nagar,Bhuj C 17/10/2009 2115 Hrs 53.87

5 Jubeelee ground, Bhuj B 18/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 64.70

6 Prmukhswami nagar,Bhuj C 18/10/2009 2115 Hrs 53.87

7 Jubeelee ground, Bhuj B 19/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 61.88

8 Prmukhswami nagar,Bhuj C 19/10/2009 2115 Hrs 53

Regional Office – Godhra

Noise Level Data (Average) During Diwali Festival, 2009

Sr. Level
Location Area Date Time
dB (A)
1 Bhuravav char rasta, Nr Hotel Satguru B 16/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 63.62
2 Ankleshwar Mahadev Society C 16/10/2009 21:00 Hrs 64.51
3 Vishwakarma Chowk City Area B 16/10/2009 21:30 Hrs 64.63
4 Prabhakunj Society Area,Dahod Road C 16/10/2009 22:00 Hrs 65.31
5 Bhuravav char rasta, Nr Hotel Satguru B 17/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 65.05
6 Ankleshwar Mahadev Society C 17/10/2009 21:00 Hrs 64.06
7 Vishwakarma Chowk City Area B 17/10/2009 21:30 Hrs 66.66
8 Prabhakunj Society Area, Dahod Road C 17/10/2009 22:00 Hrs 66.30
9 Bhuravav char rasta, Nr Hotel Satguru B 18/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 65.44
10 Ankleshwar Mahadev Society C 18/10/2009 21:00 Hrs 65.93
11 Vishwakarma Chowk City Area B 18/10/2009 21:30 Hrs 65.10
12 Prabhakunj Society Area, Dahod Road C 18/10/2009 22:00 Hrs 65.16
13 Bhuravav char rasta, Nr Hotel Satguru B 19/10/2009 20:30 Hrs 65.04
14 Ankleshwar Mahadev Society Area C 19/10/2009 21:00 Hrs 65.61
15 Vishwakarma Chowk City Area B 19/10/2009 21:30 Hrs 65.32
16 Prabhakunj Society Area, Dahod Road C 19/10/2009 22:00 Hrs 65.55

Regional Office – Junagadh

Average Ambient Noise Level Data During Deepawali Festival-2009.

Sr. Location Area Date Time Noise
No. Level
dB (A)

1 Shreenath Nagar, Behind Bus Stand C 16/10/2009 07:50 pm 77.02

2 Laxmi Nagar C 16/10/2009 08:30 pm 83.74

3 Ami Appartment, Near Vanzari Chowk C/B 16/10/2009 09:40 pm 83.48

4 Soni Bazar (Diwan Chowk) C/B 17/10/2009 07:15 pm 103.88

5 Kalva Chowk C/B 17/10/2009 08:20 pm 89.68

6 Jayshree cinema, Maharshi Arvind rd C/B 17/10/2009 09:00 pm 95.78

7 Vanzari Chowk C/B 17/10/2009 09:50 pm 93.34

8 Azad Chowk C/B 18/10/2009 07:50 pm 81.60

9 Mandvi Chowk C/B 18/10/2009 08:30 pm 90.68

10 Gokul Nagar C 18/10/2009 09:40 pm 77.98

11 Mohan Nagar, Behind Bus Stand C 19/10/2009 07:30 pm 76.40

12 Nr. Nalanda Appartment, Zanzarda rd C/B 19/10/2009 08:40 pm 83.20

13 Rayaji Baug (Moti Baug Area) C/B 19/10/2009 09:30 pm 87.00

Vanthali Road

Regional Office – Nadiad
Noise Level Data for Ambient Noise Monitoring during Diwali Festival-2009
[Day time: 06 am -10 pm; Night time:10 pm- 06 am]

Time Noise Level

Location Area Date Day Time/ mean value
Night time dB (A)
1 Taluka Panchayat Quarters, C 16/10/09 Day (06pm-10pm) 62.1
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night (10 pm-12pm) 56.7
2 Santram Mandir Road, B 16/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 66.2
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night (10 pm-12pm 60.9
3 General Hospital, Nadiad, D 16/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 46.0
Dist. Kheda
Night (10 pm-12pm 42.6

4 Taluka Panchayat Quarters, C 17/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 61.0

Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night (10 pm-12pm 52.4
5 Santram Mandir Road, B 17/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 64.3
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night (06 pm-10pm) 59.1
6 General Hospital, Nadiad, D 17/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 44.3
Night (10 pm-12pm 43.5
7 Taluka Panchayat Quarters, C 18/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 62.2
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night (10 pm-12pm 54.1
8 Santram Mandir Road, B 18/10/09 Day (06 pm-10 pm) 65.0
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda
Night 61.8
9 General Hospital, Nadiad, D 18/10/09 Day ( 06 am-09 am 46.1
Dist. Kheda & 06 pm-10 pm)
Night (10 pm-12pm 44.5
10 Taluka Panchayat Quarters, C 19/10/09 Day (06 am-09 am 66.2
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda & 06 pm-10 pm)
Night (10 pm-12pm 52.4
11 Santram Mandir Road, B 19/10/09 Day (06 am-09 am 66.6
Nadiad, Dist. Kheda & 06 pm-10 pm)
Night (10 pm-12pm 58.9
12 General Hospital, Nadiad, D 19/10/09 Day (06 am-09 am 43.6
Dist. Kheda & 06 pm-10 pm)
Night (10 pm-12pm 43.3

Regional Office, Mehsana

Ambient Noise Monitoring during Dipawali Festivals

Sr. L equivalent dB (A)

Time Duration
No Hourly
Location : Residential, Sector-21, Gandhinagar Date: 16.10.2009
1 18:00 Hrs to 19:00Hrs 79
2 19:00 Hrs to 20:00Hrs 87
3 20:00 Hrs to 21:00Hrs 83
4 21:00 Hrs to 22:00Hrs 85
Day time : 83.5
Location: Commercial, Sector-21, District Shopping centre, Gandhinagar Date: 17.10.2009
1 18:00 Hrs to 19:00Hrs 89
2 19:00 Hrs to 20:00Hrs 93
3 20:00 Hrs to 21:00Hrs 90
4 21:00 Hrs to 22:00Hrs 88
Day time : 90
Location: Residential, Shreyansh Society, Jail Road Mehsana Date : 18.10.2009
1 18:00 Hrs to 19:00Hrs 78
2 19:00 Hrs to 20:00Hrs 83
3 20:00 Hrs to 21:00Hrs 85
4 21:00 Hrs to 22:00Hrs 82
Day time : 82
Location: Commercial, BK. Cinema Road, Mehsana Date: 19.10.2009
1 06:00 Hrs to 07:00Hrs 88
2 07:00 Hrs to 08:00Hrs 90
3 08:00 Hrs to 09:00Hrs 93
4 09:00 Hrs to 10:00Hrs 95
5 18:00 Hrs to 19:00Hrs 73
6 19:00 Hrs to 20:00Hrs 75
7 20:00 Hrs to 21:00Hrs 70
8 21:00 Hrs to 22:00Hrs 71
Day time : 82

Regional Office, Rajkot
Ambient Noise Monitoring During Deepavali Festival

Sr. Area Noise Level

Location Date & Time
No. dB (A) (Average)
Western side of Rajkot city
01 Panchyat Chowk, University rd C &B 18/10/2009 19:00 Hrs. 68.2
02 Raiya Circle, Raiya Road C&B 18/10/2009 19:25 Hrs. 66.0
03 Kishanpara Chowk, Race Course C&B 18/10/2009 20:15 Hrs. 70.0
Ring Road
04 Mahila College Chowk, Kalavad C&B 18/10/2009 20:45 Hrs. 68.0
Central Part of Rajkot city
05 Astron chowk. C&B 17/10/2009 21:00 Hrs. 98
06 Astron Chowk, B 18/10/2009 21:20 Hrs. 72.0
07 Triconbaug Shashtrimedan B 18/10/2009 21:45 Hrs. 80.0
08 Civil Hospital Campus D 18/10/2009 22:15 Hrs. 58.0
Eastern part of Rajkot city
09 Sorathiyavadi chowk A & B 18/10/2009 22:40 Hrs. 68.4
10 Bhaktinagar Circle C&B 18/10/2009 23:00 Hrs. 71.0
Southern part of Rajkot city
11 Mavdi Plot A 18/10/2009 23 :20 Hrs. 66.2
12 Mayani chowk, B/h. PD Malavia C&B 18/10/2009 23:40 Hrs. 70.0
Akash Rangoli Atash Baji, Race Course Cricket Ground, Race Course
1 In East Direction B 15/10/2009 19:45Hrs 90.5
2 In South Direction B 15/10/2009 20:05Hrs 92.4
3 In West Direction B 15/10/2009 20:20Hrs 102.6
4 In North Direction B 15/10/2009 20:40Hrs 99.6
Western side of Rajkot city
05 Panchyat Chowk, University Road C &B 19/10/2009 21:05 Hrs. 60.2
06 Raiya Circle, Raiya Road C&B 19/10/2009 21:20 Hrs. 66.1
07 Kishanpara Chowk, Race Course C&B 19/10/2009 21:35 Hrs. 70.4
Ring Road

Sr. Area Noise Level
Location Date & Time
No. dB (A) (Average)
Central Part of Rajkot city

08 Astron chowk. C&B 19/10/2009 21:50 Hrs. 69.5

09 Triconbaug Shashtrimedan B 19/10/2009 22:05 Hrs. 74.0

10 Civil Hospital Campus D 19/10/2009 22:20 Hrs. 51.0

Eastern part of Rajkot city

11 Sorathiyavadi chowk A& B 19/10/2009 22:35 Hrs. 73.4

12 Bhaktinagar Circle C&B 19/10/2009 22:50 Hrs. 68.1

Southern part of Rajkot city

13 Mavdi Plot A 17/10/2009 23 :00 Hrs. 74.5

14 Mayani chowk, B/h. PD Malavia C&B 17/10/2009 23:30 Hrs. 67.1


Regional Office, Vadodara

Noise Level Monitoring During Diwali Festival -2009

Sr. Noise level in dB at

Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
Date: 19/10/2009
1 Pratham Char Rasta 18.15 78.3
2 Pratham Char Rasta 18.20 72.4
3 Pratham Char Rasta 18.25 68.3
4 Swaminarayan Chawk 18.30 65.2
5 Swaminarayan Chawk 18.35 69.6
6 Swaminarayan Chawk 18.40 72.5
7 Nr. Petrol Pump, Vasna 18.45 81.2
8 Nr. Petrol Pump, Vasna 18.50 78.9
9 Nr.Taksh Complex 19.00 79.8
10 Nr.Taksh Complex 19.05 90.5

Sr. Noise level in dB at
Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
11 Manisha Chokdi 19.10 91.6
12 Manisha Chokdi 19.15 71.0
13 Nr. Gandevikar Jwellers,Dandia Bazar 19.45 72.8
14 Nr. Gandevikar Jwellers Dandia Bazar 19.50 92.6
15 Nr. Gandevikar Jwellers 19.55 89.3
16 Nr. Canara café 20.00 88.4
17 Nr. Canara café 20.05 89.6
18 Nr. Canara café 20.10 86.5
19 Nr. Sursagar Talav 20.20 85.9
20 Nr. Sursagar Talav 20.25 98.1
21 Nr. Sursagar Talav 20.30 96.3
22 Nr. Music College 20.35 72.6
23 Nr. Music College Dandia Bazar 20.40 75.6
24 Nr. Music College 20.45 78.2
25 Nyay Mandir 20.50 88.6
26 Nyay Mandir 20.55 89.5
27 Nyay Mandir 21.00 93.6
28 Nr. Mangal Bazzar 21.05 90.5
29 Nr. Mangal Bazzar 21.10 93.5
30 Nr. Mangal Bazzar 21.15 88.9
31 Mandvi 21.25 88.1
32 Mandvi 21.30 85.4
33 Mandvi 21.35 86.9
34 Harinagar Circle 21.45 78.1
35 Harinagar Circle 21.50 75.4
36 Nr. Yash Complex 21.55 77.8
37 Nr. Yash Complex 22.00 68.9

Date: 18/10/2009

Sr. Noise level in dB at

Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
1 Lisa Park 18:10 87.5
2 Lisa Park 18:15 91.6
3 Opp, Saibaba Temple 18:25 78.3
4 Opp, Saibaba Temple 18:28 76.4
5 Nr. Atmajyoti Ashram 18:35 91.8
6 Nr. Atmajyoti Ashram 18:40 89.3
7 Nr. Indraprasth Ellora Park 18:50 78.2
8 Nr. Indraprasth Ellora Park 18:53 76.4
9 Nr. Race course Tower 19:00 79.2
10 Nr. Race course Tower 19:05 81.3
11 Nr. GEB circle 19:15 74.8
12 Nr. GEB circle 19:18 76.3
13 Nr. Trident Complex 19:23 72.1
14 Nr. Kalptaru Ellora Park 19:30 93.1
15 Nr. Kalptaru Ellora Park 19:35 89.6
16 Nr. PanchRatna 19:40 84.2
17 Nr. PanchRatna 19:45 86.7
18 Nr. Vidyavihar School ( Arunachal) 19:55 88.2
19 Nr. Vidyavihar School ( Arunachal) 20:00 78.3
20 Sahyog Society, Gorwa 20:15 88.9
21 Sahyog Society, Gorwa 20:20 92.3
22 Nr. Dashama Temple ( Gorwa) 20:35 75.6
23 Nr. Dashama Temple ( Gorwa) 20:40 79.3
24 Nr. Dhanlaxmi Duplex ( Samta) 20:50 93.1
25 Nr. Dhanlaxmi Duplex ( Samta) 20:55 90.2
26 Samta Nr. Samta Police Chowki 21:10 78.3
27 Samta Nr. Samta Police Chowki 21:15 82.5
28 Sourabh Park 21:25 95.6
29 Sourabh Park 21:30 93.2

Date: 16/10/2009
Sr. Noise level in dB at
Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
1 Nr.Boy's Hostel, Polytechnic 18:10 82.0
2 Nr.Boy's Hostel,Polytechnic 18:15 80.9
3 Nr.Janardan Cold Storage 18:20 82.4
4 Nr.Janardan Cold Storage 18:25 83.4
5 Nr.Janardan Cold Storage 18:30 80.1
6 Nr. Shastri Bridge 18:45 77.2
7 Nr. Shastri Bridge 18:50 76.4
8 Nr. Shastri Bridge 18:55 75.8
9 Nr. Bus Station 19:05 75.4
10 Nr. Bus Station 19:10 74.8
11 Nr. Railway Station 19:15 78.9
12 Nr. Railway Station 19:20 79.8
13 Nr. Railway Station 19:25 81.5
14 Sayaji Gunj 19:35 87.9
15 Sayaji Gunj 19:40 82.4
16 Sayaji Gunj 19:45 89.1
17 Nr.Fatehgunj Circle 20:00 85.2
18 Nr.Fatehgunj Circle 20:05 84.8
19 Nr.Fatehgunj Circle 20:10 90.1
20 Nizampura char Rasta 20:20 87.4
21 Nizampura char Rasta 20:23 85.7
22 Nizampura char Rasta 20:25 92.4
23 Delux Char Rasta 20:30 85.4
24 Delux Char Rasta 20:35 87.9
25 Delux Char Rasta 20:38 80.4
26 Nr.PVR Talkies 20:45 75.2
27 Nr.PVR Talkies 20:48 77.8
28 Nr.PVR Talkies 20:50 72.4
29 Nr.PVR Talkies 20:55 70.7
30 Mahesana nagar 21:05 87.4
31 Mahesana nagar 21:08 88.6
32 Abhilasha char Rasta 21:12 81.3
33 Abhilasha char Rasta 21:15 78.4

Sr. Noise level in dB at
Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
34 Chanakyapuri char rasta 21:25 71.4
35 Chanakyapuri char rasta 21:28 70.2
36 Sama Vadodara 21:35 87.4
37 Sama Vadodara 21:37 80.2
38 Nr. Jalaram Mandir 21:50 75.4
39 Nr. Jalaram Mandir 21:55 72.8
Date: 17/10/2009
Sr. Noise level in dB at
Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
1 Nr. V.M.C. Ward office, Akota 18:15 68.9
2 Nr. V.M.C. Ward office, Akota 18:20 72.5
3 Nr. V.M.C. Ward office, Akota 18:25 68.6
4 Nr. Jain Temple, Akota 18:30 71.2
5 Nr. Jain Temple, Akota 18:33 67.5
6 Nr. Sangita Society, Akota Stadium,Akota 18:40 88.1
7 Nr. Sangita Society, Akota Stadium,Akota 18:45 82.5
8 Nr. Sangita Society, Akota Stadium,Akota 18:50 85.6
9 Nr Akota Garden, Akota 18:55 68.9
10 Nr. Akota Garden, Akota 18:58 72.4
11 Nr. Kangaroo Kid, Mujmahuda 19:10 73.9
12 Nr. Kangaroo Kid, Mujmahuda 19:15 88.1
13 Nr. Kangaroo Kid, Mujmahuda 19:20 82.6
14 Nr. Samrajya Bunglow, Mujmahuda 19:35 89.3
15 Nr. Samrajya Bunglow, Mujmahuda 19:40 85.4
16 Nr. Samrajya Bunglow, Mujmahuda 19:43 68.9
17 Nr, Mujmahuda Circle, Mujmahuda 19:50 67.6
18 Nr, Mujmahuda Circle, Mujmahuda 19:55 68.9
19 Nr, Mujmahuda Circle, Mujmahuda 20:00 78.1
20 Nr. Akshar Chowk, Mujmahuda 20:10 78.1

Sr. Noise level in dB at
Location of Monitoring Time in hrs.
No. 4 meters distance
21 Nr. Akshar Chowk, Mujmahuda 20:13 75.3
22 Nr. Akshar Chowk, Mujmahuda 20:16 72.1
23 Nr. Akshar Chowk, Mujmahuda 20:20 73.8
24 Nr. New Alka Hotel, Old Padra Road 20:30 72.1
25 Nr. New Alka Hotel, Old Padra Road 20:35 74.3
26 Nr. New Alka Hotel, Old Padra Road 20:40 70.8
27 Nr. GEB School, Old Padra Road 20:45 69.3
28 Nr. GEB School, Old Padra Road 20:50 67.2
29 Nr. GEB School, Old Padra Road 20:55 65.3
30 Nr. GEB School, Old Padra Road 21:00 68.9
31 Nr. Punit Nagar, Old Padra Road 21:10 72.9
32 Nr. Punit Nagar, Old Padra Road 21:15 74.8
33 Nr. Punit Nagar, Old Padra Road 21:19 80.9
34 Nr. Punit Nagar, Old Padra Road 21:23 78.9
35 Nr. Malhar Point, Old Padra Road 21:35 89.1
36 Nr. Malhar Point, Old Padra Road 21:40 83.7
37 Nr. Malhar Point, Old Padra Road 21:45 85.6
38 Nr. Malhar Point, Old Padra Road 21:50 81.4

Regional Office, Surat

Noise Monitoring During Deepavali Festival -2009
Sr. Category of
Location Date L equivalent dB ( A)
No Area
1 Sargam Shoping Centre, Parle Point, C/B 16/10/2009 98.1
2 Near Udhana Darwaja B 17/10/2009 105.4
3 Delhi gate Police Chowkey C/B 18/10/2009 93.7
4 Adajan Circle, Surat C /B 19/10/2009 90.1

Regional Office, Bharuch

Noise Monitoring During Deepavali Festival -2009

Sr. City/Town Noise Level

No Location dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A)
16/10/2009 17/10/2009 18/10/2009 19/10/2009
1 Narayan Kunj Society, Bholav 89.5 98.7 91.3 89.9
2 Narayan Kunj Society, Bholav 86.2 97.5 88.7 91.7
3 Narayan Kunj Society, Bholav 75.8 95.4 79.6 87.5
4 Tulsidham, Zadeshwar road 78.2 99.3 82.1 99.4
5 Tulsidham, Zadeshwar road 90.5 107.4 95.6 100.7
6 Tulsidham, Zadeshwar road 82.5 115.7 83.3 89.8
7 Jalaram Mandir, Kasak circle 89.1 99.7 99.1 87.2
8 Jalaram Mandir, Kasak circle 76.2 102.4 79.4 95.4
9 Jalaram Mandir, Kasak circle 77.5 97.1 80.1 93.1
10 Shaktinath Mandir 85.5 97.8 88.3 91.7
11 Shaktinath Mandir 81.2 101.1 82.2 99.2
12 Shaktinath Mandir 89.2 98.3 92.9 94.8
13 Chautabazar, Ankleshwar 78.1 96.5 75.5 93.7
14 Chautabazar, Ankleshwar 87.2 92.4 85.4 97.6
15 Chautabazar, Ankleshwar 93.6 95.3 91.8 98.8
16 Bharuchi Naka, Ankleshwar 99.1 104.8 98.8 92.5
17 Bharuchi Naka, Ankleshwar 85.3 107.3 89.7 101.5
18 Bharuchi Naka, Ankleshwar 95.3 113.6 97.4 97.3
19 Manav Mandir, GIDC- 85.8 101.7 88.3 102.1
20 Manav Mandir, GIDC- 88.6 105.2 91.8 96.5
21 Manav Mandir, GIDC- 79.9 108.8 92.5 95.4

Regional Office, Jamnagar
Noise Monitoring During Deepavali Festival -2009

Sr. Location Area Date & Time Noise Level

No. dB(A) (Max.)

