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IS 2190 : 1992

(Reaffirmed 2002)
Edition 4.1

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
(Incorporating Amendment No. 1)

UDC 614.845.004.5

© BIS 2005


NEW DELHI 110002

Price Group 7
Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22


The Indian Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Fire Pighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil
Engineering Division Council.
Portable fire extinguishers are not expected to deal with large fires since they are essentially first-
aid fire fighting equipment. Nevertheless, they are very valuable in the early stages of a fire when
used promptly and effectively. Provision of unsuitable types, incorrect operation, or improper
maintenance of the extinguishers have, at times, led to failure in tackling the fire effectively in the
early stages, thus involving greater loss of life and property. This standard has, therefore, been
prepared for giving guidance regarding proper selection, installation and maintenance of portable
first-aid fire extinguishers so that such extinguishers will function at all time as intended
throughout their useful life. This standard does not cover the requirements applicable to
permanently installed systems for extinguishing fire even though portions of such systems may be
This standard was first published in 1962 and subsequently revised in 1970 and 1979. In the past
10 years, additional types of fire extinguishers both portable as well as wheeled/trolley-mounted
type and chemical fire engines have been developed and taken into use. It is, therefore, necessary
to enlarge the coverage of this standard so as to include the provision of all types of fire
extinguishers and fire engines for which Indian Standards have been formulated till date. While
doing so, opportunity has also been taken to update the maintenance requirements based on
current international practices.
As was done in 1979 version, in this version also provision of fire buckets has not been mentioned.
However, users may provide fire buckets ( see IS 2546 : 1974 ) over and above the requirements
given in this standard. The use of fire buckets, however, in lieu of fire extinguisher, is not
In order that fire extinguishers are effective, they should:
a) be portable/light weight,
b) operate instantly,
c) have adequate throw,
d) have adequate quantity of extinguishant, and
e) have long shelf-life.
All these characteristics are incorporated in portable extinguishers and are manufactured to deal
with different types of fires. In order that these could be effective, these should conform to relevant
Indian standards.
As decided in the thirtieth meeting of the Fire-Fighting Committee (CED 22), soda acid
extinguishers are being phased out and will be replaced by water type (gas pressure and stored
pressure) extinguishers.
As soon as the test data relating to rating of fire extinguishers are available, the clauses in respect
of fire extinguishing performance ratings for fire extinguishers suitable for Class A and or Class B
fires will be added. The halons shall be restricted for essential use only.
This edition 4.1 incorporates Amendment No. 1 (May 2005). Side bar indicates modification of the
text as the result of incorporation of the amendment.
IS 2190 : 1992

Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
1 SCOPE the large number of employees in the effective
and efficient use of extinguishers.
This standard lays down recommendations for
selection, installation, maintenance and testing 4.3 Where employees have not been trained,
of first-aid fire extinguishers. operation of extinguishers may be seriously
NOTE — For the purpose of this standard these as well delayed, the extinguishing material may be
as all other types of trolley mounted extinguishers will be wasted, and more extinguishers may have to be
treated under general classification of fire extinguishers. used, or the fire may not be extinguished.
The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are EXTINGUISHERS
necessary adjuncts to this standard.
5.1 Fire extinguishers should be provided both
3 TERMINOLOGY for protecting building structure as well as
occupancy hazard contained therein.
For the purpose of this standard, definitions
given in IS 7673 : 1975 shall apply. 5.2 The number and size of fire extinguishers
required for any particular premises shall be
4 GENERAL determined by the appropriate authority taking
4.1 None of the extinguishers covered in this into consideration the severity of incipient fire
standard is expected to deal with a large fire as anticipated, rapidity with which a fire may
all these are essentially first-aid fire-fighting spread, intensity of heat that may be
appliances. Nevertheless, these are very developed, accessibility to fire, type of
valuable if used promptly and efficiently in the extinguisher, the smoke contributed by the
early stages of a fire. In addition to the value of burning material, special features of building
their portability and mobility, the most construction and nature of occupancy (single or
important feature of these extinguishers is mixed) and electrical fitting, equipment, etc,
their immediate availability so that each installed therein.
extinguisher can be used by one/two persons.
5.3 The required number of fire extinguishers
The usefulness of these extinguishers is
may be determined by considering any single
limited, as it is entirely dependent upon the
extinguisher of suitable type or a combination
presence of persons having knowledge to
of two or more types. Recommendations made
operate them. Furthermore, their capacity is
in Annex B may be taken as a guide.
also limited and their operational value largely
depend upon the initial charge being sufficient
to overcome and extinguish the fire. The 6 SELECTION OF LOCATION
capacity of such extinguishers should
commensurate with the risk these are intended 6.1 When selecting locations for fire extingui-
to cover. shers, due consideration should be given to the
nature of risk to be covered. The extinguishers
4.2 Since a variety of shapes or methods of should be placed in conspicuous positions and
operation of fire extinguishers have at times led shall be readily accessible for immediate use in
to confusion and failure to quench the fire, it is all parts of the occupancy. It should always be
recommended that extinguishers installed in borne in mind while selecting locations that fire
any one building or single occupancy shall be extinguishers are intended only for the use on
similar in shape and appearance and should incipient fires and they will be of little value if
have the same methods of operation, as far as the fire is not extinguished or brought under
possible. This will also simplify the training of control, in the early stages.

