Risk For Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane Related To Mouth Breathing, Ineffective Oral Hygiene

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After nursing After 30 minute of
interventions, the lecture, the client
client will be able will be able to :
to:  enumerate 4  Discuss the causative For the client  Was the
 Verbalize out of 5 factors of Impaired Oral to gain patient able
understandi causative Mucous Membrane. knowledge to
ng of factors of  Provide nutritional and give her enumerate 4
causative impaired information full out of 5
Risk for factors oral mucous participation causative
Impaired membrane factors of
Oral Mucous impaired
Membrane oral mucous
related to membrane?
mouth  give atleast 8  Emphasize avoiding alcohol
breathing, techniques and smoking Encourages  Was the
ineffective  Identify of how to  Provide information about initiation of patient able
oral hygiene. specific practice oral oral health good oral to
intervention hygiene.  Discuss techniques for oral health enumerate
s to promote Care practices. give atleast
healthy oral 8
mucosa.  Encourage the avoidance of techniques
eating irritating foods and of how to
fluids, temperature practice oral
extremes. hygiene?
 Assist/provide with oral
o Offer tap water or
saline rinses/
o Encourage brushing
and flossing
o Give soft toothbrush
o Review safe use of
mouth care devices
o Increase fluid intake.

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