1 Patel Colony street no.6 C 16/10/2009 19=00 Hrs. 73.2

2 Bedi gate B 16/10/2009 20=00 Hrs. 74.4
3 Chandi Bazar B 16/10/2009 21=00 Hrs. 91.2
4 Hawai Chowk B 16/10/2009 22=00 Hrs. 99.8
5 Talav Ni Pal B 16/10/2009 23=00 Hrs. 75.6
6 Digvijay Plot Police Chowki B 17/10/2009 19=00 Hrs. 74.4
7 Khodiyar Colony C 17/10/2009 19=30 Hrs. 108.7
8 Panchavati Park C 17/10/2009 20=00 Hrs. 93.5
9 Patel Colony street no.9 C 17/10/2009 20=30 Hrs. 116.30
10 Bedi gate B 17/10/2009 21=00 Hrs. 114.2
11 Darbar Gadh B 17/10/2009 21=20 Hrs. 103.8
12 Hawai Chowk B 17/10/2009 21=45 Hrs. 99.8
13 Town hall B 17/10/2009 22=15 Hrs. 97.9
14 Sat rasta circle B 17/10/2009 22=35 Hrs. 100.7
15 Khodiyar Colony C 17/10/2009 23=05 Hrs. 101.2
16 Panchavati Park C 17/10/2009 23=45 Hrs. 93.8
17 Rameshwarnagar C 18/10/2009 19=10 Hrs. 74.2
18 Bedi gate B 18/10/2009 20=30 Hrs. 92.5
19 Chandi Bazar B 18/10/2009 21=15 Hrs. 103.7
20 Hawai Chowk B 18/10/2009 22=15 Hrs. 88.1
21 Talav Ni Pal B 18/10/2009 23=05 Hrs. 101.2
22 Digvijay Plot Police Chowki B 18/10/2009 23=30 Hrs. 71.3
23 Khodiyar Colony C 19/10/2009 19=00 Hrs. 78.5
24 Panchavati Park C 19/10/2009 19=30 Hrs. 99.8
25 Patel Colony street no.11 C 19/10/2009 20=05 Hrs. 95.50
26 Bedi gate B 19/10/2009 20=45 Hrs. 92.30

Sr. Location Area Date & Time Noise Level
No. dB(A) (Max.)

27 Chandi Bazar B 19/10/2009 21=10 Hrs. 95.8

28 Hawai Chowk B 19/10/2009 21=30 Hrs. 102.3
29 Pancheshwar tower B 19/10/2009 21=45 Hrs. 96.2
30 Town hall B 19/10/2009 22=00 Hrs. 90.2
31 Khodiyar Colony C 19/10/2009 22=25 Hrs. 86.4
32 Park colony C 19/10/2009 23=00 Hrs. 89.2
Regional Office, Vapi
Noise Monitoring During Deepavali Festival -2009

Read- Read- Read- Read- Read- Read-

Time Time Time Time Time Time
ing ing ing ing ing ing
Date : 16.10.2009

Noise measurement carried out at Gunjan Housing Colony, Vapi

1800 63 1900 72 2000 90 2100 98 2200 76 2300 68

1810 64 1910 72 2010 92 2110 97 2210 78 2310 70

1820 63 1920 73 2020 94 2120 97 2220 78 2320 72

1830 66 1930 74 2030 96 2130 94 2230 76 2330 70

1840 64 1940 74 2040 94 2140 94 2240 77 2340 71

1850 70 1950 75 2050 98 2150 93 2250 74 2350 69

65 73.33 94 95.5 76.5 70

Read- Read- Read- Read- Read- Read-
Time Time Time Time Time Time
ing ing ing ing ing ing
Date : 19.10.2009
Noise measurement carried out at Gunjan Housing Colony, Vapi
1800 62 1900 75 2000 92 2100 97 2200 77 2300 69
1810 65 1910 72 2010 93 2110 99 2210 80 2310 72
1820 67 1920 73 2020 96 2120 98 2220 79 2320 74
1830 68 1930 77 2030 97 2130 95 2230 81 2330 70
1840 70 1940 75 2040 93 2140 97 2240 78 2340 72
1850 73 1950 77 2050 99 2150 95 2250 76 2350 70
67.5 74.83 95 96.83 78.5 71.17
Read- Read- Read- Read- Read- Read-
Time Time Time Time Time Time
ing ing ing ing ing ing
Date : 17.10.2009
Noise measurement carried out at Gunjan Housing Colony, Vapi
1800 63 1900 71 2000 91 2100 90 2200 71 2300 70
1810 64 1910 72 2010 91 2110 91 2210 77 2310 71
1820 64 1920 72 2020 94 2120 94 2220 74 2320 74
1830 67 1930 73 2030 96 2130 90 2230 76 2330 73
1840 69 1940 76 2040 91 2140 93 2240 75 2340 74
1850 71 1950 76 2050 99 2150 94 2250 73 2350 75
66.33 73.33 93.67 92 74.33 72.83
Date : 18.10.2009
Noise measurement carried out at Gunjan Housing Colony, Vapi
Read- Read- Read- Read- Read- Read-
Time Time Time Time Time Time
ing ing ing ing ing ing
1800 63 1900 68 2000 88 2100 90 2200 70 2300 68
1810 61 1910 70 2010 92 2110 92 2210 74 2310 73
1820 62 1920 71 2020 93 2120 89 2220 72 2320 73
1830 63 1930 72 2030 93 2130 91 2230 76 2330 71
1840 66 1940 73 2040 90 2140 95 2240 72 2340 70
1850 70 1950 74 2050 92 2150 95 2250 75 2350 71
64.17 71.33 91.33 92 73.17 71


6.22. Environmental Awareness Programmes

Awareness programmes on Climate Change

Forest & Environment Department, Government of Gujarat asked to implementation of

Golden Goal point (11), i.e. Awareness programmes on Climate Change, and also on
suggestions of the Estimate Committee of the Gujarat State Assembly to organise various
awareness programmes on Environment - Pollution Control related issues, the same have
been included in the environment awareness programmes:

22nd April - Earth Day Celebration of the Earth Day

In accordance with the communication received from the office of the Chief Minister,
Gujarat and also from Dr. S.K. Nanda, IAS, Principal Secretary, Forest and Environment
Department, Government of Gujarat, regarding Celebration of the Earth Day on 22nd April,
2009, the action taken and programmes organised by the Gujarat Pollution Control Board are
as under:

All the Regional Offices of the Board located at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat,
Bharuch, Vapi, Godhra, Mehsana, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Bhuj, Nadiad and Junagadh were
informed to commemorate the aforesaid celebration of the Earth Day on the theme 'Climate
Change Solutions Campaign', with free translation thereof in Gujarati - 'Vatavaranma Thata
Ferfarona Ukel Mate Zumbesh...’

™ The Board and NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar and V.P.M.P.
Polytechnic College, Gandhinagar jointly organised a programme on the Earth Day - 22nd
April, 2009, at L.D.R.P.-I.T.R. campus, VPMP Polytechnic College, Gandhinagar. About
300 girls & boys students, Principal, Professors and lecturer of Polytechnic College
participated in the programme. Prof. KG. Dave, Principal of the College, Shri Kapdia, Vice
Chancellor, ... University, Gandhinagar, Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC and Shri Naresh
Thakar, PRO of the Board briefed on the occasion. Senior officers including Smt. Dr. IM
Pandya, SSO, and staff of the Board also participated in the programme. Shri Naresh
Thakar, PRO of the Board also co-ordinated the programme.

Posters and Banners on the theme were prepared and displayed suitably. A booklet
highlighting theme - 'Climate Change Solutions Campaign' with free translation thereof in
Gujarati - 'Vatavaranma Thata Ferfarona Ukel Mate Zumbesh' was also prepared jointly
with NCSC and distributed to participants.

News coverage of the event was carried out by Gandhinagar Samachar, Divya Bhaskar, etc.
A video clipping on 'Aur Kitni Dhara ?' in Hindi was also screened by NCSC, Gandhinagar.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Ahmedabad and IOC Terminal Bareja district Ahmedabad jointly
observed the Earth Day programme. Posters on the theme and banners were displayed. A
video clipping on 'Aur Kitni Dhara ?' in Hindi was also screened by NCSC-Nisarg
Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar. Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC- Shri Adhiya, Shri
D.N. Vasadiya, SSO, RO, Ahmedabad, Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board briefed on

the occasion. Over 30 persons including staff members of the IOC and officials of RO,
Ahmedabad participated in the programme. A booklet highlighting theme - 'Vatavaranma
Thata Ferfarona Ukel Mate Zumbesh' in Gujarati was also prepared and distributed to
participants. Plantation was also carried out by the dignitaries within the campus.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and IFFCO, Kalol district Gandhinagar jointly observed the
Earth Day at IFFCO. Posters on the theme and banners were displayed. On previous day,
IFFCO organised drawing competition among three groups of students. Prizes were
distributed to the winners. Shri A.B. Motwani, Jt. G.M., IFFCO, Shri M.L. Patel, EE of the
Board, Shri GH Trivedi, RO, Mehsana and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board briefed
on the occasion. Over 45 persons including IFFCO staff, students and officials of the Board
participated in the programme. Plantation was also carried out by the dignitaries within the

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producer's Union
Ltd., Dudh Sagar Dairy, Mehsana jointly celebrated the Earth Day programme at Dairy.
Shri K.C. Verma, MD, Dudh Sagar Dairy and Shri D.P. Patel, DEE of the RO, Mehsana
briefed on the occasion. About 100 plants were planted by the staff of RO, Mehsana and
Dudh Sagar Dairy. A documentary film on global warming was screened. A poster on the
theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and Sabarkantha District Co-operative Milk Producer's Union
Ltd., Sabar Dairy, Himmatnagar jointly celebrated the Earth Day programme at Dairy. Smt.
R.N. Patel, SSA of RO, Mehsana, K.S. Kumpavat, Manager, Shri D.B. Patel, Sr. Manager,
Shri L.P. Patel, Asstt. Manager briefed on the occasion. About 40 persons including Shri
B.M. Patel, MD, Sabar Dairy, staff of Sabar Dairy and RO, Mehsana participated in the
plantation programme. A poster on the theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and ONGC, Chandkheda district Gandhinagar jointly

celebrated the Earth Day programme at ONGC. Shri G.H. Trivedi RO, Mehsana, Shri
Johari, Executive Director, ONGC and Shri Khan, Safety, Health Institute briefed on the
occasion. About 35 persons including staff of ONGC and RO, Mehsana participated in the
plantation programme. A poster on the theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and Thermal Power Plant, GSECL, Gandhinagar jointly
celebrated the Earth Day programme at Gandhinagar. Smt.U.K. Upadhyay, EE, RO,
Mehsana, Shri J.M. Doshi, Chief Engineer, GSECL and Shri Y.R. Joshi, Additional CE,
GSECL briefed on the occasion. Moreover, GSECL organised drawing competition on
'Global Warming' and 'Save Earth' topics for their children and family members. GSECL
also organised a seminar on 'Save Earth'. Participants also took pledge to save earth. On
Earth Day the GSECL staff arrived on bicycle.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and Mother Dairy, Bhat district Gandhinagar jointly celebrated
the Earth Day programme at Dairy. Smt. Smt.U.K. Upadhyay, EE, RO, Mehsana and Shri
Dhadap, Mother Dairy briefed on the occasion. A vedio clipping on global warming -
'Inconvenient Truth' was screened. A booklet on occasion was also prepared by the Mother
Dairy and distributed to participants. All participated in the plantation programme and
planted about 50 plants.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and Banas Dairy, Palanpur district Banaskantha and Forest
Department jointly celebrated the Earth Day programme. Shri K.B. Vaghela, SO, RO,
Mehsana, Shri S.R. Chaudhary, MD, Banas Dairy, Shri Bipinbhai Manager, Shri Nai Forest
Department and Shri Dhasura, RFO, briefed on the occasion. Staff of Banas Dairy and RO,
Mehsana participated in the plantation programme and planted about 150 plants. A poster
on the theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 28.4.2009, RO, Mehsana and ONGC, Mehsana jointly celebrated the Earth Day
programme. Shri G.H. Trivedi RO, Mehsana, Shri A.K. Gupta, Executive Director, Shri
M.L. Gupta, Group GM, briefed on the occasion. About 200 persons including students,
staff of ONGC and RO, Mehsana participated in the programme. Essays, Slogan and
drawing competitions were organised at Kendriy Vidhyalaya, ONGC, Mehsana for students.
Prizes were distributed to the winners. A FSL bulb was distributed to all participants. A
poster on the theme was displayed on the occasion.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Vadodara and Nandesari Industries Association jointly organised

plantation programme at TSDF - NECL, GIDC Nandesari district Vadodara. Posters on the
theme and banners were displayed. Shri AA Dolati, RO, Vadodara briefed on the
significance of the Earth Day. The President and office bearers of NIA, representatives of
various units and staff of the RO Vadodara participated in the programme.

RO, Vadodara and ECP-Effluent Channel Project, Dhanera district Vadodara jointly
organised in house discussion programme at ECP campus. Shri Hemang Bhatt, MD, ECP
and Shri AA Dolati, RO, Vadodara briefed on global warming, natural resources and energy
conservation. A monitoring committee of the ECP's active members was set up for self
monitoring within their area. Posters on the theme and banners were displayed. The ECP
staff, representatives of various units and staff of the RO Vadodara participated in the

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Jamnagar and Reliance Industries Ltd, Motikhavdi- Jamnagar jointly
organised the Earth Day programme in a school at Town ship of RIL, Jamnagar. About 100
students and teachers participated in the programme. A video clipping on climate change -
'An inconvenient Truth' was screened. Shri A.V. Shah RO, Jamnagar briefed on the
occasion. An informative CD on the Earth Day was distributed to the students. A poster on
the theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Jamnagar and Shri Dig Vijay Cement Co Ltd, Sikka - Jamnagar jointly
celebrated the Earth Day programme. Participants participated in the plantation programme
and planted about 50 plants within school campus. A video clipping on climate change - 'An
inconvenient Truth' was screened. Shri A.V. Shah RO, Jamnagar briefed on the occasion.
About 250 students and teachers participated in the programme. A booklet Gujarati
language highlighting theme - 'Climate Change Solutions Campaign' was also prepared and
distributed to participants. A poster on the theme was displayed on the occasion.
On 22.4.2009, RO, Jamnagar and Essar Oil Ltd, - Jamnagar jointly celebrated the Earth Day
programme. A video clipping on climate change - 'An inconvenient Truth' was screened.
Shri A.V. Shah RO, Jamnagar and Shri Umakantan, Head HSE, Essar Oil, briefed on the
occasion. A poster on the theme was displayed on the occasion.

On 22.4.2009, RO, Jamnagar and Tata Chemicals Ltd, Mithapur - Jamnagar jointly
celebrated the Earth Day programme. Shri K.B. Chaudhri, DEE, RO, Jamnagar and Shri
Buch, Head HSE, Tata Chemicals, briefed on the occasion. All participated in the plantation
programme and planted about 50 plants. A poster on the theme was displayed on the
™ On 21.4.2009, RO, Junagadh and Indian Rayon Ltd., Veraval jointly celebrated the Earth
Day. Shri GM Sadhu, RO, Junagadh and the President, IRL briefed on climate change
importance of plantation. They also participated in the plantation programme.
On 24.4.2009, RO, Junagadh, N.K. Dav Public School, Sutrapada and Sidhee Cement Ltd.,
jointly celebrated the Earth Day. Students, teachers, Factory and RO, Junagadh staff
participated in Prabhat Feri moved within school and colony area. All participated in
plantation programme. Debate and drawing competitions on the occasion was organised for
students, and prizes were distributed to winners.
On 24.4.2009, RO, Junagadh, Dalmia Public School, Sutrapada and GHCL, Sutrapada
jointly celebrated the Earth Day. Drawing competitions on the occasion was organised for
students, and prizes were distributed to winners. RO, Junagadh and GHCL staff participated
in the plantation programme.
™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Bharuch organised in-house discussion programme on monitoring and
compliance on air pollution issues. Shri MS Shukla, RO, Bharuch briefed on various aspect
of monitoring. RO, Bharuch and Lanxess ABS, Jhagadia jointly carried out plantation at
industry's premise. About 150 students of ITI participated in the plantation programme.
Posters on global warming were displayed at Ankleshwar and Panoli Industries
Association's office.
™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Rajkot jointly organised jointly with Midland Cement, village
Hadamtala, Ta. Kotda Sanagani, district Rajkot; Dhareshwar GIDC Vistar Association-
Dhareshwar, Jetpur district Rajkot; Endoe Pharma, village Shapar, Ta. Kotda Sanagani
district Rajkot and Distro Med Bio-Clean Pvt. Ltd., Kuvadava GIDC district Rajkot. Shri
S.M. Jha, RO, Rajkot briefed on climate change at all these programmes. Banners on the
occasion were displayed. About 250 plants were planted at various location of celebration.
™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Godhra organised poster exhibition at Kendriya Vidhyalaya, Godhra.
Students were briefed on climate change issues. Copies of tips were distributed.
™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Godhra Shri N.L. Kansagara and staff participated in plantation
programme organised at United Phosphorous Ltd., Panelav Ta. Halol district Panchmahal as
well as Panchmahal Steel Ltd., Alindra district Panchmahal. RO, Godhra briefed on
pollution and its effect and importance of plantation. Posters were displayed by various
industries on the occasion.
™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Nadiad and Forest Department (Social Forestry), Nadiad jointly
organised Earth Day celebration programme at Nadiad. Shri A.K. Jain, Assistant Director,
Gujarat State Land Development Corporation, Shri A.D. Tanna, DFO, Nadiad and RO,
Nadiad staff participated in the programme. Shri B.L. Maru, RO, Nadiad briefed on the
climate change issues. Shri A.D. Tanna, briefed on importance of awareness. Shri A.J. Jain,
ACF briefed on the global warming issues. Shri J.V. Joshi, IFS, DFO, Nadiad talked on the
importance of plantation and forest. Documentary films on 'Tree, a monkey & a tiger and a
sloth bear' were screened.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Surat and Palsana Enviro Protection Ltd., Surat jointly organised
programme at Palsana CETP. Shri J.K. Patel, RO, Surat briefed judicious use of natural
resources. Programme was followed by plantation within CETP premises.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Vapi and Vapi Waste & Effluent Management Co. Ltd., GIDC Vapi dist.
Valsad jointly organised a programme on 'Global Warming' at Vapi. A film on
'inconvenient Truth' was screened followed by discussion. Office bearers of VIA and RO,
GPCB, Vapi participated in plantation programme.

™ On 22.4.2009, RO, Bhuj organised in-house discussion programme on 'Climate Change

Solution Campaign' at Bhuj. All the staff members participated in the programme. RO Bhuj
Shri J.D. Kalyani, briefed on the theme of the occasion.

™ On 22.4.2009, the RO, GPCB, Bhavnagar and Chitra Industries Association jointly
organised discussion programme on Earth Day and Climate Change at Chitra GIDC,
Bhavnagar. Staff of RO Bhavnagar, office bearers of Chitra Industries Association and
representatives of various industries of Bhavnagar participated in the programme. RO,
GPCB, Bhavnagar Shri G.V. Patel and Shri Pankaj Pandya, President Chitra Industries
Association briefed on the Mother Earth and Climate Change issues. Plantation was also
carried out at Chitra GIDC, Bhavnagar.