IS 2190 : 1992

6.2 Generally, fire extinguishers should be 7 INITIAL INSPECTION

placed as near as possible to exits or stair lands
without hindering the escape routes. Wherever 7.1 Each new extinguisher received at site
possible, advantage should be taken of normal should be inspected for its completeness of supply
routes of escape by placing these in positions and checked with the packing and despatch
where these shall readily be seen by persons documents of the manufacturer before
following the natural impulse to get out of installation. Check that there is no damage to the
danger. extinguisher in transit. In case of extinguishers
covered by Gas Cylinders Rules, check the stamp
6.3 The extinguishers should be available for of approval embossed on the neck of the cylinder.
immediate use at all times. Extinguishers
should be sited in such a way that it is not 7.2 On initial procurement, water type gas
necessary to travel more than 15 metres from pressure and foam extinguishers are normally
the site of the fire to reach the extinguishers. supplied in unfilled state and are charged at site.
Similar positions on each floor are advisable. Dry powder extinguishers may be supplied duly
filled and, if not, the same have to be filled at site.
6.4 Extinguishers provided to deal with special Carbon dioxide and halon type fire extinguishers
risks should be sited near to risk area are supplied duly charged. Water type gas
concerned but not so near as to be inaccessible pressure, foam and dry powder extinguishers
in case of fire. If the special risk is contained in are to be charged with the refills separately
a confined space, it is generally advisable to provided by the extinguisher manufacturer as
position the extinguisher outside that space. per the instructions given on the refill container.
The refills used shall conform to relevant Indian
6.5 Wall mounted fire extinguishers should be Standard specifications as given in Annex A.
placed on the supporting wall or in wooden,
7.3 If the components of the fire extinguishers
metal or plastic cabinets in such a way that their
like container, cap assembly, hose assembly,
1 000 mm bottom is above ground level. When
nozzle, etc, are despatched separately by the
installed in the open, fire extinguishers should
manufacturer, assemble the components in the
be placed on masonry platforms or in
first instance before refilling as per the
wooden/metal/plastic cabinets in such a way that
instructions given by the manufacturer.
their bottom is 1 000 mm above ground level.
7.4 After assembling and refilling, ensure that
6.6 It may be necessary to construct suitable all joints are fully tightened and the nozzle vent
shades or covers to protect the extinguishers in holes are free of dust/dirt.
the open from excessive heat and cold as well as
from corrosive environment. Where such 7.5 Immediately after refilling either stencil or
shades or covers are provided to house the paste the inspection card to the body of the
extinguishers in the open, these should be extinguisher indicating the serial numbers of
designed so that the removal of the the extinguishers, date of initial charging and
extinguishers are not hampered in emergency. also the next due date for refilling. Record of
the date of inspection, initial charging, etc,
6.7 While selecting the location for higher should be maintained in the register for first
capacity wheeled/trolley mounted extinguishers, aid fire appliances.
consideration should be given to the mobility of
the extinguisher within the area in which it will 8 INSTALLATION
be used and, if indoors, the size of the doorways
and passages which should allow easy movement 8.1 General
of the extinguisher.
Although fire extinguishers are not permanent
6.8 When installed in a building, the and immovable fittings in a structure, these
extinguisher should not be placed in a position form a part of the whole system of fire
where it is likely to gain heat from the protection and should receive consideration for
surrounding equipment or process. provision at the design stage. In some cases, it
may be necessary for the extinguishers to be
6.9 A framed plane showing the location of housed in readily accessible and unlocked
fire/extinguishers, means of access and other receptacles, where although clearly visible,
useful information should be displayed at these should be unobtrusive.
suitable places, but should be available near to
the entrance to the premises preferably at the 8.2 Excepting particular cases where, as stated
security gate or the reception office. in 7.1, it may be necessary for the extinguisher

IS 2190 : 1992

to be housed in specially prepared positions, no may, however, be noted that this is only for
structural work is generally involved in the guidance and does not cover special cases.
installations of the extinguishers dealt with in
this standard as this normally takes place upon a) Class A Fires — Water expelling type
the completion of the construction. The general
sequence of the building construction operation b) Class B Fires — Foam, dry powder,
is not, therefore, usually affected. Where a vaporizing liquid and carbon dioxide
special recess is to be formed in a wall, extinguishers.
provision should be made as the work progress. c) Class C Fires — Dry powder, vaporizing
liquid and carbon dioxide extinguishers.
9 SELECTION OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS d) Class D Fires — Extinguishers with
special dry powder for metal fires.
9.1 Various types of fire extinguishers specified
in this standard are of value but all are not 10.2 Where energised electrical equipment is
equally effective on all types of fire. For this involved in a fire, non-conductivity of the
reason, the nature of contents of a building, the extinguishing media is of utmost importance,
processes carried out therein and the types of and only extinguishers expelling dry powder,
fire which may occur shall be taken into carbon dioxide (without metal horn) or
consideration while selecting fire vaporizing liquids should be used. Once the
extinguishers. For all practical purposes, the electrical equipment is de-energized,
basic types of fires can be grouped into extinguishers suitable for the class of fire risk
following four classes: involved can be used safely.

a) Class A Fires — Fires involving solid 10.3 Where cleanliness and contamination of
combustible materials of organic nature sensitive electrical equipment are of
such as wood, paper, rubber, plastics, etc, importance or where the sensitivity of the
where the cooling effect of water is control instruments or electronic equipment
essential for extinction of fires. and systems are likely to be affected, only
carbon dioxide or vaporizing liquid type
b) Class B Fires — Fires involving flamm- extinguisher should be used.
able liquids or liquefiable solids or the
like where a blanketing effect is essential. 10.4 For fires involving polar solvents and
other water miscible flammable liquids, dry
c) Class C Fires — Fires involving flamm- powder type or mechanical foam extinguisher
able gases under pressure including liqui- with alcohol-resistant foam should be used.
fied gases, where it is necessary to inhibit 10.5 Dry powder extinguishers, when used in
the burning gas at fast rate with an inert confined areas may reduce visibility for a few
gas, powder or vaporizing liquid for minutes, which may temporarily jeopardize
extinguishment. escape, rescue or other emergency action.
d) Class D Fires — Fires involving combus- 10.6 Mass for mass, dry powder extinguishers
tible metals, such as magnesium, alumi- are probably the most effective medium against
nium, zinc, sodium, potassium, etc, when class B fires, but where the fuel surface is
the burning metals are reactive to water shielded from the powder discharge, they are
and water containing agents and in cer- not effective. Further, as the discharge ceases,
tain cases carbon dioxide, halogenated there is a danger of re-ignition which has to be
hydrocarbons and ordinary dry powders. countered either by continued powder
These fires require special media and discharge for some more time, or by covering
techniques to extinguish. the surface by foam. Dry powder, bring a quick
knock-down agent, is ideal for tackling
‘running’ or ‘three-dimensional’ fires involving
10 SUITABILITY OF PORTABLE FIRE flammable liquids.
10.7 Consideration should be given for
10.1 The types of extinguishers mentioned providing special protection or treatment for
below against each class of fire are generally extinguishers located in places exposed to
most suited. Details of suitability as a guide of unduly corrosive atmospheres or to splashing
each type of extinguisher is shown in Table 1. It by corrosive fluids.

