Guitar Chords Teaching
Guitar Chords Teaching
Guitar Chords Teaching
From: Chris Elmore
Date: 17 September, 2010
Dear Guitarist,
Learning guitar chords is one of the most frustrating times for new guitarists.
Your fingers are new to the fretboard and the strings, just getting the correct fingers
into the correct position can be a chore.
I can assure you all the effort, cursing and determination is worth it because guitar
chords are one of the most important aspects of guitar playing.
It doesn't matter if you play acoustic guitar or electric guitar, rock, folk, jazz or classic,
you need to have a thorough understanding about chords.
By learning all the important tips to transition to popular chords your playing will only
improve and you will become a more confident player.
Avoid The Mistakes That 9 Out Of 10 Guitarists
Constantly Make All The Time
Take a look at what I’ve learned from beginner guitarist who have struggles with chords so that you
can learn from them and hasten your own success in this area.
Learning guitar chords does not have to be difficult, but there are some mistakes that can be avoided.
MISTAKE # 1: Giving up too soon - No matter what you decide to learn, you will not get it right on the first
try. So don’t go putting it in the “too hard” basket on attempt # 1.
MISTAKE # 2: Lack of visualization - When you are forming a chord, visualization is very important. You
have to “see” where each finger is going to move to before it happens.
MISTAKE # 3: Challenging yourself too much - Many beginners choose difficult progressions and end up
confusing themselves even more. Start with the easy ones first.
MISTAKE # 4: Lack of finger strength – Guitar is all about using your fingers and with weak fingers it makes
it hard to hit the right chord progressions.
MISTAKE # 5: Looking at your hands too often - Your finger position should become second nature if you
want to make progressions easier.
MISTAKE # 6: Practicing one chord at a time - The best and fastest way to learn chords is in groups of three.
When you give your brain a varying pattern of three chords to learn, this is more likely to solidify the
Ninth Chords Barre Chord Progressions
With multiple exercises in each lesson you will be able to grasp the concept of chords without
becoming frustrated and making those common mistakes.
Want to expand your playing ability further? Check out what we are offering as a special bonus with
“Chord Concepts”
We have combined all our top selling guitar courses into one BIG resource center
called the ‘Ultimate Guitarists Learning Center’.
You will learn everything from basic guitar to blues, acoustic, finger picking, jazz,
soloing, strumming and a whole lot more.
With access to the U.G.L.C you get to post your questions and a guitar tutor will respond to
you and help you out.
You will also get the answers to other questions that have already been asked inside our
FAQ database.
You have the ability to post your own video lesson for members to view plus you get full
say in what guitar course I will be creating each and every month. The best part is there is
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Here's What To Do Next...
Click the "Add To Cart" button below, fill out your information on the next page, and then once the order is successful,
you will be directed to the download page to start working on those solos.
Just a few minutes from now you'll be watching the first lesson and getting the inside techniques
from our very own qualified tutor.
With the help of Chord Concepts this aspects of guitar you were struggling with will seem like a distant memory after
you have spent your first 15 minutes learning about what you have been doing wrong and how you can fix it.
My biggest tip with learning chords is do not get discouraged when you can’t get it right.
When you learn about chords chances are that you will have some trouble, but you must stick with it. Many beginners
give up on a chord at the worst possible time.
It’s only a matter of time before you will begin to understand and be able to play them.
Warm Regards,
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