5th June - World Environment Day

On June 5th 2009 the World Environment Day was observed on a theme 'your planet
needs YOU ! UNite to combat climate change' as declared by UNEP.
In accordance with the communication received from Dr. S.K. Nanda, Principal Secretary,
Forest and Environment Department, Government of Gujarat, regarding Celebration of the
World Environment Day on 5th June 2009, the action taken and programmes organised by
the Gujarat Pollution Control Board are as under:
ƒ All the Regional Offices of the Board located at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat,
Bharuch, Vapi, Godhra, Mehsana, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Bhuj, Nadiad and Junagadh were
informed to commemorate the aforesaid celebration of the World Environment Day in
appropriate manner.
ƒ The Board participated in a programme organised by Forest and Environment Department,
Govt. of Gujarat to celebrate the World Environment on 5th June, 2009 jointly with Forest
Department, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and GEER Foundation at Ahmedabad.
Shri Narendrabhai Modi, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat inaugurated both exhibition and
function. Shri Mangubhai Patel, Hon'ble Minister, Tribal Welfare, Forest & Environment
was the Chief Guest. He stressed on the need for massive plantation. Shri Kanajibhai
Thakor, Ho'ble Mayor, AMC, Smt. Rita Tevtia, IAS, Principal Secretary, Forest &
Environment Department, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, Chairman, GPCB, Dr. M.L. Sharma, IFS,
PCCF, Forest Department, Shri Pradeep Khanna, PCCF, WL, Forest Department, Smt.
Gauri Kumar,IAS, Principal Secretary, Urban Development Department, Shri P. Gautam,
IAS, Municipal Commissioner, AMC, Ahmedabad, Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary,
Shri J.K. Vyas, Director (Environment), Shri H. Shah, Jr. Technical Officer & Under
Secretary, Forest & Environment Department, Shri K.C. Mistry, Regional Officer,

Ahmedabad, and senior officers of the Board, etc. were among the officials present during
the programme.
ƒ The GPCB and Forest & Environment Department jointly set up various posters panels on
environment with the active assistance of the Regional Office, GPCB, Ahmedabad with the
joints efforts of Industries Association, representatives of industries, etc. participated and at
the exhibition venue. Banners on the theme of the WED were displayed at Togor Hall,
Ahmedabad. Pamphlets on the occasion both in English and Gujarati were prepared and
distributed to the visitors during the exhibition. A booklet prepared by the RO, Ahmedabad
on the theme of the WED 2009 were also distributed at the exhibition. Shri Narendrabhai
Modi, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat also inaugurated the exhibition. Shri Mangubhai
Patel, Hon'ble Minister, Tribal Welfare, Forest & Environment, Smt. Rita Tevtia, IAS,
Principal Secretary, Forest & Environment Department, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, Chairman,
GPCB and other dignitaries also visited the posters exhibition.
ƒ Banners on the theme ‘'your planet needs YOU ! UNite to combat climate change', with
its logo was also displayed. The Gujarati version of the theme was considered as ‘Pruthvi
Tamari, Hakal Kari Rahi Chhe, Tamne ! Sangthit Bani Lalkariye, Thata Vatavaranna
ƒ Doordarshan and All India Radio were informed about the theme of the WED 2009 and
requested to organised suitable programme.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, GPCB, Gandhinagar and Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar
jointly organised a poster exhibition and drawing competition at Gandhinagar. About ninety
children from various schools participated in the programme. Banners and Posters on the
theme were displayed. A booklet prepared by Nisarg Community Science Centre and
GPCB on the theme of the WED 2009 were also distributed. Prizes were distributed to the
winners. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO and staff co-ordinated the programme.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, Shri K.C. Mistry, RO, Ahmedabad co-ordinated among State Level exhibition
entire work of setting up of 'Paryavaran' pavilion organised jointly by Forest and
Environment Department, Government of Gujarat and GPCB at Ahmedabad. RO,
Ahmedabad and Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Moraiya district Ahmedabad jointly
organised a programme. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB visited CETP, Zydus
Cadila SEZ, Changodar. He briefed on the role of the industries under the present scenario
of global warming. Staff of Zydous and officials of RO, Ahmedabad participated in the
programme. Dignitaries participated in a token plantation programme.
On 5.6.2009, RO, Ahmedabad and Paryavaran Mitra jointly organised a drawing
competition on environmental awareness for children at Ahmedabad. 150 children
participated in the programme. Prizes were distributed to winners. Dr. N.S. Varandani,
Head of Department, Environment Department, L.D. Engineering College, Ahmedabad,
Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, GPCB, Shri Jayesh Shah, Managing Trustee, Seva
Gurjari Trust and Dr. G.B. Soni, Zydus Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmedabad were among
the dignitaries briefed on the occasion.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Jamnagar and Essar Oil Ltd., Vadinar jointly organised a march
for the environmental cause on the WED at Jamnagar. Shri V.P. Patel, District Collector,
Jamnagar, Shri R.V. Jotangia, Superintendent of Police, Jamnagar, Shri A.V. Shah, RO,

Jamnagar and Shri C. Manoharan, Head of Refinery, Essar Oil Ltd., addressed the
gathering. The Superintendent of Police, Jamnagar flagged off the march. The march
assembled at DCCV High School, Jamnagar. Shri K.N. Bhatt, Municipal Commissioner,
Jamnagar presided Oath ceremony to protect environment. Prizes were distributed to the
participants. Shri P.H. Sata, Dy CF, MNP, Jamnagar distributed saplings to all. A booklet
prepared by RO, GPCB, Jamnagar on the theme of the WED 2009 were also distributed.
On 5.6.2009, RO Jamnagar and GSFC Ltd., Sikka district Jamnagar jointly organised
awareness programme on environment and conserving natural resources. Banners and
posters on the occasion were displayed, a booklet on plastic issues were distributed to the
participants. RO Jamnagar Shri A.V. Shah and staff besides Shri SM Yagnik, RFO
Jamnagar and villagers of Moti Khavdi participated in plantation programme.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Nadiad organised a rally in Nadiad town. Staff of RO, Nadiad,
various government offices including Forest Office, Land Development, R&B, etc.
representatives from various industries and officials of ONGC participated in the rally. All
participants displayed play cards, banners and posters on environment. They also sported in
T-shirt and a Cap supported by industry showing theme, slogan and logo of the occasion.
The RO, Nadiad Shri B.L. Maru briefed the gathering. The rally traversed about 3 km
distance within Nadiad town. Copies of a booklet prepared by RO, GPCB, Nadiad on the
theme of the WED 2009 were also distributed. All participated in a plantation programme
within government offices premise compounds.
On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Nadiad and Vithal Udyognagar Industries Association jointly
organised a rally in Anand town. About 400 people from Amul Dairy, Anand, Vidya Dairy,
Anand, Charotar Gas Sahkari Mandli Ltd., Sarvajanik Pustakalay, Anand Jilla Sahakari
Sangh, Nature Club, VV Nagar, Amin Auto Agency, Anand, Rotary Club Round Town,
Anand and Rotary Mid Town, Anand participated in the rally. Smt. Sejal Patel, Hon'ble
President, Anand Nagar Seva Sadan flagged off the rally. All participants displayed play
cards, banners and posters on environment. Leaflets prepared by various participating
groups were also distributed to the people. The RO, Nadiad Shri B.L. Maru, Shri Alabhai
Parmar, Managing Director, Charotar Gas Sahkari Mandli Ltd., Shri Rahul Shrivastav,
DFO, Anand, Shri Ratnam, GM, Amul Dairy and Shri Dilip Patel, V.U. Nagar Industries
Association briefed the gathering on the occasion. Plantation was carried out within Amul
Dairy campus.
On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Nadiad and Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., jointly
organised a programme. The staff of RO, GPCB Nadiad and the industry participated in the
programme. The RO, Nadiad Shri B.L. Maru, Shri Anant Indukar, Manager & Shri Mahesh
Kale, Manager of the industry briefed on the occasion. The industry made efforts for rain
water harvesting. About 600 plants were planted by the participants. On 5.6.2009, RO,
GPCB, Nadiad and GSECL, Dhuvaran jointly organised a programme at Dhuvaran. Shri
M.G. Shaikh, SO, RO Nadiad and Shri P.M. Parmar, CE, GSECL, Dhuvaran briefed on the
occasion. The participants participated in plantation programme.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Mehsana and IOC Ltd., Sidhdhpur district Mehsana jointly
organised a programme at Sidhdhpur. Over 80 persons including children, staff of IOCL
participated in the programme. Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO Mehsana briefed on the occasion.
Children participated in rose plantation programme. Copies of booklet prepared by RO,
GPCB Mehsana on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Mehsana and Torrent Pharma Ltd., Indrad district Mehsana
jointly organised a programme at Indrad. Over 50 persons participated in the programme.
Posters & Slogan competitions were organised. Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO Mehsana distributed
prizes to winners. All participated in a plantation programme. Copies of booklet prepared
by RO, GPCB Mehsana on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Mehsana and Torrent Research Centre, Bhat district Gandhinagar
jointly organised a programme at Bhat. Drawing competition was organised. Prizes were
distributed by Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO Mehsana. Copies of booklet prepared by RO, GPCB
Mehsana on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Mehsana and Dudh Sagar Dairy, Mehsana jointly organised a
programme at Mehsana. Shri M.P. Shah, SO Mehsana and other 50 persons of Dairy
participated in plantation programme. Copies of booklet prepared by RO, GPCB Mehsana
on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and Kalyani High School, Atul Ltd., Atul district Valsad
jointly organised a programme at Atul. School students participated in the poster
competition. Prizes were distributed to the winners. Shri Khadagwal- Atul Ltd. and Shri
A.D. Bhimani, D.E. RO Vapi briefed on the occasion. Copies of booklet prepared by RO,
GPCB Vapi on the theme of the occasion were also distributed. All participated in the
plantation programme.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and Valsad Industries Association, district Valsad jointly
organised a programme at GIDC Gundalav. Shri V.R. Patel, RO Vapi and Shri Navin Patel
briefed on global warming - Climate change - environmental issues. Copies of booklet and
pamphlets prepared by RO, GPCB Vapi on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.
All participated in the plantation programme.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and Raymond Ltd., village Khadki-Udvada district Valsad
jointly organised a programme at Khadki-Udvada. Staff of the Raymond Ltd., participated
in a rally and displayed play-card with slogan on environment. Shri R.R. Vyas, DEE of RO
Vapi briefed on the occasion. Copies of booklet and pamphlets prepared by RO, GPCB
Vapi on the theme of the occasion were also distributed. All participated in the plantation

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and GHCL, village Bhilad taluka Umbergaon district
Valsad jointly organised a programme at Bhilad. Shri Ramanlal Patkar, Hon'ble MLA(182-
Umbergaon) administered an oath on the occasion. People of Bhilad also participated in the
plantation programme. Copies of booklet and pamphlets prepared by RO, GPCB Vapi on
the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and Fortune Galaxy Hotel, Vapi jointly organised a
programme at various schools including Shroff High School, Upasana School, St. Xavier's
High School and Gyandham School located in Gunjan area, Vapi. Students participated in a
rally and displayed play-card with slogan on environment. Students also participated in the
plantation programme held at their respective school compound. Copies of booklet and
pamphlets prepared by RO, GPCB Vapi on the theme of the occasion were also distributed.

On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi and VIA, Vapi jointly organised a programme at VIA Hall,
Vapi. Staff of RO, Vapi and members of VIA participated in a plantation programme. Shri
V.R. Patel, RO Vapi, Shri Tushar Shah and Dr. Ashok Shah briefed on the occasion. Shri
R.B. Dave, IAS, Collector - Valsad presided over the function. An oath was administered
on the occasion. Copies of booklet and pamphlets prepared by RO, GPCB Vapi on the
theme of the occasion were also distributed.
On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi organised a plantation programme nearby office premise,
Vapi. Staff of RO, Vapi participated in a plantation programme.
On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Vapi, Popat Lakha Blood Bank, Vapi and Best Paper Mill jointly
organised a programme at Vapi. Posters and banners on the occasion were displayed. 235
units blood were received at the blood donation camp.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, GPCB, Junagadh organised plantation programme within the office
compound. Besides, Shri G.M. Sadhu, RO Junagadh, Health officer Junagadh Municipal
Corporation Dr. I.T. Vaja, Secretary of District Consumer Forum Shri Kiranbhai Ahir and
RO Junagadh staff participated in the programme. About 20 various species were planted.
On 5.6.2009, Shri G.M. Sadhu, RO Junagadh, Shri A.K. Pandey, Deputy Manager and Shri
V.V. Tank, Head Works briefed on the occasion during a function organised by Ambuja
Cement Ltd., Ambujanagar - Kodinar district Junagadh.
On 5.6.2009, Shri G.M. Sadhu, RO Junagadh participated in the plantation programme
organised by Veraval Industrial Association within the CETP compound at Veraval. RO,
Junagadh and members of Veraval Industrial Association participated in the programme.
Shri G.M. Sadhu, RO Junagadh and Shri O.N. Sharma, President, Veraval Industrial
Association briefed on the occasion.
On 5.6.2009, Shri G.M. Sadhu, RO Junagadh participated in the plantation programme
organised by Indian Rayon (Unit of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd.) at Veraval. 20 nos. of Acassia
Auricoliformis species were planted. So far a green belt of about 55,000 trees and 4,50,000
sq. ft areas covered as lawn and maintained as green belt in the plant.
On 5.6.2009, Shri C.A. Shah, DEE, RO Junagadh participated in celebration programmes
including Posters and Drawing competitions for employees, Awareness for people,
Exhibition, etc. organised by the Gujarat Sidhee Cement Ltd., Sidheegram dist. Junagadh.
On 5.6.2009, Shri C.A. Shah, DEE, RO Junagadh participated and gave away prizes to the
winners of Slogan, Poem competitions for employees, Poster competition for students of
Colonies organised by the GHCL, Sutrapada dist. Junagadh. They also participated in
plantation programme within colonies of the unit.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, Bhuj distributed copies of booklet prepared by RO, GPCB Bhuj on the
theme of the occasion among industries and people.
On 5.6.2009, RO, Bhuj, participated in a programme organised at Asia Motor Works
village Kanaiyabe taluka Bhuj district Kutch. Officials of the RO, Bhuj and the Asia Motor
Works participated in the programme. Shri J.D. Kalyani, RO, Bhuj and Shri Deepak
Thakur, Asia Motor Works briefed on the occasion. Prizes were distributed to the winners
of slogan, posters, quiz and elocution competitions. A banner on the theme was also
displayed. All participated in the plantation programme.

ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, Godhra participated in a programme organised jointly by Halol GIDC
Small Scale Plastic Mfg. Association and Saw Mill Association, Halol at Halol district
Panchmahal. Over 100 people including Mamlatdar Halol, RFO Halol, President Halol
Nagarpalika and representatives of various industries participated in the programme.
Regional Officer Godhra Shri N.L. Kansagara and the RFO Halol briefed on the occasion.
Plantation was carried out within GIDC Halol.

On 5.6.2009, Regional Officer Godhra Shri N.L. Kansagara and officials of the RO Godhra
participated in the plantation programme organised by Samvedana BMW Incinerator,
Chandrapura, Halol.

On 5.6.2009, Regional Officer Godhra Shri N.L. Kansagara and officials of RO Godhra
participated in the plantation programme organised by General Motors India Ltd.,
Chandrapura district Panchmahal. RO, Godhra Shri N.L. Kansagara and Shri Vijay Karla,
Plant Director, General Motors briefed on the occasion. A poster competition was
organised by the industry and prizes were distributed to the winners.

On 5.6.2009, Officials of RO Godhra participated in the plantation programme organised

by UPL at Gopipura district. A poster competition was organised by the industry and prizes
were distributed to the winners.

On 5.6.2009, Officials of RO Godhra participated in the plantation programme organised

by Alembic Ltd, and Paushak Ltd., both at Panelav district Panchmahal.

On 5.6.2009, staff of the RO Godhra participated in the plantation programme organised

within office compound.

ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO, Vadodara, circulated list of activities for celebration of World

Environment Day to all the large scale industries and Industries Associations.

On 5.6.2009, Regional Officer Shri A.A. Dolti and officials of RO Vadodara, participated
in the programmes organised by GSFC, Reliance Industries Ltd., Alembic Ltd., Kemrock
Industries etc. Shri H.V. Patel, IAS, MD, GSFC and Regional Officer Shri A.A. Dolti
briefed on the occasion. All employees carried out plantation of about 3500 species of
banyan and Pipal plants within GSFC campus.

On 5.6.2009, staff of the RO Vadodara participated in the in-house celebration followed by

plantation programme organised within office compound.

On 5.6.2009, staff of the RO Vadodara participated in the rally jointly organised by RO,
Vadodara, industries and Industries Associations. About 250 persons sporting in T- shirt &
cap depicting logo and theme on the occasion, participated in the rally. Tableau and
placards were exhibited in the rally passed through various areas of Vadodara. RO,
Vadodara distributed copies of booklet prepared by RO, GPCB Vadodara on the theme of
the occasion among industries and people.

On 5.6.2009, staff of the RO Vadodara participated in the workshop on the theme of the
occasion. Professor R.K. Goyal, Vice Chancellor, MS University was the chief Guest of the
function. Prof. Goyal and Regional Officer Shri A.A. Dolti addressed on the occasion.

On 6.6.2009, RO Vadodara organised a workshop on air pollution issues of the dolomite
crushing units at Chhotaudaipur district Vadodara. Hon'ble MP Shri Ramsinhbhai Rathva,
Hon'ble MLA (141, Chhotaudaipur) Shri Gulsinhbhai Rathva, Former MLA Shri
Sukhrambhai Rathva, Smt. Varshaben Dhobi, Hon'ble President Chhotaudaipur, Shri
Kaushikbhai Shah, President, Chhotaudaipur Mineral Merchant Association and Shri N.C.
Patel - Clean Environment Consultant, Vapi briefed on the occasion. Regional Officer Shri
A.A. Dolti stressed on the need to upgrade air pollution control devices in dolomite
crushing units. T- shirt & cap depicting logo and theme on the occasion were distributed to
the participants. Plantation was carried out and tree guards were placed. A tableau on
environmental issues was displayed. RO, Vadodara distributed copies of booklet prepared
by RO, GPCB Vadodara on the theme of the occasion among industries and people.

ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO Bharuch staff participated in a Marathon Run organised by Manav Kalyan

Paryavaran ane Suraksha Mandal, Ankleshwar district Bharuch. The programme spread
message on global warming and environment protection.

On 5.6.2009, RO Bharuch staff participated in plantation programmes organised by

Wockhardt Ltd., Videocon Ltd., GNFC Ltd, Asian Paints, Lupin Ltd., United Phosphorus
Ltd. - Unit I, Cheminova, PETL and P.I. Industries in district Bharuch.

On 5.6.2009, RO Bharuch staff participated in discussion on importance of environment in

human life programme organised by Rajshree Polyfeel Ltd.- Ummala. in district Bharuch.
Shri K.K. Lakum, SSA briefed on the occasion. Subsequently all participated in plantation

On 5.6.2009, RO Bharuch staff participated in World Environment Day celebration

programme organised by Aarti Industries Ltd.- Jaghdia district Bharuch. Shri K.K. Lakum,
SSA briefed on day to day care for environment. Dignitaries participated in the plantation

On 5.6.2009, staff of the RO Bharuch participated in the plantation programme organised

within office compound, Bharuch.

ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO Bhavnagar and Kalyan Pradeshik Lok Vigyan Kendra, Bhavnagar jointly
organised an Environment Awareness Rally programme at Bhavnagar. Mayor of Bhavnagar
Miss Rinaben Shah, District Development Officer Bhavnagar Shri D.P. Joshi, District
Superintendent of Police Shri Rajendra Asari, District Forest Officer Shri K.S. Randhava,
Past President Chitra industries Association Shri Bipinbhai Patel, representatives of various
industries of Bhavnagar, In-charge Regional Officer Bhavnagar Shri D.L. Bhatt, staff of RO
Bhavnagar and schools students participated in the Rally. District Development Officer
Bhavnagar Shri D.P. Joshi briefed on the importance of occasion. The Rally passed through
main areas of Bhavnagar. Saplings were offered to the interested participants.

On 5.6.2009, In-charge Regional Officer Bhavnagar Shri D.L. Bhatt briefed the students
participated in a Drawing Competition organised by Nirma Ltd., Kala Talao, Bhavnagar.
Prizes were distributed to the winners. Staff of Nirma Ltd. and officers of the RO
Bhavnagar participated in the Board plantation programme.

On 5.6.2009, officers of Regional Officer Bhavnagar participated in a programme
organised by Ultratech Cements Ltd.(G.C.W.), Kovaya, Dist. Amreli. Students participated
in the Poster Competition organised at the school Kovaya, Dist. Amreli. Prizes were
distributed to the winners. Video film on Climate Change was screed. Members of the
Officers’ ladies’ club participated in the programme.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO Rajkot, Saurashtra Education Foundation and Shri Odhvji Velji Sheth
Regional Lok Vigyan Kendra, Rajkot set up by Rajkot Municipal Corporation jointly
organised elocution competition on 'How can I keep my city clean?' and photography
competition on 'Polluted Rajkot' theme. 28 students of different schools of Rajkot and over
40 citizens of Rajkot participated in these programmes, respectively. Prizes were distributed
to the winners. RO Rajkot Shri SM Jha and Dr. Rameshbhai Bhayani, Director Lok Vigyan
Kendra, Rajkot briefed on the occasion. Over 200 students of various schools participated
in the programme.
On 5.6.2009, RO Rajkot, and H.J. Steel Industries, Rajkot jointly organised a programme
on the theme of World Environment Day. RO Rajkot Shri S.M. Jha and Shri Vinodbhai
Doshi of H.J. Steel Industries briefed on the occasion. Over 50 persons of the unit and staff
of RO Rajkot participated in the programme. All participated in the plantation programme.
On 5.6.2009, staff of RO Rajkot and Shri G.T. Sheth Orthopaedic Hospital, Rajkot jointly
organised a programme. Smt. Kalpanaben Parmar, DEE, Shri Falgunbhai Modi, DEE and
Shri V.M. Dedkiya, SO RO Rajkot briefed on the occasion. Staff of RO Rajkot, Shri G.T.
Sheth Orthopaedic Hospital and representative of Distro Med Services - a common BMW
operator, Rajkot participated in the plantation programme.
On 5.6.2009, RO Rajkot, and Morbi Industries Association jointly organised a plantation
programme. RO Rajkot Shri S.M. Jha briefed on the occasion. Shri Kantibhai Bavarva,
representatives of various units of Morbi, participated in the plantation programme at
different units located at Lilpar, Jambudiya and Lalpar villages in Rajkot district.
ƒ On 5.6.2009, RO Surat organised in-house programme on the occasion. RO, Surat Shri J.K.
Patel briefed on the significance of the World Environment Day. The RO, Surat also asked
various industrial units to organise relevant programmes.
On 5.6.2009, RO Surat, South Gujarat Textile Processors Association and PEPL- Palsana
Enviro Protection Ltd., Palsana-Surat jointly organised a function. Shri M.L. Patel, EE and
Shri J.K. Vyas, EE of GPCB Gandhinagar, RO Surat Shri J.K. Patel briefed on the
occasion. The staff of the RO Surat, office bearers of association, representatives of various
industrial units participated in the programme. They also participated in plantation
programme carried out within CETP compound.
On 5.6.2009, RO Surat staff participated in the programme organised by Reliance
Industries Ltd., Hazira district Surat. Various issues including climate change were
discussed. Environment Awareness Campaign quiz competition were organised. Prizes
were distributed to winners.
On 5.6.2009, RO Surat participated in a programme organised by JK Paper Ltd., at Fort
Songadh, District Tapi. Senior executives of JK Paper Ltd. and staff of RO Surat
participated in the programme. Shri S V Malsatar RO Surat briefed on the occasion. Slogan
and Painting competitions were organised amongst employees and school children. Prizes

were distributed to the winners. A film show on ‘Global Warming’ was organised. All
participated in the plantation programme. About 250 trees were planted.
Besides, various organisations also celebrated the World Environment day. The following
is the list of organisations/ industries celebrated the WED 2009.