IS 2190 : 1992

Table 1 Suitability of Different Types of Fire Extinguishers for Different Classes of Fires
( Clause 10.1 )
Sl No. Type of Extinguisher Type of Fires

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1 Fire extinguisher, water type (gas cartridge), IS 940 S NS NS NS
2 Fire extinguisher, water type (stored pressure), IS 6234 S NS NS NS
3 Fire extinguisher, mechanical foam type, IS 10204 NS S NS NS
4 Fire extinguisher, dry powder type, IS 2171, IS 10658 NS S NS NS
5 Fire extinguisher, dry powder type, IS 11833 NS NS NS S
6 Fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide type, IS 2878, IS 8149 NS S S NS
7 Fire extinguisher, halon 1211, IS 11108 NS S S NS
1 S — Suitable, NS — Not Suitable,
2 See Annex A for list of Indian Standards.

10.8 Appropriate size of extinguishers, 11.2 General Safety Precautions for

including wheeled/trolley mounted type should Maintenance
be provided for use depending on the possible
11.2.1 The maintenance of the fire
size and intensity of the initial fire. extinguishers shall be done by the
manufacturers or their authorized agent or
10.9 Although Halon type extinguishers have a
low toxicity in the free state, when used on fires, qualified fire professionals.
they are liable to produce toxic decomposition 11.2.2 While opening any extinguisher:
products. Hence, when used in extinguishing a) ensure that there is no residual pressure
fires in confined unventilated rooms, closets, in any hose and/or nozzle assembly;
etc, the occupants should immediately vacate
such spaces. It will be advisable to take the same b) unscrew the cap or valve assembly slowly
precaution when carbon dioxide extinguishers for two or three turns only, to allow any
are used under similar circumstances. residual pressure to escape via the vent
holes and do not unscrew it further until
10.10 The fire extinguishers, extinguishing all pressure is released;
media, and the charges/refills used should c) do not depend on pressure indicating
conform in all respects to the relevant Indian devices like gauges (in the cases of stored
Standard specifications given in Annex A. pressure type extinguishers) to verify
whether the container is under pressure
10.11 While replacing component parts, it or not, as they could malfunction;
should be ensured that only the correct d) if pressure is not being released after
components specified by the manufacturer, or unscrewing the cap or valve assembly two
equivalents are used. or three turns, then do not unscrew it
further without taking appropriate safety
11 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF measures; sudden release of pressure may
FIRE EXTINGUISHERS eject parts, cap assembly, or the contents
of the extinguisher. The use of suitable
11.1 A well-planned and approved maintenance clamping arrangements and appropriate
schedule is essential to ensure that an personal protection is advisable;
extinguisher: e) under no circumstances should the valves
of carbon dioxide or halon extinguishers
a) will operate properly between the time
or gas cartidges/containers be attempted
intervals stipulated in the maintenance
to be removed under field conditions; and
programme for periodical inspection/
maintenance; f) at all times when attempting to remove
parts from extinguishers at the time of
b) will not constitute a potential hazard to inspection/maintenance, persons, should
persons in its vicinity or to those who ensure that they are clear of any parts
operate or recharge the extinguishers. which may be ejected.

IS 2190 : 1992

11.2.3 Other Safety Guidelines makes an extinguisher ‘unsafe’ or ‘unfit’ for

service. Evaluation largly depends on the
a) Dry powder extinguishers should be judgement of the component person based on
opened only in the driest available experience. However, some typical examples
conditions and for the minimum time, are cited below for guidance.
necessary for examination, to minimize
the effect of atmospheric moisture on the Typical conditions indicating that an
powder. Moisture causes caking of the extinguisher is unsafe for use
Potentially the most serious hazard of defective
b) It is even more important that mixing or extinguishers is the sudden uncontrolled
cross-contamination of different types of release of pressure or ejection of parts. It could
powder be avoided as it may cause be caused due to any one of the following
chemical reaction resulting in a causes:
dangerous pressure build-up in the
container. This reaction may become a) Corrosion, wear or damage to threads of
apparent only after a few weeks. any pressure retaining part;
c) All sealing components should be cleaned b) Corrosion of welds;
and properly lubricated to prevent c) Extensive general corrosion or severe
leakage after recharge. pitting.
d) Check pressure indicating devices to
ascertain that it gives proper readings. Typical conditions indicating that an
extinguisher is unfit for use
e) Never connect a stored pressure
extinguisher to be charged directly to the An extinguisher may be considered unfit for
high pressure source. Connecting directly use either because it is unlikely to operate
to the high pressure source could cause correctly or because damage or corrosion is
damage, or even rupture of the container likely to become worse and make the
and may result in injury. extinguisher unsafe for use. Some of such
conditions being:
f) Only those gas cartridges which will suit
the particular type and capacity of the a) the bubbling or separation from the metal
extinguisher should be used. of a plastic lining;
g) Certain recharging materials deteriorate b) corrosion of the metal body under a
with age, exposure to excessive plastic lining;
temperature and moisture — Storage of
recharge materials for long periods c) corrosion of the metal body under a zinc
should be avoided. or tin/lead lining;
h) Normal workshop compressors deliver air d) corrosion, wear or damage to any part of
with a high moisture content. Moisture the operating or control mechanism.
traps will only remove the moisture
partly, and may lead to caking of powder, Typical conditions not affecting
hydrolysis of halogenated agents, function or safety
clogging of pressure gauges and internal An extinguisher shall remain safe and func-
corrosion. tional under the following typical conditions:
j) On all higher capacity dry powder and
carbon dioxide extinguisher equipped a) Staining or discoloration of lining or dip
with a shunt-off nozzle, the hose (without tubes;
the nozzle) should be removed and tested b) External blemishes or slight scratches or
annually. dents;
k) Any gas cartridge, which has not c) Slight rusting of parts not subject to
undergone hydraulic pressure test for pressure;
over 20 years, should be withdrawn from
service and replaced. d) the presence of corrosion products from
any metal lining (typically white salts of
11.2.4 Guidelines for the Evaluation of Damage zinc, or tin and lead).
and Corrosion
11.3 All the extinguishers installed in the It is difficult to precisely define the premises should be subjected to detailed
limits to the extent of damage or corrosion that inspection as per the check list (applicable to

