Weather Insurance/ Derivatives Marketing: Protecting Wealth at The Bottom of The Pyramid
Weather Insurance/ Derivatives Marketing: Protecting Wealth at The Bottom of The Pyramid
Weather Insurance/ Derivatives Marketing: Protecting Wealth at The Bottom of The Pyramid
Derivatives Marketing
Protecting Wealth @ the Bottom of the Pyramid
A presentation by:
Shailesh Naik
Head - ITC e choupal Financial services
Responsible for Insurance and investment products that are sold
through ITC echoupal channel
Education Qualification
MBA + Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering
Year of experience
10 + experience in sales and marketing in diverse industries like
financial services , FMCG , Automobiles .
About ITC Ltd.
Rural India accounts for 70% of India’s population
Rural market is set to reform
Rural non-agri sectors such as infrastructure (construction, electricity, gas &
water supply), rural health, education, tourism, transport, communication
are exhibiting high growth rates
Financial service providers such as banks, life, non-life insurance are
aggressively looking at rural India, which is expected to revolutionize rural
India in the coming future
But betting on rural economy is ….
…. A high risk game..
Rural economy
Highly dependent on agriculture
Very few people have assured monthly
income like their city counter parts
Any change in agriculture income has a
multiplier effect on the economy
Agricultural Income is subjected to high risk
Production / Volume Risk
Weather , Pest , labour and process inefficiency
Out put Risk
Govt Policy Risk
National & international price risk
This risk presents
…….. Opportunity No1
The government on its part tries to address output risk atleast for loanne
farmers through subsidized Multi peril crop insurance
However, the effectiveness of crop insurance has been below expectation on
account of following issues
High monitoring and administrative costs
Moral hazard
Adverse selection due to asymmetric information
High subsidies
Long claim settlement time ( often > 1 yr ) Hence irrelevant to small farmers
During the period of 2000- 2004 NAIS collected Rs 1242 crores of insurance
premium and settled claims worth Rs 4991 crores
Weather indexes can form the basis of an insurance contract that protects farmers
from weather risk
An index is a variable that is highly correlated with losses and that cannot be
influenced by the insured .Example indices: rainfall, temperature, regional
yield, river levels
Weather Index Insurance – a logical
Less moral hazard and adverse selection
Reinsurance acceptability
Converting concept into business
Insurance company’s problem: High Distribution cost
The spread and diversity of target customers make cost effective distribution
a big challenge.
37% of the urban population live in 23 cities
35% of the rural population live in 100000 villages
General insurance companies who sell crop and weather insurance portfolio
do not have good rural agent network like Life Insurance Company (LIC).
WI being a seasonal product has a very short sales window of around 10 –
20 days before risk commencement period.
Thus in an entire year sales force is engaged for just 40 days
Market opportunity
ITC echoupal is uniquely positioned to address these problems
ITC e Choupal had 6000 Sanchalaks (lead Farmers) with internet
connectivity spread across 4 states giving field information and
weather data to local farmers on regular basis .
Field Demonstration Plot officers /consultants who share best
practices with farmers have immense knowledge to develop relevant
Megatop Insurance services a associate company of ITC through its
IRDA broker trained field force already selling Life Insurance through
e Choupal provided cost effective distribution channel
Weather Insurance
Customer who has experienced the peril -
Position as Insurance Product
Customer who understand peril but has not experienced :
Position WI as cost effective necessary input for crop
Rs 250
Market segmentation , Target &
Crop Specific WI
Offers more scientific solution patterned with crop growth cycle - but
difficult to get complete historical data to structure products and hence
limits districts where this product can be offered
Complex to understand and bit expensive
Target segment
Medium/Large Farmers ( 8 acre +)
Generic WI
This is easier to develop for all districts as the normal rainfall and the
seasonal rainfall figures are easily available, thus we can pan out to
larger geographical area
Target segment
Small farmers ( 3+ acre )
Value proposition :Product differentiation
Sales Planning:
Sales Planning a very critical step to improve sales force productivity.
The sales window is 10-20 days and hence we needed to cover crops
that can engage people across the year.
Bundling with field demonstration plots :
ITC e Choupal Agri-Extension officers (AEO) are involved in spreading
best practices in agriculture.
On these field demonstration plots of around 1 acre AEO guides
farmers to use right quality inputs at right time and in right quantity. The
yields at these farms have been 20% -100% more than normal.
Weather insurance propagation through this channel has increased
awareness and provided us another cost effective distribution channel .