Sr. Name of Industries / organizations Activities

1. Cadila Health Care Ltd., Moraiya Function. Plantation. Pledge, slogan, innovative
dist. Ahmedabad idea and quiz competitions, prizes.
2. Reliance Industries Ltd., Dhahej Environmental Cross Word, Online quiz, essay,
dist. Bharuch. Shri BG Prajapati, poster, Housekeeping and Green Card
RDC, Bharuch and Shri Dhiren competitions for employees and township
Pandya, SDM, Bharuch among people, prizes, banners, Oath and plantation.
3. IFFCO- Kalol Unit P.O. Pledge, Plantation, Message, booklet prepared
Kasturinagar, dist. Gandhinagar by RO Mehsana distributed to staff
4. NTPC Limited - Kawas Gas Power Essay, Quiz, Painting competitions, Garden for
Project ladies; Suggestion & Best out of waste contests,
PO: Adityanagar Hazira- Surat distribution of Booklet & badges, Plantation.
5. Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Hazira Poster, Slogan competitions, Booklet, Badges,
dist. Surat Prizes. Exhibition, sapling distribution.
6. IOC Ltd., Sidhdhpur district Rose plantation by children.
7. Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Indrad Poster, Slogan competitions, Video show,
dist. Mehsana Plantation, Low Energy Lamps distributed
8. Torrent Research Centre, Bhat Function, Drawing competition, prizes.
district Gandhinagar
9. Dudh Sagar Dairy, Mehsana Plantation.
10. Kalyani High School, Atul Ltd., Poster competition. Prizes. Plantation.
Atul district Valsad
11. Valsad Industries Association, Function, Plantation.
district Valsad
12. Raymond Ltd., village Khadki- Rally, function, plantation.
Udvada district Valsad
13. GHCL, village Bhilad taluka Oath, Plantation
Umbergaon district Valsad
14. Fortune Galaxy Hotel, Vapi, Shroff Rally, slogan-play-cards, plantation.
High School, Upasana School, St.
Xavier's High School and
Gyandham School located in Gunjan
area, Vapi.

Sr. Name of Industries / organizations Activities
15. VIA, Vapi Oath, Plantation, Function,
16. Popat Lakha Blood Bank, Vapi and Posters, banners. Blood donation camp.
Best Paper Mill, Vapi.
17. Ambuja Cements Ltd., Ambujanagar Week long celebration. On 4th June - No
- Kodinar district Junagadh Vehicle Day. Nature Walk, Visit of Devaliya
Park. Elocution, Best Environmental
Performance Award for staff & colonies, Skit,
Rangoli, Best from Wastes, Poster and
Photography competitions. Function. Prizes to
winners. Plantation.
18. Veraval Industrial Association Plantation.
19. Indian Rayon (Unit of Aditya Birla Plantation. So far about 55,000 trees planted
Nuvo Ltd.) at Veraval and maintained. Public Awareness programme
at ABP School.
20. Gujarat Sidhee Cement Ltd., Week long celebration. Posters and Drawing
Sidheegram dist. Junagadh competitions for employees. On the spot
drawing competition for students of NK Dav
Public School. Exhibition. Plantation. Prizes to
21. GHCL, Sutrapada district Junagadh Slogan, poem competitions for employees,
Poster competition for students of Colonies.
Prizes to winners. Plantation.
22. Asia Motor Works village slogan, posters, quiz and elocution
Kanaiyabe taluka Bhuj district competitions. Prizes to the winners. Banner.
Kutch. Plantation.
23. Hindustan Uniliver Ltd., Kandla Environment Week. quiz, slogan, poster, poetry
SEZ, Gandhidham competitions. Prizes to winners. Screened
environment movie. Save water, Save energy
24. Louis Dreyfus Commodities India Banners. Plantation.
Pvt. Ltd. located at Bhimsar taluka
Anjar district Kutch
25. Electrotherm (India) Ltd., Samakhiali Environment Week. Slogan, Best suggestion to
taluka Bhachau district Kutch reduce carbon dioxide competitions. Prizes to
winners. Discussion and documentary on
environment. Plantation.
26. Sanghi Industries Ltd., Sanghipuram, Function. Plantation.
Taluka Abdasa district Kutch
27. Steel Industries Ltd., Function. Plantation.

Sr. Name of Industries / organizations Activities
28. Jindal Saw Ltd., Samaghogha district Awareness campaign, slogan, poster, on the spot
Kutch painting, elocution, quiz, competitions for staff
and school children. Prizes to winners.
Plantation in township and nearby villages.
29. Mid India Power and Steel Ltd., Function. Slogan competition. Prizes to winners.
village Mithirohar taluka Plantation.
Gandhidham district Kutch
30. GSECL, Kutch Lignite Thermal Banners. Plantation.
Power Station, Panandhro taluka
Abdasa district Kutch
31. Nilkanth Concast Pvt. Ltd., village Plantation.
Vadala taluka Mundra district Kutch
32. Halol GIDC Small Scale Plastic Mfg. Function. Plantation.
Association and Saw Mill
Association, Halol dist. Panchmahal
33. Samvedana BMW Incinerator, Plantation.
Chandrapura, Halol dist. Panchmahal
34. General Motors India Ltd., Function. Poster competition. Prizes. Plantation.
Chandrapura district Panchmahal
35. UPL at Gopipura district Panchmahal Poster competition. Prizes. Plantation.
36. Alembic Ltd, and Paushak Ltd., Plantation.
Panelav district Panchmahal
37. GSFC, Fertilizernagar, Vadodara Plantation of 3500 Banyan & Pipal trees &
distribution of saplings, Message, circulation of
Mails & articles on theme, banners,
documentary on global warming, Solar Cooking
System at Canteen, developed rainwater
harvesting system, rally & seminar.
38. Camphor & Allied Products Ltd., Message, Clean-up campaign and discussion
Nandesari dist. Vadodara programmes. Plantation.
39. Gulbrandsen Chemicals P. Ltd., Oath, Essay, Quiz, Housekeeping competitions,
Mujpur dist. Vadodara Plantation, Prizes, Flag Hoisting
40. Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd., Plantation, sapling distribution, cotton bags
P.O. Petrochemicals dist. Vadodara distribution, Message, Film show, Banners

41. Sterling Gelatin, dist. Vadodara Slogan, Essay competitions, Rally, Plantation.

Sr. Name of Industries / organizations Activities
42. Cadila Healthcare Ltd., dist. Quiz, Presentation, Plantation.
43. Crompton Greaves Ltd., dist. Poster, slogan, house keeping competitions,
Vadodara Plantation.
44. Alembic Ltd., dist. Vadodara Slogan competition, Plantation.
45. Novadigm Ltd., dist. Vadodara Presentation, Plantation.
46. Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Poster, Poem, Slogan competitions, Presentation,
dist. Vadodara Plantation.
47. Transpek Silox Industry Ltd. dist. Quiz, Essay, Poster, Slogan, competitions.
Vadodara Plantation.
48. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. dist. Vadodara Badge distribution, Poster, Slogan, Poem, Essay,
competitions, Plantation.
49. Kiri Dyes & Chemicals Ltd. dist. Bicycle competition, Discussion, Plantation.
50. Tonira Pharma Ltd. dist. Vadodara Awareness programme.
51. Reliance Industries Ltd. (Formerly Quiz, cross word, collage, model competitions,
IPCL) dist. Vadodara Water Management Training and practices, Film
show, Plantation.
52. Panasonic Energy India Co. Ltd., Oath, Poster, Slogan display, Plantation.
dist. Vadodara
53. Jubilant Organosys Ltd. dist. Presentation, Training, Rally, Plantation.
54. Biotor Industries Ltd. dist. Vadodara Pledge, Plantation.
55. Sud-chemie India Pvt. Ltd. dist. Slogan, Essay competitions, Badge & literature,
Vadodara Plantation.
56. Sabic Innovative Plastics India Pvt. Drawing, Quiz competitions, PUS camp,
Ltd., dist. Vadodara Plantation.
57. Heavy Water Plant, dist. Vadodara Awareness programme.
58. Gujarat Mineral Development Corp. Workshop at Ahmedabad.
Ltd. (GMDC), dist. Vadodara
59. Bajaj Healthcare Ltd., dist. Vadodara Poster display, Cleaning, Plantation.
60. FAG Bearing India Ltd., dist. Presentation, Poster display, Plantation.
61. Philips Electronics India Ltd., dist. Quiz, Drawing competitions, Plantation.

Sr. Name of Industries / organizations Activities
62. Nirma Ltd., dist. Vadodara Plastic awareness campaign, Plantation.
63. Apollo Tyres Ltd., dist. Vadodara Plantation.
64. Transmetal Ltd., dist. Vadodara Plantation.
65. Amoli Organics Pvt. Ltd., dist. Presentation, Quiz, Drawing competitions,
Vadodara Plantation.
66. Manav Kalyan Paryavaran ane Marathon Run
Suraksha Mandal, Ankleshwar
district Bharuch
67. Rajshree Polyfeel Ltd.- Ummala Discussion. Plantation.
district Bharuch.
68. Aarti Industries Ltd.- Jaghdia district Celebration. Plantation.
69. Wockhardt Ltd., district Bharuch Plantation.
70. Videocon Ltd., district Bharuch Plantation.
71. GNFC Ltd, district Bharuch Plantation.
72. Asian Paints, district Bharuch Plantation.
73. Lupin Ltd., district Bharuch Plantation.
74. United Phosphorus Ltd. - Unit I, Plantation.
district Bharuch
75. Cheminova, district Bharuch Plantation.
76. PETL district Bharuch Plantation.
77. P.I. Industries, district Bharuch Plantation.
78. Nirma Ltd., Kala Talao, Bhavnagar Drawing Competition, Plantation.
79. Ultratech Cements Ltd.(GCW), Poster Competition, Video film,
Kovaya, Dist. Amreli
80. Essar Oil Ltd., A March, Oath, Plantation, booklet distribution
Vadinar district Jamnagar
81. GSFC Ltd., Sikka district Jamnagar Function, Banners, Posters, booklet distribution,
82. Tata Chemicals, Mithapur district Observed World Environment Week. Various
Jamnagar programs at Unit and Township.


16th September 2008 - the Ozone Day
On 16th September 2009 - the International Day for Preservation of ozone layer was
observed on a theme ' Protect the Ozone Layer, Save life on the Earth, UNite to combat
Climate Change, Participate in Climate Change programmes, Nurture greenery to contain
carbon dioxide, Montreal Protocol - Global partnership for global benefits'.
In accordance with the communication received from Dr. S.K. Nanda, IAS, Principal
Secretary, Forest & Environment Department, Government of Gujarat, through Shri J.K.
Vyas, Director (Environment) & Additional Secretary, Forest and Environment
Department, regarding celebration of the International Day for Preservation of ozone layer
on 16th September 2009, the action taken and programmes organised by the Gujarat
Pollution Control Board are as under:
ƒ All the Regional Offices of the Board located at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot, Surat,
Bharuch, Vapi, Godhra, Mehsana, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Bhuj, Nadiad and Junagadh were
informed to commemorate the aforesaid Celebration of Ozone Day - 16th September 2009
in appropriate manner.
ƒ The Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Gandhinagar, the Regional Office, GPCB,
Ahmedabad and Vision B.Ed. College, Navrangpura-Ahmedabad jointly organised a
programme on the Ozone Day-16th September 2009, at Vision B.Ed. College, Ahmedabad.
NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar also participated in the
Following activities were carried out as a part of programmes to observe the Ozone Day
16th September 2009 :
1. A presentation followed by discussion programme on the Ozone Day - 16th September
2. A poster exhibition for colleges and schools students in - Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar
3. Copies of a booklet on the Ozone Day and Global Warming-Climate Change prepared
and distributed jointly by Head Office Gandhinagar & the Regional Office,
Ahmedabad. Such activity was also carried out with the NCSC- Nisarg Community
Science Centre, Gandhinagar. Moreover, the Regional Offices Vadodara, Mehsana,
Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar and Nadiad also prepared and distributed such booklet.
4. Banners on the occasion were displayed at the GPCB, Gandhinagar and various
educational places in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar districts though the Regional
Office Ahmedabad and also through the NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre,
5. Posters on the Ozone Day prepared and exhibited in Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar and
Kalol district Gandhinagar during the programmes jointly organised with educational
institutes and NGO.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, GPCB, Gandhinagar, RO, GPCB Ahmedabad and Vision B.Ed. college,
Ahmedabad jointly organised a programme on the Ozone Day and Climate Change issues
at Ahmedabad. Over 100 students of Vision B.Ed. college, professors, lecturers, including

Dr. H.B. Vadhel, Principal Vision B.Ed. college and Shri M.L. Patel, Environmental
Engineer, Shri J.K. Vyas, Environmental Engineer, Shri K.C. Mistry, Regional Officer, RO,
Ahmedabad, of GPCB participated in the programme. A video clipping on the climate
change screened by NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar and also
conducted discussion session. Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC - Shri K.B. Patel, Chief Manager,
Gujarat Flourochem Limited, Ranjitnagar taluka Goghamba district Panchmahal, Shri
Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board were among the speakers. The RO, GPCB, Ahmedabad
organised a poster exhibition. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change
issue were also prepared and distributed among participants. Banners and Posters on the
occasion were also displayed.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, GPCB, Gandhinagar, NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre,
Gandhinagar and Excel Institute of Diploma Study, Kalol district Gandhinagar jointly
organised a programme on the Ozone Day and Climate Change issues at Excel Institute of
Diploma Study, Kalol district Gandhinagar. Over 200 students of Diploma civil students,
professors, lecturers, including Prof. S.D. Patel, Principal Excel Institute of Diploma Study,
Kalol district Gandhinagar, Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre,
Gandhinagar and staff of GPCB participated in the programme. A video clipping on the
climate change screened by NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar and
also conducted discussion session. Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC - Nisarg Community Science
Centre, Gandhinagar, Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board were among the speakers. The
NCSC- Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar organised a poster exhibition. A
booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also prepared and
distributed among participants. Banners and Posters on the occasion were also displayed.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Ahmedabad organised a in-house programme on Ozone Day
and Climate Change issue. Smt. Shivani Bhargav, DEE, RO Ahmedabad made presentation
on the occasion. Shri K.C. Mistry, RO Ahmedabad and Shri D.N. Vasadia, SO also briefed
on the occasion. Staff of RO Ahmedabad participated actively in the discussion programme.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, RO GPCB, Ahmedabad, an NGO - Paryavaran Mitra, Ahmedabad and M.N.
Shukla B.Ed. College, Ahmedabad jointly organised a programme on the Ozone Day and
Climate Change issues at M.N. Shukla B.Ed. College, Thaltej Ahmedabad. A team of B.Ed.
college students presented a skit highlighting the Ozone issues. Dr. Sanjay Thakar of M.N.
Shukla B.Ed. College, Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC - Nisarg Community Science Centre,
Gandhinagar, Shri Mahesh Pandya Paryavaran Mitra, Shri D.N. Vasadia, SO - RO
Ahmedabad and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board were among the speakers. Over 80
persons including B.Ed. students professors, lecturers, and staff of RO GPCB Ahmedabad
participated in the programme. A video clipping on the climate change was screened on the
occasion. And also conducted discussion session. Posters prepared by students were also
displayed. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also
prepared and distributed among participants. Banners and Posters on the occasion were also
displayed. Moreover, Slogan and Poster competitions organised by Paryavaran Mitra on
'No Horn Day' -5th September 2009, 10 students of M.N. Shukla B.Ed. College among
winners were also given prizes during this occasion.
ƒ On 18.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Ahmedabad and Tripada Education Trust, Ahmedabad
organised a programme on Ozone Day and Climate Change issue. Over 200 Students from

Tripada International School, Tripada Day School and Tripada High School and many
teachers of these three schools participated in the programme. A video clipping on the
climate change was also screened. Smt. Shivani Bhargav, DEE & Smt. Depali Tank, DEE
RO Ahmedabad, Shri K.C. Mistry, RO, GPCB, Ahmedabad and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO
of the Board were among the speakers. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate
Change issue were also prepared and distributed among participants. Banners and Posters
on the occasion were also displayed.

ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Mehsana organised a programme on Ozone Day and Global
Warming - Climate Change at LCIT College, Bhandu district Mehsana. Over 300 students,
professors, lecturers, staff participated in the programme. Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO Mehsana,
Shri Haribhai Patel, Vice President of LCIT College, Prof. Modi and Shri K.B. Vaghela,
SO of RO Mehsana briefed on the occasion. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and
Climate Change issue were also prepared and distributed among participants. Banners and
Posters on the occasion were also displayed.

On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Mehsana organised a programme at Science College,

Mehsana. Over 250 students, professors and staff participated in the programme. Shri G.H.
Trivedi, RO Mehsana, Shri D.R. Patel, Principal Science College, Shri S.S. Patidar -
ONGC and Shri K.B. Vaghela, SO of RO Mehsana briefed on the occasion. A booklet
highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also prepared and distributed
among participants. Banners and Posters on the occasion were also displayed.
ƒ On 14.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Jamnagar prepared and distributed copies of a booklet
highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue among students of various schools
including Shree Anant Vidhyalay, Shree Sodha Higher Secondary Kanya Vidhyalaya, Ekta
High School, Balanand Vidhyaniketan, Shree Jekuverben Soni Kanya Vidhyala and Het

On 15.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Jamnagar organised an audio video show on global warming
effect at Nandana High School, Kalyanpur district Jamnagar. Over 150 students
participated in the programme. The RO Jamnagar also brief on the theme of the occasion.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Jamnagar organised a drawing competition in primary
school and also nature photography competition among the employees of Tata Chemical
Ltd., Mithapur. RO Jamnagar Shri A.V. Shah briefed the participant on the occasion. Prizes
were distributed to the winners.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Nadiad and Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd., jointly
organised programme at Pay Centre School, Goblej district Kheda. Over 350 students
including teachers, RO Nadiad staff participated in the programme. A booklet highlighting
the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also prepared and distributed among
participants. Shri R.I. Desai, SO of RO Nadiad and Shri Hasmukhbhai Limbachia, Principal
of School briefed on the occasion. A video show was arranged by the staff of Hindustan
Coca Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Essay competition was also organised among the students
and prizes were distributed to the winners.