IS 2190 : 1992

monthly inspection) and after thorough extinguisher is due for discharge test,
examination and rectification, if found suitable, after ensuring that the cap and
be re-charged and put in service. If, however, components are fully tightened nozzles
repairs and re-work like welding is involved, and vent holes are free of any dust or dirt,
then re-charging should be done only after operate the extinguisher for testing the
ensuring that the bodies pass hydrostatic performance.
pressure test according to the requirements
b) In case the extinguisher is not falling due
given in this standard.
for discharge test ( see 12.3 ) as per the
11.4 The maintenance, inspection and testing of schedule of records, empty the contents of
all extinguishers in respect of mechanical parts, the extinguishers in clean buckets and
extinguishing media and expelling means should remove all the components. In case the
be carried out by properly trained and competent extinguisher is operated, after operation
personnel at frequent intervals, but at least once clean the extinguisher and remove all
a month, to ensure that these are in their proper components. In case it is failing in
condition and have not been accidentally discharge test, procedure given in this
discharged or lost pressure or suffered damage. standard is to be followed.
Regular inspection of all extinguishers and their c) Examine the inside surface of the
components like spare cartridges and refills kept cylinder as well as the surface of the
in the stores should also be done to ensure that containers for the condition of plating, for
these are in proper condition and fit for use. any rust formation, etc.
11.5 The following procedure shall be followed d) If there are visible rust marks, wash the
for monthly maintenance: cylinder thoroughly with clean water, sun
dry it and fill it with water for 24 h and
a) Clean the exterior of the extinguisher, observe the surface again. If there are still
polish the painted portion with wax signs of rust formation and plating
polish, the brass/gun metal parts with thickness is not adequate, the surface
metal polish, chromium plated parts with should be freshly plated or phosphated as
silver polish and plastic components to be the case may be ( see also 11.2.3 ).
thoroughly washed with soap solution e) The above procedures are for Water type
and sun dried. Gas pressure, Foam and Dry power type
b) Check the nozzle outlet and vent holes as fire extinguishers. In case of CO2 and
well as the threaded portion of the cap for Halon extinguishers if the cylinders are
clogging, and check that plunger is clean not due for recharging than check the
and moving freely. weight of the contents and the pressure of
the container with its contents. If the same
c) Ensure that the cap washer is intact and is in order as per the monthly checklist,
also grease the threads of the cap, then the contents need not be discharged.
plunger, etc and wipe clean. If, however, these extinguishers are due
for an operational test, then after
d) Make sure that the extinguisher is in operational test, if facilities are available
proper condition and is not accidentally for pressure testing and recharging, the
discharged. In case of stored pressure cylinders can be pressure tested and
extinguisher, pressure gauge is to be re-charged at site after checking up the
checked for correct pressure. exterior and other components, or
alternately should be sent to the
e) Check all the components of the
manufacturer or other competent agency
extinguisher as per the maintenance
for pressure testing and re-charging.
check list given for each type of
extinguisher under Annex C. f) Examine the external surface of the fire
extinguishers in respect of painting and if
11.6 Over and above the monthly inspection, all there is damage to the painting, the
the extinguishers shall be subjected to a more surface should be re-painted with one
thorough inspection atleast once in a year. coat of primer and atleast one coat of fire
Advantage should be taken of this annual red paints as per the requirements of
inspection to train personnel in the operation of Indian Standard specification.
extinguishers. The annual inspection should g) Check up the condition of the label and if
consist of the following procedure: it is not in order ensure to replace with
a) In the first instance, by rotation if the correct label.