Value Creation for the
Extended Organisation
Partner Companies
Value for key stakeholders
Risk mitigation tool specifically designed to cover their risk
Timely claim settlement :
Settled claims worth 14 lacs in 2005-06 Rabi season and 30 lacs in
2006 Kharif season.
The claim settlement period has now crashed down from 90 days to
less than 40 days as compared to over 360 days in Crop Insurance
Broker who represents them rather than a agent who represent
Insurance company
Ajmer case wherein the data given by IMD Weather station was
ITC along with farmers took Insurance company to Weather station
made to reevaluate the data and subsequently honour claim
Value for key stakeholders
Sanchalaks / Sanyojaks : Lead farmers in Village
Brokerage Income :
Around 1300 Sanchalaks - our extended organization have earned
commission ranging from Rs 200 to Rs 20000 with just 10 days effort
around kharif season
This income is around 1% to 25% of their annual income
Respect and honour
Claims settlement reinforced Sanchalak’s respect in village
community as a “Friend in need is Friend indeed”
This goes a long way in reinforcing the value proposition of our other
business too.
Value for key stakeholders
Partner Companies
Low cost distribution channel
Partner is designing more relevant product
Provide locations for future weather station for better recording &
monitoring of weather data
We account for 25% of total Agriculture Insurance Company’s Weather
Insurance overall sale and almost 100% sale in echoupal districts.
Additionally this sale is not “a free offer on Seeds or Fertilizers” or forced
option for taking low interest loans.
All ITC e Choupal consumers buy weather insurance voluntarily after
getting convinced about its benefits. This we believe is the real test of
product sustainability in the market.
Value for key stakeholders
ITC – e choupal
De risk rural economy
ITC e choupal earns Rs 22000 million as revenue from rural market
Weather insurance sale protects this economy from weather shocks and
improves sustainability of our earnings
ITC e Choupal brand Value enhanced
Timely claim settlement and sensitivity to farmers has improved ITC e
choupal brand value
Improves viability for extended organisation
Sanchalak earning in this business adds to total revenue he earns from
his choupal
Revenue Earned
Commission from WI adds to ITC e choupal bottom line
Way forward to increase business
Improving Infrastructure :
Increase number of Weather stations to reduce basis risk
Timely and Correct data
Sensitivity to Consumers
A pool to protect farmers in case crop failure is across the region and weather risk fail to
map / solve the same
Regulation change / Government support
Market Development support fee for organization that is working hard to develop the
Government endorsement for this product and support through advertising
Product subsidy
ITC is convinced about the product and its potential
Right Segmentation – leading to better design – With Sales force Motivation will drive the
volumes in years to come ….
Thank You
Sales Planning sheet : ITC Chart
Cropping Calendar risk …
Crop Risk Start Risk End Phase Perils
Potato - RF 16-Dec 31-JanVegetative Unseasonal rainfall in a day above a threshold level, which shall
cause formation of late blight disease in potato crop and thus
damaging it
Mustard - RF 16-Feb 31-MarMaturity Unseasonal rainfall in a day above a threshold level, which shall
impact the quality of yield
Gram - Heat 16-Feb 31-MarMaturity Sum of deviations from threshold of average temperature would
trigger a claim.This is offered for both fortnights separately which
would impact milking stage
Gram - RF 16-Feb 31-MarMaturity Unseasonal rainfall in a day above a threshold level, which shall
impact the quality of yield
Barley - Heat 21-Feb 20-MarMaturity Sum of deviations from threshold of average temperature would
trigger a claim.This is offered for both fortnights separately which
would impact milking stage
Wheat - Heat 01-Mar 30-MarMaturity Sum of deviations from threshold of average temperature would
trigger a claim.This is offered for both fortnights separately which
would impact milking stage
Wheat - RF 01-Mar 15-AprMaturity Unseasonal rainfall in a day above a threshold level, which shall
impact the quality of yield
Barley - RF 01-Mar 15-AprMaturity Unseasonal rainfall in a day above a threshold level, which shall
impact the quality of yield
Risk that needs to be protected
Insurance Cover
The producers
generally perceive
this as their risk
High Consequence Low Consequence High Consequence
Extremely low yields Reduced yields Extremely low yields
Govt. Relief
Designing Crop specific WI
Cropping Calendar risk
Sowing and
period is also critical
crop survival
Payout perEXAMPLE
Hectare for OF
Maize DroughtSTRUCTURE
PAYOUT Protection, Lilongwe Region
Financial payout
Maximum Payout - increment
per hct)
per mm
(unit per
Payout (MKW
Average Rainfall