On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Nadiad organised programme at GEB school, Dhuvaran
district Anand. Over 140 students of primary and secondary school participated in the

programme. Shri B.L. Maru, RO Nadiad, Shri K.I. Karelia and Shri Panchal briefed on the
occasion. A painting competition for students was organised on the Ozone Day theme.
prizes were distributed to the winners. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate
Change issue were also prepared and distributed among participants.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Nadiad organised programme at Sokhda taluka Khambhat
district Anand. Over 20 representatives of various industries located at Sokhda participated
in the programme. Shri B.L. Maru, RO Nadiad, Shri Jayantbhai Patel, President Sokhda
GIDC, Shri Kanani, Principal of High School, Shri K.I. Karelia and Shri Panchal briefed on
the occasion. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also
prepared and distributed among participants.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Rajkot organised programme at Sardar Patel Kelavni Mandal,
Jetpur district Rajkot. Besides Trustees of the Education Complex Shri Rajubhai Patel, Shri
Virjibhai Vekariya and Shri Bhurabhai Patel, over 300 students including lecturers, teachers
participated in the programme. Shri S.M. Jha, RO Rajkot and Shri F.M. Modi, DEE of the
RO Rajkot briefed on the theme of the Ozone Day and Climate Change issues. A video film
on climate change was also screened. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate
Change issue were also prepared and distributed among participants.
On 22.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Rajkot organised programme at Mahatma Gandhi
Uttarbuniyadi Vidhyalay, M.P. Patel B.Ed. College & M.P. Patel PTC College, Jodhpar
Nadi taluka Morbi district Rajkot. The Shri Kantibhai Bavarva, Umiya Services Class
forum-Morbi helped to organise the programme. Shri Yogeshbhai Dabhi, a student of B.Ed.
College, Shri S.M. Jha, RO Rajkot and Shri J.D. Priyadarshi, EE of RO Rajkot briefed on
occasion. Over 120 students including lecturers, teachers participated in the programme. A
booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also prepared and
distributed among participants.
On 30.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Rajkot organised programme at K.B. Shah Science College
& M.P. Shah Commerce College and the B.V. Shah B.Ed. College, Surendranagar. Besides
Dr. R.M. Talavaniya, Principal of the M.P. Shah Commerce College, Shri Vijaybhai
Thakkar, Principal of the B.V. Shah B.Ed. College, over 200 students including lecturers
participated in the programme. Shri S.M. Jha, RO Rajkot and Shri P.K. Dodia, SSO of RO
Rajkot briefed on occasion. A video film on climate change was also screened on the
occasion. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also
prepared and distributed among participants.
ƒ On 15.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vadodara, GEMI and Parul Institute of Engineering &
Technologies (Diploma Studies), Vaghodia jointly organised programme at Parul Institute
of Engineering & Technologies (Diploma Studies), Vaghodia district Vadodara. Slogan,
Essay & drawing competitions were organised for students. Prizes were distributed to the
winners. Certificates were issued to the participants. A workshop was also organised on the
occasion. Over 200 students including teachers & officials of RO Vadodara participated in
the programme. Shri A.A. Dolti, RO Vadodara, Shri N.A. Shah, DEE of the RO Vadodara
and Shri B.C. Patel of Nandesari Industries Association briefed on the theme of the Ozone
Day and Climate Change issues. All participated in the plantation programme carried out
within the college campus. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change
issue were also prepared and distributed among participants.

On 15.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vadodara, GEMI and Babaria Institute of Technology,
Varnama jointly organised programme at Babaria Institute of Technology, Varnama district
Vadodara. Slogan, Essay & drawing competitions were organised for students. Prizes were
distributed to the winners. A workshop was also organised on the occasion. Over 200
students including teachers & officials of RO Vadodara participated in the programme. Shri
A.A. Dolti, RO Vadodara, Shri N.A. Shah, DEE of the RO Vadodara and Shri B.C. Patel of
Nandesari Industries Association briefed on the theme of the Ozone Day and Climate
Change issues. All participated in the plantation programme carried out within the college
campus. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and Climate Change issue were also
prepared and distributed among participants.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vadodara, GEMI and Nandesari Industries Association
jointly organised programme at Ineos Abs Ltd., GIDC Nandesari-Vadodara. Shri A.A.
Dolti, RO Vadodara, Shri N.A. Shah, DEE of the RO Vadodara, Shri H.V. Patel, GFL,
Ranjitnagar and Shri B.C. Patel of Nandesari Industries Association briefed on the theme of
the Ozone Day and Climate Change issues. A booklet highlighting the Ozone Day and
Climate Change issue were also prepared and distributed among participants.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Junagadh, participated in the programme organised by Usha
Breco Ltd., at Vadal road, Junagadh. Over 100 students of Krishna Boarding School
participated in the programme. Shri Mahendrabhai Masharu, Hon'ble MLA-Junagadh,
District Junagadh Shri Ashvini Kumar, IAS, Junagadh Municipal Commissioner Shri R.M.
Joshi and RO Junagadh Shri G.M. Sadhu briefed on the occasion. The dignitaries carried
out plantation within the divider Island across the state highway road junction. About 100
saplings and tree-guards were provided by for plantation displaying messages on
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Junagadh and Indian Rayon- a unit of Adiyta Birla Nuova
Ltd., jointly organised a programme at Veraval district Junagadh. Officials of RO Junagadh
and Indian Rayon unit participated in the programme. RO Junagadh Shri G.M. Sadhu
briefed on the occasion. Drawing and quiz competitions were organised and prizes were
distributed to the winners. Certificates were also issued to all the participants.
Representatives of Indian Rayon unit also made presentation on the theme of the occasion.
A public meeting was also arranged at Adiya Birla Public School, Veraval for awareness on
the Ozone Day.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Junagadh and Nobel Group of Institutes including Nobel
Engineering College, Nobel Pharmacy College, Nobel M.B.A. College and Nobel B.Ed.
College, Bamangam - Junagadh jointly organised a programme at Nobel Engineering
Campus, Junagadh. About 775 students including staff of Nobel Group of Institutes and
officials of RO Junagadh participated in the programme. RO Junagadh Shri G.M. Sadhu
briefed on the occasion. A debate competition on the issues including 'Climate Change' was
also organised. Prizes and certificates were distributed to the winners.
ƒ On 3.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vapi organised a programme as part of Ozone Day and Global
Warming & Climate Change issue at Dungra Secondary School, Dungra- Vapi district
Valsad. Posters were displayed during the programme. Smt. S.A. Bharti briefed on the
occasion. A set of stationery items were distributed to the students who participated in the
programme. Handbills, Pamphlets and booklets on the occasion were also distributed to the

On 10.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vapi organised a programme as part of Ozone Day and
Global Warming & Climate Change issue at Namdha Primary School, Namdha- Vapi
district Valsad. Posters were displayed during the programme. Shri A.D. Bhimani briefed
on the occasion. A set of stationery items were distributed to the students who participated
in the programme. Handbills, Pamphlets and booklets on the occasion were also distributed
to the students.
On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Vapi organised a programme as part of Ozone Day and
Global Warming & Climate Change issue at Sarigam district Valsad. Representatives of
Sarigam Industries Association, students of local school and local people also participated
in the programme. Posters were displayed during the programme. Shri V.R. Patel, RO Vapi
and Smt. S.A. Bharti briefed on the occasion. Shri Khadakwal of Atul Ltd. made
presentation on the environmental issues. Handbills, Pamphlets and booklets on the
occasion were also distributed to the students.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Bharuch Shri M.S. Shukla participated in the programme
organised by Environment Forum, Ankleshwar district Bharuch. Safety Officers of various
industries located in Panoli, Jaghdia and Ankleshwar participated in the programme.

On 16.9.2009, Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Limited, Dahej, Ta. Vagra district Bharuch
organised various activities on the Ozone Day. Banners were displayed. Essay competition
for surrounding villages secondary schools and employees children. Prizes were distributed
to winners. Copies of booklet on Ozone layer prepared in Gujarati distributed among
students of Dahej, Jageshwar, Atali, Khojbal, Rahiad, Suva, Lakhigam and Kadodara
village schools.
ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Surat and NFIL- Navin Flourine International Ltd., Surat
jointly organised a discussion programme on the Ozone Day and Climate Change at Surat.
Staff of RO Surat and NFIL participated in the programme. RO GPCB Surat Shri J.K.
Patel, Shri Paresh Randeri of NFIL briefed on the occasion. A slide show was also
organised on ozone layer issue.

ƒ On 16.9.2009, the RO, GPCB, Bhavnagar and Chitra Industries Association jointly
organised discussion programme on Ozone Day and Climate Change at Chitra GIDC,
Bhavnagar. Staff of RO Bhavnagar, office bearers of Chitra Industries Association and
representatives of various industries of Bhavnagar participated in the programme. RO,
GPCB, Bhavnagar Shri G.V. Patel and Shri Pankaj Pandya briefed on the occasion.
Plantation was also carried out at Chitra GIDC, Bhavnagar.

ƒ On 16.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Godhra organised a programme at Kendriya Vidhyalaya,

Godhra. Shri J.P. Babaria, and Shri R.N. Patel, both SO of RO Godhra briefed the students
of the school. Copies of booklet on ozone day were distributed among students.

On 16.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Godhra organised a programme at Narendra Dev Girls High
School, Godhra. Shri J.P. Babaria, and Shri R.N. Patel, both SO of RO Godhra briefed the
students of the school. Copies of booklet on ozone day were distributed among students.
On 16.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Godhra organised a programme at M & M Mehta High School,
Godhra. Shri J.P. Babaria, and Shri R.N. Patel, both SO of RO Godhra briefed the students
of the school. Copies of booklet on ozone day were distributed among students.

On 16.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Godhra organised a programme at Kalrav School, Halol district
Panchmahal. Shri T.B. Shah, DEE and Shri R.N. Patel, SO both of RO Godhra briefed on
the occasion. Copies of booklet on ozone day were distributed among students.
On 17.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Godhra organised a programme at Gujarat Flouro-chemicals
Ltd., Ranjitnagar district Panchmahal. Shri S.B. Gaytunde made presentation on UV
radiation, history of ODS, status of ozone layer. Shri K.B. Patel of Gujarat Flourochemicals
Ltd. and Shri T.B. Shah, DEE of RO Godhra briefed on the occasion.
ƒ On 17.9.2009, RO, GPCB, Bhuj and Hindustan Uniliver Ltd., KSEZ, Gandhidham jointly
organised a Ozone Day Celebration programme at Gandhidham. Staff of RO GPCB, Bhuj,
senior Executives of Hindustan Uniliver Ltd. and representatives of various units located at
KSEZ participated in the programme. Copies of booklet on 'Ozone Day - 2009' prepared
and distributed among participants. Regional Officer, GPCB, Bhuj Shri J.D. Kalyani
briefed on the occasion. A video on Global Warming was also screened. Posters and
slogans on Climate Change-Global Warming and importance of Ozone Layer were
displayed in exhibition.
During 29-30 September 2009, RO, GPCB, Bhuj, Electrotherm India Ltd and Indian Steel
Corporation Ltd., jointly organized a function on Ozone Day Celebration at Saraswati
School, Bhachau district Kutch. Posters and essay competitions for students grouped from
three different Standards were organised. Moreover, an elocution competition was
organised for higher secondary students. Shri J D Goshwami, DEE RO, Bhuj, Mr J B
Sharma, Sr. Officer, Shri S G Thakkar, Principal, Sarswati School, Bhachau, Shri Ashwani
Sharma, AGM- Indian Steel Corporation Ltd. briefed on the occasion. A documentary film
on An Inconvenient Truth was screened. Mr Rajesh Bhatt, Teacher also briefed on this
Workshop, seminar programmes on pollution control awareness.
On 4.4.2009, RO Vapi organised a public awareness seminar on BMW at Umargam district
On 31.7.2009, a workshop was jointly organised by the GPCB, Sardar Patel University,
Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Vallabh Vidhyanagar Seva Sadan, Anand Nagar Seva Sadan and
Karmasad Nagar Seva Sadan on 'Hurdles in final disposal of wastewaters being discharged
from Vallabhvidhyanagar, Anand, Karmasad and its judicious solution' at Vallabh-
vidhyanagar. The District Collector, Anand Shri R.N. Joshi, IAS inaugurated the
programme. Dr. C.L. Patel, Chairman, Charutar Vidhya Mandal, VV Nagar, Dr. P.A. Joshi,
Member SEIAA and Dean, Faculty of Technology, Dharamsinh Desai University, Nadiad,
Dr. B.G. Patel, Vice Chancellor, SP University, Professor J.H. Patel, Head of Civil
Engineering Department, BVM Engineering College, Smt. Sejalben Patel, Hon'ble
President, Anand Nagar Seva Sadan, Shri Kiranbhai Patel, Vice President, Karamsad Nagar
Seva Sadan briefed on the relevant issues. Hon'ble President, Karamsad Municipality Smt.
Sudhaben Patel, Municipal Councillors of Anand-VV Nagar and Karamsad, Shri M.L.
Patel, Environmental Engineer, Shri P.J. Vachhani, Environmental Engineer of the Board,
Shri B.L. Maru, RO, GPCB - Nadiad, Smt. Sudhaben Patel, President, Karmasad Nagar
Seva Sadan, Shri Natubhai Solanki, Hon'ble Sarpanch, Bandhni village Panchayat, Dr. F.S.
Umarigar, Principal, BVM Engineering College, Smt. Kokilaben Patel, Anand Taluka
Panchayat, Shri Dhaval Patel and volunteers of Nature Club, VV Nagar, Chief Officer, etc.

were among the prominent persons besides students of civil engineering - BVM
Engineering College, participated in the programme.
All the stakeholders (municipalities and villages vizly. Anand, Vallabh Vidhyanagar,
Karamsad, Bakrol, Vadtal, Badhani, Sunav, Petlad, Sojitra, Nar and Khambhat) as
mentioned in the report on 'Anand District Effluent Disposal Project' prepared by the
Gujarat Water Supply & Sewerage Board's office, the Executive Engineer, Public Health
Works Division, Anand located at Anand were also invited.
After deliberations during the discussion session an Advisory Committee including the
District Collector, Anand; the Vice-Chancellor, Sardar Patel University, V. V. Nagar; the
President/ The Sarpanch, all the Concerned Nagar Save Sadan / Village Panchayat; the
HoD, Civil Engineering, B.V.M. Engineering College, V. V. Nagar; the HoD, Civil
Engineering, Faculty of Technology, DD University, Nadiad; the Chairman, Charutar
Vidhya Mandal, V. V. Nagar; the Chairman, Amul Dairy, Anand; the Chairman, NNDB,
Anand; the CMD, Elecon Group of Company, V.V. Nagar; representative, District Planning
Board, Anand; the Chairman, Charutar Grammoddhar Sahkari Mandal, VV Nagar; Dr.
Urvik Patel, Sarsa, Dist. Anand; Shri Dhaval Patel, VV Nagar Nature Club, VV Nagar –
Coordinator of the aforesaid Committee was announced. The Committee was also
authorised to co-opt other members.
The brief prepared by Shri Mahendrabhai (Bababhai) Patel, President, VV Nagar Seva
Sadan and also Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary incorporated in the proceedings of the
workshop. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board co-ordinated entire programme under the
guidance of Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board.
On 11.8.2009, RO Vadodara organised a seminar jointly with IMA, on BMW Management
at Vadodara. About 150 persons participated in the programme.
On 5.9.2009, RO Vadodara briefed during a workshop on 'Climate Change & Environment
Management' organized by ITI, Dashrath district Vadodara.
On 6.10.2009, RO Vapi organised a public awareness seminar on Cleaner Fuel at Umargam
district Valsad.
On 11.11.2009, RO Vapi organised a public awareness seminar on Cleaner Fuel at Vapi
district Valsad.
On 13.1.2010, RO Mehsana distributed copies of pamphlets on plastic issues as part of
awareness programmes to 31 municipalities including Unjha, Visnagar, Vadnagar, Vijapur,
Kheralu, Kadi, Mehsana, Dehgam, Kalol, Mansa, Pethapur, Bayad, Vadali, Khedbrhma,
Idar, Modasa, Prantij, Talod, Himmatnagar, Palanpur, Bhabhar, Deesa, Dhanera, Thara,
Tharad, Harij, Radhanpur, Chansma, Siddhpur, Patan and Notified Area-Gandhinagar.
On 19.1.2010, with support of GPCB Ahmedabad based NGO and RRA - Regional
Resource Agency, known as VIKSAT organised a programme vizly. NEAC - National
Environment Awareness Campaign, inaugurated by Hon'ble Minister for Environment and
Forests, Govt. of India Shri Jayram Ramesh. He stressed to strike balance between
economic development and environment during prevalent global climate change phase by
developing country like India. It is noble objective to spread awareness among different
areas for implementation of NEAC programme by representatives of registered NGOs with
the same Ministry of the Govt. of India through VIKSAT. Over 500 persons including
dignitaries the Principal Secretary of Forest and Environment Department Dr. S.K. Nanda,

IAS, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, the Chairman of the Board, Shri Kartikey Sarabhai; Director
CEE, Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board, Shri Dilip Surkar, Director,
VIKSAT, Shri K.C. Mistry, Regional Officer, RO Ahmedabad, about 480 representatives
of registered NGOs, officials of the Board, etc. participated on this occasion. The
participants also visited an posters exhibition on bio-medical wastes, municipal solid wastes
and plastic wastes organised by the Ahmedabad Regional Office of the Board. TrueGreen
an unit also exhibited various bio-degradable items looked like plastic including carry bags
prepared from edible materials. Shri Vijaybhai Kaushal, VIKSAT, Smt. Niyti Mistry, in-
charge Principal Govt. Arts College, Gandhinagar, Shri Manish Barad, Asstt.
Environmental Engineer and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board briefed on various
topics related to global warming issues.
On 30.1.2010, the Central Pollution Control Board and the Gujarat Pollution Control Board
jointly organised a Workshop on Management of Bio-medical Wastes in West Zone at
Vadodara. Dr. K.U. Mistry, Chairman GPCB inaugurated the workshop and stressed on
strengthening Bio-medical Wastes Management network. Dr. M Subba Rao, Director
(Environment), Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India, Shri R.G. Shah,
Member Secretary, GPCB, Shri B.R. Naidu, Zonal Officer, CPCB Vadodara Zonal office,
Shri J. Chandrababu, EE, CPCB, Shri A.T. Fulmali, RO, Maharastra Pollution Control
Board, Shri A.A. Dolti, RO, Vadodara, Shri Nihar Doctor, Vice-President, CBMWTF
Association, Shri Pradeep Mulay, PASSCO Environmental Solutions P. Ltd., Pune, Dr.
Bharat Patel, Civil Hospital Gandhinagar, Shri Haresh Advani, NIC and Shri
Dharmadhikari of Armed Forces, were among the speakers. SOver 150 persons including
officials of CPCB, GPCB, MPCB, GEMI, Health Department, doctors, paramedical staff,
representatives of common bio-medical wastes facilities operators of Gujarat, Maharastra,
etc. participated in the workshop. The progress made in field of implementation of BMW
Rules in Gujarat was appreciated by officials of CPCB and Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Govt. of India. A team including Shri A.A. Dolti, RO Vadodara, Shri H.P. Patel,
SSO, Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO and Shri N.A. Shah, DEE of the Board co-ordinated the
On 20.2.2010, Dr. Suresh, SGS India Pvt. Ltd. imparted training on 'Source Emission
Sampling & Analysis' at RO Vadodara.
During 16 and 17 March 2010, RO Ahmedabad and Sheth Amulakh Vidhyalay, B/h
Vishwnath Mahadev Mandir, SG Highway, Gota Ahmedabad organised awareness
programme and briefed on Climate Change, Municipal Solid Wastes, Plastic issues, Noise
pollution and Bio-medical Wastes. Posters on environment and pollution control were
displayed. Over 4000 persons including students, parents and nearby villagers visited the
poster Exhibition. Informative pamphlets were distributed among the participants.
On 26.3.2010 RO GPCB Bhavnagar, District Education Office Bhavnagar and Sant-Shreya
Education Trust, Bhavnagar jointly organised a half day seminar 'Climate Change & Global
Warming'. Shri Mehulbhai Vadodaria, President of Saurashtra Chamber of Commerce and
Industries conducted the programme. Shri Mahendrabhai Trivedi, Former MLA was the
Guest of Honour. About 600 participants from various industrial organizations, various
district level government officials, including High-school and college Students, citizens,
etc. participated in the programme.

100 hrs, Awareness programmes on Environment - Pollution Control issues
- On 17.7.2009, 19.12.2009, 21.12.2009, 4.2.2010 and 25.3.2010 RO Vadodara organised a
training program on BMW Management for various Medical students of MS University at
- On 15.9.2009, RO Vadodara participated in a seminar organised by Institute of Engineers on
'Engineering Solutions to Combat Climate Change' at Vadodara.
- On 25.9.2009, RO Vadodara interacted among students of Class-VII Standards, Bright
School, Vadodara on briefed on air pollution & air quality of Vadodara at Vadodara.
- During 4-10 October 2009, RO Vadodara displayed Posters in the Exhibition on
Environmental Awareness & Climate Change at Reliance School, Vadodara on the occasion
of Wildlife Week.
- On 4.10.2009, RO Bhavnagar and IMA-Bhavnagar jointly organised an awareness
programme at Bhavnagar for the workers of Health Care Units to guide them for the proper
segregation and correct disposal method of Bio Medical Waste. The RO Bhavnagar Shri
G.V. Patel, briefed about BMW segregation and disposal.
- On 13.11.2009, RO Mehsana Shri G.H. Trivedi participated in an awareness programme
organised by Joyful International Learning Academy on 'Global Warming'.
- During 25-27 December 2009, RO Vadodara displayed Posters in the Exhibition on
Environmental Awareness & Climate Change at Vidhya Bharati Gujarat Pradesh Western
Zone Camp at Sokhada-Kotaria.
- On 2.1.2010 RO, Godhra organized Cleaning Programme at Haideri society, Godhra. About
30 residents participate in the programme.
- On 19.1.2010, RO, Godhra briefed residents of Sony Society, Vardhman society of Godhra
about nuisance caused due to burning of domestic municipal waste in open area. They were
also informed to use door to door collection facility provided by Nagarpalika and keep the
surrounding area clean.
- On 21.1.2010 RO, Godhra briefed residents of Mahavir society, Vrundavan society and
Gayatrinagar society, Godhra to use cleaner fuel, proper operation of vehicle and stopping
vehicle at signals.
- During 23-26 January 2010, RO Vadodara displayed Posters distributed pamphlets in
Exhibition organised by Maa Gayatri Primary School, Maneja, Vadodara on 'Global
Warming & Climate Change'.
- On 28.1.2010, RO Vadodara participated in a workshop on 'New Perspectives of Climate
Change & Global Warming' organised by GEMI at Vadodara.
- During 29-30 January 2010, RO Ahmedabad monitored Noise level data with co operation
of 'Divya Bhaskar' newspaper for awareness on noise pollution, air pollution from the
engine exhaust, to shut down the engine and to save the fuel at traffic junction of various
places in Ahmedabad City.