IS 2190 : 1992

h) Examine the cylinder and its components 12.2 Hydraulic Pressure Test
in detail apart from functional point of
view for any physical damage, cracks, 12.2.1 The pressure test of all types of
dents, etc. In case of any doubt, such extinguishers should be carried out at intervals
components, if those are pressure parts, mentioned against each extinguisher at a
should be subjected to hydraulic pressure pressure and for the period mentioned against
test. If the damage is beyond repair, the them in Annex E. The hydraulic pressure
part should be replaced by a correct testing should be carried out such that atleast
component. one-third (1/3) of the extinguishers installed in
a premises are tested as per Annex E every
j) The annual inspection should be
year. If any of the extinguisher fails in the
combined with the testing requirements
hydraulic pressure test to meet the
as given under 12 for operational test and
requirements given in Annex E then, after
hydraulic pressure test.
repairs, the extinguisher should be subjected to
k) The extinguishers after inspection should pressure testing. If it passes the test as per the
be refilled immediately and the date of requirements mentioned above, the
inspection and refilling should be extinguisher shall be retained and, if it fails,
indelibly marked on the extinguishers the extinguisher should be rejected and
and recorded in the register of fire condemned as per the procedure given in 13
extinguishers. after recording the same in the register of fire
11.6.1 Water ( Stored Pressure ) Extinguisher
As this type of extinguisher is pressured, it can 12.2.2 Pressure Test Procedure and Safety
be opined for inspection/maintenance after Precautions
discharge only. It should be tested for discharge
every two years ( see Annex D ) and a) All valves and internal parts shall be
maintenance described in (a) to (h) below, removed and the extinguisher emptied;
carried out:
b) All traces of extinguishing materials like
a) Check the pressure gauge, discharge the dry powder should be removed from
extinguisher and check its performance; inside the shell before filling with water;
b) Check the pressure gauge before and c) In the case of externally mounted gas
after discharge for its correctness; cartridges/containers for higher capacity
c) Open the extinguisher and check the dry powder extinguishers, the cartridge/
body externally and internally using an container must be removed and shell
illuminating probe; for corrosion or opening be suitably plugged.
damage take action as per 11.2; d) The hose of the hydrostatic test pump is
d) Examine cap assembly, nozzle, strainer, then attached to the flexible connection to
vent holes, siphon tube and clean; the discharge nozzle, hose assembly or
test fitting, as the case may be;
e) Examine sealing washers, siphon tube
and hose (if fitted), and replace, if e) The extinguisher should then be placed
necessary; in a suitable protective test cage or
f) Check the operating mechanism for free behind a protective shield/barrier before
movement and clean, rectify or replace, if applying the test pressure;
necessary; f) The cap or the test fitting, as the case
g) Refill the extinguisher with fresh water, may be, must be tightened slowly while
screw cap tightly and pressurise the the water supply remains open. When all
extinguisher, checking the pressure gauge the entrapped air within the shell has
for correct pressure ( see 11.2 also ); and been bled off, and water emerges the
cap/test fitting must be tightened fully;
h) Replace safety clip/wire seal or
equivalent as originally fitted. g) Pressure is then applied slowly so that
the test pressure (as given in Annex E) is
12 TESTING OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS reached slowly within one minute, and
12.1 The testing of fire extinguishers consists of maintained for the duration of 2.5 min.
a hydraulic pressure test and a performance Observations are made about distortion
test. These tests shall be carried out as per the or leakage of the extinguisher body, if
norms and frequency given below. any.

IS 2190 : 1992

h) After hydraulic testing, all traces of water Indian Standards and should be re-used only
and moisture must be removed from dry subject to passing of requirement.
powder and halon extinguishers
preferably by use of a suitable cylinder 13 MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS
dryer taking care that the temperature
within the shell does not exceed 65°C. The records of maintenance, inspection and
testing of all fire extinguishers including its
12.3 Discharge Test operational history shall be maintained in a
register as per the format given in Annex F.
All extinguishers installed in a premises
irrespective of being used in a live fire condition 14 REJECTED EXTINGUISHERS
shall be subjected to an operational test as per 14.1 The rejected fire extinguishers should be
the frequency of testing given in Annex D. The cut centrally across the body and made
operational test should be carried out in such a unusable before disposal so as to prohibit their
frequency, keeping in view the frequency given subsequent use. The date of rejection and the
in Annex D for type of the extinguisher, so that mode disposal should be recorded in the
at least 50 percent of the fire extinguishers register of fire extinguisher (Annex F).
installed in a premises are subjected to
discharge test. If more than 10 percent of the 14.2 As the soda acid extinguishers are being
extinguishers, subjected to discharge test fail phased out, it is recomommended that as and
during the testing, then all the extinguishers when this type of extinguisher gets rejected,
installed in the premises shall be subjected to they should be replaced by water (Gas Cartidge
the discharge test. or Stored Pressure) type extinguisher.

12.4 Gas Cartridge 15 SPARE REFILLS

In case of gas cartridges, if there is loss of more It is important that a minimum of 10 percent
than 10 percent of original mass, these should (of the number of various types of extinguishers
be sent for re-charging and replaced with fresh on charge) replacement charges/refills should
charge. At the time of re-charging the cartridge, always be available in stock so that discharged
the cartridge should be tested for hydrostatic extinguishers can be re-charged and brought
test according to the provisions of the relevant into use promptly.

( Clauses 2, 7.2 and 10.10 )



IS No. Title IS No. Title

2878 : 1986 Fire extinguisher, carbon
dioxide type (portable and
940 : 1989 Portable fire extinguisher, water trolley mounted) ( second
type (gas cartridge) ( third revision )
revision ) 4308 : 1982 Dry powder for fire fighting
1641 : 1988 Code of practice for fire safety ( first revision )
of building (general) : General 4861 : 1984 Dry powder for fighting fires
principles of fire grading and in burning metals ( first
classfication ( first revision ) revision )
2171 : 1985 Portable fire extinguisher, dry 4862 Portable fire extinguishers for
powder (cartridge type) ( third (Part 1) : 1986 aircraft : Part 1 Halon 1211
revision ) Type ( first revision )
2546 : 1974 Galvanized mild steel fire buckets 4947 : 1985 Gas cartridges for use in fire
( first revision ) extinguishers

IS 2190 : 1992

IS No. Title IS No. Title

10658 : 1983 Higher capacity dry powder fire

6234 : 1986 Portable fire extinguishers, extinguisher (trolley mounted)
water type (stored pressure)
( first revision ) 11070 : 1984 Bromochlorodifluoromethane
7673 : 1975 Glossary of terms for fire (Halon-1211) for fire fighting
fighting equipment
8149 : 1976 Functional requirements for 11108 : 1984 Portable fire extinguisher,
twin CO2 fire extinguishers (Halon-1211) type
(trolley mounted)
10204 : 1982 Portable fire extinguisher, 11833 : 1186 Dry powder fire extinguisher for
mechanical foam type metal fires

( Clause 5.3 )


B-1 Occupancies classified according to IS 1641 : 1989 are given below together with nature of fire
hazard and type of fire risk along with typical examples. The classifications, groupings, etc., given
in this annexure are only for general guidance for installation of fire extinguishers, and not for
other purposes.

