James Neblett
Many leaders have catchy slogans on their desks, many have learned to believe in
them (Giuliani, 2002, p 69). Organizations that promote learning are better equipped to
handle the ever-changing business environment. Retailers are no different. When an
organization’s leadership plans for the future it must take into account principle
environmental factors. A company’s ability to compete will be affected by how well the
leaders have learned to identify those factors, to demonstrate their company’s
significance, and to estimate the extent or magnitude of each of the factor’s impact on the
corporate strategy. In this paper, I discuss the five principle environmental factors as
cited by Pearce and Robinson (2002). Further, I indicate the significance of
environmental factors on the overall business strategy, discuss the two factors that enable
leadership to understand the extent of the overall strategy on their company’s market
position and lastly I discuss the impact of four external factors on the internal
Principle Environmental Factors and Their Significance
Every business has external peers that perform similar functions within their
professional discipline. These peers are considered competitors and they are rival
producers of goods or services. These competitors contribute to the overall industry by
their ability to deliver goods and services of high caliber at competitive prices.
Competition is good from a market perspective as it gives consumers choices and
provides the businesses and opportunity to create a niche. In Ellis’ Fast Company article
(2002), he cites six strategies to apply in strategy formulation. Number 4, is
understanding your competition’s weakness and then exploits it. He cites Blockbusters
late fee drill as an example of how a new competitor, Netflix, could influence customers
to try their product over Blockbuster. With Netflix, there are no late fees, and you can
keep a movie for as long as you like. Competitors are purchased as a strategic move to
gain market share for example in article (2004) “Whole Foods
Market, inc is cited spending $38 million in stock to acquire Fresh and Wild Holdings
Ltd, a U.K. natural and organic food chain.”
Most businesses purchases goods and services much like a consumer. However,
they do so to large extent on credit as they are able to get discounts or other incentives to
buy in bulk. When businesses buy goods and services on credit the business that holds the
note or paper is referred to as a creditor. A firm’s power and prestige in domestic
markets may be significantly enhanced with the right credit resources. Enhanced prestige
can translate into a better negotiating position with other creditors, suppliers, distributors
and other important groups (David, n.d.).
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Labor Market
Just as customers are a key element of business success so are the employees that
an organization hires to represent their interests. Having quality human resources is very
important. The lack of talented people can cripple a company and foster a negative
customer experience, which could potentially lead to customer dissatisfaction. To grasp
the impact of company’s employee turnover level, you must first have a sense for the
performance levels of the leavers and whether you could have had any influence over an
employee’s decision to depart. However, in these times of high employee mobility and
two-career couples, some employees may leave a firm for reasons unrelated to their jobs
(Becker, Huselid & Ulrich, 2001, p 98). Turnover is one reason organizations must tap
into the labor market to fill open positions. A strategic Human Resources partner can be
a key asset in developing a plan to address future employee needs.
The role of the supplier is similar to that of the creditor in that the business is
relying on a third party to supply customer demand. In the case of the supplier an
organization could be procuring parts, services or other tangible goods to create or
enhance a product or service for sale. Bargaining power of suppliers affects their ability
to raise prices. Suppliers are likely to be powerful if: they have few competitors, each
individual purchase represents only a small amount of their company’s sales, there are
not good substitutes of the product purchased, and the product or service is unique
(Dobbins, n.d). Suppliers play a key role in such transactions; poor production or
planning could devastate the sale of a business.
There are two key aspects that contribute to the overall environmental factors of a
corporate strategy: cost leadership and differentiation. Segal-Horn (2002) defines cost
leadership as a strategy that strives to produce goods or services more cheaply than
competitors (p. 270). It stresses the efficient scale of facilities, the pursuit of cost
reductions in manufacturing, and the minimization of expenses including product R&D,
services, selling and advertising. Cost leaders try to supply a standard, no-frills, high-
volume product at the most competitive possible price. Differentiation as cited by Segal-
Horn (2002) and Porter (1980) aims to create a product that is perceived as uniquely
James Neblett 3
attractive. It emphasizes strong market abilities, creative and well-designed products, a
reputation for quality, a good corporate image, and strong cooperation from marketing
channels. The nature and magnitude of the predicted impact of a new strategic action is
an important consideration in designing opportunistic strategies (Pearce & Robinson,
1985, p. 124). After forecasting data is selected, a business must conduct impact studies
to determine the overall consequences of implementing available alternative strategies.
In the process, the firm will transform environmental data into situation-specific
environmental information. A typical impact study involves a system view in assessing
probable effects on their firm’s strengths and weaknesses, operating environment,
competitive position, and likelihood of achieving corporate objectives, grand strategies,
and mission. Although impact studies are predominately subjective and intuitive,
businesses attempt to develop objective estimates whenever possible. Firms increasingly
employ such techniques as time trends and adaptive forecasting to increase objectivity of
data analysis.
Pearce and Robinson (2002) discuss four external forces economic, political,
social and technological. Each external factors influences corporate strategy. While
these descriptions are generally accurate, they may give the false impression that the
components and factors are easily identified, mutually exclusive, and equally applicable
in all situations (Pearce & Robinson, 1985, p 121). In fact, forces in the external
environment are so dynamic and interactive that the impact of any single element cannot
be wholly disassociated from the impact of other elements.
The economy has a significant impact on the viability of a corporate strategy. For
example in retail, if Florida has an ice storm in the winter and all orange crops are
destroyed, the price of oranges and orange juice, will increase. This is a small example of
how one localized disaster can affect the price of a commodity. According to Develop
Vision and Strategy (n.d.), a micro level assessment considers the industry and market in
which a company competes, the customers who purchase its products, the competitors,
and competition who threaten it, and the suppliers on which depends. On a larger scale,
if the business plan is not successful and the firm sustains losses over multiple business
cycles, the management may reduce staff as a means to lower expenses. The reduction in
workforce increases the local unemployment, which has the ability to negatively
influence revenues and the tax base of a local economy.
The current political climate can influence the types of legislation that can
influence corporate spending or tariffs on goods and services. Political factors can be
restrictive or beneficial. Restrictive factors are those factors that limit profits; such as
constraints placed on enterprise through fair-trade laws, antitrust laws, tax laws,
minimum wage legislation or pollution laws as cited in Develop Vision and Strategy
(n.d.) and Pearce and Robinson, (1985). Examples of this would be luxury taxes on big-
ticket items or capital gains taxes. Governmental influences are of particular interest to
James Neblett 4
those enterprises that operate in foreign countries where the political environment is
volatile and information is scarce.
Technology factors are the scientific advances, which influence the competitive
position of the enterprise. Maintaining awareness of new technologies decreases the
probability of becoming obsolete and promotes innovation. Advancements in technology
can impact the transformation plan in many ways. New technology as cited in Develop
Vision and Strategy (n.d.) can change the demand for a product, render current
manufacturing processes obsolete, reduce costs to undercut competitors, produce new
products and a host of other possibilities.
Becker, B., Huselid, M., & Ulrich, D. (2001). The hr Scorecard: Linking people,
Certo, S. (1997). Modern management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Ellis, J. (2002). Strategy [Electronic Version]. Fast Company, 64, 66. Retrieved August
Develop Vision & Strategy. (n.d.). Retrieved August 31, 2003, from
August 28, 2003, Purdue University, Center for Food and Agricultural Business
Hammonds, K. (2002). Size is not a strategy [Electronic Version]. Fast Company, 62,
Whole Foods Acquires U.K. Grocer. Retrieved January 16, 2004, from
Zuboff and Maxmin (2000). Size is not a strategy [Electronic Version]. Fast Company,