- During January, February and March 2010, RO Ahmedabad monitored Noise level data with
ISTAR- Institute of Science and Technology for Advance Studies and Research, Vallabh
Vidhyanagar, district Anand students for awareness on noise pollution, air pollution from
the engine exhaust, to shut down the engine and to save the fuel at traffic junction of various
places in Ahmedabad City.
- On 30.1.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Gujarat Stri
Kelavani Mandal, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’, at
Rajdeepnagar, Narol Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO Ahmedabad briefed on the
occasion. Posters exhibition was also organised.
- On 4.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Gujarat Stri
Kelavani Mandal, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’, at
village Moraiya district Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO Ahmedabad briefed on
the occasion. Students of local school, teachers and staff of Jay Bahuchar Seva Mandal
participated in programme. Posters exhibition was also organised.
- On 9.2.2010, RO, Godhra briefed residents of Dahod about nuisance caused due to burning
of domestic municipal waste in open area. They were also informed to use door to door
collection facility provided by Nagarpalika and keep the surrounding area clean.
- On 9.2.2010 RO, Godhra briefed residents of Dahod to use cleaner fuel, proper operation of
vehicle, stopping vehicle at signals.
- On 16.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Mukta
Bandivan Sahayaka Mandal, Mandalpurgam, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate
Change’, at Lal B park, Fatehwadi Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO Ahmedabad
briefed on the occasion. A silent rally was also organised for local people.
- On 19.2.2010, RO Mehsana participated in a programme organised by Parth Charitable
Trust-Patan under NEAC- National Environment Awareness Campaign programme of
MoEF, GoI organised an awareness programme on Climate Change at MSW Department,
Sheth MN Law College Campus, Patan. Over 100 MSW college students and faculty
participated in the programme. Shri K.B. Vaghela, SO, RO Mehsana briefed on Climate
Change issue.
- On 22.2.2010, RO Nadiad staff participated in Workshop on Climate Change organised by
Nature Club, VV Nagar at Anand.
- On 24.2.2010, RO Nadiad staff participated in a Workshop organised by Uni Trust Surajba
Mahila Arts College, Nadiad at Nadiad. Smt. Vanashree Panhalkar, SSA briefed on 'Climate
Change and Global Warming' issue.
- During February 2010 RO Ahmedabad organised a program jointly with Gujarat Rajya
Gram Vikas Samiti on 'Climate Change' for local people. RO Ahmedabad provided posters,
literature, booklets and pamphlets for exhibition and briefed on global warming.
- On 6.3.2010, RO Ahmedabad participated in a seminar organised jointly with Patni Sheri
Sewa Sangh, Bhadra, Lal Darwaja on 'Climate Change' at Ahmedabad. About 60 persons
including Balwatika teachers of Kankaria area and staff participated in the programme. RO
Ahmedabad AEE Shri Manish Barad briefed on global warming.

- During first week of March 2010 RO, Junagadh actively participated in various public
awareness programmes organized by GEC, DOEF & Mahanagarpalika, Junagadh including
rally lead by the Junagadh Municipal Commissioner, Drawing competition among students
of schools and poster exhibition etc., to convey message for balancing of green environment.
- On 16.3.2010, RO Nadiad staff members participated in a programme organised by Uni
Trust Surajba Mahila Arts College, Nadiad as judges in elocution competition on 'Global
Warming' at Nadiad.
- On 23.3.2010, RO Mehsana Shri G.H. Trivedi participated in a programme organised by
Sabarkantha District Eco club at Sabar Dairy, Himmatnagar and briefed on 'GPCB
Functions'. Shri R.B. Bhrahmbhatt, IPS, SP, Sabarkantha, Shri M.J. Parmar, IFS, DCF, Shri
Jethabhai Patel, Chairman, Sabar Dairy and Shri Atulbhai Diksit, Chairman, Paryavaran
Pratisthan Sanstha were among the dignitaries briefed on the occasion. Over 400 people
participated in the programme.
- On 27.3.2010, RO Ahmedabad participated in Zero Carbon Footprint Exhibition organised
by Chemical Engineering Student’s Association at Nirma University, Ahmedabad.
- During 29 & 30 March 2010 RO Vadodara organised an awareness programme was
organised jointly with Traffic Police, Vadodara, and displayed play cards for 8 hours on
vehicular pollution control at main traffic junctions in Vadodara.

Swarnim Gujarat programmes:

On 16.4.2009, RO Vadodara arranged a presentation on ‘Waste water & sewage treatment
through Electrolysis’ at Vadodara.
On 12.5.2009, 21.11.2009, 25.11.2009 and 26.11.2009 RO Vadodara held meetings and
sensitised representatives of industries about effluent quality in ECP Channel at Vadodara,
Dhanora-Nandesari and Padra district Vadodara respectively.
On 21.5.2009, RO Vadodara held a meeting with Chhotaudepur Mineral Merchant
Association at Chhotaudepur dist. Vadodara to sensitize dolomite units regarding control of
air pollution.
On 4.7.2009, as a part of Swarnim Goals-2010 RO, Ahmedabad and Meghmani Organics
Ltd., jointly organised plantation programme at Chhrodi taluka Sanand district Ahmedabad.
Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, RO Ahmedabad K.C. Mistry, Environmental Engineer
Shri N.M. Tabhani and other officials of RO Ahmedabad, Directors and staff of Meghmani
Organics Ltd. participated in the programme. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, RO
Ahmedabad K.C. Mistry briefed on Climate Change issue, too.
On 8.7.2009 RO Mehsana Shri G.H. Trivedi participated in a 'Millennium Tree Program' at
On 23.7.2009 RO Mehsana Shri G.H. Trivedi participated in a Vanmhotsav-09” Poster
Exhibition and presentation at L.C.I.T. College, Bhandu district Mehsana.
On 8.10.2009, RO Nadiad staff participated One day One district meeting at Mahudha
Taluka district Kheda.

On 20.10.2009 RO, Ahmedabad and The Open Page- a publication of Tripada Education
Trust, Ahmedabad jointly organised a programme on ' My Dream Green Earth.... Put a stop
to climate change' at SKUM School, Ahmedabad. Over 1400 students from 35 schools
participated including teachers, parents and volunteers participated in the programme. RO
Ahmedabad Shri K.C. Mistry, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Western Region Pipelines -
Senior Operations Manager Shri Sanjeev Kumar Kanojia, Sr. Operations & Maintenance
Engineer Shri A. P. Biswas and Shri Vivek Sheth of Envirokleen Solutions also encouraged
the students.
On 22.10.2009 RO, Ahmedabad shown air pollutants monitoring and briefed the staff and
students of Seth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital Ahmedabad at Nehru bridge,
On 29.12.2009 RO, Ahmedabad and senior officers participated in a seminar on 'Adoption
of pollution abatement measures' held at Odhav Enviro Project Ltd., Ahmedabad. Shri
Shaileshbhai Patwari, President, Naroda Industries Association, Shri Samir Shah, Director,
CETP- OEPL Odhav, Shri Mansukh Kothia, President Odhav Industries Association and
Shri Manish Barad, AEE RO Ahmedabad briefed on the occasion. Over 65 persons
participated in the programme.
On 12.1.2010, RO Ahmedabad participated in a seminar organised by Entrepreneurship
Development Institute of India (EDI) for small scale entrepreneurs on 'Adoption of
pollution abatement measures' at GIDC Vatva Ahmedabad. About 50 persons from various
industries participated in the programme. RO Ahmedabad AEE Shri Manish Barad and BM-
SIDBI Shri Jay Kumar Gupta briefed on the occasion.
On 19.1.2010 RO, Ahmedabad and senior officers participated in a State Level orientation
workshop on 'National Environment Awareness Campaign-2010' held at VIKSAT,
Ahmedabad. The RO Ahmedabad organised poster exhibition on 'Climate Change' and
distributed pamphlets to the participants.
On 2.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Mukta
Bandivan Sahayaka Mandal, Mandalpurgam, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate
Change’, at Sahwadi-Narol Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO Ahmedabad briefed
on the occasion.
On 8.2.2010 RO Vadodara briefed during a seminar on 'Advances in Water & Waste Water
Treatment Technology' organised by the Faculty of Technology, M.S. University at
On 12.2.2010, Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board and RO Jamnagar Shri A.V.
Shah participated in a programme organised by Tata Chemicals, Mithapur district Jamnagar
on 'Science of Climate Change'. Students from all local schools participated in 'Save
Energy' competitions. Over 200 persons including employees, teachers, students and
stackholders participated in the programme. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary distributed
prizes to the winners.
On 16.2.2010 RO Ahmedabad Smt. MNK Dalal Education College for Women, Behind VS
Hospital Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme on Climate Change and Global
Warming. The students were briefed on Climate Change, Municipal Solid Wastes, Plastic
issues, Noise pollution and Bio-medical Wastes. Posters on environment and pollution
control were displayed. Informative pamphlets were distributed among the participants.

On 16.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Smt.
M.N.K. Dalal Education College for women, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate
Change’, at Ahmedabad.
On 18.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Mukta
Bandivan Sahayaka Mandal, Mandalpurgam, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate
Change’, at Majur Mahajan Mandal, Lal Darwaja Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO
Ahmedabad briefed on the occasion.
On 22.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad participated in a seminar organised by Entrepreneurship
Development Institute of India (EDI) for small scale entrepreneurs on 'Adoption of
pollution abatement measures' at GIDC Naroda Ahmedabad. About 60 persons from various
industries participated in the programme. RO Ahmedabad AEE Shri Manish Barad and Shri
Bipinbhai Shah of EDI briefed on the occasion.
On 23.2.2010, RO Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme jointly with Gujarat Stri
Kelavani Mandal, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad on ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’, at
Girdharnagar Ahmedabad. Shri D.N. Vasandia, SO, RO Ahmedabad briefed on the
occasion. A film show was also organised on ‘Global Warming & Climate Change’.
On 10.3.2010, RO Nadiad and ONGC, Cambay jointly organised a programme at
Khambhat district Anand. Shri K.I. Karelia, SO briefed on 'Environment Awareness'.
On 10.3.2010, RO Bhavnagar organised a public awareness programme for proper
collection and disposal of plastic waste and bio-medical waste at Ultratech Cements Ltd.
(Narmada cements) the staff colony, Jafarabad. School students, teachers and parents
including staff of RO Bhavnagar participated in the programme.
During 11-13 March, 2010, RO Ahmedabad participated in an International Conference on
'Global Warming, Agriculture, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership'. RO
Ahmedabad also organised an Exhibition held at Gujarat Vidhyapith, Ahmedabad.
On 14.3.2010, RO Nadiad and Sandhyadeep-Society of the Helpers of Mary, Vadtal jointly
organised a programme at Vadtal district Anand. Smt. Vanashree Panhalkar, SSA briefed
on 'Environment Awareness'.
During March 2010 RO, Godhra participated in different programmes held in connection
with Swarnim Gujarat Sankalp Jyot Yatra.
6.23 Xgn - Online application for CCA, BMW, Water Cess, etc.

- On 18.9.2009, RO, Nadiad organised a Workshop on XGN as a part to educate e-

Governance programme of GPCB vizly. XGN (Extended Green Node) at GIDC V.U. Nagar
district Anand.
- On 6.1.2010, RO, Nadiad organised a meeting on XGN as a part to solve problems faced in
making applications while applying online CCA (consolidated consent authorisation)
through e-Governance programme of GPCB vizly. XGN (Extension Green Node) at V.U.
Nagar GIDC district Anand.
- On 27.7.2009, RO Vadodara, RO Godhra and RO Nadiad jointly organised a training
program on XGN at Vadodara. The training imparted by NIC aimed at up gradation of the
XGN system.

- On 23.11.2009, RO Vadodara organised in house meeting & discussions held at Vadodara
with NIC representatives regarding XGN working.
- On 25.12.2009, RO Vadodara organised presentation and discussion programme on
functioning of XGN at Vadodara. Officials from CPCB-Delhi, Punjab, Goa, Maharastra,
West Bengal, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa SPCB participated in the
programme. They appreciated efforts made by GPCB.
6.24 Mock-drill organised by the District Authorities in the State
- Industrial activities imparting a likely impact in case of unforeseen event is an area included
in the Disaster management programmes looked after by the respective district Authority in
the State. The District Authority, usually under the chairmanship of the District Collector or
his nominee organises mock-drill programmes in closed co-ordination with different
government offices, DDO, TDO, factory inspector, health, DIC, Civil Supply, GIDC,
industrial associations and large industrial units, fire-fighting agencies, etc, as a part of
awareness among people. Besides, all the concerned including industries, government
offices, NGOs and local people, etc., the representatives of Regional Offices of the Board,
also participated during such programmes organised as under:

Sr. Particulars Date

1. RO, Vadodara staff participated in the mock-drill organised by the District 22.2.2010
Collector Vadodara regarding leakage and explosion in Naphtha storage
tank, at GSFC, Vadodara.

2. RO, Nadiad staff participated in the mock-drill organised by the District 12.3.2010
Collector Kheda regarding leakage of LPG, at BPC L, Matar district

3. RO, Vapi staff participated in the mock-drill organised by the District 19.3.2010
Collector Valsad regarding on site and off site emergency plan at Super
Gas SHV Energy Pvt. Ltd., GIDC Sarigam.

4. RO, Godhra staff participated in the mock-drill organised by the District 30.3.2009
Collector Panchmahal regarding leakage of LPG, at General Motors, Halol

6.25 Important events

- On 9.6.2009, the 1st Regional Conference of Chairmen & Member Secretaries of Western
States SPCBs. PCC and CPCB was organised by the GPCB at Gandhinagar. Prof. S.P.
Gautam, Chairman, CPCB presided the conference. Shri J.S. Kamyotra, MS, CPCB, Shri
R.G. Shah, MS, GPCB, Shri Sanjay Khandare, MS, Maharashtra PCB, Shri B.R. Naidu,
Zonal Officer, ZO, CPCB, Vadodara, various Common Facilities operators made
presentation on various environmental issues. Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, Chairman, GPCB, Shri
J.K. Vyas, Director(Environment) Forest & Environment Department, Shri Keyur Shah,
CPCB, Delhi, Dr. Y.B. Sontakke, RO, HQ, HSM Div. Maharashtra PCB, senior officers of
the Board, representatives of common facilities operators, etc. participated in the

- On 10.6.2009, as a part of the Study Tour, the 'Application Committee' also known as Arji
Samiti in vernacular consisting of Hon'ble MLAs of the Gujarat State Assembly visited
Nandesari district Vadodara. The list of the Arji Samiti is as under:

Sr. Name Constituency

1. Shri Narayanbhai Patel MLA, (88 Unjha), Chairman
2. Smt. Jashumatiben Patel MLA, (21 Jetpur), Member
3. Shri Karshanbhai Odedara MLA, (33 Kutiyana), Member
4. Shri Mansukhbhai Bhuva MLA, (46 Dhari), Member
5. Shri Arvindsinh Rathod MLA, (119 Kalol), Member
6. Shri Ramsinh Parmar MLA, (126 Thasra), Member
7. Shri Khumansinh Chauhan MLA, (146 Savli), Member
8. Shri Chandubhai Dabhi MLA, (153 Karjan), Member

In accordance with the instructions of the Forest and Environment Department, Government
of Gujarat given to GPCB, Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board briefed Shri
Narayanbhai Patel, Hon'ble Chairman of the Committee about status of GIDC Nandesari
from pollution control view points. Following members of the Application Committee
participated during the study tour programme.

Sr. Name
1. Shri Narayanbhai Patel Chairman
2. Smt. Jashumatiben Patel Member
3. Shri Mansukhbhai Bhuva Member
4. Shri Chandubhai Dabhi Member

Among the officials of Gujarat Assembly accompanied the Application Committee were
Shri J.U. Parmar, Under Secretary, Shri K.V. Patel, Section Officer, Smt. Bhagwatiben H.
Patel, Deputy Section Officer, Shri K.B. Hala, Reporter. Moreover, officials of the Forest
and Environment Department Shri K.G. Patel, Under Secretary and Shri H.P. Chauhan, Dy.
Section Officer. Among GPCB officials, Shri J.R. Mehta, Environmental Engineer, Shri
A.A. Dolati, Regional Officer, GPCB, Vadodara, Shri N.A. Shah, Deputy Environmental
Engineer, Shri I.D. Beriwala, Jr. Officer and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO co-ordinated the
The Committee visited TSDF, Nandesari managed by Nandesari Enviro Control Ltd.,
Vadodara. They were briefed about hazardous wastes generated from various chemical units
and its scientific disposal system including incinerator for identified wastes. The Committee
also visited CETP, operated by Pollution Advisory Committee, Nandesari Industries
Association. They were apprised about collection, transportation, treatment and disposal
into effluent channel of ECP exclusively manned for industrial wastewaters generated from
giant industries located in and around petrochemical complex, Vadodara as well as few
scattered units developed along the 55 km. long ECP channel. The Committee also visited

Ineos ABS (India) Ltd., GIDC Nandesari, Sud-Chemie India Pvt. Ltd., GIDC Nandesari,
Deepak Nitrite Ltd. GIDC Nandesari industrial units and Gujarat Industries Power
Company Ltd., Vadodara. The Committee also visited the location of Mini river across the
weir near Angadh. But for dry riverbed there was no industrial wastewater found in the river
Mini. The Committee visited the takeoff point of ECP, Dhanora. The Committee was
briefed about the functioning of 55 km. long Effluent Channel.
The Committee expressed satisfaction about the measured taken by the Forest and
Environment Department, Government of Gujarat through the regulatory authority - GPCB,
for prevalent environmental status of GIDC Nandesari.
- During 18-20, June 2009, RO Mehsana Shri G.H. Trivedi, participated in a programme of
Kanya Kelvani Rath Yatra and Shala Praveshoutsav-2009 organised by the District
Education Committee.
- On 4.7.2009, RO, Ahmedabad and Meghmani Organics Ltd., jointly organised plantation
programme at Chhrodi taluka Sanand district Ahmedabad as a part of Swarnim Goals-2010.
Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, RO Ahmedabad K.C. Mistry, Environmental Engineer
Shri N.M. Tabhani and other officials of RO Ahmedabad, Directors and staff of Meghmani
Organics Ltd. participated in the programme. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary, RO
Ahmedabad K.C. Mistry briefed on Climate Change issue, too.
- On 11.7.2009, Ahmedabad based Paryavaran Mitra (Centre for Social Justice)- NGO
organised a lecture series under 'Climate Change' programme. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of
the Board initiated an interaction session on the 'Environmental Global Issues - our role in
the local contest'. A small group of about fifteen people from different walk of life
participated actively in the discussion programme. The group suggested various ways we
can adopt to improve environment.
- On 12.7.2009, RO Vadodara Shri A.A. Dolati participated in a 'Vadodara Green Run'
programme organised by IOC at Vadodara and distributed prizes.
- On 25.7.2009, Regional Office, Mehsana participated in an exhibition programme organised
by the Forest Department, Mehsana at Bhandu district Mehsana during the celebration of
60th Van Mahotsav 2009. Shri Ramanlal Vora, Hon'ble Minister for Education, Smt.
Jayshreeben Patel, Hon'ble MP(Mehsana), Shri Natuji Thakor, Hon'ble MP(Rajsabha), Shri
Anilbhai Patel, Hon'ble MLA (83-Mehsana) were among the dignitaries visited the
exhibition. Over 300 people visited the exhibition. RO, Mehsana displayed posters on
environment, air & noise monitoring instruments. Copies of a booklet on bio-medical wastes
were also distributed during the exhibition.
- On 1.8.2009, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, Chairman of the Board inaugurated the Regional
Office, Ahmedabad office shifted to second floor of Gram Nirman Bhavan, Juna Vadaj,
Ahmedabad. The office premise has spacious working environment. Shri R.G. Shah,
Member Secretary of the Board, representatives of Industries Associations & industrial units
and senior officials of the Board also participated during the programme.
- On 21.8.2009 RO Vadodara Shri AA Dolti briefed on 'Steps towards pollution control to
combat climate change' during the training program organised by Directorate of
Employment & Training at ITI, Gorwa.

- On 25.9.2009, the Lions Club of Ahmedabad Sola (District 323-B) organised 'Environment
Awareness and Plantation' programme at Naranpura Municipal School (no.4), Ahmedabad.
Over 100 persons including students, teachers, office bearers and members of Lions Club of
Ahmedabad Sola participated in the programme. The Regional Officer Ahmedabad Shri
K.C. Mistri, District Governor- Lions Clubs International Shri Bhavesh Patel, Former
District Governor D 323-B Dr. Pravinkant Dave, President Lions Club of Ahmedabad Sola
Shri Hanuman C. Jain, District Chairman (Plantation and Environment) Shri Prakash Jain,
Smt. Lilaben Vyas Principal Narnpura Municipal School no.4 and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO
of the Board briefed on the occasion. Informative booklet.pamphlets were distributed among
the participants. Dignitaries participated in plantation programme.