LH — Low Hazard
OH — Ordinary Hazard
HH — High Hazard
SH — Special Hazard

Class of Type of Nature of Class of Typical Examples

Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Fire Risk

Group A Residential LH Class A Lodging houses, private dwellings, dormitories,

buildings apartment houses, flats, hotels, etc.

LH Class C Small kitchens having LPG connection,

electrical heaters, etc.

OH Class A Multistoreyed buildings, multi-risk buildings,

five star hotels, etc.

Group B Educational LH Class A Tutorials, vocational training institutes,

buildings evening colleges, commercial institutes.

OH Class A Schools, colleges, etc.

Group C Institutional OH Class A Hospitals, sanatoria, homes for aged, orphanage

buildings jails, etc.

IS 2190 : 1992

Class of Type of Nature of Class of Typical Examples

Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Fire Risk

Group D Assembly HH Class A Theatres, assembly halls, exhibition halls,

buildings museums, restaurants, places of worship, club
D-1 rooms, dance halls, etc. having seating
capacity of over 1 000 persons.

D-2 OH Class A Theatres, assembly halls, exhibition halls,

museums, restaurants, places of worship, club
rooms, dance halls, etc, having seating
capacity less than 100 persons.

D-3 OH Class A Theatres, assembly halls, exhibition halls,

museums, restaurants, places of worship, club
rooms, dance halls, etc, but having
accommodation for more than 300 persons,
but less than 1000 persons, with no
permanent seating arrangement.

D-4 LH Class A Theatres, assembly halls, exhibition halls,

D-5 museums, restaurants, places of worship, club
rooms, dance halls, etc, but having
accommodation less than 300 and those not
covered under D-1 to D-3.

Group E Business buildings SH Class A Offices, banks, record rooms, archives,

E-1 libraries, data processing centres, etc.

E-2 OH Class B Laboratories, research establishments, test

houses, etc.

E-3 SH Class A Computer installations.

Group F Mercantile OH Class A Shops, stores, markets, departmental stores,

buildings underground shopping centres, etc.

Group G Industrial LH Class A Small industrial units.


OH Class A Corrugated carton manufacturing units,

paper cane units, packing case manufacturing
units, cotton waste manufacturing units.

HH Class A Large number yards, saw mills, godowns and

warehouses storing combustible materials,
cold storages, freight depots, etc.

LH Class B Demonstration chemical plants, small

chemical processing plants, pilot plants, etc.

OH Class B Workshops, painting shops, large kitchens,

industrial canteens, generator rooms, heat
treatment shops, tread rubber manufacturing
units, petrol bunks, tubes & flaps units, etc.

HH Class B Petroleumm processing units, chemical

plants, Industrial alcohol plants, effluent
treatment plants, etc.

LH Class C

IS 2190 : 1992

Class of Type of Nature of Class of Typical Examples

Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Fire Risk

OH Class C
HH Class C Fertilizer plants, petrochemical plants, LPG
bottling plants, etc.
HH Class D All processes involving use of combustible
highly flammable materials, reactive metals &
alloys, including their storage.
Group H Storage OH Class B Flammable liquid stores, storage in drums and
buildings cans in open, paints and varnishes godown.
HH Class B Tank farms, chemical and petroleum bulk
storage depots, large service stations, truck and
marine terminals, underground LDO/ Furnace
oil storage yards etc.
OH Class C LPG distribution godowns/offices, distribution
storage godowns/offices of D, N, H, Argon and
other industrial gases.
IH Class C Storage and handling of gas cylinders in bulk,
gas plant, gas holders, (horton) spheres, etc.
Group I Hazardous — — Buildings used for storage, handling,
manufacture and processing of highly
combustible explosive materials. (Risks
involved in terms of class of fire and intensity
of fire has to be assessed on case to case basis
and statutory authorities to be consulted,
environmental factors and mutual aid facilities
to be taken into account before deciding on the
fire extinguisher requirements).
Class A
LH Occupancy One 9-1 water expelling extinguisher for every 600 m2 of floor area or part
thereof with minimum of two extinguishers per compartment or floor of the
building. The extinguishers should be so located as to be available within
25 m radius.
OH Occupancy Two 9-1 water expelling extinguishers for every 600 m2 with minimum of 4
extinguishers per compartment/floor. The extinguishers should be so located as
to be available within 25 radius.
HH Occupancy Provision as per OH occupancy; in addition dry powder extinguisher for every
100 m2 of floor area or part thereof.
Special Hazard One 4.5 kg capacity carbon dioxide or one 2.5 kg capacity Clean Agent
extinguisher for every 100 m2 of floor area or part thereof with minimum of two
extinguishers so located as to be available within 10 m radius.
Class B
LH Occupancy One 9-1 foam extinguisher, mechanical for every 600 m2 of floor area or part
thereof with minimum of two extinguishers per compartment or floor. The
extinguishers should be so located as to be available within 25 m radius.
OH Occupancy Two 9-1 foam extinguisher, mechanical type, or 5 kg capacity dry powder
extinguisher (or one of each type) for every 600 m2 area with minimum of four
extinguishers per compartment. Extinguishers should be available within 15 m

IS 2190 : 1992

HH Occupancy Provisions as per OH, and in addition one 50-1 dry powder extinguisher for
every 100 m2 or part thereof one 150-1 dry powder extinguisher for every
300 m2 of floor area or part thereof.
Class C
LH Occupancy One 2 kg dry powder or 2 kgCO2 squeeze grip type or 2.5 kg Halo-Carbon Clean
Agent extinguisher for every 20 m2 of floor area or part thereof; extinguisher
available within 15 m radius.
OH Occupancy One 10 kg dry powder extinguisher or 6.8 kg carbon dioxide extinguisher or
2.5 kg Clean Agent extinguisher for 100 m2 of floor area or part thereof, with
minimum of one extinguishers of the same type for every compartment;
extinguisher should be available within a radius of 15 m.
HH Occupancy Dry powder extinguisher of 10 kg or 6.8 kg CO2 extinguishers, or 5 kg Clean
Agent extinguishers for every 100 m2 of floor area or part thereof, subject to a
minimum of two extinguishers of same type per room or compartment.
Extinguishers should be available within a radius of 10 m.
Class D
HH Occupancy One 10 kg dry powder extinguisher with special dry powder for metal fires for
every 100 m2 of floor area or part thereof with minimum of two extinguishers
per compartment/room. Extinguishers should be available within a radius of
10 m.
1 The recommendations are minimum for a specific area. In case, the area is more than specified, high capacity
extinguishers may be used based on these minimum requirements, that is proportionately higher capacity can be used.
2. In case of dry powder/CO2/Halo-Carbon Clean Agent types, equivalent lower capacities may also be used.
3. The halons shall be restricted for essential use only.

[ Clause 11.5 ( e ) ]


(For routine check and monthly maintenance)
NOTE — During inspection/maintenance of extinguishers the general safety precautions prescribed under 11.2 should
be complied with.

C-1 SODA ACID FIRE EXTINGUISHER e) Check the operating mechanism for free
(IS 934, IS 5506) movements and sealing washers for
a) Open the extinguisher, withdraw the case correctness and replace, if necessary.
and remove the acid bottle and examine it f) Check the nozzle and see that it is not
for cracks. Check the main liquid level clogged and clean it.
and empty main liquid charge into a
g) Clean the extinguisher externally and
clean container.
internally and return the original charge
b) Remove acid bottle if cracked and replace to the extinguisher and make up the level
with a new one. Renew the main liquid with water if slightly less. Otherwise use
charge if level is appreciably reduced. a new charge.
c) Examine the extinguisher body externally C-2 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, WATER TYPE
and internally using illuminating probe. GAS CARTRIDGE (IS 940)
d) Examine nozzle, strainer, vent holes, a) Open the extinguisher, see the water
internal discharge tube, snifter valve and level, throw away the water charge.
clean them properly. Examine hose
assembly; wheel carriage in case of 50 b) Examine the extinguisher body internally
litre soda acid extinguishers. and externally for corrosion and damaged

IS 2190 : 1992

conditions with illuminating probe. C-4 Clause deleted

Damaged and corroded extinguishers C-5 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, FOAM TYPE
should be removed from service. Corroded MECHANICAL (IS 10204)
gas cartridge should also be replaced.
c) Examine the gas cartridge for mass. If a) Open the extinguisher, check the liquid
there is loss of more than 10 percent of level. Pour liquid in separate clean
original mass, the cartridge should be sent receptacle to see if there is any sediment
for re-charging after being replaced by a at the bottom of the cylinder. Reject the
charged one. For re-charging, procedure charge if there is sufficient sludge
given in 12.4 should be followed. formation.
d) Examine nozzle, strainer, vent holes, b) Examine the extinguisher externally and
internal discharge tube, sealing washer, internally for any corrosion or damage.
replace them if not in good condition. Damaged and corroded extinguisher
Otherwise clean them thoroughly. should be removed from service. Corroded
e) Check the operating mechanism for free gas cartridge should also be replaced.
movement and piercing mechanism if c) Examine the gas cartridge of mass. If
working properly. there is loss of more than 10 percent of
f) Refill the fire extinguisher with clean original mass, replace it with fully
water. charged one.
C-3 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, WATER TYPE d) Examine the foam generating nozzle,
STORED PRESSURE (IS 6234) strainer, vent holes, internal discharge
tube ceilng washer, etc. Replace them, if
a) Examine and verify that the pressure not in good condition. Otherwise clean
gauge or any other pressure indicating them thoroughly.
device fitted in is indicating the internal
pressure correctly, if the extinguisher e) Check the operating mechanism for free
shows a loss of pressure of more than movement and piercing mechanism for
10 percent, refer to the manufacturer’s proper working.
instructions for appropriate action. f) Clean the hose assembly and check it for
b) Examine the extinguisher body externally any dust/sediment at either shank ends.
for corrosion or damage ( see 11.2 ).
c) Weigh the extinguisher (with or without TYPE GAS CARTRIDGE (IS 2171, IS 10658,
the operating mechanism according to IS 11833)
the manufacturer’s instructions) or use
All dry powder extinguishers should be
suitable alternate means to check that it
inspected and maintained in accordance
contains the correct mass of liquid. Check
with the following. The dry powder
the mass against the mass recorded when
extinguishers should be opened in a dry
it was first put into service.
room and for a minimum possible time to
d) Examine the nozzle and hose and clean if avoid effect to atmospheric moisture on
necessary. powder.
e) Examine the hose for wear and replace if a) Dry powder extinguisher, where
not in good condition. discharge control is fitted on the nozzle,
f) Where the extinguishers are designed to should be operated before opening the
have the operating mechanism removed, extinguisher to ensure that there is no
check the operating mechanism and pressure in the extinguisher.
discharge control (where fitted) for free b) Weigh the extinguisher to check the
movement, clean, rectify or replace, if correct mass of powder filled in it which
necessary. should be marked on the body of
g) Replace safety clip/wire seal or equiva- extinguisher and record book when it was
lent device as originally fitted. first put into service.

h) Refill the fire extinguisher with clean c) Open the extinguisher and remove gas
water. cartridge and see that sealing disc is intact.
Weigh and compare its mass with full mass
NOTE — As this type of extinguisher is pressurised, it of cartridge marked on it. In case, loss of
can be opened for inspection only after discharge of the
extinguisher. It should be subjected to discharge/
mass is more than 10 percent, it should be
performance test every two years. replaced by new cartridge.