- On 30.9.2009, Manthan-Narmada Lok Vigyan Kendra, Rajpipla district Narmanda managed

by Manthan Education Programme Society (India) organised environmental related
discussion, talk and posters exhibition programme at St. Xavier's High School, Nivalda,
taluka Dediyapada district Narmada. Over 900 persons including students, teachers,
Principal Sister Sushila Madam participated in these awareness programmes. During this
programme Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO briefed on environmental issues including pollution
control, municipal solid wastes, plastic, bio-medical wastes and Global Warming and
Climate Change issues.

- On 30.9.2009, Manthan-Narmada Lok Vigyan Kendra, Rajpipla district Narmanda managed

by Manthan Education Programme Society (India) organised environmental related
discussion, talk and posters exhibition programme at Navrachana Madhyamik Shala,
Nivalda, taluka Sagbara district Narmada. Over 300 persons including students, teachers,
Principal Fr. Anil Macwan participated in these awareness programmes. During this
programme Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO briefed on environmental issues including pollution
control, municipal solid wastes, plastic, bio-medical wastes and Global Warming and
Climate Change issues.

- On 1.10.2009, Manthan-Narmada Lok Vigyan Kendra, Rajpipla district Narmanda managed

by Manthan Education Programme Society (India) organised environmental related
discussion, talk and posters exhibition programme at Mahatma Gandhi Global Aklavya
School, Tilakwada taluka district Narmada. Over 240 persons including students, teachers,
Principal N.M. Mankad participated in these awareness programmes. During this
programme Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO briefed on environmental issues including pollution
control, municipal solid wastes, plastic, bio-medical wastes and Global Warming and
Climate Change issues.

- On 1.10.2009, Manthan-Narmada Lok Vigyan Kendra, Rajpipla district Narmanda managed

by Manthan Education Programme Society (India) organised environmental related
discussion, talk and posters exhibition programme at Jayjyoti Girls School, Navagam
(damsite), taluka Nandod district Narmada. Over 230 persons including girls students,
women teachers, Principal Arvindbhai B. Panchal participated in these awareness
programmes. During this programme Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO briefed on environmental
issues including pollution control, municipal solid wastes, plastic, bio-medical wastes and
Global Warming and Climate Change issues.

- On 7.11.2009, Federation of Panchmahals Industries organised a programme on their silver
jubilee celebration at Godhra district Panchmahal. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the
Board participated in the programme and briefed on various issues concerned to the
industries and on line facilities set up by the Board. He also advise the industrialist to adopt
more eco-friendly practices including cleaner fuel, cleaner technology and simple steps to
combat climate change. Representatives of industries and office bearers of Federation of
Panchmahals Industries and RO Godhra officials, etc. participated in the programme.

- On 13.11.2009, GPCB, Gandhinagar, RO, GPCB Mehsana and JILA-Joyful International

Learning Academy, Borisna taluka Kalol district Mehsana jointly organised a programme on
'Global Warming and Climate change' issues at JILA, Borisna district Mehsana. Shri K.B.
Vaghela, Scientific Officer, RO GPCB Mehsana and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board
initiated an interaction session on the 'Global Warming and Climate change' issues. A team
of IX standard students of JILA, Borisna undertook a project and carried out a survey on
effect of Climate Change issues for awareness among people. Shri Govindbhai Patel,
Managing Trustee, JILA, Borisna, Shri Tribhuvanbhai Patel, Trustee, JILA, Borisna, Shri
Ishwarbhai Prajapati, Principal, JILA, Borisna, teachers and over 100 students participated
in the programme. A video clipping on the climate change was screened and also conducted
discussion session.

- On 24.11.2009, a programme organised by KKM - Kapadwanj Kelavani Mandal B.Ed.

College on Environment and Climate Change issues at Kapadwanj district Kheda. The
students of B.Ed. College, Kapadwanj participated in the programme. A video film on
Global Warming and Climate Change issues was also screened. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO
briefed on environmental issues including pollution control, municipal solid wastes, plastic,
bio-medical wastes and Global Warming and Climate Change issues. Over 80 persons
including Dr. K.D. Patel, Principal, KKM B.Ed. College, Professors and students
participated in the programme. A set of pamphlets and booklets on pollution control
awareness was handed over to the Principal of the KKM B.Ed. College for reference.

- On 14.12.2009, HO-GPCB, Gandhinagar, Shaher Vasahat Mahamandal - Gandhinagar and

Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd., Gandhinagar jointly organised eco-friendly bags
distribution programme at three different vegetable markets located in Sector 21, Sector 7
and Sector 24 of Gandhinagar. Shri C.L. Meena, IAS, Chairman- GPCB initiated
distribution of eco-friendly bags. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board, Shri
Arunbhai Buch, President, Gandhinagar Shaher Vasahat Mahamandal, Shri Vinodbhai
Randadiya, Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd., Shri J.B. Barayia, Chief Officer,
Gandhinagar Notified Area, Shri S.M. Chaudhary, Sanitation Superintendent, Shri H.P.
Patel, SSO, GPCB, Shri K.C. Mistry, RO, GPCB Ahmedabad, Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO
Mehsana, Shri V.C. Shah, EE, Shri P.J. Vachhani, EE, Shri N.M. Tabhani, EE, Shri R.V.
Patel, EE, Shri A.N. Pranami, DEE, Shri G.B. Bhatt, DEE and staff of the Board, office
bearers of Shaher Vasahat Mahamandal, senior staff of Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd.
participated in the programme. About 1500 people including women and men who visited
vegetable market located at three different in Sector 21, Sector 7 and Sector 24 of
Gandhinagar, undertook a written pledge and declare their intention to use eco-friendly bag,
as a cause for minimising plastic usage and a step forward climate change issue. Eco-

friendly bag and informative pamphlet on plastic issues were distributed. GPCB,
Gandhinagar staff also undertook such pledge. There was an overwhelming response from
people and press at large. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board and Shri Vinodbhai
Randadiya, Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd. Shri H.P. Patel, SSO and Shri A.N. Pranami,
DEE of the Board co-ordinated this programme.
- On 15.12.2009, a programme organised by School of Nursing, Victoria Jubilee Hospital,
Ahmedabad on 'Bio-medical Wastes Management'. The first year 30 students of Nursing
College, participated in the programme. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board explained
Bio-medical Wastes Rules, and handling of bio-medical wastes by the Occupier. A copy of
BMW Rules and a list of CBWTF operator for collection to disposal of BMW was handed
over to class representative. The students also visited CBWTF- Semb Ramky Environmental
Management Private Ltd., Changodar GIDC, Ta. Sanand, Dist. Ahmedabad. Shri K.C.
Mistry, RO Ahmedabad and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board explained collection,
segregation and disposal system for BMW wastes.
- On 15.12.2009, Kalptaru Power Transmission Ltd. organised a programme for their 300
staff members to take a pledge to use eco-friendly bag, as a cause for minimising plastic
usage and a step forward climate change issue. Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the
Board initiated distribution of eco-friendly bags to the staff of Kalptaru Power Transmission
Ltd. Gandhinagar.
- During 24-26 December 2009, the All India State Pollution Control Board Cricket
Tournament, 2009 organised at Vadodara. Teams of CPCB-Delhi, Punjab, Goa, Maharastra,
West Bengal, Andra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa SPCB including GPCB
participated in this tournament. Among 11 matches played, the trophy was lifted by Punjab
Pollution Control Board and Gujarat Pollution Control Board declared as Runner up team.
Prizes were distributed to the winners by Smt. Poonamben Panchal, Hon'ble Deputy Mayor
Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Shri Shankarbhai Patel, Chairman, Green Environment
Co-operative Society Ltd., Vatva, Ahmedabad and Shri Babubhai Patel, Chairman,
Nandesari Enviro Control Ltd., Nandesari, Vadodara. RO, Vadodara and officials of the
Board co-ordinated the event.
- During 25-26 December 2009, RO GPCB Mehsana participated in an exhibition on
environment and pollution control organised by Shri Paliad Saraswati Vidyalaya, Paliad
taluka Kalol district Gandhinagar as a part of silver jubilee celebration.
- On 13.1.2010, the Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar organised eco-friendly
kite flying programmes for students at Gandhinagar Helipad ground. Over 350 students from
various 21 schools of Gandhinagar and also students of Nisarg Community Science Centre,
as well as about 25 teachers of these schools participated in this programme. Shri R.G. Shah,
Member Secretary of the Board kick off the programme with distribution of about 500 eco-
friendly kites exclusively prepared and supplied by Truegreen (Greendiamz Biotech Pvt.
Ltd.), near Bavla district Ahmedabad. Shri Shah stress on the need of adopting eco-friendly
products against the non-bio degradable plastic materials, wherever possible. Shri Dipack
Sangghvi, Director of Truegreen explained the eco-friendly material prepared for the first
time with French Technology. Shri Anilbhai Patel, Director of Nisarg Community Science
Centre distributed about 5000 kites prepared from paper and eco-friendly kites provided by
Truegreen, both duly carrying environmental messages were distributed among the students.

Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board also co-ordinated the programme. Gujarat Pollution
Control Board Employee Union also distributed eco-friendly kites among the staff on Kite
Festival occasion.
- On 23.2.2010, Bhagini Sahayak Gruh Udhyog Sahkari Mandli, Visnagar district Mehsana
under NEAC- National Environment Awareness Campaign programme of MoEF, GoI
organised an awareness programme on Climate Change at Rampura (Lachhdi) Ta. Visnagar
district Mehsana. Over 150 NSS volunteers of C.C. Mahila Arts and Sheth Shri C.N.
Commerce College, Visnagar including villagers majority women and children participated
in the programme. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board, Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC-
Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar and Prof. Chirag A. Acharya, MN College,
Visnagar were among the speakers. Dr. M.F. Patel, Principal of the college and Shri
Chaudhary, Sarpanch, Rampura (Lachhdi). Smt. Devianiben Mazmudar, President, Bhagini
Sahayak Gruh and Shri B.S. Prajapati, DS of the Board were also present during the
programme. A set of pamphlets on pollution control awareness distributed to the Principal
and the organiser.
- On 24.2.2010, Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board conducted an interactive session with
presentation on 'Environmental issues' as well as 'Bio-medical Wastes Management' topics,
before a batch of 31 students-all medical officers from various Primary Health Centres in
Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Punjab. The PRO of the Board has been invited as faculty
consecutively for two years. The professional medicos are undergoing one year training at
the Indian Institute of Public Health - Gandhinagar, located at SPIPA campus, Thaltej,
Ahmedabad. The team lead by the PRO visited newly commenced CBWTF-Common Bio-
medical Wastes Treatment Facility operated by the E-Coli Waste Management System-
Unit-II, located at Plot 98,99&100, Sabar Industrial Park, NH 8, Himmatnagar Samlaji road,
Opp. Asopalav Hotel, near village Asal, Ta. Bhiloda, dist. Sabarkantha. Shri Dipesh Patel
and Shri Amrishbhai representatives of this Facility explained and showed operational part
of the CBWTF. Shri G.H. Trivedi, RO, Mehsana and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board
co-ordinated the field visit.
- On 25.2.2010, Nisarg Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar under NEAC- National
Environment Awareness Campaign programme of MoEF, GoI organised an awareness
programme on Climate Change at Gandhinagar Jilla Samaj Kalyan Sang, Sector 22,
Gandhinagar. About 60 women student of sewing class including instructors participated in
the programme. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board, Shri Anilbhai Patel, NCSC- Nisarg
Community Science Centre, Gandhinagar and Alap Pandit, GEER Foundation were among
the speakers. Smt. Mitaben Raval, Smt. Jayshreeben Mewada and Smt. Kokilaben Mistry
were also present during the programme. A set of pamphlets on pollution control awareness
distributed to organiser.
- On 25.2.2010, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Western Region Pipelines (KAPL), PO Railway
Colony, D-Cabin, Sabarmati, Ahmedabad organised an awareness programme on Climate
Change at ITI-Sarkhej, Ahmedabad. Over 100 students including staff of ITI and IOC
participated in the programme. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board, Shri A.C. Muliyana,
Principal-I, Shri N.R. Oza, Principal-II and Shri Sanjeev Kumar Kanojia, Sr. Operations
Manager, IOC were among the speakers. All dignitaries participated in the plantation
programme carried out within ITI campus. A set of pamphlets on pollution control
awareness distributed to the Principal.

- On 4.3.2010, the Directorate of Industrial Safety and Health, Valsad and Vapi Industries
Association organised a programme on 39th Safety Day - Safety Week at Vapi. Over 200
persons from various local industries, officials of Industrial Safety and Health, Shri V.R.
Patel, RO, Vapi and Shri VR Ghadge, Unit Head and RO Vapi staff, office bearers of VIA
including participated in the programme. Dr. K.U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB as a Chief
Guest of the function hoisted the Safety Flag. Dr. K.U. Mistry also inaugurated the Air
Monitoring Van to monitor in and around Vapi area. He also undertook Safety Pledge
Swearing among others. Dr. Mistry inaugurated the exhibition and blood donation camp. Dr.
K.U. Mistry inaugurated the programme. Swarnim Gujarat Sankalp was taken by all
- RO, Vapi participated in the exhibition displayed banners and distributed pamphlets on
pollution control awareness issues including plastic and bio-medical wastes. Dr. K.U.
Mistry, Chairman, GPCB, Shri T.J. Gamit, Dy. Director, ISH, Valsad and Shri Maheshbhai
Pandya, President, VIA were among the speakers. Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO of the Board
briefed on Climate Change - issues and approach. Shri V.R. Patel, RO, Vapi and DEE Shri
RR Vyas co-ordinated the exhibition programme.
- On 4.3.2010, Dr. K.U. Mistry, Chairman, GPCB accompanied with Shri V.R. Patel, RO,
Vapi and Shri VR Ghadge, EE, Unit Head participated in the meeting organised by Vapi
Industries Association, Vapi Waste & Effluent Management Co. Ltd. and Vapi Notified
Area Governing Board at Vapi. Over 100 representatives of various local industries,
officials of RO GPCB, etc. participated in the programme. Environmental issues were raised
during the meeting.

7.0 Visits to the Board by experts, important person, etc.

- During 10th and 11th July 2009, the UNIDO team under the leadership of Dr. K. Lalitha,
Associate Professor, Community Medicine, MS Ramaiah Medical College and Project
Officer in charge - Gujarat visited Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad. Dr. Zoltan Csizer, Senior
Advisor and former Director, UNIDO, Dr. Laszio Kovacs, UNIDO Consultant-Medwaste
Designer and Implementation, Ms Erlinda Galvan, Project Assistant, GEF procedure expert,
Dr. S.P. Dhua, Regional Co-ordinator RENPEP, UNIDO, and Dr. Y.P. Ramdev, ARC,
RENPAP, UNIDO were among the team members.
The UNIDO team had interaction meeting chaired by Dr. S.K. Nanda, IAS, Principal
Secretary, Forest and Environment Department. Dr. Ravi Saxena, IAS, Principal Secretary,
Health Department, Dr. Amarjit Singh, IAS, Principal Secretary, Family Welfare & Health
Commissioner, Dr. Sunil R. Avashia, Deputy Director, Medical Services, Commissionerate
of Health, Dr. P.D. Vithalani, Additional Director, Medical Education, Commissionerate of
Health, Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board, Dr. G.L. Meena, SQA Officer,
Commissionerate of Health, Dr. Sudha Yadav, Professor & HoD, MP Shah Government
Medical College, Jamnagar, Mrs Sofia Nair, State Co-ordinator, BMW and infection
control, Dr. T. Hemnath, Associate Professor, MS Ramaiah Medical College and Project
Nodal Officer, Dr. Gautam M.S., Lecturer, MS Ramaiah Medical College and Project Co-
ordinator and Shri H.P. Patel, SSO GPCB participated in the meeting to prepare project
document on Environmental Sound Management of BMW pertaining to the Gujarat.

- On 14.9.2009, Dr. Pruthvish S., Project Officer UNIDO accompanied with his team visited
Narhari Hospital, Vadodara and also BMW disposal facility of Quantum Environment
Engineers at Atladara – Mujmahuda, Vadodara to suggest model for the best BMW
Management Practices in HCU & CBWFT.
- On 12.10.2009, Shri M. Subbarao Director, MoEF, GoI accompanied with other Senior
officials of MoEF visited Alang-Sosiya Ship Recycling Yard. The team inspected the area
from safety and environment aspects. Shri B.R. Naidu, Zonal Officer, CPCB Zonal Office,
Vadodara, Shri N.M. Tabhani, EE of the Board and Shri G.V. Patel, RO Bhavnagar were
also present during the visit.
- During 9-10 December 2009, a team under the leadership of Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member,
Planning Commission, accompanied with Dr. (Smt.) Indrani Chandrasekharan, Advisor
(E&F), Planning Commission and Shri A.K. Verma, Advisor (S&T) Govt. of India visited
- On 10.12.2009, Dr. K. Kasturirangan, a State Guest of the Govt. of Gujarat, and his team
visited TSDF - Treatment, Storage and Disposable Facility, Common HWIF [Hazardous
Wastes Incineration Facility] and bio-gas plant operator by BEIL - Bharuch Enviro
Infrastructure Ltd., at Ankleshwar. Dr. K. Kasturirangan complemented for this
environmental facility and its smooth running and operational activities. Among the officials
present during the meeting were Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board, Shri Roop
Singh, IAS, Collector, Bharuch district, Shri Raghvendra Vats, IPS, SP Bharuch district,
Shri A.K. Agarwal, Additional G.M. GNFC, Shri N.G. Pandya, Chief Manager,
(Environment) GNFC. On 10.12.2009, the dignitaries visited SHRI (Sludge Hygeinisation
Research Irradiation Facility), a Centre set up by Department of Atomic Energy, BARC, at
Gajrawadi, Vadodara within the complex of Gajrawadi Sewage Treatment of Vadodara
Municipal Corporation. The pilot plant is functional and treat Municipal Sewage sludge by
radiation hygeinisation for agricultural application. Dr. K. Kasturirangan also inaugurated
'Pancham 2009' - programme organised by Zenith School, at Vadodara.
On behalf of the Principal Secretary, Forest & Environment, Dr. S.K. Nanda, IAS, Shri
R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the Board with the assistance of Shri R.C. Tamboli,
Environmental Engineer, HAZ Unit Head, GPCB Shri S.H. Vegda, Environmental
Engineer, Bharuch Unit Head, GPCB. Shri A.A. Dolti, Regional Officer, RO GPCB
Vadodara, Shri Sanjay Vaijanapurkar, DEE, RO Vadodara, Shri M.S. Shukla, Regional
Officer, RO GPCB, Bharuch and Shri Naresh Thakar, PRO, GPCB co-ordinated the
- During 16-18 January 2010, the UN delegation visited Sosiya-Alang Ship Yard to oversee
Labour Safety and Occupational Hygiene during handling of Hazardous Waste. Shri R.C.
Tamboli, EE of the Board and RO Bhavnagar officers accompanied the delegation.
- On 11.02.2010, the Israel delegation led by Mr. Josef (Yossi) Goldshmidt, President &
CEO, Makhteshim-Agan India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad visited GPCB Head Office,
Gandhinagar. The team held discussion with Shri R.G. Shah, Member Secretary of the
Board about environmental and pollution control scenario in Gujarat.

E . F. F. F

8.0 Administrative set up of the Board, Board Meetings - Important decisions
In accordance with the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
1974 and the Gujarat Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1976, Board.
8.1 Administrative set up of the Board
The Administrative set up of the Board is shown in Annexure VI.
(Head Office & Regional Offices)
8.2 Staff of the Board
The staff strength of for each cadre is shown in Annexure VII.
8. 3 Offices of the Board
The offices of the Board are shown in Annexure VIII.
8.4 Important decisions taken by the Board during 2009 - 2010

Sr. Board Meetings Date

1. Meeting number : 166 2.5.2009
2. Meeting number : 167 10.6.2009
3. Meeting number : 168 2.9.2009
4. Meeting number : 169 21.11.2009
5. Meeting number : 170 17.2.2010
6. Meeting number : 171 15.3.2010
Important decisions taken in the Board meetings held during 2009 – 2010
166th Board Meeting held on 2.5.2009
- A proposal to prepare a report based on the study of causes of fish-kill took placed at
Surat and nearby area, to be undertaken through NIO (National Institute of
Oceanography), was approved.
167th Board Meeting held on 10.6.2009
- A proposal to give benefit of Sixth Pay Commission to the employees/ officers of the
Board was approved.
- A body of Trustees framed under Group Gratuity Scheme of the Board was reconstituted
and decided to include four names of officers of the Board.
- The Board approved Audit Report for the year 2007-08.
- Annual Report 2008-09 prepared in English and Gujarati approved by the Board.
- A proposal to constitute a Purchase Committee was approved by the Board with
conditions to authorise the Purchase Committee to accord sanction of purchase within
rupees five lakh. And it was decided to incorporate two members vizly. (1) the Deputy
Secretary, Forest & Environment Department, and (2) the Finance Advisor, Finance
Department as members of the Purchase Committee, whenever the purchase value
exceeds rupees five lakh.