IS 2190 : 1992

d) Check the operating mechanism, n) The safety valves and pressure gauges
discharge control for free movement and fitted on higher capacity extinguishers
closing. Examine nozzle, hose, vent holes, should be calibrated once in 3 years and
piercing mechanism of cap cartridge recorded in the register.
holder, grease and wipe clean.
e) Remove the inner shell (if any) and clean C-7 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, CARBON
port holes. DIOXIDE TYPE (IS 2878)
f) Empty the dry powder in a dry container
a) Examine extinguisher body externally.
and examine for caking, lumps and
Damaged or corroded extinguisher
foreign matter, in which case replace it
should be replaced.
with new dry powder charge.
g) Examine the extinguisher body internally b) Weigh the extinguisher, compare mass
for any damage or corrosion and replace against the mass marked on it for fully,
corroded or damaged extinguisher. charged extinguisher. It should be sent
for refilling if the loss is more than 10
h) Clean the extinguisher using dry air. percent of mass. Clean and polish
j) Return the original charge to the externally.
exitinguisher and fit the cartridge and c) Examine hose, horn and assembly and
other fittings. clean. In case of trolley mounted extin-
k) In case of higher capacity dry powder fire guisher, examine the wheel carriage for
extinguisher as per IS 10658, remove the free movement.
carbon dioxide cylinder and check the
weight marked on the cylinder to ensure C-8 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, HALON 1211
that the size conforms to that stipulated TYPE (IS 11108)
in the specification. On weighing, if the
loss of mass is more than 10 percent it a) Examine extinguisher body externally.
should be sent for recharging. Also Damage or corroded extinguisher should
examine the wheel carriage and discharge be replaced.
hose assembly with control nozzle for free
flow and test it with dry air. b) Check the pressure gauge to see that
extinguisher is pressurised correctly.
m) In case of dry powder extinguisher for Extinguisher showing loss in pressure
metal fires as per IS 11833, in addition to should be sent to manufacturer for
item 10 above, examine the applicator pressurization.
pipe and the discharge shower head for
freedom from clogging and clean it with c) Weigh the extinguisher to check its
dry air. Sample of the dry powder for contents of the extinguishing media and
metal fire may be tested on a small fire of compare it with mass recorded on the
magnesium turning or chips to ensure cylinder. In case of loss of more than 10
that the powder is suitable for metallic percent, the man extinguisher should be
fire risks. sent for recharging.

IS 2190 : 1992

( Clauses 4.6.1 and 12.3 )



D-1 EXTINGUISHERS TO BE REFILLED/ c) Dry powder fire extinguishers for metal

D-1.1 Once in Two Years NOTES
1 In corrosive environments, it is desirable to have the
a) Portable fire extinguisher, water type discharge test carried out at half the frequency
stored pressure. mentioned.
b) Portable fire extinguisher, mechanical 2 As for the restriction on release of Halon in
foam type. atmosphere, it need not be necessary to refill/operate
Halon 1211 type portable fire extinguisher within any
D-1.2 Once in Five Years stipulated period. However as regards the pressure of
injections gas, i.e., dry N2 it should be checked up for the
a) Portable fire extinguisher, water type adequate pressure on the press are gauge/indicating
(gas cartridge) gauge and the contents by weighing the fire extinguisher.

b) Fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide type D-1.3 Once in 3 years — BC and ABC dry
(portable and trolley mounted) powder conforming to IS 4308 and IS 14609.

( Clauses 12.2.1 and 12.2.2 )


E-1 Every extinguisher installed in premises E-2 The carbon dioxide type and Halon 1211
shall be hydraulically pressure tested as per type fire extinguishers shall be pressure tested
the schedule given below. There shall not be every time the cylinders are sent for recharging
any leakage or visible distortion. Extinguisher (after periodic discharge test or otherwise) to
which fails in this requirements shall be the pressure specified in the relevant Indian
replaced. Standard specifications.

Sl Type of Test Test Pressure

No. Extinguisher Interval Pressure Maintained for

1 Water type (gas cartridge) 1.75 MPa

(IS 940) 3 yr (17.5 kg/cm2) 2.5 min

2 Water type (stored pressure) 2.5 MPa/

(IS 6234) 2 yr (25 kg/cm2) 2.5 min

3 Mechanical foam 1.75 MPa

(IS 10204) 3 yr (17.5 kg/cm2) 2.5 min

4 Dry powder type 2.5 MPa

(IS 2171, IS 10658, IS 11833) 3 yr (25 kg/cm2) 2.5 min

IS 2190 : 1992

( Clauses 13 and 14.1 )


F-1 Record of fire extinguishers installed in a premises, its inspection, maintenance and
operational history shall be maintained as per the format below:
Sl Type Capa- Year Make Location Monthly Annual Pressure Date of Refilled Due for Remarks
No. city of manu- Inspec- Inspec- Tested Dis- on Refilling
facture tion tion on charge
Dates Dates

1 — — — — — — — — — — — —
2 — — — — — — — — — — — —
3 — — — — — — — — — — — —
4 — — — — — — — — — — — —
5 — — — — — — — — — — — —
6 — — — — — — — — — — — —
1 In remarks column fill details of date of operation as per annual maintenance date, date of rejection and disposal with
details of observations and date of calibration of safety valves and pressure gauges in case of high capacity
2 Each extinguisher should be allotted one full page and the particulars of a permanent nature like Sl No., Type,
Capacity, Year of Manufacture, Make and Location can be transferred to the top portion of the Register.

Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity to
that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the use of
the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
Bureau of Indian Standards.
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no
changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of
Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 22 (4774)

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue
Amd. No. 1 May 2005


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