- The proposal to extend ongoing NAMP [National Ambient Air Monitoring Programme]
activities from August 2009 to July 2010 inclusive of expenditure thereof and entrusting
to GEMI was approved.
- A proposal including Purchase Committee regarding the World Bank aided,
Government of India's 'Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project' was approved by
the Board.
- A proposal to authorise the Member Secretary to decide issues regarding awarding fine
to derecognised Auditor for environment audit work undertaken by such Auditor, was
approved by the Board.
- The Board authorised the Member Secretary to enhance facilities at the new office
building of Head Office of the Board, Gandhinagar under construction for both (1) Solar
System, and (2) Furniture expenditure thereof.
168th Board Meeting held on 2.9.2009
- A proposal to enhance facility of networking and Intercom at the new office building of
the Head Office of the Board, Gandhinagar, under construction, was approved by the
- The Board authorised the Member Secretary to purchase new office building for
Regional Office, Mehsana.
- A proposal to monitor PM 2.5 within major cities and industrial areas of Gujarat was
approved by the Board.
- A proposal to increase fix pay for limited period to complete Zoning Atlas work in the
State, was approved by the Board.

169th Board Meeting held on 21.11.2009

- The proposal to extend ongoing SAMP [State Ambient Air Monitoring Programme]
activities for a year from January 2010 to December 2010 inclusive of expenditure
thereof and entrusting to GEMI was approved.
- A proposal to buy and operate Continuous Real Time Air Monitoring Station for
Ahmedabad city was approved by the Board.
- A proposal to carry out Ambient Monitoring including specific parameters at Alang -
Bhavnagar, through GEMI was approved by the Board.

170th Board Meeting held on 17.2.2010

- The Laboratory of the Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology (GUIDE) located at Bhuj has
been conditionally recognised, and their two analyst persons are recognised as Analyst
by the Board.
- An estimate proposal of income and expenditure for the year 2010-2011 was approved.
171st Board Meeting held on 15.3.2010
- A proposal to promote on the posts of Senior Environmental Engineer and Senior
Environmental Scientist was conditionally approved by the Board.

9.0 Prosecution launched and offences compound
In the initial years of its of its constitution, the Board pursued the industries to comply with
the provisions of the Water Act, 1974. However, even after giving notice and subsequently
sufficient time to provide pollution control measures, the situation did not improve in many
cases and the Board had to initiate legal action in accordance with the provisions of the
Water Act, 1974; the Air Act, 1981 and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 against the
industries not complying with the provisions/directions specified by the Board under these
Acts. The Board has continued to issue notice of direction, closure direction and file
prosecution against the defaulting units.
The overall pollution of action taken by the Board under the Water Act, 1974; the Air Act,
1981; the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, as
on 31.3.2010 are as under:

Up to Up to
Sr. Particulars
31.3.2009 31.3.2010

1. Number of cases filed in the Court

a). Under the Water Act, 1974 2,440 2,440

b). Under the Air Act, 1981 635 635

c). Under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) 247 247

d). Under the EPA, 1986 84 85

Total 3,406 3,407

2. Number of cases disposed off

a). Under the Water Act, 1974 1,482 1,531

b). Under the Air Act, 1981 305 328

c). Under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) 236 236

d). Under the EPA, 1986 23 25

Total 2,046 2,120

3. Number of cases pending in the Court

a). Under the Water Act, 1974 958 909

b). Under the Air Act, 1981 330 307

c). Under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) 11 11

d). Under the EPA, 1986 61 60

Total 1,360 1,287

Up to Up to
Sr. Particulars
31.3.2009 31.3.2010
4. Important decision of the Court
a). Under the Water Act, 1974
Ad- interim injunction restraining industries from 429 429
discharging the trade effluent.
Ad- interim injunction confirmed 219 219
Passing of convictions orders (imprisonment/ fine 28 28
or both)
b). Under the Air Act, 1981
Punishment in form of fine for operating industrial 51 55
plants without consent of the Board or for not
providing stack monitoring facilities.
c). Under the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) 150 150
Orders/injunctions issued by the Executive
5. Action taken under the Air Act, 1981.
Notice of directions issued under Section 31 A of 8,377 9,203
the Air Act, 1981 to the defaulting units.
Closure directions issued under Section 31 A of the 1,649 1,775
Air Act, 1981 to the defaulting units.
6. Action taken under the EPA, 1986.
Legal notices of directions issued under the 3,633 3,654
Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules,
Closure direction issued under Section 5 of the 995 1,024
EPA, 1986 read with Hazardous Waste
(Management & Handling) Rules, 1989.
7. Action taken under the Water, 1974.
Notice of directions issued under Section 33 A of 7,575 8,453
the Water Act, 1974 to the defaulting units.
Closure directions issued under Section 33 A of the 3,151 3,444
Water Act, 1974 to the defaulting units.


10.0 Finance and accounts of the Board (as received from the State Government)
The details of the funds released to the Board by the State Government during the financial
year 2009-2010 is under:

Particulars Rs. in lakh

[a] Plan 95.00

[b] Non Plan 10.00

Total : 105.00

The details of statement of accounts and finance report is prepared and maintained by the
Board in accordance with Section 40 of the Water Act, 1974.

The Audit Report of the Board for the year 2007-2008 is laid on the table of the House of
the Gujarat State Assembly on 24.7.2009.

In accordance with the provisions of the Water Act, 1974, the Annual Report of the Board
duly prepared for the financial year 2008-2009 was laid on the table of House of the State
Legislature, Gujarat on 15.7.2009.

11.0 Direction given by the State Government and steps taken to comply with them
12. Any other important matter dealt by the State Board
™ On 15.10.2010, the Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Head Office, Gandhinagar has
been registered as by the BIS- Bureau of Indian Standards, Delhi under the Quality
Management Systems in accordance with IS/ISO 9001:2000.

™ Recruitment Regulations and Departmental Examinations: Based on the

Recruitment Regulations of the Board, Departmental Examinations were conducted
during the year, also. 2 officers and 7 employees retired during the year under
report, taking total persons retired so far is 9.

™ Regional Office, Bhavnagar continued to board the ship at Bhavnagar Anchorage

Point as and when required, as per Hon'ble Supreme Court direction dated

™ During 19-20 October 2009, a team of experts appointed by MoEF carried out
High-sea inspection boarding S.S.PLATINUM II ship. The Zonal Officer Shri B.R.
Naidu, CPCB Vadodara, Shri N.M. Tabhani, EE and Shri J.M. Mahida, DEE of the
Board as well as officials of RO Bhavnagar were also present.

™ On 18.2.2010, RO, Mehsana shifted to own office building bought from Gujarat
State Finance Board located in GIDC Mehsana,. Dr. K.U. Mistry, Chairman of the
Board formally inaugurated the new office premise. Representatives of industries,
Government officials and senior officers of HO, GPCB were present during the

XGN (Extended Green Node) online system - Silver Award
As a part of implementation of e-Governance programme of Government of Gujarat,
GPCB vizly. XGN (Extension Green Node) was launched on 5th June 2008 for on line
common applications under various environmental laws.
The Government of India, Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievance,
selected the Gujarat Pollution Control Board for implementing the XGN (Extended Green
Node) online system under the 'Excellence in Government Process Re-engineering' (year
2008-09) among Organisational Category in various sub divisions of e-governance fields,
from Gujarat State and given Silver Award.
This award was conferred on 18.2.2010 during the 13th National e-Governance Conference
held at Jaipur presided over by Hon'ble Governor of Rajsthan Smt. Prabha Rao in the
presence of Hon'ble Minister of State Shri Sachin Pilot, Hon'ble Minister of State Shri
Pruthviraj Chauhan, Hon'ble Chief Minister Rajsthan Shri Ashok Gehlot. Hon'ble
Governor of Rajsthan Smt. Prabha Rao presented the Award and Certificate to the Member
Secretary of the Board Shri R.G. Shah on behalf of GPCB. Gujarat Pollution Control
Board is the first to qualify for this Award, among all the State Pollution Control Boards
including CPCB in India.


Annexure I
Members of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board
[as on 31.3.2010]
Date of assuming or leaving,
Sr. Name / Ex-officio, and address Designation
if any, during 2009-10
1. Chairman, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS Chairman
Gujarat Pollution Control Board [From 1.12.2006 to 20.1.2010]
Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector 10 A, Dr. K.U. Mistry,
Gandhinagar 382010 [from 20.1.2010 onwards]
2. The Deputy Secretary, Shri N.K. Patel Member
Forests and Environment Department,
Govt. of Gujarat. 14/8, Sardar Patel Bhavan,
Gandhinagar 382 010
3. The Commissioner of Transport, Shri S.J. Haidar, IAS Member
Office of Commissioner of Transport, Govt. [Up to 11.11.2009]
of Gujarat, 6/2, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Shri J. P. Gupta, IAS
Gandhinagar 382 010 [from 12.11.2009 onwards]
4. The Industries Commissioner, Shri Sujit Gulati, IAS Member
Office of Industries Commissioner, [up to 29.11.2009]
Govt. of Gujarat, 1/ 2, Udyog Bhavan, Sector Shri B.B. Swain, IAS
11, Gandhinagar 382 017 [from 30.11.2009 onwards]
5. The Director of Municipalities, Smt. Sonalben Mishra, IAS Member
Directorate of Municipalities, Government of
Gujarat, Old Assembly Building, Nr. Town
Hall, Sector 17, Gandhinagar 382 017
6. The Commissioner & Ex-officio Secretary Shri Tapan Ray, IAS Member
The Joint/Additional Secretary & Director [up to 2.9.2009]
(Public Enterprise Bureau) Finance Shri N. Srivastav, IFS
Department, Government of Gujarat. 4/9, (additional charge)
Sardar Patel Bhavan, Gandhinagar 382 010 [from 2.9.2009 onwards]
7. Vice Chairman & Managing Director Shri Arvind Agrawal, IAS Member
Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation,
2/2, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector 11,
Gandhinagar 382 017
8. The General Manager (Projects) Shri R.R. Rajyaguru Member
Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation,
11-12/7, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector 11,
Gandhinagar 382 017
9. Member Secretary, Shri R.G. Shah, SEE, GPCB Member
Gujarat Pollution Control Board (additional charge) Secretary
Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector 10 A,
Gandhinagar 382010
[*The said post is now re-nomenclature as Commissioner & Ex-officio Secretary vide Notification # env-pcb-
1099-448 P dated 22.11.2007 published by F&ED, Govt. of Gujarat]

Annexure II

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

(Recruitment) Regulations, 2007
(Regulation No. 8 (1) (i))

Selection Committee

Posts for
Sr. which Composition of the Committee

1 2 3

1. I & II Chairman: Chairman of the Board.


1. Member Secretary of the Board.

2. Two Board Members as decided by the Chairman of the Board.

3. One or more outside experts as approved by the Chairman of the Board.

4. Director (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

5. Deputy Secretary (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

2. III & IV Chairman: Member Secretary of the Board.


1. Deputy Secretary (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

2. Senior Environmental Engineer or Sr. Environmental Scientist (Senior


3. Head of the Accounts/ Adm. / Legal as approved by the Member


4. Junior Technical Officer, Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

Annexure III

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

(Recruitment) Regulations, 2007
(Regulation No. 8 (1) (ii))

Promotion Committee

Posts for
Sr. which Composition of the Committee

1 2 3

1. I & II Chairman: Chairman of the Board.


1. Member Secretary of the Board.

2. Two Board Members as decided by the Chairman at least one must

Official member.

3. Deputy Secretary (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

2. III & IV Chairman: Member Secretary of the Board.


1. Senior Environmental Engineer, or Sr. Environmental Scientist (Senior

most) of the Board.

2. Deputy Secretary (Environment), Forests and Environment Department,

Government of Gujarat.

3. Head of the Personal Branch of the Board.

Annexure IV

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Members of the Technical Committees of the Board

Date of assuming or
Sr. Name / Ex-officio, and address leaving, if any, during Designation

1. Chairman, Shri C.L. Meena, IAS Chairman

[From 1.12.2006 to
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Paryavaran Bhavan, Sec. 10 A, Dr. K.U. Mistry,
Gandhinagar 382010 [from 20.1.2010 onwards]
2. Vice Chairman & Managing Director Shri Arvind Agrawal, IAS Member
Gujarat Industrial Development
Corporation, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector 11,
Gandhinagar 382 017

3. The Industries Commissioner Shri Sujit Gulati, IAS Member

[up to 29.11.2009]
Office of Industries Commissioner,
Shri B.B. Swain, IAS
Govt. of Gujarat, 1/ 2, Udyog Bhavan, [from 30.11.2009 onwards]
Sector 11, Gandhinagar 382 017

4. The General Manager (Products) Shri R.R. Rajyaguru Member

Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation,
11-12/7, Udhyog Bhavan, Sector 11,
Gandhinagar 382017

5. The Director (Environment), OR Shri J. K. Vyas Member

Technical Representative,
Forests and Environment Department,
Govt. of Gujarat. 14/8,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, Gandhinagar 382 010

6. Member Secretary, Shri R.G. Shah, SEE, Member

GPCB, Secretary
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
(additional charge)
Paryavaran Bhavan, Sec. 10 A,
Gandhinagar 382010

Annexure V
GPCB Purchase Committee

The Board has set up a Purchase Committee consisting of officers of the Board for petty purchase,
etc. item amounting Rs. 1 to 5 lakh, as under:

Designation as Committee
Sr. Officer's Designation

1. Member Secretary Chairman

2. Senior Environmental Engineer Member

3. Senior Environmental Scientist Member

4. Chief Accounts Officer (Personnel) Member

5. Law Officer Member

6. Head, Central Laboratory Member

7. Environmental Engineer (to be decided by the Member


8. Environmental Engineer (Stores) Convener

9. Administrative Officer (Personnel) Member

10. Accounts Officer Member

11. Internal Audit Officer Invitee Member

12. Head of respective Regional Office Invitee Member

Moreover, following officers shall also be included as Members in the aforesaid Committee
for purchase of an item exceeds amount of Rs. 5 lakh and above.

1. Deputy Secretary, Forest and Environment Department, Govt. of Gujarat.

2. Financial Advisor, Finance Department, Govt. of Gujarat.

Note : The details of Purchase Committee is laid down vide an Office Order issued vide (Gujarati)
letter no. gpcb/admV536/(3)/13901/2009 dated 7.7.2009.

Gujarat Pollution Control Board
[A] Head Office, Gandhinagar Administrative Structure of the Board Annexure VI
Member Secretary

Ahmedabad BharuchU Bhavnagar Godhra Jamnagar Junagadh Bhuj Mehsana Nadiad Rajkot Surat Vadodara
Unit 1 nit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12
Sr. Clerk Sr. Clerk CCT CCT

Vapi Personnel Inquiry Accounts Audit Computer Water Cess Adm / Stores Central Haz Wastes Env. Audit
Unit 13 branch 14 Cell 15 Branch 16 branch 17 branch 18 branch 19 branch 20 Laboratory 21 branch 23 branch 24
Sr. Clerk Sr. Clerk Sr. Clerk DS
CCT CCT CCT, Wireman

PAAC Legal branch 26 MSW Public Hearing Vigilance Library 'P' RTI Zoning Atlas Regional Offices
25 branch 27 branch 28 branch 29 branch 30 branch 31 32 unit 33 (refer next page)
Sr. Draftsman DS

Abbrevia SEE = Sr. Environmental Engineer SES = Sr. Environmental Scientist CA/csO = Chief Accounts Officer LO = Law Officer
tions: EE = Environmental Engineer SSO = Sr. Scientific Officer AO = Administrative Officer ALO = Assistant Law Officer
DEE = Deputy Environmental SO = Scientific Officer A/csO = Accounts Officer CCT = Clerk-cum-typist
AEE = Assistant Environmental SSA = Sr. Scientific Assistant JO = Jr. Officer Comp. Computer Programmer
Engineer Progr =
JSA = Jr. Scientific Assistant DS = Dy Superintendent
Common pool: Stenographers, Drivers, Havaldar, Naik, Peon-cum-Chowkidar, Sweeper (Hamal) [contd.]

[Cont. from pre-page] [B] Regional Offices of the GPCB Annexure VI

Ahmedabad Regional Officer (Sr. Environmental Scientist) Vadodara Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Rajkot Regional Officer (Sr. Scientific Officer)


JSA Sr. Clerk SSA Sr. Clerk JSA Sr. Clerk
Surat Regional Officer (Sr. Scientific Officer) Bharuch Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Vapi Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer)


Godhra Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Mehsana Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Bhavnagar Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer)


SO Sr. Clerk DEE SSA Sr. Clerk DEE SSA CCT

Jamnagar Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Bhuj Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer) Nadiad Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer)



Junagadh Regional Officer (Environmental Engineer)

Common pool: Drivers, Naik, Peon-cum-Chowkidar

Annexure VII
Gujarat Pollution Control Board
Staff strength for each cadre of the Board (as on 31.3.2010)
Sr. Name of the Post Post(s) filled up
1. Member Secretary 1
2. Senior Environmental Scientist 1
3. Senior Environmental Engineer 1
4. Senior Scientific Officer 12
5. Environmental Engineer 31
6. Law Officer 3
7. Administrative Officer 2
8. Chief Accounts Officer 1
9. Accounts Officer 1
10. Scientific Officer 37
11. Deputy Environmental Engineer 52
12. Assistant Environmental Engineer 3
13. Senior Scientific Assistant 53
14. Assistant Law Officer 5
15. Public Relations Officer 1
16. Junior Scientific Assistant 31
17. Junior Officer 11
18. Senior Draftsman 1
19. Deputy Superintendent 31
20. English Steno Gr. I 2
21. English Steno Gr. II 2
22. Gujarati Steno Gr. I 2
23. English Steno Gr. III 3
24. Gujarati Steno Gr. II 0
25. Computer Programmer 2
26. Senior Clerk 23
27. Clerk – cum – Typist 60
28. Wireman 1
29. Driver 9
30. Hawaldar, Naik, Peon- cum-Chowkidar, Sweeper-cum-Hamal 45
Total 427

Offices of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board Annexure VIII
Head Office Gujarat Pollution Control Board,
: Paryavaran Bhavan, Sector 10 A, Gandhinagar 382 010
Phone : 079 – 23232152 Fax: 079 – 23222784, 23232161 website: www.
Regional Offices:
Sr. Districts of
No. jurisdiction

1. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Ahmedabad

2nd Floor, Gram Nirman Bhavan, Gujarat Rajya Khadi Gramodyog
Board, Juna Vadaj, Ahmedabad 380 009
Tel: 079-27556634, 27556631, 27556632 Fax: 079-27556670

2. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Gandhinagar,

Mehsana, Patan,
H/3 - A, Phase I, GIDC Estate, Near GIDC Office, Modhera road,
Banaskantha and
Mehsana 389 002 Sabarkantha.
Phone : (02762) 258294 Tel/ Fax: (02762) 258106

3. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Rajkot and

Near Hotel Durkhush, Race course road, ring road, Rajkot 360 001
Phone: (0281) 2474524, 2459831 Fax: (0281) 2452189

4. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Amreli and

Plot 1154/2-B, Ghogha Circle, Sir Patni road, Bhavnagar 364 004
Phone : (0278) 2524108 Fax: (0278) 2525837

5. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Jamnagar and

Sardar Patel Commercial Complex, Rameshwarnagar, Kasturba
Gandhi Vikas Gruh marg, Bedi Bandar road, Jamnagar 368 008
Phone: (0288) 2752366 Fax: (0288) 2753540

6. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Vadodara

ERI Compound, Race Course road, Vadodara 390 007
Phone: (0265) 2354850, 2331928 Fax: (0265) 2339205

7. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Panchmahal and

20, Haidary Society, Near DSP office, Godhara
Dist. Panchmahal 389 001
Phone : (02672) 245869, 245996 Fax: (02672) 245991

Sr. Districts of
No. jurisdiction

8. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Bharuch and

Shed no. C – 1, 199/3, GIDC Estate, Narmadanagar,
Bharuch 392 015
Phone: (02642) 246333, 248665 Fax: (02642) 246345

9. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Surat, Navsari and

Belgium Square, Silver Plaza Complex, Opposite Linear bus stand,
Ring road, Surat 395 003
Phone: (0261) 2442696, 2411192 Fax: (0261) 2429733

10. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Valsad and Dang

Shed no. C – 5/124, Vapi GIDC, Near Hotel Pritam,
Vapi 396 195 Dist: Valsad
Phone: (0260) 2432089, 2426207 Fax: (0260) 2432826

11. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Kutch

Naniba Pathshala building, Patwadi Darwajo, Near Hamirsar Talav,
Bhuj District Kutch 370 001
Phone : (02832) 250620 Fax: (02832) 250621

12. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Anand and Kheda

201-203, 'B' Block, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Nadiad District Kheda 387
Phone : (0268) 2551427, Fax: (0268)

13. RO, Gujarat Pollution Control Board Junagadh

'Pankaj Bungalow', Station road, Opp. St. Anne's Church,
Junagadh 362 001
Phone : (0285) 2651504, Fax: (0268) 2651503


Printed At The Government Photo Litho Press, Ahmedabad


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